fluthmugoon · 1 month
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bramblewhisker · 9 months
Thinking about how Blossomfall (born in PoT Book 4) was really living the Daddy dream getting with Thornclaw (born in Into the Wild). When your father is Graystripe you must have some daddy issues right?
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henrybelly · 1 year
i wonder if part of the seeming-illiteracy i complain about when it comes to how fans understand many warriors characters is a product of how the series is compartmentalized?
people form an opinion on a character's actions in one arc, then they form an opinion of how they behave in another arc, and then they try to combine these two opinions -- and so if in the first arc, the fan's opinion is negative, then in the second, the character makes amends and grows, and the fan forms a positive opinion, the result isn't "this character did bad things and then grew as a person" it's "this character has done some good things and some bad things and should continue to be held accountable for all of the bad things"
a great deal of it is also the mindset that "sin"/any mistakes fudamentally stains you as a person, so no matter how much you repent or change, you are still a bad person -- and also that "bad thoughts" are, if not as condemnable as "bad actions", still something the character must be persecuted for and atone over. notice how these are both christian frameworks of wrongdoing.
maybe because we go back and forth so often in the timeline, we end up with this character-development-soup where any action a character took in the 4th arc is still just as relevant to who they are as the action they took in the 6th arc. it's hard to discuss "ivypool" when i don't even know if the people i'm talking to have read avos, tigerheart's shadow, the broken code, AND the Thunder excerpt, or if we're arguing over OOTS ivypool and one post they read on tumblr
an example of this timeline-soup fallibility in my own analysis is how i think about Blossomfall's age in comparison to Thornclaw's. i think of OOTS as "my era" because it's the series that was coming out when i got into the books as a kid. So, Blossomfall in my imagination is almost always OOTS Blossomfall.
Therefore, when I try to reconcile "blossomfall and thornclaw are a couple" with the OOTS Blossomfall that lives in my brain, alarm bells go off. It's hard to factor in the timeskip between OOTS and AVOS because i'm still subconsciously living in OOTS.
anyway, it's just something to think about
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myrtlebloom · 8 months
once saw someone say the blossomthorn age gap is icky then went on to say they ship ti/gerfire
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wc-confessions · 4 months
Alright I have a feeling this might get some people mad but I think it might need to be said, I think some people in this fandom are getting a little too...I guess "restrictive" (for lack of a better word) on what others ship. I'm all for pointing out a ship is weird or gross but I think people are getting a little silly about it
In any other fandom, doing shit like shipping cousins (of any kind) would be weird, but this is Warrior Cats and literally nobody can keep track of who is who's cousin or aunt or distantly related half-nephew or whatever. It especially gets me when the characters are only related through some family tree bs and most people wouldn't even know they're related in the first place
As for ages, most people apply the logic that if the characters met while one was an adult and the other wasn't, then it's weird. Which I can mostly agree with, but the issue is that it makes a whole lot of ships supposedly weird
(Although I think one thing we can all agree on is that mentor x apprentice ships are odd. Get out of here OneWhite and TinySparrow)
Y'know what here's some examples of ships that would supposedly be weird to ship in the fandom's eyes if we apply all of this:
TawnyFeather (second cousins)
BrackenSorrel (Brackenfur has his warrior name by the time Sorreltail is born)
MothPool (substantially interacted while Leafpool was still young)
IvyFern (like, third cousins?? And Ivypool was a warrior before Fernsong was even born)
BreezeHeather (Second cousins?? Retcons made Ashfoot and Onestar siblings)
BlossomThorn (like a 6 year age gap where they were in the same clan)
WhistleFrost (Whistlepaw got the Whitewing treatment and is around Splashtail's age)
Does anyone see a problem??
My point is that Warriors has such a strange way of doing things and pairing cats together that almost every ship is gonna have something strange going on. I think there are lines to be drawn (for example everyone knows that Cloudtail and Squirrel are cousins so shipping them would be weird), but if not even a character knows who they're related to and ends up marrying their first cousin then how are the fans supposed to care
This also applies to ships that would literally never work out in canon but could have an interesting dynamic, like DarkTiger (yes guys, I know that they're first cousins and Darkstripe was his apprentice-but keep in mind that those are both re-connect as hell and never even mentioned in book. I'm pretty sure most people think of it as a one-sided thing anyways) or HawkMud or fucking OneFire or whatever
I have a lot to say but that's the gist of it. These things have nuance, especially in a series like this where everybody is related and nobody even knows it or characters age kinda weird
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skyscratch-wc · 5 months
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LIONHEART - Deputy of ThunderClan
Name Signifiance: “-heart” is often given to warriors who show bravery or strength of character
Ranks: Protector -> Head Protector -> Deputy
Mentor: Swiftbreeze
Apprentice(s): Graystripe, Fireheart (temporary)
Parents: Smallear, Speckletail
Siblings: Goldenflower (littermate, sister)
Mate: Frostfur
Kits: Brackenfur (son), Cinderpelt (daughter), Thornclaw (adopted son), Brightheart (adopted daughter)
Grandkits: Cinderheart (BrackenSorrel), Honeyfern (BrackenSorrel), Molepaw (BrackenSorrel), Poppyfrost (BrackenSorrel), Eaglewing (BlossomThorn), Plumstone (BlossomThorn), Stemleaf (BlossomThorn), Shellfur (BlossomThorn)
Other Notable Kin: Tawnypelt (niece), Swiftpaw (nephew), Brambleclaw (nephew)
Character Summary (WIP)
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clangenrising · 1 month
DustFern is especially egregious because they are uncle and niece... even BlossomThorn I'm not... huge on. but at least BT wasn't like Stormtail actively going after Moonflower and Dappletail as kits/apprentices. or Thistleclaw explicitly grooming Spottedleaf. Name a more iconic duo than the Erins and uncomfortable/toxic couples
Man, im so out of touch as a warriors fan haha i don't know half of these names (please don't explain to me, im alright ^^;)
And yeah, Erins write a healthy relationship challenge, difficulty impossible.
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bonefall · 1 year
Wooo! Askbox open! I feel like I should send a celebratory ask but uh... I don't really have much to ask? I guess, since I've run into this problem doing my own thing can I ask for ideas on a new mom for the BlossomThorn kits? The reasons why she's unavailable are not particularly relevant, I just need at least a new mom for them, new dad optional.
Honestly? Briarlight.
This is definitely related to my own personal bone to pick with depictions of disability (particularly autism and neurological disability but I think it applies here too) but I think it's really underrepresented to show disabled characters being parents. ESPECIALLY good parents.
Loving and being loved, having a community that shows she can trust her friends and family to help her out, being able to explore what she has trouble with as a parent. Some people don't even know that it's possible for paraplegic people to conceive, have a healthy pregnancy, and give birth (though adoption would be fine as well!)
Plus! Briarlight feels like the sort of character who would love having kittens! It's not altering her at all to swap the kits over.
So that's my recommendation. I'm not sure who the partner would be though! I would invoke Queen's Rights but that's me and my little tricks. Could also have her adopt foundling kits.
But! If she's not what you're looking for, saving Hazeltail and letting her have kittens is great to have some fresh families around (and not destroy Daisy's whole nest). If you're very close to canon, Ferncloud is also kinda low, you could pick one of her descendants. I'm particularly fond of Toadstep as a den dad.
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featherdawn · 4 months
if they wanted Thriftear to be moonpaws mom so bad (so that she's ivypools grandkid) they could've just done another blossomthorn and paired her up with Mousewhisker or bumblestripe instead of her first cousin
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everybody-loves-purdy · 3 months
List of unrelated ThunderClan possible straight couples that are in similar enough age groups (including widowed cats but not including Jay or Alder because there is a nearly zero percent chance of them getting a mate)-
Mousewhisker x Poppyfrost - it might be kind of weird for Poppyfrost to get with her dead mates brother but then again that’s what Berrynose did so it would be funny. I do prefer another straight ship forMousewhisker tho…. Specifically with a certain RiverClan kitty….
Bumblestripe x Cherryfall - I’m not sure the likelihood of the Erin’s having Bumble move on or even that he would even be a slightly decent mate but it’s a possibility I guess.
Stormcloud x Cherryfall - the way Cherrytail acted in Thunder makes me think that her getting with a non-ThunderClan born cat is uncharacteristic but I can still see the Erin’s doing it.
Daisy x Brackenfur - can’t see this happening but it would be kind of cute.
While I don’t personally dislike ships like BlossomThorn with big age gaps I’m not going through the work of tracking down all of these cats mentors plus I don’t feel like getting into that. 
But here is one off the top of my head that I think wouldn’t be bad-
Sparkpelt x Stormcloud
Obviously there are cats outside of the clans that are option but eh. also here is the of non-medicine cat characters of ThunderClan that do not have mates - including widowed cats.
I for one think it would be hilarious if Poppyfrost and Mousewhisker got together and I fully endorse it
Maybe in regards to Cherryfall perhaps getting ripped a new one by Sunbeam has humbled her a bit and caused her to reassess her views a little and open herself up to Stormcloud? Would be some good character development if next arc she’s happy with Stormcloud and is like “oh yeah this wouldn’t have happened without me getting some sense knocked into me by Sunbeam”
Erins just please make notes, not everyone has to marry their cousin
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troutfur · 1 year
Hey, I saw your ask on Bonefall's blog and wanted to suggest something for the new parents for the BlossomThorn litter. Why not go with Stormcloud and Cherryfall?
Maybe! I do like them a lot in Bones' work and since she has a littermate it would be an interesting opportunity to demonstrate an outsider having to learn the intricacies of courting customs and having to persuade your partners' littermates in order to be allowed into the nest unit. Perhaps Stormcloud's (and Jessy's?) acceptance could be conditional on integrating into a pfurr? Cat immigration by marriage plot, lmao.
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #charlotterusse #whitestag #blossomthorn: https://posh.mk/Jem1VzMOQX
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21mendez · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #charlestyrwhitt #coach #blossomthorn: https://posh.mk/sCEsWLSxQX
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skyscratch-wc · 5 months
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GRAYSTRIPE - Protector of ThunderClan
Name Significance: "-stripe" is based on a physical trait, in this case the darker stripe of fur down Graystripe's back
Ranks: Protector -> RiverClan Protector -> Protector -> Deputy -> Loner -> Protector -> Elder
Mentor: Lionheart
Apprentices: Thornclaw
Parents: Willowpelt, Whitestorm
Siblings: Darkstripe (older brother), Sorreltail (younger sister), Sootfur (younger brother), Rainwhisker (younger brother)
Mate(s): Silverstream (formerly), Millie
Kits: Feathertail (RiverClan, SilverGray), Stormfur (RiverClan, SilverGray), Bumblestripe (MillieGray), Briarlight (MillieGray), Blossomfall (MillieGray)
Grandkits: Pinefeather (StormBrook, RiverClan), Larkbreeze (StormBrook, RiverClan), Plumstone (BlossomThorn), Eaglewing (BlossomThorn), Stemleaf (BlossomThorn), Shellfur (BlossomThorn)
Other Notable Kin: Blueflame (great aunt), Thistleclaw (grandfather)
Character Summary: [WIP, will add later]
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dfabulista · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @myfairlady7 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #michaelkors #forever21 #blossomthorn: https://posh.mk/V10ruPAo11
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thrillspa · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @kabanebti #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #lapis #blossomthorn #euroconfeziono: https://posh.mk/62WclAW2kY
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