#blame gen for this one
madeby-meru · 13 days
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justasimpp · 7 months
marie getting punished bcs of kids she barely knows AGAIN i can't rn
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justafriendofxanders · 4 months
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sorry for the meme format that's apparently nearing a DECADE old but i unironically feel a shiver down my spine any time someone mentions buffy being rebooted
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akkivee · 3 months
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living a good kuukou life ngl lmao
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nevert-the-guy · 5 months
In theory, I understand why Gholdengo's shiny is so unchanged. The common answer is to make it silver, but that'd also mean making Gimmighoul's coin silver, then a silver Gholdengo would imply that every Gimmighoul you found throughout the region was shiny, which is statistically nigh impossible (and, thanks to shiny-locking, fully impossible).
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...but couldn't they at least make the chest blue or something?
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mattodore · 1 year
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fishing buddies
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risingsunresistance · 8 months
feels weird to not have much to post, i feel like i basically disappeared off social media compared to how i used to post but. there is simultaneously so much going on (things that are boring/heavy and not fun to post about) and nothing at all going on (i have not been able to play anything very much and havent been watching anything besides random documentaries i stumble across), leading to me having nothing to say lmao
i did finally write down a bunch of hypixel worldbuilding headcanon junk instead of having it only be word-of-mouth between me and ark lol. only 1700 words, i can do better 👍 it was literally only about admin magic, what exactly it means to "hack," what a server is, and limbo kjgfhk. i might make a big post about the limbo section one day :]
#things that arent worth having their own post bc it's boring normal life stuff#I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!! i've only worked one day but i had a lot of fun#and i like my coworkers. im scared of tomorrow tho bc my manager who has been guiding me around isnt gonna be there#so second day in and im already on my own DFGHKJG it'll be fine.........#also I GOT MY DESK ORDERED LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO. SOON I WILL BE BACK ON THE GRIND I WANNA PLAY SKYBLOCK SO BAD#i've only been able to play on weekends or at ark's ;-; pain and suffering i need somewhere to sit#also fun fact. remember how the house was full of mold. well there was ALSO a gas leak for the past couple weeks#my existence is a miracle#im blaming all past behaviors on this. im normal now dont worry 👍👍👍#i think i already mentioned this but my snes power cable is missing and i need a new one Pain And Suffering#on the brighter side of my old games. i found by gbc! AND THE BATTERIES STILL WORK SOMEHOW LMAO#i can finally do a miserable gen 2 shiny hunt yippeeeeee#trying to find my gameboy copy of tetris attack but i dont see it anywhere 😔#uhhhh yeah that's about it i guess. been busy with sorting out work stuff and money problems and Everything Else#currently taking care of health stuff i havent done in years. time for dentist today wahoo#gonna try to get an eye exam soon. it's been like. a decade-#im not sure my vision is still 20/20 im having trouble reading some things digitally#billboards are fine. electronic ones are not those are just smudges#i dont know enough about eyes to know what that could be#chat
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 months
idc yall could never make me hate richard cameron
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★This is for a larger poll! Matchups are chosen at random. Choose your favorite, whoever wins moves on to the next round!★
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rorystr · 1 year
why do u love appledusk so much?/genq
i generally love very morally grey characters so he was very charming to me in his book, also because he really isnt as bad as everyone potrays him to be, he's literally just some dude, some guy. His only crime was cheating which yeah is awful but otherwise he wasn't too like, shocking of a character. A joe schmoe if you will. I love dudes. And it's not like i hate mapleshade either i love her go like You go girl God forbid women do anything. love them both theyre my children ❤️ But yeah thats the only way i can easily explain it hope that makes sense lol
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cursedwithwords · 5 months
HP Next Gen Headcanons: Lysander
Full Name: Lysander Newton Scamander
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: vine and snidget feather
Patronus: irish wolfhound
Boggart: Lily and/or Lorcan's dead bodies (they are the most important people in his life)
Profession: auror
Sexuality: straight
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Bonus: keeps his hair shorter and neater than his brother and wears glasses. The real oddball in his family because he's a more serious, no nonsense person while his parents and brother are generally pretty chill in most situations. Animals do NOT like him, which outsiders see as unbelievable because he's related to THE Newt Scamander (fucking hates when people say that)! Everyone knew he had a crush on Lily, including Lily, accept for him. He was literally the last to know. Extremely protective of Lorcan. Not the best in social situations and has difficulty making friends because he word vomits when he's nervous and comes off as a know-it-all. Is actually a huge softie. He loves learning but he HATES studying outside the classroom (he's got better things to do if you ask him). He also hates taking tests. Loves hugs but will never admit it. Wants to be cool but is not. He grew up around the Weasley and Potter kids so they're the only ones he feels comfortable being entirely himself around without worrying about being judged. Spends a lot of his later school years fretting over how useless he is with Magical Beasts and not knowing what to do with himself after graduation until Lily reminds him that just because he comes from a line of Magizoologists it doesn’t mean he was required to follow their footsteps. He chose to be an Auror because of his aptitude with defensive and offensive spells, and because "someone needs to protect my parents and Lorcan, they're all way too soft hearted for their own good". Doesn't get along well with Rose because she seems to look down on Lorcan (reminiscent of how hermione acted around luna pre friendship).
Wand Wood — vine
"Vine wands are among the less common types, and I have been intrigued to notice that their owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. Vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and I have found them more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match. Reliable sources claim that these wands can emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner, and I have twice observed the phenomenon in my own shop."
This wand had been sitting on the shelf for many, many years before Lysabder came along. It was created before the Olivander's had decided to focus on crafting just with the two cores we currently know best (dragon heartstring and unicorn hair), so it was something special when Lysander stepped through the door. Tucked at the back of a high shelf and hidden by dozens of other boxes, Lysander's wand began shaking in its box before he'd even entered the shop. When he finally stepped through the threshold, boxes burst from the shelf from the wands eagerness, and Olivander was absolutely fascinated when he saw the vine wand shaking in its box. People generally seem to believe they know who Lysander is due to his familiar family name and eccentric parentage, but Lysander is consistently surprising people with his goals and motivations (such as his decision to join the aurors).
Wand Core — snidget feather
"These wand cores are extremely rare due to the Snidget's protected status. Wands with a Snidget Feather core excel in Charms, Potions, Dueling, and the ability to cast spells faster than most other wand cores. The major drawback with this wand core is its inability to perform proper Transfiguration spells. These wands will bond with a witch or wizard who has a glorious and fulfilling future ahead of them."
A wand seemingly made for an auror, this one aids Lysander from the moment he first takes it up. It is much less powerful in someone else's hand, and only shows its full potential with its chosen partner. Lysander is a talented wizard, and consistently shows that. He's a powerful auror, and is always the first to volunteer for field missions if an auror has not yet been assigned to it. Eager to change the things within the ministry that bother him the most and build a world that can be experienced by everyone without prejudice (a tall order, perhaps, but he is ambitious and motivated about his goals).
Patronus — Irish wolfhound
"Irish wolfhounds are reserved, soft-spoken, and patient creatures. Those with this Patronus exhibit a quiet inner strength that helps them remain calm even in the most stressful situations. However, this Patronus is not one you should ever underestimate. While they have deep stability, they are not afraid to fight back and defend themselves if you mess with them or their loved ones."
"The AKC identifies the wolfhound breed as dignified, courageous and calm, with a famous motto of "gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked." Considered one of the largest dog breeds in the world, as puppies they're quite gangly and clumsy, but they grow into what I consider to be one of the most visually intimidating and stunning dogs on earth."
I always consider Lysander to be quite similar to the Wolfhound, in that as a kid he was somewhat clumsy and awkward, but is able to grow into himself and become a powerful and intimidating but outrageously gentle man. The statement of the Wolfhound being alert and courageous but not suspicious or aggressive feels very on the nose to me, because it seems like the ideal way to be as an Auror. Lysander is dignified, calm and very focused. He has the unexpected ability to always make the right choice during missions. He isn't short tempered or "finger on the trigger" so to speak. He would never throw out a curse or spell without thinking first.
Lysander is absolutely an intimidating presence when he's older and an impressive auror, but he's gentle with his loved ones to the point or coddling almost. It would take a lot to upset him, but god help you if you cross that line.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
I mentioned this to Laurelin yesterday, but 24 hours and 88 pages later I'm still feral about it so:
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(The Queen of Attolia chapter 6 // 1 Samuel 21)
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nytfythfhtyf · 2 years
ppl that make those posts about young peoples computer illiteracy i hope you die
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mobiues · 7 months
btw. m0bius was the one who told d-90 to lay off when he was being unnecessarily harsh to those people in roxxxcart even tho, as d90 said, they all were gonna die anyway. ( "they're about to die. they should be scared." "okay. not of us.") and m0bius was also the one who calmed a kid down in the very first ep of season 1 by drawing a virtual stickman and making it move to entertain the child. m0bius was the one who KNELT DOWN and approached C20 carefully when she said she wanted to "go home" after s1lvie's enchantment. he chased to know what happened to her, if she ended up okay. m0bius had to turn away from the monitor when dox pruned those branches. but sure. yeah. "its just another bad day at the office" right.
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got inspired by @fatal-rewrites-warriors ‘s interaction drabbles so I’m stealing their idea and writing some for my own cats!
here’s the first one for the two brown furred sisters Chestnutfur and Ratclaw!
The soft, yet familiar sound of clacking beads was what woke Ratclaw up this time. The warm Golden Moon sun shone through the hole in the roof of the second warriors den, warming the rocks and sand and blinding any warrior who faced it directly.
Ratclaw could hear her sister shuffling about as she continued beading whatever necklace or bracelet she was making. Quietly grumbling, she lightly pawed at her sister’s nest. “Chestnut ‘s nap time…go back to sleep..” Chestnutfur lightly swatted at Ratclaw’s paw before going back to stringing the beads onto the necklace she was making. “Sorry Ratclaw but no napping right now for me. I gotta keep my paws busy.” She said quietly, quite lost in thought. Ratclaw rolled over sleepily to face her sister. “Yeah well I need to keep my paws busy too, but you don’t see me doing it during nap time.” She stated, playfully batting at the necklace Chestnut was making. Chestnutfur hissed and swiped at her paw, but there was no malice behind it, only mild irritation. “Yeah well, I don’t hunt all the time and teach classes like you do. Stop being annoying. I love you, but stop being annoying.” she hissed, not looking at Ratclaw and instead opting to focus on the necklace.
“What are you making?” Ratclaw asked, already knowing the answer. She leaned in close, peeking over her sister’s shoulder to watch her string on the colorful beads and shells onto the woven string. “I’m remaking Ferndawn’s necklace. He broke it recently while out gathering building supplies.” She stated, beginning to tie the ends of the string together. “How’s he been doin’? His sisters? There’s so many damn cats here in Shell Colony that I don’t see them everyday like you.” Ratclaw knew that it was entirely possible that her sister hadn’t seen her kits at all that day, with them being adults with their own jobs in the colony. “They’re all doing good. Kestrelwater has been out exploring, Twigswoop has been out running around and finding me extra supplies, Yarrowspeck has been helping out mom and Dustspot with herbs, and Ferndawn has been helping out Larch with teaching Artichoke about crafting. Wasn’t Artichoke originally training with you for hunting?” Chestnutfur was idly fidgeting with the beads of the necklace, almost as if contemplating if she should add anything else to it for her son. “Yeah well, Artichoke didn’t think that hunting was right for her. It's fine with me as long as she’s happy with whatever she does with her life. But that’s good! With your kits, that is. I'm glad they’re doing alright.” She said, claws digging into her nest at the mention of her former trainee. She really didn’t want to talk about her former trainee right now.
“You should sleep.” Ratclaw stated, attempting to change the conversation topic. “I will eventually, but not right now. I still need something to occupy my paws. Might just steal the feathers tied to your tail to repaint them.” Chestnutfur joked. “Well I don’t know about you, but I’m going back to sleep.” She said, curling up in her nest and resting her paws over her muzzle. “Sleep well sis. Love you.”
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darlingpwease · 9 months
I recently heard the phrase "a gray source with an incomprehensible authorship" and it's literally me and my pies. I found our phrase. I found something that embodies us.
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