#blood will out
inbadgersdrift · 29 days
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marypsue · 6 months
Because TJ opened the floodgates, have some Fun Facts about the vampire girl gang:
There are three of them, because that's a proud tradition for Evil Woman friend groups from Greek mythology on down through Shakespeare all the way to Mean Girls. (Speaking of which, as of the time of the fic they appear in, they are of course actively engaged in trying to seduce a dark-haired, naïve newcomer to join their group and the Dark Side. What else would they be doing.)
Each of their characters' design is inspired by a specific era of alternative fashion - Leah, the leader, is styled after 2010s nugoth fashion, Taylor after 00s scene and emo, and Shae after Stevie Nicks and also 1990s romantigoth.
Their primary hangout is a dead mall, where they've...extensively redecorated what used to be the food court. They sleep in the service hallways behind the actual storefronts, where no sunlight can get in. Woe betide any urban explorers who break in trying to get cool pictures of the neon lighting and murals, and linger a little too long past sunset.
Of course they ride motorbikes.
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lavalazulikelp · 8 months
Watching Blood Will Out. Someone called Troy “kinky”
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midsomercaps · 2 years
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Midsomer Murders, season 2 - Blood Will Out
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kavaleyre · 3 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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werecreature-addicted · 4 months
people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
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suiheisen · 2 months
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studio trigger understood the assignment. i would let her wreck me.
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ruporas · 3 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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inbadgersdrift · 1 year
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don't say he's kinky
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marypsue · 4 months
I'm very, very close to finished drafting Blood Will Out (I've gotten to the big evil third act reveal I was so excited about!) and unfortunately, it looks like this scene isn't going to fit anywhere into the finished fic. But. I love it. So here you go.
(Some of the exchange in this scene was inspired by a tumblr post, which I unfortunately now cannot find. If you know which one, drop me a link and I'll add it to this post.)
There are hushed voices coming from the nave. Two, it sounds like, having a furious whispered argument.
The argument doesn’t stop when Father Mackenzie steps out of the office and starts down the rows of pews, only grows louder. He doesn’t think either of the teenaged girls bent over the font by the door have noticed him yet.
“- nothing saying they can’t get in here! Especially not if you can.”
“Maybe not, but it’s gotta be more defensible than the motel room. At least there are more places to hide. I don’t even know if they need to be invited in, if the rooms are -”
“They don’t need to be invited anywhere, it just renders you powerless against them if you do. Edgar said -”
“Jamie, no offense, but I’m taking everything ‘Edgar says’ with a big, heaping bucketful of salt -”
“Can I help you ladies?”
The argument stops dead, mid-word. The two girls twist around to look at Father Mackenzie and freeze in place, blinking at him like deer in headlights.
The redheaded one recovers first, nudging the brunette in the side with her elbow. “Let me do the talking.”
“Jamie, you’re the one who can actually touch -”
“Good evening, Father!” the redhead all but shouts, with a big step forward in front of the font, drowning out whatever point her partner in crime was trying to make. “So sorry to disturb you, we didn’t realise anybody was here.”
“I can see that.” Father Mackenzie looks from the dripping water pistol the redhead hastily tucks behind her back, over her shoulder to her partner in crime, who seems to be trying to fill a plastic bottle of water without actually submerging it in the font, her fingers dancing at the surface like it’s hot. “You know, if what you need is to have some water blessed -”
“Hey, yeah, uh, actually, I have a question about that?” the redhead says, stepping sideways into his line of sight, poorly hiding her partner in crime’s strange actions. “Church doctrine says that any water you add holy water to doesn’t dilute the holy water, but becomes sanctified itself. Right?”
Before Father Mackenzie has a chance to agree, she’s already barrelling on with her little speech. “But, because of the water cycle, if that was true, then eventually all water on Earth would have become sanctified, and every time it rained – I mean, we wouldn’t be able to drink or cook or wash without committing some kind of sin, probably. So there’s got to be a point of dilution. What’re your thoughts on that?”
It's a lot of words, delivered rapid-fire in a bright, perky voice, like a presenter on a game show. Father Mackenzie blinks at the girl, trying to bring his brain up to speed with his ears. He’s spent the last three hours staring at spreadsheets, trying to make the expenditures for the Ladies’ Auxiliary make any sense. He has a nasty suspicion that somebody’s making off like a bandit somewhere. What they’re supposedly doing with all that lumber – “Isn’t this more a sort of question for a rabbi?”
“Yeah, but I’m pretty sure Judaism doesn’t do holy water.”
There’s a hiss of indrawn breath from over by the font. “Jamie can you ask him if he has any rubber gloves -”
Father Mackenzie takes a deep breath, and offers up a silent prayer for strength. He has the sudden sense he’s going to need it. “So, you’re correct. The official position of the Catholic Church is that holy water sanctifies any water it’s added to. But – and this is just my personal opinion, my observations, which, you know, do of course officially align with the Church, but as I can see, you both understand that sometimes, we must make…practical considerations -”
“Father. Time is a factor.”
“Of course. Of course. Well. Holy water can sanctify water. Theoretically, it could also sanctify the water in a suspension, but personal experience doesn’t bear that out. Too much in the suspension that isn’t water. So, if you add holy water to…Gatorade. You don’t get holy water, or holy water with added electrolytes. You get Gatorade with some holy water in it.”
“Okay. And since the ocean is a soup -”
Father Mackenzie sighs, and embraces whatever madness this is with both arms. “Gazpacho, I believe. It’s served cold.”
“Gazpacho. That’s why the water cycle isn’t affected. Thank you, Father.”
Father Mackenzie wishes he didn’t have to ask. But, well. The redhead’s still poorly trying to conceal a water pistol full of holy water behind her back. And this is Santa Carla. “…is this about vampire hunting?”
The redhead’s huge grin freezes into a rictus. The brunette’s head snaps up, her eyes wide. A second later, she yelps, snatching her fingers away from the font and leaving the water bottle she was filling to bob gently toward the centre as she sucks the tip of each finger in turn into her mouth. And then seems to immediately regret that.
The redhead raises her voice over the quiet litany of ‘ah, ah, ow, shit, shit, shit’ coming from just behind her. “Why – haha, uh, why, Father, why would you think a silly thing like -”
Father Mackenzie lets out one last, long sigh. He’s getting too old for this shit. “If you borrow any of the silver crucifixes, just make sure they’re back by morning.”
As he turns to head back into the office, hoping against hope that someone in the Ladies’ Auxiliary is just particularly bad at embezzling and they haven’t actually started a wooden stake production line, Father Mackenzie hears the girls start whispering again.
“What a weird fucking town.”
“Tell me about it.”
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
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bite of winter.
a comic about a princess who died in the snow.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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fakakta-art · 6 months
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worth it
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bamsara · 5 months
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'Friendly sparring match' between gods. They're nuts. (for each other)
I couldnt decide which one I liked better so now you get both. Extras doodles below - cw suggestive and a lil cute kiss
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kedreeva · 3 months
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Trying to play Monster Hunter: Rise and SOMEONE could not stand not getting attention and was repeatedly scaling me with her sharp feet and launching herself from furniture until I put her big soft blanket in my lap and pet her.
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cametotheshowinsd · 2 months
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1989 ERA × Fortnight
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