#body horror i guess
inksplit · 1 month
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rijinksiwtv · 5 months
Dr. Fareed has framed pictures of microscopic photographs of human bone marrow in his office. When vampires come by to pick up their hormone injections, he sometimes tells them about these pictures: "This is where the magic happens. Bone marrow is where new blood is made. Life for all of us." Fareed didn't mean to inspire one of them to gruesomely suck on the bones of their victims as a result.
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eldritchcircus · 1 year
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 10 months
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Week 2 of Stricklake month: Guardian
Walter Strickler once lead a normal, slightly lonely life in Arcadia. Until he was captured by a shady secret organisation obsessed with creating the ultimate super soilder. With animal and troll DNA. Now a hybrid, Walter plans to escape. And take the doctor he fell in love with, forced to work for the organisation that ruined his life, with him along with her son. And hope he can reach them in time.
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fracturedcatacomb · 7 months
The Scholars of the Seventh-Level Spell
(If you're wondering why the spell is 'seventh level', this is because in most of the systems I play, sixth level spells are the highest possible. Substitute seventh for eighth, ninth, or twenty-sixth, if that makes you happier.)
A spell exists, its text and formulae carved in the stone of a massive stone monument right in the center of a crater. Around it are dozens of mismatched buildings; anywhere from fifty to a hundred wizards scurrying around and carrying papers and bringing coffee to more powerful wizards in the hopes of getting their attention and favor; and of course, the typical assortment of adventurers, traders, ne'er-do-wells.
The reason for all this hubbub is that the spell on the monument is the world's sole example of a seventh level spell. There's no way it can fit in the pages of any spellbook light enough to fit in the noodly arms of a wizard, and there's no way any living being could cast it. It's just too big to fit in entirety in someone's brain. Still, thanks to the sheer complexity, the formulae for hundreds, or even thousands of lesser spells are locked away on the stone (most of them quite useless,) and so, people study- each desperate to find the missing piece that fits their personal goals.
The origins of the spell and the stone, however, are well known. After decades of study, the wizards around the stone came to the conclusion that the sole function of the spell was to reach back into the past, and manipulate millions of infinitesimal circumstances so that a meteor falls, and by the flapping of a billion metaphorical butterflies' wings, over millennia, it's carved into a monument containing the formula for a seventh level spell.
In short, it's a spell that paradoxically ensures its own existence. No one is quite sure how it sprung into existence in the first place, because there are no known creatures capable of casting it. Some people hypothesize that it might be some sort of distributed spell, that when all its component parts are unearthed and cast, the whole effect will be triggered by some unknown means, despite the fact no spell works like that, with more plausible theories ranging from it being the project of a bored god, to the coming of a wizard with the ability to cast the spell being an eventuality, since someone would have already had to cast the spell for the monument to be there.
Far in the future, something that used to be human will memorize every inch of the formula in six brains working in perfect harmony, make every somatic gesture with branching, treelike limbs designed to do nothing beyond cast spells, and score a hot date with an ancient god who planted the whole thing in a ridiculously long plot to get some decent conversation, then join the stars.
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sabakos · 2 months
nose always filled with chunks of dried blood every morning. probably normal
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hooved · 8 months
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sheepparalysis · 2 months
Who interested in a putting pigs in the bacon sweater machine like Hay Day mod ill do it
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funeralprocessor · 5 months
(for context, Amalan dragons are fragments of the bodies of the gods and more protean and body horror-y than traditional ones)
To be devoured by the dragon from the outside in, or to consume it willingly and be eaten from the inside out. To walk either path is to become one with the wyrm, to join the eternal orobouros.
When a person is eaten by a dragon, in whatever form that may take, it does not annihilate them. The body is unwoven, but the head, the spine, the heart, these most precious morsels are preserved, kept alive in a cocoon of primordial flesh and ichor as their minds join the congregation in the ecstatic exaltation of the dragons. Slowly, a new body is formed for them, rising to the surface of the sacred flesh and bursting forth like maggots feasting on the corpse of a god.
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They have many names: apostles, congregants, but perhaps most commonly, newts. They're thin, wet, feral things that show little of their prior selves, or even that they were ever people at all. In time, though, they can recover their cognizance, their memories, and even a semblance of their personalities. But make no mistake; they are born again, and possess the relentless zeal of the converted.
Newts are the beginning of their transformation, not the end, and many of the most powerful servants of the dragons began as newts before growing and changing into something more. Or less, depending on how you look at it.
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Perhaps the most frightening of these are the priest castes, who serve the capricious wills of the dragons directly and can bend the hearts of men and beast alike. Their faces are strange, chitinous masks bisected down the middle, which hide the morass of spiritual probes and sensors and miscellaneous organs that permits them to vivisect the soul of their victims with shocking ease and surgical precision. Notable subtypes include Confessors, who possess a single enormous eye whose gaze lays every secret bare; Reconcilers, who reweave their victims minds into sleeper agents and fanatics; and Eucharites, who are perhaps most important of all for they facilitate the rite of communion, in which the faithful touch the minds of their god and the aspirating are transubstantiated.
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(Kos art by @ashuldur on twitter)
Communion can look very similar to conversion, in that most of the original person is broken down and remade in the image of the dragons, but communion is by definition a voluntary affair and that makes all the difference. The other primary distinction, as mentioned earlier, is that transubstantiation begins from the inside out. The aspirant consumes a small, tadpole-like spawn called a coadjutor, which essentially unravels itself and interweaves with their brain and through it, the ketrah, bridge to the higher soul. This allows them to hear the voice of the dragon and partially safeguards them against the deleterious effects of wormlight, the radiation-like energy that is emitted when dragonfire frays the weaving of the world.
A second and third communion are required for the aspirant to complete their changes: the second transforms the gut, or more specifically the gharmah, the spiritual organ that functions as a "cauldron" of sorts and lets the body absorb the magical energies of what it eats, drinks, or breathes in. Transmuted, it becomes a fragment of the dragon's hunger, a furnace that would burn the world to satiate themselves if only they could open their jaws wide enough. With this terrible hunger comes terrible power, and should they manage to feed it enough (on blood and ichor, flesh and bone, spell and soul and whatever else holds divine power in its substance) it will become less like a stomach and more like a blasphemous reactor, font of their very own dragonfire.
The third communion transforms the heart and its spiritual equivalent, the yamah, binding together the will of the dragon and the hunger of the dragon and prepares the aspirant for their final ascension, in which they are essentially eaten alive by their elders. Or rather, their old flesh is torn away and the transmuted brain, heart and gut ,nestled in a grub-like core a few feet long, is revealed. It is from this that the will regrow, remade and inhuman but very much still themselves.
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brokentranstar · 2 years
Thinking of a AU Map idea... A bit hesitant on it since, while being canon compliant, it has like, a few OCs of my own...
Warrior Cats, but bugs. It's like a cordyceps situation, where normal cats are insect-cats and the Dark Forest are parasite/fungi-cats and uhh lots of body horror anddd Idk does it seem appealing at all??
It'd probably be a "you can add your own OC as an insect/parasite in the bg" type of Map
Wouldn't want to work ages for only 2 people to join, or something, so would anyone be interested if it came out like next month or so, anyone at all
Here's some brief concept/character art of what I'm thinking of so far:
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Sorry I thought it'd be obvious, by canon-complaint, I mean there will be canon characters present, like Brokenstar, Clawface, Stumpytail, Tangleburr, Deerfoot, Blackstar and Littlecloud, to name a few.
I will make references for them if this gets any kind of recognition
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Strange Harvest variation I played the other night.
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fasupon · 2 years
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I want to share with you that I LOVE to draw all sorts of creepy things. That’s all you need to know about me – and there's almost nothing you can do about it
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eldritchcircus · 1 year
edit: link work now???
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aveloka-draws · 2 months
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Saleos being casual about having his former god around
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eliotbaum · 1 month
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I've participated in an art/lorebook about Gods, Paladins and Clerics aimed to inspire and use for TTRPG games! Its campaign is live until June 13th (2024).
Book of Devotion is a collaborative volume that showcases the work of 49 artists and writers to create new and innovative deities and devotees, each of them with their own story.
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silkysong · 4 months
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i think hes 100% bone under all that
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