xamaxenta · 1 year
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titled: make a contract with me you whore
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boccher · 2 years
I like this little hole of mutuals ive dug out on this site. I like that I can share pretty anime pics while being shielded from any male gaze It makes me share things more
im safe from some discord or twter freak replying to my post with an arrangement of words that is So blindedly horny yet more sexless than a boss post, such as "uoohh need to breed mating press thigh thigh tummy"
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puff-puff-potato · 2 years
Bondrewd remind me of Unit 731 Scientists. They are literally a living definition of 'everything is permittable to pursue the truth', which is kinda dilematic because the truth that contained horrific things, is it still worth to be called great things?
Also, the reason why Bondrewd -in my opinion- a great villain character, is that his action is necessary evil in that world. He needs to cross the limit of humanity to find out the truth about the abyss. It is, of course, his own ambition, but the results is needed by the people of that world -at least, at those who living surrounding the abyss. And despite every worst things he had done, he realized that he needs something to keep his remaining humanity -a love to his experiment subjects, which is a pro gamer's move because it also granted him the blessing. Pruschka blindedly love this man as her dad while the dad is actually taking her as his HUMANITY support system.
Dang! Bondrewd surely had turned into a typical asian parent.
Anyway, another reason is because Bondrewd is not relatable -well, unless you were a scientist who done an illegal experiment. I mean, who the fuck relate to the man who sacrifice his kids to the abyss -guys, if you can relate to this man I would like to advise you to call the police or anyone who can help you.
So, that's it! My morning ramble about Bondrewd.
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anamericangirl · 2 years
hi there. please, for the love of God, can you or your followers help me find an unbiased biography of Alfred Kinsey?
I read and watched What Is a Woman? and have wanted to learn more about Kinsey. I also work at a public library, and I think it’s extremely important that accurate, unbiased information about him is available to my local community. So I've been wanting to recommend such a biography for our collection. I feel his is a life few know much, if any, about, and I think that plays right into the hands of those with evil agendas in our society.
I have searched Google, Amazon, and Goodreads. All I can find are bios propping him up as a "genius revolutionary" who had a troubled childhood, with synopses using terms like "moving portrait". 🙄😡 The book Alfred Kinsey: A Life on Amazon has a scathing review of the book that mentions there is a much better, unbiased biography for the man out there. But it doesn't name it, and I haven't been able to find a single one.
It seems the left's play when it comes to Kinsey is largely to keep info about his life quiet, or when he is discussed, to blindedly, thoughtlessly praise him at all costs. Please help me find a good biography about him and what he did.
Unbiased biographies about the other men Matt Walsh brought up when he discussed the history of sexology and the beginnings of transgenderism in America are very welcome. I listened to an audio audiobook of What Is a Woman? and therefore don't have a bibliography to help me out with this. TYIA for any help.
I don't know how much help I can be because I've never read one of his biographies and you've already utilized my go-to search platforms lol but I did take a look around and I've only come across a couple of books that seem like a pretty good biography resource. One is the one you mentioned but the others are
Kinsey: A Biography and Kinsey: Sex The Measure of All Things. The first has only one review I can see and mentions it leans towards discussing the more favorable aspects of his work and the second one has more reviews that makes it sound like it touches on both the positive and negative. However, I haven't read either so I can't exactly vouch for them.
I do think I saw the amazon review you mentioned and I'm not sure how much I would trust that particular person. Considering some of the things Kinsey is known to have done the way the reviewer says the author is a bigot and trying to make him sound like a freak makes me think the reviewer has more of a bias than the author of the book does. The other reviews of the same book mentioned it was a good biography with plenty of information and thorough research.
However, I think you have a great idea and agree that people should have access to unbiased and accurate information and a library is definitely somewhere you should be able to go for such information. That being said, there doesn't seem to be a plethora of biographies out there about Kinsey and a completely unbiased, objective one may not exist. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have books from both angles, then you're not endorsing one view over the other.
Hopefully this was somewhat helpful and perhaps someone else might have a recommendation. Chime in if you can help!
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wide-wide-wasteland · 1 month
Woman simply nodded not because she understood it's because it's the only thing her motor functions would allow at this moment as she stumbled almost blindedly to her room
Hannibal knew the woman would be needing a good sleep after so much booze. She made sure her staff knew about their new resident, including free room service for her. She made sure that the following morning, there'd be a feast waiting for her at breakfast to help regain her strength~
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potpiehead · 8 months
well I drove myself to the train station and I missed the train by 1 minute and to be honest I'm absolutely blindedly tired. idk wtf to do I should absolutely not be missing class
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thriftdyke · 8 months
sometimes when I’m trying to sleep I get a line of poetry in my head and half-blindedly try to type it into my phone which leaves me with typo masterpieces like this
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and sometimes its just ominous and banging one liners that I have no memory of writing like these
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mungo-genny · 10 months
When I think of all the pain and suffering you handed to me in return for the love I had blindedly put upon your palms, I pray your heart has stopped beating long ago. In this way you may have ceased inflicting heartache those who loved you unconditionally with one ultimate hurrah.
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nancyheart11 · 1 year
Oh yeah-
For the writing, this is what I’ve got so far-
Keep getting stuck, but I’ve got a general idea?
Just split wars from the chain anyways.
Normally traveling through the portals never seemed to be a problem, if anything Four seemed to take it the worst, Wild the best. Nothing had ever gone wrong, no split ups, no major problems. A few times they’d been put into monster camps or slightly tricky areas, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome.
Warriors was just getting his stuff fully in order, unfortunately for him directly in front of the portal. Without any warning, Wild, clumsily as ever, hit him while trying to regain balance. Although it seemed he managed to maintain himself, damage had already been done as Warriors himself fell through. Alone, and without warning.
Sometimes mistakes happen, but this wasn’t just sometime. The portals were always nauseating, but never- never was it this bad. Never was it painful.
Something was wrong.
Instantly he was overcome by a nauseating wave of sickness, the world spun as several colors whirled together overlapping and drowning one another out. He was whipped and thrown around, as if his being weight all but nothing. Then all at once a freezing chill swept over him. Slowly freezing the tips of his fingers until it felt numb, unable to move, then again, another change, his body melt- erupting in flames as he tried to scream but nothing left his nonexistent form, it was hot- too hot! It burned, getting worse and worse- and-
Silence for a few minutes until it hit, a sharp agonizing pain- as if being stabbed throughout the chest straight threw the heart. He tried to move, nothing, until suddenly it was all too much. He started gasping, panicking, slowly by surely he was losing himself- he couldn’t breathe. He tried, and tried- and tried! But nothing-
His eyes fluttered open as he finally was able to take a clear breath in, steadying his breath and trying to focus back into reality, he looked up.
Wait… something was wrong, his body was weightless and everything around him moved too fast, he wasn’t on his feet and as he finally looked down- it struck him, and he panicked.
The ground.
He was falling- thousands of feet in the air- too high- too fast
He was falling too fast, down, down
Completely panicking now, unable to connect his thoughts together, he slammed his eyes shut, held onto himself, braced for impact on whatever was going to become of him and-
No pain, no-
Just silence, as just before hitting the ground.
It all faded into…
Light seeped through his closed eyes… Blindedly calling him…
“Wake up”
That’s all I’ve got so far-
And generally the first EVER thing I’ve written fic wise.
But I was inspired-
So I said why not?
- Z
Ashjdgh WARs!!!
Tbf I gave Wars nerve damage for funsies lol.
It looks great so far! Maybe you could switch povs to bridge the gap if you're feeling stuck? That's helped me out a lot with Blush^v^
0 notes
shyrule · 1 year
Your super cool.
And also- just….
Kinda scary-
Your funny!
Your big goof..!!!!
But also spook.
Im sorry.
It’s me.
I’m the problem here.
Light seeped through his closed eyes… Blindedly calling him…
“Wake up”
- Z
...totally didn't miss this earlier by the way
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celinecapulet · 2 years
girlies, i just online thrifted the bell jar by sylvia plath blindedly
0 notes
forsworned · 3 years
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a mutually arranged attachment. (yoriichi tsugikuni x reader)
warnings » none in this chapter
word count » 5.8k
categories » f/m
chapters » one two three five six seven eight nine ten
relationships » modern college student au! yoriichi tsugikuni x f!reader
characters » mitsuri kanroji, shinobu kocho, yoriichi tsugikini (obvi), izanagi tsugikini (oc kinda???), michikatsu tsugikini, tanjiro kamado, uncle keshi (oc), nezuko kamado
author’s note » lmfao hello again, i know its been awhile but i really hope u guys like this. pls let me know ur thoughts on this!
chapters. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
『© do not steal/repost my work w/o permission』
『♡』chapter four: drunk anniversary [part two]
The hallways seemed to stretch endlessly and the further you went down the more darker the decor the paint on the walls got. Imagery of dragons and koi fish began to replace the once forest green lined the walls. You were beginning to think that maybe Yoriichi wasn't who he had claimed to be...
You suddenly felt yourself geting pulled into a room and a line of lights illuminated the large office space. The small glimspe you caught before you heard Yoriichi's breath catch in his throat and your eyes were instantly covered was like something out of a dream. Of course, you couldn't remember every little detail but from what you could recall. The walls and floors were black and sparkly when they reflected in the light and drawings of dragons and koi fish were engraved in gold.
"Is something wrong?" You breathed after a moment of silence. You could only hear the sound of his heart beating fast against his chest and his breathing slightly ragged.
"U-um, let's just get out of here first."
"And I should just blindedly trust you, why?"
His eyes widened for a moment and you heard him chuckle under his breath.
"You don't trust me?" There was a hint of a smile in his voice, but it was the mischevious tone that made your heart race. His breath was warm against your cheek and you suddenly felt like this could go many ways.
"Not particularly." And it was the truth. You weren't some idiot that was going to just blindly follow someone (contrary to your previous statement from the previous chapter LOL).
He laughed again and his breath was tickling at your ear. "Well, I'm glad you can think for yourself when it comes down to it."
"What are you keeping from me?" You were quick to ask and right now Yoriichi didn't have time to exactly humor you. He had to think fast.
"Will you follow me out of here if I tell you?"
"How will I know if you're telling the truth?"
His smile widening at your persistence. "Well, I guess you'll just have to trust me."
You scoffed at him. Either he thought you were an idiot or he knew you weren't going to take the bait so he was trying to sway you out of said space by drunkening up your thoughts with his sultry voice.
You let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever. Let's go."
Yoriichi was surprised to hear you no longer protest but he took it as an opportunity to rush you to the kitchen.
"I'll explain." He said before you felt your feet beginning to move as if almost on their own as you listened to his heart beat slowly starting to go back to normal as yours began to escalate.
I mean for crying out loud his hand was covering your eyes and your back was flush against his chest leading you to God knows where. At this point you literally had no choice, but to trust him.
"Almost there."
You bit back another scoff. He was unbelievable. You could definitely bet your most expensive set of earrings that this man was concocting an explanation in his head. You were suddenly stopped and his hand uncovered your eyes and you were met with bright florescent light flooding your poor eyes.
"Here!" He stood in front you grinning but you could only frown at him. But before you could utter a word, your stomach growled impatiently.
"Hungry?" He asked as he began to put some side dishes together and you breathed hard through your nostrils. You took a seat at the island as he was setting up your shared meal.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Yoriichi set down a mound of steamed rice in front of you and some yakitori that was making your mouth water. Without saying a word you began to eat your fill completely ignoring his nagging stare. If anything he thought it was quite cute how you were trying to mind him no business as you stuffed your face.
"Cute." He murmured to himself as he took a bite of his own dish.
You choked on your chicken and you he had to bite back a chuckle as he handed you a glass of aloe vera juice. You shot him a dirty look as you sipped at it before you calmed down.
"So when are you going to tell me about your twin?"
Silence filled the air and the more time that passed by the more you began to think that honestly, it wasn't even any of your business. Yoriichi had every right to his own privacy and you trying to insert yourself into his life wasn't exactly the best decision.
He took a long sip of his own drink before setting it down. "Well--"
"You don't have to." You interrupted.
You really didn't want to, but it didn't feel right to just try and be apart of his life especially when his guard had been up. He had only recently met you after all. He didn't owe you any explanations or favors.
"I'm sorry for trying to push myself into your life. It's not..." You looked down feeling embarrassed. You felt his warm hand cover yours and you glanced up to see him only staring at your hands touching. You felt clammy under his gaze even if he wasn't looking into your eyes, but him analyzing the surface of your hands and fingering the skin that covered your knuckles was enough to send shivers up your spine.
"It's not what?"
You gulped dryly at his question. "It's not my business."
A small smile curled at the ends of his lips as he softly snorted. "Yeah, maybe." He peered up at you and you felt like your pupils were blown up at this point. He leaned back and let go of your hand and you felt a little sad at the absence of his warmth.
"Your brother."
"Mm." He nodded. "He is...troublesome."
You recalled the tattoos that were lining his chest and the jewelry that was lined his collarbones and you felt yourself touching at your clavicle. Yoriichi's throat cleared gaining your attention.
"Like I was saying, he is troublesome and dangerous." He emphasized giving you a knowing look. Another reason why he didn't want anyone knowing that he had a twin brother. Not that he felt threatened by him but he really knew how to fuck up his life upside down.
"For reasons that are better off if you didn't know." He sipped at his drink looking away with his fist slightly clenched at the mentioning of his brother. You made a mental note to not ask too many questions about Michikatsu.
You felt a little betrayed by what little information that he gave you, but you needed to remind yourself that it wasn't your place to ask him anything more than what you already did.
"Okay...so what about the office space with the dragons and koi fish?"
Yoriichi bit his tongue as he chewed on his rice. "Dammit, you saw that?"
You felt a bit guilty for looking but what the hell else were you suppose to do? It's not like he blindfolded you.
"Should I not have?"
He sighed again. "No, but it's my fault anyway."
The doors flung open and Uncle Keshi stepped in with a charismatic attitude that was beyond your comprehension.
"Hey, kids. What's happenin'? You like the food [name]?" He smiled brightly at you. You returned his and nodded with a mouthful of food.
"Uncle Keshi--" Yoriichi began but Uncle Keshi simply put a finger in front of his nephew's face.
"No need to apologize." He plopped into the seat that was between the both of you and picked at the cucumber salad and inserted one into his mouth.
"So, how do you like the party so far?" Uncle Keshi mused. You and Yoriichi share a look that sent his uncle into a fit of laughter.
"It's, uh...eventful?" You looked at Uncle Keshi with a confused look as you picked at your food
"Are you asking or telling?" He shoved another cucumber into his mouth and patted the side of your arm. "Hey, relax. I know Yoriichi and Michikatsu's dad is like crazy scary lookin' but he ain't that bad."
As soon as you let your shoulder drop, Yoriichi's began to tense up again at the mentioning of his dad and Michikatsu.
"Why are they here?" Yoriichi's maroon gaze was burning into his uncle's but he paid no mind to the boy. His nephew's eyes were burning with such an intensity that you could even feel the tension in the room rise. It was like fire and ice.
"Because, we made--" "Yes, I heard 'you made up', but--"
"But, nothing. End of story. There's no need to rehash the past." Uncle Keshi shrugged as took his nephew's half eaten yakitori stick and began to nibble at it. Well, more like eat the last three semi large pieces of chicken in a single bite but who's counting.
"Uncle Keshi, he--they--" Yoriichi's fists were tightening. His voice was quiet but his anger was loud, deafening even. He didn't want you to see how enraged he could really become. He didn't want the skeletons in his closet to crawl out or the demons inside his brain to ooze out from him. He just felt an overwhelming urge to protect you. Protect you from everything that he had been trying so hard to hold himself off from.
Yoriichi's uncle simply put a hand on his shoulder as he looked at him. "Water under the bridge, neph."
Yoriichi looked up from his balled fists to his uncle who was trying to keep his mirth from bursting out, but he failed when Yoriichi cracked a smile and began to laugh.
"Neph? God, you're so weird, Uncle." Yoriichi said in between laughter. You felt like you were missing out in the little moment they were having and the more you watched them, the more you felt like an outsider. Because you were. You had no place being here.
As you were about to get up to excuse yourself, Uncle Keshi turned to you with his welcoming smile. "You two should join the party when you're ready. We're about to cut the cake and let me tell you, it is magnificent."
You chewed on your lip for a second looking at both parties. Yoriichi looked more relaxed now and Uncle Keshi's smile never left his face.
You smiled. "Cake sounds pretty good."
"Atta girl!" Uncle Keshi cheered getting up out of his seat and waved as he made his way out of the door. "See you both in a bit!"
"Funny, I never agreed." Yoriichi muttered as he played with his food.
"Well, you didn't exactly say no." You retorted. He looked up at you incredulously.
"I don't exactly remember you being this snarky." He shot back. His mischevious smile was back and you were absolutely loving it.
"Well," You shoved one more big chunk of rice into your mouth before hopping out of your seat much like his uncle earlier. "I don't know about you, but I'm definitely in the mood for some cake."
He cocked an eyebrow at you. "You don't feel full?"
"Not really." You put a hand to your stomach. "Should I?"
He shook his head as he chuckled and put his chopsticks down. "I'm only asking. I don't want you to feel pressured by my ridiculous uncle."
"Nah, I actually really wanted to get back to Nezuko and Tanjiro. They're probably wondering what happened to me."
He got up to put the dishes away. "You think they're worried about you?"
"Excuse me?" You laughed as you folded your arms and walked behind him. He laughed melodiously as you urged him to explain himself.
"I'm kidding." He peered at you with glistening eyes that made your heart skip a beat.
Why did he have to be so damn pretty?
You couldn't help but stare at his moistened lips and for a moment his gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips. The space between the both of you was slowly closing--
"Hey, I thought you guys wanted cake!" Uncle Keshi's voice called out making you jump, but Yoriichi doesn't give a hint of him even being slightly alarmed. If anything he just looked annoyed.
"Right...the cake. We should..." He pointed his thumb to the main area.
"Get over there. Yeah." You nervously laughed as you began to walk towards the doors. He held it open for you as you passed through and all you could think of was how close he was to possibly kissing you. Like he was actually going for it?! You thoughts raced as you watched as everyone gathered around the large four tiered cake.
How extra.
"Very." Yoriichi said beside you. You looked at him for a moment wondering if he had the ability to read your thoughts. He gave you a side glance before giving you a smug look. "It wasn't very hard to tell what you were thinking."
You gulped and averted your attention back to the cake that was slowly getting lit and the siblings you had met earlier had come around to greet you again.
"Hey, [name]! We were wondering where you disappeared of to." Tanjiro smiled at you and Nezuko nodded in agreement.
"Huh," You folded your arms to look at Yoriichi but he avoided your gaze. "well, I was distracted for a bit."
"Distracted? By what?" Nezuko asked. The innocent glimmer in her eyes was too cute for words. Tanjiro's face immediately pinkened at her question.
"D-don't question adults about their private lives, Nezuko!" Tanjiro interjected as he looked at his sister in embarrassment. "P-please don't mind her. She really doesn't know any better."
Tanjiro suddenly made Nezuko and himself bow down to the both of you multiple times until Yoriichi and you were agitated telling them to stop.
"It's really not a big deal." Yoriichi began as he scratched the back of his head nervously.
"Yeah, I mean it's not what you think." You scrambled, waving your hands around.
"It's not?" Yoriichi questioned looking at you. Your eyes widened for a moment and Tanjiro looked between the both of you. Little did you know, Tanjiro had a keen smell for all different types of things. In fact, it was so strong that people used to nickname him "inu". He could definitely get a good whiff of the brewing romance between you two, but that was something Tanjiro would be keeping to himself...for now.
"Yoriichi." A deep voice shook your core. The room became silent the moment he spoke and you wondered why you were here for the millionth time. Dare you even look up from your position?
"Father." Yoriichi deadpanned. He merely shoved his hands in his pants pockets as he looked up at his father. You peeked over at his father who was now staring at you, but a nervous tick came over you causing you to look down once more.
"Who's this?"
Yoriichi had to hold himself back from telling him off but instead he simply answered, "[name]."
You could feel his father's curious glare on you. "Is that what you go by?"
You cleared your throat. "Yes, I go by just that."
He smiled at you and there was that charm again making your heart thump against your chest. What the hell is it with this family?
"It's nice to meet you, [name]." He held out his hand for you and you looked to Yoriichi as if to ask for permission.
His father laughed at you. "What has Yoriichi told you that already has you doubting me?"
"U-um, nothing at all actually." You fiddled with your hands before his father held them still in his hands. Yoriichi's eyes widened at the sight and he was sure everyone else's had too, but the rage that was building and threatened to come out was practically pouding at the cage it was in ready to be released.
"You can call me, Izanagi." He firmly grasped his hand in yours as he shook them and then let them fall to your side. You couldn't even look at him. Merely just bowing your head in respect as you inched closer to Yoriichi's side and he welcomed it. His arm enveloped your waist immediately claiming you.
"We can talk later." He bowed at you before retreating back to the party and it was as if he was gliding away with how graceful and poise he was. The voices of the party goers began to start again as they returned their attention back to the cake being lit. Most of it already melted at the length of the conversation. You hadn't even realized you were holding your breath until Yoriichi pulled you out of your stupor.
"Hey, are you okay?" His hand was now cupping your face and the expression on his visage was coupled with worry and concern.
"I-I'm fine." You slowly remove his hand from your cheek. The sound of drunken singing from the adults began as they circled around the cake. It made everyone under the age of thirty roll their eyes to the back of their heads.
"We'll get cake later." He smiled warmly at you as he took your hand and led you to the opposite end of the cafe. A dainty figure is sitting at the table that you and Yoriichi had shared your first coffee with. She was dressed in a matching yukata of Izanagi's, but hers somehow looked even more elegant with embroidered sakura blossoms lining the sleeves and hem. It graced her whole body. If she had any tattoos the fabric was covering it.
She sipped at an expresso as she stared out the window in deep thought. Her hair was tightly wrapped in a neat bun with a beautiful sakura hairpin lined in gold at the top of it. Her sleek dark brown eyes met yours and she smiled at you. This time the smile reminded you of Yoriichi. Warm and pleasant. It was a different kind of welcoming. You felt no sense of danger, just tranquility in her gaze.
"Okasan." Yoriichi breathed as he bent down to greet his mother with a bear hug. Yup, definitely a mama's boy.
"Yoriichi, it's so nice to see you finally have a girlfriend." Her smile was teasing. Yoriichi immediately puffed up in agitation at her words.
"She's not my--"
"We're just friends." You interjected smiling at her. She held both of her hands out to gesture you to come closer.
"Okay, let's go with that for now. Let me look at you, dear."
You stepped forward and she brought you closer, gently holding your arms and the familiarity of her tenderness was making you feel secure.
"You're quite beautiful, [name]." She cooed as she took your face in her hands. Her hands emulating a real mother's touch.
"Guess everyone knows my name now, huh." You giggled.
"Yes, you've made quite a name out of yourself. In a good way, of course." She beamed at you and you averted your eyes feeling bashful at her words.
"I certainly hope so."
"Okasan, don't you think that's enough?" Yoriichi's voice coming in between you two.
"Can I not inspect a future suitor?" She inquired. Yoriichi and your mouths both went aslack at her blunt words.
Future suitor?!
"She's just kidding." Yoriichi stepped in immediately countering her bold claim. "Tell her you're kidding."
Yoriichi's mom rolled her eyes and giggled. "Yes, I'm only kidding, dear. Loosen up."
Your tense body relaxed as she fought off giggles much to Yoriichi's visible dismay. "Right, well it's getting late..."
"Oh, nonsense. Please have some cake and sit with me. I think we'll get along just marvelously." She urged you to sit down. "Yoriichi bring us some cake."
"Yes, Okasan." He sighed in annoyance as he disappeared into the crowd to his mother's bidding.
You laughed at him as you watched him fight for plates and utensils, but Yoriichi's mother collected your attention. "So, I think you've probably figured out that I'm nothing like Yoriichi and Michikatsu's father."
"Yes, that I can gather at the very least." You said rather bluntly. You covered your mouth immediately shocked at your brashness which only caused Yoriichi's mother to laugh.
"I'm not offended at all. Izanagi is..." Her thoughts seem to go somewhere far away.
"Here you go." Yoriichi handed you both pieces of cake and just like Uncle Keshi had mentioned before, it looked "magnificent."
"Thank you, dear." Yoriichi's mother smiled at him. Her eyes were back to the present now and you took the hint to change the subject.
"Thanks, this looks really good." You hummed at you took a bite immediately as Yoriichi slid into his seat. He looked at you pleased with his work and his mother was too keen for her own good observing the situation play out.
"You've out done yourself this time, Yoriichi." His mother mused taking a bite.
Your eyes widened at her words. "You made this?"
He gives his mother a look before nodding. His expression was vexed yet bashful. No one really knew that he had made the cakes for their anniversaries for the past six years. He simply would say he called the local bakery and ordered a cake and no one seemed suspicious so he went with it, until well, now no thanks to his mother.
"Do you like it?"
You nodded your head with a pleased expression. "Yeah, it's like, probably the best cake I've ever had. I had no idea you baked, too."
He gave his mother another look as she feigned innocence. "Yeah, not a lot of people know that."
"Well, now that you're here. Tell me about yourself, [name]. I've been dying to know about the girl that's been spending a remarkable amount of time with my son." His mother leans her chin against her palm. The guilt-less smile that was on her face was entirely smug and nosy to Yoriichi. He knew his mother better than anyone, but maybe this time he would let it slide.
"Well," You began looking to Yoriichi first before speaking about how you guys were partners in a new project for your Western Civilization class and then that somehow turned into Yoriichi's mother showing you baby pictures of the twins. Yoriichi didn't seem to mind as he watched you two get along with one another. The night had quickly passed with drunken adults singing at the tops of their lungs and their offspring slowly sneaking off to avoid taking care of them. None of you had realized how much time had passed by until you checked your phone for notifications and the time had read 1:02AM.
"Oh, shit." You whispered.
"What's wrong?" Yoriichi asked looking at you and then at his own phone. "Oh, wow. It's really late."
Yoriichi's mother shot an eyebrow at the both of you. "Late? The night's still young and you guys are full of life. Why not enjoy for a couple of more hours."
"Okasan." Yoriichi's voice was warning towards his mother not to overstep.
"Well, it's really up to [name]."
They both turned to look at you awaiting your response and you felt immensely pressured, but by the way your eyes were beginning to droop had already gave the answer away.
Yoriichi and his mother laughed at you. "Yeah, you're like, about to pass out."
"I can stay up for a little longer." You slurred, trying to keep up with the conversation. You hadn't even had a sip of alcohol but you were already feeling drunken from the night.
"You definitely can't." He laughed, getting up and helping you stand.
"I'm okay." You brushed him off but as soon as you did, you felt yourself collapse into his arms. You were too tired to even feel embarrassed at his point so you allowed yourself to let him capture you and envelope you in his warm embrace. Yoriichi felt the corner of his lips curl up as he held you up straighter.
"It doesn't look like it."
Your head lolled against his sturdy shoulder. "You can just call me a cab."
"Don't you live like two blocks down?" He asked, peering down at your limp body. You only grunted in response which made him chuckle under his breath. He could feel his mother eyes watching the both of them but at this point all his focus was on you and you only.
"Mhmmm." Was all you could manage as Yoriichi was walking you out. The thought of you not acknowledging his mother on your way out hit you and you perked up as you turned around to apologize.
"That is so rude of me!" You bowed down immediately as you watched her grin at you not even the least bit offended. "It was so nice to meet you Mrs. Tsugikini! Thank you for your hospitality!"
She waved you off as she patted her face with her napkin. "No need, dear. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see more of you."
"I'll be back, okasan." Yoriichi bowed to his mother before helping you out the door. You said goodbye to the rest of his relatives as you headed out. Your eye had caught Michikatsu's and you stared at each other for a moment. He gave you a small smug look as you passed and it made your heart thud loudly against your chest. His eyes flickered to Yoriichi's and the look on face never left him and you felt yourself being tugged away and then it was finally quiet. You no longer needed the support of Yoriichi because you were hyperaware of everything that was happening. Yoriichi Tsugikini was really walking you home like it was a date!
You bit back a smile as you both listened to the clacking of your heeled boots hitting the concrete. "Thanks for inviting me. I had a lot of fun."
He cracked a smile as he looked from the ground to you. "Minus the family drama I'm assuming?"
"What are you talking about that was the best part." You both laughed and then it went quiet again. You stopped in front of your building and pointed with your thumb to the residence.
"Well, this is me. Thanks, again."
He took a deep breath and then let out as he peered up at the rows and rows of balconies. "Quaint."
"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Not bad for 120,000 yen a month."
He didn't reply for a moment as he kicked at the ground before stepping up to you and closing the space between the both of you. His hands caressed your cheeks and then raked themselves into your hair and you could feel your heart racing with every second his skin was touching yours.
His breath tickled yours as he leaned in millimeters away from your lips. Your foreheads now touching and he suddenly stops. "We shouldn't see each other anymore."
You felt your breath catch in your throat and your heart plummet to your feet. "Why?"
You voice was shaky and you swallowed hard as you searched his face for an answer. "I just don't think it's a good idea. You've already seen too much and I don't know if I could bear to see you...to see you..."
Yoriichi's maroon gaze was far away now. It reminded you of his mother's when you mentioned Akeno. "To see me what?"
His hand left your hair and now on the top of your head ruffling it making your nose scrunch. "I just need to see you healthy and alive and thriving."
What the fresh hell was he even talking about? I mean, of course, that was well--nice? But the tone he was using, and that the expression on his face was telling another story beyond your knowledge. Yoriichi was trying his best to keep his secret sealed tight and you far away from it. He couldn't risk another tragic and heartbreaking incident. It would drive him over the edge getting close to someone else even if it had been years since.
He removed his hand entirely and shoved it into his pants pocket, stepping away from you. His warmth leaving you and you felt cold. Not just physically, but emotionally. You could feel the distance in his body language and then way he was looking at you. He was starting to turn his emotions off and becoming a stranger again.
"Just get inside." He said softly.
He really didn't want to say that. I mean he really, really didn't want to say that. In fact, if it were up to him he would've kissed you right then and there and sealed the deal, but he knew better. He didn't want to endanger you anymore than he already had.
You were dumbfounded as you just gawked at him. It felt like all the progress you had just made just vanished into the air and you felt empty.
You scoffed and shook your head. "Wow, you're ridiculous."
Maybe you should've known better. The apple probably didn't fall far from the tree.
"Whatever, I guess I'll see you when we need to do our project."
You turned around to walk to your building, but Yoriichi's voice stopped you. "Don't worry about it."
"What?" Your voice was clearly showing signs of annoyance.
"I'll finish it by tomorrow."
You turned around to face him once more and the expression on his face was dead serious. "Why?"
He shrugged indifferently. "Cuz' I just want to make it easier on you."
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck off."
Your fists were now balled up as you stared down at him from the small steps you had climbed up. He was unbelievable. Without another word you turned around again and fished your keys out of your pocket to unlock the apartment door.
"Good night, [name]."
You stopped in your tracks. As you rotated your head to say something snarky, you realized he was gone.
"Fucking dumbass." You mumbled to yourself as you headed inside. You hit the elevator button and fiddled with your keys as you watched the numbers go up higher and higher.
You clenched your teeth as you walked down the hallways. Voices and laughing filled the halls as you passed every door, but as you approached your apartment it was quieter. Not like that was new or anything. Your neighbors were more on the elderly side. They slept early and kept to themselves and they appreciated that you did as well. You sighed as you lifted your key to unlock your door but it kept going red no matter how many times you tried. Your frustration built up as you did it again and again and still it was declining your key. Tears pricked at your eyes as you leaned your head against the door. A silent weep emitted from you and you couldn't control the tears that trickled down your cheeks and neck. You didn't want to admit it, but Yoriichi really did hurt your feelings. You had thought that he really liked you back, but instead he just played you for a fool.
You straigtened yourself out, breathed in through your nostrils and held your key once again to the deadbolt and finally, it flashed green. You let out an exasperated sigh of relief as you unlocked your door and stepped into your studio and locked the door behind you. As you walked over to your bed, you noticed an envelop left ontop of it.
As you further inspected the card something had dropped out of it and you picked it up not looking at it but instead focusing on the written note.
Just in case u get lucky 2nite ;) -M+S
You glanced at your hand to see a wrapped condom or should you say a small roll of them. Another note on it.
In case u go 4 rounds
You laughed out loud. At least, your friends still had your back. You wiped away the tears that stained your face and plopped onto your bed. Feelings of disappointment and anger crawled from the back of your mind and began to intrude your thoughts. You laid down and closed your eyes for a moment.
"This is why I don't have crushes."
You facepalmed and sighed loudly. Men never failed to disappoint you, but you weren't going to switch sides either. Your phone had buzzed in your hand and you felt a spark of joy for a moment until you looked at your screen.
Hope you're having fun ;) -Shinobu
Another buzz.
Give her some space! -Mitsuri
Your face dropped and you quickly put your phone on Do Not Disturb. What a pain those two had been. How could you have any ounce of faith in him after the way he had left you high and dry tonight?
He doesn't deserve you.
You nodded to yourself and sat up straight as you balled your hand into a fist firing yourself up.
"Yeah he doesn't deserve you!" You shouted and then covered your mouth realizing how loud you were. Your shoulders slouched at thought of him nearly kissing you but you shook the thought away. You had to move forward from this no matter how painful it had been for him to just leave you like that. He was an asshole, a jerk, a dickbag and you sure as hell didn't need him.
"Right!" You whisper shouted getting pumped again. "You don't him or any man."
You nodded to yourself profusely as you got ready for bed, chanting positive affirmations as you brushed your teeth and washed your face. After cleaning yourself up, you finally slipped under your covers and you felt the negative thoughts rush in once more. You wondered where it all went wrong. Did you come on too strong? Should you not have talked to his mom? Should you have excused yourself when you had the chance?
Question after question had seemed to race by in your mind until you were too tired to even think anymore. You simply had to leave it to tomorrow.
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7thqueen · 3 years
Children Back in Time
Bellatrix laid on the hard ground, unable to move. The piercing wounds she received from Greyback's claws continued to bleed through her dress. She laid on her front, her eyes open and aware but her body not able to move.
She could hear explosions and muttered spells. She moved her eyes to look around. She was on the stairs leading to the bridge and from where she laid down she can see the billowing robes of the person she used to call master.
He had his back turned around them, fighting someone Bellatrix can't see in her position.
She wants to kill him.
She wants to take her eyes back.
She wants her revenge.
She wants to avenge a future she saw that is yet to happen.
She wants to move.
She blinked her eyes, clearing the daze in her mind. Her hands twitched, she couldn't feel her wand in them.
She kept trying to have control over her body. "Episkey" she muttered the spell weakly. The gaping wound in her stomach didn't close one bit but instead only the scratches in her arms closed.
She's weak and drained. Fighting Greyback, Dolohov and two more members of the Dark Lord's circle was hard in her situation. She couldve defeated them if it weren't for the curse.
Bellatrix gritted her teeth as she muttered a numbing spell over her body. She sighed when she felt the pain fade to a dull pulse in her skin. She pushed herself up, she cant find her wand,not that she needs it that much anyway.
She stands up using the wall as support, ignoring the way her leg buckled, it was probably weak and strained but it wasnt felt because of the spell she casted on her body.
She stood at full height, she looked around. People were crowded some distance away from her. She looked at the dark lord's direction and she stopped rigid at what she saw.
Narcissa was on the ground, holding a limp body of Andromeda blood on her mouth, lying on her folded leg was an unconscious Draco. At least Bellatrix thought he was unconscious.
A few distance from them was a lying body of the boy who lived. Narcissa was crying and Bellatrix felt an incredible amount of anger come though her at the sight.
She had never seen Narcissa look so broken.
And now she she did.
Andy was getting closer to deaths door.
Draco probably tried fighting back but still lost.
And the boy was already lying face down like she did earlier.
She could see the dark lord point his wand at them. And in instant Bellatrix Moved.
She didn't think about what to do. Her speed was a blur as she appeared behind Narcissa. Putting her hand in the air she casted the strongest shield she can muster before the green color of Voldemort's spell she reached them.
"Bella!" Narcissa cried out, looking behind her shoulder. "It's okay" Bellatrix comforted through her teeth, her attention and focus bleeding through her shield.
"I'll defeat him" she gritted her teeth when she felt the center of her body churn painfully. Her shield was standing strong but her magic is almost drained.
"He's too strong Bella and your magic is wavering" Narcissa reminded Bellatrix of her predicament as she stepped forward in front of her sister.
She casted the same spell again and again while Voldemort stood in front of her, amusement painted on his pale face.
" And here I thought you died already Bella" Voldemort sneered at her but Bella didnt listen as she tried to shrink the distance between them.
They rounded each other, Bellatrix not putting her shield down. Her wounds bleeding faster, wetting her black dress a darker shade.
She felt blood come up her throat. Internal Bleeding, she surmised but didn't give ground with her shield.
They slowly rounded each other. She could see Voldemort also having a bit pf a hard time with the prolonged spell.
They have both been weakened by their previous fights. She focused all her attention to her shield, waiting for a moment for the spell to weaken before lunging to attack.
She could see the people of Hogwarts hover the end of the bridge, watching with stricken face, wondering who would win. Bellatrix likes to think it's her because she would still be better than Voldemort.
Her magic was rapidly draining now, her wound opening and bleeding. She even swallowed the blood that threatened to come out her mouth, it wasnt wise to show your state to your enemy. It can be easily used against you.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, there were cracks of apparation. Before Voldemort and her can even look, the largest and biggest 'Bombarda Maxima' exploded at her face.
It was Vela's spell, mixed with Delphi's lightning and Rigel's enchantment. It was deadly amd she would've been blown by the spell if it werent for the another spell of protego that layered her own.
"Bellatrix" her eyes widened comically at the voice. Her body gave out as she crumpled to the floor, either from her spell or the voice, the dark witch wasnt sure.
"..Muddy.." Bellatrix muttered the name weakly after puking the blood out her system.
".. your here.." Bellatrix closed her eyes when Hermione gave her a short hug.
"I'm sorry for being so late" Hermione looked sincerely guilty as she wrapped Bellatrix's hand on her shoulder as support.
"..mom!" The combined voices of her children, Delphi, Vela and Rigel echoed in Bellatrix's ears.
"Were okay!" Rigel shouted over the distance. He had Draco by the neck, while Delphi quickly went to Andromedo, probably to heal While Vela was helping Narcissa stand up, and Bellatrix finally noticed the bloodied legs of her sister.
"Quickly! Get out of here!" Hermione shouted back. She saw clear hesitation on her children's eyes.
It was Bellatrix this time and they quickly apparated away. Obeying through gritted teeth and anxious eyes.
She felt an explosion sound again and both of them turned again. The spell they casted to Voldemort was still exploding, buzzing with deadly fire, lightning and enchantment Rigel provided in the spell.
"Drink this" Bellatrix blindedly drank the potion, and suddenly she was aware that her numbing spell has faded. She could've fallen to the ground again if it weren't for Hermione's support.
She felt her wounds heal and start to close up but her magic was still drained.
"Harry's still here" Hermione stated when she nearly stumbled upon the battered body of her friend. Bellatrix didn't say anything, focusing on the painful stitching of her wound.
"Take him away" Bellatrix said when the pain faded a bit. "But what about you?! I can't just leave you here alone!" Hermione glanced between the two but Bellatrix gave her a hard look.
"You're not going to leave me here alone right?" Bellatrix chuckled at her.
"Of course not!"
"That's why you should take him away, I trust you to come back"
"What if-"
" I can still hold my ground until you come back. Its not like your gonna leave for a minute" Bellatrix tried to play lightly. Taking the boy away would just be added to the list of people who won't die today.
"Give me the wand" she ordered before Hermione could say anything else. "Go, the sooner you leave, the faster you can come"
She gave Hermione a hard kiss before the crack of apparition popped in front of her.
She gripped the foreign wand in her hand. It was too thin.
She pointed it to the exploding spell Voldemort was trapped in. "Bombarda"
Nothing happened. She spat on the ground in frustration. The wand won't listen to her. She could see the trap was getting weaker, Voldemort can break it anytime now.
Absolute. Magical. Control
She chanted in her head. She had to make the wand bend to her will no matter what happens.
She closed her eyes to help her focus. She tuned out the sound of explosion, the air, the tumbling rubbles and rhe thunder happening above her head and even when there were suddenly multiple sounds of apparition that happened behind her. She didnt react.
In whatever that's left of her magic, she channeled it through the wand in her hand.
Listen to me, just this once. Just until this fight. Just until he's defeated. She pleaded but the wand isnt reacting yet.
Listen here you piece of stick. Bend to my will or I will break you! Were at war and your not in the position to fucking choose! Your boy lost and I am the only one who can use you right now! I wont lose a future that I desperately wanted just because you wont listen!..
Bellatrix pushed a surge of magic through the stick before feeling it connect with her magic.
She opened her eyes to see four backs against her. " I knew you wouldn't listen" she stated, walking to level with Hermione.
"Family comes first mom"
Vela muttered with a smile.
When the exploding spell finally broke, Hermione instantly reached for bellatrix's hand. Threading them together.
She could instantly feel her magic dance with Bellatrix. The familiar sensation giving her comfort that they are doing this together.
The way their magic seemed to amplify each other was the only thing they can use against Voldemort. Bellatrix looked down at her and Hermione smiled.
"We'll distract him until you can prepare the spell" Delphi muttered before the three of them disappeared in light speed ad appearing at the spell they casted earlier.
"Be careful" Hermione called out in the air, aware that the Three would hear it.
"Can we still cast it?" Hermione held Bellatrix by the waist. She could feel the blood wetting her hand. She stopped the tears that was stinging her eyes, it wasnt time to be showing weaknesses.
"We have to. But I have barely enough magic" Bellatrix leaned at the younger brunnette, caressing hairs away from a dirty face. Her eyes were worried and anxious and Bellatrix's situation is not making it better.
"We can use mine" Hermione answered. "We havent tried it yet but we have to do it. If its not enough, we can ask the kids"
Bellatrix grinned at the way Hermione said 'her kids'. Her heart warming up at the fact that she has a family now and that they were all fighting to have a better future.
"Okay" she agreed. She took out her own dagger while Hermione took out her wand. They boh began carving.
Hermione kept wincing at the pain, she would've applied a numbing spell but they have to conserve every drop of magic they have.
Bellatrix was an instant in carving in her wrist. The curse of her dagger would help in the spell. The elven runes bled in her wrist but she kept carving. She would carve everything she can in her own wrist in order to minimize the runes Hermione would apply.
Bellatrix already filled the front of her wrist with the bloodied runes. She flipped jer wrist and then dug her dagger.
"One more line" she comforted Hermione when she was finished and when that final line bled into the skin, it glowed. Hermione looked at the dark witch in the eye, praying silently that it will work. She held Bellatrix by the cheek and the dark witch let their foreheads meet.
They chanted.
Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens... All the stars, far and wide... Show me thy appearance... With such shine. Oh Tetrabiblos...
Voldemort’s eyes widened at the incantation and when he realized it was a sealing curse he panicked. 
Noticing the flustered look, Delphi conjured a spear with her magic before throwing it at the man’s position. It traveled through the air, Vela casted her own magic on the black spear, wrapping in the spear in glowing flames while Rigel poured his magic into it, enlarging the black material of magic until the tip of the magic was already as tall as them.
The spear raced through the air while Vela and Rigel combined hands to cast their own Incarcerous at Voldemort’s feet. The spear hit straight to the dark man’s chest but it didnt kill him. Instead, the magical spear pinned Voldemort to the wall of the bridge. The sound of scream that came from the man’s throat was music to Bellatrix’s ears but she didnt let it get her out of her focus. 
I am the ruler of the stars... Aspect become complete... Open thy malevolent gate. Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
A swirl of white and gold magic mixed at Hermione and Bellatrix’s feet before expanding into the floor in what Hermione could recognize as a magic circle. The white and gold kept getting bigger and bigger as they kept chanting. Hermione could already feel the draining of her magic but she kept going.
Delphi crumbled to the floor on her kneess in an effort to keep the spear in Voldemort’s body. The spear was a hard to keep up, it was a spell meant to disappear as soon as it hits its target but she’s keeping it right there, to bind Voldemort to the wall, despite the screams and spells he flung out of his wand towards her direction. 
Vela and Rigel had the perfect teamwork in exchanging between offense and defense, keeping up their own magic with Delphi was hard but they had it easier than their eldest. Vela sent out another flaming spell that managed to almost break the bridge at the power. Rigel casted a shield, strong enough to stand the heat and fire that almost enveloped them and their parents.
Spirit to Body...
Hermione looked around them before meeting Bellatrix’s eyes, they were focused and hard but when they contacted, they softened before they focused again.
Body to Mine...
Bellatrix pulled her closer.
As I chant...
Bellatrix focused on her magic, leaking it into her words as she chanted the spell.
Undo the Bind,
Bellatrix moved to change their position. She wrapped her right on Hermione’s waist while the other left threaded with Hermione. Hermione thinks the position looks a lot like a tango position but she didn’t say anything. They pointed their threaded finger at the binded Voldemort. 
What Now Holds..
My soul to me..
Vela, Rigel and Delphi moved away when the shine of the spell was starting to become blinding. 
With this spell
Now set it free!
This was just draft guys hahaha. Pardon the lack of details and proper conveying of whats happening
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My replies to rude and ignorant anons are getting more aggressive and honestly??? Zero fucks
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
(hi there!! i was saving this thought for whenever i made a dsmp blog, but tbh i don't think i ever will. so, i want you to have this!! you're under no obligation to share it tho, no worries! :))) /gen)
but, i once read a book called the children's home by charles lambert. it's quite a terrible book actually, but at one point, a character reflects on a painting called the death of sardanapalus, which is a painting of a king who destroys his doomed kingdom before his enemies can and watches said destruction peacefully.
though i don't believe c!wilbur is the same as sardanapalus at all (as i believe sardanapalus wasn't the kindest ruler), i was still struck by how this quote from the children's home reminded me of c!wilbur in his destruction of l'manburg.
something about being soothed (however blindedly) by the destruction of a nation he built, ensuring no one can corrupt it any further than it already has. also, the idea that perhaps c!wilbur believes death can reunite him with the nation and friends he once had, and person that he once was:
There is that famous painting...of the death of Sardanapalus. Perhaps you’ve seen it? The dying king is lying on a bed with his wealth around him, the jewels and the jugs and the bowls, his wonderful horses already dead...He lounges with one arm supporting his head, surrounded by the carnage his imminent death has triggered, and it is a quiet picture despite its subject, because Sardanapalus is quiet, apparently detached from the scene, soothed to see the destruction of everything he has owned before he also dies, believing that he will find it all around him when he wakes again on the other side of his death, the fragments of porcelain miraculously reunited...
first of all, live your truth and do what you want, but if what's stopping you from making a dsmp blog is anxiety or not wanting to be perceived, or feeling like no one wants to hear it, make one. as a person who put off making a blog for this for so long bc of that, it is genuinely so fun to interact w people, or even just post into the void. I recommend it and you seem cool :)
second of all, hhhh that's a very good quote for him, it just fits so well that idk what to add other than "yep". I think the idea that wilbur thought he could achieve perfection and happiness through trying to eradicate his "failed" project before anyone else could is very interesting, and it's made even more so by the fact that wilbur was pleased to see people try to rebuild, to see something in its place.
it all points to the idea that what wilbur really wants isn't perfection, he wants the unconditional love he believes perfection would present to him
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hlvraik · 4 years
Can you list off the kiddos personalities and characteristics, including Gordon and Darnold? (Sorry, I can't stop thinking about ba be Darnold afsgs-🥺👉👈)
You got it-
[Sorry if Darnold's desc. is a little bit wonky, still trying to work out his character.]
Gordon; Is probably the sweetest kid out of the whole group, and that's saying a lot since, y'know, there's also Tommy and Coomer in the group as well. He's really shy, but once he starts feeling comfortable he's one of the biggest goofball out there and gets happy/excited over the smallest of things [He also enjoys helping people to the best of his abilities, even if it just something simple such as picking up something they dropped-]. He also really enjoys doing science projects/experiments as his mother is a science teacher. Overall Gordon's a cinnamon roll that must be protected at all cost :)
Coomer; Is highly energetic, a social butterfly, and a little bit competitive, but overall he's still kind and sweet. Enjoys playing a handful of sports, roughhousing, playing Super Punch Out nonstop, and science in general. Usually is a bit of a klutz as he would ocassionally falling and tripping over his own feet resulting in him being covered in bruises and band-aids. Has a soft spot for science, usually loves about learning about everything and would document anything he could learn about into a spiral notebook. Overall, really enjoys making friends and love informing everyone about everything. [ He can possibly also take you down in a fight ngl ahajsj-]
Bubby; due to growing up within a lab/tube for most of their time, they're a little bit reserved and would like to keep to themselves, but also, they can be a little sarcastic, smug, and rebellious [Since they've been trapped within a tube for a while]. Is a little bit self-centered as they still doesn't grasp the concept of friends and all that jazz, yet. They also has a habit of setting things on fire due to their pyrokinesis, not only is that a problem due to the fact that you have a literal child playing with fire, but also due to the fact that they does not know how to control it leading to everything catching on fire or even themself [mainly their hair]. Honestly they try to act tough and come off as a bit snarky, but deep down is a softy and cares for everyone. I guess their connection for their love of science would be just mixing random chemicals together and causing explosions. Overall they're a sweet kid whose stuck in their rebellious phase that could possibly kill you, or would even bite you. [But deep down loves everyone and hates being alone.]
Tommy; Is extremely shy and quiet in the beginning if Sunkist, or their dad, is not right beside them, this could also lead them to be extremely cautious and weary. [But would later warm up to anybody] Has two stray beyblades in their labcoat pocket that they would ocassionally fumble with or even play with. Really enjoys binge watching shows and movies such as Star Wars or Star Trek, and would spend hours upon hours of talking and gushing over them with anybody. Is usually quite cheerful, and is the most optimistic of the group. Really enjoys OSHA procedures and animals, like Coomer, he really loves and enjoys biology. [Stems from the fact that he views the memory of their father and them creating Sunkist together as some sort of a bonding experience.] Overall Tommy's just a little ray of sunshine.
Benrey; similar to Bubby, they're usually reserved. Usually they would stay quiet and would often play on their Game Boy that they blindedly conjured up, and would ignore everyone else, but this fascade wouldn't last for long as they would later on prove to be the group's version of a class clown, and also a little bit of a handful. Enjoys to cause mischief and mayhem in the group just for the fun of it, and just to see people's reactions. [Mainly Gordon.] Speaking of Bubby, both of them are usually partners in crime, I can't explain it, but you get what I mean- Overall Benrey's the literal definition of a Sour Patch Kid. [Tiny gamer creachure that likes to cause problems on purpose, but deep down they're really sweet-]
Darnold; A bit of a stuck up and a teacher's pet. If the group's acting up, or most importantly simply just bothering him, you know without a fact that Darnold would rush to tell the nearest adult, whether it be Gordon, Mr.Coolatta, or just some random scientist/security gaurd residing in the halls. Takes high pride in his work and would def. show off their latest creation to everyone. Got into science by simply mixing and creating potions out of anything he could find, and still does. [Often steals leftovers snacks and soda from everyone.] Overall, small and tiny mixologist, whose proud of his work, just wants some friends, but everyone just annoys him.
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