#blog euskaraz
Hello! Is pride in Bilbao good? Just saw info that it will be celebrated from the 15th till the 29th and I wanted to know if its worth going (I live nearby but also very scared to run into someone I know cause I'm not out and I don't think I'll ever be, but I still want to celebrate with people like me)
Is it obvious that I have anxiety?😅
Anyway thanks for all the info you share on this blog! Oso guay da ikustea euskaldunak hemen eta irakurtzea euskaraz haha
Kaixo anon!!
Neither of us has personally been to the pride in Bilbo, but know some friends that have and they only have great things to say about it!
Anyways, if you're still not out and run into an acquaintance you can always say you're there supporting a friend and that's it 😇 Bring yourself to the pride and tell us how it went, you may have a good time!
Hemen euskara ikustea arraroa egiten da (zentzu onenean!) baina hori da ere beste harrotasun mota bat!
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runaeveena · 8 months
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse
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🦄feywildwildwild Follow
is anyone else tired of humans being the default race to pair up with monstrous races in smut? like no wonder Tinker & Claw didn't get any traction outside of TomePlane
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
tinker and claw was mid and written by a gnome sexologist and are we still calling non humanoids "monstrous"? in 186PD no less?
🕰️ gnomepologist
so now the eagledust shipper (and fake auran language scholar) is going to preach to us 🙄 some of us dont want to read about humans laying eggs every third month
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
way to avoid the issue and maintain your humanoidcentric elitism but sure lets argue about kinks on tomeblr
🍆 troll-schlong
all of you shut up humans are sluts and im a motherfucking m-m-m-monster
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🌧️ hau-iratxoa-besterik-ez-da-euskaraz Follow
just saw someone on TomePlane argue that a dragonborn and a dragon having sex would be considered incest AND beastiality
🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
💀💀💀 not every dragon was part of the Great Hatching and most dragonborn know who our lineage derives from
and since when are dragons BEASTS!?
☘️ celest-ial Follow
you should see what else people on TomePlane call beastiality
🦨 ancientskeleton
we are not bringing back the druid debate sylvanus help me
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🩵 faerieee-imagines2 Follow
imagine you've been capture by an evil sorcerer and he puts you in a glass jar that's filled with firemoss which is so comfy but its making you so warm so you have to undress and as you remove each item you realize the sorcerer has been watching you and now you're blushing and its maki g you even warmer and soon youll be completely naked and vulnerable to whatever the sorcerer wants you for
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🌠 crownofstars
cant believe i got called a freak for hooking up with a Slaad at the Unicorn's Underhorn
🕯️andersfirelight Follow
they're literally abominations??
🌠 crownofstars
and? ribbit ribbit bitch 🐸 you write Age of Light rpf
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🦹mage-ocracy Follow
wow this farmer nobody has become such a handsome paladin with a chiseled chest after i threw his family into a lava pit years ago
🦹mage-ocracy Follow
waaahahaha you have fallen for my trap *casts spell of get horny* *spell hits the mirror which reflects back onto me* *my throbbing boner slices through the ropes holding the paladin* waaaahaa
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🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
honestly im glad humans are the main target for erotica because elves have been sexualized for far too long
part of the halfling sexual liberation movement was to embrace sexualizsation because we were treated as undesirables under the Valief'taur Period that now its weird to see elves suddenly turn face and claim that sexualizing anyone is bad
🪡 scç-writer
ugh honestly and especially now that elves are using Glindeloomstalk's talking points as if theyre here to "uplift" us from eroticism when halflings have known for years how he was a purity kinkster
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🌠 crownofstars
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this is now a slaad fucker blog
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⚔️ rangerdick
oooo "humans are too sexualized" ooo "elf pussy is boring now" once again everyone forgets about orcs being treated like the walking cock with hands in books and irl
⚓riilée Follow
isnt orcish religion about fucking and sucking to take over the world
⚔️ rangerdick
you wish you could suck me off
🧜🏼‍♀️ tritonitistitties Follow
ranger dick don't you post daily dick pics
⚔️ rangerdick
i also post hole but no one seems to notice those wonder why that is
🐓the-walking-cock-with-hands Follow
i noticed
⚔️ rangerdick
hold me and fuck me would you
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🦁king-killa Follow
Everyone you have to read this new book! It's total trope subversion where the dwarf is pansexual and the orc is asexual!
🍺 i-fuck-hags
wow someone should write a play about this
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wiadomosciprasowe · 3 years
Akromegalia – choroba widoczna gołym okiem, często jednak niedostrzegana - sukcesywnie powiększają się dłonie i stopy, a rysy twarzy zaostrzają się!
Na dzisiaj https://www.ziolowe.pl/akromegalia-choroba-widoczna-golym-okiem-czesto-jednak-niedostrzegana-sukcesywnie-powiekszaja-sie-dlonie-i-stopy-a-rysy-twarzy-zaostrzaja-sie/
Akromegalia – choroba widoczna gołym okiem, często jednak niedostrzegana - sukcesywnie powiększają się dłonie i stopy, a rysy twarzy zaostrzają się!
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Jest taka choroba, którą widać gołym okiem, a mimo to jej rozpoznanie trwa latami. Powiększające się dłonie i stopy, zmiana rysów twarzy, w tym poszerzony nos, pogrubiałe usta i mocno zarysowana żuchwa, przerośnięty język – to tylko niektóre z objawów akromegalii. Przyczyną tej choroby jest guz przysadki, który wydziela nadmiernie hormon wzrostu. Jednak mimo charakterystycznych, dostrzegalnych symptomów, w Polsce akromegalię wciąż diagnozuje się zbyt późno – nawet do 10 lat od pojawienia się pierwszych objawów. ——- Klinika Endokrynologii, Przemiany Materii i Chorób Wewnętrznych UM w Poznaniu zajmuję się leczeniem akromegalii od ponad 60 lat. W poznańskim ośrodku wykonano pierwsze w Polsce badanie rezonansu magnetycznego u chorego z akromegalią. Obecnie pod opieką Kliniki znajduje się ponad 200 osób z akromegalią, którzy mają zapewnioną zarówno pełną diagnostykę jak i pełen profil leczniczy.
#Akromegalia, #Choroby, #Chorobyprzewlekłe
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guillemelgat · 5 years
August Writing Challenge - Basque - Day 6
Link to challenge here!
6. Name some of your favorite blogs and why you love them!
Bakarrik euskarazko/euskal blog gustokoenak jarriko ditut, blog gustokoen gehiegi ditudalako. Euskaraz/euskarari buruz idazten blog gustokoenak @goazen eta @beautiful-basque-country dira. Itzaiak guztia azaltzen dit, eta nire testuak zuzentzen ditu, zentzua ez badute ere. Oso hitzetako lista erabilgarriak egiten ditu ere, maite dut! beautiful-basque-country oso blog polita da, oso irudi ederrak jarritzen dituzte, eta euskal kultura ondo azaltzen dira. Oso erabilgarria da. Blog biak asko atsegin ditut, jarraitu itzazue euskara ikasten ari bazara!
Hitz berriak:
zentzu - sense
erabilgarri - useful
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givemethelanguages · 6 years
Basque multimedia
Kaixo! Ba al duzue ezagutzen bideo asko (euskaraz, noski) argitaratzen dituzten Tumblreko blogik edo Facebookeko orririk? EITB bideo asko dauzka, baina laburrago den edo internetera formatu duen aurkitu nahi dut. Eskerrik asko! Hi! Does anyone here know of any Tumblr blogs or Facebook pages that commonly share videos in Basque? There’s a lot of stuff to watch in Basque in EITB, but I’m looking for shorter videos, that look more intended for the internet than for TV, you know what I mean? I haven’t even found any YouTubers that regularly upload videos in Basque. :( Thanks in advance. :)
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maitanesegurola · 9 years
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maitanesegurola · 10 years
Ongietorri guztioi, hemendik aurrera hainbat eta hainbat jende interesgarriren elkarrizketak ikus ahal izango dituzue nire web orrian. Aktoreak, kirolariak, aurkezleak eta auskalo! Burura etortzen zaizkidan gustoko gauzak eskeiniko dizkizuet, makillai eta orrazkera tutorialak besteak beste. Bizimodu eta estiloa duten bideoak ere gozatu maitanesegurola.com-en!!!
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