#blu fire
elettraml · 3 months
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ᗰOᖇᑎIᑎG ᑕOᖴᖴᕮᕮ
Samael and her cup of milk and coffee ☕
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candyje11yfish · 5 months
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my uty shrine that is mainly starlo (i am going absolutely insane)
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spooder-goober · 4 months
Thanks to Emesis Blue; to me, BLU Soldier and RED Soldier are two completely different people.
BLU Soldier's name is John (Joe) Dane. He has a real name, and this is it. He actually went to WWII. His lead poisoning isn't nearly as bad as the RED Soldier's. He's that slightest amount more sane than RED Soldier. He still isn't that high up on the intelligence spectrum, but he at least knows how to identify boundaries (somewhat) and knows not to overstep them (again, somewhat. I wouldn't trust him with your keys.)
RED Soldier's name is Jane Doe. He based his name on Joe Dane's, but kinda just flipped around the letters. He thinks it's funny. Joe does not. He shares most of the canon universe's traits. He never fought in the war, but he sure thinks he did. His lead poisoning is so bad, no one knows how he's even alive.
Don't trust Jane Doe with your address, let alone your house keys. He will steal all of your food. He will find a way.
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very-clever-name · 6 months
I HAS REQUEST maybe Blue? I LOVE YOUR ART *runs away* (i’m so sorry i’m like this)
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he reminds me of the macaw from rio
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theworkshopmann · 5 months
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Fire Cat
Type: Cosmetic
Class: Pyro
Paintable: No
Accepted in game: No
This cosmetic was made by Steam user Disco Mudak. Posted on September 16th 2023, you can vote for this here!
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ambrosethedarling · 1 year
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Avatar au anyone??
Damian is a non bender btw :)
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For everyone that still has surviving family members, do all of your families approve of your relationships? I know John doesn't and Mikhail's family kinda judges them for the pregnancy thing, but is there other things of note from everyone else? (Not necessarily romantic either, this could also just be generally about their jobs as well :^) )
Mikhail smiles through a mouthful of sandwich, "Mama & sisters adore Ludwig. Have never had a problem with my relationships, Yana & Bronislava are just confused about doktor being transsexual. They treat him like man, & treat him with respect, but they are big gossips," He chuckles & leans in to whisper conspiratorially, "Is family trait, to be gossip. Papa was huge gossip too, would have loved Ludwig. Both very intelligent men, both good at scheming, at planning & taking action."
Jane & John have been forced into a room together, as their father is still alive.
"Father would not be happy that I am with a man," John growls, "He always trusted me to be a proper American, to have a wife & children. Especially after his only daughter decided she no longer wants to do her duty as a daughter & sister."
Jane pointedly ignores that last comment.
"It was on me to continue the family legacy but..." John sighs & runs a hand through his beard, "I have never had an interest in women. I thought I was just too patriotic, that I only cared about my country! And then I met Ken..."
"Father never approved of anything," Jane scowls, "He wouldn't like Zhanna because she is a woman & father still sees me as a woman. He wouldn't like Tavish because he's a 'negro', even if he is a man. He wouldn't accept me being with both of them either. Father could never be happy for me."
John brushes imaginary dust from his jacket, "I think you chose well, Jane."
"I told you not to talk to me again, John."
In another room, the Scouts have been asked the same question.
Jeremy wears a wide grin, "Ma adores Mick & Bug! She thinks Bug is so charming & Mick is such a gentleman," His grin morphs into a sneer, "It took dad way too long to get used to Mick, & I still haven't fully forgiven him for it."
James huffs, "At least he cares."
"Hey, I heard him complaining about you dating Fritz."
James grins a bit, "Heh. Ma would probably kill him if I introduced them to each other. I adore the idiot, but he is a massive crybaby, & ma is a hard lady."
Ken & Dell are sitting together, glaring at each other.
"Mom has met my girlfriend already, & she thinks Jacques is a swell choice," Dell chuckles, "I've also told her about Colette, & she thinks I've gotten real lucky after Irene's passing."
Ken smiles slightly, "She also thinks John is such a gentleman. Pa would've never approved of him, despite him working for BLU like he had."
"Pa didn't even approve of Irene. He said she was just a distraction." Dell sighs. Ken reaches over, rubbing his brother's back. Dell gives him a smile.
Tavish & Mick are sitting on either side of Fritz, who is still dressed as a cat. Neither of them knows what to say. Bug is sitting opposite them, holding the Mini Pyro gremlin.
Friedrich finally clears his throat, "Well, my parents haven't met James yet but I have sent them letters. They... Don't approve. They almost disowned me after they found out my wife & I got a divorce, & they threatened to take me out of my father's will when I told them I was with a man." He sighs.
Tavish tears his eye away from Fritz & rubs the back of his neck, "Me mom thinks Jane's me wife, but she likes both him & Zhanna. She says they're both too good for me," He sighs too, "Me dad would have liked them both too."
Mick shuffles in his seat, "My parents are dead now, but they got to meet Jay & Bug before. Dad said this was the only good thing that came out of this job, but my mom was smitten with the both of them, heh." Bug reaches over & pats his knee, giving him a bright smile. He takes her hand in both of his.
"Well, my mother & stepfather would probably kill me if they found out about my relationship," They say with an awkward chuckle, "My brother would have been very confused about it, before just saying alright, do whatever. But I know that papá would have loved them both, & been happy for us."
Ludwig is leaning against Jacques, looking so, so tired.
"Vater would not have approved of Mikhail. He has a PhD in literature, but he is not a doctor, he is not a scientist. He commands the 'wrong' sort of respect, & he..." Ludwig takes in a shaky breath, & Jacques wraps an arm around his shoulders, "Well, he failed to kill me. Vater would have been furious, if he were still alive, to know that Mikhail & I broke the curse, but he hadn't. That his unwanted daughter, the murderer of his beloved wife, got his happy ending while he had to suffer in the camps, had to lose everything. He would have been furious to know that the Humboldt family is a shell of its former self, that we have lost our glory."
Jacques rubs his back before speaking up herself, "My family is all dead. I was orphaned when I was 10, but I think my family would have liked Dell. He is charming, soft spoken, kind, & intelligent. My older sister might have been a bit jealous of me, however," She chuckles, "But they would have loved him. Him & Colette both."
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whollyjoly · 7 months
BofB as Killers Songs - Ronald Speirs
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Ronald Speirs - Battle Born
you lost faith in the human spirit / you walk around like a ghost your star-spangled heart / took a train for the coast up against the wall / there's something dying on the street when they knock you down / you're gonna get back on your feet no, you can't stop now come on, show your face / come on give us one more spark sing a song of fire / lest we fall into the dark (boy, you was battle born)
pt 4/? - band of brothers as killers songs
song rec for speirs by @ronsparky
playlist for the series
Taglist: @xxluckystrike @ronsparky @land-sh
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!
Next up: Eugene Roe
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trubluace · 5 months
Anemone didn't (and still doesn't) want to be him. She didn't want to be a face blamed for some tragedy with an unknown cause. She didn't want mother to become her, a dragon who's control became an obsession. She didn't want brother to be like him, someone forced to pick up pieces of something he didn't break.
She doesn't want to be Albatross, mother to be Lagoon, or Turtle to be like Fathom. She doesn't want history to resurface as a cruel mimicry of what might be. She doesn't…
Anemone stares down at the stick in her talons, given to her by her brother, possibly giving up his life for her. Tear drops hit the blades of grass below her talons. She hadn't wept like this since she was younger, back before she was shoved in view of a hungry audience.
She didn't want it to be like this.
People draw parallels from Fathom to Turtle constantly, but if I may…?
Anemone could've easily become similar to Albatross, used as a means for power or pride by someone (biologically) close to her. The reasons for this would've been very different (Lagoon took advantage of Albatross after the Sapphire incident, while Coral got a weapon on a leash out of Anemone) but the end result would've been the same.
The small snip-it of writing at the beginning is from Anemone's pov. Coral does not have nearly the same intentions as Lagoon, but that's how Anemone sees it regardless. You could make a very good argument that Darkstalker is a Lagoon-esqe figure to Anemone. Which is funny considering why Fathom was sent to meet with Darkstalker to begin with. That's beyond the point though.
I'd love to ramble about this more at some point, but unfortunately I cannot write what I want to convey -,-
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renthewerecatboi · 2 months
second stimboard goes to
the BLU pyro
i think she's technically the real winner of the poll but i knew she'd be much easier to do so i had to get scout out of the way first
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🌌 . 🔥 . 🌌 ✨ . X . ✨ 🌌 . 🔥 . 🌌
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elettraml · 1 year
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Ⳋⲟⳑ𝖽ⲉⲛ Ⳏⲏⲟⲉⲛⳕⲭ
I'm really happy about how my oc Samael and her blu fire turned out in this drawing ✌🏻🌟. I was inspired by the original artwork of @leejun35 on Instagram.
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draconic-hazard · 14 days
"Isnt it strange how in Meet the Pyro the whole red team is afraid of Pyro even though it cant hurt his own teammates?" Wrong. Pyro has so much glitter and she WILL put it in the other mercs beds. The glitter will never come out. They all know this
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jakemyboy · 21 days
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Just a king lying on his throne.
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mephyyy · 1 month
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I.... I just want em to be happy *sobs*
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7-planks-of-rosewood · 7 months
So much has happened, it's a bit hard to keep track of.
I've been practicing for an event tomorrow, one several of you may already know about. Queen Scarlet pays well from what I hear, I'm just scared of her.
And for the children in captivity (yep, they're dragonets alright,) Scarlet has tossed one of them into battle. They lived, mind you (something something acid from an unknown source,) but it's concerning that it happened anyways. Something tells me she's trying something tomorrow for her oh so special Hatching Day.
Oh. Also they're the dragonets. Like- THE dragonets. It's been spreading around as rumors around the kingdom since I doubt the ones who watch arena fights talk with the commoners much, but it is infact true. I probably should've mentioned that first, but if it takes them being part of a prophecy for you to care about the safety of dragonets then I give up on you.
[Note from Blu under]
Hey there, it's been a bit hard to keep up on here since I'm dealing with off-screen stuff in my personal life, but I promise I'm not abandoning the blog! I may take a bit sometimes, but unless I announce it myself then this isn't being left behind
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autobalanced-tf2 · 10 months
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