sgribhisg · 3 years
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Boireann IPA: fjɔːrag 🎧 Faidhle-Fuaime leis an Fhaclair Bheag: http://bit.ly/2d0zYau 🎧 Faidhle-Fuaime le Learn Gaelic: https://bit.ly/3biO5sC
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hatari-translations · 5 years
Hi! I love your blog so much! The translation and especially the notes you make on them give me so much insight in the song! I also read the thing about the whole cultural thing of names in Iceland which I thought was very interesting. Are there more aspects in Icelandic culture that are specific like that? I'd love to read about it!
Well, we’ve got some very interesting traditional food. Most other countries have their own special delicacies, but the Icelanders were primarily concerned with surviving on this cold little island, and our traditional food largely revolves around finding ways to eat absolutely every part of every available animal, and preserve it all through the winter with extreme and grotesque methods. Highlights include:
- Greenland shark! Greenland shark is poisonous. The Icelanders were apparently really determined to eat this shark anyway, and they found a way: by burying it in the ground to rot for a few months, then hanging it to dry for several more months! It is absolutely disgusting by all accounts. There exist Icelanders who genuinely like it (my grandpa did), but much more who eat it solely as a test of bravery (and others who just don’t dare; I’m very sensitive about food and I’m not touching it with a ten-foot pole). We love getting tourists to eat it just to see how they react. Testimonials:
“the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thingI’ve ever eaten” - Anthony Bourdain
"That's hardcore. That's serious food. You don't want to mess with that. That's not for beginners."- Andrew Zimmern
"like chewing a urine-infested mattress"- Ainsley Harriott
- Sheep heads with eyes and all, staring you in the face! You don’t waste any part of the animal, so you eat the head. This one’s actually supposedly pretty tasty, if you can get over it psychologically. But don’t look at me, I don’t eat any of this stuff. (There is a pretty good Icelandic crime thriller film, Mýrin or Jar City, where the protagonist buys one of these at a drive-through, which you can actually do in Iceland, and eats it while reading up on some evidence, just casually scooping out the eye with a pocket knife and sticking it in his mouth. It is glorious and I really want to watch this film with foreigners sometime and watch them react to this scene.)
- Ram testicles! Who doesn’t want to eat some of those! I said every part of the animal, damn it.
Mostly our traditional food is eaten during þorri, one of the months of the old Icelandic calendar, approximately mid-January to mid-February. We’ve got feasts featuring nothing but this food, called þorrablót. It’s going to vary whether your family does these or not (mine did not), but you’ll almost certainly at least experience some in your kindergarten or elementary school.
Also, we still have intermissions in the middle of movies at most movie theaters. On the one hand it disrupts the flow of the movie since movies aren’t designed for intermissions anymore, and sometimes they’re not very well placed and the audio doesn’t come in immediately when it starts up again. But on the other hand, I kind of like it because you can go to the bathroom, or talk to whoever you’re with about what’s going on, or get popcorn, or just stand up and stretch your legs for a bit. Very helpful for those three-hour movies.
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viahhapocalyptica · 5 years
boireann replied to your post: I think I’ve been watching/listening to too much...
This is the visual I never know I needed omg thanks for sharing
You’re most welcome :’D I’ve been giggling about it all day so just had to share.
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rose-de-noire · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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ufjkkrkdkf9hg9 · 3 years
Name / Ainm: Mary Somers
Age / Aois: 125
Gender / Gnè: Female / Boireann
Nationality / Nàiseantachd: Scottish / Albannach
Home World / Saoghal Dachaigh: Psamathe / Salmathe
Almost a century ago, the Outlands were dangling on the edge of a cataclysmic energy crisis. Dr. Mary Somers, a charmingly eccentric astrophysicist, was hired to find a solution. Mary moved her family to the scientific research station on Olympus and set to work.
With the help of her apprentice, Dr. Reid, Mary discovered Branthium — an element she was convinced could be the key to limitless energy. But Branthium can be found only on the accretion disk of a black hole, so Mary and Dr. Reid departed on a dangerous mission to prove her theory right.
Mary promised her son Newton she'd return safe and sound. But Dr. Reid betrayed her, stealing the Branthium and sending her shuttle into the black hole's orbit. Using her wits, Mary modified her robotic vacuum companion N.E.W.T. to escape. But time moves differently on the outskirts of a black hole, and she was 87 years too late.
Now Mary is determined to fund her research to find a way to go back in time and be with her son. She joins the Apex Games as Horizon, master of gravity, just in time for the next season to debut on Olympus — where her old life once was and where she had promised to return.
Cha mhòr ceud bliadhna air ais, bha na Outlands an sàs ann an èiginn lùth cataclysmic. Chaidh an Dr. Mary Somers, reul-eòlaiche air leth eireachdail, fhastadh gus fuasgladh fhaighinn. Ghluais Mary a teaghlach gu stèisean rannsachaidh saidheinsail Olympus agus thòisich i ag obair.
Le cuideachadh bhon phreantas aice, an Dr. Reid, lorg Mary Branthium — rud a bha i cinnteach a dh'fhaodadh a bhith na phrìomh dhòigh air lùth gun chrìoch. Ach chan fhaighear Branthium ach air diosc cruinneachaidh toll dubh, agus mar sin dh' fhalbh Mary agus an Dr. Reid air misean cunnartach gus a teòiridh a dhearbhadh ceart.
Gheall Mary dha mac Newton gun tilleadh i gu sàbhailte. Ach bhrath an Dr. Reid i, a' goid am Branthium agus a' cur a shuttle gu reul an tuill dhubh. A' cleachdadh a buadhan, dh'atharraich Mary a companach falamh robotach N.E.W.T. teicheadh. Ach tha ùine a 'gluasad gu eadar-dhealaichte air iomall toll dubh, agus bha i 87 bliadhna ro fhadalach.
A-nis tha Mary dìorrasach an rannsachadh aice a mhaoineachadh gus dòigh a lorg airson a dhol air ais ann an tìm agus a bhith còmhla ri a mac. Bidh i a' tighinn còmhla ris na Geamannan Apex mar Horizon, maighstir grabhataidh, dìreach ann an àm airson an ath sheusan airson a 'chiad turas aige air Olympus — far an robh a seann bheatha uair agus far an robh i air gealltainn tilleadh.
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Thanks for tagging me @damianodavic! <3
Open your Spotify ‘on repeat’ and the first five songs are the soundtrack to your personal rom-com
Beggin’ - Måneskin
Hope Leaves - Opeth
Abode of a God - An Abstract Illusion
Ingen annan rör mig som du - Norlie & KKV
Recovery - Måneskin
(Oh, this list is an unexpected mess and it sounds like an absolutely awful rom-com, what even)
I’m tagging @soneaselene and @boireann if you want to! <3​
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TAROT READINGS (pay what you can, if nothing, it’s free).
Hello everyone,
it’s time for a new round of tarot readings! If you need a one-card advice or a full on celtic cross, I can do it all! I will do a reading for you on a ‘pay what you can’-basis. So if you have nothing to spend, I will do one for free. However I would kindly ask you to not misuse this suggestion and if you think my service has helped you, a little money would be a nice reward for my time (PayPal would definitely work!)
You can send me a private message and then I’ll answer there. If you post to my inbox I will not post it on my dash but send the answer back to your inbox. If you want to stay anonymous, that’s okay as well. Keep in mind that anonymous posts will be posted on my dash.
I will answer your questions as soon as I can, but I might not always be online.
I’m looking forward to this!
Much love,
Boireann <3
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lamoral-egmont · 7 years
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The Burren #Boireann #Dublin #Ireland #Irlanda #Instaireland #icu_ireland #Insta_Ireland #Ireland_gram #Irishpassion #Inspireland_ #europe #landscapephotography #landscapelovers #Igtravel #ig_europe #Igworldclub #traveltheworld #beautifuldestinations #lonelyplanet #loves_ireland #pocket_ireland #travel_gram #EarthEscope #AjToussaint
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sgribhisg · 4 years
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Boireann IPA: Lux 🎧 Faidhle-Fuaime le Learn Gaelic: https://go.aws/3e24TU7
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softdoves · 6 years
“all trans people are nazis” all terfs are stupid cunts but hey
me: TRAs saying misgendering is the most violent thing ever while defending the rapists, pedos, nazis and murderers in their community is hilarious
you: this means she thinks that ALL trans people are these things! 
anyway at least I got a cunt tbh 😂😂😂 
boireann gu sìorraidh bràth 😽
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irish-artist-ie · 4 years
Tag > Irish_Artist_ie_myface
#Repost @patrickkenneallyart
• • • • • •
New work progressing nicely even if I do say so myself 🙄😎
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rose-de-noire · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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biihanka · 7 years
Random Tags
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
I was tagged by the awesome @ohmygad-icantevans!! Thank you so much dear!!
1. What is your favorite song?
We have the Power - Gorillaz
2. What is your favorite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, I love this movie it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve watched I don’t get tired of it xD
3. What is your favorite movie scene?
The Be Our Guest scene from BatB, from both movies
4. Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
Simba, because I grew up watching the Lion King and I’ve always watched at my grandma’s house and  she even gave me the VHS
5. Who is your favorite actor and why?
I have so many! lol Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Tom Hiddleston, Josh Gad, Luke Evans, etc.. I love them because they are nice people, they are so kind to their fans and they always stand up for great causes :D 
6. Who is your favorite mutual/mutuals in Tumblr and why?
My main girl @isomekindofnature!! She’s the one who encouraged me to do my art blog and since then we became best friends! We even watched a live Gorillaz show online together! xD
7. What is your favourite pairing/ship and why?
Again I have so many! Destiel, Stucky, Stormpilot, Gafou and etc.. they are my favorites cause some of these characters have so much history together, they know each other so well! and all of them would make beautiful love stories!
8. What is your favorite TV show and why?
I have to say Supernatural, I watch this since it aired a long time ago and I really love this show!
9. Do you celebrate Christmas? If not, is there any festivity you celebrate instead?
Yes I do! Me and my family always do a christmas dinner together :)
10. What is your favorite fanfiction?
I have a few from different fandoms:
Twist and Shout - Destiel
Tell me about the big bang - Stormpilot
A Soaring Heart - Stormpilot
this city bleeds its aching heart - Stucky
If You Must Leave - Stucky
The Bite of A Knife - Stucky
11. Who is your favorite movie character?
Again...soo many! but I’m gonna say Loki!
I’m gonna tag: @isomekindofnature @ultrafandomcat @katniss93 @barnes-and-noble-girl @myownwoonderland @headoverhiddles @maireadmalesco @boireann @paperscorpion @padalalalecki @huttslut
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ufjkkrkdkf9hg9 · 3 years
Ainm: Ashleigh Reid
Aois: 121
Gnè: Boireann
Nàiseantachd: Albannach
Saoghal Dachaigh: Neo-Aithnichte
Rugadh an Dr. Ashleigh Reid — a tha fhathast gu mòr na dhuine — air a' Chrìochan neo-thròcaireach — tràth gur e i fhèin an aon neach a bha a' dol a choimhead air a son. Aon latha, chaidh a fastadh le buidheann mercenary airson obair fhìnealta: goid stòr connaidh deuchainneach a bha ga sgrùdadh ann am baile-mòr Outlands ann an Olympus. B' e obair cheart a bh' ann dha Reid, a rinn in-shìoladh agus làimhseachadh inntinn an luchd-rannsachaidh fad bhliadhnaichean. Nuair a rinn an obair-lann fèin-sgrios, bhàsaich i.
Agus cha do rinn.
Chaidh a h-eanchainn a chuir ann an slige simulacrum, ach sa phròiseas, chaill i bliadhnaichean de chuimhneachain, agus dh' adhbhraich trauma "bàs" a pearsantachd briste. Tha an luaithre mar shamhla air taobh fuar, foirfeachd agus acrach an Dr. Reid. Ach air cùl an aghaidh mhisneachail sin, tha rudeigin sinist a' suirghe. Às deidh coinneamh le Horizon a tha a 'dol thairis air prògramadh simulacrum Ash, tha am frèam a chùm daoine so-leònte — ach tuigseach — pearsantachd Leigh nan tàmh air tòiseachadh a' sgàineadh. Bidh Ash a' tighinn còmhla ris na Geamannan gus dearbhadh gu bheil i air a dhol thairis air a' chinne-daonna gu lèir. Tha Leigh airson dearbhadh gu bheil i ceàrr.
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theunknownaura30 · 7 years
Tag Game
So hey, I got tagged by @rose-de-noire! Thank you dear. Here are the rules.
1. Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Hm. I'll tag @winxixia @rumbellesweet-blog @boireann @missvoncheese @panslashsexual @marcenia @ohmygad-icantevans and @rachywritessomething. If you want to!
2. Bold the statements that are true.
Alright, let's get this thing started! 😆
I am 5'7" or taller- I wear glasses (mostly for far away)- I have at least one tattoo- I have at least one piercing (one on each ear)- I have blond hair- I have brown eyes- I have short hair- My abs are at least somewhat defined- I have or had braces (used to)
I love meeting new people (Hm mm.. it's nice but usually no one's interested after that, irl. Online it's cool tho)- People tell me I am funny- Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine- I enjoy physical challenges- I enjoy mental challenges- I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can't stop saying it- There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well (some say)- I can play an instrument (does it count if I used to play the violin? XD)- I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (apparently, but GOD that hurts. Stay in shape kids 😅)- I am a fast runner- I can draw well (so they say~)- I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head- I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute- I have beaten at least 2 people at arm-wrestling- I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch- I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy sports- I was on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (tennis in my high school and soccer for AYSO when I was younger)- I was in an orchestra or choir or band at my school or somewhere else- I have learned a new song in the past week (How Long sung by Charlie Puth. It's goood. XD)- I exercise at least once a week- I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months- I have drawn something in the past month (all the time xP)- I enjoy writing. (YES.)- Fandoms are my number one priority (You know it 😉)- I do some form of martial arts
I have had my first kiss- I have had alcohol- I have scored a winning point in a sport- I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting- I have been at an overnight event- I have been in a taxi- I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year- I have beaten a video game in one day- I have visited another country (Mexico)- I have been to one of my favorite bands' concerts
I have one person who I consider to be my Best Friend (there's 2 augg xP)- I live close to my school/work- My parents are still together- I have at least one sibling (2)- I live in the United States- There is snow where I live right now- I have hung out with a friend in the past month- I have a smartphone- I own at least 15 CDs- I share my room with someone (my sister)
I am in a relationship- I have a crush on a celebrity- I have a crush on someone I know- I've been in at least 3 relationships- I have never been in a relationship (I'm a sad, sad bean 😅)- I have admitted my feelings to a crush- I get crushes easily- I have had a crush for over a year (in the past)- I have been in a relationship for over a year- I have had feelings for a friend
I have break-danced (at my friend's quinceanera)- I know a person named Jamie- I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce- I have dyed my hair- I'm listening to a song on repeat right now- I have punched someone in the past week- I know someone who has gone to jail- I have broken a bone- I have eaten a waffle today- I know what I want to do in life- I speak at least 2 languages- I have made a new friend in the past year (2017)
Thanks for tagging me! ♡
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spencersnith · 4 years
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@theportabledoor​ @bilvy​ @bloodsuckinggal​ @dps1989​ @uglyswamp​ @marvelousemo​ @subtlemalice​ @heyuhh​ @merphslaw​ @o-p-1-a​ @estefannymdmtmendoza11-blog​ @fightmedokyungsoo​ @raymundorivera​ @ruiz-1612​ @best---intentions​ @bronxwents​ @hannahpixieismymom-blog​ @xntigone​ @sad-but-horny-ugh​ @dazedputa​ @saintmoonage​ @beds-scars-spending​ @sticksandstones-xx​ @tvmashiigvri​ @ryandevotee​ @tuesday-harry​ @enjoytequila​ @parasiempretumelancolia​ @grand-quixotic​ @humandefect​ @waytopunkrockforthis​ @ninisykes​ @loner-life-blog​ @jacinda26​ @nonamare​ @newqueercinemaa​ @g-narly​ @artxdie​ @dudethisissick​ @the-good-the-bad-and-the-dirty​ @whatamysterywevemade​ @ierohero​ @bands-and-random-crap-blog​ @croc-and-roll​ @stumplings​ @aspiewriter6390​ @pproinsias​ @gentry-rose​ @illegalkale​ @libbyalixe​ @patd-victorious-of​ @spoooky-frnk-blog​ @itsdelarge​ @bushdanked911​ @oliverwashitosykes-blog​ @emptyairechoes-blog​ @poisinedyouth​ @velveteenfangs​ @thattransguynamedchris​ @coffee-splatters​ @brendonvrie​ @mothercapybara​ @gnightjunes​ @fallenfirechild​ @bhindthsea​ @arthurtheturtle​ @ier0stein​ @kazoozo​ @bruisesonyourthighs​ @a-way-to-get-lost-in-you​ @krenayw​ @hunny-jpg​ @awkward-hby​ @drowning-inthis-hellabove​ @think-before-you-sink​ @mayhem-props​ @dislady-caity​ @grannahx-blog​ @theartistandthephotographer​ @xupalo-hxc​ @grandgatsby​ @almost-home04​ @folieadeuxover​ @boireann​ @galydaxy​ @blvrryfac3s​ @mychemicalpanic85-blog​ @thateviloctopus​ @bagsley​ @fangirl55556​ @fall-out-potatoes​ @upsetmoon​ @niconoodles​ @mkyjway​ @taylercarloss​ @mrsweasley-and-mollyhooper-blog​ @lo-hago-por-ti​ @killstonightz-blog​ @fouduli​ @sweetfoodomine​ @annie65494​ @theflightofpenguins​ @ashlynnno​ @planetary-revenge​ @anactualhypocrite​ @disappointing0​ @destroyya​ @jacksguitar-blog​
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