#bo4 zero
writer-of-various · 1 year
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Random old bo4 screenshots
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sargeantsarmy · 2 years
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Genderbent bo4 specialists because they’re special to me
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griffincastle · 1 year
Hello, I hope you’re having a great day.
I haven’t played any zombies maps later than bo4 (I’m sorry). Can you explain what happens afterwards with Samantha and “the Director” and also possibly recommend some maps? Thank you 😊😊😊
One of the many improvements cw brought to zombies was that they made the storyline WAYYY more accessible. Meaning, now you could collect intel and radios in-game, then check them out in your game menu anytime you wanted. So the summary below has a radio/intel/cutscene you can find online! If you wanted to catch up on the story as a whole, all you need is some headphones and free time.
So, Sam and Eddie go into the light at the end of [REDACTED] in bo4…
Sam doesn’t remember her childhood starting the new story, and only remembers the orphanage in West Berlin. There's another gap in her past again, until she goes to Heidelberg (the same college Primis Ed went to!!) and graduates in math/language. She's then recruited to the western intelligence agency to keep an eye on what the communists are up to.
Eddie has zero personal history revealed. We only have small bits like: he was a fighter pilot (a callback to the "red baron" Manfred Von Richtofen haha. His plane was literally called the “blue baron”), he experimented on college students once by purposefully drugging them, and he has/*had a woman and child in his life. Also, he has an American accent like child-at-the-house Ed.
*whether they are alive is not confirmed, but the current evidence suggests they are not. Though, that has more to do with Weaver than Samantha. I could address this in a post not about Sam and Eddie's relationship.
He joins the CIA under the office of extra-regular activities, but when Sam learns of the soviets opening the dark aether portal, the CIA finds out as well. Ed proposes to create requiem to contain the threat, which is approved. 
So, now we may assume that we're at the beginning of Cold War.
Sam and Eddie officially first cross paths after Samantha was hospitalized. A different character, Dr. Peck, pushed her into the portal to the dark aether… BUT Eddie told Dr. Peck, explicitly, to banish sam. It's also important to note that dark aether time progresses differently, where 10 earth years = 100 dark aether years. So, sam was physically and psychologically damaged after 2 earth days/several dark aether months spent surviving. 
One can suspect that, unlike sam, Eddie can remember the aether storyline. He wanted her to be exposed to the dark aether, and for her to weild her former powers. We find that other people trapped in the dark aether never ended up developing powers. Instead, they go insane, die, or mutate.
(and I say Eddie can remember, because only Sam was able to control zombies at any point of the aether story. After moon, Ult Richtofen's zombie control powers were immediately severed when maxis exploded the earth. In the comics, his control of zombies was because /he/ was also a zombie. Or rather, using a zombie body. So he knows it had to be /sam/ that goes through the portal because she'd get powers.)
Now back to the hospital. As she recovers, she reveals visions and dreams she doesn't understand- as the player, we know she is recalling the aether story. For example, she mentions the great war and familiar faces…
When Sam starts showing signs that she can do special things, Ed forces her to go to a facility to "train" her newfound powers. However, he uses supreme abuse and manipulation to force the powers to surface. (I.e. forcing sam to teleport her dog away from gunfire, straight up exploding a random guy so Eddie won't get her girlfriend assassinated on camera…) 
Eddie is deliberately using torture to surface and control her powers, too. During the hospital stay, Sam was able to levitate a book after getting really excited over seeing her gf (gf is canonical by the way). Eddie could use any strong emotion, but is probably his cruelest iteration here. 
Eddie eventually manipulates Sam that she needs to give herself up so the forsaken (the antagonist of cw) doesn't destroy the world. She does so by entering the forsaken, which is in-turn able to be captured by the husk of robo-sophia.
As of now in the story, Sam is MIA, and Eddie closed down Requiem to pursue "project Janus," which has not been revealed . We know likely has to do with sam's sacrafice and the capture of the forsaken.
So that’s Eddie and Sam’s relationship! Very tense, but they also share many similarities with each other as characters.
AS FOR MAP RECOMMENDATIONS.. Firebase Z is king. It’s literally so fun and I never get bored with it. It has elements similar to origins, mob of the dead, DE, and the story is fullest here. Outbreak is a great map to get acquainted with the new play-style and is completely unique and exciting. If you’re looking for tighter gameplay and some comedy, Maur Der Toten. There’s a robot character named Klaus that’s just Primis Ed without a filter.
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collinnmckinley · 2 years
Hi there! I'm rather new to fps and have mainly played story-driven indies and sidescrolling platformers up until now but I thought I'd give cod a try sometime. I was once bullied into playing overwatch and that's the extent of experience I have; which was way too overwhelming and chaotic for my slow ass, but I imagine Call of Duty to be a bit easier maybe without all the various abilities of overwatch characters, am I wrong? Is cod beginner friendly?
It is a bit confusing and ominous with all the different kinds of gameplay modes there seem to be, so I'm wondering where to even start...if you have any tips or wisdom to share I'd be grateful haha
Hello there!! well I’m not going to sugar coat it cause well... CoD is no different than Overwatch in the sense of chaos, it can even get worse lol. As a beginner in FPS genre, I dont suggest trying out cod MP right off the bat if you just got the game and if you’re looking for slow placed gameplay, specially solo. BUT hear me out and bare with me it’s kinda long;
Yes it’s fast paced and it can and will get very chaotic, but when you get the hang of it it’ll be super worth it. I started playing CoD very late, like 2014 late so I’m not any expert in CoD. My first CoD was CoD: Ghosts. I loved that game it was super fun and I played it everyday. But I also went in with zero experience and knowing only snippets from all the funny videos I watched from my favorite youtubers or the campaign gameplay, and I experienced it and I fell in love with MP. And I played every CoD ever since (minus Vanguard and BO4). 
But to answer your question; I don’t think CoD is beginner friendly, unless there’s skill based matchmaking (which I think there is in MWII) and even then it can get rough. But all I can say is to just, experience it yourself tbh there’s no nice way to prepare for it, you know it’s just ‘you fuck around and find out’ kind of thing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And when you get the hang of it you’ll definitely fall in love with the gameplay, dare I say you’ll even go hunting for skins and unlocking camos ;)
Yes there are so many game modes in CoD and can be confusing and overwhelming with how it’s named and described, but it’s what makes it special imo. Capture Point is easy you just capture point. Team Death Match is basically which team can get the most kills and the team that does wins. Kill Confirmed is just picking up the tag after you kill someone or deny the kill picking up your teammate’s tag. Search and Destroy is you trying to take the bomb and plant in one of the two objectives and the other team trying defending them or vice versa, mind you you don’t respawn in this mode. Free for All is well, free for all, everyone fights for themselves. And these are only few of many and most played. If you wanna try out multiplayer, I suggest starting in Capture Point or Team Death Match, super easy fast respawn and and fast TTK. And MWII has some sick ass guns if you build them right, I havent delved in the gunsmith myself yet as I just started playing MP today lol. 
But if it ends up being too overwhelming or too chaotic? no worries at all, take it easy try it out again, and again, and again until you get that achievement feeling after a long struggle, It’ll feel good and worth it trust me :D
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delph1n1um · 5 years
Spectre Headcanon Megapost!
Spectre loves cats, and would rather spend time with cats than with the other Specialists, they just feel like cats understand them better.
However, the only other person to relate to Speccie in some way is zero. Except zero has trouble speaking to spec despite her curiosity. Same goes for Spectre.
Eventually, when Spectre is having (a very noticeable) bad day. Zero builds up the courage to talk to them. She asks: "Hey, uh I've noticed that you seem... Off?"
Spectre sighs and leans against a wall. "Something... Not so good happened last night, and I'm still upset about it."
"Oh, what happened? If you don't mind telling me."
Spectre thinks for a second.
"One of my cats passed away."
After that, Zero talks to Spectre on a more regular basis, Zero with her tech, she had trouble with speaking to people but was amazing with technology, so she related to Spectres desire to only associate with cats, making Spectre feel more accepted.
Ruin hates there newly found friendship, due to his history with Spectre. He not fond of them.
Spec and Zero just make fun of them.
Spectre is a good dancer, but no one but zero (and their s/o) has seen their amazing dancing skills.
Zero is not interested in spec romantically.
Ok, Now for some spice~
Spectre is essentially a switch.
They claim to not like being tied up, but once you them you'll untie them they get hesitant.
They in reality, love it.
They are into blood play, but if you are squeamish, they won't force you into it.
They are definitely into Katana play. Running their katana down your body, holding it against your neck while y'all do the do, etc....👀
If you are into blood play, they'd put more force behind their blade when dragging it across your skin.
Their favourite kind of bondage is shibari, but they won't say that.
Spectre, in all honesty, is very bashful in the bedroom, but if you tease them enough, you may (or may not) regret it.
They are pretty rough when they want to be if you ask for it. Or not, it's up to you.
Although, they would love to be dominated.
They love it when you caress them, in any way, they love your touch...
Spectre brings you around their cats, and if their cats love you, they know you are the one.
You are confused by this, but it doesn't matter, your speccie is happy.❤
Thanks to @irithnova, this whole post is now in existence! Thank you for helping me with hcs!
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richtofenz · 2 years
hiiii ok so ive been clogging my likes for weeks, i finally caved n made this blog so im gonna start rbing tons of awesome art shortly but for now lemme introduce myself!
my name is shay and i accidentally fixated on codz, specifically the ultimis team (bo1 being my favorite game). i totally didn't expect to get so invested, i thought it'd be casual, but i've reached the point of developing elaborate hcs lol so i thought i'd finally attempt to connect with others within the fandom to maybe toss ideas back and forth?
first things first, to get it out of the way: ultimis richtofen is my favorite. i'm used to liking antagonists and i have no interest in trying to justify things such as world domination and murder, because to me it's all fiction and villains are simply fun, but the one thing that i do wanna address is the glaring issue of richtofen's attire. i'm gonna talk about it more in depth in a separate post (which you’ll be able to find on my blog) but off the bat, i wanna say that i'm jewish myself and nazism is no joke to me. fictional villains who commit fictional crimes are fun because they’re not real; nazis were and are very much real and i have no interest in sympathizing with them or making light of their actions. typically, i’d also refuse to even tolerate someone simply bearing the insignia, but i find richtofen to be a unique example. again, i’ll talk about it more elsewhere, but the important thing is this: he is not a nazi in canon. and, regarding fandom, fortunately i havent seen much that's genuinely made me uncomfortable, just ignorant dumbasses that have made me roll my eyes and go ‘what in the hell? are you dumb?’ (this also extends to how takeo is treated lmao). that being said, i fully understand discomfort with ultimis richtofen and i respect anyone who dislikes him! but he's my fucking bastard and good lord ive been losing it over him for weekssss im dying man
im not big on primis or the other teams (though i appreciate victis & bo2, mainly for aether!richtofen) and i have no idea what's going on with the monty / shadowman plot - bo3 and bo4's lore is absolutely incomprehensible to me. usually i love game lore, but if im being frank, codz's is a clusterfuck and possibly one of the most sloppily written storylines ive ever encountered. it's literally entirely composed of the writers having gone "hey, wouldnt it be cool if...?" with zero interest in just making things make sense.
despite this, ive gotten attached to the characters and ive been developing headcanons, namely about (ult) richtofen, his pre-935 life, and the time before and after the MPD incident, as well as the relationships that suffered and changed due to it. i'm not trying to pretend like he's deserving of sympathy, but there is smth inherently sad in literally losing your mind and yourself to a damn... cosmic force, and ive found it highly intriguing to think about the behavioral changes he underwent and how those in his life reacted to it. ive got,,, a lot of hcs fhsdkfds. 
so this is a bit of an open invitation. would anyone in the fandom wanna talk abt richtofen together? bounce ideas off one another? if you're starving for content in this dried up fandom, im a fic writer who's been inactive for a bit out of a lack of inspiration, but his evil ass has proven to be my muse; i just need a fire under my ass to get it going. ive already got some stuff in my drafts ;o so yeah, pls hit me up!
and! if there’s any codz discord servers that would be comfortable with an ultimis richtofen stannie among them, i’d love to join! 
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I know this is the only a zombie headcanon, but can you make one about Zero, one of the specialist in BO4 multiplayer, with Marlton? (Stephanie Lemelin is the voice actor for Misty Briarton and Zero)
(Which was a very fun fact to know Lemelin voices her! ^-^ And don’t worry, all asks are completely welcomed! An interesting ask by the way, so here you go! This can be interpreted as ‘after Misty’ or the whole ‘Marlton/Misty relationship never happened’.)
They don’t exactly start talking right away until Zero comes up to him after they landed in Blackout’s Nuketown with information that only he knows. She’s onto him about his true involvement with the place.
Right off the bat, Marlton does not trust her, brushing off her accusations of the events leading up to the Nuketown disaster as ‘The government would gloss over a tragedy with conspiracies and false documents’.
Zero, at first recruiting people to her squad for further Blackout missions, uses the info to blackmail the man into leaving his squad to join hers. She needed someone that can keep watch and use a sniper rifle exceptionally.
They both speak highly of the other (Marlton impressed and scared of the woman’s hacking abilities and Zero impressed with Marlton’s sniping).
When looking for supplies in Blackout, one is always keeping watch while the other goes in to pick up only the essentials.
Zero’s taught Marlton a few techniques in leaving an area without alerting anyone and how to deal with enemies up close.
He’s taught her ways to hide from enemies without relying on her gadgets in the case they ever malfunction on her.
They have somewhat of a love-hate relationship (Zero annoyed of the man’s need for cleanliness and Marlton’s somewhat peeved at her constant childish attitude to serious situations). Their issues with the other is forgotten when they’re in their areas of expertise.
They both are against killing other enemies, preferring to stay away from populous areas and only intercepting others if absolutely necessary.
Marlton ends up staying with the woman because he does enjoy her company and her reserved personality and Zero ends up getting rid of what she found on Marlton because she does get used to him.
Expect these two to flirt when the other is trying to work, the other creating distractions when an enemy closes in on one of them, and a few rare kisses between the two.
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writer-of-various · 4 months
Another one.
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Zero: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Crash: Wasn't Torque with you?
Torque : In my defense, I was also left unsupervised
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psycofairy · 5 years
😎😎😎 #CallofDutyBlackOps #callofduty #CODBO4 #cod #bo4 #blackops4 #blackops #XboxOne #XboxMexico #xbox #xboxlive #gamergirl #psyco_fairy #gamertag #gaming #games #videogamer #videogames #ilovevideogames #girlpower #fightlikeagirl🎀 #teamdeathmatch #dueloporequipos #McFy #gameplay #gamerdecorazon #gamer #zero #tigershark #codbo4mx https://www.instagram.com/p/ByledQjnQg9/?igshid=1wq46d5rpb7n0
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onlyfps09-blog · 6 years
Hello guys please go check my new video about on my new channel, like, comment, sub and share in order to win the new 100 tiers black ops 4 battle pass.
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lynnearlington · 5 years
you ever play bo4?
No :( :( much to my sadness. Always intended to pick it up, but got distracted by a million other things. Probably for the best not to buy it when it first came out anyway because I’ve had zero time for games until recently so I wouldn’t have been able to play it even if I owned it. 
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omoshirodoga · 6 years
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annoncesenbelgique · 6 years
jeux PS4 rdv possible sur Namur Bruxelles +envoi rapide
Jeux ps4 prix – crash bandicoot: 25€ – gtav : 15€ -sims 4 :20€ – assassins creed origin’s:30€ – the elder scrolls online :12€ -ratchet clank :12€ -earth’s dawn :15€ -dragon quest héroes :15€ -far cry primal :15€ – dark soul 2:15€ -metal gear solid v the phamtom pain :10€ -dying light :15€ -Tom raider definitive edition :15€ -the evil within :15€ -metal gear solid V ground zeroes :20€ -uncharted 4:15€ -uncharted 2:15€ -uncharted drakes fortune:15€ – call of duty bo3 : 15€ – one pièce :15€ -call of duty moderne warfare :15€ – god of war :30€ – call of duty bo4: 30€ -wrc6 :15€ -need for speed pay back :20€ – infamous second son : 10€ Les prix sont fixe , je ne fait pas de prix en lot ni d’échanges. Envoi postal à vos frais : 1 jeux : 3€ 2 jeux : 4€ 3 jeux ou plus , envoi colis sécurisé : 6,50€ Rendez-vous possible, A mon domicile Namur gare ou centre où les environs . Bruxelles : Ixelles , Auderghem , Delta , niveau de la E411 Anderlecht niveau du boulevard industriel 0476 038 590
Cet article jeux PS4 rdv possible sur Namur Bruxelles +envoi rapide est apparu en premier sur Max Annonces.
sur Annonces Belgiquehttp://maxannonces.be/annonce/jeux-ps4-rdv-possible-sur-namur-bruxelles-envoi-rapide/
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adiblin · 6 years
Some hot, incongruous tea
Boss is taking his PTO this week before blackout dates. Have a couple pretty big releases this week meh no big. Main thing is we're behind on a reset for 2k19, and prepping for COD BO4 next weekend.
Also got a raffle to run for some gift cards tomorrow.
Anyway. DL calls half hour after I'm clocked out and he's like "did u do this"
I didn't know we had to do it, but I assigned it to the closing MOD.
"You need double coverage for tomorrow morning."
Ummmmm ok. I've done day after opens with exclusive Comic Con pop releases (nycc exclusives tomorrow) and have had absolutely zero issue but I don't have the numbers to back it up so I go alright sure. I tell him I'm not on the clock. He tells me to clock back in and figure it out.
So I do. And I did. But like. Dude stressing me out. HE NOTICES HE'S STRESSING ME OUT. AND I'M LIKE yeah dude I been playing catch up all week y'all's gave us 3 counts and the two biggest TOHs in the STORE and I only just got them done today oh yeah and I STILL HAVE TO MOVE SOME SHIT FROM NEW TO PRE OWNED RIP. OH YEAH DID I MENTION I STILL HAVE TO FIX THE FUCKING STORE BECAUSE YALLS TOLD US TO MOVE EVERYTHING AROUND FROM BUM TO FUCK AND GAVE US MAYBE 4 EXTRA HOURS AND ALSO SAID NEVERMIND FOCUS ON THESE LAUNCHES LIKE---- do u realize y'all's gave us a complete reset during the week that Forza, FIFA 19 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold come out yeah? AND you also gave us training for a completely new order system oh yeah and the fucking pick up for the collectors bundle was broken as shit and y'all's won't even answer my emails.
Anyway for the double coverage tomorrow, I already know we don't need it. But fine. I'll use the time to do what he didn't WANT me to do this week hahaha. SYKE.
Anyway I got approved overtime and fuck this bitch I'm getting PAID.
My boss is laughing his ass off.
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