#blush blush Dimitri
kayla-drawz · 1 year
Sorry if this is too late, but for a suggestion for the Blush Blush chatbots, I need either a Sven or a Dmitri Character.AI I need those in my life
I have fun making these boys And don't worry about it I'm always open for suggestions or requests
and it definitely Took me a while to test it especially Dimitri it's kinda difficult to me so enjoy yourself!! I might do Cole next maybe....
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blushblushdrabbles · 30 days
Alrighty seems like the majority of people would like a list of blush blush boys who would like to be called daddy! So here it is!.
Boys who would like being called daddy: Logan, William, Myx, Anon, Seth, Dmitri, Haru and possibly Eli though they are genderfluid.
Boys who would automatically melt and perish from being called daddy: Cole, Cashew, Nimh, Poe, Aki and Fuyu
Boys who wouldn't like being called daddy: Volks, Scale, Stirling
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another-clive-blog · 6 months
Clive furniture
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Alright so first of all- Thank you !!! =) Both for the fun ask and for the considerate/precise addition left for me, a guy who does better when following Ikea instructions lol
And also sorry for the delay ^^' I couldn't wait to do asks again and I'm so happy I can get back to them now !! Sci-fi AU let's GO !!!
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Dimitri is a nat 20 on stealth, especially when he doesn't want anybody to find out about his little unethical time freeze experiments mdjvfj
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jellophoid · 15 days
watching a 14 hour playthrough of the blue lion part of fire emblem three houses with my friend and I actually kept screaming whenever dedue and dimitri were on the screen like
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edns · 1 year
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(Throws this at you all and runs away)
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
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Rodrigue’s observe lines after A support 🥰
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Which do you think are the easiest and most efficient ways byleth has to make dimitri blush?
(More short and sweet little scenarios!)
The easiest and most effective way would be holding his hands. You know how much he adores holding you in any way, but having your hands in his just reminds him that you’re really there, and that you’re so very warm…and your warmth makes him feel so alive, even in the bitterest of Faerghus winters.
Another simple method of making Dimitri blush is smiling at him when you catch his gaze. Especially in the early months of your marriage, you can feel Dimitri’s eyes on you more often than not. But what’s most important is that you look up at him, whether that’s in the middle of training and he’s at the door, or if you’re across a council table from him, or you’re walking right beside him on a midnight walk. One glance and curl of your lips, and he’s done for. That heart couldn’t be beating faster, nor can the blush get any darker.
One thing you find surprising is how you can make him blush simply by talking politics. Dimitri is ever-eolquent and informed, always keeping an eye on the political landscape at both the church and the kingdom. So when someone asks for your input regarding a matter in Faerghus after you’ve been gone for three months, he finds it simply spectacular when you explain your opinions on the issues, and your very effective suggestions for correcting them.
Other methods of blush activation include: Besting him in a duel, riding a horse, eating with gusto, trying something new and enjoying it, scrunching your nose when you don’t enjoy it, listening to you sing in the morning choirs (faint as it is), watching you work at your desk, watching you sleep, or nap, or get ready for the day, or get ready for bed, or-
Let’s face it…you could do just about anything and you’d steal his heart all over again (and you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the very same).
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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randoimago · 5 months
Could I request Dimitri and Claude with an s/o who calls them their whole world while holding their face in their hands?
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Character(s): Claude, Dimitri
Note(s): Added some extra fluffiness when I wrote this because I miss writing for these two and they deserve the loving.
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"Hey, what are you- ?" His tone is amused as you stop him and interrupt whatever scheme he was telling you about by holding his face in your hands. He playfully rolls his eyes at the affection, but gladly leans into your touch.
"You're my whole world," you tell him and he hums in response. Your words definitely cause his heart to flutter and his face to heat up a tad, but he's not going to take that compliment without being a bit of a tease.
"Oh? Are you calling me fat? I knew the eating contest with Raphael was a bad idea," he jokes and you let him go. He chuckles at the slight annoyance on your face before taking hold of your chin and delicately kissing your lips.
"If I'm your world then you're my heaven and stars," he murmurs and winks before letting you go and walking off as if he didn't just make you weak in the knees.
"My love-?!" Dimitri is surprised and flustered as you suddenly hold his face in your hands. He hasn't been getting enough sleep recently from studies and he was giving you excuses, only for you to do that.
"You're my whole world and I need you to take care of yourself for me," you tell him and he swears his heart will beat out of his chest at your words.
The back of his neck and tips of his ears go a bright pink from blush and he pulls you into a hug so he can hide his face in the crook of your neck.
"You will put me in an early grave with your sweet words, my love" he murmurs into your skin, still holding you close since he'd be a fool to not want to hold you as long as he can.
"Come, let's take a nap together. Perhaps then I can sleep in peace," he adds once he pulls back to look at your face and gives a gentle smile as he offers his hand to you, more than happy (albeit a bit shy) for you to join him and chase the nightmares away.
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Taglist: @unhelpfulnpc
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i-cant-sing · 5 months
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Imagine it’s yn and a oc. Who’s getting flipped off in this scenario
Well, first of all- its me and my crush today because that bitch.... I think I have gotten over him with the way he treated me today. I asked him to bring me notes and he's like okay, and then when I went in today- he was like cr7ng so indifferent to me
Like I looked good today, I spent an hour and a half on my whole look and this bitch didn't even have the audacity to like blush or something. Okay maybe he didn't say anything because there were supervisors standing over us but still... when I asked him about the notes, he said in a slightly annoyed voice "I sent you the PowerPoint presentation" and I was like ??? I already had the presentations, I wanted the notes. And he's like "😮‍💨 are you coming again tomorrow?" And he said it like he was doing me a big favour and I said idk, maybe. But I'm actually not because I have fycking finals c9ming up, does this mf think I have all day, everyday????
Anyways, not that I expect him to like ask me about my day, but if he texts me, I AM NOT TEXTING BACK ANYMORE. This bitch- I looked so hot, 2 of his guy friends looked me up and down as I walked over to him.
Bitch ass, why is he sending me mixed signals??? Like if he's not interested, why is he walking over and visiting me with his friend DURING MY TEST and being all sneaky as he whispers "Hey, need any help?🥰" and then giving me the coldest shoulder today.
Also, this pic is giving Y/n and Magnus because Magnus is like "what do you mean you want to leave me???? Don't you love me???? You can't possibly want to throw our love away-" and reader just flips him off.
I can also see Dimitri on the receiving end often because this man is just crossing all the boundaries cause he's a fool in love. He's just speedwalking behind reader who's just stomping away angrily "why are you mad at me, darling? I did exactly what you wanted. What? Didn't you say you missed cooking food for the old lady who lived next to your apartment? What was so wrong with me having my men bring her here and live in the quarters downstairs? No, she's not aware that she is going to live here forever now but look- how much time does she have left anyways?? She's 94 for fucks sake-" and reader just flips him off.
Oh it's 1000% Y/n and Theodore all the time because Theo is teaching reader Russian maths because being kidnapped does not excuse you from getting an education. And Russian maths is already hard as it is, but learning it in SIGN LANGUAGE IS ANOTHER LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY. Theo is just like "Come on, focus. What sign is suppose to come here? I- don't DOSE OFF! Y/N! WHAT SIGN?" and reader just sticks her middle finger up in his face.
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joshsindigostreak · 5 months
I See Hell in Your Eyes
Chapter Nine
“Your pretty face and electric soul.”
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Vampire!Josh x Vampire!Reader
Authors Note: Good morning, readers! Sorry for putting yall through the wringer in Chapter Eight. It will happen again, but not in this chapter! This one is a lot sweeter. If you haven’t read Chapter Eight yet I highly suggest you do so because this chapter won’t make a lot of sense without it. Also as always my inbox and DMs are always open so if you want to come scream at me after a chapter feel free to do so! Every single one of y'alls comments and thoughts means the world to me and I love hearing what you think. 😘😘😘
Word Count: 7310
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of blood, allusions to violence, SMUT, 18+, minors DNI, blood play, teasing, brat taming if you squint, fang play(?), I think that’s it. :)
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Sixteen hours. That's how long Josh had been asleep. The first two hours, you didn’t even move. You just held him as he slept, gently cleaning up any blood with a towel and running your fingers through his hair. Eventually, you shifted from behind him and got him properly tucked in. But you kept your promise, your eyes never left him for a second. After redressing you laid down next to him on the bed over the duvet. 
You were so focused on him that you didn’t even hear the door open, or notice Dimitri standing next to the bed. 
“How is our dear Joshua?”
Without looking up, you say,, “he’s fine.”
“How long has it been?”
“Sixteen hours.”
Dimitri hummed in response, “how long did it take for you to wake up?”
“Two nights.”
“Typically it's around the same amount of time for a Maker and their new Vampire,” he paused and said, “have you slept at all, darling?”
Ignoring his question you replied, “some people don’t wake up at all…”
“Oh that's very rare, and you know that-”
“Rare, but not impossible.” 
“I knew someone who took six nights to come back, and do you remember that Mary girl who lived with us during the twenties? She took over a week. It all just depends, darling.” 
“How long did you take?”
He looked off in the distance for a moment, “roughly three nights. Woke up in the basement of a church of all places.”
“I was in a carriage,” you said softly, the memories floating back to you, “in the middle of the day, no less. He was inside, sleeping.” For a moment, you were back in that carriage, terrified and unsure of where you were. You had made the mistake of pulling one of the curtains to the side to look out the window, only to be immediately met with searing pain on your hand from the sun. It was hours before your Maker came back to check on you. 
Dimitri shook his head, “Isaac wasn’t the most…thoughtful of Maker’s.”
You sat up on the bed, laughing a little, “that's putting it mildly.” 
“Have you heard from him at all?”
“Not since ‘84, and even that was too much.” 
Dimitri chuckled slightly before turning towards the door, “you should come downstairs, Portia and Magnus are finally back from their holiday. They’d love to see you.”
You shook your head and looked back at Josh, “no, I’m good…I’m staying up here.”
He smiled warmly, “I meant what I said last night, that you must mean a lot to him. Some people beg to be turned for other reasons, power, immortality, staying young forever, but he simply didn’t want to see you hurt. He didn’t even hesitate once he heard the terms. Love like that is rare.” 
The l-word caught you off guard and you sputtered, “I don’t know…I mean…we’ve barely even…it's kind of soon for that.”
“We’re Vampires, darling, since when do we care about time?” You were silent, trying to will the blush away from your skin. Before he left the room, he said, “if you need anything, just call for Phillip. He’ll bring you anything you need.” 
You resisted the urge to make a smartass comment about Phillip, “thank you, Dimitri.”
“Any time, darling,” he said before disappearing down the hall. 
Josh remained still in the bed, having not moved very much at all in the last few hours. You reached over and brushed his curls back again, and you weren’t sure if you were soothing Josh or soothing yourself. 
As the hours passed, you could not fight off sleep any longer, eventually letting it wash over you as you laid beside your lover. It wasn’t a restful sleep, in fact you found yourself waking up every other hour or so. Each time you’d sit up and check the time, noting how long it had been. You were still so full from the draining that you couldn’t even fathom feeding for at least a couple more days. Dimitri had checked in a few more times, sitting beside the bed to keep you company, but you turned down any invitation to come downstairs. You couldn’t risk it. You couldn’t miss him waking up, you were not going to chance Josh waking up frightened and alone. You wouldn’t let history repeat itself. 
Miles away, a now solitary hunter paced around his brother’s apartment. He had not felt ‘right’ in hours. Specifically, sixteen hours and five minutes. His Witch had tried to calm him down several times, but this was something she couldn’t fix. Not with her words, not with her love, and not with her magic.
It was the second night now, and you were dozing next to him. Movement next to you had you snapping your eyes open, and you saw Josh had rolled over on his side, facing you. His eyes were still closed, but his brows were knitted tightly together, and a frown was fixed on his face. 
You reached out, wanting to smooth your hand over his face, but his hand shot out from under the covers and snatched your wrist midair. The reflex was too fast, and his grip was too hard to be…human. Your entire body froze. 
Suddenly his eyes snapped open, his brown eyes staring at you, but not seeing you. You were flipped onto your back as he hovered over you, hand still gripping your wrist next to your head. He was still looking at you as if he didn’t recognize you. That was common after a Vampire wakes up, as the adjustment period was far longer than the movies and books would lead you to believe. 
“Boy Scout…,” you whispered slightly, hoping to jog his memory.
A low rumble came from his chest in response. That was another thing, it often took Vampires a little while to regain the ability to speak. 
Breathing heavily over you, his eyes raked down your form and his other hand reached towards your face. Those soft fingertips of his grazed your cheek, tracing your bone structure, your nose, and down your neck. His hand curled around your neck, his thumb slid across your jaw and landed on your lips, a familiar move he had done many times. 
You remained stock still, letting him explore. His eyes hadn’t met yours again, instead he was staring down at your lips while his thumb rubbed your bottom lip a few times. Taking a chance, you slightly puckered your lips to kiss the pad of his thumb. He blinked several times before finally looking up and into your eyes. There he was. His eyes softened immediately and he opened his mouth to speak but no sound came out. He tried again, but it wasn’t happening for now. 
“It’s ok…you don’t have to talk right now, Josh,” you whispered. 
Instead, he crashed his lips onto yours, and sank his body down to rest fully on top of you. The hand wrapped around your wrist let go and slid up to thread his fingers in yours, which you gladly squeezed back. Now it was your turn to reach up and cup his face, feeling his muscles move as he tilted his head to get a better angle. 
But the sweet moment was cut short by him wrenching away from your face in pain. He sat up and straddled your waist, hands covering his mouth as he groaned into his palms. His fangs. They were trying to come down but he didn’t know how to relax and let it happen. Contrary to how they’re depicted in various forms of media, fangs don’t just instantly ‘click’ down. It's a skill. A skill one has to learn and hone in order to be able to feed properly and efficiently. 
You carefully sat up and gently took his hands away from his face. His eyes looked scared again, and you quickly shushed him and softly spread your thumbs across his upper lip where his gums were. He winced a little at the sensitivity as his hands rested on your forearms. 
“It's your fangs trying to come out for the first time. You have to relax, Josh,” he looked at you skeptically, “they can’t come down until you relax. Breathe through your nose for me? Yeah?” 
He fully sat down on your thighs, and did what he was told and took deep breaths through his nose. His eyes were trained on you the entire time. He could feel his teeth begin to move, his canine teeth especially. It felt like an invisible force was prying them out of his mouth. 
“I know it hurts, it always does the first few times, but soon you won’t even feel it happening, I promise,” your thumbs moved to his cheeks, your right one resting where his dimple normally was. 
He nodded slightly and leaned into your hand, trying to stay relaxed. 
“Watch me, ok?” You opened your mouth, baring your teeth and took a few deep breaths and slowly let down your own fangs. After over 350 years, it was hard to slow down the process, as you could complete the action as fast as blinking at this point, but you tried your best so your hunter-turned-Vampire could see it for himself. He studied the movement as it happened, finally having a proper visual to mentally focus on. 
After a few more deep breaths, his teeth shifted again, this time down, but not all the way. A smile lit up your face as he parted his lips to show you, and you whispered praises to him as he continued breathing. With a slight groan, his teeth descended all the way, and you saw his fangs for the first time. 
You stared in awe. While you met him as a human, seeing fangs in his mouth looked so…natural on him, as if they had always been there. Unexpected tears formed in your eyes, as it really hit you that he was a Vampire now, he was like you, and the two of you were the same. 
“Beautiful…,” you mused while touching one with your thumb, “do you want to see them?”
He nodded, and you looked around to see if there was a mirror. The closest thing you had was your phone, and you quickly snatched it off the nightstand and turned the camera on, flipping it to selfie-mode and handing it to Josh. He turned the phone over in his hands and held it in front of his face. It was definitely strange to see protruding fangs in his mouth, but they didn’t feel out of place. He ran his tongue over them a few times, feeling how sharp they were, how much longer they were from his other teeth, and he turned his head back and forth to see them at different angles. Satisfied, he tossed your phone to the side on the bed before turning back to you and cupping your face once more to collide his lips to yours, this time smiling into the kiss. 
It had been so long since you’ve kissed a fellow Vampire, especially one you lov- had feelings for. Your tongue slid across his teeth, feeling the contours and length of his fangs, and it was your turn to smile against his lips. He laid you back down onto the bed, shifting his legs so that he was between yours. His lips were everywhere, kissing all over your face and playfully scraping the tips against your skin. 
But the urge to drive them into your neck, to fully taste you in a way he couldn’t when he was human, was reaching a boiling point in his system. He was putting more and more pressure against your neck, but not breaking the skin…yet.
You quickly recognized what he was doing, what he wanted, and you pushed him away so that he was back over your face instead. 
“As much…as much as I’d love for you to do that…your first feed has to be with human blood…,” you were almost sad in telling him no, but this was a process that wasn’t fully complete until he tasted human blood for himself. It was what fully sealed a Vampire in their new form of existence, the full stop at the end of a sentence. Sheepishly, he closed his lips over his teeth, feeling like he had done something wrong. You caught the look in his eyes and quickly reassured him, “no no, it's ok, we’ll have plenty of time to do that afterwards, I promise.” You figured Dimitri himself would have a human or two on hand for feeding, as he was never a fan of blood bags. 
As if on cue, the older Vampire in question rapped his knuckles on the door as he opened it.
“Is our dear-,” before he could finish his sentence Josh immediately shifted on the bed and practically shielded you from Dimitri, his instincts taking over briefly. Dimitri held up his hands in truce, “now now, Joshua I’m not going to do anything. It's wonderful to see you awake and back with us.” 
You sat up behind Josh, looking at Dimitri over his shoulder, “you wouldn’t happen to have a human on hand? Please?”
“About that…after we talked earlier I let the Council know about your decision and that you were handling it yourself. They insisted on sending a representative here to make sure it actually happened.” He sighed before continuing, “Judith…is downstairs in the conservatory waiting for you.”
“Right now? He still can’t talk! He needs to have his first feed.” 
“I know, darling, I didn't expect them to send her this quickly,” he rolled his eyes as he said ‘her’, letting you know that Judith was not one of his friends on the Council. “I’ll give you a few minutes, but it’ll be better for everyone if you don’t keep her waiting.” With a sympathetic look, he closed the door behind him, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I’m so sorry, Josh, I didn’t kn-,” he turned and pressed a finger to your lips and shook his head, shushing you and letting you know that he understood. He got off the bed and collected his clothes from earlier that you had folded and placed on the couch. He threw his shirt on as he walked towards the ensuite at the far end of the room. You had already dressed while you had waited for him to wake up, so you sat at the edge of the bed and let him get ready. As he walked to the ensuite, you couldn’t help but notice that his walk was slightly different. His shoulders were straighter, his strides were quieter but more deliberate. You wondered if he himself even noticed the changes yet. From the angle of where you were sitting, you could just barely see himself checking his teeth out in the mirror again. His fangs had retreated back into his gums, and now his top row of teeth looked completely normal. 
His eyes looked at you through the mirror, catching your gaze. He smirked at you, before turning to finish getting dressed. As he exited the ensuite he locked eyes with you again and in an attempt at his new speed, he tried to race over to you. However, stopping was a completely different story, and he ended up tackling you onto the bed. 
Giggling, you reached up and traced his nose with your finger, “don’t worry, you’ll get there, Boy Scout.” You lifted your head to kiss him, and whispered against his lips, “come on, let's get this over with.” 
It wasn’t hard to find the conservatory, all you had to do was follow the classical music being played. Just like the rest of the manor, Dimitri spared no expense in this room either. It was a massive space, with a complete wall of windows that went from the floor all the way into the ceiling, creating a dome-like appearance. It was a perfect view of the stars at night, and a perfectly lethal place for a Vampire to be in after sunrise. He also had so many plants in the room it almost looked like a small forest in the room. Most of the flowering plants had closed their blooms for the night, and the evergreens sat peacefully in their pots. The main source of light in the room were the various lanterns that were strategically placed among the greenery. It created such an intimate atmosphere, especially with the light of the Waning Moon filtering in from the windows above. 
The beauty of the room stopped when you spotted the Council member sitting rather stiffly on the couch towards the middle of the room. Judith, as Dimitri called her, was a Vampire who appeared to be in her late fifties, with blonde hair that was so faded it almost looked gray at certain angles. She had it in a tight ponytail, making her sharp cheekbones the main feature of her face. Her eyes were equally gray, and they narrowed at the sight of Josh. 
“Ah, finally, there they are,” she said in mock enthusiasm. 
“Judith please,” Dimitri said with a sigh while nursing a drink in his hand.
Josh’s hand slid into yours as you made your way to the center of the room. His expression was neutral, but you knew his mind was full of thoughts and words for the snotty Vampire in front of him. 
Judith uncrossed her ankles and stood up, clipboard firmly in the crook of her arm. She gave you a look that let you know to let her look at Josh alone, and you reluctantly let go of his hand and went over to stand next to Dimitri. Her back was to you now, but you were still able to maintain eye contact with Josh.  
“Open your mouth,” she commanded flatly. She wanted to see his fangs. 
Josh looked at you briefly over her shoulder, starting to panic because he had only made his fangs come down once at this point, and was still getting the hang of it. He put his hands behind his back and wrung his wrists, trying to remember what you had told him. 
You kept eye contact with him, and motioned for him to take some deep breaths and to relax. Dimitri nodded along next to you; he wanted Josh to succeed almost as much as you did. 
Josh’s Adams apple bobbed a little before he opened his mouth. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to replicate how he had done it upstairs less than an hour ago. Judith stood there, staring at his teeth with an unimpressed look on her face. But after a few tense minutes, his fangs descended and locked in place. 
Judith made a small “hmph” sound and reached into the pocket of her skirt to fish out a measuring tape. She held the tape next to one of his fangs, and wrote down the measurement on the clipboard. She switched to the other side to get the other’s measurement, before mumbling loud enough for everyone to hear, “it's ok they’ll get longer in time.” 
Josh clamped his mouth shut and gave her a look that was so pointed, you were glad he wasn’t able to actually speak. But the way his eyes glared at her spoke volumes on their own. 
Judith ignored him while she made notes on the clipboard, scribbling away her thoughts and observations. 
“Has he fed yet,” she said without looking up.
“Umm…no, not yet-”
“Excellent. Bring in one of your humans, Dimitris,” she commanded as she finished her notes and looked back up at Josh. 
Dimitri sighed and took a long sip of his drink before motioning to one of his staff to fetch one of his human companions. He always had a steady supply of willing humans who were into being fed on. He had a knack for finding them in the haystack that was humanity. 
Josh looked at you again over Judith’s shoulder, the same panicky look from before had returned on his face. 
You mouthed, it's going to be ok, at him as the door opened and a woman in her mid twenties entered the room. 
Her eyes lit up when she saw Dimitri, “hi Dimitri…,” she gave him a flirty wave with her fingers. 
“Pleasure as always, Rebeckah,” he said with a small smile. She already knew where to go and dutifully went over to the couch and sat down, keeping her eyes on Dimitri the whole time. 
Judith motioned for Josh to join Rebeckah, and made his way over to the couch and sat down. You started to follow him before she barked, “I’d like to witness this alone, actually.” 
Something in you snapped, “the fuck you wi-”
Dimitri quickly stepped in, “what she’s trying to say is, as his Maker, I think it’s more than fair for her to be in the room for his first feed? Since he doesn’t know what he’s doing, she has a right to be here. In fact it would be the responsible thing to do, don’t you agree?”
Judith rolled her eyes, “fine, but she can’t interfere. The Council wants to see how he does on his own.” 
The Council didn’t want to see shit, you thought, they wanted him to fail. They wanted the ‘I told you so.’ 
Dimitri’s large hand landed on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze. 
“Very well,” he said in a clipped tone. 
You looked up at Dimitri, the worry written all over your face. He gave your shoulder another squeeze. 
Tentatively, Josh reached over and took Rebeckah’s wrist in his hand, figuring that would be the best place. He could feel her pulse through her arm, and it made his gums above his fangs throb. He felt is instincts trying to guide him, which was a good sign until-
“Oh not the wrist, it's your first feed after all, I know you really want the neck deep down,” she was practically taunting him at this point, and turned back to the older Vampire and used his own words against him, “don’t you agree, Dimitris?” 
Dimitri’s mouth twisted into a frown, “it is the ideal spot I suppose…”
You were practically vibrating with rage right now, and you wanted to physically rip Judith’s head off her body yourself. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. You were supposed to be right there with him, guiding him through it and making sure he didn’t take too much. 
“Don’t be shy, get closer to her,” Judith said while flicking her wrist at Josh. 
Rebeckah obliged first and scooted close to him, angling her head to expose her neck. The smell of her blood filled his nostrils, and at first he thought he was hallucinating. He knew his senses would be stronger, but actually experiencing it was completely different. 
Judith had her back to you and Dimitri once again, and you used this to your advantage as you looked at Josh over her shoulder. You feigned scratching your neck to show him where to put his hand, which he immediately copied. 
He lowered his face to her neck, the scent of her blood was almost overwhelming to him now and it was still safely in her body. Part of him was running on pure instinct, and getting impatient that he hadn’t sunk his teeth into her yet, whereas the other part of him was having an out of body experience as the reality of the situation hit him. He was really about to drink blood, as a Vampire, for the first time. However, the instinctual side of him won out and he pressed his new fangs against her neck. He could feel her pulse against his teeth, and with the same ‘fuck it’ mentality one has before a shot of tequila, he pierced her flesh and her blood began flowing into his mouth. 
Rebeckah made a small squeak, but she relaxed in his hold and a serene smile spread across her face. 
Josh breathed through his nose and took his first real pull from her, and the sudden burst of flavor nearly had his eyes rolling back. He never expected blood to taste this good, let alone have a flavor profile. He recalled the taste of blood as he remembered it from his youth, that gross metallic flavor that would fill his mouth whenever he’d lose a tooth, or that one time Jake hit him in the mouth while they were fighting and cut his lip open. But now? Now he was getting notes of…lilies? Lavender maybe? It was all so overwhelming he wasn’t sure, he just knew that it was good. He kept pulling and pulling, feeling it run out of his mouth a little and down his chin. 
You on the other hand were watching him like a hawk, and listening to Rebeckah’s heartbeat even closer. It was still steady and normal, but you knew it wouldn’t be that way for much longer. The way Josh was pulling was very deep, but he didn’t understand that yet. If you hadn’t been so stressed about your lack of involvement, you would’ve noted how absolutely gorgeous he looked while feeding. He needed to slow down, if not stop completely. You thought back to your first feed, and it didn’t end well for the human involved because you had zero guidance. Isaac had just let you do what you wanted and cleaned up the mess later. But you didn’t want that for Josh, he didn’t deserve to be traumatized right out of the gate like that. 
He didn’t want this to end, part of him wanted to keep going until he couldn’t anymore. But this low thumping noise in his head got slower, and it was then he realized he had been hearing her heartbeat the entire time. It was slowing down, and he had just enough wherewithal to know he needed to let go. But knowing and doing were two different things. 
You were starting to panic, and you looked at Josh, hoping he’d look up just long enough to make eye contact with you. Judith started scribbling notes again, and you wanted to crack that entire clipboard over her head. You thought about faking a cough, making some sort of noise, but you didn’t want her to send you out of the room for ‘interfering.’ 
Josh wrenched his eyes open, and looked up to find you. He saw your eyes were watery and filled with panic, and he understood why. From your vantage point, you mouthed the words, “you need to let go,” to him, and he wanted to listen, he really did, but it was as if his mouth and his brain weren’t working together. But, he tried anyway, and loosened his grip on Rebeckah’s neck and slowly worked at dislodging his fangs from her neck. He fought the urge that was screaming at him to keep going, to drain her dry like a juice box, but he refused to let that voice win. With more force than he would’ve liked, he pulled his teeth from her neck, and let go of her completely. 
Before he could fully relax, he saw you point at your teeth, and then patted the side of your neck with those same fingers, silently telling him to use his blood to heal the bite. Josh sprung into action, quickly and hastily biting his index finger, breaking the skin and rubbing his own blood amongst her own on her neck along the puncture wounds. Within seconds they began to close and he was able to lean back on the couch, out of breath. 
Judith paused for a second in her scribbling, and looked at her watch on her wrist and wrote down the time. She observed Rebeckah for another minute, who seemed completely fine with the situation and was only slightly miffed she had blood on her dress. 
Dimitri gestured at the staff member standing by the door, “please take Miss Rebeckah to the kitchens to get her something to eat. Have the chef make her whatever she wants.” 
Rebeckah smiled and stood up from the couch, “and what about my dress?”
“I’ll get you a new one, as always,” this made her smile as she made her way out of the room. 
Without a second glance at Josh, Judith turned back to Dimitri and sighed, “I’ll give my observations to the Council but everything seems to be fine.” She looked at Josh over her shoulder, “welcome to your new life, don’t fuck up. We know who your family is, after all.” 
Josh glared at her as she exited the room. Dimitri gave you a nod and left as well, leaving the two of you alone. 
As soon as the door shut you rushed over to Josh, your hands immediately took his, as apologies fell from your mouth, “I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t know that was going to happen, you weren’t supposed to be alone like that-”
“...sw-sweetheart…,” his voice was so faint, but it was there. He was gaining his voice back. Relief flooded through you, you didn’t realize just how much you missed his voice until he spoke again. You couldn’t take it anymore and practically lept into his lap and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. His arms instantly wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. He was so thankful to finally get his hands on you. 
After spending several minutes just lying in his arms and breathing him in, you pulled back and said, “are you ok? How do you feel?”
A dreamy smile spread across his face, “honestly? I feel fucking incredible right now.” His voice was still scratchy, but it was gradually getting stronger.
You smiled back, “yeah? You did so good earlier, I want you to know that. They were setting you up to screw up but you didn’t. It's so difficult to stop like you did the first few times, let alone the first time. I’m so proud of you, Boy Scout.”
His cheeks reddened at the praise, “Ah, I just…I just remembered what you told me about listening for the heartbeat…had to force myself off though.” 
You were beaming at him now, “I’m not saying it's going to be easy, but I just know you’re going to be so good at it in no time. Next time I’ll be right there with you, I promise. I won’t let anyone get in the way of that again.”
His hands slipped under your shirt and rubbed the skin of your back, “I know you wanted to be there, it wasn’t your fault…” 
“But I-”
“I don’t want you to beat yourself up over this, it happened, but all we can do is move forward.”
You knew he was right, but you still felt bad, “I know I just-”
“Next time we can share, yeah?”
That surprised you, and you smirked at him, “Boy Scout…” 
He glanced out the wall of windows, and noticed the dark blue sky was starting to get lighter, “I think…I think we need to go back upstairs…and shut the windows…,” the suggestion dripped from his voice.
“Race you there?”
“You better get started, sweetheart…,” his eyes bore into yours before you took off from the conservatory. The two of you were a pair of giggling blurs rushing up the stairs to the third floor. He caught up to you at the door, and lurched to a halt while pressing you up against the solid wood. You reached behind you to start twisting the doorknob as he snaked an arm around your waist. His eyes looked even darker in the dim lighting of the corridor, but his smile was sweet, a combination that only he could pull off. 
Stumbling into the room, Josh locked the door behind him before reaching down and firmly gripping your thighs and wrapping them around his waist. He carried you backwards to the bed, while you stripped your shirt off and threw it blindly to the side. Your hands instantly returned to his cheeks as he laid you on the bed. He stood up momentarily to throw off his own shirt, before crawling up the bed and getting on top of you. The rest of your clothes were quickly shed, leaving the both of you naked. 
Josh’s mouth devoured yours, sucking on your bottom lip before he slipped his tongue inside and tangled it with your own. You moaned into his mouth, the relief of him being okay and back in your arms spurring you on. He groaned and lifted off your lips slightly, running his tongue along his top teeth. He looked at you, a little annoyed at his own body as his fangs tried to descend again. 
You recognized the look, and you smiled, “don’t fight it, Josh. Let them down, I wanna see them again…” 
He closed his eyes for a few seconds and concentrated. They came down ever so slightly faster this time, but he still winced at the pain. 
Staring at him, you reached up and gently touched one with your finger, “I just can’t get over how beautiful they look on you…” 
His cheeks reddened before he started working his way down your body, kissing every bit of skin he could reach. Every so often he’d drag his fangs across your skin, causing you to arch your back. As he made his way down to your core, he deliberately skipped where you needed him most to pay attention to your thighs. 
You sat up on your elbows and made a noise in protest, which made him chuckle against your skin. One of the few downsides (at least to him) to you being a supernatural creature was that any hickey’s he made would heal within minutes, but he loved littering your skin with them anyway. The way you arched towards him, trying to get him where you needed him only made him tease you further. Every time you thought he was going to put that perfect mouth of his against your core, he’d switch to the other thigh to nip and suck at your skin. 
“If you don’t-”
Before you could finish your sentence your lover latched onto your core, flattening out his tongue and licking a stripe from your entrance to just below your clit. A frustrated noise escaped you, and his eyes met yours with the most mischievous energy behind them. Those pools of molten molasses seemed to darken even more. Tilting his head slightly and curling his lip up to show you his teeth, he drug one of his new fangs over the edges of your lips, up and up, and slowly circled your clit. He put just enough pressure for you to feel the sharp edge against your sensitive flesh, before diving in and sharply sucking your clit into his mouth. You cried out, loud enough to echo around the room, and you couldn’t give a shit if anyone in this fortress of a house could hear you. 
Two of his fingers teased your entrance before plunging in, curling upwards and giving that spot inside you all the attention they could. His pace was quick and brutal, spurred on but the grip you had in in his hair and how you were practically fucking his mouth. He grinded his own need onto the mattress, desperate for some friction of his own. 
It wasn’t long before your first orgasm of the night washed over you, making you shake beneath him while grinding on his face. His fingers worked even harder to ride it out, drawing it out as long as possible for you. But he didn’t give you a chance to fully still. Placing one final kiss to your clit, he crawled up your body to claim your mouth, letting you taste yourself all over him. 
You were far from done when you flipped him over, straddling his hips and grinding against his cock. He threw his head back and made the sexiest whining sound you had heard in a long time. He sat up and gripped your ass, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. 
“Tell me what you want…,” he whispered against your mouth while keeping you hovered just above his cock.
“Josh please-”
“Josh please, what, sweetheart?” 
“I need you, don’t be mean,” your voice was nearly an octave higher than normal, and now it was your turn to sound whiny. 
“...and what do you need?”
Your nails dug into the skin at the base of his neck, not caring if they broke skin a little now, he could handle it. 
“Your cock, Josh, I need your cock.”
His eyebrows raised in the cockiest manner, “oh? This? This cock?” Before you could answer he pulled you down onto him, plunging him deep inside as he bottomed out. His eyes rolled back at finally being inside you, and you used this distraction to tighten your pussy around him as revenge. A strangled noise left his throat, “you are…such…a little brat…” 
You smirked as you started to work yourself on his cock, relishing in every ridge and vein he had to offer you. He kept one arm around your ass, guiding you and gripping you as he leaned back on his other hand. As your pace quickened, you felt your own gums start to itch and move. You let your fangs descend, not wanting or needing to hold back anymore while with your lover. He was kissing your shoulder, and you leaned your head down to graze your teeth against the shell of his ear. 
He lifted his head, and gave you an equally toothy grin, both of you baring your fangs at each other. 
“Boy Scout…,” you started, nearly breathless, “remember earlier when I told you to wait?” He instantly caught on to what you were referring to, when he had almost bit you earlier. His Adam's apple bobbed as he nodded. “If I let you do that…can I bite you too?” 
His cock twitched inside you at the question, “please, please do…”
“Taste me, Josh, show me you know how,” you whispered. 
Another strangled sound escaped him before he lowered his head and pierced your neck with his fangs. It had been…a long time, decades even, since you had had a Vampire taste you. It was such an intimate act, most considered it almost sacred. 
Josh took a long pull off of you, and the first note that hit his tongue was a distinct cherry flavor, tart but sweet, along with a distinct undercurrent of sea salt. He could practically smell the ocean. Flashes and sounds started to flood his mind, swirling around in his mind's eye. They focused, and he saw you, as a teen in Jamestown, scrubbing the floors of the house you used to live in. A second flash, it's the Victorian era, and you’re giggling in bed with another man. You called him Colin before it dissipated. Another flash, it’s twenties and you look sad as you sipped your drink. You were surrounded by people partying, but you weren’t matching the energy. A final flash, this time it's the seventies and you look darling in your bell bottoms and feathered hair. You seemed happier then, laughing with a few girlfriends in a bar. 
The feeling of his fangs in your skin hurtled you toward your second orgasm. Before you could reach your high, you bit down on your lover's flesh. His taste…his taste was the same, but it was so much more vibrant? As if it had been turned up several notches. That orangey citrus flooded your senses, and as the vanilla showed itself to you, flashes started behind your eyes too. A small, scared, seven year old Josh scrambled to stab a rogue Vampire in the leg with a knife from under his bed. Another flash, this time Josh was older, late teens at best, getting lectured by his father about a hunting job gone wrong. The importance of his responsibility as the “oldest” was being drilled into his head. Flash number three, Josh is sitting next to his twin in front of a fire, laughing at some inside joke as he brings his beer to his lips. Who knew Jake Kiszka was capable of smiling? The final flash was him gathering some files on a table, the one on top had your name clearly on the tab. He wasn’t in his apartment, but in a room that looked like an office. 
Your vision went dark as your high overtook you, making you shake and pulse around him. His cock twitched inside you again, and a muffled groan shuddered against your skin letting you know he had reached his own high. Carefully, you each withdrew your teeth and lapped at the fresh blood on your skin as your wounds healed. 
Josh kissed you softly, mixing your blood with his, enjoying the taste. He opened his eyes and smiled at you, feeling more content and happy than he had in days. The stress from the past week had completely evaporated, and in this moment, all he saw, all he cared about, was you. 
His Vampire. 
The adoration for him was written all over your face, and you silently noted the blood smeared all over him. You looked over your shoulder at the ensuite, and could see the edge of a clawfoot tub from the doorway. 
“Lets get cleaned up, Boy Scout…”
His grin widened and he looked over your shoulder, seeing what you were looking at. He also saw the first light of the day start to filter in through the windows. Thankfully the bed was positioned in a way that didn’t put it anywhere near them, but in order to get the ensuite they’d have to cross them. Carefully he kept you in place as he reached for the remote on the nightstand. 
He punched the buttons, and the shades came down. His hand squeezed the flesh of your ass, “only the moon gets a free show, sweetheart…” 
You gave him a quick kiss before crawling off of him and leading him into the bathroom. Soon, the both of you were situated in the hot water, enjoying the extra wide clawfoot tub. 
Josh tried to take the lead in cleaning  up, but you stopped him and took it upon yourself to clean the blood off of his skin. He relaxed into the water as you swept the rag over his skin. Meticulously you cleaned any dry blood out of his beard and mustache, kissing him as you went. It had been a long time since someone had properly taken care of him afterwards. 
It was clear to you that the new-Vampire exhaustion was creeping up on your lover, and you worked a little faster to get him cleaned up so the two of you could return to bed. He would probably have another long sleep again, but not nearly as long as that first one. The process of becoming a Vampire was complete, but it still took time for the body to adjust.
Soon you were back in bed with him, the covers pulled over your exhausted bodies as you wrapped yourselves around each other. His ear was on your chest, and you were softly grazing your nails against his scalp. His eyes were closed, and sleep was well on its way. 
He pressed a soft kiss against your skin before mumbling, “...love you…” 
You stared at him as he completely stilled in your arms, eyes welling up, 
“Love you too, Boy Scout,” but you weren’t sure he heard it. 
To be continued…
Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden  , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne , @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet ,
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sothisblessmysoul · 1 year
Can I ask for a bouquet of flowers for the blue lions? That sounds so adorable. 🥰
(I never knew if you wanted all of them or selected few so I did all of them)
༓ʚ A Flower's Meaning ɞ༓
Summary: The Blue Lions react to you catching a bouquet at a friend’s wedding
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༓Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd He watched you catch it without blinking or flinching, mainly just confused as the realization slowly took over your face as you finally met Dimitri’s gaze. There was something about how the flowers looked in your hands and the look that you gave him that made Dimitri feel so flustered. So pretty, is his single thought as Dimitri’s made his way to you, feet on autopilot.
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༓Dedue Molinaro Dedue’s eyes were completely on you, holding the colorful flowers that all mean a term of love in language as everyone else is looking between you and him. He doesn’t flare up in a blush or appear startled but you can see Dedue is feeling embarrassedly flustered by the awkward stiffness of his movement as the tall man makes his way to you.
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༓Felix Hugo Fraldarius Felix does not want to be here with unimportant people, if anything he wants to be comfortably at home with you. But he will admit that the other wedding is pretty. Felix wonders if you’ve ever thought about marriage, but any further thought of the subject changes when you catch the flowers that nearly smacked you in the face. The image of what you would look like holding yours flashed quickly in his thoughts as for once Felix quietly watched you.
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༓Ashe Ubert A blush marked his freckled face with a happy smile but a shy expression at the teasing that Ashe knows his friends and siblings will give him as you walked over to him. Subconsciously Ashe reached out his hand for you to take, gently pulling you closer to his side as Ashe studied the flowers. The bouquet was pretty but it wasn’t your favorite, he thought to himself. The following thought is how beautiful you would look, holding your favorite flowers while neither Ashe nor you let go of each other’s hands because it felt like two missing puzzle pieces found a place to fit perfectly together.
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༓Sylvain Jose Gautier Immediately starts to sweat nervously as the flowers are perfectly in your hand while his hand subconsciously touches his pocket where the ring is that he’s planning to ask your hand for later. He had been carrying it, not having a day or place in mind until right now. This is a sign, he thinks as you lock eyes with him and smile which he returns.
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༓Mercedes von Martritz She was standing right beside you when you had caught the flowers, she leaned over to sniffle the flowers with a smile growing on her face as she looked up at you, pulling away from you but not before kissing your cheek. She giggled quietly at your reaction to the flowers and the kisses. She is going to tease you but this will bring up the thought of marriage and the future with her.
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༓Annette Fantine Dominic Instantly a crimson blush blooms on her face as endless giggles of excited bundles of nerves, reaching how to touch one of the flowers’ petals. Annette went quiet, wondering what flowers she would pick for her wedding, she subconsciously looked at you. She isn’t going to say anything immediately today or tomorrow but there will be hints of marriage, hoping that you’ll catch on and talk about it with her.
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༓Ingrid Brandl Galatea She never really thought deeply about marriage, it was just something that her father wanted for her. But when Ingrid saw your reaction to catching the bouquet to look for her and finally smiling when you found Ingrid, she wondered for a fleeting thought if you would smile like that at the altar. She can’t explain why it made her face blush although Ingrid didn’t hate that idea at all because without question she knows that Ingrid would say yes if you asked her.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Epilogue
I want to thank everyone for the lovely support. I saw a couple questions about the other characters in the comment section of the last one and wanted to clear up a couple of things. Crystal=Argyle (he picked the name because he thought it sounded cool), Onyx=Dimitri (like @n0-1-important guessed in part 11). Diamond and his family were all OCs more on them here. Michelle (the whiny chick in the art class) is the only other OC. I tried as much as possible to include characters from the show when I could.
And to answer @ goodolefashionedloverboi‘s question: Jonathan and Nancy are in couple’s therapy and are doing better.
And then one final thing to explain (the curses of doing a WIP and posting it one at a time not every thread I put down got picked up again, oops!) is the garnet rings. I love gem stones and geology. It fascinates me so much so that I took it as an elective in high school. When I was researching a fic (don’t remember which one now) I was looking at Eddie’s rings. And a lot of people were making replicas with hard stones like hematite, onyx, or something that didn’t have cuts or facets. But Eddie’s ring sparkles. It’s clearly a gemstone. So I went looking up grey or black gemstones. I found a couple it could be but they weren’t discovered until the 90s (and while the ACTUAL stone the prop maker used could be that, I COULDN’T call it that). And then I found a grey garnet. It was a perfect match. It sparkles the way his does, the different shades it gets from the show, spot on. Hence the garnet.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17
Two years later:
Variety Interview with Corroded Coffin
Max Mayfield: Hello, can you guys introduce yourselves for the people that have been hiding under a rock for the last two years?
They all laugh.
Jeff: I’m Jeff Lawrence, I’m rhythm guitar.
Gareth: I’m Gareth Hughes, I’m on drums.
Brian: I’m Brian Martin, I’m the bass guitarist.
Eddie: And I’m Eddie Munson, frontman, lead guitar, lead vocalist, and songwriter.
MM: That’s a lot of titles for one person.
JL: That’s because he’s the most dramatic out of all of us. He has to have allll the titles. Can’t share with the rest of us.
EM: Hey!
They all laugh again.
BM: Hey, you know it’s true.
EM: Yeah...but you’re giving away all my secrets right off the bat. Can’t you save some for later in the interview.
The other three look at each other.
JL, BM, GH: No.
Eddie throws his arms in the air.
EM: I’m telling Steve!
The other three look mock frightened for all of three seconds before they start laughing at him.
JL: You know Steve would agree with us.
Eddie pouts
MM: Can you tell us who Steve is?
Eddie fiddles with the singular ring on his right hand, looking down, bashfully. It one that I haven’t seen. Everyone is familiar with the the three chunky rings on his left hand. But this one is on his ring finger. The grey stone flashes as he plays with it.  
EM: He’s the love of my life and my muse.
JL: He’s an art teacher back home.
BM: He’s our Eddie wrangler.
GH: He’s our band mascot.
I laugh.
MM: He sounds pretty special. How did you guys meet?
JL: We all went to high school together, actually.
MM: Oh, so were you high school sweethearts, then?
Eddie laughs.
GH: Yeah, no. He laughs.
BM: Let’s just say they started off on the wrong foot.
JL: The wrong everything, let’s be honest.
EM: Not my proudest moment. I was doing a favor for a family friend being a live model for an art class about five years later and assumed the worst about him.
MM: You mean there are actual art of you naked out there?
Eddie blushes.
EM: Several pieces in fact. But my favorite is Stevie’s. It’s still hanging up in our house in my studio.
GH: I’ve seen it. It’s not gross or anything.
JL: It won best in show at the art gala it was featured in.
BM: I think he’s totally wasted as an art teacher. He could be making more than we do selling his art work. But he loves working with kids.
MM: Sounds like the perfect guy.
EM: scoffs I love Steve, but he can be the most basic bitch. And he tends to be overprotective too.
GH: But we are here to talk about the new album.
MM: Fair enough. So tell me about working on Silent Killer. This is your second album, is that correct?
JL: Yeah, our self titled debut album just went double platinum. We knew going in it was going to be a tough act to follow.
GH: When we went platinum the first time, our manager Murray Bauman sent black flowers to all the record labels that passed on us.
EM: It was very suitably bitchy. It’s why he’s our manager.
MM: Certainly sounds like it. Do you guys deviate from your first album’s style in this one?
They look at each other and Eddie shrugs
EM: I mean, not really. It’s a more somber album to be sure. There was a song that we wanted to include on Corroded Coffin but decided it didn’t fit with the overall theme of the album that made its way on this one.
MM: Which song is that?
BM: Thorns and Thistles. It’s the song that got us our agent in the first place.
JL: Yeah. Murray was mad when the record label didn’t want to use it this time round. He fought tooth and nail to get on the album.
EM: Have you heard it yet?
I nod.
MM: Yeah. It’s beautifully heartbreaking. You say your label didn’t want to use it?
BM: They thought it was too sad.
JL: So to prove them wrong we sent it out as our first single, before we even started really working on the album.
MM: It had already gone gold before you announced the new record. That must have really got stuck in their craw.
EM: We’ve been laughing all the way to the bank.
MM: You guys won a Grammy for Song of the Year for The Jester and the King and Best New Artist. How was that for you?
BM: God I don’t know which of us bawled more on that stage. But it was everything we hoped for.
JL: Winning Song of the Year was a life changer. But no one thought we were going to win Best New Artist.
MM: No?
Eddie shakes his head.
EM: It rarely goes to a rock artist, especially a metal one. Everyone thought it would go to the kid...what’s his name...? He snaps his fingers.
JL: JJ Jenner.
EM: That’s the one. Fifteen year old kid with the pipes of an angel. Everyone, including us thought it would be him.
MM: Oh, I remember now, they put the kid’s reaction to losing on the jumbotron or whatever they call their big screen.
GH: I almost felt sorry for him.
Eddie grins.
EM: Almost.
MM: When you do red carpet events, Eddie, you bring your two lesbian friends with you, while the rest of the band brings their partners. Is there a reason you don’t bring yours? Especially since I learned your partner’s name is Steve.
All the members of the band shift uncomfortably in their seats, stealing glances at each as they silently decide who is going to answer the question.
MM: Oh. I feel like I stepped on a sensitive topic. I didn’t mean to.
Gareth clears his throat.
GH: Steve’s privacy is very important to us. There are times he would like to go to these things with Eddie...
JL: But he still gets attacks and can’t. He looks down at his hands. So he goes with the girls dress shopping and helps pick out their outfits for the night.
Eddie looks like he’s going to tear up.
EM: We’re working on it. He knew going to our relationship that this might become an issue but I always do what I can to make it up to him the moment I get home.
They all look somber, so I decide to change the direction of the interview.
MM: What’s next for the Corroded Coffin boys?
They brighten up almost immediately.
BM: Touring. We’ve got an American tour this spring and then a European tour this summer.
MM: Is there a reason you decided to wait on the European tour until summer?
Eddie blushes and the rest of the band nudge him playfully.
EM: It’s so Steve can come with us. He can’t leave during the school year, but he likes touring with us when it’s out for summer break.
MM: Ah ha.
The conversation turns to non-band related things again and I watch how close they are. It’s great to see a band that are still friends after years of playing together. Even though they’ve only been big for two years, they have been playing for twelve.
Let’s hope that they stay that way for the next twenty.
-Max Mayfield
The Final Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1 @scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity @maya-custodios-dionach @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @heaven428 @thedragonsaunt @ceaselessly-watching @imfinereallyy @messrs-weasley @sharingisntkaren @nohomoyesbi
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
To Call You Mine
Chapter 1
Summary: Natasha has wanted Y/n as her Alpha for years, and Y/n has wanted Nat as her Omega for just as long. So why aren't they mated? Bruce. His jealousy and obsessiveness for Natasha lead him to forcibly claim her and force her to bear his pup, thinking Nat chose him instead Y/n backs off but never loses her love for the Russian.  Natasha now fears Y/n could never want her, especially now that she's had Bruce's pup and even if she did Bruce would never let her go, so she has little hope. Frustrated by watching her best friend live with an abusive Alpha she hates instead of the Alpha she loves, Wanda will do anything to make sure Natasha gets her happy ending with Y/n, the Alpha she desires. 
Authors note: this is an Omegaverse(a/b/o) fic, meaning Reader has a penis. 
Warnings: domestic violence, mentions of sa. 
Word count: 1735         
Nat Masterlist    Marvel Masterlist    TCYM Masterlist
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Natasha smiles as her young pup babbles as he attempts to stand on wobbly legs. He soon falls right back over, softly landing on his butt in the grass before he looks back up at his mother. From beside her, she can hear Wanda chuckle.
  “He’s getting there” she says, smiling
   Nat nods, “Yeah. He's pretty determined. He should be walking soon”
   Suddenly a familiar scent hits her and her gaze shifts to you. She smiles, content to be in your presence and her eyes take in your form. Your muscles look a bit more defined since she’s seen you last and she finds herself longing to feel your arms wrapped around her.
   “You're staring at her again” Wanda tells her, her tone teasing
   A blush covers the Russians cheeks before her expression turns to one of sadness, “Stop. You know I can’t. I…I have Bruce.”
   “You mean Bruce has you.” Wanda sighs, looking at her friend sadly, “We both know he isn’t the Alpha you wanted to be bonded with. We both know how he claimed you against your will and forced you to carry his pup. We both know you want her.”
   A small and soft whine leaves the redhead, “But I can’t have her. She doesn’t want me. And Bruce would never allow me to leave.”
   “You don’t know she doesn't want you Nat”
   “I do” she replies, “No one would want an Omega who's already had another Alphas pup. Besides, If she wanted me, wouldn’t she have tried to claim me?”
   “That's just not true Nat. Especially for her, Y/n would love Dimitri like her own.” she sighs, “Honey, she flirted with you all the time. I saw the way she looked at you, still, looks at you. She wanted to claim you, but then when Bruce did what he did….I think she thought you wanted that. Wanted him.”
   “It doesn’t matter. He would never let me leave him.” she sighs
   A silence settles over them after that, and they watch as you talk with Sharon over near the park's pond. A tightness forms in Natashas chest as she watches the other Omega put her hand on your arm as you both laugh. Suddenly though your gaze moves over to the two Omegas sitting near the oak tree and a smile spreads across your face. You excuse yourself from the blonde and make your way over to them, greeting the young pup first.
   “Look at you little man!” you excitedly exclaim, getting him to smile, “You’ll be walking in no time, then you’ll really be a menace to your mom.”
  Natasha smiles as you lift Dimitri up and spin him around, and for a brief moment she allows herself to pretend that you were hers, playing with the pup the two of you had. She imagines what her life would be like with you. Calm and peaceful. Filled with care, safety and love. Everything she doesn't currently have, but desperately wants. She's brought out of her thoughts when you greet her.
   “Hey Natasha” you say with a smile that makes her heart yearn for you even more, “Hey Wanda.”
   “Hey Y/n. How are you?” Wanda asks, knowing her best friend needs a moment to find her voice
   “I’m good. Just enjoying today's nice weather.” you reply, “You guys?”
   “I’m great. Vis just got a promotion so we’re confident we’re in a good spot to try for pups now.” Wanda answers with a large smile
   Your smile matches hers, “Wanda, that's wonderful! What about you Nat?”
   “I’m…” she trails off briefly, contemplating being completely honest with you, but decides against it. “I’m alright. Excited to see Dimitri walk soon. I’m sure it would please Bruce as well.”
   Your smile fades slightly, like you don’t fully believe her, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure”
   The pup in your embrace whines suddenly, extending his little hands towards his mother. You get the idea and swiftly hand him to her. She readily takes him, holding him on her lap as she hands him a small toy. She places a quick kiss to his chubby little cheek, admiring the way that a bit of your scent lingers on him. 
   “So you ran into Sharon hm?” Wanda asks in an attempt to both get you to stay and also see if you were looking for a mate
   “Oh, yeah.” you reply, sitting down with them, “Yeah. She uh, well, she asked me to dinner.”
   Natasha can feel her insides twist at this. This wasn’t how things were supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to be Bruces’ and bear his pup. Sharon wasn’t meant to be your Omega, she was. It’s what she's wanted since highschool. But Bruce ruined that and not only did she have to endure everything he threw at her, she now had to watch as you took another Omega as your own.
   “Oh” Wanda replies, feeling the pain radiating off of her best friend, “When?”
   “Next Tuesday. It was the only day the restaurant could fit us in.” you explain, but you can't help the sinking feeling in your chest. Sure Sharon was nice and beautiful, but she wasn’t the true Omega you longed for. But she was claimed, so you’d have to move on. Afterall it had been a year and a half. You can’t mope around and mourn lost love forever.
   Natasha wants to cry. She wants to ask, no, to beg you not to go. She wants to tell you how much she loves you, how she wants to be yours and have a life with you. Explain how she never wanted this life with Bruce, how she would never choose an Alpha, especially an Alpha like him, over you.
   Wanda watches her friend, and for a moment she thinks she may finally tell you everything. But then his voice can be heard, causing both Omegas to tense up.
   “Natasha!” he yells, unnecessarily, “Tashchi syuda svoyu bespoleznuyu zadnitsu. V nastoyashcheye vremya!(Bring your worthless ass over here! Now!)”
   Tears build in her eyes as her bottom lip trembles slightly, “I have to go. Thanks for spending the day with me Wans. Y/n- ”
   “Omega!” he shouts again, causing her to jump slightly as she stands, “YA ne budu govorit' vam snova. Privedi syuda moyego syna seychas zhe, ili ty pozhaleyesh' ob etom.(I will not tell you again. Bring my son over here now or you will regret it!)”
  “It was good to see you.” she says before making her over to where the Alpha stands by the sidewalk with his car
   You hadn't missed how his tone had upset Natasha and angered Wanda. You knew a few words in Russian thanks to Yelena, but you were far from fluent. You knew Wanda was though. You knew she had understood every single word.
   “What did he say?” you ask, curiosity getting the best of you
   Wanda's eyes widened, she hadn’t anticipated you to ask. You never had before. But his attitude and their reactions today must have changed that. She debates with herself. Does she tell you the truth, tell you everything Bruce does to Natasha, tell you how the Omega feels about you?
   “Wanda.” your voice calls her back to the situation at hand
   “He called her worthless.” she answers before she can stop herself, “He said if she didn’t take Dimitri over there then now, he’d make her regret it.”
   Your stomach drops and your jaw tenses, “Does he hurt her?”
   Her eyes drop, focusing on the grass near her feet instead of your face. She wants to tell you that yes, he does. He yells at her, hits her, chokes her, had forcibly claimed her. But at the same time she doesn’t want to make Natasha uncomfortable by telling you such things. Yet again, you wouldn’t judge the Russian, hell you’d probably help her. Afterall she could tell how badly you wanted her best friend still and she knows Nat feels the same for you. She hopes she doesn’t regret this.
   “Yes. He hurts her.”
   You growl, “How long? Did it start when she claimed him, or after Dimitri was born?”
   “Y/n, Natasha never claimed Bruce.”
   “What are you talking about? He's her Alpha.” you retort, confusion evident on your face
   She shakes her head, “He’s not. She never wanted him, but he didn’t care. He wanted her, so he…” she doesn’t finish the sentence. She just can’t bring herself to say it out loud. But you don’t need her to. You understand.
    You growl again. Your stomach lurches and your heart clenches. How had you been so oblivious? Guilt naws at you for not noticing her discomfort with the Alpha, but looking back on it now you realize you had seen the subtle clues. The way she would flinch at times, how she took every opportunity to leave her house. How depressed she had been when she first found out she was with pup, how you always saw Bruce initiate any pda. How she didn’t like loud sounds, how Bruce almost always had a grip on her out in public.How you've been seeing less and less of her lately. At the time you hadn’t looked at those things as deeply as you should have because you were convinced he was the Alpha she wanted. You were convinced she was happy. 
  You feel even more guilt then. If you hadn't waited so long and simply offered yourself to her all those years ago then maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe she actually would have let you claim her, then she wouldn’t be suffering with an asshole for an Alpha and the two of you would be happy together as mates. 
   You stand abruptly, feeling like you've failed the Omega you loved. You find yourself wanting to be alone as you think of what you can do to help her, “Thank you for telling me Wanda. I’ll…I’ll figure something out. But right now I have to go.”
   She watches you leave, a sadness in her as she knows the swirl of emotions she's just made you feel. It wasn’t her intention but Natasha needs out of there and away from Bruce, and you deserved to know what was going on. Still she knows it will take time for you to digest all this information. Once it settles she hopes she can convince Natasha to run to you and never look back.
Taglist:  @wandaromamoff69  @mmmmokdok  @nataliasknife  @eonrioromanova @natashasilverfox  @when-wolves-howl  @wandanatvoid  @naomi-m3ndez  @sayah13  @likefirenrain  @nighttime-dreaming  @readings-stuff  @chaoticevilbakugo  @crystalstark02  @wackymcstupid
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silversdragonemporium · 2 months
Hopes Felix mumbling about a disgusting boar being a supreme annoyance to the staff and it’s just the king of Faerghus giggling, blushing and kicking his feet while talking to a fish eyed mercenary.
Hopes Sylvain, watching other nobles raging about Dimitri paying attention to a commoner: Please Sothis let this happen because it would be so fucking funny.
Rest easy, Sylvain. Sothis has the best sense of humor and will make it happen.
I can see how the camp gossips might escalate rumors based on the smallest of things. The king smiling at Byleth on the queue at the mess hall? Forbidden relationship! Byleth knocking him on his butt during training? Lover's spat! Byleth cleaning a bloody overcoat by the river? Disposal of the evidence of their forbidden love affair! Felix complaining about Dimitri being a disgusting boar? Dimitri must have asked his shield to help him formalize his concubinage to Byleth!
I mean. They're not wrong, but they were ahead of their times.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
dancing the night away
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pairing: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x gn!reader
summary: dimitri asks you for a dance on the night of the ball...
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all eyes were on you, as the prince of the holy kingdom of faerghus grabbed your hand and led you onto the dancefloor. a mere commoner like you, getting to dance with the future king. you would be staring in disbelief as well, if it hadn't been your hand that dimitri had grabbed. 
and now he was placing one hand on your waist, his other hand gently holding yours, as he started dancing with you. there was a small blush on his face and he could only sneak glances at you, before he got too flustered and had to look away again. 
you could barely hear the music that was playing as the two of you danced. your heart was beating way too loud for you to focus on anything else. you could only watch as dimitri's lips moved, unable to hear what he was telling you. 
"what did you say…?" 
your question caused the poor prince to blush even more and you worried you had overheard something very important. 
dimitri slowly closed the gap between the two of you, your body pressed against his, his hand wandering to your waist and holding you close to him, as he leaned in and whispered into your ear:
"i said, you look beautiful tonight~"
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