#bobby wip
hippolotamus · 15 days
Fuck It Inspiration Weekend 🪦
tagged in various combinations by @tizniz @dangerpronebuddie @eddiebabygirldiaz @shipperqueen6 @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @bi-buckrights @daffi-990 @diazsdimples
OK! First, everyone please blame thank Di for putting me in my Bobby Nash feels. It’s a short ficlet like thing I expect to actually stay short (for once!)
How long has it been? How many years since mahogany, cherry or spruce? Velvet or Satin? Granite, marble or bronze? Lilies, orchids, forget-me-nots? How long since Ann Margaret Nash was laid to rest, finally allowed to be at peace with the choices she made? Had to make.
How much time since Charlie last looked at Bobby, both of them drowning in their grief? Weighed down with sadness, anger, disappointment, regret and too much pride to admit they wanted to maybe talk about repairing the rift that started the day Bobby chose to stay with Dad.
How many lifetimes between Bobby offering a weak ‘I’ll be in touch’ and his brother’s equally placating ‘Sure, Bobby’.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @ramonaflow @taketheplanspinitsideways @spotsandsocks @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz @mrs-f-darcy @drowsy-quill @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @queenmabcreates @inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @shortsighted-owl @queerbuckleys @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life
and anyone else who wants to 😘
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i-am-vero-draw · 3 months
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raerodart · 2 months
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Every time I get into a new hyperfixation, I love to play dress up with the characters
Or maybe it’s something more I have in mind 👀
(Bonus alt outfits I had beforehand)
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djdangerlove · 18 days
Thinking about Tommy remembering how to make a food dish that Bobby showed him years ago at the station when he was still with the 118 and knowing that Buck is still so worried about Bobby (after whatever happens in the upcoming arc) he invites Bobby over to have dinner with them and makes the dish Bobby showed him. Buck doesn’t recognize it as Bobby’s until the man says “Tommy, you remembered this recipe after all this time?” Tommy, a little red in the cheeks, nods and says, “I know you make it different now since Evan doesn’t like peas” pointing with his fork to the pile of peas pushed to the side on his boyfriend’s plate, “but that day meant a lot to me and I just…we,” he corrects as he reaches for Buck’s hand and squeezes reassuringly, “just want to remind you that you have so many people in your corner.”
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pastellartz · 1 month
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I'm sorry if I haven't been uploading much due to work but I'm finally working on my own SC au! ( Spirit Au )
This is just a concept design for now ( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ)
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spicyraeman · 2 months
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my fucked up children
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wildlife4life · 5 months
You know what would be a fun 9-1-1 bottle episode? Going off from clips I’ve seen of the Rookie, where Tim and Lucy have criminal doppelgängers, the 118 should have a shift or two where they run into their own doppelgängers on calls. Like I can imagine Buck’s is some British photographer or something (I just want an excuse for Oliver to use his British accent). Eddie’s is a street dancer (come on we all want to see him dancing again). Chimney’s a serious judge (love his acting range). Hen an attorney (like her role from Under the Dome). Bobby’s maybe a bar tender? Even Ravi can be included as like a very intelligent college student who’s on break from an Ivy League school (the path he broke away from before becoming a firefighter). I think it would be fun! Hell throw in a ghost sensing chick and a royal from Africa for Maddie and Athena too!
And because I need to make this a little bit about buddie, Buck and Eddie possibly maybe kind of unknowingly flirt with the doppelgängers (Buck with Eddie’s and Eddie with bucks).
I mean just imagine the chaos and hilarity of it all!!!
(Oh god did i just come up with a new wip idea? Must I write this?!)
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rt-closetcryptic · 4 months
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asamary · 3 months
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This a wip
Angel sleeps like a baby :))
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boo-gutzz · 7 months
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Hey. You look sad
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
Inspiration Saturday!
tagged by @spotsandsocks, @disasterbuckdiaz !!
once again I don't have a moodboard, idk how y'all do it i'm in awe i suck at those things, so have a lil snip snip from the airplane au!
“Hi,” Eddie started slowly, focusing his attention on the older man with a kind face. “I’m a friend of Buck’s and—”
“You wouldn’t happen to be Eddie, would you?” The guy with spikey black hair interrupted him, snapping his gum as he finished his question. The woman beside him nudged him and gave him a look for interrupting. The guy gave Eddie an apologetic look.
Eddie paid the interruption no mind, he was too caught off guard. “Yeah— uh, I am. How do you know that?”
“You look exactly like Buck described you. I’m Hen,” Hen said, getting up from her seat to shake Eddie’s hand.
The others got up too. “I’m Chimney,” said the guy with the gum, a happy grin on his face. “And this is Maddie, Buck’s sister,” Chimney said, his arm around the woman who had nudged him.
“Nice to meet you, Eddie,” Maddie said warmly, giving him a soft smile.
“Bobby Nash,” The older man introduced, shaking Eddie’s hand firmly. “We’ve heard a lot about you Eddie.”
“Oh? Really?” Eddie was blushing. He could feel the tips of his ears burning. “Buck talks about me?”
“He doesn’t shut up about you,” Chimney said before letting out an oof as Hen elbowed him on his other side. “What?”
“Be cool,” Hen murmured.
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @watchyourbuck, @maygrantgf, @lovebuck, @princessfbi, @loserdiaz, @monsterrae1, @devirnis, @underwater-ninja-13, @father-salmon, @giddyupbuck, @exhuastedpigeon, @bucktits, @hoodie-buck, @sunshinediaz, @puppyboybuckley, @spagheddiediaz, @goforkinard, @jealous-buck, @lover-of-mine, @eddiebabygirldiaz, and @epicbuddieficrecs
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thebloomingheather · 3 months
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Chapter 22 of Right Where You Left Me is up!
Lord. The past two months have been something. I've had a lot of life stuff happen, including a death in the family and a funeral for said death. Still I think grief and mental illness are uniquely complex yet universal experiences, and things that should be normalised. Life goes on and we have to take it one day at a time.
On a more positive note, we've reached the long awaited POV shift, and as you can probably guess, this is Eddie's time in the limelight. Chapter 22 is a 170-page document on Google Docs and is roughly 56k. It's absurd. Truly unhinged when I think of the start of this story.
Moreover, to me it's an exercise in endurance, a character study, too, because we've stayed in Buck's head all this time, and Eddie's perspective is challenging, refreshingly new, and overall an interesting place to be. Given how isolated Buck has been in his declining mental health, delving into Eddie's world means we get to spend more time with the other members of the 118 too.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always I dearly appreciate your engagement. Writing is a solitary endeavour and receiving your support, your encouragement truly keeps me going. It means more than I can say.
Also happy season 7 premiere! 🚒🍿
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With the generous BTS and PR material from ABC, I think we'll have a lot to look forward to each week. 🥂🧀
Happy reading and take care. 💜
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diazsdimples · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Look at me posting two days in a row! The beans are slowly returning from their disappearance, I can feel it!
This snippet of Frostpunk AU is a little longer and I probably shouldn't be sharing all of it because remaining mysterious and all that, but fuck it. I'm just proud of myself for having written something lol.
There’s a slight rustle as his tent flaps are pulled back, and Buck’s legs jostle as a weight sinks onto the end his bed, a firm hand curling around his shin. “Hey Bobby,” Buck croaks, his voice rough and frayed, like a well worn piece of material. “Hey kid. You doing okay?” Buck opens his eyes and is met with the warm, brown eyes of his adopted father, full of care and concern. Bobby cocks his head, waiting for a response. “No,” Buck says quietly, and he rolls onto his side, curling his legs up towards his body. He wraps his arms around his knees and lets out a shaky sigh. “No, I’m not, but I don’t know why. I can’t get them out of my head, Bobby! Why can’t I let them go?” He angles his head up towards Bobby, looking at him with pleading eyes, and Bobby sighs, moving to stretch himself beside Buck. It’s reminiscent of when he was younger and was plagued with nightmares. Bobby would bring Buck into his and Athena’s bed and the small boy would cling to Bobby’s chest as he whispered stories into Buck’s hair, until the trembling stopped, and his breathing evened out. “I never did tell you how I found you and Maddie, did I? You were so young, I wasn’t sure if you remembered…” Bobby says, shifting beside Buck as he gets into a comfortable position. His muscles must be in a similar state to Buck’s if not worse, so it’s any wonder it takes him a moment to settle. “C’mere.” Buck turns, his body relaxing as he sees Bobby’s outstretched arm, and he settles into his father’s side, head resting against his chest, just like the old days. “I understand how you’re feeling,” Bobby begins, his hand skimming up Buck’s arm as he squeezes him closer. “We never meant to find you and Maddie. I was out on a scouting mission with Athena, and we were looking for my fa– for some people who were lost in a storm. We’d barely made it a day out of the city before we found you two.” Bobby shivers, as though the memory were transporting him back in time. For Buck, he has flashes of his childhood before Sector 118, small moments of discomfort as he remembers harsh words, cold looks, and lonely nights. He nods, signalling for Bobby to continue. “We found you two wrapped up together. Maddie had tried to dig you into a drift to conserve heat but had gotten too tired, so she’d stopped. If we hadn’t found you –“ Bobby’s voice breaks and his grip on Buck’s shoulders tighten, pulling him in closer. Buck lets out a small noise in the back of his throat and allows Bobby to pull him in, chin digging into the top of Buck’s head. They lie there, both shaking slightly as Bobby relives the past and Buck fears for the future. Bobby takes a deep breath before he finally continues. “I didn’t leave your bedside for a week. Athena had to drag me away to eat. I barely slept. You were just some kid I’d rescued, but for some reason I couldn’t leave you. Either of you”   Bobby hums out a small laugh and Buck feels it reverberate through his chest, reminding him of how Bobby used to laugh as Buck would try and tickle him after he’d calmed down from his nightmares. It’s oddly comforting. “So I know exactly what you’re going through. There’s no rhyme or reason for it, Buck. You just have to let yourself feel it. Be there for them. We’ll all support you.”
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @puppyboybuckley @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @rainbow-nerdss @wildlife4life @buckbuckgoose @bucksbackwardcap @evanbegins @cal-daisies-and-briars @fortheloveofbuddie @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @loserdiaz @giddyupbuck @aroeddiediaz @jesuisici33 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @thekristen999 @actuallyitsellie @wikiangela @smilingbuckley @epicbuddieficrecs @underwater-ninja-13 @shortsighted-owl @loveyouanyway
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raerodart · 2 months
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Uh, don’t mind me, just drawing some partners in their respective “worlds” 👀💦
Man I sure hope nothing bad happens to the dog 👀💦
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deancasrpg · 1 year
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who is that sad old man ...
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daffi-990 · 3 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @diazsdimples @tizniz @wikiangela @giddyupbuck @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @disasterbuckdiaz. Thank you all for tagging me ❤️ (be sure to check out all their snippets!)
Here’s a little something from a phone call between Buck and Bobby on the night of Eddie’s breakdown from when your heart releases, you won’t fall to pieces.
Prev snippet here.
Bobby hums in thought. “Are you with him right now?”
“Yeah. Yeah I didn’t want to leave him alone. Not like this.”
“Eddie needs the kind of help that we can’t provide, but what we can do, what you’re already doing a great job of so far, is be there for him and for Chris.”
“I was so scared, Bobby. I- I thought he- that he’d—.”
“It’s okay, Buck. He’s okay. He’s going to be okay.” Bobby says, his voice soft and soothing and Buck finds that he actually believes him. “Do you need me to come over?”
Buck chokes back a sob of relief. He knew Bobby was the right person to call. Eddie and Chris are a part of his family too. Buck doesn’t have to shoulder this alone. Knows that if he said yes, Bobby would break a few traffic laws to get here. Or get a police escort from Athena.
“No- no I’m alright, just uh- it’s been a long night.” Even though he could use the comfort, he feels like tonight needs to be just him and the Diaz’s. Doesn’t want to bring too many cooks into the kitchen or whatever. “Could you uh- could you come over in the morning though? I need to get Chris to school and I don’t want to leave Eddie alone. Not that I think he’s going to-to do anything I just—.”
“Don’t want him to feel like he’s alone in this. I get it, Buck. Trust me, I get it.”
“Yeah.” Buck supposes Bobby really does get it. He still remembers finding Bobby passed out drunk on his bed, back before he’d opened up his heart to life again, to actually living and being a part of it. Remembers how he and Hen (and Chim later on when Bobby trusted enough to let another person into his world) would take turns sitting with Bobby at his apartment on his bad days or driving him to AA meetings so he knew he wasn’t alone in the battle, they had his back. So yeah, if anyone gets it, it’s Bobby. “Thanks Bobby.”
“Anytime kid.”
No pressure tagging: @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @athenagranted @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @epicbuddieficrecs @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @puppyboybuckley @princessfbi @prettyboybuckley @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @donationwayne @fiona-fififi @fortheloveofbuddie @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @homerforsure @honestlydarkprincess @jeeyuns @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @captain-hen @bekkachaos @monsterrae1 @nmcggg @missmagooglie @spagheddiediaz @malewifediaz and anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag 😘
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