#cod blackout
writer-of-various · 5 months
Tank Dempsey | BO4 Blackout
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His lips 🤭 I love this man forever and always ❤️
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pablochimp · 10 months
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saucywendeee · 2 years
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8-rae-rae-8 · 6 months
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Yoinked off my server
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cozyboymayes · 2 years
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Follow me on Twitch and join the streams cousin 😂 @CozyBoyMayes
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TWITCH: CozyBoyMayes
TikTok: Mayes3x99
Twitter: Mayes3x
IG: Million.Dollar.May3s
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
katie's very much so enjoying being the younger sibling. she takes on blackout really easily after he befriends rosemary. frost... maybe less so. but she does treat them like theyre both her older brothers
katie: ... what the fuck are you doing here, last i checked you dont have the keys
frost: kids shouldnt curse. and blackout invited me in :3
katie: im NOT a kid. and blackout isnt even *home* right now!
frost: .......... uhhh your catgirl girlfriend thing did it? :) ((seriously why is a cat named after a bug smh))
katie: ... i heard that.
katie: and im telling mom youre being mean to me and mārīte. have fun not getting dessert. she made tiramisu as well. sucks to suck doesnt it
~ rusty
Frost, hiding the key to the house that he secretly made: You're such a snitch, what do you mean you're going to tell Mom that I'm being mean to you and Mārīte? Wait, why am I call Rosemary "Mom"? Anyways, I'm not being mean!
Frost finding himself being adopted by Rosemary is a funny thought to me. He was just here to make sure Rosemary and Katie are treating Blackout well, and now he's adopted by her.
Blackout comes home and asks Frost what he did to not get any dessert. He hides a giggle when Katie and Frost go back and forth on whether or not Frost was actually being mean.
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damez1979 · 7 months
Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered: Endgame
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shadow4-1 · 1 month
(Based off this post and this movie.) I'm just imagining going out with the girls to the pub. There's a few new people you don't recognize, but you don't pay them any mind. Even when a handsome, older man approaches you do you brush him off. You're not there to find some dick - it's your homegirl's birthday! Come to find out her dad rented her a party yacht.
The party is bumping and you've had far too much to drink. You accidentally stumble into one of the guardrails but it's too short. You fall overboard, knocking the back of your head on the fiberglass boat hull on the way down.
You wake up in the hospital dazed and confused. You can't recall much of anything but you know something bad happened to you. There's TV crews and newspeople ready to ask you questions youre unable to answer. You're far from home, you had no phone or ID, and your "friends" are blackout drunk on a yacht headed for Cape Cod.
You're upset and scared. You want to go home but you can't even recall where that is. You lay despondent and alone in your hospital bed hoping someone will come to claim you. Soon enough, someone does.
He's tall, handsome, and older than you'd expected. Is he a friend of your dad's? Certainly he has to know you. He regards you with glint of heat in his eye.
"Ah, there you are, Love." He sighs in relief. The nurses and doctors who led him into the room intently observe the scene. "Thought I'd never see you again."
You're confused, but he seems to understand. He kneels beside your bed, places your hand in his. He doesn't seem offended when you try to pull away from him. You're certain he's a stranger. He has to be.
"Love, it's me. It's alright, I've got you now." He hums, reaching into his back pocket. He pulls out a silver ring and slips it on your ring finger. It fits perfectly and has a man's name etched into it.
"John?" You question, looking at the ring. He just smiles at you with a strange type of relief.
The nurses and doctors chatter in agreement, tapping at their Ipads and leaving the room. You want to call out to them but John plants kisses to the back of your hand. His mustache tickles.
"Oh, Love, you've no idea how much I've missed you. The boys too." He hums. "'S time to go home."
The boys?
You have children with this man?
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rookiesbookies · 10 months
Different relationships that the CoD boys are in and will probably be in for most fics I write bc they give these vibes?
Featuring: Price, Soap, Ghost, Konig, Keegan, Gaz (in that order under the cut)
Wife. You both met on a dating app when the Captain was feeling lonely. Poor man got so anamored what was supposed to be one date and a fuck turned into one date, two days, four dates then fucking, then well yk. He kept you under deep protection, the boys never really learned about you but Price sends you photos of them all the time, referring to them jokingly as his sons. You’ll meet them eventually, but only when Price knows Graves and Sheppard aren’t a problem anymore.
Soap :
Fiance. After a couple years and a lot of confidence talks by Gaz, he built up the courage. He knew you’d say yes, everyone knew. Everyone knew the night you came to the bar to pick Soap up when he was blackout drunk and didnt kill him when he vomited all over your car’s dash. Ghost knew of you first to snatch up Soap’s phone to call. He was gruff and to the point about it but he felt sorry seeing Johnny cry over missing you but not wanting to leave the team during a celebration for another successful mission. Price made you promise him he’d be allowed to walk Soap down the aisle since it was, as he said, “clear who wears the pants in this relationship.”
(Fic about this posted and in my masterlist with in pinned on my account)
Situationship. He has too many attachment issues to be super stable and he knows it, especially with his line of work. You dont here from him for months at a time after goodbye dates, but when he comes back he’s basically living out of your apartment because it just feels better than living on base. He crashes on the couch because he doesnt want to join you in bed to make you uncomfortable or steal your bed by accident. He kicks and flops in his sleep like a fish.
Wife. He couldn’t have put the ring on your hand faster out of fear of makimg you uncomfortable. After the second date he knew he wanted to marry you. But he waited a year to ask, it was painful for him. He asked the two of you elope, promised a ‘real’ wedding with a big white dress and anything you could ask for when the world was safer or his job slowed down. He has large enemies so he mostly keeps you as on the downlow as he can. Everyone knows not to mess with the Colonel's Wife.
Fiance. He promised you when you both graduated he’d marry you, lost contact not long after, reconnected a bit later, and he put a ring on you- promising he wouldn't lose you again. You’ve been engaged for a couple years but you want to be financially stable enough to do the dream wedding you both have planned on a Pinterest mood board. You’ve been his best friend since forever and met in a math class when he didn’t quite understand algebra. He says, “im not a math person,” quite often to this day.
Girlfriend. You met at a bar during his training way back while a friend was working as a bartender, they let you bust his ‘fake’ ID just to talk to him. He comes to see you every time he can now, cozying up in your bed and telling you the happy and fun moments he has with the boys on missions. You play Its Raining Men and he jokingly acts like he’s having flashbacks as a running gag.
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writer-of-various · 1 year
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Letting Go
Find my CoD masterist
My first contribution to Fall4Rudy hosted by @glitterypirateduck
You wake after a night of drinking to find yourself in bed with Rudy, still fully clothed. Some secrets come to light, much to your benefit.
Warnings: Mention of alcohol and drinking, Rudy is a gentleman, nothing hurts and everything is fluff, kissing.
Word count: 1k
Used the prompt "You are stunning" for this one!
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You woke slowly, warm and groggy and with a bit of a headache. Not too bad, though. You blinked a few times, mentally preparing yourself to sit up and start the day.
Except the wall looked wrong in front of you. Actually the sheets felt wrong too. 
And then the arm thrown over your waist finally registered. For a moment you thought you’d faint. 
“Go back to sleep,” came the rough mumble from behind you, arm tightening a little over your waist. “Still early.”
Your heart froze. You knew that voice. Too well, probably. You’d only been quietly pining after this man since you’d been assigned here, after all. “...Rudy?” 
He grunted softly but didn’t respond otherwise. His breath was warm against the back of your neck, his arm warm and heavy over you. But you could feel clothing between the two of you. 
Okay. How had you gotten here?
A bunch of you had gone out drinking, you remembered that much easily. You remembered having fun, relaxing, taking it easy on the drinks. You remembered the one pushy bastard making you uncomfortable, getting closer and closer as people left to dance or pair off for the night. 
And then Rudy had stepped in, casual as you please, eyes dark as he stared down the soldier. The other man had backed off quickly. But Rudy hadn’t left, instead taking a seat next to you and striking up an easy conversation. 
Things got a little more fuzzy after that, as he bought the two of you a couple rounds. You’d definitely been drunk, but only silly-drunk, not blackout. Thankfully. You remembered your roommate letting you know she was bringing someone back, leaving you a bit stranded.
Until Rudy offered that you could stay with him, he’d take the couch. 
But how you’d ended up in bed with him was honestly a mystery. 
“Hey.” Rudy nudged you gently, lifting his head to try to look at you. “Alright?”
“Just. Surprised.” Right, play it cool, no big deal. Just two people sharing a bed. In a totally platonic manner. Still dressed. No biggie. 
“You wouldn’t let go,” Rudy muttered, relaxing a little. “Whined until I got in with you.”
Embarrassment flooded you, prompting you to hide your face in a pillow. Maybe you could just… smother yourself. And never have to face the consequences of this.
Rudy huffed soft laughter, his hand splaying over your belly and gently trying to turn you, though you resisted. “It’s fine,” he soothed gently, scooting closer to you so he could hook his chin over your shoulder. “You’re more cuddly than Alejandro, at least.” 
You scoffed, still shoving your face in a pillow. “That’s not comforting,” you mumbled. 
“You didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do.” Rudy spoke slowly, measured, calm. “Calm.” 
You puffed out a breath but slowly moved so you weren’t suffocating in a pillow anymore. “You’re sure?” 
He smiled a little, pushing up onto his elbow so he could look down at you. “Yes.” 
“Okay.” You slowly relaxed again. “Still. I’m sure babysitting me was not on your list of things you wanted to do last night.” 
Rudy moved slowly, the hand on your belly gently pushing you to lay flat on your back instead. He remained next to you, but leaned over you so he could maintain eye contact. 
“You were not difficult to care for,” he murmured. “And I would do it again.” 
Your breath hitched and you blinked before you nodded. “Okay,” you whispered. He was so close, warming you with his proximity and his gaze. It seemed impossible that you were here, that any of this had happened. He was a hard man to get to know, but you’d made the effort.
This felt almost like a reward. Or temptation. Or a treat being dangled in front of your nose, like a horse with a carrot. 
Rudy’s fingers flexed against your stomach, big and warm. “How do you feel?”
“Pretty good,” you answered carefully, licking your lips. He was just… so close. “Little bit of a headache.” 
“Hungry?” He leaned down ever so slightly, gaze still fixed on you. 
“Little bit.” 
“Stay here.” His fingers pushed gently into the softness of your stomach again. “I’ll make breakfast.”
“Breakfast in bed?” you asked, a little breathless from his proximity. “Now you’re just trying to spoil me.” 
“If it will keep you in my bed, I’ll do this every day.” He smirked at you, clearly enjoying the way your eyes blew wide, heat suffusing your cheeks. 
“Stop teasing,” you managed, turning your head away from him. You’d never known Rudy to be cruel. 
A gentle hand at your cheek prompted you to look back at him, brown eyes soft in the early morning light. 
“I’m not teasing.” He dipped his head closer slowly but inexorably. “I would never. Not you.” 
Your eyes went wide again, searching his expression for any deceit. You found none. “You’re really not teasing me?” 
“I promise.” Rudy breathed in slowly, holding your gaze. 
“Then…” You trailed off, uncertain, heart fluttering in your throat. 
He didn’t answer, not for long moments, just drinking in the sight of you. “You are stunning,” he murmured finally, fingers feather-light against your skin. “I would be honored to have you here more often.” 
You swallowed, looking up at him. One hand lifted slowly, giving him time to move, until you cupped his cheek. His eyes slid half-closed and he tipped his head further into your hand. “You really want me here more often?” You couldn’t raise your voice above a whisper, hopeful and curious, heart in your throat. 
“As often as you’d allow,” he murmured. 
You breathed in deep for courage and leaned up, carefully pressing your lips to Rudy’s. That first kiss was soft and short, testing. It was all you could do with the courage you could muster. 
But his smile… his smile was worth it. Soft and sweet and happy. So happy. You’d never seen him smile like this. 
“Is that a yes to breakfast in bed?” he murmured, still so close you could feel his breath as he spoke. 
You smiled, elated and almost jittery. “If I say yes, will you kiss me again?” 
“I will kiss you any time you ask,” he murmured, and promptly made good on his word, kissing you gently. 
It did, however, take him a while to have breakfast ready, because you kept shamelessly distracting him with kisses. 
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littlemisspascal · 2 years
Getting Lost is Being Found
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pairing: joel x female reader
rating: M. 18+ only.
word count: 5.4k
When you finally brought yourself to open your mouth, it wasn’t a question that came out. It was a fact, simple and blunt. “You’re one of them.”
“I am,” he replied, the sun still emblazoning him in radiant light. Almost made it hurt to look at him. “But I never wanted to be a human again until I saw you.”
warnings: black dog/hellhound au with hints of a bigger plot that I'm too tired to dive into. reader is referenced as smaller + younger than Joel. alpha/omega dynamics. slices of life. time jumps. non-descriptive smut. fast burn/love at first sight. biting. blood. rough handling. language. non-major character death(s). thunderstorms. reference of reader's parents. nudity. sneaking in a CoD reference cuz why not
note: Trying to remember how to write for the fun of it. This is the result *awkwardly throws out into the universe*
You stand on your bedroom’s balcony, concrete tiles cold beneath your bare feet. Your eyes look towards the horizon, fingers tightening around the wrought iron railing.
A storm brews. The sun is swiftly retreating behind the distant hills, leaving the city dark and cold in its wake. Electricity taints the air, the hair on the back of your neck prickling -
And then you hear it, harmonizing with the thunder’s rumblings, the ghastly howls of the Black Dogs chasing down the scent of their prey.
Nightspyre, for all its blackouts and seediness, isn’t the worst place to call home. Not when you’re collared and marked by an Alpha, not when your Alpha has stared Death in the eye and made Her flinch. Not when retaliation for every spilt drop of innocent blood emerges each sundown in the guise of hulking shadows and gleaming red eyes.
The collar had been your request. An old-fashioned tradition dating back centuries, replaced in recent years by sharper, more permanent means of securing a mate. Your mother, rest her soul, had treated her collar as her most prized possession every moment of her short life. Red velvet with a gold tag inscribed with your father’s name. Gone are the days Omegas gathered and gossiped over the patterns and colors adorning their necks. Bitemarks are the present trend, judged and compared by the size, placement, and number of teeth.
They’re advertised as the ultimate display of devotion. A lifelong promise between an Alpha and their chosen mate. A claim warning off others from sniffing too closely. Simply put: a marked Omega is a loved Omega. 
But you learned the hard way when people saw your mark, they didn't see love. They saw something cruel. Something monstrous.
Only when you began wearing a collar you'd fallen in love with after seeing it in the window of a thrift store, adorned with faint golden moons and stars, did the concerned looks and judgmental whispers gradually stop. Convinced them maybe your Alpha wasn't so heartless as they initially believed.
After all, everyone knows monsters don't know how to be gentle. It goes against their very nature. Everything they touch dies an agonizing death.
“Do you think it’s possible? To know someone your whole life and also know nothing about them at all?” you ask, fingertips tracing the jagged edges of the bite beneath the curve of your collarbone. It’s a hideous thing made in a frenzied moment of raw need, consequentially stained your favorite sheets irredeemably scarlet. 
Your Alpha looks up from where he’d been dragging his tongue over the knob of your hip bone, replying, “Of course.” He moves to hover over you, bracketing your head with his arms, fogging your senses with his distinct scent of petrichor and woodsmoke. “As long as lies exist, no one’s ever truly known. Just pieces of ‘em.”
“Pieces, huh?” You touch his face now, thumb lifting his upper lip in the semblance of a snarl, revealing a glimpse of too-sharp teeth. “I wouldn’t mind collecting more of yours, Jo–”
A warning nip to your hand, blood hot under the surface. “Careful what you wish for.”
Lightning bathes the living room in a flash of white. Outside the city is wet and dismal, but here, inside, it’s flickering candlelight, and your Alpha is pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, body more shadow than flesh, and you close your eyes, allowing yourself a moment to pretend the hand on your cheek has fingers instead of claws.
Three years ago you first saw Joel during one of the worst storms in Nightspyre’s long history. You’d been new to the city after finishing your degree and securing a job there, still a rookie navigator of its maze of cobblestone streets and alleyways. The weather was a fickle tormentor, you quickly learned, swapping between dry heat and violent downpour seemingly at whim. You’d entered a restaurant for a late supper in cloudless twilight, and exited an hour later to bone-chilling rain hurtling down from a pitch black sky. And it had been a miserable discovery for you to make whilst shivering beneath the front entry of an abandoned church, paint-chipped with boarded up windows, that absolutely nothing looked familiar in the rain. For all you knew, you’d tripped and stumbled into a completely different world.
A lightning bolt streaked across the sky, your eyes following its descent from the heavens, and that was when you first saw it. A black dog prowling amongst the faded and cracked tombstones, tail unnaturally stiff, seeming completely indifferent to the pouring rain—and ‘dog’ seemed like an insulting descriptive at the time, too small and domestic for the behemoth canine, but calling it a wolf didn’t settle right with you either. It was…it was…
It was staring right at you now, crimson eyes cutting across the distance and the darkness like searchlights. You froze, heart lodged in your throat, and it was such a bizarre thing, to be in the presence of something as simultaneously terrifying as it was so eerily beautiful. And the longer you stared, the more convinced you became that this was no ordinary creature. There was a dreamlike quality to its appearance, blurry around the edges, like it could change shapes at any second. 
Fuck, maybe you had tripped into a completely different world.
Another bolt of lightning bathed the cemetery yard in white light, the dog’s figure caught in the flash. Its black fur was thick around its neck, adding further bulk to its already broad body, and completely dry all over despite the puddle forming at its paws. You heard the uptick of your rampant heartbeat. Instinct screamed at you to run, but something else made you stay. A conviction you both were meant to share this moment together.
And it scared you how much that belief didn’t scare you.
Darkness swallowed the light again, taking the red eyes with it. You remember how you’d stood there until the clouds changed from black to gray, rain losing some of its vicious sting upon striking your skin, and you’d returned home in a numbed state of exhaustion and confusion. In the days that followed, you didn’t get sick from the incident, not even so much as a sniffle, adding another layer of oddness to the whole ordeal. And that dog…you couldn’t shake it from your mind. 
You wanted to know more about it. Any and every last scrap of detail you could find.
Welcome back! Your recent internet searches:
black dog breeds
massive black dogs with red eyes
black dog folklore
People also searched for:
fairy hounds
perro negro
the hound of the baskervilles
dogs in folklore, religion and mythology
“You realize how ridiculous you sound, right?” Abe told you, wiping at his glasses with a cloth, a nervous twitch in his fingers. “The Black Dogs are a silly legend to scare children. Anyone who says they’re real is selling something.”
“I’ll tell Professor Ratna you said that,” you replied with a smirk.
Your quest for answers revealed everyone had an opinion one way or the other on the topic of massive red-eyed, dark-furred canines. Most thought they were myths limited to the boundaries of their pages in books or the online web. A few though, spoke in hushed murmurs, casting around wary glances, as if afraid of accidentally summoning one from the depths of the earth. Others talked with booming voices and gesticulating hands, telling you everything you wanted to hear like they’d been waiting for this conversation their whole lives. 
One homeless drunkard who dwelled in the alleyway next to 57th Street Tavern explained through slurred words, “I’ve seen ‘em, twice I have. They’re big brutes, shaking the ground when they walk. But–but they leave nothing behind. No tracks. Scary fuckers, they are. And they know it–they feast off fear, then they feast on flesh.”
You asked him how he’d lived through the close encounters unscathed and he shrugged off the question. “I ain’t never hurt nobody. The folks they hunt down, they’re already going to hell. The Dogs just bring ‘em there faster.”
You’d visited Professor Ratna next, catching the older woman in-between classes during her lunch break. She’d politely entertained your inquiry rather than outright scoff at it as the rest of the university faculty had done. “My specialty is mycology, not folklore, so I am no expert on the subject,” she said, taking a sip of tea. “That being said, I’d urge you to be cautious if you’re going to continue going around asking these questions. Few things happen in this city the Dogs don’t know about.”
“Makes it sound like they’re keeping the city hostage.”
She set down her teacup and looked you straight in the eye. “No, my dear. They are what keeps the city safe.”
You had left her office even more unsure of your own convictions than you’d felt when you arrived.
“Well, if you’re ever unlucky enough to come across one, run the other way as fast as you can,” Abe said, hesitantly looking up to meet your gaze. “Don’t even think about trying to pet it.”
The thought honestly hadn’t crossed your mind until then. It sounded like the quickest surefire way to lose a hand, perhaps even the whole limb. But if you had taken the chance at the church, you couldn’t help but what would the pelt have felt like –
Thick, dense fur like other canines? Or deceptively smooth and oily like a serpent’s scales?
(The answer, as it turns out, is a curious mix of both.)
The next day, a man knocked on your front door. He was tall, body thick with muscle and marked with smatterings of freckles and–oh. Your gaze stopped on his abdomen, refusing to dip any lower as realization turned your brain to mush. 
He wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. Nude as the day he was born.
He wasn’t saying anything either, brown eyes sweeping over your face like he was trying to memorize every detail. In another setting, preferably one without nakedness, perhaps over a candlelit dinner, you would have been flattered by the attention but as it was –
Pressing closer against the safety of the door, you took a tentative sniff of the air. His Alpha scent knocked into you like a tidal wave, barely stifling a reflexive whine in your throat. He smelled like thunderstorms, electric and pungent, like wet grass and ozone all blended together. And something else beneath the surface, something distinctly fiery. Smoky. God, you wanted to drown in that scent.
But first things first –
“What the hell are you doing here?”
The Alpha’s nostrils flared, followed by a low rumble from the depths of his chest that had your grip on the door tightening to keep you from doing something embarrassing  (shamelessly flinging yourself at him came to mind). “I followed your scent. Mint and vanilla.” Another inhale, deeper this time, eyes darkening. “Sassafras.”
His voice was hoarse, grating. Sounded like he hadn’t used it in months, maybe even years.
Your thoughts deserted you again, leaving you to dumbly stare at him for a moment. “Um.”
You’d dated a couple Alphas in the past, nothing that ever developed seriously and that was mostly due to the fact they all didn’t like your scent. Scent-compatibility was an essential factor when it came to bonding–after all, you’d be smelling that scent for the rest of your lives together so it was better to be a pleasing one. One described it as boring, another said it was too clean. Whatever that meant.
But this Alpha—this strange, heavenly-smelling, unfairly attractive man liked your scent enough he followed it all the way to your front door. 
“I–uh,” you blinked once, twice, slowly rebooting your brain, “what was your name again?”
The question had a curious effect on the man, emotions rippling across his face, one after the other, looking lost, but only for an instant, before he swallowed thickly, throat bobbing in a distracting manner.
“It’s Joel.” The corner of his mouth dipped. “I think.”
“You think?” you echoed, eyebrows raising. Who didn’t know their own name?
He lapsed back into silence, but there was a defensive edge to it that wasn’t there before. 
You exhaled a quiet breath and gave him a scrutinizing look, gaze dragging all the way from his head to his dirty bare feet and back up again without pausing on any…intimate areas. You wished you could peel back his layers, cut straight through the weird aura and iron defenses and find out what was there at his center that he’d hidden away.
It must be something incredibly precious, you thought. 
Or something shockingly hideous.
“Tell me, Joel,” you crossed your arms to hide your trembling hands, “have we met before?”
The Alpha tilted his head, midafternoon sunlight turning the dark of his eyes into liquid gold. He swallowed again, then quietly admitted, “Once. A couple nights ago…”
You found yourself leaning closer. He didn’t move away. You could almost taste the rain, the howling wind, the thunderclaps, the lightning, everything wild clinging to his skin. 
“Are you–” You cut yourself off, glancing away. You worried your bottom lip for a moment, hesitant to release the words burning on your tongue, scared of their potentially devastating influence. 
“You’ve been asking an awful lot of questions around town, Sass,” Joel said, soft as a caress. “Haven’t you figured it out by now?”
And that – well, that just about confirmed every last suspicion you had.
When you finally brought yourself to open your mouth, it wasn’t a question that came out. It was a fact, simple and blunt. “You’re one of them.”
“I am,” he replied, the sun still emblazoning him in radiant light. Almost made it hurt to look at him. “But I never wanted to be a human again until I saw you.”
“Any regrets, Sass?” Joel asks in the midnight hours.
“Hmm?” You curl closer, ear pressed against the steady thrum of his heartbeat.
“If you’d known it’d be like this,” he whispers into your hair. “Would you have run away if you had the chance?”
“Maybe,” you say, and you feel more than see the sudden tension roll through his body, shielding himself from the hurt. “But I would’ve found my way back sooner or later. I’d miss you too much.”
Joel says nothing, doesn’t have to. The way he presses you into the mattress, moves inside you, against you, with roaming hands and searing kisses, becoming one — speaks volumes more than words could ever convey.  
The south side of Nightspyre is a haven for smugglers and thugs, consisting of multiple rows of derelict warehouses and an understaffed police presence, half concealed in the smog produced by the factory district. The streets are sticky with unknown substances beneath your shoes, each breath burning the inside of your nose.
“Gets prettier every time I visit,” Tess says wryly, standing next to you and looking at a spray-painted dick on the side of a dumpster.
You shoot your friend an amused look. Her brown hair’s half-up in a bun, she’s tough as nails, and carries at least four concealed weapons on her person at any given point. Female Alphas aren’t a common sight in the city, but Tess’ intimidating presence fends off the inappropriate comments, striking fear into the hearts of even the biggest Alphas with one icy glare. She’s the perfect ally to have by your side.
“Let’s just grab Joel and get out of here.” You pick up the pace. Your eyes note the different colored ribbons hanging from the overhead telephone wires. Each represents an illegal activity, whether it be gambling or drugs. If one knows their code, these ribbons act as a map of the district.  
Tess holds a hand up, stopping at a crossroads. You watch as she looks to the left, center, and right, then up at the ribbons–red, orange, and black respectively. The code regularly changes depending on the month or weather or local events, memorized by those who frequently visit the area, but there is one warning that will never be made different.
“Beware the path marked by the ribbon dyed black,” you recite quietly. “For if you follow it, you’ll surely become the next meal of the pack.”
“Sure you don’t wanna grab a drink instead?” Tess asks, jerking a thumb in the direction of the orange ribbon. 
You say nothing, adjusting the shoulder strap of your bag, and turn right – trusting that your friend will follow close behind, watching your back as she always has since you first met.
It's a wonder that there's enough of the body left to investigate, you think, crouching behind a car that smells overwhelming of weed and watching a group of men in police uniforms toss around ideas about who or what killed the dismembered and burnt corpse.
Deaths like this, they're how the myth of the Black Dogs continues to circulate and gain credence amongst the locals. The police, on the other hand, refuse to acknowledge them or the black ribbons pointing the way. They'll claim any other excuse under the sun - rabid wildlife, homicidal rage fueled by drugs or alcohol, deranged serial killers, hell even lightning strikes - but to openly admit beasts of folklore are responsible for the high fatality rate? Not a fucking chance.
They've tried setting traps a few times, reassuring folks they'll catch whatever savage thing is responsible for making the streets run red with blood. "Don't worry," they always say. "We have everything under control."
It’s you who should be worried, you want to retort, images flickering through your mind of sharpened teeth and paws the size of tires. Only a fool attempts to catch a hurricane in a glass jar. 
It’s another forty-five minutes before you find him.
You slide down a steep slope of dead grass, fresh mud from last night’s storm painting the sides of your pants, seeping into your shoes, almost dragging you face-first into the brown sludge of Pickett’s River if not for Tess’ fast reflexes. Eyes on the culvert pipe, you grit your teeth, remind yourself why you’re here, and step forward into the mess of sewage and soil and rainwater. Disgust is immediate, soaked above your knees, but you force yourself to take another step and another and another until you reach the large, ebony mass lying at the culvert’s gaping mouth, black mist emanating from his heaving flank.
“There you are,” you murmur, dropping to your knees near the muzzy outline of his head. Triangular ears twitch before they are concealed in a haze of shadow again. Your heart sinks, forcing a bit of levity into your tone. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this, yeah? Our backyard is a helluva lot nicer than this shithole.”
“I’ll build a doghouse for him myself if it’ll save me from getting dragged outta bed at this ungodly hour,” Tess offers from somewhere behind you.
She’s smart enough to stay back, especially when the sound of her voice has eyes snapping open in a blaze of red, immediately narrowing into smoldering slits, lips curling back from bloodstained teeth, snarling in challenge. 
“None of that,” you scold, followed by a bop against his nose with your finger. He stills, some of the feral luster clearing from his eyes. His body remains primed to fight, muscles coiled, lingering side effects from last night’s hunt. “It’s over. It’s a new day.” A hot breath of air wafts over your face, flooding your nostrils with a concoction of coppery blood, damp earth, and sulfur. “Fucking hell, that’s awful. You, Alpha mine, need a toothbrush. No, scratch that, you need to gargle bleach to get that nastiness out of your mouth. Ugh.”
Joel shoves his head forward, rumbling a deep, guttural note as his wet nose pressed against the vulnerable tendon of your throat, a hint of teeth grazing your pulse. If not for the bitemark under your shirt and the history of early mornings identical to this one spanning across the course of your relationship, perhaps you might have screamed or fainted in fright. Given the circumstances though, you merely tilt your head back further, allowing him to drink his fill of your scent until he remembers.
He had explained once, his human memories were like sand in this form, his mind an hourglass torn between two lives. Your scent triggers the reset, tipping everything right side up again, memories falling back into place until the next hunt steals them back again.
You know when it clicks because Joel’s breath hitches, a violent shudder rippling along his spine. It’s always agonizing, watching him transform, listening to the grinding and splintering of bones and sinew realigning themselves. The cloud of obsidian mist begins to lighten, the once ambiguous outline of a colossal beast slowly, so painstakingly slowly merging into a man – naked, trembling from the aftershocks, clinging to consciousness by his own stubborn will. 
Brown eyes meet yours, blood smeared across his mouth and beard. “Sass,” he says, a dry rasp sending a wave of warmth all the way down to your frozen and wet toes. “Aren’t you getting tired of coming after me yet?”
“Nah,” you shake your head, smiling. “I think it’s good for our relationship. Keeps things interesting.”
He snorts. “Interesting. Sure, that’s a word for it. How many times’ it been this week? Two, three?”
“Four,” Tess chimes in, punctuated by a pair of jeans striking Joel square in the face.
“Mornin’ Tess,” is the low, sheepish response from your Alpha. He pulls the pants off his head, hair ruffled every which way. “Didn’t see you there. Is that a new haircut? It’s nice. Suits you.”
Your friend hums, unimpressed. She used to think you were cute together, that the twang of his accent was amusing, but after eight months of accompanying you in retrieving his naked ass from various sordid and revolting sites around Nightspyre she’s become immune to his charms.
You pull out a shirt and shoes from your own bag. “We’ve gotta get a move on. Police already think you’re strange. Don’t need to give ‘em another reason to dislike you.”
“Four hunts in one week,” Joel mutters under his breath as he begins dressing, a disturbed look in his eye, and you hear what he isn’t saying, unspoken words weighing heavily upon your chest like individual stones.
Four more damned souls.
Sometimes you can’t find him the morning after a hunt, losing him amongst the creeping shadows, and you’re forced to wait, anxious and helpless, until there’s another storm, another hunt, another death to reunite with him. 
Those times, the house feels too empty and your bitemark aches something fierce, a brand seared against your skin. Nightmares plague your sleep until your sheets are a tangle of sweat and tears. The cloudless blue skies and starry nights are further personal insults, mocking your heartache.
It’s a tricky concept to wrap your head around, the idea that Joel had once been a human decades, perhaps centuries ago. Time isn’t something Black Dogs keep track of and Nightspyre’s historical archives are in the city hall’s basement which floods every other rainfall. He’s older than you, that’s something you can confidently say. Less confidently you can guesstimate he was probably in his late thirties when he was turned.
Your first year together you tried to piece together his story, pestering him with whatever question crossed your mind. Were you born here? What were your parents like? Any siblings? Hobbies? Your attempts proved mostly unrewarding though - his memories of that life are few and flimsy, giving him a headache if he thinks about them too long - and by now you’ve learned he prefers to make new memories than dwell in the past.
The day he knocked on your door becomes his birthday. He turns forty and who gives a fuck if it’s accurate or not, certainly not either of you. You celebrate with cake and ice cream topped with hot fudge.
“My mother used to make cake like this,” Joel says after swallowing a bite. You look at him, your own spoon hovering in front of your mouth, ice cream threatening to melt, but his eyes are glossed over, lost in a memory, and you can’t bring yourself to move, scared of disrupting the moment. “She added chocolate chips in it. Made it sweeter. She’d let me lick the batter from the spoon.”
An image of a young Joel forms unbiddenly in your mind. You can imagine him hovering at his mother’s side, waiting patiently as she scoops and pours and mixes the ingredients, how wide he’d grin when he finally got his prize, smearing chocolatey goodness across his mouth.
“Your ice cream’s melting,” Joel’s voice yanks you back to the present.
You blink a few times, reconciling the child in your head with the Alpha in front of you, then look down at your spoon where, sure enough, the ice cream’s more of a liquid than a solid, blending with the cake and fudge in a gooey swirl. You stick it in your mouth, not really tasting, not really thinking except -
Next year you’ll remember to buy chocolate chips.
A horde of ominously gray clouds accumulates on the horizon, blotting out the sun. Standing together on the balcony, Joel drapes himself over your backside, chin on your shoulder, both your gazes locked ahead.
“Death is becoming greedy,” you say, mouth coated in bitter venom. You don’t care if She overhears, so long as you carry his mark you’re untouchable. Not even Her powers can disentwine your souls. Where one goes, the other will follow - and she needs Joel too much at the moment to let him go just yet.
“It’s not Her. There’s something else poisoning the city, rotting it from the inside out…” Joel trails off, interrupted by the first drizzling drops of rain, the distant clap of thunder summoning his alternate form to the surface. His fingers flex against your waist, forcibly swallowing down the growl building in his chest with an audible gulp.
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
You don’t say tomorrow morning. Not anymore. It’s too specific, too painful when it doesn’t come true.
“See you in the morning,” he echoes, and gently turns your head, sealing the vow with a kiss. It’s chaste, sweet, foreheads coming to rest against each other, savoring the moment even as the rain pelts your skin and clothes. “Go on, get inside and get warmed up. And no matter what you hear—”
“Don’t go outdoors,” you finish, pressing one last kiss against his jaw. 
Joel starts to age again. It’s a slow, gradual process for his body to remember what it means to be human. He still heals unnaturally fast, still answers Death’s call whenever there’s a soul to collect, but - 
There are flecks of gray peppered in his beard. Along his temples. They turn silver when the light hits them just right. Never once does he make an effort to shave them off or dye them. 
He needs glasses when he reads. It shouldn’t be possible yet somehow the dark frames make him look even hotter, especially late at night when they’re perched on the brim of his nose as those perfect lips silently mouth along with the words of whatever genre-of-the-week has snagged his attention.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” you ask abruptly one morning. Joel’s in the middle of peeling oranges, making an attempt at adding more fruit to both your diets, and the kitchen air is oversaturated with citrus. “Dying?”
His hands pause, pensive lines creasing his forehead. It’s a sign he’s thinking hard about his answer, giving it the necessary time to form and develop. You wait, perched on the kitchen stool, pushing your toes against the floor to keep your leg from bouncing anxiously.
“I already died once, remember? This,” he says, gesturing towards his gray hairs and then at the house as a whole. “This isn’t dying, Sass. Not for me.”
You lean forward with your arms upon the counter. “What is it for you then?”
He looks at you for a long second, soft and fond, and smiles. “This is me finally living.”
Loving Joel is easy, you learn. As natural as waking up with the morning sun, as necessary as drawing breath into the depths of your lungs. You don’t believe much in fate or destiny, but there are moments where he looks at you, like he can’t believe you’re the one who's real, and it feels like it’s always supposed to have been you and him. 
“Of all the churches in all the world,” you quietly laugh under your breath one night, head resting on his stomach. 
His hand stills in the middle of stroking a warm line down your spine. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” you shift just enough to press a kiss against his sternum, smiling to yourself at the hitch of his breath. “Just thinking how lucky I am.”
Joel’s hand continues its movements again, but this time when it goes back up it carries on past your shoulder, pads of his fingers dipping into the teeth indentation marks there. 
And you know he’s thinking the same.
Joel’s sliding home inside of you, all scorching heat and possessive growls, face buried against your neck. You wrap your arms tighter around his shoulders, nails cutting scratches deep into his skin, drawing blood. They’ll be gone before he’s done with you. Damn healing factor, a blessing and a curse.
“I want to be like you,” you murmur carelessly against the hinge of his jaw, mouthing a kiss that’s more tongue than lips.
“No,” Joel grunts, and then he’s moving back, pulling out of you. You whine, a pathetic and desperate high-pitched plea of an Omega trying to appease her Alpha, to call him back to fill the emptiness threatening to devour you alive. He ignores it, grabbing at your face with a large hand, forcing you to look at him, really look and fuck, you’ve never seen him like this before.
That emotion in his eyes, dark and gleaming and intense – it’s fear.
“You don’t want to be like me, Sass. You can never be like me,” Joel says, and he doesn’t even try to mask the tremble in his voice. “I won’t allow it.”
You reach a hand up, purposefully slow and obvious in its approach, and curl your fingers around his wrist. He loosens his hold instantly, exhaling a ragged, shuddering breath like you’ve stabbed him.
“Okay,” you say, and that’s all.
His face is wet when it buries against your neck again.
There’s a secluded house on the city outskirts, an unextraordinary two-story dwelling with a yellow front door and a stepping stone pathway, known to its pair of inhabitants simply as home. 
Most mornings you can be found in the front yard, humming a song from your youth while painting your next masterpiece. Joel will sit in the shade on the porch steps, coffee in hand, watching you watching the world. There are plans to build a greenhouse in the back, another hideaway to retreat to when the world feels just a bit too large. A bit too bloody.
“It’s going to hurt,” Joel warned you, six months after you’d first met, peppering kisses against your shoulder.
For as many strides as Nightspyre’s made keeping up with modern law changes and customs, out here amongst the untamable hills and freak electrical storms people remained convinced the best and safest life for an Omega was at an Alpha’s side.
Unclaimed Omegas didn’t last long in Nightspyre. If an Omega didn’t find a mate themselves, then one was found for them. Didn't matter if they didn't like each other, if their scents didn't match. Having an Alpha mate was an Omega's golden ticket to a better life - or, at the very least, a larger cage where the bars weren’t so easily seen.
“Not from you,” you panted, tilting your head to grant him more access. He was still an enigma to you, so many layers left to unwrap, but you knew there was no one else in the world you wanted more as your mate than him. No one else made you feel the way he did. “It won’t hurt if it’s from you.”
His hands pinned your arms down, making you gasp, and then - then there were sharp teeth slicing through skin, biting, claiming, intertwining your lives together irreversibly.
You were his. And he was yours.
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indigosunsetao3 · 7 months
Indigo's Masterlist
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Full Length Stories
Would It Be Enough?
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish X OC (Emma) Completed 20 chapters - 166k Words
Keeping Lines Blurry
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick X OC (Olivia) Completed 18 Chapters - 136k Words
A Reason to Try
Alex Keller X OC (Madeline) In progress 15 Chapters - 103.9k Words
Poly 141 x OC (Celeste) In Progress 3 Chapters - 9.2k
Ex Husband Price
John Price X Reader In progress 5 Chapters - 17.4k words
Older CIA Alex
Alex Keller x Reader In Progress 2 Chapters - 6.6k words
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Short Stories/One Shots/Challenges
Chest Candy
Soap X Ghost From GlitteryPirateDuck "SoapItUp" prompt challenge Completed One Shot - 2.2k Words
Go...Don't Go
Captain MacTavish X Reader From GlitteryPirateDuck "SoapItUp" prompt challenge Completed One Shot - 2.4k Words
One More Time
Soap X Ghost Completed One Shot - 2.9k Words
A Bouquet of Oleander
Alejandro Vargas X Reader From GlitteryPirateDuck "Amor a Alejandro" prompt challenge Completed One Shot - 2k words
Body Heat
Ghost X Reader From GlitteryPirateDuck "#GhostChallenge" Completed One Shot - 2.8k words
Best Laid Plans
141 X Reader From GlitteryPirateDuck #CoDVacationMode Ongoing - 4.3k Words
Watch List
Alex Keller X Reader Completed One Shot - 474
His New God
Soap X Reader Completed One Shot - 2,515
50 Word Challenge from deadbranch
Alex - Zombie AU Soap - Distraction for a rescue
Random Drabbles
Alex x Reader - Alex surveilles you Poly 141 X Reader - Corporate office Soap X Reader X Ghost - Rooftop voyeurism Alex X Reader - Airport pickup Price X Reader - Mission during a blackout Gaz X Reader - Gaz is a smoker
GIF Challenge
Sun & Water - Gaz x Reader Short & Sweet - 141 x Reader Come Home - Soap x Reader Other Woman - Price x Reader Car Ride - Price X Reader
Nameless Challenge from The-Californicationist
Homecoming - Reader X Mystery 141 Guy Linen & Lace - Reader X Mystery 141 Guy
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COD Men In Different Scenarios
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
A Few Minutes Before You're Missed
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
Sick Day
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
Protecting You
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
First date
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
Body Paint
Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
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COD Men Reacting To You Calling Them Husband
Requested by @/ahopelesspedantic Featuring: Alex Keller, Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
Soap Shares Your Video
Requested by Anonymous Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Expanding on section of "you have a few minutes before you're missed" Featuring: Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
What Lies Beneath
Requested by Anonymous Featuring: Gaz, Price, Soap & Ghost
Lightning Strikes Twice
Requested by @/haurasha Featuring: Gaz & Soap
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My personal headcanons
This list will change and adjust as I continue to write. Despite my stories not blending together all the characters have the same quirks throughout them.
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My other fictional crushes
Writing Inspiration for Keeping Lines Blurry
Six Month Mark on AO3
Keeping Lines Blurry Fanart Part 1 & Part 2- by @ahopelesspedantic
Spotify Writing Playlist
Current WIPs
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cozyboymayes · 2 years
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Join us on Twitch, gang! FIYD 😂
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
katie: i dunno, without my glasses on, you look like you could be my grandpa... ... damn i think i need new glasses
... dont let frost know there is, in fact, secret tunnels. yknow the disney underground tunnel system? they basically have that too. the mansion is almost palatial in size, i feel.
i think that mārīte has a few of her hidey-holes there too. its all cement, perfect to lay on on a hot summer day.. who give a shit about having a beach day with her girlfriend, mārīte is living it mtvcribs style in the t u n n e l
~ rusty
Frost: Ha, she called you old.
Blackout: You're only a year older than me! You're old too!
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damez1979 · 7 months
Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered: Just Like Old Times
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