#bold freedom
palatinewolfsblog · 5 months
"What the herd hates most is the one who thinks differently; It's not so much the opinion itself, but the boldness of wanting to think for yourself - an ability of which they themselves are not capable." Arthur Schopenhauer.
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dvcky-duck · 2 months
*barfs* HI GUYS
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reality-detective · 16 days
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Whatever the 1% says, do the opposite stand together and we will flip the script and it will be ALL the people saying you are wrong. 🤔
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hermesmoly · 4 months
Headcanon: when Hephaestus chained Hera to her chair, it took a night before Dionysus could convince him to free his mother. Hera spent overnight trapped in that chair in contempt and guilt. Zeus, for all his sleaziness cheating, and arrogance over his wife, never left her side during this. He wouldn’t sleep in his marriage bed nor in the bed of another that night. He slept right next to her on his own throne, clutching his hand with hers, their rings gently gleaming.
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nocternalrandomness · 5 months
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Strike Eagle over Afghanistan - 2008
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manderleyfire · 3 months
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– What's keeping us apart ain't even real, your daddy, his religion, it's got nothing to do with us. – It's not just his, it's mine too. I've got the same spirit in me, why don't you see that?
Alice Englert and Walton Goggins in Them That Follow (2019), dir. Dan Madison Savage & Brittany Poulton
#them that follow#them that follow 2019#alice englert#film stills#walton goggins#film frames#film lovers#screencaps#cinephile#i'm still so salty about this film i needed to make an edit out of it lol#shitty things i do for love#they really tricked me into thinking it's gonna be 'the ballad of jack and rose' but make it *more* cultish american gothic#but in fact it's just a boring mediocre piece of nothing#you CAN'T you're not ALLOWED to cast my favorite people to play fatherhusband daughterwife cult leaders#and then chicken out at the last minute because you're not bold enough to sink your teeth into thought provoking topics#it's just ... sad and wrong and sad#it could have been it SHOULD HAVE BEEN such a poetic tragic metaphor for a child x parent indispensable separation#especially considering an absence of a mother and how the main character feels proud to take her place as the lady of the house#that is obvioisly delicious and semi unhinged but at the same time absolutely expected#because of her religious beliefs and her dad's behaviour????#or they could have gone with the dark fairy tale elements and make it 'the marsh king's daughter' au or whatever#'freedom! sunshine! to the father! i remembered my own father in the sunlit land of my home! my life and my love!' you know#BUT NO. what a waste of walton goggins and alice englert brilliance#fathers and daughters man fathers and daughters#a love of the rack and the screw and i said i do i do#the rejects the eccentrics the loners the lost and forgotten cinema club
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catastrophicalcat · 3 months
OK, just saying - if I was the creator of any media featuring Batman, I would not REST until I managed to get in a scene of him going down on someone (but probably Selina).
Fingers crossed that the Caped Crusader showrunners, Harley Quinn showrunners, Kite Man showrunners, the Penguin showrunners, Matt Reeves, James Gunn, or anyone literally hopefully anyone whose opinion actually matters shares this view!
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kazuhearted · 2 months
hyv is generally good at tying together multiple concepts that fit so well together you'll wonder how nobody has had the idea before (ie: fontaine being a mix of jazz, art nouveau, magic, performance and justice that come together to form The Spectacle of the Courtroom). but what they did with venti has a special place in my heart.
maybe I'm just a hashtag anarchist, but the wind has a long history of association with freedom, and it's often evoked in poetry and song. but specifically the freedom from oppression, from the system or the life circumstances you feel are tying you down and not letting you breath. aspirations for a better place far away the wind could carry you towards.
and it seems to have a special spot in the heart of artists with revolutionary sympathies. for example, Spanish poet Miguel Hernandez has a book titled El viento del pueblo (The wind of the people), and in the context of the Civil War he writes to his friend 'We poets are wind of the people; we are born to be exhaled through their pores and direct their eyes and feelings towards the most beautiful of mountain peaks [...] The people await the poets with their ears and their soul laid at the foot of every century'. he imagines the poet as a vessel that must transmit the popular will.
i could pull a dozen examples more from my spotify playlist alone lol.
and hyv kept that spirit! venti is born in revolution! he sees his friend die while trying to free the people of old mondstadt. and when they break free, he makes the valleys a warm place for them to live. he becomes the archon but never imposes, merely makes sure the will of the majority can be carried out without the interference of an elite. he is a poet and a bard. he carries Orpheus' lyre. he memorizes folk songs. he is always nostalgic for a better place the wind cannot carry him to. he is a yearner for happiness and a drunkard !!!
hadestown's orpheus is one of my favorite depictions of the "revolutionary poet". and venti takes what he has and adds the wind attribute, the connotations of him as a caretaker of folk history and art throughout the centuries as well.
genshin's lack of commitment to the ideology and their status as a multimillion dollar business make it so that i can't like venti's concept as earnestly as i do orpheus'.....but they've still created a beautiful character.
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halfyearsqueen · 3 months
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Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth. You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure youre doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
taken from @dioica 🫶
tagging: @adamanteine , @lannisther , @burninghils , @sevynhells , @lenfaer , @doloridis , @stormbcrn , @daekarys
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notetaeker · 8 months
The reality of antisemitism is that it has always historically originated from and been maintained by the western powers. The only difference now is that no one is outwardly admitting it. It’s the reason we teach and learn about Anne Frank as kids in the US and don’t learn the fact that her and many other Jews were killed in the Holocaust because Europe and the US refused to take them because they were Jews.
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dykesbites · 1 month
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i need this shirt so bad its unreal this shirt is LITERALLY me i know i say that about everything but fr i love this poem its literally me
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Duke Reminder for when you get back from your run or whatever you’re doing (probably actually running but idk 🤷‍♂️)
Im sorry friend this is so late, it got buried in my ask and I forgot.
I've obviously lost most of the energy of the rant but I'll sum it up with: Duke's origin with the We Are Robin (WAR) movement marked DC doing something different with the Robin title. These weren't specially picked Chosen Ones. These are kids of Gotham trying to take back the city, being inspired by the heroes to do what they can to spread their own light in the darkness.
Duke being a leader of that movement, having met Batman early on (Zero Year) and making his own way apart of but still adjacent to the Batfam. In my mind, Duke would be like cousin Kate, in that he's absolutely a Bat, but he's not like beholden to Bruce and he kinda does his own thing. The idea of the WAR being almost like Baker Street Irregulars, like street level heroes to do good and if it gets too big, you call in the OG Bats. This is the perfect space for characters like Harper/Cullen Row, Maps Mizoguchi etc to fit in. They could have their own separate stories that occasionally link up with the Bats.
Duke is serving as a leader/Oracle like figure watching out for and organizing the Robins. When Bruce realizes he can't stop Duke or the others, he ropes Duke in and gives him equipment, training and generally helps the kids. Because Bruce is looking to the future, the future he won't always be able to save but if he can save these kids and empower them... then they can save themselves and Gotham. So Duke is a Bat, no questions. Its a joke amongst the WAR that Duke knows the Bats personally, sees them outside of costume. He and Jason vibe really well and Dami respects him for the good hard work he's doing.
Idk, I like Duke as a character but I will admit it eats at me that this kind of exciting, bold, progressive new character was kind of tosses aside for the same old 'nice kid, dead/unavailable parents, becomes Bruce's ward, slap him in a costume and fight crime'. It doesn't matter that oh! He's dayshift or Oh! He has powers!!! It's still the same formula. I love making jokes about Bruce's revolving door of kids but at some point it's gotta stop. Duke being his own dude, alongside the Bats making real change in Gotham. God that would have been So interesting guys and I'll forever be upset about it.
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adelle-ein · 1 year
it's embarrassing how long this took to sink in for me but i've finally realized the reason the vast majority of people people are so evil and insane about israel vs palestine is because they fundamentally see neither side as human
#that's why the Other Side is always full of faceless monsters and every single one deserves to die#and why deaths on Their Side are perfectly acceptable collateral#you don't see this in most other conflicts that get western media attention bc there's an acceptably White side and in i/p there is not#this is why there are nazis on both sides because nazis can either root for ethnic cleansing of jews or ethnic cleansing of muslims#win/win for them!#especially because no matter what side they root for there will be catastrophic death and they hate both sides!#and that's why i see so many people including jews and muslims casually wishing genocide on whichever side they don't like#because they simply do not care. it is not real to them#they have convinced themselves there are no humans in this conflict#they have convinced themselves there is an easy win situation for their Side#and there is not.#they have worst of all convinced themselves that whatever violence their Side commits is retaliatory and therefore acceptable#that the genuinely evil government leading their side consists of bold freedom fighters#that anything done in the name of that freedom is okay#and in doing so ironically they have lost their own humanity because they are so determined not to see others'#i give grace to any caught in the middle of this. i understand hatred and fear and wishing death to those hurting you#but to westerners? to the americans happily cheering on civilian deaths? nope. none for you#you say things you would never say about ukraine because you do not believe any humans are involved in this war#shutting off electricity and leaving everyone to die? fine. bombings? fine. rape and kidnapping? fine. they're not humans after all#expressing support for either hamas or the israeli government is unfathomable to me#and yet i'm seeing it en masse from those who supposedly want peace and leftism#obsessed with an abstract idea of Ye Glorious Revolution Needs Bloodshed (so civilian murder okay)#and in turn indistinguishable from the right wingers calling for gaza to be glassed. not to Both Sides but. Both Sides.#genocide is never an acceptable solution. i cannot believe that is a controversial statement#no civilian deaths are ever valid collateral. even if you personally do not quite see israelis or palestinians as human#you might think you do but ask yourself what you would do if it was you. on whichever side you see as evil. is it “okay” now? acceptable?#collateral for justice? what is necessary to ensure your side wins? it would be okay if you and your loved ones died? that's okay?#what if it was happening in america? england? your hometown?#is it still okay?#if it isn't...why not? why is your life more important than that of an israeli or palestinian?
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astranauticus · 7 months
how does a story seem to somehow perfectly understand you like as a person. brb losing my mind
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werepires · 2 years
Ok listen I get people are upset again bc of a con statement but did we collectively forget it’s not even certain Cas is in the prequel isn’t it a bit quick to say “Jensen’s answer dooms future destiel” if we don’t even know if this hypothetical “future destiel” even exists
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lesiasmadness · 1 year
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