#both lance and allura are on his lap
roseboysstuff · 4 months
idk how to do requests its my first time doing this but could you do Shiro from voltron legendary defender x ftm reader?
Spoilers if ya havent watched it!!
Ok so like yk where that one episode Shiro disappeared and came back after a year and he just immediately went to reader and just fucks him.... soft dom Shiro brainrot... can be a mix of fluff and smut also u can do this req anytime u want no pressure (i have bad memory so i'll eventually forget this LMAO and i lovelovelove how u write i THRIVE with it)
You don't have to worry about spoiling the series to me, I've watched it all over and over Little note about the show : I actually enjoyed it all, even season 8. The only think I don't like is allura x lance, and that Lotor was a bad guy. Allura and lotor should have got together, and lance and keith should have got together. I would also accept keith and shiro.
And thanks for the compliment! I'm glad you like how I write honestly most of it is word vomit so I'm glad others like it too
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He had been through hell. Being kidnapped by the Galra had made him mentally exhausted. But most of all. He had missed you.
You. You were his everything. The thought of you had gotten him through his imprisonment. He had almost given in plenty of times. But the memory of your smile, the way you would say his name, and the idea of one day seeing you again, it all kept him going.
And when he managed to escape? All he could think about was you. The ride back to earth in that escape pod was harsh, and he was drifting in and out of consciousness. But he could have sworn he whispered your name throughout the whole trip.
When Keith and the gang rescued him, he begged them to take him back to you. Which they happily obliged.
The reunion was tearful, and he whispered your name over and over like a prayer, holding you tightly until you were just both crying on the floor, embraced.
"I missed you. So much. I'm here, sweetheart, I'm alive. I'm with you."
He kept apologising, and you almost couldn't believe it was real. Takashi Shirogane, your Shiro, was back. You'd been led to believe he was dead. All of the military and all your friends had told you to give up. You'd grieved and cried for months.
And now he was back. You didn't blame him, of course, and so you shut up his apologies with a kiss. You were desperate to feel his lips on yours again, to feel his warmth, to confirm that he was really alive and here with you. He eagerly reciprocated the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulled away, about to apologise for the coldness of his new arm, but you just kissed him again.
It was cold, yes, but you didn't care. You wanted your arms around you, no matter what they were made of.
It didn't take long until you were heavily making out, drinking in the taste of each other. He held the back of your head with one hand, with the other sliding down to grasp at your hip. He was unwilling to let go. Neither were you.
He barely managed to pull away enough to pick you up and carry you to the bed, pulling you onto his lap. And it was straight back to kissing again, tearing off each other's clothes, lost in a hazy fog of need, want, love and lust.
There was no need for more foreplay than this. You were completely soaked, and he was hard as a rock. You were ready. Ready to feel his big cock stretching you out. Which it did.
Before he was kidnapped, you were a little more accomodating, considering you were used to taking his cock. But this time, as you sank down, you could feel every vein on his cock, as it stretched you out for the first time in nearly a year.
"Gods... you're so tight, baby boy. Am i hurting you? If I am, we can stop and-"
Well you were having none of that. You sank yourself fully down on his cock, causing you to whimper and him to throw his head back in pleasure, a chesty moan leaving his throat.
"Oh, wow. You're just as voracious as I remember. That's my good little prince, bounce on my cock. Please, baby boy."
How could you refuse such a humble request? Your hips instantly got moving, bouncing and grinding and gyrating. No particular rhythmn, just the desperate need to be together as one. And it was heaven. For both of you.
He was seeing the person who had gotten him through the worst times of his life, bouncing and moaning on his cock. Seeing your hair bounce, your eyes shut, and your mouth wide in a silent O shape. It only fueled his lust, and he started to thrust back.
The rhythmn of your bodies meeting only got less steady as you both got close, and you found yourself clutching onto him for dear life. He was doing the same. Your bodies were impossibly close, not even an atom of space between you, as you both climaxed, crying out the other's name. His hot seed filled your cunt up, and your cunt in turn clenched and milked his cock. it was ecstacy.
As you came down from your orgasms, neither of you let go. How could you? You had both spent the past year begging the universe to give you one more chance, you weren't going to let go.
He kissed your neck and face, a big grin on his face.
"I missed you, missed this. Oh, baby boy, you have no idea."
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little-wolfpuppy · 26 days
Caregiver Voltron HCs
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Dad caregiver 1000% - Dad, Dada, Papa, or Bub
Calls you little one and cub/cubby
Loves carrying you around on his hip
Will find a way to get you any regression gear you want - toys, pacis, clothes, teethers, padding, coloring books, stuffies, blankets, anything (How? Nobody knows, it's dad powers)
So soft with you, crumbles at puppydog eyes unless it's something dangerous
Tries to get you to eat healthy most of the time
Loves when you follow him around like a duckling or a puppy, smiling at you softly
Would do anything for you
Silly Big Brother caregiver (I think he has like 6 younger siblings in cannon)
Calls you Hermanito/Hermanita and kiddo
Playful and silly, likes to chase you and threaten to tickle you
Loves hearing you giggle
More than happy to play pretend with you, having the most dramatic responses
SPA DAYS!! Puts a face mask on you, makes you feel pampered
Aloof/Cool Big Brother caregiver or Big kid/ older sibling regressor
Calls you squirt and kid
Might actually cry if you call him Oppa/Hyung
Acts like he is neutral to everything but 100% keeps everything you make for him in a folder
If someone makes you cry or uncomfortable - will come over and pick you up and glare at the other person until they leave. If they don't leave, he will threaten them, he is more than willing to do something illegal
Let's you climb into his lap. Casually wraps his arms around you acting like it's a bother but actually is melting inside
Affectionate Big Sibling caregiver/babysitter
Calls you kiddo and honey
Makes snacks and meals and caters to what you like
If you have sensory issues he is the best with calming down
always has one of your safe foods nearby
will make you a blanket buriito and carry you around
would also put you in one of those baby slings/wraps while he cooks (10000/10)
Either techie Big Sibling caregiver or Teasing sibby
Calls you Kid
makes you toys from old tech he found
if hes older than you when you both regress he is so excited to be the best big brother in the universe
if youre the same age or hes younger he clings to you, but in the cute way
troublemaker, will get you to stay up past bedtime, jump on his bed, color on things not meant to be colored on, and so much more
best at puppy-dog eyes almost never gets in serious trouble
Mom or Wine Aunt caregiver
Calls you Darling and Sweetheart
Scoops you up and carries you around oh her hip, its so fun when she's wearing her big poofy dresses for special events
loves to dress you up in altean clothing, massc or femme, she will even attempt to hand-make you clothes
loves your reaction to her booping you
sits you on her lap very often
lets you play with her hair even if you tangle it or pull a bit too hard
Silly Uncle caregiver
likes to chase you and threaten to tickle you
More than happy to play pretend with you
can actually make you toys from scratch
teaches you kids games from Altea
gives the best piggy-back rides
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Galaxy Divider
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“Simulation complete.”
The first Black Paladin turns to his team, smiling widely. “Great job, everyone! That’s the highest level we’ve managed so far!”
The rest of team Voltron turn to each other to celebrate, cheering and high-fiving, smiling all around.
“Your new axe is amazing,” Keith informs Allura, clapping her shoulder. She grins at him, and then holds her bayard in front of her appreciatively, admiring it.
“I was, wasn’t I.”
She spins it in a show of skill, bright blue shine of it catching on the bright training room lights.
“Everyone did really well,” Shiro agrees. He faces to each of the paladins in turn, complimenting them in turn. “Keith, your reflexes were wicked fast today. You definitely shaved at least five full minutes off our time.” Keith preens, pleased. Pidge and Hunk roll their eyes in tandem, and they advance on him at the same time, play-wrestling him to the ground.
“Someone needs to humble you, Dropout!” Pidge yells teasingly.
“Never!” Keith shouts, wiggling out of Hunk’s chokehold.
Shiro snorts, walking over to separate them before things get out of hand. “Alright, alright, you three. Pidge and Hunk, you two did awesome as well. I won’t pretend to understand what that new gizmo that you made does, but it was really cool.”
Hunk and Pidge both beam at the same time.
“Thanks, Shiro!”
“And you, Lance.” Shiro turns to the final paladin, smiling warmly. He’s lying flat on the ground, slightly away from the rest of them. “None of us had to watch our own backs even once. Our Sharpshooter had us the whole time, huh?”
Without looking up, Lance lifts the hand not resting on his chest, forming a thumbs-up. “Yep,” he says weakly.
The rest of the team frown at each other. Coran steps away from his place on the wall, setting down the clipboard he was using to take notes.
“Lance, dear?” he asks, concerned. “Is everything all right?”
“Peachy!” Lance says quickly. He tries to sit up, and manages, but it’s obvious that it took way more effort than it’s meant to. He’s wheezing slightly, breaths quick and shallow. “Just — tired, man. Keith ran us through all those wicked drills beforehand, and the training was intense. You know how it is.”
Keith’s brow furrows. “They weren’t…that bad,” he says slowly. He’s not even trying to get a rise out of the Blue Paladin; his voice is one of genuine confusion. “No worse than usual.”
Lance waves a dismissive hand. His other attempts to find a comfortable resting place somewhere on his chest area, moving from his sternum to his left pec to just above his waist before he gives up, setting it slowly on the ground. “I’m just tired, I guess. Haven’t been sleeping super well.”
The team all exchange looks, again. They all know about Lance’s insomnia, the nights he spends on the observation deck, painfully homesick and unable to force himself asleep. They have a schedule, for it. It was Allura’s turn to keep a half-eye on Lance yesterday evening, make sure he went to bed. She was excited about it and had them do facemasks and watch a movie together before finally heading their separate ways around midnight. If Lance really was struggling to sleep last night, he went to great lengths to conceal it.
Pidge takes a couple steps forward, the first of them to move. She sits next to his extended legs, her own legs bent in a W — a bad habit she’s yet to break — and plays with her glasses. She watches him carefully, but he avoids her gaze, looking pointedly at his lap.
“You can come to us, you know,” she says hesitantly. “I mean, I come to you all the time when I’m homesick. And you’re always nagging me about a sleep schedule, mom.” She punches him teasingly on the shoulder, intentionally very gentle, but Lance still inhales sharply, trying to disguise it last-minute as a cough.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Keith snaps. “Something’s wrong. Out with it, Lance, or I swear to God —”
“There’s nothing wrong, Mullet,” Lance snaps right back. “So how about you keep your nose out of my business —”
“Well how about you quit being a stubborn dumbass and tell people when you’re hurt —”
“I’m not hurt! And who are you calling stubborn, Mr I’m Gonna Run After Lotor Even Though My Entire Team Is Begging Me Not To —”
“At least I didn’t pretend I didn’t have a fever until it got bad enough that I collapsed right into my goo at a diplomatic dinner!”
“At least I didn’t train myself into heat exhaustion!”
“At least I didn’t —”
“Both of you!” Shiro shouts, making the two of them freeze. “That’s enough!”
The second he’s done speaking, both paladins point aggressively at each other, yelling: “He’s not listening to me!”
Or, well, Keith does. Lance tries, but the sudden movement of his left arm makes him shout in pain. He tries to cut it off, dropping his hand back down, but the damage is done.
“Shit, Lance, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean — are you okay — ” Keith rushes over to Lance, tripping over himself in his haste and very nearly crashing into him. Lance swats him away as he gets close, insisting he’s fine.
“Go away, Keith, I’m fine, I appreciate your concern but —”
In his attempt to twist away, he bends his torso strangely, causing another half-strangled shout of pain to come from his throat.
“Okay, no, this isn’t happening,” Hunk snaps. Before anyone can react, and before Lance can stop him, he rips open his fanny pack, yanking out a smooth white cylinder and pointing it in Lance’s direction. It beeps once, then shoots a wide, blue beam of light onto Lance, scanning him from head to toe.
“Several injuries located,” the device reads. “Ready to list and suggest treatment.”
Six pairs of eyes whip towards the Blue Paladin, varying from disappointed to scared to furious. For a moment Lance’s expression is open, shocked, deer-in-headlights, and then it shutters, replaced with something determined and endlessly, endlessly stubborn.
“I’m fine,” he insists. “If anyone comes any closer I’m going to throw a hissy fit.”
“You’re already throwing a hissy fit,” Allura points out. “When normal people are injured, they just get treated.”
Lance sets his jaw. “I’m already treated.”
Keith scowls. “Well, obviously not, because you’re hurt. Dickhead.” He reaches forward and tugs on Lance’s jacket, clearly meaning to take it off to assess further damage, but Lance hisses at him, snapping his jaw.
“Are you a fucking scorned chihuahua?” Keith demands, snatching his hand back.
“Put your hands on me again and find out.”
Before Keith can argue any further, Hunk plops down in front of them, pressing the scanner’s button again so a loud beep rings through the room.
“Listing injuries and assessment now,” it says. “Injured person: young human adult. Injuries: newly broken rib. Heavy bruising around chest area. Set and healing sprain around left shoulder joint, previously dislocated. Deep laceration on right thigh, early stages of healing. Joint abnormality in left knee. Several small wounds in mouth, inside of cheek and lower lip. Minor hearing damage, old injury. Minor brain damage, old injury. Highly elevated heart rate. Shallow breathing.” The machine pauses for a moment. Six pairs of eyes now stare at Lance in shock, jaws dropped.
Lance shifts, and if possible his jaw sets further, chin raised stubbornly and brown eyes hard and defiant.
The machine prompts again. “Proceed with treatment suggestions?”
No one speaks.
“Shut down, Scanner 6X427,” Lance says.
“Shutting down,” the scanner responds pleasantly. It beeps one more time and then grows cold in Hunk’s hand.
Everyone erupts at the same time. There’s so much panicked yelling that it kind of all amalgamates into the sound of three crowded rooms, all voices competing with another, u til eventually it settles into: “Holy shit, we need to get you to a pod!”
“Not happening,” Lance says firmly. “You can’t make me.”
“Um, yes I can,” Keith says. “As the Black Paladin, I order you to go to a pod right fucking now.”
“Seconded,” Shiro says, eyes narrowed. “That’s double Black Paladin orders.”
Lance shrugs. “As the Red Paladin, I say no, and also piss off, just as a little extra treat.”
“Lance, get in a fucking pod or so help me God,” Hunk says through grit teeth. “I will carry you out, you little shit.”
Hunk’s threat seems to shake some of the irritating calmness from Lance’s frame, and his voice gets a little angrier, a little more desperate.
“Well it’s going to be a struggle and a fucking half for you, because I’m not going in that fucking death trap conscious!”
“Lance, you’re really hurt!” Pidge cries. Frustrated and angry tears have started to drip down her face. “You’re scaring me! Get in the fucking pod!”
Shiro and Coran are so worried that neither of them correct her on her language, as they often do almost reflectively.
“I’m afraid no medical attention is not an option, child,” Coran says, firm. “You know the rules as well as I.”
“The rules don’t say jack shit about a pod,” Lance says harshly.
Keith blinks at that, flinching a little in shock. Lance is — Keith is well versed in Lance’s volatility. As much as they love and rely on each other, they’re both very stubborn, and still fall into the occasional screaming match. Lance also ends up arguing with everyone else on the team, really, as people living in close quarters tend to do; with Pidge about her sleeping habits, Hunk about working himself to exhaustion, Allura about her reckless tendency to self-sacrifice when it’s not necessary — those fights are always particularly hard to witness, because Lance is right, but he of all people can’t get angry at her for it — and Shiro’s stubborn insistence that he comes last. About stupid shit, too, although usually much less angry; dirty dishes left on the counter; chore schedules ignored, outside clothes on the bed.
But Keith has never, not once in their three years in space, heard Lance raise his voice at Coran. In fact Coran is usually the one that Lance listens to without question, the one he trusts to know more than he does in every subject. Lance may roll his eyes and groan about things, but he has never outright refused. Coran has his best interests at the forefront of his mind, something he’s made abundantly clear.
But Lance has just snapped at him. And while some guilt bleeds into his eyes, none of the stubbornness leaves his expression.
Coran looks hurt, but his voice is still firm. “I’m not asking, Lance.”
It’s a rare thing to have Coran use Lance’s real name.
A tear drops from the corner of Lance’s eye. His chin trembles. “And I’m not going.” His voice wobbles; begging, almost, desperate, instead of the angry tone it had before. “I’m not.”
“Everyone stop,” Allura says. “Pidge, Keith, move.” Her voice is not rude, but leaves no room for argument. Both paladins follow her instructions immediately, scrambling back. Allura kneels in their place, right next to the Red Paladin, and places a gentle hand on his. She squeezes.
“What’s going on?” she asks, in a creole of Altean and Cuban Spanish. “This isn’t a trick. I’m not going to move you, or force you to go anywhere. Talk to me like you make me talk to you when I’m upset. Why this reaction?”
Lance’s face crumples. It’s slow, like he’s fighting with all he has to stop it, to keep his face blank or at the very least hard, but it doesn’t work; tears fill his eyes and overflow rapidly, and his breath hitches in his throat, and then again, and his shoulders shake and his hands tremble and he starts to sob.
“I won’t go in a pod,” he says. “Please. Please don’t make me. I don’t want to get stuck again. There’s no internal release, I checked the manuals, and when they defect sometimes they get sucked down into storage and they stay down there and no one would hear me and the BLIP reader wouldn’t find me ‘cause of the radiation reinforcement in the walls and I’d suffocate and die and I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do it I’ll die I’ll suffocate I won’t be able to breathe —”
His already shallow breaths get even shallower, and soon he genuinely can’t breathe, wheezing, panic making his limbs flail slightly and his pupils to shrink down to pinpricks. Allura is the first to react, close as she is, firmly grasping both of his shoulders and straightening his neck to keep his airway open.
“Lance, you need to breathe through your nose,” she orders. “Close your mouth. Now. Yes, that’s it. Through your nose, okay? Like that. Exactly. Now purse your lips and exhale slowly out your mouth. Yes, perfect. Keep doing that. Do it with me. See how I’m doing it?” She breathes exaggeratedly, indicating for him to follow. “Good, good. Just like that. Keep going, asteraki. You’re doing great.”
Carefully so as to not crowd them, Keith sits on Lance’s other side, reaching forward and squeezing his ankle. Pidge follows suite, and then the rest of the team; sitting in a poorly-formed semicircle around their friend and teammate, chiming in with Allura with encouragement.
This is not their first panic attack, and it won’t be their last. Although this one was one they all could have prevented, as evidenced by the guilty way they look at each other.
Finally Lance begins to calm down, breaths evening out to a steady hiccuping, tears slowed to a trickle instead of a stream. Hunk digs in his fanny pack to hand Lance a tissue, but Lance grasps Hunk’s hand instead. Hunk smiles, tangling their hands together and keeping them that way, regardless of the awkward position and the strain on his arm.
“I dressed them,” Lance says, when he finally has his voice back. It’s hoarse, but earnest, pleading, almost.
“Dressed what?” Coran asks carefully. Out of all of them, he feels the heaviest guilt; knowing the role he plays for Lance means this was something he should have noticed first, not left for Allura to handle. It makes sense that she did — her own debilitating homesickness and depression means that she and Lance spend quite a lot of time with each other at their worst — but he still knows the paladin, knows him well, and he has the experience to identify that kind of fear. He has no excuse for failing to do so.
“All the injuries,” Lance answers. “I didn’t — I wasn’t ignoring them. I dislocated my shoulder two weeks ago, so I put it back into place with one of the x-ray machines to help and kept it stable for a while.”
“Is that why you kept stealing my hoodies?” Hunk asks quietly.
“Yes.” Lance smiles slightly. “And because I like them.”
Hunk snorts, smiling back despite himself. “Yeah, bud, I’m well aware. I’d say I want them back, but you can keep them for now.”
“Nice. I should get hurt more often.”
“Not funny,” each of them says immediately.
Lance winces. “Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, the rest of them are handled, too. I took a spear to the leg when I was training a few days ago, so I fixed it and stitched it myself. It was fine and it’s healing nicely and it’s not even a little bit infected,” Lance says to Pidge, who opens her mouth to protest. His insistence calms her a little.
“If you say so.”
“I do. I’ve given myself stitches lots before, don’t worry.”
“That is very worrying,” Shiro says. “All of us could help you with stitches, Lance.”
“You’d make me go in the pod,” Lance points out. “And none of my injuries are primary emergencies. I worked at the Garrison clinic for five years, and trust me when I tell you the staff there took student help way too seriously. Half of them straight up slept for their whole shifts. I know how to handle myself.”
“Some of that stuff is fine,” Keith admits. He’s been guilty of setting his own strains and pulled muscles so he can keep training. “I know you hurt your knee when we were doing that sim a couple months ago and putting a brace on was fine, we checked.” He hesitates. “But that other stuff sounds pretty serious, Lance. Numerous mouth wounds? Hearing loss? Brain damage?” He throws up his hands, frustrated. “That’s bad!”
“The mouth wounds are just me biting the inside of my mouth,” Lance explains. “That’s not even a real injury. I’ve been doing that my whole life. I’m never not done that. As for the other stuff…” He trails off, looking at his lap.
“From the Sendak explosion,” Coran says quietly. “Permanent damage.”
“But we’d know about that,” Pidge argues. “The pod says all that kind of stuff when the person comes out. It didn’t say any of that stuff for Lance. He was fine!”
Keith’s face goes white. “None of us were there.” As he says it the rest of them go pale, too, remembering that day. “We were — God, we were arguing about something stupid. I don’t even remember. Did you…”
“I caught myself before I fell,” Lance says, correctly guessing what Keith is too horrified to say. “I wasn’t — I’m not mad, guys. I don’t expect everyone to have just stayed waiting around a guy who most of you barely knew, at that point, in a medically induced coma. Besides, we were busy.”
“I’m sorry,” Hunk says. He’s started to cry, now, dark eyes blurry with tears and nose running. “I’m so sorry, Lance. I didn’t — I should have been there to catch you.”
“I promise you I’m over a thing that happened four years ago,” Lance says drily.
Allura pinches his ear. He yelps.
“Hey! No pinching the brain damaged person!”
“Not funny,” she says, although her mouth twitches. “And accept our apology, you jerk. I know it’s been eating at you. You’re a Leo and you told me that that means you hold grudges for a thousand years.”
“I regret teaching you astrology,” Lance mumbles. He is visibly relieved. “But, fine. Apology accepted, you bunch of goobers. Can we forget this happened, now?”
“Absolutely not,” Shiro says. “You still have hearing loss and brain damage. And a broken rib! I won’t force you into a pod, but we need to figure something out, kiddo.”
“Eh.” Lance waves a dismissive hand. “I’ve had two of the three for four years, now, so I barely even notice them anymore. The hearing loss isn’t that bad, plus I’ve always had audio processing disorder so I know how to read lips and I’m used to asking people to repeat themselves a bajillion times. And I’m pretty sure the brain damage thing just means I get more migraines than usual, which I already know how to deal with because of the ‘tism. The broken rib —” He falters. “Well, the broken rib doesn’t look great for me, but there’s no cure for that anyway. You’re just supposed to wait it out until it heals itself, basically, and the scanner thing didn’t say anything about a punctured lung so I’m good.”
“How you humans have managed to stay alive as long as you have astounds me,” Allura mutters.
“Fair,” all five humans say at the same time.
Lance moves to get up, swiping his cheeks to wipe away the tears. “Are we good now?” he asks hopefully. “Lancey-Lance is secretly a medical genius, all mistakes have been forgiven, we can go do literally anything else? Food would be great. I don’t know about you people but personally, being vulnerable makes me horribly famished.”
“Sit down, dear,” Coran says, steadying a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Alteans have better medical equipment, you remember. Not everything is a pod, they’re simply faster.” He turns to Pidge and Hunk. “I need the two of you to get the bone stitcher from the MedBay. Allura, go with them, the label is in a dialect of Altean they haven’t yet learnt, they’ll need your help to get it. It’s also quite heavy and quite high up.”
They nod and scurry off.
“What can I do, Coran?” Shiro asks.
“Get him his headphones and some water,” he suggests. “It’s been a lot of stimuli for one varga.”
“On it.”
“I can get my own shit,” Lance grumbles. “I don’t want people digging through my stuff.”
“Get up and I’m going to dislocated your other shoulder,” Keith threatens, half-joking. “Stop being a dweeb about needed help. It makes you look like a straight guy.”
Lance opens his mouth and then closes it again. “I hate when you use my words against me. It’s three quarters of the reason you’re irritating.”
“Shut up,” Keith says pleasantly.
They’re both grinning. Coran shakes his head at the two of them, knowing he will likely never understand their relationship.
The rest of the team comes back quickly, and they work together to set Lance’s rib, get him hydrated, move the mood into something lighter. They all head to dinner when he’s stable, eating their goo in exhausted but comfortable silence.
Tomorrow, Coran will have Lance run through some brain scans to make sure everything is as alright as it seems. Tomorrow, Pidge and Hunk will start working on a pair of hearing aids. Tomorrow, Keith will insist on helping Lance change the bandages on his leg wound; red to his hairline but stubborn and steady and gentle. Tomorrow, Shiro will sit with Lance on the observation deck, and they will discover that both of their mothers are nurses, and they will laugh about ridiculous ER stories they’ve heard. Tomorrow, Allura will help Lance bedazzle his knee brace as obnoxiously as they can.
Tomorrow, they will fix things. Tomorrow they will make things right.
But for now, they sit, and they eat, and they enjoy each other’s company and take great relief in the knowledge that their Blue and Red Paladin is truly, possibly for the first time in years, safe.
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Alright, I just had a thought.
I get that it's a major plot point that Krolia is part of the Blade of Marmora, but what if she was just another soldier?
What if she had been heading to Earth as a Galra soldier, and was shot down by a Blade member?
And then Keith's dad saves her!
So after that, she either decides to change after falling in love with him and realizing that destroying planets is killing innocent people like this man, oooor she continues to fight for the Galra.
If she continued with Galra, then she most likely would reunite with Keith in a battle, or at least see his picture in some battle briefing and be like, oH CRAP THAT'S MY KID.
And then if we continue on this path, then Keith would see her, and she tells him who she is, either mid-battle to throw him off, or to tell him why she won't kill him.
And if she were to do it mid-battle, Keith would be absolutely crushed and either have a character development arc in which he pushes back his feelings of betrayal and hurt and defeats her, or he gets distracted and she manages to injure him.
If Keith defeats her himself, (and this is all during fighting her) then right before she passes out/ dies they would have a moment where either Krolia apologizes, or tells Keith that he was a the best and worst mistake she's ever made, and either way she would tell him that she's proud of him.
If Keith were to get hurt by her, Lance would shoot her down and rush over to Keith. There would be one of those moments where character A is like dying, and character B places character A's head on their lap and like cries while character A is making some heartfelt speech and giving them a bunch of cliché advice, you know?
And then Keith passes out, and the team is there by then to rush him back to the castle and he makes it.
And then he breaks down when the reality of what happened with Krolia hits him.
And he has a moment with one of the paladins, BUT ONLY ONE OF THEM. More than one other paladin ruins the moment, don't ask me why, it just does.
And then if Krolia were to be still alive (This is assuming that the 'I'm proud of you' moment never happened), then she would rise up in ranks until when Zarkon dies, she's the empress. Haggar and Voltron think that she's controlling Krolia, so Haggar is targeted by Voltron and the coalition.
They CANNOT defeat her, no matter what they do, but then Krolia takes her out in order to gain full power of the Galra empire, and everyone's just SHOCKED. Krolia doesn't even do it in secret, this is like a full-on battle and she goes, "Bold of you to assume that you EVER controlled me, Witch. The only one who valued you was Zarkon, and that made him weak."
And then she straight-up stabs Haggar and leaves the battle saying to the paladins, "We've both won this battle. Now go. We all know that you are outnumbered here."
AND THEN instead of the whole Honerva thing, it's them against Krolia.
Keith would most likely be the one to kill her. Or maybe Krolia would have the same ending as Honerva! Though if that were to happen, then Allura can still sacrifice herself.
And throughout this, KLANCE exists. Allurance shippers can BACK OFF. ALLURANCE. NEVER. HAPPENS. AND NO. I am NOT adding Allurance to my computer's dictionary so that it will stop autocorrecting me, because the only ship that belongs in the dictionary is KLANCE.
*deep breaths*
Thank you for reading my Ted Ta- oh who am I kidding, thank you for reading my rant.
btw, does anyone else simp for Matt and that robot-masked alien girl??? Like, oh my goodness it is SO CUTE. In the clear day episode, (the one where Shiro wins the arm-wresting competition) the girl is INCLUDED IN THEIR FAMILY PICTURE. NO JOKE. LOOOOK!!!
Tumblr media
Sorry about that. I live for this kind of stuff.
If there's spelling errors, (at least more than usual) then feel free to correct me. I'm typing really aggressively right now, which usually leads to a WHOLE lot of mistakes. So, oops.
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larsmina · 1 year
Larmina: I’m literally the main third wheel of this entire team.
Hunk, with his arm around Chip: What? No you’re not, kiddo!
Vince, trying to tame Daniel’s hair with 15 ponytails: We don’t think of you as a third wheel Larmina!
Lance, with Pidge chilling in his lap: What made you think that?
Allura, who is sitting next to Kieth, both doing paperwork: Oh Larmina, you know that’s not true!
Larmina: 😀
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kidgetrash · 2 years
Heyy !:) for the ship meme , who between Keith and pidge is the most affectionate?? also , big spoon/little spoon ??
Hey! Hi! Let's doooo this!!!!
Most Affectionate?
Pidge. It is absolutely Pidge. During downtime, Pidge is all over Keith like a cheap suit! They may as well just have one chair between them because she is on his lap more often than in her own seat. Unless they're eating at a dinner table, when she scooches her chair up to his just close enough that their elbows don't bang together. Other than that, his lap is fair game. Reading? Don't care, you can see your datapad over my shoulder. Just finished working out and sitting cross-legged? Now you have your girlfriend sitting wrapped around you koala style while she works on her datapad behind your back. Arguing with someone (probably Lance, maybe Shiro) while standing with your back to the door? Now your tiny limpet girlfriend is attached to your waist from behind because she ran out of peanut butter cookies. This does eventually start to rub off on Keith though, once he realises just how much he likes it (that didn't take him long) and that he can reciprocate (that took a bit longer). Tiny girlfriend sitting cross-legged somewhere working on her laptop? now she has a full sized boyfriend pillow behind her with his arms around her waist and a neck right there for kissing, unless it's something important. Having a bad day? Now you're in a cocoon of blankets with your super tall bf curled around you like the best coat in the world.
And this doesn't just go for casual either. In garrison meetings, Pidge's chair is surreptitiously always closer to Keith's than when the room was set up. And she convinces him that as long as no one sees then it's entirely professional to hold hands under the table! Then she manages to convince him that she can write on his palm with her finger and send him messages which he spells out in his datapad as though he's taking notes. Sometimes she tries to make him blush or laugh. Other than that, they are just always together. Pidge likes to lean on him, no matter the situation. If they're walking, they're either holding hands or just linking little fingers if they're still on duty, and Allura thinks it's the cutest thing she's ever seen.
Then there's the non-physical affection. Both of them are guilty of buying the other the stupidest little knickknacks whenever they see them. It's the whole "saw this and thought of you". And it is so ridiculous. No one else gets it, but between the two of them they have a huge collection of useless clutter. From snowglobes to dancing hula girls, clam shells with googly eyes to raunchy pens, as long as it makes the other laugh, and it always does, it's fair game!
Big Spoon or Little Spoon?
It depends on the situation. Generally, Keith likes to hold on to his Pidge. It means she's safe and right there with him. Pidge normally starts out the night with her head rested on his chest, but she tends to move around a lot, certainly more than Keith thought was possible. Within minutes of her moving away from his, he can feel the difference and wakes just enough to roll over and pull her in against chest again, her heart beating through her back into him like the most comforting thing in the world.
However, if Keith comes to bed late and doesn't want to disturb her he will try and go to sleep without touching. It never lasts long. One or the other of them seeks the other out. As for Pidge as the big spoon, sometimes Keith still has nightmares. Losing his family, losing his found family, losing her...when this happens when he's curled up on himself trying to even his breathing with his back to her, this is when she shines as the big spoon. Wordlessly, she shimmies her way to him, wrapping her arm around him and stroking his chest rhythmically, easing his mind and body with presence. They never talk about it, unless he instigates it, but he's okay with that and so is she. He knows she's ready to listen to him any time of day or night, but most of all she's ready to hold him until he feels brave enough to tell her he's okay.
I think that'll do it! Hope you enjoy!
Send me a ship meme from here!
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jalapenobee · 2 years
Klance goes Halloween costume/candy shopping
Three little demons
Pidge, being the lazy gremlin she is, stole one of Matt’s black cloaks and got a fake scythe from Party City down the street for her costume. She was the grim reaper.
Shiro just planned to wear brown and put a toy football, cut in half, on his nose with tape. He grasped his elbows with the opposite hands and let his arms hang, making an obnoxious “huh” sound whenever someone talked to him. He was a Minecraft villager.
Hunk, contrary to everyone’s assumptions, wasn’t going to be a chef. He pulled out a Santa beard from last year and dyed it black, twisting it so it wasn’t as puffy. He ordered a wizard costume online, and ta da, he was a wizard. On a quest, if I may add. To save his village.
Coran had scavenged for his space pirate disguise, which was now hanging on the back of his door for the 31st of October.
You can probably tell that these four already have their Halloween costumes ready. They do. But there were still three people who didn’t.
Keith, Lance, and Allura. Today, they’re going costume shopping at a sketchy market that Coran had given them directions to. He insisted it was totally safe.
We’ll see about that.
<r e c o r d i n g>
“Is this thing on? Yeah. Okay. Hello, everybody!”
“Lance, what are you doing? There’s nobody watching.”
“Yeah, but we’re gonna watch this later with everyone, so I might as well address the audience.” Lance’s fingers formed his signature finger gun pose, aimed directly at the one and only Keith.
A sigh came from behind the camera, and the view was flipped to the source of the noise. Allura. “Can we just get going? We only have two days before Halloween.”
Lance pouted but agreed. Time was running short, so they piled into Allura’s Lexus, camera pointed towards the floor, Keith snagging shotgun and shutting the passenger door before Lance could protest.
“Wha- Keith! You can’t do that, I was holding the camera!”
Keith rolled down the tinted window and flashed a smug smile. “I think I just did.”
“What if I sit in your lap?”
“We’re not that far, Lance.”
“Just sit in the backseat!”
“See? Look at what I gotta deal with. Especially with this mullet here.” Lance turned the camera’s view from a close up of his face towards Keith and jabbed a thumb in his direction.
“I can hear you, Lance.” They both rolled their eyes with Allura, who turned her key and started up the car as Lance climbed into the backseat.
“Let’s go, bitches.”
“I’m pretty sure Pidge taught her that word.”
<r e c o r d i n g p a u s e d>
<r e c o r d i n g>
“Okay, we’re here.”
The camera’s viewpoint shifted to an old-looking sign sporting the word “market” in red capital letters. Faded tents and stands stood in rows facing each other under it, selling various items, some more, ahem, suspicious than others.
“I don’t know why Coran thought we could find a Halloween costume at this place,” Keith muttered. “Let alone something that isn’t caked in dirt.”
Lance waggled his eyebrows at the camera. “Or blood.”
“Don’t- just don’t, Lance.” Allura’s annoyance was enough to get everyone to start walking down the rows of “shops”. It resembled an outdoor mall, really. Looking closer, the stores had their own special style and flair, and some were bigger than others. They weren’t all tiny shacks.
“Alright, and the search starts now. You guys wanna split up?”
Allura and Keith both shrugged and promptly turned around and walked away, leaving Lance.
<r e c o r d i n g p a u s e d>
Lance paused the recording on the camera and ran after Keith, catching up to him in an embarrassingly long amount of time. Even though he called his name and got Keith to stop.
“Wait, can I come with you? This place is kinda sketchy and… uh…”
Lance dropped his voice to a timid whisper and cowered behind Keith. “I don’t wanna walk alone. Some of these guys look creepy.”
“So you want me to protect you?”
“Long shot.” Keith rolled his eyes and continued to walk, scanning the front of the stores for one that looked like it sold costumes.
“Good thing I’m a sharpshooter, then. I’ll reach my target soon enough.”
“You already got your target, Lance.” Keith turned around and planted a small kiss on Lance’s cheek, who had started to walk with him.
<r e c o r d i n g>
“And we’re back! I’m here with my wonderful samurai boyfriend Keith, and- wait. Where’s Keith?”
Lance looked around, a confused expression on his face until he saw Keith waving him over from the entrance of one of the bigger stores.
“Ah, there he is. Let’s go find a costume!”
Lance rushed over to where Keith was standing, in the wide entrance of probably the only store that had good lighting and a clean floor.
“Can you not record me? It’s weird.”
“Sure, of course!”
Despite his sarcastic promise, Lance made it his mission to point the camera at Keith whenever he got the chance, proving to be a bad idea when the paladins watched the video later.
Keith led the two of them through the store, passing other customers and the occasional clerk until they got to a clothing section, displaying many varieties of eccentric garments (that felt way too sophisticated).
“There might be something good here…”
Lance rolled his eyes at Keith’s mumbling. “Damn right there is. We’re gonna find the best costumes.”
<r e c o r d i n g p a u s e d>
And with that, they began looking.
They split up again, Lance being left alone to be suspicious about everyone who crossed his path as he sorted through the racks of clothing, the camera forgotten and hanging at his neck by the strap. Nothing looked good enough, though. All of them were either too big or too small or just didn’t have enough flair.
The same thing was happening to Keith. He couldn’t find a good costume either, but at least he found Allura. They talked in hushed voices as they browsed through the short aisles.
“I can’t believe we actually came here.”
“Me neither. Coran can be kind of suspicious sometimes.”
Allura nodded in agreement and fingered a costume that stood out from the rest. It was a demon costume, but she didn’t really care. It had black wings and horns, and a dark red tail attached to the back of the black bootcut pants. A blood red halter top hung under a thin white mesh shawl that would’ve reached her elbows.
She grinned. “I think this is the one.”
“This isn’t like shopping for wedding rings, Allura.”
She rolled her eyes and bid a goodbye to Keith, walking off to find the checkout line. One demon.
<r e c o r d i n g>
“Now I am officially with Keith, and I think we’ve found our Halloween costumes! After someone spent ten minutes trying on one of them, only to decide it was too big.”
“It was too big. And these are girl’s costumes!”
“So? Who cares?”
Lance let the camera hang from the strap as he held up the two matching costumes to Keith.
Guess what they were.
I dare you.
They were *ahem* female demon costumes. And Lance had his heart set on wearing them. Two demons down, one to go.
Both had horns and tails similar to the ones on Allura’s costume, but the wings were smaller and bright red. And under a black crop top hung glittering black and red ruffled miniskirts that Keith didn’t want to wear.
Too bad for him.
“Cmon, please?” Lance draped the costumes over his right arm and lifted the camera, pointing it at Keith. “I really wanna match for Halloween. Don’t you think we’d look cute in skirts?”
“Don’t you think this is perfect blackmail material for Pidge?”
“It clearly never crossed your mind that I have better blackmail material than Pidge.”
Keith opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Lance did have a point… wait, no! He might’ve been right, but Keith is not wearing a skirt for Halloween.
Hold up. Unless…
“Alright, I’ll wear it, but on one condition.”
Lance felt a bright smile form on his face. “And that is?”
“Ditch your skincare routine for a week.”
“Deal! Wait, what? I can’t do that!”
“Nope, you already agreed! One week starts now!” Three little demons.
“Get back here!”
Whoops… there goes any chance of being pimple free on Halloween. But it’s worth it, Lance thought, if I get to see Keith in a dress.
<r e c o r d i n g p a u s e d>
1,494 words
Im sorry because this isn’t really Klance and it wasn’t very on topic, but I’m PROUD of this
I crunched it out in one and a half days now I feel powerful
There’s also an art piece I’m working on that connects to this, it’ll be out in a few days to a week
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ao3-feed-shadam · 1 year
Movie Night
by riddenthestars
“But-“ and before Keith can even argue, Lance just grabs him by the waist and pulls the both of them onto the nice sofa, and with Keith still in his lap, leans in an whispers “Shhhh, we get the nice sofa, don’t complain and we might land these seats permanently.”
Keith shuts up. Not because he’s worried if Lance whispers anything else in his ear it might cause a reaction. Not that, not that at all.
Words: 2039, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), mentioned Shay (Voltron) - Character, Mentioned Adam (Voltron) - Character
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Kinda but not really, Humor, Flirting, Sexual Tension, But also, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Touch-Starved Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt Acts Like a Gremlin, that’s an actual tag and I love it, Shiro is also a gremlin by the way, Knives Out (2019) Spoilers, They watch the movie but there’s not really any spoilers, movie night in the castle, Also Mentioned: Captain America’s Ass
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46508764
0 notes
**Cultivating Love**40**
Having placed his plans into motion, Lance had spoken to Allura over Blue. She’d tried to deny him. Sympathised over the loss of his arm, and tried to point out that he could still wield a blade. He’d known she’d be reluctant, yet she’d heard him out and he in turn had heard her out over her past memories of Lotor. It seemed Lotor was a quiet child. Allura fondly recalling that he seemed to come alive when he’d visit and soon his visits had been full of fun and innocent adventures that only children had. The Lotor she spoke of could have been any child of a senior officer. Certain responsibilities affected the way he had to act, unless they were alone together where they could both be themselves and status was of no importance. She hadn’t been able to pinpoint the exact time they’d grown apart, only that one day they no longer received visits from Zarkon and Lotor, and her father seemed to grow distant around the same time. Lance wondered if Alfor had caught wind of Zarkon’s betrayal, but couldn’t voice as much as it was hard enough for Allura to cope with who Lotor had grown into. She wanted to believe in him, yet the evidence of it all was that she couldn’t and he understood what the betrayal must mean to her. With tears in her eyes, she’d agreed to take upon Blue. She’d said she was only holding onto Blue for now, so Lance had conceded with an empty “one day” over when he would take Blue back.
After speaking with Allura, he’d sought Pidge out. Though that conversation turned to him, Hunk, and Lance speaking. Lance apologising and thanking Pidge for all she’d done until Pidge got awkward and smacked his arm hard enough to numb it. To make up with his friends meant so much to him. For them to all be on the same page meant that they were all on equal footing. He’d felt quite talked out, but knew he had to speak to Shiro and Keith, not only about Zarkon and his time fighting, but about his maelstrom of feelings and their own feelings in return.
Wished good luck by Hunk, the three of them retired to Keith’s room. Having kept their word and patiently waited, the two were like pups with their wagging tails as Lance patted the bed beside him. They could see the morning had worn on him. Despite telling himself to be strong, he’d still found himself leaning into Keith for comfort. Not wanting to be left out, Shiro had moved his legs up to lay across his lap, with Lance’s back against Keith’s side. Already none of it was going how he’d planned for it to in his mind… He felt bad for the amount of physical contact, but his body craved it. Perhaps a little too much as he felt Keith’s hand slide across his stomach, and memories came to mind. Keith felt so easy. So much easier than Shiro, and not at all as if he were causing Lance to second and third guess himself.
Taking a deep breath, Shiro patted his leg before Lance could start, telling him
“Take your time. If you need to stop, then tell us. We’ll go slow in this together”
Offering a small smile. The amount of care in Shiro’s words made him confident that they would be taking this slowly
“Yes. I will. I think the first thing I need to do is apologise for leaving the way I did. I was upset. You and Keith had gone to bathe and I had not, saying that I wished to cultivate. I couldn’t. After that day, it no longer came as naturally. I was frustrated then I hear you both speaking of me and I was upset. I know you both know I didn’t intend to end up in the demon realm, but I did intend to travel further after the mermaids. I wanted to know my true feelings before returning. Walking from you both was not easy. I wanted to keep loving you. Both of you have shown me so many happy memories and I cherished my position as your mate. I truly did”
Keith nosed his hair, kissing the spot behind his ear as he squeezed him closer
“It’s okay. Take your time”
“It’s not okay. Not to me. I know I should have told you my soul was damaged. I know. But I also feel you both should have noticed and said something. So I am angry. I’m so angry that you kept that fragment from me. I didn’t reach the heavens when I died. I did not see the things you did and I felt that meant I’m not worthy. I was hurt. I was hurting. Shiro, I honestly… I’m honestly conflicted and confused as to why you did not tell me. I thought if you loved me, then you would have said something. Anything. To tell me that there was still hope to be had. You worked yourself to collapse and you still didn’t tell me, even in our private times together. I’ve seen a lot… and I see a lot. And I’m struggling. I do love you. I do. Yet I see love from a master so in line with the love you’ve shown me. You never allowed me to help you through your heats and I felt unwanted. I did not wish to say anything. You both worried so over me and I… I adored the attention to begin with… then… then you left me over and over”
Lance didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to, yet when he voiced his pain he found himself growing damp eyed. He wanted to bury his face in his hands in shame, yet that was hard to do when he only had the one and that wouldn’t cover his face. Shiro releasing a small amount of chi as he softly replied
“I hurt you. Our bond was not like that with mine with Keith. I love you. So I feared having sex with you as wolves do. We can be quiet violent and I never wanted to hurt you. I started pushing you away when I found my mate had been reborn. It wasn’t that I did not love you, but he still has a place in my heart and if I could not rid myself of these feelings it felt like a betrayal. I was also wrong for keeping the truth from you. At first I waited. I waited for you to heal and for you to ask. When you did not, I kept it to myself. So I would have a piece of you, given Allura had already filled that space. I also admit I noticed you’d lost some of your memories and sometimes seemed confused and I knew I should do the right thing, yet carrying your soul… I was foolish. I love you and I wanted a reason for you to be with me. When you left I didn’t want to believe it. I fought with Keith, and denied the possibility. I can see how us leaving you behind seems as if we wanted to keep you chained down instead of safe. Then you were truly gone, and I reaped what I’d sown as a jealous lover. Keith left to find you, and I did not… then the first thing I asked of you was if Keith had arrived. I meant to enquire as to your safety and to tell you to wait for him as he carried part of your soul, but I do understand why you would think otherwise. I grew too complacent. Too used to your presence that I took for granted you would be there. It never ever should have come to the point where you could not confide in us. I failed you repeatedly and I planned to leave to meditate until my ex mate came of age. I acted deplorably. I truly did. I had two mates and I still longed to see my Adam again. My feelings were so conflicted that all I could do was think of leaving once pushing you and Keith together”
Lance knew he should be more sympathetic seeing Shiro was finally showing him honesty. He knew and he could not, not even with all that Shiro had said. His wavering heart seemed to guide his tongue as his argued the same points he’d argued to himself in the demon realm
“You love him more. You’ve loved Keith more. The bond you two share often left me wondering why you would chose a fox instead of settling for Keith. The palace was awash with rumours over how ungrateful I was. I thought I had gotten over you. Then the reality came that I may see you again and my heart wavered all over again. I’m sure that if it was Keith, you would have come. If it was him, you would have tried harder. You love him but you don’t love me”
“Lance, that is simply not true. You leaving devastated me”
Shiro sounded so sad, Lance too angry not to snap now that it was all so clear
“Only because I actually went and did it. If I had not left you would have. You would have acted as if these decades together meant nothing. I’m not Keith, Shiro. I’m no wolf. I’m a fox who wanted to come home and didn’t think I ever would”
Keith went to comfort him, only Shiro pulled him from him and into his lap. Forcing his face up, Lance closed his eyes because he didn’t wish to look into Shiro’s. Strangely, his heart wasn’t racing. His body and mind felt clearer by the moment
“You are you. You are my mate. I loved you for all you are and all you’re not. You kept us even. Our tempers even. You fussed over us. Never failing to show your love. You danced and sang, joked and fought. You tore down what I tried to build between us so naturally that you dissolved my hesitations. You are smart, skilled, and beautiful. I remember all the late night talks we would have. I remember that time Keith and I fought for prizes for you and the pride I felt in gifting you my winnings. Never was I ashamed to have you and never will I be. I tried to take it all on, and Keith caught me. He caught me thinking of Adam again. He was quite mad and I do understand how horrible my feelings are. I love you more than Adam. I love you both more than him… but I love him too. I don’t know what to do to make you believe me. There are so very many things I should have done. And you never should have been forced to act the way you did. It’s because I overcompensated for my inadequacies that you were harmed by my love instead. I love you, Lance”
That was it. Lance knew it for sure. Hearing Shiro say he loved him the way he did, what they had was finally shattered and all that was left to try get his tongue to continue to speak the words of his heart
“I love you… yet… yet I am not sure what to do. I do not know if I see you as a lover anymore. A friend, yes. A secret keeper, yes. A lover… I do not know. You utterly betrayed Keith and I. All for selfish pride. I always knew you held endless pride but my literal soul was on the line and you held back. You lost me and then realised you loved me. No matter how you word it, that is how it feels. I even slept with Matt because my body could no longer take heats alone. If you loved me you would have forced that love upon on me. You would have been selfish by my side… not to keep me by your side. I do not wish to complicate things between you and Keith. But… but I am so mad that I want to hold your mouth open and shove taffy down. I want to see you physically sick from the lies you told us both”
Lance’s voice wobbled, pushing Shiro off, he slid from his lap to stand, then turn his back on Shiro
“Because it was to us both. I was played as a fool… and I absolutely know I should have opened my mouth sooner. I absolutely know every last thing that happened to me all came about from that. I’m mad at Keith too and I want hit you both… but he came. He came and you didn’t and it hurts so much. Now you follow me around. You tell me you love me. You tell me all these things you should have said before and we cannot go back. It will never be what it was. Never. I refuse to be how I was. To be complacent to the point I had to wait for your love. I deserved better. We all did. We all messed this up until it broke. Each of us was wrong. Keith complaining about me. You lying to me. Me lying to both of you. I’m surprised we didn’t corrupt ourselves. When you kiss me, I know you’re shoving your love upon me, but it doesn’t thrill me. It doesn’t feel how it did, and won’t until I can trust you again”
“Can you ever?”
Of course Shiro had to ask the toughest of questions, Keith’s breath hitched momentarily as Lance wrapped his arms around himself the best he could
“I do not know. I don’t want to think about what all of it means. And I do not want the issue to remain in the air. I watched the students with their masters and all they did was as we did when at the Shrine. Even if you feared sex during a heat, you could have taken an interest in me every other day. You didn’t. You praised me. You patted my head. You encouraged me. I was not sure… not sure until right now, but I cannot say our love aligns anymore. I’m tired of hurting. I’m tired of the confusion. I had so much pride in being both of yours that now it hurts so painfully. I think we need to think apart. Because… No. No, I do not want to try to fix our relationship with the hope of building something new. I also do not wish to come between you and Keith. If you and Keith chose to be with each other than I will choose to return to my clan. That is not a threat. It is me acting in self preservation. You were both the cornerstones of my heart, and I am sure with a few hundred years I would have found new love and perhaps even a love to have a child with… so I cannot watch it, even if I approve”
Lance was trembling now. He shook from head to toe as the tears came. They weren’t only tears over his broken relationship, but tears of pain he’d refused himself in the demon realm. All of it was coming out now. Behind him, Keith got off the bed, taking the bottom of the sleeve of his robe between his fingers. His mind was still clear and he still felt strongly he was saying the right thing for him
“I’m sorry, Keith. I am not even strong enough for this right now. I am sorry. If you wish to be with Shiro, then you should be. If that is what your heart tells you, then you should follow it. I honestly promise I tried my absolute hardest, but when my heart spoke it spoke more of you than him. I loved you more than him and that is the only conclusion I can come to… because otherwise I wouldn’t have thought of you as much as I did… and I am a horrible mate for falling out of love in one way and accepting love in another. I’m a horrible wicked fox. I didn’t mean to love you more. I hated you too. I wanted time with Shiro but I was always in the way. It was never the right time for either you or him. I felt so left out, for being a fox and for not understanding how wolves could sleep with anyone to scratch that itch when sex to me was something people in love did. My clan always made it sound so magical to find love… I wanted to be number on in both your hearts…”
Lance used his good hand to wipe his eyes as Keith’s hold on his robe slipped. Keith mumbling
“You were… I got jealous too. Shiro got jealous too. We all loved each other and all wanted each other to ourselves. Especially after that night. That’s not how it’s meant to be. I’m sorry. I’m not good with words. Not like you and Shiro. I know you put a lot of thought into this. I know it ate you up inside… and I know you want to leave right now, but I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you until those tears stop”
“I think that… that might be a bad idea. I want you to… but that’s holding on for the sake of the panic inside”
“What’s wrong with panic when it means I could lose you as my mate? I don’t want that”
Why did they both need to be so patient with him now? So understanding? So prepared to listen, when they were not before? Why did Shiro have to overthink everything and betray them both? Why we’re they listening and not fighting for him?
“But you love Shiro. I’m not going to stand on the side while you are with him. I tried to push you away and I couldn’t do it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry to both of you. You both held hope and I do not feel the same way… or at least I do not think I do. I will sleep next to Hunk tonight. I know I cannot tell you two to part, but please put some thought into my words and why I may suggest you should search your hearts and come up with your ideas of what you want the future to look like. If you both believe we can build something new I will listen to you, even if I do not see it now. Please let me rest tonight”
Keith walked past him to open the door, Lanve initially feeling that this was Keith telling him to leave because Shiro was his choice until he spoke. Keith had tears in his eyes and his ears had dropped
“I will think, as you asked. I know it is not far, but humour me and let me see you into Hunk’s arms. You’re awfully pale”
“You won’t try to stay?”
Lance wanted him to and he didn’t. He wanted Shiro to say something more and he didn’t either. Keith looked so remorseful that Lance hated his kindness all over again
“Not on this. It took courage to speak it out. And you are right. I do need to think. I have, and I have, but you’re asking me and I cannot say no. I love you”
Lance sniffled a couple of times then nodded
“Alright. Shiro, I am so sorry. I’m just… so sorry. I’m too exhausted”
Shiro let out a sniffle of his own. Raw pain in his tone that almost made Lance turn to comfort him
“No. I hurt you. I knew you would not forgive me for the pain. When you feel stronger we shall speak some more. All I can do is tell you that I honestly love you. And that I was a master of idiocy. Please rest well. Keith and I will wait as long as it takes. You are worth waiting for, even if it should take my whole life I will wait”
The words felt as if Lance had been yoked by the largest and heaviest of weights an oxen may carry. To wait forever seemed more than manipulative when put into words. He wouldn’t believe them. Not until Shiro processed that Lance had just broken up with him.
Opening the door to Lance, Hunk didn’t need divine powers to know that he must have spoken with Keith and Shiro. Behind Lance, Keith had tears rolling down his face, yet Hunk did not have time to comfort him. His best friend would be in a world of pain, and Hunk couldn’t help blame himself for part of it
“Lance, come inside?”
Lance nodded, Hunk wrapping his arm around his thin waist as he shot a quick look to Keith who answered it with a silent nod of confirmation. Leading his best friend to his best, Lance climbed onto the bed to lay facing away from him. There was only one thing to do, Hunk climbing in behind him and wrapping his arm around Lance’s stomach
“Would you like to talk? Or I can listen if that is easier?”
“It all came out. I couldn’t hold it in and I don’t feel as bad as I thought I would”
Hunk highly doubted that. Lance wore his heart on his sleeve and his love always ran deep
“What did you say?”
“That… that I am mad. That I was hurt. I did not leave much room for Keith to speak, but I did get across to Shiro that I cannot go back to loving him how I did. The damn fool told me I was worth waiting forever for”
“Oh, Lance…”
“It all became so clear Hunk. That he did love me. Or does… yet… I ran away because it was all so hard. I told them to think as if they haven’t thought for months of me”
“They may have, yet without your feelings and words they did not know what directions those thoughts should go”
Lance curled into himself, Hunk curling around him. His chin was not as bad as Hunk thought, but he could feel the pained disturbance ran almost to Lance’s soul
“I longed to see him and when I did… I do not want to hate him. I do not want to hurt them. I only wanted them to choose me more and I… I said some horrible things”
“Were they true?”
“Then sometimes we need to hear the horrible to understand and that’s alright. You told your truth”
“I told Shiro that I love Keith more”
Hunk already knew that. How could he not?
“So it is over?”
“I told them I would support them being together but the idea kills me inside. I want to want them both. I want to but I am too scared. Perhaps I should run off with Matt?”
Snorting, Hunk poked Lance in the stomach
“We both know your affections for Matt were chased off by his obnoxious flirting. You do attract a lot of attention”
“It’s my blessing and my curse. As I spoke I felt more sure. I felt more sure that Shiro did not love me as a lover. Not any more. I’m still so mad. So mad that he could lie after all our time together”
“Part of all of us are mad at him also. I forgot. A guard came while you were in discussions. The elders sent a peach tonic they want you to take with your food. I think they’ll end up pardoning us”
“And what I don’t want to be pardoned?”
Hunk bit down sighing. He knew what Lance said, yet also knew it wouldn’t be a clean parting of feelings of Shiro’s part. And he couldn’t take Lance’s place or pain. It would only through talking again once every one had thought that a clear outcome would be reached
“Then I would tell you it is the guilt you feel clouding your mind. That you have done nothing to deserve punishment. Tomorrow is a new day and with a good sleep you’ll feel better”
“We both know matters of the heart are not solved overnight”
“Then a dozen good nights of sleep. And if it’s awkward, I will hit them”
His comment drew a soft laugh from Lance
“I really do have the best of friends. I’m sincerely sorry I was banished, but if it is ever you in need, please promise you know I will not hesitate to do all I can, even if I do not know if you live or not. The idea of you and Shay wed with cubs fills me with so much hope. I cannot wait to see her again”
“Me neither. She’s going to yell at us both”
“Then I’ll hide behind you. Maybe I could become a travelling performer? I don’t need both arms to sing”
Hunk knew Lance was deflecting, yet didn’t have it in his heart to bring him down
“If you wear long robes you could get away with it when you dance. Or you could become a merchant? Or Pidge’s manager and turn her into a professional gambler?”
Lance laughed harder than Hunk thought he would. He was finally starting to sound genuine again
“And run from town to town until we have a bounty upon our heads? That’s simply too much running. I could return to my clan. My mother would fuss so much, but the kids would be cute. You and Shay could come visit and we’ll nap in the sun under the shade of the lilac trees. Pidge would scare the kids off with her illusions”
“You should visit my clan. You know how much they’ll feed you”
Lance groaned at the memories of the few times he had and the whole clan had fussed over him
“I’d never keep my figure. I can smell rain in the air. It might be a little early, yet I think I’m going to try to sleep. What about you?”
“Sleep sounds good to me too. Everything else can wait for now”
“Mmm, thank you. I promise I’ll try not to creep into your room tomorrow night”
“It’s fine if you wish to. And I promise I won’t speak to Keith and Shiro about your words. I’m here for you, but that is something you three must work out for yourselves”
“I know. You really are the best friend I could ask for”
“No need to ask. Now go to sleep. You need the rest”
Letting things lull between them, Hunk stayed awake for a long time after Lance’s breathing finally evened out, reassuring himself that they had indeed escaped the demon realm and that all of this had to come to and end soon.
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queerquintessence · 4 years
so i recently have been obsessed with the idea of the voltron paladins living in the same house together sooo
i may or may not have spent the last like 3 hours working on headcannons
the characters in the house are keith, lance, hunk, pidge, and allura
(since they’re all relatively similar in age)
so sadly no shiro or coran but
yeah here they are
(once again a bit unorganized but it’s whatev)
• first off allura and lance are both housewifes
• and neither of them take any shit from the others
• allura: keith, could you pick your feet up? i’m trying to vacuum down here
• keith, sitting on the couch: couldn’t you just do it later
• allura:
• allura: move your feet or i’m telling lonce you have a crush on him
• hunk does the dishes most of the time because he’s mainly the one who cooks their food
• but they also alternate on a schedule
• lance, sighing dramatically: i do everything around here! keith, when was the last time you washed the dishes?
• keith: i literally washed them last night
• lance: well you missed a plate so it doesn’t count
• keith takes out the trash a lot except he doesn’t wear shoes so his feet are always dirty
• lance yells at him for it
• whenever lance takes out the trash he puts on whoever’s shoes are closest
• pidge: lance are those my shoes?
• lance, tiptoeing in sneakers that are 3 sizes too small: maybe
• the couch that they own is too small to fit everyone
• they either argue for 10 minutes over who gets to sit where or they just pile on top of each other
• pidge usually lays on top of someone’s lap when it gets crowded
• she can just flop on top of someone and they’ll just let her- no words spoken
• keith sits on the armrests and everyone gives him shit for it
• lance: aren’t you uncomfortable?
• keith: i like sitting here
• lance: alright edgelord
• lance lays with his legs sprawled on top of the couch
• sometimes pidge will lay on lance who will have his legs on keith
• hunk is fine with sitting on the floor but even he’ll start arguing over the good spot on the couch
• hunk: lance, buddy, you sat there last time- why not give someone else a turn?
• lance: hunk when was the last time you did your own laundry? huh. that’s what i thought
• dinners pretty chaotic
• that’s usually when they have their debates
• lance, pounding his fist on the table: mac and cheese is to be eaten with a fork and that’s that
• pidge: why the hell would you use a fork? spoons are just fine in my opinion
• keith, silently munching on his food knowing he eats it with a knife:
• pidge: alright, we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room
• everyone:
• pidge:
• pidge: keith, you gotta stop putting corn syrup on your peanut butter sandwiches it’s fucking weird
• allura: everyone in favor of limiting lance’s shakira privileges say I
• keith, pidge, and hunk: I
• lance, who’s totally offended: wh
• luckily, they all have their own rooms
• except the walls are super thin
• keith: why has god forsaken me
• even when they try to play music relatively quiet it can still faintly be heard
• muffled music from keith’s room: when i was, a young boy
• pidge: HA fucking EMO
• they all have Alexa’s in their rooms
• and pidge has access to all of them on her laptop
• pidge: psst- hey lance, watch this
• pidge: *fast typing on laptop*
• blasting from keith’s room: COUNTRYYY ROAAADS TAKE ME HOOOOME
• muffled keith screaming: pIDGE I SWEAR TO GOD
• in the morning during breakfast
• allura: why has lonce not come out of his room yet?
• pidge: hang on, i’ll wake him up
• lance’s alexa in the distance: I’M A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH YOU’RE A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH
• lance’s startled scream is then followed by a loud thud
• once a week they have a movie night
• keith: lance i am not watching a cheesy romcom for the 2nd week in a row
• lance: i have to listen to ‘welcome to the black parade’ eighteen times a day sit the fuck down
• keith, crossed arm for the duration of movie night: this love story is completely unrealistic
• everybody shushes him on cue
• they also have monthly sleepovers in the living room where they giggle like middle schoolers
• keith knocks over an entire bowl of popcorn
• allura discovers the concept of a pillow fight and effortlessly knocks everybody to the ground
• lance flops on the air mattress and launches pidge across the room
• while everyone is trying to sleep
• lance: guys guys i’m gonna say something
• lance:
• lance: mayonnaise
• everybody loses their shit laughing because it’s 2 in the morning and they’re sleep deprived
• the bathroom sink is a mess
• their toothbrushes are color coordinated
• since they have to fit so much shit on the sink they have specific spots where they put their stuff
• pidge: hunk, your toothbrush is in my spot
• hunk: what? no- this corner of the sink is mine
• the debate results in all of them crowded in the bathroom arguing for 10 minutes
• keith: i don’t even remember having a designated spot on the sink
• allura: we need a toothbrush holder
• sometimes they do their nightly routines together
• which is also chaotic
• lance is applying a face mask, which drips onto pidge’s arm
• pidge then jerks her arm away- hitting keith’s toothbrush
• it then catapults off the counter and sticks to the wall
• keith: i left the room for one second what the hell did you do
• i’ve seen this headcannon somewhere before and i love it so i’m elaborating
• whenever keith is tired he’s giddy and hyper and loopy
• keith after not having a good nights sleep for 3 weeks, getting a running start and flipping onto the couch: a woop
• pidge: what in fucks name are you doing
• lance is the same exact way when he’s tired so they act like complete and utter idiots
• keith: lance, hey lance guess what
• lance: what
• keith:
• lance:
• they both burst out laughing
• lance: keith, omg you know what- keith rhymes with teeth
• keith:
• keith: holy shit
• eventually they both burn out and are just exhausted
• lance with his face planted in the carpet: uuuggghghggg
• allura: you finally done?
• lance: *angry muffled grumbling*
• pidge tends to fall asleep anywhere in the house
• usually with her computer on her lap or nearby
• she’s usually discovered the next morning
• hunk walking into the kitchen, sleepily rubbing his eyes: kinda want some orange juice
• pidge is just asleep on top of the fridge
• everyone else eating breakfast at the table
• keith: has anyone seen pidge?
• soft snoring is heard from under the table
• keith: ah
• they just put up with each other’s bullshit all day everyday and i love it
• lance, slamming his bedroom door open: everyone in my room i had a nightmare and need affection
• everyone emerges from their rooms grumbling and all file into lance room with their pillows and stuffed animals
• pidge trying to keep the remote away from lance: go long, hunk!
• keith appearing in the doorway and getting hit straight in the forehead with a remote: fUCK
• lance: are those my socks?
• keith: huh? oh, i dunno they were in my laundry pile
• lance: no those are totally my socks give them back right now
• when they all moved in together it was before keith and lance started dating so obviously there was shipping
• pidge, bursting into hunk’s room: i have klance tea
• hunk: spill
• lance: wh- keith and i are NOT dating
• pidge: you guys literally live together!
• allura, to hunk during dinner: i don’t know about you, but it seems to me like keith has a thing for lance
• keith: princess you’re not even whispering we can all hear you
• keith and lance secretly holding hands under the dinner table while lance is telling a story
• lance, being dramatic and expressive, lifts his hands in the air to accidentally reveal that his hand is intertwined with keith’s and its immediate chaos
• keith letting go immediately: wH HUH HOW DID THAT GET THERE
anywayyy that’s all
i literally love this so much so don’t be surprised if i come up with some more later
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eternally--mortal · 3 years
Klance Animatic
So ever since I heard Two Seconds In The Sun by Raynes I’ve had this vivid little movie in my head for a Klance animatic, and here it is (in description form):
You’ve never been easy
To reason with
And I get uneasy
If you’re quiet for long
—we see Lance and Keith fighting, before Keith pauses, seeing Lance looking withdrawn
—or, we see Lance confiding in Keith about something serious (before joining the Paladins and Allura, pretending that everything is ok)
Whenever you leave me
You sing like a canary
And tend to get it terribly wrong
—Lance flirting with Allura
I close your mouth with a kiss
—Lance and Allura kiss
But you shoot it off like you wish it were a gun
—Keith notices and turns away to walk off
And since the wind won’t blow it shut
I wish somebody’d sew a button to your tongue
We spent two seconds in the sun while it set
—the famous sunset scene
And then the sky turned black or blue
—Keith’s world turns blue as he looks at Lance. There’s light on him and Keith’s a little blinded by Lance’s smile.
I don’t remember it the way you remember
And I’m never going to
—Keith looks away
If I could light a flame
To burn away the rest of me that’s left in you
—back to the previous scene, Keith is clutching at his chest as he walks away from Lance
You’d think I meant to keep you warm like before
Assuming I still love you too
—Lance looks down at his hand in Allura’s
I’m not so sure I do
—Lance looks up at Keith as he’s walking away
You’ve carried the old days
For long enough already
Well, aren’t they getting heavy to hold?
—Lance with his Altean marks, looking tired
But you want it both ways
One life for taking photos
—photos of Lance and Allura, becoming a scene
And one you never show to a soul
—Lance looking at Keith who’s standing behind Hunk (who’s taking the picture)
What further grace do you need when
I left you basically bleeding in your room
If you’ve not sweat it off by now
You’d be far better off just howling at the moon
—Keith sparring with Krolia (and maybe Kolivan). Kosmo howls and Keith stops to look at him, smiling a little
We spent two seconds in the sun while it set
And then the sky turned black or blue
I don’t remember it the way you remember
And I’m never going to
—the scene from Lance’s perspective, this time, looking at Keith. The sky turns black with stars and constellations. Keith is an all-consuming mystery of wonder and warmth
If I could light a flame
To burn away the rest of me that’s left in you
—Lance touching his Altean marks
You’d think I meant to keep you warm like before
—He looks up at the memorial statue of Allura
Assuming I still love you too
—He begins to walk away
I’m not so sure I do
—and then looks back briefly
You need a place to believe in
—Lance stands at the edge of a field of Altean flowers, holding a farming rake
I left you basically bleeding in your room
—Keith approaches the edge of the same field. Lance hasn’t seen him yet
We spent two seconds in the sun while it set
And then the sky turned black or blue
I don’t remember it the way you remember
And I’m never going to
—Keith crosses the field to reach Lance with the sun setting in the background. Lance is sitting under a tree with his rake across his lap. Keith extends his hand to Lance.
If I could light a flame
To burn away the rest of me that’s left in you
—Allura’s spirit appears next to Lance. She takes his hand
You’d think I meant to keep you warm like before
—she puts his hand in Keith’s. Lance stands.
Assuming I still love you too
—Keith moves off screen. Lance follows him, dropping his rake and he goes and raising his hand to call out as he begins to run after Keith
I’m not so sure I do
—Allura stands by the tree and watches them go with a fond smile
I’m posting this here for a few reasons:
I don’t draw often enough or well enough to justify my hoarding this idea until I can work on my skills and overcome my perfectionism. I love this song and this twist on it, and I wanted to share it with everyone so we could enjoy it together. I don’t want it sitting in a box in my mind until it rots itself to pieces.
I’m not trying to pawn this off on anybody. But if anyone finds inspiration here, feel free to play around with the idea. Change it up, tweak the concept, turn it upside down, make half-baked sketches. It doesn’t belong to just me anymore. Go wild.
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freefall (voltron; pidge/lance)
Heyo! This story is based on a request from @jabbloo​ !
Hi!! I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but I couldn't find your ask box AJDKSKDS ; I'd like to request Pidge/Lance discovering a planet where it's very lush and green and full of plant life, and it turns out you can essentially snowboard on slippery algae hills, so they grab some boards and go at it!! :D thank you for your consideration!! ❤️❤️
I’m gonna write this to the best of my ability for you- thank you so much for making a request! for the record, if you don’t see an ask box anywhere it’s because I’m really new to Tumblr and have no idea how to do any of this- I set up the request post with the instruction of a friend, so I’m hoping I learn over time! Anyway, onto the story :D
Btw, feel free to let me know if I didn’t touch on the prompt the way you wanted and I’m happy to go back and rewrite it or make a part two- I actually had a ton of fun writing this and wouldn’t mind doing more of it!
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“It’s really... green,” Pidge comments, grimacing at the monitor, “Are you sure anything sentient lives there? I’m not seeing any signs of manmade structures here.”
Allura tilts her head slowly, “Maybe we’re missing something? I mean, the beacon definitely came from here, so there has to be some kind of civilization...” She gestures her hand towards the surface uncertainly, “...Somewhere.”
Pidge glances back at the rest of the team, cocking an eyebrow, “Do we go?”
Most of the team seems just as unsure, but, when her gaze locks on Lance’s, she sees a sparkle in his cobalt blue irises. She heaves a sigh, fondly rolling her eyes at his exaggerated pout, “What do you think, Lance?”
A wide, toothy grin takes up residence on his face, and he turns to the rest of the Paladins with an enthusiasm she wishes he’d have for any other important discussions, “It’s so pretty there, you guys!” He pauses, seeming to realize that isn’t a valid argument, and tries again, “If there really is a community there asking to join the coalition and we don’t go, it wouldn’t look good for us. Plus, it’s gorgeous and wouldn’t be a bad place to see up close- please, please, please can we go?”
Pidge turns her gaze back to the monitor, taking in the thick foliage and sprawling canopies of leaves they can see just from a satellite image of the small planet- it is objectively pretty, and she can’t fight the smile that tugs at her lips as she imagines the delight on Lance’s face. One was arguably more beautiful than the other, but that was more a matter of opinion than anything else, really.
She turns to Allura, hesitant, but the older woman already has a pleased smile on her face, “Lance is right- we should go, just to make sure it’s really empty.”
/ /                                                                                                        \ \
It really is just as beautiful as it was on the monitor.
When the airlock opens, a burst of warm, sweet-smelling air hits her face, trees almost as big as the castle itself surrounding them. The warm orange light of the planet’s solar entity breaks through the thick canopy of leaves sparingly, forming cracks of blazing light on the forest floor, yet, somehow, there are flowers and grasses of all kind flourishing everywhere underfoot.
She can’t help but marvel as she realizes that all of these trees must be thousands- or perhaps even millions- of years old, small creatures nesting all along them and forming a glorious symphony of chirps, purrs, and soft buzzes of all kind around them.
She turns to look at Lance, marveling at the way the rich, blazing orange light hits his face, defining his each and every feature in a way that takes her breath away- the blue of his eyes is even more captivating than normal, twinkling with complete, blinding euphoria.
He smiles brightly, barking out a short, giddy laugh before snatching Pidge’s hand from her side and taking off running towards the trees. His excitement is contagious, even as she stumbles over her own feet trying to keep up with his long strides, and she finds herself laughing loudly as she follows after him.
It takes a while to weave completely through the trees, but, when they do, he stops suddenly, peering out over a vast cliff. She runs straight into his back from her own momentum, clinging to him in surprise when she realizes the ground is a lot more slippery here than it was in the woods. Curiously, she peaks around his tall, lean frame, a soft gasp pulling itself from her throat as she sees what’s on the other side.
The hill they stand on is steep, overlooking a vast basin and another sprawling forest, the orange sun shining high in the sky over the horizon and reflecting perfectly off of the shallow water in the center of the serene area. The shore is lush and green, dotted with colorful pinpricks Pidge can tell are flowers even from miles away, and the world seems to be at her fingertips, completely still and perfect in that moment.
She’s caught off-guard when the ground under their shoes begins to give under their combined weight, suddenly beginning to slide- Lance suddenly topples over, dragging her down with him with his grip on her hand, and the two of them soon find themselves sliding down the hill at a high speed. She cries out in surprise, followed by his hectic, raucous cackling as they plummet towards the ground at breakneck speeds, only to follow the hill’s gentle slope and slide to a stop on the basin’s shore.
For a moment, they’re both completely silent in surprise, laying on their backs with their gazes locked on the rich, pink-hued sky and rich violet water lapping gently at their ankles, breathing heavily from the sudden motion.
And then Pidge starts laughing. At first, they’re subdued little giggles, fits and spurts of amusement tickling at her throat, before she realizes how absurd it’d been and truly begins laughing, eyes crinkling at the corners and chest heaving, breath stuttering with each unceremonious snort that creeps in. Lance turns his face to the side to watch her in awe, a crooked grin slowly rising to meet his eyes and his own bright, delighted laugh breaking from his chest in a moment that’s truly absurdly them.
“It’s algae!” Pidge cries breathlessly, nose flushing pink from her stuttered breaths and warm brown eyes falling shut, “I was wondering why the grass got so slippery, but it was never grass at all! This body of water was probably formed by water running under the surface- it’s probably also why the grass and plants are surviving without enough sunlight!” She grins in realization, excited by the discovery, “This planet is at least 65% land-dwelling algae but it all looks so natural I didn’t even notice at first!”
She opens her eyes again, slowly turning to look at Lance, expecting to find him confused or asleep, but, to her surprise, he’s watching her with rapt attention. Her nose wrinkles in confusion, confused discomfort pressing against her chest, before he gives her a ridiculous smirk and says, “I love when you talk biology to me.”
She stifles a loud, surprised snort, laughing brightly until she registers the edge of honest reverence lurking just beneath it and her breath catches, “I like that you listen, even when you don’t get it.”
He pauses, unsure how to continue now that he’s gotten this far, before perking up suddenly, “You wanna go snowboarding on it, Pidge?” She squawks out a laugh, sitting up, “Would it even be snowboarding if it’s algae? Isn’t that just... algae-boarding?”
He pouts playfully, and she rolls her eyes fondly, “I’m just messing with you, Lance. We gotta find boards first, though...”
The pout is gone faster than it appeared, an excited smile taking its place as he shoots to his feet, pulling her up with him, “Come on! Come on, come on, come on- we gotta find something to use as a board, Pidge!”
She laughs again, letting him pull her along back towards the castle, knowing it’d only get more and more hectic as the day went on and looking forward to every second of it as long as he was by her side.
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eastofthemoon · 3 years
A Paladin in the Fire Nation
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Rating: PG
Series: Voltron Legendary Defender/Avatar the Last Airbender
Summary: After the fight with Zarkon, Shiro accidentally gets tossed into another reality where humans have the ability to bend the elements. His best shot at returning home is with someone called the Avatar, while he waits he might as well take on the job of being the Firelord’s bodyguard.
Zuko was silent as Shiro told them his story. He tried to keep an open mind these days and being close friends with the Avatar had caused Zuko to experience very strange things.
However, Zuko did have limits and Shiro’s tale was pushing them to the extreme.
“So you’re from another universe,” Sokka said slowly. “Where you go into space inside ships in the shape of lions, who are sentient and can become on a giant ship shaped like a person called Voltron, and fight an empire run by beings called Garlic.”
“Galra,” Shiro had corrected as Iroh poured himself another cup of tea, “but yes.”
“And you got here because your lion accidentally sent you here while you were fighting the emperor,” Toph added.
“Correct,” Shiro confirmed.
Toph and Sokka turned their faces to Zuko, likely waiting for his reaction. Zuko took a deep breath. “That is an..interesting tale.”
Shiro raised an eyebrow as Zuko stood and tucked his hands into his robes. “Toph, Sokka, may I speak with you in private for a moment?”
“You can use my bedroom and shut the door,” his uncle offered and by the sound of his tone had been expecting it.
“Thank you, Uncle, we’ll just be a moment,” Zuko said briskly.
Toph and Sokka followed close behind while Zuko was being very careful to not say a word until they were all inside and he shut the door.
“I’ll be the first to say it,” Zuko said as he turned to his friends, “he is insane, right?”
Much to his shock, neither of them instantly agreed. Instead, Toph was silent and Sokka waved a hand back and forth.
“Ehhhh, maybe but my gut is telling me no,” Sokka replied.
“You’re kidding,” Zuko said in disbelief. “Did you hear what he said? There’s no way for it to be true.”
“But that’s the thing,” Sokka said as he paced. “Look, a real criminal would probably try to come up with a reasonable explanation. Why would Shiro tell us that story unless it is the truth?”
“You’re saying it’s so crazy it has to be true?” Zuko asked.
“Exactly,” Sokka said with a nod. “Why even bother with telling us about giant lion ships if he assumed we wouldn’t believe it.”
“I’m with Sokka,” Toph said. “I monitored the guy’s heart during the whole time he talked, he’s not lying.”
“He could be good at lying,” Zuko argued. “You told me Azula is able to pass it.”
Sokka raised an eyebrow. “You honestly believe that Shiro guy is at Azula level of lying?”
Zuko opened and shut his mouth. He hadn’t even known Shiro for a day, but he had seemed confused by the interrogation earlier. It was possible the man was a very good actor, but still…
“It would also explain why his armor is so odd,” Sokka added, “and his arm too. Not even Teo and his dad have designs that advanced.”
“Plus, Iroh is taking him seriously,” Toph added. “That should say something too.”
Sokka touched Zuko’s shoulder. “Be honest, what do you feel in your gut about Shiro?”
Zuko shut his eyes. “My common sense is saying he’s delusional,” he sighed, “but my gut says he’s telling the truth.”
“So we are all in agreement then,” said Toph with a shrug. “Now what?”
“How about we start by telling Shiro we believe him?” Sokka offered.
Zuko nodded as he turned around and led them back. Iroh was pouring another cup of tea while Shiro watched them come back with concern in his eyes.
“We believe you,” Zuko stated and sighed. “Although a large part of me is calling me crazy for doing so.”
“I don’t blame you,” Shiro said with a nervous chuckle. “I would have a hard time in your position.”
“So then spaceman,” Toph said as she sat next to him, “how do you think you can get back home?”
“Yeah, if this Black Lion sent you here by accident can she just take care of it,” Sokka said as he and Zuko took their seats.
“I wish it were that easy,” Shiro said, “but I’m too far away for her to help even though I can still hear her.”
Zuko froze as he tilted his head. “You can..hear her?”
“In my head,” Shiro said as he tapped forehead. “We paladins form a connection with our lions and it allows us to communicate them with our minds.”
“I see,” Zuko said, trying to keep his voice calm while he felt his common sense glaring at him. What have I gotten myself into?
“Right, okay,” said Sokka who also sounded unsure as he crossed his arms. “Only person I can think of to help you is Aang.���
“That is what I was suggesting when you three entered,” Iroh said as he sipped his tea. “Since it sounds like at least some form of the Spirit World is parly how you came to be here.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call the Astral Plane a spirit world,” Shiro replied as he rubbed his neck, “but I can’t deny it isn’t that either.”
It certainly felt like a place where spirits could dwell.
Toph sucked the air between her teeth. “Yeah, well, you’re going to have to wait awhile since Aang is dealing with settling some disputes over in the Earth Kingdom.”
Zuko sighed but nodded. Some of the towns had been former Fire Nation colonies that had been given back, but the previous Lord it had belonged to had died and so his twin sons were currently arguing on who the towns now belonged to.
“He is supposed to come straight here when he’s finished,” Zuko replied firmly, “but it’s hard to tell how long as it takes.”
“I see,” Shiro said with a sigh. “If you can recommend where I can stay I would greatly appreciate it.” His frown tightened. “Also possibly where I can make some money since I have nothing to pay-”
“No need for either since you’ll stay here as our guest,” Iroh said.
Zuko choked slightly as he shot his uncle a look. We barely know him and you want him to stay in the palace?
Iroh slightly glanced at Zuko before sipping his tea. “Given your circumstance, I’m sure our GENEROUS Firelord would be more than happy to accommodate you until we can figure out how to get you home.”
Zuko twitched an eye and wanted to argue, but Sokka grabbed his shoulder and whispered into his ear.
“I get your concern, but it’s probably better if he stays here since I doubt we want a ton of people finding out we got a person from another world just dropped into our laps,” Sokka muttered.
Zuko frowned, but gave a slow nod. A lot of people would dismiss it, but there were a few that would probably try to use it to their advantage and there were a few former FIre Nation nobles he rather kept that information away from.
“Alright,” Zuko said as he tucked his hands into his sleeves, “although we’ll have to think of an explanation as to why I’m suddenly treating the intruder as a guest.”
“Just say it was a prank I pulled that went wrong,” Toph said with a shrug.
Shiro raised an eyebrow. “You expect the guards to believe that a mysterious intruder was all just a prank pulled by you?”
Zuko narrowed his eyes before sighing and massaging his forehead. “After the Badgermole and Groundpecker incident, they would.”
Shiro blinked. “The what?”
Sokka sighed. “Don’t ask, trust me.”
Zuko nodded in agreement.
Once Zuko had announced Shiro was a guest, he and Sokka escorted Shiro to a guest chamber. It wasn’t nearly as big as Iroh’s room, but Shiro was just grateful to not have to return to his cell.
The rest of the day passed by rather quickly. Iroh told Shiro he would get him some more clothes in the meantime, and Zuko had his armour returned to Shiro. He assumed it was a lost cause, but Shiro attempted to see if he could contact the paladins through his helmet. Much to his chagrin, all he heard was static.
It was killing Shiro to not be there with his team. They were probably all worried if he was dead, Keith especially. Shiro hated that he was putting him through this again, but it wasn’t as if he had a choice.
He briefly wondered if the Black Lion could just send a message that he was still alive, but Keith’s connection with the Black Lion wasn’t deep enough for that yet. Which meant, all Shiro could do was wait and hope this Avatar would be able to get him home.
Shiro tried not to dwell on this as he ate dinner. Zuko and Iroh had other duties to attend to, but Sokka and Toph joined him. They were energetic, but they seemed to be good kids. Truth be told, Sokka reminded him a lot of Lance, and he wasn’t sure if the two met if they would get along or butt heads as a result.
Shiro didn’t stay with them long. He was exhausted both from the day, and it hadn’t even been a full 24 hours since his life or death battle with Zarkon. So, Shiro went to bed early.
It hadn’t taken long for him to sleep, and it would have been restful if not for the nightmare.
Shiro was back at the Castle of Lion. He wasn’t sure how, but it was wrong.
The lights were off and everywhere there was nothing except darkness.
And no sign of any of his friends.
Shiro ran through the halls. “KEITH! PIDGE! ALLURA!”
He called out but no one responded.
“HUNK! LANCE! CORAN!” Shiro ran through the endless hall. “ SOMEONE ANSWER ME!”
He reached the control room and barged inside.
Shiro froze.
Allura, Coran, and all of the paladins lay motionless on the ground.
The only one who was standing was Zarkon as he wiped the blood off his sword.
“You took too long to come home, Paladin,” Zarkon scoffed as he slowly approached.
Shiro told his feet to run, but they remained planted. His body wouldn’t move.
“Your friends are dead because of you,” Zarkon continued as he raised his sword. “Now you shall share their fate.”
The sword lowered for his head.
Shiro gasped for air as he sprang up in his bed. Sweat dripped off his forehead as Shiro felt his heart pounding in his chest.
“Just a dream,” he muttered to himself. “Just a dream. They’re alright.”
For now, he thought darkly. But they could get killed tomorrow while you're stuck here all nice and safe.
Shiro grip tight on his bed sheets. Once he felt his heart calm down, he scrubbed his hand over his face.
“No way I’m going back to sleep,” he muttered.
If he was back at the castle, he would do some reading or go to the training room for practice. Shiro sighed as he tossed off the sheets.
I’ll go for a walk, Shiro thought. Maybe I can find a quiet place to do some training exercises.
He threw on some clothes and went out into the hall. Shiro headed towards the gardens. Iroh had said he would be free to go there and it seemed the most likely place where Shiro could be alone. He couldn’t see anyone being there this early.
The sun was just starting to rise as Shiro ventured outside. He didn’t see anyone in the garden, except for the ducks in the pond.
At least Shiro thought they were ducks.
The creatures certainly had heads and bodies of ducks, but upon closer inspection they seemed to have turtle shells on their backs.
“Turtle ducks?” Shiro muttered as he kneeled.
A small turtle duck glanced up curiously at him and quacked.
“You are actually not the weirdest creature I’ve ever seen,” Shiro admitted.
The turtle duck tilted it’s head, and then quacked once more before swimming away.
“I didn’t mean it as an insult,” Shiro said with a grin.
“What are you doing here?”
Shiro jumped slightly, and rose back up as he turned around to see Zuko.
He looked different. Zuko’s hair was loose and not as neatly tied up like earlier, and he seemed to be wearing more casual robes.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” Shiro said as he rubbed his neck. “I couldn’t get back to sleep and was looking for a place to train.” He then gave a frown. “Why are you up so early?”
Zuko’s eyes narrowed. “I am a firebender, and thus the optimal time to train is when the sun rises.”
Zuko froze.
Shiro glanced downward.
A small turtle duck quacked again before using its beak to tug on Zuko’s pant leg. It was only then Shiro noticed a small piece of bread in the Firelord’s hand.
Zuko sighed as he kneeled and tore off a piece of the bread.  
“It..is also the best time to feed the turtle ducks,” Zuko muttered while blushing.
Another quack was heard when the turtle duck snatched the bread, gobbled it up and spirited towards the pond.
“I see,” Shiro said as he did his best to repress a smile, but couldn’t resist a small chuckle.
Zuko glared. “You find this funny do you?”
Shiro shook. “No, no, sorry,” he said quickly. “It’s just you look like my friend Keith when I caught him feeding some squirrels.”
He thought back to it. It had been Keith’s birthday, and Shiro had taken him into town to celebrate. They had ended up wandering into a park. Shiro had gone to get them some ice cream, only to discover Keith had been tossing some peanuts towards a squirrel.
Shiro may have quietly taken a photo on his phone before Keith realized he had been caught and blushed bright red.
Zuko frowned in response. “You mean rabbit squirrels?”
Shiro’s chuckles paused as he tilted his head. “Um..no squirrels.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow as the turtle duck finished the rest of the bread. “Your world must be very weird.”
Shiro held up his hands. “Look, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy. I’ll just leave.”
Zuko tossed the rest of the bread to a nearby duck and dusted the crumbs off his hands.
“It’s fine,” Zuko said as he stood. “I was about to leave anyway. There’s paperwork I wanted to get taken care of. You can use the garden if you like.”
“Um, thank you,” Shiro said, “and not just for the garden, but for also letting me stay here.”
“I’m not the one you should be thanking,” Zuko said as he crossed his arms. “That should go towards Uncle, Sokka and Toph for convincing me.”
“But it was still your decision in the end,” Shiro replied. “I realize it can’t be easy letting a stranger into your home.”
“It’s not,” Zuko said as he crossed his arms. “Frankly, I’m still suspicious of you.”
Shiro suddenly thought of Keith, who he knew would have had the same response as Zuko.
“Why are you smiling?” Zuko asked.
“Sorry,” Shiro replied. “You just remind me a lot of my friend Keith. He would have agreed with you.”
He couldn’t resist wondering if the two would get along.
“Then your friend is smart,” Zuko said as he turned his back to Shiro. “I’ll send a servant to fetch you when it’s time for breakfast.”
“You don’t have to-” Shiro began, but paused.
There was a metallic glint shone in the bushes. Why would there be-
Adrenaline and panic struck as Shiro dashed forward. “GET DOWN!”
He shoved Zuko to the ground and remained on top of him as an arrow flew over their heads.
“You okay?” Shiro asked as he and Zuko scrambled back to their feet.
“Ask our attackers that,” Zuko snapped and launched a ball of flame at the bushes.
There was a yelp and two men with scorched clothing tumbled out, one of them holding a bow.
“I don’t know who you are,” Zuko declared, “but surrender now and I promise you’ll be treated fairly.”
The archer snarled and prepared to launch another arrow.
“Oh no you don’t,” Zuko said as he charged and with fire burning in both his fists. The archer dropped the bow and pulled out a sword.
Shiro could only assume Zuko could handle it as the other attacker decided to rush at Shiro with a dagger.  He dodged, grabbed the dagger with his cybernetic arm and twisted it out of the man’s hand before kicking him away.
The man stumbled, but quickly regained his balance. He glared at Shiro, and then stomped his foot to the ground. Instantly, spikes popped from the ground and headed straight towards him.
Shiro jumped and rolled on the ground just barely avoiding the spikes. He panted as he leaned on his knees.
“Wild guess, but I take it you’re an earth bender?” he shouted.
“Oh gee, aren’t you smart,” the man sneered as he raised his arm.
A small spike rose out of the dirt, only for it to harden as the man reached for it and snapped it off the ground.
The earth bender charged again.
Shiro sprang to his feet in time to block and flip the man, but not before he felt the spike cut at his normal arm.
He hissed as blood dripped slightly.
Really wish I had my armor on right now, Shiro grumbled.
Flashes came from fighting hand to hand. Having to ignore every cut, every broken bone and keep fighting.
No, no, not now, Shiro thought as he shook his head at the memories. It wasn’t the time.
Shiro looked up. The man had crashed against a tree, but was already getting back up. A battle cry caused Shiro to look over to Zuko. The young Firelord was holding his own, but the archer wasn’t slowing down with each swipe of the sword.
“Do the world a favor and die with your father!” the archer snapped as he tried to slice at Zuko’s head, but missed as the boy ducked.
Shiro heard movement and managed to block the earth bender by gripping his wrists stopping the spike just inches away towards his face.
Shiro grunted and realized Zuko was closer to him now as an idea came.
“Zuko,” Shiro called out, “I think these two should face each other instead!”
Zuko abruptly turned, frowned and gave a nod signaling he got the meaning. Swiftly, Zuko yanked the archer’s arm, and tossed him over just as Shiro did the same with the earth bender.
It was satisfying watching the pair collide into each other and fall into the pond.
Shiro dashed to Zuko’s side. “You alright?”
Zuko brushed the hair from his eyes and gestured to Shiro’s arm. “I should be asking you that.”
Shiro glanced at his arm and gripped the wound. “I’ve had worse.”
Zuko looked ready to say something, until the attackers climbed out of the pond. Both of them were dripping wet and eyes full of fury.
Shiro and Zuko got into fighting position, but suddenly mounds of earth sprang up and trapped the attackers with only their heads poking out.
Shiro blinked, but saw Zuko glanced over and spotted Toph who was now retracting her hand.
“You guys got into a fight and didn’t invite me?” she shouted.
“It was hardly planned,” Zuko snapped.
“Whatever,” Toph muttered as she walked over to them. “Everyone okay?”
“Shiro’s injured,” Zuko replied and sighed, “and he also saved me from getting an arrow through my head.” He slowly looked up and rubbed his neck. “Thanks for that.”
“Welcome,” Shiro said as he gripped his arm, “and it’s not that bad.”
“I think a doctor will be a better judge of that,” Toph replied as she crossed her arms.
Shiro opened his mouth but was cut off by a yawn.
“Okay,” Sokka muttered as he stumbled out, “why was there such a ruckus-”
He spotted the trapped angry men, blinked and then looked to the group. “What did I miss?”
“Nothing good,” Zuko muttered grimly.
Shiro nodded. He might not be in a war, but he had landed right in the middle of a lot of trouble.
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mimi-croissant · 3 years
Choir vs Band AU!!
Lance, Hunk, and Allura are in choir, while Keith, Shiro, Pidge, and maybe Matt are in band. The band and choir have a strange rivalry that no one really knows the history of, but it’s still in effect.
It’s announced by the choir and band teachers that they are going to host a concert featuring both the band and choir classes, a group effort for the spring concert.
Keith didn’t really mind choir kids, until he met Lance, who really just pushed his buttons and made Keith snap back. Lance was insistent about the rivalry, and eventually Keith got dragged into it.
They both despise the fact that they have to work together, much to chagrin of literally everyone else.
But one day Keith forgets something of his in the choir room, and has to go back after school. He sees Lance in the room, and immediately wants to say something, until Lance opens his mouth and starts singing. Keith is immediately entranced, because hearing Lance sing with other people and hearing him sing alone are two different things entirely. His voice is smooth, like honey, but with an undertone of raspiness he doesn’t have when he’s singing with the choir. Keith turns on his heel and that’s when he knows he’s completely and utterly fucked.
A while later, Lance has to get to school early because he had to take his niece to an appointment, which really should’ve made him late, but it was early. He thinks he’s the first person there, but when he gets to the band room where the two classes are meeting, he feels a spike of irritation that Keith is there before him. He was about to announce his presence when Keith starts playing his instrument. He thinks it would be rude to interrupt, so he stays until Keith stops. But he doesn’t take into consideration how Keith looks while he’s playing. He’s serene and at peace while he’s playing, the notes filling the air and surrounding Lance like a blanket. Lance flushes, and turns around to take a lap around the school because what the fuck.
Things change a bit after that. Lance and Keith are nicer to each other, and even are able to hang out with their mutual friends without starting an argument every five minutes. Their banter becomes more friendly, instead of the hard jabs they used to be. They even laugh together sometimes, and enjoy each others company.
On the night of the concert, Lance is pretty nervous about singing. Keith is with him, and tells Lance he will be perfectly fine. Right before they go stage, Keith works up the courage to kiss Lance, and when they part, Keith whispers “a kiss for good luck” before he joins the band kids on stage.
Lance is filled with confidence, and he does great on stage. They all do great.
Afterwards, Lance runs over to tackle Keith in a hug, which Keith reciprocates. They pull away slightly before Lance leans forward to kiss Keith again.
Keith goes “what was that for?” And Lance just replies “because I wanted to” before Keith leans back up to kiss Lance again.
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rosesnvines · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hi @niazelki!! I’m your Secret Santa!! I did not do this lovely piece of art, I commissioned it from the ever so talented @Nyastyle from DeviantArt, and wrote this short story to go with it. I did post it on DeviantArt as well. Hope you enjoy!! @idyllchatter-plance-and-kallura
Pidge let out a sigh. Beezer came rushing to her and a worried expression appeared on his screen. The two were in Pidge’s room and Pidge was curled up on her bed. 
“Hey Beezer, I’m . . .” She paused. Should she say exactly what was going through her mind or lie? She sighed, Beezer was a robot, but it would be nice to talk to someone. “Beezer, are you recording?” 
Beezer shook his head. 
“Ok, do not record this, I just want to get it off my chest.” Beezer watched her as she took a moment to gather her thoughts. “Lance . . . I like Lance, a lot. I think, I think maybe even love him.” 
Beezer let out an understanding beep. 
“Wait, you knew?” 
Beezer nodded. 
“Really? I didn't think I ever showed an interest in Lance.” She smiled. “But you do know me pretty well. Then you'll understand that I, I wanted . . . I wanted to . . .”. Tears began filling in her eyes. “I wanted to be the girl Lance asked out, not Allura!” The tears fell. “I-I mean, Allura’s great, don't get me wrong, and, everyone should like her, but, but I wanted it to be me!” She placed her head in her lap and sobbed. “I wanted it to be me! But I should have known, I really should have, Lance only notices the pretty girls. I'm just not that pretty.” She chuckled as the tears continued to fall. “I mean, he didn't even know I was a girl until I told him! He can be so dense!” She paused as the tears slowed. She wiped her eyes, sniffled, and then wiped her nose. “Yeah, yeah, he can be really dense, and an idiot, and a show off, but, but he's fun to be around. He’s nice, and caring, a great listener. And he is cute.” She giggled as she blushed. “Those blue eyes of his . . . I always feel like I'm flying, or swimming. I just, I just feel so free when I look into them.” She picked up a mermaid plushie and fiddled with the arms. She looked up at a picture of a sunset. “I just wish he would look at me the way he looks at her.” 
Beezer let out a sad beep. 
Pidge patted his head. “It’s Ok, this is only a relationship. Hey, he could still look at me that way, I just . . . I just need to give him time.” She rubbed her chin. “Hey Beezer, could you go take a picture of them on their date? 
Beezer gave her a surprised beep. 
She chuckled. “I know, I know, I just poured out my whole heart to you, that I want to be the girl going with him to his special place, but, I also want him to be happy. I want them both to be happy. And, I want them to commemorate it. Will you do that for me, please?” 
Beezer gave an affirmative beep as he saluted her. 
“Thank you.” Pidge watched him go before turning back to the picture of the sunset. “Sure, technology’s no sunset, but it has its purpose. It can capture that sunset and give you something to remember it by.” 
It had been a few years since they had defeated Honerva, since Voltron was last needed to defeat a great evil, since Lance and Allura broke up. They had spent a good deal of that time trying to bring peace back to the galaxy and help rebuild what had been previously destroyed. Pidge was surprised to see more and more of Lance during that time, but didn’t think much about it outside of enjoying his company. She did note that Hunk and Shay went around doing stuff, so were Keith and Allura, and Shiro was going around with that guy whose name she couldn’t remember. Romelle was helping Coran with the Alteans, the three former generals of Lotor were working with the Galra, and her own brother Matt was off traveling with Rolo and Nyma. Pidge enjoyed every minute that they spent together, but didn’t want to push her luck. Besides, there were other things on her mind. So when Lance suggested a return to Earth for a quick vacation, she jumped at it. A vacation sounded like a good idea. 
After going through the usual check-ins, check-ups, and catch-ups, Lance pulled her to the side. 
“Hey, I, I was wondering if you could come with me somewhere?” 
“Uh, sure, I guess,” Pidge replied with a shrug. 
“Tonight, meet me at Red.” 
Pidge raised an eyebrow. “Uh, Ok . . .” 
“Great!! See you tonight!” He gave her a quick hug before dashing away. She watched him leave, blinking in confusion. Where exactly did he want to go? She shrugged and went about other things before getting ready to go. 
Later that night, Green landed near Red. Lance was lounging against his lion, watching the sun set. He was wearing his old blue and white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but the way the lighting was, Pidge thought he was the most handsome she had ever seen him. She blushed as butterflies filled her stomach, but quickly got rid of the feeling by the time she exited her lion to meet up with him. 
He smiled at her, and the butterflies returned. “Great, you made it!” 
Pidge scoffed. “I told you I would come.” 
Lance ran his fingers through his hair as he chuckled. “Yeah, you did. Now, um, do you want to follow me, or just come with me in Red?” 
Pidge’s eyebrow went up as she blinked. “Uh, does it matter?” 
Lance shrugged. “No, not really, but, I would prefer it if we just took one Lion, doesn’t make sense to have both.” 
Pidge shrugged. “I mean, you have a point, if anything were to go wrong, we can get back here pretty quick, and I can call on Green.” 
It was Lance’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Is there really anything wrong going on at the moment?” 
Pidge chuckled. “True, but you never know.” 
He laughed. “Good point. So, what shall it be . . .” 
Pidge blinked at the cutting off mid sentence, but when he didn’t say anything else, she shrugged again. “I guess we can go in Red.” 
He grinned. “Great, come on!” He grabbed her hand and the two dashed into the Lion’s mouth. Lance sat down at the controls and they took off. Pidge let out a soft giggle. Sure, they had done things together while no one else was around before, but this felt different, and she was liking it. 
“So, where are we going?” she asked. 
He smirked. “You’ll see. Just wait.” 
“What? Why can’t you tell me now?” 
“Because it’s a surprise,” was his reply. She pestered him some more, but couldn’t get any more than that out of him. The more she got more grumpy, the more excited he seemed to get. 
Finally, they landed, though it had only been a couple of minutes away from the garrison. Lance grabbed Pidge’s hand and walked like he was on cloud nine. 
“Ok, seriously, where are we going?” asked Pidge with a laugh as she allowed herself to be led around a park. 
He glanced back long enough to shoot her a grin. “You’ll see, just wait!” They walked through a grove of trees before lance came to a stop at the base of the largest one. Pidge raised her eyebrow. This tree looked rather familiar. Where had she seen it before? Lance let out a sigh and pulled out a picture. Then it hit Pidge, this was the same place Lance took Allura out on their first date! The picture was of that moment, Lance and Allura standing in front of the tree. Pidge’s heart went into her throat. Lance sighed. “Yeah, I miss her, and I really wanted her to be the one, but . . . well, as you could tell it didn’t work out.” He looked at Pidge, a sad smile on his face. “I’m really happy for them.” 
Pidge chuckled nervously. “Right. Who knew a TV show caught on that they were best for each other?” 
Lance chuckled. “Yeah, I really should have paid more attention . . . to a lot of things.” His hand went through his hair. Pidge followed it with her eyes, wishing that could have been her hand. “And well, now I realize that she wasn’t the one for me, because there’s this girl who is.” 
Pidge’s heart just about stopped. Who was this girl? “Y-yeah? What’s she like?” 
Lance glanced up at the tree, a soft smile on his face. “She’s really smart, kind, and is very passionate about her work. She puts the needs of others first, and, well, she’s just awesome! And pretty too. I should have noticed before, but I think I let my starry eyed crush get the best of me instead of allowing myself to actually fall in love. Though, in a way, I did fall in love while I had that crush on the Princess, without knowing it.” 
Pidge turned her head to hide her tears. “Then why didn’t you invite her here?” 
“But I did.” Pidge’s head snapped back to Lance, eyes widening. She barely dared to hope, but he was looking at her earnestly. “That’s why I asked you here, Pidge, I, uh, I wanted to ask you out. I mean, sure, this isn’t the same way that I asked Allura out, but, this just felt right, because you’re the right one for me.” He looked back down at the picture. “And, well, to let you know that I have finally let go of Allura.” He stuffed the picture back in his pocket and scratched his head. “Ok, that didn’t quite come out the way I wanted it to, but it also wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.” He grinned sheepishly. “That must have sounded stupid.” 
Pidge laughed as the tears came down. “That’s because you are stupid.” 
Pidge ran into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But you’re my idiot, and I love you!” 
“I don't know if I should be happy or insulted,” said Lance. 
“Don't be insulted, you just try too hard. You're really not that stupid.” 
Lance scoffed. “Oh, good to know.” But then he chuckled and returned the hug. “But right now, I’m the happiest man alive!” He kissed her.
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sparklebitch · 4 years
Toxin (Shance angst)
Summary: Shangst where Shrio is holding his poisoned lover, Lance.
A/N: @izanagisbitch requested this over a year ago and I completely misunderstood it and wrote something totally different lol (it's quite a few prompts back. Title: Toxic Love). I was rereading some of my old fics and remembered it. So I wrote what they actually asked for 😂 Again, so so sorry!
Trigger warning: posion, sickness, death mention, super sad feelings
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The leaves rustled loudly overhead. The wind whipped the branches every which way. Animals all around were scattering, fleeing to their homes.
A storm was approaching.
Shiro didn't notice any of this.
His only focus was Lance's struggling breath.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked for the fourth time. Lance rolled his eyes, but Shiro noticed a bead of sweat roll down his forehead.
"Takashi, you worry too much. I'm alright. It's just a- a stomach ache or something" he assured his worried boyfriend. Shiro held up his hands in defeat, but he wasn't totally convinced.
Shiro and Lance had been on a stroll through a nearby village that evening, seeing as how they would be stuck here for a while. They had arrived for a routine checkup on the planet which had recently joined the alliance, but when they had tried to leave, their ship mysteriously broke down. Coran informed them that it could potentially be a few weeks before he could identify the problem and fix it, so they should make themselves comfortable here.
The walk had started out nice. The weather was pleasant. The villagers were more than welcoming. One had even brought them tea to drink on their walk.
But a few minutes after leaving the village on the small dirt path through the woods, Shiro noticed Lance's breath becoming labored. At first he laughed it off, assuming it was from the large meal they had had, but the longer they were out, the harder it was to deny that something was actually very wrong.
They continued to wander down the path that led from the village through the lush forest that surrounded the civilization. Everything was so pretty. It would've been a perfect night if it hadn't been for Lance's obvious discomfort.
"How long do you think we'll be here?" Lance asked, trying to distract himself, and Shiro, from his pain.
"I'm not sure. Coran hasn't figured out what's wrong with the ship yet" Shiro said. Lance smiled broadly as he closed the gap between their hands. He intertwined their fingers and tugged Shiro closer to his side.
"Maybe we'll be here for years" He said. Shiro frowned at the happiness in Lance's voice.
"That wouldn't be good" he murmured in confusion.
"Oh come on, it would be so fun! We could build a house!"
"Build a- Lance you don't know the difference between a phillips screwdriver and a flathead!" Lance, completely undeterred by this, continued.
"Of course we would have to have a front porch with a swing. And a nice sized backyard where we can plant a garden. I'd like to have two bathrooms, but we could make do with just one" He said to himself. Shrio stared at him in bewilderment.
"Wh-" Lance pressed a finger to Shiro's lips.
"Shh. We're just pretending babe. We're not really going to build a house" he whispered, as if it was a secret. Shiro's eyes softened in realization and he chuckled.
"Oh. Well... then I guess we'd need a decent sized kitchen with an island so I can cook you dinner" he pressed a flirtatious kiss to Lance's knuckles. Lance giggled but cut off in a sudden coughing fit.
The wind picked up around them as they paused for Lance to catch his breath.
"Okay, I think it's time we head back" Shiro said nervously. "You might be getting sick" Lance waved him off, though in his current state, doubled over and hacking up a lung, it wasn't very reassuring.
"I'm..." he coughed sharply. "F- fine" Shiro let go of Lance's hand and shielded his eyes as he looked around them, unsure of which way they had come.
When did they wander off the path?
"Let's- Let's head back the way we came" Shiro suggested. Lance nodded, groping around for Shiro's hand. He was too embarrassed to admit that his vision was blurring.
The two turned around and began their trek back toward the village. It was more difficult than they had anticipated, because of the weather.
Somehow neither of them had noticed how dark it had gotten during their walk. Angry looking dark clouds were looming overhead, threatening to break open and pour down on them.
Shiro's heart rate spiked as he continued to tug Lance along what he thought was the path. Everything around them looked the same. They were lost.
"Shiro..." Lance croaked. His began to stumble along, his head lolling lower and lower with every stop.
Shiro glanced over and thought to himself, "His skin is white as a sheet..." Before either of them could mutter another word, Lance collapsed.
The next thing Lance new he was laying on his side with his head in Shiro's lap. They had moved underneath a tree to shield them from the downpour that had started at some point.
"Wha-" Lance rasped. Shiro let out a loud gasping sigh.
"Lance! Shh... don't try to talk. Just relax. You collapsed" Lance was suddenly aware that his entire body was shaking uncontrollably. He was both too hot and too cold at the same time.
"What... happening?" Shiro has one hand in Lance's hair, and the other was gripping his hand.
"I- I don't know" There was a clap of thunder overhead. "We need to get back to the castle but..." He trailed off, staring up at the scene around them. The storm was so strong that the forrest has seemingly come to life. Trees swaying, limbs falling, debris flying through the air. "I think we'll have to wait out the storm" Despite being fairly well covered, Lance felt large drops of water splashing his exposed skin. "It's all going to be okay."
Lance listened as Shiro called to the others on his communicator. He couldn't make sense of what they were saying. All he knew was that Allura voice was frantic and she kept repeating several words like "poisoned" and "trap." The world continued to flicker in and out of focus for several minutes before Lance found the strength to speak.
"Shiro" Lance mumbled. His voice was barely audible over the howl of the wind. "Shrio, don't let go of me" he pleaded. He didn't want to frighten Shiro, but moments ago he became aware that he couldn't feel any part of his body.
Shiro searches Lance's eyes for the source of his pain, but came up empty. He desperately wanted to fix this, but he had no idea how.
"I'm here, Lance. I'm here. And I'm not letting you go. I'll get you back to the castle. You're going to be okay. Look, I think the weather is clearing up" he said, trying to stay positive. Lance knew it was a lie.
"I love you" Lance said, teary eyed. "Shiro, I love you"
"I- I love you, too" Shiro said through tears. "You're going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay" Shrio searched Lance's face as he tried to think of something to say, something to make this moment a little less scary. He didn't know what was going to happen next, but he was worried that this might be... That this might be the last moments he and Lance had together.
"Hey, we- we should get a dog" Shiro said, wiping the tears out of his eyes. Lance frowned for a moment, and then a faint smile ghosted his face.
"As long as it's a big one. And she'll... need a friend" he said hoarsely. He weakly lifted his hand to reach for Shiro's face, but he didn't have the strength. Shiro saw this and lifted Lance hand for him. He felt Lance's thin fingers brush against the stubble on his cheek.
"We can build a dog house for them" Shiro continued. "And- and we'll paint the whole house blue. The brightest blue. The neighbors will hate us" Lance made a noise that almost sounded like a laugh.
"We'll be happy" his voice was barely audible. He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.
"Yeah, baby" Shiro said softly. "We'll be happy. Forever. Happily ever after" They both fell silent.
Lance's breaths grew shorter, the pauses between grew longer. His lips fell open as he let out small pained noises. He was in complete agony. The storm continued on around them, though it had let up a bit. Shiro considered making a run for it, but he knew that it was pointless. Lance would never make it. And any movement would cause even more pain for Lance.
It was the hardest decision Shiro ever had to make.
Through the deafening sounds of the rain, Lance could hear Shiro singing softly in his ear.
When the others finally found them, the storm had long passed. The morning light bathed the spot that Shiro and Lance were huddled. Allura sprinted to them with a questioning face.
Shiro cranes his neck to look at her. His face had smears of dirt and tracks of tears. He looked beyond exhausted.
"Shiro...?"Allura said questioningly. Shiro smiled weakly, more tears dripping down his nose, falling onto the boy clutched in his arms. He shook his head, his face breaking.
"He's gone"
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