artilite · 7 months
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chúc mừng năm mới !!! happy new year !!!
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brodasweb · 1 year
Letra de "Boatloads" de Mark 4ord & Big E Transport en nuevo video
Anota el 4to X Grande colabore y suelte un nuevo video llamado “Boatloads”. Mezclado y Masterizado por Traps. Filmado y editado por DMT MEDIA BROS. Compartir en Facebook Compartir en Twitter Compartir en Reddit Compartir en Pinterest Compartir por correo electrónico
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Unsurprisingly, one kiss in an alleyway behind some bins doesn't fix your problems. Previous part is here, I skipped Castafiore's introduction because I animated it here!
This is part of my story, The House of Glass. Poor Chang is going through it in this one.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 1 year
I’ve had my share of [Crowley voice] you idiot thoughts at both of them over their terrible communication skills and severe chronic inability to say what they mean. But like. I get it.
For 6000 years, they had to talk in code. They had to express themselves in grand gestures and subtext and plausible deniability, out of fear of being found out. And they got really good at it! They developed a whole secret language of ways to say I love you because they couldn’t say it out loud.
But now that they can—and need to—talk about what they are to each other with actual words, they don’t know how.
Neither of them know how to say what they want, openly, and to ask what the other wants. And (I think this is a crucial component) they don’t know how to fight. They’ve had enough spats to have a 350+ year old apology dance, but they have repeatedly avoided talking about the really big differences in their worldviews and what they value, because those conversations would immediately bump up against the things they try hardest to avoid (doubt and guilt for Aziraphale; rejection for Crowley), and because that could lead to a real disagreement that they don’t know how to get around. And then where would either of them be? Alone.
So they bicker and they have drunken philosophical debates and they make up and do little dances all while not really talking about the big differences in how they see the world. And then when the pressure is on they have horrible miscommunication blowouts where they end up talking past each other and hurting each other deeply because they don’t even realize they’re not on the same page.
Upon rewatch I think this is part of why Crowley seems so unhappy in the early episodes. I think he did hope that once they weren’t working for Heaven and Hell, things would go in a more explicitly romantic direction. (But of course he won’t just come out and say that, until the absolute last ditch moment.) From his POV, he’s made his desires perfectly clear (he hasn’t) and I think he thought that working for Heaven was the last thing holding Aziraphale back. And then they cleared that hurdle and nothing changed. Or not enough. Because the problem goes deeper than that.
And bless(/damn) them, they’re still trying. The confession was clearly so hard for Crowley, and would have been even without the first half of the scene, because he’s working against his deepest insecurities. He can’t even finish his sentences, and yet he’s still trying. And I do think that Aziraphale was working up to his own version of it (he’s so openly physically affectionate with Crowley this season, much more than in the past) but he’s always moved a bit slower with these things, and then it was too late. (It’s always too late.)
But even if they’d both been able to openly say their I love yous, they still have this thing sitting between them, which is that Aziraphale doesn’t understand why Crowley would never go back to Heaven, and Crowley doesn’t understand why Aziraphale would want to. And having that conversation goes right to the heart of how they’ve both been damaged by the system of Heaven and Hell, which is why I suspect they’ve both instinctively avoided it before now. And at some point in s3, they are going to have to talk about that.
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perlukafarinn · 7 months
need a fic set after amok time where spock ponders that he's gonna need a new bondmate eventually. and kirk goes, "well, what about me?"
spock considers this and very logically deduces that yes, kirk would be a suitable mate due to their mental compatibility, aligned careers and his general good qualities. "and also i'm in love with you," kirk helpfully adds.
spock is a bit alarmed by that, as he's not sure he can fulfill kirk's emotional needs but kirk assures him that just being with him is enough.
so they bond and begin to share quarters and it's a surprisingly easy leap to make. kirk is a model bondmate, considerate of spock's needs, offering intimacy when spock wants it and giving him space when necessary. spock does his best to return the favor and although he still occasionally worries that he cannot be everything kirk needs, kirk is always quick to reassure him.
then one day in their shared quarters after a shift, spock looks up from his paperwork at kirk. kirk, noticing him looking, gives him a soft smile and realization strikes spock like a bolt of lightning.
he is in love with kirk. it was never about kirk being the logical choice, spock wanted to bond with him because he loves him.
when he tells kirk this, his smile widens but he otherwise doesn't respond and another realization hits.
"you knew," he accuses kirk.
kirk hums. "i gambled."
then he holds out his hand and spock accepts the ozh'esta and is quietly grateful that this conversation will never be known to mccoy
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lurrlonde · 1 year
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he appreciates a man with traditional taste in armaments
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sollucets · 6 months
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Why do you have to manage everything by yourself?
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 5 months
It's my headcanon that there's not a galactic-wide holonet. That infrastructure just isn't there. Individual planets like coruscant probably have a holonet, sure, and some core worlds are connected to each other, but for a lot of the galaxy, most of the galaxy even, the average person just doesn't have access to a galactic equivalent of Earth's internet.
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crosshair-s-toothpick · 7 months
one thing i picked up on in the return is how crosshair is more talkative now, even more so than he was pre-order 66. just little things like acknowledging echo's statements or chatting extensively with omega. idk in the past his dialogue was more or less strictly plot relevant with a few characteristic quips here and there but his defining trait when hunter first introduces him in tcw is "crosshair isn't much of a talker" and it's just like. so healing to see him be this 10% more open yknow
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pigeonpalacade · 2 months
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Movie sketchdump
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but you should make an OC.
You should make an OC. Specifically a Spider-Sona. Like now. Preferably yesterday. [A MEDIUM-LONG essay about OC's, fanfiction, and how to enrich and better your writing skills in literally every sector. Throughout this essay I reference my two characters Disco-Spider and Inca-Spider as examples of the way OCs can be used.]
"But no one cares about OCs -"
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IDK about ya'll but fandom is NOT my final destination no siree
I feel like a lot of the time we get so caught up in posting and notes we forget that for many artists and writers on this platform - fanfiction is not the true end goal.
Many of us write and draw fanart for years -
But the fact of the matter is if you want to be an author someday, if you want to be a graphic novelist, an animator, etc, etc - You're going to HAVE to make OCs.
If you want to study English in college or publish books - you're gonna have to write an OC at least once. If not hundreds of times.
If you want to study art - chances are at some point you're gonna have to fill a portfolio with original pieces, including some of OCs.
If you want to do something with your writing, if you want to get better - or make a career out of your art, you HAVE to make OCs at some point.
And this is especially true for fanfiction writers.
You can get very very very good at writing in your specific fandoms, you may have the emotions of the characters on point, and the ability to describe the scenery.
But if you don't know how to create and design a character - if you don't know how to worldbuild, or come up with scenarios without the help of characterai and ChatGPT - you won't be able to write a book.
If you're an artist and you don't know how to draw an original character from scratch, how to match colors, how to draw certain skin tones, certain hair, wheelchairs and mobility aids, how to design a character from looks, to clothing - it's going to be so hard to expand your art outside of fanart. You'll always be beholden to the notes and popularity of your particular fandom.
Do it - even if you've never written or never draw before. Even better.
That's why I CHAMPION Spider-sonas so much. They're basically OCs on easy mode.
Can't write backgrounds yet? Here's a bucket on canon events to pick from? Can't draw faces? Blank mask with eyes.
Hell, if you're really really new about it - just pick a character and make a slightly different variant. Make a Hobie of your own, make a Peter variant. Make a Mary Jane variant. Pick a something you like and turn that into a character.
Can't write? Just fill-in the 'My name is [blank], I was bitten by a [blank]' script that Miles does. Can't draw, just draw out a basic shape of a body and color-out the suit, no fancy pose needed. That still counts!!
Make a self-insert. Make yourself fit into the story, design your suit, write out how you fight crime, how you'd act at the Society, meeting Miguel or Miles.
That's still character design, that's still worldbuilding.
We always hear people say 'Make art for yourself' and yeah that sounds nice - but people also misinterpret it.
Make art for yourself doesn't just mean making art that you personally like.
Making art for yourself also means making art that develops your skills even if no one gives a fuck. It's about making art as practice without the intention of it being 'completed', making OCs that never get used, drawing locations you see or writing a random ass short story then shoving it into your Google Drive forever.
Making art for yourself means making art that invests in yourself.
It means making art that interests you, challenges you, or helps you develop.
And making OC's helps develop your fanfic writing skills.
In may fandoms we begin to fall into these routine 'tropes' between characters and their personalities. This is usually known as the 'fanon' characterization.
Because when you have a set amount of characters and people, there's also a set amount of interactions and relationships between those people.
Writing OCs and having those OCs interact with canon characters allows you to dig deeper into sides of the canon characters we'd never otherwise see.
That's why I wrote Disco-Spider Diane like I do. Often, we see Hobie characterized as the chaotic, rowdy, confident type - which is perfect characterization for him. But in almost all of his interactions - he's the wilder, bolder, extroverted one. I wanted to put him in a situation where for once, he was the calmer one. I wanted to explore more grounded and chill sides of Hobie, one where he's the one grounding the other, and thinking logically - because in canon, we're hinted at a side of Hobie who's way more methodical and slow-paced and willing to stop and wait it out and play it off. And I wanted to see that. I wanted to explore what he'd do if he was faced with someone just as chaotic, who put on a cheeky ironic act - just the same as him.
Because no other characters serve that purpose in canon.
If there are elements of a character or concept you think are interesting but outright ignored by canon and fanon, you can create an OC to explore those parts.
For Disco-Spider: I wanted to explore how someone like a militant Black Panther would handle being Spider-woman, when Spider-people are usually shown as pacifists - what that would look like or how it'd shape her morals based on era, etc. For Inca-Spider: I realized there were so many culture based Spider people like Pavitr and Spider-UK. But none for indigenous communities, and NONE from countries that only existed in other universes. So, I created an indigenous character from Tawanti - a country that's located where Peru would be for us.
You can give a canon character a sibling, to explore how they'd interact with family. Give them a partner that acts totally different than their canon partner, write how that'd change the way they show love.
OC's make your original writing better, AND your fanfiction writing too. They can help you understand canon characters on a deeper level.
And sure, nobody likes your OC. NOW.
But every single character you write about, is someones OC. Every character you write about was once treated that way. Once upon a time, Dean Winchester was just some rando character in the pilot script of a show that hadn't picked up yet. Probably no one gave a fuck until CW picked it up.
The writers had to not only make him and develop him - they had to BELIEVE in him enough to pitch him to a TV show channel to make people care.
That's always the first step. Believing your character's story is worthy enough of being told and presenting it as such.
ESPECIALLY if your OC represents a demographic you don't see represented. Cause yes if there isn't any black women in canon then I'll Thanos this shit and do it myself.
Make OCs.
Write them. Draw them. Even if it's bad. Who the hell cares. Big Mouth is on Netflix with multiple seasons, have you seen that show?? 'Ugly' art is not a crime.
Make piccrews, fill out OCforms or take quiz's as them. Write little blurbs of them hanging with canon characters then post it in the tag.
You don't need a huge Spidersona sheet or a long long fic explaining their backstory. They can just be there.
Make them to explore more in your fanfiction, make them so future you can write that novel or draw or that comic or sell those prints or whatever it is you plan to do.
Make it so your fanfiction AND original writing can grow stronger. It isn't just about notes and content and follows.
Make an OC. Make a Spidersona. Literally you have nothing to lose but your chains.
"Nobody cares-"
Oh they'll care when you pop out with that 6-book publishing deal. They'll care when you're designing big characters for movies. Cause that's how it happens. Watch.
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ANYWAYSSSS if you made it this far I hope this inspired you to at least play around with the idea of OCs and Spidersonas in general.
Here's Hobie.
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If you want to make a sona and are kinda lost on where to start, lemme know!! Because I think they're amazing starting places for those who have never written or drawn before. Or if you have a sona but want to develop them further.
I haven't seen a guide to spidersonas and i wonder if that's something some people might want/need.
Seriously if I can even get one person into writing or drawing I'll be over the goddamn moon.
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zahri-melitor · 17 days
At some point people are going to stop ignoring that Tim has had more parents die on him because of a villain than any of his siblings, surely?
Janet was killed by the Obeah Man before Tim even got his own costume; Jack was killed by Captain Boomerang; Dana was killed by Chemo; and Bruce was killed by Darkseid.
Three of those four deaths happened in major DC events.
But no, we gotta make jokes about how Tim only wants to be Robin because Bruce is depressed.
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lee-hakhyun · 1 month
come here. hold my hand. let's all make orv ocs together
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
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finally... the blonde sailor collection...
(l -> r: ben hawkins, jack aubrey, william laurence, røde ruben, alexander smollett, chadwick goodfellow, & gwilym parry)
[ben, goodfellow, and parry have been lent to me by @benjhawkins, @natdrinkstea, and @sailorpants, and the delightful idea of collecting this lad pile was inspired by @gigamuffin!]
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allthefakepeople · 6 months
something something
the scene between august and wille at the white party is the first time august has apologized without alterior motives. in the past he's either done it because he was worried that wille would get back at him or because he wanted to feel better about himself. this was the first time he said the words and meant them as an actual apology something something
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
made that post about Steve being MJ Watson in a spider Eddie au but now I’m just thinking about canon Steve male model extraordinaire starting with small commercial gigs just to pay his way through school, finding he kind of likes getting to be in charge of his body in this way, but unable to make it a bigger thing because he can’t get any shirtless work due to his scarring.
And isn’t that just the rub? To carry around all of this proof that he’s a survivor only for it to get in the way of him doing, like, the first thing that’s really felt right, like he’s being punished for his vanity even though that’s not what it’s about. It’s about the fact that he works well with people, works well in a collaborative, creative environment, about the fact that he’s finally comfortable expressing himself out loud on his face and with his body without any posturing getting in the way.
But he doesn’t get to have that. Because some monsters and some bats and some of his own reckless protectiveness when he’s a goddamn teenager gets his body all out of sorts with what people apparently want to see on magazine covers and billboards even though he loves his scars, loves to remember who was saved or who saved him in each and every instance of puckered up skin.
So that’s all bullshit basically. And so he kind of gives up on it basically, throwing auditions out there every once in a while because he enjoys it but accepting it as a side gig rather than anything he could ever depend on.
Until one day a project comes across his agent’s desk. A music video. “Strong but casual about it. He’s world weary but ready for anything that jumps in his path,” the casting call reads and “you and that thousand yard stare of yours are kinda perfect for that don’tcha think?” his agent says.
Steve hasn’t spoken to Eddie Munson in over five years, in part because Eddie Munson doesn’t really exist anymore and in part because he hasn’t known how after everything, but he knows the guy’s stage name and he knows the band’s name and he just.
He shouldn’t put Eddie in the position to reject him, but then again it’s highly doubtful Eddie is in the casting room.
Steve has been looking for a shot to make his version of beautiful appealing to a wider audience and he can’t turn down the chance, can he? He can’t turn it down for the sake of avoiding a little bit of awkwardness or discomfort? He can’t turn it down just because he isn’t sure what seeing Eddie in the flesh again will do to him.
Fuck it.
He probably won’t get the job anyway.
(But if he does, maybe more than one good thing could come of it)
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