#bnha momo x reader
zbops · 2 years
Usually I'm all over the end of Summer. Not this time, friends 🥺 Kitten's collab couldn't have come at a more perfect time 😂
This is very self indulgent and so personal 🥰
Word count: 1,890ish before last minute edits lol
How Do We Win?
Momo x GN!Reader, college dropout to returning student!Reader
Warnings: comfort, anxiety, flowery language maybe lol
Finally, out of the car and into the woods, you run your hand across the bark of a nearby tree. You’re taking the beaten trail, trodden down by countless strangers' boots over years and years of wandering up and across the large mountain you considered your second home. The humidity has already begun to bead against your neck, even with the sun still barely peeking over the horizon, but you don’t wipe it away yet. You let it settle, warm you. A brief, soft breeze chills the standing water particles, making you shudder. You wipe the water away with a stained, but still pretty, embroidered handkerchief.
“Darling,” a voice calls.
Looking ahead, on the trail stands a dark haired angel, her khaki shorts rolled up and held in place on her thick thighs with cute fabric bows, her red tank tight and tucked into her shorts. Her skin has gotten tan over the course of the summer, not only from your frequent hiking, but from her job as well. She’s smiling at you, one hand leaving the strap of her blue hiking bag to motion for you, like a spirit of the mountain beckoning a saint on their journey.
You smile back at her, stuffing the handkerchief into your back pocket of your own hiking shorts, jogging up the slight incline to join her. Her hand slips into yours easily and feather-light, like the breeze itself. Her skin warms your palm and you forget for the moment about that light chill nipping at your heels.
Sunlight filters through the treetops as the two of you walk, your hands only leaving each other's skin when absolutely necessary. Fingers slip into belt loops through the small spaces between trees, hands bracing low hanging branches and pressing gently into the small of the back, chins resting on shoulders in small breaks to catch the breath that the mountain has stolen away.
Breaking away from the heavy forested area, the mountains open up for you. Smatterings of trees and wild grass and flowers. The sky is deeply blue, sporting many, many fluffy white clouds.
Before you could spot the gray nimbus cloud crawling over the very tips of the far mountain top, you swung around to find your partner sitting on a fallen log taking a long drink of water.
“Momo, are you tiring out on me?” You chuckle at the smile she tries to hold back as she swallows a, very ladylike, mouthful of water. “You, the woman that runs across the city and fights evil the likes of which the world could never know, are getting tired halfway up the mountain?” You nudge her legs open, which she willingly parts for you.
She wipes away a drop of water with her thumb, lowering her heavy red bottle to sit on the log beside her. “Running and fighting aren’t the same as trekking up a mountain, my love.” She smiles. She wipes the stray droplet on her bare thigh before taking your hips in her hands. “I’m not built for these endurance climbs.” Her little laugh and uptick of her brows makes you laugh.
Momo was right, she wasn’t built for a life of upward climbs, having been born at the top of the mountain already.
The clouds shifted behind you as you roped your arms around her neck, sunlight baring harder on your back, darkening the shadows that you bathed Momo in. The clouds shifted again, quieting the sun’s rays. There was a cool that washed at your calves, as if the coastline were rising around you.
“Do you want to keep going?” You asked, playing with her thick black hair that danced in the breeze. “We can stop here again, have our snacks, take the long way down through the trees?”
Even in the shade, her dark eyes glittered like stars. She gave your hips a little shake in her excitement. “No, I’ll make it up there this time.” Her smile turned confident, radiant, a challenge made that must be won.
The two of you share a kiss as the sun makes itself known again. She tastes like heat and cool water and mint.
Taking one last long drink of water, the two of you keep up the hike, early morning turning to midday, though the sun doesn’t shine as much as it had earlier. The higher you two got, the more you saw, the cooler it became. Such is the way of mountaineering, you thought. Watching your step and Momo’s, warning of any gouges in the lush terrain, your eyes only seeing what could possibly cause a stumble for your city-going partner. Greenery transitioned to gravel, to stone. You lead the way still, holding Momo’s hand tightly, instructing her on balance and breathing, reassuring smiles keeping her moving, keeping her eyes alight.
A plateau jutted out from the mountain before it became pure hand over foot scaling.
This was your finish line.
You helped Momo to the edge of the plateau, holding her hand as she sat, though she, in her line of work, didn’t need the assistance. She began to remove snacks from her bag when you noticed the view.
The dark cloud had begun to cover the near distance, trees at the foot of the mountains were already changing colors, and a nagging reminder made your arms tremble just as another cool wind, stronger now at this height, pressed against your stomach washing upward.
Momo heard you sigh over the gust, a bluster of wind you didn’t even know you produced, turning to watch you stand above her looking out at the horizon. She looks out as well, noticing the dark rain clouds headed your way. “It’s okay, I can make us some raincoats and umbrellas. I’m sure I can make some covers for our shoes too, if it starts to get muddy.”
“It wasn’t supposed to rain today,”
Momo raises her hand for you to take, but you don’t. You don’t even see it in your peripheral vision. She notices the grief pool in your eyes and hooks a couple fingers in your pocket instead, tugging you lightly. “It’s going to be okay. We had a lovely hike, we still have time to eat - Sit with me, love.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting yourself sit beside Momo, frustrated and sad at the bitter cold reminder you were being given. The dark haired woman takes your hand in hers, kissing the knuckles. You lean your head on her shoulder. She tries to feed you one of her snacks, but you’ve lost your appetite. In the distance, you watch the rain start, a sheet of blurry water making all of the vibrancy of the green and red trees turn dull and masked.
Momo chews on some nuts and dried berries. She sits in your silence for a moment before placing her hand on your thigh. It was warm against the icy feeling that had settled there.
“Your classes will be starting soon, won't they?”
“Momo, please,” You whine, on the verge of a sob at the suggestion.
Momo is silent for a moment, not knowing how to comfort you without enabling the bad feelings you were already feeling. She had said before that you didn’t have to go back to college, she’d made it known early on in your relationship that she had no qualms paying for things, but you made it very clear that this was what you wanted. She knew she needed to be supportive of this choice, and so did you.
“You’ll be packing up soon to leave, right?” She tried to rub the cold from your thigh and you wrapped your arms around hers, holding the warm appendage close to your chest.
“This is a bad idea. I’ll be starting all over, Momo.”
“No, it’s a wonderful idea. You’re going somewhere that specializes in the future you want. That’s wonderful.”
“It’s expensive.”
“I can pay for it,”
“No.” You say, jutting up to look at her. “It’s not right to lean on you for everything, I don’t want that to be our relationship,” You hold your face in your hands. “And I know I couldn’t pay you back for something like that, it’s too much.”
Momo leans in close to your face, her hand softly holding your wrist, hoping you’ll uncover your face. “You don’t have to pay me back at all, you know that I-”
“I know.” You run your hands across your face and down your neck to massage it, brushing off her hand unconsciously. “But it’ll feel like I do. I’ll feel so guilty, Momo.”
Her hands take their place back on your thigh. “Then you’ll get a job. You can pay for everything you need.”
“If I can find a job. Things are hard right now. So many places are hiring, but none seem to actually hire. What if I can’t find a job before my savings run out? I still have to buy books, I have bills,” You wipe a tear from your eye and sniffle.
Momo looks from you, to the clouds, and back. “I can-”
She sighs. “What about your parents then? Or your friends? I’m sure they would help you, they adore you. And it’d be less money so you shouldn’t feel burdened.”
“You know my parents aren’t well off. With all of the repairs they’ve needed to make this summer. . . They’d help, but it’d put them in a bad spot, same with my friends. I can’t do that to them.”
Momo’s eyes run back and forth as she tries to think of something else to say, to reason away the fear you’re feeling, fix it for you, but knows it wouldn’t help. That isn’t what you need right now. So she scoots closer to you, glancing out at the clouds, wraps an arm around your shoulders. Her other arm hovers over her thigh, sparkling light emitting from her skin. She produces a large umbrella and holds it over the both of you moments before the rain hits. Your breath comes choppily in and out of your lungs as you hold back a sob, leaning into Momo’s neck and shoulder.
She forces the hilt of the umbrella into the earth just behind her so she can use that arm to pull your legs over hers to hold you tighter.
“I’m scared to start over, Momo. It was hard enough the first time around when I had no idea what I was doing. Now, it feels like torture.”
“I know,” She says softly, her cheek pressed into the crown of your head, her body heat fighting the chill of the impending Fall. She wished she could make life easier for you, remove the burden from your shoulders, and maybe she can within reason, but she knows that this is something that you must tackle yourself, perhaps the two of you can make a plan together later. Of one thing, though, she was certain: “I’m here for you, my love. I’ll always be here, no matter the season.” You wipe more tears from your eyes. “I’m a hero, remember? Call for me, and I’ll be there.” She kisses your forehead, lingering there, pouring every ounce of warm love over you that she can in the pouring rain. “I’m so proud of you, angel.”
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star1ight0 · 2 months
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader "Warm Hands". Period comfort!
I died today exams are coming up and my body decided that I must suffer, endometriosis is no joke. PERIOD COMFORT.
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Katsuki was never one for comfort, partly because he never really got it himself so giving it was like standing in cold water. The first time you and Katsuki were together during your period you kept to yourself not wanting to bother him with your mood swings.
He quickly caught on blowing it off as you having an off week. The second time around he was a little more observant noticing how you got more upset over simple work and how you seemed to always have a stomach ache in class.
One Ill fated day you ran out of pads quickly running to Momo giving her a knowing look, she handed you her bag as you ran off. That was only the start of your shitty day. The pills you took to kill your cramps had worn off so now you're suffering in class. Things took a turn for the worse after lunch when whatever the cafeteria food seemed to kill your stomach.
Back in class holding your stomach you left for the bathroom holding your stomach as your lunch betrayed you. After a few minutes of suffering on the bathroom floor, apparently Aizawa felt the need to send Momo to check on you. She helped you up and to recovery girl, not that she could do much but let you rest.
After class Katsuki made his way to the nurses office, seeing you curled in a ball with a bottle of pain killers next to you "The hell happened to you?" He spoke in a rather mean tone but you could still feel the sincerity of his words "Cramps" you said sitting up wrapping your hands around his waist. After a few minutes you grab his hand and get up.
He walks you back to your dorm letting you lean most of your body weight on him most the walk there. Not having any food in your system you felt your body weaken using what little energy you had to lay down. Katsuki watches you curl in a ball a soft yet concerning look still ligers. "I'll make you some soup. Don't die while I'm gone" he says gruffly placing a kiss on your head
When he returns he has a tray with soup, some warm tea and chocolate? You look up at him a bit confused "Why the chocolate?" You say still slightly dazed. "Im not a complete moron.. plus I ran into Momo and she told me" he says the second half is almost incoherent.
You look up at him with a smile holding his rather warm hands to your cold ones. The blissful moment is rudely interrupted by the feeling of a cramp in your lower stomach. Clenching your stomach holding back the tears that had been compiled caused by the many cramps and stress of the day.
A slight groan manages to escape your lips as you feel the side if you bed sink in next to you. Not saying anything you feel your boyfriend pull you towards him. "Where does it hurt" he says avoiding your slightly confused gaze you place his hands on your lower stomach leaning into his touch.
One main up side of Katsuki's quirk was his body radiated more heat then the average person, more so in his hands. "Thank you" you say slowly dozing off.
When you awake you feel your boyfriend's hands still wrapped around you. You walk to the bathroom taking care of yourself. When you come back Katsuki is still asleep so you crawl back on the bed laying in his lap.
The day continues with one similar to the one before.
Sorry this one was a little weird and shorter than I wanted. I'm tired, sick and sleepy but wanted to write this.
Requests are open!
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Reader: not mentioned.
characters: all characters i write for (besides kota and eri)
type: can be read as both platonic and romantic
sumarry: how i think the mha characters would text.
warnings: possible swearing, denki being denki.
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👾Mina Ashido👾
she abuses her emoji privledges. like nobody will ever receive a message from her that doesn't have an emoji. lots of all caps.
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👓Tenya Iida👓
oh you were texting him? bitch writes as if he's writing a formal email. your ass is lucky that he doesn't start that shit off with "I hope this message finds you well.". not even kidding will proof read every message he sends at least twice.
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♾️Ochaco Uraraka♾️
will end every message that isnt on a serious topic with :D. its so sweet tbh.
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
this man uses so many abbreviations that even if you think you use a lot just know you're learning a new one everyday. not even kidding makes up his own shit. once sent mina "lmkiydthesicci" and nobody could figure out wtf he meant. lowkey flirting with every mssg he sends. every single person in the class, girl or not has received a message from him that just says "hey bbg ;)". he received a very long lecture from iida and a very confused reply from todoroki. todoroki didn't actually know wtf bbg meant. thought he misspelled bbq at first.
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unironically sends messages that just say "rawr". uses the :} face a lot bc he thinks it looks like his unbreakable.
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
i feel like he has such a low screentime that if anyone needs to text him he's only available for like an hour a day. accidentally leaves ppl on read. messages seem very bland usually.
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
another bland person but tbh hes the worst out of them all. like he can look at a whole paragraph asking him if he wants to go to the movies with the rest of the class and all he will reply with is just "ok." uses periods at the end of every message but I swear he's not mad.
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💥 Bakugo💥
if he receives any messages past 8pm the "reply" will be you getting left on delivered even if he's still up, or a message just saying "shut the fuck up and go to bed.". also bland but he's more of a "k" bland rather than a "ok." bland.
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
he will not even kidding receive a message that just says "hi" and will send a whole paragraph that is basically just a lengthened "hi! how are you?". uses the smiley emoji a lot.
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💫Momo Yaoyorozu💫
lots of ! at the end of messages, you can feel the happiness through your phone screen. uses heart emojis at the end of messages and memorizes the meaning of each color so she can use them accordingly.
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🖤Shihai Kuroiro🖤
another :} user, sometimes uses :] but mainly :}. only ever texts ppl at hours like 2-4 am. you cant convince me he gets enough sleep.
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👔Neito Monoma👔
you think hed text you?/j kinda just an average texter, any message about class 1a will be in all caps.
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oh look. another bland ass texter, at least he takes the time to actually type out "okay," only sends emojis if he's talking about how weird the emoji looks.
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🔪Himiko Toga🔪
uses :] all the time. not :}, or :). just :]. if anyone texts her, even if its just a simple "hi." and she isn't busy, congrats you've agreed to a 3 hour face time call.
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✋Tomura Shigaraki✋
he leaves everyone on read. if you question why he left you on read all you're getting is an "if its so important then talk to me face to face."
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🃏Mr. Compress🃏
so you know how earlier i said you were lucky Iida didnt start with "I hope this message finds you well,"? your luck ran out. he writes it like you're a long distant friend who he is sending some fancy ass shit letter to. not even kidding ends each message with "--Compress."
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types so fast his phone doesnt even register his hands. half his messages be looking like "se tht ouds ood". he doesn't even bother to edit it or correct himself.
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he texts like a dad. texting this mf be like:
"*photo of a weird boat*"
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miss girl uses so many ;) that its hard to tell if shes suggesting something weird or not. ended every greetings message with that one kissy emoji.
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🙂Mirio Togata🙂
uses the 🙂 all the time because he thinks it looks like him. it does.
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🌀Nejire Hado🌀
lots of !!! and :D, also uses the :> a lot lol. lots of blue heart emojis aswell.
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🦋Tamaki Amajiki🦋
sends articles about different butterflies he likes or thinks the person he sends it to would like along with a message along the lines of "I think this fits you :]". rarely texts first but when he does he clicks send and sitts on the other side of the bed as his phone while staring at it intensely, just waiting for the reply notif. wont actually read the reply for a good minute.
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🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinsou🐈‍⬛
sends photos of random animals he sees while out and about. usually just cats. (no way this man doesn't feed the strays around ua) another person that only texts at night time.
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🛠️Mei Hastume🛠️
uses >:D a lot, shows blueprints of her new babies all the time, ngl they are usually rlly messy. texts are just :
"* incomprehensible image of a blueprint *"
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⭐Yo Shindo⭐
uses the thumbs up way to much but like in the passive aggresive way yk? but also if you send him a photo of something ur proud of he will reply with a simple "oh that's cool!" but there's so much fucking emotion behind it ur just kinda like ???
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🛡Melissa Shield🛡
her messages are so sweet. sunset pictures of the ocean every other day. lots of :).
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wrote this is one go and now my hands hate me. i think this was at least 20 characters-? idk I'm struggling to count.
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julsvu · 11 days
what does love feel like?
tags. multiple characters, implied relationship, fluff, kind of messy tbh, i do NOT know how to tag properly 😭🙏
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marrying your best friend. sneaking out and into each other's windows. playful arm wrestling. affectionate glares. dating the human embodiment of a golden retriever. yapper x yapper. sunshine x sunshine protector. a slow burn best friends to lovers. kisses on the cheek before one leaves. small pecks on the lips for "goodluck". hand-holding everywhere and everytime. not the first love, but the greatest.
— DENKI KAMINARI, mina ashido, SATORU GOJO, EJIRO KIRISHIMA, leo valdez, PERCY JACKSON, meguru bachira, yuji itadori
being or were highschool sweethearts. first love. awkward hand-holding. dates on a ferris wheel. kissing under the stars. teaching each other, despite their focus immediately getting interrupted when they look at you. making playlists together. getting shipped by friends. passing notes secretly. late-night calls and messages. knowing every detail of the coffee you love, making it for you every morning in which you have a busy day ahead of you.
— shoto todoroki, annabeth chase, SHOKO IEIRI, megumi fushiguro, MOMO YAOYOROZU, RIN ITOSHI, kenyu yukimiya, yo hiori, hyōma chigiri
teenage dirtbags. sneaking out of each other's houses at ungodly hours. messy kisses. play-fighting. teasing nicknames. secret handshakes. making own codes or signs for every little thing. skating together. cheesy n corny pickup lines. calling in the middle of the night just to say 'hi' or annoy the other. spamming your phone. last minute dates and hangouts.
— hanta sero, KATSUKI BAKUGOU, shidou ryusei, nobara kugisaki, YOICHI ISAGI, maki zenin
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
reqs are open, btw :p (PLEASE SEND IN REQUESTS RAHHH)
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anathemaspeaks · 2 months
dandelion wishes
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character(s): shoto todoroki synopsis: always the bridesmaid, never the bride - isn't that how the saying goes? my name is momo yaoyorozu, and in my case, it's true. word count: 1.3k warning(s): none a/n: not my best work, but here you go anon :) likes, follows, and reblogs are appreciated <3 this is all from momo's point of view.
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it happened at my birthday party, a day after i turned 16.
kaminari managed to somehow smuggle booze into the house. still teenagers and drunk off the excitement more than the liquor, someone suggested we play 7 minutes in heaven. everyone cheered in agreement - except bakugou, of course. he opted to stay sober and make sure we don't have too much fun.
after a few uneventful rounds, it was finally my turn to spin the bottle. i wished it would land on shoto. this was my chance to tell him how i feel about him. maybe he'd say something back? well, a girl can dream...right?
my heart hammered in my chest as i gripped the bottle, spinning it on the polished wooden floor. every spin felt like an eternity until it finally landed with a decisive click. i traced the path of the neck, breath catching in my throat as i saw it pointed directly at todoroki. this was it. this was my chance.
we awkwardly shuffled towards the closet, the door creaking shut behind us, the dim light casting shadows on the wall. before i could calm my nerves and speak, todoroki blurted
"listen, about the spin…" his voice was uncharacteristically soft, almost hesitant.
"yeah?" i forced a nonchalant reply, inhaling to try and calm my nerves. he ran a hand through his dual-colored hair, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
"actually, there's someone i... well, someone i kind of like." a sheepish grin tugged at the corner of his lips. it felt like the wind got knocked out of my lungs. my eyes darted around the cramped space, landing on a crumpled magazine lying forgotten on the floor.
"oh, cool," i choked out, my voice barely above a whisper, "who is it?"
"y/n" he mumbled, a shy smile on his lips. the name rang in my ears, shattering my painted dreams of a chance with shoto. i forced a smile. maybe y/n wouldn't have walked out of this closet with a shattered heart hidden behind a forced smile.
of course it was her. her smile could light up a whole room, kindness radiating from her like sunshine. she was effortlessly beautiful. she was everything i couldn't be. pretty, funny, and kind - how could i ever compete with that? a pang of jealousy, sharp and unwanted, twisted in my gut.
my gaze flickered to shoto's shy smile, and the way his eyes seemed to light up just at the mere mention of her. a hollow ache settled in my chest, envy so deep it felt like a barbed wire wrapped around my heart.
shoto's turn. when the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on y/n. because of course it did.
they emerged from the closet looking like a tornado had hit them. clothes askew, hair a mess, and faces flushed with a kind of unspoken ecstasy that left little to guess.
the next day, they walked into class hand-in-hand. it was official.
today marks 2 years since that day.
over this period, they became the textbook definition of the perfect couple. they were disgustingly cute. sneaky, affectionate glances in the middle of lectures, whispered jokes that erupted in shared laughter, their hands seemingly glued together.
shoto ever-stoic todoroki, weak for y/n. he'd wrap his arm casually around her waist, brush stray hairs from her face with a lingering touch, and steal kisses during training breaks. it was a side of him no one had ever seen - a shoto who wore his heart on his sleeve. for her.
here i was, stuck watching their picture-perfect love story unfold, a constant reminder of the confession that will forever remain trapped on my tongue.
we were sprawled across mina's living room floor, empty pizza boxes scattered around like confetti, and a half-eaten bag of chips resting precariously on a mountain of rom-comes. the topic, just like a normal beginning to a girls' night, was boys.
"boys are the worst!" mina declared, prompting a chorus of agreement from everyone.
"mine just left his gym socks under the bed again. seriously, how hard is it to use a laundry basket?" uraraka chimed in.
just then, y/n came in from the kitchen with a bag of marshmallows and sat down next to us. well, she wouldn't be participating in the complaining.
"look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," i teased, nudging her playfully.
"so, how are things going with the ice king, anyways?" asked jirou.
she blushed a bit. "oh, the usual. he's amazing, and he's surprisingly..." she trailed off, a sly smile on her face.
"surprisingly...?" mina prompted.
"let's just say his quirk isn't the only thing that's hot and cold."
the room erupted in laughter and whoops for her. i forced a smile, feeling an all too familiar pang in my stomach.
the conversation continued, everyone chiming in with their recent stories about boys. including y/n. every detail felt like a knife to my heart. 'that should've been me' i thought. i pushed it away. i wouldn't let my jealousy get the best of me.
they all seemed so happy, while i was stuck on the sidelines, yearning to feel their joy. we all fell asleep in that room while watching movies and gossiping, a smile on everyone's faces. i still couldn't help but feel a little bitter.
now we all have finally graduated. we decided to still meet up every saturday for dinner, and this week, it was at todoroki's. the familiar buzz of anticipation and excitement filled the house as we all talked about our first week after graduating.
then, shoto and y/n walked in hand-in-hand.
"hi everyone!" greeted y/n, smile so bright she was contagious.
"sit wherever you're comfortable, dinner will be ready soon" announced shoto.
"but before that, there's something we have to tell you." she was practically shaking in eagerness.
todoroki cleared his throat, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "we, uh, well…" he fumbled for words, a rare sight for the usually composed half-and-half king. she squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"we got married!" she blurted out, a wide grin splitting her face.
the air crackled with shock. wide eyes, dropped jaws, and a silence followed the announcement.
"wait, married?!" kaminari finally found his voice, his eyes wide with surprise. "but you guys are only eighteen!"
todoroki chuckled, a sound rarely heard before y/n. "we know," he admitted, a hint of shyness lingering in his voice. "but we knew what we wanted, and well, here we are!"
and then, as if a dam had broken, the group erupted. mina squealed, launching herself at y/n in a bone-crushing hug. kirishima gave todoroki a hearty back slap, nearly knocking him over. uraraka, tears welling in her eyes, showered them both with congratulations.
"dumb brats, you're gonna regret this!" yelled bakugou. but i saw him turn away and wipe away a falling tear. both y/n and shoto engulfed him in a hug. he threatened to burn their arms off if they did it again.
congratulations continued, hugs going all around. the surprise announcement had cast a whole new light on their evening. it was a celebration not just of friendship and graduation, but of a love story that had blossomed within the very walls of U.A.
married. at eighteen. the words echoed in the hollow space where my confession had died. cheers rained down on them, a cruel confetti shower on my silent tears. my wish for him was as futile as willing a dandelion's wispy white petals not to fly away with the wind.
they were a love story written in stolen glances and secret touches, a masterpiece i could only watch unfold from the sidelines - a happy ever after that couldn't be mine.
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to the anon who requested this, i know you wanted it to be more angsty so i tried to make it as vengeful as i could, i hope you like it! <3 (i accidentally deleted the ask I'M SO SORRY)
please send in requests everyone 🫶
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skiiyoomin · 29 days
Ok ok, I hope this isn’t a lot to ask but I’m practically begging for more like Class 1-A girls x reader!! I am totally whipped for some good WLW, and honestly your SMAU’s are AMAZINGGG 😍!! I was wondering if I could get one for just the girls.
I was thinking of one where they find out you like them through someone else in Class 1-A and they get on the phone to confront you or the other way around with reader confronting them? (you can always do something else if you don’t like this idea exactly!!!) 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🤍🤍
this is soo cute , the girls deserve so much more appreciation so i will very gladly do it! <3
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Content: swearing, implied fem reader in minas part, but you can read it if youre gn
characters included: Ochako, Mina, Momo, Tsuyu, Jirou, Hagakure
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღThe girls finding out about your crush on them
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animekpopsimp · 3 months
hey! I saw your post about Mha having a reader like Mitsuri and I was wondering if you could do a female s/o similar to Mitsuri.
MHA Characters with a S/O Similar to Mitsuri
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Izuku absolutely adores your personality and kindness, as well as your strength. He was surprised when you admitted that you had a crush on him, but he was happy that you felt the same. He knows you can be insecure about your appetite, but he doesn't judge you for it. And if someone tries to make you feel bad about yourself because of it, he's always there to cheer you up. You also cheer him up and make him feel better, which he really appreciates.
Your relationship with Katsuki started off rocky. He seemed to hate you at first, finding your overly positive personality annoying. However, after you beat him in a sparring match, he respected you, though he would never admit it out loud. He eventually confessed to you, and thus began your relationship. The two of you are considered a power couple. If anyone gives you any trouble, he will fight them without hesitation. And he doesn't mind your big appetite, he even cooks for you on occasion. He loves you a lot, and he shows it through his actions.
When the two of you met, the two of you had very different options about being in a relationship. On top of wanting to be a hero to help people, you also wanted to find someone who would accept you for who you are. Shoto didn't see the need to get into a relationship, he was more focused on proving his father wrong. It seemed unlikely that the two of you would be friends, let alone fall for each other. However, over time, Shoto grew close with you. He admired your strength and kindness. He confided in you about his father, and you were always there to support him. When the two of you get into a relationship, Shoto is nervous. Part of him doesn't believe that he deserves someone like you. Despite that, Shoto is really sweet and caring. He will defend you if anyone tries to make you feel bad about yourself, he loves you and he won't let anyone upset you.
You met Momo when you were a little girl, both of your families being wealthy. Growing up together, the two of you had your own insecurities to deal with. None the less, you both helped each other. You were close friends for years, and as time passed the two of you developed feelings for each other. Momo was the one to confess, and the two go you started dating. Momo feels lucky that you feel the same, and you do as well. She's always there to make you feel better, and while she doesn't believe in getting into a fight if someone does say something bad about you, she will defend you with words. She can be surprisingly mean when she wants to.
Hawks adores you, he fell in love with you the moment the two of you met. In the past, he never considered getting into a serious relationship, but he changed his mind when you came into his life. He dotes on you all the time, showering you with compliments and bringing you your favorite foods. The moment he notices you feeling insecure about yourself, he's right by your side, reassuring you that he loves everything about you. Hawks is your biggest supporter and would die for you.
She's your biggest hype woman, she's always making you feel beautiful and will fight someone if they insult you. Her favorite thing to do with you is shopping, and she loves picking out new outfits for you, you both turn it into a fashion show every time. She also loves bringing you your favorite foods since it brings a smile to your face when she does. She wants nothing more than to make you smile all the time.
He may not show his affection publicly, but Shota is smitten with you. You balance each other out and you have a talent for making him smile. He finds your personality adorable The two of you have simple dates that mostly consist of staying at home and cuddling while a movie plays in the background. You two also enjoy having dinners together, the life you two have together is simple but you both love it.
The two of you are the definition of total opposites. Dabi has an intimidating aura that scares people. You on the other hand are an absolute sweetheart. That's what Dabi loves about you, you give him a sense of peace that he hasn't experienced in a long time, so he cherishes the fact that you're in his life. Because of that, he's protective. He'll kill for you without hesitation. You're the only one he shows his soft side to, he just loves you.
Shigaraki usually hates people, but you're the one person he can stand. Your personality makes him feel safe, and he won't let anything take you away from him. If he needed to kill for you, he would do so without question. He loves you a lot.
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billiethepumpkin · 3 months
An Expanded Family: How They'd Be as Step-Parents
Warnings: Rated R. This content is intended for readers ages 18 years or older. If you are a minor, do not interact.
Contains: GN!Reader. Multiple family situations. Deceased parents. Coparenting. Absent parent. Blended families. Adoption of a younger sibling. Step-parent behavior.
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya. Ochaco Uraraka. Tenya Iida. Momo Yaoyorozu. Shoto Todoroki. Mirio Togata. Hitoshi Shinsou.
Author's Note: All characters are written to be adults because I am an old fuck :)
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Izuku Midoriya
It had been the first thing he learned about you. You were a parent. Parenthood was deeply engrained in the way you operated, especially in the Pro Hero space.
When you started dating, though, it became so much more complicated than that.
He started overthinking immediately.
Deku was a lot of things. A lot of little kids looked up to him. He met people every day, but the pressure of meeting your little one was extremely high.
Sometimes you'd catch him mumbling to himself, practicing how to talk to a little kid. He knew that screwing this up might mean losing you forever.
But there is literally no possible way that he could screw it up. In any universe.
He decided to go with you and your four year old son to a playground. He put together a picnic and everything.
Izuku was perfect.
You were sure you fell in love with him all over again, watching him on the playground with your baby.
He was a little awkward at first, but as soon as your son asked him to play tag, Midoriya was all over it.
Your baby had him climbing up slides, going down fireman's poles, swinging on swings, the works.
And you couldn't tell who was having more fun: Izuku or your son.
Sometimes, Deku would come over and babysit for you while you had to run off to work or to run an errand.
Izuku always just treated them like playdates or sleepovers, though.
He asks your son's permission for everything first. Especially when he's about to take big steps in the relationship, like moving in.
But when Deku asked your son if he could move in with you guys, your son got all wide eyed and excited.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed, smiling wide. "It'll be like a big sleepover!"
Midoriya knew your son had another parent, whether they were involved or not. He wasn't really trying to take over the father role.
It just fit him so well.
Soon, he found himself making pancakes and packing lunches and planning birthday parties.
Midoriya loved the life he had with you and your son. He loved it much more than he had anticipated.
And when you saw how much he loved your son, and how much your son loved him, it sealed the deal for you, too.
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Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco was surprised to find out you had kids. You were always so put together.
Not that parents can't be put together, she supposed, but you just didn't really seem like the parent type when she met you.
But whenever she came over while your twin daughters were there, she immediately saw a different side of you.
It made her fall that much more in love with you.
The first time you asked her to babysit, you were on your way to the hospital to see your sister have her own baby. Their other parent was never really in the picture, and everyone else that you would normally ask to watch the babies was also going to the hospital.
Uraraka volunteered almost immediately.
She had been with the twins and you enough times that she thought she had the hang of it.
However, they were only three years old, and whenever it came time to feed them, Ochaco realized she knew so little about children.
Nothing she offered seemed to satisfy them. It took her a while to figure out what they wanted, with their picky palates.
But she did it, eventually.
She knew the routine. Dinner. Bath time. Show on the couch. Then bedtime in the room they shared.
That night, you came home to find your two girls asleep with their heads on Ochaco's lap, her head leaned back on the couch as she dozed, too.
You merely giggled and brought your two girls to their own beds, then brought Ochaco into bed with you.
After that, it took her a while to feel comfortable watching the girls without you.
But she was very good at following your parenting style whenever it was the two of you!
And, man they loved her.
Any chance they got, they dragged Ochaco into the floor to play with them.
Coloring books, ball games, dress up, anything they could convince her to do.
With your permission, she had even floated them a couple of times.
And it warmed your heart when you heard one of them ask her, "Ochaco, will you be my Mama?"
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Tenya Iida
You only got your baby every other week.
Your son was still a newborn, and his other parent was still very much a part of his life.
You wanted to make as much of the time you had with him as possible. So originally, Iida wouldn't come over during the weeks that you had him.
However, all of that changed when his dad wanted to switch weeks for a family event that you'd had going on.
You'd been so absent minded about it that you had forgotten to tell Iida.
Tenya had offered to just go back home and to reschedule his visit for the following week. But you thought that was as good a time as any for him to meet your son.
Iida met your baby while he was sleeping.
He was quiet and attentive, taking in the entire nursery. He didn't think you had shown him that part of your house before.
And even though he loved you and your son, it took a long time for him to really feel like he was part of your family.
I mean, you were seemingly still really close with the baby's other parent. He was never going to be able to step inside the bubble of your family.
Especially because Iida never really did the whole "step-father" thing.
At least, not in the way that anybody else usually did it.
He was more clinical, more calculating, the way he was with everything.
He didn't give the baby any baths or diaper changes for the first six months that you knew him, at least. He felt like it was inappropriate for him, as someone who isn't even related to the baby, to be doing those things for him.
He would do almost everything else, though. Feeding, playing, walks, different learning exercises, cleaning, more feeding.
You knew that everything he ever said or did was only because he cared about you and your baby.
However, he was always insecure about it. He never thought he'd be able to get your ex to trust him, and he never wanted to give either of you a reason not to.
Until you had a conversation with him about it.
You had a heart to heart about how it felt like you were doing a lot of things alone in your relationship and that you needed him to do a little more.
It was then that he told you how much he worried about things like diaper changes.
After you had a long talk about it, he revealed that he had no problem with those kinds of things. He just worried that it would affect the baby's development, to have a stranger around for intimate moments like diaper changes.
After that, he started to help more. He became stronger and stronger as a caregiver for your baby.
He would never be the baby's father. You both knew that. And Iida wasn't trying to be his father. All Tenya wanted was to love both of you for as long as he could.
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Momo Yaoyorozu
You had a ten year old daughter when you and Momo started dating.
In fact, Momo met your daughter almost right away. She didn't have much of a choice because you had a really hard time finding childcare for her while you were away.
Your ex wasn't in the picture and didn't want to be. You didn't want them to be either. And your family didn't exactly raise kids the way you wanted your daughter to be raised. So it was just you and your daughter for the last ten years.
Until Momo came along.
She started out as just a really good friend.
Plus, now your daughter had someone else to look up to in her real life. Momo was smart and powerful, and you wanted your baby to have a woman in her life to look up to. Momo was perfect.
And then it became so much more than that.
Soon, Momo was over every single day. She picked up your daughter from school when you couldn't. She helped with homework and studying. She made dinner and taught your daughter everything she could about math and science and chemistry and hero work, everything she could get out of her system
And your daughter really didn't know how to feel about Momo because she just came on so strong all the time.
I mean, your daughter did like Momo.
It was just hard for her not to have some big feelings. She only had one real parent, and she didn't like any of her other family because of how mean they were all the time.
And Momo went from her parent's friend that sometimes tutored her to the person that sometimes steals her only parent.
And sure, it was cool to have a superhero as a stepmom.
But really your daughter missed the days when it was just the two of you.
When you noticed, you were heartbroken. You apologized over and over, and you promised your daughter that you could plan more days for just the two of you.
Momo was fully supportive of you having more alone time with your daughter. She knew it was important for your daughter to have that bonding time.
Momo just wasn't really sure how to react at the news that your daughter wanted her around less. She hadn't really considered how much she cared for you and your family until then.
Somehow, even though Momo knew how important it was for your daughter to have you as a support system, she still felt rejected and sad. She didn't want to leave you alone.
Momo pulled away for a while. Not because she was angry or anything, but because she didn't know how much space she was supposed to give you to be with your daughter.
Eventually, your daughter did start asking about her again.
"When is Momo coming back over?" she asked one time on the way home from school. "I miss her."
It took a long time, but you eventually learned to balance your time with Momo and your time with your daughter.
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Shoto Todoroki
You took in your younger brother when your parents passed away.
You were happy to do so. The two of you had always been close, and you were happy to be the one who takes care of him.
But he was a bitter, emotional thirteen year old boy whose parents had just passed away. And there was nothing you could do to ease his pain.
You did everything you could think of. You started both of you in therapy. You spent quality time together. You made his favorite meals. You invited his friends over. But nothing consoled him.
He was mean and angry. He was sad and anxious. He insisted on being alone the majority of the time.
And you spent so much time trying to help him heal that you ended up isolating yourself.
That was when you met Shoto. He was a good shoulder to lean on. He was never judgmental of you or your situation. He always listened and never spoke until the time was right.
Todoroki also put you first, the way that you were never able to. And you fell in love with him months after your brother moved in with you.
You were extremely careful of the way you presented your relationship to Shoto to your brother. You thought it would be too quick of a change for him so soon after the last one.
Your worry actually led to you keeping it a secret for a little over a month.
It wasn't on purpose. You always meant to tell your brother that you had a boyfriend. But at first he just wasn't responsive to anything you said.
But then he met Shoto on accident.
Shoto went into your apartment to grab something you needed for work. It was only meant to be a quick trip to the apartment, and your brother wasn't meant to be there.
But he was. Your brother had skipped school. Apparently it's something he'd been doing for a while. He would just walk home after you left for work.
Shoto found him, and they struck up a deal. Todoroki would teach him some skills in combat and he would avoid telling you about the skipping class if your brother would stop skipping school altogether.
Suddenly, Todoroki became best friends with your younger brother.
Your brother became more social, more active. He started talking to you again. He started getting better grades in school. He started joining you for family dinners.
And when you were finally able to tell your brother about the nature of your relationship with Shoto, it turned out that he already knew.
Apparently, he overheard you on the phone with Todoroki one night.
Todoroki became increasingly protective over your brother.
He took your brother to nightly training sessions to help him work off his emotions.
Your brother even convinced Shoto to try going to therapy himself, something he had considered but never actually went through with.
After that day, they started becoming closer. Almost brotherly, almost the relationship you knew Shoto was missing from his siblings.
You knew they both needed each other.
And Todoroki was so spoiling for the both of you. He took you both on trips. He bought you gifts for holidays. He took you to dinner and to his Pro Hero parties and banquets.
Every once in a while, he would work late, and he would refuse to come back to your place because he didn't want to wake up your brother.
And one day, when Todoroki had been at his own apartment for several nights after being on late night patrols, you heard your brother ask you from the other room, "When is Shoto coming home?"
And ever since then, the three of you became a happy family.
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Mirio Togata
You and your daughter met Mirio in the park.
Your daughter had been just six years old. Her other parent had passed away when she was an infant.
Your parents lived far away, and your partner's parents couldn't bear to look at your daughter now that they'd had to bury their own child. And you couldn't really blame them because of how much she looked like her other parent.
It was just the two of you, you and your baby.
Mirio had brought is own daughter, one from a previous marriage.
Their divorce had been amicable, though his ex-wife had since made some poor life choices and was no longer able to visit or take his daughter on the weekends. So they spent their days visiting parks and playgrounds.
You met because your daughter had taken quite a fall off of the swings and scraped up her hands, and Mirio's daughter had helped her up. Mirio, then, helped her find you so you could bring her home.
You were thankful, and you took your daughter home after a brief exchange of niceties.
From then on, you always noticed him at the playgrounds you frequented. Your daughter became very good friends with his, and you found it in your best interest to become friends with Mirio.
The rest is history.
You found out that your daughters would be going to the same elementary school. And from then on, they did everything together.
Meaning that you and Mirio now did everything together, too.
Mirio was particularly doting on your daughter.
He would play with her whenever she asked, no matter how silly the game was.
He would give her piggyback rides into school.
He would nurture her whenever she needed loving.
But he also never neglected his own daughter. He made sure they still went out on their father-daughter dates to cafes and parks and playgrounds.
Watching him love the kids so much created a longing in your heart that was so strong you couldn't deny that you had feelings for him.
Eventually, things spiraled until the two of you were much, much more than friends.
You hadn't exactly explained anything to your daughters yet, but during a play date, they walked in on the two of you kissing.
It was innocent enough. Nothing got remotely steamy. But it was just an innocent moment.
You both startled when you heard "OoooooOOOOoooh!" from the two tiny voices peaking around the corner.
You all started laughing, and your daughters came bounding in the room. "You loooooove Mirio!" your daughter teased.
"Yeah, I guess I do!" you said with a smile, looking at him lovingly.
Mirio was just as doting and loving on your girls as he had been the entire time.
A couple of months into your relationship, you discovered that you were pregnant. And then a few months later, you welcomed a new baby boy into the family.
At first, your girls were so loving and doting on their brother. They "helped" feed him, change him, and bathe him, which really meant just talking to him and giving him lots of kisses.
But you could tell that something with your own baby girl had gone awry.
She would cling to you all hours of the day. She always wanted to be cuddling you, right by your side every minute of the day.
Eventually, she let it slip that she thought you and Mirio loved the new baby most.
You decided that you had to do something. Your baby had to know that you loved her just as much as the rest of the family.
So you set up a special time after the baby was laid down for bed at night where you all did something together.
Sometimes you'd watch a show and cuddle under blankets on the couch. Sometimes you'd play board games together. And sometimes you would take turns reading parts of books.
You each took your girls out on solo adventures whenever you could, making sure to spend time with them just as you did one another.
You did your best to make sure that your family unit all felt loved the way they deserved.
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Hitoshi Shinsou
Shinsou actually met your eight year old son first.
You had been holiday shopping on one of the busiest nights of the year.
You knew you shouldn't have brought him with you. You knew you should've just waited until your parents could watch him.
But now, here you were, frantically running around the shopping center, waiting for your eyes to lock with his.
You couldn't help but shame yourself while you searched for him.
First, you got pregnant in high school. You knew you weren't mature enough to have a child, and all of this proved it. You were still a child yourself. You had no business raising a kid all on your own.
And then you saw it.
You saw your son being led through the crowd with a man with purple hair, and you finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Fast forward to a year and a half later, and you and that man were moving into the same apartment.
Shinsou had proven to be an amazing parent, even if he really hadn't seen himself as a parent before.
He knew he wasn't really the "step-dad" type, and he never pretended to be.
He just wanted to care for you and your son as much as possible.
Hitoshi really struggled at first.
Sometimes, when he was over, he just couldn't understand why he could wake you up in the night with some love and affection.
Eventually, you explained that your son's face was peacefully sleeping on the other side of the wall between your bedrooms. "What the hell would you do if he walked in, 'Toshi?" you had eventually asked.
The look on his face seemed like he'd seen a ghost when you asked.
It took him a long time to get used to the schedule, too.
You and your kid got up so freaking early.
And yeah, he knew it was for school. But that didn't mean he wasn't grumpy about the alarm buzzing on your bedside table at six every morning.
One morning, though, he had been awake when your son had woken up from a nightmare.
You would have been happy to wake up and be there for your son. But Hitoshi also knew this was his chance to really bond with him in a way he hadn't been able to. So he got up and led your son into the kitchen.
Hitoshi took the time to heat up some milk with honey and cinnamon mixed in, just like in that movie he had watched with you and your son recently... Oh, what was it called?... He couldn't remember.
They talked about the dream. Shinsou told your son all the ways that he remembered to be brave when he was afraid.
And ever since then, your son went to Shinsou for everything. It was like he was obsessed with your boyfriend.
Ever since then, they were best friends, always getting into one thing or another together.
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yanderelionwrites · 10 months
MHA Yandere Lists: Your Bedroom
Content Warning: yandere, kidnapping
These yanderes set up a separate room for you to stay in. They want to ease you into your new home and situation, so giving you your own room will hopefully make you see they’re trying to be courteous and make you comfortable. They’ll do their best to decorate the bedroom with all of your favorite things and design it to your liking. And if you ever get lonely sleeping in your bed all by yourself, you can always join them in their room 👀
| ALL MIGHT, Eijiro Kirishima, Fat Gum, Fumikage Tokoyami, HAWKS, Hitoshi Shinso, IZUKU MIDORIYA, Kyouka Jiro, Mezo Shoji, Mirio Togata, MOMO YAOYOROZU, Natsuo Todoroki, Ochako Uraraka, Sero Hanta, Shota Aizawa, SHOTO TODOROKI, Tamaki Amajiki, Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui
They make you sleep in their bedroom, chaining you to the post if they have to. That way, they’ll always know where you are, even when they’re sleeping. You don’t need your own bedroom, that’s just ridiculous. Why would you want to be away from them? You just look so cute lying in their bed and they get to cuddle you to their heart’s content. And don’t worry, they’ll make sure to include some of the stuff you like in their room so you feel more “at home” 😃
| DENKI KAMINARI, Endeavor, HIMIKO TOGA, Katsuki Bakugo, MIDNIGHT, Mina Ashido, Mirko, Mr. Compress, Nejire Hado, Present Mic, Re-Destro, Spinner, TWICE
They keep you in the basement and, maybe if you’re good, you can move upstairs. You’ll be chained up down there, with nothing but a mattress, a thin blanket, and a flat pillow to keep you company. Soon, you’ll have no choice but to behave and beg to stay upstairs with your captor. Anything would be better than living with the bugs and the dust covering each surface… 🪳
| All For One, DABI, Endeavor, Midnight, Mirko, Tomura Shigaraki
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burned-out-match · 1 year
shiggy being in love
dabi and shigaraki’s ideal types lol
hawks, shiggy with a short s/o
hawks, shiggy, aizawa with an insecure s/o
hawk’s and aizawa’s ideal types
domestic! hawks
hawks mating for life??
aizawa and hawks as dads!
shiggy with a mentally ill s/o
if shigaraki had a different childhood...
shigaraki redemption arc?
endeavor thoughts
bakugou, shiggy, shoto being jealous
shiggy, aizawa, hawks with a flirtatious s/o
bakugou and todoroki hearing you gush over them
toga, shinsou, tamaki with an s/o who has a shrinking quirk
shinsou, bakugou, kiri with an s/o who snaps
hawks with an oblivious s/o
kiri, bakugou, izuku with a chubby s/o!!
shinsou, ms. joke, toga with a stuttering s/o
bakugou with a pregnant partner
shinsou, aizawa, monoma with an avid reader! s/o
toga, shinsou, denki with an s/o with glasses
momo and ochako with an s/o with an opposite quirk
aizawa meeting a motherly s/o
bakugou, kiri, shoto with a twin sister
hawks after an argument and breakup
present mic, aizawa, midnight with an s/o with long hair
dabi, shinsou, miruko with an s/o who loves the rain
shinsou, denki, tamaki genderbent
shinsou, bakugou, tsu with a mega quirk s/o
toga, bakugou, dabi when u fart
shigaraki, bakugou, shoto when you ask for a kith
shinsou with a lying s/o
hawks, aizawa, shinsou with a writer s/o
tsu, shinsou, uraraka holding hands
tsu on a swimming date
mina and jirou with a singer
kiri, iida, all might as boyfrens
hawks in a relationship
hawks with an owl quirk s/o
bubble tea date with denki, shinsou, mina
hawks, bakugou, dabi when their s/o opens up
monoma with a pained s/o
shinsou, monoma, kuroiro with a shadow quirk s/o
all might fluff
midnight and mic with a villain s/o
bakugou, denki, shinsou when their s/o visits from the future
more hawks relationship fluff
hawks breakup angst
shigaraki and hawks with a singer
aizawa, shinsou, jirou with a cat-quirk s/o
kinoko komori appreciation
momo, izuku, neijire with an s/o who possesses people
shigaraki and his gamer
aizawa, izuku, bakugou with a quirkless s/o
shiggy x reader fluff fic
random class 1a hcs
bakugou angst, tw:abuse
kurapika with a short s/o
can illumi love??
yandere illumi
can hisoka love??
kurapika and leorio as boyfrens
leorio, hisoka, kurapika with a tall s/o
kite, illumi, chrollo with a pregnant s/o
hisoka’s type
hisoka hcs
illumi brainrot
Genshin Impact!!
childe x reader sample fic??
thoughts about sampo
hsr shitpost number 1
hsr shitpost number 2
hsr shitpost number 3
hsr shitpost number 4
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melancholymegumi · 5 months
mommy momo asking 'uncle' iida to come over because you've been so bad, but she doesn't have the heart to discipline you :(( sigh and open docs..
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serxinns · 10 days
Hero's await but a deadly fate...
Yandere villian au x reader (potential series?) This is a rewritten verison
A/n note: this is a rewritten and sort of continuation to the story "Heros vs villains" by @Msmimianime all the credit amd concept go to her so please support! They're making new stories!
Summary: y/n is a pro hero in her early 20s a few years ago she found out about her classmates, teachers, and even some of the students has been in on this as well and working with the LOV!! and now a few years later you are the guardian of Eri by the hero commission and also hide from your past and a bunch of psychopaths!!
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Wake up....
You kept running with a crying distressed 6-year-old sobbing in your back wondering what was going on... you trying to ignore the protest from your classmates and running by the confusing teachers seeing you run but quickly chasing after you
Wake up..
your head turned back seeing your former classmate and friend Izuku and his gang who were also your former classmates chasing after you begging you to stop and let them explain their selves your teachers their quicks to retrain you midnight with her smoke, Aizawa desperately aimed his capture weapon towards the two of you and mic telling you to stop but you didn't listen to anything they had to say you just had one goal to run to the police..
"Nagh!!" You bolted up awake you saw Eri already in her school uniform glaring at you "Uh...I'm sorry.?" "You have been twisting and turning in your bed for the past 30 minutes! We got 20 mins or I'll be late" Eri puffed her cheeks out "Sorry bud I'll get ready in a jiffy" You ruffled her head and went past her to get your clothes and take a quick shower "You had that dream didn't you?" You stopped in your tracks in silence looking back to Eri worried and concerned with a soft smile "Yeah..I'll probably take something of these nightmares don't stop" you said as you walked down the hall to take a shower
After a quick shower, you quickly put on your shoes and your work uniform made breakfast for Eri and you, and went out the door and into the car...
Timeskip cause I want to
When you to work a few people stared at you with pity and confusion and worry you were confused why until you looked at the news "The famous hero known as "a puppeteer" died at the hands of the villain Izuku Midoriya and his group called the "Dekusquad" at the back of the alley in the most brutal way to go too!" You flinched when you heard those names and pictures pop up on the screen
Ochako uraraka
Asui Tsuyu
Tenya iida
Shoto Todoroki
Momo yaoyorozu
Izuku Midoriya
You stared in fear knowing that they were still out there free...ready to get their hands on you ... watching "y/n.."...waiting.her .."y/n!" Taunting you like you were some kid and waiting to nab you and snatch you-"y/n! You finally snapped out of it looking around and it was your co-worker and good friend Mirko "you ok kiddo?" She looked at you concerned "yea yea! I'm fine I'm fine!" Her worried expression quickly turned into a smile "Great! Cause me and you have a new mission we're gonna do and it involves catching dangerous villains tomorrow"
"...what?" "Yep! These villains have been killing heroes from left to right" She dropped the files of each villain their crimes, the place they've been and went to when they killed their victims and victims' bodies evidence, and more each of them having the names you knew very well unfortunately
Katsuki bakugo
Kirishima eljirou
Mina ashido
Denki Kaminari
Sero hanta
Jirou kyouka
"They also have a group..?" "Yes a group just like the "dekusquad" are apparently and it seems like most of your former classmates and teachers, the most powerful 3rd years, and even some of the 1b teachers and his students, and the LOV is also associated with this as well.." You grabbed every file to observe to see if what Mirko said was all true and a sudden chill went up your spine.
Seeing all the names and pictures of your once best friends and mentors being monsters and people becoming their victims all because of your "protection" in their vocabulary, you flipped over each page on each file seeing the names "Mei hastune, Hitoshi Shinso, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Ibara Shiozaki, Aizawa Shouta, midnight, thirteen, present mic, and more it was so disturbing.. so sickening that they would do this just for you!?
The paper you were holding was crumbling up in your grip shaking in anger confusion in frustration you didn't know why. Why would they do this to you why are they hurting innocent people just for your thoughts and questions were running through your head "y/n.." Mirko grabbed your shoulder and looked at you sympathetically
"You know why don't you go home for the day it's already close to closing time.." Mirko said, "No really I do I can help nothing bothering me!" "Are you sure? Cause this seems like a very dangerous mission and you're already a tar-" "No I can do it im mentally and physically capable plus I trained with you and Hawks right beside me right?" The bunny hero sighed and looked straight at your face "I'll think about it but please get some rest.. tomorrow PLENTY OF IT" you chuckled and rolled your eyes at her stern tone "fine fine!"
You went out the door in your car humming to yourself unaware that an certain someone was watching you giggling to herself with cat like eyes
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misssmina · 3 months
If MHA wasn't a shonen, what types of jobs do you think some of the characters would have in a slice-of-life AU or something to that effect?
I'm mostly wondering about your thoughts on Bakugou, Todoroki, Momo, Ochako, Midoriya, and Tsuyu, but if you have thoughts on any other characters I would love to hear them!
Thank you!!
Omg I LOOOOOVE THIS QUESTION. Okay so based on their behavior I’d say,
Bakugou would probably do something in sports. He loves to be noticed and praised but also has a love for combat, so probably a boxer.
Todoroki I think would be in some sort of police task force. I’d like to say that in a slice of life au, Endeavor would probably be chief of police or high ranking military, so Shoto would follow suit.
Midoriya would be some kind of researcher or IT. His amazing deductive reasoning skills and desire for knowledge would be really useful.
Uraraka and Tsuyu would own a daycare. While it’s not very high paying as Ochako would want, I think their personalities would fit really well with kids and helping their development.
Momo would probably be a librarian most days, but I’m sure she’d also be actively involved in whatever her family does.
Kirishima would be a stunt double. He’s tough as nails and loves being behind the scenes. I also think he’d be somewhat of an influencer, with his sweet personality and chivalrous demeanor.
Mina would be a dance instructor or a dancer herself! She’s very patient and upbeat, and loves the arts. I think it would fit her well.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
YRG pt 7
“Is it- true?” One servant asked. The knight raised a brow, as he fixed his armor. “What?”
“That she’s alive? The princess? Why the king is gathering his army?”
The knight shrugged. “Does it matter? We obey the king. He tells me to sharpen my sword, I do. He tells me to clean the horse shit off his horse’s ass, I do.  He tells me to go to war with an enemy in a place no one knows? I don’t ask questions, I just fucking do. Or else he burns me to crisp. So I suggest you do the same, Berta.” The knight spat as he began polishing his sword, the servant leaving to join the rest of the busy workers, all running around the castle after Dabi had ordered that they were going to war. They didn’t know who or where they were going to war, and they didn’t dare ask the king, well aware of his temper. But they’d figured out this was supposed to be a rescue mission for you after they’d seen concubine Keigo finally sober up after weeks (if not months since your disappearance. Dabi forbade the word “died”) and he surprised them a little when he prepared (and he actually was good at it).
“Is the cavalry ready?” Dabi asked Shotou, who nodded. “Yes, as are the ships prepared to carry them. Well equipped and with enough space for everyone.” Dabi hummed in acknowledgement, before looking over the maps again, trying to figure out where exactly is AFO’s kingdom. The last time he went there was years ago when your mother was still alive. And at that time, he remembers going through land, but he cant find that route anymore, probably due to some quirk AFO used to hide his kingdom. “Did the spies find out where this mysterious island is?” Shotou shook his head. “Havent heard from them yet. They’re still at Emperor Kai’s castle, I should think that Kai isn’t announcing the whereabouts out loud. He’s not stupid.” Dabi shot him a glare. He knows Kai, knows he has spies there, all kings have spies in their homes. “Sure, but he is stupid enough to not come to me the instant that traitorous rat came to him.” Shotou was well aware of who he was referring to- your servant Tomura. “Well, then you know that if  the emperor is aware that you know that he’s also preparing for war with AFO,  then he must have a good reason for not telling you.”
“Yeah? What could possibly be a good reason to tell me that my daughter, my only child is alive?” Dabi was not in the mood to be accepting any excuses. “Don’t speak for others Shotou.”
The younger brother didn’t press further. “I still want to come along, help you find Y/n.”
Dabi shook his head. “I know you do, but you’re more helpful to me here. I cant trust anyone else with the kingdom while I’m away.” Shotou would bring up that their father, Enji, could help with overseeing kingdom affairs in their absence, but Dabi is already on edge as it is and… well Shotou’s not stupid.
“You’ll find her.” Shotou patted Dabi’s shoulder.
“I know.”
“Don’t be mad at her.”
A soft smile formed on his lips. “I’m not.”
At this point, all the man wanted was to wrap his arms around you and never let go.
The emperor had already reached the port. Kai remained on his horse as he watched his men board the remaining stuff on the ships, Hari by his side who made sure everyone was doing their job. Though Hari couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to Tomura who stood to the side, face expressionless, which annoyed Hari because he couldn’t read him.
How could he just stand there as if he hadn’t made the grave mistake of losing you, the emperor’s most important treasure?
Hari was well aware of Kai’s favoritism towards you, and anyone who really knew Kai would easily see why. Your innocence, naivety, everything- it reminded him of the emperor’s late daughter. Though Kai only came to know of her value when she was no longer in this world, Hari knew how much it pained him. The emperor may be good at covering his feelings, but Hari, his confidant knew- and saw what the emperor had gone through when he had lost his young one. That’s why Kai had been working day and night to find you.
That’s why Hari couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just kill Tomura, the man who was responsible to bring you to the empire as promised.
But as much as he wanted Kai to reconsider killing the traitor, he knew better than to question his emperor.
With everything now loaded onto the ship, it was time for Kai to board it, only to halt when he heard the sound of horses galloping in distance.
Turning around, he saw black flags with blue flames-
“King Dabi.” Hari said, and Kai gave him a nod and Hari looked back at the soldiers, calling them to take position.
“Be alert! Protect the emperor!” The army took their position, pulling their weapons out, ready for a massacre.
Kai never broke contact as Dabi’s knights neared, neither did his neutral face expression change when he spotted Dabi looking furious on his mighty dark horse.
When Dabi and his men reached them, the silence from both sides were deafening. The rulers locking eyes with each other as soldiers on both sides could feel their hearts beating loudly.
Kai didn’t break a sweat as Dabi glared at him. Why should he when Kai isn’t doing anything wrong?
“Going somewhere?” Dabi sneered.
Kai gave a nod. “I am.”
“Where?”Dabi asked, the smile dropping.
Kai remained silent. It was clear that Dabi was aware of his secret rescue mission. All that remains now is whether Kai should lie and possibly cause a war right here, right now, or tell him the truth and cause a war right here, right now.
“To AFO’s kingdom. I’m going to rescue princess Y/n.”
It was so terrifyingly quite, that not even sounds of nature could be heard. As if the birds and the bugs, the leaves and bushes, they were all holding their breath in anticipation.
“Oh? So you’ve known where my daughter is all this time?” Dabi pulled out his sword, as did his men. “And you decided to keep this information from me?”
Kai held up a gloved hand, signalling his men to hold, to not attack. “The information is news to me as well. Princess Y/n’s royal servant Tomura came to me a few days back and told me about her whereabouts. I only didn’t tell you because I am not sure if this information is true as well.”
Dabi’s glare shifted from Kai to Tomura. “Why should I believe you when that traitor still has his head?”
“Tomura hasn’t been killed because he’s the only one who knows where the princess is. With him dead, the chances of ever finding her slim to none. He came to me instead of you because you would’ve killed him the moment he set foot in your kingdom.” Kai explained, watching Dabi’s eyes full of distrust shift between him and the servant. But with distrust, there was also doubt.
What if Kai is telling the truth?
The seed of doubt had been planted, and now was Kai’s turn to change the narrative.
With his hand pointing towards the ships, Kai spoke. “You’re welcome to join us, King Dabi. We certainly have enough space for you and your men. The more, the merrier.”
Dabi stared at him for a few seconds before snapping his fingers and his men began retreating. “No need, we have our own ships. You may give us the servant so he can lead the way.” With Kai’s orders, his men also began retreating as the emperor got off his horse to speak privately with Dabi, who had also gotten off his horse.
“That is a reasonable request, but I must deny it. You see, I cant risk you chopping off the head of the one person who knows where this mysterious kingdom is. You can follow us.” Kai said with a small smile.
“Follow you? The man who hid knowledge of my daughter’s existence? Every single fiber in my body is screaming at me to kill you and that traitorous bastard!”
“But Y/n-“
Dabi cut him off. “You think you care more about Y/n than her own father?”
Kai shrugged. “I said no such thing. But if these past months have been clear proof that you’re making actions based on your feelings, and right now, that is not the best strategy to save Y/n. I know you think I have ulterior motives, and if I were you, I wouldn’t believe a word coming out of my mouth. But we have to put our differences aside, Dabi. Don’t be so distrusting of the man you would send your daughter to for training. Besides-” The emperor’s smile dropped. “-everyone knows about your strained relationship with Y/n. I’ve heard the last spat between you two was… very damaging. And for who?” 
Who- referring to the little feathery whore Keigo.
“Careful, Kai. I can still bury your empire right here, right now.” Dabi threatened.
Kai didn’t waver. “You could try, but now is not the time to be blinded with your emotions.” He turned around, but casted a glance back. “And lets not kid ourselves, Dabi. You and I both know my men can harm you just as much. But Y/n wont benefit from unnecessary bloodshed.”
Dabi grit his teeth as he watched Kai return to his ship. The emperor puts on his gilded beak mask on.
If Dabi ever thought it was okay to prefer a concubine over his own daughter, then maybe I do care for Y/n more than her own father.
Soon enough, Dabi and his men, accompanied by allies like Bakugo and the barbarians, and Empresses Momo and her army set sail, following closely behind Kai’s ships.
Dabi stood on the starboard of the ship, gazing downwards at the water. His mind is occupied by multiple things- you, AFO, Kai’s intentions with you, the supposed “allies”, military strategies, but mostly you.
Are you well? Are you hurt? Do you miss him? Are you still mad at him-
“Dabi?” Keigo called, coming beside him. “What are you doing here? Come inside and eat.” Dabi didn’t move, and Keigo could see that his mind was elsewhere.
Wrapping his arms around Dabi, he kissed his ear. “We’ll find her, Dabi.” Keigo whispered. “We’ll find her and we’ll bring her home and then we will have a huge celebration and everything will be alright again.”
“None of this would’ve happened if I didn’t yell at her.”
Keigo looked at Dabi and he could see the guilt swimming in his eyes. “If I just hadn’t- made her angry, let her go- she would’ve been safe.” He paused. “What happened to us? She- she used to love me, was a proper daddy’s girl, Kei. Her eyes would lit up whenever she saw me and I would pick her up and waltz. She would tell me about her day, ramble on and repeat everything twice. But now… she won’t even speak to me more than a few words- those too out of courtesy and respect for the crown. Not me. She loathes me- I can feel it. And it fucking hurts because I know I’m the one who created this distance between us.”
“I put my only child in harm, Keigo. This is all on me.” He confessed remorsefully.
The two of them remained silent, the ocean air blowing through their hair.
Until Keigo dug his nails into Dabi’s arms. “Then you will find her.”
“No.” Keigo pursed his lips. “No- I refuse to let you- you must find her Dabi, more so now. You must- you must and make amends with her. All is not lost. We can- you can still have everything. Y/n- she needs us right now, and when we find her, she will need you and she will love you more, and she will think the world of you. So get it- collect yourself. Be at one with yourself and find Y/n. I don’t care who you have to hurt, what you have to kill, burn the whole fucking world as long as you bring Y/n home.” He looked at Dabi, the king who’s pupils had dilated. “You understand? Fucking promise me Dabi-!” Keigo spat but was cut off as Dabi crashed his lips against his, Dabi’s heart swelling with love at hearing how much Keigo adored you.
“I promise you.”
“Position the cavalry here, and make sure the archers are present here. Make sure that there are soldiers surrounding the parameters of the island. The enemies could attack from any side.” AFO ordered his generals as he discussed military strategies. With Tomura escaping, AFO knew that he would be leading Dabi right to the island. But AFO was not worried. Not at all. He was prepared, and even if Dabi brought a couple of allies, they wouldn’t be able to defeat his army of Nomus.
What he was worried about was, well, you. Ever since your failed escape attempt, you’d been crying and refusing to eat anything at all. Your hunger strike is doing nothing but harm your own health.
And now that he sees a servant that was sent to your room with food return with a distressed look, AFO sighed. “She didn’t eat, did she?” The servant bowed before replying, “No, my King. The princess- she refuses to eat lunch. And the dinner sent to her last night, it also remains untouched.” AFO closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. How much longer will you keep this up? He cant focus on the war when all he can stress about is if you’ve eaten or not?
Sensing the distress of the ruler, Kurogiri stepped up to help. “My King, if you allow, may I handle this matter?”
AFO knows you’re not… exactly fond of him or Kurogiri at the moment but… what else can he do now?
He nodded.
Its worth a shot.
The Nomu watched in silence as you laid on the floor, tear streaks now dried on your cheeks, hair unkempt and greasy, complexion sickly pale, disheveled appearance over all. A chain around your ankle, long enough for you to move around the room, yet you continue to lie on the floor, mostly because you just don’t have the energy to get up. The lack of nutrients and dehydration, it was starting to take a toll on you, not only physically but mentally as well. How do you know?
Well, for starters, you could see your dead mother standing in the corner.
“Y/n?” She called out. You blinked.
She was right next to you, on her knees, a very concerned look on her face.
“Oh baby, what have you done to yourself?” She whispered, blowing cold air on your sweaty forehead.
“Don’t leave me.”
“I cant stay for long, Y/n but-” She smiled sadly. “-I’m here now.”
You smiled back at her, even though you knew she wasn’t real, you still believed for a moment that she was.
“Yes, mama?”
“Have you been taking care of dad?”
“Mine? No. Yours? Also no.” You mumbled. “Dad and I fought, we always fight it seems. And grandpa? I- well- I’m mad at him. He kept me here, created more misunderstandings between me and dad and now wants to kill dad for revenge and apparently for “my sake” too.”
She brushed your hair with her fingers. “Seems like you’ve been busy.” She booped your nose. “Still, you’re the only one who can fix it all.”
“You’ll figure it out. But the war mustn’t happen, Y/n.”
“Easy for you to say.”
“Well I am a figment of your imagination, aren’t I?” She chuckled. You smiled as well. You missed her laugh. Its so delicate.
“I have to go now, baby.” She whispered, a cold kiss pressed to your cheek.
“I miss you.”
“I know, honey.” She pointed at the door. “You have company, darling.”
Just then, the door slammed open and your pupils widened at the sight of him.
He rushed towards you, eyes wild as he took in your form. “Oh my- are you hurt?! What did he do?!” He asked checking you over for injuries. You looked so weak, as if the air itself was harsh enough to hurt you.
“You’re here.” You whispered. Dabi’s eyes softened, as he nodded. “I am. And I’m sorry that it took so long. But I’m here now, and I’ll get you out of here. Can you stand?”
With tears of relief in your eye, you shook your head. “I- I cant. Too tired.” Dabi nodded again before pulling out his water container, supporting your head as he helped you hydrate. “Better?” You hummed, smiling at him weakly as he laid your head in his lap. You missed him.
“I have an energy cube- this.” He pulled out a small blue cube. “It should give you enough energy to walk. I’d carry you, but I cant use my quirk without hurting you.” He pushed the cube towards your lips. You turned your head away. “It stinks. Like shrimp.”
He chuckled. “So? Come on, eat it. Then we can get out of here.” You stared at him, brows knitting together.
“Are you still mad at me?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Dabi smiled sadly. “I never was, Y/n. I never truly could be. You- you’re a part of me-” “-and mom.” “-and your mom. You’re my daughter, my pride and joy, my most treasure jewel. You’re the most precious to me, Y/n.”
“I-.” You smiled sadly, nuzzling into him. “- can I ask you something? If you allow-“Always.”
“Did you- did you visit her? Mom?” You asked softly. “I know- you don’t like her, nor do you believe in talking to the dead but… I just wanted to know if you visited the royal cemetery behind my back? The caretakers sometimes forget to clean her tomb.”
Dabi looked into your hopeful eyes, his blue orbs just taking in your appearance. “I did.” He answered. “I talked to her, well I mostly confessed, begged her and god to help me find you. Don’t worry though, the caretakers looked well after the cemetery.” He brought the energy cube to your lips again. “Now, eat this so that we can get out-”He was cut off by you smacking the cube out of his hand and laughing dryly at him.
“Do you take me for a fool?”
Dabi’s brows furrowed. “Y/n-”
“Princess Y/n. How dare you talk to me like we’re equals?!” He shook his head, his hand coming to cup your cheek but you pushed yourself away from him, practically throwing yourself away.
“How dare you try to touch me?!” You shrieked. “HOW DARE YOU PRETEND TO BE A KING, YOU IMPOSTOR?! SHIFT BACK NOW! SHIFT OR I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL DECAPITATE YOU MYSELF!! SHIFT!” The door opened and Kurogiri walked in. He nodded at Dabi.
“You can leave now, Himiko.” The impostor shifted back to a blonde girl. You remember seeing the servant before, when she helped Tomura with ironing your clothes. Kurogiri kneeled in front of you, looking at you with a slightly unamused look you imagine. “How’d you know?” How? How are you to explain that you know your father well enough to know that he would never visit your mother? How do you explain that he hated her so much that he didn’t even think she deserved to be buried in the royal cemetery, but rather in an unguarded, unmarked grave without anyone but you and Tomura to care for?
You laughed dryly at him. “What? You didn’t think I wouldn’t recognize my own father?” Kurogiri shrugged “You haven’t been showing many signs of intelligence; escaping, defending your father, going on a useless hunger strike are just a few examples.”
“Its pissing you off. I’d say they were pretty intelligent decisions.”
“All you’re doing is worrying your grandfather. He can’t focus on the war because he’s concerned about you.”
“Good. I don’t want the war to happen.”
“The war is going to happen, King AFO will win and your father will die-“ “No-” “Yes. And deep down, you know your he deserves to die. You know that it’d better for you to stay here, because you will never be a priority to him, just like your mother never was.”
“Dad didn’t kill her-”
“Perhaps not. But he never loved her, he humiliated her and you publicly when he started sleeping with that concubine. He made your mother unhappy, he kept you in the dark about your maternal grandfather, refused to let him contact you- his only grandchild, his only heir to this kingdom, his- his daughter’s only reminder. Are these not crimes but punishable by death? King Dabi may have not directly killed your mother but he was an accomplice to the murder, he never believed, let alone punish his concubine. He didn’t even believe you, his own daughter, his blood and flesh! What father would allow a murderer around his own child? He does not care about you, never has and never will!” Kurogiri told you. “This war? He’s not fighting it to save you, he’s fighting it to hurt King AFO! You mean nothing to him!’
“No!” Tears escaped your eyes. “You don’t know anything! But I’m telling you to stop this war. If you don’t- countless lives will be lost! Innocent people will die!”
“The people are prepared to die. Not that they will, your dear grandfather is very strong. You shouldn’t underestimate him. He will defeat King Dabi, and he will avenge your mother.” He pulled out another energy cube, placing it on your bed. “Eat it or not, I’m going to tell your grandfather that you’re well. I won’t let your stubbornness distract him.” He turned to leave, halting at your voice.
“Kurogiri, please. This war… it cant happen.”
He looked over his shoulder. “Your father has been begging for a war for a long time. Its about time he pays for the consequences, princess.” He said before leaving.
One of the knights rushed into AFO’s busy court, just as Kurogiri returned. AFO of course looked at Kurogiri first, the latter’s calm demeanor assured the king that he had taken care of the errand he was given. Then he looked at the knight who was trying to catch his breath.
“A-apologies for running in unannounced, my king! But they’re here!” He took a large gulp of breath in to compose himself.
“King Dabi is here!”
The court went silent as they looked to their king, awaiting his panic for Dabi had reached earlier than expected. But AFO remained collected, nodding his head as he turned to address his court.
“Prepare yourself. Alert the people about this as well, so that they may take necessary measures.” He started giving out orders to his generals, pausing to tell Kurogiri to release the several Nomus that are under his control.
“They won’t hurt my subjects, assure the people of that will you?” Kurogiri bowed his head before teleporting to carry out his orders.
By the time he returned, AFO sat alone on his throne, wearing his armor. Kurogiri walked closer to him, and couldn’t help but notice a certain amount of sadness in his eyes.
“Your majesty?” He called out, but AFO didn’t look up at him.
“Y/n reminds me so much of her.” Ah, the late queen. “From the way she looks, to her having the same mannerisms, the same affection for animals-” AFO chuckled. “-they even have the same furrow in their brows when their mad. Y/n… she’s just like her isn’t she?” Kurogiri agreed, because he thought so too. In fact, if it weren’t for your painfully annoying naivety, your rebelliousness, your incessant need to defend Dabi and your urge to make everything unnecessarily difficult for your grandfather, he’d say you were your mother reincarnated.
“I wanted to see her, talk to her one last time before leaving, just to assure her that I’d win, that she need not to worry her head over this matter because I’d take care of everything. Because I’d protect her. But-“ AFO paused, as if the words got caught in his throat. “-I couldn’t. I couldn’t because she’d beg me not to. She’d cry and cry and I just cant- I cant go to war with the sight of her like this Kurogiri. She used to cry like that for him too; my daughter- and now Y/n. They were always blinded by their pure hearted nature, always loved that bastard too much to see that he does not care about them.” Kurogiri will never forget the day your mother had died. King AFO, he was absolutely crushed. He had never seen him like this, the look of utter despair, utter defeat, as if someone had dethroned the king and cut off his limbs with an axe and left him to be feasted on by vultures. The king loved his daughter very much. She was the apple of his eye, his light, his only heir. He never wanted her to marry Dabi, but when she claimed that she had fallen in love with him, he couldn’t help but give in. He would’ve given her the world if she’d asked, but just a few months into the marriage and AFO sensed that he may have made a grave mistake. He gave her several opportunities to escape that marriage, to help her leave that ungrateful bastard, but despite everything, your mother just smiled and continued to claim that she loved Dabi until her last breath. AFO doesn’t know for sure if your mom really loved Dabi as much as she claimed to, especially after concubine Keigo came into the picture. He thinks that you may have been the main reason why she stayed in that unhappy marriage. Perhaps she thought that by birthing Dabi a heir, she might get the love and respect she deserves. But Dabi… he didn’t get rid of Keigo, or even tried to hide his affairs, not even for your sake. You were a child, a product of a broken marriage. AFO wasn’t sure how he felt about you initially, mostly because he thought you’d tied her daughter down in this nightmare of a marriage. But the first time and the only time your mother brought you over to her homeland, AFO (as well as others) were immediately enamored by you. You looked like your mother when she was an infant. When he first held you in his arms, he knew instantly that he was wrapped around your tiny finger for the rest of his life. He swore to himself and to your mother that he would protect you for eternity. But then, Dabi had the audacity to forbid you from visiting AFO, and a few years later, he banned AFO from ever visiting his kingdom, effectively cutting his contact with you, his only grandchild.
That should’ve been enough reason for AFO to start a war with him, but your mother managed to convince him otherwise, promising that she’ll talk to Dabi about this matter.
Later that year, your mother was killed.
And AFO never truly recovered from that loss. What father could?
“This war, she thinks isn’t necessary. She thinks I’m some monster who has it out for her dear father. But she’ll never accept it that Dabi- he isn’t participating in this war to save her. He’s coming because he wants to hurt me. He wants to take her away from me and rub it in my face that she will face the same fate as my daughter did. He wants to take her away so that he can tell me that I failed to protect them both.” He finally looked at him. “I won’t make the same mistake again, Kurogiro. I wont.” AFO stood up from his gilded throne. “I will kill Dabi today, and I will win this war. Your job is to protect princess Y/n. Teleport her to safety if need be.” Kurogiri bowed his head, as AFO continue. “And if things go south due to some unforeseen circumstances, I want you to prioritize Y/n’s life over mine.”
Kurogir’s eyes widened. “Your Majesty, that won’t be-“
“I know, but still. I want you to promise me, Kurogiri. Her life over mine. Prioritize Y/n over me.”
Kurogiri bowed, placing a hand over his heart.
“I promise, my king.”
AFO watched the shore from a distance, his army in position with him. His main order was to distance the enemy away from the castle where you were trapped in, guarded by a Nomu, some knights and Kurogiri.
“They’re near, my king.” One of the generals said, watching through his binoculars. “I count about 300 ships, about 200 baring King Dabi’s flag, 70 belonging to the imperial house of Yaoryuzu, while 30 belong to some barbarians.”
AFO didn’t respond for a few moments, simply staring ahead, before his lips quirked ever so slightly. “There’s more. Look again.” He said. The general was confused but he looked again, now with a few soldiers also searching the waters, tilting their heads a little and that’s when they saw it.
Like a mirage in the desert, when the heat starts to play tricks on your eyes, the wind dancing around to create an illusion, they were able to make out the faintest silhouette of very large fleet. It was as if there was a curtain, produced by nature to hide the enemy.
But AFO knew better. It was no natural phenomenon, but actually an invisibility quirk.
Tomura had mentioned about an emperor who was going to take you in before you came here. Perhaps, its him.
Its time to put an end to all of this.
 AFO began giving out orders. “Prepare the canons! Archers, take position! Sakura regiment and Ume regiment, take formation A and charge forwards at command!” The soldiers took their respective positions, holding their breaths as they awaited the king’s next command. AFO wanted to attack first, end the war before it could really begin.
AFO counted down as Dabi’s ships came closer.
I love you, Y/n.
“FIRE!” The canons blasted, followed by- “DRAW!” The arrows flew, but neither the cannonballs nor the arrows ever hit the enemy because they all disintegrated in the sky high fire wall surrounding the entire perimeter of the island.
“What the…” The soldiers, and even AFO was momentarily shocked, and the enemy used that element of surprise to strike. One second the boundaries of the island were surrounded by hellish blue flames, and in the next, thousands of men suddenly lunged through the fire, completely unharmed and charged towards AFO’s army from all directions. On his left, he saw loud explosives going off in the sky, and he immediately spotted the brash blonde roaring as his hands fired blasts after blasts.
Must be a barbarian.
He heard another loud crash behind him, and there he spotted a massive army comprising mainly of female warriors, who were being led by a fierce woman wearing red and gold armor, indicating that she belonged from the imperial house of Yaoryuzu.
And then he heard the screams.
Whipping his head back to the front, he saw the villager’s house up in blue flames, Dabi appearing through the smoke, a manic grin on his face as he locks eyes with him.
Of course, leave it to Dabi to attack the women and children first. He’s a heartless bastard.
With a wave of his hand, heavy clouds appeared over the burning houses and poured rain. AFO’s face remained neutral as Dabi began inching his way closer to him, slaughtering anyone and everyone that stood in his way, even his own men. AFO stared at him dead in the eyes before smiling suddenly because right in the next moment, a Nomu flew and jumped right onto Dabi.
Guess he’ll have to wait for a bit until he can kill Dabi.
Although Katsuki and Momo were tearing through the crowds, swinging their swords and killing enemies easily, and had this been any other war, they might've even enjoyed it. But right now, all they could think about was finding you, both parties have the same motive but neither will attempt to work together to find you quicker. No, not when they wanted to play your "Knight in shining armour", because clearly, whoever saves the princess gets the favour of king Dabi and the love of princess Y/n. Clearly, when they find you, you will throw yourself at them and practically beg them to marry you.
Somehow they had found their way to the high towers where you were locked in, individually taking the opposite routes and hoping the other one dies before they reach you. They killed all the knights and the devoted servants that blocked their way until they stood at the opposite ends of the hallway, bloodied and staring at each other. Words did not need to be shared for the threat to heard-
Back off.
Of course, neither one would. Not when they're this close to making you theirs forever. The two charged at each other, swords drawn and quirks going off, all while neither one of them knew that Kurogiri had already teleported you to the secret passageways underground the moment he saw them coming for the hightower, and now all that was waiting for them in that room up there was the Nomu assigned to protect you.
So, whoever wins Bakugo VS Yaoryuzu battle will have to die at the hands of the Nomu.
Kurogiri almost wished he could watch it all unfold with AFO.
But no, he has to carry you to safety- he promised his king. He paid no mind to you sluring out threats as you went in and out of consciousness, clearly still persistent on starving yourself.
"I'd kill you... my dad- d-dad will kill you and the the- villagers-" you mumbled, eyes closed as your cheek rested against his chest, the man carrying you in his arms.
"Yeah? And then what?" He hummed.
"He'll kill- kill everyone and- and burn thi-s place to- to the the ground and it'll be-" you choked on a sob "-it'll be all my fault!"
"Well, you don't need to worry about that. Your grandfather is a skilled fighter, he will easily decapitate Dabi. Have some faith!" He cheered while you whined into his shoulder. "Now, now, princesses don't whine. I must say, I am excited for your princess training when the war is over. I'll personally see to it that you learn all the manners and ethics of royalty, your father didn't do a good job at finding you a good teacher."
"The late queen appointed me as her teacher, personally. You would be wise not to say anything about the princess's training lest you want a painful death, Kurogiri."
You both looked behind at the source of the voice, opposite emotions coursing through you both as you caught sight of him-
Tomura Shigaraki.
"Tomu~" you whispered, getting teary eyed as you looked at the once gentle eyed, lanky armed, always presentable, invisible servant to now a far more bulked up warrior with his hair unkempt and his eyes wild yet clear.
Kurogiri didn't waste another second as he opened the warp gate and teleported you out of there, Tomura calmly promising you that he'll find you soon. While it would've been easy for Kurogiri to escape along with you, he preferred to deal with Tomura now and be done with it.
Tomura charged at the man, and Kurogiri had his sword drawn out, teleporting just when the former neared. The shadowed man appeared around him and sliced the skin on his arm.
"So weak, its pathetic. How you were allowed to be near the princess is beyond me." Kurogiri said, dodging the swing of Tomura's blade, before kicking him in the stomach, making the latter cough blood. "You were never strong enough to be the princess's guard, or a servant. But I always did think that you'd be smart-" Tomura grunted before quickly jumping and stabbing the sword into Kurogiri's abdomen, but the taller man remain unfazed. "-Guess not." Kurogiri said, before swallowing the sword into his body, warping it to an unknown destination, Tomura's eyes going wide as his hand started to get warped too, but then... he smiled. A sinister grin stretched on Tomura's face as he spoke.
"And your biggest mistake Kurogiri is that you underestimate me." He said before grabbing Kurogiri's neck brace with both hands and disintegrating it until he reached his neck, destroying it too.
Kurogiri was now a pile of ashes at Tomura's feet.
What a waste... of my time.
Tomura thought before he began looking for you again.
On the other side of island, right in the middle, Dabi had just spent the last hour fighting the Nomu that was cannon balled on him. He finally defeated the monstrosity, and it had taken a slight toll on his body. And since AFO saw the battle, he was more than happy to send a couple more his way.
While Dabi began fighting those brainwashed giants again, AFO's mind was still preoccupied by the enemy fleets that were hiding behind an invisibility quirk. They were still nowhere to be seen, and AFO could sense they were plotting something.
AFO looked towards his castle, thinking whether he should call Kurogiri and deal with this hidden enemy and also check up on you, but decided against it because he did not want anyone to know where you were.
He looked back towards Dabi, to see if he'd been crushed to death or not, but instead found him hovering up in the sky, body ablaze and his eyes staring right back at him.
And then... he flicked his wrist.
In just a few seconds, the entire island was covered in smoke. It was dark and suffocating, and when AFO heard people screaming in pain, he could only imagine the horrors Dabi was inflicting on them.
The thick black air made it impossible to see more than just a few steps ahead, and everyone was swinging their swords at anyone and everyone, and those who weren't fighting, were killed by the lack of air.
AFO used his quirks to aid him in breathing and killing, years of training finally coming to use. But truthfully, he couldn't see where he was going even with his quirks. And that's how he ended up in front of you.
You were lying on the ground, unconscious, the side of your head bleeding slightly because after Kurogiri teleported you, your knees buckled and you hit your head on a tree branch.
With neither Kurogiri nor Nomu in sight, AFO couldn't help but wonder what possible trouble could've found them to leave you so dangerously near the battlefield.
AFO kneeled and placed his hand on your cheek, activating his quirk so you'd be able to breathe and not inhale the deadly fumes your father has spread.
He caressed your cheek, silently praying that you didn't inherit your mother's asthma. AFO was sure you hadn't, from the detailed reports he had gotten you never mentioned anything, but... he wouldn't put it past Dabi not to notice you dying to catch your breath.
Poor baby. AFO sighed before calling one of the Nomus (through telepathy) to come. He'd need someone to carry you to safety while he fights.
"Get your filthy paws off her!" Someone yelled from above, AFO barely missing the sharp feather that shot past him.
The winged concubine was hovering above him, wearing battle armour, a sharp contrast to the whore clothes he usually wears. The king remembered him from the last time he visited his daughter at Dabi's place, trying her absolute best to contain her tears while Dabi refused to welcome AFO because he was "busy with important affairs", only for them to hear Dabi and Keigo committing adultery in the court room, your mother hanging her head down in shame as she ushered AFO to move so that she could show him your nursery.
AFO never forgot nor forgave the humiliation he and your mother had to face, and it was even more insulting when he finally saw the bitch Dabi was sleeping with. AFO did consider at first that your father must be either blind and deaf or under the affect of some quirk to be brainwashed enough to think that Keigo was an acceptable replacement for your mother, or even for royalty. It wouldn't be wrong to say that years of resentment had AFO plotting for revenge against him as well.
Another feather shot past him, AFO only tilting his head slightly to dodge the arrow.
The corner of AFO's lips quirked a little.
This ought to be fun.
AFO looked back at your face, still unconscious, and a small part of him wished you'd be awake for this. You'd definitely enjoy this. Oh well.
"I said, get the hell away-!" Keigo's voice got caught in his throat, as if some invisible force was squeezing his throat. Like a fish out of water, Keigo thrashed in air, his hands on his neck trying to release the compression so that air could reach his lungs.
Without looking away from you, AFO spoke.
"Dont yell. I don't want you to disturb my granddaughter." He flicked his wrist and a small domain formed in which all of Dabi's smoke was vacuumed out instantly. The sky was clear, and so was the way he was about to torture Keigo.
AFO further constricted Keigo's throat, making him start to turn blue. In retaliation, he shot many of his feathers at AFO, raining down at him like arrows, but they stopped mid air before they could ever reach him.
"Now that could've hurt Y/n. Involuntary manslaughter... how should I punish you for that?" The king thought outloud, getting up on his feet and looking at the bird that was gurgling for air. "Perhaps, return the attack?" The feathers that had stopped mid-air slowly turned to face Keigo, all glintingdangerously. AFO grinned before suddenly opening his hand (that were controlling the feathers), prompting the feathers to shoot at Keigo.
The feathers revolved and attacked Keigo from all directions, and Keigo felt like he was trapped in a hurricane full of sharpened knives that slashed his skin from all sides.
A few moments later, the feathers stopped and Keigo fell to the ground with them. His armour had protected him from most stabs, but he was still bleeding.
"On to your next offence- killing my daughter and humiliating the royal family. Now, I don't have any evidence for the former except that Y/n accused you, and I don't really blame you completely for either crime because Dabi was mainly involved in it, you were just following orders. Still-" He sighed. "- You were an assailant. You assisted in a crime against royalty, you deserve to be punished." AFO flicked his index finger, lifting Keigo up in the air.
"I've always wondered what Dabi saw in you. Surely, there are prettier sluts than you- thats why he keeps his harem around, eh? It couldn't be possibly that you're strong or smart... and then it clicked! It's those larger than life wings of yours. The fiery red wings that compliment his blue flames. And not to mention how rare your quirk is... haven't seen any other winged humans that could actually fly. And knowing Dabi, that's all he views you as- a rare antique to own. A bird to keep in a gilded cage, if you will. So, thats how I'm going to hurt you and Dabi-" AFO chuckled, his hands making small movements to spread open Keigo's wings.
"I'm going to pluck you like a chicken."
AFO snapped his fingers as feathers began to be pulled slowly, one at a time, from the base painfully, making Keigo scream in agony.
You'd finally woken up by the sound of screams, heart pounding as you saw Keigo strung up in the air with his feathers being pulled out.
Too weak to move, you didn't realise someone was behind you until they covered your mouth, eyes widening in terror before calming down when you saw it Tomura. Placing a finger on his lips telling you to remain quiet as he began lifting you up to carry you out of there, only to stop when you let out an audible gasp as you looked behind him.
Nomu. The one AFO had called just minutes ago.
Tomura only had to take one careful step back to make it banshee scream, making Tomura drop you back down to cover his ears. At the monster's scream, AFO looked back, eyes narrowing at the sight of your traitorous servant.
"Oh, it's just you." He looked at Nomu nodding his head at Tomura. "Take care of him, will you?" You flinched when Nomu punched Tomura, throwing him far away from you. Tomura fortunately softened his landing and jumped back up, pulling out his sword. In order for Tomura to disintegrate the Nomu, he needs to get his hands on him long enough for him to turn into ashes but just before Nomu can crush his skull.
"Dont..." you whispered, eyes fixated on Tomura fighting for his life. Your gaze shifted to AFO,tears forming in your eyes as your lips wobbled. "Please... not him..." you begged, AFO's heart melting a bit at your pitiful sight. He'd give you the world if you'd ask, but getting rid of anyone that stood in his way to protect you was necessary. "Grandpa, please! I promise, I'll be- I'll be good! I won't leave! Ever! I'll do everything you say, just don't hurt Tomura! Please-!"
"Stop it, Y/n. The sovereign never begs." You heard someone say from behind you, making you turn your head to look at the familiar voice.
Dabi stood behind you.
"Have you learnt nothing from princess training? Or has someone been polluting your mind?" He looked at you, his gaze stern but you could see the way they lighted up when he saw you.
Daddy's here.
"Dad." You breathed out. His eyes softened visibly at the word. Oh how he had longed to hear that name again.
He smiled briefly at you before looking back at AFO and then at Keigo, who was still being tortured.
"Let him go. This is between you and me." Dabi said, hands set lighting up.
AFO raised a brow. "How brave of you to man up." He said before throwing Keigo so hard that his body slammed against a big tree, knocking him out. He looked at his Nomu and pointed at Tomura and Keigo. "Get rid of them both. Protect Y/n."
Dabi then launched multiple fireballs at him while AFO jumped back, dodging them all while making sure that you don't get hurt in the crossfire.
Seeing that as Keigo was unconscious and Nomu's full attention was on Tomura, you knew you had to butt in before it kills him.
With all your might, you got on your feet and staggered towards them, picking up one of Keigo's feathers. With unfocused eyes, you walked towards the Nomu, gripping the feather harder as you neared.
"Princess!" Tomura yelled. "Stay back! Stay back, Y/n!" Hearing your name, the Nomu turned around, only to find you holding the razor sharp feather against your neck.
Eyes cold, you stared at the Nomu.
"If he dies, so do I." You threatened, the Nomu's eyes widening. "I'll fucking do it, I swear to god I will. I'm so tired of this "protect Y/n" bullshit, I'm gonna end this stupid thing right here, right now." You slowly inched near the monster. "I should've died, should've killed myself years ago, right after mom died. You all failed to save her, made her life a hell, just like mine is now. My death, my doom is inevitable. But no one else should suffer because of me." You closed your eyes, hands moving to drag the deadly weapon across your neck when the Nomu screeched, falling to its knees, continuing to screech long after you'd dropped your feather.
The Nomu began crying, fat tears dropping down its face as you hugged it, the mutant wrapping its buff arms around you and lifting you up and close.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry I had to do this, but you wouldn't have listened otherwise." It- or well, his tears continued to wet your clothes as you patted his head, and you signalled Tomura not to activate his quirk and kill Nomu. "Its okay, I'm- I'm okay. But you can't protect me without protecting the people I care about. Do you understand what I'm saying?" The Nomu sniffled before nodding, almost like a child. "I care about Tomura, and I care about the villagers. So you must go back to the villagers. The village is under attack, and its burning down. Won't you save them for me? Protect the people I care about?" The Nomu seemed hesitant to leave you at first, but you continued to manipulate him. "If something happens to them, I'll never forgive myself. I'll die-" that was enough for Nomu to agree and leave you behind with a very heavy heart, only after you convinced him that Tomura wasn't a threat.
As soon as the Nomu left, your knees buckled and Tomura caught you before you could fall on your head. "That was... incredibly stupid." He commented. You smiled lazily, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. "I missed you too, Tomu." He pulled you closer to his chest in response, having trouble mustering up the words to express how sorry he was for taking so long, to apologise for not recognising AFO's intentions from the beginning, for being the reason why everything was happening.
But you just looked up at him, staring into his eyes with a soft expression as you whispered "Its okay, Tomura. Its not your fault." And just like that, all was well in the world.
But your happy reunion didn't last long, as Tomura sensed that you were in danger, and in the next second, he'd spun you around to the other direction, gasping as the air got knocked out of him.
You pulled away from him immeadiately, eyes bulging at the large red feather protruding from Tomura's stomach.
"I-" Tomura coughed up blood before falling to his knees, you quickly catching his head before it could hit the ground. Tears falling down your face, you found it hard to breathe as you stared at the crimson staining his shirt
"I knew you'd move." Keigo's voice made you look up, confusion evident on your face. Did he... do this? Keigo walked towards you two, smiling warmly yet with an unsettling look in his eyes, before he grabbed you by the shoulders and hugged you. "I know it looked like I was aiming for you, but I wasn't, love. I could never hurt you!"
Oh no.
You pushed away from him, sobs wracking your body as you tried to help Tomura but far too perplexed as to whether or not you should pull out the feather stabbing him.
But you weren't given much time to ponder upon it as the moment your hands touched his blood, you were instantly yanked back.
"Oh no, honey. You can't let yourself get dirty by his filthy blood. Your father will think you got hurt. Come on, now. Don't fight me on this. Let's go back to the ship." Keigo cooed as he began pulling you away from an unconscious Tomura, and you dropped to the ground to resist Keigo, but he continued to drag you by your arms before eventually picking you up and carrying you. And even though both of you knew that you were far too weak to escape his grip, you still struggled to break free.
Luckily for you, AFO was able to hear your distress calls for help. The moment you wailed to be let go, the instant you called out for Tomura, AFO's head whipped in your direction, veins popping at the sight of that murderer's hands on you, not even looking at Dabi as he blasted your dad away to a distance.
The mere sight of Keigo carrying you crying and sobbing pushed him over the edge, because for a moment he imagined it was his own daughter that was crying.
He is not losing you again.
The deafening sound of AFO's blast made Keigo look back, just to be punched in the face with enough force for him to drop you (as your grandfather caught you and placed you to the side) and land a couple hundred meters away. You immediately scrambled back to Tomura, but the sight of him lying in a pool of blood made you hyperventilate and cry as you prayed and begged for him to wake up while holding his hand in yours, heart dropping to the pit of your stomach as you realised....
There was no pulse.
Meanwhile, AFO jumped over to Keigo again, punching him over and over again until he was an unrecognisable pulp, before flipping him over and he began ripping out the rest of his feathers with his bare hands.
"HOW DARE YOU LAY HANDS ON HER?!" AFO roared, all sense of control out the window as he grabbed hands and snapped them like twigs, Keigo howling in pain.
Suddenly, AFO was kicked off the bird man, Dabi being the culprit of course, who was equally as blinded with rage as AFO.
The battle of quirks began, but as Dabi had one quirk and AFO had an amalgam of quirks, the winner here was clear.
Dabi's fire turned black as he surrounded the two of them with high walls of flames before releasing powerful fire based attacks, only for AFO to use his quirk to create a vacuum and suck out all the oxygen to not only put out the flames but also deprive Dabi of air.
With not being able to either use his quirk or breathe, Dabi didnt have any other choice but to try his luck with hand to hand combat, but the lack of air was getting to him and AFO was a skilled fighter who was able to dodge all of Dabi's punches before he fell to the ground clutching his throat.
AFO stood over him, years of hurt and anger poorly concealed on his face. "Suffocating, isn't it? You've only had to suffer through for a few minutes of something you made my daughter go through for years. For fucking years!" He punched Dabi, who was turning blue now. "She was my daughter, my beautiful daughter and she didn't do anything to deserve what you did to her! You and your slut killed her for what?! For hate? For jealousy? Even if you hated her, had you no heart to have mercy for the mother of your child!? Hell, you could've divorced her, left her, thrown her out of the damn castle if you hated her guts but you could've left her to me alive! YOU DIDNT HAVE TO KILL HER!" He grabbed Dabi by the collar, kicking him in the face. "I've waited to avenge my daughter for years. Today, you will die." AFO pulled out his sword, aiming at Dabi's neck to behead him.
"DROP THAT DOWN OR Y/N DIES!" Keigo threatened, who despite the beating he just took was standing on his feet with one of his sharp feathers against your neck. "I swear to fucking everything, if he dies, so will she!" He yelled as he yanked you by your hair back, and pressed the sharp edge harder against your skin.
AFO's eyes met your face, but you didn't even react as Keigo shook you by your hair, the catatonic state you'd just slipped into as your eyes never left Tomura.
"You wouldn't. You'd never live-" AFO's words died down as Keigo began dragging the feather, drawing blood. "STOP IT! Y/N- OKAY! OKAY!" AFO dropped his sword and released his quirk to allow Dabi to breathe, but AFO couldn't stop staring at you. It just- why didn't you struggle or even flinch at the blade being dragged across your neck, however superficially, it still must've hurt.
Did Tomura's death really affected you this much?
That blank face, that hundred yard stare- it all pained him greatly because it was exactly how he caught your mother when he saw her the last time. And it haunted him all these years that he was so powerless and blind to help his child. That she was so clearly in need of his help and he didn't save her.
But not you. No, no. Even if he has to rewind time itself, he will do so to help you.
"Y/n, Y/n, princess- look at me! I promise you- ill fix this! I'll fix everything! You want Tomura? I'll fix Tomura- just tell me what you want-" but AFO was left at a loss for words once more when you looked directly at him, with the same blank stare but with big fat tears rolling down your cheeks, as if to say that you've lost everything and it can't be helped.
You've failed to protect me.
AFO really did love you, with all his heart and that's why that hopeless, dead look in your eyes hurt him far more than the sword driven through his chest because his heart was already broken by your state. He was far too concerned with you to be aware of his enemy taking advantage of his distraction.
As Dabi began burning AFO, whispering things in his ear, AFO was for once slightly greatful to Keigo for covering your view of your grandfather being burned alive.
He did not want that sight of him to be in your memory.
With AFO being dead and no one to control mind control the Nomus, they stopped fighting and the remaining army of AFO, despite knowing that their king was dead still fought hard until the end to protect their new ruler- you. But with the large armies of the enemy and without Nomus help, they lost.
After finishing off AFO, Dabi walked towards you and Keigo, cold blue eyes staring at you before furrowing his brows as he pulled you in for a hug, you remained limp against him, even as he stroked your hair and said soft words of affirmation to you, giving Keigo a victory kiss.
With your eyes meeting Tomura's dead body, your mind allowed you the mercy of relieving you of consciousness.
Soldiers on both sides, along with the villagers that had now been captured, all watched as King Dabi carried his daughter with one arm, while his other supported Keigo's frail body, walking towards his ship, where his allies stood.
As he was about to climb on the ship, one of his generals asked "Your Majesty? About the prisoners of war, should we sell them or keep them as slaves?" He was referring to the army and subjects of AFO who were still alive.
Dabi didn't look up from your asleep face, smiling softly as you reminded him of when you were a baby.
"Burn them."
What? Even his own allies, even the barbarians, even the ever insane young Empress Momo was surprised at that. Surely, King Dabi would follow the code of conduct for war. Surely-
"Your Majesty-"
"Burn them. Burn it all. Burn the entire island." He then looked up at his assassins/spies Aizawa and Hizashi, nodding at them to see to it that his order is followed before boarding his ship, where Kai carefully took you from Dabi's arms to heal you while other healers came to help Keigo.
With Dabi and Keigo being bandaged and you lying on their in between them, they smiled and kissed once more, their victory only sweetening more with screams of people being burned alive in the background.
War is over.
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So... what do u guys think???
921 notes · View notes
mantizimus · 1 year
Hello. May I request Class 1-a girls dating reader, who create stupid, but always working plans?
Bad, but working plans
Ochako Uraraka
Hearing your plan for the first time, she can hardly contain a giggle.
Tries to gently point out the flaws in the plan to you.
When your plan works, she is in complete shock.
Seriously, she can't even say word.
Eventually, she decides to just roll with it and not bother herself with logic.
Tsuyu Asui
Tells you every time that your plan won't work, and every time she's completely shocked that it somehow worked.
Even after you explain your plan to her, she is confused.
After the 20th plan, Tsuyu just decided to stop thinking about it.
Definitely considers you the main imbalance of the universe.
Learned not to question your ideas, no matter how dumb and crazy they are.
Kyoka Jiro
Doubts your ideas and will tell you about it.
When your plan worked the first time, Kyoka felt her brain explode.
She's really gonna ask you how it happened.
Ends up with the attitude "It's stupid, but I'm not gonna stop it."
Toru Hagakure
When Toru first hears about your plan, she decides to just watch how it goes.
Impressed that it worked.
Takes part in the realising your plans.
Fascinated by how crafty you are.
Mina Ashido
Always ready to help you realise your plans.
She tends to offer you new ideas.
Definitely rubs it in the face of her more skeptical classmates when your plan works.
Doesn't quite understand how they work, but doesn't bother herself with it
Considers your creativity one of your best features.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo tries to be as scrupulous as possible when planning.
Therefore, when your idea is heard, it is in conflict. On the one hand, she loves you and does not want you to be upset, but on the other hand, she already has her own, more logical, plan.
When you do carry out your plan - and it works - she is in such shock that she can only open and close her mouth.
Tries to analyze your plan from several points of view, and understands that it should have failed according to all the laws of logic and common sense.
After several such plans, she decides to just ignore it.
421 notes · View notes
vrisrezis · 2 years
The worst thing abt being with certain characters ? Write ur favs ! Bnha preferably
Bakugou is very jealous and not in the funny cute way. Sure, it’s funny and cute the first couple times but after awhile it becomes repetitive. It’s often, and it can be exhausting. You may feel like he doesn’t trust you as well because of it, in reality he’s just scared of losing you but he can’t confront it properly.
Kirishima tries so hard to do everything for the both of you. It’s sweet how considerate and selfless he can be, but you just wish he would let you shoulder his burdens like how he shoulders yours. He’s your rock, (literally) but on a whole other level and he won’t ever let you return the favor. It sometimes feels like he doesn’t trust you. Maybe one day he will open up, since being honest is manly.
Kaminari doesn’t listen and he forgets a lot of things. He tries to listen, he really does. But he just can’t sometimes. Whether it be because he’s too busy admiring how attractive you are or because what you’re talking about is too goddamn boring, he can’t focus on the words coming out of your mouth. He may forget important things that he didn’t mean to forget and it comes across as him just not caring. He cares so much but he’s extremely forgetful, unfortunately.
Todoroki is perfect. The worst thing about being with him isn’t even him, it’s his father. Even after he redeemed himself, he’s very hard on you. He believes his son deserves only the best, the strongest. You have to deal with his father constantly, it’s extremely tiresome and the worst part is you have to keep it to yourself.
Dabi lies, a lot. Even when he starts being himself and becomes open and vulnerable, that takes a very long time and he has a terrible habit of lying to you. If you’re not a villain alongside him, you have no idea about his double life. Even if you are? He doesn’t tell you what he’s up to while he’s gone. He truly means well, behind the mask is a soft and caring man, in his own way. But through and through he’s a liar. Even you don’t know his true identity for the longest time.
Shigaraki… where do I even begin? He’s exhausting to deal with, he’s childish to a fault. When you argue he expects you to apologize and he doesn’t ever think he did anything wrong. He’s extremely insensitive, and it takes a huge fuckup for him to realize he did something wrong and even then is too embarrassed to apologize. When he’s mad he’s not against yelling at you and saying he’ll kill you (even though he doesn’t mean it). Through and through you’re dating a man child.
Toga is pretty perfect in a relationship, if you ignore the fact she’s crazy. She’s very obsessive and jealous, and would definitely kill anyone that she felt showed any romantic interest in you, even if you two were friends. Makes her sound like a yandere but.. yknow.. I guess she kinda is? Her obsessive nature makes her overbearing to be with at times and it can feel isolating.
Hawks is swarmed by fans constantly, and many fans can be flirtatious. He tries to make sure the public eye likes him, so he often flirts back so there’s no hard feelings. You know he doesn’t like those people at all, but it can still be frustrating to see him flirt with random people. On top of this, he probably keeps your relationship a secret. He does it to protect you, but you can’t help but feel like this relationship isn’t important to him.
Sero is practically perfect, however when he’s feeling a particular emotion he assumes things. If he were to get jealous, it’s rare, but when he is he assumes you don’t like him anymore. When he’s sad he assumes you think he’s a pathetic failure, and etc. once you talk to him about it though, he tries to understand that it’s just in his head. It’s hard not to act upon these feelings though.
Mina is just .. a bit much at times. She constantly wants to go out and will not understand you if you just wanna stay home and chill out for once. Mina likes to be out and about, so you will find she lacks the understanding of just wanting to relax. But honestly is that really that bad compared to the others.
Jirou is not the most open and vulnerable, as it’s very hard for her to be. She will open up if needed but you have to coax her into opening up. She won’t voice her affections, and tries her hardest to remain stoic despite the blush on her cheeks. It may feel like she doesn’t trust you at times, because she’s very open with momo. However, she just had a hard time because she likes you so much.
Ochako gets very insecure, which isn’t a bad thing or anything until you consider the fact that she gets insecure over very small things. She gets insecure if you don’t call her certain pet names that day or something else pretty small and she thinks the worst possible thing and tries to avoid you.
Momo doesn’t do it on purpose, but she may make you feel guilty since she constantly wants to do things for you and constantly wants to buy you things as well. She absolutely refuses to let you do things for her at all, it’s only cause she loves you though, of course. But sometimes she makes you feel like she’s infantilizing you.
Monoma is just exhausting in general, but you kinda know what you signed up for when you started dating him. Due to his inferiority complex, he gets jealous very often. He tries not to resort to his.. usual self.. especially since he tries to act different when you’re around but sometimes he can’t help but gossip and shit talk people he’s jealous of, even if they’re close to you. It just gets exhausting to constantly hear about people you’re close to.
Shinsou is pretty much the perfect boyfriend so honestly the worst thing about dating him would probably be what people say about him and his quirk. It can be upsetting hearing people think of your boyfriend as a villain or somebody will villain potential, especially when you know him to be different and much more kind than what meets the surface.
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