#just imagine everyone singing bohemian rhapsody together
Imagine, if you will, that Steve gets Vecna'd during the weapons building portion of the adventure. They're parked far away from Hawkins to prevent someone stumbling upon them and there are like a total of 4 tapes in the RV, none of which have anyone's favorite songs on them.
Steve, in his mind, hears Robin say she has a bad feeling, and it twists to be that she cruelly says Steve's the reason it's going to end badly. If Steve were a better, smarter, less pathetic person, they'd need him. He should just leave before he fucks this up for them all. Nancy piles on how he's bullshit, has always been bullshit. Dustin asks why he's even still around when they've already replaced him with Eddie. It's a bad time.
Meanwhile, Robin is freaking out because Steve just froze in the middle of making Molotov's. "Steve. Steve! STEVE!" Her shouting draws everyone and someone asks what his favorite song is and Robin's freaking out, but she thinks she knows this. "Bohemian Rhapsody! We sing it all the time together!"
"We don't even have a Queen tape!" Dustin is shouting like they don't know that already.
"Then we sing it!" Lucas suggests. "It's Bohemian Rhapsody. Everyone knows it, right?"
Robin wastes no time. She starts the song, slightly off-key, "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
And slowly, everyone joins in. It doesn't sound great, and they don't really fall into a good rhythm, though Eddie does move to tap out the rhythm of it onto the side of the RV in hopes of keeping them all somewhat in time with the song.
Robin, Eddie, and Erica, surprisingly, are the only three that know all the lyrics in the correct order. The song has some long guitar solos they can't recreate out here, so the just jump into the next lyrics.
Cannot emphasize enough that it does not sound good.
But it works.
The noise of it breaks through, reaches the part of Steve's mind that is separate from where Vecna has Steve trapped. That little portal thing Max described forms, but it's not the music that breaks Steve from his mind. Not really.
Both he and Vecna turn towards the portal because whatever they're hearing is fucking awful but Steve can see, like Max saw, that everyone has gathered around him. They are all singing, off key and as loud as they possibly can, at him. To him.
For him.
He watches as Eddie bangs out a tempo for them to follow on the RV side, as Robin sings into his chest because she's wrapped him in her arms as tightly as possible, Dustin and Erica on either side of Robin (Scoops Troop reunited). Lucas and Max are scream-singing, Max with one ear out of the headphones and a hand clutching Nancy's as even Nancy sings along.
It's the worst singing Steve's ever heard.
It's the best version of Bohemian Rhapsody Steve's ever heard.
The plot twist is this. It's not even his favorite song. It's just a song he likes well enough.
He breaks free of Vecna not because it's his favorite song, but because it's his favorite people singing it, doing their best to save him because they care about him.
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sol-consort · 8 months
Can you imagine tho the aliens reactions when humans all start collectively singing the same song. Like it’s busy in the bar or something, everyone’s doing their own thing, and suddenly Bohemian Rhapsody comes on and every single human in the bar stops what they’re doing to sing along like we’re compelled by some unseen force to do it, maybe some try to pull in their non human friends and get them to join in
You know for a fact Joker and Shepard definitely sang to some stupid y2k songs while sitting on the helm together and roped EDI into joining them.
Especially the meme songs, what's better than a whole ship captain and their pilot singing along to "I LOVE IT!" By Icona pop and Joker really bringing out the vocal cords in the "I CRASHED MY CAR INTO THE BRIDGE. I WATCHED AND LET IT BURN" while in the lower engineering decks, they're not sure why Liara keeps pinging them all panicking and saying "check on joker pls" and "is element zero inflammable?" and "coordinates for the nearest bridge?"
Humans L O V E joint community behaviour. We would do so many things for the bit, walk slower if we hear a song we like in a nearby shop, sing along if it's in a bar or a concert, drum our fingers to the beat if we're in a car with a strangers, have a rhythm to our footsteps when listening to music through headphones.
There are so many different songs, so many different instruments! A vast ocean of potential with more than a 100k songs being uploaded per day based on Spotify.
Hell have you seen these videos of military marches where the soldiers have to sing along to something like "I'm a barbie girl" or "call me maybe" and not laugh as a way to build discipline?
I bet you alliance marines still use the same technique with humans, so all the alliance ships and personals have so many songs memorised back from their training days.
Captian Anderson taking the crew to after a successful mission to unwind and the bar just happened to play a tone familiar to the human ear? Of course the literal whole drunk crew of the Normandy will sing like their it's their last day alive. Some yelling, some quietly, some so offbeat but confident and others nailing the beat perfectly but don't wanna look like show offs.
Humans are so adorable omfg, they love doing things in groups and they'd join stranger humans in singing along to a song they like. Humans love playing even as adults and singing is just a form of play. So is poker, billiard and so many things.
Garrus would definitely be roped into it, give him a hard hitting song about being a winner and he's so on board with the rowdy humans tugging him along to join and commenting on how they've never heard a turian sing before.
Tali would be so shy about it but maybe if it's a nerdy song about something she loves? Some human must have wanted to fuck spaceships and wrote something about it.
Oh and parades and ceremonies too! World cup opening and closing songs! The fan cheers in matches and concerts! Humans invented being cheerleaders and each human has one inside them ready to come out the second their alien friend is hesitant about something and needs a bit of enabling from good old chaotic humans.
Dude, just imagine karaoke night with all human songs. In ME1 boring rover planet exploration, Shepard and Ashley definitely sing along to a playlist they had Kaidan install into the car and he snuck some of his favourite songs in their to join them with.
With time and cycling team members, at first, the aliens are weirded out, wtf is this some kind of cult.
But then they're like.
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And it just becomes a tradition to sing along while on long car rides on planets. Sometimes, you catch Wrex humming the lyrics while on long elevator rides. Other times, Liara will have the song playing in the background while she works.
It's just so fun to introduce the aliens to how colorful life can be when you sing along, dance without knowing all the steps and being a silly little race.
On a less pop and enthusiast drunks note.
There are also the emotional songs, ones from sad movies or plays. The known songs people play in wedding slow dances or after a break up. A bunch of humans would sing it slowly, lovingly, emotions showing through the sheer importance this song ment for them.
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mizufae · 2 years
Orchid and cactus for the ask meme, please!
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about myself!!
A song I consider perfect? My taste in music is kind of ridiculously varied. But honestly?? Bohemian Rhapsody might be perfect. I know it’s like everyone’s favorite song or whatever, and I should pick like, some Mahler symphony or some Björk mouth sounds, but okay what are my criteria for perfection when it comes to songs?
One, it should be able to express a spectrum of emotions and generate empathy within the listener. Two, it should have a melody you can recall well enough that at least parts of it get stuck in your head. Three, musicians who cover it should be able to add their own twists and style innovations but it remains recognizable. Four, it should make people stop and want to listen to it all the way through.
The audience can vary of course so “people” and “musicians” and “listener” and “you” might be a million people or it might just be fifty people in a niche theme bar or it might be just you and your shipmates. But Bohemian Rhapsody can get a stadium of gross teens singing in complex harmony. You can play it on a carousel organ or mumble it under your breath while doing chores and people can still ID it. The emotional journey of the song transposes from an incredible queer anthem to literally any challenge or coming of age you want. The vocals are so incredible that Freddie Mercury’s voice like, spiritually imprints his energy on everyone who gives it their all. It broke through genres and cultures and arbitrary industry standards and makes no sense on paper but it’s transcendent. Please enjoy it on a 100 year old fairground organ.
What am I currently learning about? Right now nothing super in particular. I’m honestly kind of in hibernation mode cuz we’ve entered the season in Seattle where I feel like there’s two hours of sun a day and it rains constantly. Personally and fandom wise I’m still on a Stranger Things fic binge and I’ve learned that I’m grateful to be an old because if I were younger I would have the biggest fucking celebrity crush imaginable on Finn Wolfhard, because he so perfectly encapsulates my younger self’s type that it’s insane. As it is I merely have cuteness aggression about him and want to feed him pie and encourage his dreams, thank god. So, like, self-knowledge is good.
Hrmmmm. Oh, also, I’ve been discussing/teaching color theory to my friend who is an indie game designer (play project O.R.B.! It’s free! Explore a mysterious ocean and find rainbow crystals!) and because of that I’ve been refreshing and updating a lot of the things I learned about fifteenish years ago when I was getting my BFA. Do you know about the CIELAB Color Space??? Color science is wild, man, cuz it’s like our meat brains trying to quantify our collection interpretation of sensory information but also fused with cultural preferences and personal histories and technological limitations. My friend is a programmer by trade so I keep bringing up art history references he has no clue about and he’s like “wow, I didn’t know art looked like this ever” and I’m like “surprise, artists can also be autistic!” And he’s like “give me homework” and I’m like “I don’t know how to handle this kind of power” so that’s been fun! We’ve been having kind of a break for a month though cuz he is the at-home dad for two young kids and holiday season is upon us. I hope we can get back together for some more color theory time before next year.
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
This week’s inspiration is going back to its roots - hitting SHUFFLE on the giant music collection and seeing what comes of it. So with nothing more to explain, here we go!
Your song is “Bohemian Rhapsody”, originally performed by the legendary group ‘Queen’... except it’s played by a 100+ year old organ, like what you’d expect in the center of a classic carrossel. Before you think it would sound bad, SHAME ON YOU! Imagine everyone on the ride suddenly singing full throat, finishing the song just as the ride finishes. This week, find out where your country fair is and go ride the rides. Just don’t eat the Fried Coke Syrup. (Yes, that’s a ‘Thing’.) 
We have a classic live performance for you this week; Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble performing “Pride and Joy”. Yes, it’s The Blues. Yes, it’s as predictable as every other blues song, but damn if it doesn’t get your toes tappin’ and your booty slappin’! This week replace your office chair with an inflatable office chair ball. You’ll thank us later.
Oh, NIFTY! Instead of a normal song, you get a piece of symphonic orchestral music: “New and Improved” from the 2004 movie “The Incredibles”. It starts just as the Omnidroid attacks Mister Incredible in the meeting room and continues through Syndrome’s monologue. This week re-watch that movie and realize… the helicopter crash that Frozone sees outside his apartment is the same one from the end credits scene of “Avengers: Infinity War”. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
We bring you to 1982 and the late-great Eddie Money’s “Think I’m In Love”. He was a cop in New York City, but quit because he wasn’t allowed to grow his hair long, and he got kicked out of the band he was in because they didn’t want a cop in the group. So this week just check out how screwed you can be from all sides and do the only logical action: quit everything and move to California.  
Talk about a Left Turn at Albuquerque! Your song is Rihanna’s “SOS Rescue Me”. It’s got the unmistakable electro-synth “BOO-BOO!” from Soft Cell’s “Tainted Love” in the rhythm track. It’s not a cover song by any stretch, but it does rely heavily on that hook and the lyrics. This week look around and realize how much you’ve been influenced by people all around you, and be grateful for it.
Not only are we going to give you a song to remember, we’re gunna prove that you know how to dance, even just a little. Your song is NSync’s 2000’s hit “Bye Bye Bye”. Pick up your hand, hold it in the Kermit The Frog position, and open and close his mouth three times as you say “Bye Bye Bye.” See? You’ll be winning talent contests in no time. This week, find an elementary school holding open tryouts for a talent show, but don’t be disappointed if they turn you away.
Let’s haul out the 8-Track player and pop in Booker T. & the M.G.’s 1969 hit single “Time Is Tight” - and before you say you don’t know it, you HUSH! You TOTALLY know this song! Back in 1980 it was the opening vamp at the Palace Hotel Ballroom just before The Blues Brothers performed on stage! This week… fix the cigarette lighter.  
Sorry, but you’re not getting a specific song. Instead we’re giving you an entire band and for good reason. So, Riddle Me This, Scorpio! What do you get when your married band members get divorced, but stay together for the sake of the band - and attack each other with some of the greatest hits in music for over a decade? You get Fleetwood Mac! This week keep your animosity with your photo editing software to a low simmer.
(GROAN!) We’re going back to 1982– AND NOT BY CHOICE! This damned song has been a perennial thorn in our sides since it was first released… because no matter how many weddings we all go to we can’t escape the damned thing! That damned OOM-PAH song.. “The Bird Dance” by The Emeralds! Yes, you know what song that is - stop saying you like it. It is objectively HORRID! The same way that Liverwurst is only eaten by children because they don’t yet realize how truly horrid it is. This week buy a copy of that album… and leave it in your car, in the sun, so it melts into a puddle.
We want to know… what was the musical group named Scooter, smoking in 2001? ‘Cause they did some weird-assed, mad-whacked remix of “The Logical Song” by Supertramp and called it “Ramp!” The problem is they make the singer sound like Alvin from The Chipmunks, and not in a way that makes it an enjoyable listen. This week buy some classic 1975 paper car speakers and run unrectified 110v 60Hz Mains Power into them, just to punish the world for having that song existing.
We already touched on this band appearing in this list. So for you we’re bringing on Supertramp’s song From Now On recorded live in concert. The song isn’t super-memorable, but it’s a 7 Minute long track. As for as live song performances are concerned, that’s not bad at all. It’s not like it’s a quarter-hour jam session by King Crimson, just because they can. This week remember - you’re not NEARLY as long-winded as you think you are. That’s a good thing!
Oh, Pisces, this one’s gunna hurt. The randomizer brought us to a fixed point in space-time that’s been seared into the collective hearts and psychies of every youngster of the Mid-80’s. For you we are presenting “Dare” by Stan Bush.. straight off the original, AND ONLY CANON TRANSFORMERS’ MOVIE! Yes, Leonard Nimoy was in it. And Orson Wells, we know, we know. So was Weird Al, but… and we say this with all the hate and bile we’ve collected for 40 years… SCREW YOU, RHODIMUS PRIME! This week, Pisces… It's the Information Age. Find the Studio Executives in the U.S. who authorized the death of Optimus Prime… and strike FEAR in their hearts!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Only very few changes compared to the European concerts in 2005, in fact the setlist has become very predictable, a bit shorter and above all a bit boring! I think nobody missed A Kind Of Magic or I Want To Break Free. But dropping the excellent I Want It All was a sin! Also we can only guess why Brian stopped playing '39 on this tour. Some people think it was due to his injured back, some say it was because of the poor audience participation.
The Eminem intro wasn't played at the first two gigs but then returned back. Two "new" songs were performed - Take Love (written recently by Paul for the Q+PR project) and Dragon Attack which sounded great.
Brian had bad luck - once he slipped and fell down during Tie Your Mother Down and once he fell into the pit where the piano was coming up with Paul for Bad Company.
Queen + Paul Rodgers live at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL, USA - March 3, 2006
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Photos supplied by: Doniphan
Fan Stories
“So, I was there, with my Dad, some days before the show, asking for my ticket in one of the American Airlines Arena box offices, taking photos of the builiding and imagining how would be the show. Then, the day of truth, we were having a good time in Miami Beach, then we managed (because it was Friday noon) to go home for lunch and a change of clothes, we returned to the AA arena at 6, my dad left me in one gate, because he couldn't get a ticket for himself (all the tickets were sold within a fortnight or so), and suddenly I was alone with tons of Queen fans, a huge number of people for me, (maybe is that I'd never seen more that 200 people gathered together to see anything related to Queen before)and I sat in one step of a staircase, after that a lady came and we began to talk about Queen, she told that she saw them three times, onxe in Beacon Theatre (didn't remeber the date), the other in Miami 78, and the other in Washington 82. We entered to the arena and bought some souvenirs; then each of us went to their seats. I still can remeber, that the first song that came through th P.A. was Hell's Bells from AC/DC, it was so loud that the people there tought it was the beggining of the concert, evryone stood up and began to cheer up and clapping. It was just a song to light up everyone there. After 3 or 4 more songs, the concert started. It amazed me the way how they play, just a little mistake in FBG (I was confused because I believe that this time they were about to play White Man). The way how the images in the big screens appeared, to show us all the Queen/Paul carreer over the years, was so shocking and unforgettable; the same for the Freddie singing that night. When I heard Dragon Attack, I thought that they were going to play a different setlist, but I think it was OK, as the U.S. didn't see them for a while. Evryone sang Love of My Life, FBG, Bohemian Rhapsody, the "ready Freddie" part in CLTCL, We Will Rock You, the claps in GAGA, WATC, it was all as I expected. I wanted to take pictures of them, near the catwalk, in the finale, but a big fat lady of security didn't allow me. I also wanted to take pictures of Trip Khalaf, but 3 security guys told me to go outside, in the end I took a lot of pictures but without any posing. It was a pity, and somehow moths later I looked some pics in the internet from some Peruvians, including a famous humorous actor of ours, taking pictures with Danny, Jamie and Spike. Overall, I would be one of the best experiences in my life, if not the best, although it would hard to choose from many family trips, and some other solo/friends trips.” - Marcio De La Cruz G�mez
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
I'm just imagining Team Bucciarati having a Karaoke Night 🎤📺🎶
Oooof that sounds like so much fun 😃🤩🎤🎵🎶,
I feel like Giogio would sing a rock song, perhaps something by Journey or The Rolling Stones, artists from Jeff Beck's era and a little after because he canonically likes rock music, (not me feeding my own fantasy here). I think he'd need some convincing but would have fun once he warmed up to the idea.
Bruno has such a smooth voice, perfect for his beloved jazz music, perhaps he'd sing a song by Frank Sinatra or Nat King Cole.
Abba would surprise everyone with his amazing singing voice. Would only go up because Giogio challenged him.
Mista and Nara would rap some Tupac together, you don't really have to force either of them and they would be down to sing whatever with everyone else too. It would be hilarious and fitting if they did gangsters paradise together.
I see Fugo needing quite a bit of encouragement and would probably sing sifter rock ballads with Nara roasting him in the background.
Trish would be a natural, a diva and its clichéd but I think she'd sing whatever is trendy and wouldn't skip a beat. Bonus points if Nara, Mista and Fugo are her backup dancers.
Would anyone sing Freek'n You? Probably Mista lol.
Bonus: they all sing Bohemian Rhapsody at the end, seriously, Bruno and those lyrics hit the feels so hard
Awwwwww lol sorry I went on forever. I hope you have the best day my sweet💝💫💖🌟💗⭐💞💟💛😅🤩🤲🥺
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jxmieswxnter · 3 years
hiiii :) any hcs for the midsomer sergeants doing karaoke bc i had this really chaotic idea of them singing a 1d song bc each of them could get a part lol
omg sergeant karaoke now that is a thought 👀
I imagine they can all sing - Ben and Jamie being the best of the two I imagine also - and ultimately it's all about just having fun
Of course though, Ben being the extra, loud, wonderful singer amps it up. And Charlie we know is quite competitive so he'd probably amp it up too. Things just slowly getting more and more out of hand - as the night went on, so did the continued drinking. Just imagining everyone getting sloshed and belting out some bangers
Unfortunately, my knowledge of 1D is limited, but them all singing 'what makes you beautiful' together, drunk, in one of those small karaoke booths is hilarious
Other songs they may sing:
bohemian rhapsody - them all trying to sing those opera parts is too funny (Dan and Ben singing the lower parts, and Charlie and Gavin higher, and then Jamie doing high but in falsetto)
honestly they could do some take that if you're looking for a five singer piece
abba, but especially gimme gimme gimme and sos (and sos is done like in the musical as a duet, but I'll leave it up to you to imagine who)
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Remus turns on the radio to listen to music for the first time in so long. He had been listening to news only for the past few months, and making himself even more sadder than he is. "James and Lily would want me to be happy." he thinks, "Their son is safe with his aunt, we won the war, and I should carry on. I should learn to be happy again." So he turns on the radio, listens a few songs while cleaning around the house.
He finds a frame that fell down, he picks it up. It's a picture of all five of them together. Lily is slowly waving her hand. James is ruffling his hair and doing bunny ears to Peter, Peter is hitting James as a joke while laughing. Remus has Sirius' leather jacket on, he is smiling while Sirius is putting a kiss on his cheek. They all are happy and alive.
At the same time, Bohemian Rhapsody comes on.
"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
"It's a weird coincidence," he thinks, "the first concert I have attended was Queen's, Lily took me to it in summer, now I found a picture of her and it started playing."
That summer was the best summer Remus had, he just spent most of the days with Lily, they rollerskated and had slumber parties with only two people so often. Lily bought a lot of records and they listened to music so loud, her sister hated them. They stood up all night talking about nothing and everything, they laughed together and cried together. Lily was there for him whenever he needed, he tried to be there for her too. They were all memories now, she was gone, they'd never live the life they imagined, she wasn't going to come back. All of them stayed in the past.
He wipes his tear as the verse reminds him of the time she said she felt like she was in a fantasy book when she discovered her magical abilities.
"Mama, just killed a man"
The verse begins and it reminds Remus of Sirius. How he used to sing the song, how Remus didn't suspect anything, how he killed thirteen people in just one night, and how one of them was his friend.
"Poor Peter, I hope you're doing good in the heaven." he thinks, he doesn't know he's pitying the wrong person, he will not find it out soon. The names of Peter and Sirius hurts him.
"If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters"
He tugs his hair and looks up to stop the tears, he opened the radio to feel good, now he only wants to cry, this song is full of memories. Two memories of James floods to his mind.
In one of them, James is singing the song dramatically, his fingers moving in the air like he's playing the piano. He's giving Lily the look he always does around Lily, Lily rolls her eyes...
In the other memory, they are in James' garden, they are trying to be like a family just like how they were before getting this involved in the war, but it's obvious they're not who they used to be, they're not as close as they used to be. The spaces between them kept getting deeper and deeper until one of them betrayed them and made James do a farewell speech. James makes everyone promise they'll carry on if anything happens to him, and everyone cries. They are scared that something will happen to one of them, but they all know they might face bad things one day, they hate how they need to talk about this. Sirius cries the most, the rest of the group stays silent mostly.
Someone who saw them like this wouldn't believe Sirius would betray them, Remus doesn't want to believe either. He wants this all to be nightmares, but they all are real. All of his nightmares are better than his reality.
"I don't wanna die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all"
He sings along with the song, he completely feels it. He has never wished to die, he grew up in the middle of a war and dying felt scary, so scary, but some nights, he just lies on his bed, stares at the ceiling and wishes he had never been born at all. He feels like it'd change a lot of things, he feels like the world would be a better place without him.
The guitar solo begins, another memory floods to his mind. A memory of James and Sirius together, standing back to back, playing an imaginary guitar in the air like they're actually playing the guitar solo. They often called themselves rockstars. They had lots of fun together, they were brothers.
"How could he betray James and Lily like this? How could he kill Peter? How could he laugh like that? Did he enjoy what he has done? Would he like it if I was dead too?"
He doesn't realize how much time passes. He just stands with a picture frame in his hand, caught in his thoughts, regrets, memories...
"So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"
The frame falls down, he doesn't even bother to pick it up or look at it. The glass on the picture is broken, the fracture seperates Sirius and the rest of the group away.
He remembers how Sirius loved this solo, how he sang this on the top of his lungs... Now this solo was Remus' reality. Sirius has loved Remus and all of their friends, at least he made Remus believe that he did, and killed them, without regrets, left Remus to die, all alone, with no friends, stuck in the lost memories...
He tugs his hair again, trying to take the memory of Sirius out of his mind, trying to get rid of the stupid heart rush Sirius' imaginary face gives him. He imagines what would the real Sirius be able to do to him because he is desperately in love with someone he should hate. He hates loving Sirius, he hates he can't hate him when he's a murderer. He hates all of his memories, because every single one has Sirius in it.
"Nothing really matters to me."
At that moment, nothing really matters to him. Everything seems pointless, he feels like there's no meaning of his life. It hurts to think about his friends, it hurts to try to be happy again, it even hurts to breathe. He doesn't realize the tears are falling down from his eyes, he doesn't recognize the new song started playing. Nothing matters. Nothing at all.
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arisushanti · 4 years
neil’s musical education (queen edition)
so it was known among the foxes that neil has very little knowledge on pop culture, and generally just things about life that don’t have to do with bare minimum survival
but because of all the shit that happened with the mafia, most of them sort of forgot about it (or at least put it on the back burner)
that was, until bohemian rhapsody comes on the radio while they were having dinner at abby’s
barely a second into the song and half the team is already jumping at the radio to turn it up
the upperclassmen are belting the words
nicky has grabbed a cucumber (wymack: god dammit hemmick) and is now singing into it
kevin is silently singing to himself, but is goaded bullied by the rest to be louder
aaron is humming along and tapping his foot, not as reluctantly as one would think he would be
even andrew is seen moving his lips just the tiniest bit to mouth the words
everyone is having a good time and rocking out
so the final piano chords ring throughout the room, the foxes have their own little dramatic flourish they do, and they’re laughing
and then there’s neil, standing to the side looking at them all curiously, and in the most innocent voice asks, “that was really cool, what’s that song called?”
the foxes, collectively: oh no...
andrew: it’s bohemian rhapsody by queen
and to make it EVEN WORSE neil goes
neil: oh cool. i’ve never heard of queen.
the foxes, collectively and with feeling: OH NO
an immediate intervention is staged
matt: neil, buddy, you haven’t even heard them on the radio? you mentioned you would listen to the radio on the run.
neil: yeah, but it was always tuned in to a police station frequency so we would know if they were on to us
cue the sound of everyone’s hearts breaking
it is now their mission to introduce neil to queen, one of the most iconic rock bands of all time
they connect allison’s phone to the aux on the radio and just go through the most famous songs by them
first is killer queen
neil: it’s funny because the bands name is queen, and they’re also singing the word queen!
matt: :,) that’s right, neil, that’s right.
neil also keeps poking kevin everytime it says queen and the latter is trying not to get pissed off because it’s actually kind of cute how excited hes getting about it
neil rates it 8 queens out of 10
next, another one bites the dust
this one has him REALLY bopping his head and tapping his foot
neil: it’s groovy, i like it
no one every imagined the word groovy coming out of neil abram jostens mouth, but it was exactly what they would have hoped for
neil gives it 9 dust bites out of 10
next under pressure
now this was the most ridiculous part, because neil listens to the beginning and just fucking goes “hey isn’t this from ice ice baby?”
and everyone’s just like “holy FUCK neil how do you know vanilla ice but not queen???”
overall 7 vanilla ices out of 10
next don’t stop me now
he likes this one A lot
neil: it reminds me of how it feels to play exy and outrun everybody :)
they MELT
(but he also likes it because he spots andrew tapping his foot in the back to it, and that makes him really happy)
a supersonic 10 out of 10
it’s we will rock you time and he actually knows this one!
he says as much, and when he does there is just the proudest look on his face
aaron: that’s not that impressive-
everyone: shut UP
10 *stomp stomp claps* out of 10
and last but not least... we are the champions
the whole time he listens to it, neil is very silent and the foxes sort of worry a bit, cause uhhh you okay? you were very vocal about your thoughts before
the song ends and neil just turns to them and says “this is our song. this is the foxes song.”
and you fucking know what? he is absolutely right.
(none of them realize it then, but from that moment on a tradition is cemented to play we are the champions every single time they win a game)
but for now? they play it again, but this time they sing it loud and proud.
they stand on tables and chairs, lean on each other, and jump around and belt it to the skies
because they are the motherfucking champions and they kept fighting until the end
andreil bonus:
a crazy little thing called love comes on while they’re eating
neil and andrew are sitting next to each other, and neil keeps glancing at him throughout the whole song
andrew says nothing, but towards the end, he brushes his hand against neils from under the table
“yes or no?”
neil smiles, and reaches down to lace their fingers together, giving andrews hand the tiniest squeeze
andrew later downloads the song and plays it in the car whenever him and neil go on drives
he never gets tired of the way neil sings it to him
and neil never gets tired of the way andrew looks at him when he does
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courtesanofdeath · 3 years
I am still waiting for the day that we get a few panels of all of the magic knight captains and their squads going out to a Black Clover equivalent of a Karaoke Bar and we get to see the captains get up on stage together all singing blank.
Finish this by filling in the following:
(AND THE CATCH?… classic karaoke songs 60s - 00s or Disney soundtracks are your only options)
(If you can, provide gifs or headcanons of at least some of the characters in each scenario to prove why this would work or be utterly hilarious)
What song would Julius and all the captains sing together on stage?
What song would the The Golden Dawn all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Black Bulls all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Silver Eagles all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Blue Rose Knights all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Crimson Lion Kings all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Green Praying Mantises all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Coral Peacocks all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Purple Orcas all sing together on stage?
What song would the The Aqua Deer all sing together on stage?
After answering this, please copy and pass along to your favorite BC blogs and let’s see what we come up with (if you choose to add other side characters and what they would sing, that’s fine as well btw) and please sound off in the comments if you wish to play along
anon you really got my brain working here and i got a little carried away lmao so sorry it's pretty long. it's full of headcanons! thanks for this, it was very fun!
1. Captains
ok so everyone would have different song choices
julius wanted to do what's this from the nightmare before christmas
rill wants to do we're all in this together from hsm
dorothy suggested supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and everyone was like ??????
nozel just wanted to get tf outta there but is being forced to join
so at the end marx told them to sing don't stop believing by journey bc it's a safe and fun choice for squad captains
in the middle of the performance he be like "julius you're doing amazing sweetie" just because the wizard babie boy actually stayed still for three mins
2. Golden Dawn
stayin alive
david suggested walking on sunshine and immediately gets bonked by langris
patri: let's do a circle of life because reincarnation arc -
william: patri nO
they decided to do bohemian rhapsody by queen because it's the ultimate karaoke song and they are the ~ ultimate brigade ~
3. Black Bull
100% gonna do a rock/punk song
killing in the name by rage against the machine
the lyrics + overall sound is perfect for them
it'll be magna's idea. with nacht going 'you're all gonna sound like shit but i guESS' but he's secretly happy bc he most defintely sang that song in his bedroom when he was 15
featuring a very drunk yami and vanessa
canonically, noelle, magna and asta are 3/5 of the worst singers in the series so it's gonna be really funny
luck: open up the fucking pit !!!!
*cricket noises*
4. Silver Eagle
this one's hard bc nozel doing karaoke is wild to imagine. to convince him to go you'd have to either blackmail him or be noelle
nebra jokingly suggested under the sea from the little mermaid and everyone just agreed
so like they do it very reluctantly with only nebra and solid knowing all the words
nozel is dying on the inside while singing
5. Blue Rose
just a girl by no doubt
song choice by sol, who I headcanon as a pop punk kinda lady
charlotte had to take some shots (like one and half so she's still conscious) before partaking
6. Crimson Lion King
i'll make a man out of you from mulan, mereo's song choice (she sings it every time they go training)
even though fuego and leo wanted to do hakuna matata
7. Green Praying Mantis
hungry like the wolf by duran duran
it's very jack-like, i think
sekke would probably wanna do something like take on me by a-ha but jack'll threaten him to go with his song choice
8. Coral Peacock
originally dorothy wanted to do sweet dreams (are made of this) by eurythmics but she ended up falling asleep before karaoke night so
kirsch decided to make everyone do mamma mia by abba
he just seems like the type to like abba lmao
9. Purple Orca
they're pretty chill so something like africa by toto
10 . Aqua Deer
friday im in love by the cure (if that counts as a classic karaoke song)
chosen by rill, dedicated to that one mysterious dark haired woman ✨
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petersasteria · 4 years
Oof - Harry Holland (10)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I don’t know how photo shoots work so yeah. I’m sorry, I guess.
Pairing: Harry Holland x Model!Reader
Based on my Harry Holland one shot of the same title.
Harry Holland Masterlist || Ultimate Masterlist || Oof Materlist
DISCLAIMER:  *This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.*
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: He liked her for a long time, but she didn’t know he existed.
Tumblr media
Harry's eyes widen when he sees the text. In fact, he's never clicked on a text so fast before. He was too busy freaking out to form some kind of reply. Harry stares at his phone as his heart beats faster than normal. Harry shouts for Tom and Harrison.
"TOM!! HAZ!! COME DOWN HERE!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!" Harry shouts. The two men quickly run down the stairs and to the living room where Harry is currently hopping around and doing random things with his phone on his hands. He's not staying still, that's for sure.
"Are you being possessed or something?!" Tom shrieks in panic. Harry never reacted like that before and Tom, being the older brother, is freaking out because their mom will totally kill him.
"You div!" Harrison slaps Tom's arms. "If he were possessed, he would've talked to us with a demonic voice! He's not possessed! Calm the fuck down, Thomas." He says as he looks at Harry, "And that goes for you too!"
Harry calms down and so does Tom. Harry sits down on the middle of the couch and leans back. Tom and Harrison stare at him, waiting for him to say something.
"...So what do you need help with?" Tom asks, sitting next to Harry while Harrison sits in front of the brothers on the coffee table.
"Y/N." Harry breathes.
"What about her?" Harrison asks.
"S-She texted- She texted me!" Harry stammers. He hands his phone to Harrison and Tom sits beside Harrison for him to see the text.
Unknown Hey! It's Y/N. Is this Harry Holland?
"You left her on read?!" Tom says loudly.
"That's what I need help with! I don't know what to say!" Harry whines.
"Um, how about start with confirming that it's you, you twat!" Harrison shakes his head as he types out a reply. He hits send and gives the phone back to Harry. "You're welcome, by the way." He adds.
Just as they're about to stand up from the coffee table, they hear Harry's phone 'ping', notifying them that Harry received a new message.
"It's from Y/N. She's a fast replier." Harry says.
Tom and Harrison quickly sit on either side of Harry. Together, they all look at Y/N reply.
Y/N That's a relief! I thought Harrison gave me a wrong number. Anyway, Harrison showed me your photography account earlier and I'd like to personally message you and tell you that I admire your work! That being said, I'd like to work with you.
"Oh my god. What the fuck will I say?!" Harry freaks out.
"Isn't this what you've been wanting and dreaming for YEARS?? Go for it!" Tom says excitedly as he lightly shakes Harry by the shoulders.
"If it makes you feel better, at the restaurant we were in, she asked me if there was any way that you could take her pictures. I gave your number instead because you haven't texted her since you bumped into a pole. She's been expecting a text from you, you know?" Harrison explains.
"She's been expecting a text from ME??" Harry asks, his face turning red like a tomato.
"Yeah. She wanted to know if you were okay after that incident but you didn't text her or anything. Now's your chance, mate! Go for it!" Harrison says.
"Okay!" Harry smiles.
Y/N That's a relief! I thought Harrison gave me a wrong number. Anyway, Harrison showed me your photography account earlier and I'd like to personally message you and tell you that I admire your work! That being said, I'd like to work with you.
Harry I'm very flattered that you liked my work! And yes, I'd be very interested in working with you too!
Harry hits the send button, feeling proud that he sent a decent reply. Tom and Harrison pat his back as if saying that they, too, are proud of him.
"Let us know how it goes, alright?" Harrison says as he stands up to leave. Tom gets up and leaves too. Harry gets another text.
Y/N Awesome! Are you free tomorrow?
Harry Yes, I am!
Y/N Great! We'll start tomorrow. You can bring some friends. It'll just be me at home tomorrow and I don't really invite my friends at home bc reasons lmao.
Harry's about to reply when Y/N sends another message.
Y/N Bring Harrison! I'm quite fond of him. He's really fun :)
Harry Of course! I'll let him know.
Y/N Send me ur address and I'll let my driver fetch you. That way you wouldn't have to use your car or whatever lol. Be ready by 10am. Y'all can have lunch here.
Harry grins and sends his address but not forgetting to add: "good night! I'm looking forward to tomorrow x"
Harry gets up from the couch, turns off the lights in the living room and walks up the stairs to Harrison's room. He knocks and pokes his head in Harrison's room.
"We're going to Y/N's tomorrow. Be ready by 10am." Harry says.
"Sure! I'll be dressed by then." Harrison chuckles.
"Aight. Cool. Thanks again, Haz. I owe you one!" Harry chuckles before leaving to knock on Tom's door.
"It's open!" Tom's faint voice says. Harry opens the door slightly, enough for half of him to enter his brother's room.
"We're going to Y/N's tomorrow! Be ready by 10am. Her driver will pick us up. I'll text Sam about it later." Harry says excitedly.
"Okay then." Tom laughs. "You're lucky it's my day off."
"Yeah, whatever. Don't forget!" Harry says.
"I won't. Now, get out of my room." Tom says and throws a pillow at him.
Harry quickly leaves before he gets hit. He goes straight to his room and texts Sam about it.
Harry Yo Y/N's inviting me to her place and she said I could bring someone.
Sam You thought of me? I'm so flattered SKSKHJSHFH
Harry Don't feel special. I invited Haz and Tom too LMAO
Sam That's hurtful, Harry Robert. Very hurtful. But lmao yeah sure I'd love to come lol
Harry gr8!
Sam Did you just type like you're from the early 2000s??
Harry Deal with it, bitch. Be here before 10am xoxo, gossip girl
Sam GOSSIP GIRL I- sure lmao see u then, dickwad
Harry good night, asshole love u
Sam love myself too x
Harry fuck u bro :(
Sam i'm obvs kidding lol love u too x
Harry shakes his head with a smile on his face and charges his phone before going to sleep.
Everyone in the house wakes up early. Sam arrives at 7am which baffles everyone because it's too early. "I figured I'd get ready here instead." Sam yawns as he goes up the stairs to put his duffel bag in the spare bedroom.
"I think he's sleeping over." Tom says.
Harry shrugs and shouts, "Sam, are you sleeping over?"
"Yeah!" Sam shouts back from the room. "I'll take a shower now so that I won't be the last one to get ready!"
"Okay!" All three boys shout before eating breakfast. After a few hours, it's almost 10am and everyone's already ready.
"Y/N texted me!" Harry says.
"What she say?" Harrison asks, not looking up from his phone.
Harry reads Y/N's text, "Jeeves will arrive there shortly. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you last night. I was really tired but if you could bring your swimsuits or whatever, that'll be great!"
Harry looks at them and says, "Well, you heard what I said. Let's get our swimming trunks!"
"Thank god I brought mine!" Sam lets out a sigh of relief as he checks his drawstring bag.
"You knew we'd swim?" Tom asks with furrowed eyebrows. Sam shrugs, "You expect me to not expect that we'd swim? C'mon, guys. She basically lives in a mansion. Of fucking course there's a pool!"
"I mean... true, though." Harrison nods before going to his room to get his trunks. The rest of the boys did the same except for Sam. The doorbell rings and Sam opens the door.
"Good morning! My name is Jeeves. I'm Ms. Y/N's chauffeur. Are you Mr. Harry Holland?" Jeeves asks in a posh accent.
"Oh, hello! I'm not him. He's my twin." Sam says. "Would you like to come in?"
"No, thank you. Will you be coming with Mr. Harry?"
"Yes! There will be three of us who will join Harry." Sam says.
"Okay. I shall wait out here." Jeeves says with a smile.
"Alright." Sam says before turning around to shout, "Guys! Jeeves is here!"
Three boys come running down the stairs and they quickly grab their bags in the living room before going out. Sam is already outside with Jeeves. When all of them are outside, Jeeves leads them to the car which is a limousine. Jeeves opens the door for them and allows them to get in before going to the driver's side, getting in, and driving.
"Please help yourself with some refreshments. Ms. Y/N personally put it there herself. She wants her friends to have a wonderful time on the way to her house." Jeeves says as he presses a button to make the inside of the limousine light up and to make the cooler open by itself.
"There's a remote just below the door handle. You may use that to play some songs, change songs, watch on the mini tv, or do some karaoke." Jeeves adds before pulling up the small divider so that he wouldn't bother them.
Tom fills up the glasses and passes them around. Harrison takes the remote because it's right next to him, "Guys, anyone up for a little karaoke session?"
"Only if we'll sing the most iconic song" Harry says as he sips his drink.
"Are we all thinking of the same song?" Sam asks as all of them look at each other.
"Okay we'll all say the song that we have in mind on the count of three." Tom suggests. "1... 2... 3!"
"BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY!!" All four them say.
"Huh, we do share one brain cell." Tom chuckles. "Play the song, Haz!"
Harrison sets up the song and hands them all the microphones. "We'll go alphabetically. Me first. Then Harry. Then Sam and then Tom goes last." Harrison says as everyone nods.
"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" Harrison starts.
"Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality." Harry sings passionately.
"Open your eyes. Look up to the skies and seeeeeeeee!" Sam continues.
"I'm just a poor boy! I need no sympathy because I'm-" Tom sings and encourages everyone to sing the next line.
"Easy come, easy go. Little high, little low." They all sing in sync.
"Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to meeeeee." Harrison sings dramatically.
"To me." Harry continues.
Sam makes the piano sounds by himself as everyone laughs. They all enjoy the song until it comes to the operatic section.
(a/n: I'll write it like a script bc it's easier I'm so sorry sksks)
Harrison: I see a little silhouetto of a man
Everyone: Scaramouche, scaramouche! Will you do the Fandango?
Harry: Thunderbolt and lightning-
Sam: Very, very frightening me!
Tom, closes eyes for dramatic effect: Galileo!
Harrison: Galileo!
Harry: Galileo!
Sam: Galileo!
Tom: Galileo figaro-
Harrison and Harry: MAGNIFICOOOO
Sam: But I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Tom, tries singing like he's from a choir: He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Harrison, imitates Tom: Spare him his life from this monstrosity!
"For the record, we're not poor, Sam. We're alright." Tom says to Sam as Harry sings his line.
"Shut up, Tom." Sam says and continues, "Bismillah! No, we will not let you go!"
This went on until the last line.
Tom, closes his eyes to feel the moment: Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me!
Harrison: For me!
Harry: FOR ME!!!!!
"I think I nailed that high note!" Harry laughs as the instrumental play. Everyone laughs too. Soon, they finish the song and they cheer and sing other songs. After that, Jeeves puts down the barrier and says, "Excuse me, I hate to interrupt your time, but we're here."
The four boys immediately clean up and turn off the lights and karaoke. They all look out the window and stare at the mansion. "So, you're telling me she has the whole place to herself?" Sam asks in awe.
"Are you sure we aren't at the Palace of Versailles?" Tom asks quietly. "This is like, a smaller version of Versailles. I swear."
"So, you're telling me she's lived here all her life? Lucky, oh my god." Harrison gasps.
Jeeves stops the car in front of the house. He gets out of the car and opens the door for them. The four lads get out of the car with their things and Jeeves walks them to the door. He rings the doorbell and waits for Y/N to answer.
Y/N opens the door wearing a one-piece swimsuit and denim shorts. She smiles at the sight of her guests, "Hey! Come in! It's so nice to see new people!!"
"Thanks for having us, Y/N!" Harrison smiles as he gives her a short hug before entering the house.
"It's no problem! Just go straight and you'll see a door that leads to the pool area. You can bring your things there too and the food is ready!" Y/N smiles excitedly as the last boy enters the house. "Thanks, Jeeves! I'll pay you later."
"You're welcome, Ms. Y/N." Jeeves smiles before leaving to park to limousine. Y/N closes the door and follows the boys to the pool area.
"The interior is so great! I love the whole Palace of Versailles theme." Tom compliments as he looks around.
"It's been like this since I was little." Y/N giggles. "Thank you."
They arrive at the pool area and they each pick out their chaise. Once everyone is settled, Y/N tells them that their food is on the outdoor dining area already. They make their way there and sit down and eat. Y/N is sitting at the head of the table. On her right, are the twins and on her left, are Tom and Harrison.
They talk about random things when Y/N stares at Tom for a long time. Tom notices this and clears his throat, "Is something wrong?"
Y/N snaps out of it and shakes her head, "Nah. I just- Do I know you from somewhere? You seem familiar."
Tom smirks slightly, "To be fair, I'm quite everywhere."
"Yeah, he's an actor." Harrison adds as he sips his champagne.
Y/N's mouth forms a small 'o' shape and says, "Really? Where have I seen you? What movies are you in?"
"Spider-Man: Homecoming?" Tom asks. Y/N furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head.
"Okay, um, Spider-Man: Far From Home? I was with Jake Gyllenhaal in it." Tom says in hopes that she might know or it might jog her memory or something. Y/N makes a sound that equates to a 'no'.
"Onward? It's Disney." Tom suggests.
"The ones that are blue like the Smurfs?" Y/N asks. Tom smiles and nods, "Yeah! I'm the-"
"Nah, I didn't watch it. Anything else?" Y/N asks. Tom just stares at her in disbelief and licks his lips as he looks at his brothers and Harrison to ask for help.
Harry holds back his laughter and can't offer his help. So, he drinks his champagne instead. Harrison does the same thing. Sam shakes his head, smiles and turns to Y/N, "Dolittle with Robert Downey Jr., perhaps? He's the dog."
"I've been meaning to watch that. At least now I know he's in it. What else?"
"Avengers: Infinity War? Avengers: Endgame? Captain America: Civil War?" Harry asks. Y/N shakes her head, "Nope. Never watched them."
"Um, The Impossible?" Harrison shrugs.
"What? Kim Possible?" Y/N asks. Harrison sighs, "Um... Pilgrimage?"
"The one about the monks and shit?" Y/N asks.
"YES!!" Tom says in frustration.
"Oh, I know that! I watched it, like, a bunch of times. Are you that young monk boy?" Y/N questions with a million dollar smile.
Tom nods, "Yes. That's me."
Y/N laughs loudly. The four boys look at each other weirdly. Y/N calms down and wipes away the tears in her eyes due to laughing, "I was messing with you. Of course I know who you are! Well, not your real name, but I know your face. I've seen those movies! I just didn't pay attention that much."
"You're not the only one who can act, Mr. Peter Parker." Y/N winks and Tom smiles shyly and looks down to hide the blush on his cheeks. "But I really do know you from somewhere! Not from any movie."
"Oh, right!!!!" Tom says in realization.
"Small world, huh?" Y/N chuckles. "So, what's a successful actor doing in my home? Are you related to Harrison?"
"I'm just his best mate." Harrison says with a smile. "He's related to Sam and Harry."
Y/N turns to the twins and nods, "Of course! How foolish of me. I now see the resemblance. Which one of you is Harry?"
Harry raises his hand, "That'll be me."
"Ahh, yes! The pole guy. How's your head?" Y/N chuckles.
"It's alright. It doesn't hurt anymore." Harry blushes and runs a hand through his hair.
"That's good to hear." Y/N smiles. "Anyway, I invited Harry here because I need a photographer. If I recall correctly, I told you that I wanted to work with you. I'm actually offering you a job as my photographer. You'll be with me everywhere. You take my pictures, I post them and credit you by tagging you in it and I pay you, of course. Photography is art and it deserves to be paid for."
"So," Y/N meets Harry's gaze. "Will you accept it?"
Everyone looks at Harry and Tom kicks him under the table for a response. "U-Um, sure! I'd love to!" Harry replies and Y/N claps.
"Yay! Let's celebrate!" Y/N giggles and stands up from the table. She takes off her expensive bracelet and lets her hair down and says, "Last one in the pool has to buy pizza!"
Everyone runs to the pool and Tom was the last one to get in.
"Aww, shit!" Tom sighs as he splashes around the pool. "What fancy pizza do you want, Y/N?"
"Anything, really. If you think I'm one of those snobby rich kids, please think differently. I'm not like them... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." Y/N giggles.
"Tom. Tom Holland."
"Is it short for 'Thomas'?"
"Yes. Why?"
"I'll call you, Thomas. I want to be different. That's why I don't call Harrison by his nickname." Y/N looks at Harry and says, "Obviously, I know you now."
She looks at Sam and asks, "Et toi? Comment tu t'appelles?"
"Je m'appelle Sam." He smirks. Y/N laughs, "You're one of the few people who replied to me in French... I like you already. What do you do, Sam?"
"I cook and stuff. I also play piano." Sam smiles.
"My parents will be throwing an anniversary party next week and I'm in charge of the whole party. Is it alright if you'll play the piano when they dance?" Y/N asks. "I'll pay you five thousand pounds. Is that enough?"
Sam's jaw drops, "That's more than enough, actually. I'd be happy to play for them."
"Cool beans. I'll AirDrop you the songs later, okay? Let's swim while Tom orders the pizza!" Y/N laughs and everyone laughs too.
"Ahh, fuck you guys." Tom chuckles as he gets out of the pool to grab his phone and order pizza. Tom turns to them and smiles to himself as he sees everyone having fun. He opens the camera app on his phone and takes a picture of them laughing and splashing around in the pool before ordering the pizza.
It is at that moment that Tom realizes that Y/N's right. She really is different from the other privileged kids like her. Tom also realizes that Harry's made the right choice in falling for this girl.
* * * *
sorry i haven't updated in a long time so here's a 3.2k words chapter x
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @sufwubi​ @abrielleholland​ @osterfieldnholland​ @purplepizza-summerrain​ @euphorichxlland​ @marshxx​ @lizzyosterfield​ @itstaskeen​ @ilarbu​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​ @perspectiveparker​ @parker-potters​ @call-me-baby-gir1​ @itstaskeen​ @the-panwitch​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @chloecreatesfictions​ @holland-styles​
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ellewords · 3 years
this is only thinly connected to your party question in that i remember going to parties and almost always finding the group of people that did this and it brings me so much joy that i have to make a hc about it, lol. hope that’s okay.
noya and tanaka seem like they would start singing bohemian rhapsody by queen randomly and would get everyone else so hype that they would end up singing along with just as much vigor and power. like, it’s such a unifying song and i think they would know that so they would just use it to their advantage whenever they could.
like, i could just imagine it at one of their matches when there is super bad weather, and because of it the power goes out. and they try to be good and not cause trouble but one would hear the other humming it in the dark so the other would join in until they’re both just belting it out. and daichi would try to calm them down, but suddenly hinata is singing (screeching) the lyrics too, and then suga and asahi and yamaguchi and tsuki (who you could just barely hear because he’s trying to remain stoic even though it’s too dark for anyone to see anyway) and the rest of the team (though a little more shyly) and coach ukai and saeko (who screams so loud that yachi nearly jumps out of her skin) and then the opposing team is singing too and then a team on another court chimes in and then it finally gets to the “MAMAAAAAAA OOooooOOOOOOOOOO” part and suddenly the entire stadium is singing along because who can resist that part? they would all be in unison and just as emotional about it and people would turn on their flashes and start waving them around on beat. later, there’s a video of it uploaded to twitter and it’s so beautiful and ridiculous at the same time, and it gets talked about for years after.
daichi gives them crap about it after the power returns and the game is over, but he doesn’t get on their case too bad because even he could feel the release of tension as it happened. it didn’t matter if you were feeling like shit before the impromptu karaoke session started because by the end of it, the elation and feeling of unity was thick in the air and it was warm and inviting and it lingered. plus, he had been singing along too.
—  from elle ! ooh i don’t mind if it’s only thinly connected to the party question because i honestly love seeing any sort of hc anyways. but i honestly loved this !! and this was definitely something that they would do, esp noya and tanaka if they weren’t able to just sit still and do nothing while waiting for the power to come back hahaha as usual, my little addition will be under the cut :) tysm for sending this in ! <3
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the entire gym in completely shrouded in darkness and no one dared speak a single word, still grappling with the fact that this was actually happening. they should have just canceled the match if they knew that the weather was going to be this bad. but the unfortunate fact of the matter is, they didn’t.
it’s not quiet. thunder from outside echoed through the walls of building, almost like it’s trying to shake it. the winds howled, you didn’t have to be outside to tell that it must have bent trees to its will. it all happened so suddenly too, yamaguchi was just about to serve when the lights went out, catching everyone off guard.
it started out as a low humming, tanaka lying on the court’s floor, staring up at the ceiling. but it isn’t long when nishinoya recognises the tune, eyes lighting up as he remembered all those nights spent singing it with tanaka on karaoke. his voice starts out low, not exactly that audible, “is this the real life?”
and immediately tanaka followed up, “is this just fantasy?”
suga raised a brow at the two, but kept his mouth shut, dismissing it as just another of their antics. besides, it’s not like they were bothering anyone. but hinata had picked up on the song and joins in on the first verse, “mama, just killed a man...”
most of the team’s attention was now on the three of them, considering that hinata sang just a bit louder than the other two. daichi was almost about to tell him off when suga stops him, telling him to let it be. what was the harm in doing all of this? especially when even tsukishima was mouthing along the lyrics and everyone else slowly starting to join in — but with voices not as loud as hinata’s, noya’s, or tanaka’s. 
their opponents had been wondering just what the hell has been going on in karasuno’s side of the court, sensing a quiet sort of commotion. it isn’t until their setter hears that first “mama oooh” that their team begins to sing along too.
the other teams jumped on the song as soon as karasuno’s opponents started singing, eyes all turned towards them despite the dark that engulfed him.
the audience had no idea what had been going on until coach ukai started singing. well, screaming would have been the more appropriate word. truthfully, he was surprised more than anything that the kids knew such a song — despite bohemian rhapsody arguably being one of the most famous songs in the world. 
saeko heard and was encouraging everyone to sing along, and they did. because who could resist singing queen? and it’s interesting, seeing all these teams once competing against each other less than an hour ago, now singing a song together as if they were the bestest of friends. they stood, making their way to their opponent’s side of the court, putting their arms around each other’s shoulders as they sang along with what one might consider to just be a little too much passion.
the crowd ate it all up, singing along and recording everything. because who wouldn’t want to capture this hauntingly beautiful moment of people just coming together. somehow, everyone knew which parts to sing by the time they reach the song’s bridge, dividing in groups to perform particular lines. surprisingly enough, ennoshita and asahi sang along to the higher parts. unsurprisingly, daichi and kageyama stuck to those in the lower ranges. it took everything in tsukishima not to burst out laughing at kageyama’s “we will not let you go.”
and when the final verses finally come in, everyone’s on their feet — jumping around, screaming the lyrics, holding on to strangers as the song comes to its conclusion. the stadium shakes at the sheer power of their community, voices ringing louder than any kind of thunder that nature had to offer; the light in their eyes (and the flashes from their phones) much brighter than any flash of lightning, almost making up for the lack of power.
at the end of it all, no one could even get mad or irritated that the power had gone out. because when else are they going to get an experience like this?
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a question: what are the hq characters like at a party?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29 @sakusasimpbot​
join my hq taglist here. <3
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buckys-little-hoe · 4 years
Petrichor | Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You and James Buchanan Barnes are enemies. Both of your mobs deal with weapons and the world just isn’t wide enough for both of you. While dealing with each other, something else is going on in the background. Will your entire business be destroyed or can you save it?
Warnings: mentions of death, death, blood, alcohol, mobs, rivalry, smut, cursing, mentions of drugs (maybe usage in future), human trafficking, angst
A/N: Here it is! The first chapter of my series! I hope you like it!
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The ballroom floor glitters brilliantly under the glowing light of the chandelier. The dancing figures of men and women dressed in elegant, expensive clothing cloud your vision as you lean against the wall utterly alone. A sad sigh tumbles past your lips. All of your friends seem to have a dancing partner but you don’t. A lot of men fancy you, they had asked you to dance but everytime you declined. Tonight you should focus on your business, not on some strange guy. Suddenly you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. With furrowed brows you turn to see who had suddenly required your attention and lock eyes with none other than James Buchanan Barnes. The people in your industry call him Lucifer and the name really suits him. Not only because his nightclub is named Hell, or because he has a cute dog named Cerberus. No, the main reason is his face. His whole appearance is tempting. Bucky Barnes could probably talk you into doing something really stupid. Striking cheekbones, a well-groomed three-day stubble, plump lips and piercing blue-grey eyes. Don’t get even started over his abs. He is literally an adonis. That guy is so charming, it takes a lot of self-control. If you would be weak you would probably throw yourself at him.
But even Lucifer himself has to admit that you look like a whole meal tonight. Your tight ball gown compliments your body. The slit in the front shows your leg and your cleavage leaves little to imagine. No wonder they call you Lilith. You look so hot, you could be straight outta hell. “Good evening, Doll. Care to share a little dance with me?”, Bucky asks in a low voice. Annoyed you roll your eyes at him. “I should’ve stayed home.”, you simply reply without even answering his question. You hate him with a lot of passion. How many times did he already steal your clients? Can’t even count them. Both of you deal with weapons but hide in your clubs. Bucky is the boss of his nightclub Hell, you are the boss of Petrichor, which is a Burlesque club. Your gang and his gang rule over New York, just not together. When you first moved to New York, Hell had already existed. It has been passed over for generations. Mobs are a big secret but not here. Everybody knows about it, still nobody dares to speak openly about it. You started to make connections, meeting important people and thus you started your business. Everyone warned you of Hell, Lucifer and his best friend Steve, who is also his partner. You already knew you would be big one day, you even had Nick Fury on your side, an important CIA boss. So you decided to go and ask Bucky if he wanted to make a deal. You didn’t even get to him, someone called Natasha Romanoff stopped you from entering. When you told her about your plans, she just laughed in your face and someone called Sam Wilson carried you far away from the club. It made you furious, still, you never thought it again. Instead you just built your own club. You partnered with Tony Stark, a billionaire and an old friend of your dead father.
Years passed and you’re still competitive. Bucky Barnes just gets your blood to boil. Sometimes you have the big urge just to punch him right in the face, which you did once. It really brought you satisfaction. “You’d rather go home than dance with me, sweetheart?” His dark tone makes you shiver slightly but you play it off, because you are the coolest girl you know. No, that’s a lie. Natasha is the coolest woman you know. “Who wouldn’t, Buckaroo?”, you respond with a little smirk. He chuckles lightly and grabs you by your waist. “If I were you, I would let go off her.”, someone says behind you. You already know who it is by his strong accent, which by the way is really hot. “I’m sure Y/N can speak for herself.”, Bucky answers and glares at the blonde. “I can only repeat what he said, darling.”, you reply and put your hand on his. You give him a warning look. “Well, if you say so, doll.”, he mumbles and takes his hand away, visibly annoyed of your rejection. You don’t exactly know what’s wrong with him. Some days he calls you a brat and would like to kill. On other days he just wants to make you scream of pleasure. On these days you actually scream, just not of pleasure. Bucky makes his way across the room to Steve Rogers, probably to make nasty remarks about you.
“Everything alright, prințesă?”, Pietro checks up on you. You just nod, impressed with his accent as always. The good thing about Pietro Maximoff is that there is a female version of him. That is his twin sister Wanda Maximoff, one of your dancers. And let’s be honest, you’re a bisexual queen. Pietro is one of your barkeepers and also one of your security workers. You just want your girls to be save, even though they could probably handle some drunk guys by themself. Everyone that works in Petrichor is automatically a member of your mob. At the end of the day, the club is just a cover. “Yeah, I’m good, thanks Pietro.” You smile gently and squeeze his hand. He nods understandingly and points to the bar. “Well, I’m going back to my position. If you need anything, just let me know, okay?”, he speaks and you assure him that you’ll be just fine. After you convince him, he makes his way back to his colleagues. Scott Lang and Wade Wilson, two idiots but you still love them. That doesn’t mean they’re good at their jobs, they really needed a job and you couldn’t say no. Especially since Scott is Hope Van Dynes boyfriend. She’s also a dancer of yours, one of your best. She takes care of the inventory because she is really good with numbers. Wade Wilson is your ex lover and unfortunately also your best friend. How does that even work? You saw his schlong and he saw your cookie and the sex was great! Somehow you both don’t care though. Suddenly your Stark Phone beeps. You take it out of your bra and unlock it.
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Thank god Peter developed a program so you all could communicate openly about the packages without having to fear that someone could spy on your texts. Peter Parker came to you so he could make money to pay his aunts bills. You couldn’t decline that, so you came up with a new job, that way he doesn’t have to face the dangerous stuff. He basically just has to hack someones phone sometimes and stuff like that. Tony could’ve done that without any problems, but Peter needed the job. You took Peter under your wing and also his girlfriend Michelle. She lives in an apartment with him so she noticed his weird action pretty quickly. To be fair, you made him do dumb things, like hacking phones that Tony prepared. You just didn’t want him to feel useless! After she found it out, you got her a job as a burlesque dancer at your club. Now nobody has to worry about paying bills. The one person who never even worried about bills is Carol Danvers. She is the most carefree person you know, and you definitely have the most fun with her.
You met her on your first night in New York. New York is pretty big and you didn’t know anyone. How could you probably pass your first night in the city that never sleeps? Right, you go drinking. You just happened to choose a karaoke bar. When they asked for your name at the entrance and wrote it down, you didn’t think anything about it. But after a hour passed and you only had two drinks, they called your name on the stage. If you didn’t sing, you had to pay the next round for the whole bar. Shit, you just moved New York, of course you were broke and there were a lot of people present. But you also didn’t have enough alcohol in your blood. Carol offered to sing a duet if that would make you feel better. She was the first nice person that you met in New York. You accepted her offer and both of you sang your lungs out to bohemian rhapsody. It was good night. A couple of days later you met on the street again, this time you offered her a job at your new club, that you were going to build. You trusted her and she was the first member of your mob. Without her you wouldn’t be even here today.
After some time spent together, you already moved in together. You created a little family. Carol introduced you to Wade who also moved in with you - he still does live with you. You phone buzzes again. Now you’re really annoyed. Can’t even enjoy your drink - wait. Where’s your cocktail? Doesn’t matter now.
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Survey #364
“you wanna know what zeus said to narcissus?  /  ‘you’d better watch yourself’“
Do you change your type of music regularly? Nah. I've ben all about metal and rock since middle school. Would you want to visit Tokyo, Japan, someday? It's not actually on my bucket list or anything, but I'd do it. Do you curse like a sailor? Sailors are better than I am, aha... Do you hear trains pass by where you live? No. Ever been in a race? Haha, no. Last time you’ve eaten a taco? I hate tacos. Do you like horses? Sure do! Do you like Starburst? omg YES. What is your favourite wild animal? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Do you like hamsters? They're very cute, but I've never met a nice one. Do you eat bananas? Yeah, I like bananas, but I'm VERY picky with how ripe it is. There's like, barely a two-day span where I'm willing to eat them. What is your favourite bookstore? I don't have one. What is your favorite fast food joint? Sonic. Do you sweat easily? Ugh, you haven't the slightest idea. As a side effect of one (or two?) of my prescriptions, I have I N S A N E hyperhidrosis. I can stand outside for a millisecond in like 70 degree weather and I'm already sweating. If you could move (and SERIOUSLY think about this) where would you move? All factors considered, being entirely realistic, the mountain-y region of western NC. Why would you go there? I want to stay in NC to at least not be a massive ways away from my family, and I loooove mountains. Plus, there's a lot of cool places on the other end of the state. Do you want to travel? Yes. I want to see so much more than this boring 'ole state. What was the last vaccination you got? For Covid. Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? There have been wildfires towards the beach, I believe? Any time it happened we would always get the smoke all the way where we live. Are you Italian? Not to my knowledge. Do you own an acoustic guitar? No. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? My physical health. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Recently. Can you roll your own cigarettes? I've never smoked, so. Are you mentally strong? I think so. I hope so. Are you physically strong? I am like, comically weak. Are you heartbroken right now? No. Do you ever get complimented on your eyes? What color are they? It's happened, but it's definitely not a regular thing or whatever. They're grayish blue. What facial feature do you like the best on a person? I'd say I'm most attracted to pretty eyes. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever held? I helped hold a massive snake as a kid (I don't remember what it was), and I've also held a rose hair tarantula. I can't think of any truly strange animals by my opinion, really. Do you get extremely hyper when under the influence of sugar? No. Sugar seems to have zero effect on me, probably because I'm over-exposed to it thanks to soda... What about caffeine? Not at all, likely for the aforementioned reason. Have you ever tried any drugs? If so, did you regret it? Besides alcohol, no. I don't regret having drank as it was never a lot. Do you have any pregnant friends? A high school acquaintance is pregnant. I THINK she's the only one now? I swear I see a new pregnancy announcement on Facebook like every two days, and mind you I don't even have all that many "friends." That being said, I may definitely be forgetting someone. When ordering food, what do you usually get as a drink? Depending on whether they have Pepsi or Coke products, either Mountain Dew or Coke. When drawing something, do you try to be super precise or do you not care? I am so, so, SO obsessive over getting everything right, but things never come out as good as I want them to/imagine them. Have you actually read Twilight? I haven't. What about Harry Potter? Never read any of those, either. I started one in elementary school, but didn't get very far at all. Out of the two, which is better? I have like no interest in either, so. How often do you read books? It various. I go through like reading episodes, and then I don't read for months. Are you the jealous type? I'm not like, an insanely jealous person, but it's still the worst it's ever been at this point in my life. I hate it. Are you the type of person who gets jealous of people’s pasts? Nah, no reason to. Do you know anyone who faints at the sight of blood? Not blood, I think, but needles and drawing blood, yes. I know my dad's fainted at least once at the doctor, and Jason fainted when I was getting blood drawn at the ER. What colors are the eyes of your family members? Just about everyone has brown eyes but me, I think my maternal grandpa, and my brother. Are you related to anyone with red hair? Not to my knowledge. Were you a chubby baby? No, I was pretty average. What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Social situations with strangers especially. Asking for things. Public speaking/presenting. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? God, I remember there was this one night in particular where I stayed up SO late, but I don't remember the exact time. I think I actually cried because I was so stressed and tired. How many vegetarians do you know? In my personal life, I don't believe I know any, but I could be wrong. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? I never did, even though I was always tired. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Favorite episode of Spongebob? The pizza one, probably. Or the Hash Slinging Slasher episode. What bug frightens you most? Wasps, probably. Are your parents supportive of you? Yes. <3 How often do you take the train to go places? I've never been on a train. Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No. Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? No. What was the last thing you took a video of? Hm... I honestly don't remember. What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? Thunderstorms. Have you ever had famous neighbors? No. Pick your three favourite vegetables. Broccoli, green beans, and uh... I'm blanking... Habitually I wanna say "corn," but I know it's not technically a veggie, but starch. Have you ever broken a movie or game disc? I think I have? What is your favourite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you rap freestyle? Or at least sing raps from songs? Ha, no. Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Yeah. Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? No. I might jump a bit, but not always. What do you spend most of your time doing? Watching YouTube. Do you really care what’s going on in celebrities' lives? More like the YouTubers I watch. Have you ever broken a plate/bowl? Accidentally by dropping them. When was the last time you felt like you didn’t have a care in the world? I couldn't begin to guess. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? No. Can you do a backwards london bridges? God no, I'd bust my back. What smiley do you use the most on the computer? (: maybe. Or :') Are any of your pets “overweight”? No, but why is "overweight" in quotations as if overweight pets aren't a real and serious issue? Has anyone ever bought you a ring? Yeah. On a scale 1-10, how funny are you? I honestly don't think I'm funny at all, so I'd put myself at a 1. Pretty recently though it was very surprising and flattering to have my dad and older sister point out that I'm "hilarious" with my wry sense of humor. I don't see it, but I mean, it was surely appreciated. What’s a song that is overplayed but you still like it anyway? I barely ever listen to the radio, yet I still know "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is played a lot, but I could never get tired of it. Are you excited for Christmas? Christmastime is my favorite time of year nowadays, mainly because of how excited my niece and nephew always are, and we spend most of Christmas Day and usually Christmas Eve with them. I love the weather, the focus on togetherness, all that. What are you thankful for? Man, a lot. I try my best to never overlook all the truly amazing things I do have, like a loving and supportive family, a home, food and safe water, Internet haha, access to medical care (regardless of the complaints I have about American healthcare)... I've got a lot of bad going on in my life, but I've also got a great amount of good things, too. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? Internet. What’s your favorite color combination? Maaan, don't do this. I really don't know. Probably two pastels, idk. Do you have any internet friends? I have more Internet friends than I do "real life" ones. What was the last song you listened to? "Deep Six" by Marilyn Manson earlier. How are you feeling right now? My arm is really sore from my second Covid shot, and I'm also having trouble breathing thanks to the dog (apparently, I'm allergic to whatever she is). I know it sounds bad, but I cannot wait 'til she's gone (from this house, no we're of course not euthanizing her). What color is the shirt you’re wearing? Burgundy. Do you play video games? Yeah, just not as much as I used to. Have you ever been to a club and had someone slip something into your drink? I've never been to a club period, and I don't plan on it. Do you know anyone who’s done ecstasy? Not to my knowledge, anyway. Are you on birth control? Yes, but only to regulate and soothe my menstrual cycle. My cramps were insufferable prior. Does your sibling have a significant other? All but my younger sister. Like she's in contact with who she calls "contenders," haha, but she isn't officially dating anyone. She's MEGA picky with who she dates. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, because it was very triggering to my PTSD. Any idea what you want for your next birthday? That's quiiite a whiles away, so I have plenty of time to think about that. I don't know if I'll be employed by then and thus able to buy some things myself, but I'll just say I won't be (because I'm I think rationally fearful that's where I'll still be). For Christmas I plan on just asking for a new terrarium for Venus plus better materials for it (like a proper temp gauge and hygrometer, etc.), and with that taken care of, then I might be interested in asking for a hognose for my bday, but idk. I'd want to ensure (s)he starts out with a perfect terrarium, and seeing as I want a hoggie morph, that's a lot of money in one go that idk if I'd be comfortable asking. So I'unno, maybe I'll go for a tattoo again. Wow, this was a lot of rambling for something so far off, pardon me haha. Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My Nintendo DS Lite, actually. I can't find the darn charger for it, and I really need to so I can bring it to Ashley's again for the kids to play the Pokemon game I have that they love. Aubree especially is really into it, and she adores Pikachu and Eevee. :') Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? I don't even know what most award shows are for, if I'm being honest. I'm not really interested. What colour is your keyboard? Black, but each key glows red. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? No. Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Not for myself; I think they'd drive me insane. I do, however, think they look nice on others.
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tpwktaron · 4 years
My Quarantine Watchlist
hello! i hope this post finds you in good health. today i decided to go a little out of my category of what i usually post and make a movie watchlist. if you haven’t seen what i usually repost, i’m a huge movie buff, and are always adding new films to my watchlist. (you should add me on letterboxd! same username.) so, i compiled a list of my top 10 movies. some of them aren’t considered to be critically acclaimed, but they are still comforting and happy, especially during this rough time we are having. i hope you give these a try, and let me know what you think! disclaimer: i am not a movie expert! some terminology i use is definitely not correct lol. 
1. rocketman - dir. dexter fletcher, 89%
this movie really means so much to me, it’s definitely one of my absolute favorites. taron egerton does an absolutely amazing job as elton john, not just through his performance but his through his singing. yes, he sings the music as well! the music is also perfectly placed throughout the movie to tell the story of elton john’s life. 
synopsis: pretty self explanatory; a musical fantasy about the life of elton john.
2. onward - dir. dan scanlon - 87%
really awesome pixar movie! definitely a great movie for anyone who is a fan of animation, some of the most beautifully animated scenes i have ever seen! i guess that’s just pixar for you. 
synopsis: a teenage elf ian lightfoot and his brother barley are given a spell to bring their late father back to life, but when they mess up the first time, they have to go on a quest to find a phoenix gem to bring him back.
3. eddie the eagle - dir. dexter fletcher - 82%
another masterpiece by the dexter fletcher and taron egerton! this is my favorite movie of all time. it’s so heartwarming and motivating, it’s a great pick-me-up film for when i’m feeling down. taron egerton is definitely a chameleon actor, and can slip into any role with ease! him and hugh jackman have such great chemistry, and this movie easily displays that.
synopsis: based on a true story, olympics-bound eddie edwards trains for the winter olympics as a ski jumper, one of the most dangerous sports in the world, with help from his drunken “coach,” bronson peary.
4. lady bird - dir. greta gerwig - 99%
ugh. this movie. i can’t! when i first watched it it left me speechless. it’s an outstanding coming-of-age film, and a great mother-daughter film as well. christine and her mom’s relationship is hilariously heartwarming. another touch i love is the grainy filter throughout the movie. it was a great touch to add an early 2000′s feel! saoirse ronan’s performance was extraordinary. everything about this movie is 10/10, and i cannot recommend this movie enough, especially to teenagers heading off the college.
synopsis: marion mcpherson, a nurse, works tirelessly to keep her family afloat after her husband loses his job. she also maintains a turbulent bond with a teenage daughter who is just like her: loving, strong-willed and deeply opinionated.
5. love, simon - greg berlanti - 92%
love, simon is a perfectly made film to demonstrate the experience of coming out as a gay teen. it’s funny and witty, with some heart-warming yet heart-wrenching drama. i can’t explain it, but this movie makes me feel things i didn’t think i could feel. nick robinson is a great actor, and this movie got paid dust!! by everyone!!
synopsis: everyone deserves a great love story, but for 17-year-old simon spier, it’s a little more complicated. he hasn’t told his family or friends he’s gay, and he doesn’t know the identity of the anonymous classmate that he’s fallen for online. resolving both issues proves hilarious, terrifying, and life-changing.
6. jojo rabbit - dir. taika watiti - 80%
when i first saw this movie in the theater, i wasn’t sure if i was going to like it. i’m not a fan of war movies and violence, so i was a little uneasy. turns out this could possibly be one of the best movies of 2019! roman griffin davis is the best child actor i’ve ever seen. this movie is a wonderful depiction of anti-hate, and of what life was like for germany during world war II. it shows in a funny way how silly nazi views are. it creates humor over such a sensitive subject, yet you don’t feel bad for laughing!
synopsis: a world war II satire that follows a lonely german boy whose world view is turned upside down when he discovers his single mother is hiding a young jewish girl in their attic. aided only by his idiotic imaginary friend, adolf hitler, jojo must confront his blind nationalism.
7. little women - dir. greta gerwig - 95%
greta gerwig strikes again! she literally has never made a bad movie. this movie is based off of the famous novel little women. it has a star studded cast of timothee chalament, saoirse ronan, florence pugh, emma watson, and laura dern. the power of women!!
synopsis: in the years after the civil war, jo march lives in new york and makes her living as a writer, while her sister amy studies painting in paris. amy has a chance encounter with theodore, a childhood crush who proposed to jo but was ultimately rejected. their oldest sibling, meg, is married to a schoolteacher, while shy sister beth develops a devastating illness that brings the family back together.
8. the greatest showman - dir. michael gracey - 56%
my favorite original musical movie. hugh jackman is such an amazing singer and actor! this movie was one of the first movies that really turned me into a true film admirer. the music has some of the most beautifully written lyrics i know, and it’s a great family movie! it’s intense, yet happy, yet sad, yet exciting, yet every single emotion one person could feel. 
synopsis: growing up in the early 1800s, p.t. barnum displays a natural talent for publicly and promotion, selling lottery tickets by age 12. after trying his hands at various jobs, p.t. turns to show business to indulge his limitless imagination, rising form nothing to create the barnum & bailey circus. 
9. bohemian rhapsody - dir. bryan singer - 60%
although it may have it’s inaccuracies here and there, this movie is still heartwarming and conveys a heartwarming message and moral. rami malek performs as freddie mercury wonderfully, and the chemistry between the cast is indescribable. and what takes the cake? the live-aid re-enactment at the end of the movie, with the band’s mannerisms and everything recreated to the t. 
synopsis: freddie mercury - lead singer of queen - defies stereotypes and convention to become one of history’s most beloved entertainers. the band’s revolutionary sound and popular songs lead to queen’s meteoric rise in the 1970s. after leaving the group to pursue a solo career, mercury reunites with queen for the benefit concert live aid - resulting in one of the greatest performances in rock ‘n’ roll history.
10. anchorman - dir. adam mckay - 66%
my favorite comedy of all time. will ferrell, steve carrell, and paul rudd are all my favorite comedians, so this movie speaks to me. it’s hilariously stupid, but i still love it and recommend it to everyone i know.
synopsis: hotshot television anchorman ron burgandy welcomes upstart reporter veronica corningstone into the male-dominated world of 1970s broadcast news - that is, until the talented female journalist begins to outshine burgandy on air.
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natromanxoff · 4 years
Freddie Mercury and the Wade Deacon/Halewood Connection (by Mike Royden)
...Freddie lived for music, and in August 1969 he seized upon the opportunity he’d been waiting for – to sing in a band. Too impatient to form one of his own, he did the next best thing and found himself a ready-made outfit. His quarry was Ibex, a Merseyside-base trio comprising Mike Bersin (guitar and vocals.) and John ‘Tupp’ Taylor (bass and vocals) and a drummer by the name of Mike ‘Miffer’ Smith.
...“We met the members of Smile at a pub called the Kensington,” recalls ‘Tupp’ Taylor. “We saw them play a couple of times and they were really good. They had a great vocal-harmony thing going. Tim Staffell, their bass player, was a really good singer, and Freddie was a mate of theirs. We’d all sit around and have amazing vocal sessions singing Bee Gees, Beach Boys and Beatles songs. We could do great harmonies because there was three of them in Smile, myself, Mike Bersin, who’d chip in, and Freddie, of course.”
At this point, it was common knowledge among the Smile crowd that Freddie was desperate to get into Brian and Roger’s band. Perhaps joining Ibex might be a way in.
“Freddie hadn’t quite persuaded Smile to take him on as a vocalist,” confirms Mike Bersin. “They thought they were doing OK as they were. So, he said, “You know what you guys need, and that’s a vocalist.’ He was right, too, as John Taylor recalls: “I wasn’t the world’s greatest singer by any stretch of the imagination.” And as Ken Testi reveals “Mike had never been confident about his singing, but had been pushed into it.”
Freddie first met Ibex on 13th August 1969. Such was his enthusiasm, that just ten days later, he’d learned the bands’ set, brought in a few new songs, and had travelled up to Bolton, Lancashire, for a gig with them – his debut public performance. The date was 23rd August, and the occasion was one of Bolton’s regular afternoon ‘Bluesology’ sessions, held at the town’s Octagon theatre. For Ibex and friends, it was the event of the summer. No fewer than 15 bodies, including Freddie, Ken Testi, and the band’s other roadie Geoff Higgins, Paul Humberstone, assorted friends and girlfriends, plus Ibex’s instruments were squeezed into a transit van borrowed from Richard Thompson, a mate of Freddie’s who’d previously drummed in ‘1984’ with Brian May and Tim Staffell.
...The following day, Ibex appeared in the first ‘Bluesology pop-in’, an open-air event on the bandstand in Bolton’s Queen’s Park. On the bill were local band Back, another called Birth, Spyrogyra, Gum Boot Smith, The White Myth, Stuart Butterworth, Phil Renwick and, of course, Ibex. In a report published the day before the Bolton Evening News wrote ‘The last -named act make a journey from London especially for the concert. The climax of the whole affair will be a supergroup, in which all the performers will play together. If the weather is fine the noise should be terrific”.
Remarkably, for such a relatively inauspicious event, Freddie’s first-ever public performance was extremely well documented. There were at least three photographers present, and the proceedings were covered in Bolton’s Evening News for the second time on 25th August. This even featured an uncredited photograph of Freddie, with the caption: ‘One of the performers gets into his stride’ If Freddie wanted to be a star, he was going about it the right way.” 
“Freddie really loved going up to Bolton to play with Ibex,” remembers Paul Humberstone. “He was really on form. The band was very basic, but good. They did very reasonable cover versions, and were very loud. That was his very first outing with the band, but Fred struck his pose. Remember him doing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’? He was like that only without the eye makeup.”
“Freddie was shy offstage,” recalls Ken Testi, “but he knew how to front a show. It was his way of expressing that side of his personality. Everything on stage later in Queen, he was doing with Ibex at his first gig: marching from one end of the stage to another, from left to right and back again. Stomping about. He brought dynamics, freshness and presentation to the band that had been completely lacking previously.”
Mike Bersin agrees: “As a three piece, we’d thought it was sufficient to play fairly basic music and not worry too much about stage craft. Freddie was much better at putting on a show and entertaining people. That was pretty radical for us. I thought that’s what the light show was for, you know, we make the music and the audience can watch the pretty coloured bubbles behind us, but Freddie was different. He was so wonderfully camp in that beautifully English foppish way. With hindsight, I recognise the determination to succeed that he had in spades. He demanded to be treated as a star before he was one. His talent and ambition made people react in very different ways, but it wasn't an unpleasant thing.
As the rest of us would wear jeans and trench coats, he was the fur-and-satin man and all the moves and poses he had with Queen, were already there with Ibex, he never imitated anybody, Freddie was Freddie from day one, he was entirely his own creation and a culture shock. He worked extremely hard to be something worth to look at and to listen to. He only had one pair of boots, one t-shirt, one pair of trousers, one belt and one jacket. Still he remained immaculate. We had some gigs in Bolton which were very significant to the band. While we were getting ready, Freddie had been backcombing his long hair to make it stand out more and twitching himself in the mirror for ages. I eventually yelled at him: 'For God's sake, stop messing with your hair, Freddie!', to which he responded: 'But I'm a star, dear boy!'. There is not a lot you can say to that. In many ways, you felt Freddie almost wasn't real.”
“I don’t think Freddie developed,” reckons John ‘Tupp’ Taylor. “The first day he stood in front of that crowd, he had it all going. It seemed as if he’d been practicing for years to be ready. We’d only ever sang together as mates before that. We’d never done anything by way of trying it out. He was going to be in the band and everyone was happy with that. Once Freddie was in, we changed in loads of different directions. We began to play ‘Jailhouse Rock’, for a start! I think that was the first thing we did with him on stage.”
Back in London, a revitalised Ibex began to make plans. “Freddie and the band very quickly became inseparable,” remembers Ken Testi. “They were spending large parts of their time together, working out a new set which included different covers and some original stuff.”
Mike Bersin: “Freddie was the most musical of all of us. He was trained on the piano, and he could write on the black notes. He said ‘We’re never going to get anywhere playing all this three-chord blues crap, we’ll have to write some songs.’ A couple of things came out of it, but they’ve all vanished now. I can’t imagine they would be very satisfactory anyway – largely because he was working with me, and my understanding of music was incredibly rudimentary. We used to argue about whether we should put in key changes. I’d say ‘What do you want a key change for?’ And he’d say that it made a song more interesting, it gave it a lift. I’d think ‘Why has he got this thing about gratuitous key changes?’ The idea of changing the key of a song just because it made it more interesting to listen to was really alien to me.That said, Geoff Higgins remembers at least one decent Bulsara-Bersin tune: “ They did a great song called ‘Lover; the lyrics used to go, ‘Lover, you never believe me’ and Fred later turned it into ‘Liar, you never believe me’ It was almost the same tune, but not quite. In fact, it was similar to ‘Communication Breakdown’, they used to rip off Led Zeppelin a lot.”
That said, Geoff Higgins remembers at least one decent Bulsara-Bersin tune: “ They did a great song called ‘Lover; the lyrics used to go, ‘Lover, you never believe me’ and Fred later turned it into ‘Liar, you never believe me’ It was almost the same tune, but not quite. In fact, it was similar to ‘Communication Breakdown’, they used to rip off Led Zeppelin a lot.”
Before they knew it, however, the summer was over and it was September. Mike Bersin returned to Liverpool to begin his pre-diploma years at the local art college, at what is now John Moores University. With nothing better to celebrate than the new term, the pre-dip freshers threw a party, and who better to provide the entertainment than Mike’s band, Ibex? Subsequently Ibex’s third and final gig took place on 9th September 1969 at the Sink Club in Liverpool, a former soul-blue hang out in the basement of the Rumbling Tum – a place Ken Testi remembers as a “pretty dodgy, post beatnik café”.
...Geoff has a further revelation, which called to mind Paul McCartney’s presence in the audience at the first-ever recording of John Lennon with the Quarry Men back in 1957. “Smile were in Liverpool that night… playing another club, possibly the Green Door. And because we were at the Sink, they came down to see us.” The rest of the story is almost too good to be true. Brimming with encouragement for their flamboyant friend Brian May and Roger Taylor wasted no time in joining Freddie on stage (or as near as they could get.) They probably bashed out a few Smile numbers and this occasion marked the first time the three of them played together in front of an audience. “We virtually had Queen in there,” remarks Ken Testi, “although of course we didn’t know it then.” However, here’s the sting: although Geoff Higgins’ tape recorder was still only yards away at the time, the tape ran out before the three musicians had the chance to play a note together.
Sometime between 9th September and the end of October 1969, probably while Freddie was staying with Geoff Higgins in Liverpool, [flat above Dovedale Towers, Penny Lane], Ibex underwent a mini upheaval – at Freddie’s instigation. “I recall him canvassing the idea of calling the band Wreckage, but nobody was enthusiastic,” reveals Mike Bersin. “Then he phoned me one night and said, ‘the others don’t mind. How do you feel?’ I said. ‘If they agree then fine’. So, we went along to the next rehearsal and all the gear had been sprayed ‘Wreckage’. When I spoke to the others about it, Freddie had phoned them all up and had the same conversation”. 
The name-change went hand-in-hand with the departure of drummer Mike ‘Miffer’ Smith as Freddie documented in a letter to Celine Daley. Dated 26th October the letter bears the address 40, Ferry Road, Barnes SW13 – another flat rented that summer by members of Ibex, Smile and various associates.
‘Miffer’ is not with us anymore,” wrote Freddie, “cause the bastard just got up and left one morning saying he was going to be a milkman back in Widnes. (he meant it too).” He goes on to boast that Roger and he go ‘poncing and ultrablagging just about everywhere,” which led to the pair “being termed as a couple of queens.” Interestingly, this word doesn’t seem to imply any of its more modern connotations. There was another term for that, as Ibex’s former drummer was well aware. “Miffer, the sod,” wrote Freddie, “went and told everyone down here that I had seriously turned into a fully-fledged queer.” 
“You can see he was exploring the concept there, can’t you?” interjects Mike Bersin, “to see how many people felt about it and how comfortable he was with it. He was always very camp, but when I knew him, he was living with Mary Austin, and I certainly knew at least one other girlfriend he knew at the time. So, he was kind of straight then, but if he hadn’t come out of the closet, he was certainly looking through the keyhole.” 
Crucially, as far as Queen’s pre-history is concerned, Freddie pinpoints the date when Ibex became Wreckage: “Our first booking as Wreckage is on Friday, 31st October at Ealing College,” he wrote. He also names Richard Thompson, the former drummer in Brian May’s 1984, as Miffer’s replacement. 
“I’d known Freddie for years,” Richard recalls. “I first met him in 1966. I used to go round his house to listen to Beatles records. Then we’d go and watch Smile play, before he joined Ibex. I knew all of Ibex’s songs, as I’d watch them perform, so there was no point auditioning anyone else.” 
With Wreckage’s first (and Freddie’s forth) concert appearance just five days away, the band set about rehearsing a new set. “Mike came down today,” wrote Freddie to Celine, “for a five-hour live marathon practise. Richard collapsed halfway through and I’ve really gone and lost my voice (no kidding). It hurts just to breathe. Hope I’m OK for this Friday, ‘cause I’m going to out-ponce everybody in sight. (it shall be easy.)” Freddie ended the letter with this hitherto unpublished information: “We’ve written a few new numbers: 1) ‘Green’; 2) ‘Without You’, 3) ‘Blag-a-blues’, 4) ‘Cancer on My Mind’ (originally called ‘Priestess’.) 
“Freddie always had very unusual titles at that stage.” Recalls Mike Bersin. “I can’t remember what ‘Green’ was about. It might be the one with the intro which went, E, A, D, G, D, A, E, A, D, G, D, A in guitar chords”. As neither Ibex nor Wreckage went within striking distance of a recording studio, none of these songs was ever recorded officially. Miraculously, however one of them has survived – and it’s the one that stuck in Mike Bersin’s mind, ‘Green’.
...“We also played somewhere in Richmond, at a rugby club,” recalls John Taylor. “A friend of Brian May’s arranged it, and Brian came along. He thought our image was ‘savage’. He thought we were really good. ‘Oh Savage’ he said.”
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