thechriscormier · 1 year
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We love many abstract games but our 1st play of Passtally fell flat. Fiddly. The odd-shaped tiles didn't stack well, not a lot of variety in patterns and we both had several turns where there was very little you could do that was effective or satisfying. Poorly written rules didn't help. Gonna pass on this one. #BoardGames #AbstractGames #TabletopGame #games #BoardGameReview #Passtally https://www.instagram.com/p/CoBMWjkLHe_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tabletopbellhop · 2 months
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New Written Review: Marrakesh by Stefan Feld
The first new game in the Queen Games' City Collection.
If you are a fan of Feld's point salads you are going to want to check this out!
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aroundtable · 11 months
Oggi scopriremo assieme Tribes Of The Wind, uno dei giochi che vi avevo segnalato nella scorsa edizione del Tg Table e che mi ha colpito all'istante!
Tribes Of The Wind è un gioco da tavolo in cui dovremo ricostruire il mondo, a partire dai nostri villaggi, dopo che è stato distrutto completamente dall'inquinamento, quindi dovremo pulire l'aria dagli inquinanti, piantare foreste e solo in seguito costruire villaggi, templi e perseguire obiettivi personali il tutto con uno snello sistema di gioco, che si sviluppa su una ricca e bellissima componentistica.
Tribes Of The Wind risulta sin dalle prime partite un boardgame, molto accattivante in cui è possibile fare punti, e quindi vincere, in molti modi differenti permettendo al giocatore di adattare la propria strategia in ogni momento e asseconda delle esigenze, il tutto impacchettato in 3 azioni e due fasi di gioco. La cosa che può risultare un po farraginosa all'inizio familiarizzare con le tantissime icone che sono presenti sui materiali, il vero e proprio motore del gioco, proprio per questo ho deciso di inserire nel video la spiegazione di tutte le icone sulle carte e sulle plance.
Un altro aspetto interessantissimo di Tribes Of The Wind, sono le "risorse" presenti sulle carte che in qualche modo condivideremo con gli altri giocatori seduti around the table, aspetto che aiuta ad aumentare l'interazione al tavolo, rendendo Tribes Of The Wind un boardgame differente dai soliti solitari di gruppo.
Semplice da apprendere, ricco di possibilità strategiche, componenti premium e delle illustrazioni bellissime, che ricordano il grande Moebius, fanno si che Tribes Of The Wind sia un gioco da tavolo molto profondo, che necessita di controllo e che regala grandissime soddisfazioni al tavolo, tanto da farmi pensare che potrebbe diventare un classico del boardgame!
Ancora una volta ringrazio Hirtemis Giochi da Tavolo per avermi fatto arrivare Tribes Of The Wind al day 1!
Tribes Of The Wind è un boardgame per 2-5 giocatore, le cui partite possono durare attorno ai 20 minuti a giocatore, consigliato dai 14 anni in su in Italia grazie a
Lucky Duck Games Italia
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gladiuscardgame · 3 years
We are excited to see that the Dice Tower reviewed our little game Gladius! They even gave it the Dice Tower Seal of Approval! You can check out the video here.
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Nur noch 4 Tage auf Kickstarter Wir sind dabei!!! Helft mit damit dieses großartige Spiel das Licht der Welt erblickt. @spieldasverlag @marco_armbruster Magistrat - Duell der Magier Players: 2 Time: ca. 15 Min Age: 8+ Designer: Robert Heller Artist: Marco Armbruster Publisher: Spiel das! Verlag Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spieldas/magistrar-duell-der-magier-duel-of-the-mages?ref=user_menu #boardgamers #boardgamegeeks #boardgamejakarta #boardgameid #boardgamereview #brettspielsüchtig #cardgamers #boardgamelove #cardgameart #boardgamepics #cardgamegeek #boardgamefamily #boardgamepassion #cardgamenight #amino #boardgamelovers #boardgame #kartenspiele #cardgamedesign #boardgamesarefun #boardgamenerd #cardgamebrasil #brettspielen #boardgamegeek #kickstarter #kickstartergames #kickstarterproject #kickstarterboardgame (hier: Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKTgrts0hc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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piedraven · 3 years
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Star Fluxx & The Game: both are fast card games that take up a small amount of space. Easy to pull out at the beach or a slow restaurant. We played them both at home the other night. Star Fluxx starts out extremely simple. Each player can only Draw 1 Card and Play 1 Card per turn. But, as cards are played the goal of the game and it's very rules can be altered. Many cards have abilities that allow them to perform unique actions like eliminating creepers. Not only are the rules constantly in flux, but the game length varies greatly, lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to 45. Fluxx is a series of games, but I've only played Star Fluxx so far. The core game is the same in each, I think which version you get simply depends on which theme you like the best. The Game is simple throughout it's entire gameplay, but is still really fun. It's similar to other abstract games like Uno, it's all about having the best numbers for the situation, except it's cooperative. Two stacks are counting up from 1 to 100, while the two other stacks are counting down. The most satisfying moments are when you make jumps backwards. For example, if the cards counting up show the current card is 25, you can play a card going down if it's exactly 10 away, that being a 15. @looneylabs @pandasaurus_games #boardgameday #boardgamenight #boardgamereview #boardgamereviews #boardgaming #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgames https://www.instagram.com/p/CR98ml2LdP4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rjbailey · 4 years
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Reposted from @idwgames While you're waiting for Adventures to arrive, why not explore your other options for villainous quests in Gotham City? Learn about the plethora of ways to achieve your most devious plots with a little help from @BoardGameQuest! 🦇⁣ ⁣ bit.ly/BGQ_BTASRG⁣ ⁣ #boardgamereview #boardgamereviews #boardgamequest #btas #batmantheanimatedseries #boardgames #comicart #boardgameart #bgg #tabletopgame #playmoregames #analoggames #boardgamesofinstagram #idwgames- #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTEhj-hlcV/?igshid=1fu4499vwp25a
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myboardgamereview · 4 years
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Good afternoon!This posting is pics of the rest of Manhattan! Please feel free to do likes and follow me!😊 皆さんこんにちは!今日は生憎の雨ですね☔️ 梅雨が長引いてるからこそ家に篭って友人とボードゲームしたいです🤝👍 今日は街コロ購入してきました🤣 写真はマンハッタンの撮影時のものです。いくつか好き��写真を集めてみたので、いいねやフォローお待ちしてます🗣 ボードゲームが日本でどんどん広まりますように! #boardgame #boardgames #boardgamer #rainyday #sunny #boardgameaddict #boardgamegeek #manhattan #マンハッタン#photo #picture #ビル #ゲーム #暇#boardgamereview #駒#boardgamesnight #ボードゲーム #ボードゲーム好きと繋がりたい #ボードゲームカフェ #雨の日 #雨 #アナログゲーム #カラフル #brettspiel #brettspieler #brettspiele #brettspieleundmehr #jeudeplate #桌上游戏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGi_YkBo_m/?igshid=c99jmp5ggncu
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thechriscormier · 3 years
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Board Game Review: Splendor by Guest Contributor Game Cows https://www.geekygoodies.com/post/board-game-review-splendor #BoardGame #review #BoardGameReviews #BoardGameReview #game #GameCows #Splendor https://www.instagram.com/p/CXJs2MopGHf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tabletopbellhop · 1 year
La Famiglia Review
New Review on YouTube
La Famiglia from Puzzling Pursuits.
Find out what we thought of this escape-room-in-a-box style puzzle game with a late 20s Chicago theme.
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aroundtable · 8 months
Oggi rispondiamo alla domanda #ACheGiocoStiamoGiocando, con #SpellBook un gioco dalle grafiche ed i materiali fantastici che hanno subito attirato la mia attenzione quando l'ho visto sugli scaffali di @hirtemis!
SpellBook è un accattivante #giocodatavolo in cui interpreteremo dei maghi intenti ad apprendere nuove magie e a far crescere i propri famigli per dimostrare di essere i più bravi (e quelli capaci di fare più punti).
Con un sistema di gioco molto facile da apprendere Spellbook è un #boardgame adatto a tutte le tipologie di giocatori: con un turno di sole tre fasi, al giocatore risulterà da subito chiaro come gestire l'intera partita, se all'inizio della partita avremo una sola azione a fase, imparando le magie sbloccheremo via via nuove azioni che ci consentiranno di ampliare le nostre possibilità strategiche.
Come la gran parte dei #giochidatavolo @spacecowboysus, anche Spellbook, beneficia di una componentistica di prima qualità: #carte (formato #tarocco) e plance magistralmente illustrare, un bellissimo catino per gli scarti in cartone, un sacchetto in tessuto splendido e dei #token in plastica davvero molto belli da vedere e tenere in mano.
Spellbook è un gioco da tavolo per 2-4 giocatori (con una modalità in solitario), per una durata di 45 minuti, consigliato dai 12 anni in su edito in Italia da @asmodeeitalia
Dalle 15:30 di giovedi sul canale link in bio e nelle stories (YT si apre automaticamente dal link)
#boardgaming #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #BoardGameReview #tabletopgaming #tabletop #bgg #BoardGamesOfInstagram #brettspieler #Aroundthetable #boardgames #tabletopgames #magicthegathering #gamestagram
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So I’m going to have to create a shelf for smaller books. New acquisitions today: Monster of the Week, Meddling Kids, Fiasco Classic and by recommendation the Fate Core System. . . . . . #Books #BubbleGUMSHOE #d20 #KidsOnBikes #roleplayinggame #Simply6 #PenAndPaperGames #TabletopRPG #TTRPG RolePlayingGame #tabletopgame #playmoregames #boardgamereview #munchkinshortlegs #monsterdesign #dndhomebrew #ICONS #dnd5 #nerdquiz #gencon #haxtecdice #MeddlingKids #tabletopgames #beastgrave #FateCoreSystem #Munchkin #FiascoClassic https://www.instagram.com/p/CAggrPVhob8/?igshid=1simo37623tl1
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Hallo ihr lieben Leider ist es grade um uns ein bisschen still geworden 😢. Das liegt da dran das wir gerade eine unfreiwillige Baustelle daheim haben und wie wir alle wissen Brettspiele mögen Staub und Dreck nicht. 😉 Natürlich lassen wir euch nicht ganz ohne neue Spiele Infos aber die nächsten zwei Wochen werden noch ein wenig auf sparflamme laufen. Wir freuen uns wieder da drauf ganz für euch da zu sein. Eure Spielefamilie 😘 #boardgamers #boardgamegeeks #boardgamejakarta #boardgameid #boardgamereview #brettspielsüchtig #cardgamers #boardgamelove #cardgameart #boardgamepics #cardgamegeek #boardgamefamily #boardgamepassion #cardgamenight #amino #boardgamelovers #boardgame #kartenspiele #cardgamedesign #boardgamesarefun #boardgamenerd #cardgamebrasil #brettspielen #boardgamegeek #boardgamecafe #cardgamesforkids #brettspiel #boardgamefun #boardgamejp #brettspieler (hier: Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQfoCrkh1rK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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boardgamesfrancesco · 4 years
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È uscita una mia nuova recensione per il blog di @boardgameitalia: Kingsburg. Gioco pubblicato in Italia da @giochiuniti ➡️ www.boardgameitalia.it #gameblogger #boardgameblog #boardgamereview #giochidatavolo #giochidisocietà #giochi #giocodatavolo #boardgame #boardgames #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #boardgaming #boardgamer #tabletop #brettspieler #brettspiele #brettspiel #jeudesociete #jeuxdesociete #jeuxdesociété #juegosdemesa #jogosdetabuleiro #tabletopgamer #planszówki #boardgameitaly #boardgameitalia #boardgamegeek #kingsburgboardgame #kingsburggame #kingsburg https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SsXr-qjzR/?igshid=1cr23hl41tm31
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piedraven · 4 years
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Game Review: GYM Rating: 7/10 Specs: 2-6 Players · 20-30 Minutes · Ages 12+ There is quite a bit of complexity in this bubble gum sized package of mini-cards. Players draft gym-class students, then take turns placing those students into different Events. Players hope to achieve the most points by placing students into the Events they’re best at. GYM's theme is all about picking teams of Kids as competing gym-class Coaches. Each Kid has a couple of Events that they specifically excel at, except for Brats. The Brats have very little skill at any particular Event, but come along with abilities to make up for that. Brats allow players to alter which Events will occur after the drafting phase. When drafting a Brat, players move the Events they prefer forward along a track. The four Events that are farthest on the track at the end of the drafting phase are the Events that come into play during the next phase. Once all Kids have been drafted, and the four Events are determined, those Events are laid out between each team. Players place their Kids one at a time, turn by turn, on any given Event. The Events hold powerful actions that trigger once a Kid is placed there that range from swapping sides to putting them back in a player’s hand, and much more. To lock your teams into place, you can use the Brat cards. Once a Brat is added to an Event, those Kids are locked-in and cannot be altered. After all of the Kids have been placed, players count up their respective points on each card and determine the winner based on who has the most points in total. GYM is an enjoyable game that’s simple to grasp and has depth. It’s easy to float through and have fun. But, players could spend quite a bit of time determining which Kids to draft, which Events to pursue, and which order to place their Kids into Events, taking advantage of abilities and optimizing their total point value. It's a game you can easily carry anywhere, bust out in a limited space, and have a good time playing. #boardgames #tabletopgames #cardgame #review #boardgamereview #gym #gymclass #coach #drafting #ashthedog #pocketsize #setcollection #handmanagement #buildateam #gaming #beach #beachlife #beachday https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7qMAABPp0/?igshid=164zc2fd2z433
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brainbeaststudios · 4 years
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I've just received a review copy of Chai, and my Kickstarter rewards for Drexler by @feralkingdomstudios ! Can't wait to share my first impressions with you all! #boardgames #comics #chai #steepedgames #feralkingdomstudios #comicreviews #kickstarter #boardgamereview https://www.instagram.com/p/B7r8XQQB4DP/?igshid=1fqwdsda9rl0t
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