#borderlands scenery
lxxse-cannxn · 2 years
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"I need to find her."
Requested by Anon
X X X / X X X / X X X 
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Requests Open! Please send em'!
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villainii · 2 months
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Borderlands 2 + Scenery
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dramastream · 1 year
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2.05 ♤ Netflix's ALICE IN BORDERLAND 今際の国のアリス 2020 – 2022 │Sato Shinsuke
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ertiskal · 3 months
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uglynicc · 4 months
Me: *watches Borderlands movie trailer*
Also me: *sees Mouthpiece or at least his mask in a quick shot*
Me again: *has mental breakdown wondering if this means there will ever be a live action movie version of Troy and Tyreen*
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the borderlands dividers
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*୨୧┄┈୨୧‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩·̩̩ A𐌾𐌾n𐌼 ·̩̩⋆̩*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧୨୧┈┈୨୧
requested by @rin-bellatrix
‹ free to use with credit ›
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timothylawrence · 2 years
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bl3screenshots · 1 year
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Borderlands dash simulator
(big thanks to @magnuficent76)
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🥯 reeses-is-in-pieces Follow
She strong on my fork til im rhys [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER] She fork on my rhys til im strong [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER] She rhys on my strong til im. Fork [EXTRE
🏙 prometheameth
What is the ceo of atlas doing on echoblr
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💀 praisethetwingodz-deactivated
if u shame calypso worshippers for their "brutal" and "evil" practices your a jackass 😊😊😊😊😊
📀 vaultussy
💀 praisethetwingodz-deactivated
kill you're self heretic
📀 vaultussy
💪 amarasarmrest Follow
OP is a proshipper. Also they're a cannibal bandit
🔥 firehawksotherhawk Follow
NAHHH why are they always proshitters it's like these streamers attract the worst kind of siren simps known to man glad to know my mutuals are normal
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🎭 crackedmask Follow
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💀 gayperionengineering-deactivated
"And why he ourple" has done immense damage to me, a fan of slag,
🌌 intergalacticheritageposts
Intergalactic Heritage Post
🗻 maliweeaboo Follow
haha why is this guy talking about slag in current y-
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🧐 hammerlockandload
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Me and the newest hunt! Don't you worry, the blood is not mine. On the most part.
🔫 gaygunpowder
I think I hauve space hurps
#i hope that's the good usage of this phrase #still gettin' used to this site #apologies to anyone from the corporation who sees this by any chance
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🍈 borderlander
Today's my first day of my trip to Pandora! It's such a nice change of pace from the cushy worlds of my home galaxy! I love the scenery!!!
🍈 borderlander
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🧭 onesh0tter Follow
rpf writers are so funny like
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i havent even HEARD of most of these people 😂😂😂😂😂 who the fuck is timothy lawrence
#sasha??? who the hell is sasha??? #at least everyone knows who fiona is lmao #tho i doubt rhys would be into her
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destiny02 · 11 months
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Borderlands 3 Scenery [9/?]
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hoongiri · 1 year
vanilla latte — ryohei arisu
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˚. ⋆ ☄︎ 🔭 in which you meet arisu for the first time after the meteorite— an internet cafe is a much more pleasant meeting spot than the borderlands.
 pairing — ryohei arisu x gn!reader (works both platonically and romantically)
 genre — fluff / angst (idk how to categorize this tbh)
 tags — aib s2 spoilers, post-borderlands au, reader and arisu were friends in the borderlands, reader was best friends with tatta before and during the borderlands, reader is acquainted with arisu's brother, sad boy arisu due to the deaths of karube and chota
 warnings — not proofread lol
 it was taking everything in you to not drop out of university. you would think that after a deadly meteorite left you and numerous others hospitalized that you would get a break. unfortunately, you were wrong, as always.
 even though you were pronounced dead for one minute, there was no getting out of your dreaded assignments. perhaps you should honour your late best friend, kodai tatta, and drop out of school to immediately be sucked into a pyramid scheme. you sighed at the memory of him; you didn't think you would ever accept the fact that he was gone. it was all too sudden and incomplete— you should have at least been there to say goodbye.
 you shook your head at your pointless ideas, arguing with yourself that you wouldn't be able to pursue your lifelong dream if you were to leave university unfinished like your late friend. the homework would have to be done, despite how much you'd rather stay in bed. plus, you could use a distraction. studying was better than coming to terms with loss.
 after about twelve minutes of begrudgingly filling out questions, you couldn't help but find yourself coming back to blankly stare at your ceiling. it was obvious that you could do with a change of scenery. you had just survived a literal space rock falling from the sky, the least you could do is get out of your bedroom and into the city of tokyo to find a comfortable place to hit the books. plus, you could use something to drink in the meantime.
 fortunately for you, you wouldn't have to walk for long before spotting a familiar building— an internet cafe which you had often seen on your instagram feed being praised for its delicious beverages. from the looks of it, it didn't look too busy at this hour, either. you mentally shrugged, figuring that this could work for your study time.
 taking a seat at one of the computers in the corner, you can't help but look up at a boy around your age furiously clicking his keyboard and mouse. it alarmed you slightly, as you had dabbled in your fair share of computer games when you were younger, but never to the extent of the male adjacent to you. biting your bottom lip, you stifled in a laugh; you had never seen someone so passionate about video games before. it was almost concerning how much emotion he put into clicking buttons. perhaps you should try his methods to cope with losing tatta.
 turning your head back to your own computer, you made a mental note of all the work you had yet to complete, sighing as you realized that the list was almost neverending. your mind idly faltered, instead letting in thoughts of anything but your work into your brain. one thought in particular caught your attention— it was about the passionate gamer you had just observed. before you had looked away, you caught a small glance of his face, more specifically his eyes; you could have sworn you had seen them before. a wonderful shade of deep brown, with sparks of integrity and honesty behind the irises. where have you seen them before? they made you feel too warm to have just belonged to a stranger, but then again, you could count on one hand the amount of friends you've ever had. this boy was not one of them.
 you decided that you needed some caffeine, as you obviously were starting to show signs of sleep deprivation. standing up from your chair, you carefully make your way over to the counter, intentionally not looking in the way of the fluffy-haired gamer. quickly ordering your classic drink of choice (a vanilla latte), you leaned against the wall, entraced in deep thought once again. if there was one thing to know about you, it's that you aren't the kind to easily let things go. could he have been in the same class as you? that was possible, but you ruled out the possibility knowing that you would have at least known his name.
 your train of thought was broken by the voice of the barista. "one vanilla latte—" he started, and you made a start for the counter to collect your beverage. however, your path was blocked by the only other customer that had caught your attention— the fluffy-haired gamer. you watched as his hands attached to both sides of the mug that you believed to be your latte. "—for arisu," the barista finished.
 his name is arisu.
 your arms held on tight to tatta, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you two leaned against the door to an apartment. ever since most of the population of tokyo had disappeared, you two remained attached to the hip— even in near-death situations.
 "game clear."
 a sob escaped your mouth at the annoucement. the nightmare was over, and you and tatta were still alive. in all honesty, it was thanks to the lanky boy that had saved your best friend. him and the girl that you had spotted climbing between floors. they both seemed accustom with these death games, seeing as neither of them were paralyzed with fear at the sight of a man wearing a horse mask successfully killing a majority of the other players.
 "let's get out of here," tatta said to you, to which you responded with a solemn nod. slowly standing up, you looked down at the floors below you. though you saw no dead bodies, you could see their blood; that was enough to make you wince. turning your head towards what you could only assume was the exit, you spotted your two saviours conversing. sighing with relief, you started to follow tatta towards their direction. passing the boy that had so courageously pushed your best friend out of the way of the tagger, you paused. turning to face him, you gave him a sincere nod— you couldn't muster up a smile in these conditions.
 "thank you for saving tatta. he's all i have." making eye contact with you, the boy gave you a humble nod.
 "it was nothing," he replied.
 from one of the lower floors, you could hear a male yell out. the name "arisu" rang throughout the floors, catching the lanky boy's attention. you figured it had to be the yellow-haired partner of the boy who you could now identify as arisu.
 following tatta, you exited the game arena, unaware that this would not be the last time you had your ass saved by a boy called arisu.
 your face lit up. you knew the surname arisu— you used to be in the same class as hajime arisu before you switched out (you were too frustrated that he always came top of the class). that had to be hajime's brother, right? it was the only explanation as to why he had seemed so familiar.
 approaching the younger arisu brother with a smile on your face, you looked up at him.
 "are you hajime's brother?" you asked the boy, tilting your head ever so slightly to the side as you awaited your answer. you could tell that your question had very obviously caught him off guard, seeing how he now resembled a deer in headlights. he nodded quickly, picking up his latte in the process.
 "uh— yes, i believe so," he started, mixing up his words in the process. "sorry. i am, my name is— um. it's ryohei." you couldn't help but feel a smile creep upon your face. you had never asked him for his name, just if he was related to a boy that had been in one of your classes previously. a typical response from a gamer, you thought. you opened your mouth to introduce yourself, but you were cut off by the barista calling out your name. the both of you turned your heads to see a beverage identical to the vanilla latte in ryohei's hands on the counter. picking up your drink, you grinned at the boy.
 "you have a nice name," ryohei said to you. not moving from his position in front of the counter.
 "thank you, as do you."
 a moment of awkward silence passed, and neither of you had moved— you were sure that the boy in front of you had an intense gaming session to return to, yet here he was; staring at you. perhaps he was experiencing the same sense of deja vu as you had? no, that didn't make sense. you knew him from his brother, but he couldn't possibly know you from anywhere else.
 he must be lonely.
 you weren't the only person who had lost somebody close to them due to the meteorite. could he be one of those people, too?
 it seemed too soon to ask.
 "if you want to sit at my table, you're more than welcome to do so," you said to him. taking your vanilla latte from the counter, you nodded to your study setup in the corner. his eyes followed yours, acknowledging the unoccupied computers next to you.
 though he said nothing, his warm brown eyes were enough to give you an answer.
 little did you know that this would become a regular occurrence, with you walking into the internet cafe every week to see ryohei at your regular table with two vanilla lattes. perhaps adding another friend to your list wasn't so bad after all.
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angelasscribbles · 11 months
The Dark Kingdom Chapter 2: The Dark Lord
Series: The Dark Kingdom
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley (the dark lord x the runaway princess I mean lol)
Word Count: 1,377
Rating: MA for eventual adult themes/trauma mentioned
Warnings for this chapter: none
A/N: Stăpâni is Romanian for master.
My other stuff: Master List.
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They made their way through the night, Drake and Leo effortlessly and noiselessly; Riley stumbling to keep up with Drake. Every time she lagged too much, Leo shoved her from behind. Leo scared her so she struggled to stay closer to Drake.
“Fuck humans are slow!” Leo complained, “At this rate, it’s going to take until morning to make it home.”
Drake stopped walking abruptly and Riley ran right into his back. He tilted his head as if listening to something she couldn’t hear. Then he turned to her and said, “I’m going to carry you. When I pick you up, put your arms around my neck and hold on tight.”
He never answered. Instead, she found herself swept into his arms, her eyes wide as she stared up into his, their faces inches apart. Her arms went around his neck instinctively. Her heart rate accelerated as he pressed her close to his body and she silently chastised herself for noticing the strong jawline and broad shoulders.
As if reading her mind, he smirked down at her, “Don’t let go,” he said then he took off at an impossible speed. The scenery was dizzying as it rushed by, so she tightened her grip around him, squeezed her eyes shut, and buried her head in his chest as they ran.
She had no idea how long or how far they had gone when he slowed down to something closer to human speed. She lifted her head and took in the castle in the distance.
It was dark and foreboding with towers and turrets everywhere. Nestled into the side of the tallest mountain she’d ever seen, the lighting spilling from it was anything but warm and inviting. Her pulse quickened again but from fear and curiosity this time.
Her attention was pulled upward as a deafening roar sounded above them. She watched in awe as what could only be a dragon glided overhead.
When they reached the portcullis, two guards grasped the metal rings on the impossibly large and heavy doors and pulled them open as if they weighed nothing.
Drake stepped over the threshold and lowered her gently to the floor, the stone cold on her bare feet.
“This way,” he commanded then turned and strode further into the castle, not bothering to look back to see if she was following.
She glanced behind her to see Leo ogling her menacingly from the doorway. She scurried quickly after Drake.
After several minutes and a confusing number of turns, he stopped in front of an ornate door and pushed it open, “In here.”
She stepped out of the darkened medieval hallway into a different world.
The study was brightly lit from an unseen source, a fire was crackling merrily in the fireplace and the opulence of the room itself rivaled anything she had ever seen at the palace.
Despite the grandeur of the furnishings, the room was almost cozy. A red velvet settee faced the fire, books were stacked on an end table and spilling from the shelving units.
There was a movement to her right as a man rose from a giant oaken desk, “This is the interloper?”
His voice sent warmth and electricity cascading down her spine. She froze in place as he stalked toward her.
“Yes, Stăpâni,” Drake replied.
“And there were no others?” The man moved closer peering at her intently. The dark lord looked like an ordinary human, but he didn’t move like one. He was tall with raven hair and ebony eyes, his movements more fluid and graceful than any man she had ever seen.
Her insides liquified under the intensity of his gaze.
Drake answered as the dark lord continued his appraisal, “No, we searched the borderlands and the buffer zone. The others turned back at the perimeter.”
The raven-haired man directed his next question to her, “Why were the others there? What did they want? Why did they turn back? And don’t lie to me, I’ll know.”
Staring up into his eyes, she believed him. She quailed under his scrutiny, “They….they were chasing me, sir…Lord….They turned back because they thought I wouldn’t have been foolish enough to cross the partition.”
Surprise flitted through his eyes, “You were running from them?”
“Yes, my Lord,” she lifted her head and jutted her jaw out as she answered. She would not cry. Come what may, she would face it head-on. She told herself that she was no longer afraid, that she had left fear behind when she had fled the palace. If death was the sentence for crossing the partition and breaking the treaty, then she would willingly pay it.
The dark lord took a step nearer and peered at her closer.
Her dress was mulberry silk with hand-stitched embroidery, wildly expensive and indulgent. Her dark auburn hair was long and glossy, her skin glowed with good health, and she had an adequate amount of weight to her. These things screamed that she was from a family of means and her basic needs had not been neglected.
And yet.
The hem of her dress was filthy and torn, her feet were bare and caked with dirt and blood. Her hair was disheveled, her arms were covered in scratches.
He could hear her heart pounding in her chest and smell her fear and yet she stood ramrod straight, her chin thrust defiantly out belying the sheer terror he read on her scent. She was strong and determined. Traits he admired.
His gaze fell to her fists, clenched tightly at her side.
“Let me see your hands,” he commanded.
“Your hands!” the man behind her shoved her for emphasis.
“There’s no need for that,” the man in front of her shook his head at the other before turning his gaze back to her and adopting a gentler tone, “Your hands please.”
She shakily lifted and then thrust both hands out toward him, palms up. Dirt and blood were caked under her ragged, broken nails, her fingertips were raw, her palms scraped.
His head tipped to one side as he studied them, his eyes flicking from her hands to her face before reaching out toward her, “May I?”
She nodded meekly.
He grasped her right arm, his fingers sliding across the velvety softness of her skin to run soothingly over the abrasions.
She shivered as his touch somehow eased the pain and sent little shocks of pleasure jolting through her.
“You did this climbing up the mountain?”
She nodded.
Liam Rys had lived a very long time. Not many things surprised or confused him anymore, but both those emotions washed through him as he studied the quaking girl in front of him.
She was scared, but not of him. She had left a privileged existence to scale a mountain at great physical cost to herself and now stood before him with an almost challenging air about her, seemingly unphased by her physical wounds.
“Why?” He asked quietly.
“To get away from my family,” she whispered, eyes finally dropping to the floor.
Liam felt something startling and unexpected fill his chest: protectiveness. Something unthinkable must have happened to her to make facing his wrath the better alternative.
This human woman was a stranger to him. Her mere presence in his lands was a violation of a treaty, a threat to a decades-long ceasefire. The delicate balance between the human lands below and his own was always precarious, this was an added wrinkle neither side needed.
She shouldn’t be here, and he couldn’t harbor her if she was running from some wrongdoing. He would be within his rights to execute her on the spot for her transgression and return her dead body to the humans. It would serve as both proof and a warning that the Dark Kingdom still honored the terms of the armistice.
He knew what he should do, but as he studied her oddly compelling mix of vulnerability and strength, he found neither the resolve to harm her nor the inclination to return her to the human realm, consigning her to whatever hell she was running from.
He found himself captivated by her bravery and deeply curious about her situation. He wasn’t ready to judge her yet.  
Information, he decided. He needed more information.                                                                                                                          
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villainii · 2 months
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Lotus in Hayter´s Folly
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redsamuraiii · 1 year
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Suzume no Tojimari *spoilers*
Just watched this today and once again Makoto Shinkai is able to deliver it as always. The story is interesting, the animation and sceneries are beautiful, the songs are epic, the characters are likeable and it makes you smile and in tears. Coincidentally, I watch this today 11 March which happens to be the anniversary of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake which devastated Miyagi Prefecture, which this anime is likely to be based and inspired on.
Suzume is a high school girl who lost her mother in a devastating earthquake which destroyed her entire town in Miyagi prefecture and now lives with her aunt in Miyazaki, Kyushu who loves her like her own daughter. Suzume is an outgoing and cheerful girl who loves school but deep down is still saddened by the tragic lost of her mother and still dreams of her, remembering the time she looked for her in the house debris when she was a child.
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One day, she came across a strange guy who asks her for directions towards an abandoned area nearby. Out of curiosity, she tailed him and discovers a mysterious door and a statue which turns into a cat, scaring her away. Back in school, she notices a black smoke near the mountain area when she was having lunch with her classmates but only she could see it. Shortly after, an earthquake occurs as she ran out of her school towards the smoke.
Upon reaching she discovers the strange guy struggling to close a mysterious door which smoke seems to be coming from. Apparently, the smoke is a spirit from the after world which causes the earthquakes. After helping him close the door, he introduces himself as Souta, who is a guardian that wants to ensure the smoke doesn’t come to our world and in other words, to stop earthquakes from happening.
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Just as Suzume is trying to make sense of what is happening and Souta figuring out why Suzume is the only one who could see the smoke but not her friends, a familiar cat appears and places a curse on Souta. Determined to get to the bottom of it all, Suzume and Souta races across Japan, chasing after the cat who turns out to be some spirit god, going from Kyushu to Ehime, to Kobe, to Tokyo and back to where it all started...
...the Miyagi Prefecture, Suzume’s home where her mother died.
Along the way, Suzume encounters various people who ends up becoming a part of her life and going along on the joyride is Suzume’s aunt who is looking for her since she left school during the earthquake when Suzume first saw the smoke and Souta’s friend who’s been searching for him since he went missing in Tokyo.
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Although it wasn’t explained or I might have missed the part as to why or how Suzume is able to see the smoke from the after world and not the others, I suspect it has got to do with her yearning for death as she do not fear death, possibly wanting to reunite with her mother whom she still misses dearly. 
The smoke spirit from the after world wants to enter our world to claim more human lives that it could bring back to its world. So Suzume is kind of at the “borderland” in between the world of the living and the world of the dead, which is why she still has dreams of her late mother who is in the after world.
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As for Souta, I suspect that his grandfather might be a Yamabushi, a mountain hermit, which is why he keeps reciting the prayers to the mountain god for help every time he attempts to close the door and why his grandfather has books about this smoke spirit dating back centuries since ancient times.
It’s a story about overcoming loss and letting go of the past, which is not easy. Suzume wasn’t afraid to die because she wants to be with her mother but along the way when she met new people who became her friends, her views began to change and realise that she has to move on and live her life.
Souta is afraid to die and wants to live which is why he is determined to close the door and save the world as he could not bear to see more people dying. But after meeting Suzume, he realises that in order to be fearless to do his mission, to do what he set out to do, he has to be ready to embrace death. 
So in a way, they both change each other. 
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I think it’s about balance. It’s like a Samurai who is ready to die but does not mean that he has a death wish going on suicide missions, it only means he is fearless because at the same time he does not wish to die so he could return home to his family which is why he fights bravely to survive.
It’s a beautiful anime like Your Name and Weathering With You, each unique and special in different ways. Don’t worry, there’s a happy ending for this too. But it doesn’t mean you won’t cry in tears along the way. Makoto Shinkai never fail to pull your hear-strings and making you all emotional.
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ertiskal · 3 months
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hoodedchishiya · 1 year
♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️
Okay I’m in the mood for some fluff and hurt/comfort. Here is an open starter:
This takes place after Borderland. Maybe a few months after the asteroid incident and Chishiya has just moved in with Kuina—both are suffering from PTSD. If you roleplay as Kuina then feel free to interact even if we already have threads. Looking for something that could eventually turn into romance.
♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️ ♥️♠️♦️♣️
Numbers, cards, death. More card suits and then.. Bang.
The loud crash of thunder outside was what eventually drew the blond out of his nightmarish state. Covered in a cold sweat, Chishiya found himself jolting upright in his bed while sucking in panicked breaths of air. It was the same reoccurring nightmare that had been haunting him ever since his memory of the Borderlands had came back. More specifically, the King of Diamonds game. Out of all the games, that one was what stuck with him the most. Chishiya could still remember the repulsive smell of burning flesh as the acid melted it away from the bone. It filled his nostrils enough to almost make him gag at the mere memory of it.
His tired but wary gaze scanned the room for any signs of danger, only to fall upon his empty room. He was safe. He was home. So then why did his memories of that godforsaken place still haunt him so deeply?
Loosening his grip on the bedsheets, the blond let out a shaky sigh. This needed to stop. Chishiya felt as though he was at his wits end and not to mention he felt as though he’d been deprived of a decent nights sleep for far too long. Without a second thought, he moved to kick the irritating bedsheets off of him until he could swing his legs over the side of the bed to stand up. And that’s when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. The image he was met with was almost unrecognisable to him.
Dark bags lay underneath both of his eyes. He looked paler, hair a disheveled mess. Not an ounce of confidence to be seen. What was happening to him?
Borderland had changed him. Whereas he didn’t much care about anything beforehand only himself and his selfish ways, he found that his emotions were all over the place now. He needed someone to talk to— not that he would ever admit it. Chishiya needed her more specifically. Kuina. The only person in the world who he felt that he could truly let his guard down around and confide in.
Luckily for him, she was only one room away from him. The two had made a pact to be there for each other, and so they had rented a cheap apartment just outside of Tokyo. The city was still in ruins for the most part anyway from the asteroid blast— and it held far too many memories for Chishiya’s liking. They needed to get away for a while. A change of scenery was for the best.
Wrapping his arms around his bare shoulders to fend off the slight chill from the open window in his room, he eventually made his way out into the hall until he was standing directly outside Kuina’s room. It was a little past midnight, and while he felt guilty for waking her up.. Chishiya needed her comfort. It helped that they already had an unspoken agreement. An agreement that they could bother each other anytime they wanted.
Raising his hand to knock at the door, Chishiya leaned his forehead up against the cool surface while waiting for a response. “Are you awake..?”
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