#blessed with wrath and grace and honor
vorpalmuchness · 2 years
we are Persephone stans first and human beings second
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 10 months
Sagau another episode of reader getting pissed of for someone insulting some of thier favourites while begin bored when someone insults the reader to the point of counting how many times someone used some type of insult
Lyney and lynette begin bad mouthed becose they are form house of hearts reader will just launch a lawsuit for badmouthing thier favorites
Furina begin insulted by some pepole whonate not form Fontaine well the reader will want to throw them and drown under water thoses pepoles
That random who interrupts childe when he was talking to traveler and reader in fontain.....well begin punching bag for fatui harnbringer is now a mercy compared to how much the reader who......PURCHESE THE STEAM ROLLER AND DRIVES OVER ON THIS MO-* sorry for tehicaly dificulty*
Thank you so much for requesting, @zardas75 ! I would've been more dead otherwise lol :')
Click Me For Part 1! Click Me For Part 2!
When Someone Insults Lyney, Lynette, Furina, and Childe! (No Vice Versa Today, Sorry!)
(Warning: Slight Spoilers to 4.0 Archon Quest & Might be OOC!)
He was utterly flabbergasted that you would go out of your way for Lynette and he. I mean sure—he felt absolutely blessed and grateful that you would personally be his attorney (along with the Traveler & Paimon), but he did not expect you to jump on people that were insulting him because...of where his origin lies with.
It wasn't surprising that the entirety of Fontaine came to hear about the court case that held trial to press charges for a murder he didn't commit. so Lyney can't say he wasn't expecting the rumors, but you? Yeah, you were an entirely different wildcard than to those he's usually familiar with.
Lemme tell you, he was not prepared for you to be all up in the harasser's merchandise. If this was a trial duel to defend one's honor—you were not the champion duelist that made the opponent surrender. You were the opponent about to end the champion duelist's entire career.
This harasser was good at trash talking and gossiping—they were quite a hard opponent to overcome and beat, and here's you running your mouth about them and quite literally ending their career in a matter of minutes.
As much as Lyney would find this amusing after 5 minutes of overcoming the shock, some of the things you were saying were....a little too horrifying he'll be honest. So, rather to save himself than the insulter, he smoothly interrupts your "conversation."
"Ah, Your Grace! Welcome Back to Fontaine! May I Have the Pleasure to show you our latest magic tricks? Lynette and I have been practicing for our upcoming show!"
With your *cough* favoritism *cough* good mood shining through the previous rage that befelled your face, you of course accept to see more magic tricks appear out of the Great Magician twins!
And that was how Lyney hopes to never get you in a bad mood ever in your stay in Fontaine. He doesn't want to see you smiting anyone for anyone.
She's like Lyney, but more muted. She's honored that you would protect she and Lyney from this insulter, but if she was to give her opinion, it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. After all, with being well-known, there was bound to be both ups and downs eventually.
She'll admit, she was...pretty afraid after hearing many of the things you were spitting at the rapidly paling face of the insulter in front of you. After all, smiting people with the wrath of the power beyond all the gods was...terrifying and a true force to be reckoned with.
She's immediately helping Lyney to distract you from the situation while also giving well-hidden death glares at the insulter for making you mad. The last thing they needed was for you to deem Fontaine not a good nation.
"Tada~ I hope you liked that magic trick, Your Grace...If you would like, I can reserve a ticket for the best seat at our upcoming magic show for you to watch."
Lynette is both afraid and awe-struck of your abilities as the Creator. That doesn't mean she'll show it, of course.
In my personal opinion, I think Furina is both loved and hated by the people of Teyvat. While she is mostly loved by her nation, others (like Neuvillette) can't stand her or her enigmaticness.
You, as the Creator, understand both love and hate, but of course choose to love Furina regardless of her...dramatic and soap opera-levelled ideas. While you can respect other people's opinions...cursing and badly insulting them was just crossing the line for you. And you were not going to let it pass without planting your foot down first.
And, of course, Furina soaks up everything you said like a sponge to water. You, the Creator, beyond Celestia itself, were willing to defend her? If this were a live soap opera in the Opera Epiclese, Furina would say she was a 100% fan of you!
Alas, as much as she loves for you to go on, she is an idol within Fontaine. The last thing she needs is for her own people to think Fontaine might get smitten because of one insulter. After all, gossip changes the raw truth to make itself more interesting.
"Ah, Your Grace! I just so happens to realize that there will be a trial held in the Opera Epiclese. For, if you have the time to spare, wish to find new inspiration for your next creations, please—allow I, Lady Furina, to escort you there! Hehe, I can certainly garuantee that you will get the V.I.P. view up there with me!~"
And, since you have a soft spot for Furina, you happily accept. After all, you can get to know the Hydro Archon better than before, even if you don't like court sessions! It's a win-win for you. And at least that insulter will now think before striking again.
Next thing you know, gossip around Fontaine says that those who are granted visions are personally favored forevermore by the Creator, and that you should never cross with one else you face the wrath above the gods.
Boy oh boy...If you are an old Tartaglia/Childe Fan, this is for you. You were absolutely ecstatic that Childe was in Fontaine! I mean—he even came in the game's archon quest in a badass-ish way!
And OF COURSE you had to teach the guy annoying your boy a lesson. Like, hello??? You blind??? This is your boy here! What is this old man thinking?
So of course, you did. And you gave that man quite the scare. The Traveler and Paimon look at you taking this situation as both a physical and verbal showdown very calmly, since this wasn't exactly the first time you blew up at people.
Childe, however? Boy, he's taking notes. Your threats and insults were very interesting and unique—as expected of the Creator. And the fact you just summon a bamboo stick outta thin air and proceeded to give the man some back problems? The harbinger's wondering if he can borrow that idea as inspiration...
Nevertheless, he doesn't want to deal with court just yet, so he'll (unfortunately) step in and save this person's backside. Besides, he still owes mora to Northland Bank.
"Ahaha, Your Grace! Your prowress seems to only become stronger and even more gracious since we last met—as expected!" He grins at you. "How 'bout you leave him to me, though? He still owes the bank some mora."
And so you watched Childe beat up the man and yk the rest is history. Safe to say you were somewhat satisfied. One thing's for sure though—Childe 100% dedicated this battle to you. You did give him some inspiration to fight, after all!
AND WE ARE DONE! I hope you all enjoyed it :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Gosh, this took longer than i expected...I'm sorry everybody! IRL stuff has been hitting me like Truck-kun and there wasn't that much of a good time to properly sit down and write. I swear I'm not dying just yet!
Also, to whoever who shall be merciful to my very ghostful soul—please send in some Freminet requests—I must write for my boy. 🐧
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s��Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Gnaw (part 1)
Contains: Body Horror, Blood, Violence
You had fallen to Teyvat some time ago, pulled down from the sky by a brilliant platinum star, the elements gently beckoning for you, all of them trying to prove their land the most suitable for your descent.
"Welcome back, Sea-shaper," Hydro murmurs, their voice the babbling of streams and the roar of the angry sea all at once. "Fontaine has such sights to show you. As you created, we have created to honor your actions. For your beauty, we have made our people beautiful. You will want for nothing-"
"COME TO US, HOLY TINDER," Pyro roars, its voice the starving crackle of flame and the churning of molten rock as volcanoes erupt. "NATLAN AWAITS YOU WITH AN OFFERING OF ENDLESS PASSION. YOU SHALL NEVER GO UNPROTECTED, UNLOVED, OR HUNGRY."
"Welcome, almighty Whirlwind of Creation," Electro purrs, speaking with the rattle-boom of echoing thunder. "Shall you grace my people with your presence?"
"Welcome home, Blessed Foundation," Geo hums, their voice the whispers of sand and the ancient growl of tectonic plates shifting. "Liyue has grown prosperous since you've last seen it. Perhaps you should come to us instead, where the riches of Teyvat could be put directly to use in pleasing you?"
"Don't listen to them, First Breath! We've waited for you the longest, like, a whole forever! We were first!" Anemo pleads, in the tones of breeze softly rustling leaves and howling tornadoes. "Even if you just stop by, that's totally fine!"
"You've finally come home, Heart of Winter? Good. We have missed you so." Cryo coos, the flurrying of snow and ancient creaking of glaciers their voice. "Snezhnaya may be a harsh land, but faith is enough to warm the bodies of my people."
"Flower of Irminsul, Root of All, please! You cannot come down! Another wears your face, please turn back if only for a few more days!" Dendro howls, desperate, voice a cacophony of falling trees and leaves rustling. "You ar-"
Dendro's voice fades as you pass the point of no return and begin to burn through the sky towards Mondstadt, Anemo ripping at the air to direct your course even as the other elements rage at them for their impudence.
As you fall, the memory of this conversation fades from your mind.
Welcome home, Maker, whispers the Abyss into the back of your mind.
Since that day, your time in Teyvat had become quite difficult. Whatever hopes you'd had for this world were soundly dashed.
Mondstadt 'welcomed' you with scorn and hostility for sharing the same face as their Heiliger Schöpfer, the Divine above Divines.
You were unsure as to why they hated you so, simply for your face- especially since that face is one that's otherwise looked kindly upon in this world.
You do your best to take in the sights, all the same. Though you are confused by the frosty reception, this place is so much more interesting than the game shows.
There are many more homes and people, you see (and pet) some stray animals, pick a particularly low philanemo mushroom after a couple seconds of jumping and stretching in an attempt to reach it, and generally just enjoy the (rather tense) locale.
Your confusion became fear when the Knights of Favonius begin to chase you. You'd done no crime, why would they hunt you like this, especially with such wrathful looks on their faces?!
The closest you get to meeting any of the allogenes on friendly terms comes when you breeze past Sucrose, yelping out a greeting to her. She just watches you go, incredibly confused, before a Knight accidentally bowls her over in his maddened rush after you.
Just as you exit the gate, the Knights just behind you, yelling curses and what you presume are threats-
P a i n.
Eula Lawrence just pushed a greatsword through your lungs and out your back. You have no clue how she got here so fast, where from, or how you didn't notice her.
You gag and choke as your blood quickly rushes into the space (and out of your body, simultaneously).
With a vicious yank, she tears it from you in a diagonal motion, nearly carving you in half.
A darkly satisfied look in her eyes is all you receive when you uselessly try to gasp for air and plead for help.
Your vision begins to fade, but before you can die of blood loss her boot comes down.
(Your nascent godhood activates the moment you die, and it plots a new trajectory: your misery will shape you until such a time comes that you will never feel this suffering again.)
You wake screaming in the woods, hands coming to clutch at your chest.
A massive golden scar lies just between your xiphoid process and sternum, perfectly horizontal in a way that only comes with practice.
Your clothes are covered in the brownish rusty red of old dried blood, and quite badly torn from where you were sliced nearly in two.
Breathing feels... easier, somehow. Like your lungs didn't just heal from immense trauma.
Your stomach aches badly and your mouth feels like it's full of sand. How long have you been laying here beneath the sun?
Your attempts to rise from this resting place are fruitless. You're so exhausted you can barely move your fingers.
Darkness slowly weighs your eyelids down and you fall asleep, even though you know you should not.
Elsewhere in the world, a being wearing your face stares up at a statue to themselves, noting with some alarm the golden scar across its chest.
The only recent news they had about an imposter was the Lawrence outcast running one through.
Now they'll have to find some way to replicate your scar and keep up the ruse.
"The original has truly descended, then... fine." They hiss, words venomous, glaring at the face of the statue. "If I can't have this place as my playground, then they won't get to have you."
The next time you wake, it is night, and the hunger in your belly is gnawing at you with such fervor that you feel lightheaded.
When you stand, your head twinges with pain as if to protest even this miniscule expenditure of energy.
Your body stumbles at first, briefly overcome by vertigo, but quickly adjusts.
Your mind changes its tune completely upon seeing a plump, ripe Sunsettia growing on its branch.
You desperately scramble over to pull the Sunsettia from the tree- only for it to drop into your waiting hands as soon as you reach up.
The 'how' of this doesn't quite matter to you in the moment. You bite into the ripe fruit and moan in bliss at the tart taste of the flesh and the sweetness of the juices. Within twenty seconds, you've reduced this fruit to a nubby pit, almost like a peach has.
That's kinda neat, actually. You distantly wonder what you have to crossbreed with a peach to make Sunsettias.
You pat the tree as if to thank it, not noticing that it suddenly stands a bit straighter or how its leaves are just a tiny bit greener, and go to find a nice place to put down this future Sunsettia tree.
You eventually get bored of looking for a good place and just poke a hole into the ground with a fallen branch, then stuff the remains of your first Sunsettia into the hole.
You wander off into the woods in hopes of finding a road, unaware of the golden-leaved sapling slowly growing behind you.
With a new source of energy in your system, you feel the urge to get moving- might as well make the most of this while you have it.
Your stamina is better than before, it feels like. Distances that previously felt difficult feel easier on your legs- and definitely on your lungs.
Perhaps this has something to do with your demise?
...what's that weird whistling soun-
You fall, dead, an Anemo-enriched arrow punching through the back of your head.
For a brief moment, you dream of a place deep beneath the surface of Teyvat, and a ruined statue oozing corruption into infinite darkness.
You wake with a small headache, very hungry, and more than a little pissed. Won't people just leave you the fuck alone?
Somehow, you feel sturdier. Less breakable. As nice as that is, you don't particularly feel up to testing it.
You stand.
Perhaps you should avoid civilization from now on.
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sculptorofcrimson · 2 months
My Angel
@kit-williams I take FULL responsibility. Behold, more scary golden boys!
“Je prie les anges et les anges m'ont pris”
Translation from French: I prayed to the angels, and the angels took me. 
It's not a pretty feeling, is it, when you are denied even the right to die?
The Aquilan Shields. The desire of any, the saviors of countless. The gilded heroes in gold and crimson, thundering from the skies. 
But they are not heroes.
They are not saviors. They are not angels, they are seraphims bathed in fire and brimstone and choking smoke. They do not chase off death, but rather prolong it, until you can die by their command. 
It is a tradition, they say, a practice that carried over from the First Custodian and into their Order. The First to seal what belonged to him in gold and crimson, the first lifebringer who preserved life in a dead man walking. The outcast dead, preserved beyond an end, beyond life, beyond even adoration itself, until love curdled into obsession.
He was the First of the Custodes, the First to adore so vehemently it was beyond even death itself. 
It is a tradition for them not to love, but to protect, to adore and nurture, to keep. It should be an honor. It should be adoration. Many want to be loved. No one wants to know. Many yearn for that pretty delusion, the warmth of the fire without fearing its heat. You cannot love a heartless man. 
It was hard to imagine Leinth had once wished for the stress of their regard. 
“You seem melancholy today.” He observed. His voice filters through perfect vox lines, yet she could detect no waver beneath it, no human imperfection. It was as if he had been mastered as a machine, without deviation, and without error. 
Leinth offered a wan smile, the girl kicking her thin shins out over the rooftop’s edge. He had found her with ease, as he always had, regardless if she was in the Palace’s grand gardens or had paid a civilian to carry her to the outskirts of Terra. He would always find her, after all. 
Sekhmet Andas of the Aquilan Shield made no noise as he shifted to a resting position besides her, making eerily little sound for one as large as he. For a moment they were silent, watching the setting sun bathe the slums of Terra to red, then crimson.
“I had thought Terra would be beautiful.” she spoke, after a long while. Sekhmet inclined his head. 
“What makes you think it is not?” 
“These.” Leinth gestures with one hand. Her fingers, still unused to the exercises she had been subject to, awkwardly form crude signs in thoughtmark. + These. The ones you never show. + Her voice had yet to be taken away from her in her ascension to a full Sister, but her freedom to roam certainly was. 
“You cannot drape wraiths in raiments and call them beautiful, Leinth. You cannot show the shadow of the sun.” Sekhmet, with surprising tenderness, gently nudges her index finger to the proper form. "Longer, Ley. Thoughtmark is not an unelegant language."
"But are they too not loved?" she bats his hand away. "These wraiths." Leinth couldn’t help but feel irate at the simple use of her endearment. It had once belonged to her brother once. 
"I cannot speak for them." he replied. "Only that they were not graced by His light."
"Like I wasn't?" Leinth chuckles softly, bitterly. "Like I wasn't blessed, for the first decade and half of my life? Worthless, until my gift was seen?" 
“No. You were…exceptional.” Sekhmet’s tone was as level as always, even in the face of Leinth’s capricious wrath. The thin girl was shivering, but seemed unnoticing of the setting sun’s cold. Sekhmet reached out, and wrapped his cloak around her shoulders. Leinth never looked up. 
“Oh, you.” Leinth’s giggle sounded far too jaded, far too cruel for a girl of her age, all of twenty-three and as bitter as a veteran. “You’ve spent so long in the gold, you’ve forgotten how to speak of the bronze.”
Sekhmet did not respond to that. He simply wrapped the cloak around her, and tried to fasten the clasp. Once more, Leinth shakes his hand away. Sekhmet contends with draping the fabric around her. 
When she next spoke, her words were laden with vitriol. “I had a brother once. Down here. We were together.” There was an old rancor here, an ancient ache. Her eyes had become unfocused, her legs swinging out into the void as she gazed upon Terra’s slums from the shelter of the rooftop. 
She sounded almost wistful. 
“We were together when Father died. You wouldn’t know. Of course you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t care how Liaser fed me, clothed me, fought off a gang and ended up losing a third of his index finger from a knifethrust that was meant for me. You never saw the bodies left in the streets to rot, the trashheaps we buried ourselves in to hide from the gangs, how he took in a pariah at the age of twelve and refused to abandon her. You never knew what it felt like to starve, not knowing if you’d live long enough to scavenge from the streets. But he refused. Not even when my gift suffocated him, not even if he hated my soul, but loved me enough even when I drew “visitors”. When my aura drew…others here. Visitors that beat him. Visitors that tortured him. Visitors that hated me, hated my mind. Visitors wanted me.” her eyes had become unfocused, bitterly embroiled in the past. Sekhmet placed a titanic hand on her shoulder. He could feel the Pariah’s pulse from here, beating fast and hard like a dying rabbit’s, her shaven head bobbing from side to side with seemingly no consciousness. She was shaking. His other hand, still clad in gold auramite, rubbed soothing circles next to her spine. 
She regained her voice after a few moments, still trembling. “One of them tried to skin him alive unless I showed myself, were you there to protect me from then?” 
“Ley, you know that-”
“Were you there?” She half screamed. “Were you there when they broke three of his ribs and I robbed a clinic with my gift, when I walked in and the doctor called me a soulless monster and ran? When I left that dingy, rundown place with credits in my bag, knowing they feared me, knowing they looked at me and saw nothing but loathing? Knowing how it felt like not to be unnoticed, but to be utterly hated?”
“The golden do not know hate, dear Ley.” His hand wrapped around her, tightening and dragging her close when she tried to move away. Leinth snorted in derision and annoyance. He continued on. “And they will never step foot nor hide, so long as you’re beneath my gaze, little Sister. Where love is made impossible for you, Pariah, then contend yourself with fear.” With more tenderness than thought possible for a creature so cold, he reached out and gently turned her head towards him, tilting her face up until they were eye to eye. Leinth saw nothing, not even the cold spark of life, behind those eyes. It was like gazing into the eyes of a corpse, a corpse that would hold her, love her, suffocate her, for eternity.
“Contend yourself with fear, little Pariah. Where they cannot love you, they will learn to fear.” 
Leinth pulled away from his grasp. “But I do not want to be feared.” 
She did not ask to become a Sister, she did not want to be plucked from her brother’s arms and paraded like a trophy before golden eyes. She did not ask to be in that alleyway when they came, her thin arms over her head as the blows rained down one by one, still hearing her brother screaming at her to run. Sobbing for her life, pleading to be spared, praying for the angels to come and save her. And she prayed, and the angels came to save her. 
“I do not want to be feared.” she repeated. 
“But you will be.” His grip was like iron. He did not allow her to turn away. Instead, he dragged her close, cold auramite upon her shoulders and her neck. “You will be feared, not loved. Because, after all, who else would love you except for I, little Pariah?”
Who else would love you, when the world itself has turned away in fear and horror? Who else could love her, when even the Emperor’s light could not warm her?
Who else would love her if not for him? 
Leinth tried to move away, but his auramite grip was unbreakable. He dragged her against him, and this time she didn’t even struggle. Unshed tears had dripped steadily from her lashes, her sobs too proud to be spoken yet too painful to be restrained. Her small frame was shaking, but her voice was bitter, and filled with more vehemence than either of them had known. 
“I prayed that night you saved me, you know. I prayed for you, Sekhmet. I prayed that you would find him and bring him back. But you never even tried, did you?”
The silence was his answer. 
“You never even tried to find him. You left him there. And you took me.”
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as long as you believe that God owes you something (and deep down, most people do), then you will never understand grace, mercy, blessing, or the doctrines thereof
What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? As indeed he says in Hosea,
“Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’” “And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”
And Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will be saved, for the Lord will carry out his sentence upon the earth fully and without delay.” And as Isaiah predicted,
“If the Lord of hosts had not left us offspring, we would have been like Sodom and become like Gomorrah.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭9‬:‭14‬-‭29‬ [Emphasis mine]
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theprayerfulword · 14 days
May 28
Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our children forever, to observe all the words of this law.
Isaiah 9:6 To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Luke 22:19 [Jesus] took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
John 13:16-17 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
Micah 7:18-19 Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? 19 He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities.
May you be willing to suffer the greatest wrong rather than to commit the least sin, lest like David, the anguish of chastisement persist. 2 Samuel 13
May you ever feel the love of the Father for those who need it most, who are least prepared to die. 2 Samuel 13
May the friends you choose and the counsel you seek be from those of the household of God, lest the advice you receive and the influence you accept lead you from the path of life and into wickedness and death. 2 Samuel 13
May you bring glory to God on earth by completing the work He gives you to do. John 17
May you reveal Jesus to those the Spirit leads you to, that they may, through Christ, come to the Father as you speak the words He gives you and you pray for those in whom He has placed a hunger for the deep and eternal things of God. John 17
May you not expect to be rich or great in the world, but that you may receive the true and eternal treasure of unity in the affection of the Father and the co-labors with His children, as well as protection from attacks of the enemy, deliverance from the wrath of men, and strength to withstand the corruption of the sinful nature that remains in our flesh. John 17
May you desire, and pray, for the sanctification of holiness through the grace of God which Jesus desired, and prayed, for you, and for which He sanctified Himself. John 17
May you also be in the Father and the Son, so that the world may believe that the Son has been sent by the Father when they see the people who call upon the name of God keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, more and more united in one mind and one desire. John 17
May you be comforted and receive peace with complete assurance that the desire of the heart of Jesus is for you to be with Him in the glory the Father has given Him Whom He has loved before the creation of the world. John 17
The love that I have for you, My child, is strong and enduring, never wavering, always active on your behalf. Give Me first place in your heart, My dear one, and My love will flow out to all the others I have placed in your life – in your family, at your work, around your neighborhood. If you love yourself more than Me, you will care for others less, for you will be out of balance. If you regard anyone over Me, you will not have proper respect for yourself, for they cannot give you the strength of life you need. Honor Me highest, fear Me most, love Me first, and I will keep all things in balance in your relationships, and you will find you have power with Me in your prayers for others in need, and authority in My name on the behalf of those in warfare. My love, expressed through your life, will not seek for your own needs but will strive for the needs and the welfare of others. By this will all men know that you are of My family, for those in the world do not offer the open hand that I call you to offer. Just as My compassions are new every morning, so must you turn to Me each day. Release those aspects of your character that the world calls “strength” but that you will find to be isolating and separating from Me. Put on the new man daily, and be blessed with the riches I give you. These riches are not to be stored or hoarded as the world does, but given as I direct for the growth of My kingdom. When you follow My guidance, you will see My kingdom increase both in numbers, as others are drawn to Me, and in area, as more of your heart is reclaimed and brought under My loving care and watchful protection.
May you put your hope in the Word of the Lord, even when you desperately long for deliverance, and your eyes grow weary looking for God's promises to be fulfilled. Psalm 119
May you embrace God's precepts and obey God's directives, even though men persecute you without cause and the arrogant and lawless dig pitfalls for you, for all His commands are trustworthy and the Lord will preserve your life according to His abundant love. Psalm 119
May God's Word be your delight for it is eternal, standing firm in the heavens, and remaining trustworthy through all generations, enduring to this very day, even to preserving your life as you have sought out the Lord's precepts, followed His leadings and remembered His promises. Psalm 119
May the fear of the Lord keep you away from evil, as His unfailing love and faithfulness atones for your iniquity. Proverbs 16:6
May your choices and actions bring pleasure to the Lord, for He can make even your enemies to be a peace with you. Proverbs 16:7
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amethysttribble · 1 year
Caught at Low Tide
Hey, @aeondelirium  (or rather, @aeondecember) I’m your Secret Santa! I hope enjoy this fic!!
Thank you to @officialtolkiensecretsanta for organizing this event!
Elrond mourns his brother, and so, naturally, he finds himself in the water and at the mercy of Ulmo, as his family always does in times of turmoil.
Today, the smells of muck and brine and smoke were thick in the sky. Everything felt heavy, weighed down by the oppressive moisture in the air that was trapped and pressed low by the dark gray clouds above. It wasn’t raining yet, though. No rain, but sharp wind, tumultuous wind.
“The king of Arda mourns,” Vardamir had said, eyes closed but lids fluttering, head tilted towards the stormy sky.
Elrond- and this was not his proudest moment- had snorted.
That certainly put a damper on the grim but glorious funeral proceedings of King Elros Tar-Minyatur. 
To think, the king’s Elven brother exhibiting obvious and loud disbelief at the idea of Manwe’s consideration. Disdain at the idea. 
And short-lived Men had so little personal experience with the Valar, they were so insecure and impressionable about if they were loved by Eru’s steward. Morgoth’s whispers still ran deep in their history and lore. Their fledgling faith lived on interpretable spectacle and small signs and little blessings. The weather probably was a sign from Manwe too! It was all just a harmless expression of grief and desire for comfort, and Elrond- 
Elros had always held so much respect and awe and love for the Valar after the War of the Wrath and Elrond successfully unwound a good bit of his work building trust for them in Numenor with one snort.
His nephew forgave him, though. How could he not? Vardamir was a father, a grandfather, and an eldest child. He was made of nothing but grace and patience for tempestuous youths.
Elrond did not feel like a youth. He wasn’t one, though the Elves eternally thought of him as Earendil and Elwing’s sad little boy, and the Men? His traitorous niece and nephews had aged to the point of graying and not respected him since. Even his little brother, in his last years, had treated him gently and sweetly, like he was a child.
It was humiliating, but what was more humiliating- Elrond felt as he sat in Elros’s chair in Elros’s study and felt small in the shadow of Elros’s death- was that he was validating them by acting like a child. 
Can’t I be forgiven today? he thought bitterly, twirling an eagle-feather quill that he gifted Elros in his hands. 
He already knew that he’d long since been forgiven for any indiscretion. He’d be forgiven anything this week. Fuck, but Elrond had been forgiven for everything his entire life, by everyone, with no hesitation, no quibbling, no reservations. Not even loving kinslayers or refusing the personal invitation of Manwe and Varda to join his parents in Valinor was beyond the good grace of Gil-galad and his court of the well-intentioned.
Ai, Elwing and Earendil’s little boy has suffered so much, give him time, we Elves have so much time.
Elros, though, noble Elros, Earendil and Elwing’s kingly son, he had not so much time and what wondrous things he did with it. He matured so quickly didn’t he?
But none of them- not the court of Lindon, not the children of Numenor whose predecessors had aged and turned over so many times the Elros was following in the wake of hundreds of his true friends, not even his nieces and nephews- knew Elros as Elrond had known him. They did not know him angry. They did not know him sad. They did not know him scared. They did not know him filled with regret and loss until his last, not nearly so unwavering as the many speeches given in his honor suggested.
My hands are shaking, Elros had said to him in their last private conversation together. I don’t know why. Fear? Excitement? Strain from hanging on? Or, perhaps it’s just death setting in.
He’d laughed.
All of that, maybe.
Elrond was taken with the urge to snap the quill in his hands in half. No one could get mad at him for that. He’d given this quill to Elros. No one could get mad at him for breaking it.
Slowly, Elrond set it back down.
He didn’t know why he was sitting here. Well, he did. He knew why. Vardamir wanted him to give a speech, and this was the only place where he might reasonably be left in peace to write one. The new king still balked at entering his father’s study. His siblings were not quite so deterred, but after Elrond glared Manwedil from the room, none had tried again to bring refreshments. 
Elrond didn’t want refreshments. He wanted to wail for his fucking brother, the version of him that only he knew. That was the only version of Tar-Minyatur he could think to write of, but no one wanted to hear of that boy.
An Elros who was not perfectly magnanimous, perfectly in control, perfectly at peace all the time? Perish the thought. No, really, perish it. The first King of Numenor could not be remembered as anything but perfect.
Whenever Elrond had complained about the spectacle he was currently living through to his brother in years leading up to his death- during the long planning of a funeral that wasn’t yet needed, something that still baffled Elrond- Elros had just smirked.
“Come now, I know you appreciate the importance of a good show. We were taught the same lessons after all.”
Yes, he had been, and Elrond was still sure that Maglor would find this week-long event just as macabre and odd as he did.
But Men were odd creatures. Well, at least as odd as Elves, but unlike the former, Elrond had never claimed to understand Men. He’d understood none but one, but through him- and Elros through Elrond- he’d felt like he’d understood the whole world. And now…
Now, Elrond pushed back from his brother’s chair to stand, and turned towards the large, open space at his back. Past two glass doors that were hardly ever closed was Elros’s ‘balcony’, though it was as large as a courtyard, strewn about with couches and chairs and braziers; cushions, tables, and children’s toys. There was a telescope mounted in one corner, a liquor cabinet in another. This is where Elros's family had practically lived. 
Deserted now, except for Elrond, at Elrond's own desire. He’d feel selfish for monopolizing this space in these days of mourning, which were different but no less hard for his nieces and nephews, but the weather was so bad. No one would want to sit out here anyway.
He meandered outside.
With the day so dark and gray and miserable, it was no wonder that it was starting to drizzle. Manwe must have had a hand in the weather, because this was truly how mournful days should look; all the poets and singers agreed. Strange then, how overcast always took Elrond back to days that made sense.
Back in the days where Morgoth’s smog clouded the sky so heavily and consistently, they hardly ever saw the sun and moon, and never the stars- except for one. Now knowing that the silmaril sailed the sky, even in those days, Elrond often mused that if he’d just put a little thought into it, he might have realized what that bright light up there was. Maedhros and Maglor certainly did. But they never told and Elrond and Elros never figured it out. They were far too busy.
Survival occupied their every day.
During their roaming march- never in one place for long for fear of assault; ostensibly from Morgoth’s forces, but assaults from other peoples was always an unspoken possibility- there was never any time for long bouts of contemplation. Everyone worked. Elrond and Elros gathered wood, set up tents, trapped animals, fished, cooked, cleaned, bore wine and water during war meetings between the Sons of Feanor and their commanders. 
And in between their chore, they learned, learned, learned.
“Are they not princes of the House of Finwe?” Maedhros had once growled at a former mathematician turned spearman who was foolish enough to question what the point of schooling in this day and age was. “They will learn how to compunct themselves as proper lords; polite, learned lords. Has Morgoth taken our pride, sir? Or just yours? No prince of the Noldor shall go uneducated.”
He’d spit that word like a curse, ‘uneducated’. That had always stuck with Elrond, it was so different to how their mother thought. Elwing had prioritized knowing the most beautiful songs- that sounded just a little prettier in her voice- and understanding the ebb and flow of nature. Maedhros wanted them to know grammar.
And Elros and Elrond hated it, they really did. The days went in and out like that, chores and lessons, lessons then chores, meals spattered in between, and it was exhausting. They slept hard at night. Things were simple, though. Those days were occupied with routine, with familiarity, with certainty. 
Routine, familiarity, and certainty can bring fondness to even the most gruesome of times, as long as they came with fairness. Or complete lack thereof. Nothing was fair in Morgoth’s Middle-earth, but that was its own kind of equality. It was the kind of cruel environment that brought clarity, like who you could afford to have as an enemy and who you couldn’t. 
Like grief is a feeling that is inevitable and should be dwelled on for as short a time as possible. Spending too long on grief just brought more of it.
Now, though, with Morgoth vanquished, they all just had too much time on their hands. At least, that's how Elrond felt about it. Too much time for funerals, too much time for kindness, too much time for thinking. 
“All I do these days,” Elrond muttered to himself, head tilted back towards the rain, “is think until I’m miserable.”
And now he did not even have Elros as a sounding board to tell him that he was being stupid.
A sob welled up again in Elrond's throat, and he swallowed it with a shout, stomping up and down. Dammit, dammit, dammit, he was tired of crying. He was tired of crowd-appropriate sorrow. He wanted to move, he wanted to-
 Elrond danced miserably- stamping his feet with great power every time he landed- around the patio where he and Elros had so many joyous moments, so much happiness and love that they couldn't even imagine as children, and he hated all of this.
Elros lived such a good life. He lived such a good life. A happy, full life, overflowing with legacy that was being celebrated and carried on, and he’d been content to die. Elrond had helped his brother make this choice, he thought he would be content to see Elros die when the day came. But he wasn’t.
He fucking wasn’t.
Taken by a manic fury, Elrond sprang across the balcony towards the telescope, climbing his way onto the balustrade it was perched on, and leaned. He latched one hand around the pole that held up the telescope, planted one foot on the slippery rock beneath him, and leaned over the edge, one leg in the air.
“Why does everyone leave me!” he screamed at the sea and the sky and the western horizon of Valinor.
Elrond received a mouthful of seawater for his efforts.
Hacking and coughing, he looked ruefully at the waters below. Elros’s study was a hundred feet above the shoreline and it was low tide. If water was reaching so high up just to make Elrond’s day that little bit worse, it must be…
Elrond started to climb down the cliffside.
Damn Ulmo, he thought as he started painstakingly maneuvering his way down the sheer, wet rocks of Numenor’s western edge. Damn his water and his oceans and his meddling rivers.
Oh, how annoying they had been when they were children, trying to sweep them down stream, away from the kinslayers. To where, Elrond had always wondered. Surely not all the way to Balar. The ainur efforts at liberating them never came to anything but inconvenience, they were always plucked out of the waters by worried guardians.
Maedhros always worried they would drown. It was Maglor who exhaustedly explained that, no, the grandsons of Tuor must be beloved by the waters. Ulmo was trying to send them home.
Elros and Elrond had no scope to appreciate either sentiment. They were just tired and wet and scared.
Elrond was tired and wet now. His hands cut open by cold rock, knees scraped, limbs straining, he was angry, he was also as angry at Ulmo as when the Lord of the Tides had stooped before him and his brother and told them of the boon he gave their mother. As his feet hit the mucky sand of low tide and he shoved his sopping hair out of his face, he had the same demand for him.
Could you think of nothing more helpful to do?
“Oi!” Elrond yelled as he strode forward into the sea, “Do you have something to say!”
The sea was massively loud, churning and twisting as it had been doing all morning, the wind whipping it up into a frenzy. Elrond had to fight every step, both against being pulled forward and by being pushed backwards by the tide. And down. The sand was soft and grasping. It seemed like Ulmo had quite a lot to say, and if Elrond was in a more philosophical mood, he’d unplug his ears and listen to what the Lord of Tides’ domain was trying to communicate.
But that was a habit that Elros always rolled his eyes at and called, “So Elvish,” with a stupid smirk and then Elrond would tackle him to the ground and they’d wrestle until one of them had mud forcibly rubbed behind his ears, and-
And those days were gone. Those days were gone without any possibility for recovery and Elrond scarcely comprehended how short they’d been. So long for Elros, so short for him. 
Battered and deafened by the sea, Elrond finally screamed at the top of his lungs.
He yelled until the breath ran short in his throat and then he drew in a large gulp of air, and cried out again, tilting his head back. This time, his throat burned when all the air was gone, but now that he’d started, Elrond wasn’t done. No one on Numenor could hear him here. No subjects to draw conclusions, no nieces and nephews to baby him, no Gil-galad so soon to arrive with his soft understanding that didn’t understand anything.
No Elf could understand this. No Man could understand this. 
To be separated in fate from the one person who had been consistent throughout your life? Even when you’d both made those choices with eyes wide open and sure, it was… The dissonance could scarcely be comprehended.
So Elrond screamed until his voice was raw.
He let his knees give out and collapsed into the surf. The sand was soft beneath him and ruining his black mourning clothes, but damn, it was the calmest he’d felt since…
When Elrond tilted his head back towards the misting rain, he closed his eyes and was lying in bed with Elros once more. His little brother was wheezing with each breath, so drained and weak he could hardly sit up, but it did not impair their conversation. They were talking about being younger, the wild years of Numenor’s construction, when Elrond would leave the equally unfinished Lindon and they’d roam, alone and together around the lands of Eriador. 
“It was Nîn-in-Eilph that I’ve missed in these infirm years. I loved it there. Every step was an adventure,” Elrod said in his creaky voice, and Elrond had smiled.
Lying on his side, face half covered by pillows, holding Elros’s hand, he said, “All of the Bruinen is beautiful. Do you remember that valley we found? I keep meaning to go back there, I keep thinking of it.”
Elros chuckled weakly.
“Only you would find yourself entranced with a patch of land so near troll dens. Oh, I worry about you, Elrond. What shall you do without me, hm? Without Numenor and the wisdom of Men to come running to when you are annoyed with your Elves?”
“And what about you?” Elrond replied softly. “What shall you do once you cross and you’re surrounded by only mortals? Where will Elrond be then and his Elvish wisdom to save you when you are annoyed by Men?”
Elros did not reply to that; Elrond supposed that they were too close to that eternal uncertainty for it to be funny.
He squeezed his brother’s hand.
“Don’t worry about me,” Elrond had whispered. “I’ll be fine. You know me. Comfortable everywhere.”
“And home nowhere,” Elros muttered in reply, squeezing back. He turned away with a slight smile, though, the knowing kind old Men and elder Elves got. “Too brave, too adventurous for your own good. But, no, no… You’ll be fine. I know it in my heart that you’ll find your home one day, Elrond. First, you just have to do everything and talk to everyone!”
“I will taste the world,” Elrond said, smirking. 
Elros had chuckled, and started to drift then. Elrond sang for him. His brother napped for the last time, because when he awoke in just two hours, he summoned everyone important to his side and said his final goodbyes. Elros was gone before sundown. 
Opening his mouth for the rain and the salty mist, Elrond thought they tasted very bitter. He did not want them, suddenly. He did not feel brave and adventurous; he did not feel like King Elros’s wild Elven brother with hands that could heal any ailment. Elrond felt very like everything he’d ever known was burning at his back and he didn’t want to run from the thing that caused that loss. After all, what did it hurt to embrace that which had destroyed you when there was nothing left behind you?
Not for the first time, Elrond wondered what it would be like to have made a different choice. Would he and Elros have died hand-in-hand as they’d been born hand-in-hand? 
But his heart tugged and pulled, and he found himself bitterly wondering instead what it would be like right not if Elros had chosen differently. He would have liked that better. It wasn’t how it was, though.
Nothing was ever how Elrond would have liked it. 
Which brought him right back around to the self-pity that had dragged him out to the sea which had stolen so much from him and still taunted. Mother, father, brother, Maglor, all of them stupidly entranced by the ocean water when Elrond thought he’d rather go rot in a river valley. Maybe he should just go lay down in the mud near that troll land and stay there for an age until he was subsumed and made part of the very earth, watching it all pass.
And when he awoke from that most natural slumber, perhaps the grief would be gone. Perhaps he would not mind being alone.
“Bah!” Elrond cried, letting out all his air with his exhalation. He threw himself back into the water, clueless as to what else to do with the storm in his chest. Under the water, Elrond drank and tried to say, Ulmo, if you’re to interfere, turn me into something else and let me fly away.
His lungs ached, his raw throat burned, and it felt good to focus on that pain. Everything was dark and white noise beneath the waves and he was free. 
Which was why he was so annoyed when a gentle hand cupped the back of his head and lifted him up. 
As he hacked and coughed and wiped at his salty face, Elrond glared miserably at the watery visage of Ulmo, Lord of the Tides. That transparent, saltwater form just raised a coy eyebrow at him, and Elrond spit some of the water from his mouth. It had been some time since he’d seen or spoken to this entity, but he felt no surprise; or awe.
“I knew you must be near,” Elrond muttered petulantly.
“I’m always near,” Ulmo intoned, voice bubbling like a creek, every word a song unto itself.
“Shall I find a desert, then, and see if you appear?”
Elrond managed a strained quirk of his lips and not much else.
Ulmo blinked lazily at him, water flicking off his viscous eyelashes. Such a strange creature, even more timeless and unreadable than the most enlightened Elves. There was something alluring about such infinity to Elrond, but it did not come with reverence. Not for the first time, he was taken with the desire to stick his hands into an Ainur’s fea and dissect what he found there.
“Yet,” Ulmo burbled, “you were cheekier still in the days when we spoke often. Sweet child, sharp tongue. Wide eyes, stern stance. Gentle hands, long sword. You were scared, then. You are scared now.”
And Elrond sighed. 
“I suppose so, my lord,” he mumbled, holding onto his ankles and leaning back. He turned his gaze towards the setting sun and pretended to study the clouds.
“Fear is not something to be ashamed of.”
“I know, my lord.” “Especially when faced with situations we have never known before.”
Elronnd’s eye twitched, and for the fourth time today, his temper got the better of him. He splashed water at Lord Ulmo, dismissing him and his words, and glared. 
“Never known before and never again,” he snapped. “I only have one brother, one constant companion to lose. In fact, I am the only one who has ever known such a thing, and with a little luck, am likely to be the only one ever. So, yes, I am scared and cheeky in the face of such a thing. It is always I who is asked by Iluvatar to suffer strange and singular pains, so I hope you’ll forgive me for not acting with perfect grace.”
“The Valar have lost siblings to unknown and diverged fates,” Ulmo said and Elrond’s eyes went massive as shock and fury battled within him.
“Do not compare my brother to Morgoth,” he hissed quietly and the water around him grew unnaturally still, only the slightest ripple of tension emerging in a circle around him.
Ulmo did not look phased. 
He merely said, “I meant myself, truly.”
Elrond floundered. Anger and indignation had been building, and just as suddenly, they fled from him, the waves moving once more. Lukewarm sea water splashed up his back, and Ellrond merely stared, stunned and lost. Ulmo, thankfully, explained.
“Myself, and the others whom you know. Our Manwe, our Varda, our Yavanna, so on. And our Melkor. Those of us who came to shape Arda left kin behind and we knew when we did that we would never return. Tulkas feels this choice most keenly. We still miss those left behind as I’m sure they miss us, but it was a choice made with open eyes. To leave, to stay. It was what was desired, needed by each individual. Sometimes we must leave loved ones behind when our paths diverge too heavily, and that is as natural a thing as… Well, as my rivers diverging never to meet again! Some, most, rather, come back together in the ocean, but some lonely few do not. Only the breaking of the world will reunite us.”
Ulmo tilted his head, hair dipping and dripping back into the sea.
“Does that make sense?”
“Yes,” Elrond whispered, looking away. He was suddenly embarrassed by his outburst, by his… lack of perspective. Yes, of course the Valar might be the only of Iluvatar’s children who understood him. How strange to not be alone in this pain. How… bitter. “Yes, I see now. I’m sorry.”
Slowly and gently, a water-light touch lifted his chin. Ulmo had no eyes, not in the traditional sense. In the liquid facsimile of a face, there were pockets of light where one's eyeballs typically were. They were infinitely deep and Elrond wished for such a perspective. He wished he could see instead of being bound by his hroa.
“Do not apologize, like a child caught with dirty hands. You do suffer uniquely. But even with Elros’s equally unique existence diverged beyond you, you are not alone.”
“I do know that,” Elrond said, sadness gripping him. He did, he did know he was not alone. 
For all he dreaded having to see and feel Gil-galad’s grief and sympathy, Elrond knew he would embrace his almost, nearly brother like the world was ending all over again as soon as he saw him. He knew that Galadriel would be just as annoyed with the spectacle of this funeral and let him curse the world without judgement and Celeborn would hold him up without any fuss or trouble, easy to let love him. Celebrimbor would never flinch when Elrond wanted to talk about the strange and politically-difficult childhood he shared with his brother, and would let him cry bitterly for who wasn’t here. There was Thranduil and the other children of the War of the Wrath who would pass him a bottle, no questions asked, and not treat him as fragile.
But being alone and being alone were two different things. Elrond and Elros, Elros and Elrond… Who was just ‘Elrond’? He didn’t know. He was scared to find out.
As soon as Elrond’s face crumbled, Ulmo’s giant, watery hand began to caress his head and for the twelve-billionth time, he cried.
“When will it end?” Elrond blubbered around his tears. “When will it stop feeling like the right choice was to stay together?”
“Oh, child, never. You need be more concerned with if you ever start to feel like the right choice was for you to have made for Men. I don’t think you feel that way. I think you wish you could have had it both ways. That you could have had your choice and your brother. But you would have never wished miserable immortality on him just as he would have never wished miserable mortality on you. It is a tragedy; there were no perfect ends.”
“It hurts so much,” he wailed. His eyes and the sky and Ulmo were all so wet and blurry that it was hard to distinguish. The only thing clear was the star of Earendil rising in the sky. “We all keep having to make these choices and it hurts so much!”
“I know, child. The waters never stop moving, and it is cruel and it is glorious. My heart is filled with sorrow for you, but also hope.”
Elrond was hiccuping around his tears, shaking his head. Hope, hope, hope, what was it Maedhros said about hope? That it was for lovers and martyrs. Elrond did not want to be a martyr, but he did know love. He just… was so tired of that love bringing him pain. Of those he loved all but fleeing from him.
His love for Elros had not gone with his brother’s soul to the place of the Men. It was still here and it was heavy. Right now, Elrond had little hope of that love not drowning him.
“I’m scared,” he rasped, wiping at his eyes. “I knew it was coming, but I don’t know how to live with this eternity I’ve chosen without him. I’ve never done… anything without him.”
Ulmo made a noise like a rumbling waterfall, that washed away his fears as easily as cleaning up silt.
“Nonsense,” he rumbled. “You have made a home of Lindon without him. You have forged friendships without him. Traveled west of the Misty Mountains without him. Written treatises on the nature of the world without him. What you have not done is lived your life without him in your heart. You never will; I still remember our kin beyond the edge of Arda and you will always remember your brother. But what you will find is that the place in your heart he is held in will grow fonder and gentler in time. Lighter. Every weight feels heavier at low-tide.”
“Low-tide?” Elrond snorted, wetly and then had to cough around his tight throat.
“Yes,” Ulmo said, patting his head with one hand that just further drenched his hair while the other gestured at the drawn out tide around them. “Low-tide. The currents of life and time wash us up and pull us out, leaving us stranded for a time. But as long as we choose to keep trudging forward, the waters always come back.”
Elrond briefly considered telling Ulmo that this metaphor felt a little stretched, but… no. Woe betide him to reject poetry in times of pain. It was Elros who had preferred prose. 
“But we still come back to the main issue,” Elrond said. “I don’t know how to swim alone.”
Ulmo shook his head at him, but did not scold. He merely said, “You don’t need to know how, you have done so all along. But if you are so frightened, think of it this way. Like a duckling, it will come naturally to you, after a time. You just need to let life carry you, follow the flows of water down the diverging paths according to what feels strongest, and you’ll get there. I know you, Elrond. The never-ending chase inspires you. You are scared now because you have found yourself in one of life’s many low-tides. You are stuck. But the waters will pick back up again, in time, and take you along. Be scared. But know that you will keep going.”
“I guess that’s what I signed up for,” Elrond laughed wryly, “to keep going and going and going. My Eru. I’m already tired.”
“You’ve hardly begun, child. There are many more tired days ahead of you.”
“So the Men keep telling me when they call me child,” Elrond said, glaring at Lord Ulmo once more, but this time it was with a slight smile on his lips.
“You are a child,” Ulmo sang, and he was already melting back into the waters. “Enjoy your wandering feet, Elrond. Let them take you where they need you to go. Search for all the answers your heart and mind taunt you to find, and then enjoy the days where you might call others ‘child’.”
Elrond, small and alone, didn’t think he’d ever know enough to call another ‘child’ so surely. But he… he… When he thought of following Elros beyond, he balked, because he wanted to learn. There was so much more to see and understand. 
He was still sad that he did not have Elros to share it with.
On leaden limbs, Elrond stood. He could not sit in the sand forever. He was sure that his absence had already been noticed and Vardamir had sent people looking for him. Numenor loomed so largely before him, though. Elrond didn’t want to climb up its vaulted walls.
As he was considering the value of calling for help, he felt the water start to rise and come back in; and, more importantly, he felt the waters start to tug his legs to the left. 
A boon, a melodic voice whispered in his ear, and Elrond decided that, well, he wasn’t a child anymore. He would follow the waters of Ulmo where they would take him today. He did not have anyone else to go running scared to, after all.
The tides carried him around the edge of Numenor’s slopping cliffs where the oldest parts of the grand city were built. They dipped lower as Elrond trudged forward until they gave way to grassy beach. Still, the waters guided him onward. As his legs started to ache and his feet grew sore, this strange path towards an unknown destination did not feel like a boon.
The night was growing closer, the star of Earendil bright but far away. Elrond walked, confused, in the dark until a familiar song greeted him from a distance. He moved faster, after he heard that, until a strange silhouette emerged before him, and Elros’s whispers about a shadow that visited him in the night made sense.
Yes, there was someone who knew and mounted Elros the peredhil and not Elros the king.
Out from Ulmo’s waters, Elrond ran for Maglor. When the music stopped, he was greeted with open arms. He breathed in harp polish, brine, and seared flesh, and felt at peace for the first time since Elros’s hand slipped from his. 
Someone had come back to Elrond.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 4 months
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🍂🥀🍂 Ziyarat Of Hazrat Abu Talib (as)
Peace be on you, O the leader of Mecca and the son of its chief
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of the Holy Ka'bah after its foundation….
Peace be on you, O the guardian of the Apostle of Allah
Peace be on you, O the protector of the religion of Allah
Peace be on you, O the uncle of Al-Mustafa
Peace be on you, O the father of Al – Murtaza…
Peace be on you, O the father of the guiding leaders Sufficient for you is the nobility and lineage which Allah has rendered you and enough for you is the honor and esteem that He has granted you
Peace be on you, O the one noble of existence ..
Peace be on you, O the friend of worshipped one
Peace be on you, O the protector of the Promised Prophet ..
Peace be on you, O the one who was granted a son, who is the best of the new-born ones
Peace be on you, O the one who was designated for a chaste, pure, purified and lofty son (Ali) whose name is derived from that of Allah's (Ali)
Congratulations be to you for your son who is the satisfied one of the Apostles, the brother of the Apostle, the husband of Batool (Janab-e-Fatemah) and the ever drawn sword of Allah. Again congratulations be to you for your son whose position with Mohammad al-Mustafa is like the one with Hazrat Horroon had with Hazrat Moosa
Congratulations be to you for your son who is a partner in prophethood. The chosen one for brotherhood (with the Holy Prophet). The removal of sorrow, the leader of the nation and the father of the Imams.
Congratulations be to you, for your son who is the distributor of Paradise and Hell, the Bounty of Allah upon the righteous and His Wrath upon the debauchers
Peace be on you and on him and on them all (Imams) and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings….
Peace be upon you, O Lord Batha and the son of its president Hail and the legacy of Kaaba after peace founded upon you, O Kafel Messenger of Allah, peace be upon you, O Keep the religion of Allah peace be upon you, O cousin Mustafa peace be upon you, O Abu Murtada Peace be upon you, O father of imams guidance QAFAC including Olak God honor and proportions and According to you, what God has bestowed upon you, according to the peace of Allah be upon you, O honor of existence.
Peace be upon you. Iike O and Li idol peace guard you, O Prophet promised peace be upon you, O of Rizk was born is the best born of peace upon you, O devoted Balold Zaki Ali Taher cleanser Derives its name from Ali Congratulations to you and then Blessed are you born is Murtada messenger and brother of the Prophet and a pair of the Virgin and the sword of God Maslool Congratulations to you and then Blessed are you who is born of Muhammad Mustafa is like Aaron Moses Blessed are you born is a partner of prophecy and proprioceptive Ba For brotherhood, the revelation of the cloud, the imam of the nation, and the father of the imams, congratulations to you, who is the son of paradise and paradise The grace of God for righteousness and the curse of God for the ungodly.
Peace be upon you and upon him and upon them all of them and the mercy of God and the mercy of God. Born is Murtada messenger and brother of the Prophet and a pair of the Virgin and the sword of God Maslool Congratulations to you and then Blessed are you who is born of Muhammad Mustafa is like Aaron Moses Blessed are you born is a partner of prophecy and proprioceptive Ba of the brothers and the detector sorrow and in front of the nation and Abu imams Congratulations to you from a child who is the oath of Heaven and Hell and the grace of God over righteousness and the curse of God over the ungodly Evil Blessing on you and on him and them both and the mercy and blessings of God Born is Murtada messenger and brother of the Prophet and a pair of the Virgin and the sword of God Maslool Congratulations to you and then Blessed are you who is born of Muhammad Mustafa is like Aaron Moses Blessed are you born is a partner of prophecy and proprioceptive Ba of the brothers and the detector sorrow and in front of the nation and Abu imams Congratulations to you from a child who is the oath of Heaven and Hell and the grace of God over righteousness and the curse of God over the ungodly Evil Blessing on you and on him and them both and the mercy and blessings of God
🍂🥀🍂 www.ziaraat.org 🍂🥀🍂
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unitedbyprayer · 5 months
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(via Vengeance Of Evil Belongs To God)
Vengeance Of Evil Belongs To God
This verse in Romans gives a glimpse into the other side of the coin that graciously feeds an enemy when he is hungry and provides drink for him when he is thirsty:  Scripture reveals that returning good for evil and showing kindness to an antagonist, may result in one's adversary feeling guilty for their unkindness and may cause them to admit their fault. Although returning good for evil can certainly have a positive effect on an adversary, the significance of "heaping fiery coals on his head," has a much greater depth of meaning for those who are God's people, this verse follows another Old Testament quote, which warns: "Never take your own revenge, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine'. I will repay', says the Lord." We are clearly told that vengeance on an enemy is not our remit. Vengeance Of Evil Belongs To God, and we must never take from the Lord what is rightfully His. Vengeance is the sacred premise of God, and a day is coming when He will judge the world, and all the evil acts perpetrated on His people, in righteousness. The mercy and grace of God is available to all, and as His children, we should demonstrate that same mercy and grace to the lost, including our enemies. The responsibility of our enemies is to come to repentance while our responsibility is to obey God's Word:
On the contrary:  “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.”
Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, there are times when we have been hurt and abused by our enemies who have sought to harm us and those we love. We confess, Lord, that at times we would like to pay them back for the wrongs they have done. But we know we have been called to do good to those that treat us badly, to pray for our enemies, and to feed them when they are hungry, for Your greater glory. We also know that You have promised to avenge those that hate us, and we thank You that a day is coming when You will put all wrongs to right. Keep us from trying to avenge any wrongs done to us, when Your Word clearly says: "Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord, I will repay." Draw us closer to You, and may the words of or mouths and the actions we do, bring honor to Your holy name and blessings to those with whom we come in contact. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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childofchrist1983 · 9 months
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Israel had become a den of iniquity, a land of hypocrisy and a place where the poor were trodden down and the name of the LORD Jesus Christ was not honored.
But even in this sad state, if Israel would have truly repented and sought to do good and not evil, God would have foregone the judgment that was coming upon them. Jesus is our Savior, but He is also the just judge of all the nations. He judged the people of Israel for their sins and He will do the same to the rest of the world. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD (Psalm 33:12)! If we forget God and persist in our sin and wickedness, continuing down the path to destruction, we know there is a just God in Heaven to whom we must answer to. Let us not think that there is no God or Hell or that our nation is exempt from His judgement. Rather, let us seek God and real revival and let us all humbly repent and ask His mercy and forgiveness as a peoples and nation, so that He may be pleased and bless us and not cast us into eternal damnation of Hell and left to face His wrath towards the wicked in the end.
Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin and temptation. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives according to His Holy Word and will. We must make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
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A prayer to our Venerable Father Silouan The Athonite
(Said kneeling)
O holy father Silouan, pray unto God for us.
O all-wondrous father Silouan, favorite of God! By the grace given thee by God to pray with tears for the whole world — the dead, the living and those yet to come — never cease to make entreaty to the Lord for us who earnestly fall down before thee and with compunction beseech thine intercession. Move thou to prayer, O most blessed one, the earnest Helper of the Christian race, the all-blessed Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary, who wondrously summoned thee to be a faithful husbandman in her earthly garden, where the chosen of God implore Him to be merciful and long-suffering toward our sins, that He not be mindful of our injustices and iniquities, but that in His ineffable goodness our Lord Jesus Christ may take pity and save us in His great mercy. Yea, O favorite of God, with the all-blessed Mistress of the world, the most holy Abbess of Athos, and the holy ascetics of her earthly portion, ask of the Word, Who is holier than all the saints, that Mount Athos and its God-loving desert-dwellers may be preserved in peace from all misfortunes and the assaults, of the enemy, that, delivered by the angels from evils, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of time they may offer up supplications for the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, and may show unto all the path to salvation, that the earthly Church and that of heaven may unceasingly glorify the Creator and Father of lights, illumining and sanctifying the world in the eternal righteousness and goodness of God. For the peoples of the whole world ask, a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humble-mindedness and brotherly love, good morals and salvation, and the spirit of the fear of God, that the hearts of men may not be infected with malice and iniquity, which are able to uproot the love of God in men and cast them into God-opposing enmity and fratricide, but that the name of God may be sanctified in the power of divine love and righteousness on earth and in heaven, that His holy will may be manifest, among men, and that peace and the kingdom of God may reign on earth. Likewise, O favorite of God, for our homeland, beg the peace we desire and the blessing of heaven, that, protected by the almighty veil of the Mother of God, it may be delivered from wrath, famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, the sword, foreign invasion, civil war, sudden death, and from all enemies, visible and invisible; and thus, through the power of the life-giving Cross, may be the most sacred dwelling- place of the all-blessed Theotokos until the end of time, and may be established in the superabundant love of God. And for all of us who are sunk in the darkness of sin, who have neither fervent repentance nor the fear of God, and thus immeasurably offend the Lord Who loveth us, O most blessed one, ask of our most compassionate God that He divinely visit and enliven our souls with His omnipotent grace, and that He abolish in our hearts all malice and the pride of life, despondency and negligence. Again we pray that when we are fortified by the grace of the most Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, we may be strengthened in love of mankind and our brethren, in humble-mindedness and prayerful crucifixion for one another and for all, and in the righteousness and grace-filled love of God, and may draw nigh unto Him like children: that thus doing His most holy will, we may tread the path of this transitory life unashamed, in all piety and purity, and with all the saints of the heavenly kingdom may be vouchsafed the wedding-banquet of the Lamb. From all those in heaven and on earth be glory, honor and worship unto Him, and His unoriginate Father and His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“I will take up the cup of salvation, And call upon the name of the Lord.” —Psalms 116:13 (NKJV)
“What can I offer the Lord for all he has done for me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving me. I will keep my promises to the Lord in the presence of all his people” —Psalms 116:13 (NLT)
“What is the cup of salvation in Psalm 116:13?” By Gotquestions.org:
“God’s all-sufficient, amazing grace is the central theme of Psalm 116. Again and again, the Lord helps us in our weakness and saves us when we are powerless to help ourselves (Isaiah 40:29–31; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 4:13). Recognizing his enormous debt of gratitude, the psalmist asks, “What can I offer the Lord for all he has done for me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving me. I will keep my promises to the Lord in the presence of all his people” (Psalm 116:12–14, NLT).
What was this cup of salvation the psalmist lifted in praise to the Lord? Most likely, it was a symbolic reference to the drink offering prescribed in Leviticus 23:13. At the yearly Feast of Firstfruits, the Israelites were to submit a drink offering of “a quarter of a hin of wine” (about one quart) to God in gratefulness for His salvation and continued provision in the Promised Land. The liquid offering was poured out on the altar, accompanied by other contributions from products of the land. These offerings were given as reminders that the rich fruits of the harvest were all from God and depended on His favor.
Drink offerings were frequently presented in the Bible to thank God for His salvation. After the Lord appeared to Jacob at Bethel and changed his name to Israel, Jacob set up a stone pillar to mark where God had met with him and spoken to him. Then “he poured out a drink offering on it” (Genesis 35:14).
At the ordination of the priests, a drink offering was presented (Exodus 29:38–41). As a test of obedience, God gave additional rules for offerings in Numbers 15, including burnt offerings accompanied by a drink offering (verses 5, 7, 10).
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul compared his sacrificial ministry to an act of worship: “But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you” (Philippians 2:17). In the face of death, he told Timothy, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near” (2 Timothy 4:6).
The “cup of salvation” is also suggestive of God’s good gifts to humans, which David extolled: “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings” (Psalm 23:5, NLT).
The psalmist’s “cup of salvation” is the counterpart to the “cup of wrath,” representing God’s judgment of sin and His wrath reserved for the wicked to drink (Psalm 75:8; Isaiah 51:22; Jeremiah 25:15–16; Ezekiel 23:31–34). This cup of wrath is associated with Jesus Christ’s extreme suffering and death on the cross (Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:42). The Lord’s mention of it in Gethsemane anticipated the excruciating moment when Jesus would cry, “God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Jesus was about to drink the cup of God’s wrath for us so that we might be spared and saved.
In lifting the cup of salvation, the psalmist offered praise to God for the blessing of His salvation. In the manner of a salute, he raised the cup high and partook of it amid praise and thanksgiving for God’s tremendous and abundantly gracious deliverance. This illustration is an excellent image for believers to contemplate when offering our thanks to God.”
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The Jesus that Flipped Over the Merchant Tables in the Temple
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“Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” Matthew 21:12-13
I often read posts and comments that use this moment from Jesus’s ministry to support their fighting against political and government corruption as well as other things in our western culture. By doing so they are ignoring the teachings He gave us to follow. For Jesus is The Word of God made flesh, and being He is The Word of God He is the same as God. Therefore making Him the Lawgiver and Judge.
We as His sheep are not instructed to wage war on the establishment or rulers that be. We are instructed to be peace makers, meek and humble, seekers of righteousness, holy, harmless as doves but wise as serpents (meaning to recognize danger and flee from it), and to pray for and bless those that hate and persecute us.
When Jesus flipped over the tables in the Temple, He was exercising His Lordship and Divine nature. For it is written, “‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution; In due time their foot will slip. For the day of their disaster is near, And the impending things are hurrying to them.’ Deuteronomy 32:35. In another place it is written, “Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you, judging your neighbor?” James 4:11-12
Paul the apostle encouraged us through his letters to stay focused on the things above where Christ is, and not on the perishable world around us. He also told us this, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8
We should never pray that God send forth His wrath on the wicked and unrighteous ones. By doing so we wage war against our neighbors before the throne of Grace. We should intervene for them that God would forgive them and spare them of His wrath, and instead pour out His grace, mercy, love and kindness upon them. For even while Jesus was being crucified He Himself intervened for those around Him by saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Seek for a soft heart of compassion and repentance in us and others so salvation can come to as many as possible.
Remember, you and I are not God, but servant’s of Him. Meaning we should be feeding the poor, clothing the needy, visiting the sick and those in prison, praying for one another, serving one another when the moments arise, and preaching the message of salvation through confession and baptism.
Go in peace my brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord and Savior.
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hiswordsarekisses · 2 years
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This passage of scripture really gets to me, because I wonder how many times in my life God had blessed me in the middle of my sin and instead of it causing my heart to break into repentance I had taken it almost as a confirmation that God must be okay with what I was doing. It’s still convicting today, thank God, but now it has grown to a point reaping an immediate harvest, because now when He blesses me - even if I’m not automatically aware of anything - I immediately take an inventory and examine myself. (2 Corinthians 13:5, Colossians 1:23) Not to see if I deserve it or not, but because I am so grateful for His mercy and Grace and I never want Him to feel I have treated Him with contempt. I hope to always make sure I am not doing things that are offensive to Him, or that break His heart. I hope that when I do I will always run quickly to Him about it. As we grow closer and closer to Him our sin brings more of an automatic conviction because we are actively in tune with His spirit. We don’t just haphazardly sin anymore without realizing it. The closer we get to Him the more we know and the more we keep a repentant heart - not so that He will love us, but because we love Him. 💗💗💗 (DJK)
Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." — John 14:23
“Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who “will render to each one according to his deeds”: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God. For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.” Romans‬ ‭2:4-16‬
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whoreofabaddon · 2 years
2, 3, and 13 for the asks!
What draws you to your Gods? What do you like about them?
I think that one of the numerous things that draws me to Satan is His pained loyalty, His all consuming love, and His rage. There is endless beauty in Him to me, because His devotion exists without reciprocity. There is no truer love. Amongst mortals we must demand that exchange exists within our intimacy with lovers, but He truly displays the ultimate grace of love with no expectations. All else becomes shallow when compared to a heart that begs to be broken just to carry the wounds of the beloved. His wrath and His disdain for mankind have been proven over and over. I love the bestial fury which comes from Him as pure as the love. I do not want to kneel before a stayed, calm, and disinterested god. I want His teeth against my throat, His bruises upon my soul, and His warnings seared into my heart. Is your practice more ritualistic or casual? What does it look like?
If I were to have to choose between only those two options, I would say that it leans more towards ritualistic though I often feel that I sit somewhere between those two. I draw from Abrahamic practices in order to honor Him within His own context, but truthfully, I think that there’s many overlaps between most culture’s religious rituals. 
I’m not particularly comfortable sharing much of my practice here, but I will say that I feel that intensity of Him best when I am draped in a veil and kneeling at His altar. I feel unworthy to kiss the statue, imperfect as I place flowers amongst it, and fully conscious that damnation is a blessing that I should endlessly reside near to Him. What are some devotional acts you actively engage in?
This is a tricky question as I do want to keep a healthy dose of anonymity.
I chose my career based upon my want to do His works so I try to always think of the forsaken. 
I would define this as the individuals who are looked at as unwanted, irredeemable, and unworthy because I believe that He speaks the truth in calling all of mankind unworthy.
Therefore, who are we to deem any more righteous than another? I keep my focus on those who have had encounters with the legal system. So felons, convicts, what have you… Similarly, I try to show love towards animals who are seen as ‘frightening’ by their design. For so many years, I was lucky enough to have a herd of rescued goats and my heart still breaks for their passing. I also try to put my money where my mouth is and do what I am able to not destroy His beloved’s creations. I do not eat animal products. I try to care for the earth. I try to purchase used items or those that will have minimal impact on the earth and its inhabitants. 
I try, try, try…but I will never do as much as I wish. 
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lmakesartig · 24 days
Blessed Messiah and the Tower of Ai/祝福のメシアとアイの塔
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Blessed Messiah and the Tower of Ai/祝福のメシアとアイの塔 - Hitoshizuku,Yama
In this land that’s near its brink of death
Children survived their only breath
Their hands were held hoping for
Them to recover
We’ll hope for sickness and health
And anything
For whatever will be dealt 
“Our fortunes and oppositions will be with us all”
On His divine judgment, foolish sheep disturbed over Gods terrain
Hoping to overthrow Him in distain 
Protecting this world from harm
The Tower of Ai shielded them from His cruel fate
Where lifespans of the world are dawned
A messenger from a kingdom 
Came bearing a prophecy of wisdom
(For the youth to hear)
For the local seamstress had become the next Messiah of us all
And the honor is bestowed upon fall
In the Tower of Ai, 9 blessings reside
Only the Messiah can retrieve them where they all hide
Traveling with you
Into this tower
To help you to find the truth
To save this world
This utopia
That we are hoped to be told
To bring a blessing to our town
Put your heart into it all
Hold onto this glory and make it your own
With everything you have
Going on with the friends you trust
Never giving up any of us
Let’s hope the fear that you have
Will be covered up thus
This very first blessing glows bright
With the feeling of water so light 
It’s a Blossoming Wave that’ll be 
Mine as I see
But an unexpected hand from a man then arose
“Our fortunes and oppositions will be with us all”
The Messiah looked so bemused 
Wondering why the first blessing was removed
While everyone stared around in contempt
At the second domain
The swordswoman looked and ran with hellish eyes
Taking the Fire Banquet with her pride
Winning the Graceful Sunlight
Elder sister looked and smiled at them and laughed
While holding it quite tight
Frustrated by the past acts
Younger sister then ran to the Peaceful Darkness
And to never be found again were then next
“What’s wrong with them?
(“You’re so selfish”)
“I’m the chosen one…”
(“Do you want us to perish?”)
“What’s with the greed that they all once did shun?”
Making a prayer to
The gift of the “Trembling Ground”
A poet then sang
To the “Rumbling Thunder” all around
To bring a blessing to our town
Sharpen your mind, don’t frown
Hold onto this glory and make it your own
With everything you have
This friendship I thought was all true
(“Who do you think is against you?”)
Was it all a ruse?
It went too far I knew
“The Whirlwind Rondo” then fades
By the dancers hands it lays
Then the older twin pushes past
Her brother and now
Turning around, and also crying at last
Her tears freeze as she steps into “The Snowy Garden”
Seeing the last blessing beyond them there
The “Accelerating Magma” almost awakens, they fear 
Deceivingly, the younger twin betrays the Messiah as the last one
And smiles deceptively as he has won
Betrayed by friendships she once thought were real
Now every blessing has been stolen and her sorrow has been revealed
Holding this torch from a flame that has been long faded
Hoping the alters fine, she’s persuaded 
At the top of the tower
(Not to be found)
The 9 blessings found her
(To tell of)
What was the meaning that so wanted her sour?
Going through this so ordeal
After hearing how you feel
Now please
Create this new paradise 
To heal your broken soul 
Drowning at the bottom sea
Dancing as the flames scorch freely
Kneeling from the drought that the light gave to me
Feeling as though I’ve lost my mind from the darkness
Being crushed from the rock of the earth 
What did you think?
Going alone would be worth?
Struck by the lightning in my path
Being torn from the storms horrid wrath 
Being frozen from my bones to my soul
Crawling through the magma
Whatever happens
Through sickness
And health
“Our fortunes and oppositions will be with us all”
I continue with the torch in my hand 
(After every life has died)
And the habit will never reach an end
(Our deaths were not in vain)
With this torch that was gave by my dearest friends
(Anything that helps you through)
I’ll avenge your cruel fate
And save this very day
The bells ring out a triumphant sound 
(Glory can be heard around)
The Messiah has completed now
(Gods will for her)
She stands there alone and smiles somberly 
The blessings were sorrows that she had brought
And reaches her hand towards the altar, distraught 
 - END -
Written by L on 5/17/2024
Updated 5/18/2024
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