#black gladiator records
lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
In your professional opinion: what would be some Cybertronian Superstitions? Like do the miners hit the entrance of mines after someone dies inside it to help free their sparks from their tomb? Do people not say Unicron’s name after dark for fear it’ll summon him? Is there a name(s) that you can’t say inside the Iacon Hall Of Records or else you’ll be cursed with bad luck????
Please feel free to go hog wild with this.
Oh boy I LOVE the idea of that sort of thing. Honestly, I can see all sorts of little superstitions existing due to mythos and history.
Miners make it a point to never leave their tools unattended. They take them everywhere. To recharge, to fuel, even to get repairs. As for why they do this? There is a certain belief that the tools carry a bit of the luck and wisdom of those who held them previously. And since most tools are handed down from one fallen miner to the next, miners treat their tools with reverence. Many have carried the same pick, and each has left their mark. It cannot be disregarded.
Additionally, miners refuse to enter a deep tunnel system without whistling down it first. The habit has been long since made null and void by tunneling improvements, but there are stories of miners getting lost in the dark, before they adapted to it. Many died before their optics were augmented to the low light conditions. Great swaths of miners still believe that the wandering sparks of those lost in the dark linger there, scared and alone. Whistling down the tunnel before entering gives the lost spirits of the dead something to cling to, a guide to the afterlife in a sense.
Gladiators have a particular set of beliefs revolving entirely around the concept of honor. They know that their work is bloody and often cruel, and so they have developed a strange set of beliefs. Every gladiator, before combat, will take a stick or something equally useless, and snap it in half. They will give half of their broken instrument to a trusted comrade and march off to fight. If they return alive, the two pieces are to be put back together and promptly crushed into powder to be cast out upon whichever mech or beast died so that the gladiator could live. A sign of respect. However, if the gladiator were to die, their comrade is obliged to gather up the fallen's half of the instrument and have them run through their funeral rites with the joined object. This is done out of a belief that the dead must be honored, lest they linger in the living realm to haunt those who killed them (in the case of the gladiator surviving) or to stay with the other piece of their spark (in the event the gladiator dies).
Gladiators also have a firm belief that going into battle without paint will inevitably lead to bad luck coming upon them. They take meticulous care of their accenting paint, tracing swirls and jagged lines with delicate touches meant for those of higher castes. Some believe the marks distract enemies. Others say that the marks ward off attacks, letting otherwise lethal combat situations turn in their favor. No one really knows what they do. It is just something that must be done. Failure to go into battle without paint has led to more than a few gladiators meeting their end. Seeing such things has left the rest preferring to not take chances. Megatron himself went into battle without paint one time, and he quickly learned never to do that again when he returned with a brand new scar on his shoulder.
Amongst dock workers, there are various superstitions revolving around cargo in particular. It's bad luck to look at someone's cargo if it has a written letter attached. It doesn't matter what is in the box, it is considered a stain on one's spark to witness the usually rather sappy interactions between those who bother with sending hardcomms. Additionally, dock workers have long since grown to fear any box that comes in solid black. There was exactly one incident where a black box appeared amidst the cargo and disappeared without a trace, taking several other cargo pieces with it. Since then, any black boxes are either thrown right off the truck with a collective agreement that the loss will be signed off as an accident, or said boxes are loaded up with one unfortunate spark to transfer alone. Black boxes being delivered by one mech are often found missing, the driver and the box itself having vanished without a trace. Black boxes are terrifying, and not one dock worker is willing to risk it.
It is also notoriously bad luck among dock workers to deny the youngling with golden optics a ride. They will appear anywhere and at any time without rhyme or reason. When they appear, they never say a word, instead coming up to dock workers and pointing toward whatever transport they are loading up. Dock workers have long since learned to quietly nod and promptly ignore the youngling as they load up alongside the cargo. Interacting with the youngling results in the worker in question befalling some unfortunate end. Ignoring the youngling entirely leads to a similar situation. This superstition began long ago, and many younglings have abused it relentlessly since no one knows what the mysterious youngling from the myth actually looks like aside from their optics.
Low caste mecha as a whole have a strange superstition revolving around the concept of truth. They are notorious for keeping information to themselves, but low caste mecha never ever outwardly or blatantly lie. They are very careful to leave even the smallest grain of truth in their words. Why? Because telling lies brings the whispers of Liege Maximo. What are the whispers? No one is exactly sure. It is an evil omen, one that has led the low castes to develop odd honesty. They don't want to risk Liege's touch, not when he was stated to have been torn apart during the first age for his manipulations.
Low level soldiers hold the belief that giving away their names to one another is bad luck. Since they can all die at any given moment, they find it easier to remain nameless around one another. To them, remaining without a name in the optics of those around them ensures that survivors of battle can move on without fear. Giving a name means binding oneself to another. Their sparks might linger if they are attached, and that could lead to pain for both themselves and their comrades. So to get around this, soldiers don't do the name thing. Instead, every soldier refers to each other through characteristics or words of endearment. "Yellow" for a mech with yellow plating. "Comrade" or "Brother" for a mech they have served with frequently. Anything except a name. It would be cruel to bind the dead to living and the living to the dead.
Soldiers also have a belief that leaving a corpse to rot is incredibly bad luck. It doesn't matter whose corpse it is. It can't be left out. If nothing is salvageable, the spark chamber must be removed and taken to be given proper funeral rites. Not a spark wants to risk and angry spirit lingering because the body was not tended to properly. This belief extends to the point where soldiers will actively tear out their own spark chambers if they know they are going to die (or request others to do it for them). They don't want to linger and haunt those around them, so its best that the core of their frame is guaranteed proper rites.
Flyers of all kinds simply refuse to fly when Luna 1 and 2 are fully aligned. There are a thousand stories telling tales of fliers crashing, being killed, hit by rogue shots, and everything else. They won't risk it, and instead of flying, flyers will instead actively hide from the moons on such occasions. Usually unwilling to be locked in tight spaces, such cycles are the exception. To be seen by the moons is to be hunted. They won't risk it. Additionally, flyers have one particular stretch of Cybertronian landscape they all avoid like the plague. Mecha have been known to go in and never come back out, or if they do return, they are changed. They don't want to mess with that place, not for anything.
Flyers also hold the firm belief that one must keep their optics in perfect condition. They run tests all the time to ensure that their optics function without issue. Some even go so far as to get goggles or visors built into their frames just to protect them. Most chalk this up to a simple desire to not go blind. But flyers think differently. They won't get their optics replaced even if its an option. Why? Because they hold the belief that they carry the optics of a mech who didn't get to soar. Every flyer who has ever lived has had the optics of a grounder who will never get to grace the skies. For flyers, they see their optics as something sacred. They fly not just for themselves, but also for whoever their counterpart is, living or dead. They honor another through their sight, and so they must maintain their vision at all costs. Some call the phenomenon something akin to soulmates. The flyers state that it is the price they pay for their gift of flight.
(Note: Starscream and many of his people do not subscribe to the above thought process. Thundercracker is the only notable exception. Most chalk this up to his love of romance novels.)
Enforcers have many little quirks depending on city, but one they all share is the universal habit of naming their weapon of choice. It is a strange not quite religious belief for them. Whatever the thought process actual is, Enforcers rely heavily on their weapons, and as such, they must appease the weapon itself. They have to bond to it, make it an extension of themselves so that they can move it just as easily as a limb. They go about this through naming, and once named, they never get rid of the weapon in question. Even if its outdated, old, or broken. The weapon stays. If it is obliterated or lost, the Enforcer is obliged to get a copy of their prior weapon for the sake of their continued success. For this reason, most Enforcers fight with inbuilt weapons until they settle on something, and then they buy several copies just in case.
Enforcers will also never actively say "goodbye" to one another. Doing so would imply that there is a possibility of not coming back from the next patrol. So Enforcers simply don't use such language. "Good luck" or "Get those slaggers" are common supplements. Surprisingly, Enforcers only dodge around "goodbye" while on duty. They will casually wave off companions when not on the clock without a care in the world. However, if an Enforcer really does not like someone while on the clock, they will say "goodbye" as their polite version of a middle finger.
It is not exactly a rule, but Archivist as a whole simply do not refer to the Primes by name most of the time. There is a belief that uttering their designations aloud will bring their gaze upon whoever spoke. That can either be good or bad depending on the context, but since Primus's chosen can never really be predicted, most Archivists won't risk it. Instead, if they must say a Prime's name, they will tap a nearby surface a few times to supposedly draw attention away from themselves and hopefully keep the Prime in question from seeing them. It makes no sense, but even Orion Pax kept to the habit. Although some, like Orion, usually worked around this by coming up with slightly different pronunciations of the designations of Primes to hopefully avert their gazes.
Archivists also refuse to read anything relating to relics after a certain time. There is a longstanding belief that doing so can drive a mech mad. Hidden knowledge comes at Primus's chosen joor. Sometimes Archivists will reach grand discoveries at this specific time after delving into records of relics. But more often than not, Archivists have been noted having mental breakdowns, crying, losing their minds, or otherwise going haywire. Medical professionals chalk it up to exhaustion and mania. The Archivists believe it is a warning. They refuse to read about relics during Primus's joor. Obviously, there are some thing between the veil they are not meant to know.
Medics won't come within a ten mile radius of the smelting pits where most of the dead are dealt with. They believe it is a bad omen to linger in places of death, and that the wrath of the deceased can stick to their frames, making other patients lose their lives. This has led medics to make it a habit to remove dead mecha from hospitals as fast as physically possible, handing them off to medical students to carry to the pits. Medical students hardly ever do anything of note with the patients, so the professionals don't feel bad dumping all the potential bad luck on them. The only medics who actively hang around smelting pits are morticians and mecha focused on autopsies. They think lingering around the dead will help them understand the dead. That way, they can better diagnose just what killed a mech. Such medics are usually avoided by the rest who work with the living.
Medics have very sensitive servos. There is a longstanding belief that if a medic is to retire or happens to die, he or she must give up their servos to a younger medic in training. This is to pass on skill, at least in theory. It is also a sign that a medic in training is skilled and worthy of note. To take the servos of an old medic is to take on their legacy. Similarly to the miners, medics take honoring those who came before them very seriously. They will go above and beyond to keep their servos in perfect condition so that whoever comes after them can have the vital sensors that come with a medic's servos. Ratchet is one of the few mecha to not have inherited his servos from anyone. He has also never signed up to have anyone get them after he dies. Most take this to mean he never will die. And considering how long Ratchet has lived, a good chunk of the population firmly believe that Ratchet is eternal.
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gladiatorcunt · 2 months
i wanna be found, passenger in your car (don’t leave)
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cw: based on an ask for plus sized afab!reader, ambiguous era, pt. 3 to these posts, (toxic but softer with reader) dom!art x sub!reader x (toxic but softer with reader) switch!patrick, daddy kink, usage of the words fat & chubby etc. as something positive bc they can be! sexualized self esteem excersizes/body positivity/methods of fixing your insecurities lol, dead dove hints & vibes but not too apparent, established poly relationship, implied sensory issues & insecurities relating to being plus sized, porno type dirty talk meant to be that way, character/relationship study vibes, mild fighting/jealousy/possessiveness (playful and light hearted), hinted dacryphilia & overstimulation & orgasm delay/denial but not rlly they’re just playing, patrick’s very hairy bc i said so, anal & spanking & rimming bc they <3 ur fat ass, thigh fucking, chubby chaser vibes, video recordings (that don’t get shared), alcohol mention (fantasy of doing body shots)
wc: 3.2k
1k event. / please consider commissioning me!
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You’ve been getting better at getting out of your own head, your confidence has grown a lot over the course of your relationship with your boyfriends. You used to beg them to keep the lights off and they were lucky if you sent 1% of the total amount of nudes that stay locked away in your group chat. As time has gone by, you’re allowing the house to be bathed in a warm glow and you’ll send cute little videos of you shaking your ass while you hump their pillows.
They’re so proud of you, coming out of your shell in all the ways they always knew you could. Plus, it never mattered that they couldn’t see you in all your glory at first (though it drove them insane to have to be content with imagining how your body looks as it jiggles as they hammer into your holes), they just wanted you to be comfortable and happy. That’s never gonna stop being their number one priority.
So it’s a gift when you beckon them closer in your silk bathrobe, your after shower movie nights never fail to derail into a different kind of show. You lean your head back against Art’s shoulder and languidly arch your back, your panties brushing against his bulge in an “accidental” movement. He softly hisses and gives Patrick a look, your eyes follow him in confusion as you watch him run to get something from the bedroom and come back. In his hairy hands rests a pile of post it notes and a black marker from your stash on your desk. Your brow furrows but you’re much more interested in getting Art’s half-hard cock re-acquainted with the cleft of your ass. Your cheeks part to make way for his length that’s quickly chubbing up.
“Fuck, angel, you couldn’t have waited until the movie was over?” Art teases and reclines against the couch, looking every bit as satisfied as a king.
You smile and find comfort in the implication of being split open and speared, impaled by someone who loves you, “Needed you now, and we’ve seen Gladiator before.”
His tip is a millimeter away from catching on your hole but Patrick wrenches you up out of Art’s lap and into his. If Art is the overarching king, Patrick is the spoiled prince that treats you like you’re a piping hot turkey leg. He tears you to bits with his teeth, snarling and licking his lips to chase the taste.
“Please, c’mon, fuckin’ need to taste you so bad. Need you to break my neck when you sit on my face.” He hisses, more rabid dog than human man.
The post it notes in his hand are getting crushed by his too tight grip, Patrick realizes what he’s doing and
Your eyes glint dangerously as you swivel your hips from side to side, causing your thick cheeks to jiggle around Art’s cock. You stare Patrick dead in the eye, so horny that you’re not shy about showing them how much you’re willing to put on a show for them. To become their favorite stripping whore that would rather die mid lap dance then be normal about wanting them. Art groans and clamps a heavy hand onto your right cheek, your flesh bulging out in between his fingers as he gropes you like you’re just some hot piece of ass.
You are, but they appreciate you for more than just your best assets. Even though there are times where your stretch marks and stomach rolls feel like equal parts of the relationship, to name a couple extra members of their weird little harem.
Art laughs, the rich guy kind of laugh that soaks your underwear and drips onto their country club floor, “What’d we say about teasing, hm? Daddy’s already about to burst, he’ll just come crying to me if you don’t give him what he wants.”
Patrick peels off one of the sticky notes and glares weakly, but he doesn’t deny it.
When you’re not in the mood to have sex, or Patrick pushes your buttons too often and too much, you’ll lie on your tummy in your canopy bed and watch with droopy eyes as Art puts the other man through the ringer. Fucking machines, nipple clamps, vibrators in multiple places and Patrick’s lips spreading around a ball gag. You’re there for the aftercare, running your hands through his hair and calling him Daddy while you cockwarm his soft dick.
“We have a present for you too, Angel, a little self esteem exercise.” Art coos, abruptly stopping your movements and sliding his hands around your hips.
You feel the warning bubbling under the surface, and you know you won’t be moving from your position until he explicitly says so. You both call Patrick Daddy, because he needs it, but Art needs to actually put it into practice to feel satisfied with his life. He started out as the friend that “fathered” you and Patrick, and something corny like this is so him that it’s mind bogglingly sexy. He loves a good pussy inspection, letting his “assistant” handle your other hole.
The minutes that passed are littered with neon sticky notes that bear crudely written compliments and affirmations. Ones that Patrick came up with are charmingly lewd, the stuff that oddly endearing porn video comments wish they could be made of.
“Tummy rolls so squishy I squirted and my dick fell off.”
“Chubby pussy #1 crack cocaine hotspot, watch out.”
“Who needs church when you have these jiggly tits?”
“God peaked with this one, No Nut November final boss.”
“Everyone on Earth should die but me and my boyfriends because my boyfriends would miss my fat ass.”
“World’s best thick thighs.”
“My chubby cheeks look so cute when a cock is bulging out of them that it brings people to tears.”
“Looks so pretty being double stuffed, fat bitches just take dick better.” *And a badly drawn shrug emoji.*
Art’s messages are heart warming in their own way, but it’s the underlying assured dominance and smoothness in the written tone that make the experience so sensual. With him, it’s about reading in between the lines more than it is about getting on the dick and doing splits on it right away. The prey is being circled by its hunter until they can’t stop the inevitable from happening. The jaws of a bear trap and the teeth of men are the same things in different bodies.
“Such gorgeous curves, running my hands over them takes all my stress away.”
“Perfect cock sucking lips, so good my boyfriends couldn't be prouder of me if they tried.”
“My beautiful baby, with the cutest chubby tummy that puts everyone else to shame.”
“This ass was made for spanking, it could honestly never be fat enough. Still waiting on a demonstration to see how well they move to music.”
“Stretch marks + cum waist chains = <3”
“At their best when taking bites of cake and getting the frosting smeared all over their face after a cum bath. Can’t tell the difference when they mix together sometimes.”
“To be bred.” And a doodle that resembles those corny car decals with the stick figure parents and their ridiculously large family.
The notes feel well…. uh…. sticky on your skin. Awkward too, but the fiery worship etched onto your boyfriend’s faces makes it all worth it. Patrick drools as he takes in the sight of your tits covered in the brightly colored stationary, and you can tell he really isn’t focusing on the words on them so much as he is the heaving boobs they’re attached too. Art sighs pleasantly and runs a hand over the notes covering your ass, not caring about the sounds of crinkling paper or his nails lightly scratching against it. You almost look like a modern art project, nude and adorned with pure love.
“How about a reward for being such a trooper? Gonna give you that dick you’ve been craving, Angel.” Art says, helping you peel the notes off and tossing them on the floor. (He’ll remember to pick them up and keep them in a box for you, in case you need the reminders, or just to see you squirm because you’re so silly you can’t even take a compliment when you’re not fucked out and cock drunk.)
Patrick does the same on his end, and you get only a few seconds to open your mouth and stammer (being bold isn’t a permanent thing, apparently) before you feel the wet sensation of a tongue darting around your rim. You gasp, trying to turn around to look at Art burying his face between your ass cheeks but Patrick tugs your face back in his direction and catches you in a toe curling sloppy kiss. His specialty, all saliva and his slick tongue seducing yours to slide against it hopelessly searching for the solution to the feeling blooming deep in your guts.
Art pulls back, dragging his tongue along your rim as he glances up at you and Patrick, smiling. “Mmm, look at that, pussy’s saying hello. ‘s inviting me in, it’d be rude to say no.”
You obviously can’t respond while you’re getting tongue fucked, but if you could you think you might cry. It should be what you want, what you always want. But doesn’t your ass deserve the same treatment your cunt gets? Doesn’t it deserve to get fucked through every circle of hell and back around again like your mouth does? You wiggle your hips in front of Art’s face, announcing your disapproval and moaning into Patrick’s mouth.
Wiggling gets your ass smacked, Art is quick to remind you. He soothes the sting of his (to him) gentle love tap with a loving kiss to the center of the thick globe, nipping the area for good measure.
“Don’t get greedy, I can always pay this hole some attention later. Gonna eat this ass like it deserves when you’re too dumb to push me away when it gets too much.” Because that's what you always do, pretty kitty that can’t seem to back up your big mouth with your stamina.
You like it when they keep going after you pass out though, so it’s a win win for you either way. The rocking motions your pudge makes when they speed up their thrusts has the same effect as a rickety rocking chair on you. This time will most likely be no different, you’ve been so stressed with all the responsibilities you have to deal with, you deserve a good all expenses paid trip to pound town more than ever right now. Patrick grunts and bites your bottom lip, cracking his eyes open to gaze longingly at the swell of your ass. He’ll clearly want his own seat at the table for Art’s midnight snack.
“Now keep kissing on Daddy, need your mouth and brain occupied so you don’t tense up, baby.” Art murmurs as he rises up on his knees, kneeling on the couch and reaching forward to spread your plump ass cheeks to catch a sight of the prize hidden below them.
Your pussy’s glistening, your pubic hair’s all wet and stuck to your mound because you’re that soaked. Your face burns, and for once you’re glad that you can’t see how smug Art looks right now. Patrick too, he’d rub your face in it (then mash it into his bulge). You get lost in the sauce, making out with Patrick is not something for the weak, the way his tongue digs into your mouth like he’s trying to eat you from the inside out fucks you up mentally. There’s hushed whispering going on behind you, like Art’s having an engaging conversation with your pussy.
“You don’t mind if I don’t prep you that much, right? You can take it, always gushing and babbling like a river when you see me. ‘s gonna make Daddy jealous.”
He pushes in a couple fingers anyway, crooking them just right and scissoring them into your heat when you seem a little too into your kiss with Patrick. Oh well, you’ll remember that he’s still there soon enough. You make the cutest little squeaks against Patrick’s lips, and he just can’t resist meanly pinching your nipples and squeezing your tits like they’re water balloons. Patrick breaks away to lob a flurry of pecks along your throat, hurriedly stopping every so often to quickly suck the patch of skin he’s hovering over at that moment. You sigh, knuckle deep in perpetual bliss, and arch into his touch. The exposure of more skin calls Patrick like blood to a shark and he’s on it, a few licks away from slobbering on your pulse point.
“Hah- Fuck, Daddy, shit- so good.” You moan and succumb to his whims, the added pressure in your pussy only heighting the climbing pleasure you’re feeling.
Art whistles slowly as he slides his fingers out, depriving you of the show that is him licking them clean fried chicken style, no skin or meat left on the bone in sight. Your poor hole clenches around nothing, pouting like you would if he could see you. But he already does that everytime he closes his eyes, you live wrapped around the nerve endings connected to his brain, a beloved parasite. He’d love nothing more than to do shots off your body, then chase it down with a lime wedge and your pussy juice.
(Yes they’d love you if you were a worm, but maybe they’d prefer you to be a tapeworm that lives inside one of them.)
He grasps his aching hard dick in his hands, shallowly pumping up and down in lazy strokes as he just dead eye stares at your puffy pussy. Your folds are so chubby that your little clit is hidden away, but he knows that he’ll find it in no time at all when the mood strikes him. You and Patrick make the prettiest picture, two messy pets that need to stick together so much that they love to swap spit. Art loves a good three way kiss, but he will always have a special soft spot for watching his babies play. He likes to be the overseeing figure in the room when it’s just about you and Patrick, makes him feel like he’s doing something right, taking care of the three of you. Keeping you all inside this fragile bird’s nest.
“Pat, keep ‘em there, be a good boy and do what you’re best at.” He orders, positioning his long cock at your entrance and easing the bell shaped tip in.
When you exhale into him, Patrick can imagine that it’s his hole being pushed in. The way your back bends, your upper half curling towards the slick-sticky-hot attention being paid to your backside. Your mouth splits apart as you gape and silently cry out for something beyond the capabilities of a mortal man. Art’s dick brushes against the fleshy globes of your ass teasingly as he sinks into your walls. Inch by inch, you’re getting re-acquainted and reuniting dear old friends.
Patrick pets your head and pulls you closer to knock his forehead against yours, “ It’s okay, you were made for this, your body’s been built for this. Made for him, made for me.”
Art’s cock is his cock and vice versa when it comes to you. You’re like a magical fleshlight, Patrick swears he can feel your velvet grip suck in more of his girth, even as he creates a necklace for you out of teeth indents.
You hang your head, courageously allowing yourself to be carved into, “Ohhhhh, thank you, Daddy.”
He starts getting impatient though, as he always does, and shuffles around so he can slide under your body. His stubble scratches against your folds as he lies there, just breathing on your pussy and reaching up to feel where Art is splitting your ass open. You choke on a startled moan when Patrick’s fingers tease the barely there veins on Art’s cock and then rub little circles into your clit. Art groans and lets his self control slip a tad, he grinds his teeth together and plunges the rest of the way into you in one thrust. Patrick fucking chuckles, bouncing the other man’s balls in his hands as he nudges the hump of his nose bridge against your poor throbbing clit.
They like to have competitions over who can make you cum faster when they eat you out. Patrick is more of a messy eater, he doesn’t have much of a technique and relies on how horny the raw scent of pussy gets him. He’ll slobber all over your folds and hollow his cheeks as he sucks the soul out of your clit. He knows you like his nose too so he always makes sure to let you hump it as much as you want. Art’s not quite so vivacious, he prefers to methodically kitten lick your clit until your begging just gets too close to sobbing (his favorite) and he moves down to expertly tongue fuck you into overstimulation.
Patrick has you hurtling over the edge in a not bad five minutes, not his best but not his worst time. Art’s done better, the smug grin he sends down at him saying as much. You’re still reeling from Art dragging out his thrusts in your ass so you’re forced to feel every inch of his long length grapple onto your impossibly tight walls as it slides in and out. Schlick, pop, schlick, pop, schlick, pop. Your boys being who they are don’t let you recover much in between orgasms, they just want their baby to feel so good you wish you’d die. So Art postpones making you cum on his cock and swaps with Patrick, it’s one of those kinds of days where devouring you to the bone very nearly beats pummeling the shit out of your holes.
Art makes you cum so hard on his tongue that you gush like a burst pipe four minutes later, and Patrick speeds up his movements. Your ass feels like it’s torn and two and impaled on a tree trunk but it’s just as well, you’re ruined for anybody else who thinks they’d know how to handle your delectable body. He harshly slaps both of your jiggling ass cheeks like it’s your fault he lost their little match.
He fondly sneers and holds his hand out above your head, beseechingly. Like how someone would ask a dog to spit out whatever they shouldn’t have in their mouth, but they’re too cute to be genuinely mad at.
Art grins and climbs out from under you. He rolls his shoulders back, a winner doing a victory lap.
He spits out a glob of your cum, “fat pussy cum tastes like candy,” and grants him a deep kiss of his own. They hug around you and their mouths drift apart, returning to your shoulders and dancing along them. There’s no purpose or intent to kickstart another round, they just want to worship their baby, tongues cleaning and appraising the marble bones of your statue. Though they know depriving you of raw cock is its own torture, you’ll get your holes filled before the night over. You haven’t even started properly whining and batting your eyelashes yet.
You on the other hand can't wait to see how they’ll react to your anniversary present, the special frosting and sprinkles are tucked away in their own shelf in a cabinet on the floor. You’re too scared to take a risk by adding a candle, but they’ll get the idea anyway.
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Second-hand, thrift and vintage stores are your best friend - especially the aisle that no one can find and the corners that no one is bothered to rummage. First priority is to choose a rock muse style icon. Pattie Boyd’s cut-crease makeup, perfect pout and psychedelic mini skirts, Marianne Faithfull’s thick bangs and love for velvet and snake-skin, Pamela Des Barres’ wild locks and clown makeup, Anita Pallenberg’s chunky belts, hot pants and huge sun hats, Bebe Buell’s 70s cover girl waves and backless halters, Linda Keith’s fur hats, Ginger Gilmour’s golden ringlets and lace bell-bottom sleeve tops, Mary Austin’s skinny scarves and bohemian prints, May Pang’s octagonal sunglasses and straight jet black hair, Linda McCartney’s classy midi skirts, Lori Maddox and Sable Starr’s spandex shorts, wedgie platforms and crazy hair, Charlotte Martin’s baggier effortless Parisian style, Alice Ormsby Gore’s bohemian layering and flowy midi skirts, Jenny Boyd’s medieval-esque dresses and peasant-style, Iggy Rose’s eye crystals and makeup, and of course Miss Priscilla Presley’s perfect feline Egyptian cat-eye, black hair and ivory complexion. Groupie rock muse style ranges from where you’re going to who you’re seeing. If you’re offering your boyfriend arm candy at his Album Launch, you’re not going to be wearing the same pair of hot pants and lace-up boots that you did at his last concert. And if you’re lounging around in the studio at 12am, you’re not going to be wearing that glam paisley dress you wore backstage on tour. Groupie style is all about knowing what to wear and where to wear it. Gigs and concerts will call for a more flamboyant, and ‘out-there’ look. Style staples for concerts and gigs include hot pants, knee-high boots, snake-skin, fur coats and of course afghan coats, chunky jewelry, face gems and body glitter, halter tops and mini skirts and dresses. This is very similar to festival style if your rockstar boyfriend is playing there - however, more flowy and bohemian styles are more welcome and especially face gems and body glitter. Sun hats, lace-up gladiator boots and sandals, and peasant maxi dresses and blouses. 
Stay tuned for part 2 where I will be discussing style staples for album launches and recording sessions.
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confluencechimera · 5 months
Top 5 list of your own OCs. (`∀ ´)Ψ
OUGH this is a GOOD QUESTION. I really had to narrow it down because I have so many babies but I think I got something solid
1 - Malech H'owl, an OC I made for St*r W*rs. she was based off an old chimera fursona of mine that I turned into a unique alien species and aaa I love drawing her SO MUCH. she's my go-to doodle char. she has a whole entire society and backstory where she was a ruler and a gladiator fighter and a tactician and a mercenary. because I got really into her. she is so self indulgent but that's probably why she's my favorite. I'm so attached to her I've thought abt making her a totally original universe recently divorced from the source media just for meeeee ✨
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2 - Ace, who I've been trying to get a ref sheet done for for the past year and a half or so. He looks like a basic old furry on the surface but he's apart of a much larger sci-fi story where his species are trying to preserve history for future generations by inserting memory-recording ships into different members of their kind and then beaming all that into a supercomputer hidden somewhere in the galaxy. Ace comes from a middle generation (the first gen were adults who had the procedure done, the middle generation were fairly young, the newest generation are cubs), so his chip doesn't work entirely as well as the newest gen, and he gets weird deja vu moments of seeing other people's memories. He's also a mercenary. He has a cool spaceship and lives on his own on a barren icy planet. This is the best photo I have of him atm
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3 - Howlite, another OC I made for a media (this one being TF!). I'm trying to redesign her atm so I don't have as many pics to show off. but he turns into a plane and later a big old SUV. she's got an insanely long backstory as well: loses everything in a big war, goes on a revenge quest, realizes she wants to live for something more, gets almost killed (twice) and then wakes up on Earth where she finds her old partner and learns to start a new life there. he's a Certified Strange Girlboy Bi Thing. here's a real edgy picture of her after killing a bunch of ppl.
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4 - Glitch and Error, two REALLY old OCs of mine who I recently revived from my old dA days. They're personified computer viruses apart of a giant hivemind sort of setup, where the larger viruses "kill" and "consume" smaller ones to become bigger and stronger. The strongest virus rules over the entire hivemind and uses the smaller drones to go out and find electricity to feed on. Not a lot of super solid universe/hard-set rules for this story, it was just something I made for fun, but these guys have endured in my brain for over 10 years so they deserve a shout out.
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5 - Comet, a very new character for me (and one I haven't entirely fleshed out yet), but a simple little black wolf furry. Her aes/story is a mixture of Stray Gods, a dash of Hi-Fi Rush, lots of Norse mythology and hard rock (Breaking Benjamin in particular) music. She's the lead singer of a band called Fenrir's Chains, and one day on her drive home from a local show she gets swept up in a Wild Hunt that actually gets her to meet Fenrir. The whole story is meant to be a sort of analogy for dealing with mortality but I'm still working the themes and kinks out. So, I only have a few sketches, plus the plushie she's based on in real life. (She's next to a plushie I plan to turn into Ace one day too!)
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Bluebellofbakerstreet's 007Fest 2023 Finish Line Masterpost
15 point art:
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GBBO, Q Works Late, James in Jamaica, Kilts!, Aston Martin, Bond on a motorcycle, Commander Bond, Renoir Bond, Location Graphics
10 point art:
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Bond, Max Zorin, Eve, Felix, Three-Color Bond, Renoir Eve and all of the Miss Moneypenny Takes a Holiday pics.
5 point art:
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Cat, Jaws, Blofeld, and all of the others are from the Children's Story/Rebus
5 point writing:
Skyfall for Kids
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Bond Bingo Graphics (2)
Other fan creations:
2048 Game
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Scavenger Hunt Fills:
#6 Create a Bond-themed crossword. #23 Create a portrait of a Bond character using only Skittles, M&Ms, or similar small round colored candy.  #28 Find the Difference - Create an almost identical image and change a few things there (could be an edit or art). Tell us how many things have changed when you post it. #29 Solve someone's Find the Difference challenge (Can earn up to 3 times) Solved 3: by kitten-kin, anyawen and ate-the-bean #33 Complete a Bond themed crossword created by somebody else. (Can earn up to 3 times) Solved 3: 2 by kitten-kin and one by spiritofcamelot. #37 Create at least 5 Bond-themed rebus puzzles. #38 Design 3 outfits for a Bond character to be worn on 3 separate occassions.  #44 It's never too early to introduce James Bond to the next generation, although some of the content is too mature. And too long. Rewrite a Bond book or movie as a children's book. For extra points, record yourself reading it like a bedtime story to a child (Both story and read-aloud included.)
Prompt Sheet fills:
#11 Anything, and I do mean anything, about Max Zorin from A View to a Kill. He deserves more attention. #22 Flowers. Put them in a bouquet or in the park. In the garden or as a garden ornament. Put them in a painting or a china pattern. Boutonniere? Yes. Flowers. Gimme. (2nd picture) #25 ANY excuse to put Q in a kilt (and see James' reaction?) #40 Dance. Flailing arms? Okay. Ballroom waltz? Gimme. Line dancing? Sure. Bump and grind? Ayup. Gliding across the floor or stepping on toes, put it in my veins. #62 Bond in Jamaica and his little harem of stray cats who learn his fishing schedule or recognize his boat. #81 “Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting”  #155 Historical AU:  Regency?  Victorian?  Roman Gladiator James and  Emperor Q?  (2nd picture) #159 Something nautical; Bond is a naval Commander after all.  Maybe a navy AU? Pirate captain Bond?  A shipwreck?  A romantic sailing getaway? #179 Q and Bond have to go undercover at the GBBO. And to fully complete the mission…one of them must win. Bonus points if they’re investigating Paul Hollywood. #206 Q working late
Art Table fills:
Use a medium you don’t use often  Draw in a different style Ten-minute challenge  Use only three colors Free Space/Challenge Yourself  Draw in One Continuous Line Black and White Only No Lines Inspired by a Painting
Theme Days:
Festivities Day  Felix Friday Characters of Color Moneypenny Day
1 Hosted:
Bond Bingo Discord 7/30
3 attended:
Productivity Hours Discord 7/15 Productivity Hours Discord 7/16 Ato's Writing Sprints 7/20
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mywifeleftme · 9 months
260: Buddy Holly // Greatest Hits
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Greatest Hits Buddy Holly 1967, Coral
As with following any artist who died young, being a Buddy Holly fan is like doing one of those connect-the-dots drawings where they give you part of the image and you fill in the rest as a wireframe. There isn’t a shortage of material exactly—he’d released 50 or so songs by the time he died in February of 1959, and recorded enough that “new” Buddy Holly records ensured he was a regular presence on store shelves well into the late ‘60s. But his literal absence gives all these assorted cash-in repackagings a fanfictional quality, exercises in instant nostalgia. As a fan, you can choose between seemingly half-a-dozen sensationally overdubbed versions of a song like “What to Do,” each based on a hushed demo he’d recorded on an acoustic guitar in his apartment; you can even decide that that set of demos, which are admittedly exquisite, represent the “true” Buddy, even though the singles he signed off on in his lifetime often had plenty of bells and whistles.
The fact is, we can never know where Holly might’ve gone as an artist, no matter how assiduously we sift through the pile of variously-incompleted sketches he left behind. Grim, unromantic precedent suggests we lost out on perhaps three to four years of his prime. Among the early prodigies of rock ‘n’ roll, none had a run of greatness much longer than six or seven: not trailblazers Berry or Little Richard, not the King, not even a singular songwriting genius like Orbison. Most of them rarely even managed a memorable single once they’d moved past their primes, let alone albums (with all due respect to the Everlys’ Roots and Bo Diddley’s The Black Gladiator). Perhaps something in the effort of instantiating a brand-new genre burns an artist out more than the work of refining one with an established foundation. Regardless, the shapes of these primordial figures in rock and roll are detectable again and again throughout the music’s history; for a rock fan, discovering the recordings of a Buddy Holly is one of those Rosetta stones that helps translate and connect so many of the currents you’ve followed in your own listening journey. He’s dissolved into the body and blood of rock like some bespectacled divine sacrifice.
But before he was dissolute, he was his body of songs. I don’t own either The “Chirping” Crickets or Buddy Holly, though both are great records and contain a good number of his classic songs. I also don’t own any of the more comprehensive retrospectives (of which 1979’s six-LP The Complete Buddy Holly is probably still definitive) either. I’ve just got this basic as mish Greatest Hits from 1967 and… that’s absolutely fine! It’s well-sequenced, has no bad songs, hits a lot of the absolute peaks, and even includes my preferred overdub of “What to Do.” It necessarily lacks many of his essentials, but in terms of single LPs you can find for like $1 in the year of our lord 2024, the list of records with more bang for your buck is short indeed. If Holly’s yet to hit for you, the hoopla can admittedly be a little perplexing, but take it from me: if you’re wired for rock music, you’ll get it one day.
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the-witchs-cafe · 5 months
Hi just wanted to let you know that after finishing the Hop & Hau PMMM posts that I am now drafting a fanfic in my head where
So basically The two Warlocks Sayf and Kinimaka somehow meet, idk how w/ the regional differences but they do
And Sayf is like "well this is a nice barrier, I like it a lot, but I have audience expectations and a legacy to live up to" and Kinimaka is very firm about no disturbance to his heaven
So Sayf does the most logical thing he can do
And just surrounds the weaker warlock's barrier with his own
See? Aren't you so much safer with my protection? If anybody were to enter you heaven and threaten it? I'll just snatch them up and make a spectacle upon which my audience will cheer
(It's basically Hala and the "being to soft on the boy" and sheltering theme all over again yippee!)
And if any of my challenger prove too disappointing, unwilling to fight? Off to you they go
Maybe they set up a routine, where Sayf spends some time in Kinimaka's barrier just to indulge in the escapism of it, then returning to his own barrier when the itch for battle becomes too much
And Kinimaka? Doubt he'd be pleased that Sayf refuses to become lcl one w/ his barrier, but hey at least he comes back routinely, and even gives or takes humans that'd be perfect for either
Friendship/Puppy Love, but you're two Eldritch abominations doomed to drown in despair
I won't be surprised if the more likely outcome was that Sayf and Kinimaka fought and the former won
But hey I like the idea of warlocks/witches/magicians being friendly w/ one another
Will it ever be posted? No but I might as well share the idea
THIS IS??? SO FUCKING ADORABLE???? Ok, ok, analysis hat is back on-
Actually, it is very possible for witches to migrate from one point to another, as presented to us in Magia Record; the issue for when it comes to those within the Pokemon universe, however, is the issue of adaptability and not being aware of how things work in the region they've arrived in due to their despair-clouded minds. For example, if a witch arrived in Alola and targeted another one in a fight, you'd bet the others there won't be so happy (because themes of unity and all, as well as the fact that witches there only target other people and pokemon- not their kin); queue the torches, pitchforks, and cotton candy.
Thankfully, even as a warlock, Sayf still retains his intelligence somewhat- even if it is as much as, let's say, to the levels of Winchester's. I think he'd be able to catch on to how things operate in the region- and even if he made a slip-up, he's tough enough to take on an angry mob of witches before realizing the gravity of his mistake.
As for the two goobers themselves and how they interact, you've captured that SO WELL <3333 I adore the healthy, albeit mutually parasitic, relationship they have going on; Sayf managing to be a hero to at least one person, while Kealamauloa, while disappointed that this new friend of his won't accept eternal happiness, is at least enjoying some company and is appreciative of how he's making his goals easier.
I cannot bear to see how unlucky their victims are gonna be and the kind of whiplash they'll be constantly forced to experience, lmao; one second you've found yourself trapped in a dingy, dim hallway before facing off against a mutilated black sheep donning gladiator armor. However, as you continue running for your life and do everything in your power NOT to engage in a fight with him, he gets so bored and disappointed with you that he just throws you to a nice bright paradise where a friendly dragon resides.
The irony in their situations is also amazing to point out; Sayf's pursuit of glory still hasn't stopped, and Keals is, once more, sheltered in one way or the other.
I also REALLY want them to talk about their problems; the memories of their human lives may be hazy from the madness, but the similarities and contrasts between the way they were both raised - one was emotionally neglected by all but the one person he now sees as his perfect, all-powerful hero, and the other was showered with love- yet that did nothing to stop him from seeing the truth of this world - would make an interesting topic for conversation. I could also see Sayf making sure the flora growing from Keals doesn't get too irritating, and Kealamauloa would try to make sure Sayf isn't suffering too much from his injuries by allowing him to relax and heal every once in a while.
And yep- Sayf would clear if such a fight were to occur. Kealamauloa may be able to wipe a town or even a city clean if he wanted to, but Sayf had managed to screw over all of Galar (whether or not the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra have been affected is up to ya'll's imaginations). I don't think I've elaborated too much on how exactly that happened aside from the people gradually going cuckoo-bananas, but, as a brief summary- think Roaring Town from the Ash-Veil Lane ARG and, once Sayf was at his full power and the region was in his hands, Hell from 'the (aka Coronation Day) with the trumpets and everything. I also forgot to mention that he did all that without the use of a witch's kiss/warlock's whisper thanks to Hop's powers of creating new memories- sorry for neglecting that detail!
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Yeah- witches being friendly to one another is always a great basis for a tale like this; that's why this blog exists! Personally, I like to reimagine that this blog is a labyrinth that exists within the borders of the multiverse, and witches tend to pass by every once in a while just to share their stories and have a cup of joe every now and then. I'unno, but the idea of eldritch abominations just chilling in a 50's diner was just too cute of an idea to pass up!
Back to our goobers, Keals is already kind enough to most humans and witches that pass by their labyrinth, and so long as Sayf doesn't do anything too stupid and causes shit, the same mercy is extended to him. Have no worries, anon, the possibility of them being pals is there within the canon of this hypothetical AU! In fact, as I've already explained, most witches in Alola prefer to cooperate with one another rather than fight over their own territories.
Overall, you have no idea how receiving this has made my day!! Thank you so, so, so much for this!!! <333
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ACTOR Russell Crowe has revealed he is the distant relative of a notorious Jacobite Lord who was the last man to be executed by beheading in Britain.
The Gladiator star has been exploring his ancestry and said his research uncovered some surprising connections.
While he knew he had Scottish heritage, Crowe has recently discovered he is related to Simon Fraser, the 11th Lord Lovat – known as the Old Fox.
Known for his scheming plots and switching sides to and fro between the government and Jacobite causes, Lovat's clan was eventually among those defeated at the battle of Culloden in 1746 and he was executed the following year
Fans of the Outlander novels and TV series will recognise him as the grandfather of the lead character Jamie Fraser (below).
On X/Twitter, Crowe said he had begun by trying to trace his Italian roots, something made difficult by “folkloric family tales and misspelling”.
He discovered his great-great-grandfather Luigi Ghezzi had moved to New Zealand in 1864 after meeting Mary Ann Curtain in Cape Town.
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The 59-year-old actor added: “Also something else that has recently come to light on my father's mother's side, via John (Jock) Fraser (arrived in NZ in 1841) we directly connect back to Simon Fraser. 11th Lord Lovat. Look him up.
“He’s quite the character. The Old Fox they used to call him.
“Seems his Machiavellian ways caught up to him at the age of 80, & he has a claim to infamy as the last man to have the head chopped off his living body in the Tower of London. His death even coined a phrase.
“Apparently, they set up temporary stands for the gentry to watch him die. One of these stands collapsed which resulted in the death of nine onlookers. Being told this just before he was put to death made him laugh.
He was still laughing when the blade struck his neck, thereby ‘laughing his head off’.”
Crowe also said his DNA suggested a strong Irish link, but he is currently uncertain where exactly this comes from.
The 11th Lord Lovat’s execution at Tower Hill in London drew huge crowds.
He had sided with Bonnie Prince Charlie during the 1745 Jacobite rising and was sentenced to death for treason.
Crowe has previously taken an interest in Scottish history. He is a supporter of the Clanranald Trust which has created the Duncarron fort near Denny, an authentic replica of a medieval stronghold.
The Australian actor donated a battering ram from the film Robin Hood to the fort.
In 2018, forensic experts were called in to try and identify if remains removed from a Highland crypt were those of the 11th Lord Lovat.
While official records stated he had been buried beneath the floor of a chapel in the Tower of London, his clan believed his remains had been “intercepted” and returned to Scotland.
However Professor Dame Sue Black determined the remains at Wardlaw Mausoleum were those of a woman and not the “Old Fox”.
Duncarron medieval village, in Carron Valley, was built by the Clanranald Trust for Scotland, a charity which relies heavily on donations and volunteers to help bring history to life at the site.
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The medieval village site is featured in Outlander set during the American Revolution where it doubled as the location of Fort Ticonderoga.
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nitewrighter · 2 years
here's something i had a thought about in terms of overwatch; you know how a lot of sports have separate categories and records for men and women? do you think omnics would have their own category in these sports? do you think there would be entirely new sports invented just for omnics to play? i'd like to hear your thoughts
I mean, just to point out how stupid humanity can be, we're currently discriminating against human athletes just for having slightly different hormone makeups than average (though suspiciously they're all black women and not Michael "My body produces only a fraction of the lactic acid the average human body produces" Phelps), so it doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination to see that we would definitely discriminate against robots who consider themselves, spiritually, our equals.
That being said, I do think that there is a part of humanity that relishes in competing against machines--when IBM's Watson showed up on the quiz show Jeopardy, it was a huge deal! We all desperately wanted to see who would win in man vs. machine for a quiz show that's well-known for its wordplay and puns. But athletics are different--I mean Zenyatta poses the question, "Do robots think? Does a submarine swim?"
Since Omnics were originally designed for labor, one can assume that they have virtually limitless stamina, but honestly I don't think there's a huge emphasis on physical ability for omnics, culturally. I can definitely see them engaging with 'play' but 'professional competition' is a horse of a different color. But I do think there are Omnics who are passionate about human culture, so it stands to reason there would be omnics who want to participate in human sports--but like how Omnics are banned from gambling, it's likely they're barred from human sports. Since omnics seem to be largely at major legal and economic disadvantages in Overwatch's world, and they face a lot of discrimination, I don't think there's a lot of money being poured into an omnic football league.
I do think Omnic brains are different enough from ours that they come up with their own games and sports, and these sports are kind of staggeringly complicated and clockwork-like. Like watching a computer play chess against itself.
That being said, we know there are Robot-exclusive athletic events! Colosseo hosts robot gladiator fights!! And there's a rivalry between the robot Gladiators Maximus and Zephyrus!!
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Whether the robots are omnics or AI's or they're controlled by teams of engineers like Robot rumbles are today, it's not clear. Personally, I hope they're omnics because that has a lot of fascinating and fucked up implications.
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the-messenger-hawk · 2 years
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felt like drawing more handler/gladiator AU
some notes for the au under the cut
Wangnan is a black-sheep debtor who’s running out of time. With debt collectors breathing down his neck, he’s presented with only two options: sell his freedom, or sell his life. But his nasty luck seems to turn around when he wins an incredibly powerful gladiator in a dice game with his life on the line, and promises to free Viole if they advance through the ranks and enter the upper district. Though Wangnan isn’t expecting for so many people to be searching for (or trying to steal back) his new partner, including criminal organizations and the gladiator’s old friends. 
General Handler rules:
It is forbidden to force someone to become a gladiator/contracts must be consensual. (...But contracts made under duress or hidden in fine print are perfectly legal in the Lower Districts.)
It is forbidden to intentionally maim or cause the death of a gladiator.
Gladiators cannot be stolen. Ownership transfers are only valid if done monetarily, or through a recorded agreement/deal. 
Using a gladiator for non-combat purposes is forbidden without a permit. (...This is not enforced in the Lower Districts.)
Unfreed Gladiator rules (enforced by their chip implant):
A gladiator must always obey commands given by their handler.
A gladiator must always protect their handler from physical threat or endangerment.
A gladiator cannot intentionally harm a handler, except to defend their own.
An Unfreed gladiator can have their chip removed and become Free by advancing through the ranks with a handler and reaching the upper districts. A handler is unable to do this personally. 
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renwisterianova · 2 years
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Old alternate Voltron Legendary Defender fan art I made during VLD’s airing, which I believe was season 6? Its been ages. Just found these while I was saving and deleting artworks from my Ipad because of the bent.
I am not sure of the fandom is active since its been years ago, but I want to share these ideas I had which I never got a chance because of school and irl issues. Here’s the story.
Inspired and slightly taking aspects from Beast King GoLion (Voltron), this is a mixture of retro and future but differently as it ie a modern take of it. Shiro is a respected senior cadet who leads his squad consisting of Lance, Hunk, and Pidge whom among others were chosen to explore the universe in order to find planets to inhabit in case of their home planet Earth will one day perish from the Sun in a few years. Lance is an expert in strategy thanks to his keen eye and quick thinking skills though can be arrogant and a flirt sometimes, Hunk is an expert in diplomatic manners and records their travels of their findings with the help of Pidge but can be brash sometimes, and Pidge is a navigator who pin points locations for where they travel though they can be mischievous in a pranking sense and gets smug easily. They are also in their brother’s place due to Matt being missing since the last travel years ago so they had advanced in their training days at the Garrison. They bid farewell to their families as they four went off while other squads followed suit.
Eventually as the four headed off to travel, things begin to dire as the Galran Empire ended up attacking Earth leading to global destruction that many of the governments asked those with the technology to go to space to head out of Earth and save themselves. Because of this, many civilians desperately tried to enter pods that only benefit the rich which went a bit messy and some managed to escape while Earth perished. Learning of this, Shiro, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge called their parents to ask them if they were okay as they saw the news of Earth slowly dying.
Shiro’s husband, Adam, told him to keep going and not come back but Shiro didn’t want to leave his husband behind. Adam convinced him not to, that they will find each other again before the feed went down.
No Adam didn’t die on this, he went to another pod with his squad to help civilians come travel with them which included Lance, Hunk, and Pudge’s family because of connections. This was suppose to be like, later on when they reunite xD
While they mourn the loss of their home and unsure if their loved ones are alive, they were captured by the Galra Empire and kept to be used for their sick twisted gladiator game. All four had to fight to survive for months to almost a year but they managed to escape by taking the enemy ship. Unknown to them, a certain person was following behind them in order to capture and kill for their crimes against the Galran empire. Said ship run out of fuel and crashed landed on a planet where they spotted an Altean Ship. They managed to enter inside and were shocked to find Allura and Coran whom the two thought they were intruders by attacking them. Some misunderstanding occurs which Im not sure how it ended cuz they cleared things up but they saw the figure who followed the four attack them. This is Keith, whose basically part of the Galran Empire thanks to being kidnapped as a child from his father and brainwashed as a soldier to kill Alteans. So theres anger tension between him and Allura because of Altean and Galran history.
They do become friends later on, once they overcome anger that is and realize they can end the war by defeating the Galran Empire and free all planets. They ended up becoming like, siblings which I believe is the better outcome cuz I got like pair plans xD Allura ended up with Merla (who isn’t Galran mind you) while Keith ended up with Lance.
Anyway, the Galra generals found their ship and attacked them which lead the Black Lion to emerge from that planet as Allura was actually trying to find the Lions who were in other planets after her and Coran’s home-world was destroyed as well. The Black Lion managed to destroy Galran general’s ship leading everyone including Keith whom Lance managed to tie him up and headed off to a new planet where it will be a temporary base before they can all travel to visit planets.
And they go find the lions after all need to get along on each planet which each lion responded to them such as Shiro with Black, Lance with Blue, Keith with Red, Hunk with Yellow, and Pidge with Green. There’s another lion which is for Allura so consider it as an aux! Yes I based this off Super Sentai ahhhhh. That is how they all became paladins! And try to get along where friendship and found family blooms to defeat the Galran Empire
Of course these are just what I wrote for them and change them. I may revamp them sometime if my Ipad is in working condition or when I replace it with a new one. Thanks for reading for my insane ideas :,D
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luxetings · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🆕{Steve Madden} Dorinda Lace-Up Sandals.
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madisonbeersource · 6 months
NO WAY HELLO U GOT ONE OF THE DISK?!?! u deserve it so much im so happy for u :')))
pls tell me how was everything, i want to know.
I CANNOT BELIEVE IT MYSELF I GOT THE FUCKING SIGNED CONFETTI !! thank you so much baby ): I swear I never thought that would happen!!
it was....surreal! I drove 4 hours and a half to Paris, near the venue, changed and I arrived at like 3:40 pm cause paris is SO COMPLICATED TO FIGURE LIKE THE TRAFFIC? A NIGHTMARE qsdfghgf but got to see where i was born anyway i was like i'll go to the venue even if I have to be there a lil later and god there were so many people already so i went to a line but it was the king of everything line so i switched and met a SUPER NICE GIRL there she was alone too so we started chatting in line, got some goodies from fans, then the KOE vip got in, then we did, got some merch and went to the actual venue and waited for her Q&A, SHE WAS GLOWING she was so happy to be there and she did not stop smiling, we chatted a moment, she answered some questions, a fan came dressed as the home to another one alien so she was so happy about that! she said that she was so exited to come to paris to quote her "the highlight i was waiting for the whole tour" AW :') bear my kids anyway.
then she went to get dressed while we waiting for the 1st and 2nd part, and i bought a seated ticket i was supposed to be seated but w the girl i was with we saw that there was still room front row like very front row !! so we rushed there and we were like okay we see her so well let's stay?? like, there was us, the lil space where the security is, was giving us water it was so welcomed qsdfghgfds and then the stage!! fuck the seated ticket i would be so close to her, and actually from the confetti canonball sdfghgfdi could almost reach it. First part was actually amazing, I LOVED JANN like I didn't connect the dots but i already knew him since i am OBSESSED w "gladiator" so i got pretty hyped to see him. THEN MY BABY WENT ON STAGE!! everyone was SO GOOD i never had such an experience we all felt like we knew each other we sung together held hands and screamed the lyrics, she was glowing her voice was SO HEAVENLY BEAUTIFUL she even played the piano while singing at your worst which she normally would play on the guitar but she told us in the Q&A that she had a surprise for us, so it was even more special, and SHE LOOKED AT ME STRAIGHT IN THE EYES WHILE SINGING DEAR SOCIETY !!!!!! (maybe she recognized me cause she saw me right when her life support album came out we could pay for a zoom meeting and i got ticket for that and since she easily recognizes people she maybe did IDK BUT WE SHARED A SACRED MOMENT) i was dying i couldn't even fathom what was happening and still can't to be honest!! i have a few videos that i took (51 total lmaoo) and i got to capture this moment and i will cherish it forever. the whole concert ended too quickly we danced, we cried, we held hands and we screamed, honestly it was so good she cried while singing king of everything i think the energy got to her and she was so happy that she shed tears, special thanks to mama beer who was recording for a while and her brother that played the guitar for ryder!!
the confettis canonball was magical and the perfect ending to this beautiful night, and like she held the 2 flags we gave her in the Q&A and then she got out and then went back to dance w us one last time, and then we got some music for the end, and while i was taking all the confettis out of my body cause mind you i was literally in front of it, the light came back a lil and looked over at everything and then suddenly on the floor, and then i remembered the black confetti, so out of naivety i looked at the floor like literally the second i looked i saw a black circle i was like no that is imposisble, i reached for it light speed qsdghgfds and turned it over and it was her freaking signature on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like OMGGGGGGG and some was like wtf where did you see it, and they took photos of it while i was over the moon w joy, the perfect ending of a perfect night ): i'll forever cherish it and i'll def go back to see her next time she comes to Paris!
you got the inside!! I hope it was clear for u, but i love you so much i wish we attended the concert together that would have been like a dream, but maybe someday<3
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metalhead-brainrot · 8 months
[Album of the day] Howling Giant / Sergeant Thunderhoof - Masamune & Muramasa
Nashville, TN (HG) | Bath, UK (ST) // 2020
[Genres] stoner rock, heavy psych, prog rock
[Themes] Two blacksmiths of Japanese legend competing to make the best samurai sword.
[FFO] concept albums, samurai media
[Thoughts] I wanted to talk about an underrated release from one of my favorite artists, Howling Giant. They're a stoner rock trio out of Nashville* whom I encountered for the first time when they opened for space rock powerhouse King Buffalo, and later saw them again alongside Elder and Ruby the Hatchet.** Their early stuff is simple riff paradise, and recent releases have seen the band doubling down on the space rock of it all.*** Sergeant Thunderhoof is a great band that I know considerably less about, but my thoughts are that if you like one, you'll like the other.
I bought this split on vinyl because it was half the price of the others at the merch stand and I'm a cheap bastard. And fortunately so, because I love what Howling Giant and Sergeant Thunderhoof achieved together. The concept behind this concept album is one of my favorites; I'd talk more about the legend itself, but I thought you'd rather read the description below to hear what the artists have to say.****
This split is Chapter 2 in a series of splits put out by Ripple Music, a stoner rock record label. These "Turned to Stone" splits are great, I've listened to all nine so far.***** They're a great way to explore some of the selects of the underground stoner scene.
Finally, the album artwork of Masamune & Muramasa is intricate and compelling, especially up close on the vinyl sleeve. This album's cover was done by Sara-Jane Swettenham, based in Bath, who has done other Sergeant Thunderhoof album covers in a similarly distinctive style. It seems she used to sell prints of her work, but her Etsy storepage doesn't appear active so I will link to her Instagram as well.
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* You can tell by the mustaches. Keep on keeping on, Nashville.
** That later show I came specifically to see Howling Giant, though of course I knew the other bands. Everyone put on an excellent show. Ruby the Hatchet in particular was fun to watch; I'd jump at the chance to catch their high-energy heavy psych in the future.
*** I'd highly recommend Black Hole Space Wizard Part I and Part II, and am also partial to their debut EP. I'm also well aware that saying "I prefer their first album" makes me a chode, no need to point it out.
**** Wikipedia link with more info for the intellectually curious.
***** I prefer 1-4, your mileage may vary. They're all good; recent ones have been more desert rock, and earlier one are more psych/prog. Turned to Stone Chapter III features Merlin, a great band best known for their album Christ Killer, a re-telling of Nick Cave's Gladiator II in stoner doom format. Christ Killer is one of my all-time favorites, and Merlin is a band that reinforces what I said in my last post: KCMO is fucking cool.
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[From the band/label]
Chapter two of Ripple's new Turned to Stone series presents the story of two legendary Japanese sword smiths, Muramasa and Masamune, as told in interconnected musical movements by spacefaring psych-metal warriors Howling Giant and their equally cosmic riff-wielding British contemporaries Sergeant Thunderhoof.
In the two pieces, Muramasa and Masamune have a contest to determine whose sword smithery is superior, each crafting a blade of masterful quality and facing off by the edge of the river.
Instead of the typical approach with two bands contributing stand-alone sides of a record, Howling Giant and Sergeant Thunderhoof wanted to write an album that was thematically cohesive. Each side features a 20-minute song assembled via sharing of melodic ideas between the two bands during the writing process, and telling the story from the perspective of one of the sword smiths.
The result is a single piece of ambitious songcraft created by two riff-prog legends leaving another impressive mark on the heavy rock landscape.
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sonyclasica · 8 months
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ilan Records lanza METALLIC ROUGE (B.S.O.) con música de Taisei Iwasaki, yuma yamaguchi y Towa Tei. Ya disponible, el álbum contiene música original compuesta por Iwasaki, yamaguchi y Tei para la nueva serie de anime de acción y ciencia ficción del estudio BONES. 
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Junto a las partituras del álbum, se incluyen canciones vocales originales de artistas como Rich DiMare, Toft Willingham, Lanux, Celeina Ann y Mizuki Kamata. Dirigida por Motonobu Hori, Metallic Rouge se puede ver en EE.UU. exclusivamente a través de Crunchyroll.
En un mundo donde los humanos coexisten con androides llamados Neans, un grupo conocido como los Nueve Inmortales se levanta contra la sociedad. Encargada de acabar con los rebeldes, una Nean llamada Rouge Redstar (también conocida como Metal Rouge) y la investigadora Naomi Orthmann se dirigen a Marte para localizarlos... pero antes, Rouge quiere un poco de chocolate.
Falling Starlight and Moonlight I – Taisei Iwasaki feat. Rich DiMare
Crimson Lightning – Taisei Iwasaki feat. Toft Willingham
Red Madness I – yuma yamaguchi
Escobilla – Taisei Iwasaki
Flyssa – Taisei Iwasaki
Two Birds I – Taisei Iwasaki
Ee Clu Mei Chi Ante I – yuma yamaguchi feat. Lanux
Haboob – Taisei Iwasaki
Crimson Lightning ~ Orchestra I – yuma yamaguchi
Red Madness II – yuma yamaguchi
Falling Starlight and Moonlight II – Taisei Iwasaki feat. Celeina Ann
Traveling Circus – yuma yamaguchi
Puppetmaster – Taisei Iwasaki
Crimson Lightning ~ Orchestra II – yuma yamaguchi
I Seek the Voice – yuma yamaguchi feat. Lanux
Rouge’s Blue – Taisei Iwasaki
Regolith – TOWA TEI
Clair de Lune ~ Gene – Taisei Iwasaki
Ee Clu Mei Chi Ante II – yuma yamaguchi
Red Butterfly – yuma yamaguchi
Crimson Lightning ~ Lonesome – Taisei Iwasaki
Falling Starlight and Moonlight III – Taisei Iwasaki feat. Mizuki Kamata
Ee Clu Mei Chi Ante III – yuma yamaguchi
Crimson Lightning ~ Action – yuma yamaguchi
Gladiator – Taisei Iwasaki
Two Birds II – Taisei Iwasaki
In the Shade of the Grove – Taisei Iwasaki
Naomi’s Blue – yuma yamaguchi
Thirst – Taisei Iwasaki
Rural Village on Mars – yuma yamaguchi
Falling Starlight and Moonlight ~ Clockwork – Taisei Iwasaki
Vesper Vallis – Taisei Iwasaki
Quiet Commencement – yuma yamaguchi
Melankoli – TOWA TEI
Blue Sadness – yuma yamaguchi
The Suspect – Taisei Iwasaki
Black Hole – yuma yamaguchi
Spoed – TOWA TEI
Concert Etude op.49 – Taisei Iwasaki
Large Spaceship – yuma yamaguchi
Clair de Lune ~ Eva – Taisei Iwasaki
Crimson Lightning ~ Chained – Taisei Iwasaki
Taisei Iwasaki es compositor de películas, series y animaciones. Entre sus obras más destacadas figuran las bandas sonoras de "BELLE", "Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo" de Studio Ghibli, Animation "Blood Blockade Battlefront, (a.k.a Kekkai Sensen)", "Spriggan", "Dragon Pilot" (a. k.a Hisone & Masotan), "GHOST IN THE SHELL" (dirigida por Rupert Sanders) *DIRECTOR MUSICAL JAPONÉS, Serie Original de Netflix "The Naked Director", "First Love".  Además, Taisei Iwasaki ha trabajado en "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" con John Cameron Mitchell en Japón como director musical. Su trabajo para "Belle" ganó el 45º Premio de la Academia Japonesa a la "Música del año" y ganó el 36º Japan Gold Disc Awards "Álbum de banda sonora del año"
SOBRE yuma yamaguchi
yuma yamaguchi es conocido como compositor de películas, dramas, animación y anuncios en Japón. Comenzó su carrera en IRMA Records en 2008, y su primer álbum "Sound Multiply" fue seleccionado como mejor álbum dance de iTunes 2008 en Japón. Desde 2016, tiene un contrato exclusivo con YUGE inc. que es una productora musical especializada en bandas sonoras y música publicitaria en Japón. Ha compuesto música para más de 300 campañas entre las que se incluyen muchas empresas conocidas mundialmente como Google, Microsoft, Toyota, Coca Cola, McDonald y Bose. Algunos de sus trabajos son conocidos en todo el mundo, como "Mewton feat. Haru" para el juego PS4, el anuncio de Gravity Rush 2, que recibió numerosos premios internacionales como Cannes Lions, One Show y Clio Awards. ¡También ha compuesto música para películas y series dramáticas estrenadas internacionalmente, como "Undead Girl Murder Farce(2023)", "Link Click (2021) ", "The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window" (2021)", "Flavors of youth(2018)" y "Goodbye, Grandpa! (2017)". Entre sus trabajos más recientes también se incluyen la música para "Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY2023 "GIFT" at Tokyo Dome" del dos veces campeón olímpico Yuzuru Hanyu y "PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE 30 years anniversary". Comenzó su nuevo proyecto "NotANArtist" en 2021 donde se centra en su música original con enfoques únicos que desarrolló a través de su prolífica composición para bandas sonoras y trabajos publicitarios.
En 1990, debutó en Estados Unidos como miembro de Deee-Lite con el álbum World Clique. Actualmente, tiene 12 álbumes en solitario, tres bajo su nombre Sweet Robots Against the Machine, y un álbum con METAFIVE. Además, desde septiembre de 2013 hasta la actualidad, ha estado supervisando la música en tienda en INTERSECT BY LEXUS -TOKYO en Aoyama, Tokio. Estuvo a cargo de la música del programa documental de la NHK Yayoi Kusama My Eternal Soul. En 2018, planificó y supervisó el diseño del álbum Neue Tanz del 40 aniversario de YMO. En 2019, se encargó del key visual del documental del 50 aniversario de Haruomi Hosono NO SMOKING y en 2021, SAYONARA AMERICA con Tomoo Gokita, y también trabajó juntos en la dirección artística del mejor álbum de Yukihiro Takahashi GRAND ESPOIR. Está a cargo de la banda sonora del anime SUPER CROOKS, producido por Netflix. Tras el lanzamiento en el extranjero de su décimo LP, 2021 terminó con el lanzamiento de EP. En 2022, se encargó del tema principal del álbum "REFLECTION (feat. Kaho Nakamura) [TOWA TEI REMIX]" en la colección de remezclas de tofubeats REFLECTION REMIXES. El 6 de septiembre de 2023 se publicaron simultáneamente su primer álbum instrumental en solitario de larga duración ZOUNDTRACKS y la continuación de su anterior LP TOUCH.
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Title: Invictus
Author: Ryan Graudin
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2017
Genres: fiction, science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, romance, adventure
Blurb: Farway Gaius McCarthy was born outside of time. The son of a time-travelling Recorder from 2354 AD and a gladiator living in Rome in 95 AD, Far’s birth defies the laws of nature. Exploring history himself is all he’s ever wanted, and after failing his final time-travelling exam, Far takes a position commanding a ship with a crew of his friends as part of a black market operation to steal valuables from the past...but during a heist on the sinking Titanic, Far meets a mysterious girl who always seems to be one step ahead of him. Armed with knowledge that will bring Far’s very existence into question, she will lead Far and his team on a race through time to discover a frightening truth: history is not as steady as it seems.
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