#botan city
deltastorm101 · 2 years
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“do the face, do the face! :D”
@subjectsix ‘s K.Y.E. and Raster from her original story Botan City!
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subjectsix · 2 years
i've been going through your botan city tags and lore and i like it a lot! is there any new lore you've been cooking up recently by any chance 👀
aaaaaaaa thank you!!! ;o; ;u; im glad you like it-- its always a bit wild to share original story stuff like that and learn people like it as much as i do ajkhsdajhf
Hmmm, I'm trying to think-- I can't always remember what I've shared here and what I haven't.
I'm not sure if I've shared about K.Y.E. much? She's another TV head-- a novelty shaped kind, with cat ear speakers on top of her monitor that are contiguous with the rest of the plastic. She runs a cafe in town that changes themes monthly and is friends with Raster.
I briefly mentioned it in the thing I wrote recently, but Quentin is staying with a gang of amateur hackers trying to make a name for themselves. Their leaders go by M. Vem and J. Sun!
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floronicjas · 1 year
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Barbican Conservatory Pt. 1 Taken 31st May 2023, Barbican Conservatory, London
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triflingthing · 10 months
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Brooklyn Botanicals
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noseysilverfox · 10 days
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September 2024
Big blue lilyturf , lilyturf , border grass, or monkey grass (lat. Liriope muscari) — a perennial herbaceous plant. The flowers bloom in September and delight until the end of October. They also have a light, unobtrusive honey aroma🪻
Лириопа мускари (лат. Liriope muscari) — многолетнее травянистое растение. Цветки распускаются в сентябре и радуют собой до конца октября. Также они обладают лёгким, ненавязчивым медовым ароматом🪻
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curitibacitybrazil · 8 months
Botanic Garden
Curitiba - Brazil 🇧🇷
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adam-trademark · 4 months
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Love, Solitude, and Togetherness
(December 29, 2022)
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kulakligimdakihayat · 1 month
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promise to meet again?
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gothamgothic · 4 months
Farewell to Fin - The Carnivorous Plant
As the semester at Gotham U is coming to an end, so is the student research on the Carnivorous Plant samples that I, and the others in the botany department have been caring for all year. Fin, the one that I posted all those months ago, will be "retired" (for lack of better term) alongside the other three samples that were being studied. He has been starting to show his age, and is looking rough. This past week he has lost the majority of his leaves, despite all of our attempts to liven him up. The plant he was created from was an annual, according to our findings (can't reveal the exact species to the general public. Dean's orders.) We will be having a little farewell party tomorrow at the Gotham U Botany Labs from noon to four for anyone who would like to say goodbye. We will have tea, and a couple of the TA's will be giving speeches about the work we have done. The professor running the study will not be offering it as student research next year, and it will be moved to a proper research lab off-campus. Our findings will help a lot of people.
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aryburn-trains · 3 months
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New York Botanical Garden November 29, 1969
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unnamedphotographer · 4 months
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subjectsix · 1 year
🎫 raster bo baster :)
He lovesssss baseball but used to be too scared to play out of fear of have his screen get hit and cracked. He eventually got over this and started playing on a recreational team :] also 70% of the time when he's zoned out, he's probably tuned into a baseball game broadcast and secretly watching it in his mind.
Send in 🎫 and an OC to redeem your ticket for a random piece of OC lore/trivia!
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 1 Poll III
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Tohru's surname, Honda, means "original rice paddy" (as in paddy fields)
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(Carrots and rice paddy)
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triflingthing · 1 year
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Flowers of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
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noseysilverfox · 30 days
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August 2024
Rose moss, Mexican rose, sun rose, rock rose, or moss-rose purslane (lat. Portulaca grandiflora). A perennial or annual creeping plant native to Central and South America, it does not exceed 20 centimeters in height. It likes to grow in direct sunlight and doesn't require frequent watering. It has a pleasant herbal aroma🌿
It is worth noting that the genus Portulaca unites about 200 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, including succulent ones. Some of these species grow both in Asia and in Europe, but this post is dedicated specifically to the large-flowered purslane.🌱
Портулак крупноцветковый или мексиканская роза, ладанник, моховая роза, дандура (лат. Portulaca grandiflora). Многолетнее или однолетнее стелющееся по земле растение родом из Центральной и Южной Америк, не превышает высотой 20 сантиметров. Любит расти под прямыми солнечными лучами и не требует частого полива. Имеет приятный травяной аромат🌿
Стоит отметит, что род Портулак (Portulaca) объединяет около 200 видов однолетних и многолетних травянистых растений, включая суккулентные. Некоторые из этих видов растут как в Азии, так и в Европе, но данный пост посвящён именно портулаку крупноцветковому. 🌱
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curitibacitybrazil · 4 months
Botanic Garden
Curitiba - Brazil 🇧🇷
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