#bogus man
jerrycummblr · 2 months
It's really simple. If you're born with a vagina and you naturally have elevated testosterone levels, you're a man. If you have a vagina and you take testosterone, you're a woman. But also if you have a vagina, you'll never be a man. But also if you have higher testosterone then you were never a woman. Woman never yes man a vagina testosterone no was an elevated. Vagina man.
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sumpix · 2 years
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fauxpapillons · 3 months
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I didn't made it in the 300 entries from PTCGIC2024 BUT i love the piece I made featuring Koraidon anyways. It's been a long time I've drawn pokemon so it's such a thrill to try! 🫶
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Gender? More like, give me EXACTLY what Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves have (*in a totally non-threatening way*)
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missbunmuffin · 9 months
Why are these grown ass women simping for a 17 year old? Don’t tell me they don’t know they probably do. I don’t blame macho man for being mad I’d be pissed if all my fans were pedos too.
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Mac is a fucking victim 😭
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xxyamaxx · 1 month
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srry for the brainrots yall 😞 But meet my OC‼️
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 8 months
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Look how happy he is... Look at his big eyes and that grin... And his air guitar...cAWEEBEBEBEBEBEBE
He has the face of a Baby Deer SOBBING
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destinylordoffreaks · 5 months
Trough back to the time I made fancy versions of the bill and Ted movies for the amusement of my family
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blurrymango · 11 months
Today I ask you- could Eddie Gluskin from Outlast Whistleblower qualify as a slasher villain?
I mean, I know "slasher" is not the genre he comes from but. People consider Patrick Bateman from American Psycho to be a slasher guy so.
Could Eddie qualify?
Like, OK this post might be stupid this is probably a stupid question but I gotta get some opinions.
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confessedlyfannish · 1 month
I'm listening to Superpower by Beyoncé and Frank Ocean and this has MCU! MJ & Peter's wedding song written all over it.
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anotherwvba · 5 months
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Just a little lunchtime doodle as I keep practicing.
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ted-and-bill · 4 months
we're going to the desert to be alone
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lolotheparagon · 9 months
Professor Layton Games Summed Up
Curious Village: A professor and his kid apprentice Luke visit a village named St Mystere, thats revealed to be a secret test of character inhabited by puzzle-spouting robots set up by the late baron and his mechanic to make sure his daughter would be looked after until someone outside the village can prove themselves to be her guardian. Now that's fatherly love right there.
Pandora's Box: The professor and Luke visit a town that hasnt been changed in 50 years and visit the duke of the town to ask about Pandora's Box. A duke thinks his fiancé left him for another man when she announces her leaving town. But its actually cos she was pregnant and the town was already suffering from an air-borne illness thanks to a hallucinogenic gas that fucking killed people. And yet the duke stayed in his disease-riddled town cos of duty or some shit and sent an expensive box with a letter inside to his fiance, hoping she'll get a chance to read it. Yeah, this is Pandora's Box btw. He then pretended to be a vampire to scare people from visiting his castle. Then 50 odd years later, his granddaughter goes on this quest to find him and fix this whole misunderstanding. Why couldn't the child of the duke and his fiance be there? Cos she died giving birth, she isnt even fucking namedropped good lord. But the duke mistakes her granddaughter for his fiance cos she's the spitting image of her, but when the girl understandably hides behind Layton, the duke fucking swordfights Layton. then its revealed the duke's youth, the entire town and its people are all an illusion cos he's super high on dem hallucinogens and after the swordfight caused the whole castle to crash, the town is revealed to be a ghost town, the duke is now a withered old man and it turns out the box did make it to the duke's lover all along as there's her response letter inside!... Oh yeah the Professor and Luke were there too. What were the writers smoking and can I have some?
Lost Future: A young man who lost his parents in the collateral damage of a scientific experiment happening literally next door and grew up deciding he wants to be a terrorist. He then proceeds to manipulate and kidnap other scientists for his plans to built an ACCURATE SCALE MODEL OF LONDON UNDERGROUND, pretend to be the future self of the professor's apprentice and convince him and the professor they're in the London of the future. Then builds a giant tower robot to smash through the fake London and the real London to commit terrorism. He then gets Steven Universe redeemed cos of course he does. Fucking hell this story sucks.
Spectre's Call: The professor, Luke and a futch lesbian investigate a spectre that's rampaging throughout a misty town every night. It is revealed to be a plesiosaur fighting an excavating machine, its just the fog made them look they were one entity. And the reason the plesiosaur was fighting the machine? The villain Descole wanted to use that machine to dig up an ancient garden of legend hidden beneath the town and the plesiosaur did everything in its power to stop it cos she wanted a sick little girl named Ariana to be happy again (cos she lost her father and the townspeople thought she was a witch) and wanted to give that garden to Ariana because its pure air will be able to cure her illness. And the plesiosaur - s-she died to save Ariana and there was a beautiful statue of the plesiosaur made by the townspeople in her honour- (crying) GODDAMNIT THIS IS TOO MUCH! THIS IS SO SOFT AND SAD I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME
Miracle Mask: The professor and the gang visit Italian Las Vegas???To visit an old friend of Layton, Angela and her husband Henry. And they're clearly in need of a divorce. Anyway, a tumblr sexyman wearing a Vendetta mask terrorises Italian Las Vegas and turns ppl into stone and doing fancy magic and shit and the professor investigate. It turns out the tumblr masked guy is actually another old friend of Layton's called Randall Ascot (YEP THATS HIS NAME) whom everyone thought he was dead and his primary motive was that his pal Henry (who started out as a servant to him btw) married Angela and he's pissed off about it so he kidnapped Angela.. Even though Angela didnt even know he survived this whole time. What is it with this series and men going completely off the rails whenever a pretty woman is involved? But oh no it wasnt Randall who was the real villain, it was Descole pulling the strings all along OOOHHHH. What is it with Layton's past friends trying to get revenge on him? Like dude's just standing there, sipping tea. This game was a mess
Azran Legacy: Okay I havent played it nor do I have the willpower to pick the game up and play it without getting bored. So I looked up the plot summary on the wiki and watched the in game cutscenes... I think this clip below sums up my entire thoughts of this game
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butchboromir · 1 month
i am like 0.1 seconds away from redownloading dating app and setting the age range to 40something
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losttranslator · 5 months
like most Christian movies risen is cheesy and biblically dubious at times and gets loads of cultural stuff wrong for the sake of being recognizable to a primarily American audience but I'll readily admit the poor roman tribune's absolute bafflement at these religious weirdos who keep talking about love and stuff has me cackling unhingedly
Like, is it sound biblical doctrine and is it historical believable? No? Is it hilarious and do I enjoy seeing this random shmuck lose his mind going through what's essentially a very disturbing psychological thriller from his pov while the disciples are overflowing with joy? You bet??
The guy is dealing with horrifyingly decomposed dead bodies trying to find the right cadaver and previously sane soldiers going crazy and dead men being spotted alive and strange supernatural phenomena and angry gods and unexplained madness and religious fanatism spreading like a contagion, and meanwhile the disciples (and Jesus) are all like HELLO BROTHER WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT THE BEST NEWS EVER :D :D :D
#Help my man Clavius he didn't ask for none of this#I gotta admit this is the first time in a while I've enjoyed any part of a Christian movie#even if most of it has me rolling my eyes and going “THAT'S not how it happened”#THE DISCIPLES WOULDN'T PRONOUNCE THE NAME OF GOD AND THE HOLY SHROUD IS BOGUS (for starters)#And there was no stranger - much less a roman - when Jesus appeared to the apostles#But I AM having fun with the tonal dissonance#Poor clavius is dreaming of blood and storms and his sanity is crumbling to dust and it feels like the end of the world#while to everyone who knows what's going on it's the single greatest thing that has ever happened and ever will#Risen 2016#Resurrection#Bible movies#(Also in the list of things that get on my nerves no the spreading of the Gospel didn't hinge on one roman protecting the apostles)#(I hope they psychologically disturb that man some more he doesn't get to think he's that important)#(Centering a roman while getting some pretty basic stuff about Jewish culture wrong is also annoying)#(The beginning of the church are entirely and unambiguously JEWISH.)#(This character is like. 10 chapters too early.)#(Peter doesn't announce the Gospel to a roman until WELL after Jesus has ascended to heaven and even then it takes a direct order from God)#(And cornelius was already a follower of God and not pagan.)#(So Clavius just doesn't fit. And inserting a pagan guy as a witness to Jesus' most intimate moments with his disciples feels off)#The Gospel doesn't spill to the nations until God decrees it's time for it to happen. I don't like this romanisation#But again the first half of the movie had me laughing even though I could rant about its flaws for two hours
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druvjelly · 2 years
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