#blood. blood everywhere.
killerpancakeburger · 2 months
My body must really think its being funny, with my period being late and suddenly a nosebleed happening outta nowhere...
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kizzyedgelll · 2 months
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#when fake blood is✨tasty✨
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terracottakore · 7 months
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in another life
[inspired from "wind back the clock" by @sarioh! i loved it so much that i felt like i just had to draw something for it TT (tysm for sharing your wonderful writing with us!!)]
+ still frames under the cut
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artofalassa · 4 months
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The Black Materia
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angelspenance · 3 months
Kabumisu is soooo something to me. Kabru literally did not have to do All of That. Keep him alive for a week, sure. But. Gestures. Tailing after him, even. Knocking him out for his own good, which is kinda mirrored by Mithrun slapping him out of a panic attack. There's a weird sort of mutual footing to be had there. Kabru even somewhat drops his excessive use of charm around Mithrun on account of the guy not giving a fuck. They're both sole survivors of nightmarish shit. Crushing sense of responsibility. There's weird mutual attachment. Kabru was so deadset on not letting the guy give the fuck up on everything after expiring his purpose he managed to help give him a will to Keep Going with the help of the Canaries. They're like if the base definition of "partners" was gay was a qpr was some secret third thing. Understand me.
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ladyofthecreeddraws · 4 months
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It's self care to submerge yourself in a tub full of blood you didn't even work for and absolutely do not need, all inside a room full of wall-length mirrors. Obviously.
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echo-stimmingrose · 2 months
Rest in peace Micheal Yew and Lee Fletcher, you would have had a field day catching Will sneaking to his boyfriends cabin in the middle of the night.
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"Stop bleeding on the antique rugs, they are irreplaceable."
Danny was NOT above punting a child. Danny didn't want to be bleeding out on antique rugs. But Danny is also conscious enough to know that this is in no way his fault. It's not his fault he ended up in a cult after getting chased by GiW agents across international borders. Which was bullshit by the way - their justification was already tentative at best, and they had no business operating out of the states (they had no business operating in the states, but I digress.)
In reality, Danny only groaned at the kid.
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ameliorent · 2 months
I'm a brave enough woman to admit that when Dev finished shoving a knife into a guy's throat using his mouth, I wondered for a half second if I'm REALLY a lesbian
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they continue to be Thee besties ever. number one duo spot in my mind!
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comradekatara · 12 hours
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happy sukka covered in blood to all who celebrate
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arkarti · 8 months
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Iron Lung 🩸
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Twitter: X
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kizzyedgelll · 4 months
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Though the overloaded mind usually dies, her mind was fractured, shattering the filter that upholds the illusion that we exist in one linear reality. Now her mind experiences every world. Every possibility. At the same exact time. Commanding the infinite knowledge and power of the multiverse.
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nemhaine42 · 2 months
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i played through the heist and couldn't get this out of my head.
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coffeeghoulie · 2 months
Mushy May Day 4: Wound Tending/First Aid
After Dew cuts his finger on stage, Aether takes care of him.
Content warnings for blood and mentions of injuries
Mushy May put together by the wonderful @forlorn-crows <3
Divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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Aether smells it before he sees it. He's unmuzzled, unlike some of his pack, so despite his human glamour dulling his ghoulish senses, he can almost taste the thick, cloying scent of blood. He keeps playing, just barely stumbling over a chord, his eyes darting across the stage at his Papa, scanning, searching.
Papa's fine. Still singing, commanding the attention of the screaming crowd with out a hitch. Aether redirects his gaze, looking for the source of the blood.
His eyes lock on it, smears of color against an otherwise pristine white Stratocaster, and his heart drops into his gut. His mate is bleeding. It takes everything Aether's got to keep his cool and not storm across the stage to the fire ghoul.
Dew, in his defense, has not faltered; his scent hasn't changed, still riding on the excitement and adrenaline of performance. Still, Aether keeps an eye on him, watches as that guitar gets redder and redder, dripping from the fingers of his picking hand.
He'd be more worried about the bleeding not stopping if Dew were human, but they're ghouls. If anything, the bleeding has only riled him up.
The rest of the show, thankfully, goes off without a hitch. After bows, Dew steps off to stage left as Aether goes right, watching out of the corner of his eye as Dew hands his bloody guitar to his human tech, the man wide eyed at the state of his hand and the guitar. But Dew brushes right past him, and Aether quickly goes through the motions with his own tech, chasing after his mate backstage.
Dew's halfway to the dressing room when he intercepts him. "Darling," Aether says, his hand wrapping around his skinny wrist. The sleeve of his compression shirt is soaked through, with blood or sweat Aether can't quite tell.
"'M fine, Aether," Dew snaps, voice exhausted and tinging on a growl.
Aether doesn't flinch. "Listen to me, Dew," he says, not unkindly, straightening to his full height. Dew tenses, eyes locked onto Aether's. "You really think it's a good idea to walk right into a room with Rain and Sunshine while you're still bleeding?"
They're both still masked, but Aether knows Dew's rolling his eyes. His wrist is still locked in the circle of his grip. "I can deal with Rain and Sunny, Aeth. I'm fine, lemme go. I wanna get changed and get on the bus."
Aether's fingers twitch around Dew's wrist. The air, now that Dew's no less than a foot and a half away, the smell of blood is overpowering. "Dewdrop. I have been watching you bleed all night, unable to do anything about it. Ask for it and I will help you, love, but I don't want you to go in there without stopping the bleeding. I love Rain, and I love Sunny, but I love you."
Dew lets out a huff of breath from his nostrils, the steam catching in the low light. "I'm a grown ghoul, Aether," he snarls, but it's weak, and Aether knows him well enough to practically see the way he's clinging to that persona, the stoic shell that gets pulled up over his soft spots. Aether reaches up with his free hand and brushes his fingers over the side of Dew's helmet, as if tucking a long strand of hair behind a pointed ear.
"I know, darling," he hums, eyes tender. "I know. I just don't like seeing you hurt. Let me help you?"
Through the lenses of his own mask, Aether can see the way Dew's unglamoured, copper eyes soften, the fire ghoul leaning ever so slightly into his touch as he nods slowly, almost imperceptibly. Aether can feel the adrenaline starting to falter, even through the hard plastic of the mask. The crash is barreling towards Dew like a train, and Aether pulls them into one of the venue's unused dressing rooms, locking the door behind them.
Aether takes his mask off, and Dew follows suit, collapsing down onto an old threadbare couch as he pulls his balaclava down. Aether finds paper towel in the bathroom, and a first aid kit under the sink. He sits down next to Dew.
The fire ghoul's examining the cut on his finger, still bleeding, but sluggishly. He glances up as Aether sits down. "You gonna patch me up, Doctor Aether?" He asks, but the snark is fading, revealing sheer sincerity.
Aether's lip crooks up in a smile. "I am, darling. Gimme your hand?"
He does so without hesitation, trusting completely, and Aether meets his eye, kissing his knuckles before examining the cut himself. A string sliced into his pinkie on stage, and Aether hisses in sympathy.
"I barely felt it," Dew says, exhaustion seeping into his voice. "Think I got sweat in it. Fuckin' stings now."
"I bet," Aether says. He cleans the blood from his mate's hand with damp paper towel. "It looks nasty."
"Kept playing though," Dew shrugs with his other arm. Aether glances up at him, amethyst to copper. "The fans ate it up."
"If I couldn't smell it, I think I would have known when I heard it," Aether says as he reaches into the first aid kit for gauze and medical tape "Proud of you for sticking it through."
Dew makes a noise between a laugh and a scoff as Aether presses a wad of gauze to the cut. "What else was I supposed to do? Up and leave?"
"You've got me there," he hums. They're so close that Aether can feel the familiar, comforting heat radiating from Dew's body, the fire that burns at the very core of him. Dew shifts his weight, the springs of the couch squeaking in protest.
They fall into a comfortable silence as Aether works, ripping a strip of medical tape to secure the gauze to his finger. Dew watches, narrow chest rising and falling as Aether shuts the first aid kit, examining his work.
"There we go," Aether hums, tipping his head back and taking a deep breath, all of the worry hitting him as his own adrenaline starts to crash. "Should be good to meet up with the pack, 'm sure Swiss is wo-"
He cuts himself off as spindly fingers wrap around his wrist, grip tight. "Think you're missing something, starshine."
Aether cocks his head, brows furrowing tight as he does another once over on his mate. His hands come up to cup his face, thumbing over sharp cheekbones. "Are you hurt somewhere else? What am I missing, darling?"
Dew sighs, but he's smiling, relaxing into Aether's touch. "Starshine, I'm okay." He raises his hand, waggling his fingers in front of Aether's nose. "Come on, gimme a little somethin' somethin'."
"Oh," Aether laughs, taking Dew's hand in his and kissing the back of it. A little spark of quintessence jumps between them, just enough to kickstart the healing process. "Let me kiss it better, darling."
Dew laughs, smiling fondly at his quintessence ghoul. "Alright, Doctor Aether, can we go change, or do you think Rain and Sunny will still jump me?"
Aether stands, taking Dew's hands to help him up. "Let's go get changed. I'm sure the others are worried about where we ran off to."
Dew snorts, tucking himself against Aether's side. "I think they think we found a dark closet and sucked face for half an hour."
Aether cackles as he puts his mask back on.
"Aether?" Dew asks as he does the same.
"Thank you, for taking care of me." The fire ghoul's eyes are soft and earnest, shining through the lenses.
"Any time."
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macksartblock · 6 months
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Sketches from my shift last night, I’m haunted by the idea of a giant Lego teen
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