#blog updates important posts and stuff all go into housekeeping~
serenescribe · 1 year
POLL RESULTS! (+ updates)
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After a week of intense campaigning, along with a whopping 340 votes (!!!), I am pleased to announce the results of the longfic poll, along with what the plan is from now on!
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With a whopping 42.1% of the votes, "PMMM AU: Lilia Longfic" is the winner! It started in the lead, and despite having fierce competition from "Starchild," it maintained its first place position till the very end \o/
I must shoutout @hanafubukki in particular for making the poll competition as intense as it was! Without all the "Starchild" campaigning she did, it would have been a walk in the park for the PMMM AU.
So what's next?
Well... I'm still drowning in a sea of uni responsibilities, going into the second half of the semester. (Essays, projects, and exams galore!) With that in mind, I don't have much energy to work on longfics at the moment. Nevertheless, I hope I can get the PMMM AU longfic to you all by the end of the year; I will be considerably freer by December! (In the meantime, I'm gonna try to plot things out with Mica...)
As for "Starchild," given the number of votes it received, I'll be sure to make it my secondary focus and work on it after the PMMM AU fic is done. Like I said previously, it's already 1/3 done, so it should not take too much time to finish the rest. Hopefully I can get the both of these done before my next semester of uni commences in January!
With regards to fic and ficlet requests... I'm still not going to open up longer fic requests since I feel bad that there's still about six of them left in my inbox. However, I've done a lot of catch up on the ficlets, so once I find the time to finish the remaining two ficlet requests, I'll open them up again! They're relatively less strenuous since they're below 1000 words, and I'd still like to write a bit if I can.
Okay, that's about all I can think of. I'll probably be queueing my small stockpile of pre-written ficlets sometime soon, once I get around to editing them. Proper blog management (creating a masterlist for Tumblr fics, possibly crossposting them to AO3, finally doing a fucking write-up on that Dæmon AU I've had for months...) will likely only come after I escape the sea of agony that is uni.
(Thanks for being so patient with me, everyone! c:)
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uh hi. got some few followers because that LSN post. some points of housekeeping:
this blog rare contained little space where actually safe when wider autism & disability community very hostile to people like me. n whenever people follow me because of posts not about severe disability / level 2&3 HrSN nonverbal autism, some new people don’t know what going on & sometimes do stuff that make this space feel unsafe. you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you follow housekeeping & have general respect
1. not written by me but read this
& do search in blog for intellectual disability too
2. use stuff like autism levels & nonverbal & impairment & deficit language & severe autism & severe disability & visible autism here to describe self & have friends who also use them. while not use for self, also have friend who been called low functioning & also call themself that. you not have to like all that for yourself but don’t police what we call self don’t tell me “um actually this is ableist… but of course you call yourself whatever!” uh. we know. basically if you uncomfortable to even see these language my blog not for you.
eventually will have actual post about this instead of respond to someone rude who blocked me after this n so blocked back… but for now this will do (probably used to have one but too tired find right now)
3. 99% time post about above topic. n blog center people with those experiences & decenter LSN level 1 mild whatever language use. reflect on your experience n who you are n your privileges n your advantages bc we all have some yea even me
4. because do experience stuff post about they not just words… no empathy, can’t mask, have very bad theory of mind, often don’t understand other people exist not to mention have different thoughts feelings knowledge experience than me. am bitter a lot, mad a lot, angry a lot. think in extremes, n immediate write what think, immediate post what write. can be angry aggressive without realize n even if do realize, can’t really do anything about it. basically have level 2/3 autism have big communication struggle have big cognitive struggle & act like it
5. don’t tell me you relate to what am saying unless am know you. keep have problem of people think they experience same thing am talking about but actually turn out very different whole other world n am wish can be like them. sorry to people am not familiar with who genuinely understand n relate but please understand need this
6. am just one random nonverbal person with level 2/3 autism & higher support needs & severe disability online. human. so make mistakes. n have bad takes like anyone. don’t treat me as write universal truth never wrong
7. oh something important. no “going nonverbal” “nonverbal episode” “sometimes nonverbal” etc
should update all this on pinned
tone sound annoyed pissed off because kind of am… but not because of this so not at any of you all not personal
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bigfrogdraws · 1 year
hey guys! just doing some housekeeping and making a new pinned post!
Im mac! im a self taught artist who has been drawing for basically his whole life. my pronouns are he/xem, im a young adult, and neurodivergent
If youd like to commission me, you can find my new shiny commission carrd by clicking here or going to the link here -> https://bigfrog4231-commissions.carrd.co
I sometimes do requests/submissions so shoot me an ask and i may draw it!
im not open to just casual chatting, please use my dms for business inquires only :]
also! i have an artfight account and will be participating this year! you can find me by clicking here or by going to this link here -> https://artfight.net/~bigfrog4231
heres a list of my common tags and what they mean!
macs doodles -> my art tag!
mac speaks -> text posts or just my ramblings
house keeping -> blog updates or important info
oc: [name] -> a tag for specific ocs (ex: oc: Bramblebreeze)
macs doodles: [series name] -> a tag for stuff i dont want to go in main tags, but i still want people to be able to find easily (ex: macs doodles: yakucats)
thats all, thanks yall!
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merrock · 2 years
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As we mentioned yesterday, we have made one major change to the group in terms of our application/bios. Other than that, we largely expect most things in 2023 to remain the same! But there were some tiny updates & reminders that we felt we needed to bring to everyone's attention before we fully dive into the new season.
the benefactor will no longer be doing birthday gifts past someone's first birthday in merrock; this is to cut back on admin workload. but they'll be a more active presence in general!
diversity will be monitored more closely to discourage use of white-passing, ambiguous face claims only to meet requirements. our fc help page has been updated, as well.
review our rules and be sure you are following them. every rule is there for a reason, whether it be mod or player comfort.
put priority into replying to starters & be sure you are being inclusive, kind and welcoming not just on dash, but in the OOC blog, as well.
be sure all of your characters are equally active, and be fair when doing replies (keeping all characters up to date, older replies done first, etc.). if you offer someone a starter, do it for them, if they do one for you, reply to it, all the good stuff.
As a last reminder, today (January 8th) is the absolute last day to tackle Christmas -- all gifts should be reblogged/acknowledged by the end of the day, and no new gifts for Christmas should be posted after today. Tomorrow, we will have a one last "holiday rules" activity check where any character that has not posted activity in two weeks will be removed, and any that has not posted activity in one week will receive a warning. Please note that gifts, socials, tasks, muse posts etc. do not count towards activity -- if you are in danger of being removed or issued a warning, please use today to be active. As we have given plenty of heads up about this, no exceptions will be made. Regular activity rules resume tomorrow.
... also, I promise this is our last "important" mod post for a while, we just wanted to get all of the housekeeping out of the way before we jump into our regular normal every day everything around here. Thanks, guys! Let's have a great new season! xx
p.s. new bios for those who have been submitting info will start going up this week, as well!
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fishfacedterror · 2 years
Wow, its been a really long time, huh?
Tumblr has kiiiiiiinda lifted their weird ban, which is. Kinda good, but thats not really what im focused on right now. At least not in this post. More than my feelings on that, i feel like i aught to communicate where ive been and whats been happening, to anyone who is still maybe interested in me/this blog. Just a general and relatively quick update bc I Control The Amount I Share and Dont Feel Like Repeating Stuff
been on a side blog for past 4 years w/ rp main. U can find the sideblog here. Probably gonna let this blog be a relic of a bygone era, but the username is still important to me so im gonna keep it with me going forward.
also went to cohost bc shits kinda fucked and they seem alright. We’ll see if it gains any traction or if it ends up in the flux pillowfort did
I have graduated from University now! Im a smart lad who (hopefully) will get to apply their studies soon, but for now is just doing The Grind. I also moved out on my own and proved to myself i can be independent. Also nice! Ive also had 2 (two) mental health crisis’s over the last four years and that really sucked! Luckily I’m okay now, and have good ppl around me if I ever get sick again, but hopefully not ever again. Or at least as bad.
As for my presence on this Webbed Site, I actually have been here consistently even after the ban, just not on this blog. Idk, thats what happens when you can only choose 1 main blog to be logged into at a time, and I chose my rp blog. Funnily enough i ended up making a side blog to reblog and post rp unrelated things to, and it has for better or for worse become the successor to this here blog. You can find it here if you’re interested! Again, its a side blog so im kinda limited on everything i can do there, but its still me!
As for this blog specifically, I’m not really inclined to Come Back to it; however the URL is still pretty important to me. I an STILL fishfacedterror, and have been on twitter up to this point, and plan to be into the future until I get run off by a bunch of pandas or whatever. I may turn this blog into an archive of my 2010s, changing the URL to reflect that, then reuse the URL as a places hub for all my stuff. Or maybe not! Who knows! If I do Come Back to this blog instead of making it into an archive of my ego im gonna have a lot LOT LOT of housekeeping to do. 2018 me and 2022 me are 4 years apart!
I also made a cohost for myself, if that interests you all too! Its kinda like tumblr 2, though not everyone is on there just yet fir better or for worse. Kinda reminds me of the days where everyone did a big exodus from deviantArt for tumblr.
agh, good ol days.
anyway, this update post has been long enough so I’ll put in a TL;DR at the top so you dont have to feel bad abt scrolling past. Or blocking me for suddenly making a long rambling post out of the blue. I Do Not Care
anyway, shits been real and it keeps on coming!
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badassxbirdy · 2 months
August Activity Update - Pinned Post
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It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brain fog strikes. There was no update posted last month, so this one includes replies from 1st June to 1st August, as well as things in the queue or drafts as of today's date (5th August). Everything else can be found in previous updates under this tag. There’s also the full thread tracker here.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Tyler on Discord for IC texting. Username is the same as her url.
The full activity update (along with OOC housekeeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
I’ve been making some changes to the way I use rpthreadtracker. If we interact regularly, have quite a few threads going, or we’re interacting across multiple blogs, you should have been sent a link that shows only our interactions. Click here for the post regarding that.
I'm probably going to go through the queue in the next couple of days, and just yeet the next round of replies out onto the dash. RIP your dash when I suddenly take over it.
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(in alphabetical order by username)
Library ghost with Finn (link)
On the train with Maze (queued)
Ty gives Lance a haircut (queued)
Doctor/nurse Ty is in the house! (link)
Lance’s rep. (link)
Ty's demon 'friend' is so screwed. 😂 (link)
Taking Lance on a hunt. (queued)
Azzy proves a point (drafted, but almost done!)
Car trouble (drafted)
Nosy Tyler is nosy (queued)
Charmed AU (queued)
Judging 50 shades (link)
Damon actually opens up! 😱 (drafted)
Sick!Ty = sulking!Ty (link)
"Hold still, I'm trying to help!" (queued)
“You probably shouldn’t drink the tap water.” with Baily (queued)
"I'm so hungry, have any suggestions?" (link)
Ocean hedgehogs/blaming Michael. (queued)
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (link)
Proteus is concerned. (link)
Eli being his adorable self. (link)
"This whole thing seems incredibly cliché, don't you think? (link)
Dumbass teens and cannibal teacher ghosts. (link)
Ty meets the doctor. (drafted)
Thank you for the starter! It's drafted, and I'll reply asap. ❤️
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Thread commentaries, featuring Ty's demon/Marbas about to get wrecked. 😂 (link)
Tyler needs a warning label (link)
The youtube algorithm knows too much. (link)
👌/'subtle hints' with Lance. 😂 (link)
No romo. (link)
Dash game: 9 movies that I could watch 500 times. (link)
Attention fellow Brits: Americans think frowning is something you do with your mouth, NOT your eyebrows. My flabbers are gasted. (link)
A very important disco boi at Pride. YOU'RE WELCOME. (link)
I think that’s everything, but as always, please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I am either having a brain fart or I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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jeongyunhoed · 2 years
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I posted 4,790 times in 2022
127 posts created (3%)
4,663 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,804 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#yuyu bear - 344 posts
#swerve to woo - 341 posts
#loml - 312 posts
#immaculate being - 297 posts
#swerve to hwa - 247 posts
#swerve to san - 212 posts
#swerve to joong - 199 posts
#teddy bear jelly vocal - 139 posts
#icymi - 90 posts
#big loml energy - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#my entire takeaway from this is that margaret's boss qualities just outweigh her longing to be the housewife she wants to be
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The second part of the 100-Day trilogy, following the events of The 100-Day Relationship. Choi Juhyun and Park Seonghwa are now engaged, but are faced with the decisions as to how they both want their wedding to be, along with other important choices a couple makes after the wedding. Resurfacing exes included.
I Do
Group: ATEEZ Member: Seonghwa Pairing: Seonghwa / OC Genre: Mostly fluff, mostly cheesy romantic stuff, sliiiiiiiiight angst
Things to Note: Art Curator Hwa! A lot of crazy rich stuff, we’ll again be feeling poor in this one. Tag list is open so let me know if you would like to be updated.  
Warnings: For this chapter? suggestive themes, just slight dramarama. exes galore!
Note: Happy new year! I’ve been feeling so under the weather these past few weeks that I couldn’t get around to posting for a while. I’m still feeling a tad shitty so please accept this chapter as a late Christmas present too!
Tag list: @treasure-hwa , @hwachu
Chapter 4
The helpers entered the room later to bring in coffee from large silver coffee pots, pouring some on most of their cups as Sangmin preferred to drink cola. Throughout the meal, Seonghwa wasn’t sure just yet if her parents were really giving them their blessing. They seemed to be interested, and even if they had their moments that he found funny, he thought it was best to stay alert in case they’d want to ask him a few things. 
Of course, Seonghwa understood why they would be cautious. They had a reason to be compared to his own family. Still, he was prepared to follow his mother’s advice and make clear that his intentions for marrying Juhyun were honorable and genuine. He was determined to earn their blessing and respect. 
Juhyun could tell he was still nervous, eyeing him from time to time while they talked about a business trip her father went on, and how he managed to go sight-seeing in between lunches and dinners with clients and other people like himself. “Oh, uh, coincidentally, Seonghwa’s grandmother knows grandfather,” she suddenly said, making everyone at the table turn their attention to her. 
“Really?” Jongmin looked intrigued, pleasantly surprised at the revelation. 
They nodded. “Yeah, when she came over when we visited, she asked me who I was and when she realized who I was, that’s when she said she knew grandfather from middle school. Apparently, him and grandma were the campus couple for some time in Jinju when they were there,” Juhyun explained, eyeing Seonghwa again. 
“Really? Did she really?” Jongmin turned to Seonghwa. 
“Y-yes, Mr. Choi,” He nodded, a little flustered at the revelation. 
“Hold on, she’s from Jinju? You’re from Jinju too?” Jongmin asked, and he nodded again. “Well! How about that? Our daughter’s also marrying a Jinju guy,” He suddenly switched to satoori, Sangmin, Jihyun, and Dajeong all having understood, all of them pleasantly surprised. 
Seonghwa chuckled, somehow feeling relieved. Juhyun was beaming in her seat. “J-Juhyun told me the senior housekeeper taught her a bit of satoori.” 
“She taught all of us. Dajeong learned a little from her too when we just got married years ago,” Jongmin looked amused. “It wasn’t that we needed to learn it, she felt less homesick whenever she could speak in that way, and we wanted to make sure she still felt at home. Eunhyung is like family to us.” 
The revelation made Seonghwa glance at Juhyun, feeling a lot more endeared. Juhyun’s parents seemed to notice it as well. “So, where’s the wedding going to be? You know you can have it at your grandfather’s house, or even here, right?” Dajeong turned to her daughter. 
Juhyun shrugged. “I’m still thinking about that, and no, I don’t plan on having my wedding here or in grandpa’s house, no matter which country,” She said. 
“Alright, alright, it can get quite lonely here though,” Dajeong said. “Only Sangmin uses the theater now, and you and Jihyun only come here on weekends or holidays. We don’t even have company parties here either.” 
“I know what you’re trying to say and no, I still don’t want to have a wedding here or anywhere related to any of us,” Juhyun shook her head. She glanced at her father. “Please.” 
“Alright, alright, if you say so,” Jongmin nodded. “But for the record, so we’re all clear, I’m happy for this engagement of yours. One of my children, finally walking down the aisle…” He drifted off, looking pleased. “Seonghwa, I hope you know what you’re getting into, becoming a part of our family.” 
Seonghwa nodded. “I’ve been aware since the moment we attended our first event together,” He replied. 
“Good, that’s settled then,” Jongmin held up his cup of coffee. “A little late, but now is as good a time as ever for this lunch we’ve had. To our dearest Juhyun, who is getting married soon, and to her fiance, Seonghwa. Cheers!” 
“Cheers!” They raised their cups before taking a sip. Jihyun seemed more excited at the idea than Juhyun was. Seonghwa felt relieved, his shoulders relaxing at the fact that Juhyun’s parents were approving of him. 
“Let us know about the updates in planning every step of the way so we can prepare accordingly, hmm, Juhyun?” Dajeong turned to her daughter. “Who’s catering the wedding?” 
“Who’s preparing the cake?” 
See the full post
15 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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8 Stories, 8 Movies from the Golden Age (1930s to 1960s).
It’s the golden age and 8 men are the most sought-after actors in Hollywood. Ateez, but make them Old Hollywood, basically. Lights, camera, action!
Member: San
Genre: Screwball romantic comedy, sliiiight angst
Warnings: Snappy couples, slight brawl, pretend lovers’ quarrel, basically just running away
Things to note: Set in the 1930s, journalist!San, strangers to lovers (kind of), road trip!, Almost like the whole “there was only one bed!”
Will have OCs
As with the rest of the stories in the AU, there will be other idols mentioned, most likely NCT but may have some of my other faves (EXO, etc.)
A/N: After putting this on hold for soooooo long and as I’m coping with severe lack of drive (kind of), I thought I’d restart this again. 
Runaway society girl Han Miryo goes on a cross-country road trip to get to her aviator fiance from Namhae to Seoul, only to fall in love with the reporter, Choi San, who helped her run away. 
It Happened One Night
tag list: @minervaaaaaaaa , @closer-stars
Part 1
Choi San leaned against the glass panes of the telephone booth he was in. He was at a bus terminal in Namhae, having finished a week’s worth of writing his next feature article, perhaps one of his biggest yet. San waited for the operator to connect him to his office all the way in Seoul, noticing the lines of people at the ticket booth in one part of the terminal, crowds of people looking to get a seat at the food court in another part. 
San was a reporter, working for the Seoul Daily Globe, a special correspondent that always traveled the country to get a good story, compared to his colleagues that worked on their advice columns, astrology pieces, recommendations on which songs to listen to, which clubs to go to, and which movies to watch. He was always on the road, and it was often quite a rewarding one. 
“Hello? Is this the Seoul Daily Globe?” San stood up straight once he heard someone pick up. 
“Yes sir,” said the secretary. 
“This is Choi San, I want to talk to Song Mingi now,” San leaned back against the door of the booth. 
“Song Mingi, the managing editor,” San repeated, shaking his head. He had a bone to pick with Mingi. “Fire me, my ass. I’ll show him, that giraffe-” 
“Hello?” Came the deep voice of the editor himself, making San straighten up again. 
“Hello?! Mingi?!” San said indignantly. “What’s this about me being fired?!” 
“Well, you got my wire, didn’t you?” Mingi replied. 
“Yeah but-” 
“Well it goes. You’re done here, Choi San,” Mingi said with finality. 
“But-but what for?!” San couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“You know what for. Go home and sleep it off. You’re done here, Choi San,” Mingi replied. 
San pounded his fist on the telephone. “You listen here, you hunk of metal, I’m the best news correspondent you’ve got for your filthy scandal sheet.” 
Mingi scoffed. “Don’t make me laugh. What were you doing last night?” 
See the full post
18 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Fic Recs Round 10!
Because it’s been quite a while and I have noticed the lack of people reblogging great content (or I just don’t follow a lot of writers anymore), it is long past overdue to make another fic recs post. I really love these works and I’ve reread quite a number of them whenever I’m just not in the mood to do anything or whenever I can’t be arsed to write in general. 
As with my previous rec posts, I will indicate which ones have the spicy content (be warned: most of the fics I will include in this list are). 
If you like the works, please give the author some love and REBLOG. It’s how our work gets around this site that unlike Instagram or Twitter, can only get exposure through reblogs. 
* - has smut / implied smut / basically very spicy
ATEEZ what they love about you - @calmdownluv
*Acquainted (San) - @serendipityunho 12:59 (Yunho)
*Make Up (Mingi) - @nateezfics *Slippery (Yeosang) *A-Z Headcanon (Hongjoong) *Rainy Morning (Mingi) *Bubble Bath (Seonghwa) *Live Game (San) *Sweet Metallic (Jongho) *Hush (Wooyoung) *Into the Night (San) *Warm (Yeosang) *Honey & Blood (Hongjoong) *Deepest Desire (Yunho)
ATEEZ when their s/o buys them flowers - @molangmoy
6:53 p.m. (Wooyoung) (suggestive) - @treasure-hwa What’s a soulmate? (Seonghwa) Don’t Let Me Go (Mingi)
This really ridiculously cute story in a diner (Yeosang) - @hereisleo Moonlight Confession (San) Hell Correspondence (Wooyoung, San)
Chat Noir (San) (suggestive) -  @gummygowon
Time of Our Lives (Wooyoung) - @moonchildsaurora The City of Lights (San) This incredibly amazing mob boss piece (Seonghwa)
14:32 (Seonghwa) - @petitemingi 11:23 (Wooyoung)
*Choi San as Your Boyfriend - @star-1117
*Explicit (San) - @b4nnned
*In the Same Class as ATEEZ - @essenteez
1:54 (Wooyoung) - @sadienita
ATEEZ when he takes care of you while you’re in the hospital - @blu-joons ATEEZ when he misses you while on tour 
Selfish (Yunho) - @yeochikin 2:11 (Yeosang)
ATEEZ as romantic tropes - @mingishoe
3:46 p.m. (Hongjoong) (Suggestive) - @kireiwoo
Grocery Shopping with Wooyoung - @tbhchoi
Arcade (Yunho) - @barsformars
*Crazy in Love (Jaehyun) - @jeonronwoo
18 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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The second part of the 100-Day trilogy, following the events of The 100-Day Relationship. Choi Juhyun and Park Seonghwa are now engaged, but are faced with the decisions as to how they both want their wedding to be, along with other important choices a couple makes after the wedding. Resurfacing exes included.
I Do
Group: ATEEZ Member: Seonghwa Pairing: Seonghwa / OC Genre: Mostly fluff, mostly cheesy romantic stuff, sliiiiiiiiight angst
Things to Note: Art Curator Hwa! A lot of crazy rich stuff, we’ll again be feeling poor in this one. Tag list is open so let me know if you would like to be updated.  
Warnings: For this chapter? suggestive themes, a little brawl-ish, but it’s the bachelor/bachelorette parties!
Note: I am back and all better from my health issues - a few grueling days at the hospital (for something else entirely although I also tested positive for COVID but with very mild symptoms) and I got back the other day. I’m trying to get my mindset back to normal / go back into a normal routine kind of. 
Anyway, I hope you all love this chapter? It’s the bachelor/bachelorette parties... part 1. haha. From how things are going, we might go beyond 10 chapters. 
Tag list: @treasure-hwa ,@hwachu , @atz-diary
Chapter 6
“Bachelor party time, bachelor party,, ba-che-lor par-tay, bachelor party night, Saturday night!” Hongjoong cheered that night as they all assembled at Seonghwa’s museum. Kibum, Jongho, Wooyoung, Dongwoo, Jiho, Yunho, Yeosang, Seonghwa’s brother, and San were standing next to Seonghwa’s office, as he was preparing to close up for the night. 
“Hwa! Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Seonghwa’s brother called out. 
“Alright, alright, is the bar you’re taking us to reservation only?” Seonghwa closed his office door behind him, only to be met with cheers from all the males. He greeted San especially, who came from his Olympic training. 
“No, but we’re losing valuable party time,” Hongjoong checked his watch. “No bachelor party would be complete without our own limousine, and it’s outside right now” He grinned, making them cheer. 
“Are we going to be drinking on the way there too?” Seonghwa looked intrigued as they went out of the building, seeing a limousine parked in front. 
“No, but we could if you want, this limousine is stocked with champagne, but the drinks at Essence are where it’s at,” Hongjoong opened a bottle while San passed champagne flutes around. 
“What kind of drinks do they serve there anyway?” Wooyoung poured some into his glass, passing the bottle to Dongwoo. 
“You’ll see! I can’t tell you right now, it’ll spoil the fun,” Hongjoong was getting excited as the chauffeur began to drive them away. 
“In that case, allow me to be the first one to propose a toast?” Kibum raised his glass, making them do the same. “To Seonghwa, may he and Juhyun find eternal happiness together. Cheers!” 
“Cheers!” and they clinked their glasses before taking sips. 
“Tonight is a night where we, as responsible men, as responsible husbands and boyfriends, can drink to our hearts content!” Hongjoong cheered, pouring himself another round of champagne. The rest of them followed suit. 
They arrived at what was a large building later on, that had a long line of people waiting to get in. Seonghwa could feel a little buzz from the champagne they all kept drinking on the way as they easily made their way into the establishment. 
The club was large, the largest Seonghwa had seen or could compare to as they walked past the regulars, drinking cocktails from what looked like beakers filled with liquid that emitted a lot of smoke, perhaps from the dry ice. There were dancers suspended in the ceiling and some were performing on a big white platform in view of all the chairs that sat more than three people. Hongjoong looked especially proud of having brought them there, with one of the waiters showing them to an almost private booth area. They could hear some of the guests whisper amongst themselves, clearly because of the fact that most, if not all of them, were known public figures. 
“So this is Essence?” Yeosang turned to Hongjoong as they sat down, taking in the surroundings. 
“Yeah! Esquire says this place is the next big thing,” Hongjoong grinned, sitting back and calling over one of the waiters. “Order as much as you can, guys, tonight is a night we’re celebrating!” 
They cheered as San gestured for the waiter to come over and they ordered themselves their drinks. The waiter soon returned with a big bowl of what looked like tiny circles in different colors with several dimsum spoons and set it down on the table in front of them. “What’s that?” Kibum raised a brow. 
“The cocktail sampler. The blue dots are blue lagoon, the pink dots are cosmopolitan, the red dots are bloody mary, the yellow dots are whiskey sour, the orange dots are mint julep. Enjoy,” The waiter explained before walking off. 
They stared at the bowl. “This…is the cocktail sampler,” Seonghwa’s brother said. “When you said they experiment with alcohol, I see it.” 
“I told you guys it was wild,” Jiho wrinkled his nose at the bowl.
“Let’s dig in!” Hongjoong suddenly sat up, passing around the spoons, each of them digging into each part of the bowl. 
See the full post
19 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Past-Present-FutureBlack DahliaRED: Rogue, Extremely Dangerous
The fourth and final installment to the superpowers AU. San’s past comes catching up to him as he is targeted by an old colleague turned foe. With everyone else caught in the crossfire, San is forced to reveal what happened to him in the years before going on the search for his sister.
group: ATEEZ member: San pairing: yunho/oc, san/oc (in flashbacks) t/w: violence, use of weapons, possible gore, blood, character death (but not major), gambling/card counting, alcohol consumption, some cussing, (most likely) inaccurate depictions of what goes on at card games and casinos, implied smut, innuendos.
things to note: Inspired by the movies “21″ and “RED: Retired, Extremely Dangerous,” more Neos are characters in this one -- actually the big bad is one of the Neos lmao.  
Another A/N: Tag list is open, and welcome to another superpowers-fueled story. 
Listen to: Jumper - Cravity, Rocky - ATEEZ, Face ID - Epik High, Bangarang - Skrillex, Trauma - SF9, Blockbuster - Enhypen feat. Yeonjun
tag list: 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 - Final
26 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
i’m back!
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hi everyone!! hiatus is officially over!!
so a few new housekeeping notes!
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i changed my name!
i mostly did this in accordance with my side blog (which i’ll be talking about more in a little bit) but i also hated the name for a while and i think this suits me just a little bit more! all my links have already been changed so if anything on my masterlist is broken/leads to nowhere please let me know!!
i also changed my tags! so anyone who has my old nsfw tag blocked might want to update that, altho it might not be an issue later on down the line, as you can see by my next heading
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i’m highly considering stopping making nsfw content
i think this is the biggest change that might be coming to this blog tbh. i’ve been thinking about it A LOT and the discourse is super conflicting on what is right and what’s not right
as much as i love to write smut, and nobody has directly come after me for writing smut, i keep seeing opinions and takes that are starting to make me want to quit it altogether. like apparently as a minor there are legal implications for me writing smut? which??? idk how true that is but it’s enough to make me more wary
the discourse around aging people up is also conflicting and confusing and the last thing i want to do it be on the wrong side of how to interact and behave in fandom spaces, especially being so new
furthermore, people don’t really go feral on my blog? like people don’t interact with my nsfw content all that often so i feel like it’s just there idk. maybe i’ll split the content into two blogs, maybe i’ll just private all of it and become purely sfw, idk im still thinking about it but i’ll let you know when i come to that decision
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i will not be as active as i previously was
i hate to be so frank but the tumblr writing community is dying. nobody gets the interaction or hype that they deserve and it’s a huge blow to a writer’s morale to write something and barely get recognition
it’s not selfish for writers to feel this way and for this reason i won’t be posting as often or as regularly as i did previously. when i finish all requests and i open them up again, you probably won’t be getting it as quickly as you’ve seen in the past.
school is also starting up for me and it’s a very important one (senior szn or whatever) so i’m gonna be super busy with college stuff and AP classes and all the fun stuff that comes with being on the verge of adulthood
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requests are actively being finished
this isn’t really a new thing, but i know there are at least two event requests that are in progress rn and one request for an orginal piece i wrote at the very beginning of my blog
i’ll tentatively open my requests up again really soon (probably with slots tbh) and we can move from there
i promise they’ll be done (one is already fully finished and formatted in my drafts), ive just been burnt out and really not feeling writing (hence the hiatus)
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i’m making a sideblog!
yayyyy smth a little bit more lighthearted! i made a side blog! its callled @peachiimilquecoffee (see what i did there) and it’ll be a little bit more laid back, more behind the scenes, and maybe i’ll post more WIPs and sneak peeks there as well as the stuff that interests me so i don’t clog up your dash with random pointless stuff
i’m also probably gonna talk more about my original content, and post about my other interests. if you’re into that kinda thing just check my navi and it’ll be up sometime soon! i just finished setting up camp and getting my tags situated there and whatnot so come hang out!
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when i started this blog, i didn’t think i would get this far or even meet so many other people that i enjoy interacting with and seeing! i do want to stay here for as long as the site will let me, and as long as i feel welcome.
like i said previously, the writing community on tumblr feels like it’s dying, and it’s hard to make fan content unless you have a shit ton of followers that interact with you every day (and honestly some big blogs are struggling with a lack of boundaries as well).
all this to say, it often feels like there’s no winning. this is a tentative comeback, and i really hope something will change soon and making writing as fun as it was in the beginning for me. the hiatus was good for me to reset and be more inclined to get back in the groove.
thank you sm for your follows and your support! i really appreciate every single one of you and im looking forward to writing more stuff!
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project-pnf-404 · 4 years
Checkpoint and important updates 2!!: Electric boogaloo!!
Heyo guys!! Long time no talk. So, I’ve got some cool update stuff to show you guys. I’ve been doing a lot of blog “housekeeping” since the end of the last event. (don’t worry it hopefully won’t be boring update stuff lmao as it includes some new supplementary content). So, first and foremost, thanks to the inspiration from @koppais-smallest-nerd I’d like to let you guys know that I am now adding screen reader access to all future posts!!! This one included. At the bottom of each post under the, “read more”, image descriptions for all images will be added! Screen reader accessibility will also be added to all previous asks on the blog. However, getting through all of them will take a tiny bit. As, of this update, the first 4 asks have had image descriptions added. As well as all the supplementary content in between where applicable.
I’d also like to show you guys some supplementary content for the blog. Between these dashed lines are in character day 1 log entries written by the rest of the crew. 
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I originally wasn’t sure if I wanted to put these extra day 1 logs on the main blog or not. But, I’ve decided that all supplementary content that may be story related will remain on the main blog for the foreseeable future, while BTS content will end up on PNF-404-Plus.
That being said since the end of the 1st event and my time away from the blog a lot has been going on when it comes to the blog.
For one the entire desktop version of the blog has had a large overhaul. A new theme has been added to the main page.
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But, not only that but new side pages with supplementary content have been added!! This includes an event list, a bio page for the crew members of the S.S Drake, a Piklopedia page for the new Piklopedia, and a music page to top it all off!!
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The Event List will show each new event as they are added! You can click on the current known events to go directly to all posts tagged with that event tag. Speaking of which all Event 01 posts have now had their tags updated with the Event 01 tag making it much easier to navigate.
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The new Crew Members page has bios for all the members currently on the mission or known in the story so far! These Bios are pretty in line with cannon with some fanon, and light headcanon added  in for good measure. I recommend taking a look as it does have some interesting info in there. Also quick note: all of these bios are written as if it is prior to the beginning of the blog.
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Then there’s the Piklopedia!! Here you can read each of their findings as they explore PNF-404! Currently the findings will be on each area they explore (not each creature they find) as they haven’t found any new creatures yet. There is also a map of places they’ve discovered and more!
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Lastly, a new music page has been added. On this page, I’ve created event-inspired music playlists. Some of the songs have been mentioned in the past. But, here you can listen to them all in one place and see which songs are for which part of the events. As well there’s a secret songs playlist. This playlist has nothing to do with the blog directly but is filled with music given to me by people I’ve met from this community while I’ve been here!! Currently, there are 5 songs there, however, there will be more added in the future! What makes it secret is that you won’t know who gave me the song XD. (well unless you’re the one who gave me the song lmao) who knows if you’ve ever shared music with me before you may find your song there!! (There is also one song I’m sharing with you guys in there too so have fun figuring that out lmao. )
As well the table of contents has been once again updated with a lot of this new stuff as well as some other new information!! As for mobile users as of now, all of this is on separate Tumblr pages. However, in the near future, I will be uploading much of this stuff , such as the Piklopedia entries and Crew Bio’s, as individual posts! However, in the meantime, if you feel like you can always check out these pages on your phone browser instead if you’re a mobile-exclusive user. (Though some pages don’t look as good on phone)
Welp, I think that’s it as far as updates go!! I should be back with brand new ask posts soon (likely within the next week or so!) so keep a look out!! I’ll see ya guys again soon and thanks for reading!!!
{{ Screen reader image description is under “
In the first image,  Alph’s Day 1 Log entry is shown. His log says, “To think I thought the first day would go well. Then again I didn’t think I would get sucked out of the ship either so maybe I should stop being so surprised. At the very least Louie and I were able to find our way back despite some obstacles and I was able to fix the ship in time. Though if it weren’t for Chunks we would have never found the pikmin we did. That little guy sure saved the day. 
However, Then there's what happened to Brittany… To see her in a situation like that... I can’t even bear to think about it. Tomorrow I will be checking over the entirety of the Drake to make sure a crash like that doesn't happen again. I can't help but think that the crash was due to me overlooking something during maintenance... However, The only thing I can do now is to make sure something like this never happens again for all our sake, especially Brittanys’. “ It is then sighed by Alph
In the second Image Charlies Day 1 Log entry can be read it says, “I should have been on top of things. As this crew’s captain, everything that went wrong was under my watch and things should have gone much smoother. That being said I am very glad that all of my crew have made it out alive. Though I am still worried about Brittany. If only I was able to keep her safe…
 But, at this point, we all must press forward. We have a task to complete and after seeing how devastated some areas are, we must get to the bottom of what’s wrong with PNF-404. Nothing will get in my way, not with my steely fists that is!!” It is then signed by  Charlie
In the third image Louies’ day 1 log entry can be seen it says, 
Going back to the pikmin planet wasn’t at the top of my list of things I thought I’d be doing anytime soon. Yet somehow I find myself back here and stranded again…. At least I wasn’t fully alone this time…
Alph and I eventually found a pikmin that we later named Chunks. He sure acts differently in comparison to any other Pikmin I’ve seen before. But, even still, if it weren’t for Chunks, we wouldn’t have been able to help Brittany or find any other pikmin for that matter. So, we should thank him for that.” It is then signed by Louie
In the fourth image the updated version of the Project: PNF-404 Tumblr is shown. It now has a bright cyan futuristic aesthetic to it. In the fifth image a picture of the new events page, listing all the past and future events planned so far is shown. It has 1 known event Titled Event 01. The other 3 are titled Event unknown. In the sixth image, the new crew members’ character page is shown. A picture of Olimar is shown along with a description of his traits and a biography. It reads as follows, 
AGE 38
SPECIES Hocotatian
TITLE(S) Employee of Hocotate Freight, Xenobiologist
AFFILIATION Hocotate Freight, Planet Hocotate Government
Fatherly, well-meaning, and resourceful, for an almost 40 year old Hocotatian he has a lot of bravery and guts. Olimar first and foremost loves his family and cares deeply for others around him. A Hardworking employee of Hocotate Freight and family man, Olimar tends to try and stay level-headed while looking out for others.
Having been one of the first to visit the Pikmin planet Olimar has extensive knowledge of the planet's life. Lucky for him he just so happens to have gone to college for xenobiology. Many of his findings can be found within his many log entries known as the Piklopedia.
But, for as much as Olimar tends to be on top of things, his trips to the pikmin planet have had him face many dangers and life-threatening events. Though these issues are not something he brings up…
In the seventh image, The new Piklopidea page is shown, In one section it displays a map of PNF-404 with 2 marked locations. The first of which is highlighted in blue is named the “Silent Stream” the second, is highlighted in orange, Its title is “Glacial Gardens”. To the right of that is a description introduction for the Piklopedia. It says” To help ensure the progress and success of this mission all crew members must write down their findings in this log. Overview: 
CAPTAIN Olimar: Writes In-depth biological analysis of fauna and how the ecosystem affects said fauna.
LOUIE: Writes about Recipes and ingredients that can be found in each area. ALPH: Looks at the area with the eyes of an engineer. He uses this insight to discuss the benefits and flaws of what he’s analyzing. BRITTANY: Uses her botanist skills to look into the flora of the area along with talking about the aesthetics of things and adding in her own general opinions.
CAPTAIN CHARLIE: Writes about combat strategy and how one can use the environment in an area for a tactical advantage.
To the left is a map showing the current locations discovered by the crew. The one highlighted in orange has yet to be explored.
The final image shows the new music page! 6 playlists can be selected on the left each having 5 songs. To the right is an image of the event 01 cover art. With (from left to right), Brittnay, Charlie, Olimar, Louie, and Alph all looking up with a distressed expression on their faces. 
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attackonmyself · 4 years
Hi everyone!!
Whew, 2020 has been a year. I hope you’re doing as well as you can be and are heading into the new year with lots of hope. 
I know I don’t have as many followers as other blogs, but I’m honestly astounded I have as many as I do. Truly. Thank you to all of you; anyone who has said a kind word, left a like or reblog, anything. 
I just wanted to share a little bit about my absence here. I’m still rather young (though I am a legal adult), and in a pivotal point in my life. I’ve also struggled with many mental health issues, and this semester I’ve been on a medical leave from college for that as well as some physical health issues. I’m trying to do my best to invest in myself, for once, and give myself the care I’ve been sorely lacking. These past few months have been ones of hardships, high emotions, and breakdowns, but also of growth, healing, and the return of hope to my life. 
While I am a die-hard fangirl, and have recently started to tackle my love-hate relationship with writing as well (thanks to @lia-jones​ for encouraging me and giving me the push I needed to start that journey, as well as for many other things I will mention in a bit), I have decided that I need to put myself and my well-being first and foremost over any content here. This does not mean I am deactivating, going on hiatus, or anything like that. I’m simply going to be prioritizing healthy habits over tumblr and writing. 
I do feel bad for kind of dropping off the map, and want to offer some apologies.
To the anon that sent me the BPD request: it’s still on my list and in the works! So sorry it’s taking me so long to write it. I haven’t forgotten it!!
To @elainabearie​, @areswhy​, and anyone else who has tagged or mentioned me: thank you so much for interacting with me and I’m so sorry I haven’t responded!! I will me getting around to all the tag games super soon, no matter how old they are. You guys are so sweet.
To @lia-jones​: I have been so unbelievably lucky to meet you. I consider you one of my closest friends and I enjoy every moment spent with you. I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. You’re a light in my dark times, and such a beautiful and amazing person. 
Ok, now some housekeeping. 
First off, everyone go check out Lia’s work!!! @aim170​ has a super amazing post on it here with links. Seriously you guys, big things coming up in the series and I can’t wait to see what you all think. I think I can candidly say you all have no idea where it’s gonna go, so stick around to find out, and give Lia all your support and love because she so deserves it!
Second, my work. My current goal is to get my side chapter to Lia’s universe (the Goldman one) up as soon as possible. I’m thinking before Friday afternoon, because I start my new job then. I have a few other WIPs in the works, but I can’t guarantee when I will be posting any of them. I’m going to be pretty busy until the end of the year, but am going to try my best to get them up before then, as I go back to school remotely next semester.
Third, a question. Would you guys prefer that I keep my content as mostly reblogs and occasional writing, or that I add in some personal stuff too? I’m not gonna be offended either way, just genuinely curious. 
Fourth, tags. I was really good about tagging my stuff, but have been terrible as of late. I hope to before the end of the year completely revamp my tagging system so everything is categorized. Sorry about the mess. 
If you’ve made it to the end, thank you for reading. Stay safe, and I hope you have a happy holiday season no matter how or if you celebrate this time of year!
Much love,
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quickspinner · 4 years
Alright tell me why my dumbass didn’t realize you had a load of stories on AO3... tell me why I’ve been moping around because I had no Lukanette to read and it was sitting right under my nose! Excuse me while I fall down that rabbit hole.
LOL tosses down a rope and yells “Don’t forget to eat and hydrate!”
I try to make sure everybody knows where to find all my stuff and keep things organized. I was just thinking it was time for another housekeeping post so thanks for the excuse! Here goes, and I’m gonna be extra thorough this time! I apologize up front for my wordiness, I don’t even fight it anymore, so for the TLDR folks I’ll try to bold the important stuff.
Just so you know what you’re getting into, my work is pretty much all Lukanette all the time and I like to think the sodium content is pretty low (I’m gonna level with you guys I am getting really sick of all these ‘Oh, if only there were Lukanette fics that weren’t mean to Adrien, but alas! they do not exist’ posts I’ve been seeing. Insert Will Smith gif here).
All my work on tumblr can be found under the tag quickspins and everything that’s part of a series has a series tag, and I try to link back to the other pieces.
Here’s my AO3. I personally think it’s the easiest place to find my stuff if you’re looking to binge, and some of my older works from there are not on Tumblr yet, which include:
I’ll Give You the Stars (which I’m currently in the process of posting here)
Second Chance (which is queued up next and pairs well with IGYTS) 
Finding Harmony (which is probably my favorite piece to date, honestly, sort of my mostly-unsalty fix-it for Season 3) (does it count as salt if it’s Lila acting like Lila?) 
All That’s Best of Dark and Bright (my very first Lukanette fic)
Can’t Stop the Pain (just a quick little thought piece mostly)
Until It Doesn’t Hurt (because who hasn’t written a post-puppeteer fixit at this point)
A Time to Every Purpose (the sort of sequel)
Take a Chance (a college AU that I did for the first week of Lukanette September)
Okay, that was more stuff than I realized, wow. I’m pretty sure everything else is cross-posted. The only thing on tumblr not on AO3 that I can think of is Payback and the April Kisses pieces I’ve been doing. However it will all end up on AO3 eventually so if you are worried about missing something, you can subscribe to my author updates on AO3 and get ALL THE THINGS.
Go nuts, leave me as many comments as you feel like! I promise my reaction to an inbox full of comments is not eek a stalker it is always OMG BEST DAY EVER. 
If you run out of my work, because I do have to sleep sometime, check out my AO3 bookmarks for other awesome Lukanette writers (and actually a few really good LS fics too believe it or not, I have been known to venture out of my niche once in a while). There’s a little bit of everything there so even if you find some that aren’t to your taste keep clicking, I promise there’s good stuff there. 
Links are in my blog header too if you lose this post, and you can also follow me if you’re looking for Lukanette because I try to reblog most of the Lukanette content I find. We’re all in this little ship together and I love to share other people’s work as well as my own. I strongly believe in supporting other content creators so love to all of you out there, even if you haven’t been brave enough to hit that publish button yet.
Please remember also that authors crave your feedback so try to leave some when you can. I try to answer all of my AO3 comments and anything that comes in my ask box; it’s a little harder for me to respond to replies in the notes here for some reason but I still love them just as much, and I love it when people leave some love in the reblog tags too. So, don’t feel bad if you can’t, but if you can, I’d love it if you did.
My ask box is open too, so if you have questions or can’t find something or you’re just curious, I promise that in real life I am seriously uncool and nobody you should be afraid of, so if you’re thinking about dropping me a note please feel safe and loved doing so. 
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lognecro · 4 years
I’m getting job training at Bonehaven learning center
I’m typing this on my phone because I don’t have a computer, but i’m hoping to get one in the next month. Anyways, my name is Logan, and I had no direction in life. I was born on March 22, 2003, so i’ll be 18 in about a month. I have a few interesting things about me that might be important for this blog. I am autistic, I suffer from several mental disorders that cause psychosis, anger issues, and in general destructive behavior. I dropped out of high school midway through junior year, and have been through the process of getting my ged while holding down a job at a grocery store.
I don’t know when but my parents found out about a program called Job Corps, and I filled out an application. I’ll be going to the Bonehaven center in Oregon, where I will be trained in SAPS(Security and protective services). This should be happening in the next few months, but since right now my life is doing pretty poorly social wise, I thought writing a journal might help. I don’t like being trapped in my own bubble though, so i’m doing a blog. Instead of screaming my thoughts onto paper, i’ll be doing it into the void that is the internet.
My hobbies include reading and writing, listening to music, and practicing bass(I’m not very good at it). I’m hoping in the future though to write my own music, or at least perform in a band. My main dream is to become a ghost and monster hunter though, traveling the United States checking out hotspots of folklore and supernatural activity. Sadly I have to focus on reality, and that’s why I am doing SAPS with Job Corps, I’m not an idiot but i’m not the smartest guy either, and despite me having a bit of a weight issue, when i’m working out regularly I have body builder muscles and i’m absolutely swol.
Right now me and my friends are going through a rough patch, I spend too much money and time on my friend Ivy, while I barely spend time with Jenny. It doesn’t help that they hate each other and refuse to be in the same room together. Ivy is super needy and texts me every day to hang out, which makes me irritable most of the time so I usually lie and say I’m working because I need my alone time. Jenny never texts me and I rarely see her cause she lives a couple towns over, and I don’t have my license yet so I always have to ask for a ride.
I’m hoping to get my license soon, but with this pandemic, it’s been nearly impossible to get an appointment set up. I have this old convertible Chrysler that my grandma gave me, it needs a new battery and hood, and before I take it in to get fixed, I have to scrub the inside down with bleach because of all the mold. It’s a really nice car though and I hope to have it running in a couple months. I have a bit of an energy drink addiction and right now I’m in love with these zero calorie, 300 mg caffeine drinks. I get the new red dragon flavor and it’s just a really good and smooth fruit punch flavor.
At my job, I’m the closing parcel, so i’m the guy pushing carts and cleaning the restrooms, though I refuse to clean the womens restroom after I had done my whole *knock knock* “HOUSEKEEPING, ANYBODY INSIDE?!?!?” routine, and nobody answered, so I walked in and in the first stall, a woman was...having some fun I guess, awkward thing was she stared me in the eyes and only did it more furiously, so I just don’t go in there anymore. My bosses are generally very pleasant and easy to work with, except for Big Bitch and Little Bitch, who I will not say their names as to not reference their names.
Big Bitch has no idea how to manage people, and has a thick accent that makes it very hard to understand him. He’s the one that tells me to go vacuum the front lobby when the cart bays are over flowing and people are complaining. Little Bitch has absolutely no empathy or awareness of his surroundings, he generally wanders off to go talk to customers or check his phone, while he lets the assistant manager do all the hard work of managing the front end. The assistant managers are the people I can actually respect, because they’re real people instead of an annoying character that only exists to make my day harder.
In general I don’t have to do much most days, and take long breaks because people often don’t use carts or make massive messes, you’d think they would but it’s only happen a couple times in the year i’ve worked here. At home I live in a repurposed bathroom, where the sink, bathtub, and toilet had all been removed and paved over to turn the room into an exceptionally large storage room, where I have a twin sized bed, a tv, and an xbox that I never play. Often at night, I can hear my parents having sex over my music because the walls are so thin. Getting drunk or high helps, but most days I just turn the tv up high or listen to music via my headphones.
I’m going to be switching to a flip phone, because I want to stop using social media as often, and I just think they’re cool. I love old tech. I’m making the switch after I get a laptop, so that i’ll still have a way to update this blog. Anyways I’ve, recently been getting into the occult, mainly to explain my prophetic dreams that are either random events that i’m going to experience or end of the world scenarios that happen in other universes. My mom had the ability to see and conjure the dead, and my brothers inherited that ability, but I didn’t. While i’m sensitive to the supernatural, I can’t perceive what’s around me, only what’s in my head
I initially thought it was some sort of schizophrenia the voices in my head, but even after taking anti psychotics and getting monthly injections, they never went away. I never told anybody though, because I don’t want to go to a hospital again. I’ve been trying to categorize and place the voices, but they’re not the same every time, and they’re not talking to me. They’re just talking, it’s like eavesdropping on a conversation that doesn’t exist, but yet some how, the information I hear is usually about the people around me, some random stuff, and me. I’m currently in the small break room, with an ear bud in my right ear and two conversations going on to my left.
One is my coworkers talking to each other, and the other one is a man talking to a woman, I don’t really know what it’s about but a few snippets are “Yeah I piss in the milk, they can’t tell though. I’ve managed to open a door, gonna try to do that again soon. I made about 3 kids cry again, honestly if I could I’d make a career out of it”
Just random things like that, in general though the conversation seems to be about somebody named and I don’t know how this is spelt so this is a guess, “Hephitus” I have no idea who that is, but it seems like they’re talking about a person. I hear this name every now and then, but they dropped this name a few times and in general it’s them just verbally shitting on him/her, pretty much what I do when i’m talking about somebody. I typically ignore these convos but right now i’m bored, so I got nothing better to do. I have to go back to work now though, so Imma go. I’m going to try posting daily, so let me know what you think. This has been Logan or LogNecro, and this is my blog
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New Stuff: A Housekeeping Post
Hey guys! I’m gonna be making some changes to my blog! The most important being the introduction of a New WIP: Pearl Thief. 
But we’ll get to that in a bit. Be patient children. 
I’ll also be changing my pen name and adding some things to my blog page, like WIP pages, changing the color, changing my Bio, little things like that. Now you’ll be able to just go to my WIP pages to find stuff, so that’s good!
My original pen name, Marker, was a good name for when I only had Alien Roommate to write. It was kinda dorky and silly, just like AR. But Pearl Thief is definitely a more serious story, not that AR doesn’t have it’s darker bits, but it’s not nearly as happy and sunny. So, in order to fit both the happy mood of AR, and the more somber mood of Pearl Thief, I’ve decided on the name Marko. It’s got part of the old, happy name, but sounds more serious, so it’s perfect!
Also the blog name won’t be Alien Roommate anymore, it’s gonna be something different, I just haven’t decided what. The url and profile will stay the same though!
OK, back to Pearl Thief, cuz I’m sure you’ve all be waiting with bated breath. I’ll be doing a WIP Intro post for Pearl Thief soon, but the basic idea is: Oh cool mermaids exist. But they live in a watery, hellish dystopia of pollution, so that’s less cool. BUT, they have ~magic~, so that’s gotta help somehow, right? RIGHT???
That’s it. That’s the whole plot. I mean I didn’t tell you about any characters but yep that’s it. Ta-freakin-Da. 
Pearl Thief is still in the planning stage rn, I haven’t really started writing yet. I’ve just been trying to figure out the magic system, the characters, the rules and society underwater, lots of worldbuilding in general, and eventually I’ll get to the actual plot. I’ve got an idea for what I want to happen, but so far the plot is just a few sentences in my notebook, and what I have in my character outlines. 
NEVERTHELESS! There will be a WIP Intro Post soon, as well as Character Intro Posts, and I’ll be sure to update on my progress with it every once in awhile. And of course, when I actually start writing it, there will be excerpts for you guys to read! I’ll make a tag list post as some point, but if you want to be tagged in the Pearl Thief WIP Intro Post you can send me an ask or message if you’d like!
That’s all for now! I should have all these changes implemented in the next few days!
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ashesincaptivity · 6 years
I  LIVE  AGAIN  !!!!
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BREAKS  DOOR  DOWN. hello  everyone  !!! i  have  returned once  again.  Its been  a  little hectic  this  past month  and   a half,  but  i am  ready  to get  things going again.  HOWEVER  i did  make  some choices  about  this  blog  that  i would   like  to  share with  you  all to  eliminate  confusions ! I  did  a  lot  of soul searching  during my  absence  & made  a  lot  of  choices  i think  will  make me  happier  in the  long  run.  
i  learned  a lot of  things,  lots of  pretty  well life  changing  things, i am  not ready to  share  at this  point  in time  with  people, i will  when  i am  ready.  
this  is  a lot  to  read but  it  is super  important  so please  try  & make  it through if  you  can. <3  there  is  stuff about  tony  & stuff  about  what i  am looking to  do  in  the  future for  rp.
now  this  may come  as  a shock,  or  it may  not  be a  shock.  in  any case  i would  like  to offer  an  explanation. i  have  made a  lot  of good  memories  on tony  and  writing him.  before  i started  writing  him my  love  for him  wasn’t super huge,  he  was just  a  simple enjoyment  for  me. taking  him  on a  muse has changed  that  so much for  me,  hes my  ride  or  die  & i  love  him so  so much. But  tbh  i don’t  think  i can  personally  give him  all  that he  deserves right now. its  everything  to do  with  my hectic  schedule.  ------  not  to  mention  a  reason  i  left  was  cos  i  was  tired  of  feeling  like  i  owe  people  &  not  feeling  good  enough.  i  will  be  on  tony  when  i  can  &  when  i  want  too.  if  that  means  focusing  on  more  ships  or  whatever  i  chose  to  write,  then  thats  what  i  am  going  to  do.  i  want  to  be  happy  on here  again  ! 
i still  want to  write  him, but  i do not  have  the creative  energy  right now  to make him  top  priority. I AM  NOT  GOING ANYWHERE,  i  just will  be changing the  status  of activity  around  here.  but  this  is  me  we  are  talking  about  honestly  so  i  will  still  be  around  regularly,  just  expect  replies  to  be  a  little  more  slower  than  the  norm. 
just  for  reasons above,  &  the fact   this  blog is  super  cluttered   with inactive &  such (  plus  i  had  to  do  tags  again  so  ughhhh ) . i  do  plan to  go  a  bit more private  as  well so  that  may be  a  factor. i  will  post updates  about  it when  it  comes along.  i also  will be  doing  a follower  clean  up at  some point, so  if  i unfollow  you  please don’t  take  it personal.
at  this  time I  am  keeping threads  with  mains &  very  few select  individuals.  its nothing  against  you but  I  do not  want  to be  overwhelmed.  will post  a drop list  later  this week. if  i  drop something  of  ours please  come  at me  & we can  make  new things  !
to  clear  confusion i am  not dropping  any  muses, nor  am  i   moving  blogs  in this  fandom. however  i need  to  maintain sanity  with  school &  other  stuff   so i  am trying  my  hand again  at  a multi  muse. i  am combining  my  old scifi one with a  few  from one  of  my old  multis  & adding  new  people from  other blogs.   the  blog  will be  announced  when it  is  ready to  go.  
i am  also  currently working  on  three  other  muses,  ( main  blogs  ) as well  as bringing back  a  few old  muses.  i  am  trying to  organize  in a  way  that works best  for me.  &  i think I have  most  of it  figured  out.  promos  will be  posted  when the  blogs  are ready .
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nullset2 · 7 years
How to model Posts with Tags (Grails 3 example)
A common use case which I haven't seen covered elsewhere is how to model a Post to Tag association when developing a relational database-backed Application (whether of the Web persuasion or otherwise)
This comes in handy when developing software where you want to allow people to upload and share pieces of content (from here onwards referred to as Posts) associating those pieces of content with metadata for some kind of trend or reporting purpose (from here onwards referred to as Tags). For example: blog posts.
I want to share my technique in case anyone needs to do something similar, in this case, with Grails 3. However the knowledge disclosed here is applicable to any other way to structure your application.
Now then, a quick refresher: Grails allows you to easily code an MVC stack using groovy, a (beautiful) language for the JVM, to develop an application.
By MVC stack I mean that your repository will have fully working pieces of logic related to the model, view and controller layers of web applications.
It may sound complicated for newbies, but all that I'm talking about is that by using grails we're strongly following a design principle called separation of concerns, which establishes that certain parts of your code should only have a single, certain, intended purpose.
The clear advantage of this is that it makes your systems layerized and easy to grok in the long term. It also helps replacing parts of your system for better parts (for example, a new, optimized templating engine in place of your old one, faster data structures, or a better ORM, to say the least)
Also, when combined with the convention-over-configuration school of thought that Grails and other such frameworks adhere to, this results in humongous productivity and an elevated level of agility in your response as a developer.
The Schema
So back on track: to model posts with tags, we need two models (which grails calls domain classes), one for Post, and one for Tag. Then, the relationship between both becomes obvious: whenever you publish a post, you can associate many (or no) tags to it. So then it is said that each tag can belong to many posts.
Remember you can get nice empty domain classes by using a command such as grails create-domain-class Post.
The way that I see it, each post should, to begin with, at least have a title and content, where the first one should be a string of sensible length, and the second should be something more robust (postgres has a text type which I like, and a tag should be defined by a name. We can add other fields in the database besides that for some housekeeping too :D
You may already be well knowledgeable that to associate one database-backed model to another (or, rather, to associate records on a relational database) in a many to many relation, you need something that is called a join table, which consists of a series of records constituted by two foreign keys, both pointing to the primary keys of their respective tables.
In our case we can determine a join table called post_tags which relates a post_id foreign key pointing at the posts table with a tag_id foreign key pointing at the tags table. Then, whenever you need your relationships you can simply query this table on the database.
This is a quick and dirty schema that describes this database:
The thing is, that with grails, getting this is a simple as expressing as coding your domain classes in a certain way:
package blog class Post { String title String content Date dateCreated Date lastUpdated static hasMany = [tags: Tag] static mapping = { content type: "text" } static constraints = { title maxSize: 255, blank: false content blank: false } }
package blog class Tag { String name Date dateCreated Date lastUpdated static belongsTo = Post static hasMany = [posts: Post] static constraints = { name maxSize: 30, blank: false, unique: true } String toString(){ name } }
Notice, in both cases, the presence of static hasMany and belongsTo class members. These link your two domain classes in a snap. The good thing is that grails will also know how to create the join table for both models and will indeed do it automatically on your database.
The view
So, assuming you have your domain classes in check now it's time to create nice views for your stuff.
If you scaffold your views and controllers with grails generate-all you will now notice that your create view for Post are now prepared with a hasMany record selector:
Which will send the ids of your selected options (on a computer you can ctrl-click the elements of the selector) to your controller, where GORM will process them into nice join table records, all automagically. In this way your Post domain will maintain itself updated with its associated Tags.
Again, this is all provided by the framework! Oh joy! Right?
Well, so what if you want to replace the multiselect with some other kind of UI element? Something that comes to mind is checkboxes. Checkboxes are a pretty natural way to tell your application that you want to add n different associated records to your Post, and simpler to use than the selector.
So to do that you can dig into your grails-app/views/post directory and let's isolate the code representing the model form for the Post domain into its own partial. The last few tags before closing longest-enclosing div will create checkmarks per each Tag you currently have on your database and will show them checked if and only if an association has already been persisted, and otherwise if the relationship is available but doesn't exist yet:
<%@ page import="blog.Post" %> <%@ page import="blog.Tag" %> <div class="fieldcontain ${hasErrors(bean: post, field: 'title', 'error')} "> <label for="title"> <g:message code="post.title.label" default="Title" /> </label> <g:textField name="title" value="${post.title}" /> </div> <div class="fieldcontain ${hasErrors(bean: post, field: 'content', 'error')} "> <label for="title"> <g:message code="post.content.label" default="Content" /> </label> <g:textArea name="content" value="${post.content}" rows="30" cols="160" class="big-textarea"/> </div> <div class="fieldcontain"> <g:each in="${Tag.list()}" var="tag"> <label>${tag.name}</label><g:checkBox name="tags" value="${tag.id}" checked="${post.tags.find { it.id == tag.id }}" /> </g:each> </div>
The partial should be saved to the same directory that the create.gsp file is saved to and its name should begin with an underscore, such as _form.gsp. Then you can just invoke the partial with a very simple directive on the create.gsp and edit.gsp templates with a very simple g:render statement: ``. If you're familiar with ruby on rails partials, this should come second nature, all nice and easy.
A quick refresher on GSP: GSP stands for Groovy Server Pages and it's the name of the template engine for the Grails ecosystem. It's the Grails analogous of JSP, ERB, Jade, Haml, Slim, or whatever other templating engine you like. Through succint combination of binding of objects to view patterns, and by providing you the ability to compose views with the template engine by reusing smaller snippets of code over and over, you can instruct the grails runtime on how to produce really nice HTML documents on the fly whenever a user requests it. This takes very little time and is done very easily, and without having to write any heavy front-end code. This can work wonders for some apps, depending on the level of UI design and UX focus that you have. Some other apps may prefer to go for a SPA kind of approach and throw some fancy schmanzy javascript framework in there that consumes and provides data as JSON or XML documents from and to a RESTful or SOAP API, and those are very exciting domains of course, however just bear in mind that grails helps us solve those problems faster.
Bring it home
So finally after remembering about GSP, keeping in mind that there's plentiful documentation for GSP elsewhere and that any html tags beggining with g: are actual backend code that will get process by your runtime, we can form our partial such as this:
Where we're basically telling the backend to give us checked checkboxes for each record of Tag that corresponds to an already existing join_table record for posts to tags, and otherwise draw available checkboxes for all those who aren't.
And now not only should you have a kind of nicer post create form, but actual checkmarks in your code!
So, cool, right? you have a quick and dirty working blog which should had only taken you the most of an hour to pull off... I hope you like it and send me any questions you may have!
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6 Tips to Make Your Brand an Email Response Rockstar
6 Tips to Make Your Brand an Email Response Rockstar
Posted by ronell-smith
Are you ready to create emails that get replies? Well, it's time to step away from the clickbait-y subject lines hawking insincere or insignificant promises, and instead deliver messages worthy of earning a response. Despite rumors to the contrary, asking for a reply or using email templates or sample letters is not the best path to ensuring your emails draw more than a yawn.
If the goal is to deliver emails that consistently get responses, your brand must first focus on being authentic, sincere, and empathetic, putting the needs of the person on the other side of the screen before those of your brand.
By doing so, you not only earn clicks, eyeballs, and responses, you can also increase the number of conversions for your product or services, which likely won’t go unnoticed.
For the skeptical among you, I’ll use a personal example, one that involved me sitting at my desk when my former vice president stormed out of the executive team meeting, yelling my name as he walked down the corridor toward my office.
"Ronell! Where’s Ronell?!" he implored as I stuck my head out my office door to greet him. “I need you to explain these numbers to me.”
I — lump in my throat — looked at a printout with budget numbers for my department.
“I cut your budget 30%, right?” he asked. “But [the revenue for your area] increased 17% over the same period. What did you do?”
Before I could say a word, he ran off to another meeting as I scrambled to respond.
At the time, I didn’t really have a solid answer.
But the more I looked into it myself, the more I realized that I had made a small change that had added up to make a huge difference: I focused intensely on building connections via email with my core clients.
Whereas many of my peers sent ho-hum, “How are you doing? We should talk soon”-type emails that got opened but seemed to never garner responses, I resorted to employing a system that was successful and trackable:
Set aside 30 minutes a day for what I called “connectedness emails” — highlighting my knowledge of their new products or services, sharing my thoughts on them, and providing an informed opinion on how successful they were likely to be
Sent a minimum of two emails
Tied responses to future ad sales
What started out as a fun way to connect with my customers became a process I’ve continued to use for the better part of a decade, during which time I ran a members-only online newsletter that had email open rates averaging 47% (in a vertical where open rates averaged ~5%) and response rates averaging ~35%.
I’m sure many of you reading this could beat these numbers in your sleep.
My point is not to show you how lucky I was to have some success at email marketing over a short period of time. My point is that email outreach can be the powerful tool we view it as, if only we’re willing to revise our processes and focus on doing the things that earn meaningful responses, not merely clicks or opens.
Who cares about email, anyway?
Despite all of the attention and dollars thrown at social media, email is one of the most effective tools we have in our arsenal to successfully conduct outreach and build lasting connections.
But I’m sure you don’t need to be convinced, for you’re probably already sending emails more often than you’d care to remember.
What’s more, given the plentiful information on the email outreach, you’re probably wondering why you need to read another such post.
The answer: We can all be more effective at email, whether for marketing or for outreach. I’m of the opinion that the content marketing and SEO industries could be a lot more effective by placing as much emphasis on doing email better and more effectively as we do on social media. (I’m not talking resource allocation, mind you; I’m talking diligence and attentiveness.)
Before I share the simple but effective tactics I’ve used for the last decade, three housekeeping notes are in order:
I’m not now, nor have I ever considered myself, an email expert.
This post won’t cover, in any great detail, subject lines (e.g. length, words, etc.), open rates, optimal times to send emails, etc.
Three things compelled me to write this post: (a) the prevalence of (often ineffective) email outreach; (b) the importance of email to SEOs and marketers in general; (c) and my desire to share a few simple elements I’ve used successfully for years.
How can your brand kick butt by creating emails that garner responses?
#1 -Tell me what's in it for me
After the opening salutations, get right to the point. Show me you value my time and have used yours to identify my needs and how your brand can help me meet them.
The email below, which I recently received from GetStat, nails it:
The subject line not only intrigued me, it made me want to see what they’d collected on my behalf
The opening was brief and to the point
The information they compiled is in line with why I would likely be reading and subscribing to their blog
They were brief
(I’ll cover the CTA below)
As you can see, any brand can create a similar email.
It all begins with having empathy for the person on the other end, clear brand goals and a willingness to respect people’s time.
#2 - Grab mobile readers' attention with the first sentence
I have a confession: I don’t trust your subject line.
We’ve all become masters of the clickbait email subject line. If you’re going to get me to open your email, you’ll need to think different.
Like most of you, I open most emails on a mobile device.
To consistently get my attention on a smaller device, disregard the subject line and use the first sentence of the email, which is often shown via mobile.
Yes, this can mean your emails have my name in the first line. But for brands I recognize, I don’t need to know you realize who I am; I need to know what you’re sharing is of value to me right now.
This should be an easy sell for SEOs who always include keywords in the first few lines and sentences to of a message, be it a blog post or an email.
So, while you’re laboring over that catchy subject line, go ahead and peel off some time — and a few choice words — to include in the first sentence.
#3 - Mind your grammar
One of my first jobs out of college was a business writer for a newspaper.
The metro editor had a standing policy regarding email correspondence that got everyone’s attention:
If you spelled his name wrong — no matter how great the pitch — he discarded it
If you misspelled a word in the email, it met the same result.
In the years since, I’ve met many people who feel the same way.
Don’t focus on the message at the expense of respecting the person you’re contacting.
Take the time to figure out who you’re writing to. It might be a make or break.
#4 - Create & exhaust tension
If you’re really serious about wanting your email opened, show me that you can help me solve a problem you know I’m facing.
“I know you’re looking to…”
“Brands facing the challenge yours now faces…”
“Your content team is doing an excellent job, but are likely stretched thin…”
That’s when you step in with a worthwhile answer and can likely earn more than my attention.
The key is to show the individual reading your email that you feel her pain, have taken the time to find the solution, and, most important, you are the person to handle the job.
That’s how I got the newspaper gig, despite majoring in biology and having zero experience or training in journalism:
(This is not the actual email I sent, but it is similar.)
I’d done my homework to know the issues the paper — and thus the editor — was facing.
I knew he’d likely discount a non-journalism major, but I reasoned that he had stories he’d want covered — that is, he’d want to go down swinging.
I wanted him to know I respected the business and the journalism, not simply the former.
I later learned that after reading my email, the executive editor said “Where did this guy come from?” He then set up a meeting with me.
I was hired the same day.
“Your email did it,” said my editor, months after I was hired, while admitting he was initially skeptical.
Your brand can achieve similar results. All it takes is a little investigation.
#5 - Have a well-defined call-to-action with clear next steps spelled out
One of my biggest weaknesses when I first started in content marketing was calls to action.
I’d write a blog post that simply ended.
There was no thoughts about intended next steps for the folks I was writing to.
Don’t be me.
At or near the end of every email you send, highlight, share, or link to the intended next step in the journey. (See the GetStat email above.)
#6 - End on a high note
A recent post regarding email outreach I wrote for Moz listed "thank you" as a better alternative to “thanks” as a closing.
Not so fast, says the latest research from Boomerang.
While “thanks” seems gratuitous to me, their research shows it as outperforming every other closing but “Thanks in advance.”
The main point I’m taking from this research is the need to test, test, test.
At the very least, start experimenting with various closings while keeping track of the responses.
Your results will likely vary.
Over to you
As you can see, none of the tips shared above is particle physics. They can be employed by anyone, at any brand and at any time.
I hope you’ll give at least a few of them a shot.
We all spend so much time and energy on email each day, it’s worth taking the time to figure out ways to better engage people through the medium.
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