#block me and move on
its-kayyyy · 7 months
time to make some witches angry!
you are not a reincarnated from the salem witch trials.
if you believe you are, sorry to break it to you hun, but your wrong.
there's a few problems with this, (1. only 25 people where executed, their are not enough souls to go around. (2. the people who were executed were not witches but normal christian people. they were just doing stuff that wasn't regular in the community and got accused of witchcraft because it wasn't normal in the community.
has my point been proven yet?
and before i get super attacked I am a pagan witch who does believe in reincarnation. so i am not 'sticking my nose in others business' i am putting my opinion out in my own community, which is, in fact, my business.
and feel free to attack me, block me, tell me how im oh so wrong, but my opinion will still stand indifferent.
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cloudyinthecloset · 2 months
Also didn't think this had to be said but I'll clarify
Just because I ship Dreammare doesn't mean I always ship Dreammare.
I have complete and utter control over how I view content and when I decide to ship two fictional characters. I make the decision when to ship and when not to ship.
When something isn't tagged as a ship, I don't look at that content as a ship. When I reblog it, I'm not reblogging it as a ship.
When something is tagged as a ship, I look at that content as a ship. When I reblog it, I'm reblogging it as a ship.
When the creator of that content says it could be a ship or could not be, then I decide as I like. When I reblog it, it keeps the initial intent of the creator and could be either depending on who is viewing that content.
I take full responsibility over my internet experience that I am curating. I decide what I want to see, what I don't want to see, who I want to interact with, and who I don't want to interact with. I am not perfect and I acknowledge that, if mistakes are made I will do my best to immediately rectify them as they are made known to me.
Not everything has to be a ship or about shipping. Most content about these characters will not be in a shipping context. I enjoy that content as much as I enjoy ship content.
I like Dreammare. I will continue to like Dreammare and be proship.
This is your warning.
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
it's clear you don't care about the people of color or the trans people on this website or the pqlestinians of the world by continually lining tumblrs pockets. sucks that youre one of the only people making plus sized clothing when youre completely lacking in compassion for other human beings and lack any kind of moral compass
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Let's see how long and blurry we can make this ask matryoshka
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tdinsfw · 7 months
ok so since im literally the biggest sucker for aleheather, i have some headcanons and asks
idk why but i feel like heather loves to tease alejandro like fucking crazy and it's hilarious
another one is that i feel like they're either really just intimate or literally dgaf
what do you think happened during WT/AS?
HEATHER SOOO TEASES HIM LIKE CONSTANTLY and he just gets so flustered over it 🤭🤭
honestly i love ur hcs🫶😻
WT? the two definitely were the people who broke the confessional lock by literally fucking the shit out of each other (hate s*x lol)
AS? ohhh the two definitely had a few nights together in the hotel after the Vultures won challenges, everyone else totally heard them but didn’t say anything bc either 1. they were lowkey turned on by it or 2. they were too embarrassed to ask
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poisonedprose · 10 months
why are you a minor posting nsfw content? you do not belong in this space, children like you make it really hard for the adults trying to create a safe space free without the worry of people like you trying to claim it as well. you don’t understand how dangerous and damaging it is for both parties, and as a child, you need to log off and leave before something bad happens to you or anyone else.
me if i gave a fuck 🤣🤣
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swaggypsyduck · 11 months
fuck u stop celebrating jude to ur club who's just going to be called monekey there. at least hear we appreciate his perfect chocolate skin in ukraine he is our special monekey!!
idek where to start unpacking this. the horrible spelling? the racism? the fetishization? but i assume this is u or ur friends too.
tw: racist language and death
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i just have one thing to say to u anon bc i do not have the energy to deal w u: kys
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Little note to those of you that don't like Yandere stuff and get upset because other people do...
Just blocked someone that admonished me for making Giorno into a yandere and wanted to know why couldn't people like me just make OCs instead.
I'm asking that people please stop doing this. If you don't like what someone else writes, then don't read it. It's such a simple concept, and yet so many people have difficulty with it.
I don't like it when people insist that their headcanons ARE canon. I don't like it when people ship characters that don't have a canon relationship and then insist that their headcanons were what the actual creator intended.
Do you know what I do about stuff like that?
I just don't read it. When I see that a story is shipping characters that I don't think should be shipped, then I just find another story to read.
I don't like coffee shop or modern day AUs. So, I don't read them.
I don't like stories that focus on graphic depictions of sexual violence or kinks that I personally think are gross. I HATE stuff about sexual or romantic relationships with characters who are related. So I avoid stories that feature subject matter like that.
But no matter what, I don't slide into the author's comments section and try to shame them for what they write simply because I take personal offense to it.
This is part of the reason why I stayed away from Tumblr for so long. There are just far too many people here that can't stand the fact that other people are different from them and may possibly like things they don't like.
Life's too short to spend time stressing over stuff like that.
Writing fanfiction is about exploring the "what ifs" of canon. What if the hero didn't win? What if this character did things differently during the final battle? What if the two characters that are always fighting managed to sort things out and become friends? What if this character was a yandere? What if YOU, the reader, where a part of the story somehow? It's fun. It's fun to write and fun to read.
At least it should be.
What's not fun is when a complete stranger scolds you as if they have some kind of moral authority over what you should and shouldn't be writing.
If you do this to me, I will not have a discussion with you. I will not try to defend or justify my decisions to you, nor will I give in to your demands or apologize. I will continue to turn your favorite characters into twisted little yanderes in spite of your personal offense to the idea, in the same way other people insist that Spiderman and the Green Goblin are somehow gay for each other. I will just block you and continue my evil ways.
But all joking aside, I have no ill will against people who DON'T like yandere stuff. I completely understand why people don't and I won't hate on you or make fun of you for it. You have just as much right to dislike something as I have to like it. But if you are really bothered by my writing, then block me. That's the beauty of the block button on Tumblr, if you block me then my stuff will never show up in the search results for you again. You could also try filtering the yandere tag or just the word "yandere" itself and Tumblr will hide posts of that subject matter from you.
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lovecest · 1 year
Reminder! If you don't like me/my blog for any reason, the block button is free, easy to use, and a helluva lot quicker than opening my ask box and sending me a controlling and/or hateful and/or nasty message.
No, I won't delete anything from my blog. If you don't want me interacting with your posts, say so ON the post, or block me after the fact. Those are your options. That is how this website works.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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transpluralsunite · 8 months
i just want to understand. why do you want DID. why are you doing this. willogenic systems are completely real and valid but this is something completely different. can’t the headmates be enough? what is so appealing about our trauma?
Many transDID beings already have trauma and wish that trauma had given them DID because they never developed any coping mechanisms to escape their trauma.
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 7 months
I got my first hate anon how should I celebrate this glorious milestone
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dorkygurl-89 · 8 months
"oHmYgOd!!!!1!!! MeLaNiE sExUlLiZeS bAbIeS!!!!!!1!!! aNd ShE's AlSo A rA-"
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if i have to write a whole fuckin rant about this, i will do so
just gonna say it, you believe in these claims, get the fuck off my blog
i'm not gonna argue with y'all if y'all are that fucking dumb to believe in those "accusations"
block me and piss off somewhere else
i'm so goddamn sick of seeing this shit pop up
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
i hope you stop blazing posts and giving money to tumblr now that they are purposefully suppressing the palestine tag and promoting pro-zionist blogs and posts
Thanks for sending a fresh twist on this ask I've been getting since last year. My answer is still
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ridibulous · 5 months
endogenic logic be like "I don't like seeing anti-endo posts in in pro-endo tags, so I'm gonna make a pro-endo post in anti-endo tags! Surely there's nothing hypocritical about this!"
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original-punks · 4 months
if you ghost me, stay dead cunt
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spicymeatball1992 · 1 year
Seeing some hate on the AI convo stuff. Don’t look at it and scroll on if you hate it that much, damn lol no one is trying to replace fan-fiction with it. I said it as a joke- chill. I’m having fun, which is the whole point of this site. No one is trying to belittle the skills that go into actual writing, it’s just a fun trend. I don’t get why people have to be so hostile over this stuff man, I really don’t 😅
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kushami-hime · 1 year
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Because our standard is to write them in AUs where they are fully grown adults. (18 and up)
Because they're fictional characters that don't exist in the real world, created for our entertainment specifically
Ya got people running all over makin porn of literally every fictional character ever
Stop being such a party pooper cause you're probably not even one of us
Yall need to stop defending 2D drawings lmao I'm hurting literally no one (and no your feelings don't count)
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