#birth control perimenopause symptoms
momcave · 8 months
Perimenopause Panic: Ultimate Guide | Dr. Kelly Culwell | MomCave LIVE
Hold on to your hot flashes, folks! We’ve got the amazing Dr. Kelly Culwell in the MomCave, where the coffee is strong, and sanity is on a coffee break. Dr. Kelly, not just your typical doctor—she’s the OBGYN rockstar with a prescription for laughter and a cure for the chaos that is perimenopause. Buckle up for a rollercoaster of hormones, hilarious anecdotes, and maybe a few tips on how to…
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nathuropathy · 2 months
Effective Irregular Periods Treatment in Chennai: Beyond Birth India
Irregular menstrual cycles are a common concern for many women, and addressing this issue holistically can lead to better overall health and well-being. At Beyond Birth India, located in the heart of Chennai, we specialize in providing comprehensive and natural treatments for irregular menstruation. Our approach is rooted in a blend of Ayurveda, yoga, nutrition, and modern medical insights, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs.
Understanding Irregular Menstrual Cycles
An irregular menstrual cycle is characterized by variations in the length of the cycle, unpredictable timing, and inconsistent flow. Typically, a menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, with menstruation lasting about 2 to 7 days. When cycles fall outside this range, or if there are dramatic changes in duration and flow, it is considered irregular. Common symptoms include missed periods, periods that occur more frequently or less frequently than usual, and variations in menstrual flow.
Common Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Several factors can contribute to irregular menstrual cycles, including:
Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and perimenopause are common culprits.
Stress: High stress levels can interfere with hormone production and regulation, leading to irregular periods.
Weight Changes: Significant weight loss or gain can impact hormonal balance and menstrual regularity.
Thyroid Disorders: Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause menstrual irregularities.
Excessive Exercise: Over-exercising can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels, affecting the menstrual cycle.
Medications and Birth Control: Certain medications and hormonal contraceptives can influence menstrual patterns.
Chronic Illnesses: Conditions such as diabetes or celiac disease can impact menstrual regularity.
Uterine or Ovarian Conditions: Fibroids, polyps, and other uterine or ovarian issues can cause irregular bleeding.
Beyond Birth India’s Holistic Approach
At Beyond Birth India, we believe in addressing the root causes of irregular menstrual cycles through a combination of natural and evidence-based therapies. Our treatments are designed to promote overall health and balance, ensuring long-term results.
1. Ayurvedic Treatments
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine from India, offers numerous remedies for menstrual irregularities. We incorporate Ayurvedic principles and herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) to balance hormones and support reproductive health.
2. Nutritional Guidance
A balanced diet is crucial for hormonal health. Our nutritional experts create personalized diet plans rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These plans help regulate hormone levels and improve overall health. We emphasize the importance of hydration and the inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients.
3. Lifestyle Modifications
Stress management is a key component of our treatment plans. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise are recommended to help manage stress and regulate menstrual cycles. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting adequate sleep, and quitting smoking are also important lifestyle changes that can positively impact menstrual health.
4. Herbal Medicine
Herbal remedies are an integral part of our treatment protocols. Herbs like Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Ginger, and Turmeric have been shown to support hormonal balance and menstrual regularity. Our practitioners prescribe these herbs based on individual symptoms and needs.
5. Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy involves the use of water treatments to improve circulation and promote relaxation. Techniques such as sitz baths, contrast hydrotherapy, and warm compresses can help relieve menstrual symptoms and support hormonal balance.
6. Acupuncture and Acupressure
Traditional Chinese medicine techniques like acupuncture and acupressure are effective in regulating menstrual cycles. These practices stimulate specific points on the body to balance hormones, reduce stress, improve blood flow, and alleviate pain.
7. Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies, tailored to individual symptoms and constitutional factors, can help balance hormones and regulate periods. Our homeopathic practitioners provide customized treatments to address the unique needs of each patient.
8. Detoxification
Detoxification supports the body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins. We recommend drinking plenty of water, consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and incorporating herbal teas like dandelion root and green tea. Regular physical activity and sweating through exercise or sauna use can also aid detoxification.
Why Choose Beyond Birth India?
Beyond Birth India in Chennai stands out for its holistic and personalized approach to treating irregular menstrual cycles. Our team of experienced practitioners combines traditional wisdom with modern medical insights to offer effective and natural therapies. We prioritize patient care and aim to address the root causes of menstrual irregularities, ensuring long-term health and well-being.
Expert Care by Dr. Rishi Varadhini
Dr. Rishi Varadhini, a highly recommended specialist at Beyond Birth India, is known for her expertise in Ayurveda, yoga, and natural therapies. She provides compassionate and comprehensive care, considering the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of health. Patients trust her effective treatments and personalized approach to managing irregular menstrual cycles.
Affordable and Effective Treatments
The cost of treatment for irregular periods at Beyond Birth India is competitive and varies based on individual needs. Consultations range from ₹500 to ₹2000, and Ayurvedic treatments can range from ₹2000 to ₹10,000 or more. We strive to offer premier treatments at comfortable prices, making quality healthcare accessible to all.
Get Started with Beyond Birth India
If you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, Beyond Birth India in Chennai offers the best holistic treatment options. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you receive personalized care tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards better menstrual health and overall well-being.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit our website or call us at [(+91) 76397-76317]. Let Beyond Birth India guide you towards a healthier and more balanced life.
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diginerve · 2 months
What is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Disorder? Causes & Its Treatment
Abnormal uterine bleeding disorder is a condition where a woman experiences heavy or unusual bleeding from the uterus. The event can take place at any time during the month. 
The following are a few scenarios where bleeding is considered abnormal:
When menstruation lasts more than 35 days or less than 21 days (normal menstruation lasts five to seven days and occurs every 21 to 35 days)
Bleeding lasts more than 7 days
No period for 3 to 6 months
Bleeding after menopause
It is one of the most common gynecologic problems among women. However, it is important to remember not everyone who experiences abnormal uterine bleeding reports their symptoms. 
Now after gaining the basic understanding of the issue, it is also crucial to understand the causes behind the vaginal bleeding or spotting.
So, let’s start with the causes.
What Causes Abnormal Uterine Bleeding?
 Hormonal imbalance is often the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. In addition to this reason, there are several other reasons for the problem, which are as follows:
Fibroids or polyps (Lumps in the lining of the uterus)
Polycystic ovary syndrome ( A condition when cysts grow on the ovaries)
Ovulatory dysfunction
Ectopic pregnancy
Blood clotting disorders
Use of contraceptives 
Remember, this list is not exhaustive. The specific cause of AUB can vary depending on individual factors. This is why the importance of a gynecologist cannot be overstated. They can perform a comprehensive examination, analyze patients' medical history, and potentially recommend tests to pinpoint the exact cause of AUB.
Treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 
The treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding depends on the cause and the patient's situation. However, drugs are usually the first thing your doctor will try.
For instance, if the cause behind the bleeding is hormonal imbalance, a gynecologist may suggest taking birth control pills.  It is a common option for those not trying to conceive or in perimenopause.
But for women trying to conceive or avoid hormone side effects, the following medications are used instead of hormones:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Tranexamic acid
Intrauterine device (IUD): This is a common practice where a device is inserted inside the woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy. And there is one such type of it that releases hormones and is used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding.
Remember: Sometimes, IUDs can be the cause of abnormal bleeding. So, consult with your gynecologist if you experience something like this.
Dilation and curettage (D&C): This procedure involves stretching the cervix to allow the surgeon to place a surgical instrument inside the uterus and scrape away the lining. Its best part is that it stops heavy bleeding and helps identify and treat the bleeding's cause.
Endometrial ablation:  If bleeding continues after a D and C, this procedure that destroys or removes the lining of the uterus through the use of a laser, heat, electricity, microwave energy, or freezing can often help control bleeding. 
Remember: In some women, it causes scarring of the endometrium (Asherman syndrome); scarring can cause menstrual bleeding to stop (amenorrhea) and make biopsy of the endometrium difficult later.
If the problem persists, uterus removal is the next option.
After reading the above information, you might get an idea about the subject's complexity. That is why it is important for students preparing for university examinations to have an in-depth knowledge of each method and the best clinical practices.
However, sometimes, it can be tough for students to access the resources and understand the topics in detail. 
But here’s the solution, enroll in an obgyn md course created by Dr. Aswath Kumar Raghu, the Chief Editor of OBGYN MD. 
About the OBG course Offered by DigiNerve
If you aim to become an MD in obstetrics and gynecology, this course is best for you. During the course, students are encouraged to learn based on concepts and approaches that cater to their individual learning needs.
Over the course, you will access a variety of materials including online video lectures on OBGYN, lecture notes, MCQs for self-assessment, and more.
So, visit DigiNerve now and register for the OBGYN MD course.
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vidiyashetty · 4 months
Guide On What To Do If You Miss Your Period!
Missing a menstrual cycle can be a concerning and confusing experience for many women. Understanding the potential causes and the steps to take is crucial for addressing this issue effectively. Here’s a comprehensive guide from a Lady gynecologist in Thane on what to do if you miss your period:
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Early Symptom: Missing a period is often the first sign of pregnancy. If you've been sexually active, consider taking a home pregnancy test to rule out or confirm pregnancy.
Next Steps: If the test is positive, schedule an appointment with Dr. Vidya Shetty to begin prenatal care.
Impact on Hormones: High levels of stress can disrupt your hormonal balance, leading to missed or irregular periods.
Management: Consider speaking with a mental health professional if stress is overwhelming.
Weight Fluctuations
Sudden Changes: Significant weight loss or gain can affect your menstrual cycle. Eating disorders, extreme dieting, or obesity can all be contributing factors.
Healthy Lifestyle: Aim for a balanced diet and regular exercise. Consult with a nutritionist or healthcare provider if weight issues are affecting your health.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Common Condition: PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that can cause missed periods, along with symptoms like acne, hair growth, and weight gain.
Medical Consultation: If you suspect PCOS, Dr. Vidya Shetty can perform tests and provide treatments to manage symptoms and regulate your cycle.
Thyroid Issues
Hormonal Imbalance: Both hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can disrupt menstrual cycles.
Thyroid Function Tests: Dr. Vidya Shetty may recommend blood tests to check your thyroid function and prescribe medication if needed.
Hormonal Contraceptives: Birth control pills, patches, injections, or IUDs can alter your menstrual cycle or cause you to miss periods altogether.
Doctor's Advice: Discuss any changes in your cycle with your gynecologist, who can advise if a change in contraception method is necessary.
Menopause or Perimenopause
Age Factor: Women approaching menopause may experience irregular periods or missed cycles as part of the natural aging process.
Symptom Management: Dr. Vidya Shetty can guide managing symptoms associated with menopause.
To avail of the services of the Best Gynecologist in Manpada, you can book an appointment today.  
Credit:- https://drvidyashettygynecologistsmumbai.blogspot.com/2024/05/guide-on-what-to-do-if-you-miss-your-period.html
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idigitizellp21 · 6 months
Beyond The Calendar: Exploring The Reasons Behind Missed Periods
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Menstruation is a natural and essential part of a woman’s reproductive health cycle. For many, it arrives predictably, like clockwork, every month. However, there are times when this cycle gets disrupted, and a missed period can be a cause for concern or confusion. While a missed period is often associated with pregnancy, numerous other factors can contribute to irregularities in menstrual cycles.
In this blog, let’s answer a common question “Why periods are missed?”
1. Stress and Lifestyle Factors: Stress can cause havoc on the body, leading to irregular periods or even the complete absence of menstruation. High stress levels can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance necessary for menstruation. Factors such as work pressure, relationship issues, or major life changes can all contribute to increased stress levels. Additionally, extreme changes in lifestyle, such as sudden weight loss or intense exercise regimens, can also impact menstrual cycles.
2. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances can indeed lead to irregularities in menstrual cycles, including late periods. The menstrual cycle is regulated by a delicate interplay of hormones, primarily estrogen and progesterone. Any disruption in this balance can result in delayed menstruation. Several factors can contribute to hormonal imbalances, including stress, changes in weight, excessive exercise, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and certain medications.
3. Medications: Certain medications can interfere with the menstrual cycle. Birth control pills, for example, work by altering hormone levels in the body, which can sometimes lead to irregular bleeding or missed periods, especially when starting or stopping a new type of birth control. Other medications, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics, can also impact hormone levels and menstrual regularity.
4. Nutritional Deficiencies: A balanced diet is important for overall health, including reproductive health. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly of iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins, can affect hormone production and regulation, leading to irregular periods or amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation). Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia can also disrupt menstrual cycles due to severe caloric restriction or purging behaviours.
5. Medical Conditions and Illnesses: Certain medical conditions can directly affect the menstrual cycle. Chronic illnesses like diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease can disrupt hormone levels and lead to irregular periods. Similarly, conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids can cause heavy or irregular bleeding, which may be mistaken for a missed period. Additionally, infections or illnesses that cause high fever can temporarily halt menstruation.
6. Perimenopause and Menopause: As women approach menopause, typically in their late 40s to early 50s, menstrual cycles may become irregular or sporadic. This phase, known as perimenopause, marks the transition to menopause, the cessation of menstrual periods. Fluctuating hormone levels during perimenopause can cause missed periods, along with other symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings.
7. Weight Changes: Significant weight changes, whether it’s rapid weight loss or substantial weight gain, can profoundly influence hormone levels and disrupt menstrual regularity. When the body undergoes significant changes in weight, it can alter the balance of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which are essential for regulating the menstrual cycle. Rapid weight loss, for instance, can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels, potentially causing irregular or missed periods. Conversely, significant weight gain can result in increased estrogen production, leading to hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities. Additionally, excess body fat can produce hormones called adipokines, which can further disrupt the menstrual cycle.
The Finale:
A missed period is not always a cause for immediate alarm, as numerous factors can contribute to irregularities in menstrual cycles. However, it’s essential to pay attention to any persistent changes or accompanying symptoms and consult with your gynecologist if necessary. By understanding the various reasons behind missed periods, women can better navigate their reproductive health and address any underlying issues effectively. Remember, beyond the calendar, there’s a complex interplay of factors influencing menstrual cycles, and listening to your body is key to maintaining overall well-being.
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When to Visit a Gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh?
Women's intimate health is a very sensitive and important topic, and regular visits to a gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh plays a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being. Many women often wonder when is the right time to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. In this blog, we will explore when a woman can plan to visit the gynecologist. From adolescence to menopause, understanding when to seek professional medical advice from an expert gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh can contribute to early detection and prevention of potential health issues.
Adolescence and the Onset of Menstruation
As young girls transition into adolescence, the onset of menstruation is a significant event in a girl’s life  that marks the beginning of reproductive health concerns. It is advisable for girls to have their first gynecological visit between the ages of 13 and 15, or when they start menstruating. This initial visit provides an opportunity for the gynecologist to discuss menstrual health, address any concerns, and educate the patient about maintaining proper hygiene.
Birth Control and Family Planning
For women who are sexually active and considering birth control or family planning, consulting a gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh is essential. Whether it's exploring different contraceptive methods or discussing family planning options, a gynecologist like her can offer personalized guidance based on individual health considerations and lifestyle choices.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
If a woman becomes sexually active, it is crucial to schedule regular checkups with an expert gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh checkups to screen for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Early detection and treatment of STIs are essential for preventing complications and maintaining reproductive health.
Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
When planning for pregnancy, scheduling a preconception visit to a gynecologist is beneficial. This allows the healthcare provider to assess overall health, discuss lifestyle changes, and provide guidance on optimizing fertility. Once pregnant, regular prenatal visits are vital to monitor the health of both the mother and the developing fetus, ensuring a healthy and successful pregnancy.
Menstrual Irregularities and Pelvic Pain
Menstrual irregularities or persistent pelvic pain should not be ignored. These symptoms could indicate underlying reproductive health issues such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or other conditions. Seeking the expertise of a gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh can help diagnose and address these concerns, promoting early intervention and effective management.
Perimenopause and Menopause
As women approach perimenopause and menopause, hormonal changes can lead to various symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and changes in libido. Gynecological visits during this phase are essential to discuss symptoms, explore hormone replacement therapy options, and address any concerns related to bone health, heart health, and overall well-being.
Postpartum Care
After giving birth, women should schedule postpartum checkups with their gynecologist to address any physical or emotional concerns. Discussions may include family planning for future pregnancies, postpartum depression, and recovery from childbirth.
Gynecological Cancers
Regular gynecological checkups are essential for the early detection of gynecological cancers, such as cervical, ovarian, and uterine cancers. Pap smears, pelvic exams, and other screenings are vital components of preventive care that can help identify abnormalities before they progress.
Understanding when to visit a gynecologist like Dr. Archana Singh is crucial for maintaining optimal reproductive health throughout a woman's life. From adolescence to menopause, regular gynecological check ups empower women to take control of their well-being, address concerns proactively, and prevent potential health issues. By prioritizing reproductive health and seeking professional guidance, women can ensure a healthier and more fulfilling life. Remember, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on individual health needs and circumstances.
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camberwellhealth · 9 months
Women’s Health: Understanding Your Body Through the Ages
Taking charge of your health is empowering. As women, we face unique health challenges at different stages of life. It’s essential to be informed about these changes, ensuring our well-being and happiness. Let’s explore common women’s health issues and how they evolve as we age, simplified for easy understanding.
1. Teenage Years (Ages 15-19): Teenage girls often encounter menstrual issues like painful periods (dysmenorrhea) and irregular cycles. Managing discomfort with pain relief medication and, if needed, birth control pills can help.
2. 20s – Focus on Sexual Health: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pelvic inflammatory disease become concerns. Prevention is key; using protection like condoms reduces risks. Regular check-ups with a GP ensure sexual health.
3. 30s – Fertility and Pregnancy: Fertility and pregnancy-related issues may arise. Regular gynecological exams, a balanced diet, exercise, and stress management support overall health. Breast and skin self-exams are vital.
4. 40s – Perimenopause and Beyond: Perimenopause brings symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, and mood changes. Health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis might surface. Regular screenings and staying active are crucial.
5. 50s and Beyond – Menopause and Beyond: Menopause brings challenges like vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence. Cancer risks increase. Staying active, regular medical check-ups, and vaccinations support health.
General Tips For All Ages!
Stay Active: Aim for 30 minutes of daily exercise.
Healthy Eating: Maintain a balanced diet for energy and vitality.
Regular Check-ups: Visit your GP for screenings and vaccinations.
Self-Exams: Perform breast and skin self-exams monthly.
Emotional Well-being: Nurture healthy relationships and seek support if needed.
Understanding your body at each stage empowers you to make informed decisions about your health. Remember, your well-being matters, and taking small steps today can lead to a healthier tomorrow. At Camberwell Health, we offer a wide range of medical services, including general consultations, preventive care, chronic disease management, vaccinations, and minor procedures. Our Bulk Billing Camberwell option allows patients to access our services without any out-of-pocket expenses, making quality healthcare more accessible and affordable for everyone. 
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drarohitasgaonkar · 11 months
What causes irregular periods?
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Irregular periods, or menstrual irregularities, can be caused by a variety of factors. These irregularities may manifest as changes in the length of your menstrual cycle, the amount of bleeding, or the timing of your periods. Common causes of irregular periods include:
Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal fluctuations, especially in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, can lead to irregular periods. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, and disorders of the pituitary or adrenal glands can disrupt hormonal balance.
Stress: High levels of physical or emotional stress can affect the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, leading to irregular menstrual cycles. Chronic stress may result in missed or delayed periods.
Diet and Weight Changes: Significant weight loss, weight gain, or changes in dietary habits can impact the menstrual cycle. Low body weight or excessive exercise may lead to amenorrhea (absence of periods), while obesity can cause irregular periods.
Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), can cause irregular bleeding and painful periods.
Medications: Some medications, including hormonal contraceptives, anticoagulants, and certain antipsychotics, may affect menstrual regularity as a side effect.
Breastfeeding and Postpartum: After giving birth, many women experience irregular periods, especially if they are breastfeeding. It can take time for the menstrual cycle to return to normal.
Perimenopause: As women approach menopause, usually in their 40s or 50s, hormonal fluctuations become more common, leading to irregular periods. Perimenopause is the transitional phase before menopause.
Infections and Illness: Severe illnesses, such as infections and chronic conditions like diabetes, can disrupt the menstrual cycle.
Medications: Some medications, including hormonal contraceptives, anticoagulants, and certain antipsychotics, may affect menstrual regularity as a side effect.
Excessive Exercise: Intense and excessive exercise, especially in athletes, can lead to amenorrhea or irregular periods due to changes in body fat percentage and hormonal balance.
Birth Control Methods: Some birth control methods, such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) or certain hormonal contraceptives, may initially cause irregular bleeding or a lack of periods.
It's important to note that while occasional irregularities in the menstrual cycle are common and often not a cause for concern, persistent irregular periods, especially when accompanied by other symptoms like severe pain, heavy bleeding, or changes in bleeding patterns, should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause can help manage and treat irregular periods effectively.
Book your appointment with Dr. Arohi, your trusted Gynecologist in Ghodbunder Road, Thane. Your health is our priority. Contact us today!
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toneoparticle13 · 1 year
What Are The Reasons Behind Late Periods? Discover Here!
What Are The Reasons Behind Late Periods? Discover Here!
Many women believe that a late period means there's a chance of being pregnant. However, this isn't always the case, and it is important to recognise that each woman's body is unique. Various factors, such as hormonal imbalances or menopause, can cause late periods.
It is normal for periods to be delayed by up to 38 days, but they usually last for 28 days. If your period arrives after 38 days, it is considered late. Do you want to know why your period may have been delayed? Then read on to discover the possible reasons!
What Indicates Delayed Periods?
The following factors that indicate late periods are:
1. Being Pregnant  
When you become pregnant, your uterus lining thickens to support the baby, causing periods to stop. However, when you are not pregnant, the lining of the uterus discharges blood, which causes periods.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) 
An ovarian disorder called PCOS prevents the egg from being released during ovulation. Females with this syndrome typically experience irregular, late, and reduced menstrual flow.
PCOS also causes several additional symptoms, including hair loss, pimples and acne, blackening of the neck, facial hair, difficulty losing weight and unusual weight gain, and excessive fat deposition in the abdomen.
3. Extreme Diet And Exercise 
A proverb states that excess of something can have adverse effects. Diet and exercise follow the same rules. It is perfect if you follow the requirements for food and exercise. Extreme nutrition and practice, though, may cause your periods to be late sporadically.
As the saying goes, “Too much of anything can be bad,” this applies to diet and exercise. It is important to adhere to a balanced diet and exercise routine. However, excessive changes to your nutrition and physical activity can lead to irregular menstrual cycles. Anorexia or bulimia, calorie-restrictive diet, rapid weight reduction, intense exercise, and training are additional causes of amenorrhea.
4. Pills For Birth Control                                                      
Birth control tablets can result in withdrawal bleeding, often known as fake periods. Most doctors advise women to take birth control pills for a set length to have regular periods because they include oestrogen and progestin, which prevent pregnancy and thus aid in getting a period.
5. Stress 
Stress can be caused by work, family, workplace environment, and work pressure. It can negatively affect the mind and contribute to health issues. Delayed periods can also be caused by stress.
6. Perimenopause 
Many women can tell they are going through menopause or perimenopause if their periods become late or stop altogether. During this time, periods may also become lighter, heavier, or less frequent, depending on the woman. On average, menopause starts around age 51.
7. Breastfeeding 
It is typical for breastfeeding to provide sufficient nutrition for a baby, but it is common for a mother to have irregular periods and reduced blood flow during this time. It is also possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding, as the nursing phase is not a reliable form of contraception, as shown in a study. It is important to have regular periods while breastfeeding.
What Are The Foods That Can Cause Periods?
Here are some foods that can cause periods:
1. Jaggery 
During winter, jaggery is often consumed due to its heat-generating properties. Additionally, it contains iron which can help increase the body's haemoglobin levels. It should be noted that consuming jaggery may result in induced periods.
2. Ginger 
Ginger can induce periods and promote the menstrual cycle by raising body temperature and improving its regularity.
3. Pineapple 
Pineapple contains bromelain, a substance that can help to soften the uterine lining and stimulate periods. As a result, it is often considered a fruit that can aid in period regulation.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is often regarded as a traditional food that can potentially induce periods due to its antispasmodic properties. These properties are believed to influence the uterus, encouraging it to shed its lining and initiate menstruation.
5. Papaya  
Raw and ripe papaya are known for their ability to induce periods. It is commonly advised to avoid consuming papaya during pregnancy due to its high estrogen content, which can trigger the onset of menstruation.
When Should I See A Doctor? 
If your periods are late for a long time, it is important to see a doctor. This is especially crucial if you have recently had sex and there is a chance of pregnancy. Visiting a healthcare provider is also necessary if you experience sudden changes in your menstrual cycle, ongoing irregularity, or other symptoms such as severe pain or excessive bleeding.
The Final Say
Delayed periods can potentially cause health issues. It is generally considered normal for a period to be delayed by 1, 2, or 3 days, as well as for periods that are delayed by 28 to 38 days. 
However, if a period is delayed by more than 38 days, it may cause concern. In such cases, visiting the gynaecology department at Bansal Hospital for further evaluation and guidance is recommended.
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
Visit Our Website
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aurawomen · 1 year
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Irregular periods or menstrual irregularities can be caused by various factors. These factors can disrupt the normal hormonal balance in a woman's body, affecting the regularity of her menstrual cycle. Here are some common factors that can lead to irregular periods:Stress: High levels of physical or emotional stress can impact hormone production and regulation, leading to irregular periods.Weight Fluctuations: Significant weight loss or gain can affect hormonal balance, particularly if it disrupts the normal functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis.Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods along with other symptoms like acne, excessive hair growth, and ovarian cysts.Thyroid Disorders: Thyroid imbalances, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, can disrupt the menstrual cycle by affecting hormone levels.Excessive Exercise: Intense physical activity, especially when combined with low body fat, can lead to irregular periods due to its impact on hormones.Chronic Illness: Certain chronic conditions like diabetes, celiac disease, and inflammatory diseases can influence hormonal regulation and cause irregular periods.Medications: Some medications, including certain contraceptives, antipsychotics, and chemotherapy drugs, can affect hormonal balance and lead to irregular menstruation.Birth Control: Starting, stopping, or changing birth control methods can initially cause irregular periods as the body adjusts to the changes in hormone levels.Perimenopause: The transitional period leading to menopause, known as perimenopause, can cause irregular periods as hormone levels fluctuate.Uterine or Ovarian Issues: Conditions like fibroids, polyps, or ovarian cysts can interfere with normal menstruation.Eating Disorders: Disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia can disrupt hormonal function and lead to irregular periods.Excessive Caffeine or Alcohol Consumption: High intake of caffeine or alcohol can potentially affect hormone production and lead to menstrual irregularities.Travel or Time Zone Changes: Rapid changes in time zones or extensive travel can temporarily disrupt the body's internal clock, affecting hormonal patterns.Breastfeeding: During breastfeeding, the hormonal changes required for milk production can cause irregular periods.Genetic Predisposition: A family history of irregular periods or hormonal disorders can increase the likelihood of experiencing menstrual irregularities.
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Vaginal dryness treatment
Vaginal dryness is a painful or discomforting symptom that most women may experience at some point in their lives, affecting their quality of life. This can be as a result of a reduction in hormone levels, certain medications including anti-estrogen medications, antihistamines, and certain antidepressants; birth control pills, diabetes, ovaries removal (oophorectomy), breastfeeding, cancer treatments including chemotherapy and hormone therapy, Sjogren’s syndrome, no sexual arousal, or the use of perfumed/scented soaps, washes, and sprays around or in the vagina. Commonly, vaginal dryness is a symptom of perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause. Read on to know more about vaginal issues and vaginal dryness treatment in our latest Outlook blog- https://outlookhealth.org/7-vaginal-problems-women-face-while-using-public-toilets/.
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divawomenshospital · 2 years
Most Common Questions to Ask Your Gynecologist
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A different smell down there? Sex during the period? Vaginal itching? Leaky bladder? All of these questions often promote women straight to the gynecologist they are comfortable with. Does this sound awkward? It is completely fine to feel awkward, but remember, speaking up about your doubts is your job. Your doctor’s responsibility is to answer awkward and uncomfortable questions. There are some questions mentioned below that you must ask your gynecologist.
A Question to Ask About Menstruation
A woman’s period begins between the ages of 8 and 15 and lasts until she reaches menopause.
How heavy or light should my menstrual flow be?
Women are different when it comes to their period cycle, from heaviness to the length and time of their blood flow. A woman’s blood flow range remains from heavy to light, but it varies as per her hormones, diet routine, lifestyle factors, activity level, etc. If you are experiencing heavy flow for more than 15 days, then you must visit the best gynecologist near you ASAP.
How many times do I menstruate?
A woman menstruates once a month regularly until she starts to walk into the menopause phase. Missing periods can be a sign of pregnancy, perimenopause, stress, or different kinds of changes in your daily health and lifestyle. If you experience such symptoms, you must consult the best Gynec around you, Diva is one of the Best Gynecology Hospitals in Ahmedabad with a well-experienced team of doctors.   
Is it a fearful thing to have irregular periods?
Most women face irregularities in their period cycle that are caused by various factors. It also reflects their lifestyle factors and hormonal changes that come with age. It is best to consult with your gynecologist if you are experiencing irregular periods for a long period, as PCOS and PCOD can be the reasons for this problem.
Questions to Ask About Your Regular Check-up?
How can I reduce my risk of breast cancer?
Experts advise that women must know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Also, if she notices any changes in her breast, such as pain, redness, nipple discharge, or a mass, she should consult with a gynecologist she is comfortable with.
Test for BRCA Mutations?
A woman has a higher risk of ovarian and breast cancer if she inherits BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations. However, it is also essential to note that not every woman with this gene will develop cancer. Hence, having a conversation with your doctor could help you with early detection, which can further help to treat cancer more effectively.
A Question to Ask About Safe Sex
Protection Options
There are various options available for both women and men if they are looking to prevent pregnancy or STIs. The best-known birth control methods are condoms, birth control pills, and many more. Consult your gynecologist about the best and most appropriate option for you based on your health conditions.
Do I need any kind of vaccinations?
Your gynec would suggest you have a vaccination if you are sexually active, just to reduce the risk of infection during intimation.
How to know about STIs?
The most common symptoms of STIs involve genital pain, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and painful urination. However, STIs can be asymptomatic, so you must visit your doctor to get the treatments done at the right time.
Questions to Ask Related to Pregnancy
How long will it take to get pregnant?
Discussing getting pregnant with your gynecologist is normal for both you and your husband, and you will learn what to expect before you expect too much. If you live in Ahmedabad or near Ahmedabad, contact Diva Women’s Hospital, the best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad with the best gynecologists. As soon as a couple tries to conceive, this process doesn’t happen right away as it takes time. A woman between the ages of 25 and 30 has a 20% chance of getting pregnant in a month.
How can I increase my fertility?
Knowing your fertility status and tracking this regularly is the best way to enhance the chances of getting pregnant when you try to conceive. Within 28 days of your cycle, ovulation occurs on one day between the 11th and the 21st day of your cycle. The best gynecologist always suggests using a fertility tracker so that you can have an insight into your fertility.
How to get rid of using birth control:
If you are using birth control methods such as; pills, IUDs, patches, or any kind of protection, then you must consult with your doctor about when to stop using them, when trying to conceive. This is the most asked question, and the answer varies from woman to woman based on their body and the birth control methods they are using.
When can I go for fertility treatment?
There are various options available for a woman if she wants to have a baby with the help of technology if she is not able to conceive naturally. Ask your gynecologist about which fertility treatment would be good for you based on your health and wellness.
Questions to Ask During Pregnancy?
What can I do to keep my baby healthy?
The best way to keep your baby healthy is to make sure you are healthy. For this, have a proper meal, have a proper rest, and avoid heavy exercise or any kind of heavy physical activity. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking any kind of supplements or medication, as it can negatively affect your baby’s health.
How to figure out if I am having labor?
The most important question to ask your gynecologist is when you should expect labor pains or symptoms and what they might feel like. Also, your gynec is the best resource to know whether your body is fit for vaginal delivery or not. Feel free to mention different stages of your labor to your gynecologist so that you can make an informed decision on when to go to the hospital.
A woman faces different kinds of problems and experiences throughout her life that require the proper advice of experts who can guide her throughout her journey of being a mother. Have the best child and maternity services at one of the best women’s hospitals in Ahmedabad, Diva Women’s Hospital.
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ultrabodyli · 2 years
Hormonal Balancing in Females
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Hormones are our body’s chemical messengers. They travel through our bloodstream to various tissues and organs. Hormones affect different bodily processes:
· Growth and development
· Metabolism
· Sexual Health
· Mood
· Reproduction
The Endocrine Glands synthesize hormones. The major endocrine glands are the pineal, thymus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and pancreas. In addition, men produce hormones in their testes, and women have them in their ovaries.
Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal Imbalance occurs when the endocrine glands produce too much or too few hormones. Hormones are solid chemical messengers, and a slight change in the levels can affect your bodily functions. Imbalances in hormones like insulin, steroids, growth hormones, and adrenaline affects both males and females. Additionally, females may experience imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels, while males are more likely to experience inequalities in testosterone levels.
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Females
Some of the significant symptoms in Females are:
· Insomnia
· Mood swings
· constipation or diarrhea
· infertility
· low sexual drive
· irregular menstrual cycle
· Insomnia
· abdominal or back pain during menstruation
· unexplained weight gain or weight loss
· brittle bones
· hirsutism, or excessive hair growth
· rashes on the skin
A significant symptom in females of hormonal Imbalance is Weight Gain. Obesity is the root cause of important health issues like Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Stroke, Depression, Cancer, Respiratory diseases, Cognitive difficulties, Musculoskeletal Disorders, and many more. Shedding your extra pounds in Gym can be strenuous. We at ULTRA BODY take a different approach to your weight loss journey. We plan on naturally balancing your hormones and eliminating bad habits while working with your lifestyle to build a program that works for you. Our Plan is fully customized to meet your weight loss goals while relieving hormonal and adrenal imbalance symptoms.
Causes of Hormonal Imbalance
We all experience natural periods of hormonal Imbalance or fluctuations from time to time. Chronic Hormonal Imbalance occurs when the endocrine glands are not functioning correctly. Several Medical Conditions, Lifestyle Habits, and Environmental Factors can cause hormonal Imbalance.
Hormonal Imbalance is seen in patients with Diabetes, Addison’s disease, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia, Iodine deficiency, Hereditary pancreatitis, Cushing’s syndrome, solitary thyroid nodules, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Turner syndrome and many more.
Females naturally experience hormonal Imbalance during Puberty, Menstruation, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause. Certain medical conditions in females, like PCOS, hormone replacement or birth control medications, hormonal imbalance treatment, Ovarian cancer, and primary ovarian insufficiency, can cause hormonal Imbalance.
Ways to balance your hormones
· Getting enough sleep
· Avoiding too much light at night
· Managing Stress
· Exercising
· Cutting down on sugary foods
· Eating healthy fats
· Eating lots of fiber
· Eating plenty of fish
· Avoiding overeating
· Drinking green tea
· Quitting smoking
At ULTA BODY, our supplements act as a “vitamin” to support your hormone, thyroid, and adrenal production at levels optimal for YOUR body. Our organic products nourish your adrenals, thyroid, and hormonal system to achieve their optimal performance. Ultra Body’s supplements are designed to realign estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels so that you can lose weight, eliminate symptoms and support a healthy stress response.
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mainsfact · 2 years
Egg white cervical mucus with brown tinge
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When the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine lining it can cause a small amount of bleeding, more commonly known as “implantation bleeding”. If you notice a small amount of brown discharge or spotting a couple of days before you are expecting your period it could be a sign that you are pregnant. This spotting can be light red, pink or brown in colour as it often mixes with the clear egg white type cervical fluid present around the time of ovulation. When the egg leaves the follicle during ovulation or as a result of the changing hormone levels it is common for some women to notice some mild spotting. Seeing brown spotting mid-way through your cycle could be a sign that you have just ovulated. If you are noticing prolonged periods of this or are experiencing other side effects such as nausea, weight gain, sore or swollen breasts and mood changes, then it is best to let your doctor know as they will be able to recommend a birth control method that better suits your body. If you have just started using a new hormonal birth control method or forgot to take your birth control pill for a day or two, you may experience brown discharge. The drawback to this hormonal interference is that they can cause some unwanted side effects. Most hormonal birth control methods work by interfering with your bodies natural hormonal cycle to prevent your body from ovulating. However, if this becomes a regular occurrence then it is best to let your doctor know. While it might appear alarming, in most cases it is nothing to worry about. This is just the rest of the endometrial cells being expelled. Over the course of your next cycle, you might notice pink or brown spotting in your underwear or when you wipe. Sometimes, your body isn’t able to completely expel all the endometrial lining immediately leaving a small amount in the uterus. Menstruation occurs when your hormones tell your body that you haven’t gotten pregnant this cycle causing your body to expel the endometrial lining in preparation for your next cycle. It might be caused by something as simple as a delayed period, your hormonal contraceptive or the onset of perimenopause, some other potential reasons include: It is often perfectly natural to notice brown discharge during your cycle. See also: Discharge Before Period: What Does it Mean? However, if you are experiencing other symptoms along with brown discharge or if you are noticing brown discharge mid-cycle then you should talk to a parent or see a doctor as it might the sign of PCOS or an infection. If you have recently started your period, having a small amount of brown discharge is often nothing to be concerned about. The middle of your cycle marks the time around ovulation. The colour of your discharge changes over the course of your menstrual cycle due to fluctuations in your hormones, from red/brown during your period, to thick and white just after your period and clear, like egg white during the middle of your cycle. See also: Yellow Vaginal Discharge: Should you be Worried?Ī common question and cause for concern for many girls experiencing their first or second year of menstruation is that their period blood is not always red. This is because the circumstances and symptoms that accompany brown discharge often shed more light on the cause of the brown discharge than the discharge itself. Whether or not there is a chance that she is pregnant.Whether she using hormonal birth control.When a woman comes to my office and is concerned about brown discharge the first step I take is to get a better understanding of her personal situation, this includes: While it may be a sign of a health problem, in the majority of cases, it's nothing to worry about! Also, experiencing a small amount mid-cycle can be a sign of ovulation or pregnancy (implantation bleeding) - a positive sign if you are trying to conceive. Most of the time, brown discharge is just blood from your last period taking a little longer to be expelled.Īlthough for many, the sight of unexpected discharge in our underwear or when we wipe can be a cause for alarm. In the vast majority of cases having a little bit of older blood in your discharge is perfectly fine and nothing to worry about. Treatment is also available in line with clinical guidelines. Check your vaginal health from home with our at-home Vaginitis Test.
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sane-one · 2 years
Periods in your 20's v/s 40's
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Most of us may think that isn't it the same bleeding, cramps and PMS. But no, your menstrual cycle changes as you grow and here's how periods can differ in your 20's and 40's.
Periods in your 20's
In your teens, when you just started bleeding, you re still adjusting to the cycle and there's always an unexpected surprise apperance. But as you reach your 20's, your cycle gets more consistent.
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The cycle is more or less fixed and is monthly. Not to mention the start of the unpleasant symptoms of breast tenderness, PMS and nasty cramps. Many menstruators around this age start taking hormonal pills due to various reasons. The pill triggers changes to your flow, making it lighter, less pain and PMS or more regularised periods.
In fact, birth control pills prevent ovulation, and without ovulation, there's no uterine lining buildup that has to be shed, this can result in no flow.
Periods in your 40's
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It's the beginning of more changes, including perimenopausal hormonal fluctuations, which are precursors to menopause. Your body starts preparing for menopause. These hormone fluctuations cause ovulation to be more irregular, and your estrogen level change means you could start experiencing missed periods, a heavier flow, spotting between periods, and longer stretches of PMS.
During perimenopause your periods can be less predictable and even if ovulation is erratic, you can still get pregnant. A woman isn't in menopause until her periods have ceased for at least a year.
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Take care and make sure to note your change in cycle.
~Lokeshwari H Naidu
Team @lemmebegirls
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
You know what, I actually had a period this week, complete with symptoms, so I feel like that explains away some of the hopeless fatigue over the last two weeks.
...I've been on oral birth control since the year 2000, and in the last few years my periods have gotten much much lighter and quieter. Except all of last week. All right, then.
Roommate is convinced I'm starting perimenopause soon. She had a hysterectomy in her 20s because of endometriosis and a third ovary, but she went through menopause like three times so I'm cautiously following her advice.
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