#blog vs vlog
trendshome · 1 year
The Rise of Vlogging and Blogging: A Profitable Online Content Creation
The Rise of Vlogging and Blogging:A Profitable Online Content Creation
In today's digital era, vlogging and blogging have emerged as two dominant forms of content creation and sharing. These platforms provide individuals with lucrative opportunities to generate income online. However, when it comes to choosing between vlogging and blogging, which path is truly the best fit for you? Let's delve into the nuances and uncover the unique advantages of each.To begin, let's establish a clear understanding of vlogging and blogging. Vlogging, an abbreviation of video blogging, revolves around creating video-based content that is then uploaded to popular platforms such as YouTube and TikTok. Conversely, blogging entails crafting written content and publishing it on personal blogs or websites.So, which avenue holds greater potential for making money online? The truth is, both vlogging and blogging can be profitable ventures if approached strategically. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize the key distinctions between the two.
Vlogging presents an excellent opportunity for online income generation due to its ability to deliver a more captivating and immersive experience for viewers. Video content possesses an inherent ability to seize and retain the attention of audiences more effectively than written material. Vloggers have a multitude of avenues for revenue, including advertisements, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and affiliate marketing.
On the other hand, blogging requires minimal upfront investment and can be initiated with nothing more than a computer and an internet connection. Bloggers generate revenue through methods such as advertisements, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and the sale of digital products like e-books or online courses. READ MORE...
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crazydiscostu · 3 months
iZeeker iA200 Action Cam
Capturing life’s most exhilarating moments has become easier and more accessible than ever before. The consumer action cam revolution is truly under way! The iZeeker iA200 Action Cam is packed with impressive features and designed to withstand the rigors of even the most extreme environments. This action camera promises to be a reliable companion for adrenaline junkies and outdoor enthusiasts…
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dreamzandexperiences · 5 months
Lakshadweep : The Best 10 Amazing Things To Do In Lakshadweep.
Discover Lakshadweep: Your Ultimate Invitation to Paradise! Imagine a realm of 36 idyllic islands scattered like precious jewels in the Arabian Sea – that's Lakshadweep for you!
Discover Lakshadweep: Your Ultimate Invitation to Paradise! Imagine a realm of 36 idyllic islands scattered like precious jewels in the Arabian Sea – that’s Lakshadweep for you! This hidden gem, nestled off the Kerala coast, is heaven, waiting to enchant you with its unparalleled beauty and captivating adventures. Here’s your sneak peek into Lakshadweep: A world of wonders: 1. Agatti’s…
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mardally · 8 months
Vlogging vs. Blogging: Understanding the Differences
In the era of digital content, vlogging and blogging have emerged as two dominant platforms for sharing ideas, stories, and expertise. Both vlogging and blogging have their roots in personal expression, but the mediums, audience engagement, and strategies used for each differ significantly. Let’s delve into the differences between vlogging and blogging, and understand which might be right for…
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itspronouncedtessa · 10 months
The "English or continental" debate is problematic and ultimately detrimental to the community.
Every time I see one of these "are you one or the other" posts, polls, tweets (Xcreets?), blogs, vlogs, whatevers, I get so annoyed. Undies fully twisted.
So indulge me and let's get into this.
First things first:
This is not an attack on pickers or throwers specifically. Any knitting style is valid. If the end result is even, non-twisted stitches that you enjoyed putting together, you're doing it right.
That said, I have 3 major gripes with the concept of "English vs continental" knitting:
1. The terminology. The terms "English" and "continental" were coined during WWII, as continental is actually German and the English were (rightly, at the time) uncomfortable doing anything the German way, or admitting that that way could be more efficient.
As we're about 80 years removed from the war, it might be time to accept that neither is objectively better and that German isn't a dirty word. We can, and should, use English and German, or throwing and picking respectively.
2. It's exclusionary to new knitters. The whole picking vs throwing discussion has made it so that new knitters don't know there are other options. If you're new to knitting, you get the impression that these are the only two options and if you can't do either, you can't knit.
Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of patterns and instructional videos are written or made exclusively for English or German methods. Which means if you want or need to use a different style, you need the additional step and skill of translating the pattern to fit your method. This requires a certain level of understanding of the underlying techniques that new knitters don't have. (Which is why I prefer charts, but that's a whole different rant.)
3. It's exclusionary to experienced knitters who don't pick or throw. The term continental for specifically German knitting dismisses all the other non-German European styles.
An incomplete list:
Eastern, or Russian, where you purl clockwise instead of counterclockwise, mounting the stitch backwards and knitting through the back loop on the right side. Creates the same stitch, but can be so much smoother to execute. Also very useful if you're doing rows of YO, ssk, as it eliminates the need to reorient the stitches before knitting them together.
Norwegian, where you purl without the need to bring the yarn fully forward. This is hard to describe in words, so I highly recommend googling for a video on Norwegian purls. It's a game changer for rib or seed stitch.
Portuguese, where you tension the yarn at the front of the work, looping it over your neck or through a pin. My personal preferred main method. Super helpful for those of us who lack finger strength to comfortably tension at the back. Makes purling a breeze.
Irish or lever knitting. Done with straight needles and (mostly) one-handed. Extremely helpful for people with disabilities. Also one of the fastest methods. You should check out videos on this, the speed is magical.
Flicking (not exactly regional), which is right handed but instead of throwing, you move the right needle to grab the yarn. Also difficult to explain, so check out some videos on this, too. Its a very quick method with minimal wrist movement. If you have the finger strength for tensioning it's worth practicing this, as it's so quick.
All of these are valid techniques, most of them are from continental Europe, none of them are included in the question "English or continental?".
And all of the above doesn't even get into the non-western, non-English, non-European styles there must be around the world, that I can't find through Google, because the English speaking world only uses the above mentioned methods.
Also, knitters that use other methods than picking or throwing are wildly underrepresented in the community, giving the knitting scene a culturally very white, western European image. Knitting could be a far more inclusive hobby if we'd embrace all styles.
In short, we need to change the question to "tell me about your technique" and learn from each other. Combining multiple methods (I use 3 or 4 interchangeably, depending on the pattern) can increase efficiency and enjoyment. And if you're struggling in any way, there might be a technique out there that better suits your needs. Asking about English vs continental isn't going to provide that information.
So tell me about your technique, especially if you use or know of any knitting methods that aren't western or European, I would LOVE to hear about that. Let's share and celebrate all the ways we knit.
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itgirlmind · 2 years
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 𝒾𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓂𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒶  ゚・。・゚
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Oh, the Internet. A myriad of a million hyperlinks, videos, and social media platforms barraging us with contradicting advice from every single angle...and here I am to throw some more in your lap! Below are a handful of online blogs, Youtube channels, and Spotify podcasts that I myself love and live by. Truthfully, I did plan on adding a list of self help novels that transformed me into moi but....there's just far too many. Perhaps another time, my darlings! I sincerely hope that the media I've included here resonate with you and allow you to step into your highest self. Enjoy!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ blogs
La Vie En Rose Diaries by Blair Natalia
Blogpost of Choice: Why I’m Treating Myself like the Princess I Deserve to Be ♡
The It-Girl Diaries by Lydia
Blogpost of Choice: Becoming Your Own Version Of 'That Girl'
The Skinny Confidential by Lauryn Bosstick
Blogpost of Choice: How to Remove Toxicity From Your Mind And Body
Aria Kaiser by Aria Kaiser
Blogpost of Choice: Lets Talk Food
The It Girl Guide (TIGG) by Sky Haarsma
Blogpost of Choice: Our It-Girl Essentials
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ podcasts
Early Call Her Daddy episodes
Sofia With An F by Sofia Franklyn
Busy, Yet Pretty by Jadyn Hailey
The Wellness Cafe by Trinity Tondeleir
The Skinny Confidential by The Skinny Confidential
The Balanced Blonde by Jordan Younger
The Blonde Files by Arielle Lorre
Already Friends by Allison Wetig and Ceara Kirkpatrick
Middle Ground by Jo Johnson and Caroline Stelte
Crying In Public by Sydni and Sarah
The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes
The Tony Robbins Podcast by Tony Robbins
Trying Not To Care by Ashley Corbo
For You From Eve by Olivia Eve Shabo
Unf*ck Your Brain by Kara Loewentheil
The Psychology Of Your 20's by Jenna Sbeg
Habits Of A Goddess (Affirmations)
The goop Podcast by Goop Inc.
Almost 30 by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik
Guide Me Glow by Shannon Tang
Girls with Goals by AnnCatherine and Caroline
Hot Girl Energy by Kaylie Stewart
The Bossbabe Podcast by Natalie Ellis and Danielle Canty
Girlboss Radio by Puno
Gals On The Go by Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio
Girls That Invest by Sim and Sonya
Her First $100K by Tori Dunlap
Victoria's Thoughts by Victoria de Vall
Breaking Beauty by Jill and Carlene
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ youtube channels
Alay Bowker x Give Me Glow ; vlogs, guides, and inspo
Alyse Parker; wellness, lifestyle, and spirituality
Claudia Sulewski; vlogs, style inspo, lifestyle
dear peachie; beauty, makeup tutorials, makeup trends
Elena Taber; vlogs, lifestyle, and travel
Emma MacDonald; vlogs, hauls, and modeling
Eva Meloche; vlogs, lifestyle, organization inspo
Maddie Lymburner; meals, workouts, lifestyle inspo
MadFit; every type of workout for every type of fitness journey
Makayla Merie; vlogs, workout attire, lifestyle inspo
Meghan Livingstone; holistic nutrition, gut health, meal inspo
Romee Strijd; VS angel turned vlogger
The Skinny Confidential; recipes, girl talk, and wellness
Thewizardliz; the queen of having an "it girl mindset"
Yoga With Adriene; yoga for everybody!
Much love, Auden♡
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I’m not interested in defending celebrities, to be so for real, but I am interested in a crumb of whatever drugs this blogger is on. This kind of standom delusion must feel amazing. 💊💊
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It’s so funny to me when stans go after each other and fail to realize that they are all engaging in the same kind of “Nuh-uh! That other side sucks the hardest because of all this very biased data I’ve compiled” type of arguing. I’m also not interested in warring with any stan blogs, but this was just so egregious and needed to be debunked. So let’s unpack:
Right off the bat, this blog has used the word tokenize incorrectly. This means to use someone as a symbol of inclusion or compliance with regulations, or to avoid the appearance of discrimination or prejudice.
I think they are intending to refer to the kids being a commodity to exploit in the overall branding of the family; that they are being objectified. And one only has to skim the Instagram feeds of Danneel and Gen to see which family is more heavy-handed. “Danneel’s entire Instagram use to be solely about that.”Based on what, exactly? Danneel’s very first post is of Jensen and JJ, yes, and her identity as wife and mother is (gasp) very much on display ever since. But…that’s to be expected, right?! After all, sharing those parts of their family life on socials is exactly the whole point and why anyone initially followed. It is that behind the scenes peek into the family lives of J2 that drew people in. It’s not as if either of these women has much of a fan base on their own and neither of them were acting at the time their IG accounts launched.
A quick side-by-side of the 2 accounts at about the same point in time (2017/2018) shows little differences in themes of content:
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This blog further claims that “Genevieve and Jared are intelligently including their children where needed” and doing so in “genuine, selfless ways.” *snorts* At the time of this writing, Danneel has 458 posts and Gen has 1,833. Now, I didn’t review each post but the few tags I saw included in family photos were Disneyland and Warner Bros when they visited in recent years. I did not see multiple paid partnership ads featuring the Ackles children. I’m open to anyone proving me wrong, because by sheer volume my argument will still stand. In a random sampling of 2021, we have a string of posts of the Pada-kids that double as ads to varying degrees. Here are just a few examples:
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Now you might say, “ok but these are products for children and families…that still seems pretty thoughtful.” Except that one need only scroll a little farther to see the kids included in brand deals for adult supplements, exercise gear, cleaning products, and even shampoo.
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All of these products still fit in the “items that help me be a great mom” theme of the Now & Gen era, but this is still blatantly using images of the kids for profit in ways that the Ackles just have not done. What is shown here is just the tip of the iceberg and does not include the other attempts at branding on the failed Now & Gen blog or the YouTube vlog. So I’m not sure how the Pads have only used the kids “when needed” when this family was never going to go hungry without these endorsement deals.
Comparing the volume of likes on Gen’s IG posts that contain the children vs those that do not makes it seem likely that someone has been paying attention to the trends and has concluded that utilizing the children in ads has more earning potential. This is the current climate of social media marketing. These outcomes are in fact considered.
The idea that kids should be allowed to “earn money or have a brand” if they want is actually incredibly irresponsible. Protecting the safety of children that are a part of family content creation was a popular topic over the last year. There have been several examples of families who lost the plot in their efforts to market their children in order to achieve financial gain. What an asinine claim to make for children in general when Google is right there. And I love a link, so here’s a few: X, X, and X. It’s too early to definitively summarize the harm that the Pads might be causing their kids with all the exposure. Even when parents are not intentionally exploiting, their children are too young to consent to this type of “work.” Their brains are literally not developed enough to consider the long term pros and cons. All of this sets them up for potential harm, the risk of which makes none of this a need.
“What’s wrong are self-centered, clueless parents who only show off their kids to benefit off of a certain image.” (Pretending I can’t see the self-centered bit because woooo boy…Gen…😬) But aren’t both families posting photos of their kids to “benefit” off of their image of “family?” It’s baked into the Spn and even Walker marketing. The fandoms have been referred to as a family almost since their inception, so it only makes sense that fans were interested in the leads and their own growing families. Again, both families have benefitted but the Pads have benefitted all the way to the bank. And some Padalecki stans are quick to point this out as a win. If the above blog wants to congratulate Gen on her shrewd sense of business and use of capitalism, then that is a whole other thing and they should just come out and say that without making anyone out to be a saint.
One should take note that nowhere in here have I said that Danneel or Jensen are better people than anyone. I didn’t praise them for anything or proclaim their intentions are always pure of heart. How could anyone know that, except by virtue of the faith that comes along with extreme fandom? And that faith isn’t the same as screenshots, numbers, and patterns.
As always: Pedestals aren’t for people. Hold everyone accountable, even your faves. They will survive.✌🏼
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songkranfest · 2 months
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🌸Vlogs on Songkran🌸
While reading information about Songkran is useful, many Thai creators and vloggers walk us through Songkran in different parts of Thailand. Take a look at some of these videos to learn more!
What have we done in a provincial during Songkran? by ChawbanDoo
In this video, ChawbanDoo takes us through what he does in Singburi during Songkran. The vlog, which spans a few days, shows key components of Songkran, such as shopping and preparing for the holiday, bathing the Buddha image with nam ob, and water pouring with family members. Food is also central in this vlog: mu kratha and other dishes are shown. Finally, he pans to “playing Songkran,” which is him mostly watering his plants and then kids splashing cars with water.
Songkran Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand by Thailand Travel
Thailand Travel’s video is on Songkran 2023 in Chiang Mai. As described, the video “highlights… the colorful parades, traditional ceremonies, and playful water fights. The parade of Buddha statues is one of the most important activities in the Songkran Festival in Chiang Mai. People believe that throwing water on Buddha statues or others will bring good luck to Buddha statues, others and themselves.”
ก็มาศิวัช EP.1 เมื่อศิวัชเล่นมุขเสี่ยวเที่ยวสงกรานต์ (Episode 1 Vlog) by Mark Siwat
Mark’s first vlog, Gor Ma Siwat, takes place on Songkran Day 2019. The day begins with the water pouring ceremony with his family. Afterwards, Mark shops for a Songkran outfit, looking through several floral and Hawaiian shirts and, as he stresses, a waterproof bag for personal items. Finally, the blog ends with some tips for the water gun fights (and other antics) at Siam Square’s Songkran Festival.
Battle Trip | 배틀트립 – Ep.93 Songkran Water Festival VS Thingyan Festival by KBS WORLD TV
In this 2018 episode of Battle Trip, one team of travelers attends Songkran and the other attends the Thingyan Festival to see which is the superior festival. In the first half of the video, the team travels to Chiang Mai to join the water fights there. Other important details are highlighted here, such as transportation during the holiday, smaller shops being closed, how to refill water guns, shopping at markets, street vendors, etc. 
Tawan the Wanderer, EP. 6 by GMMTV
GMMTV’s series Tawan the Wanderer has a 2019 episode dedicated to Songkran. The video opens with some basic information about the Thai New Year before transitioning to Tawan going to markets to get flowers for the temple and celebrations. The video includes Tawan near Wat Phra Singh (a prominent temple), conversations with people in Chiang Mai about the festivities, and Tawan’s family as they cook food and spend time together.
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🌸 What's SongkranFest2024? 🌸 Guidelines 🌸 Prompts 🌸 Discord & Carrd 🌸
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getluckylana · 3 months
was the personality you showed back in 2020 in logan Paul/mike majlak's yt channel real? i watched your interview w emily ratajkowski and there is a drastic difference between how you used to potray yourself in those videos vs now. btw i love your blog and this is coming from a place of sheer curiosity, no hate to you at all
Some parts but not really. I’m not that animated or loud in real life, and I speak more similarly to the interview you’re referencing. My usual personality wouldn’t be entertaining for a vlog in my opinion, I’m very soft spoken and stay to myself. I will say though, I am not the same person as I was back then, I grew and changed a lot after having a child.
Having a pet hamster, and sponge bob aquarium was authentic though, I just bought a doll house for my doll collection today lol
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lunarianscripts · 4 months
Human Design: Line 3 vs. Line 6
Line 3 = Thrives through journaling, and sharing their progression; Tangible or analytical approaches are beneficial. (Blogging, Books/E-Books, Written Guides, etc.)
Line 6 = Thrives through broadcasting, while showcasing their experiences; Intangible or artistic approaches are beneficial. (Vlogging, Audiobooks/Recordings, Walkthroughs, etc.) ⠀
Want to learn more about Human Design? Click here! Want to book a session with me? Click here!
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xaviergalatis · 9 days
New list 4/28-6/1 2024
Ig story vertical 1081x1921
Ig vertical 1080x1350
O Vid templates
O Ig post slides with vid Ig story vid 10-15-30sec
O Place in Vegas with no dinero
O hieronymus bosch
O Productivity
O Trailer Park
O White tee aerosol polkadot greek
O Grab wrist
O Lil Wayne ifld freestyle
Ο 30w
O Steam
O Bc
O Ott box
O Skulcandys
O 4/4 kick
O Opinions
O Lilkris3000
O Newsletters
O Yt archive
O https://www.ebay.com/itm /374212511992?mkcid=16&mkevt=1 &mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo =LDPMfheDTyG&sssrc=4429486& ssuid=sSv5HDFbR3e&var=&widget_...
O Awful PS1 ski boarding video games
O Media fire
O Hand soap
O Nail file
O Nail clipper
O Nail clipper
O Optics
O Thread
O New jersey
O Flashlight
O 3m
O Portable
O Portables
O Optics
O Sunset
O Thread
O Clone
O Daily booth
O Freestyle mixtape
O Quiet
O Albums
O Author
O Waxed denim
O IG dimension
O Ktla
O Denman
O Vocal double
O Image to .PDF
O Que
O lissuu
O Learn Python
O Stable audio
O Morrowind
O Skyrim
O Learn Chinese
O Custom HTML
O Daily booth
O Instrumental tapes
O Movies while in bath
O Cornbread bologna sandwich
O Bev Hil bagel
O R.I.P ¢99
O Ramen
O Camouflage
O NEW jersey ☆
O Sewing thread
O Britt Barbie
O Chauffer
O Toggle
O Auth 5.19
O 60sec freestyle
O Yt shorts
O Xavier sobased
O Cracks Samsung – 45W 20,000mAh Battery Pack – Beige
O Flashlight
O Light bulb
O New jersey
O Ramen
O 92.3 fm
O Kendrick vs drake
O A6 tab
O Templates
O Ukulele VST
O utilitarian
O Dev hardware
O Soft
O Reserve
O Influence
O Vid
O Vlog
O Thread
O Dust caps
O Layout options
O Camouflage blinders
O Blinders
O Device cleaning kit
0 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ½
O Full nitts after sunset
O Yt daily
O Laundry bag
O Scars are beautiful drum pattern
O Compressed air
O Velcro
O Sandisk
O Otterbox
Ο Samsung 20
O 10slides or 3 slides (2pic 1vid)
O Discover the Boundless Capabilities of FL Studios with Unlocked Software https://www.linkedin.com/pulse /discover-boundless-capabilities-fl -studios-unlocked-hassan-fadlalla...
O Bids ☆
O Sewing kit
O Sewing kit
O Zedge
O Sm57 mic
O Clear dev storage
O Polarized
O Aspire 3 acer
O Layout
O T chain
O Colored bulbs
O Shooegoo
O Sunrise sunset
O Optics
O Xzindex
O Masks
O Shein
O Routine
O Mask
O Caps
O Denman
O Like
O Ahh haa
O Ahh ahh ahh
O Wet
O Dry input
O Adlibs
O Lighter flick
O Hard
O Soft
O Adlibs
O 10am
O Optics
O FaceTime hiding
O genius
O discography
O https://www.dsogaming.com/mods /new-grand-theft-auto-4-mods -improve-all-weapon-textures-and -the-lod-distance-for-pedestrians -and-vehicles/
O Friday
O 10 AM-6 PM
O Saturday
O 10 AM-6 PM
O Sunday
O Closed
O Monday
O Closed
O Tuesday
O 12-8 PM
O Wednesday
O 12-8 PM
O Thursday ☆
O 10 AM-6 PM
O 3M
O breakfast
O water
O socks
O jhamaul
O gumroad
O 100GB v
O interior design
O Flash FL
O enviorments
O sound enviorments
O reverb chambers
O ECARDO502472
O https://www.tumblr.com/blog /xaviergalatis/queue
O bandcamp
O Pelican 1095
O automation
O Adlibs over final export
O 8101 Long Beach Blvd. Ste: L 8101 Long Beach Blvd. Ste: L
O South Gate, CA 902820
O Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-6:00PM
O Saturday & Sunday: Closed
O 323.583.1920 [email protected]
O bynxmusic Kiss Me x Better Off Alone BYNX Edit
O Artemas.i like the way you kiss me
O cport
O Artemas.i like the way you kiss me
O cport
O discord
O pccport
O ezquest
O bh
O pccport
O ezquest
O bh
O idaho falls
O alt accts
0 psp emulators New List Down
O http://radio.garden/listen/wlanmusic -net/1L_KCAKT
O rangefinder
O decebil meter
O earmuffs
O film grain
O rangefinder
O film grain
O Tumblr LOGO
O Dev
O Through the wire sample
O photoshop preset CS3 presets
O meaauring tape
O desk heght
O 12-8
O Dishes
O Clear ssd
O Short film
O If reel
O ig videos
O Color lightbulb
O Devgo © 7.77777777777777
O pockets
O 5003postal
O 30w
O tri
O aluminum can /w pull tab
O plastic bags paper
O handwriting pen
O Wednesdays
O 730am
O 730ppm
O 11pm
O 1am
O 6pm EST
O 3am EST
O 2amEST
O Pprtished
O As lib compilation
O Acer travel mate
O Malicious china
O Wispier song
O Equot safety
O Python
O GitHub
O Pinned
O EMS device
O Amazon list
O Blazer
O Shamwow
O Flash
O Superglue
O Sample discography
O Draco fire commeny
O Stem O Record label
O No husheng
O Pceee
O Folders
O Nitts
O Keysmith’
O Padlocks
O TSA req
O Rtl Itr
O Ott
O Ebtca
O Silverware
O Plastic bag
O Optics
O Wifi ill
O Ypod
O Ess
O Sewing kit
O Pocket t
O Floors
O Colosseum
O Pillars
O Lean
O Direct sunlight
O Pelican
O 5 ports
O Decibel meter
O Sunset sunrise
O Vlog
O Concealment
O Slight of hand
O Device devices.device
O Flash cards
0 7.77777777777777
O Vlog
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dreamzandexperiences · 5 months
Lakshadweep : The Best 10 Amazing Things To Do In Lakshadweep.
Discover Lakshadweep: Your Ultimate Invitation to Paradise! Imagine a realm of 36 idyllic islands scattered like precious jewels in the Arabian Sea – that's Lakshadweep for you!
Discover Lakshadweep: Your Ultimate Invitation to Paradise! Imagine a realm of 36 idyllic islands scattered like precious jewels in the Arabian Sea – that’s Lakshadweep for you! This hidden gem, nestled off the Kerala coast, is heaven, waiting to enchant you with its unparalleled beauty and captivating adventures. Here’s your sneak peek into Lakshadweep: A world of wonders: 1. Agatti’s…
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mardally · 9 months
Vlogging vs. Blogging: Understanding the Differences
In the era of digital content, vlogging and blogging have emerged as two dominant platforms for sharing ideas, stories, and expertise. Both vlogging and blogging have their roots in personal expression, but the mediums, audience engagement, and strategies used for each differ significantly. Let’s delve into the differences between vlogging and blogging, and understand which might be right for…
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belladoesmakeup · 2 months
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Revolution Blush Drops vs Tilbury Blush Vid Link
Hi guys,
Makeup Revolution have released a brand new liquid makeup range featuring bronzers, highlighter and blush shades. The bronzer drops have been going viral but I was excited to try out the Blush Drops, in Pink Rose £10.
These Blush Drops are already being compared to the Charlotte Tilbury Pinkgasm Blush so I decided instead of writing a post, I would film a video for you instead! Hopefully you’re enjoying a mix of blogs and vlogs on here so let me know what videos you’d like to see next!
Hope you enjoy the video and of course all products mentioned are linked above.
Lots of love,
Bella x x
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enneamage · 1 year
genuine question, why do you think mr. beast is a bad guy? like why do u want him to fail
This is kind of a conversation that the world is having right now every time he does something frustratingly useful with his money for a youtube video. Mr. beast is very much a product of the world he lives in, so what people think about him is often tied up in the systems that he’s come to represent. It’s hard to look at him and not see a wealthy dystopian figure who makes a spectacle out of human need. On one hand he’s helping, but on the other hand he’s showcasing the pain that people are in because they don’t have his resources. It’s very easy to get frustrated with him as a symbol because of what he represents.
There’s a complicated moral issue here but when I talk about him “failing” I mean that I want something to interrupt the systems that make him so successful, like an algorithm change or political reform or something. It’s a big, vague ambition that does and doesn’t have to do with him as a person. I don’t interact with him regularly, so I can’t say things about who he is as a person vs what he is as a symbol, but with the self-erasure he’s done in his work it’s getting harder and harder to see him as something other than that right now. I usually like to be more informed about Who People Are before I say something, but because he’s so huge I think I can speak for a normie with how vague yet strong my base feeling about him is. It’s gotten to the point where even his peers dehumanise him a bit, and I’m used to youtubers being a bit cowardly when it comes to their colleagues.
One of the things that has genuinely chafed me about him is when he went around and started to lecture to people how to better play to the algorithm, as though anything else was a waste, but even then he was just the voice of the system he was in. There’s a post out there (I would link it but last time I linked a main blog I seem to have started a witchhunt, whoops) talking about how he struggles to understand sentimental attachment and it shows when he talks about content creation and personality as optional. I noticed that the Dream vlog sent so many people over the edge because not only did it delay Dream content, but it refused to show the DT as people, when so many people attached to them as personalities to begin with. The backlash actually got me excited because it showed that “Mr. Beastification” can only spread so far before it starts taking more than it gives—if the template starts making people’s personalities disappear, people are going to riot, because for all the endless chatter about the concept of parasocial relationships they’re basically one of the pillars of YouTube. (The very smart Square Anon wrote about the power of love* here, and it feels broadly relevant.)
Mr. Beast has gotten to the point where he feels like a moral problem in a textbook; is the philanthropic Millionaire in the hellscape a good person or a bad person, and why? I can’t answer for him as a person, but I do want his energy to be contained to him and to not leak out into other people.
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peppertaemint · 2 years
Jungkook Camping Vlog & Rare Taem: Hybe vs SM as content creators
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Jungkook's camping vlog just dropped so I thought it would be fun to do a review of it and a comparison to SM content that has some similarities so we can illuminate the content style of each company.
Jungkook's content was a vlog: a video blog. We all know what a blog is because we're on one now (lol). Web logs are usually informational or diary-style. Jungkook's vlog is diary-style; he's showing us what he's doing as he doing it, and giving us commentary on what's happening through the captions (placed later in editing) as well as his in-the-moment commentary in the video itself. This gives him the opportunity to comment on himself reflexively, and it gives us a view into how he sees himself in our shared arena of media.
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Hybe's vlog style is very minimalistic. The commentary is minimal, if at all present. There is a lot of "negative" audio space; we see JK sitting quietly a lot or just partaking in activities without commentary. It's noticeable, too, that he is not alone in the vlog, but the vlog cuts out his companions even though they're constantly present and interacting with him. We can assume they did other things than what was shown. For example, JK bought fireworks but we never saw the fireworks lit. But what we see is heavily limited.
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What did we see? We saw travel, mukbang, and some quiet time where JK stared off at the ocean. Even though this was his first camping experience, he felt quite prepared for it (LOL); he envisioned swimming but the weather didn't cooperate; he vibed to music a lot both during travel and while at the campsite. It was a simplistic vlog where not much happened, and at times JK himself seemed bored out of his tree. And this is very usual for Hybe's style.
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What self-reflection can we observe from JK's captions as he examines himself on film? He's still hard on himself and his experience, and there's a dissonance between what he thinks when making the captions and what he said or did in the vlog. And this very relatable. If we had to watch ourselves on holiday we'd likely feel similar—why am I saying or doing that? Or wow *cringe* I can't even watch this, as JK tells us.
Before I get into the formal critique and comparison, I would like to say how much I loved and enjoyed the vlog. JK was adorable and captivating to watch, even while doing nothing. And this is Hybe's bread and butter. Creating content that says nothing virtually, but satisfies its demographic.
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Let's remember BTS In the Soop. Soop was a reality series but there isn't much difference in style when it comes to this vlog save for the captions being created by the subject. The pacing of Soop was glacial, and it is the same in this vlog. And most importantly, nothing happens. With perhaps the exception of Soop 1 where Taekook had a mild standoff and Jikook got wild drunk, nothing happened. Soop 2 was this times 1000x. Nothing happened. Chatter was minimal as was interaction at times, or so it seemed. Hybe's content strategy harnesses personality and presence to create something out of nothing, and this vlog and BTS Soop are great examples of this.
We can compare JK's camping vlog to the vlog style mini-reality series SM did called Rare Taem. JK's vlog was 45 minutes, while Rare Taem was ~120 minutes split over 5 short episodes. It sees Taemin camping in a two-room cabin for a night, accompanied only by the producers who remain behind the scenes.
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This is one interesting difference. Hybe's producers were JK's companions, eating, talking and travelling with him, but we never see them. SM's producers were not TM's companions; they were there to film and provide support. Notably, when TM can't work the iron furnace thing (idk), the cabin owner comes, and we see him help TM learn to use it, which is what would happen if you were really camping/cottaging on your own. There is an attempt to separate production staff from the "scene" whereas with Hybe the boundaries are fluid. They film JK but still constantly interact with him.
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Rare Taem feels like a vlog because it's solitary—arguably more solitary than JK's vlog—and it's personal. We see TM in the intimate space of the cabin and traversing the tasks given to him just like in JK's vlog: grocery shopping, cooking, self-reflecting and resting. Even TM goes on VLive while filming, just like JK does in his vlog.
SM made this content episodic, and it does also fit the reality series label it has because of the format. TM is given a game of tasks to do at intervals during his stay. He does things and has to take photos of them to create a memory box to keep, with the idea being that what he's doing are things he rarely gets to do or has never done before, such as camping. This is where there is a nice overlap with JK's camping vlog because JK tells us it's his first time, too. In both videos, we see the process of novel rest and self-reflection in two people who started working at 14 and never had time to do things others their age have done. And that in itself is interesting. SM used that for its concept explicitly, while Hybe lets its personality share that organically.
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Hybe is very much about organic yet active self presentation. Their content banks on cult of personality to draw in viewers to watch minimalistic content. SM's strategy is opposite; their content is highly structured and planned, and depending on the concept, designed to capture real reactions to planned setups. It is more traditional reality programming. In the later episodes of Rare Taem, Kai and another friend of Taemin's come to join him for a barbecue. TM has been on his own so he's excited for the company, and when they leave, we see that moment that everyone knows well—when it becomes silent and solitary again—and we experience his thoughts and emotions. This type of simple set up is what can make reality content compelling: genuine reactions to planned situations.
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Hybe eschews this, however. Even in Soop, which is labelled reality content, there are no setups—not even simplistic ones. Everything is organic to the personalities present, and any minor plot point that may occur arises strictly from those present.
This is why I find Hybe's content boring at times. Yet, I didn't find JK's blog boring. Those 45 minutes flew by, even though I could see JK himself looking bored. That is the genius of Hybe's content style and strategy. It's the magic of the cult of personality. SM doesn't cultivate that so it can't rely on it. And I'm not here to say one is better than the other; as a media consumer, it comes down to personal taste in most cases.
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If I compare JK's vlog to Rare Taem in terms of my personal taste and let my "biases" battle it out (LOL), I enjoy both for similar reasons because I like both for their relatability and self-reflections. I love TM's ability to understand and have empathy for himself and to share that in the moment and the funny things he says/does (the man's mind went to SAW when he realized he was playing games in the cabin, and he went to chase ghosts in the middle of the night after watching a horror film... relatable!). And I love JK's cynicism towards himself as he made the captions (also heavily relatable). Part of bias culture is self-reflection, so in seeing their self-reflections I'm also reflecting on myself in turn. And that's enough to make what is otherwise simplistic media compelling for me.
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