#birb has an idea
i have this really. nebulous idea that i've never been able make WORK but i would like to release it into the wild in case anyone else fancies it or wants to give it a go!!
OK SO. u know how in mdzs and cql, many of the characters are cultivators. some of them use music as part of their abilities, i guess it channels the spiritual energy and lets the user direct it more carefully i think?? correct me if i'm wrong lol, i'm literally only going off ONE (1) thing i read a couple years ago and my own wild mass guessing 😅
but if that IS the case!!! then perhaps!!! it doesn't need to be just guqin, flute, etc to musically cultivate, right?? what if.........ppl could cultivate WITH THEIR VOICE???? SINGING POWER!!! maybe it could be tied to the words they sing!! or maybe just the voice ITSELF, maybe it's just vocalisations, maybe some cultivation sects use chants, others use songs!! maybe the spiritual music can convey meaning and feeling, even if it's not words. maybe when a bunch of cultivators sing TOGETHER it becomes even MORE powerful!!! idk!!! i just think there's maybe something to it????
sure i can't do anything with it, but if anyone else would like to, please do, feel free to use this post as a springboard if u like!! idk i think it might be interesting, maybe 😊
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acrazybirb · 5 months
Cooking 🦜 (Update)
(Reblogs appreciated ^^)
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helen-birb · 9 months
Pompom Outfits since dressing up is the best part of any virtual world
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Cheerleader (who babysits)
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Badass Business Wamon
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Winter Outfit
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I call this one Princesscore
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Baby girl
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ladye-zelda · 9 months
Sky is totally a cat person isn't he
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amischiefofmuses · 6 months
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I desperately want someone to catch this man having a full blown breakdown, one similar to the end of season where he's spiralling and feeling out of control. Bonus points if they're stronger than him and refuse to leave even while he's lashing out to try and push them away >:3
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hummus-birb · 30 days
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I’m working on a group of magical girl OCs!!!
instead of using the magic of stars, wishes, fairies, etc. to get their magic, they got their magic from different demonic entities!! They still fight the evil monster-of-the-week, it’s just instead of a beam of light they are tearing the ground asunder (and repairing it afterwards)
I have 4 planned so far:
- girl who got her powers from a demon; after she died from one of the monsters she went to the underworld and something something cool lore made a deal to fight said monsters if she got to live again! (She’s actually an old ttrpg character of mine that I never used, so she has the most developed design)
- girl who was really into occult stuff, specifically Cthulhu. Eventually got powers from them (???) (undesigned but she’ll have tentacle hair like a Splatoon character in her magical girl form!)
- girl who got her powers after dying and turning into a ghost (basically danny phantom)
- girl who was either a fae changeling who was switched at birth or who’s parents basically promised their first-born for something to the fae
Again, it’s extremely undeveloped so far, but I thought I’d still share!!! I definitely want there to be at least one more because I feel like 5 is a good amount for a magical girl group, but we’ll see. If anyone has any ideas for them feel free to share!!!
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Fu Hua: [tapping fingers on table]
Senti: [taps fingers back furiously]
Mei: …What’s going on?
Kiana: Morse code. They’re talking.
Fu Hua: -. — / ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Senti: [slams hands on table] YOU TAKE THAT BACK! OLD TIMER!!
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darkdragon768 · 1 month
We've got homework that we should design a story with instrumental breaks, which will be graded. I haven't done anything for that yet. Even tho it was due several weeks ago and classmates already got their grades.
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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he heard something about birds?
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post-cal · 1 year
Hello hello
Just wanted to stop in and say that we're not ignoring your asks. We're just reblogging older ones and giving them a shiny new tag so it's easier to navigate the blog!
You can keep sending your asks in, and we'll get to them after the queue is done >w<
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ling wen has been thru so much y'all. she really deserves a smoke break 😔🚬 (i tried to make her and pei ming look like their manhua counterparts but asdfghjkl idk if i sUCCEEDED im SORYY ;A;)
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redwayfarers · 2 years
@wayfarer-exchange treat no.7 -  I’m back on my Aeranmance train and this time it’s @sunshinemage‘s Oya Cenric! You do so much for this fandom and I wanted to give you something in return. Inspiration/prompt: this lovely Oya/Aeran art. I hope you like it Rory <3
When Aeran looks up, all he sees is Oya. His pale, solemn Oya, moonlight’s extension in the room; his Oya, who now has a tear sliding down their cheek because of him. His knees make their displeasure with kneeling slowly known, but he refuses to engage. He’ll stay kneeling as long as he has to, pleading for forgiveness for words he knows he can’t take back, words that made his Oya cry. 
He would wait an eternity, if that is what she asks of him. 
But her hand reaches down, brushes the side of his head; Aeran raises his own, catches their fingers when they extend to meet his hand. They gently beckon him up, a wordless acceptance of his earlier apologies. There are a thousand things he still wants to say, but he can’t force them past his lips. When her fingers tip his chin up, he knows he doesn’t have to. 
And when their lips meet, something in him comes undone. 
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
from the writing prompts — ❛ do you want my jacket? ❜ for whoever you’d like :) @kerra-and-company
Okay, you sent this months ago and I'm so, so sorry for the late response to this. Idk why it took me so long, but here it is, a little ficlet before the year 2k22 ends :)
-- Divinity's Reach, Kryta
-- 1335 AE
It's very cold this early in the morning; Nyra feels the blood rush to her cheeks in an attempt to warm them, but it does little. Once she would've laughed off her rosy cheeks, but now she doesn't feel the need to justify herself. Not after Bjora, where she was perpetually red and wrapped in furs. Here, only a thick coat suffices.
Nyra takes her victories where she can.
The walk from her mansion to the temple in Rurikton is a somewhat long one, but she doesn't mind it. This early, shopkeepers are still setting up their stores, there are fewer passerby, even if there's more people due to the smack middle of Wintersday. She walks past a young couple holding hands and interestingly, a norn parent bringing their children to see the famed human holiday.
"I don't know how humans call this cold," one of the kids is saying. "It's nothing." Nyra smiles into her collar. It is nothing. But she finds it endearing a norn child would say it.
"We're not here for the cold," their mother says. "We're here for the holiday. To see what other races celebrate. What the Commander celebrates."
"She knows we have better parties in the Shiverpeaks, right?" the older child replies.
Yes, she does, sometimes, Nyra thinks, inconspicuously stopping to listen to their conversation.
"I'm sure she attends many moots," the mother explains, "but she's human and from what I gather, she believes in their gods. Besides, human kids love snowballing just as much as you guys do." Her lips widen proudly. "Let's show them what real snowballing is."
Nyra shakes her head fondly and sets off once more. This is what she's fighting for, this familial banter, this mother's chance to attend another race's holiday with her children. All she has to do is see a charr or two and her heart's about ready to burst.
It's Wintersday, after all. She has another place to be for her soul.
Rurikton's temple is old. Despite the minimal renovations it's endured (if she has any say in it, they'll always be minimal) it still gives off the impression of historicity; the architecture looks somewhat apart from the surrounding area, with its deep, red walls and colourful stone decoration and harkens back to old temples of Ascalon in the height of its glory. Nyra's always loved the place, understood its significance. Her family wouldn't let her forget and now, as an adult, she won't let herself forget.
Admittedly, the force with which the lessons on it were given was somewhat over the top, but they did their job. To this day, Alysannyra Ainsaph's Ascalonian.
Too many As in there, she thinks. I'm nowhere near good enough to make it good alliteration. She settles on her usual, secluded place and runs her fingers through her hair. Years ago, before Elona, she would've sat up high, befitting her high status in life. Now, to find peace in a public temple, she has to go for darkened corners. No faithful likes a godkiller.
It's a fact she's learned to live with. She refuses to let it overshadow her joy at being in this temple, just as she refuses to look at Balthazar's statue at the altar.
That's why she comes this early, as she's done every Wintersday she could for the past five years. The silent dislike might not get to her, but spoken dislike digs into a wound she knows she'll never fully heal. It hurts a little that she has to do this, but sometimes, her fucking ego needs to get taken down a peg.
And with that, she allows herself a moment of quiet. Someone chants softly. Candles burn, but thankfully away from her skin. Sometimes, shoes echo gently against the stone floors. Ascalonian whispers comfortingly in her ear, words she first saw as her own before anything else. This isn't a place for prayer, but a place for being one with her people.
Suddenly, a scrape of claws against stone. She straightens sharply. There are no alarms in her head, just-- charr in Rurikton, of all places? A temple in Rurikton? And indeed, a charr stands by the door and looks around. Big, orange, with a blonde mane and white fur on his chest. Filed down horns. He looks familiar.
Livion! she remembers, relaxing. Elandrin's boyfriend! What's Livion doing here, though? She stands up, wanting to greet him. She can even do it here, as long as he doesn't give her away.
"Commander, there you are!" Livion says in that powerful voice of his and goes to her. Nyra sighs. Everyone's eyes are on her and the priests are giving her a frightened stink eye. So much for my date with history.
"Here I am," she replies, catching up with him. "Let's talk outside, unless you wanted to sight-see?"
"Yes, ma'am," Livion whispers, towering over her. I should remember I'm off battlefield, fuck.
"Didn't mean to order you around," Nyra cringes, "I just thought we could give these people their peace in prayer."
"Yeah," he nods and she buttons her coat when they leave. Some of the people are still staring. Of course, the optics of the whole situation - her, a full-blooded Ascalonian, leaving an Ascalonian temple with a charr that had Flame Legion heritage - is so tremendously hilarious to her that she can't sustain being annoyed with having her peace interrupted and her cover blown.
As soon as she steps away from the inviting warmth of the temple, cold hits her like a charrzooka.
"Do you want my jacket, Comm--"
"Nyra. No ma'ams or Commanders."
"Nyra. Do you want my jacket?" he repeats, and she can tell he finds this as awkwardly funny as she does.
"I just need to get acclimated," she shakes her head. "This cold has nothing on Bjora and Drizzlewood." She rubs her temples, snorting. "Now let's rewind a bit. This whole conversation started on a weird ass note."
"Cogs, yes," he laughs, showing a full mouth of sharp teeth. Nyra lifts her head really high to see. Liv's fucking giant. "I have news for you, Nyra. Wanted to deliver them myself."
"I thought conversations started with hello, but if you wanna deliver good news, go right ahead. It's Wintersday, hooray, hooray." She laughs softly. "Sorry. Give me the news."
"We think we found the ruins of the old Ainsaph estate," he says.
Nyra's eyes widen. Her family's estate, thought long lost, something they'd wanted to find for ages, but couldn't. Even though her family seat's is in Ebonhawke, they had a summer home, made for their royal ancestor upon marriage into the family. Sadly, the Searing spared few things and the Ainsaph estate was not one of them. All ruins look the same once they've been broken down and torched to many an untrained eye, including Nyra's.
It's not like they had a chance to really look for it, with charr making home where humans once were. All they had were tales of its beauty and fine craftsmanship. To Nyra, it's always been less about the charr and more about the monuments of her people before their fall.
And now, Livion's telling her they think they have it?
"We had suspicions for some time, but we wanted to make sure before telling you. I wanted to be sure. I'm not completely sure even now, but I am confident enough to tell you."
"Oh," Nyra says. "I want to see. It's only right it's me, I think." She grabs his paw and squeezes it. "Thank you. For trying. For actually doing it. It actually means a lot to me and my family."
"It's only right you get something meaningful in return," Livion says, like he's talking about the weather. Nyra blinks. Her hand's kinda small on his paw. This is how the world feels about me, when I save them. Someone bigger than them stepped in and did the job.
She isn't used to the favor being returned all the time. She lets go of his hand, much happier than she left the mansion this morning.
Happy Wintersday, Nyra.
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f1-birb · 1 year
everyone go be nice to @f1-disaster-bi right now
she is making me cry happy tears
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imorphemi · 2 years
someone seeing the minish pearl doodle going "OP ZELDA FAN CONFIRMED"
'laughs' you have no idea
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shiningstages · 9 months
@flovverworks | cont. from ( x )
There's a part of Shinsuke that's...flattered. To think that all his hard work had spread to the ears of other agencies; to fledgling producers like this fine young person...Not that Shinsuke wasn't young himself, but still. He doesn't think he deserves such praise, at least not without acknowledging all that he learned from helping out the Cinderella Project girls with their problems, while also letting them figure things out for themselves in painstaking moments. He was merely just a human learning how to deal with everything like everyone else, and yet...This Masaki Akira looked up to him. His demeanor all but crumbles for a moment, blush lighting up his cheeks as he lets out a fake cough into a fist, while the other hand rubs the back of his neck. But he keeps the eye contact, unlike Akira - it's the least he could do to respect such words. While he feels completely undeserving, his honor and maturity weighs out, and he should accept all of these wishes head on. Even though -
"N-No, please, you don't have to pay me for lesson or talks." Shinsuke is quick to wave his hand in protest, his tone on slightly reflecting the true worry that such a thought brings him. He hadn't really helped train up other producers in his own company, much less in others, and he was sure 346 Productions would have his head if he helped another company while getting paid by them. The look madam CEO would give him...it sends a shiver up his spine. "Instead, um...First off, I'm honored that you think so highly of me. Though I'm still learning, the fact that my work has affected you so is...I appreciate hearing those words." He bows again, blush growing as he's unsure how to exactly take a compliment. He feels like how Chieri gets flustered at handshake events, blushy and stumbling on her words...Now he gets it completely.
"And second...We can just have a chat sometime, if you'd like?" With that, he pulls out one of his business cards, presenting it politely yet hesitantly with both of his thumbs and pointer fingers gripping either corner. "If you want to talk a little right now...Of course, the Cinderella Project's performances come first right now, but...After this set, we can go into the green room and grab some food and water. Unless 21 Wizards is on next...I wouldn't want to disrupt your time with your idols." Even now he can see New Generations in his periphery from one of the monitors, performing on stage for thousands of adoring fans. He wants to keep an eye on them...But he also trusts them do to well without him. He could pull away even if Masaki just wanted to chat a little bit, at least until Ankira needed help with their props later on...
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