#boop spg
asmogorna · 5 months
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Just really wanted to draw Starry interacting with a bunch of bots .. sorry if anything is ooc or too not canon I was kinda in a rush 😭
Also this because I couldn't stop thinking about that image sorry
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Tenrec belongs to @grubbylilgoblin Boop belongs to @brooklynisher Buzzer belongs to @boneinator Stripy belongs to @tealares-art Mask belongs to @steamanband
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Family Photo
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I made this for my stepdad for Father's Day. He's not necessarily an SPG fan, but he does find the concept cool and after hearing me yap so much about them, he figured that an easy request from me for his birthday would be to make him a drawing of the entire family as SPG characters. I missed his birthday. So now we're back for Father's Day and that's what this is!
Did it in the SWH style since that felt easier to apply when it came to designs I've never used before.
So there are one of two ways this could go. One, since Boopsy was separated from GG, you could say they were her adoptive family and she just lives with them now. Do I know where they came from? Not really since they aren't necessarily my characters! I could imagine that my grandparents from both sides were the inventors though.
The other way, which is honestly more likely, is that this simply isn't canon. But idk, we can learn more about it along the way.
Happy Father's Day people!
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Sketchy sketchy
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ramenwithbroccoli · 6 months
happy Walter Worker Wednesday / early Fanbot Friday / GG getting a physical plastic body Spiderman Unboxing Sunday
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[click for better quality!]
sorry if i got something wrong guys i realised i was using old references way too late
walter worker Joyce belongs to @steamanband, Buzzer belongs to @boneinator and Boopsy Doodle belongs to @brooklynisher :]
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c4fin4t3d-f1sh · 4 months
I'm aware I'm not in full makeup, do not be scared.
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Face reveal I guess <:( (I look like a crusty 9 year olddd....)
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"Feeling cute, might delete later 😻😻🤖"
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POV: Beating you to death with a frying pan so you sleep better ASMR
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pyrobuyo · 1 year
YEEEAAHAHAH !!!!! when the robo interests collide dkvdjsbsns
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funguslesbian · 2 years
hello dionysus my friend dionysus! <3 for the physical intimacy prompts would maybe rabbit (spg) with nose boops be okay,,? <3
"Annnd-done!",Iris proclaimed as she tied and cut the thread before turning around to show her finished work.
"Congratulations Rabbit,your shirt is now one button richer!"
Rabbit clapped and crowed with delight from where she was seated on the workbench.
"Ma can do anything! Anything!!!"
Iris smiled a bashful smile,pink dusting her cheeks as she gestured for Rabbit to stand.
"Oh I'm certain that's not true.Come here dear,let's get your shirt on."
"But she can! She c-c-can!!",Rabbit argued as she put one arm through her sleeve,then the other.
"Ma can cook and sweep and mop and w-w-wash and stop The Jon from walking into traffic and get Pappy to eat and make The Spine smile and build Two and Three and-"
"And s-s-sew buttons back on!!!",Rabbit concluded,throwing her arms out for emphasis as Iris finished buttoning up her shirt.
Iris laughed,and it was better than any music Rabbit had ever heard or could ever hope to make.
"Alright,alright.I can do just about anything.",Iris tapped the middle of Rabbit's faceplate,right where her nose would be.
"Now,let's get you downstairs.Your Pappy and brothers are waiting!"
"Alrighty!",Rabbit said,taking her mother's small,calloused hand in her larger metal one.
Rabbit would spend her whole life telling everyone she met that her Pappy was the greatest man to ever live.
Rabbit would also remain adamant in the fact that even a hundred years later,nobody could sew a button back on like Iris Walter could.
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wayback-fm · 2 years
I just saw the Kokichi and Kiibo post just now and was wondering if you have any further headcannons for that post? I like the idea that the two have ADHD or are on the spectrum as a neurodivergent folk myself! :3 -Zonkz
omg sorry for answering late we haven’t checked tumblr in 4ever
stim hcs for kokichi and kiibo because that’s the first thing i thought of 👍 i’ll do other tism/adhd traits (+ for other characters?) if y’all want em
bites his tongue/sticks it out
”*bpbllpblbrbtlppblrlrpb*”, “*pop pop pop pop*”, “*whatever his funny low quality video meme of the month is*”
raptor. hands.
evil finger wiggling and all that
will hit stuff during a flappy it is inevitable
straight up just starts dancing to no music (he’s actually jiggy with it too) (if there is music then take cover fr he will start tearin it up)
the canon hair thing
has 300 stim toys that he loses everywhere unless it’s one of the dangly things on his uniform (his most frequently lost toy is a pair of dice he rolls around in his hand)
tapping on tables, walls, whatever. metal noise hehe (also applies to wrist-knocking/clapping during happy stimming)
yk how in the movies when a robot first activates they do this thing with their hand and watch themselves do it. yeah that’s what that kiibo look at own hand sprite is because i said so
the beep boop bop bup but mostly in private because someone ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ will tease him for it
not really a hand flap and more of a rhythmic arm flap. just up down up down
has a mechanical macro keyboard for nothing but tapping
hums/“dvvvvvv”s a lot (insert your kiibo music hc here lol 🤭 for me it’s asian kung-fu generation, dayglow, vansire, p!atd, khai dreams, pinocchiop, nayutalien, bo en, daft punk, porter robinson, ginger root, & spg because i think about kiibo too much)
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robodabunny · 6 years
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I call him Boop!Spine
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Complicated Acronyms
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Canis lay on a mountain-like pile of blankets and sheets strewn about the floor in disarray, snoring. A tame growl escaped his lips at every exhale, tongue flicking his nose several times before lolling out from the corner of his maw. His partner, in the meantime, lay comfortably wrapped in a thick quilt, resembling a burrito, on her bed. She was a picture of innocent and restful sleep.
The morning came and went, the duo dreaming it all away, until a call on the high speaker across the ship jolted them awake. What was the message? They couldn’t say, but they were fully conscious by the time it was finished. Phantom groaned, unwrapping herself from her blanket-burrito and stretching out across the bed with a yawn. She lay there a few moments, recollecting her thoughts and gathering the will to get out of bed. “Mutt. You ‘wake bro?”
Canis looked at the high speaker, expression neutral, razor-sharp-teeth-filled jaws going wide- almost to the point of unhinging. He yawned and chuffed in reply before resting his head once more, ready to go back to sleep.
“Imf donwatan-gommfo.” He grumbled, eyes closed.
Phantom sighed looking over at him.
“I’m not even going to pretend to know what you said, but, yo- hey it's time to go.”
He barely replied, one could’ve said he didn't hear a word of it, if only for a flick of his feathered ears.
The girl’s eyes narrowed, and she hopped off the bed at the challenge. She readjusted her pajamas, and crossed her arms. “Come on Mutt. Time to get up. I’m sure we were expected on deck hours ago.” When Canis still did not answer, she took a hold of the biggest blanket in his pile and tugged with all her considerable might.  
Instead of going tumbling to the cold space-grade steel floor, the Mimic kept his feet on the ground and spun around to grab the fabric in his jaws, catching her off-guard and almost making her lose her hold on the blanket. Quite an agile little creature he was. The Mutt held the blanket with his jaws and latched onto it with both his residual- but useful- 3rd set of paws.
Tommy veered quickly and yanked back, the blanket which went taut between them.
So started a game of afternoon tug-o’war.
“Oh you wanna go? You wanna go Mutt?!” She taunted gleefully, pulling at the blanket and dragging it from side to side in a bid to loosen her companion’s grip. The Mimic growled, clamping down harder. She refused to give ground.
The “game” went on for quite a bit. Tommy would drag Canis to one side and he would shake out the fabric so harshly it nearly knocked her down- before launching himself in another direction at full speed. Both refused to release the blanket. Both tried to fend off each other's attempts to destabilize them the best they could, even as their “rope” started to unravel at the seams. The Mimic struggled, claws clicking along the floor and accidentally knocking his bag over, spilling its contents in the process.  Finally the pair both gave one last, vicious tug- the blanket promptly ripped in two, the stuffing inside exploding outward. Canis skidded across the floor along with his backpack, and Phantom hit the bed in a sprawled mess. Blanket guts floated around them, gently falling to the ground
Beads of sweat ran down Tommy’s face, Canis was panting heavily- both were grinning like idiots. They bursted out laughing- for they were truly a ridiculous sight to see.
“Yeah! That's what you get… I always did wonder what was in that bag… snacks…” Tommy muttered between breaths when she calmed down a bit, motioning to the packs of tiny bones, and eggshells, with the more commonplace treats of almonds, peanut butter, and water that had spilled out of Canis’ rucksack.
There was also a military-issue Galactic-Standard ID, and as Canis reached down to pick the small wallet-like identification up, something golden slipped out and flitted to the floor.  
“What's that?” Tommy perked, curiosity glittering in her slate grey eyes.  She hauled herself up and swept the item off the floor before Canis could retrieve it, looking over what she now realized was a ticket- to the Galaxy Express 999.
His ears swivelled towards her, the usual reaction when he focused in on one specific thing or another. The Mimic twisted his vocal cords slightly, too lazy to change appearance.
“Old memories… that’s the train ticket I used when I left Linus.” He motioned lazily with a paw, “I can remember almost everything… but sometimes having something like it helps. Galaxy Express 999, direct Linus to Tobito. I'm almost worried, some days, that I’ll forget.” He chuckled “I keep it with me… even if I don't know what it means exactly. They couldn't just make it simple…” He mutters reading off just some of the confusing letters. He was, of course, referencing the jumble of intergalactic-approved acronyms that the various powers of the universe used on official documents. Canis huffed, poking and sniffing at the ticket. Phantom chuckled.
“I can help with that… I learned most of ‘em by heart- you know, ‘cause I wanted to leave Melder asap.” The girl sat on the floor right next to the Mimic, atop some blankets, simultaneously picking a bit of stuffing out of her hair. “Ok so,” She pointed to the first line. Canis shuffled closer to see, head resting in the crook of her arm. Galaxy Express 999 - ticket #374 - Issued 17.03.3043 Std-G “It’s quite straightforward- train designation, followed by ticket number, and finally the Standard Galactic date it was issued. That’s what Std-G stands for. Standard Galactic… ‘Cause you know, every planet has different time, and dates, and all that stuff.” Canis chuckled. “Really? I hadn’t realized… I thought it meant something else.” Tommy scrunched up her nose in distaste. “You’re so nastyyyyyyy.” Her companion’s head tilted in the confused manner dog’s often displayed. “What?” She waved her hand. “Nevermind. Now this part-”
Joplin Station - Pier 23 - 1:30 Linus-Std Time Passenger: Canis L.L.L Familion Direct recruit - Cadet Class 
“This part’s all pretty uncomplicated. Station and dock, where the train is supposed to be, and local-standard time of departure.”The mutt poked Tommy’s hand. “I know that. It’s just all those…. those…” “Acronyms? Come on Cancan, they’re handy! Beats writing so much all the time.” She turned back to the ticket, eyes narrowing in focus.
“You were a direct recruit? To the SDF?” She had moved along, to the last two lines.
Destination: SDF HQ, Tobito, Green Tea S-S, qd.234, Nautilus Galaxy ETA: 19.03.3043 Std-G
“Oh that one I know! SDF is the Space Defense Force, military power behind the Galaxy Railways, GR, and there’s a mini group within the SDF called the SPG, Space Panzer Grenadiers!” Canis grinned, as much as one could with a canine muzzle. His lips curled resembling a vague, happy snarl.
“I never knew that... or that you were in the SDF at all! You never said anything.” Tommy booped him on the nose, as if in revenge for not telling her. He shrunk back. “It was a little while ago…” He whined, trailing off and letting the conversation drop for a moment or two. Tommy’s eyebrows rose but she didn’t comment, wondering if she had overstepped or… something.
“Anyhow, the whole ‘Destination’ part is confusing. What is a ‘Green Tea S-S’? Or a ‘qd.234’? And what’s an ‘ETA’??” Canis huffed, twisting till he was lying on his back and looking at the ticket upside down.
Phantom distractedly started scratching under his chin. “Well, you see, destinations are stated as such: port, town or city- but that’s optional- planet, solar system- that’s what the ‘S-S’ is, quadrant of the galaxy, and galaxy itself. So, by what’s written here you were heading to the SDF HQ, on the planet Tobito, in the Green Tea Solar-System, in quadrant 234 of the Nautilus Galaxy.” Tommy frowned, going over what she had said and trying to see if she had forgotten anything.
Canis chuckled under his breath, the sound coming out as something similar to a friendly dooking, tapping his paws against the floor. “It's so weird that they named a Galaxy after an octopus…. Hey that means there's a Galaxy named after me!”
“Oh! ‘ETA’. That’s easy. Estimated time of arrival… And dates go by day, month, year by the way. Just so you’ll know.” It took a moment for Tommy to realize what he had said. “You? What do you mean mutt?”
“We be related to Nautilus… ses?? Nautili?? Octopi! We are related to Octopus…. Es….” He trailed off, vouching instead to loll his tongue and look up at Tommy with wide, adorable puppy eyes. Phantom ignored it. What a cold person....
“I had to do a lot of papers growing up…. Education… blahhhhhh!”
Tommy snorted. “Yeah, no duh. You got into the direct recruits for the SDF! Education must’ve been a thing.”
“But I hateeeeeee reading and writing…” After all, mimic or not, animals were not designed to be able to communicate with symbols on a piece of bleached tree pulp.
“Oh stop whining mutt….” She sighed. “We should get ready now. Harlock’s gonna skin us alive enough as it is.”
~~Can Canis and Phantom please come to the deck? They are 5 hours late to the crew meeting, and the crew have been WAITING FOR LUNCH FUCKING-- Mii… what are you doing?- No. Noooo. Stop. Come on stop. No. Nn- DAMNIT.~~ The high speaker cut off with an ear-piercing shriek of microphone feedback.
“See, I told you. Now we’re in deep shit.” Phantom growled. Canis whined and ploppled back into the blankets with a groan.
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glowstick-son-blog · 7 years
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Just a quick little beep-boop i made for @sillyandquiteawkward 
its the gays. just pretend that nick is singing “honeybee” by spg or any song really.
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quixoticrobotic · 7 years
mmmm a song for qwerty from spg ?
O SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY A HARD ONE…….can i say the fresh prince rap? can i use a song thats been “sung” in canon?????like all the songs i can thing of are generic “beep boop im a robot” songs and thats not good enough…….this is a good one
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brooklynisher · 5 months
GG likes to exaggerate a little bit
Forgive me for my Buster design yall
I know it looks nothing like him
Just pretend it does
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gracefulwitch · 8 years
So I heard that at the recent SPG show, Zero got applause to every little thing he did. Which is very cute and awesome since Zero deserves the support. But I’m just picturing like Zero walking on the stage, audience goes nuts. Zero boops Spine’s nose and they go nuts. And then like Zero just randomly finds a penny or he poses and the audience just claps. 
Sorry, I thought this was funny, also good luck to Zero. :3 
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brooklynisher · 4 months
Finally complete!!
Boopsy Doodle reference sheet
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She’s going into the Artfight
Next is Marisol
Then there’s this other one that I didn’t introduce yet but she’s got 3 entirely different looks that are all very relevant to her story so idk
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brooklynisher · 6 months
Boop Thanks You!
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Happy birthday!
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brooklynisher · 7 months
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G.G.'s biggest fan. If you will.
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