#blue talks in the taggs
mychlapci · 29 days
I couldn't help myself, I did the TFA thingy
I gave up making it a full fanfic though because writing dialogue is the worst <3
It begins with a day like any other. Bulkhead and Bumblebee hold down the fort while Optimus, Ratchet, and Prowl investigate some suspected Con activity. The pair are lounging on the couch watching some silly human sitcom when the perimeter alarm suddenly goes off. They barely get a chance to react before an unfamiliar orange and purple Autobot marches through the main entrance, a slightly less brazen green bot trailing happily behind him.
A fight nearly ensues, with Bumblebee and the brash bigger bot clashing immediately, but Bulkhead and the green bot get to talking and all is sorted out; the pair are Wreckers, Impactor and Springer, and they’re looking for Prowl.
Bee backs off, starstruck and admittedly intimidated when he realizes who he’s talking to. He switches gears and kisses aft, sucking up to Impactor and Springer and not even thinking to ask what they want with Prowl. 
Hours pass, Springer and Impactor settle in, and Bee and Bulkhead get to know them better. Impactor’s gruff, unsociable, and crude, but manages to behave himself thanks to Springer, the more approachable of the two. They’re a rowdy pair, and it’s quickly apparent that they’re more than colleagues when Impactor practically snarls at Bee for innocently putting his servos on Springer to check out his mods- even though Springer himself happily offered to let him.
Ratchet, Optimus, and Prowl return later that night to find Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and the two newcomers in the living room. Bee speaks up to introduce the Wreckers, only for Springer to perk up and interrupt him, bright blue optics locked on Prowl.
“Hey ma!”
The silence is deafening, interrupted only by the clattering of metal as Bulkhead’s jaw hits the ground.
“It’s Prowl.” Prowl calmly and cooly corrects before bothering to greet his sparkling back, earning a sheepish chuckle and apology from Springer.
“Hello Springer… and…?” Prowl finally speaks, optics narrowing skeptically on the taller bot beside his sparkling.
“Impactor.” Springer introduces, grinning earnestly and proudly. Said bot wraps his hooked servo around Springer’s waist and tugs him close against his side, lips tugging into a small smug smile as he glares right back at Prowl.
Prowl’s optic twitches. Normally, he wouldn’t care who his kid chose to pursue, but Impactor? His reputation precedes him. What could Springer possibly see in a bot like him?
Suddenly it dawns on Prowl. Springer has always been a good boy, a big baby really. Despite Prowl barely acknowledging him for millennia, he’s always loved his mommy, trying his damndest to keep in touch with and impress him. He was a good mechling too, one of Yoketron’s star students, or so Prowl’s heard… Throughout the war and since it ended, he’s been a model Autobot soldier. Though sadly, even becoming the SIC of an elite task force like the Wreckers was never enough to gain Prowl’s favor.
Maybe after all these years, he’s finally decided to act out for attention by bringing a big bad bot home, Prowl logically reasons. Either that, or his taste in mechs is (almost) as bad as his mom’s- Prowl refuses to consider the latter answer.
Prowl decides not to humor his childish antics, regarding Impactor with a nod before quietly dismissing himself to his room. Springer tries to trail after Prowl to chat and catch up, only for Bumblebee to distract him with a slew of questions about his relation to Prowl and what it’s like being the ninjabot’s kid.
While Prowl broods, the other Autobots try to be welcoming. Optimus generously offers them room and board, and Springer graciously accepts.
The next few days are undercut with a sense of awkward tension. Springer gives up on trying to get Prowl to talk, knowing his mom is just gonna keep on avoiding him. Instead, he and Impactor warm up to the rest of the Earth crew; regaling Bulkhead and Bee with epic war stories, tagging along with Optimus on patrols, and trying not to bother Ratchet; though they do get caught canoodling in the makeshift medbay on only their second day there. And again the day after that.
Dinners are the worst of it. After finally meeting the Wreckers and learning that Springer is Prowl’s sparkling, Sari insists that the group all refuel together and try to have a meal as a family. What ensues is an awkward few hours of Sari, Bee, and Bulkhead obliviously laughing and joking together as Optimus and Ratchet try to carry a mature conversation...
All the while Prowl drinks his energon in irked silence, trying to ignore the Wreckers seated across from him, and pretending not to notice Springer teasingly swatting away Impactor’s wandering servos beneath the dinner table. ^^
AAAAAA i’m on my knees. I was not expecting us to bring this one back tbh. God, if only I could write, I would do at least a little snippet, just a couple thousand words… This is so good, I cannot stop thinking about the way Prowl immediately corrects Springer, I bet he does that all the time… He can’t stand it when Springer just airs it out to the rest of the world that he’s his carrier. Way to make things subtle.
Prowl immediately sussed out Springer’s intentions… He’s trying to make him angry, frustrate him into paying attention to him. Prowl doesn’t know how to get it through Springer’s thick helm that the fact they share coding means nothing. They’re basically strangers, Springer was raised by the dojo, not Prowl, yet he keeps trying to find Prowl, constantly reminding him of a terrible mistake he made when he was young and stupid…. He wishes Yoketron never told Springer who his carrier was, this way Prowl only has more trouble on his hands… And Springer reminds him so much of the sire, it’s– awful. Prowl doesn’t want to think about him, certainly not.
hmm of course, the more time Prowl is forced to spend with Springer, the more irritated he gets. What exactly is this supposed to accomplish for Springer, he wonders, showing off his brute of a boyfriend and constantly trying to push Prowl's buttons... He can't give into his tantrum, he shouldn't care who Springer is dating, they're just two autobots, with almost no relation to Prowl, this shouldn't matter to him at all...
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greenfrogartist · 3 months
Tagged by. The amazing @wildglitch , thank you!
This is my first tag game so I'm hoping I'm doing this right lol
Favorite color: light pink/light blue, it depends on my mood
Latest song : teeth (five seconds of summer) covered by annapantsu and Chloebreez, didn't finish it, but the last one I did was someone in the crowd (absolutely love it it's very cute)
Last watched movie : everything everywhere all at once (haven't finished it yet, watched a quarter with my friend before she had to leave. the last one I actually finished is batman and superman : battle of the super sons, and it rocked )
Fic I'm currently reading : I have so many I'm reading at the same time, but what comes to mind rn is "boy wonder, boy terror" (at least I'm planning to read the third chapter soon, it's literally opened in one of my endless tabs, and it's very amazing)
Currently watching : a video on YouTube called "the best superman film" I've watched it a few times already, and while I haven't watched the movie I love people talking about stuff they're passionate about (i got halfway to it this time and stopped lol)
Currently craving : boiled bulgur kibbeh, but with no nuts or raisin, otherwise it's a no for me lol (also chips)
Coffee or tea : no, unless fruit milk boba counts
Tagg (I'm supposed to choose who I want, right??)
@the-stove-is-divorced @zoiaeras
Writing this made me realize just how much I never finish stuff lol
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gingerale2017 · 3 years
𝟙𝟙| 𝕄𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕠𝕗 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔
Iko was bored out of her mind. The meeting seemed to last forever. The fancy people were talking about company policies and how a new invention from Commonwealth Products could 'change the face of Blackburn Industries'.
If she wasn't running on four cups of coffee she would fall asleep right in front of everybody. Then, three hundred years later, Kai stood up and ended the meeting. Iko was glad no one asked her questions because she would probably respond with the latest fashion trend.
Everyone busted out of the double doors, Iko among the first but she waited to bid her goodbye to Kai. When she spotted him, she noticed Winter beside him and Kinney on their heels. She joined the trio.
"-with my father. Then we could discuss further matters, " Kai said.
"Of course, Mr. Pierce, take as much time as you need. I hope your father heals fast, " Winter responded, "although, my stepmother would probably want an answer as soon as possible."
He nodded, "I thought so. Until the next meeting, Miss Hayle."
"Yes, until then, " Winter hugged Kai and motioned for Kinney to follow.
"Bye Kai!" Iko waved, "see you later."
"See you later, Iko."
The trio left the Pretty Boy of New Beijing (even though he lives here in Artemisia now) to his thoughts.
"'Even though he got stabbed by a piece of wood in the back, he should be okay," Iko read off her phone, "Cinder just texted. Let's go now, I want to see the Captain. And the long-haired girl."
"Me too, Iko-friend."
"Oop, she texted again. 'Oh he's also blind now'," she slowed her steps, "Thorne is blind! Who can admire me now?!" Iko wailed.
"You look stunning, dear, " complimented Winter.
"She was being sarcastic, Miss Hayle, " Kinney rolled his eyes. Winter cocked her head. He sighed, "you know fake, " she continued to stare, "like plastic. Fake. Or she was joking. Yeah, she was joking."
"Are you implying that Iko-friend is made of plastic?" Winter smiled. They reached the elevator and she pressed the button. Now they waited.
"No, I meant- wait are you messing with me?" Kinney accused.
"I mean I technically am, " Iko gasped, "am I a Barbie now? I don't look blond."
"Both of you, stop, " the girls giggled, "just like Selene, " they heard him mutter.
The elevator doors opened and they stepped in, eager to see their friends.
Captain Thorn(e) sat with bandages wrapped around him. Iko gasped and sprinted to him, "oh my stars are you okay?!" she asked/ yelled.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It would take much more to destroy The Captain Tho-"
"Okay, Thorne, that's enough, you'll break another rib, " Selene sighed. A girl who was sitting next to Thorne giggled. She seemed to be glued to him because every time someone would stare at her, she would hide behind him.
Iko decided to introduce herself: "Hi, I'm Iko, " she extended a hand. The girl took it.
"I-I'm Cress, " she stuttered.
Iko smiled. "Have you met everyone yet?"
Cress shook her head.
"Perfect! I get to introduce you, " she hauled Cress up, "I bet you already know Cinders-slash-Selene and the Captain."
Cinders and Thorne waved. Cress nodded.
"That's Jacin in the far corner. You know, the grumpy pale guy? Yeah, that's him. Next to him is Winter, she just came in with me. I know, she's pretty. They're together " Iko pointed to the lockers, "over there is Scarlet and Wolf. Don't ask about the hair, the jacket, and the name, she'll get mad, trust me. And Wolf's real name is Ze'ev but we like to call him, well, Wolf. They are also together. Finally, there is Kinney. He's annoying, rude, and a jerk, don't talk to him."
She exhaled. Cress' bright blue eyes stared at her, "there you're all caught up. Oh, and Cinders is in love with Kai Pierce. Now you're all caught up."
"Iko, no I'm not, shut up, " Cinders hissed.
"Yeah, you are. Stop trying to hide it. Now someone explain to me what happened!"
Taggging: @just2bubbly @a-salting-the-world @zephyr-thedragon @greasicookies @greenalmond @jacihayle @winterrhayle @the-wee-woo-rita @deprivedmusicaljunkie @cerenoya @ladyvesuvia @shelbylmkaider @miss-casually-cruel @sexy-dumpster-fire @not-the-founder-of-rome
Ask if you want to be added or removed <3
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shegatsby · 4 years
Dangerous Game
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Pairing: Hannibal x Female Reader
Genre: Romance, Slow burn, SMUT in the future.
Warnings: Some making out. Mention of death.
TAG LIST IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summary: Y/N Hobbs an opera singer and also the eldest adopted daughter of The Minnesto Shrike, and her entire life changes after what happened. She will be the object of affection of a certain psychopath, whether she likes it or not.
Likes and comments are welcomed!! Text me if i forgot to tagg you! Stay safe. Sorry for any typos.
Chapter 10
It was winter, Y/N had a mug of rosehip tea and she was watching tiny snowflakes falling. She was going to visit Will Graham who was in hospita, he had high and after shooting Dr. Abel Gideon he was sent to hospital. She wanted to visit him because he was carrying her sister's secret and Y/N wanted to say thank you in her own way so she made a chicken soup early in the morning. After taking her sweet time to get ready she called a taxi and left her house, she never liked hospitals but she had to endure the awful smell and the sight of sick people. Will was awake and sitting on his bed, ''Hi there, can I come in?'' she asked smiling. Will smiled back, ''Please.'' Y/N walked in closed the door for some privacy. ''I made you chicken soup.'' There was a brown table by the window so she but the tupperware container and set the table quickly. Will joined her, he looked really tired. ''You know, Hannibal came to visit me yesterday and he also brought me soup. You guys are,'' he thought for a better word ''Alike?'' Y/N asked, ''weird.'' Will finished. Y/N rolled her eyes, ''I just wanted to see if you were okay and thank you for... you know.'' Y/N didn't want to address the situation out loud because she feared someone might barge in and hear them. ''Her secret is safe with me.'' Will said giving her a sad smile, he was uncomfortable with it but it as best to keep it hidden, for Abigail's sake. She decided not to stay too long because she wanted to see Abigail so she left him to rest.
As she walked into Abigail's room she noticed Freddie Lounds, they were talking about the details of the book Abigail wanted to write. ''Miss Hobbs, I might need your insight too, after all you were Mr. Hobbs's daughter too.'' she said before she left. Y/N didn't want to be a part of it but she said nothing. Abigail gave her a long hug, whenever she was hiding something she gave long hugs. ''Her secret must be killing her inside.'' Y/N thought, ''Abigail, we need to talk.'' she made her sit on her bed. Y/N held her cold hands, looked into her big blue eyes, ''I know what you did.'' she began, ''And I know how it feels so I'm not judging you. You did that to protect yourself, it was a self defence move. You don't have to hide anything from me anymore.'' Abigail first looked shocked but she figured that Hannibal must have told her, they were too close recently. Warm teares wet her cheeks and she laid her head on Y/N lap, Y/N brushed her soft hair with her fingers, massaged her scalp. Abigail at that point knew that Y/N, Hannibal and Will were the only family she had.
It was a long day, Hannibal called her and asked if she would like to watch a movie at his house, and spent time together and she agreed. It was 8 when she arrived. Hannibal opened the door with a grin, ''Hello love, come in.'' he took her coat and cute red French hat. ''How was your day?'' He asked as they were walking to the living room, ''I went to visit Will and later went to see Abigail. She know I know, about Nick Boyle.'' Hannibal held her tense shoulders, ''Sh needs support and that is waht we will give her.'' she gave him a small peck on the lips. ''So what are we watching?'' She asked as she sat on the couch, ''I know how much you love vintage movies so I got Waltz from Vienna 1934.'' Y/N eyes brightened, ''He remembers.'' she couldn't help but smirk, Hannibal didn't like eating popcorn but he made some for Y/N, brought white wine and hit the play. Y/N took of her choes, got cozy under the red blanket, she could feel his warmth and it was a comforting feeling. This was their first official date and so far Y/N liked it, she never liked expensive first dates because she always felt twitchy. his left hand pulled her closer, now her head was on his chest, she could hear the faint sound of his heart beat through silk layers. The hand on her waist gave her really colourful ideas, but she stopped herself. Few days ago Hannibal asked her to take things slow, he was a real gentleman and an old fashioned man which Y/N admired. Y/N wasn't ready for second base so she actually liked taking things slow, of course they were kissing but that was it. Hannibal started to caress her hair, he could smell her shampoo and her hair felt like silk. Soft, elegant and shiny. He was doing things which surprised himself, he never let a woman be close to him like this. He of course had sexual endeavors but this was more intimitate, she was in his house, drinking his wine, laying under his blanket and enjoying a movie he picked. He took a glimpse at her face and saw her sleeping, her face was a blank slate but cheeks were pink ''Y/N?'' he silently called but there was no answer, the turth was he didn't want her to wake up and leave. He turned off the tv, got up and slowly picked up, as he climbed the stairs he stopped when he reached the hall, his first thought was to move her to the guest bedroom but that wasn't what he wanted. He walked to his bedroom, the door was already open, he placed her on his bed gently, took a step back and took a mental picture because later he put the satin blanket over her body and went to his study room to draw that mental picture. Yes, he was drawing her for days now, he finished three paintings of her. The first one was a drawing of her singing in the museum, the second one was when she sang at his house for his guests and the third one was when she was sitting on her couch, looking vulnerable and scared. However this one would be more daring he felt.
Y/N woke up slightly feeling his  arm around her waist and opened her eyes, morning light was coming through the window, passing the curtains. Hannibal was asleep, his hand was loosely on her waist, she remembered falling a sleep but not remembered how she got there. The thought of Hannibal carrying her sent heat to her cheeks and she moved but his grip got tighter. It was still too early but she wanted to get up, make coffee and prepare breakfast for them. She wanted to impress him with her cooking skills, she was as silent as she could be and she left the bed, washed her face in his bathroom which looked aesthetically pleasing and went downstairs. Hannibal's fridge was full so she decided to make mini sesame zucchini loaves, bacon and eggs, and she found fresh oranges to make a healthy juice.  She was singing and cooking, walking around quick to finish and ready everything before he woke up but Hannibal was already awake. He came donwstairs to see her and the image of her in his kitchen was something he found pleasing. He was standing on the treshold, arms crossed and watching her. Her voice was smooth, hitting every night with an elegance.
''Morning love.''
She turned to see him, he look tall and proud, lips puffy, ''Morning doc.'' she teased. Hannibal hugged her from behind and inhaled her scent, his nose tickled her neck, ''I see you're fixing breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day.'' he came close to see the bacon and eggs,  the zucchini loaves were still in the oven. ''Abigail always loved my cooking, I wish she was here.'' He could feel her tense body, ''One day she will and we'll be a true family.'' his words sent waves of warmth to her body, ''You really think so?'' now she turned to see his face. ''Yes. I consider you as family Y/N, it will be interesting to guide and support Abigail to her future together.'' Y/N could feel tears building, she pulled her neck towards her kissed him fiercely. Hannibal pushed her to marble surface of the kitchen, his hands easily lifted her and she sat on the cold marble. Her legs were hooked on his waist, tongues fighting. She loved the feeling of his plump lips, his hands travelled on her body slowly and found their way inside of her shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra and that excited him. His fingers lightly brushed her breasts but didn't touch and she whined into his mouth, that excited him too. ''If we keep going... I won't be able to stop.'' He said into her ear, left kisses on her exposed neck, and the click sound stopped them, breakfast was ready. He reluctantly pulled away, she could see he was fighting his inner battel, ''You wanted to take things slow Hannibal.'' she jumped off and walked to the oven. ''I know.'' And he cursed at himself mentally.
Later Y/N went to her house, Will Graham visited Hannibal at his office. He had this crazy idea to take Abigail Hobbs back to Minnesota and take her to places just in case if she rememberes anyhting useful to FBI, Hannibal didn't like the idea, he stopped Will when he asked wether Y/N would like to come too. Y/N was his red line, and he better not cross it. ''Y/N is a busy woman who will perform at an event soon, it won't we wise to distract her Will. On the other hand it isn't wise to take Abigail with you, she suffered enough.'' Hannibal protested, taking a sip from his pink wine. ''There is a copycat killer out there Hannibal, I have to catch him and Abigail is the key.'' Will seemed like he wouldn't change his mind, and Hannibal got curious, ''Let's see what will happen.'' He was the copcat killer, he was the killer Will and FBI were looking for and it gave him a god-like satisfaction to see that they weren't able to catch him.
After two days Y/N got a call from Jack Crawford himself, he didn't say why but he asked her to come to the station. She hoped for the best but there was a bitter taste in her mouth, something was off. As she walked inside people were giving her weird looks, like she did something bad, Alana Bloom greeted her with a cold expression, ''Please follow me.'' she led her to a room where Jack and Hannibal were standing, Alana closed the door behind her. ''What's wrong?'' Y/N asked worried, ''Miss Hobbs please take a seat.'' Jack said, he was sitting behind his desk, Y/N sat next to Hannibal. ''Abigail Hobbs is missing and we believe that she is-'' He cleared his throat, ''she passed away.'' All the air left her lungs, a plaintive voice left her dry lips. ''W-what?'' ''And we believe Will Graham had something to do with the situation, he'll be interrogated soon.'' Jack Crawford kept on talking and explaining that Will Graham vomited her sister's ear on his sink, and they brought him in. She was in a blank state, all she could hear was their voice coming from far far away, she felt Hannibal's hand on her cold one.
What do you think of the chapter? Let me know ;)
Tag List: @alexa4040​ @liadamerondjarin​ @ananriel​ @keeleyella​ @rentheanonymous​ @sweetgoodangel​ @germansarechill​ @thebitchthatstoleyourman​ @jellyroom2​ @celestial-vomit​
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gay-dragon · 3 years
end of year reading tag
thank you for tagging me @florawelch   💛
I’m taggging @stazyros @moejra @sapphicadhder ​ and @inmyarmswrappedin ​
Did you reach your reading goal for the year (if you had one)?
i don’t usually set myself a specific reading goal because i never stick to it and i don’t like the pressure that it puts on me. but in general i don’t think i really read as much as i would have liked to, so definitely a big goal i have for this coming year is to incorporate reading into my life more again
What are your top 3 books you read this year?
this is such a tough question actually, i’ve read so many amazing ones this year! i’m not going to include re-reads in this:
To Be Taught If Fortunate by Becky Chambers - actually the first book i read all year, and probably my favourite. as blue said, this book feels like floating on your back in a lake
Divorare Il Cielo by Paolo Giordano (english title Heaven and Earth) - okay granted it has its flaws, but i think this is one of those books that i read at the exact right time in my life, it just resonated so deeply with me 
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman - wasn’t a fan of her first book so i did not expect to be this charmed by this one. but it was just such a delight
and in terms of things i read that aren’t novels but i really adored: 
Le Roi Se Meurt by Eugène Ionesco (english title Exit The King) - i saw this play a long time ago but this was my first time reading it, and it is just such a masterpiece. probably my favourite play of all time
On A Sunbeam by Tillie Walden - i love graphic novels so much but don’t know many non-french ones, so this was a nice discovery! the story itself was not bad but the art is what really made it stick with me. just so stunning
Incendies by Wajdi Mouawad (english title Scorched) - i’d also seen this play before but hadn’t read it yet, and my god, it is just so stunning in all senses of that word. deeply tragic but so, so beautifully written
What’s a book that you didn’t expect to enjoy quite so much going in?
Girl, Woman Other by Bernadine Evaristo. i thought i would struggle with the format, but i didn’t realized how interlinked all the different stories would be, and that made the transition from one character to the other much more seamless, to me. so the reading experience turned out to be just as enjoyable as the other aspects of this amazing book
Were there any books that didn’t live up to your expectations?
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I was so intrigued by the concept, and in it’s defence the concept is what made the book very enjoyable to read (i read almost all of it in one day) and what made it really stick in my mind, but beyond that the writing itself wasn’t the best and the overall execution of the message was a bit clunky
also, since i’ve already committed to talking about plays too: 
Forêt and Ciels by Wajdi Mouawad, the last two plays from his Le Sang Des Promesses series - they’re actually quite good but the first two are so phenomenal that these two just didn’t live up 
Did you reread any old faves? If so which one was your favorite?
I did! I actually reread two of my old favourite series this year:
firstly The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, which honestly i think i appreciated 10 times more this time than when i first read them at age 13. the entire trilogy is just such a masterpiece, it left me shaken to my core
and then The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan which sadly as a whole didn’t fully live up to the old hype. it was really good in many ways (great characters, great magic system, gripping plot) and if the last book was as good as the first two it would be a different story, but the conclusion of the whole story just has so many plotholes and is just too disappointing and that left a sour taste in my mouth
Did you dnf any books?
gonna be honest with you I had to look up what that meant 😅 
well there is a book, Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini by Giorgio Bassani (english title The Garden of the Finzi-Continis) which i started like, five different times and still haven’t made it past the first two chapters (the writing is just a little dense), so i’ve set it aside for now, but i do intend on finishing it eventually, i think i just need to get into the story properly  
Did you read any books outside your usual preferred genres?
i read a bit of science fiction and a bit of fantasy this year, which isn’t normally what i go for, but i enjoyed both of those experiences!
What was your predominant format this year?
physical books. i keep e-books for trashy books that i read because i need something mindless and for books i don’t want to read but have to for academic reasons
What’s the longest book you read this year?
probably The High Lord by Trudi Canavan (last book of the black magician trilogy). i’m sometimes a little intimidated by big books, but because i was really gripped by the plot by that point i was actually happy that it was so long (shame it ended in a disappointing way)
What are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases?
honestly i have no idea what’s coming in 2022, i don’t keep up with that so much... 
though there’s a few graphic novel series that i follow that release a new instalment every year  (Seuls, Les Nombrils, Les Mondes d’Adebaran... - don’t think they’ve been translated to english though bc i can’t find the english titles), so i’m always excited for those!
What books from your tbr did you not get to this year but are excited to read in 2022?
oh man, so many 😅 i really want to read some stuff by Haruki Murakami, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Taylor Jenkins Reid. those three have been on my radar for a while now so i really want to start reading some books by them this year
i’ve also been meaning to read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab all year so i really want to get to it soon
and there’s a few books my sister has been recommending for a while, and some french classics that i’ve been meaning to read for aaages that i look forward to finally reading
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god-save-the-keen · 4 years
Can you do 20 on Chandler Bing list for Draco x muggleborn!reader where the reader and Draco has secret crush on each other
This is my first ever request for Harry Potter fandom so I hope it's okay and you like it! Sorry it took me so long and thank you for the request! Also, I took the liberty to add one more prompt also from Chandler's list!
Library night
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Warning: None, fluff
Words: 805
HP tagg list: @astridvolari
The library was in complete silence, the only sound around was the steps of the students and Madam Pince and the soft scratching of the quills on the parchment.
Draco lifted his gaze, his light blue eyes stopping on you a few tables away. You pretend not to notice but you feel it, just like in the hallways, when you two cross paths, in the clases that Slytherin and Hufflepuff share together and when you enter into the Great Hall every morning. Your sensation is the same every time, you know his values, who his family is, their relationship with he-who-shall-not-be-named, you had heard him call Hermione Granger muggleborn on so many occasions but, somehow, a part of you believes it's different with you. Or that is what you wish.
You dare to lift your eyes above the book you are holding in front of you, just barely, peeking to where he's sitting. He's with Zabini, another boy whose name you don't know but is part of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and Pansy Parkinson who is flirtily smiling, whispering something into Draco's ear as her hand roams his arm. 'Of course she is with him' you think to yourself, rolling your eyes. You stand up, going to the nearest bookshelves trying to find more information about how to change someone's appearance for McGonagall's transformation class when you notice it again, his eyes following your path and, this time, you are unable to resist. You turn your head, your eyes connecting with his, a private and intense look between you as time seems to be frozen. Everything in the library, even Hogwarts itself, appears to have disappeared except you two and the moment you were sharing. Ever since you received your letter at eleven years old, you knew that magic was real, and awesome to be honest, but you hadn't felt a more magical moment than this one. Until Pansy waved her hand in front of him, calling his attention. You sighed and returned to your table, unable to concentrate on your work. You wouldn't claim to be some kind of expert on Draco Malfoy and, least of all, on his point of view of things or his feelings, but, remembering that stare, you were pretty, if not completely, sure that he hadn't looked at anyone like that before except for you. After all, you have been observing him for the last six years of your life.
But how could that be right? You are a muggleborn, the kind of person he had always despised, you are not rich and you are a Hufflepuff. You distract yourself, looking around, the library looks fuller, in one aisle there are Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, facing each other, smiling, he's carrying her books and she's standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. You smile to yourself. Ginny belongs to Gryffindor but either way she's your friend, you shared the same Hogwarts Express cabin in your first year and chat in every class that both houses share and you have seen her being in love with Harry since day one, waiting for him to notice her, just like you have been waiting for Draco, until he did. And they were happy together. So, that could happen to you too, right? He already looked at you differently.
"You should tell him." Said Maggie, your best friend that suddenly was sitting beside you.
"Bloody hell!" You shouted, receiving several shushes, and turned towards her, surprised. "When did you get here?"
"Between Draco Malfoy daydreams 3 and 4." She joked, making you blush, feeling your cheeks hot.
"I wasn't daydreaming." You lied. Cause you totally were. Hard.
"Yeah, sure, and Snape loves Gryffindor." Despite yourself, you quietly chuckle. "You should at least talk to him or invite him to go together to the next visit to Hogsmeade."
"Let him know I like him? Are you insane?" She didn't look as insane as those words sounded to you.
"What's the worst that could happen?" She asked, rolling her eyes.
"I could die." You replied, looking at his table again. You remembered all the pictures published during the summer in the Daily Prophet of his dad and aunt, both in Azkaban. "And I mean that literally."
He stood up, going to the door, as Pansy chased after him and looped her arms with his but he shook her off. He put a heavy book on your table, looking at you for a moment, and for just a second you could almost see a light blush on his pale cheeks.
"You will need this, Y/N." And he turned to leave, without giving you time to answer. You grab the book and, to your surprise and delight, you see it's exactly what you need for your work. Maybe Maggie's idea wasn't that bad after all.
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papergirllife · 4 years
To Draw A Bigger Picture
Chasing The Flames Chapter 9
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When the movie finished, Jaemin was going to ask your opinion on the movie, when he noticed you had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Just as Chenle was about to scream about something yet again, Jeno shut him up, muffling his loud voice.
" Y/N's asleep. Be quite. "
"Do you think we should wake her up? "
" It's already 11 plus. I don't think it'll be safe for her to go back home alone now, just let her sleep. " Renjun said.
Jaemin picks up Y/N, bridal style, and carries her into his and Jeno's room.
" We'll share. I'll let her sleep in my bed. " Jaemin said to Jeno.
Jeno separated their beds that were previously placed together, as Jaemin lays Y/N gently down the warm sheets.
I woke up on a warm bed with a fluffy blanket draped over me. I was clueless at where I was at, until I remembered falling asleep during the movie.
I rolled over to the other side to see Jaemin awake on his phone.
" Jaemin? "
" Y/N? You're awake? Do I need to get you anything? Water maybe? Do you want a change of more comfortable clothing? "
" Yeah, sorry. I'm so clumsy, I shouldn't have fell asleep, now I'm a burden to you. "
" It's fine, Y/N. You're not a burden, it's nice that you're sleeping over. We haven't had guests before. "
Jaemin said as he was looking for some clothes in the wardrobe.
Jaemin passes me a pair of sweats and a sweater and tells me to change in the bathroom.
When I put on the sweater I realised it was a Balenciaga sweater.
I walked out of the bathroom to see Jaemin holding up a cup of water for me, I gratefully took it and took a large sip.
" Jaemin, this is too expensive for normal people like me to wear. You should've given me something else. "
Jaemin looks at me with a comforting smile on his face.
" It's okay, Y/N. I rarely wear this anymore. It looks better on you anyways. Keep it. "
" But... "
" Uh, uh, no buts. Head to bed, or you'll be tired tomorrow. "
I climbed back into bed, secretly thankful for the good material of the clothing for keeping me warm in this chilly night.
" Jaemin? "
" Hmm? "
" Talk me to sleep. "
" What do you want to know about? "
" How did you get together with Jeno? "
The both of you were whispering, in fear of waking up Jeno who was sleeping on Jaemin's side, but I couldn't hear everything he said, so Jaemin pulled my bed closer to his.
" It wasn't a spur in the moment thing, it was more of a gradual built up of feelings, since we've known each other for a long time. We didn't really consider dating girls because of the risk, we're both bisexual. Us getting together was something that was fated to happen I guess, haha. Even though we didn't have any other choices, we never took it as a last resort. It's a blessing if you ask me, finding a sweet guy like him. He might seem aloof or shy sometimes, but he's a hopeless romantic deep inside. "
" You guys look really good together. "
" Really? Thank you. We should get some sleep. Goodnight, Y/N. "
" Goodnight. "
" You guys talked and you didn't wake me up? " Jeno shook his head in disbelief.
Jeno woke up to a scene that made him felt left out.
Y/N was cuddled into Jaemin's side, apparently the small little gap didn't do much difference.
" We should wake her up. "
Jaemin shook his head, disagreeing.
" If we do that, she'll feel embarrassed. Why don't you lie down next to me? Wait for her to wake up and act like this didn't happen. "
" She'd want that? "
" She's still confused about her feelings I think, it's best we don't push her like that, she might shy away if she wakes up to us needing to explain. She'll feel guilty. "
Jeno was grateful for Jaemin's skillful way of reading people's emotions, and laid back down the bed, an arm slinging over Jaemin's waist.
" I'd like to wake up to this again. "
" Me too, Jeno. We'll just have to wait and treat her better. "
When I woke up, I could smell a nice cotton scent, in my sleepy state, I nuzzled my nose to the source of the scent, but instead of a blanket or pillow, my nose hit something hard.
' Wait. Where am I again? '
' Dream's dorms, right. I'm sleeping on the couch? No, I remember Jaemin moved me to the bed. Wait, that's it. Jaemin's sleeping beside me. Oh shit. '
I slowly opened my eyes to see Jaemin sleeping peacefully right next to me.
I gently untangled my arms from his embrace and backed further away from him.
When I was at a safe distance from Jaemin and Jeno, I quickly got off the bed into the connected bathroom to splash some water on my face to stop it from heating up.
After checking my appearance in the mirror, I padded out of the bathroom back into their room.
The both of them were awake now, looking at their phones.
" Sorry. Did I wake you guys up? "
" Nah, we just got hungry. We have a new toothbrush in the cupboard under the sink, use it. "
" Thank you. "
When you finished washing up, you walked to the kitchen to see Renjun cooking.
" What's for breakfast? "
" Egg sandwich. "
" This looks good. Smells good too. "
" Wait till you try it, Y/N. It's the best. "
" Yes, coming from our demanding food critic, Park Jisung. "
" I got the recipe from Birds of Prey. "
" Wow, no wonder it looks and smells so good. I love bacon. "
Suddenly I felt a hand placed on shoulder, I turned my head back to see Jeno smiling at me.
" Morning. "
" Morning, you look nice, with the glasses. "
" Really? I didn't like the way I looked with them. "
" Don't worry, your fans like them. "
" Why are you so sure? "
" According to your fan accounts. "
" You've been keeping tabs on me with fan accounts? "
' Shit. I can't let him know that I'm following his fan accounts. '
" N-no. I just so happened to have read that from somewhere. "
Jeno had a knowing smile on his face, but he didn't seem annoyed that you were low key fangirling over him.
" Just text or call me if you want to know what I'm up to. "
He then grabbed an egg sandwich and sat down on the dining table.
I could feel the tension between the both of us. Or was it my own imagination?
It's probably my own assumptions in my early morning hazy mind.
" Y/N, take one. Be careful, it might still be hot. "
" Thanks, Renjun. "
I took a bite into my sandwich, the bacon had just the right crunch and the eggs and cheese were as soft as clouds.
" It's perfect, Renjun. "
" Glad you like it. "
I moved to the dining table to finish up the sandwich. When I sat down, with my mouth full of sandwich, Jeno took a photo of me out of the blue.
" Jeno! I look like shit in the morning. Why did you take a photo of me? "
" You don't look like shit. You look adorable, with your cheeks full of food. "
" Oh god... Here's comes the first cursed photo of me within 2 months of knowing you guys. "
" You haven't even looked at Jaemin's. Let me show you. "
" Yah. Stop right there, Lee Jeno. Don't ruin my reputation of being the cutest in NCT Dream. "
Jaemin said as he sat down to have breakfast.
Jeno did a puking face at him and continued eating his breakfast.
Not long after, we sat down to play Jenga in the living room.
Donghyuck was cursing at the blocks when they fell in his hands while Jeno kept winning.
When it was around noon, you packed up and papered to leave.
" I'll leave the extra groceries here for the next time you cook, maybe I'll pop in soon. "
" You better, Y/N. Before Chenle and Jisung eat everything. "
" Yah, Renjun hyung! "
As I stepped out of their dorms, I heard footsteps following me out. I looked back to see Jeno and Jaemin smiling at me.
" We're walking you to the bus station. "
" It's fine, Jaemin. It's still early, I'll be safe. Plus I don't want fans to spot us and get the wrong idea. "
" Okay, but give us a call when you're home. "
Jaemin was about to reject my idea, but Jeno beat him to it.
" Will do. "
" Bye, Jeno, Jaemin. "
" Bye, Y/N. "
I walked to the bus station reluctantly, not wanting to leave them.
" So, do the both of you consider today a success? "
" Chenle ah, you're too young to ask these things. "
" But Jeno hyung, I'm 20. I'm an adult. "
" Lele ah, you'll always be a baby in our eyes. But Jeno I think it's fine to tell him anything that's PG13. "
" I'll buy you coffee afterwards, Jaemin hyung. "
" Okay, fine. To answer your question, yes. I think today was a success. "
" Do you think she likes you guys? I think she does. "
" How are you so sure, Chenle ah? "
" Just a gut feeling. Plus, she looks at you and Jaemin differently from how she looks at us. Focus on the eyes, hyung. "
" The way you said that would've made any girl running for the hills, Lele. "
The next day I went into the office, I was greeted by Mr Kang beckoning me into a meeting.
" What's this meeting for? "
" Dream's comeback. From the looks of it based on what the marketing team has been working on, it's going to be one of the best projects we're going to be working on this year. "
After the meeting, it has been concluded that Mr Kang and I are going to be a part of the photoshoot, the stages and the music video, it's going to be my first time working with video making, making me giddy inside.
I immediately went to Dream's recording room to tell them about the good news.
As I walked in, Jeno was in the studio, recording his lines. He looked really serious and professional, just like when he modelled for you.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I thought of that day in their dorms, the way the three of us were cooking just gave me so much domestic feels towards them.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard someone call my name.
" Hey,Renjun. How's the recording going? "
" It's great. The concept is cool and we're getting both singing and rapping parts in the album. "
" Wow, that's going to sound fresh. Chenle must be really happy about getting a chance to rap. "
" Yeah, he's nervous though, he's been practicing for a long time now. " Renjun said as he points towards a rarely quite Chenle sitting on the couch, practicing his lines.
" Oh, I won't disturb him then. How about Jaemin? "
" He went out to buy coffee, Jisung and Hyuck tagged along. "
" And this is his? "
" Second for the day. "
" That boy seriously has an unhealthy obsession. "
" For now there's three things he's obsessed with, coffee, sugar, and Jeno. "
" Not a balanced meal if you ask me. "
" He never listens. It's great of you to drop by. Who are you looking for? "
" Oh, right. I just got the news that I'm going to be involved in your comeback for both photoshoot and mv. "
" Really? That's great. "
" The pay is great too. I'll take you guys out for lunch after your first win. "
" I'll hold onto that. It's lunch time now. We're ordering take out, want some? "
" Sure. "
Suddenly the door burst open, and Jaemin comes storming in with open arms and one of the brightest smiles I had ever seen, enveloping me into a hug.
" Aww, Y/N came to visit us. We missed you lots. "
" I missed you guys too, but if you don't let me go I'm going to die from lack of oxygen, Nana. "
Jaemin let's you go and opted to put his head on your shoulder, sipping his coffee.
" What did I say about too much coffee, Jaem? "
" Last one for today, I promise. "
He suddenly shoots up from his spot and goes over to the plastic bag.
" This is for you, hot cocoa. But you're sharing half of it to Chenle. "
" But...
" No buts. I won't be able to sleep tonight if your lactose intolerant acts up. "
He says as he pours you your portion of the drink.
" How did you know I was here? "
" I texted him. "
" How was your day, Y/N? "
" I just finished a meeting with the marketplace department and they decided that Mr Kang and I are going to be heavily involved in your comeback. "
" Really? "
" Yup. "
" That's great. I hope we're doing field trips for photos again. "
The way Jaemin looked at me like he has stars in his eyes was a sight to behold, but that's normal, for his natural flirty behaviour, I pushed those feelings deep down. I can't fall for Jeno and Jaemin, that's wrong, they're together.
I drank my hot cocoa in silence, a small frown tugging at the corner of my lips.
" Take out's here. I'll go collect it. "
" Y/N? "
" Jeno. Was recording smooth? "
" Yeah. Better than what I had expected. "
" Lee Jeno always has high standards. He's been cooped up in there for too long. "
" I just wanted to try different styles. I'm really hungry though, is the food coming soon? "
" Yeah. Renjun just went out to collect it. "
" Don't be too hard on yourself, Jeno. You need rest too. "
" I will. Don't worry. "
Jeno reached a hand up to pat my head as he sits on the couch opposite from me, his eye smile evident.
I really hope I'm not blushing now, it'll be too embarrassing to show up in front of them ever again if I did.
When Renjun came back with the food, I quickly placed down the money for the food and made up an excuse about a non existing meeting that needs me there in 20 minutes.
I grabbed the lunch box and left all of them after bidding hasty goodbyes.
When I reached my desk in the office, I was relieved to have got myself out of this mess that I put myself into, slumping into the office chair with a squeak.
' When will I ever get over with my schoolgirl crush towards them? '
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mother-snake · 4 years
Thank you so much for the response to my ask! It was so so good!! 💕 I saw you posted wanting short, mostly Janus centric, ideas so maybe something nice and fluffy after I just asked to put him through angst? Maybe Thomas and the sides taking a chance to show Janus appreciation after his acceptance or something?
well short is out of the window with this one im afraid...(this one is defianately fluffier than the last by a long shot)
taggs: @idkanameatall @imma-potatoo warnings: angst words 3212
-a bold statment-
Janus had been having one of those days. He had turned off all the lights and built a small blanket fort filled with pillows and stuffed animals. Fairy lights lit up the small space and he had a book in hand.
He couldn’t focus on the book. he had been re- reading each page as he lost concentration once again. he felt frustrated, tired and just wanted whatever he was feeling to disappear.
He pulled the blanket that had been covering his lower half and moved it further up. snuggling close as possible as unwanted tears made of frustration began to prick his eyes.
He was barely cut out of his mind by a small soft knock at his door. “Janus?” Logan said, just able to be heard, “may I come in,” he asked.
He rubbed his eyes before letting the lock on the door click open. He heard the sound of the door open and close. “Janus may I turn the lights on,” Logan asked. “yes” the lights remained off.
He listened as Logan shuffled around the room and shift a little. The opening of the blanket fort was pulled back slightly, letting Janus catch a small glimpse of the logical sides face. “hello,” Logan said with a small smile. “hi,” Janus mumbled back.
The air was quiet but not tense. Logan let out a sigh before looking at the blanket fort. He was quite impressed by the way it had been built. “are you alright Janus?” he asked as he peaked a little further in. he didn’t respond, but Logan could tell the answer despite his ‘lack of emotions’ “would you like a hug?” he asked. Janus looked at him with nervousness. This didn’t feel like something Logan would do. this wasn’t something he was used to. But the offer was too enticing for him to deny. he gave a small nod to Logan and shuffled over for the logical side to make his way in.
Logan slipped in, and sat by Janus. The snake seemed to melt into the simple touch as Logan wrapped an arm around Janus. he looked over to Janus’s lap where a book sat forgotten. “a fine choice of book if I do say so myself,” Logan said. “thanks,” Janus muttered.
They sat in the quiet for a while. Janus had been trying to keep his emotions in line as the time continued. He burrowed his head into the crook of logans neck. he felt tired, but he didn’t want to sleep. His heart felt heavy. His mind had thankfully begun to slow down. his eyes began to droop as the warmth radiating from Logan. the logical side feeling like a hot water bottle or heater.
A small smile creeped Its way onto his face. Logan had stayed for who knows how long, maybe out of politeness or maybe it was kindness. Either way, it warmed his cold heart. Ever. So. Sightly. and he soon found himself falling fast asleep.
And deep down he hoped that it could last.
Logan glanced down as he felt his shoulder grow heavier. A smile appeared on his face as he looked down to see Janus fast asleep and looking calmer than he had ever seen the snake. he couldn’t find it in his heart to leave Janus. And he didn’t mind if he had to stay until he woke up. he would keep the fact that Janus’s scales had been slightly discoloured by a from of grey mixed with yellow to himself for now. --
Patton had been in the kitchen that faithful night. He had put on the kettle and sat down on a stool by the kitchen island. he hadn’t been able to sleep no matter how hard he had tried. He was beyond exhausted but no attempt had been successful.
There were soft, quiet footsteps coming from the hall. He turned to face the door and felt his eyes go wide as he saw Janus standing at the door shifting nervously. “am I not intruding?” he asked looking at Patton. “of course not kiddo,” he said patting a stool next to himself.
Janus shuffled in, not knowing what to say as he sat down as Patton stood up as the kettle stopped boiling. “would you like some tea?” he asked. “no thank you.”
“are you alright Janus? Would you like to talk about it?” Patton asked as he brought the two cups over. “I’m not fine, it wasn’t a nightmare,” he said before taking a sip of tea. “can I ask what it was about, it might help to tell someone.” “yes,” he said sternly.
Patton stayed quiet after that. he wouldn’t be getting through to Janus today. He tapped his fingers on the counter as he looked into his partially filled cup. the only sound that filled the space was a clinking of cups against the surface.
It was only when Patton looked up from his cup that he spotted it. Janus’s scales were slightly… discoloured. “Janus, do your scales normally turn blue?” he asked looking at them slightly closer. “no, they don’t always do that,” he responded with a small smile. “that’s amazing!” Patton said, stars appearing in his eyes. “you don’t think so?” Janus asked, reaching up his hand to touch his scales. “of course! Its amazing,” he said excitedly,” do you know why they do it?”
Janus’s scales had begun to change slightly a coral colour mixed in as his human side blushed. “it isn’t like a mood ring, it doesn’t help me express my emotions,” he said as he rubbed his neck.
Patton was in absolute awe. “I need to find some paper,” he said before bolting out of the room, causing Janus to let out a chuckle.
Yes, he maybe did let down his cover on his scales for Patton to see. But he knew that Patton would need cheering up.
As the minuets ticked by, Patton came back into the room with a tub of coloured pens and a sheet of paper. “I hope you don’t mind, but I want to make a chart for everyone. I feel we could use it in the future,” he said. “I suppose that will be doable,” Janus said, his nightmare forgotten about by him for now.
“hey Janus, can I let you in on a secret?” Patton whispered with a toothy grin. “very well,” “logans eyes do something similar, just look at the rim of his iris,” he hushed at Janus.
And that’s how they spent the next several hours. With Patton bouncing questions off Janus and creating a mood chart that he would then hang in the Livingroom by the date calendar. Janus wouldn’t say it. but it felt nice to be listened to. Even if it was just answering a few questions.
He hoped that this could last. --
He it wasn’t a good day from the get go. He had woken up late, got piled behind work and skipped both breakfast and lunch.
He was stressed and about ready to begin crying over the fact his pen had stopped working when he felt a presence in his room. he rubbed his eyes before he heard the person speak. “come on Jannie, you need a break,” Virgil?
He turned to face the anxious side. his eyeshadow wasn’t dark like it had been when he was in the deceitful side’s permease
“I'm not fine.” He said as he reached for another pen. “dam right you’re not fine, Janus. Your scales are going grey from stress. Please take a break,” Virgil said, “you haven’t eaten anything all day. Eat and then ill let you get back to whatever this… is?” he said looking down at the barely legible hand writing.
“no,” “great, come on. romans making dinner tonight,” he said as he pulled Janus up from his seat.
 As soon as he left the smell of mac and cheese filled his nose, a small grumble came from his stomach. To his misfortune, Virgil had apparently heard. Virgil kept up with the pace and they were in the commons much sooner than Janus would have liked to be. “where aren’t the others?” he asked, noticing a very empty table. “ah, its just us three today. The others have gone to Remus’s imagination believe it or not,” “not including Patton?” he asked surprised.
“yeah, our dear father whisked away by my brother and the dear nerd,” roman said as he peaked his head from the kitchen door, “food’s ready,” he stated with a wink.
 As they ate, roman and Virgil began to talk about the recent events that had occurred today. “what do you think of Mr. Flores Janus?” roman said looking over. “I'm afraid I don’t really have an opinion on the matter,” he said, taking another bite from his food. “oh come now, surely you must have,” roman said with a raised eyebrow.
Janus didn’t say anything for a brief moment before he was startled as the prince yelped in pain grabbing his knee. “you don’t have to answer Janus,” Virgil said, wary of the purple shifting scales. “well, I don’t thank you for the meal but I best finish up my work,” Janus said as he stood up. “try and get some sleep tonight, okay?” Virgil said before bringing Janus into a hug, surprising the deceitful side greatly.
As they pulled back, he Janus almost felt his heart lift as he saw the bright purple eyeshadow under the eyes of Virgil. God, how long had it been since they had done that. they must have been around seven the last time he witnessed that.
He had enjoyed the company and break, but he knew he needed to get back to work before Thomas suffered because of the pile up. but for now, he would just enjoy the fact his friend was becoming his old self once more.
He hoped that this could last. --
Two days later he had a heavy knocking at his door followed by a sort of exited screech.
He let the lock on his door go and Remus burst into the room with a wicked grin before faltering slightly. “what the fuck are you doing on the floor?” he asked. “definitely not wallowing in self-pity and doubt. You?” he said sarcastically.
Remus scowled as he looked at his friend on the floor. Looks like today was going to be one of those days. “okay dip shit. Grab as many blankets as you can carry,” Remus said as he plucked Janus up from the floor by the arms. “why?” Janus asked, concern plastered all over his face.
“were taking over the commons today, and they can’t fucking stop us!” he cackled as he grabbed an armful of blankets from the floor.
 It took far longer than either would admit, but it did look impressive. Remus in the end had to summon more blankets for the inside, but that just meant Janus had more blankets for future times of need. So, he wasn’t exactly complaining.
They crept inside and Janus immediately flopped down onto a pile of soft and warm blankets. Remus sat by his side and ran a hand through his hair. “when was the last time you had one of these days?” Remus asked, “because I feel like it’s been fucking ages.” “beginning of the week n yesterday,” he mumbled into the pile of blankets. “and you didn’t say anything?” Remus said almost annoyed, “you realise the others and me would be more than happy to led you all their limbs right?” he said as he ruffled Janus’s fluffed up hair. “I don’t know,” he said exasperated, “I just totally want to put all my issues on all of theirs, cause that’s so fair.”
Remus stared at him with a scowl for a couple seconds before a lightbulb lit up in his head. Oh boy, Janus was going to kill him for this.
“give me a couple minuets will you dear snakey?” said side watched as Remus left their blanket fort. A small pool of worry began to build up in his chest. had he offended Remus?
 He wasn’t expecting for the sides to trickle in one at a time however. first was roman who quickly placed himself next to Janus, then Virgil who threw a blanket over Janus. The familiar scent of coffee and lavender seemed to somehow put his mind slightly at ease. then came Logan with a book in hand. he sat down a bit away, but he knew that the other was concerned. The blue rimmed brown eyes showing that he was himself in slight distress.
Then came Patton and Remus. Patton was holding a tray of cookies and a couple cups, whereas Remus came in with what he assumed to be a pot of tea.
Remus placed himself on the opposite side of Janus as the side sat up slightly before leaning over and whispering to the snake. “told you they cared,” he said with a victorious smirk.
For the first time in for a long time he felt himself just relax as he felt a hand run through his hair. The warmth and love that surrounded him seemed so real.
He hoped that this would last. --
It had been a week later. The other sides popping their heads in when he was beginning to overwork himself so they could get him to take a break. Patton had found himself occasionally staying up with Janus when neither could sleep and sharing secrets about the other sides. They shared stories from after the mind palace split into the two segments. Giving stories that would have seemed impossible to anyone else.
Logan would often join Janus reading in the Livingroom early in the morning when no one else was awake.
Roman and Remus had begun to take him out into the imagination so he could get some natural heat from the sun. he had found himself happier on those days.
Virgil would often wrap him in a blanket when his scales would begin to show that he was slipping slightly.
But despite all they did for him. He still didn’t know why he felt so… alone? Was that the right word? there was normally an empty feeling in his chest, sometimes when he got too overwhelmed and cried it would appear. He would lose his ability to feel. And he didn’t like it. not one bit.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised when he was summoned. But being lost in a pile of work and in his pyjamas was the last way he had ever wanted to see Thomas. Yet caught up in work, he didn’t even realise he had been summoned.
“Janus, are you okay?” Thomas asked looking down at his side. “hu?” he looked up and around the room. it was just him, Thomas and…Nico. Oh.
“well…  this was certainly unexpected,” Janus said,” don’t worry Thomas, just got caught up in my work. nothing else,” he said before snapping his fingers. his papers went back to his room and his normal attire replaced the black and yellow snake themed pyjamas he had been previously wearing.
“so, you are Thomas’s deceit?” “indeed, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person Nico,” he said with a smile.
“wait- Janus… since when did your scales change colour?” Thomas asked as he looked at them with almost the same curiosity Patton had. “ah, yes. I forgot you didn’t know about that,” he said, wincing at the fact he had actually forgotten himself.
Nico stared at the two’s small interaction. “so, do you know why they change colour?” he asked. “imagine a mood ring,” Janus said with a fake smirk, he was ready to bolt at a second’s notice.
Apparently, the fact that he said that had caused Nico to give him a small smile, “not enjoying this?” “I don’t tend to like confrontation unannounced. I preferred to be warned about these things so I'm prepared,” he muttered, giving a small glare at Thomas.
Nico let out a chuckle, “ill remind him next time if this happens again,” he said with a wide smile.
Janus gave a small nod before beginning to sink down. “wait, before you go,” Thomas said, “I haven’t seen you in a while. I hope you’re okay Janus,”
Janus was taken back by what he had said but he knew his answer, “some days are always harder than others, but I think I'm going to be fine Thomas, goodbye,” he said as he sunk down.
“you think he’ll be alright?” Nico asked. “eh, knowing the others, they’ll make sure of it,” he chuckled lightly.
 Janus rose back up to his room, but he didn’t go straight back to work. Nope. He gathered a couple blankets and made his way to the commons where he made a small cocoon for himself and decided it was time for a nap. it was always warmer out here than in his room.
A warm feeling spread in his chest. covering him completely in a feeling he hadn’t felt in such a long time. hope.
Hope that the future would be okay. That for now everything was okay and he didn’t need to worry so much about Thomas.
He hoped that it would last. --
-two weeks ago-
Every side (other than Janus) and Thomas Were gathered in the real living room for a small meeting. the topic, of course being about the one person who wasn’t there.
“so, I take it we called this meeting for the same reasons? Right?” Patton said, pulling at the sleeves of his cardigan that was wrapped around his shoulders. “I believe so,” Logan said.
“do you two know much about why Janus maybe trying to push us away?” Thomas asked looking over to Virgil and Remus. “its… been like this since we were children. After the mindspace split he sort of just… Closed down. It was around that time he began to lie,” Virgil said meekly.
“the fucker would hide away most the time, but still kept an eye on the louder dark sides. Like a parental figure, but more babysitter than anything else,” Remus said boring his eyes into Thomas’s head.
“so, he’s been like this… for years?” roman Virgil nodded and pulled his legs up onto the sofa, “I don’t think he is aware that he’s no longer there. That he’s safe with us,” he said looking at Remus.
“what do you mean?” Patton asked nervously. “some of the others were known to get. Violent over nothing… he tried his best to keep us away from them,” he said reluctantly, “I just think over the first couple months, he took what they said to heart.”
Everyone remained quiet. Trying to process what was told. every part of their minds seemed to link as one as a single thought coursed into their minds. “well then, looks like we’ve got a lot of work to do. but for now, let’s make sure Janus knows he is welcomed then? Shall we?” roman said as he stood up from his place on the floor.
They looked at one another and nodded. they would make sure Janus knew they’d always be there for him. That would never change.
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seertale · 4 years
Talking colors: PaperJam(PJ). Omni. Killer. Nightmare. Dream. Cross. Ink. Error. Stain. Hope. Fade.
Call It A Game Night.
They decided to have a game night together.  It had been forever since they’d last done so, so they figured it’d be a good idea.  Ink was helping Error set up the first board game, Life.  Dream and Nightmare were working on some food while Cross was looking for some other games stored in the attic.  They were in Nightmare and Killer’s mansion.  Stain came in with some nerf guns, Hope in tow with Fade, and an armful of bottles of alcohol.  Fade had their own armful, mainly because they owned the most alcohol and would be able to help everyone find something they liked.  They set everything on the kitchen counter and Fade made sure they had all the alcohol they’d brought.
“How much did you need?”
“It’s fine, I have a lot.  Besides, I know everyone’s tastes vary.  Do you want help with that food?”
Nightmare nodded, moving to let Fade join in helping them cook.
“Sometimes, I’m surprised that you became a rock star instead of a chef.”
“Well, do you blame me?  I picked up my first electric guitar at 12, I think I’d like to learn how to play it.”
“Whatever.  How are the spouses doing?”
“They’re doing good.  Nel’s out helping shop for baby stuff while I’m here.  I hope she doesn’t cook.”
“Why would you hope your wife doesn’t cook?”
“Have you seen how badly she burns her food?”
Nightmare just chuckled as he plated what he was working on and brought it out to the living room.  He set it on the big buffet table they’d set up for the game night.  As soon as Ink saw the food, he moved to take a bite.  Despite their past, he couldn’t help still being on good terms with Nightmare and would definitely admit to how good he thought Nightmare’s cooking was.
“Oh my god, Night, this is so good.”
Nightmare passed it off with a wave of his hand, “Just wait until Fade brings their food out.  They’re a better cook than I am.”
“Still.  This is really, really good.”
“Ya, ya, I know.”
Dream came out with his food next.  He’d spent all day roasting a ham since he knew how hungry everyone got while drunk.  Cross came down after with a few more games and, after setting them next to the now set out Life, moved to hug Dream.  Dream giggled a bit and hugged him back.
“Hey, Love.”
“Hi.  Having fun?”
“Oh, plenty.  Wanna try the ham?”
Dream picked up a fork, taking a piece of ham and feeding it to Cross, who immediately hummed in appreciation, “That’s really good.”
“You think all my cooking is good.”
“Ya, but this is really good too.”
He giggled a bit before Cross led him over to the game table.  Fade was coming out with their food.  Stain and Hope had already sat down.
“Alright, who wants something to drink while we wait for arntul Omni and PJ?”
Multiple hands went up and Fade asked them what they thought they wanted before grabbing them.  They grabbed wine and whiskey glasses and poured things accordingly.  Killer quickly came with some cases of beer and set them down next to the game table.
“Sorry it took so long, a Karen was arguing with the shopkeep.”
“It’s alright.  Sit, Fade’s getting us some alcohol.”
Killer nodded and sat next to Nightmare, opening himself a can of beer as Fade started bringing drinks out.  Once everyone had their drinks, they took a quick portal to their house and came back with an alcohol-smoked turkey, just as PJ and Omni arrived.
“Oh, just in time.  We were just about to start,” Killer was shuffling the different decks of cards. “Want anything to drink?”
Omni shook their head, though looked at PJ.
“A beer for now, please.”
Killer nodded and got PJ a beer from the case.  They cracked it open as they sat and Omni moved to get a large plate of food for them both.  Fade sat down next to their adoptive dad, Stain.
“Ok, so we got the expansion pack so we could all play.  Everyone chooses a color.”
They gradually chose their own colors and started the game.
Everyone but Ink and Omni were at least somewhat inebriated by the time they finished playing Life.  Ink not being inebriated was a bit strange, seeing as he’d had at least fifteen beers and three glasses of whiskey.  Omni hadn’t drunk anything but they did munch.  PJ was leaning against them, waiting for the next game.  Stain, who'd already finished his last turn, was working on the next activity.  Dream seemed the drunkest, but he hadn't passed out yet, so it was probably fine.  After a moment, Stain came back with nerf pistols.
"There's enough for everyone to have one.  Who wants to play nerf hide and seek tag?"
Everyone was immediately in agreement.
"Alright, so someone is the seeker and carries a nerf pistol.  Every time a seeker finds someone, they need to be shot by the seeker or they aren't tagged.  If they are tagged, they then become a seeker too.  Anywhere is free game for hiders.  Who wants to seek first?"
Nightmare raised his hand.
"Alright," Stain handed him a nerf pistol and set the rest on the table. "If you become a seeker, pick one up.  Pops, count to 60."
Nightmare nodded and closed his eyes.  Shuffling could be heard.  Cross currently had his husband on his back, carrying him to a closet on the highest floor.  All the kids Nightmare had were being watched by Red and Blue at Ink's mansion since it had a surplus of rooms.  They had plenty of rooms.  He took Dream into the farthest room from the staircase, carefully setting him down in the walk-in closet.
"Alright, Dreamy.  You've gotta stay quiet or they'll find you."
"Is that bad…?"
"No, but you'll lose the game."
He nodded with a small giggle and Cross closed the door, going to find his own place to hide.
Knowing his husband really well, Nightmare was able to find Killer first.  He was hiding in the library, small enough to fit in the shadows of one of the towering shelves.  Nightmare just examined the shelves, debating on which one Killer was resting on, before letting off a bullet at random.  He heard a small, boney thunk and a whisper of an ow.
"Got you."
"Fine, you got me."
Killer started to climb down.  Nightmare moved a tentacle to help him.  He couldn't have his husband getting hurt.  Not since he was the only doctor that could fix him immediately.
"Alright, go grab a pistol."
Killer nodded and ran off.
Stain took a deep breath as he finally situated himself with Hope.  They were hiding in the tub in one of the bathrooms and it was obvious Stain may have to carry Hope once they were found.  Hope, having lower magic, was much more affected by alcohol, so even just a can was pretty much half a bottle of whiskey to him.
When Killer inevitably pulled the curtain back to reveal the two, he immediately became a put worried, seeing as Hope was heavily passed out against Stain.
“We should be alright… we can get him on the couch and we can get him water when he wakes…”
Killer nodded, simply shooting Stain and running off to continue what he was doing.
He quietly padded down the hall, pistol in his hand.  Out of all the places he would know Fade would hide, he could not, for the life of himself, find his adopted child.  Stain guessed he would have to look in different places.  His first place of search?  The kitchen.  Fade always loved the kitchen and, with how small they were, he wouldn’t doubt they’d shoved themselves in the pantry.  He took a quick peek… only to find out he was wrong.  They weren’t hiding in the pantry.  So then where were they?
They couldn’t fit in any cupboards.  But Stain’s partially inebriated mind definitely thought so, and he started searching the cupboard like he was raiding the kitchen.  Fade was in the cupboards!  Specifically, the cupboards under the sink.  Fade had moved it all to a separate cupboard and squeezed themselves in.  Stain quickly shot them and moved to help them out.
“How did you fit in there?”
“I’ve always been small.”
"Still.  Wow."
They just nodded and went to get a nerf pistol.
In the meantime, Killer had found PJ and Omni.  It hadn't been hard, since Omni had agreed to make out in the room they were hiding in while waiting.  Now, they were teamed and hunting for others.  Their first go-to would've been Ink since he was usually easy to find depending on the person.  But even then, years of Ink having learned how to hide made him even more dangerous for the seeker.  They paused their search for him when they heard a yell and realized that it probably wasn't a good idea for Ink to be hiding from Nightmare.  They quickly followed the yell.
Nightmare had Ink restrained, mostly because Ink had gone defensive and currently had his hatchet in his hand.  He was struggling to be let go and PJ set their pistol down to comfort their dad.
"Dad, calm down.  It's ok.  It's just hide-and-seek.  No one's gonna hurt you."
"H-How do you kn-know…?"
"Has Nightmare actually hurt you…?"
That's right.  It was Nightmare.  Not Dark.  He hadn't been hurt.  It was just a game.  Ink took in a breath and Nightmare carefully set him down.
"It's ok… I'm just… not gonna play for now…"
Nightmare nodded and PJ picked their pistol up again, going with Omni and Nightmare to find the last ones hiding.
Error now knew why Ink always felt so safe hiding under the bed whenever he got scared.  It was small and cozy and it would be hard to get him out without lifting the bed or him getting out himself.  Despite that, he held his breath when he heard a couple of sets of footsteps and a door open.  Someone was searching the room for him.  It was Stain and Fade.  There was the sound of something being set on the desk in the room before the bed creaked, being lifted up.
"Good morning," a nerf bullet hit him smack-dab in the forehead and he giggled a bit, moving to carefully push himself out.
"Why hello there."
"Did you sleep well?"
Error stood, "Very."
"Dad's downstairs on the couch next to Hope.  Otherwise, we found Cross and we're gonna gang up on Dream."
"I think I'll go to Inky.  What happened?"
"Got a bit scared by Pops, but he's ok."
Error nodded and went to find Ink.
Nightmare put a finger to his lips as Cross led the way.  They were all locked and loaded.  Once they got to the room, Cross went over to the walk-in closet door.  He put his hand on the handle and carefully ripped it open.  They were all quickly met with Dream's shrieking laughter as they fired everything at him.  Once they were all out of bullets, Cross moved to check on him while the others picked up the bullets.  He pulled Dream gently against his chest and Dream started to drift to sleep.  He hadn't had alcohol in forever, so it wasn't surprising.
He picked up his husband and took him downstairs to rest.  Error and Ink had set up Monopoly while waiting.  Cross sat at the table, holding Dream in his lap.  After a minute, everyone else took their spots to play.  Killer made sure Hope had something to drink upon waking.  Dream had easily fallen asleep against Cross.  Cross just smiled as they played.
Dream was passed out for about an hour before he started to wake up a bit.  The game was still going and he seemed confused since Killer was now yelling at PJ for making him go bankrupt.  Ink laughed a bit from next to Error.
“Monopoly, the game that tears families apart.”
Dream giggled a bit and Cross looked down at him.
“Well, hello there, Dreamy.  Sleep good?”
Dream nodded and moved to get up.  He was kinda hungry.  Cross let him stand, watching him go over to the food table and get himself some turkey.  He seemed content as he sat down again, this time next to Cross, and ate.  Once he was done, he went to put his dishes in the sink and seemed to just completely disappear.  Cross was a bit concerned but kept playing.
15 minutes after Dream disappeared, he came back, holding one of the nerf pistols.  He pointed it at Nightmare, the banker.
“Gimme the money.”
Ink was starting to laugh.  Nightmare didn’t respond at first, earning him a nerf bullet to the nose.
“I said gimme.”
Once Nightmare seemed to process what Dream meant by money, Nightmare took a one-dollar monopoly bill and gave it to Dream.  Dream pretty much threw the pistol down.
“Crossy, we’re rich now!”
Ink burst out laughing and Cross stood, hugging Dream.
“That’s great, Dreamy.  Now, why don’t we get you some water and go home?”
This is based on a roleplay with @star-gamerxox
It was an idea we came up with but never got to inact so I had some fun(it's 2206 words, fite me-). It's been in the works for well over two weeks.
Nightmare and Dream belong to (insert name everyone knows and I don't wanna say)
Cross belongs to jakie95
Error belongs to loverofpiggies
Ink blongs to comyet
Omni belongs to cereusblue
PaperJam belongs to 7goodangel
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
Hope belongs to pepper-mint
Stain belongs to nimaruu
Fade(a technical fusion but not quite) belongs to me(seertale)
Nel(laya) is the wife in Fade's poly, mentioned as the one they hope doesn't cook, and belongs to @star-gamerxox
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
i’m so terrible at remembering to do tag games so here i am compiling all the ones i can remember into one post jsbgkakn
i was taggged to do these by @secndlife​ @queenoats​ (tecnically on my main but shh) @chocosvt​ @tidalstorm​ @oh-my-vocal-unit​
and if anyone wants to do any of these you can just say i tagged you 
this one i was tagged by karol and choco i think
rules: bold all statements that apply to you
[Appearance]: I’m over 5′5”. I wear glasses/contacts. I have blonde hair. I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing. I have one or more piercings. I have at least one tattoo. I have blue/green eyes. I have dyed or highlighted my hair. I have gotten plastic surgery. I have or had braces. I sunburn easily. I have freckles. I paint my nails. I typically wear makeup. I don’t often smile (well maybe i do actually idk). I am pleased with how I look. I prefer Nike to Adidas. I wear baseball hats backwards.
[Relationship]: I am in a relationship. I have been single for over a year. I may have a crush. I have a best friend I have known for ten years. My parents are together. I have dated my best friend. I am adopted. My crush has confessed to me. I have a long distance relationship. I am an only child. I give advice to my friends. I have made an online friend. I met up with someone I have met online.
[Hobbies/talents]: I play a sport. I can play an instrument. I am artistic. I know more than one language. I have won a trophy in some sort of competition. I can cook or bake without a recipe. I know how to swim. I enjoy writing. I can do origami. I prefer movies to tv shows. I can execute a perfect somersault. I enjoy singing. I could survive in the wild on my own. I have read a new book series this year. I enjoy spending time with friends. I travel during school or work breaks. I can do a handstand.
[Aesthetics]: I have heard the ocean in a conch shell. I have watched the sunrise. I enjoy rainy days. I have slept under the stars. I meditate outside. The sound of chirping calms me. I enjoy the smell of the beach. I know what snow tastes like. I listen to music to fall asleep. I enjoy thunderstorms. I enjoy cloud watching. I have attended a bonfire. I pay close attention to colours. I find mystery in the ocean. I enjoy hiking on nature paths. Autumn is my favourite season. I enjoy gazing into the forest canopy.
[Miscellaneous]: I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. I am the mom friend. I live by a certain quote. I like the smell of sharpies. I am involved in extracurricular activities. I enjoy Mexican food. I can drive a stick-shift. I believe in true love. I make up scenarios to fall asleep. I sing in the shower. I wish I lived in a video game. I have a canopy above my bed. I am multiracial. I am a redhead. I own at least three dogs. I am most calm in nature.
this one i was taggged by eros
real me vs fantasy me (i had to use a diff template for real me cause i couldn’t figure out how to make that one look like me so yeah also lets ignore the fact that ‘fantasy me’ is just a whole other person,, also i added the mask because i’m so bad at making things look like me, but i feel like the ‘real’ me is relatively accurate)
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i was tagged by liz 
to list ten songs i really like all by different artists 
1. smiling at phone // tobi lou 2. sleeping lessons // the shins 3. can i call you tonight // dayglow 4. affection // between friends 5. violet // peach tree rascals 6. summer // brockhampton 7. dominic’s interlude // dominic fike  8. godspeed // frank ocean  9. maar dala // from the movie Devdas 10. 3005 // childish gambino
i was tagged by eros to do this one 
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favourite season / my radio is always playing.
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep *til* midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia/ i see emotions in colors not words .
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life.
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / I always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally.
also tagged by eros for this one, i feel like i might’ve done but i can’t remember so i’ll just do it again 
name: shawna height: like really short either 5 ft or a little under, i think that’s like 150ish cm  languages: english, malayalam (ish), and spanish (ish) nationality: american favorite season: fall favorite flower: peonies favorite scent: jasmine favorite color: i guess a good purple, either a light lavender or a dark royal purple favorite animal: sloths! favorite fictional character: april ludgate and  coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: don’t make me choose dogs or cats: can i say neither :/ average hours of sleep: anywhere between 7-10 hrs no. of blankets i sleep with: just one dream trip: italy! (mainly for the food but shh) blog established: i think a little over two years now  followers: one, it’s me  random fact: idk i suck at getting to tag games lol
and this one i was tagged by choco probably back in like april or march its been literal months 
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i think thats all hopefully but i probably missed some cause my notifs stopped letting me scroll down so yeah XD okay i apologize that i’m so crap at remembering to do tag games
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springerconnie · 5 years
Summer birthday
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Summary : It’s your birthday and none of your friends can be here. You’re bored and your family help you to forget about them, but you miss your friends and your best friend Peter has forgotten you. You’re just sad until your godfather arrives with a surprise for you.
Taggs : best friends to lovers, a lot of fluff, stark!reader
Why on earth were you born during summer? That was the question you kept asking yourself. Being born in July had its advantages, of course. It was often sunny and your parents had sometimes less work, if we could say that (being the daughter of a superhero wasn’t easy either, but that was an other story).
You had to admit that it was sometimes fun to not have classes that day, but for you, it was mostly annoying because your friends weren’t there. Today, you were turning eighteen and all you wanted to do was to spend time with Ned, MJ and Peter. Unfortunately, they all had their own plans, letting you celebrate your birthday alone.
Someone knocked on your door and Tony entered your room a few seconds after.
“Get up, sleepy head”
“Hmmm…” was the only answer you gave him.
“Come on y/n, you’re not gonna spend your birthday lying on your bed”
“What if that was my only wish? Would you really deprive your favorite daughter of her one and only dream?”
“Oh you wanna play that game?” Tony asked with a smirk, and you already knew this wasn’t good. He walked towards you and he threw himself into your bed.
“No, dad, stop!” you said, struggling to get away, but you couldn’t stop laughing. You were so happy to have him right now. It took him a few minutes before he let you breathe and sat next to you. You were both laughing so hard that Pepper wondered what was happening and entered your room too.
“What is happening right here?” she said with a smile, seeing the two loves of her life in front of her.
“Dad won’t let me realize my dream mom, please help me”
“Hey, it’s not my fault if your dream sucks” Tony replied and Pepper just rolled her eyes, laughing slightly.
“I made pancakes so just come eat them and maybe i’ll help you out after” your mom said, and she left the room.
You looked at Tony. “The last one there has to run with Steve tomorrow”, you said before getting off your bed and running so quickly to the kitchen, closely followed by your father.
The rest of the day was calmer and you were getting bored. Even if your family had helped you not to think about them, you were missing your friends more and more. You had received a few messages from Ned and MJ, but you still haven’t heard from Peter yet. He was your best friend and he would have forgotten your birthday? You knew he was a bit forgetful sometimes but he was always thinking about you. That was the reason he was your best friend, and that was also the reason you started to fall in love with him a few months ago. No one knew this, except from MJ. You had to talk about it with someone and MJ was really observant, she had guessed it before you even told her. In fact, you might have been in love with him since the first sight, but you hadn’t realized it before New Year’s Eve. You didn’t want to spend the night at the big party the people in your class was throwing. That wasn’t really your thing, and Peter had decided to spend the night with you. You had watched comedies all night, and you had just looked at him. You were seeing his smile, hearing him laughing, and at this exact moment, you had realized what was happening. You were in love with him, but you couldn’t tell him. His friendship was the most important thing to you, and you couldn’t ruin that.
You were in your thoughts when your father entered your room again.
“Y/n, get dressed, your godfather is here”
“What? Rhodey is here? But why?”
“Don’t ask and just get ready to leave” Tony said before leaving the bedroom.
You were completely lost but you did what he said. You put on a legging and a big sweatshirt and went outside to see Rhodey leaning against his car. You ran to hug him.
“What are you doing here?”
“You really think I’ll bring you where you have to be in that outfit?”
“First of all, hello. I’m happy to see you too. Then, what’s wrong? This is my favorite sweatshirt”. It was the first gift Peter bought you. It was a red sweatshirt with written in blue the sentence “the only man I care about is spiderman” and that have made you laugh so hard. “Plus, I don’t even know where I’m going, I’m not changing myself if you don’t tell me where you’re bringing me”
“You’re such like your father, you know that?” Rhodey told you and you laughed, because that was the only truth. “Y/n, I can’t tell you because if you haven’t guessed it yet, it’s a surprise. Stay like that if you want, but just go get a dress to change when you’ll get there”.
You rolled your eyes but decided to listen to him, and after a few minutes, you finally left your home.
It took a bit of time, but Rhodey finally parked the car. He looked at you with a smile.
“Okay, take your bag and then you just have to enter the bar. Enjoy your evening peanut”. That was the nickname he has always gave you, and even if you’ll never admit it, you kinda liked it. You smiled then and turned your head to see that you weren’t in front of a bar but in front of your favorite coffee shop ever. It was where you spend all your time after high school, just to have fun with your friends, or to work your exams. It was your place, and you wondered why you were here right now. You get out of the car and after a few seconds, you opened the door. As you entered the place, the lights were lit and Ned, MJ and Harley were in front of you, holding a big sign where it was written “surprise”. Someone put a hand on your shoulder and you jumped in surprise but when you turned your head, Peter was in front of you.
“Happy birthday y/n!” everyone said, and all you could do was laughing and crying at the same time. All the things that happened, Peter not sending you some messages, Rhodey talking about a surprise, the coffee, you should have guessed what was up. But you didn’t, and you felt stupid. But you forgot about that quickly because all your friends hugged you, and all you wanted to do now was to enjoy your night.
Everyone was enjoying the party. It was so simple, because they were only five and they were drinking milkshakes and laughing at some dumb holidays stories, but that was the kind of party you liked. After a moment, Ned, Harley and MJ was playing a game that was too weird for you to understand. You laughed and looked at Peter, who was already looking at you. You were sure you were blushing and you just hoped so hard he hasn’t noticed it. The music changed and your favorite song, Hotel California, starting to play.
“You wanna dance?” Peter asked you.
“Yes”, you said way too quickly. Stupid y/n, you’re just stupid, you thought, but Peter just laughed and it helped you to relax a bit. You stood up.
“Oh, wait, I can’t dance like this, I- I have a dress and I can go change and-“
“Y/n”, Peter interrupted you, “I don’t care. You’re beautiful this way, like always”.
You were now as red as your sweatshirt and you were sure everyone had noticed, but Peter took your hand and put one of his on your waist. You started to dance together, and he was lip-synching the lyrics of the song to make you laugh.
“So, you liked the surprise?” he asked you. “Because I know you don’t like big parties, and I know you wanted to be with us, but I’m not sure that was what you wanted and-“
“Peter”, you interrupted him this time, “it’s the most amazing thing someone ever done for me. I just- I love you so much”
“What did you say?” he asked and stopped dancing.
Why did I say that? What do I do? You asked yourself, panicking. You took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. You already screwed up, so you just had to say the truth.
“I said that I love you. You’re my best friend and I’ve always loved you. You’re the most important person in my life, and this, this party, it’s a beautiful surprise. I thought I couldn’t love you more, but I was wrong. Every day, you surprise me and I just fall in love with you again and again”
For a few seconds, or what it seemed to be an eternity because you felt like the time has stopped and that the world has stopped turning, you waited for Peter’s answer.
“Please, say something” you asked. And instead of talking, he kissed you. He kissed you with passion and it took you a bit of time to realize that it was happening. Then you kissed him back. When you broke apart, he finally talked.
“I wanted to tell you something tonight, I prepared this for so long, but you beat me to it apparently. God, you’re so beautiful”. He kissed you again slightly. “I love you y/n”.
You smiled and put your head on his shoulder. Then you started to dance again together, under the whistles of your friends who had saw everything. “Shut up”, Peter said. You laughed again. This was your best birthday ever.
a/n : this is my first character x reader fic ever but i spend so much time writing it and i loved writing it so much so even if i’m not as happy as i thought with how it looks well i hope you liked it! 
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bottled-bliss · 4 years
Tag game
Let’s begin by thanking @booking--it for tagging me. May you not regret it!
1. Do you ever make your bed?
Most days.
2. What’s your favourite number?
Don’t have one. Don’t like ‘em, no, sir.
3. What’s your job?
Aaah, my job. From which I was hoping to take a permanent break before this situation we’re in happened. I’m a freelance translator. I’ve done several different things over the years, but this has been my main source of income.
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
Hell no. HELL. NO.
5. Can you parallel park?
Nope. Can’t drive, probably never will learn.
6. A job you had that would surprise people
The fact that I wrote lyrics for an actual song, maybe? Or would the voice-over work surprise people more? I don’t know, you tell me.
7. Do you believe aliens are real?
Most likely.
8. Can you drive a manual car?
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
I don’t think any sort of pleasure that doesn’t harm anyone should be considered guilty. But I suppose binge-watching soap operas would fall into that category? I do that sometimes, when I need to turn off my brain. Especially old telenovelas, those are my favourite.
10. Tattoos?
Two: a key on my wrist, a bird on my ribcage. I was thinking of getting a third one before the quarantine. Maybe later. I accept suggestions!
11. Favourite colour?
Black, first and foremost. Blue is a very close second.
12. Things that people do that piss you off?
Mainly stuff that has to do with not respecting differences, lack of acceptance, and actual cruelty.
13. Any phobias?
Very mild claustrophobia. Also, mild to intense nyctophobia. But I’m working on it.
14. Favourite childhood sport?
Soccer. I gave up a long time ago though.
15. Do you ever talk to yourself?
More often than I’d like to admit.
16. What movie do you adore?
Absolutely adore and have lost count of how many times I’ve watched Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
Sometimes, sure.
18. What’s your favourite kind of music?
Too many to pick.
19. Tea or coffee?
20. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grow up?
A journalist, which is weird for a 4 year old to want.
This game didn’t say how many people I’m supposed to tag, so I’ll just be frugal. @heidiamalia, @superrpowerlesshuman, @fortysevenswrites and @myletternevercame, if you haven’t done it and feel like it. As usual, anyone I haven’t taggged and wants to do it, go ahead.
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drumboydowoon · 5 years
I was taggged by @naminalati my love!!! She's the sweetest.
“Rules”: Tag 9 people you’d like to know better (no one that I tag should feel obligated to do this, and if you read this but do want to do it and want me to know more about you because you want to be friends - free feel to tag me!)
Top 3 Ships:
Tanjiro x Kanao from demon slayer (only watching the anime. Geralt x Yennefer Jaskier from The Witcher. And 2 x 3 from 6 Underground (I loved the movie!)
Last Song:
I’m thinking this means the last song I listened to? That's Bad as The Boys by Tove Lo.
Lipstick or Chapstick:
Usually chapstick since I don't go out in makeup all the time. But when I do, there's this really creamy moisturizing lip stick I use all the time!
Last Movie:
I watched 1917. It was a really good movie and the cinematography was amazing! I couldn't believe how well they made it.
Currently Reading:
I'm reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater. I'm nearly done with it and can't wait to read The Raven King. Also I'm reading other's fanfics too 😅
Tagging: @ohmyuji @seventeen-teen-teen-trash (yes I tagged both your accounts ash. I just need to give seventeenteen clout). @kpop-4-ever @shiblurbs @sungjinist @lovesfaith not gonna lie, I don't know who else to tag rn. I haven't talked to anyone in a while. You don't have to do this if you don't want to!
But please feel free to do the tag, even if I didn't tag you. Anyone can do it!
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shegatsby · 4 years
Dangerous Game
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Pairing: Hannibal x Female Reader
Genre: Romance, Slow burn, Smut in the future.
Warnings: None.
TAG LIST IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summary: Y/N Hobbs an opera singer and also the eldest adopted daughter of The Minnesto Shrike, and her entire life changes after what happened. She will be the object of affection of a certain psychopath, whether she likes it or not.
Hi guys, thank you for liking and commenting. Text me if i forgot to tagg you! Stay safe.
Chapter 6
  It was getting late and Hannibal got a call from the facility, they wanted Abigail to come in an hour. Hannibal and Alana decided to take her back and Y/N offered to stay and wash the dishes. After they left she carried the plates, glasses etc. to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. The wine glasses were thin so she washed them herself. When she was done she came back to the dining room to check if she did a good job and a painting caught her eye. A young woman was lying on her blue bed, she was half naked and her vagina was displayed, there was a swan at the edge of the bed and it's head was turned to the woman's vagina. 
Hannibal came back to his house, it was strange to him to see that there was a woman in his house, because usually he came to his house and found nothing but silence. He saw her looking at a painting, ''It's Leda and The Swan by Francois Boucher. One of my favorites.'' he said coming closer. ''I swear, the only thing one needs to attract Zeus is to have a pulse.'' Her comment made him laugh. She turned to him, it was the first time she heard him laugh. ''Leda was married to King Tyndareus of Sparta, she was a very beautiful young mortal, unfortunately her beauty attracted the attention of Zeus. He transformed himself into a magnificent swan and impregnated her. On the same day she slept with her husband and later she produced 2 eggs. Helen, Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux were born.'' He explained, she raised her eyes at his, ''Why unfortunately?'' 
''Beautiful people always attract dangerous ones.'' She felt the air left the room, he seemed so sure of himself it made Y/N wonder that was he talking about someone specific? She decided not to ask. She checked her watch, ''I should go. Thank you for the dinner, it was amazing.'' Hannibal helped her with her coat, ''I can give you a ride.'' he offered kindly. ''No thank you, I'll get a taxi. Good night Hannibal.'' she gave him a warm smile, ''Good night Y/N.'' he touched her shoulder gently, ''Sleep well.''
A day later
It was the night of the opening of the new museum. Y/N was nervous and excited at the same time, she went early to see the back room and feel the vibe. It was enough for her to get ready. She put on a baby pink silk dress, it hugged her body well and it had thin straps on shoulders. She had a thin golden necklace, a golden ring. She had beige leather silk stilettos on her feet. She put on her expensive parfume, she only used that for special events. Her dress and shose were pastel colours that's why she wanted to add a little bit of spice and choose a blood red lipstick. She was looking at herself on the big mirror when the planner of this event came inside. ''Mr. Smith, how do I look?'' Young man smiled, ''Darling you look so fucking hot! I'm here to tell you that the orchestra took it's place and our guests are seated, let's go.'' she took a deep breath, ''Let's do it.'' she was an underground opera singer so this could be a big opportunity for her regarding her future.  She walked with Mr. Smith, he introduced her to the audiance and left. She heard the applause, it was a good feeling. She came to the white stage, all eyes were on her, including Hannibal. He was sitting on his chair, his expensive suit looked shiny and clean, he gave her a small nodd and then the music started.
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(this is the dress)
(this is the song)
Hannibal was impressed, she was a talented singer. She was singing one of his favorites, he noticed that she wasn't looking at him, her focuse was somewhere else. She was passionate, he watched her movements and how perfect the dress hugged her body. ''She is beautiful in her own unique way.'' He closed his eyes and let her sweet, honeyed voice wash over his sinner body, he felt as if he was being baptised by her. Her voice sounded so holy yet with a touch of hubris, he wondered whether the Greek Gods and Goddesses would punish her for having a voice which goes beyond than them, she sang like a woman who feared nothing. He had to take a deep breath to slow the frantic beating of his heavy heart, and when she was done he felt this urge to open his eyes, he noticed that he shed a few tears. He was the first one to stand up and applause rather violently and later others followed. Y/N couldn't believe her eyes, he was the first to stand up, she smiled at them and left the stage to go back stage and calm herself. 
Y/N pressed her half naked back to the door, ''I did it! Fuck yes!'' Guests were having quality champagne and talking to one another when Y/N came out of the back room. She decided to get a drink and mingle among the rich. A lady smiled at her and she decided to talk to her, to Y/N's surprise Hannibal was there with the lady, ''It's been too long since you porperly cooked for us Hannibal.'' she said. She had a red dress, her black hair was short and she had bangs. Y/N heard their conversation before she approached. ''Come over and I will cook for you.'' Hannibal replied and he noticed Y/N. ''Hello Y/N.'' The lady spoke again, ''I said properly, it means a dinner and a show. Have you seen him cook? It's an entire performance. He used to throw exquisite dinner parties. You heard me. Used to.'' Y/N didn't know that, ''Oh by the way, your performance was good, really good darling.'' she looked much older than Y/N, the lady continued, ''I assume you and Hannibal already know each other.''
Y/N didn't know what to say, she couldn't just say; ''Yeah we met when my dad killed girls.'' thankfully Hannibal spoke, ''We are friends. Y/N your voice is... otherwordly, I'm delighted and honoured that I had a chance to hear you. I hope it won't be the last time.'' Y/N blushed deep red, ''Thank you Hannibal.''                 ''About my dinner parties, I must say I will throw parties again, once inspiration strikes.'' he couldn't help but stare at Y/N, ''I cannot force a feast, a feast must present itself.'' he drank his champagne. ''Maybe you found your inspiration.'' Old lady said with a hint of sarcasm. Two men came to talk to them, one of them was a white man and he said he was Hannibal's patient, his name was Franklyn. The other man was black, and his name was Tobias, he was taller than Franklyn, ''What a coincidence to see your patient here Hannibal.'' Y/N said, drinking. ''Yes, what a coincidence.'' He didn't seem pleased. ''Miss Hobbs, I loved your performance.'' Tobias said, ''Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.'' she smiled kindly, ''I must add, the beauty of your voice matches your personality, pleasure to meet you.'' he took her hand gently and pressed a kiss while looking at her with his dark eyes. Y/N for some reason felt uncomfortable, ''Thank you again Mr.-'' she wanted to be formal but he stopped her. ''Please, Tobias. If you are interested I have a violin shop. You can visit me anytime.'' He pulled his business card and gave it to her. ''I love the sound of violin, I would love to hear you play.'' Tobias looked amused before he could say anything Hannibal decided it was enough because he began to understand what kind of a man Tobias is, ''Who is hungry?'' he said to draw the attention which made the old lady giggle.
Throughout the night Y/N was tired of talking to rich people and hearing their first world problems, they were so fake it made her want to vomit her guts. She decided to walk outside for some fresh air. It was a cold night but peaceful, ''Mind if I join you?'' she heard Hannibal, ''I could use company.'' he put his black coat on her shoulders. ''Don't you like the crowd? They admire you.'' She could smell his scent on the coat, ''I'm done entertaining the rich Dr. Lecter, but I would love to be a part of your famous dinner parties.'' Hannibal was surprised to hear that she was interested. ''Good idea. You can help me because I'm planning to throw one soon.''
''So you found your inspiration?'' She asked curiously, they were standing close and watching the stars above, ''I hope so.'' he said looking at her up and down. ''Would you consider singing in my dinner parties?'' Hannibal was making an excuse to hear her divine voice again. ''I would love that.'' He stared at her, his face a blank slate, but his brown eyes flickered with something like... hope? Maybe. ''Thank you. Shall we go back? I'm sure they would love to talk to you more.'' He offered his arm, ''Let's go.''
Tag List: @alexa4040​ @liadamerondjarin​ @ananriel​ @keeleyella​ @rentheanonymous​ @sweetgoodangel​ @germansarechill​ 
Do you think Tobias will do something to Y/N?
What do you think of the chapter? Let me know *wink*
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nadja-antipaxos · 5 years
litag game rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you want to get to know better tagged by @cruisecontrl thank you, jay!!
nickname: Well, my name is Jess and people call me Jess. The only nickname I’ve really had is J. Actually, @unburntdaenerys calls me her hoe, so that’s one. Edit: I have some Telugu nicknames from my grandma but yeah Mx
zodiac sign: Gemini
height: 5′2″ (fight me, I dare ya)
hogwarts house: ???? I don’t know. I remember Pottermore put me in Hufflepuff? Maybe Ravenclaw?
last thing i googled:  ‘i write sins not tragedies gif’ and then I sent it to Angie
song stuck in my head: “keep it going louder” by major lazer just over and over ‘girl, i wanna party with you, girl, i wanna party with you’,
following:  300
followers:  1,765 (why idk)
amount of sleep i get: I have insomnia because of my anxiety, so if I get 6, it’s great. If I take sleeping pills, then I can try to get 8.
lucky numbers: 5
dream job:  SNL writer/cast member, less specific would be comedy writer and actress
wearing: my fluffy blue space robe
favorite songs: ‘help!’, ‘i’m only sleeping’ by the beatles, ‘hurricane’ by halsey, ‘the good, the bad, and the dirty’ by panic! at the disco, ‘treacherous’ by taylor swift, ‘let’s go crazy’ by prince, ‘the chain’ by fleetwood mac, ‘slippery people’ by talking heads
instruments: My mom made me learn piano from age 5-15 and then got rid of our piano. I tried guitar but I was rubbish.
random fact:  I made myself listen to ‘What’s New Pussycat’ on repeat in order to get my project done for work. I did it so fast.
aesthetics: bright colors? rich widow is what I aspire to. cold, autumn days, moonlight glistening on snow
tagging: (only if you want):  @casliyn @nohomohank
@wecouldstillbegreat @muttpeeta @billhacer @billhadecr @hadertbill @bill-is-rad @julies-andrews @unburntdaenerys @ransone-james @barrysberkman @safflowerseason @thebookofmaev @bennetism @benwyattt @lilyscjames
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drakewalkerfantasy · 6 years
Birthday wishes (Beckett x MC)
Prompt request: from the lovely @darley1101 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” Thank you, I had so much pleasure in writing this. I hope I made them justice and I hope you will like it. Sorry that this is SO long and took it so much time to complete.
Author note’s: English is not my first language, so here maybe a lot of incorrect word spellings or wrong sentence structured, if so please let me know in DM so I can improve please. Also all characters belongs to Pixelberry and not to me unfortunately or fortunately to them. A
I also would love to thanks @fluffy-marshmallow-heart who kept up with me and all my sneak peaks to her. Thank you love, this really helped as I wasn’t sure where to take it. Also all our Beckett talks definitely helped.
Summary: All actions happens on Maeve’s birthday prior “The night is not over yet” and after “Drowning”. In this AU Maeve is haunted not just by shadow monsters during the day, but also at night in her dreams making her to drown every time, until Beckett finds out and his presence and love makes her able to fight this monsters in her dreams. In this part Beckett makes something very special to her, what she always subconsciously wanted and what connects her with her parents and her memories of them.
Warning: No warnings except one steamy scene towards the end. Also this is very very long fiction. 
Word count: approx. 5841 words
Please let me know, if you want be added or removed from my TAG list.
Taggs: @elles-choices @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @darley1101 @boneandfur @tmarie82 @walkerismychoice @feartheendlesssummer @too-many-choices-too-little-time @scgdoeswhat @littleblossom-18 @damienazarionos @harrington-sinclaire @symonde
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Maeve ran through the field of shining flowers, her long gilded hairs bouncing and light summer dress fluttering in the wind. This was the first time in months, when she was truly happy: no pressure from exams and study, no nightmares and shadow monsters, but more importantly she had a person who loved her the way she is with all her flaws and baggage. And he had asked her to meet him at their secret spot where he showed her for the first time the golden potion’s miracle.
Easily, she ran up to the bridge filled with sunlight. Golden sunbeams bounced off the bridge rails as if playing “tag” game with each other. Maeve smiled softly noticing lonely figure leaning against the bridge beam looking in the shimmering waters. He was deeply absorbed in his thoughts, fiddling with something nervously, totally oblivion to the fact that he is not alone anymore. 
- Guess who, - murmured Maeve softly, stealing up from behind and covering his eyes. Her warm breath caressing his skin, her lips are close to his ear grazing along earlobe. She could feel how his breath hitches and pulse quickens from the simple touch.
- Hey, Birthday girl, - he whispers gently, taking her hands in his and turning to face her, encircling his arms around her slim waist and pressing soft kiss to her lips curled in the smile.
- So why did you wanted to see me? And don’t tell me that you simply missed me. I will never buy, that the Beckett Harrington we all know and love would ditch his study time to spend it with his girlfriend just for simple pleasure to see her.
- What??? Why…? - he stumbles over his words, - And for your information I… I missed you in fact, - he could feel the blush rising up his cheeks from his hasty confession.
- Beckett, what are you up to, - purred Maeve raising her brow in warning, - Do you really think I didn’t noticed everyone’s strange behaviour this whole week? - she smiled at him seductively, biting her lower lip and slightly tilting her head to the side letting her hair to flow over her shoulder.
- Shit, - muttered Beckett under his breath, his lips parted and his eyes following her rosy tongue running over hers seductively, - I told her you will noticed and I’m not the best distraction, but Shreya insisted, - he whispered guiltily, dropping his head, but still following the tip of her tongue tracing the outline of lips making them to glisten, - Are you angry?
- Do I look like one? - spoke she with mischievous smile, - besides, whatever you planned will give me the opportunity to spend today with you. You … you did not change your mind because I saw through you? Didn’t you, - anxiously asked she, looking up at him with eyes full of hope.
- Mae, I definitely didn’t change my mind. And I missed you so much, - breathy whispered Beckett to her ear and then kissing her on the lips softly, - Besides, I have planned something just for you. I hope this will make some of your birthday wishes to come true, - he murmured.
- I missed you, - spoke Maeve closing her eyes, her head safely tucked under Beckett’s chin and his hands firmly enclosed around her waist. She wanted to stay in this moment forever closely pressed to him, inhaling his scent. But before she could protest, he gently released her from his embrace placing soft kiss to her forehead and taking her hand in his, intertwining their fingers.
- Follow me, - and before she can say anything, he gently tugged her after him to the shimmering gold portal in front of them. When they came through it to the other side she blinked from the bright light filling all space and dazzling with its brightness. Her breath caught in awe, when she started to take in her surroundings. She looked at the miles of sand and ocean in front of her. The sand was softly golden, warm and comforting. The turquoise ocean was stretched in every direction to the horizon, gently caressing the shore. The bright blue sky was filled with sunlight and falling into the ocean was breaking into a mosaic of reflected colours. Her eyes got wider, while her face lit with happiness and sparks of recognition flew straight through her. 
- Where are we? Are we…?, - she asked, her voice shaking and her eyes veiled with tears, when childhood memories start to flood her.
- This is Aruland, - he replied softly tucking strand of hair behind her ear and brushing the tears from her eyes with his thumb.
- How do you…, - her voice almost breaking from overpowering emotions and she cannot complete her sentence.
- I… I may have spoken with Shreya and Professor Swan, - confessed Beckett looking guiltily, - if you don’t like here, we can…
- No, - she quickly interrupted him, - I love here. This place… this place reminds me of my parents, they used to brought us here before everything bad happened. I loved being here. I just… I never thought that I will see this place ever again. Thank you.
- Let’s go, there is something here that I want to share with you, - he spoked smiling at Maeve, watching her taking off her shoes and stepping onto the golden sand. Following her lead Beckett done the same joining her on the warm and fluffy sand, taking her hand in his and started to lead her along the beach. They walked in a silence for a moment, their fingers intertwined. Everything around them sparkled and played in different colours. The fresh breeze caressed their skin like a lightest feather in the world. The ocean singed for them in ancient language of mermaids. 
- Beckett, where are we going? - asked Maeve finally breaking the silence slowly coming to the halt and turning to face him. Her warm eyes meeting his gaze. Her face lit up by the ray of sun making her squint and scrunch nose, her eyes sparked with curiosity.
- What in concept of surprise you don’t understand? - But… you didn’t tell that this is surprise, - Maeve giggled catching his stunned look.
- Shit. But I thought… isn’t it obvious? Whatever, I prepared is a surprise. So… - Come on… Beckett, you somehow found out what my deepest wish is and I just need to know what else you prepared. Please?
- Mae, you will find out all in it’s own time. I promise you. We will be there soon. Do you trust me? - I do, - whispered Maeve. And Beckett could feel how a blush creeps up his neck.
- Than just follow me and I promise you, that everything you wished for will come true today, - he carefully tucked loose strand of hair behind her ear. His voice barely above the whisper hoarse with emotions. His eyes pleading with hers full of worry and love, - Or at least… at least I hope some of them will, - Maeve can hear his voice breaking a little and then watched as the shade of red in his face turned deeper.
- Okay, - she replied, squeezing his hand and letting him lead herself further along the beach. 
It took them another twenty minutes to get to intended destination. The area was well hidden from the beach’s visitors, who anyway were rare in this time of the year. Getting closer to the destination Maeve’s heart started to beat faster, and Beckett nervously fiddled with her fingers, leading her forward. “This cannot be,” Maeve thought to herself, “how on earth he even knows about this place? How this place didn’t stop existing after…” her thoughts were interrupted by the gentle squeeze of Beckett’s hand, when they reached the entrance in the big colourful bushes. He let her in, staying a step behind and holding his breath. He could hear her inhale sharply, when her eyes absorbed what they saw. Her eyes widened and Beckett could swear that he could hear gasp of surprise escaping her throat before she could stop it.
- Beckett…, - she breathed looking at the wooden tables with a different magick animals on them waiting for adoption. But among all this sparkling magick her attention was caught by a number of little fluffy creatures running and playing all over the area unaware of visitors. Her eyes veiled with tears when she looked around, feeling her heart burst from overwhelming emotions flooding over her. She could feel Beckett’s warm hand wrapping securely around her waist. His lips gently brushed against her earlobe and she can sense his hot breath caressing her skin even before he started to speak.
- Do you really like it? - Beckett’s voice hoarse and his breath hitches. - Do you need to ask? - responded Maeve in a whisper, facing him, her small hand cupping his face before kissing him. - Where did all these puppies come from? - she asked breaking the kiss. Not waiting for a reply she kneeled in front of a little creature that tried to catch her attention by pocking hers leg with his black velvety nose. 
Beckett sank to his knees beside Maeve stroking little puppy behind the ear and patting his silky fur. His eyes fixed on the girl with the radiating smile beside him, not able to look away from her. His hand still on the small of her back. 
- Mae, - he murmured softly, kissing her on a cheek watching with admiration how she gently takes a puppy on her lap. He could see, how her nose scrunches with giggles, while little puppy trying to reach her face and lick it with his small pink tongue. 
- This should be Mr. Harrington, - asked a nice woman startling them both. Beckett stood up quickly, embarrassedly stretching his hand to shake - Good afternoon Mrs. Thompson. We had a phone call a couple of weeks ago and you were kindly agreeing to let us to volunteer here. I know that this is not the busiest season, but…
- We always need more hands. So if you and your girlfriend is up to volunteer. Who am I to reject this kind offer, as specially after what you have done for this place and still keep doing? Do you knew that if not Mr. Harrington, we would never be able to keep this place up and running, - her smiling emerald eyes moved to Maeve, who had risen from knees.  She still held a puppy, giggling at his attempts to run in the air quickly pawing in it. Woman’s eyes gone wider in recognition, - Oh my god, this.. are you…? are you Maeve Raven? Daughter of Mrs. Alexandra and Mr. Samuel Raven?
- Yea, I’m, - whispered Maeve, her giggling stopped abruptly and silence hang in the air, - if this is “The Shelter of Sun and Moon”, - asked she after a minute of silence, watching the woman nod, - but I thought… I thought this place stopped existing after mum and dad…
- No, it doesn’t, - Mrs. Thomson interrupt her,- As much as it was hard to maintain this shelter open after your parents’ death, we knew how much it meant to them. But let’s not get all sad, as specially not on your birthday, young miss, - quickly added the woman watching Maeve’s eyes become watery with tears, - As I said before, we could really use couple of extra hands. This little fellow are all cute and funny, but they need some extra pair of eyes to watch after them. Are you up for the job?
- We are… We definitely are, - stepped in Beckett, taking Maeve by the hand and leaded her to the big pile of small puppies. He noticed that she still holds up to the small wriggling puppy in her hands. His eyes soften and he smiles helping Maeve to sit on the floor. He watched her as she gently separated two puppies who couldn’t share something nibbling on each other’s ears and making funny noises vaguely similar to growl. Her laugh blithely rang as thousands of silver bells through the air, echoing in space. The midday sun shined straight at her making her glow, her eyes warm as a cup of hot latte with a deep forest-green. And when she smiled, her eyes ignited with a dazzling warmth of the deep brown, while the green danced around its edges seductively. His eyes slowly slid across her face taking in every single detail: small wrinkles around her eyes while smiling; her scrunched nose when she giggled; a little blush on her cheeks; her parted lips and tongue seductively running along them.
- Beckett, how do you even know about this place, - suddenly asked Maeve raising her eyes on Beckett, whose eyes were still fixed on her lips following the mesmerising movement of her tongue, - Did you actually know, where you taking me?
- I came across this place a couple of years ago, when my father took me with him on a business trip. He… he wanted to build some huge shopping centre at this location. Everyone yielded to my father’s pressure, except this place. To be honest, to say I was surprised wouldn’t be enough. I was intrigued by this place, by staff dedication to this shelter. I couldn’t understand it at first, but something drew me to this place and it became important to me, - he lightly stroked sandy coloured puppy behind the ear, smiling at his attempts to crawl onto his lap, finally pulling him up, - so I started to volunteer there. Helping the staff out, the best I could. So answering your second question… I didn’t know what this place was at first. But after you walked into my life, I discovered that this place was founded by your parents. So yes, I knew where I was taking you. Maeve’s eyes were clouded with tears and she slowly drew herself closer to him, their lips touching in the gentle unhurried kiss. 
- Beckett, what Mrs. Thomson meant when she said earlier that if not you they wouldn’t be able to keep this place up and running? - Maeve whispered when their broke apart, they foreheads pressed together, breathing each other’s air, they eyes closed enjoying the moment of closeness.
- I… I have no idea, - he whispered, feeling how the blush creeping up his neck, stroking her cheek with his thumbs, puppies still on their laps. - Beckett…, - murmured Maeve with a hint of warning in her voice.
- Mae, I… I enjoyed volunteering here. This place it changed me somehow, letting me to care for something else except my good grades or my family’s expectations. I saw that staff found it difficult to keep this place running, but they tried. After my father's next attempt to broke them, to his demands, I couldn’t look at it anymore, so… so I donated some money I had as I couldn’t see this people and familiars and this attuneless little friends to be left out. I felt like I need to help them, that this somehow my fault that father wants them out, - they fell in the silence for a moment both deep in their own thoughts. 
- Thank you, - she breathed, placing her hand on his lap and moving even closer to him, placing her head on his shoulder.
-Mae, when I planned this I hoped… I know this is a lot to ask, but…, - he blushed and looked away, - Shoot… Okay, I want to adopt one of this little puppies with you. They are not popular in the attuned world, but I… I want to do this, do you want to adopt them with me?, - he lowered his gaze on his lap, not daring to meet her eyes.
-Beck, - she gasped gently lifting his head with her fingertips to meet her eyes, - I would love to. My parent always wanted to get one for me and… and my sister. But they never had a chance. 
-Than this is decided. Let’s do this, - he smiled kissing her and nibbling her lower lip playfully making her to giggle, - also I checked school rules and this is not against them, so we can adopt this adorable creature.
They spent another couple of hours by playing with puppies, taking care of them and watching them not to hurt each other. Learning everything what they need to know about this little creatures. When the sun got higher, they found Mrs. Thomson, letting her know, that they would want make another donation to her parents' shelter and they want to adopt black brown fluffy with a white chest who attracted Maeve’s attention. Laughing and smiling to their new addition they made their way out promising to come back. Standing outside they watched the ocean for a moment, big waves lapping up and down the shore. Beckett’s hands were wrapped around Maeve’s waist and his chin resting on her shoulder breathing in her scent of lavender and wildberries. She could feel his hand slip into his pants pocket getting something from it and then starting slowly and sensually run along her hands. Her eyes closes from pleasing sensations, goosebumps rise up, feeling his burning breath on the notch of her neck. She can sense his hands went up to her face and froze, his breath quickened.
- Do you trust me? - he asked huskily, his voice barely audible caressing her as a light feather on the wind. She noded, leaning back into his arms, feeling the silk slipping on her face covering her eyes securely. She can feel he carefully takes her hand in his, thumb caressing her knuckles, her slim fingers were engulfed by his. His other arm on a small of her back, leading her carefully forward watching her every step and making sure she doesn’t stumble. Maeve can feel the fresh ocean salty breeze caressing her smooth and warm skin. The puppy in her hand trying to break free wiggled his little body, and she could feel Beckett’s voice so close to her ear, tickling it by his breath.
- You know, that you can send him to ether also or to our friends, - he breathes softly, his voice filled with warming smile, she could feel it in her bones, she can see it even with closed eyes. Maeve can feel him carefully taking the puppy from her hands, feeling sudden chill when his arms let’s go of her. She can hear him whisper something in ancient language and then his hands are back against her skin, warm and gentle, - don’t worry love, he will be fine I sent him to our friends, they will look after him,- he said gently, brushing lips along her temple making shivers run down her whole body and leading her to their final destination.
Maeve could feel them edging to the edge of the shore, her sunkissed hairs fluttering from intensifying wind gusts when they approached waters, her bare feet touching the wet sand. She gasped, when a cold wave swept over her feet and rolled away embarrassed by the touch. Her breath quickened and she squeezed Beckett’s hand feeling him squeeze it back. His fingertips soothingly draw a patterns on her lower back and he can hear his strong voice ringing out over the ocean: 
Ab origine ad undas, a mari usque ad mare, noli me tangere, hic et nunc apertus. [Translation: From the source to the waves, from sea to sea, do not touch me, here and now open]
Her eyes widening under the soft blindfolds in recognition. She remembers these word. This was so many times during the summer breaks when she heard her dad used them here in front of the majestic ocean, the kingdom of mermaids. It seemed ages ago now… “Can it be?” thought Maeve, her heart fluttering as butterflies in the field. She could feel them stepping forward on the still wet sand.
- Mae, may I? - he murmurs releasing her hand and the next thing he feels is him quickly swooping her in his arms tapping his leg on the ground. She gasped from the feeling of him quickly moving to meet the wind carefully holding her in his arms. She feels safe like nothing bad can happen when they are together. The same way she feels every time, when he holds her at night until she drifts to sleep securely wrapped in his embrace, before monsters come back… before drowning begins. She gasps when the movements stop as abruptly as it begins, feeling Beckett gently lowers her to the ground taking her hand in his once again murmuring to her:
- Be Careful, we will need to get up the stairs, - says Beckett gently helping her to make a first step up, watching her while they get higher, holding her so that she would not stumble, - Sorry, I didn’t think this through, - mumbled he when she almost fell taking the next step, - but I couldn’t use Super speed on these stairs this would be too risky to do. I could lift you up. Can I? - waiting for her silent nod, he scooped her in his arms and confidently walked up.
After some time, Maeve could feel Beckett lowering her down once again. His gentle fingers tugged her blindfold, slipping it to her legs, making her blink from the bright sun shining above them. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked around. They stood on the restaurant’s platform and in front of them the vast expanse of the turquoise ocean shimmered in multiple colours. She could feel Beckett held his breath waiting for her reactions, he stood behind her, his hands on her waist, inhaling her scent of lavender and wildberries.
- This is perfect, - she murmured, turning to meet his soft sea blue eyes. He can feel her heart beating faster, when she takes his hand placing it over her heart, her eyes fill with tears, - Thank you, - she whispered her voice rasped with emotions, her lips slowly captured his in a lingering kiss.
- Let’s go, - Beckett replies in a soft caring voice, taking her to registration area, where they were met by a friendly-looking waiter, - I have reservation for two under the name of Mr. Harrington.
After checking the details and reservation’s book, they were taken to the back of the restaurant. They followed the waiter through the room lit by natural light  and came outside on another side of the platform. Maeve gasped looking in front of her noticing a small drifting platform in the distance with the single table connected to the main part by a glass path. She sighed with admiration when her foot touched the transparent surface and the only things that indicated the edges of the path were small candles standing between the glass columns illuminated with blue moonlight. She sighed again, looking around. She recognised this place from her dad’s stories, but she never been in this part of the restaurant. Walking along the path she noticed that each pair of glass columns were entwined by their own plants and they all were in different colours creating the illusion of a rainbow. Maeve looked down stepping carefully on the glass her eyes focused on the shimmering water under her feet, her heart fluttered looking in the depth of the ocean. Beckett could feel her hand tightened on him, while her eyes met with his with increasing panicking in them and her breath became shallow. “Shit”, Beckett swore, shutting his eyes for a second and reassuringly squeezing her hand, “I should have known… Idiot… I should have known better… This nightmares… they are related to water… and here is water everywhere around us… Fucking idiot…” He could feel his own panic raising, but instead to surrender to it he brushed his thumb soothingly over her knuckles again and again, feeling her breath calms down and fear retreats. And with her fears gone, she could feel increasing excitement with every step they made toward the table feeling Beckett’s eyes focused on her and his fingers brushing against her soft skin. When they finally reached their table Beckett thanked the waiter, holding chair for Maeve to sit and had briefly brushed his hands across her shoulders as he pushed the chair in. 
- Thank you, - she said softly waiting for him to take his place across the table, but instead of this he moved his chair closer to her. The table they were sited on was covered by sky turquoise tablecloth and two sets of silver cutlery were placed near to them by the same waiter who showed them the table. In a moment he silently came with a menu and a bottle of shining sunset's drink Maeve never tried before. The beautiful coral vase was placed in the middle of the table with magical bouquet of enchanting flowers in it. The small blue and white flowers as stars at night were sparkling among the golden and red sun's flowers, and to top it off the bouquet had satin turquoise ribbon attached to it. The bouquet smelled like an ocean breeze with a hint of metal in it, the smell she knew too well to confuse it with anything else. She could feel her cheeks started to burn with heat raising up, blushing she averted her gaze from flowers to the tall glass in front of her. She could see the golden drink with the mother-of-pearl sheen was swirling in it and spirals of steam were raising up in the air. 
- Are you okay, - Beckett asked his voice thick with emotions, - I’m so sorry, Mae… I’m such an idiot…
-Beck, I’m fine, - she interrupted him cupping his cheek with her small gentle hand, feeling his lips grazing over her palm, - I’m fine and I love it here. - Really?
- Really… This is the best birthday I ever had and I’m better than fine, - she could feel her eyes are filled with tears from overwhelming emotions, - I couldn’t even dare to wish for all of this to come true. Since my parents’ and my sister’s death no one even cared to make this day special to me. And today… Beck, I don’t know how or even why, but you made this all for me. And I cannot wish for nothing else. I’m here with the person who makes me feel safe and secure, who done all of this for me and who is so worried that this makes my heart burst from all emotion I even cannot express. So yes, I’m really truly love it here and I’m more than fine. I’m happy.
He smiled gently to her reaching for her hand, opening his mouth to say something, but shut it close when noticing the waiter approaching them with the tray in his hands.
- Mae, I hope it is fine with you, if I’ll already ordered our meal, - murmured Beckett in a husky voice. His fingers caressing hers gently without taking his metallic eyes off her, waiting for the waiter to place the plates in front of them.
- I’m sure I’ll love it, - she replied thanking the waiter who lifted the covers from the plates, and exclaimed, when she looked on the plate in front of her, - Beckett, are these…? - she gasped looking on a little gold plated balls with white fluttering wings and blue souse on the side.
- Yes, this is Golden cheddar's sun, - replied Beckett watching her taking a bite, dipping golden ball in a blue yorba eggs sauce. He could see a drop of sauce left in the corner of her mouth resisting the urge to lick it off, instead he brushes it off with his thumb, his eyes never leaving her parted lips. Maeve broke into a gentle smile. While enjoying their starter they hold hands, separating to take a bite or have a gulp of drink.
- Beck, this is perfect, - murmured she, returning her gaze to the flowers on the table after they had the main course that contained her favourite Sunshine's Chicken Piccatas with a blue cheese dressing in a basket of a golden flower. She liked this mix of sweet and sour flavour with scorching notes. Waiting for the dessert they seat leaning closer to each other their fingers intertwined. His fingers drawn slow patterns on hers, he leaned closer to her catching her lips with his, gently nibbling at her lower lip grazing his teeth on the sensitive skin eliciting moan from her. Letting go of her hands he placed one hand on her neck pulling her closer to him deepening the kiss, demanding her to open her mouth for him. Sliding his tongue inside her warm sweet mouth he felt like his blood start to boil and his heart pounding in perfect sync with hers, his head spinning from intoxicating sensations. He slowly started to slide his other hand from her waist to the hem of her dress. His fingers grazing her silky skin just below it, desperately wanting to slip his hand under her dress. He groaned kissing her fiercely, clutching the edges of her dress, struggling against his desire to lift it higher. He desperately wanted to lift her dress and slide her onto his lap to straddle him. He could feel the pressure of his hardness pressing at the front fly of his pants making him shift in his chair, groaning into her mouth. He felt her gentle hand placed over his heart and another one sliding to his lap so dangerously close to his hardness and so innocently, not realising how this simple touch of her hand impacts him. He kissed her hungrily, as a thirsty man in a desert, for a moment forgetting about everything around them… until he heard someone cleared his throat. Breathlessly they broke apart, their eyes still dark from desired, their chests heaving. They both felt the blush rise up their necks, looking towards the waiter at the same time and thanking him for the dessert.
- There is just one dessert, - stated Maeve, looking at the golden sauce running from the mermaids' fountains on lower plate, while on the top plate blue chocolate fountain was jetted. She licked her lips noticing different fruits and berries placed on a smaller round plates on the sides.
- I thought we could share the dessert, - babbled Beckett, averting his gaze and feeling his ear tips becoming red, - emmm, if you want I.... I can order another one.
- Beck, we can share, it's much more fun, - she purred catching his warm metallic gaze with her melted chocolate's eyes. She deliberately slowly took a brightly red berry dipping it into blue chocolate and golden sauce and brought it to his lips. He opened his mouth taking the berry gently from her hands, sliding his lips over her fingers sucking off the remnants of the sauce, not leaving her gaze.
The remaining evening, they fed each other different berries and fruits trying to surprise each other by finding different combinations and tastes. They laughed freely, holding hands and kissing each other savouring every moment of the remaining of this day, leaving with the last rays of the sun. Beckett gently tucked a naughty strand of hair behind Maeve's ear looking deeply in her eyes. His lips moving closer to hers again, but instead of pressing them to hers he murmured in a hoarse voice: - Mae, I love you.
- Beck, I... I love you too, - she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks, but happy smile played on her parted lips. She remembered how her dad told her their love story, that on the back of this restaurant on the glass platform he said to her mum "I love you" for the first time, promising her that they would never part until death part them. So she never been here, but she knew about this platform and always wished to see this place that meant so much to her parent, - I love you, - she whispered again, placing a sweet kiss to Beckett's lips. The sun almost set and the moon went up to the starry sky.
- It's getting dark, - murmured Beckett pulling Maeve to him and looking at the starry sky, - I have the last birthday gift for you, - he said quietly, taking her hand in his and helping her get up from the table, leading her to a large telescope on the edge of the platform pointing to the moon, - Maeve… I know you miss your sister. I don’t know what have happened between you… And I don’t ask, but today I want you to be closer to her or at least be able to say goodbye to her.
- Beckett, I don’t….
- Mae, I know you need it. I know you want it. Come here, - he slowly tugs her closer to telescope pointing on the moon, his hand gently placed on her hips. He stands behind holding his breath listening to her shouts in the open space, watching tears flowing down her cheeks in the moonlight glow. Her expressions change from anger to despair, from despair to sadness, from sadness to pain and finally from pain to relief. Whatever pain or anger she hold inside was gone and it was replaced by relief and happiness. She turned back to Beckett finally releasing telescope and looked at him gently.
- Thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me today, - she murmured and tiptoeing to press gentle unhurried kiss to his lips, letting him to deepen it. He slipped his tongue between her invitingly parted lips, slowly exploring it catching her sweet moans with his mouth.
- Mae, we need to leave or otherwise Shreya will kill me for keeping you for a whole day to myself, -Beckett whispered breaking their kiss and causing Maeve to whimper in protest. He pressed quick kiss to her temple, encircling his arms firmer around her waist, - I hope as was promised some of your birthday wishes came true today, - breathed Beckett nosing into her thick golden hair.
- I couldn’t wish for a better birthday, - purred she, placing one last lingering kiss to Beckett’s lips.
- The night is not over yet, - whispered he softly taking her hand in his before walking together in the opening in the portal.
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