turianosauruswrex · 3 months
1, 2 and 9 for the oc asks?
OC asks remain open if any of y'all want in on this lol
1. What kind of person is your OC in a crisis? Are they calm and collected? Do they panic? Or are they chronically the cause?
It depends on the source of the crisis-- if it's an external crisis, caused by someone else, then Peregrine is irritated, but collected, sparing a few barbs here. If it's their own doing, and they knew this would happen, they are, again, irritated, but maddeningly stoic, to the point where they basically shut down and work entirely mechanically until the crisis is past.
If it's their own doing, and it's out of their control-- i.e, the Bhaalspawn bloodlust lashing out against someone they love, they are a wreck.
2. Is your OC a loner or a social butterfly? Are they satisfied with how they come across to other people?
Katya wants you to believe she's a loner! She's not! She looooooves people and needs to be around them or she'll go insane. It's not super healthy for her to live on her own lmao. She has a very carefully constructed image that she's very proud of.
9. Is your OC laid back or do they thrive on drama? What role do they play in their group of friends/associates?
Tace is, most likely, unfortunately going to be the Reliable One(tm)(tm)(tm). She has no room for drama, having learned her lesson on THAT one very severely, and she's doing her best to remain focused on her mission. She doesn't know what that mission is, but she's trying to stay focused.
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lindira · 2 years
Been a long time since I thought about your Aeric, but he remains one of my favorite Lavellans out there so, how about: 9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal? 14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it? and 30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Aww, thank you!!
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Aeric's favorite color is red, especially the deeper shades. He doesn't wear it often because it draws too much attention, which is bad as a rogue. But he thinks it's pretty. :)
As for favorite animal, Aeric likes most animals but he LOVES dogs. He was very jealous when Cullen got to return home from the Exalted Council with a mabari, and Aeric returned home with one less arm, lol. Aeric does eventually get a dog, a golden-retriever-like mutt who is absolutely useless when it comes to combat situations. Aeric names him Anzu. Dorian is... less than thrilled with this new family member at first ("WHY is this mongrel eating my shoes, amatus?!"), but grows to love him in a grudging kind of way. :D
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
Honey! Aeric usually doesn't like sweet food, but honey has a distinctive taste that he adores. He very rarely gets to eat it when he's with the Dalish, but when he's with the Inquisition, he's able to get it regularly and has it almost daily with breakfast or in his tea.
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Usually "fight", though Aeric isn't opposed to running away if the situation calls for it. Being afraid makes him reach for his bow more often than not, because being able to beat back what he fears makes him feel a little better. If he's unarmed, though, he might have a harder time controlling his "fight or flight" response.
From this 93 OC Asks game!
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crackinglamb · 2 years
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I posted 7,159 times in 2022
That's 1,391 more posts than 2021!
248 posts created (3%)
6,911 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,578 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#sound on - 774 posts
#always reblog - 349 posts
#*snort - 342 posts
#this - 310 posts
#cats - 245 posts
#no lies detected - 241 posts
#awesome art - 239 posts
#hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! - 210 posts
#solas - 151 posts
#lamb writes - 128 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#... & to all y'all that have to watch could have been better spent monies get pissed down the drain of an overblown funeral & coronation
My Top Posts in 2022:
Til It Squeaks, a Series
Today, on the anniversary of its beginning, Da'Fen Carly Mayers Lavellan's story came to an end. Two years, 337,909 words, 7 works. So I thought I would put together a masterpost of the series, with links to AO3, for all of you.
The fic that started it all. Carly Mayers, a woman from Earth, gets transported to Thedas and becomes the Herald of Andraste. And she decides that canon needs a hammer. A Solavellan fix-it with a happy ending. Rated E for sexual content. Also contains canon typical violence. ~197K words.
The Cutting Room Floor
A snippet fic, full of little bits the main fic had no room for. Includes screenshots of the ensemble cast. Also includes 'deleted scenes' and versions of the first draft that never got off the ground. Rated T for occasional swearing, adult themes and canon typical violence. ~27K words.
Choice, Pride and Trust
A oneshot of Carly and Solas defeating Imshael at Suledin Keep. Rated M for graphic depictions of violence. ~2300 words.
Waiter, There's a Fluff In My Soup!
A multi-ship collection of prompt fills for Fluff-uary 2021. Pairings include Carly and Solas, Varric and Marian Hawke, Dorian and Iron Bull and more. Rated E for sexual content. ~28K words.
Twist Some More
A sequel to Twist. Carly and Solas continue their work rebuilding the Dales, taking down the Veil and having a surprise baby. Incorporates events from Tevinter Nights, but is overall self-indulgent and fluffy. Rated E for sexual content. ~67K words.
Earth Pizza and Qunari Street Food
Takes place four years after the events of TSM. Carly and Solas welcome Dorian and Iron Bull for a visit. Cooking and family fluff ensue. Rated T for some adult themes, but with a happy ending. ~4600 words.
Make It a Good One, Peaches
50 years post-canon, mortality affects Carly's inner circle. A final send off including the generation to follow that of the Inquisition. More sweet than bitter. Rated T for major character death. ~1700 words.
Thank you to everyone who has read these fics and come to love Carly as much as I do. My heart is full. 💕
18 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @noire-pandora, thank you! 💕
Tagging @about2dance, @a11sha11fade, @sinsbymanka, @mrscullensrutherford, @dreadfutures, @mogwaei and @espressocomfort. No pressure!
R&R grabbed the Muse this morning. Have some Lark Cadash in Skyhold.
Something had happened here, some cataclysm that broke the magic of this place. That sundered it.
The Veil.
What she felt under her fingertips and saw in her mind's eye was like the aftermath of a shockwave. A burst dam of energy, exploding outwards from a central point deeper in the bowels of the Stone. Traces of the spell lingered like a taste on the back of her tongue. She didn't recognize it, but felt like she should.
19 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @noire-pandora, thank you!
Tagging @fiadhaisteach, @lilbittymonster, @sinsbymanka, @serial-chillr and @about2dance. No pressure!
It's Fluff-uary, folks. I am neck deep in somft and silly. Have a peek.
As often happened, a bolt of inspiration hit Varric while he was bathing. He gave a rueful sigh, wrapped himself in a towel and rushed to his desk without even bothering to swipe his dripping hair out of the way as he jotted down the idea before he lost it. He was never more grateful to Imogen than in that moment, since having his own suite meant having his own bathing chamber in it. He didn't have to traipse halfway across the keep to get back to his room, the mad gleam of words in his eyes. He didn't need that kind of blow to his reputation.
He got lost in the idea after a while, eventually snagging his reading glasses so he could see the page better. His hair stopped dripping onto his bare shoulders and he didn't even notice he was getting chilled sitting there in nothing more than a damp towel. He never heard the door open.
He certainly didn't hear the low, needy hum that Hawke made. If he had, he might have been warned.
Her sharp teeth sank into the ball of his shoulder and he jumped, thoroughly startled. “What the...Hawke!”
She cackled, leaning on the back of his chair. At least she'd bitten the off arm, so the only splotch on the page in front of him was his own fault. He glared at her over the rim of his glasses.
“Oh, your face! That's a weighty look, serrah.”
“What are you doing?”
She smiled at him, warm and loving and he almost melted. Almost. Then she spoke. “Haven't you ever just wanted to bite someone? You looked so delicious sitting there, I had to have a taste.”
Half his blood rushed southward. The rest seemed to have taken up residence in his cheeks. Either way, it left none for his brain and he gaped at her like an addled nug. He scrambled to find anything to say, anything at all.
“Andraste's flaming knickers,” was what came out. Hawke laughed again.
“No, I don't think I'd want to bite those.”
21 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @noire-pandora, thank you!
Tagging @lilbittymonster, @natsora, @blueboxness-art, @whataboutbugs-art, @espressocomfort and @serial-chillr. No pressure!
While The Fluffs(tm) have been keeping me busy, I've still been working occasionally on new chapters for WG. I made myself very emotional with Cole's personal quest recently. And by emotional, I mean angry. I could rant forever (and will in the author's notes), but here, have a snippet.
“You!” Cole shouted, advancing on the man. “You killed me!” The Templar scoffed and tried to push him away, but Cole wouldn't be deterred. “You forgot. You locked me in the dungeon in the Spire, and you forgot, and I died in the dark!”
“The Spire?” the man replied. Imogen heard the others behind her.
“Cole, stop,” Solas commanded. The Templar took advantage of his hesitance and ran.
“Cole,” Imogen said gently, reaching out but not quite touching him. “He didn't kill you, he killed the human Cole. You came to him, as a spirit, to give him comfort at the end. He was not you, not the way you are now.”
“A broken body, bloody, banged on the stone. Guts gripping in the dark, dank. A captured apostate. They threw him into the dungeon in the Spire at Val Royeaux. They forgot about him, and he starved to death.”
“Yes,” Imogen said. He turned to her, his watery blue eyes boring into hers with all the power a fully realized spirit possessed. “And you crossed the Veil to help. But you couldn't make food out of nothing, so all you could give him was yourself. Your compassion. You became him when he was gone. Cole.”
“Let me kill him back. I need to.”
Imogen cupped his face in her hands, the Anchor flaring against his skin as it touched the Fade within him. “No, baby. That won't help you.”
“Then what do I do?”
“You need to forgive him.”
“What?” Varric sputtered. “He can't just forgive the man who killed him!”
“You can't,” Solas said. “But Cole is a spirit. His nature works differently.”
“Stop it, both of you,” Imogen snapped. She focused back on Cole. “Make him forget, it will remove the ties that bind you together. You will remain you, and he will no longer carry the pain of his guilt. Can you feel it? Cole, concentrate. Can you feel his pain?”
“'Don't worry, we'll erase his records'. They clap him on the shoulder, smell of oiled metal and blood. They smile at him like Louis did when he made him drown the kittens...”
“Go to him Cole. Help him. He's in pain, and you are a spirit of Compassion.”
She let him go and watched as he disappeared down the path the Templar had run. Varric was staring at her like she'd fallen from the sky – always that look, she thought idly – while Solas looked at her more pensively. She wondered if he guessed that she'd taken his words and spoken them herself.
“I hope you know what you're doing,” Varric muttered.
21 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dash did a thing.
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55 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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merry-harlowe · 4 years
If you're still accepting, may I request 🎵🎵🎵 for any of your ocs, chosen at random/top 3/any that you'd like an excuse to share? (I would like to meet some 👀)
Bad Company - Bad Company for my oc Manoj Rosenthal, who is just a dude that lives rent free in my brain.
Release - Imagine Dragons for my oc Lewis, who bounced from greenwarden to f*r. (It’s all about the self loathing & isolation in this song ladz)
A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay for Ozzy, whos my wayhaven detective. Another song that both fits him and also I hunk he’d listen to, bc he has relatively awful taste.
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💛 and 🌠 🌺 for any of your OCs?
I’m gonna go with Rabbit! :D
💛 in general, how in control of their emotions is your oc? do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? what do you think is the reason behind this and is your oc ever concerned about their lack of or good control
rabbit usually keeps a pretty good hold on themselves--they don’t like to be really overt with their emotions. they do have a hard time keeping control of things like frustration and anger though--they got a short temper for sure. which is probably linked to how anger and frustration will get them the biggest response/an actual response out of someone. It’s not healthy, they will acknowledge that much. (They’re better with it now then when they were younger. middle/high school was a rough time for them rip)
🌠 who was your oc’s first friend? do they remember them or are they still friends now? talk about some of the people your oc has lost contact with over the years. do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revisit them if they could?
they had a friend or two when they were in elementary school, but after losing their parents they lost contact with them when they were pushed into the foster care system and later adopted. they wonder about those friends sometimes and figure they’ve probably been doing better than they ever could. it’s more a melancholic feeling than bitter. they made a few friends in middle and high school, but they were definitely the sorts of kids who were also “weird” rabbit definitely hung out with those rocker/punk/weed smoking folks. definitely did a bunch of illegal shit/did stuff they shouldn’t have been doing. they hope those friends are doing well since they don’t keep in contact with any of them anymore. they used to, but they just fell out of the habit when phone numbers change and they don’t have access to being online very much.
🌺 does your oc have any tattoos or other body art? does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? do they have any scars? dow did they get those scars? any birthmarks?
rabbit has a few tattoos i think i’ve talked about before, but i just haven’t drawn them. i think they have a fern tattoo on their forearm and maybe a few others too. they have a stick and poke smiley face on their thigh from when they were in high school that’s half tattoo half scar bc of how shitty it was done.
and oh boy they have scars. most of them are from work and they don’t attach much significance to them. they do have top surgery scars, and one long scar down the center of their chest. they had open heart surgery when they were young, so it’s a real old scar, but a permanent one regardless. 
they have a few patches if vitiligo on their hands (it’s hard to see but its’ mostly where they don’t have freckles) and a scattered of moles for birthmarks!
jumbo oc ask meme!
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wildwildwasteland · 4 years
5, 10 and 18 for Xavier?
5. Do they like any mythologies?
Xavier likes any book on mythology he can get his hands on but his favourite little reading interest is Etruscian myths.  
10. What’s their favourite piece of clothing?
His leather jacket. He’s been wearing it constantly for over 200 years now and does not like to take it off At All. 
18. What’s their opinion on photos? Do they prefer to be in them or take them?
Xav is extremely photogenic and loves having his picture taken, however he also loves photography in general (he will often paint or draw from pictures he takes) and would 100% have a constantly active instragram in a modern au. 
[oc asks]
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nobody ask how long i spend drawing the vallaslin ;A;
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aroihkin · 4 years
💕and 🕹?
I only just saw this and don’t remember what the meme was. SORRY 8D
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turianosauruswrex · 1 year
2, 4, and 5 for any ocs you'd like? :D
Certainly!! I'll do Katya, Meryneith and Nocturne!
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Katya: She cares so much more than she lets on. She dresses to try and be unsettling, with the veil, or provocative (hot girl summer fittttt), and she carries herself so distantly, and she tries not to feel things as often or as much, but she cares about the people she loves, and deeply.
Meryneith: Ideally, that she's a cleric. She's a little bit on the run currently. And with her study of divination giving her a hefty chunk in wizard, she hopes people don't notice there's some God Power there, too. Too much pressure on her shoulders.
Nocturne: Hopefully, that she and her brother are anything more than simple bards, looking for a stage and a roof for the night :)
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
Katya: Fight, quite literally tooth and nail
Meryneith: Flee
Nocturne: Freeze, with a side of fawn
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Katya: She won't have blood directly on her hands. But she'll make a tenuous bargain with her own soul. She'll abandon people. She'll hurt people, up until the very point she won't. Until someone snaps back at her, and then she reevaluates.
Meryneith: What... does she want? She'll exert herself for it, put herself into harm's way, push herself to her breaking point, but she wouldn't dream of hurting someone who'd done no wrong for her own benefit.
Nocturne: She will not hurt her brother. She'll think hard about hurting her fellow ghouls, would never have dreamed of hurting Papa. Now that the Papa she worked with is gone and the Ministry has no use for her and Dies, and the rest of their cohort, she doesn't feel any loyalty to it. She's not aggressive about it, she just... doesn't care.
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duskpigeon · 4 years
♫ for Alister?
♫  Aawake at Night - half alive  ♫
“This heart of mine is tired But my feet will not retire The alcohol will not suppress The fear of death and loneliness I know that I'm not alone
My heart is like the ocean searching Searching for the shore, I'm learning There must be something more than dreaming”
♫ & an OC and I will post a song I relate to them!
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crackinglamb · 2 years
Tagged by @ir0n-angel to use this picrew to make my OC's. *bonk* 😘
Tagging forward to @autodiscothings, @bitterotter, @mogwaei, @mordinette and @shretl. No pressure, as always.
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Imogen McLean, with her riot of hair tied back.
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Mira Foret, as close as I could get without a half shaved head.
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the-desert-dancer · 4 years
Pop A Top - Jim Ed Brown
"I tried to smile and did a while but it felt so outta place
Did you ever hear of a clown with tears drops streaming down his face."
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🌹He picks at the dark lines wedged under his fingernails, flicking away the dried blood.
send a 🌹for a sentence from a wip!
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wildwildwasteland · 4 years
🎭 💡 and 🌅 for nox?
🎭 - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people?
     Nox considers her only side to be the Fearsome and Loyal Legionary that most of her comrades associate with her. While this is mostly a façade, given that she really Does Not Care For basically any of her fellow legionaries or superiors besides Caesar himself, she has very few close friends to show this real part of herself to, mostly Canus. 
Though she’d never admit it, she does also have a bit of a soft, mushy core. Mostly she shows it to animals and kids; because she can dote on and spoil them without being thought of as weak. She’s very into giving people things in general, since it’s the only real way she knows how to communicate affection or approval.
💡 - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do the wing it?
     Everything has to be planned to the tiniest detail in Nox’s world. Her daily routine, her revenge plans, her big supervillain schemes. Everything. While she is pretty adaptable when things go wrong, most of that comes from her predicting every conceivable thing that could go wrong, and accounting for it. 
🌅 Done!
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curiousstrawberry · 4 years
5, 7, and 15 for the smoke and velvet asks?
Thank you for the ask! <33
Noelle Hayes 
5. Do they have a sentimental object? If yes, what is it and why? 
Noelle doesn’t really own much at all. They learned from the time on the Yard. If you don’t own anything sentimental, they can’t get into your head. That being said they do have one small plant in their room, they picked up during their first case (that they can remember) and kept it save and alive. It’s just a plant though so if it was taken away from them it wouldn’t hurt, right? 
7. What is their favourite food?
Generally they really love spicy food and any kind of fruits. Their favorite (well not really sure if it can be counted as food but i guess) is green or black tea with a splash of milk and butter cookies or any kind of cookies really. 
15. Any jewellery / tattoos?
Well since they are living porcelain there’s not much jewlery they can wear without being worried it’ll get stuck somewhere. They don’t really have a tattoo but they do have lots of scars all over their body mostly repaired with kintsugi method so the scars are now bright gold and look pretty. 
smoke and velvet ask game
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tharayya · 4 years
Bittercold. The chill of autumn was coming fast. Hard to think how fast July was coming to a close. August was around the corner, at least Tiberius assumed so…
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