#boboiboy spoiler
yuutsunaoi · 8 months
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It's funny how moments before this, Boboiboy was hesitating if he could do it alone, and then Fang pulled another one of his stunt where he dramatically went to stand in front of bbb and tell bbb that bbb is not alone.
(Another time this happened was during Vargoba arc)
But then bbb was like 'actually nahhh i got this. U go protect our friends.'
Fang's so real for lowkey side eyeing bbb HAHAHHA but still went along anyway (because he trusts bbb obvi that's a whole other thing to unwrap)
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lunar-wandering · 9 months
I am once again BEGGING you all to watch boboiboy
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dungbeatposse · 3 months
boboiboy galaxy: windara
aka boboiboy riding a thin line between selflessness and self-sacrificing
aka fang showing more unrequited love for his idiot bestie
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screwzara · 1 year
Absence AU :)
Mechabot's reactions to how bbb(original series) got his elements
Petir, Tanah and Angin
Mechabot was worried since Ochobot was kinda mandatory(even if it really wanted it no where near bbb) because they needed Ochobot to help figure out how bbb's powers worked and to make sure bbb wouldn't hurt himself while practicing using it(since they had no dedicated space for it, they would often sneak off to a more abandoned area, kinda like the spooky mansion that Fang uses for his stay)
With the presence of two power spheres in the vicinity of children, Mechabot would often hide around/near Kokotiam Gang(-Fang) instead of being out in the open like Ochobot, even when they are alone on the field
Mechabot didn't show it but it was upset that Boboiboy didn't confide in it, once the element was revealed to have appeared due to stress, it couldn't help but play.
Play with bbb like it used to, to loosen up a bit and to help.
It had always feared a responsibility this big would cause too much stress for the kid.
Mechabot helped soothe Boboiboy's stress during Api's arc and still does make sure the boy isn't stressed. If bbb happens to be, Mechabot lets loose for a bit and plays like they used to(there is a small frame of time before the supposed disappearance/death of Amato and his wife, just enough time for the power sphere to start caring.... which isn't a lot because Mechabot basically became friends with Amato in the span of 3-4 days in the movie)
Mechabot was proud Boboiboy believed he could defeat Boboibot... It just wished his elements weren't being unlocked in such uncontrolled environments(Mechabot has been really careful since.... It will interfere if it's too dangerous for the kids)
As evidenced by Api's first appearance, bbb's emotions play a big role in the unlocking of an element. To have a young child unlock such power in situations that may get out of hand/are unsafe could result in disaster.
Duri and Solar(No first tiers)
Mechabot was in awe at how powerful bbb was, of course it helped but with the restrictions it was under it couldn't do much.
That did not stop it from frantically asking if bbb was ok or not.
It helped repair damages and was making sure bbb and his friends were adjusting well to the upgrade their power watches had gotten
Recent Absence AU Content(not the poll): Here
I'll make a Galaxy Series version of this too :)
Suggestions are always open(unless I inform you otherwise)
Edit: I'll probably also make a short post about Mechabot's reaction to the second tiers being unlocked the first time
Edit: Kinda unrelated but a general headcanon I had stated before is not applicable for the Absence AU version of Boboiboy: View Post
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knives in my heart
[ AO3 ]
“I didn’t expect you’d come here to see me.” “What made you think I wouldn’t come?” “When was the last time you went out of your way to make time to see me? Or, at the bare minimum, even call me?” “Well, this time is an exception.”“ Why, because I’m in jail?”
After what she did in Gur’latan, Kira’na got her punishment and went to jail. Kaizo visited her for the first time in three months, but maybe the long awaited talk didn’t really go to the direction they both were expecting.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Kaizo & Kira'na
Characters: Kaizo (BoBoiBoy), Kira'na, Fang (mentioned), Boboiboy (mentioned)
Post Gur'latan arc. Kira'na is in jail. Canon Compliant.
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hey tumblr, i got content
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(i've been having bbb elemental brainrot and these 2
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daydream-comet · 2 years
[Cross posted from twitter]
Plant boii
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gierosajie · 2 years
i know he's just been like sealed inside a sword or something (unclear i need to wait till the eng comic online on webtoon gets to that point which will be a WHILE) but i can't help but think of the other elements holding a lil funeral for Halilintar and in the middle of it he just sits up in his cardboard coffin like "im not fucking dead guys" and the rest just SCREAM cause they got so immersed they forgot that, yknow, he's not fucking dead
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vanillaxoshi · 3 months
I watched today's episode with my little brother and when reramos *spoiler* happened he SCREAMED, full out screeching with how disgusted he was
Good news is i laughed loudly when he screamed "KILL IT WITH FIRE, BOBOIBOY KILL IT"
Poor kids who have arachnophobia about to get nightmares
-love, MP anon
Full on shocked when that happened, quite a twist
Maybe thats why in that one photo of monsta
Reramos was standing next to "beliungs new weapon"
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Why are there so few didboi stuff??? Im only on s3 + seen spoilers but it makes sense as a hc??
Im not informed enough so have some ori series headcanons (i am so very underinformed)
They havent figured out theyre a system yet
Tanah/gempa usually fronts during math lessons
The alters havent really strayed too much from the 'default'/host/singlet persona (im figuring it out) of boboiboy considering they havent really found a lot of their own interests yet
They currently think they just have a really bad and spotty memory (either in general or as a side affect) and think theyre prone to changes in interests and stuff based off their mood. Which adds to the confusion and makes it harder for them to figure out what they like
Fang being more observant as someone with training/experience(?? I got this from spoilers) notices some inconsistencies just enough to take note of in his head but not enough to point out or specify anything
Halilintar/petir holds some of the more traumatic memories (not a lot considering they havent experienced a lot yet)
Angin/taufan is the one who hangs out with kokotiam gang the most minus boboiboy (the elements really spend about the same amount of time with them. Angin just spends slightly more than the other two)
They think blanks in their memories and sudden 'mood' (actually alter) switches are normalish (like not common but not exactly uncommon or noteworthy)
Angin/taufan is/was actually somewhat pessimistic (see: multimonster ep where he decides theyre doomed)
I actually think he still is pessimistic to an extent but he tries to focus more on happier and fun stuff like games and all and just avoids that stuff completely
Tanah/gempa isnt as interested in games as the others
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yuutsunaoi · 8 months
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This page means so much to me because as Kirana was asking Fang to join forces with her, the first thing - the first person - Fang thought about was Boboiboy.
Idk man... it's just... if someone asks me to join forces with them, and by joining forces with them I would have to betray a number of people, I would instantly thought of the someone I don't wish to betray the most.
Someone I don't wish to betray the most.
Yeah. Bye.
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lunar-wandering · 9 months
Oh my God did i get excited to see your bbb posts, have you managed to finish the comic version of season 2?
Also its so cool to find someone who is a fan of bbb and monkie kid
I know what HAPPENS in the comic version of s2 so...kinda??
the free version of the comic in english that im reading gets updated on fridays and sundays and is up to the first few chapters of the Ice and Fire Planet Arc. so. i sort of know what happens beyond that but like i don't have the Context for it
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screwzara · 1 year
The Times It Wished, The Time He Did
It wished for its old master
But what could it do? He threw it away to safety. Fly back? It desperately wanted to. But to ruin its master's last ditch attempt to protect it? It couldn't move..., it couldn't decide.
It wished it could go back.
It wished for his safety
A mistake as it was, it had to admit. He grew on it. It worried, even though it didn't show, rather argued like siblings. It cared for the child that had become its new master
It wished he would not share the same fate
It wished for clarity, guidance
The Disappearance had shook it, but it broke out of it when it heard it cry.
'The child', it thought as it realised that it he was cradled in its arms. Its master's offspring, it remembered the man that had lived with it alongside its master for years.
It put the child on the couch and dialed his number on the phone.
It wished for his return
It wished he could have a normal life
But that was hard to achieve. After all, he lives with a sentient robot that could consume organic materials.
He would often have to reassure it, remind it that it was doing it's best.
Many times, it felt that its presence alone was a danger to them...
But it stayed, to protect. To protect what was left, who were left
It wished nothing would go wrong
It wished that It stayed away
It was already worried about the consequences of someone finding it. It did not need its master's child to be put in danger by a seemingly juvenile Power Sphere, let alone have 3 other children involved.
... A juvenile. Was it a juvenile? It couldn't tell.
It just wished for It to stay go away
He wished for it to run
It never understood.
As it ran with the yellow Power Sphere in the labyrinth that was this island.
Perhaps it was so bad people couldn't get their powers but a part of it knew some cared too much to not protect them
So was the fault of sentient thought it supposed.
He wished they were safe
Idk where I was going with this-
Like it or not I'm gonna just plop this here because yes :'/
Might re-write this if I'm not getting buried in studies
Premise of Absence AU: Here
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fear to let fall a drop, and you will spill a lot
chapter 3
After Gogobugi was attacked, Fang and Kaizo had to find other place to stay. So, Kira'na gets two new housemates.A collection of short stories about the relationship between Fang, Kaizo, and Kira'na.
[ Read on AO3 ]
[ 1 ]  [ 2 ]  [ 3 ]  [ 4 ]  [ 5 ]  [ 6 ]  [ 7 ] [ 8 ]
No sound comes to Kira'na's ear.
That's very much expected. Of course, she isn't hearing anything. Currently, she's alone in her house.
No, that's not quite true, either.
She concentrates really hard on her ears. She thought she could read books while also paying attention to any noise that comes from a particular room. She's trying, really really hard, her eyebrows are tightening to the point it almost looks like one single line, to consume the next paragraph and understand the context.
But she can't even remember what she'd read in the previous paragraphs.
She glances at the door before burying herself in the book once again.
She takes a deep breath. “It's all right, it's gonna be all right,” she says as she strokes her own chest, an attempt to soothe herself.
She can do this.
A little groan voice that floats in the air, from the room she desperately tries to not focus on, feels like a cold water that pours all over her body in a flash. She finds herself also groaning in panic.
It's only been ten minutes! What the heck! Kaizo's lying!
“Don't worry, I just put him to sleep. He usually wakes up in two hours or so, it won't be long until we go home.” That's what he said!
But it's only been ten minutes since his father took him away!
“Well, at least, I hope so. I hope we won't take too much time.” Well, he also said that.
But still!
Somewhat afraid, Kira'na turns her head to the half-opened door behind her sofa and said softly, maybe even a little too soft, “Hello.”
The door's slammed. Again.
Well, it could be worse, she thinks. She's sure if he needs something, no matter how much he hates her, he'll come and ask for help.
“He doesn't hate you,” he said, half reassuring, half wearying. She wondered if he felt the same thing that she felt when Kaizo kept asking the same thing the first week he was here. “He just doesn't know how to act around new people.”
She's not convinced.
“Well, if he wakes up before we're home, try to give him something to eat. He usually wakes up because he's hungry.” And that was the last thing he said to her before saying goodbye to her for his temporary leave. Before leaving her behind with someone who hates her to death he can't even look her in the eyes without any hint of disgust in his eyes.
She's exaggerating. She knows that.
But that still means if he needs something, he'll come to her first. So if he wants to do something about his hunger, he can ask. She doesn't want to mess things up by preparing food only to have it be wasted because he doesn't actually want the food. She doesn't want to be a food waster.
A muffled, moaning voice from the room breaks Kira'na's internal monologues. Faintly, she hears a little voice that calls “Abang” multiple times interspersed with choking, hiccupping, sobbing and another crying adjectives she can think of.
Her heart shrinks.
She can't keep waiting for him to come to her first. She's the big one here, she should be the one who takes the initiative. So, she walks to the door and squats, hoping she's on his level to make him able to hear what she's about to say.
“Listen,” she says a little bit more firmly than before, “Your brother just … needs to do some errand, okay? He'll be home soon.” She hears the crying become louder. “You don't need to worry! He'll come home, he'll definitely come home. Oh he better come home for you or I'll kill him—but anyways, why don't we do something while we wait for him?” Hearing that his cry doesn't stop, she's a little lost at what she can do now. What she should've done instead. Did she do something wrong?
She suddenly remembers what Kaizo said. “Eat!” she exclaims, trying to win against Fang's muffled voice. “Do you want to eat? I have snacks! The best one! Do you want some?”
That certainly piqued his interest because he somewhat stops crying. Kira'na can still hear sobs and sniff, but definitely a little less than before. “…yes…”
“Yeah? You want snacks?” She beams. She immediately gets up and shouts “I'll be right back!” as she runs to her own room. She bought some snacks yesterday because her usual snack supply was gone before she knew it. She likes having snacks while she's studying, and she loves having midnight snacks. She's keeping it a secret from everyone, but if revealing it to Fang means he'll stop crying, then she's willing to reveal it without any second thoughts.
She decides to give him the best one she has, which is the chocolate biscuits. Kids love sweet stuff, right?
When she's at the door again, she hesitates. Should she just bust in or should she notify Fang first? She's still hearing his soft cry, though he's definitely a lot calmer now. If she busts in, he'll definitely cry again. Fang still hates her, she reminds herself. He knocks at the door twice and says, “Can I come in? I brought chocolate biscuits with me.”
After a few seconds of waiting that feel like an hour (her heart is beating fast—either from running or from her nervousness), the door moves, making a creak sound Kira'na has gotten used to hear. Kira'na sinks on her knees again to make him see her a little easier and raises her hand that holds the biscuits. “Look what I have!” she says excitedly.
She beams when his eyes get all shiny and sparkling, clearly interested.
She pushes the door a little bit more to give her space to finally come to the infamous room. She has to use her knees to walk since she's a little worried Fang will be intimidated again by her presence. She doesn't know if he will be or not, but she's not going to risk this magical development she doesn't think she'll get again in ten years.
Fang is cute. She always knows that, but now that he allows her to see him directly, she just realizes how cute he is. His eyes are bigger than marbles, his cheeks are so full she really wants to pinch them until they're in the shade of pink, but she doesn't want Kaizo to kill her.
She hands him the biscuit, doesn't know what else to say. He takes it while eyeing her suspiciously ( of course he still hates her , she hums to herself), but hey, at least he lets her to be in his area. That's a progress. She feels proud of herself eventhough she basically doesn't do anything.
He sits a little too far from her with his hands grip on the package, while his eyes never stop staring at her. She doesn't know what to do. Her knees feel weak and sore. She smiles awkwardly at him. Can she sit down too or does she have to stay at this position forever?
“Can I sit next to you?” She decides to ask.
“No.” That was quick.
“Um, okay, so can I sit down there?” She points at the gap between his room and the living room.
“No!” A little louder.
“Woah, slow down, bud. Then should I go? Outside?”
The horror on his face is unexpected. “NO!”
“Okay okay!” She raises her hands in defeat. She takes a breath and continues, “So what should I do?”
He doesn't say anything.
Still close his mouth tightly.
“I shouldn't … do anything?” She guesses, hoping she'll be wrong.
“Yes.” Of course, she was right.
“So, I should just … be in this painful position, watching you eat my favorite snack, for who knows how long?”
He tilts his head, seems confused with her words, and Kira'na swears he's lucky that he's adorable. For a moment, he completely forgets about the biscuit on his hands because he's too busy watching and observing her, as if daring her to defy what he wants.
Kind of reminds her of Kaizo, whom she sometimes declares a competition with about anything—who eats faster, who sleeps later but wakes up earlier, and any other things she can think of. It's fun, and from the look he always gives her, he enjoys it too. She wonders if Fang will also enjoy competing with her.
So, she makes the first attempt to sit down.
She stops. “Oh, you were serious.” He stares again. “Aren't you gonna eat that?” She tries to divert his attention. Maybe if the biscuit's good enough he won't notice her anymore. Then she can sit like a normal person.
She succeeds, because now he looks away to stare at the package in his hand. He tries to tear the plastic package with his little hand.
His hands slip. He tries for the second time, but he slips again.
He starts sobbing again, and Kira’na groans in despair.
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p-receh · 4 months
Rant incoming
Non-spoiler-y spoiler btw
THEY USE FOUR OST FROM EARLIER INSTALLMENTS!! Two from the ori series and two from galaxy S1, Sure bring back memories XDD And the two birds and gopal's 'tengok kaki' in the kokotiam' scene is also nostalgic. Hali's jacket is also from season 1 i think?
The way yaya just calmy sitting in the back waiting for her turn reminds me about that one panel in the recipe arc comic when she just floats but everyone else are fighting for their lives 🤣
I have headcanon as to why yaya and ying can't fly fang's spaceship but they can fly adudu's. It's because they are different models. Sure fang's is also an older model, but maybe compared to adudu's antique spaceship it's younger. It's like power steering in cars: earlier models cars uses greater effort to make a turn than newer models. Ying uses more force than needed to steer fang's ship because it's the normal force to steer adudu's. In galaxy S1 stealthbot eps, ying can fly a spaceship when escaping from vargoba before papa zola takes over. Maybe because of adrenaline? Adrenaline can make people do craziest things. Or maybe it's because they just have to escape, no maneuvering needed, just hit the gas /shrugs/
Now our boy boboiboy. Can he fly a spaceship?? I thought he steers papa's ship in movie 2, when they take off from earth to tapop's base (you can see he grips the yoke). But then when they arrive and have to dodge the debris from tapop's base, it's papa zola that is steering??? What???
A lot of people seems concerned that this design will appear in the animation. I think, no?? Bel's appearance in the OP is a new design sure, but the change is not that much based on the silhouette. BUT WHERE'S HIS SCARF??? AND IM LAUGHING SO HARD HE LOOKS SO CRAZY LIKE HES BEING POSSESSED IN THE OP!! XDDD
Boboiboy is humming bersedia (i think) when he's wiping the counter XDD
Okay now the REAL spoiler
A bit disappointed because maripos didnt take off his hat when introducing himself to boboiboy like in the comic. And they omitted hali's spears. And they changed taufan's fight. Where's my hand-to-hand-combat!taufan 😭 (he learned that moves from blaze 😂) AAAAAA i wanna see my boy fist fighting a grandpa
THEY USE FOUR OST FROM EARLIER INSTALLMENTS!! Two from the ori series and two from galaxy S1, Sure bring back memories XDD And the two birds and gopal's 'tengok kaki' in the kokotiam' scene is also nostalgic. Hali's jacket is also from season 1 i think?
Eh? 4 OSTs from both ori and Galaxy season 1? Oh I might need to rewatch it again. I honestly didn't notice that😅
That "Tengok kaki!" sure is something I unexpectedly miss from him lmao.
I don't think Hali's jacket back to Galaxy 1. If you look at Galaxy 1 ver, his initial design was all black with red lightning scratches on it. Different than Movie 2 ver
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And Windara is no different with Sori. Both use movie 2 as their benchmark (with less highlight tbh) .
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Ohohoho~~ look at confidence smirk 😏
The way yaya just calmy sitting in the back waiting for her turn reminds me about that one panel in the recipe arc comic when she just floats but everyone else are fighting for their lives 🤣
Yaya reaction in both Sori comic arc and Windara ep 1 are the embodiment of:
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Idk what else to put it 😅
Also does the Lily got slight redesign or just me?
(more Fang - Ying banter please, Monsta 😌)
I have headcanon as to why yaya and ying can't fly fang's spaceship but they can fly adudu's. It's because they are different models. Sure fang's is also an older model, but maybe compared to adudu's antique spaceship it's younger. It's like power steering in cars: earlier models cars uses greater effort to make a turn than newer models. Ying uses more force than needed to steer fang's ship because it's the normal force to steer adudu's. In galaxy S1 stealthbot eps, ying can fly a spaceship when escaping from vargoba before papa zola takes over. Maybe because of adrenaline? Adrenaline can make people do craziest things. Or maybe it's because they just have to escape, no maneuvering needed, just hit the gas /shrugs/
Now our boy boboiboy. Can he fly a spaceship?? I thought he steers papa's ship in movie 2, when they take off from earth to tapop's base (you can see he grips the yoke). But then when they arrive and have to dodge the debris from tapop's base, it's papa zola that is steering??? What???
In some sense, my theory is that those two aren't the one who control the steering wheel.
Logically, controlling a huge ship requires more than one person to control it. We need a person to control the throttle, the engine, the wing maneuvers etc.
And the captain may or may not be in charge to steer the ship.
What Yaya and Ying did from Galaxy 1 till Sori were usually handled the engine and throttle part. I could be wrong but they didn't actually steer the wheel.
Steering ship is not the same as steering car anyway. Specially spaceship.
Unless we are talking about planes. That's entirely different story.
But then again, I'm not expert at this field but learning this type of thing surely fun. Just look at other spaceship movie references such as Star Wars, Star Trek, or MCU movies like Guardians of The Galaxy. Look at how they fly their ship.
A lot of people seems concerned that this design will appear in the animation. I think, no?? Bel's appearance in the OP is a new design sure, but the change is not that much based on the silhouette. BUT WHERE'S HIS SCARF??? AND IM LAUGHING SO HARD HE LOOKS SO CRAZY LIKE HES BEING POSSESSED IN THE OP!! XDDD
I.... Half saw and half not saw it?
I see some people already made the fanart about Beliung.
Buuut I can't say anything about him for now cause for one, we still have no idea how Taufan evolved into Beliung and how he fight.
My only impression is:
"I guess Rimba will get redesign too?"
Boboiboy is humming bersedia (i think) when he's wiping the counter XDD
It is!
I think it's parallel to what Sori did so it's no wonder DWIFUSION may or may not do that too. 😌
A bit disappointed because maripos didnt take off his hat when introducing himself to boboiboy like in the comic. And they omitted hali's spears. And they changed taufan's fight. Where's my hand-to-hand-combat!taufan 😭 (he learned that moves from blaze 😂) AAAAAA i wanna see my boy fist fighting a grandpa
Yeeeaaah... Kinda sad they didn't adapt that but I can see why tho. I think I read some interview that sir Nizam wants all elementals got their own unique fighting style. Thus in result of what we got on screen. A bit of letdown for comic fans wanting more intense action fight.
But hey, at least the iconic hoverboard swing attack still there. It's still a win for me tbh. 😅👍
Although what I'm genuinely surprised about that scene was the comeback of Taufan's OG attack, "Cyclone Drill" or "Gerudi Taufan"!
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Does it also in comic? No? I totally forgot.
But I instantly went:
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I was in gasp how I miss this attack. Specially when trio ori use their combo attack was... *chef's kiss 😘
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nerizys · 1 year
Father's Day - Boboiboy AU
Might be OOC, Spoilers for Gur'latan Arc
It has been a while since she last visited her father. With all the work piling in and all the politics, you won't exactly get free time.
But today is different. She had pushed aside schedules to the best of her ability, just so she could visit him. She had also prepared gifts and flowers like what her (adoptive but also not really there?) uncle had told her to.
"If you want to honor your father so much, how about celebrating Father's Day?"
She'll admit, it's not a bad idea.
It doesn't take long to get to her father's place. She wonders what her father will think, seeing her suddenly turn up with flowers and all. There wasn't anyone else with her today.
Kira'na places the flowers onto the grave. "Here lies Gur'latan's shield - ###### - May he rest in peace". Those were the words etched onto it.
She remembered the feeling of clutching onto her father's lifeless body, and she still cried and grieved as she watched his casket gets lowered into the ground.
"I've lived long enough to be tired of my own immortality. 100 years ago when I lost my master, I was at my lowest. My will to live went down with her"
He looks into the distance, where the Elemental Hero is conversing with his friends and the other elementals, a fond look in his eyes.
"But then I was reminded, that I'm not alone, that I still have my brothers. It took years, and in those years I could have been talking normally with them instead of shutting everything out"
He looks up at her.
"I'm glad, that you remembered those who are important to you. Don't let it drag on like me"
Ah, today, the sky felt much clearer.
"I'm back, Ayahanda"
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