#blackhole R.I.P.
34saveme34 · 6 months
real fun episode, loved the jokes
loved the Clench appearance
3 wasn't in, he is definitely just TOO b u s y leading his cafe because it is suddenly SO booming in business and he's DEFINITELY not at the lowest point of his life EVER
my favourite joke was probably Mario editing the dog to look like a giraffe, truly a photoshop master
btw really like, the cafe almost felt like, yknow, avoided, like we're not allowed to see it, we only see it in Mario's daydream
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also scene that makes me feel unsafe in a way, and also scared ro Mario like- bad things could happen
but I'm also happy to see Luigi not be a punching bag!
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also his basically one of powers drive me crazy
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r.i.p moyri
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also a looot of blackhole jokes lately
unsure if it's supposed to mean anything or just funny
probably just funny but Theory brain will do anything for Plot
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wonderful scene 10/10, probably my second favourite besides the dog one
like something about what Mario finds desirable or attractive is really really funny to me
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also something really funny about Mario beating the pc with a straight face like that
but yeas, overall fun crew ep, I missed this
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This is car cruise control
You see it's all so simple heh, the scar on my head the seizure I had blackout, the NYPD 12 taught my dad a lesson about what they believe happened the 1st opportunistic time they could, anal 02,
Then 2012 it happened again this time to deadly threaten gma Alberta that devil who accuses the brethren night and day and of course her chief minion the 1st born of the dead, we sent a flood of our own to their flood of lies, Blue, mike, plenty of weird shit that day the world flooded as in the days of noe but did you know? It wasn't that he didn't care or it was a lie perhaps the obvious answer was you never existed doomed to repeat over just a sim in the Sim, tuff rocks but then again if it was the fulfillment of the threatening and the devil destroyed so 2 the earth, 1g,
Now after 2012 I sold them the cure and their woes went into me, scitz, their lives spared from illness and disease, true I had a metal in my chest like most who fd up and had to rebuild but that was the blackhole of secrets, I suffered the same as a common sinner who was released in the complexity of the godhood of innocents because I sold the cure, preach it and you to as the prophets before you will be stoned then again be of good cheer I have overcome the world all a scitz.
And so because of the powers principalities and rulers of darkness became stuck in time the world just continued as it was because I took the pill in p.a., I turned the realm of America barbelo into a regular earth, thus only the dead in christ rose 1st, then us who remain shall be caught up in the sky to forever be with birds 😂 but true, when you enter heaven you shall know me as I am, one with my father.
Now again after 2012 the world is not as it seems, in the real world everyone is talking about Ridgewood secret its global, I live now in the wasteland of barbelo the same as a regular earth before the disclosure which nobody in my reality knows about because of the pill, it's supposed to be the holiest of languages being spoken, I can show you what the true reality of earth is as the oldman lives in the normal world I just need to make love and have a child then the scitz is cured, in the real world everyone is open about what happened and how the truth is the old man just knows the laws and keeps quiet, if the woman and the child come then we're all in the living america and not the holy spirit wasteland. Or upon my r.i.p of course and that's a whole can of worms.
2018 happened and now you understand the sky, the gates of hell shall not prevail against Peter's body, a sort of courts of heaven for all to check before being checked, to him is givin the keys to the kingdom of heaven, you may see the truth of America barbelo but their is law and order, and of course plenty of stuff godly happens miracles and all,
2012 happened again and within a short amount of time the what was secrecy and debt became a soft disclosure but totally available to any1 who wants in, bottom line nothing is real in my world its the same as television, the light of what happened and the truth of who we are belongs up in heaven and their it is perfectly kept, what you seek is not as it seems the end of the dark hole is not a tunnel of light but of fire that is why everything is neat and maintained, when it's time for the true believers the left behind to enter the sky with birds the lord will do it 12* and a glowing body to boot for the darkness to poop. Keep in mind the reason my old man is silent in America the earth as they party is partly due because his faith has dissolved into my physical body, I must move 4 being of true African descent, also partly due because it is a show and my friends must maintain illusions. Honor the president. But I've cured the scitz greatly so all burdens overall are not as fearsome as once was, things are shades and multitudes brighter, like my faith being one with my voice if I p.r.each.
Again 2012 pill secrets 2 world's 1 where ratzinger resigned in 2012 1 where he did in 2013, 2018 we can all talk* and I don't mind you sold* my cure for the illness meant to purify sober you, that's the least I could do as jesus tetelastai. Your not in my America even barbelo, call me Andrew but you are the w plain as day, the truth you seek cannot be summoned you must live then enter till 12* the riz. It's just a show a reality show fake cameras.
In the end I am the christ the staff called bands Zechariah 11, dipped. Perfect in my eternal day.
Flesh of my flesh be careful with jesus
Be passerbys
Tell me your scitz someone walks by or you interact with whoever and truth be told it ain't relatable, isn't that evidence exchange the real world ain't real, different realities bird nation,scitz scitz scitz
... .............
a nice sweet high is believing I control michael in the blue and their minds, such was the 1st born of the dead flood and what I did in 2012, along with Gabriel 12 ariel 12 and Raphael 20 savages and the overwhelming power of 2012 prt 2, thus I am blue and they disrespect it, thus the h.i.v started by a monkey not knowing the angels exist. Respect da blue biddies.
Even phanuel prezzy celeb elec
Michael the owner of the high school, Gabriel the worldstars, Raphael medical community, ariel christain stars, phanuel celebs prezzy.
Holy spirit mind control.
God dam I use the blood of jesus lightsaber formula to cut the butter, than the suit armour false reality simulation ideology to smooth it out and holy spirit mind control force ideology to add another layer of interface then I use the high pwords and symbols in the h.s. mind control ideology and I must admit a great bake parfumaaaa
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
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It was the second day after Halloween and Minato was at the local Junes, he may have not been able to get candy for himself in time for this spooky season, but he would be getting some now, he was literally the first person at the door when they just opened and is just walking around the whole supermarket with a cart full of various different large boxes of Halloween candy that was on clearance. There was no way he’d miss this chance to stock up, several eyes were staring at him, and for good reason, no one expected to see someone like him pushing a whole shopping cart full of mountains of candy stockpiled up this much.
There was lots to choose from, and he wanted one of everything the store had to offer in terms of Halloween treats and wouldn’t leave any out(He even enjoyed candy corn, but it was usually something he had whenever he was bored and wanted to snack.) With his cart heavily over stocked with candy, he finally paid at the till, needless to say, other shoppers behind him in line had their jaws drop at the total he had paid. The computer’s total read: ¥1,139,510 ($10,000 USD)
He pays the cashier in full and casually begins to push his cart full of goodies towards the door after bidding the person at the till a good day while calmly ignoring the shocked onlookers.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “I guess it’s my own little Halloween tonight. Horror movie marathon and non-stop snacking, all treats and no tricks.” He walks to his car and happily fills his trunk with all the boxes of candy(somehow managing to fit them all in there without issue) 
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Luc Descheemaeker - StephenHawking - blackhole R.I.P. 1942-2018
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/luc-descheemaeker-stephenhawking-blackhole-r-i-p-1942-2018/
Luc Descheemaeker - StephenHawking - blackhole R.I.P. 1942-2018
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Stephen Hawking passed away March 14, 2018.
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This morning something unusual happened. The film industry lost a precious soul. Sushanth Singh Rajput. A finest artist. And here are some facts about him. We'll miss you sir. ❤️ Mental health is important than any other thing in life. It's sometimes ok to be not ok, but nothing is valuable than your own life. Stay safe ! . . . . . . @sushantsinghrajput #sushantsinghrajput #rip #astrophysics #bollywood #actor #astronomy #science #nasa #universe #space #physics #cosmos #cosmology #earth #astrophotography #galaxy #blackhole #spacex #planets #solarsystem #moon #einstein #quantummechanics #telescope #milkyway (at R.I.P) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBarR8Xj93h/?igshid=1855qie1mr0ai
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Imagine: What if,
The Novel, by Sigrid Countess von Galen
To the numerous anonymous victims, who became the loose ends of one woman! R.I.P.
Imagine: What if, a young pregnant woman from Essex, a Templar maid, volunteered gladly to play a Princess’ double for a weekend in Paris, all expenses paid.
But her Freemason recruitment was not to end happy ever after at all, as she ended in the bottom of a lake, whilst a princess did simply a Salem witches’ sabbatical courtesy of Vatican immunity take, and her own death fake!

To one day return as the Queen Mother of a fascist King in the advent of the fourth empire in a new world order - and she blew her own cover, when she was caught in broad daylight in front of a Middleton Street cafe on Kingsland Road in a state most bored and spent some of her blackhole money that she had secretly offshored via Rome and Dover on bribery and silence for property on churchwardens and on psychics in and outside a bench or pew across the Haggerston-Dalston border…
Imagine, all the people, who were slandered and framed and killed as loose ends of an operation of unseen proportion with the truth on almost all levels a distortion! To the young Essex woman with innocent unborn child, who left a grieving and silenced family behind: R.I.P.
As for the woman, who wanted a new start into anonymity: You better stay undercover and never reveal again your face nor your present identity, as you are a walking dead with only your own lies and deceit as your daily bread for what is left of your life!
And you have no longer immunity from Rome or Dover nor impunity and your access to offshore funds to bribe and silence communities all over the world is cut off! After all, you were given last time of resurfacing the latest Range Rover and some cash and even one last identity! You better make it last and reflect in penance and isolation on your past!
You were unrepentant so far, and thus, even your former allies do you now from their vicinity bar and fear condemnation in every nation, which is your fate already.
And your crimes are so grave not just against your own kins, towards whom you did even in many a nave misbehave but also against your victims and their families that your sins are retained, as because of your selfishness too many were slained and stained, and you have at all times from putting wrong right refrained and with your secret societies put up against humanity a most vile fight for a fascist empire of a new world order that you wanted to rule even across the Scottish border! Mother Teresa knew that you only ever went for media attention and obsession with power the extra-mile, and in her little black book she lists your every mercenary, whom you recruited in every RCC and CoE pew, as the Vatican's spying apparatus is also not new !
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buivolic · 7 years
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R.I.P. Stephen Hawking (1942-2018). Известный британский физик Стивен Хокинг умер 14 марта. По информации СМИ, причиной смерти стало осложнение бокового амиотрофического склероза. #RIP #StephenHawking #Stephen #Hawking #sad #scientist #great #died #science #physics #astronomy #BigBangTheory #Thesis #Theory #blackholes #Gravity #BlackHole #mathematics #calculations #illness #deadly #disease #loss #sadness #news mourning (at University of Cambridge)
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iyatoyah · 7 years
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R.I.P. Steven Hawking ☹You will forever be one of my biggest inspirations. #rip #ripstevenhawking #blackholes #blackholeinmyheart #inspiration #timemachine #timetravel #paradox #stevenhawking #loveyouforever #☹ (at El Cosmos)
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ricmdesign · 7 years
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Thank you Stephen Hawking for your knowledge and your sense of humor. I still don’t understand most of what you wrote but before you I never tried reading anything like it. R.I.P. #littlerickyrecommends #richardmishaandesign #physics #blackholes @stephen_hawkingofficial (at OUTER SPACE)
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zeljkapotoku · 7 years
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R.I.P. dear Stephen Hawking, you where and you will continue to inspire many generations, to search and to dare to discover the unimaginable! #inspireyoung ------------------ #rip #stephenhawking #science #generations #inspirationformanygenerations #dream #imagination #universe #space #unimaginable #british #theireticalphysicist #cosmologist #cambridge #gravitationalsibgularitytheorems #generalrelativity #blackhole #hawkingradiation #cosmology #quantummechanics #manyworldsinterpretation 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 #seeyouoneday
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terrierbyteit · 7 years
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R.I.P Professor Stephen Hawking dies at 76: 'A star just went out' - world honours renowned British physicist. . Professor Stephen Hawking dies aged 76Family hail 'great scientist and an extraordinary man'Obituary - brilliant theoretical physicist who achieved cult status. Professor Stephen Hawking, the renowned British physicist and author of A Brief History of Time, has died at the age of 76. . He died peacefully at his home in Cambridge in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Hawking’s most famous scientific insight concerned the arcane physics of black holes. He discovered the phenomenon which has become known as Hawking radiation, where black holes leak energy and fade to nothing. . But his life was dominated, positively as well as negatively, by a crippling and incurable form of motor neurone disease, which left him increasingly helpless. When he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 1963, doctors gave him 14 months to live. In a statement, his children Lucy, Robert and Tim said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. . "He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. "His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humour inspired people across the world. He once said, 'It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.' We will miss him forever." . #TerrierByteIT #stephenhawkins #rip #science #stephenhawking #genius #inspiration #universe #blackhole #scientist #space #stars #ripstephenhawkings #thetheoryofeverything #physics #ripstephenhawkins #restinpeace #legend #physicist #inspirational #knowledge #time #stephenhawkings #mind #astrophysics
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Luc Descheemaeker - StephenHawking - blackhole R.I.P. 1942-2018
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/luc-descheemaeker-stephenhawking-blackhole-r-i-p-1942-2018/
Luc Descheemaeker - StephenHawking - blackhole R.I.P. 1942-2018
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Stephen Hawking passed away March 14, 2018.
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