bjornsfoto · 1 year
Dandelion Lens: Laowa 100mm F2.8 Ultra Macro lens. I took this photo in Sweden.
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auntieblues · 11 months
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original auntieblues
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knightofhylia · 3 months
Adding Spiritual Elements to TOTK/BOTW Gameplay
Sadly, despite being a pretty religion focused game there is not a lot of options to actually show devotion. Here are a few ways I bond with the Hyrulean spirits while playing!
*Always crouch before praying at the altar. I generally crouch, pray, leave offerings in that order so I don't accidentally pick up offerings. It's a small show of respect!
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Various offerings at Hylia statues|Silent Princess' on Zelda's pedestal
*Leave offerings at goddess statues. Once you max out your hearts and stamina the statues don't get as much attention. Other great offering locations: Satori Mountain, The Leviathan Skeletons/Dark Skeletons, Temple of Time ground +Sky
*Cleanse yourself in springs, pools found in shrines, also great fairy pools. The Sacred Springs are a top choice but I also go to the depths at the Secret Spring of Revival. This can be a little bit more eloquently done in totk than botw, but jumping in none the less is good enough.
*Clothing is important! Hyrule is known for incredible fashion and lots of symbolism in their clothing. be intentional with the ingredients you use to dye your outfits. I dye my white outfits for the depths with silent princess to purify the clothes and to protect me in the depths (not an actual buff). I dye my sheikah outfit purple with muddlebuds to magically imbue their confusing properties with my sneaky outfit. etc I like to match the vibes of where I'm going with my outfits.
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Red hair for Dinraal, Purple for Sheikah/Hylia, White for Nadyra/Satori combo
*Disarm in public spaces. It makes it a bit more authentic feeling when you aren't sitting in the middle of town strapped to the teeth. I usually only keep my bow equipped.
*Have some areas be no hunting zones such as forests around the Temples of Time or other sacred areas. Or do the opposite and pick specific sites for animal or monster sacrifice
*Spend time with the dragons. In botw you can leave offerings at their spawn sites, make pilgrimages to see them come up and go down. in totk you can ride on them and use that as bonding time. It's a good time to meditate and listen to the music. When I am farming for dragon parts or need a dragon to appear, I usually go to their spring and leave an offering.
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Me needing Naydra fangs for armor
*Feed the animals! horses, sheep, goats, dogs, even stalhorse will eat apples or meat if you hold or drop the food. Dondons as well can be fed luminous stones, which are known to have connection to spirits.
*Use Shrine cutscenes as moment to recenter and meditate for a moment (aka don't skip the cutscene). I usually skip the cutscenes but sometimes I use the moments to realign myself especially if the shrine was really frustrating.
*Make your house into a shrine! With the gallery options you are able to post pictures on the wall. Usually I have pictures of the dragons or goddess statues, Sonia's grave, or geoglyphs. And you can change it anytime!
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Mommy and Daddy Hyrule and Restored Mother Statue
May the Goddess smile upon your save file!
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kitefreecss · 2 years
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surreallyokay · 1 year
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bokhzmur · 2 years
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Сауил и Сауила
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quantumkaworu · 2 years
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@quantumkaworu : main blog. no rules
@kitefreecss : Hunter X Hunter and general fandom
@knightofhylia : Zelda + divination
@surreallyokay : weirdcore + special interest (tw flashing lights,eye strain, horror)
igdaf about minors just BEHAVE.any blog is subject to have nsfw content.
@bokhzmur : my art archive and references
My ko-fi : Private readings and other spiritual services
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sports-insider · 2 years
Die 7 beliebtesten Sportarten in Asien
Nicht nur hierzulande sind die Menschen sportlich aktiv. Auch die Asiaten sind überaus sportbegeistert und es gibt dort eine riesige Auswahl verschiedenster Sportarten. Viele davon mit einem Hintergrund, der von Tradition und Kultur begleitet ist, was insbesondere bei den Kampfsportarten der Fall ist. Sieht man es streng, ist der Kampfsport keine reine Sportart, sondern hängt eher mit der…
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valdiis · 1 year
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Do you like fight clubs, but find the fight to be the bloodiest and goriest and edgiest to be tedious? Would you like to beat on your friends without risk of maiming them or setting them on fire? Do you like cheesy popoto bread?
We have the event for you! Warded Ring is a fight club that’s been going for about a year and a half now, operating by word of mouth until this very moment. This is our first tumblr advertisement! We have a unique system of magical warded rings that absorb the kinetic and magical energy of blows, allowing characters free reign to use their magic and slice with their sword without the risk of beheading their opponent. Most combatants leave with little more than blunt trauma bruises, which one might expect from a good sparring match.
Unlike most fight clubs that use a best-out-of-three rolls system, we use an HP system based on the difference between dice rolls. We borrowed and modified it from the Bokh Xaelic Wrestling system, with their permission. Our refs handle all the math for you - all you have to do is beat on your friends!
Our menu is delicious and our bar well-stocked - but don’t just step up and ask for “the strongest you’ve got” because you might get a bucketful of ship hull cleaner!
Come to Shirogane for thrills and remarkably few spills (of blood)! We look forward to seeing you there!
Our website: https://warded-ring.carrd.co/
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kaiju-emperor · 11 months
Genghis Khan (Rider) Servant Concept
Parameters Strength B Endurance A Agility C+ Magical Power C Luck A
Born Temujin, the man who would come be known as one of the greatest conquerors in all of history. He is perceived many as a great villian and butcher but to others a national hero and great leader. Among servants Genghis Khan stands shoulder to shoulder with some of the most powerful and famous heroic spirits such as Iskandar, Cu Chulainn, and Artoria Pendragon. He qualifies for many classes such as Archer, Lancer and Saber but Rider is by far his best class. In terms of fame, notoriety, and accomplishments he is without a doubt a top tier servant. Personality wise he is proud, charismatic, and larger than life. He considers himself chosen by heaven and all above to unite all nations under one banner. He is eager to experience new things and finds value in others who have skills, beliefs, customs and so on that are not his own. A man who sees only merit and character, looking beyond ones station, and seeing them for their core self. 'A wise beggar with a good heart is worth more than a king placed upon his seat through lineage alone'. Whoever is Genghis Khan's master will find a stalwart and strong servant but he will not follow there orders and may even kill them outright if he does not find them of respectable character or beliefs. He is prone to acting on his own but may take his masters council should they earn his respect.
Riding A-Genghis Khan is an expert in all vehicles and mounts, especially horses. He even has the potential to ride some phantasmal species and divine beasts.
Magic Resistance D-Can cancel out low level or single incantation spells. As well as protect from low level mental effects
Divinity C-Among the mongol people, Genghis Khan has been deified and associated with an equestrian war god known as Sülde Tngri. This deification represents Genghis Khan's martial character and the more mythical side of himself rather than the historical.
Khan Of Khans A+-A skill that represents Genghis's status as the greatest to hold the title of Khan. It is a composite skill that grants him aa high level Charisma , Tactics , and Golden Rule
Mongolian Martial Arts B-A skill that represents his expertise in the traditional martial arts and skills of his people. Such as horse archery, falconry, and Bokh also known as Mongolian wrestling, and so on. HIs skill in wrestling in particular makes him a dangerous opponent even whent totally unarmed.
Blessing Of Tengri A-It was said in the text 'Secret History Of The Mongols' that a spirit known as Zarin Tengri sent a vision from the great sky god Tengri to the Khorchin mongols, of a cow mooing toward the moon and the words 'Heaven And Earth have agreed to make Tenmujin lord of the nation'. This prophetic blessing is what allowed Genghis Khan to unite his people. It is a skill that acts similar to high ranked Protection Of The Faith and can occasionally grant prophetic dreams similar to the Revelation skill.
Noble Phantasms
Khans Grand Conquest: All Under Heaven is Mine A+ -A crystallization of Genghis Khan's ability to conquer and create the largest contiguous empire in all of history. The noble phantasm allows Genghis Khan to claim areas as his territory. The condition being that he must either win over a majority of the population in that designated area or defeat a figure of authority within that chosen area. Such as using his raw charisma to draw an entire bar to him and want to follow him, allowing him to claim the bar and the nearby area or making the mayor of a town submit to him thus claiming the town itself. Once Genghis Khan has claimed a territory as his own he has a certain level of Authority within that territory, raising his parameters slightly and allowing him to better engage any enemy that enters his territory. This skill also allows him to temporarily use the skills and even mana of others within his territory, representing the khan's propensity to incorporate other cultures, and beliefs into his kingdom rather than quashing them.
Twin White Horses: Divine Steeds Of The Khan A-The twin horses of Genghis Khan who were immortalized in a folktale. They are brothers, and are the Khan's constant companions. The older horse is white with a golden mane while the the younger is the inverse. They are similarly deified along with Genghis Khan and as such are divine beasts, representing the horse as a symbol of mongol culture. The horse and its rider are one, and it is said that the spirit or the soul is called a 'wind horse'. This association with the spirit allows the horses to ride past the veil and into the afterlife temporarily before appearing back in physical space. Though this power is extremely mana intensive. This association with the spirit world also grants them advantages against ghosts and other spiritual beings but not servants. Genghis Khan usually rides one or the other horse but they can also be summoned at the same time to pull Genghis Khan's chariot.
Khan's Tumen: Army Of The Conqueror B+-Genghis Khan had a very specific ordering of troops. He believed that a massive singular army was ineffective. And that multiple smaller armies was more efficient. This noble phantasm is a crystallization of that philosophy and allows Gengis Khan to summon a entourage of his elite Calvary up to 1000 strong. Each one of them is a minor heroic spirit in there own right and have average parameters of C. Though it is not an army as grand as Iskandar's or similar noble phantasms it has quality over quantity. However, summoning such a massive force of minor heroic spirits requires immense amounts of mana. So it is often employed sparingly.
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bjornsfoto · 1 year
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Wood anemone or Anemonoides nemorosa or Vitsippa in Swedish Lens: Pentagon 50mm f1.8 (An old East German lens). I took this photo in Sweden.
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ffxivaltaholic · 2 years
J = Jealousy - Dalain
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J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If one looked up Jealousy in the dictionary, there a chance her name would be listed somewhere with it. Now, as she's matured a bit Dalain has managed to reel in her temper and jealous nature a bit, though occasionally it does rear it's ugly head. Particularly when it comes to competitions and her possessiveness over her husband and his time. She is highly competitive by nature. Deep breathing exercises have helped, but there are a few occasions where she has challenged someone to a duel because she felt they were getting to flirty with her mate. Usually her go to is a test of combat, a Bokh challenge, though occasionally just throwing something at the individual or glaring at them in the hopes they spontaneously explode or something... Thankfully she's gained a fair bit of confidence over the past year or two and in turn it's helped quell the insecurities that led to her jealous nature in the past.
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Thank you so much for the ask!
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knightofhylia · 2 years
Basic Spirit Contact Etiquette
We’ve all seen some sort of ghost-hunting show in our lives, whether you were an avid Ghost Adventures fan or looking for scary things to watch on Halloween.
Here I’m whipping up a guide based on my 10+ years working with spirits on how to approach spirits respectfully and conduct yourself during contact whether in your own home or another location. This is focused on the types of spirits you may encounter while on a ghost investigation.
Before Contact
Consider who you are bringing with you.  Take into account the location you are going to. If you are in the south investigating a plantation with a crew of all white men it might get a little tense and spirits will probably not like to respond, or respond harshly. Most of the time when shows actually think about this is if they are going to a prison or something and they bring girls to attract ghosts. Think about the spiritual background of the people attending. People of different backgrounds will react to and attract different types of entities. 
Bring an offering. No one wants to do anything for free, so, give a little ‘thanks’ for the spirit's time and energy by bringing a gift. This can be almost anything! Do your research if you are investigating a specific location. Time periods, regions, specific people, and general areas can give you a clue on what to give.  If you really don’t have much info, there are some good (generally) universal offerings. 
Spirits need energy to manifest like I need energy to manifest myself out of bed sometimes. There are a couple of different ways to do this. 
Candles are a great, cheap, easy way to offer a little energy to the spirits. PLEASE USE CAREFULLY. Make sure it has a stable support such as a holder if its a tapered candle or bowl if it is a pillar candle. Place a plate underneath to catch any wax runoff. I’m not going to go deep into candle colours, but the ones I personally use are purple for psychic boost, white for general and cleansing, black for protection, or blue for insight. 
Crystals and rocks are a very common offering as well. This doesn’t have to be fancy, honestly a little quartz goes a long way sometimes. I personally have a pouch that has my stones for spirit contact specifically that I take with me to help me connect. I’m not going to go super extensive into the meanings of the crystals, you can find that other places, but these are my go to:
Labradorite: good for intuition and heightening senses
Spirit Bomb Quartz: I’m gonna be honest, I bought this mainly because it looked like a kidney stone I had, and it's one of Yusuke Urameshi's powers. But! It’s quartz so it’s always good to have around.
Azurite: good for mentality clarity and receiving messages. 
Lapis Lazuli: My favourite stone <3. Good for connecting with inner guidance and intuition. 
Music is great for bringing in spirits. Music is this incredible source of energy that carries over despite language, time period, or place. We all love music! Music can change a room in a minute. With music you are transported to a different time and place. This is great especially for spirits from older periods as it brings out a lot of nostalgia and emotion. Music also helps you get into the right headspace for communication as well.
Special objects are used all the time in ghost shows. Personal belongings such as jewelry, books, or clothes work well. Toys and crayons for children have been known to get them to come out and play. Things from the person’s time period or hobbies they did can help draw them in as well.
Food is what gives us energy, and that doesn’t change much in the spirit realm either. Some good basic foods to bring are things like bread, fruit, baked goods, tea, or alcohol. I've found unless there is specific trauma around it, most spirits accept alcohol/cigarettes. Consider the time period or region of your location. 
If you are investigating an old house or mansion, what food was popular at the time? What food was popular in the region? Try and give something that is familiar or would be a treat for them. Crack open a cold one for the spirits in your haunted bar, maybe offer up some peanuts or chips to bring the people in. Invite the lady of the mansion some nice tea or cakes and a chat. 
If investigating a hospital/mental ward/prison, consider bringing something from the outside world. From my personal experience there is nothing someone wants more after a long stint in the hospital than a big burger. These people died eating the blandest shit imaginable (if they weren’t starved) so try something they wouldn’t have been able to have before. You don’t have to cook a wagyu beef steak, but cookies or sweets could go a long way in winning the favour of more shy or angry spirits. Bring milk and cookies to the children’s ward for a treat! Give the kids the sugar they couldn’t have in this realm!
What do spirits do with food?
Think about all the energy you put into cooking! All the stirring, kneading, heating, cooling, oils, herbs, meats, water, all has energy that gets combined and condensed when food is made. In my mortal opinion, spirits can feed off of this energy like we eat food. This is why I think some food offerings shrivel quicker. The energy from the cow used to produce the milk is carried down through the milking, pasteurization, packaging, distribution and receiving of one single bottle, gaining more energy each step of the way. Machinery used to make food feeds into that energy as well as the people who make it. You ever buy food and can taste the energy of the overworked underpaid worker who made it? Homemade items are usually the best, but store bought works just the same. 
I also believe that the spirit can manifest to physically eat the food. This could either be an apparition or manifesting in the form of an animal. 
If the food is store bought I might suggest cleansing it spiritually before offering it. 
What to do with the food?
There are a couple options here. The easiest one is just leave it and let nature take its course. Liquids are usually poured on the ground or drain. If you are not on your own property I would suggest other methods such as burying(if it won't harm the wildlife) or (SAFELY) burning. I would use a big fireproof bowl such as a glass or metal mixing bowl (probably best if it’s not the one you use in the kitchen). If you are able to leave it overnight and come back to it, take note of any changes to the food! I like to keep my offerings out overnight but if it is going to spoil or stink then whenever you are done/they are done is fine.
Fire is an amazing element! Prometheus ain’t getting his liver eaten eternally for nothing! Fire can turn herbs and resins into magic in a flash. There’s a reason incense has been used for centuries in ritual practices all over the world. This can be done with sticks, cones, resins, bundles or loose. If you are going to burn incense PLEASE do this carefully as well.
Herbs and plants I usually burn are mugwort, wormwood, damiana, sandalwood, lavender, and cedar. This can be done either as a blend or individually. These are usually burned on a charcoal disk or as a stick if I can find one. 
Resins are also common for rituals and spirit contact. There’s a reason Christians love to hotbox themselves with frankincense and myrrh. Shit works! These take a little more work so I suggest planning ahead if you are going to use these.
If you’re a cop you have to tell us!!! Ok now that the cops are gone this might sound wack, but in my experience, ghosts love drugs. I have yet to encounter a spirit who did not like weed. I have been told specifically to smoke weed with my spirits to help charge and cleanse them. Taking a rip from a bong invokes all four elements and helps center yourself. I wouldn’t suggest toking up in a haunted mansion, but a sprinkle of flower or kief on a charcoal disk can work as well. Use tobacco wisely as it is sacred to many Native cultures. Use Native grown tobacco and treat the herb with the respect it deserves. White supremacy and capitalism have tainted tobacco to be what it is now. If offering cigarettes, I suggest using the more organic ones. That being said, if you know a specific brand the spirit likes, opt for that one. I would suggest burying this offering as burning it may cause health issues, set off fire alarms, or leave a harsh smell. 
Consider the type of haunting or spirit you are going to interact with. What do previous reports say the activity is?  What type of location is it? What was this land before something was built here? I will briefly cover different types of hauntings and spirits that are common for ghost investigations. This is by no means all-encompassing but I’ve gathered this much from observations.
Active haunting. Classic ghost haunting. This type of spirit is aware of their surroundings to a degree. Usually conscious of the fact they are dead but not always. Common characteristics are:
Lights flickering
Feelings of being watched
Temperature drops
Hearing voices
Apparitions (full body, partial, shadow beings)
Mild physical activity (touching, doors closing/opening on their own, minor movement of objects)
Residual haunting. More common for places of tragedy, this type of spirit is usually not aware of their surroundings and instead are repeating moments of their life. Most characteristics apply from active hauntings to residual as well.  The main difference is activity is done in a pattern. Common characteristics are:
Activity that comes in cycles or patterns i.e. specific times of day/year, specific places
Movement of specific objects
Voices or audio that does is not in response to the living word
Apparitions seen around same place/time
Poltergeist. This is the more active type of haunting. Most horror movies are based on this type. This type of haunting usually happens when a spirit is very powerful, usually angered or annoyed. The spirit is very aware of its surroundings. Common characteristics are:
Apparitions of all kinds
Doors slamming
Wall banging
Intense physical activity (things being thrown, moved, broken, or disappearing)
Physical presence (cold rooms, being able to push or grab people)
Behaviour change  in people (more aggressive, sad, or just strange behaviour in general)
There is a lot of bleedover in regards to the categories, but it is usually determined by intensity and frequency of objects. 
During Contact
Ugh, nothing pisses me off more than people back-talking ghosts when they are trying to make contact. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar folks. Here’s quick do’s and don'ts of making contact with spirits.
Bring an offering
Announce your presence when you come in and state your business. Be polite and introduce yourself. Spirits are more likely to warm up to you if they know what your doing.
Explain your equipment as you set it up or use it. Show them where to talk on recorders, I can almost guarantee someone from the 1800s probably doesn’t know about REM pods, EMF detectors, and video cameras. Explain using simple language but remember you are not talking to a child (unless you are). Demonstrations of equipment can help you test out your gear and get the spirits used to it. Evidence doesn’t start when you turn off the lights, record as you set up in case curious ghosts have things to say
Thank the spirit when it responds! If you ask for a sign and they bang the wall, thank them! Even if it’s scary stuff like slamming doors it’s still good to thank them.
Provoking the spirits by taunting isn’t going to do shit but get you cursed. Y’all know what I’m talking about. Early seasons Zak Bagans shit. ‘I’m not scared of you! Come out and face me! Show yourself coward! Attack me!’ Okay dude good luck with that attachment!
You are a mere mortal in the presence of something you don’t understand, don’t be an asshole about it. Talk to them like they are people because they probably were once! Talk in a respectful tone and be humble.
Don’t get mad if they don’t respond. Be mindful of where you are and what you’re talking about. If you are asking a spirit about a horrific event, accept that they may not want to talk about it. The type of haunting may not be fit for the type of investigation you’re doing. 
NOT EVERY GHOST IS A DEMON OR EVIL. I’m so tired of every time someone has a negative interaction with a ghost it’s a demon. Maybe they’re just pissed off you’re in their space? Don’t throw around random labels just because you’re uncomfortable. 
Debunking is always good to try but disregarding unexplainable things discourages spirits from trying. Or they may try harder and you might not like what they do!
Ending Investigation
Show your gratitude. Dispose of your offerings properly and thank the spirits for their time and energy. Clean up any mess you may have left.
Cleanse the space.  Everyone likes to cleanse differently so I won’t go into it too deeply. Personally, I like to burn incense and use sound. I find ‘cleansing tones’ on Spotify and turn my bluetooth speaker upside down so the speaker is directly touching the surface. I believe this helps dispel negative energy. Other ways are using a bell, using cleansing water, visualization etc. Take only pictures, leave only footprints type of deal. This is especially important for places of violence or negative energies. 
I advise walking out of the space backwards so nothing can follow you and cleansing yourself when you are done. Too often people go into these spaces, rip the bandaid off the spiritual wounds and then leave. It’s cruel to keep these spirits bound to these places for our entertainment.
Only YOU can prevent spiritual fuckery!
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Note: the source leads to an outside blog that is co-run by me. Some of the words may have been changed in this edition, but this is not plagiarism, i wrote both! The URL is randomly generated for now but it is still a legit website. Feel free to check out the other posts!
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kitefreecss · 1 year
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Pattern inspired by kites shirt
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surreallyokay · 2 years
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nuclear fusion
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bokhzmur · 2 years
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Auroré, spirit fusion of love, art, and gender
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