#bitchy witch
unicyclehippo · 1 month
the witches whomst are bitches, ritual + oleander + salt
imogen laid down in the centre of the ritual circle—“magic herbs” she was pretty sure were weeds and flowers, not remotely magical, that fearne had plucked out of random gardens and shoved in her pocket(s) and salt—and accepted a kiss from her girlfriend when she bent low to nudge a pillow under her head.
‘i’ll be here the whole time!’ laudna assured her.
‘unless i tell you to leave,’ fearne chimed in.
‘unless she tells me to leave. in which case,’ laudna lowered her voice, ‘i’ll sneak round the house, climb the side, and watch through the window. I’ll break in if she does anything dangerous. or threatens your virtue.’
‘baby, i don’t have any virtue to threaten,’ imogen teased, and dragged her eyes across the blotchy blush that ran up laudna’s neck.
‘oh well, yes that’s, well! well!’ laudna laughed.
‘are you two flirting?’ fearne asked. when imogen nodded, she pouted. ‘mean! i couldn’t hear! say it all again?’
‘well, i said—‘
‘she’s kiddin’,’ imogen interrupted laudna, reaching out of the ritual circle to squeeze her wrist. she paused, infatuated by the way laudna looked at her—the confused way she blinked, stammered, like imogen had swiped every thought clean out of her head—before settling once more in the circle.
fearne pouted, sighed, batted her lashes for good measure. ‘i wasn’t kidding,’ she said, kneeling next to laudna and the circle. ‘i’m really good at flirting too.’
‘we know,’ imogen chorused with laudna, exchanged another giggle and sidelong look.
fearne’s lidded look had imogen’s laugh trailing off, uncertain. ‘you have no idea,’ she promised. ‘take your shirt off.’
‘what? no.’
‘oh?’ laudna perked up.
‘oh fine, but the spell won’t be as effective if you don’t.’
‘aren’t we just trying to prank ashton? like, astral projection or whatever?’
‘oh is that what we’re doing? hm.’
imogen narrowed her eyes. ‘baby. grab her spellbook and tell me what it says.’
laudna flushed again—she wasn’t used to the term, nor the endearment, even though imogen had always been kind always been sweet it was different, she was hers now and everyone knew it, knew what it meant!!—and scuttled along to fearne’s altar—candles, a lava lamp, a dead bouquet of flowers, every train ticket stub she had from visiting her mama and oleander up the coast.
‘hm,’ laudna said, and ‘oh, hm,’ and ‘yes, that’s not the same spell at all. unless of course it’s a fake title.’
‘what does it say?’ imogen didn’t take her eyes away from a grinning fearne, who waggled her brows.
‘some parts are hard to read, since it’s in pink gel pen? and the light - it’s a little -‘ Laudna’s words barrelled out when imogen glanced at her just so—though not without a deep blush. ‘spell to grow enormous kno- breasts.’
‘knockers,’ fearne whispered the correction to Imogen, and winked.
imogen sat up.
‘wait! you promised!’
‘not for this! i reckon i’m doin’ just fine on my own!’
‘can confirm,’ laudna agreed from her place by the altar. she touched a dead stalk, which snapped, and guiltily hid it behind her back.
fearne huffed. ‘fine. we can do the stupid astral projection. and you can show me your boobs.’
‘you can see mine?’
‘well what else are we supposed to do on a girls night? not take our shirts off?’ she looked close to tears by this point and it was impossible to tell if they were real or not.
imogen looked wildly to laudna, who shrugged and gestured for imogen to go ahead.
me? you take your shirt off, imogen sent mentally.
it’s not my tits she wants to see! laudna hissed back, in that strange echoing manner.
‘i’m not takin’ my shirt off,’ imogen said. to both of them, it felt like, with laudna staring wide eyed and imploringly at her as well. ‘that’s fourth date kinda behaviour,’ she continued, and sent laudna a mental spike not to contradict her.
fearne eyed her, and then laudna. a coy smile twisted around her lips. laudna twisted around her pinkie, enthralled by their friend.
‘is that true?’ she asked, tone saccharine. ‘did she wait for your fourth date before whipping out the girls?’
‘oh,’ laudna said, and, ‘i felt like i had been waiting forever to see them,’ she said, and very carefully didn’t look at imogen, nor directly at fearne, who was only a mind reader when it came to things like this.
‘first date?’ she asked, knowingly.
laudna crumpled like tissue paper. ‘yes. the very moment we got to her room.’
‘i’m sorry! i haven’t gotten to talk about it to anyone and, darling, it was ever so lovely and i never thought of myself as particularly effusive—‘
‘not when it came to dates and whatnot!’
‘you can tell me everything,’ fearne soothed, patting the spot next to her and then, after a moments thought, her thigh. the blatant flirting with her girlfriend didn’t piss imogen off like she thought it might, though, and fearne must have seen it because she grinned a great grin, a cat with the canary grin, and patted her other thigh with a look to Imogen.
‘you’re incorrigible,’ imogen laughed. ‘and you can tell fearne anything you want, laud. you know? it’s - i love you, you don’t have to keep it a secret.’
laudna folded her hands over her face. peeked through the narrow splits between her fingers. she was very good with secrets. stuffed her feelings beneath the creaking floorboards. slipped tickets and valentine’s into the peeled back of the mirror. imogen hoped one day that would change. they would have a house where she wouldn’t have to hide.
‘i wouldn’t tease,’ fearne said, gently.
‘oh. oh, i know. I don’t -‘ laudna fingers fluttered. ‘i know.’
imogen crept closer to fearne. leaned into her friends side. she was soft and warm and smelled like the garden, like rich earth and flowers. her cheeks were freckled. imogen wanted, not for the first time, to press her lips against her chin where there was a strange lack of freckles. see if she could coax a hot blush to the spot, if the warmth would conjure more of the darling little marks.
‘no more boob spells,’ imogen said firmly.
fearne sighed. ‘i promise. besides, now you’re up close i can see you don’t need it.’
‘isn’t she perfect,’ laudna muttered from behind her hands.
fearne hummed her agreement. her eyes were burning hot, startling. ‘i’ve always thought so.’
imogen stared at her. her thoughts drifted to laudna. can i kiss her cheek? she asked her girlfriend.
of course? laudna returned, confused. you can do whatever you like.
so she did. leaned up from her knees and set her lips against that tempting spot, hand curling around the back of fearne’s neck.
‘oh?’ fearne laughed. ‘i’ll stop so many spells if this is what i get for it!’
imogen pulled back. rubbed her thumb against the same spot, swiping away her lip gloss. ‘it’s not for that. just.’ she probably didn’t think of it the way imogen did. she was fearne. she loved everyone, all the same, didn’t she? ‘we can have girls night whenever you want.’
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andy-clutterbuck · 8 months
✨ the actual 2024 Oscar winner for Best Picture ✨
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crimeronan · 8 months
Woke up today thinking it’d be really fucking funny if Luz and Willow get their shit together re: any dating stuff before any of the others do mainly cause I’m just picturing Amity being really bitey bitchy jealous about Willow being brave enough to actually pursue Luz at all which leads to Amity pulling the “wow I didn’t think you were this type of social climber” card and Willow Uno Reversing her with the “Do you think the only reason people date is to improve in social status? Wow. That’s really pathetic. You’re really pathetic. Not to mention an insult to Luz insinuating nobody would want to date her for any reason other than her crown. Man, you suck.”
Cue Amity curled up in a corner eating eyescream because Fuck She Got Absolutely Fucked with that one
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munchkinmarauder · 3 months
Do we think this is the same apartment 😂
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Also Monet says "our bed" does that mean they're living together? Obviously that could be reading to much into a throwaway line and the two of them could just be having fun together but it would be par for course for Pietro to get into a relationship and move in with the girl without telling his sister considering he did that with Crystal while in the meanwhile poor Wanda was worried out of her mind he was dead in a ditch lol
So as of the time of SW2024 #1 he's at least told Wanda about Monet but the two women don't seem to have officially met yet or Pietro hasn't introduced her to Wanda in the context of her being his new partner(?)
It is very cute that Monet was willing to drop everything to help Wanda though and doesn't take offence that Pietro in his own way is trying to protect her from his families madness or isn't ready to introduce her to Wanda yet. What we've gotten so far is cute and healthy.
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therulerofallpotatos · 5 months
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Edwin: I wasn't talking about you
7 dead. 10 injured.
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merememberjust · 1 year
My own take in the ✨Witches’ new outfits ✨
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I kept some details from the official art, just wanted to add my own twist in it.
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conditionaljewel · 1 year
You know what?
I hope we never find out if Ashley lied about the coin flip. I hope it truly remains a mystery.
The idea of not knowing whether or not it actually came up Laudna, or if it was just Ashley choosing that narrative, or if she just couldn’t not save Orym, or whatever, will not bother me anymore because it has since played out perfectly and the story that we got from it has been beautiful and to learn anything but “the coin said Laudna” might honestly ruin the magic of it for me, I think.
Idk why but I found myself flashed forward to the C3 wrap up and somebody asking (either as a fan question or a personal question) if she lied about the flip and her giving an answer, and I decided in that moment of my own fantasy making that I didn’t want to know and shut the thought down.
Because even *if* the answer was that the coin made the choice, or even *if* Ashley just wanted to feed the Limogen Imodna story (the two answers I’d most want it to be bc Imogen and Laudna own this [my] ass), just knowing that there is an answer and a finality to it would remove the weight of that moment on every rewatch thereafter.
I even hope that it remains a mystery in-game, that there’s no hard or direct admission of deviating from the coin’s decision by Fearne, I hope the characters remain as in the dark as the players and the rest of us.
Idk these are just musings. I just really loved that story arc and think it’s perfect and want to relive it again sort of, but that’s just the longing and desperation for them to be back together talking, cuz gods I miss them.
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I think the most entertaining way for Laudna and Imogen to finally talk would be if they both got high in Nana Morri's house while everyone else was doing their own thing. Whether it be the drugs from the AMB or some Feywild shit that doesn't affect Fearne at all, I think it would be so funny to see Imogen or Laudna let slip some deep emotions and then deal with it once they sober up. Bonus points if Imogen admits to being jealous of how close Laudna and Fearne are getting.
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zamyamf1028 · 1 year
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Every Witch Way S01E1 - Discovery
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unicyclehippo · 1 month
the bitchy witches, moon + "what's that?"
‘are you sure this is what you want to do?’
imogen turned her head carefully so she could see laudna—see through her, really. laudna kept her eyes and mind wide open for her. if imogen wanted, if imogen didn’t run from her mind, well! who was she to send the other girl away? she wasn’t strong enough for that. if it were possible, she would encase imogen inside, web her to the right-no, the left temple, beneath the delicate curve of the architecture of her skull. except she didn’t want that, really, because it was imogen’s light—her spark!—that laudna adored, except…of course if she were encased, enshrouded, laudna could have her in her mind always even on a midnight stroll to the corner store or during the agonising boredom of botany 203. if she were laid out just like this in laudna’s mind, always, she would never go hungry again she would be full, gloriously, glutted on sweet imogen’s mind-on-mind. and maybe if laudna kept her behind the hollow of her eye, that pretty purple light would shine out around her eye and then everything in the world would be touched by her. there was a decadent thought.
pink dusted cheeks disappeared from view when imogen ducked her head again.
‘if what you’re askin’ is if i want you to do it,’ imogen said, to the point as ever (ah, Laudna couldn’t keep her. she’d get lost in the chutes and ladders of laudna’s head.) ‘then yeah. i do.’
‘you promised.’
‘i had no idea your plans were quite so extensive when i made that promise.’
‘you’re not welchin’ on me, are you?’
laudna only raised a brow at imogen’s deliberate antagonism. she placed a hand on imogen’s back—felt a spark, white-hot, sting her palm.
‘sorry!’ imogen said, and pushed up onto her arms—fell forward to cover her bare chest. her cheeks were quite red now. ‘sorry!’
‘no need to fret. i’ve seen many bodies,’ laudna soothed. it was what she usually said to her customers when they sat awkwardly and ate into the time of their session worrying over scars and lumps and oozing curses. imogen narrowed her eyes. ‘what’s the matter?’
‘nothin’.’ since laudna very obviously did not believe her, and didn’t move for her instruments, imogen crinkled her nose. ‘it’s silly. i just felt a bit weird. like, you’re my girlfriend and you’re talking about other people’s bodies.’
laudna blinked. ‘they’re clients.’
‘i know.’
‘i’m not interested in them.’
‘i know, i know! i said it was silly, didn’t i?’
‘hm.’ laudna frowned. ‘what can i- how-‘
‘you don’t need to do anything, baby. it’s my brain, it’s not your problem.’
laudna nodded. privately, she stuck a note on the part of her brain relating to work. don’t talk about bodies to imogen.
‘no, hey, laud—‘
‘sorry! sorry!’
‘you don’t—‘
imogen huffed. shuffled around on the bed until she was leaning precariously over the edge. her power came at her summons to hold her up, effortlessly—the smell of it was utterly counter to the press of its power, it was distant and mild, hard to pinpoint. laudna knew it, had spent those long days with her as they first learned their spellwork, urging imogen to cast over and over until the scent of it stuck in her nose, her mind. imogen’s magic was hazy, like something from a memory. a baked dry summer day. a lick of something metallic. it entranced her. that someone so potently magical, so capable, could have such a light touch.
she was the only sorcerer laudna knew, though, for whom the scent never did vanish entirely. she crackled with it from start to end of day. laudna had checked, curling around her in their shared bed as night meandered into day. lightning crackling beneath her skin.
the scent filled laudna’s nose as her girlfriend leaned close. a mental nudge drew her attention to the thought, the note—don’t talk about bodies with imogen—and she ran a thumb across the line of it, smudged it, wiped it clean.
the feeling of it was quite odd. fingers in her mind that didn’t hurt.
‘you don’t have to make up rules, laudna. you didn’t do anythin’ wrong.’
‘yeah?’ imogen checked. her hand—her living hand, her flesh-and-blood hand—grazed laudna’s cheek and when laudna spat herself inside out from where she’d been checking on her mind—ALL IN PLACE STILL??—lavender eyes shone, ever so sweetly. ‘hi, baby. all good?’
‘i was checking,’ laudna explained, and imogen looked ever so sad, and ever so understanding, and her hand began to pull back and laudna didn’t want the thirty minutes they could take to reassure one another she was tired of it, bone-deep, so she caught imogen’s hand and pressed her lips to it.
she kissed her knuckles, where the lightning split the skin, making them sensitive but not sore.
she kissed her wrist, and the little scar there.
and then she lifted her chin and kissed imogen’s mouth, all pink and waiting and soft and wanting and tasting of the fey candies fearne brought back for them every other weekend. always like mint. and this one, a hint of some tart berry, underripe.
laudna was still getting used to kissing—she wasn’t very good at it she’s really good at it, fuck, please laud kiss me but she wanted, wanted. she wanted to make sure imogen knew. that she wasn’t like anyone else. laudna didn’t do this with anyone else, never in her workroom, it was unthinkable! until imogen. imogen, imogen, imogen. she was kissing laudna back, of course (of course!!!! it wouldn’t have been an of course three weeks ago!!!) and the thrill of it clattered down the ladder of her spine like a dropped paint can, spilling everywhere, staining everywhere. or a bowl of soup. warm.
‘well, hell-oh!’
imogen groaned softly and pulled back. why! laudna made a little noise of discontent and blinked open her eyes, dumbfounded as ever—imogen had kissed her!!—and let her eyes bumble, dizzy, over to the doorway.
fearne leered sweetly at her, waved another cheerful hello.
‘looks like someone’s breaking her own rules,’ she teased. ‘whatever happened to no funny business in the workroom?’
she was talking to laudna. oh.
laudna blinked again. ‘it’s imogen,’ she said, like that was explanation enough.
fearne’s smile softened. ‘good point. how’s the session going?’ she wandered in, and laughed again when she saw imogen’s back—the moon design, and roiling clouds, inked in laudna’s typical style. guidelines, as yet untouched. ‘oh i see,’ she said around a smirk. ‘you two have been very busy.’
‘i was - i was about to get started,’ laudna said. finally, the flush of imogenimogenimogen was leaving her mind and embarrassment swept in. how unprofessional!
laudna leapt to her feet, hurried to the sink. it groaned and sputtered and splashed water over her palms. she washed thoroughly, and filled three glasses with the chilled water.
‘are you staying?’ she asked fearne, handing over a glass. she placed imogen’s near to her on a side table.
‘i think i’d better. just to make sure you don’t get distracted.’ her teasing eased for a moment when she looked at imogen and the planned mark again. ‘is that alright? i can help with the healing process too—that’s alright, isn’t it?’
laudna pursed her lips. ‘there’s disagreement in the community regarding healing magic and whether or not it interferes with the process…’
‘what do you think? you’re the one doing the thing, laud.’
‘…i use my own version of healing. one more aligned to my magic—less…antagonistic. less likely to interfere. if you could summon some flowers? plants? anything you don’t mind me draining. that would be very helpful.’
fearne busied herself with her task. laudna left her to it, returning to imogen and calming them both in the process of resetting.
imogen was safely laid on the bed, head tucked, hair brushed off the planes of her back, arms arranged so as to leave laudna with a smooth canvas. the design wasn’t terribly small, but nor was it the largest she had been tasked with; the moon sat between imogen’s shoulder blades, a little smaller than laudna’s palm. the design was wreathed by clouds, and across the stormy face of the moon there was to be a lattice. a weaving of magic. that work, stitching the magic beneath the skin, was a speciality of laudna’s and she had been saving up quite a portion for this project.
she ran a hand down imogen’s back. smiled at the jump of static, the jump of muscles in imogen’s back. gorgeous.
‘are you ready, darling?’
‘it will be painful.’
‘i know.’
fearne clopped quietly over, bringing a chair with her. she had used it before—when laudna had worked on the halfling warrior, orym, and their mutual friend ashton, whom she was beginning to suspect was something other than friendly with fearne. she settled, caught one of imogen’s hands in hers, and eased the tight fist open into something more relaxed.
‘squeeze my hand if it hurts. and remember you’re safe with us, alright?’ fearne tilted and tilted her head until she was hanging almost upside down beside the tattooist bed, and imogen’s shoulders shook with laughter. fearne flicked a glance up at laudna, who nodded. ‘she’s about to start. hold the crystal—focus your magic, there you are,’ she praised sweetly. ‘it’s going to hurt so nicely. it’s going to be wonderful, it’s going to look so pretty, imogen. you’re so brave,’ she whispered, and stroked imogen’s hair and held her hand, all the things laudna wished she herself could do, and was so so glad that fearne could do for them both, as she set her tools against the first line and began her work.
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crimeronan · 11 days
On a scale of 1 to destroyed, how lost/shambled is Amity’s mental state in your next few chapters?
she's doing pretty okay at the beginning of chapter 2, all things considered!
....then she interacts with hunter.
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missallanea · 7 months
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@madefate : it did escalate severely after five minutes. / willow @ amity!
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"No kidding."
The classroom was a total wreck, the level of which Amity can only think she's seen Willow surpass during her time on the Abomination track. Plant matter is splattered up against the walls and windows, the smell of dirt invading her senses, and... what even was that on the ceiling?
And there, in the center of the chaos, was Willow. Still smiling, but covered from head to toe in dirt, muck, and mulch. It's too much, and she can't help from cracking a smile herself : "What, were you mixing magic again? This looks like Potions gone wrong, not Plants."
random lines of dialogue prompts
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porterprophet · 2 years
casual reminder that combat is imminent for bells hells and their tank is Gone.
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madonna-of-meridian · 2 years
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Will: EHM excuse me sir, but I fkn NEED her for MY mission! How DARE she sleep 24h????
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dhwty-writes · 10 months
the entire latter part of my nano project can be summed up by "local wizard is forced to work with a witch. shenanigans ensue"
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