#bohemian rhapsody imagines
Imagine, if you will, that Steve gets Vecna'd during the weapons building portion of the adventure. They're parked far away from Hawkins to prevent someone stumbling upon them and there are like a total of 4 tapes in the RV, none of which have anyone's favorite songs on them.
Steve, in his mind, hears Robin say she has a bad feeling, and it twists to be that she cruelly says Steve's the reason it's going to end badly. If Steve were a better, smarter, less pathetic person, they'd need him. He should just leave before he fucks this up for them all. Nancy piles on how he's bullshit, has always been bullshit. Dustin asks why he's even still around when they've already replaced him with Eddie. It's a bad time.
Meanwhile, Robin is freaking out because Steve just froze in the middle of making Molotov's. "Steve. Steve! STEVE!" Her shouting draws everyone and someone asks what his favorite song is and Robin's freaking out, but she thinks she knows this. "Bohemian Rhapsody! We sing it all the time together!"
"We don't even have a Queen tape!" Dustin is shouting like they don't know that already.
"Then we sing it!" Lucas suggests. "It's Bohemian Rhapsody. Everyone knows it, right?"
Robin wastes no time. She starts the song, slightly off-key, "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
And slowly, everyone joins in. It doesn't sound great, and they don't really fall into a good rhythm, though Eddie does move to tap out the rhythm of it onto the side of the RV in hopes of keeping them all somewhat in time with the song.
Robin, Eddie, and Erica, surprisingly, are the only three that know all the lyrics in the correct order. The song has some long guitar solos they can't recreate out here, so the just jump into the next lyrics.
Cannot emphasize enough that it does not sound good.
But it works.
The noise of it breaks through, reaches the part of Steve's mind that is separate from where Vecna has Steve trapped. That little portal thing Max described forms, but it's not the music that breaks Steve from his mind. Not really.
Both he and Vecna turn towards the portal because whatever they're hearing is fucking awful but Steve can see, like Max saw, that everyone has gathered around him. They are all singing, off key and as loud as they possibly can, at him. To him.
For him.
He watches as Eddie bangs out a tempo for them to follow on the RV side, as Robin sings into his chest because she's wrapped him in her arms as tightly as possible, Dustin and Erica on either side of Robin (Scoops Troop reunited). Lucas and Max are scream-singing, Max with one ear out of the headphones and a hand clutching Nancy's as even Nancy sings along.
It's the worst singing Steve's ever heard.
It's the best version of Bohemian Rhapsody Steve's ever heard.
The plot twist is this. It's not even his favorite song. It's just a song he likes well enough.
He breaks free of Vecna not because it's his favorite song, but because it's his favorite people singing it, doing their best to save him because they care about him.
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itsshawtyfellas · 1 year
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I'm still not over how fucking hot Ben looked as Roger Taylor in borhap.
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Delicate, Roger Taylor
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Word Count: 900~
Everyone knows Roger is a constant complainer. Not to mention one of his favorite hobbies is bickering with his bandmates. However, there's something Roger is excellent at doing - getting attention one way or another from me, his girlfriend.
"Lovie," I hear Roger yell from his 'office' (a room with a drum set and soundproof walls). His voice gives away his neediness, and I can't help but smile to myself with a shake of my head. Lifting the TV remote from my lap, I mute the telly as I turn away from the random show and look toward the hallway. "I need you!" he further adds, making me let out a little laugh in response to his dramatic voice.
Standing from the couch, I head toward the room at the end of the hallway before opening the door to see Roger sitting beside his drum-set, rubbing his hand as if he hurt it. The room is the same way it was yesterday, meaning he barely started practicing after sitting down. Not to mention his long blond hair is still combed down rather splayed everywhere due to his sporadic movements while drumming. That's definitely not normal for Roger
"Are you okay, honey?" I ask, moving closer to sit across from him. Once I do, he scoots forward and plants his head onto my lap where he nuzzles into me while sighing. I can tell he's stressed out - it's evident in his breathing and slightly scrunched face.
"No, I'm not," Roger gently confesses, bringing his hands up to lay in my lap as well. His fingers gently knead against the skin of my thighs for a few seconds before Roger stops with almost a pained hiss. "My... my hands keep cramping," he explains, laying them back on my legs. "They've started hurting terribly."
"Would you like me to rub them?" I ask Roger, reaching down toward his hands. Looking back up at me, Roger slyly smirks to which I squint my eyes at him with a small, "Or not," My words quickly shut down his comment, Roger giving in with a small 'hmph'. He can't even last ten seconds without his mind jumping to something dirty.
Taking his hands in mine, I hold them up to my eyes and frown at the purple and red splotches that cover Roger's fingertips. "Roger, baby," I mutter, running my thumbs over his warm palms. Looking back at me, he lightly smiles and tries to brush my worries off, but I don't let him. "Stay here," I tell him before standing from the wooden floor and heading out into the hall.
Once I'm in our bedroom, I quickly grab the lavender hand lotion from my side table drawer and turn around, only to find Roger entering our room a few seconds after me. Instead of doing like I said and staying in his drumming room, Roger plants himself on our bed where he lays back and gestures for me to join him. "Didn't I tell you to stay put?" I tease him, causing a smile to rise to the blond's lips.
"The drum floor is quite uncomfortable, dear," he tells me, patting his lap. "Come. Sit." Roger adds, now smirking.
"Oh, God, Rog," I almost exclaim, fighting my ever-growing smile and red blush. Tossing the bottle of hand lotion toward him, I point toward him. "And to think I was going to massage your hands in thanks for all your hard work!"
Instantly, his smirk drops and he's sitting straight up rather than lying back. "I promise I'll be good," he states almost as if he were a child begging to go somewhere. "Please, I won't make any more dirty comments."
At his begging, I wait a few seconds before giving up the fight to not smile and letting out a dramatic sigh. "That's impossible for you," I tell him, plopping down on his lap and taking his hands in mine. He must've thought I wasn't going to accept his previous invitation going by the slightly shocked look that takes over his face only to be taken over by bliss.
Once I'm finished massaging his first hand, I start massaging the other one, only to let out a small laugh as I do so. "What?" Roger pipes up, looking up at me with half-lidded eyes and a curious smile. He's so relaxed, that he could probably fall asleep right now.
At his question, I smile back before pressing our hands together, palm to palm. "Your hands are so much bigger than mine," I note, moving my fingers to go between his. "And yet, they fit so perfectly together..."
"Maybe it's because we're meant to be together," Roger concludes, rolling us over so we can lie beside each other. He instantly pulls me into his arms as soon as he can, pressing me to his chest as I simply savor the closeness of our hold. "Wouldnt you agree?" He asks, making me smile up at him.
However, before any more time passes, Roger quickly presses his lips to mine for a few moments until he pulls away, smiling as he stares down at me with nothing but gentleness in his eyes. Squeezing our still interlocked hands, he leans close enough to place his lips on mine once again, but surprisingly, he doesn't, and instead, he chooses to speak up once more. "But then again, I've always known that~"
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(roger taylor x y/n)
No lock in the studio
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tw: NSFW and explicit language!
word count: 2,790
tags: fem! reader, big age gap, unprotected sex, sex in the work place, dirty talk, sassy roger, quickie, oral sex (giving), penetrative sex, nipple pay, aftersex care
You're 24, you work as a sound engineer for a famous label but you didn't realise today would be the day you'd be left alone in a studio with Roger Taylor.
Peter. I need to find Peter, you think to yourself. You're frustrated and it shows. I'm not a fricking secretary. You're walking through the hallways of the studio looking for the sign S-16 on the door. It's the best studio in the building, which makes sense because Peter is very respected here. It's also the furthest and the longer you're walking, the more annoyed you are. You're really hoping he's alone in there right now. The whole reason why you're walking in the first place is because he cut his phone line off. He really hates to be disturbed.
After hopping for a good 5 minutes through the endless hallways, you finally find the said S-16 door. If he was recording right now, the big red sign above the door would be on. You still discreetly check though the small round window and only see him sitting on his chair, his back turned to you, so you knock.
"Come on in.
- Peter, I'm sorry to disturb you, but Carl is out there fuming about god knows what and obviously he sends ME because I've got nothing better to do than run around like his secretary."
He looks amused, which is reassuring for Peter, but you quickly understand when you hear someone coughing behind you. This day isn't getting any better. You sigh and turn around only to find a familiar face smoking a cigarette on the couch behind the door. It takes you a minute to realise who's standing up to greet you and you feel embarrassed for showing your bad temper in front of a client, especially this one.
You know you should get used to meeting artists and act professional but you weren't expecting to meet Roger freakin Taylor.
He smiles at you and you proceed to shake hands.
"Y/N, please meet Roger, Roger, this is Y/N, our very promising sound engineer.
- Very promising, you say? Nice to meet you, Roger greets you.
- Well, I wouldn't go that far, but it's a pleasure to meet you Sir, you smile back trying to keep it cool.
- Sir? God, don't ever call me Sir, I'm not that old, am I?"
Roger and Peter laugh while you stare in disbelief. You stutter and try to take it back but they seem to forget about it when Roger sits next to your colleague. It took you only two minutes to embarrass myself and insult the greatest drummer of all times, great.
"Y/N, what does Carl want that is so urgent?
- A client is freaking out up there and he thinks it's your fault, but this is all I could understand before he sent me off to fetch you like his little pet."
Now, Peter looks pissed. He gets up from his seat with little to no conviction and says:
"I think I know what this is about.. Rog, let me go check on him really quickly. I'm sorry but Carl can be a real pain in the ass sometimes and he won't let it go unless I come find him."
Roger nods and looks understanding. Peter proceeds to go out, so you start following him outside, eager to watch him put Carl back in his place, but a voice stops you.
"Y/N, can I ask for your opinion?"
The drummer looks at you from his seat, waiting for an answer, but all you can think about is how Roger Taylor wants your opinion.
"I'm sorry, he adds sarcastically, I should have called you Miss, I knew I was moving too fast."
Your laugh lights up the room and the tension your previously felt vanishes.
"Much better, thank you, Sir."
Gosh, he looks handsome when he smiles. And when he doesn't smile. Or when he laughs. Of course, you know who Roger Taylor is, you've seen him before on pictures and on the telly, but now that you're face to face with him, you only have one word on your mind and it's gorgeous.
He doesn't look like he needs much to look good. He's wearing a plain white shirt and somehow looks like the most beautiful man on earth. Although, you have to admit that the way he's wearing it, rolled up sleeves, not fitted, with a button that shows a little more than it should, is very suggestive.
"I would like you to hear this demo I recorded with Peter. I think it's missing something but I don't know what."
The music resonates in the studio and you carefully listen to the arrangement. It's got a rock vibe, with a bit of grunge. For a full two minutes, you're focused on the song, so much that you forget about Roger's presence. The music stops but you hit play again.
"Listen here. Great beginning. But how about you take out some of the guitar harmonies to have a much clearer sound in the first verse to build it up towards the end."
Roger frowns and nods, he is focused on what you're saying. You go on about rhythms, musicality, what adjustments he should make to your opinion. He looks surprised, like he didn’t expect you to be invested like this. When you're finally finished, he gives you an impressed look.
"Now I get what Peter meant when he said promising."
You're flattered but can’t hide your smile.
"How long have you been a sound engineer?
- Well, I'd say for about two years.
- Two years and you talk just like Peter.
- That's because he's kinda my mentor and he's the reason why I came here.
- Wait, hold on, how old are you?
- I'm 24, you were not expecting him to get personal with you this quickly which makes you smile.
- Shit, I'm way out of your league then."
You both look at each other with a hint of challenge in your eyes.
"And you're like what? 40? you tease him.
- Try 36, he takes out a cigarette and stares at you while he breathes in.
- I don't mind, you say, looking straight in his eyes with a smirk.
- You don't mind?
- I don't mind, no, you say with a softer voice, never breaking the eye contact."
You don't understand how the mood shifted so quickly, but the room is now filled with an invisible tension. His eyes linger on your body and lurk you up and down. You love how he doesn't even try to hide his attraction to you. He fully looks like he could devour you right now.
You stand up from your seat to come closer to him and sit on the corner of the control table. You're only inches away from each other. His leg is slightly touching yours and this simple friction is almost too much to endure.
You're looking at him from above but his stare makes it so hard to maintain. His gaze is burning your skin. He’s sitting down, full of his cocky attitude, looking up with his doe eyes.
"I think that Peter, you pause, might be coming back, you almost whisper.”
He stands up and slowly pulls you closer with every word he says, his eyes locked into yours at all times.
“Yeah, he says, I think he’ll be back soon.
- We shouldn’t stand so close to each other, then.
- No, you’re right, we shouldn’t.”
But he doesn’t move. If anything, the tension makes it hard for you to not get any closer. His face is only a moment away from touching yours. His eyes, his piercing blue eyes, move between the tip of your nose and your eyes because you’re so close that he can’t even see your lips anymore.
A warm feeling arises from your lower back. It’s his hand, placed on your Venus dimples. It tickles you, very slightly, and the feeling grows on your stomach. The warmth climbs to your chest and shrouds your bosom.
Roger’s raspy voice suddenly brings you back from wherever you were mentally. You almost forgot about where you were.
“What should we do? his hand slowly lingers on your body.
- Maybe, lock the door? you ask with a smile.
- Or maybe not, says Roger.”
He loves the surprised look on your face. There’s something in his eyes - he’s provoking you. It’s impossible to look away, you are entirely focused on him and start to feel dizzy from the heat. His hand, previously placed on your lower-back, embraces your hip while finding a way under your tee-shirt. You shiver. His hands feel so cold on your burning skin.
With his other hand, he lifts your chin up then cups your face to get a good look at you. He tucks his fingers between your ear which makes you feel the need to gently rub your cheek against his palm. The scent of his perfume mixed with cigarettes completely takes over your analytical judgement; you give him one last look before you lose yourself and lean in, gently placing your lips on his.
Your hands find a way to bury in his neck while his right palm brings your hips together. The kiss is slow, very slow, so slow but so wet. It didn’t take you long to find the way to his pink muscle and yours are now dancing in each other’s mouth. Fingers buried in your hair, tongue caressing yours, pelvis pressed against his very tight pants; it’s almost too much to bare, you want more. No, you need more, you need him whole.
The kiss escalates quickly, making you whimper at how well he explores your mouth. His hands linger around your body, teasing you by caressing your sensitive breast, although he doesn’t yield to your moaning; he seems to like to torment you by grabbing you everywhere else. The feeling gets too overwhelming. You find your way to his shirt and start unbuttoning it until his chest is bare. You sense him smile against your lips. He must like your initiative.
He pulls you out. You instantly feel the need to reconnect with his lips.
“I want you so bad, doll.
- Do you want my mouth too? you say with your doe eyes.
- It’s already mine.”
The heat in your lower stomach migrates to your inner thighs and you can’t ignore the wetness anymore. Your hands brush his chest until they find a way to unbuckle his belt and open his pants. When you look down, you wonder how his pants did not explode. It’s so big you can’t wait to feel it inside of your drenched walls. But you’ve got something else in mind for him.
You kneel. He stares at you from above which makes him sexier than ever. He grabs your hair into an improvised ponytail. You take his member with your hand, slowly lick every inch of it, bottom to its wet tip, before shoving it in your mouth. Roger groans and lets go of the tension. You start moving a little bit, your hand follows your movement and you let your tongue play with it. It feels so freaking good. How can it feel so good? It’s unreal.
You look up to find him already looking down on you, mouth open, eyebrows frowned, wild blonde hair that he keeps pushing from his face. You want to hear his voice again, so you really shove it, deeper, until you feel it in your throat. The most beautiful sound comes to your ear while you’re trying to stay still. You would be moaning so loudly if he wasn’t in your mouth.
“Love, may I help you with my hand?”
You know exactly what he’s referring to because the grip on your hair gets tighter. You nod obviously, eager to see a glimpse of dom Roger.
You resume your sucking and moaning. You’re so dirty, he says, and with that, he thrusts his hard cock deep into your throat. You’ve never been taken care of like this. He’s intense, but not too quick, enjoying your wet mouth between each thrust. You can’t ignore it anymore; you’re drenched.
He gives it a little more strength before he finally pulls out. You can finally breathe. You hadn’t realised you couldn’t, you were too focused on the way he filled your mouth. You’re both panting - not for the same reason though.
“Come here, Y/N.”
He helps you back up, but doesn’t spare a second to pick you up and place you on the edge of the control table. He undresses your lower body, throwing your underwear in the room, and you lift your shirt to unravel your perfect tits, as he says.
“Roger, please, I need you in me, you whine. - Fuck, Y/N…”
He brings his hard cock towards your entrance and moans at the wetness of it. Slowly, he goes in while leaning in to kiss you, but you can't stop moaning, even against his lips. For a second, he intensifies the kiss and goes as deep as he can inside of you. You grab him by the shoulders, by his neck, ready to exhale due to the pleasure but he surprises you when he starts going faster, deeper, and groans while he fills you in really good. He grabs you by the back of your neck and goes faster. He doesn’t miss one opportunity to make you scream.
He slows down and locks his eyes into yours. His movements are like torture. So slow. The wet sounds fill the air and mix with your heavy breaths. He resumes kissing your lips then slowly goes down your neck. Oh my God, he's so hard. You're so hard, Roger. His lips go down and finally find their way to your breast. He licks your hard nipples and you let out the loudest moan while he's fucking you good. He licks them again and grabs your tits in his hand before whispering in your ear:
“You're such a little cunt…”
You don't think you've ever been this wet at the sound of someone's voice. Roger just knows how to make you horny for him and the thought of being his little cunt makes you so aroused that you forget how to breathe properly. The thrusts fill you again, and again, and again before you eventually feel it coming; your hands grab tightly onto him and you desperately look for his eyes before you manage to say:
“I'm coming, Rog…”
The world stops turning for a second. But he doesn’t stop. He’s harder than ever and your mind is completely empty. Your stomach tightens as well as your inner walls The air has left your lungs and your heart just might come out of your chest. 
And then the tension just explodes in a loud moan. He's still going hard, frowning his eyebrows and you suspect he's not too far either. Every movement he gives you is like an electric choc that makes the pleasure last longer. It's like a wave of relief that takes over your whole body. You take his hand and place it on your tit before locking eyes with him.
“Don't stop looking at me, you tell him.”
He doesn't. In fact, he's as deep in your eyes as in your pussy and he feels like he's losing control over his own body. He’s going fucking crazy. Absolutely feral for you. He gives you a few more powerful thrusts before he pulls out and spits his thick semen on your stomach. You hear again his raspy voice groaning and he finally stops moving.
His forehead is pressed against yours and for some reason you both can't stop smiling. He leans in and kisses you, softly this time. His lips are so soft, gosh.
Roger helps you clean up and picks up your clothes on the floor to help you with that too. How was this man a literal beast moments ago and acts like the sweetest man alive?
You're both fully clothed now, cheeks still pink, and he takes it upon himself to make your hair look presentable. Roger grabs you by the hips and pulls you closer to him.
“I wish I had more time to actually taste you. You were so wet for me.”
But you don't have time to answer because you both hear footsteps approaching, and the door opens with Peter. A little bit disappointed, you let go of each other but not without a shy smile.
“Y/N? You're still here? Don't you have work to do?”
You hurry to the door, worried he might notice the state of your hair and make-up. 
“I asked her to stay so I wouldn’t get bored.”
You don’t need to see him to picture the smirk on his face. Although, before you go, you look back and catch him already smiling at you. 
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could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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history repeats itself ~ gwilym lee
word count: 2836
request?: yes!
“hey, i saw you wrote for Ben Hardy so I was wondering if you would write for Gwilym Lee? If not ignore this lol. I was thinking something like he meets the reader on set and they immediately hit it off, and the resemblance of her to Brian May’s wife is uncanny (let’s pretend he’s had just the one) and it’s kinda like a history repeats itself thing? idk if that made since. maybe Brian and Roger noticing and just being so amazed seeing that happening in front of them? thank you, and obviously since i have no explanation skills take complete control!”
description: when she gets cast to play the wife of a rock legend, everyone realizes how similar she and her on screen husband look to the originals
pairing: gwilym lee x female!reader
warnings: swearing, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was such a small role, one that didn’t even have any lines. But to me, it was huge. It was a small role in a massive blockbuster movie: the Freddie Mercury biopic. It would be the biggest job of my career. Up until that point, I had only been an extra in a few sitcoms. Having a small, silent role as Brian May’s wife in a Freddie Mercury biopic may seem like a small step up from what I’m used to, but the scale of the movie made it a massive deal for me.
I wasn’t sure if I’d get the role. There were hundreds of other actresses just like me - desperate for even the smallest roles in such a big film - were lined up to meet the director and casting director. It was such a small chance of getting it I thought. Until I walked into the room and both of their eyes widened when they landed on me.
“Holy shit,” the casting director breathed. “She looks just like her.”
I was cast on the spot. I nearly sobbed in happiness. I managed to keep the tears in until I got to my car and could call my parents to give them the news.
A few months later, I was preparing for my day on set. It was a party scene that was taking place at Freddie’s mansion at the height of their career. The other band members - Brian, Roger, and John - were there with their wives/girlfriends. The scene mostly required us to sit by our assigned on-screen husbands while they conversed. It was an easy day, and it was only going to take one day of filming, but I was still nervous. I had already met up with the director and some of the cast involved in the scene, but today I was going to be meeting the main four actors and two members of Queen.
I was just finished with wardrobe and was on my way to hair and makeup when I came across one of the main actors, Gwilym. I had been told about him after being cast, since he was the one playing Brian May, but I hadn’t met him yet. I suddenly felt nervous as I approached the hair and makeup trailer, where Gwilym was stood outside the door also waiting. He looked up as he heard me approach and smiled.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I said back. “I’m (Y/N).”
“Gwilym. Nice to meet you.” He reached out and shook my hand. I hoped he couldn’t feel how my hands were shaking. “You’re playing Brian’s wife, right? Well, my wife I guess.”
I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m getting all dolled up for my one day on set to film my one, dialogue-less scene.”
“Hey, there’s no such thing as small parts remember.”
I made a face at him. “You sound like my old theater teachers.”
Gwilym cringed. “That’s the last thing I’d ever want.”
I laughed. The door to the hair and makeup trailer opened and two other extras came out. The stylist greeted us and told us to come in. I sat in one chair while Gwilym sat in the one next to me. I watched the stylist grab a long, brunette wig and place it next to Gwilym.
“I’m gonna have to do Gwilym’s wig firs since that’ll take the longest,” she told me. “So, sit tight, and try not to mess up your wardrobe too much.”
I nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
I watched the process of applying Gwilym’s wig. It really did take a long time. First, a bald cap had to be applied to Gwilym’s head. Then, the wig was placed on his head in a few different ways to figure out the best placement. Once that was figured out, the wig had to be pinned down in a way that made it look natural on his head, and not like a wig.
“So,” Gwilym said, trying his best not to move his head. “Since we’re going to be here a while, and since we’re playing a married couple, I suppose we should get to know one another.”
“Sure,” I said with a laugh. “What do you want to know?”
“Is this your first movie?”
“It is. Until now I was just an extra in a few sitcoms. I had one line once, that’s the extent of my career.”
“Well, extras are important. Without them, a scene would look so stupid if it was just the main characters.”
I shrugged. “I know that, and I know every actor has to start somewhere, but I’ve been doing this for roughly five years. Performing Arts schools are expensive and I sometimes worry I made a mistake persuing acting.”
I saw Gwilym’s eyes quickly look over at me before looking back at the mirror in front of him. “It’s never a mistake to chase your dreams. It just takes time. You have to play the small parts in order to get experience for the big ones.”
“You’re right. It’s just taking so long. But I’m here now, so that’s a step up.” I shook my head. “Anyways, away from my career insecurities. Tell me a bit about you.”
We talked throughout his wig applying process. We exchanged embarrassing childhood stories, talked about how we got into acting, general details about one another. I had forgotten about the fact that I was waiting to have my own hair and makeup done by the time Gwilym stood from his chair.
He looked at himself in the mirror before turning to me. “How do I look?”
I tilted my head as I looked up at him. “Scarily like Brian May.”
He chuckled. “That’s good, then. They won’t fire me anytime soon. I’ll see you on set?”
I nodded and watched him go. I felt a little disappointed by the fact that he was leaving. I had really enjoyed talking to him. The next time I’d see him would be on set for the scene, where we wouldn’t be able to talk, and then once that ended I’d never see him again.
The stylist started going my hair and makeup. She showed me a picture of Brian and his wife in the early 80s, which was when the scene was set, as the inspiration for my look in the scene. It was subtle, but it was clearly 80s. It didn’t take as long as Gwilym’s had, and soon enough, I was on my way again.
I stepped out of the trailer just as Gwilym was walking up again. He was now in his costume, looking so much like a young Brian May that it was scary.
“Right on time,” he said. “I was coming back to walk you to set.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” I said, but I was touched by the offer.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to, so I am.” He offered an arm to me, like a gentleman. I took it and we started walking to set. “Besides, it’s a big scene with a lot of people. It might be nerve wracking to walk on set by yourself with all those people.”
“It is. Especially with meeting the rest of the main cast at the same time.”
“Oh, they’re all a bunch of wankers, you don’t have to worry about meeting them.”
I giggled. “You can’t say that about Brian May and Roger Taylor, though. And they’re going to be on set, too.”
“No, you’re right. But they are very kind. You don’t have to worry about meeting them. I’m sure everyone will like you. Even if they didn’t, who cares? You won’t have to see them again after today.”
He had a point, but it was still sad to hear out loud. I had been preparing for this day for so long, excited for my first big project. And now, within a matter of hours, it would all be over. I’d be sent back home, waiting for the next role to come up, hoping that maybe this movie could help with that role being a bigger one than just an extra. Back to my normal, boring life.
Saying goodbye to Gwilym.
I had managed to shock myself with that thought. I had only known Gwilym for maybe an hour and a half, but the thought of only having this day with him brought on a bit of sadness. He was so kind, and he seemed so genuine. I had never been on a set where the main actors even acknowledged that the extras existed, let alone be nice enough to walk one to set after talking to her for some time.
Not to mention he was extremely handsome. Especially when he smiled, like he was smiling at me now.
God, don’t develop a crush on the guy you’ll never see again after today.
My heart rate jumped the second we walked on to set. Gwilym wasn’t lying when he said there was going to be a lot of people in the scene. The mansion set was packed with people, so full that there was just barely enough room to move around. I was hoping this was the only amount of extras that were set to be in the scene, or else I think my nerves would go into over drive.
The director spotted Gwilym and I almost immediately and led us over to where we were set to be for the scene. Rami, Joseph, and Ben were already sat around having a laugh as we walked up. They happily greeted Gwilym, and he then introduced me to the lot of them. They were very nice and welcomed me in almost immediately, but it was still pretty surreal to be there with them. Especially Joseph, who I had seen in Jurassic Park when I was just a kid. I almost felt out of place there, but I could tell I wasn’t alone. I introduced myself to the other girls who were playing Ben and Joseph’s on screen love interests, who also looked just as out of place as I felt.
We were all sat around together when the buzz in the room suddenly turned into a hush. It wasn’t hard to know what had just happened: they had arrived.
Brian May and Roger Taylor themselves.
Rock and roll royalty.
I looked over and my heart leapt into my throat at the sight of them. It was hard to believe that they were actually real. I had been listening to Queen’s music all my life, but it wasn’t until this moment that I truly realized that these legends were actual real people.
Actual real people who were walking towards us.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over to see that it was Gwilym’s hand. When I looked at him, he smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back, the nervousness in my stomach being replaced with butterflies. His hand moved down my arm and squeezed my own. I squeezed his hand back.
“My God.”
I looked up to see Brian and Roger stood over us. I tried to put on my best smile, hoping it wasn’t as obvious as I felt it was that I was shaking. Brian was looking between Gwilym and I, a look in his eye that I couldn’t quite place. Reminiscent, maybe?
“They did a spot on job casting for this movie,” Brian commented. “It feels like I’m looking into a mirror with you two.”
“If there mirror were about 50 years younger,” Roger teased.
“You speak from experience, don’t you old man?” Brian retorted. I couldn’t help but chuckle at their banter. Years of friendship and knowing one another, and they were still cracking jokes and poking fun. I hoped to be like them with my friends when I got older. “What’s your name, love?”
It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. In fact, there was nothing going on in my head at all. It was like I had completely forgotten every little thing I had ever learned in my life. How does one continue to function after Brian May calls them “love”?
“This is (Y/N),” Gwilym said, saving me from my colossal choke.
“Yes,” I finally managed. “Sorry, my name is (Y/N). I’m a little nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, darling,” Brian said. “You already have the look of my wife down. And it seems you and young Gwilym here have already gotten quite acquainted.”
I didn’t realize that Gwilym and I were still holding hands. I expected him to let go at that moment, as if he were just realizing as well, but he didn’t. Instead, he kept hold of my hand, giving it another reassuring squeeze. I wondered if the blush on my face was noticeable under the makeup.
The director called for places, so Brian and Roger took their places off set. I let out a sigh of relief after they were gone and moved into place with Gwilym.
“See?” he whispered to me as we were passed glasses of fake champagne. “They’re not that bad.”
“Their presence alone is a little terrifying,” I whispered back.
“But you got through it. Seems Brian’s taken a liking to you. Although, that’s not surprisingly considering how lovely you are.”
I was convinced this was all some sort of very long, very detailed dream. I was going to wake up at any given moment.
The scene went by very smoothly. It wasn’t hard to just look between the boys as they spoke, smiling when I was supposed to smile, offering a sour look when Rami arrived, acting as a rather rude Freddie. It felt like Gwilym was moving closer to me with each take that we did. First we started off sitting in separate chairs, until the director asked if we would switch and sit in the couch that Joseph and his lady friend had been sat in. Gwilym had moved towards me at the start of that take, and by the final take of the day our bodies were touching and his arm was around me. I was glad I didn’t have any lines, or else I would’ve likely forgotten every single one of them.
When the director called cut and said it was a wrap on the scene, I tried not to let my sadness show. The extras started to file out of the room, going to get read for a different scene that they were filling for. Not me, though. I was going to wardrobe to get my outfit taken back, and then I was going home. If I was lucky, I would be invited to the premiere, otherwise I would never see any of these people again.
I wouldn’t see Gwilym again.
Ben, Joseph, and Rami were kind enough to give me a hug and tell me they were happy to have met me. I told them likewise and started my way back to the wardrobe trailer.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
I turned to see Gwilym rushing up towards me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your next scene?” I asked him.
“Yes, but I wanted to talk to you before you left,” he said. “Look, I know this is a bit presumptive to ask because we only really spoke to one another for that time in hair and makeup, and I have no idea if you’re even single so maybe I’m about to make an ass out of myself, but I wanted to ask you if you’d like to go out this evening once I’ve finished on set.”
Everything in my brain? Gone.
Every last bit of it.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. It had to be a dream, right? There was no way it was real. I would’ve pinched myself if it wouldn’t have made me look like a total idiot in front of Gwilym.
“Yes,” I said. “ I mean, yeah, sure, I - I would love that.”
His face lit up. “Yeah? Okay. Here, let me give you my number.”
We both realized we didn’t have our phones, so we had to do it the old fashioned way - Gwilym found a pen and paper, and wrote down his number for me. I took the paper and shoved it into my pocket.
“I’ll text you once I’m no longer part of the 80s,” I said, gesturing towards my outfit.
He chuckled. “And I’ll do the same.”
We both stood, just looking at each other for a moment. It wasn’t until Gwilym was called back to set that we finally, reluctantly, broke away to go out separate ways. I put my hand in my pocket and closed it around the piece of paper containing Gwilym’s number. I smiled to myself, having to restrain myself from skipping happily towards wardrobe.
I guess history really does repeat itself, I thought with a laugh.
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spacefinch · 6 months
Some phrases that popular music has ruined for me
Young man (there’s no need to feel down)
First things first (imma say all the words inside my head)
Mama (just killed a man)
Take me home (country roads, to the place I belong)
To the left (take it back now y’all)
Just the two of us (we can make it if we try)
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vixemi · 6 months
Idk if anyone will know what I’m talking about but I’m trying to find a imagine about Roger Taylor played by Ben Hardy who cheats on reader with a fan I believe. Let a girl know if you find it.
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imeternallylove · 3 months
Don't grow up, it's a trap - Brian May; Prologue
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Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Warning: none
Word: approx 1.3k
main mastetlist  | request & ask | prompts
Chapters index
prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part night | part ten | epilogue
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If he knew he had grown up this way.
Perhaps it was preferable to be a youngster who knew nothing except eating, playing, and napping.
People beings grow up in many civilizations. Some are born under a lucky star and are unaware that there is a demon named afflictive and wounded existing in this universe. However, certain persons who were raised. No, it should be called 'lived on their own' 一will have a higher level of immunity than others.
That does not imply their goodness. But it was an essential weapon for survival when facing tough times; it was intended just for anybody like him who lived below the poverty line. It kept on threatening his life, shattering every piece of his bone and cruelly smashing them to the ground. Despite being awake, it seemed like a terror nightmare that he couldn't wake up from.
'Brian May' is an uncommon boy. However, it isn't actually noteworthy. It sounds tricky, doesn't it? But that was his life after his parents' disappearance due to debt, while the whole town was during the world war.
The boy recalled the hectic circumstances at home throughout that extended period of time, and how they remained to be that way, over and over. He nearly lost sight of the definition of happiness and the proper way to smile or laugh.
Delicious food was once the thing on each evening dinner table, but that is starting to change. There were just grilled potatoes obtainable lately, and the soup was given as a side dish to enhance the flavour of the tasteless potatoes that had to be consumed all in one bowl, for the whole family.
He heard his parents arguing constantly, and headphones ended up being his best buddy by default. However, that is not nearly as unpleasant as hearing the creditors' relentless pounding on the door, who appear prepared to burst in at any moment if they are serious about it.
Only in the closet could sixteen-year-old Brian give a hug to his younger sister. With her head pressed against his chest, he protected her even though he was conscious that he wouldn't be able to stop the door from breaking in. After their parents made the decision to disappear without a trace since they had creditors pursuing them. From that moment on, Brian's biggest duty towards his younger sister has been to be strong for her, even when it meant leaving only tears on her cheeks.
Yes, he understands that his parents weren't abandoning him or his younger sister. Nevertheless, it seems that things happened this way because they had to leave this environment. Because his parents are unaware of how creditors would make demands for money if they were there. Which was probably worse than the hammering at the house door, which scared the hell out of him and his sister and made them afraid to leave.
A sixteen-year-old boy whose sole pursuits in life are music and education. To continue living his realities, he had to give go of his fantasies. Give up on the band, put the handmade guitar in the cupboard, and start working a part-time job after school.
For a young boy who had never experienced hardship before, he was unsure about what to do with the remaining money and where it would take him and his sister. However, it was lucky that the uncle next door, who was a neighbour, constantly prepared meals for him. And thus, day by day, he and his sister lived. 'Betty May' is still quite young. Brian does not want his younger sister to have to worry about this. But he had no idea what to do. Because additional money is insufficient, he will soon have to pay tuition. He is unlikely to be able to provide for himself and his younger sister financially. However, requesting a loan from a neighbour, like Uncle David, would be excessive.
Brian sensed he was in trouble. However, seeking assistance from others should be done in moderation.
Humans have a tendency to do dumb things when they feel hopeless. Yes, Brian feels this is the case. When he sat looking at the square screen with his hands on the keyboard in a computer lesson, his friend from the computer science department was overjoyed to show him it was a prototype. He looked like he suffered from a lack of sleep while learning how to use with.
The sixteen-year-old boy stared at it for a moment before writing the tragic tales of his own life on a blank page, and thanks to his highest grade at Imperial College, he had the kind privilege of receiving a tiny article published in the newspapers for the entire city of London, which has at least three million readers per day.
Brian couldn't recall what he had written, and he didn't want to. It might be filled with disappointment in life, what he was excellent at, or the whole agony that has been suppressed in his heart. Asking for help in vain and not knowing whether anyone will respond with a boy who has no idea who they are and no interest in life.
But it wasn't too horrible. When God told him to believe in, 'the miracles' one more time.
Not long afterward, the professor contacted him to schedule an appointment. He said that someone had seen his letter in the newspapers and offered to help with schooling and monthly expenditures, even if it was a small amount. So he asked Brian if he still needed lend a hand in helping, because here was his opportunity.
The boy was dumbfounded by what he had heard. He was thinking about hitting himself in the face once to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Is it truly feasible for somebody to reach out and support kids who do not know who they are? Brian sat calmly for quite some time, and his professor was silent, indicating that Brian, his student, wanted to concentrate.
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Brian was still half believing and half unbelieving. It wasn't until he received a cheque with credit to cash at the bank, along with a huge shopping bag with a pair of black and light brown suit-and-tie sets and black leather shoes. He noticed a pair of freshly released flower pattern shift dresses for ladies in other bags, as well as maroon Mary-Jane heels, with a short message and charming calligraphy expressing delight in him and Betty, which the tall boy could guess was from whom.
The boy finally discovered the world wasn't all devils around him. Who were these people? How did the benefactors who saved his and his sister's lives appear? The boy was confident that they were angels. The boy vividly recalls the emotion of the first moment; even the corners of his eyes turned blazing red and his younger sister had to hold and soothe him.
Brian returned to see his professor the next day, this time wearing a new pair of gleaming black leather shoes. After staying up all night wondering, 'Why are the benefactors so kind?', he was keen to find out who the wonderful person was who rescued him and his sister from the demon hordes. Why did they decide to help? Because even if the entire world is full of lack of thoroughness, and depth of character and he is much too young to confront it, that person seems not to be concerned whether the message he has written is a falsehood or real.
As his professor consultant was done with some papers, he smiled softly as he informed his student. "Her name is Y/N..."
Brian fails to control himself; he gasps suddenly with his mouth open and barely knows how to breathe, just because he eventually discovered their name, noㅡ her name.
"Miss Y/L/N. Y/N Y/L/N."
oh hi
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nerdyisgeeky · 5 months
Since we just finished pjotv and hoping for its renewal I'm gonna be optimistic and wish for one thing.
In the Percy Jackson and the last Olympian when it's the fighting scene with Sally and Paul can they pleasepleaseplease put in Bohemian Rhapsody in the back esp with a slo-mo. Because how cool would it be when Sally shoots/kills(it's been a while I don't remember) while Percy watches and then the bg is basically ~mama just killed a man , put a gun against his head,pulled the trigger now he's dead ~~~~~
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
temporary truce with the austin butler girlies for mota
from now thru, at least, march (when the final episode airs), i'm gonna consider the austin butler girlies my friends!
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simphq · 1 year
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So i an absolutely obsessed with Queen and the film Bohemian Rhapsody. I love the cast and so I decided to write a Joe Mazzello story. Feel free to add some ideas if you would like to!! So Here is the backstory and first chapter!
• Your Roger Taylors child
• the story is set around the filming of bohemian rhapsody
•most focused on the real life experience than their ‘online life’
•if you have any ideas lmk 😁
•Thanks for reading x
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Therealy/n Glad to be on set x
View all 12,364 comments
Benhardy we look fantastic 😏
Mrgwilymlee Love it when your on set ❤️
joe_mazzello you should come on to set more!
therealy/n @joe_mazzello ill see what i can do 😁
Brianmayforreal the boys looked amazing today! Bri
Rogertaylorofficial the boys worked really hard today and it was wonderful to have you on set today my darling.
ramimalek who is the handsome man at the end i wonder??
Benhardy @ramimalek me duhh 🙄
Therealy/n @benhardy in your dreams blondy
Lucyboynton1 i wish i was on set today 😭
Therealy/n @lucyboynton1 ugh me too i felt lonely without my other half today 😢
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borhapparker · 2 years
ben hardy and soulmate + teacher au?
let's do this!! im back baby!
request here! | (UPDATED) list of characters | masterlist (NEW)
fyi: some links wont work as i am actively working on reworking my blog so please bare with me as i remake everything and publish things repeatedly (:
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Soulmates were not for everyone, and some considered them to be folk tales. Not everyone had someone out there for them, and most would never meet them. Yet, there was something about knowing you were tethered to someone out there that made it all possible. Anything you ever dreamed of seemed real when the prospect of having another half to share it with was real.
Yet, life didn't stop when finally found the one. And it definitely didn't stop while you were actively looking for one either.
The coffee maker in the kitchen beeped, as you walked over, clad in socks to prepare your warm coffee, which you would end up drinking cold anyway. The teaching lesson you had prepared the night before was on the counter, ready to be taught to your class as you began to slip on your vans, a signature piece in all your teaching outfits. There was something about commandeering the classroom in vans that made you feel invincible, especially when you were teaching high school alone for the first time.
When the principal, your good friend Robbie Andrews approached you about being a solo teacher, after years of working with a partner, you took up the opportunity quickly. It had been something you dreamt about for a long time, and you were finally there.
But now the nerves were showing, your hands slightly shaking at the thought of having to reel in a bunch of 9th graders in the subject of English and Writing.
Your phone pinged from the living room, as you crossed the kitchen, disconnecting your phone from the charger attached to the wall. The screen was lit with a text from your best friend, the person who had been teaching Math for as long as you had.
'Ready as I'll ever be, I guess. What about you?'
'I'm already on campus, teacher meeting before class starts. Hurry up, teach!'
"Shit," you cursed out loud as you grabbed your bag, making sure everything was inside as you spilled your coffee on the floor. "Dammit!"
Placing a towel over it, you quickly cleaned it up before grabbing your keys and running out the door, going into your car, and driving as quickly and safely as you could to campus. Immediately parking, you ran across the lot to the auditorium where all the teachers were waiting, the meeting barely beginning. Skidding into a seat next to Ben, you glared at him.
"Seriously? You forgot to remind me?"
"Nah," he smirked, "I figured you wouldn't remember so I just wanted to surprise you."
The meeting went on as you took mental notes about protocols and welcomed the new staff for the year. As the meeting was about to conclude, the principal called everyone's attention to Ben and yourself, as he congratulated both of you on another year at the campus. Dismissing everyone, you and Ben walked to your respective classes, across the way from each other as you gave him a hug.
"You ready?" you asked him as he nodded and smiled.
"Hey, where's your coffee?" Ben asked as you frowned. "Dropped it again?"
Nodding, he sighed before smiling.
"I'll get you another, just text me your order."
"Thanks, Ben." you smiled before you both walked into your classrooms.
Sighing, you placed your items on the desk, and picked up the whiteboard marker, writing your name on the board for everyone to see. Remembering that you had made a schedule of the day, your hands pushed the pieces of paper on your desk as you gripped the schedule before beginning to write it out on the board.
That had been a suggestion you had received from a former student, and you took it to heart, knowing some students get anxious not knowing what was next on the agenda for the day.
The commotion was heard outside your classroom, as you connected your phone to the speakers, playing your favorite songs, and your laptop to the projector, as the presentation was projected for the first day.
"Let's do this."
The day had progressed rather quickly, as you got to know your new students in the first and second periods, having the third period to relax before getting your homeroom students, where you organized a game to play with everyone. Lunchtime couldn't come faster, as you and Ben headed over to the fast food place across the way, grabbing lunch and settling back into your classroom, making room on your now messy desk.
"So, how has it been?" he asked as you smiled.
"Good! Seems like I am connecting with them better than I was last year, that's for sure." he laughed as he remembered an incident with a student last year. "Please don't-"
"Remember when you got pied in the face that one time while you were giving the lecture on Charles Dickens?" Ben's laugh filled your classroom as you chucked a tiny container of salsa at him, as it missed and landed on the floor. "That was a classic."
"I couldn't get the whipped cream out of my cardigan after that! I think they dyed it because it only turned all my socks pink instead of cleaning it after I washed it."
"Well, at least you won't have that happening anymore." he sighed as he frowned. "Hey, have you heard anything from your soulmate recently?"
You shook your head as Ben mirrored your actions. "He's been quiet recently." sighing, you undid your ponytail and let your hair hang loose, "Maybe he stopped being such a daredevil and is being safe now, considering all the injuries I got while he was out doing some crazy stuff."
He nodded, a pondering look on his face, as he shrugged. "Mine has been quiet, she hasn't been doing much recently. But something happened today that was odd."
Tilting your head, you took a bite from your tacos as he continued.
"I could hear music in the distance and it sounded a lot like Metallica, which was odd considering the last thing I heard them play was Whitney Houston."
"Clearly, their music taste is amazing." you laughed as he nodded with a sad smile.
"I really want to see them already."
"Me too."
Your fourth period came around, as the students piled inside, everyone taking a seat wherever they wanted as you opened up the same presentation you did in your last classes.
"Good afternoon everyone!" they echoed your welcome as you smiled, "Alrighty, who's ready to play a game?"
They cheered as you opened up Kahoot, a classic classroom game that clearly hyped up their energy as the classroom erupted into louder cheers.
As everyone signed in, you began the game, everyone cheering and arguing when it came to certain rounds. Suddenly, your classroom door opened as you looked up, noticing a certain blonde in the doorway, holding two coffees directly from your favorite coffee shop.
"Lifesaver! Thank you!"
He smiled as you gave him a half-hug before he waved at the students and walked into his classroom.
"Miss Y/n?" a student raised their hand as you nodded, walking back to your desk and pausing the game. "Is Mr. Hardy your boyfriend?"
You chuckled and smiled, "No he isn't, we're just good friends. We've been teaching here together for a few years now."
A chorus of oohs was heard across the classroom as a blush enveloped your cheeks.
"Look! Miss Y/n is blushing!"
"Wait, guys! What about Mr. Hardy being her soulmate?" one student yelled out as everyone began agreeing, trying to connect the dots between your friendship as you watched in amusement, a blush coating your cheeks.
"Alright, alright! Let's get back to Kahoot! I have donuts for the winners!"
The chatter slowly died down, not going away completely as everyone's attention was turned back to the game, some still talking about the friendship between the two teachers.
Your mind began to wander, as the students kept playing, their words echoing in your mind. All those times you felt pain and anguish from your soulmate, Ben had mentioned getting hurt in small incidents at home, wether that be with his skateboard or practicing his drums in the music room. They seemed really distant in the moment, but looking back, you realized it was a possibility.
Having mentioned that he heard Metallica and Whitney Houston being played, you remember playing two distinct songs for your game in first period, realizing the connection was getting bigger the more you began digging into memories with Ben.
What if your best friend was your soulmate? There was only one way to find out.
They mentioned that soulmates have tattoos on their body that their other half mirror and both people share one image on their bodies. This made everyone unique from other partnerships, and you had never shown Ben yours.
Finishing the class, you dismissed everyone as the bell rang for the end of the day, everyone now piling out of classroom and into thier cars to begin the journey home, as you stayed behind, wanting to have everything organized for the next day.
"Y/n?" Ben called out as you smiled and let him come inside your class. "You ready to go?"
"Almost," you sighed as you finished placing the notebooks on the shelf you made for your students, each with their own name and class period so you can remember which one is which without needing to read chicken scratch on the front.
"Hey, Ben?" he tilted his head, "Do you still have your soulmate tattoo?"
He nodded, "Haven't seen it go anywhere just yet."
"Can I see it?"
Shocked, he gulped, before nodding. Grabbing the end of his flannel, the slipped it off his shoulders, exposing the black t-shirt adorning his torso. He sighed shakily, before pulling up the shirt, and turning around, as you let out an audible gasp.
There it was, the mirror to your own tattoo.
He turned his head and locked eye contact over his shoulder.
"It's me."
Your words did not register in his mind immediately, as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration before realization hit. Eyes widening, he let the shirt drop, as he placed his hands on your waist.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, as he smiled.
"We are soulmates?"
All you could do was nod, as he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you into a hug as you placed yours on his back, pulling him closer.
"God, I love you."
"I love you too."
Unbeknownst to you, your students had been standing outside the classroom, peering in through the window as they cheered silently, knowing their plan had worked.
Soulmates were hard to find, and some never end up finding their own pair, living in the world without another half.
Yet, yours was right next to you, for the last 8 years.
You couldn't ask for more.
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The Dress, Ben Hardy
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Word Count: 3k~
Fashion has always been something I enjoyed. My fiancé, who has a good fashion sense himself, always lets me dress him any chance I get. Even when he goes to significant events like big award shows, my decision-making with clothes is still requested without fail every time.
"(Y/n), can you help me pick out my suit?"
"(Y/n), what shoes would be best?"
"(Y/n), which outfit should I wear?"
And with a smile, each time, I would respond happily.
"Of course, Ben."
Yet, every time I dress him, he somehow convinces me into dressing up as well before heading out into the scene with his arm wrapped tightly around my waist as my head rests on his chest. I enjoy dressing up Ben, and he seems to enjoy watching me get dressed up as well.
Tonight is no different, except the event is much smaller than the usual events we go to. This time, it's just a simple get-together for Ben and his cast members from Bohemian Rhapsody. Just as five rolled around, two hours before the dinner, Ben asks the question I got used to hearing after two years of being together.
"(Y/n), would you mind helping me?" I hear Ben ask, his head peering around the corner as his blonde locks fall against his forehead. From the living room couch, I smile and stand up before heading over to him as he explains. "I can't decide what to wear."
"I'd love to help you, love," I assure him, kissing his cheek. I watch his lips turn up into a sweet smile before I walk into our bedroom, his footsteps following behind mine. Looking into our closet, I quickly pluck out the set of clothes I like. The outfit is casual, but it's one of my favorites. The pants hug his legs just enough to accentuate his muscles, and I can't help but love them.
Handing Ben the black button-up top with beige pants, I pick out his brown oxfords and sit down on the bed with them beside me. With a smile, Ben clambers into the beige pants, eliciting a small laugh from me. "I can't help that I'm a bit clumsy!" He points out, making me laugh even more.
"At least you recognize it," I joke, watching his slightly red cheeks dim down to a pink hue. I watch as he moves onto his shirt, sliding the arms on and straightening it out before beginning to button it. Before his fingers reach the second bottom-button, I stop him.
"Come here." I tell him, moving to stand on my knees on the bed to meet his height. Despite this, he still manages to tower over me by a few inches, making him smile.
Brushing Ben's hands away from the shirt, I begin buttoning it myself before moving onto roll up the dark sleeves. I finish the left one without a problem and switch over to the right one, my hands brushing against his skin each time I do so. Like the other arm, I stop at the middle of his bicep just as Ben leans forward and plants his lips against mine, therefore preventing me from doing anything else.
Giggling, I move my hands from his arm and up to his face as I kiss back at his eager lips. "Mmm, Ben," I say his name, only to be interrupted by another kiss. "I have," another kiss. "to get," another one. "ready too."
Finally listening to me, he pulls back with a smirk and plops down next to me on the bed, watching me as I stand to go into the closet. "Wear the (f/c) dress," I hear him say from the bed.
"Which one?" I ask, popping my head out of the closet. I soon find myself biting my lip as I gaze at Ben as he rests back against the bed, using his elbows to hold himself up while his legs spread out against the edge of the mattress. Right now, he looks comfortable while, at the same time, utterly delectable.
"My favorite," He simply answers, smirking at his own coyness. Shaking my head with a small laugh, I move to my side of the closet and find the dress he's talking about. Pulling the hanger from the metal rod, I hold it out to look at it and see if there's anything wrong with it. Thankfully, it's still the same (f/c) dress that Ben loves. It could be the neckline of it that makes Ben like it so much, or it could also be the soft, velvety material that it's made out of. Or, maybe, it's because the dress hugs me in all of the right spots, and Ben just can't help himself after a long night of unintentional teasing.
Pulling my clothes off and slipping on the dress, I slide into some black pumps before walking back into the bedroom, earning a wolf-whistle from the man I love. The action causes me to smile and roll my eyes, knowing I'm probably going to have to deal with his hands on me for the rest of the night. "There's my sexy fiancé," Ben announces before standing from the bed and walking over to me.
Almost immediately, his hands find their way to my fabric covered hips while his lips lower down to mine. "Uh-uh," I tell him, placing my hand on his chest. "I still have to do my makeup and hair, and I know that if I don't do it now, we will be late."
"But, babe!" Ben exclaims, his arms pulling me closer to him. "You don't need makeup!" He tells me with a smile, causing me to blush.
"But don't you like that lipstick that I always put on with the dress?" I ask Ben, watching him fight the urge to let me go until he finally, but begrudgingly, releases his hold on me.
"Alright, fine," He gives in, stepping back while dramatically hanging his head low. "But I'll be waiting!" He exclaims, popping his head back up with a contagious smile. "Patiently..." He bids, slowly walking backward out of the bedroom with his hand waving up and down.
Once again, I smile and roll my eyes with a shake of the head at his goofiness before heading into the bathroom and finish getting ready. I do my makeup and hair the way I usually do, prompting Ben once again to pull me close to him when I walk into the living room. Thankfully, it only takes fifteen minutes for Ben to temporally satisfy his urge to kiss me, making me glad that my lipstick is smudge-proof.
It only takes a few minutes to arrive at the restaurant, quickly finding Rami and Lucy already seated in a booth. "Did we make you guys wait?" I ask, sliding into the empty side of the booth before Ben so he can sit in front of Rami.
"No, not at all, lovelies," Lucy assures us, both she and Rami giving us bright and happy smiles. "We just got here, actually," She assures me, nodding her head once. "Somebody wanted to kiss me and then not stop when we were getting ready."
At her words, Rami looks down with a dark blush painting his cheeks and a smile that practically shouts "not sorry" taking over his lips. I giggle at her words before looking over at an innocent-looking Ben and giving him a small smirk. "Sounds like someone I know too!" I chide, watching as he gains the same look on his face as Rami's. Both of our guys are so alike, and I can't help but love it.
Conversations between us all come and go as we get our drinks and dinner, having a great time as we all joke around and share stories with one another. Once we finish our meals, we don't head out, and instead, Ben heads over to the bar to fetch him and Rami a pint. Choosing to stay at the booth with Rami and Lucy as they talk to each other, I stare at the love of my life while he talks with the bartender. A few seconds pass before a cute blonde moves to stand beside him and speak up, making my smile turn into a frown as I continue staring.
I trust Ben and all, but that doesn't mean that I'm not bothered by the flirtatious look the woman's giving him or the fact that he's talking to her as if he doesn't notice this. With the way she keeps throwing her hand, I can tell she's flirting, and if I weren't mistaken, the smile on his face shows that he doesn't mind it. Ben knows I can see him, so why is he doing this in plain view?
I hate to admit it, but as I watch it all go down, I feel my self-esteem lower as well. The blonde woman is beautiful, to simply put it. She could get anyone in this bar, and yet, she's trying to get the man that's mine - the man I love. Now that I think about it, Ben could get anyone in this entire world, but he chose me... why?
"Miss?" I hear a voice speak up to the right of me, causing me to look over and see the waiter standing at the end of our table with a small smile. "Did you hear me?"
With a flustered smile, I wave my hand with a shake of my head. "I'm sorry, I didn't," I tell him, blushing with embarrassment. "I wasn't paying attention," I explain. I was too busy staring at Ben and the girl at the bar that I didn't even hear the poor man ask me a question.
"It's alright," The man assures me with a polite nod and smile. "Can I get you anything, hon'?" At his question, I shake my head and thank him before he walks away. Only a couple of seconds pass before I see Ben in the corner of my eye returning with two glasses in his hands, handing one to Rami before sitting beside me. His eyes don't meet mine, and for some reason, he looks almost mad. Going by the fact that the woman back there was blatantly flirting with him and he didn't stop her, I can't help but grow a little upset as well, except my annoyance is for a reason.
Thirty minutes pass before we're all standing from the booth and bidding happy goodbyes before heading to our cars. Thankfully, Lucy and Rami didn't seem to notice me and Ben not speaking to each other, which is good since I wouldn't have known what to say. Meanwhile, Ben hasn't even spared a glance at me once and has chosen to practically ignore me with dull hums as answers to my questions. The ever-growing silence and distant attitude from Ben only further my frustration, and despite trying to pass it off and forget about it, Ben's not letting me by not responding to me.
Once we reach our home, I park the car and turn it off before we head out of the car and into the house, wordlessly. When we walk in, Frankie remains in her bed, feeling the apparent tension between her two owners as our footsteps sound a bit heavier and stiffer than usual. Walking past the couch, I toss my purse onto the plush seat and head straight to the bedroom. Surprisingly, Ben follows me, only stopping in his stride when I do so.
Turning around, I look at his flustered form and grow confused. His cheeks are red and puffy, almost as if he were huffing like a child, and his blond eyebrows are furrowed together in what seems to be aggravation. Not to mention his arms are crossed against his chest, causing the rolled sleeves of his shirt to stretch against his biceps as he taps his foot against the carpet soundlessly, almost like he's waiting for me to speak up, and so, I do.
"What is your problem?" I ask him, trying to sound as calm as ever, but unfortunately, a few hints of malice come out, making Ben let out an angered sigh.
"Oh, I don't know," He answers, shrugging his shoulders dramatically while shaking his head, his eyes squinted. "Other than the fact that you and the waiter were flirting when I left the table for a few seconds, I don't know what could ever be the problem!"
His words take me by shock. The waiter and I barely exchanged ten words - and none of them were even remotely flirtatious. I guess the term "hon'" could be considered flirty, but the guy seemed like he was just doing his job and being a nice person at the same time. Why is Ben getting so upset over this?
"We were not flirting!" I defend myself, my lips parted in utter disbelief. Ben barely listens to my words before speaking up once more.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" He imitates me from earlier in a high pitched voice while impersonating what could be considered a troubled and overly dramatic version of me.
"Oh, it's not a problem doll-face," This time, his voice seeps with venom in a raspier and less-deep tone than his usual voice. He must be impersonating the waiter.
Despite Ben using the wrong term, I still find myself shaking my head at his childish antics before shooting back. "Oh, so you were jealous of the damn waiter for merely talking to me whenever you were over by the bar, flirting back and forth with some chick while I was waiting for you!" I point out, crossing my arms before throwing my hand in front of me in a questioning manner. His face then plays the same shocked and almost confused reaction like mine does, making me scoff. "Wow, Ben, I can totally understand your reasoning."
"We weren't flirting back and forth!" He argues as if he were offended. His reddened cheeks puff in exasperation while he uncrosses his arms. "She told me she was a big fan of my work, and I thanked her!"
"Ben, she was staring at you with 'fuck me' eyes!" I sadly exclaim, throwing my hands up in an exasperated motion as tears fill my eyes. His face seems to soften at my sudden mood change. "And I didn't want to face the fact that I was jealous, but then, I started thinking about how easily I could lose you to any other woman that might come around and be better than me in every way," I slowly confess, turning my eyes to the floor beneath my feet. Ben then moves closer, wrapping his arms around me and gently pulling me close to him. Despite being so pissed at him, I feel my instincts take over as I nuzzle my head closer to his chest and slowly wrap my arms around his middle.
"And it hurt. So, yeah, I got lost in my own little world with my insecurities, and then the waiter came up, and I didn't hear him talking to me," Looking up at him, I stare into his green eyes as they stare down at me, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "I swear, Ben, I wasn't flirting with him-" Ben cuts me off.
"I know, I know, baby," Ben assures me, one of his hands rising from my waist to run his thumb over my cheek. "And, I swear, I wasn't flirting with that girl either," He promises me. "She was in my way of getting back to the table and then she started talking, and despite trying to get past her, the only way I got her to move over was whenever I smiled and thanked her over and over again. You are the only woman for me, for the rest of my life, and the only one I will ever need or want," He promises, staring down into my eyes with the utmost honesty just before he lets out a sigh. "When I walked closer and saw the waiter looking you up and down..." Ben goes on to explain, shaking his head and closing his eyes. "I hate to admit it, but I wanted to beat the living-shit out of that guy."
At his words, I giggle and stand on the tips of my toes to press my lips against Ben's soft ones. Instantly, he kisses me back as his hand on my cheek grows firmer and his arm around me pulls me closer, giving us no space between our bodies - just the way we like it.
After a few seconds of passionate kissing, we pull away, leaving us both breathless as his thumb slides up to brush over my now swollen bottom lip. "How were you able to tell that the woman was staring at me with 'fuck me' eyes from so far away?" He asks, his voice clouded with an almost cocky tone.
"Because I've been looking at you with the same gaze for the past two hours," I explain, watching a smirk make its way onto Ben's lips. Soon enough, I find myself being playfully tossed onto the bed while Ben makes his way down my body, lightly nipping at my thighs as he pushes the bottom of my dress upward, his hands lingering on my bottom as he does so.
"I don't know how I've been able to keep my hands off you this entire night," Ben confesses, "And, I have to admit," he starts, his green eyes peering over the bunched-up fabric of my dress. "even though I love this dress, I feel like ripping it off right now," He mutters, making me laugh. Despite his current animalistic feelings, I know he could never rip one of his favorite dresses of mine - he loves to see me in it too much.
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Sarah's Fic Recs!
These are fics I've found particularly delightful and want to appreciate and share with you guys. Full credits to all authors, you guys are awesome!! Xx
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My Own Masterlist+Request Info
❗-Suggestive but SFW
The Maze Runner
Redamancy by @lilacsnid ❤️❗
"In which way you are always putting other's needs and happiness above your own. It's slowly starting to take its toll on you and Newt notices this."
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Ten Things I Like About You by @theonewiththefanfics ❤️
"There is one rule for Y/N to accept Jason Carver's advances: if he wants to go out with her, the jock has to name ten things he likes about the resident 'Freak' Eddie Munson. Can he do it?"
Morning Newspapers and Fresh Coffee by @marvelsswansong "99%❤️ 1%💢"
"As Hawkins and the Upside Down begin to merge into one, Eddie runs to you and places a ring on your left hand. 'The moment we beat this fucking demon, I'm marrying you.' And he does. Trading weapons for morning newspapers and the scent of blood for fresh coffee for each morning."
Younger by @stranger-nightmare ❤️
"Stressing about the future is no fun, so Eddie takes you on an impulse trip to remind you to live in the moment, to remind you of just how alive the two of you are."
Needy by @steviebears ❤️💢
"Eddie comforts you when you have a panic attack."
Bohemian Rhapsody Cast
Them With Your Newborn by @mistymazzello ❤️
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Flustered by @acosmis-t ❤️
"hi!! Could we pls get remus like making fun of fem! reader by making her flustered?"
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justiceformeplease · 2 years
Ben hardy x reader beach day
Warnings:kinda bad description of getting stung by jellyfish (i never got stung so uh ye)😭 and fluff
Word count: 843
I know it's autumn but there's still a heatwave in my country
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You and Ben were at the beach Because of how hot it was, even though you had an umbrella, it felt as if your skin was melting into the blanket you were lying on. While Ben was gone, probably in the water swimming trying to cool off, you really wanted to go ahead and jump into the water, but because of the heat, you felt too exhausted to even get up.
A few minutes went by and you saw Ben run up to you like he wanted something. "Everything OK?" You asked casually, "oh ye ye, you know everything is fine." It went silent for a second. You were about to speak again but you got picked up by Ben bridal style and you squealed in surprise, "what are you doing baby?" You didn't want to go to the water, you didn't want to swim, and you were trying so hard to get out of his tight grasp on you but it was impossible and as he got closer to the shore you held on to him tighter "Ben nooo pleasee!" you begged him to let you go but he didn't budge and all of a sudden you were falling and landed in the water "BEN!" You shrieked trying to chase him down.
You were wrapped in a towel because of how soaked you were, and you had Ben hugging you from the side, laughing lightly. You grumbled, "It's not funny, I look like a wet rat." You grumbled, "It is kinda funny tho." You were pouting and looked at Ben and he just smiled and booped your nose.
After a little bit of drying off, you dragged Ben along with you as you strolled around the beach, stopping frequently to pick lovely shells that you would then show him with a wide grin "Benny!" Ben was admiring the shell you had gathered when you said, "Look at this one, it's so gorgeous" "So pretty." Ben replied admiring the smile on your face. You and Ben continued to walk the beach hand in hand while you both collected shells and you didn't realize he was talking about you, not the shell and how pretty you were.
As you were picking up shells, you were going to pick up another one when all of a sudden you stepped on something and it made your foot sting. "Ouch!" You yelped as Ben, who was a bit behind you, came rushing to your side asking if you were OK. "What happened?" "Did you get hurt?" You looked down to see what you had stepped on, and it was a jellyfish! Ben followed your eyes and saw what you stepped on, so he asked you to sit down on the dry part of the sand so he could see your foot. It was a reddish-purple colour and it was a bit swollen. You were trying to keep it together in tears as it did hurt quite a lot. "Yep, we'll have to cut the leg off, babe." You shrieked, "I'm kidding." Ben laughed, "but we have to get you home so I can put an ice pack on it."
The car ride home was about 20 minutes, so Ben put on some music "Ben this song is so bad change it please" Ben gasped dramatically and put his hand on his chest like somebody had shot him, you giggled "how dare you y/n y/l/n say that this song is bad it's one of the greatest songs to ever be made in history!" You sighed"fine but after this song I'm putting on my song which will be so much better than this weird grandpa music" "GRANDPA MUSIC!" Ben gasped shockingly again "i have never heard such fool language" he tutted, which made you and him laugh together.
When you got to Ben's house, he helped you walk to the couch because it stung anytime you put pressure on your foot. You layed down on the couch, and Ben went to the kitchen to get a pack of ice. When he came back, He sat himself carefully under your legs so your legs were perched up on his lap and he could slowly put the bag of ice on your foot, and as he did, you winced a bit, but you were overcom with the soothing feeling of the ice on your stung foot. Ben decided to turn on a movie to distract you from the pain a bit, maybe.
two hours later, the movie was finished and the sun was already starting to set. Ben looked over at you, about to ask something when he noticed that you had dozed off to sleep. He decided to not disturb you, so he carefully put the ice bag on the coffee table and lifted you up, bridal style, very slowly as to not wake you up. He got to his bedroom and put you down on his bed. After he put you in bed he also got in bed himself and fell asleep with you cuddling together.
I'm thinking about making a Joe mazzello fic maybe?? Idk how do you guys feel about that 🤨
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