#blue bellied roller
proton-wobbler · 1 year
Blue-bellied Roller (Coracias cyanogaster)
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"Beautifully colored bird that makes a loud noise :)" "because it's less known than some other rollers, i think, and it still deserves the love"
"This is a common bird of warm open country with some trees. These rollers often perch prominently on trees, posts, or overhead wires, like giant shrikes, whilst watching for the grasshoppers and other large insects on which they feed."
These guys have some fun mating rituals, sometimes between birds of the same sex! An excerpt from Biological Exuberance states: "One bird mounts the other as in regular copulation, beating its wings and sometimes grabbing in its bill the neck or head feathers of its partner... In almost three-quarters of the cases, mounting is reciprocal (the mountee becoming the mounter and vice-versa)." Sometimes this exchange happens multiple times, with as many as 28 mounts counted in succession. This behavior can also be accompanied by aerial displays including chases, soars and swoops. Blue-bellied Rollers are also known to copulate even outside of the breeding season, and multiple times in a row, "far in excess of what is required for fertilization".
Bagemihl, B. (1999) Biological exuberance: Animal homosexuality and natural diversity. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Image Source: eBird ( Frans Vandewalle)
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mid-nighttiger · 11 days
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[Image ID: Picture of a blue-bellied roller sitting on a tree branch, surrounded by purple flowers and green leaves /End ID]
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
One bird mounts the other as in regular copulation, beating its wings and sometimes grabbing in its bill the head or neck feathers of its partner.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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Pied Kingfishers sometimes gather in flocks of 80 or more birds, and outside of the mating season they associate in small groups. (...) Blue-bellied Rollers live in pairs or small groups of 3-13 birds, which are probably extended families or clans; mating may occur promiscuously among several group members.
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"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[1416/10977] Blue-bellied Roller - Coracias cyanogaster
Order: Coraciiformes Family: Coraciidae (rollers)
Photo credit: Frans Vandewalle via Macaulay Library
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Thoughts on what kind of bird gabird would be/look like/based off?
My personal pick just for the theme of it would be a Luzon bleeding-heart
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But for something more visually on brand there are a lot of options! I tried to pick ones that people probably haven't seen before :]
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From the top left to right -
Egyptian vulture
Yellow-winged cacique or Mexican cacique
Golden myna
Black-and-gold tanager
Black-faced dacnis (they can have white or yellow bellies)
Hooded mountain tanager
Silvery tanager or Silver-backed tanager
Common sunbird-asity
Black-throated magpie jay
Blue-bellied roller
Beach kingfisher
Great hornbill
White-bellied sea eagle
Madagascar blue vanga
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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Moving into the haunted House
The ghost was idly floating in the dusty air of the attic. Well, that was not technically correct. He had fashioned himself a hammock out of his own ghostly glowing ectoplasm in which he was swinging slowly from left to right. The ghost, whose real name had been forgotten by even himself, was reading the latest edition of "Ghost Magazine", the leading periodical of the spirit world.
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"Another successful year for our dear readers." the cover read. The ghost flipped through the pages, past the many ads for various ghost products, such as "Ghost Toasters" and "Ghost Bars" (whatever they might be) and went straight to the centerfold. Here was his favorite part: the annual "Ghostly Studs" page. He whistled as he looked at the various ghosts pictured. All were naked, and all were flexing their muscles in various poses, showing off their ectoplasm. Some were glowing with a green light, others blue or orange.
The ghost in the hammock could hardly be called a "ghostly stud". To be quite honest, he was pretty much the opposite. He wasn't very tall but broad in the worst sense of the word: His body was formed like a sack and ended in a comical tip not much below his hefty belly. On top of the blubber sat a fat, bald head, which was sporting an ever present smile, and on the neck, a round, pudgy face, with a button nose. This appearance was what earned him his nickname, Chunker, which was pretty much how the rest of the ghost world called him.
Chunker was a good-natured ghost, who liked to be lazy, eat, read and do not too much else. Of course, that was when he was alone or in the ghostly company of his housemates. In the rare occasions that he was confronted with mortals...
Chunker couldn't finish the thought because a noise from downstairs disrupted the silence: The door of the old house opened with a creaking sound and the muffled voices of some people entering could be heard. What was that? No living soul had entered the haunted house for at least 3 years now!
Chunker got up with some effort and reintegrated the hammock and the magazine into his body. He had to check that out at once! He floated downstairs, following the sound of the voices, and found himself in a dark and dusty hallway. At the end of it, the door to the dining room was ajar and Chunker could see two young adult men entering. Both were dressed in work clothes and were carrying various tools. One of them, a slightly taller brown haired individual, was carrying a ladder, while the other one, who had blonde hair, had a bucket of paint in his hand.
"Are you serious, Finn?", the blonde one asked. "You said your new house needs a bit of tidying up and some paint. This place is a dump!"
"Oh, come on, Brody. It's not that bad." Finn answered.
"I just hope you didn't pay too much for... this." Brody gestured around to the dusty interior.
"No, in fact the previous owner was really glad to be rid of it. Said it was haunted or something like that. So, yes, I got it really cheap!"
"That's something at least. And you said there'll be pizza and beer?"
"Absolutely. Now, let's get to work!"
The two young men began to look around the house. Chunker, meanwhile, had listened with interest. It wasn't the first time a fleshy had bought the house. Usually, Chunker and his housemates got rid of them pretty quickly. What was different this time, however, was, that the other two ghosts were currently on holiday on a Caribbean Island, leaving Chunker to take care of everything. The smile on his face broadened considerably. That meant he got to play with those two meat bags all by himself!
Chunker didn't have to wait too long. It was obvious that the two young men were planning to renovate the whole house and were now beginning with the living room.
"Hey, Finn?" Brody asked. "Could you pass me the paint roller?"
Finn was rummaging in the box they had carried into the room, and pulled out a roller, a tray and a brush.
As they started painting the room, Chunker, who was hiding in the ceiling, was able to get a better look at the two men. They were both in their early twenties and lean, though clearly not working out much. Finn was slightly taller and had an ever so slightly more muscular build, but the difference was not that big. Chunker's gaze lingered a bit on their firm asses. Both had a nice bubble butt. Chunker could tell from the bantering that the two were probably friends, straight friends from what he could tell. Even when Brody climbed up the ladder to paint the wall, Finn didn't seem to be ogling his friend. Chunker grinned and started to think about what to do with the two of them.
About an hour later, he had the perfect idea. He watched as the two men continued their work, occasionally drinking water and chatting. Just when Brody was taking a sip out of the water bottle while still on the ladder, with Finn underneath it, Chunker made his move. There was a tray of paint on the ladder with Brody, near to the edge. All it needed was a bit of a ghostly push to send it down, right on top of Finn, covering the surprised man in a thick layer of white paint.
"Aaaaaahhhh! Fuck! Brody!"
Finn stumbled back in surprise and tripped over the bucket of white paint that had been standing there. He didn't topple it over completely, but another part of his clothing got a new layer of paint, namely his ass.
Chunker, who was floating above the mess, chuckled. The two men were flustered, and Finn was trying to clean the paint off of his face, while Brody was looking on from his vantage point.
"Can't you watch what you're doing?", Finn asked.
"It's not my fault! I didn't even touch the tray."
"Oh, shut up, will you. Of course, you knocked it over with your fat ass."
Brody couldn't come up with another explanation and shrugged. "Well, sorry man."
He climbed down the ladder and watched Finn try to clean himself up with a rag. It didn't really work, and, when he turned around, Brody was unable to hold back a snort of laughter.
"What is it?", Finn asked.
"Nothing. I mean, you are really white now."
"Ha. Ha."
"Seriously, man. It's everywhere."
"Yeah, yeah." Finn said and pulled the wet cloth over his face.
"But seriously, there's no way you're going to get that out when it's dry. Does this house have a shower?"
"There should be. Let's try it."
Brody nodded. "Alright. You take a shower and I try to clean up the mess here."
"Thanks, man."
"Don't worry. But, hey. Try to be quick. I want my pizza!"
"Okay, okay."
Finn made his way to the bathroom which had, indeed, an old shower installed. He carefully closed and locked the door before he started to strip out of his paint stained clothing.
Chunker, who was hovering a bit behind him, was watching. As Finn pulled down his pants, Chunker could finally get a good look at the man's naked ass. He had to admit that it was a fine ass, a tight bubble butt. What really baffled him however was the front department. Chunker hadn't been sure which of the two men would be his main toy, but the size of Finn's manhood made the decision pretty easy.
Finn stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water, which started spraying on him in a nice, strong stream.
"Ahh. That's good."
When Chunker was sure that Finn was busy enjoying the shower, he floated out of his hiding place towards the door. Finn had locked it to have some privacy but as far as Chunker was concerned, Finn should present his assets a bit more proudly. Silently, Chunker's ghostly fingers unlocked the door and swung it open entirely, which would give everyone passing by a real good look on the showering man. Then, Chunker quickly squeezed himself into the pipework and made his way to the shower.
Meanwhile, Finn was enjoying the hot, steamy water. Modern showers didn't get all that hot, but this one here was old and the water temperature was pleasantly high. Some of the paint had already started to dry, so Finn was rubbing his face and hair with his eyes closed and thus did not notice the faintly blue glowing ectoplasm dripping out of the showerhead, somewhat solidifying into Chunker’s massive, yet spectral form behind the young man.
Carefully not to be too obvious, Chunker extended his ghostly arms around Finn's waist and started rubbing his hands over the firm chest, feeling the young man's nipples ever so slightly. Finn didn't notice consciously, but Chunker could feel the man's body reacting under his hands. Slowly, he moved his hands lower. Finn's body was a work of art, a finely crafted piece of art. Chunker took his time feeling the muscles under the wet skin, the firm pecs, the well-defined abs, and then, finally, the pubic hair and, underneath, Finn's large cock.
It took all the self-control Chunker had to only apply the lightest touches to the man's dick, but Chunker had other plans still. So, he only caressed the soft dick very carefully, not strong enough for Finn to be recognizable in the conscious part of his mind, but absolutely enough for his subconscious to notice.
Finn moaned quietly and unconsciously and leaned against the cold tile wall next to him. Meanwhile, Chunker was stroking and tickling the half-hard cock, playing with it and teasing the head, while Finn was still leaning against the wall, his eyes still closed.
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The moaning intensified, and soon, Finn's cock was fully hard. Careful not to overdo it, Chunker continued to stimulate the young man, who was now bucking his hips back and forth, his eyes still closed when, just as planned, Chunker heard Brody walk the corridor leading to the bathroom. That was his cue to disappear into the pipes again!
"Okay, I've got the mess cleaned up somewha- woha." Brody had just arrived in front of the wide open door and had a good look on the other man bucking his hips, displaying his erect manhood for the world to see.
"I... oh, ehm. Sorry to interrupt." Brody backed away quickly.
Finn, on the other hand, had been taken aback and his eyes flew open quickly. "Brody! Oh, shit. Sorry, man."
"Yeah, no, it's fine. Just, you know, I can still see you."
Finn scrambled for the towel, wrapped it around his waist and left the shower. "Just a second."
"Sure, sure."
Brody stood awkwardly a few steps down the corridor, just enough to give Finn some privacy despite the wide open door. There was an awkward silence until Brody remarked: "You know, when I suggested you enjoy a shower, I didn't mean..."
"Brody. Don't."
"Right. Sorry."
Most of Finn's clothes were still covered in half-wet paint. There was really no use in putting them on, so, Finn decided to just put on his boxer shorts and carry the rest of his clothes in front of him to hide as much as he could. Not that it was necessary, though. Finn's cock had very quickly gotten soft again when Brody had caught him... doing what exactly?
"I don't think we can do anything more today." Finn broke the tension. "I mean, I need a new set of clothes and all."
Chunker, who was listening in from a wall behind Brody shook his head. No, no, the fun had only just begun. Quickly, he made a noise like a rumbling stomach, just when Brody agreed.
"Oh, right. On the other hand, I still promised pizza and beer, right?" Finn quickly added in reaction to his friends supposed hunger reaction.
"Right! Great idea!" Brody had a tendency to leave the situation as quickly as possible but also didn't want his friend to feel bad. So, he suggested: "Maybe we can watch something on the TV if it still works while eating?"
Finn gladly agreed. That would surely stop any awkward conversation.
Both friends slumped down in the couch in the living room and settled on a rerun of some old Buff the Vampire Slayer episode. They ordered pizza and beer which quickly arrived. Of course, with Finn being half naked, Brody had to go to the door to receive it.
When the two of them were finally relaxing a bit, Chunker, who had floated into the couch could finally make his move. Again, he started slowly. Not unlike before, small tendrils of blue ectoplasm crept into Finn's boxer shorts and brushed ever so slightly against the flaccid man-meat inside.
Finn reacted instantly, just as Chunker had hoped. A tingling sensation spread through his lower body, and a small moan escaped him.
"Everything alright?", Brody asked.
"Yeah, sure." Finn answered and tried to readjust himself without Brody noticing.
Chunker couldn't really see what was going on, but he could feel it. He was faintly stroking the half-hard dick, tickling it and massaging the balls with his ghostly appendages.
Even though Brody tried to focus on the television, it became harder and harder for him to ignore Finn. The other man tried to subtly readjust the contents of his boxer shorts often and even though Brody really didn't want to look, he could see said contents moving and twitching slightly even when Finn did not touch them.
Of course, Finn tried to hide it as best as he could, but certain facts cannot be hidden very well, especially, when the facts are already quite large in their flaccid state. So, not only did Brody notice some twitching in his friends groin but also a growing half-hard boner that made a rather clear outline against the fabric of the shorts.
Chunker knew that now, the real fun would be about to begin. When Finns hand moved for his beer bottle the next time, Chunker quickly squeezed his massive form into the small bottle, ready to start.
"So...", Brody asked carefully. "You okay, buddy?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, are you, I dunno, okay?"
"Yeah, sure."
Finn moved the bottle to his mouth to take a big sip, when Brody sighed and spoke again.
"Look, I really don't know how to ask this and I'm sorry, but... Are you, like, gay, Finn?"
Finn spit out his beer - and Chunker, who had just prepared to enter the young man's body with the beer - in surprise.
"What?! No! Why do you ask that?"
"I'm really, really sorry, but, dude, I saw you in the bathroom, and I didn't mean to, but, well, you had a hard on, and, you know, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. To talk, of course, not for anything else. And now..." Brody gestured towards Finns crotch but his courage left him again, so he continued: " I'll stop talking."
Chunker, who had reformed in the couch, was laughing his ass off. If only his housemates would have seen this! He would never hear the end of this!
Finn was tomato-red by now and tried to cover himself with his hands.
"Oh god, I'm sorry, I just feel so weird today. But I'm not gay, I promise!"
"Okay. I'm not gonna judge you, okay? You're my best friend, and, you know, I'm cool with it if you're gay or bi or whatever."
"Yeah, but I'm not."
Let's see about that, decided Chunker. He didn't get in the usual way, so he had to take another route. With a sudden push of his ectoplasmic essence, he squeezed himself into the tight virgin asshole of Finn that was firmly planted on the couch.
All of a sudden, Finn, who had felt some unusual sensation on his behind, jolted up. "Brody! Did you just grab my ass?!"
Brody was flabbergasted. "What? No!"
"I just felt... oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"
Chunker, who was still not visible, had started to stimulate Finn's prostate from the inside while working his way upward, filling up the man's body with his essence.
"Are you... okay?", Brody asked again.
"I... oh..." moaned Finn again, as his right arm started to act seemingly on its own, spreading out on the back of the couch, around Brody's shoulders.
"What are you doing man?", asked Brody.
"Nothing, I..." Finn started but was interrupted by a sudden sensation of lust and longing. At the same time, his right arm tried to pull Brody in but was met with considerable resistance. Even though Brody was a bit smaller than Finn, he was just as strong.
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Chunker, who was almost in full control of Finn's body now frowned. But this wasn't anything a little ectoplasm injection couldn't fix. Brody stared at Finn's arm, transfixed as it started to rapidly grow more muscular, quickly reaching bodybuilder-like dimensions. However, it was only Finn's arm that was changing. At the shoulder, the comically large arm still connected to the same torso. Brody was so enthralled that he wasn't able to react when the now considerably stronger arm pulled him in again. A big fat grin was now plastered on Finn's face, and he said, with a voice that didn't quite seem to belong to him: "Oh, we're gonna have so much fun!"
Before Brody could react, he was pulled into a kiss, too perplex to even struggle. Inside Finn, Chunker prepared for what was to come. He was proud to be pretty good at possessing fleshies, but he had rarely tried two at once. When the lips of the two men locked, Chunker sent a part of his essence into the other man, who was still too surprised to struggle.
Chunker felt Brody's body react to the new sensation. He immediately got into it and Chunker felt the other man's cock growing hard quickly as well. Possessing two people at once was difficult, nearly impossible really. But in this case, the pent up sexual desires of the two made things easier. Chunker just had to give some direction and watch "his boys" go at it full force.
Finn pushed Brody's head down, and Chunker felt the hot, wet mouth enveloping Finn's dick. It was an incredible sensation, the soft lips of the other man and the wetness of his tongue. At the same time, Chunker could feel the somewhat salty and manly precum marinated cock on Brody's tongue as he began to suck. It took all of Chunker's strength to keep the two men under his control and not get swept away.
Finn, meanwhile, was getting lost in the sensation. All his senses were occupied by the blowjob he was receiving and the warm wetness and the incredible feeling on his cock. Even the sounds, Brody's heavy breathing, the moans of the two, the gagging sound as the thick shaft was shoved into his mouth, it was almost too much for the man. However, with a sheer feat of will, Chunker prevented the young man from cumming right here and then. Instead, he made Finn shove Brody's head away and get up.
It almost didn't need any impulse from Chunker for Brody to turn around and stick his bubble butt in the air, offering his virgin ass. Chunker quickly positioned the hard and ready cock of his puppet against the tight entrance and pushed forward, while Finn's hands practically ripped the work pants down.
Chunker couldn't believe how amazing it felt. He was not a virgin by any means, but the tight virgin hole, combined with the hot and tight insides, the incredible sensation on his cock and the moans and feelings of the man taking it was almost too much for him.
"Oh, shit!", Finn groaned. "This is the best fucking thing ever!"
Chunker could only agree. His puppets were fucking each other hard, and the sensations were almost overwhelming him. Straight boys his ass. The two of them were so into it, it was obvious that some unspoken desire had pent up for most of their adult lives.
Finn was pounding into the other man as hard as he could, and Brody was thrusting back, his own dick swinging free and dripping copious amounts of pre-cum on the sofa below. Finally, the two men were at their limit.
"Finn, oh shit, I'm gonna cum."
"Do it, man, fucking shoot it!"
Brody let out a scream and his dick began spurting thick loads of white cum all over the sofa.
"Fuck!", moaned Finn.
And then, the orgasm hit him. He felt his balls contracting and his dick twitching and a huge amount of cum being released from his dick, straight into Brody's ass, who was still thrusting back on his cock, riding out his own orgasm.
With the double orgasm, Chunker couldn't hold on any longer. He was forcefully ejected from two bodies at once, experiencing the intense rollercoaster of emotions as if he just cummed himself.
Before the two men could recover, Chunker flew off to his attic. That had been a great possession session. He just hoped that the two men would return for more.
This is my contribution to the annual great story gift exchange, for @thepossessionmaster.
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wlfpet · 1 year
Please let’s talk about Abby’s fuck faces.
The resting rage face she has in her idle animations is definitely the face of exertion she has when she’s pounding you. Knitted brow, beads of sweat condensing on her hairline and nape, gritted teeth and flared nostrils. every thrust punctuated by an unconscious clenching of her face. She has a lot of automatic gestures and habits she does when she’s having sex; squinting her eyes closed as she lifts you off the ground, her arm closed around your soft belly as she thrusts into you from a standing position, her jaw clenching and unclenching, saliva pooling on her tongue the way that every muscle in her face goes slack, expression softening instantly as she fucks you through your orgasm, all of the tension washing down her body as she holds you tight. gets very into strap-on sex, when you’re sucking her off she moans and grips your hair, licking her o-shaped lips like she can feel every stroke.
abby bottoming or subbing is like night and day. guttural groans and wheezes coming out of her lungs as you knock her pussy out the frame, off-white teeth digging into the soft flesh of her lips to suppress her moans, only stopping when you pluck the little space hard with your finger and tell her that you’ll pop her harder if she keeps being disobedient. that fully broken in subspace face is crazy, definitely an eye roller, long fluttering lashes low-set over those pretty blue eyes, the more they disappear letting you know that she’s totally gone. Tongue lolling out and dripping from being used over and over again. Biting those soft plump lips makes her look so, so fucking innocent, so worthy of destruction, especially when her hair is spread around her and sticking to her face and her cheeks are blushed and bright. She’s an angel down from heaven, so sweet and pliant that you have no choice but to see what little expressions and noises she makes when you break her.
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todaysbird · 11 months
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Today’s Bird is this Blue-Bellied Roller
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mrwavellswaps · 1 year
The Last Time of Many
My boyfriend Simon and I had hired a painter to come and to come re-paint the walls of our apartment. He was very punctual, arriving perfectly on time and getting straight to work with no hassle. My guess was that it was because he was part of a small and new family business so they needed to make good impressions.
I watched as he tapped up any edges that wouldn’t want painting over before pulling out his painting gear and cracking opened the tin of white paint. But I wasn’t focused on how good of a job he was doing. How could I be when my eyes were glued to those biceps! Watching how they stretched the sleeves of his shirt. The same shirt that was tight enough to show off his modest pecs and that, undoubtedly hairy, belly that were hiding underneath. Not to mention those blue shorts which left very little to the imagination.
It seemed my boyfriend was thinking the same thing as he blurted out. “Now that’s a great ass!” Fortunately for us, the painter was none the wiser as Simon could only be seen and heard by me. It was a long story but a few years back he’d gotten himself turned into a ghost after messing with some weird magic ritual shit. At first we weren’t exactly sure what to do or how we’d continue being together if we couldn’t touch or even talk in public without me looking insane. That is until Simon discovered a new ability that his ghostly form had granted.
I gave Simon a look but naturally I couldn’t say anything. Thankfully I didn’t need to. An almost sinister grin spread across Simon’s face upon seeing me glance between him and the burly man a few times. We’d done this enough times for him to know exactly what I was signalling. “Mmmm you don’t need to tell me twice babe.”
The painter, who’s name was John, was blissfully unaware as he simply did the job he was hired to do. Gliding the paint roller back and forth across the wall as Simon crept up behind him. He walked around the man for a minute or so like a predator scanning it’s prey. “Ohhh yeah. This’ll do nicely.” He stated as his gaze fixated momentarily on the bulge in the front of John’s shorts.
“Hey uhh…You know where that draft is coming fro-OOOOMMMMHHHAA…” John was swiftly cut off as Simon started pushing himself inside the gentle giant’s body from behind. That was always his favourite way to do it. I’d seen it happen so many times now. Simon says it’s because entering from behind makes it feel like you’re slipping into a costume but in the best way possible.
“WHAATT THE FUUUCCKKK!…” John managed to roar as Simon began his takeover. Slowly pressing his smaller invisible body inside John’s much larger frame. Gradually filling out John’s limbs with his own spirit and taking control of them one by one. Those thick legs were first on the list so Simon could stop John from falling in all the panic. Next were those strong arms as they suddenly stopped flailing around, instead stretching out to the sides for a moment as if Simon where putting them on like a jacket. After that was Simon’s favourite part. He thrust his ghostly hips and with one mighty slam he found his ghost cock filling out John’s fat fleshy one and causing an instant hard-on to tent the front of John’s shorts. Once that was done he felt himself settling comfortably into his new ass and torso before finally pushing his head inside, silencing Johns groans at last as Simon took the drivers seat…
“How does he feel Simon?” I asked as I watched the man before me stretch his neck a little before looking down at himself with a lustful smirk. Without even saying a word he yanked off John’s shirt and tossed it at me. I would’ve stopped to give it a sniff if I wasn’t so focused on the show in front of me. A show I’d seen many times before with many different men. Simon pinching, groping and smelling his newly acquired form. Feeling it out and getting used to all its unique sensations.
“Fucking amazing!” He finally replied. “So tall and thick. Nice and hairy. Great beard. Not to mention a fat cock by the feel of it.” He reached down and gripped the obscene bulge, shaking it a little to tease me. And by god did it work as I felt my already tight pants growing even tighter. “Annnnd just before I forget…” He swiped up Johns phone before marching over to the mirror and taking a hot picture of his new stolen body.
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“Now sending that to you. Don’t forget to add it to the folder of dudes I’ve possessed.”
“Will do… but first how about you get over here and prove to me just how fat that cock is big guy.” I winked and I certainly didn’t need to tell him twice. Simon marched towards me with heavy footsteps as he adjusted to his new weight. However it didn’t take long for him to grab ahold of me and press me against the wall before mashing our lips together. The scent of John’s pine scented deodorant mixed with a faint manly musk perforating my nostrils. Feeling his bulge pressing against mine. Fuck… it was making knees weak. I loved it when he got so dominant like this. Though it wasn’t surprising considering how he towered over me in this body.
When the two of us finally parted, our eyes made contact once again. Even though they were Johns eyes I could still tell that it was my boyfriend behind them, staring back at me lovingly. “So. How long do you think we should keep this hunk?” He asked while taking a hold of my hands and guiding them across his new body. “A day? A week?…” He leaned in a little closer. “Forever?…” Needless to say I was surprised to hear that.
“Forever? Do really think that would be possible?” I asked, not quite sure what to make of such a hypothetical.
“Why not? I’ve never had any trouble keeping control of a body before. Plus I always wished I could’ve been a bigger dude like John here when I was alive.” Simon explained while sliding my hands up towards his furry chest where he encouraged me to knead his soft pecs a little. “Think about it. Wouldn’t it be nice for us to just live normally again rather than me jumping from man to man. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love possessing dudes but I also love just being alive with you and actually seen by everyone.”
I didn’t really know what to say. On one hand it seemed like a pretty big decision. To just hijack a whole new life permanently. But then again the thought of Simon living out the rest of his days with me as this big lovable bearish hunk was certainly appealing to say the least.
“Hey we don’t have to decide now. I know there’s a lot of complicated shit we’d have to deal with like this dudes wife and family. So for now let’s just have some fun and talk about it more later yeah?” He smiled before kissing me again, softer this time. Sure it seemed crazy but the more I thought about it, the more I think all that hassle would be worth dealing with if it meant waking up to that adorable bearded mug every morning.
“But maybe as a test run you could try calling me John instead of Simon as we fuck.” He chuckled before pulling me along towards the stairs. As I followed behind him I couldn’t help but stare at that amazing new bubbly ass he’d inherited. Practically jiggling with every step he took. God I hoped he was gonna let me mount that…
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dragoncarrion · 1 year
I can't believe i never knew about the blue bellied roller before
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“What’s it like?”
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You were sitting on the couch, looking through Instagram while you waited for Jack to get ready for the day. Your sleep schedule had been all over the place ever since you started your third trimester, so you were actually ready before him for once. 
He came out of the bedroom with wet curls, you smiled at the sight of him standing there shirtless with only boxer briefs on. “What?” He smirked at you and you shrugged. “Why are you naked in our living room?” He laughed at your over-dramatics “I have underwear on!” You still stared at him as he clearly didn’t answer your question. “Can you help me find an outfit for this interview?” You always loved when he asked you for help. 
He helped you maneuver yourself off the couch, your big belly in tow. He smiled at you and then bent down to kiss it. “I love seeing you pregnant” he used both of his hands to softly caress your belly. “I love that you love it” you smiled back. The two of you made your way back into your bedroom, you sat on the edge of the bed and asked him to show you some options. “I don’t know why you’re even worried, you’re likely just going to put a hoodie over it anyway” you teased knowing you were exactly right.
Jack laughed knowing you were right too, “maybe I just wanted your company” he confessed and you instantly melted. “You are so cute” you giggled as you pointed to the shirt he was holding on his right hand. “Blue?” He asked to confirm and you nodded “dark blue always makes those pretty eyes pop.” Jack batted his eyelashes at you making you giggle. “I love making you laugh, your belly bounces up and down” he confessed lovingly. You laughed “baby girl is probably wondering what’s going on out here.” You had one hand on your belly, something that was unintentional at this point. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what is that like? Jack asked as he got dressed. You looked over at him, confused, “what is what like? “He looked over at you his cheeks slightly pink, “being pregnant? Does it feel weird to know that there is a baby inside you?“ You could tell that he was timid to ask these questions, you didn’t blame him you had been on an emotional roller coaster the last couple weeks. You felt like emotionally, you had just come to terms with the fact that you were having a baby yourself. 
“It feels really unreal, to be honest. Sometimes I doubt that she’s even in there. Sometimes I lay here and wonder if the doctors made a mistake, I’m not going to believe it until I see her. “You couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that, that sounded crazy.  Jack was quiet for a moment, and he looked over at him, “you alright baby?” He smiled “Yeah! I was just thinking.”
“About what?” You handed him a hoodie from the closet. “ I’ve always wondered what it was like for you to be able to feel her.“ You giggled trying to explain it “it’s like an ocean wave! That’s the best way I can explain it. Sometimes she kicks really hard, so the two of you are gonna have a lot of fun playing soccer that’s for sure!” Jack smiled, checking his watch for the time “are you still coming with me?”
“Yes, of course!” You walked over to the closet to find shoes to wear. “Wear those red NBs, I’ll help you lace them.” You handed them to him as you sat on the bed again, “thank you baby.”
The drive to the radio show wasn’t that long, which you were incredibly grateful for considering you had to use the restroom almost immediately. When you got inside security led the two of you to the restroom and then Jack had to start his interview right away. You sat outside of the room, with headphones on able to listen, but not be seen by the cameras. If Jack could have it his way you would be next to him, but you didn’t mind the privacy.
The interview started how it always did with small talk, conversations about tour, the most recent album, and collaborations, of course. However, up until this point, the two of you hadn’t shared much about your pregnancy, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago when paparazzi photos of the two of you outside your place came out that everyone even became aware that you were pregnant. 
“And I wasn’t going to mention this but your team gave us the go ahead, which is nice because its all the fans wanted to know about when we announced this interview” the radio host laughed nervously “We do believe some congratulations are in order for you and your wife? You’re expecting your first child, is that right?” Jack was beaming, he was actually really excited to publicly speak about it since he hadn’t this entire time. He was smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt and you could immediately hear the happiness in his voice. ”That is right! Yeah! Obviously, the news didn’t come out the way we had originally planned for it too, but that’s life. We are very excited!”
“Baby boy or baby girl?” The interviewer asked excitedly.
“I think for now we’re going to keep that to ourselves, we have to leave a little something up to the imagination” Jack laughed.
“Fair enough!  I remember the first time you came in here for an interview, and now you’re going to be a father. It’s really exciting and insane to wrap my head around, congratulations man! How does it feel? Does it feel real yet?” The interviewer asked, knowing Jack was dying to talk about it some more.
“My wife and I were actually talking about this topic this morning. I was just asking her how it felt like to have a baby inside her because that’s a crazy thought, obviously. It doesn’t feel real until it gets real, at least that’s what I’ve been told.“ Jack let out a sigh, seemingly making the interviewer laugh.
“You have a lot of dads in your corner though man. I know Dj Drama probably lost his mind finding out this news.”
Jack laughed, recalling the moment that the two of you had told the team. “Oh yeah, I mean he’s been here for the come up, he’s seen me grow up essentially so he cried just as hard as he did on our wedding day.” 
“That’s beautiful man, it’s nice to see someone in the industry with such a solid team. You don’t see that everyday.”
“Oh yeah, this baby is about to have an entire second family of uncles and aunts so it’ll be great” Jack said with confidence. “It’s a beautiful feeling to watch the person you love carry your child, I love her on a different level than before which felt impossible to start with.”
“That’s amazing! You’re right, it really is a beautiful thing. Fatherhood is no joke though, it’ll test you two but I know you have a solid foundation” the interviewer was actually somebody that the two of you had known decently well. You wouldn’t say you were “friends” but he was a lot more personable than the others.
“Absolutely! I look forward to all that’s to come” Jack agreed with a smile. 
“Well man, congratulations again! We look forward to you coming back here and hopefully sharing photos of your baby… boy? I’m guessing boy! I haven’t seen your wife in person yet but that’s my guess!” The interviewer laughed as Jack and he shook hands. He was eager to get back to you and see what you thought of all he had to say.
You were waiting for him outside of the doors and he had the biggest smile on his face. “Did you hear all that?”
“I did, I love you so much” you sniffled and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you against his chest. “I love you too” he hummed.
“In just a few more weeks we’re going to be parents” you whispered.
“There’s no one else I’d rather do life with, you know that?” Jack reassured you back with a whisper, watching closely as his team got the car pulled up to the front of the building.
The two of you walked out of the building, holding hands. “You’re going to be such a good dad” you said with a smile as he walked you over to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for you to get in.
He didn’t respond, but he didn’t have to. You knew he needed to hear it. The smile on his face the entire car ride home was all the response you needed.
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kairi101 · 11 months
The Father and Father Figures (pt. 3)
Pairings: Rafe Cameron x reader, platonic!Topper x reader, platonic!kelce x reader
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Warnings: angst, fluff, birth, soft!rafe, swearing
Summary: After your soon to be babydaddy left you, you were left with no choice but to return to your childhood friends. But soon your past comes back to haunt you.
A/n: this is the second to last part, lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist for the last part. tbh u don't even need to read the first 2 parts to understand this one.
Part 1 Part 2
"Y/n get down from that ladder now!" Rafe demands while putting a crib together. You were painting your baby girl's new room, though you probably should've probably done this a few months ago.
"I'm fine Rafe" you yell back at him. The pregnancy hormones have made you extremely stubborn over the past month, especially when it comes to the typical household things a pregnant woman shouldn't be doing.
"If you don't come down yourself, I'll just force you to get down myself" You don't respond and just continue painting. "For fucks sake, y/n, you're due in a week, please just let me do that."
"You're doing something else right now though, and the baby could come any moment now and she still doesn't have a room." You say aggravated. Rafe raises his hands in defeat and walks out of the room. In the ten minutes Rafe was gone, you literally got about 1 foot of the wall painted. When he returns, he has Topper and Kelce with him, and they told you the same thing Rafe told you, except this time you listen to them, and rafe rolls his eyes and stands at the bottom of the ladder to help you down.
"You two get to work, i gotta talk to momma here" Rafe instructs the two kook boys. he puts his arm around your shoulder and leads you to the kitchen, getting you a glass of water.
"You've been working your ass off all day and you haven't drank anything since breakfast" rafe informs you. "Now, tell me what's bothering you"
"Nothing" you say too defensively so he picked up on your lie. He glares at you with his blue eyes and you cave "I just want the baby out, thats all, i swear." He cradles your belly from behind.
"I know, bear, but you only have about a week left" he reassures you by kissing the side of your head. "now I'm gonna give you two options, we can either go watch the rom-com we've watched a hundred times in the past 7 months, or we can go help Top and Kelce" Before he even finished, you had already made up your mind and walked towards your soon to be baby girls room, and Rafe follows saying "No bending down or standing on ladders though!"
When you get back in the room, you see the two boys managed to get the crib put together, and they were now focused on painting the walls. Thank god for the blue painters tape. You pick up a paint roller and get to work.
After a few minutes of working in silence, Topper gets down from the ladder to properly greet you by pulling you into a side hug. "Hey, hows mommy doing?" he asks a little too casually and you and Kelce try to hold in your laughter, but Rafe just stands awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.
"Oh my god Top, never say that again" you laugh, accidentally throwing baby pink paint on his polo shirt. Topper fake gasps and Rafe smiles a bit while you apologize to Topper. But Topper retaliates by flinging paint from his paint brush onto your already paint stained overalls and you squeal. You and Topper go back and forth, having a paint fight, the room filled with each other's laughter.
Amongst your play fighting, one of you must have hit Kelce in the face with the paint because he joined in with paint smeared on his arm and on his cheek. You look around for Rafe and you see him in the corner with his arms crossed, a slight smile forming on his face. "Rafe come here!" you almost sing out to him, chasing him, but he let you get him leaving a pink handprint on his back.
"You are going to pay for that y/n" he says wiping pink paint on your nose. You don't let him get revenge though. You wrap your arms, wet with paint, around his neck and kiss him before he has the chance.
The kiss lasts forever. You can hear Kelce and Top cheer you two on in the background, but the cheering dies down real quick once everyone except Rafe notices the puddle of water at your feet. You pull away really quick and dig your head into his shoulder and he grabs the back of your head, "shit" he mumbles under his breath "Top get the jeep, you're driving, and Kelce get a couple towels and the backpack and go with him"
Topper mutters a complaint, saying something about how it's always his car but goes out anyways, Kelce following. "You okay, bear?" rafe asks knowing the answer was probably no.
"for now I'm okay, just a little startled." you respond flatly. You take deep breaths, preparing for contractions as you walk down the hall and down the stairs. Rafe helps you up in the Jeep before he gets in as well. Apparently Topper going 60 in a 45 wasn't fast enough for Rafe because he asked him to "hurry the fuck up, man." Rafe held your hand the entire ride and into the hospital. You ended up waiting an hour in the hospital waiting room, but it went by in a blur. You completely disassociated the entire tim. The wait would've been longer if Rafe hadn't insisted on seeing a doctor immediately, even though the contractions haven't started yet.
A nurse comes and puts you in a wheel chair even though you're plenty capable of walking yourself. Rafe continues to hold your hand as you wait in a hospital bed, a cramping feeling building in your gut. When you have your first really bad contraction, you let out a blood curdling scream and squeezed Rafe's hand, almost cutting off his blood circulation. He almost immediately presses the call nurse button on the remote placed on the hospital bed. He hates seeing you in so much pain. The nurse comes almost immediately and takes you to the delivery room.
The next hour or so was the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced. You were overwhelmed by the bright lights, rafes encouragements, and the nurses telling you to push. You felt like you were being torn open from the inside out. After 20 or so pushes, you were over it. "Rafe I can't fucking do this" you whine to him
"Hell yeah you can, and you will, because im not leaving this room without you and the baby girl" Rafes words were the only words you needed to hear, because within three or so bug pushes, your baby girl was out and you were almost out too. The nurse gave the baby to Rafe who then came over to you. "She looks just like you." Rafe comments.
"Let's go with Lorelei"you say to rafe an his face lights up. That was the first name Rafe suggested to you, and although you didn't like it at the time, now that you see your beautiful baby in person, the name just seems to fit. Rafe kisses you on the forehead as Lorelei is carried away for a bath and wellness check by one of the nurses.
You spent a little over a day in the hospital, but when the three of you come home, you're greeted with a very small belated baby shower, courtesy of Rose. Rose and Ward were the first people to greet your new addition to the Cameron family, although she shared your last name and not the Cameron name. Topper and Kelce were the next people to be introduced to little Lorelei. After Rafe did quite a bit of convincing, you finally let Topper hold her. Rafe referred to his two friends as "Uncle Topper and Uncle Kelce," which made you laugh a little while the two just stared at him like they couldn't believe he said that. Wheez was super excited to meet her niece, and so was Sarah, but she didn't show it as much.
Ward pulled Rafe aside for a minute, while one of your girl best friends was catching up with you. You noticed the two men glancing in your direction, so holding Lorelai, you walked over to Top and Kelce. "You guys know what those two are talking about?" You ask, pointing towards the Cameron guys direction.
They look at each other briefly and then back to you. "No, probably just business stuff.' Topper shrugs. You knew he was lying, but you pretended he was telling the truth. Rafe walks back over and pats you on your ass, causing you to jump. "How 'bout we go check on the Lorelai's room real quick," he says, already leading you towards the stairs.
"Now?" You ask. "We have quite a bit of company currently," you say, not wanting to be rude to your guests.
"They'll be here when we get back," Rafe replies as he walks up the stairs with you. You reach your baby's room and notice it's not at all like you left it. You spin around slowly, taking in everything that Cameron's did to the room. They kept the splattered paint on the wall, which would make a good story to tell your little lorelai one day. There were so many stuffed animals: more than you've ever seen in one place. There were bookshelves lining part of the wall with an abundance of books and toys for your baby girl to play with one day. Your favorite part, though, was the photo wall of pictures of you and Rafe, from pregnancy photos to pictures from the first day of kindergarten. You find tears pooling in your eyes, and you turn around to give Rafe a hug, but he's not there.
"Y/n" You hear his voice come from behind you, and you twirl around to find him on one knee, and your hands immediately come up to your face. "Will you marry me?"
Taglist: @mutual-mendes @dilvcv @i-love-rafe
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mutant-distraction · 7 months
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Samar Jana
African Blue bellied Roller
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organicmatter · 3 months
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Blue bellied roller - photo by me
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