ditzyblog · 2 years
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Behaviour ‘Behaviour – ever done something drunk that you wouldn’tdream of doing sober? Freud was a neurologist in the 19th and 20th centuries who created the theory of the Id – the little part of our brain that wants it NOW and the only part of our personality that he says is there from birth. It’s how babies make their needs known and met. Fortunately, we develop what he called the Ego and Superego which keep the id in check and our behaviours more socially acceptable. They are the middle men between our id and the world, and make us show up as sensible human beings. Guess what happens to egos when we anaesthetise them? How I love waking up now and remembering everything I did the night before. Not frantically checking my phone and Facebook to see what I’ve said, who I’ve called and what I’ve texted. When we drink, we tend to tell others what we think and blame them for all of our woes. But no-one else can make us feel or behave in a certain way. NO-ONE- only we have the control over how we respond.’ The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/Cphijtfs_UJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘Honesty - is always the best policy. Learning to be honest with ourselves and others can be difficult but so worth it in the end. Admitting to ourselves that we have a problem with alcohol is tough, but it’s a huge step forward. Even if we don’t do anything about it at first, or keep trying and then giving up, identifying the problem is good. This is our journey, and we may not want to tell everyone of our issues and problems, but seeing and speaking our truth can be so refreshing. It stops us from tying ourselves up in knots by trying to remember what we have said to whom! In a nutshell - be true to yourself, only tell others what you want to, but don’t lie. ‘ The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, or you can buy it world wide on Amazon for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #dating #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellnessbooks #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #alcoholismselfhelpbooks #sobrietygiftsforwomen https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrIpv1M6OS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 1 year
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‘Sugar - we ingest so much sugar when we drink alcohol that our body craves replacement when we stop. It’s our choice whether to ride it out in the same way as alcohol or to succumb. Sugar is not good for us and is linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and poor energy levels. Beware the sweeteners though as many have been linked to far worse conditions. Stevia plant appears to be the most popular currently but ensure it is 100%. Sugar triggers our Reward Pathway stimulating our Dopamine and Endorphins. We therefore get cravings and withdrawals when we stop. These include: • Headache • Sleep problems • Depression • Poor concentration • Anxiety • Restlessness • Feeling sick • Dizziness • Lack of energy or feeling tired • Muscle cramps I am currently reminding myself every day that I have a choice to eat sugar and feel ill, or abstain and feel so much better in myself.’ The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSJfDuMOSt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘Korsakoff’s Syndrome – is a brain injury, similar to dementia, caused by poor nutrition and lack of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) which can be caused by drinking alcohol. Low thiamine affects the parts of our brain (Thalamus, Hypothalamus and Limbic System) which help with our sleep, movement, sensation, nerves, circulation, thirst, hunger, perceptions, emotions and memory. It stands to reason, therefore, that a depletion of Thiamine will cause confusion, memory loss, poor co-ordination, visual problems and hallucinations. People with this condition often make up stories to fill in for the memory gaps, which they then believe to be true. ‘ htps://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh27-2/134-142.htm The A – Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at http://www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKoJ8pMaqA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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Stop Drinking Safely ‘Detox – when we stop taking something our body has become reliant on, then we go through a period of detoxification. This varies, depending on how much we have been taking, genetics and our health. Stopping drinking for some can be very dangerous as it can lead to seizures and death. I would always encourage everyone who is stopping alcohol, to discuss this with their medical practitioner first. Some of us need a medical detox in hospital, whilst others can do this safely at home, either with or without medication. We are all different, and medical advice is always recommended. But I didn’t practise what I preach, so I get it if you don’t want to do this. If you are physically dependent on alcohol (i.e., you need a drink to stop shaking and to be able to function each day) do NOT stop drinking dead. If you cannot talk to someone or access a medical detox, then Reduce Gradually the amount you drink each day until you are at a stage where you can then stop. Reduce Gradually – if you are drinking every day, then it is advisable to gradually reduce your alcohol intake before you stop completely. Start by making a note of what you are actually drinking, work out your daily Units (you could use the Drinkaware app to help with this) and gradually reduce this down by 10% each day. You can do this by either lowering the amount you drink or the strength of what you are drinking. According to the article below, when you have had a week of drinking 10 units or less a day it should be safe for you to stop drinking. But again, I would encourage you to speak to a medical practitioner for support with this.’ https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/help-and-advice/advice-you/how-safely-detox-alcohol-home/ The A – Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp135QKssIu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘Toxic Relationship - is any relationship that is not helpful to us. If others make us feel uncomfortable, do not hear us, continually berate us and put us down, or try to stop us from achieving our goals then they do not deserve a place in our life. It does not matter who these people are – our boss or our parents – if they repeatedly make us feel worthless and fill us with fear and anxiety, then it’s time to let the relationship go. Often, we stay in these relationships because we think we ‘should’ or ‘ought to do the right thing’ but who for? For them? Because of who they are? Because society expects it? To save face? What about us? We deserve to be happy and alive. We can only try so much, we cannot make others change the way they are (nor should we), we can only change our response. ‘The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzZ0sxspBN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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#PTSD ‘PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) - after any traumatic event it is perfectly normal for us to spend a few weeks feeling upset and anxious, having problems with sleep, reliving the situation and picking it apart. This is our mind's way of processing what has happened and storing our memories in sequence. Sometimes we can get very stuck in the experience which could be a one-off event or repeated trauma that we have endured over a number of years. The most common symptom of this is Flashbacks which can be triggered by anything at any time and will take us right back to the event as if we were reliving it. Other symptoms can be: poor sleep, anxiety, depression, avoidance, anger and feeling numb. Psychotherapy and medication can help. At the time of writing the most effective therapy is thought to be EMDR.’ The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpw3NsCsXrr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) - works on the understanding that every area in our life impacts on another. If something changes in one area then it will impact on the others. Stopping drinking impacts hugely on this, as does drinking. The difference is, sober we always have the capacity. I love Dr Chris Williams’ 5 areas approach to this; situation, thoughts, feelings, behaviours and physical… Situation: At a party and everyone is drinking Thoughts: I’m missing out, I don’t fit in, a drink will help, I’m sure I can just have one Feelings: Anxious, uncomfortable Physical: Sweaty palms, heart racing, dry mouth, agitation Behaviour: Have a drink Physical: Relief, numb Thoughts: That feels better Behaviour: Drink more Physical: Feel sick, dizzy, pass out Next day Situation: Wake up on the bathroom floor Thoughts: What did I do that for? What’s wrong with me? What did I do last night? Never again Feelings: Embarrassment, shame, worry Physical: Headache, nausea, tired, hung over Behaviour: Checking phone to see what you’ve done, ringing in sick or going to work but not really performing Now maybe go through these five areas and see how it would be if you resisted that one drink. Situation: At a party and everyone is drinking Thoughts: Feelings: Physical: Behaviour: Next Day Situation: Thoughts: Feelings: Physical: Behaviour: You can find out more about this, and work interactively on your own five areas either on line at Living Life to the Full (llttf.com) or in his workbooks: ‘Overcoming Anxiety: A Five Area Approach’ ‘Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic: A Five Areas Approach’ ‘Overcoming Depression and Low Mood: A Five Areas Approach’ ‘ The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuRlm2MUuk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘Care Plan - whilst podcasting one day, I realised how helpful it would be to write a care plan for ourselves when we quit alcohol. It is a big life change and this would really help us to look at the difficulties, what we want to achieve and how. Whilst this is something we need to do for ourselves, it’s really important to remember that we do not have to do this all alone and to include everyone and everything we can think of to help us. Here’s an example to get you started and then have a go yourself: What I want to do: Stop drinking alcohol How: Read about what to expect and ways to do it Decide if I want face to face or online support Talk to my doctor Talk to others who have quit for ideas on what to do and what to expect Find a sober Community to support me and join Tell my family and or friends Who: Me, doctor, sober community, family and friends When: One week from today I will stop drinking What I want to do: Manage cravings How: Make sure there is no alcohol easily available Reach out and talk to people for support Distract myself; go for a bath, walk, run, watch a movie, play a game Play it Forwards Use ACT – become aware, clarify what is happening and turn it around Who: Me, my sober community, friends, family, When: One day at a time What I want to do: How: Who: When: What I want to do: How: Who: When: The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpr2KSzMHM3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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Affirmations ‘Affirmations – are positive sayings to help us rewire our ways of thinking. Whatever we tell ourselves our mind and body believe. I used to refer to these as Mantras but have now discovered these are actually two very different things. Find some positive affirmations that resonate and work for you and use them when you need to. There are lots out there but here are a few to get you going from my sober buddies: • Play it Forwards/Play the tape forwards • I make amends to my loved ones everyday just by being sober • Alcohol never made a good time better • Don’t stop working on sobriety because alcohol will never stop working on you • I will take my worst day sober over my best drunk day • One day at a time (ODAAT) • My craving means I’m further away from where I DON’T want to be • I never woke up regretting not drinking the night before • Fun fact: alcohol is poison • Go do something creative • Let go and let God • Move a muscle, change a thought • There is no such thing as a functional alcoholic, you are a barely functioning alcoholic! • I never regret waking up sober • It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop – Confucius • To get to 10 (or wherever) I have to go through days 1,2,3,4 … • I am either working on being sober or working towards a relapse • It works if you work it and you are worth it. • Be kind to yourself always • Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it • Alcohol steals tomorrow’s happiness • Sobriety delivers what alcohol promises • Taking small steps, one day at a time, to a happier and healthier future full of endless possibilities • From every breakdown there is a breakthrough • Everything happens for a reason • No sippy, no slippy • Pour the poison down the sink • Not another drop, no matter what ‘ From The A – Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton available world wide on Amazon. #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcSEhpMfsB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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My latest podcast is up on YouTube (link to page in bio) and at the amazing www.sobertownpodcast.comThis week I look at how being kind can boost feel good chemical for ourselves and others and the need to be kind a generous to ourselves in the first instance. To help with this I discuss and read about Acceptance, Control, Kindness, Metta, Self Care and Mindfulness from my book ‘The A-Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know’ by Corinna Alderton - available worldwide on Amazon. Keep focussing on controlling the things you can and not resisting the things you cannot Www.sobertownpodcast.com 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin💖🙋🏻‍♀️ #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CoonhguMU9R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) - is one sobriety way but it’s not the only way, so don’t worry if it’s not for you. I did consider it, as I loved the thought of face-to-face meetings, but I quit drinking during lockdown and Zoom really isn’t my thing. In this book you will find alternative sources of support to help you through your journey. AA covers The Twelve Steps programme in a set order. Many of us find that we naturally progress through these without ever having picked up the ‘Big Book’. Some women feel AA is very male-dominant, as it was founded by men and remained male-based for many years, but I know of several women who have found it extremely helpful. Others are deterred by the spiritual aspects of AA and I was too, but then I looked deeper into the meaning of our Higher Power. If you want the traditional AA route, you can find meetings in your local area by looking on-line, Citizens Advice or your local library.’ https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/About-AA/Historical-Data The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna on YouTube and at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CocTLO0MJou/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘Toxic Relationship - is any relationship that is not helpful to us. If others make us feel uncomfortable, do not hear us, continually berate us and put us down, or try to stop us from achieving our goals then they do not deserve a place in our life. It does not matter who these people are – our boss or our parents – if they repeatedly make us feel worthless and fill us with fear and anxiety, then it’s time to let the relationship go. Often, we stay in these relationships because we think we ‘should’ or ‘ought to do the right thing’ but who for? For them? Because of who they are? Because society expects it? To save face? What about us? We deserve to be happy and alive. We can only try so much, we cannot make others change the way they are (nor should we), we can only change our response. We are going to get so fit with all this Hula Hooping!’ From The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, or you can buy it world wide on Amazon for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFQJeOsKrP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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Podcast topics needed! Full confession - I took the remaining suggestions out of the jar and put them in an envelope to take with me on my 3 month hospital tour 🤣 And now I can’t find the envelope 🤦🏻‍♀️ I did a podcast this week just reading from The A - Z of alcohol and sobriety: Acceptance, our Addict Voice, Choice, Control Community and Hope and it is up at www.Sobertown podcast.com and on my YouTube channel - Positive Recovery with Corinna (link in bio) These are what I have covered so far. Please comment below with your ideas and future topics 🙏 Hope, acceptance, recovery, telling our story, anxiety, cravings, anger, stress management, compliments, sleep, suicide, prevention, owning your sobriety, connection and sobriety, boredom, and loneliness, moderation, downsizing, protecting your sobriety when others still drink, Building sober support networks, depression: antidepressants and alcohol, forgiveness, meditation tips, goals, self-care, diet vitamins exercise and supplements, acetaldehyde, regret and shame, grief, how to tell others you aren’t drinking, joy and sobriety, gratitude, alternatives to drinking, friendships and boundaries, facing our fears, clarity and reframing, vigilance and complacency, humour and acceptance. 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDf2hgsXq5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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‘Bite Size Pieces - it helps so much if we can break tasks down. Even our sobriety plan. When we see everything that needs to be done it can be completely overwhelming. Like never drinking again. AA’s saying is ‘One Day at a Time’ for a very good reason. We only ever have this moment, but we are great at causing ourselves stress by thinking ahead, looking back and missing the Now. The important thing is not to set ourselves up to fail, or give ourselves so much to do that we avoid the task completely. And then beat ourselves up whilst running around on yet another hamster wheel! If tidying and cleaning the house seems too much, just start with a room. If a room is too much, start with a cupboard. If a cupboard is too much, start with a drawer. If a drawer is too much, just start with the corner … ‘ The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, or you can buy it world wide on Amazon for less than a bottle of booze! I also talk about many of the 400 plus headings in Positive Recovery with Corinna at www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find many great podcasts with people from this community and much much more. Read, listen, write and connect. Work, work, work your recovery 💃💥🎉 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnl5lQFsJNS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ditzyblog · 2 years
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If you’d told me 6 months ago I’d be driving in and out of London I’d never have believed you. Nor if you’d told me I’d be going in lifts several times a day or negotiating my way alone on the trains and underground with my Purple Pusher (walker). But now it is just part of my normal day and I actually love it. The traffic is slow but it gives me time to look around and see all the great buildings en-route. I’ve driven past the Tower of London, over London Bridge (when I took a wrong turn) and I see St Paul’s cathedral every day. Like wise, if you’d told me a little over 2 1/2 years ago I would be sober I wouldn’t have believed it. Especially the fact that the fear of Never drinking again becomes a fear of Ever drinking again. I have had to face my first paragraph of fears alone but not the second. Find your community )mine is the @i_am_sober_app) that can help you achieve but you have to work work work it. Post, read, comment and reach out. Read or listen to quit lit: The A - Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton This Naked Mind by Annie Grace The Unexpected Joy of Bring Sober by Catherine Gray Listen to Podcasts- my favourite is www.Sobertownpodcast.com where you will find so much more than just podcasts. Join in on zooms. There are lots to choose from. This is your journey, your choice but there are lots of different tools 🧰 to help you. Be sure to collect many. As my brother once reassured me “Don’t worry about the traffic in London. You are the traffic” 🍵🫖☕️💦 Chin Chin 💖 #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books #anxiety #fear #london (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CneNFoOsrq9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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