#bloom x Selina forever
mira-shard · 1 year
Winx club playslists
Someone liked it so here we go, all my winx playslists songs + reasons
Imma just... Go ahead and tag those who encourage me, hehe-
@h-doodles @theguythatdraws @prancingpixie
Group Playlist:
Kids in the corner- Arguably the best thing to come from Fate the winx saga. Just the misfits, found family stepping up vibes
Alright- Montage song vibes, definetely something they blast while training
Home- “ Oh, home, let me come home. Home is wherever I'm with you. Oh, home, let me come home. Home is wherever I'm with you.” Need I say more?
Meet me at our spot-  Again, the found family vibes + the excitement yet fear of growing up
Lotta true crime- They literally became the next company of light and are an all girls group. I don’t need to say anymore-
Twin size mattress- Their own emotional baggage, trauma, how they found solice in one each other
Sports- Again, just found family vibes
Marlboro nights- Montage vibes
boho days- Montage vibes
Glory and gore- They were literal freshman when they fought an army of decay- and they saved the entire universe multiple times.. Yeah the girls are badass warriors
Tonight Tonight- But at the end of the day they are also just teenagers trying to enjoy themselves in a world that seems determined to force them to grow up too quickly
I can feel it- Montage, stupid teen vibes
Freaks-Found family, group of misfits
Then there’s of course the individual playslists;
Bones-Magic that has always been crackling under-well, her bones. Plus there is no way she always had good control of her magic.
Jenny (i wanna ruin our friendship)- Her and Selena were definetely into each other, i’m just saying- and if not Selena, she definetely had a crush on Stella and/or Flora at one point.
Back in school- Let’s get one thing straight- an adopted kid who’s quiet with a hyperfixation on fairies as a teen- Bloom got bullied and got panic attacks whenever vacations were about to end, i’m not wrong-
Waiting on a miracle- Now hear me out on this- Mirabel’s desire for a mriacle like the rest of her family, Bloom waiting for the miracle that’s control of her powers or atleast to be able to understand them
Runnin’ - ... Bloom canonically ran away from Alfea 5+ times, it just felt fitting-
Carry on wayward son- Honestly I at first added this one cause... my sister loves supernatural but the first lines do actually fit! Except Bloom is carrying on Daphne’s power, the dragon flame, and come on- “There’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest, don’t you cry no more.” That’s Daphne talking to Bloom right there-
Look who’s inside again- Again, Bloom before meeting Stella
Are you satisfied- All these girls are Marina coded- But jokes aside, even if she always wanted to be a fairy, there’s still fear and nerves in there too. Homegirl felt like she didn’t belong in that school for weeks-if not two whole months when she first started
You’re gonna go far, kid- She did as a matter of fact- go far- Plus come on “see them running for their lives” when she has full control over the great dragon and kicked ass in the season 1 finale
American idiot- Bloom grew up on earth and... idk i just felt like it fit- And Mike is definetely a Green day and metallica fan so there-
Sunkissed-Solaria has THREE SUNS, enough said
Honey- Idk why but this song SCREAMS Stella to me
Make you mine- Definetely a song Brandon once put on a playlist for her and it’s been on loop in all of her playslists ever since
Primadonna- Again, just Stella vibes-I don’t feel like I have to explain myself further
Devil town- “Mom and daddy aren’t in love. That’s fine, I’ll settle for two birthdays.” It’s the divorced kid anthem-
The Family Jewels- Did you know when you have both mommy and daddy issues, it’s called parental wounds? yeah... Stella has parental wounds
Seventeen- Stella definetely has a low self esteem despite what people think. I mean *gestures to season 3*
Cherry bomb- Stella has a lot of depth, yes, but she’s also still the ‘trouble making party girl.’ 
Princesses don’t cry- again, season 3- Same applies to Layla/Aisha
Young and beautiful- *gestures to season 3 again* Come on, her being cursed-
Backyard boy- Idk, this entire song just screams Flora and Helia’s relationship to me (which btw is goals)
Prom queen- Flora also has a lot of insecurities, but hers are more so about her own shy personality and her inability to speak up. “i was never cut out for prom queen” which only got amplified to appearances when she couldn’t find the courage to confess to Helia
Vienna- Flora is a certified burned out gifted kid with overachieving tendencies
Put your records on- I heard this song and all I saw was Flora barefoot walking around in a field naming all the flowers. Also definetely her wake up to song
She- Flora, another queer icon. The soft spokenness of it all, the sweet, gentle “please can i have this person in my life” just screams Flora
Savage Daughter- At the end of the day Flora is a nature fairy and well, that girl is a goddamn force of nature (pun intended)
Treehouse- Again, referring to her more introverted nature and how the only ones truely allowed inside are the Winx. “Why can’t everyone just go away? Except you, you can stay.”
Some nights- Even with Chatta’s and the winx support, speaking up for things I can imaigne is something Flora struggles with well into adulthood. Even if one moment she seems to be commanding everyone’s respect and attention, the next she can be in a corner, just wishing no one would see her. “Some nights I wish my lips could build a castle, some nights I just wish they would fall off.”
The record player song- this song just screams cottagecore to me and therefor it screams Flora. I mean, wearing vintage dresses, climbing in the trees? Come on. Also “wish i was a teenage rebel, never even got detention.” Flora’s fear of not living life to the fullest cause of her anxieties.
High hopes- “I got one more run and it’s gonna be a sight to see.” Listen- I was daydreaming trying to think of songs for Tecna, heard that line and all I saw was that scene of her marching forward to close the omega portal in season 3. Instantly added it-
This is me- A personal fave cause... come on, Tecna’s whole arc is about learning her own emotions and understanding those of others
I’m a mess- It’s always easier to feel and acknowledge negative emotions rather than positive ones, and even someone as logical as Tecna suffers from that.
Lemon boy- She IS the lemon boy. I mean, come on-
Family jewels- Yes, this one is for Tecna too. I mean, her whole “not acknowledging emotions, operate only on logic-” she got it from SOMEWHERE-
Cloud 9- “when he calls me pretty, i feel like somebody” come on.. her and Timmy, about how acknowledging her emotions helps her get more healthy and she makes progress and the- “You remind me how to fly.” Timmy also has similair struggles and they help each other, come on- it’s their song
Mastermind- She’s the mastermind of the Winx, period-
Rät- “ The hot girl in your comp sci class And I was Darwin's prep school dream, Bred, born and raised to kick your ass. I fell for circuit boards, Rocket ships, Pictures of the stars. If you could only be what you pretend you are” If this doesn’t scream Tecna-
Oh no- “ Maybe it is all a test.'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst, So I always act like I'm the best.” Being a fairy isn’t just about being clever and logical and I can imagine Tecna really struggled when she didn’t score high enough to her liking on tests because of that
top of my school & Price of perfection- These have similair vibes and well.. Mainly how I see Tecna’s relationship with her parents
Tomboy-Mainly how Musa became more feminine clothing wise later on but also the fact that she can do both, masculine and feminine, she rocks both like a ... well a tomboy-
Won’t bite- Idk why but this is just one of those songs I can picture Musa singing to hype herself up
Tear in my heart- I mean, that first line already- “Sometimes you gotta bleed to know, that you’re alive and have a soul.” Soul is literally what you need for music- Both to make it and to enjoy it
not your barbie girl- Musa is an independant queen, please and thank you- ... even tho she and Riven are a bit toxic, i still ship it-
That bitch- “ And I keep talkin' like I'm taller than the trees (bitch). But my eyes never see much higher than five feet.” All short Musa jokes aside, homegirl is a feminist and blasts this at any chance
Put your records on-  “Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song.” Music is THE best way to connect according to Musa. Sharing playlists and songs recommendations, even a simple “hey, i heard this song and thought of you-” that’s her love language.
Still into you- Her and Riven, no other words needed
Dear maria, count me in- Just musa vibes, idk how else to describe it
Sit still, look pretty- Again, independent queen Musa who wants to make that money and not have to rely on anyone unless she chooses to
Hey look ma, I made it- *gestures to her and her mom* When she becomes an guardian fairy or when she starts making money with her music, just- 
Layla/Aisha: (imma refer to her as Layla cause that’s the name I grew up with)
Riptide- “I was scared of dentists and the dark, I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations.” If that doesn’t summon up her childhood, I don’t know what does-
Sofia- Layla’s first crush was absolutely on that one ginger girl that taught her the freedom that comes with dance
Ain’t shit- Have you seen how homegirl treated Nabu and the boys at first? Come on-
Afraid- “ When I wake up, I'm afraid, Somebody else might take my place.” Homegirl has abandoment issues and fear of being left behind and/or replaced. It just made sense
Underwater- Honestly just a song that seemed to fit her as the princess of Andros. I mean, it’s a planet with like atleast 50% of it’s population living underwater. Also could definetely see it as a lullaby her mom used to sing to her.
Shut up and dance- Layla’s go to up beat song, you can’t convince me otherwise
Runaway- Honestly I just see tthis as her yearning for freedom away from the court, the ability to make her own choices and the life she wants to live
Princesses don’t cry- Same with Stella, the pressure of having to become queen, being hyperaware of everyone watching your every move
Sit still, look pretty- Again, Layla wanting to have her own say in what happens in her life, wanting to be active in every way possible in her life, not a mere passive bystander
Wake me up- “wake me up when it’s all over” her utter complete denial about wanting to do with any fairy stuff including the fairy hunters. Homegirl wanted none of it 
Téir Abhaile Riu- So first of all, Roxy’s irish so- Second it’s something that just gives Roxy a little hold onto, she loves celtic music as it’s as far as she knows (before she met the winx) the only connection she has left from her mom
Tir Na Nog- Do... Do I really need to explain this one...? The home of the earth fairies, come on-
Show & Tell- “Im’on display for all you fuckers to see.” From one normal day to these crazy girls insisting you’re a fairy, fairy hunters coming after you, hearing literal voices thanks to the White circle. Homegirl had it ROUGH and felt like every move was watched, as if she wasn’t human anymore. “ Why is it so hard to see? (Why?) If I cut myself, I would bleed (kill me) I'm just like you, you're like me. Imperfect and human, are we?”
The last of the real ones- Come on... Last Earth fairy
Sweet Hibiscus tea- “ And I'm not your protagonist, I'm not even my own. I don't know anything, I don't even know what I don't know.” Roxy had.. a very rough and long way when it comes to her path of acceptance to being a fairy. Unlike Bloom, she wanted nothign more than to just be normal.
I can’t handle change- Idk, Roxy has always struck me as a person who thrives from a routine and already dislikes change. Yet a change as big as being told you’re a fairy? I mean... Can’t blame her for acting out-
Freaks- She really felt like a freak, I imagine. Probably way before she even met the winx. Luckily for her, they are freaks too where she fits right in.
Below the surface- Everyone remember those moments where she literally got POSESSED by Nebula, fairy of war?? Yeah- “ Listen close, Follow my instructions. There is no time for introductions. He was the one that made us. You'll be the one to save us.”
You’re gonna go far, kid- I mean, her and Bloom are each others foils, right? They are so the same yet each other’s complete opposite, it only felt fitting that I’d put a song like this too in Roxy’s playlist. Also “if you can’t get what you want, well it’s all because of me” is just Roxy @ the fairy hunters and honestly- good for her.
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elementalwriter67 · 7 years
Blind to the World of Color Part Four
Pairings: Jason Todd x Reader
Word count: 4041
Tags: @chocolatemonkeyrainbows
A/N: Hey guys! Unfortunately, this is the last part. So I really hope you all enjoyed this little series.
Summary: Selina delivers the news to (Y/N) and (Y/N) takes it as well as you would expect someone to take it.
(Y/N) hummed softly to herself as she sat in her room, her handgun laying dismantled on top of her foot locker that sat in front of her while she finished cleaning her gun. A knock at her door pulled her attention away from her task and she set the pieces that she was holding down and looked at her door.
“What?” She shouted only slightly annoyed with the fact that she had been interrupted.
“You’re majesty Catwoman is here to speak with you.” One of her goons responded and a hopeful smile spread across (Y/N)’s face as she sat up a little straighter.
“Let her in!” (Y/N) shouted back, hopefully, Selina had the information that she needed in order to better deal with Red Hood. She glanced at Selina as she walked into the room before she finished cleaning her gun and began putting the pieces back together.
“Do you finally have that information for me, Selina?” She asked, cocking her gun and aiming at the wall making sure that it was all in working order before she uncocked it and stuck it in her thigh holster.
“I’ve got it, but I need you to promise me that you won’t blow up on me because I’m just the messenger,” Selina said and (Y/N) looked at her in confusion. If Selina was asking her not to blow up on her then that did not mean anything good was going to come out of this conversation.
“I promise I won’t. Now, what did you find out?” She asked and Selina sighed before she pulled out her phone and tapped on the screen a bit before handing it over to (Y/N). (Y/N) gave her a confused look before taking the phone, her eyes widened upon seeing the screen. It was a picture of a DNA test that was clearly on the Batcomputer but it was the test that had made her eyes widen in shock, there was a photo of Red Hood next to a picture of Jason in his Robin uniform with the word ‘MATCH’ underneath both of the pictures. (Y/N) stared at the picture for a long time before looking up at Selina her eyes still wide in shock and disbelief, this had to be some sort of cruel joke there was no way Jason was alive he couldn’t be alive it wasn’t possible.
“If this is your idea of a joke it’s not fucking funny.” (Y/N) all but growled back as she thrust the phone back at Selina as she stood up from her cot. Selina took her phone and shook her head.
“It’s not a joke (Y/N) he’s alive. Bruce and Dick both say so and you know they would never lie about this and neither would I,” Selina said and (Y/N) shook her head as she paced back and forth.
“No. No there’s no way he’s alive, it’s not possible!” (Y/N) shouted her voice trembling and Selina could tell that she was on the verge of another breakdown.
“Bruce said that he was brought back by Talia and the Lazarus Pit,” Selina said and (Y/N) froze spinning around to face Selina her eyes wide and for the first time in a long time (Y/N) felt hope bloom inside her chest.
“Are you sure that’s what Bruce said?” She asked and Selina nodded her head.
“A hundred percent, what are you going to do now?” Selina asked watching as (Y/N) grabbed her mask off the little hook by the door.
“Three things. The first one being thank you for getting that information for me. Second being I’m going to send someone out and have them find Red Hood and tell him where I want to meet him because I’m not going to believe that he’s alive until I see him with my own eyes. Third thing is that I’m going to have a lovely chat with Bruce.” (Y/N) spoke as she threw open her door and told one of her goons to go find Jason and tell him where to meet her.
“Try not to hurt him too badly,” Selina called after (Y/N) as she stalked out of her hideout.
“No promises!!” (Y/N) shouted back as she pulled her mask down to cover her face and left her hideout.
~At the Batcave~
(Y/N) stalked into the cave her eyes burning with fire underneath her mask and her hands balled into fists as she didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was coming. Stepping into the main cave she was met with Bruce lecturing Dick and Dick only half paying attention and she was a little surprised that she hadn’t been noticed by either of them. The sound of china breaking and a metal tray banging against the ground drew all of their attention to the entrance above the computer to see Alfred standing there with a shocked expression on his face. A small smile spread across her face at the sight of Alfred, out of everything at Wayne Manor the one person she missed more than anything was Alfred the old man had spunk and sass and he didn’t put up with anyone’s shit which was exactly what she loved about him. Raising her hand she gave him a small wave but made no move to take the mask off her face.
“Oh, mercy me, my old heart can’t take much more of these surprises,” Alfred said placing a hand over his heart and (Y/N) chuckled, the fire in her eyes dying slightly at Alfred’s joke.
“Oh come now Alfred, we all know that old ticker of yours can handle a lot more than a few surprises.” She commented causing Bruce and Dick to whip around and face her the two of them instantly going on the defensive.
“(Y/N) what are you doing here?” Bruce asked and (Y/N) closed her eyes for a second the fire inside her suddenly roaring up, burning brighter and harder than it had before.
“I’m here to ask you a few questions, Bruce.” (Y/N)’s voice was the sort of calm you experience before a storm comes raging through which is exactly what she was in this instant. (Y/N) was a barely contained storm that was waiting for the perfect time to unleash itself on the two men before her.
“Selina told you then?” Bruce asked and (Y/N) scuffed taking a couple steps towards them causing the two of them to tense in preparation.
“Of course she told me unlike you two! When exactly where either of you planning on telling me that he was alive?!” (Y/N) shouted. The control she had over herself threatening to slip.
“If it had been up to me you wouldn’t find out until I had him taken care of,” Bruce stated and (Y/N) snarled at him her hands balling into fists as she glared at him.
“You fucking asshole! I had a right to know! He was my soulmate! He is my soulmate!! I should have been the first one you fucking contacted after you found out he was alive!!” (Y/N) screamed, losing all sense of control that she may have had as she stormed up to Bruce and shoved him back against the computer. Dick quickly jumped between the two of them.
“(Y/N) you need to calm down. I understand that Bruce was in the wrong on this one and that he should have told you the minute he found out but you need to calm down losing your head about this will not help you.” Dick said as he held up his hands in surrender trying to be a voice of reason in the situation. (Y/N) just growled at him and shoved him away from her and Bruce.
“I will not calm down! And stay out of this Dick!” She shouted at him as she shoved him away from them and turned her attention back to Bruce who was staring at her with an annoyingly neutral expression on his face.
“How long?” (Y/N) asked suddenly her voice dropping too little more than a whisper as the storm inside her calm for a minute.
“What?” Bruce asked and she growled. Suddenly she was on him, grabbing at the collar of his suit and slamming him back against the computer hard enough to break something on the keyboard. Her eyes were burning with rage as she glared at him, and pressed him back against the computer with all of her might. The fact that he wasn’t doing anything to stop her only seemed to anger her even more and she had to stop herself from bashing his head against the screen.
“How long have you known that he was alive?!” She screamed at him, the rage that was burning inside her clear in her voice as she tightened her grip on his collar. He raised his hand in a stopping motion when he noticed Dick moving to pull her away from him and she growled.
“Two weeks.” He answered and (Y/N) snarled.
“Two weeks?! Two weeks and not once did you contact me that he was alive! How could you do that Bruce?! How?! Do you have any idea what it’s been like for me?! You asshole!!” (Y/N) screamed her voice on the verge of cracking and her hands were shaking as she releases his collar and stepped away from him shaking her head. She closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to fall and clenched her hands into fists as she backed further away from him. She wanted to scream at Bruce and call him every single dirty name that she could think of, but at the same time she wanted to cry and laugh because Jason was alive he was alive and he was in Gotham.
“You’re such a fucking asshole Bruce.” (Y/N) muttered as she turned away from him and walked out of the cave she had a meeting with Red Hood that she couldn’t miss because it would either confirm or destroy the hope in her chest.
~Bruce’s P.O.V~
The three of them stood there watching (Y/N) leave in a heavy silence and it wasn’t until the sound of (Y/N)’s footsteps had faded away that anyone broke the silence. Dick turned to face Bruce an angry expression on his face but it was nothing compared to the look that had been on (Y/N)’s face underneath that mask of hers Bruce was sure.
“You should have told her the minute you found out Bruce, now we could have lost her forever,” Dick stated his voice was calm but Bruce could hear the rage underneath it and Bruce sighed. Dick was right, of course, he was, they all still held out hope that there was a way to save (Y/N) and telling her that Jason was alive when they first found out was probably the only way they could have saved her. Now though the only time she would probably talk to them was when she was fighting them just like when she had first become a villain.
“I know that Dick,” Bruce said as he sat down heavily in the chair. Dick shook his head as he walked past him and to the stairs.
“If you knew that then why didn’t you tell her?” Dick asked.
“To protect her Jason isn’t the same man he was when he died.” He said and again Dick shook his head.
“Neither is (Y/N), she didn’t need your protection, Bruce. She needed your help but you failed her both times, there’s not going to be any getting her back anymore not after this.” Dick stated as he walked up the stairs to help Alfred clean up the glass. Bruce sat back in the chair with a sigh as he dragged his hand down his face, sometimes he really hated it when Dick was right.
~(Y/N)’s P.O.V~
(Y/N) landed on the rooftop that Red Hood was standing on in a crouch and slowly stood up as he turned around. She had never been more glad about the fact that she was wearing a face mask that she was in that moment because she can only imagine how nervous she must have looked at the moment.
“Ah, the lady of the hour finally arrives! I was beginning to think that you were standing me up, princess.” He said with a mock bow and (Y/N) strained to hear the voice behind the heavy modulation that the helmet was emitting only to fail. She rolled her eyes at him as she walked up to stand in front of him.
“It’s Queen, not princess.” She stated and he chuckled.
“Whatever you say, princess.” He put emphasis on princess and again she rolled her eyes her nervousness being replaced with mild annoyance. She didn’t respond to him, allowing the two of them to fall into a momentary silence.
“So are we going to talk about whatever it is you called me out here for or can I go? I’m a very busy man you know?” He said and she focused on him, having lost herself in the memory that this roof had in her.
“Do you know why I picked this roof?” She asked as she walked around him and stood on the edge of the roof, he stood behind her staring at her like she was crazy but not actually voicing it.
“No.” He answered and she could feel the hope in her chest dying slightly. She closed her eyes against the tears that once again threatened to fall and took a deep breath before she spoke.
“I chose it because this is the same roof, that me and my soulmate decided that we would give the whole soulmate thing a shot. This is the roof where my life changed for the better.” (Y/N) said her voice soft as her hands balled into fists at her sides the memory of that night playing out in front of her mind's eye.
“That’s all very nice but why do I need to know that?” He asked and (Y/N) could hear the hesitation in his voice and she turned to face him. The hope in her chest dying completely to be replaced by hurt and anger. They had lied to her. This man wasn’t Jason, the computer just made a stupid mistake or Bruce made the mistake but either way, this man wasn’t Jason.
“You need to know that because information has recently come my way saying that you happen to be him but the only problem with that is that he’s dead. So who the fuck are you?” There was hatred and hurt in her voice when she spoke. She pulled one of her fans from her waist and swung her arm out as she opened it the blades extending from the folds as she pointed it at his throat. She waited her blood boiling once again in anger and her mind furiously trying to calculate how quickly she could take him down before he could get to those guns of his. Her body tensed up when she saw him reach up to the back of his helmet, and her finger moved to hover over the button to launch the blades. The fan fell from her hand, landing on the roof with a clatter as her mouth fell open in shock and her eyes widened. Standing before her was a nervous looking Jason Todd, an older looking Jason Todd but there was no doubt in her mind that he was in fact, Jason.
“J-Jason.” (Y/N) whimpered as she stared at him and he shifted nervously watching her.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He responded with a small sheepish smile as he held his helmet in his hands and looked at her waiting for her to say something more than his name. (Y/N) stood there with her arm still outstretched for a long while going through a thousand different emotions at once. She was happy, upset, hurt, angry, and then happy again, then hurt, then nearly crying in joy, eventually, she settled on angry as she dropped her arm and ran at him. Jason opened his arms, expecting a hug but what he got instead was (Y/N) shoving him back with all of her might and while there was anger in her actions it was more hurt than anything else.
“You fucking asshole!” Her voice cracked as she shoved him. He stumbled back slightly looking at her in surprise and she just glared at him under her mask not caring that her world was exploding in color. She was hurt and upset and every single emotion all at once because Jason was alive. He was standing right in front of her and he hadn’t contacted her once. But he was alive and he was alive and he was back and she couldn’t figure out which one to focus on more.
“You asshole! Do you have any idea what it’s been like for me?! I thought you were dead! But you’ve been alive all this time! I thought you were dead Jason! Dead! It’s been hell for me! It’s felt like I’ve been missing a part of myself! I thought you were dead! How could you come back and not tell me?! How could you stay away from me for all of these years?! Didn’t you care about me you asshole! How could you?! H-How-” A sob cut (Y/N) off as she fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around herself everything coming out in that moment. All the pain and heartbreak and betrayal that she had locked away somewhere deep inside of her came crashing out as she sobbed, tears sliding down her cheeks and into her lap. Jason dropped his helmet and quickly dropped to his knees in front of her in order to hug her to his chest in an attempt to comfort her. (Y/N) screamed unintelligible words at him as she brought her hands up and smacked on his chest but there was no real force behind her actions and he tightened his hold on her.
“I know and I’m sorry I’m so so sorry (Y/N) but I’m here now. I’m right here. I’m alive and I’m not going anywhere I promise you. I’m sorry I’m so so sorry that I didn’t call you or tell you about anything. I’m so sorry.” Jason spoke in a soft voice as he hugged her tightly and she sobbed into his chest. (Y/N) took a few shaky breathes as she tried to calm herself down feeling only slightly better having released all those pent-up emotions. She pulled back away from Jason who reluctantly let her go and she lifted up her mask wiping away the tears that were still pooling there.
“W-Why d-didn’t you tell me y-you w-were alive?” (Y/N) hiccuped feeling more vulnerable than she ever had as she dropped her mask to the roof beside her before wrapping her arms around herself.
“I wanted to, god I desperately wanted to, but I just couldn’t. At first, it was Talia dragging me halfway around the world to this group of warrior monks called the All Caste then it was the league of Assassins training me and a shit ton of other things that just kept getting in the way stopping me from contacting you. Eventually when I got the chance to contact you though I just…...I couldn’t.” He said and (y/N) looked at him in confusion.
“Why not?” She asked her voice soft as she reached out and took his hand in hers and he squeezed her hand in response as he looked at her.
“Because I was afraid. I was afraid that I would call you and you would have moved on from me, I mean if Batman can do it easily enough then what’s to say you can’t be the same? So I didn’t contact you, I didn’t realize how wrong I was until I got back to Gotham and saw what you had become and what you had done.” He said as he gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb and she shook her head at him.
“Of course there wouldn’t have been anyone else, Jason, how could I possibly move on from you? You’re my soulmate, I love you and only you. You give my world color and life Jason, no one else can give me that.” She said as she squeezed his hand. Her emotions had finally settled back down and she was a little surprised at herself and how calm she felt at the moment compared to the flood that had hit her not minutes ago.
“I love you too (Y/N) and there won’t ever be anyone else for me either,” Jason said as he reached up and brushed a tear off her cheek that she hadn’t even noticed was falling.
“When you got back to Gotham and found out you were wrong how come you still didn’t tell me? Why did I have to find out from Bruce and Selina that you were alive?” She asked her voice hard and Jason looked down at his lap.
“Well I was going to, that night you called me out when I killed Mask’s men. The plan was to get you to annoy you to the point where you would tackle me or something I don’t know but no instead you nearly fanned me to death. And I’m sorry but have you ever seen yourself when you're angry? It’s hot don’t get me wrong but it’s also fucking terrifying and I like having my head attached to my body and I didn’t want to mess with an angry (Y/N). After that, I just couldn’t find you kudos on that by the way. You’re literally the only villain I can’t find.” He said and (Y/N) laughed. She actually fucking laughed, out of actual humor. For the first time in years (Y/N) actually found something funny. Shaking her head she was smiling at him as she dropped her head to his chest in a fake defeated way.
“God Jay you’re such an idiot sometimes.” She mumbled and he chuckled bending down and kissing the back of her head. (Y/N) lifted her head and stared at him for a bit. She could feel herself getting lost in his deep blue eyes, and a large smile spread across her cheeks as she looked into them because god it felt amazing to see those eyes again after thinking she would never get to see them again. Jason reached up with his free hand and gently cupped her cheek and he slowly moved his face closer to hers. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest and she felt like she was a teenager again about to have her first kiss.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and she could hear the slight teasing tone in his voice and she rolled her eyes. Letting go of his hand she reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him the short distance towards her in order for her to kiss him. The kiss was full of passion and love and longing as the two of them wrapped their arms around the other and pressed each other close like they were afraid that any type of physical separation would reveal that it was all just a dream. They didn’t pull apart until the need for air got too much to ignore. Panting Jason pressed his forehead against (Y/N)’s as they panted, their breaths mingling together and large happy smiles on their faces and for the first time in a long time the two of them actually felt a peace.
“I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” Jason said and (Y/N)’s smile grew even more if that was possible as she closed her eyes in bliss.
“I love you too Jason Todd.” She answered.
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