#both of these... assaults happened below the double digits
I don't often read stories where sibling relationships are accurate. They either hate each other or would never even think to raise a hand against each other. I've punched my brother in the face and he's attempted to drown me, but we become a team the moment we have a common enemy. I would use my body as a shield to protect him in a life or death situation, but I know in my heart I would never be friends with or even tolerate him if we weren't related. Y'know? I wanna read more sibling relationships like that.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
154. Sonic Super Special #14
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Law of the Land
Writer: Evan Skolnick and Jim Spivey Pencils: Suzanne Paddock and Harvo! Colors: Josh and Aimee Ray
This is more of a silly story, which, while the timeline isn't specified, I estimate to take place sometime before Eggman's return at the beginning of the era. This is due to the fact that it begins with Sonic and Sally strolling peacefully through the forest while discussing how nothing has been going on lately, a statement which is hugely at odds with what has been going on lately. Suddenly, a zone portal opens up in front of them, and two echidnas in riot gear burst through, slap Sally knocking her out, and grab Sonic while telling him he's under arrest for "extreme mental anguish and permanent emotional scarring," which if you ask me just sounds like an average day on Tumblr. They drag him through the portal into the city of Litigopolis, and take him to the castle, where the J.U.D.G.E. - the Judgmental Unrelenting Digitized Governmental Enforcer, which of course looks exactly like original Robotnik - is to sentence him for his apparent crimes. He's greeted by Johnny Snively, the prosecutor, but luckily for him his lawyer is Sally McAcorn, there to act as his defense. It takes them ten hours in court, but McAcorn eventually manages to get him out on bail, and explains how the law became so strict in the city.
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Eventually, the amount of lawsuits and crimes became so high that the king hired Robotnik Enterprises to build the J.U.D.G.E., a supercomputer which was supposed to help manage the city's legal system. It of course quickly took over, sentenced the king to life in prison for "ruler malpractice," created a bunch of new, unreasonably strict laws to keep the populace fearful and complacent, and hired a bunch of echidnas as his security force. McAcorn tells Sonic that no one has tried to shut off the J.U.D.G.E. because of their fear of said security force, which is of course Sonic's cue to race away hoping to pull off just such a scheme. However, as expected, the moment he enters the J.U.D.G.E.'s HQ…
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He runs for his life, deciding to abandon his attempt for now and racing back to safety at McAcorn's residence. She's irritated at his rash decision, thinking he's only made the case for his innocence worse, even though they now have video proof from amateur videographers on the streets that the original crime he was arrested for wasn't even committed by him.
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Of course it would have been Evil Sonic, zone-hopper extraordinaire. McAcorn cautions Sonic against committing any more crimes, thinking it best to lay low as committing even one more crime might cause the J.U.D.G.E. to have a massive meltdown. And thus, Sonic gets his second crazy idea of the day.
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The plan works, and the J.U.D.G.E. blows up, sending Snively flying out of the building. When Lieutenant Knuckles of the police force tries to show up to arrest Sonic once more, McAcorn simply whacks him with her suitcase. Sonic worries about how he'll get home, since the technology used to create the zone portals was destroyed in the explosion, but you know who always ends up showing up when zone-hopping takes place - Zonic, of course! He cheekily sends Sonic back off to his home zone before he can get a grateful kiss from McAcorn, which is probably a good thing even though Sonic's mad about it, because… well, c'mon buddy, that may be a Sally, but that's not your Sally!
Best of Times Worst of Times
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Josh and Aimee Ray
So Knuckles' whole story has kind of been put on hold lately, due both to the cancellation of his own series, and the Sonic Adventure adaption that had been taking up all the screentime until recently. But Penders has finally found a solution to this: from now on, until the end of the fourth era (with only a few exceptions here and there between issues), Knuckles and his race get the backup story all to themselves. Karl handles most of the main stories of each issue, which all deal with Sonic and Knothole and, you know, the main thing most people are probably coming to the comic to see, while Penders gets to handle everything past each halfway mark. I would say this is mostly a good thing, as there's quite a few loose ends that need to be wrapped up from KtE, and y'all already know I quite liked that series. However, now that all of Knuckles and the other echidnas' ventures have been reduced to backup stories within the main comic, the quality of said stories begins to suffer drastically. This story is of the same quality of the original KtE, probably because it gets to be a normal story length thanks to the double length of Super Specials, but it also marks the beginning point of a pretty infamous arc within the comic, simply dubbed the Green Knuckles Saga by many fans. Wondering what the hell the Green Knuckles Saga might be? Well, we only have a few issues left before we find out - so for now, let's press on!
This story hilariously opens with an honest-to-god *record scratch* "Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation" moment. A confused Knuckles finds himself running for his life from a massive, expanding orange blast of energy, which chases him all the way to the edge of his island. Having no other choice, he leaps for his life over the edge, into the ocean far below.
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Well, that's probably not good. But how, indeed, did Knuckles *record scratch* get into this situation? It all began at his mother's wedding that morning. She and Wynmacher have finally gotten married, and while Knuckles is still a little torn about how to feel, ultimately he's happy for his mom, recognizing that Wynmacher really is a genuinely good guy.
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Romance is in the air on this day, and Vector, predictably, has a bit of a sour attitude about it, flippantly dismissing the mood while Julie-Su happily hangs onto Knuckles' arm. They find Constable Remington in the crowd with his pretty companion Komi-Ko, but they don't get long to chat before he gets a call from the precinct, calling him back to deal with a brewing situation. While he leaves, telling Knuckles he'll call if he needs backup, we head over to Haven, where we find a very, very unexpected guest visiting.
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Man, just when you thought Kenders had introduced enough grandfathers, we get one more! This guy is the father of Hawking, who if you'll remember is still lying in the medbay on life support in a coma. If you're wondering why we haven't heard of him before, it's because he apparently transcended his physical form a while ago so he could spend the rest of his "life" in quiet meditation in another zone, you know, as one does. However, just a little while ago he felt a disturbance in the Force, and realizing that Dimitri was amassing his forces for yet another attempt to take over the island and echidna civilization as a whole, Mathias just plopped himself back into the physical realm somehow so he could lead his many, many descendants into battle against the Dark Legion. I really just can't get over how this guy, never once mentioned or even hinted at before, has suddenly appeared out of goddamn nowhere to introduce the next plot hook. While this is going on, Knuckles, Julie-Su, and the rest of the Chaotix (still minus Charmy - he's really been missing for a long time now, hasn't he?) all saddle up on some streaking pashas and gallop out of the city to let off some steam. Really, now that the whole Chaos situation has been resolved, life seems positively idyllic on the Floating Island, doesn't it? After dropping Komi-Ko back off at her apartment, Remington hails a cab which just so happens to contain our old friend Harry, who is not at all happy to see him.
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He tells Remington that apparently, General von Stryker has decided to organize a massive protest - meaning, since we're talking about the dingoes here, more like a riot - as apparently, conditions for the dingoes in the city still haven't improved, even despite Remington taking a personal interest. Remington is worried that with the High Council due to make a decision on the matter soon, things will quickly spiral out of control if the protest goes forward, and Harry apparently agrees, as he doesn't even demand payment for the cab ride, just telling Remington to forget he ever saw him there as Remington meets up with his men nearby. Meanwhile, we learn that Knuckles apparently didn't take everyone along on the pasha ride purely for leisure - he's in fact led them straight to the Grand Conservatory, the very place he first met Archimedes and fought Enerjak.
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Well well, nice to see Julie-Su actually acknowledge the meeting she had with her adoptive father a while ago! Though it's certainly suspicious that he apparently just "disappeared" shortly thereafter… Now get ready for some rapid skipping around between characters! Knuckles isn't the only one who's come to the Grand Conservatory - Mathias has led the entire Brotherhood there, as it's apparently where the Dark Legion has holed up for now. Spectre rushes especially aggressively into the battle, with the others noting that this seems personal for him, and the entire Brotherhood teams up to begin the assault on the Legion's new makeshift base, causing them to begin an evacuation. Far away from here, Wynmacher and Lara-Le land in their personal aircraft on a landing pad at the "Albion Chalet," which despite its name is just a luxury destination on the Floating Island itself, for their honeymoon. At the same time, von Stryker leads his soldiers into their riot, firing their guns wildly into the air with the safeties off, shouting about how the echidnas aren't treating them nicely enough. Gee, I wonder why, General? Remington and his men arrive at the scene, and Remington orders everyone to hold fire, still hoping that he can convince the general to see reason. On Knuckles' side of the Conservatory, Legion members begin pouring into the room, and before Knuckles can react a group of soldiers grab Julie-Su and drag her off into one of their flying saucer vehicles, which flies away leaving the others unable to help her as they're attacked by more soldiers. And finally, back at Haven…
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Man, I genuinely feel bad for Hawking - he was literally kept on life support this entire time, with obviously no hope of recovery, and he had to wait until everyone was out of the place to even be allowed to properly die. Remember, it's been nearly a year by now of him just lying on this table, with Locke even expending his own energies to keep Hawking alive at one point when he started to flatline. Julie-Su is taken to a large battleship flying just off the edge of the Floating Island, where Lien-Da gloats about capturing her and mockingly reminds her of how she's her half-sister, clearly still not over their father having remarried in the past. Geez, what a petty bitch, right?
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Oh man, we finally get to see Simon again, as well as seeing Floren-Ca for the first time! Back on the bridge, Dimitri defends having had Julie-Su abducted to Moritori Rex, who has by now gotten rid of his visor to reveal perfectly normal-looking organic eyes (something which seems a little at odds with his previous backstory), saying that Julie-Su is still a part of his family whether Moritori likes it or not. Huh, didn't take you for the sentimental type, Dimitri. He then orders Moritori to fire the Quantum Beam, and it bursts out of the ship's cannons in an explosion of light, consuming every part of the Floating Island, interrupting every scene, happy and unhappy, over the entire island.
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Goddamn. Honestly, this kind of reminds me of the scene from Sonic '06 where Solaris begins consuming all of time and space. Dimitri expresses regret that he had to pull the trigger with Knuckles still on the island, but ultimately recognizes that Knuckles only ever stood to get in their way, and claims that they can finally reclaim what is rightfully theirs. The ship flies off toward the island, which has begin to fade from existence as if into another dimension. No one is aware of Knuckles' survival, a lone figure floating unconscious on debris left in the waters far below…
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YuuNaa (request)
Nana dug her body into the bed as she went off. The long trips between Hiroshima and Tokyo took a toll on her body. The ship also didn’t have great quarters to rest either. Nana knew that having all of it on her plate had taken a toll on certain things and even a few moments to talk to Yuiri was precious to communicate an idea. She was still glad to be home as the slumber was heading to the next step as she had seen Mako on the other end of the room. Her hands were upon someone as she swiftly tug down as she had glanced up towards the person. Nana stepped up to note the stance of the mysterious person. For one, she was athletic built and secondly Mako was moving her fingers between her legs. It wasn’t odd to see that but Mako turned towards her and glanced up. “You were always horny.” She stated, moving her fingers along the material. “Yuiri is happy that you like to be pleased.” “For having a small chest, you were also quite sensitive.” Miki added, placing her hands over her now exposed chest. Mako moved closer and kissed upon the soaked material. She hadn’t had the double team since they were together and to feel it now felt nostalgic with the aches when she had a glance of Yuiri coming over with the vibrator in hand. “Let me get this.” Nana shot up with the light bearing down on her face. The moisture between her legs was heavier than usual when she pulled the blanket off to the sight of the black below her. “Naachan and her striped panties.” She teased. “I know. It was the only clean one.” Nana argued. “Since we’re off... how about a little laundry day.” Yuiri smirked. “It’s been a while since you went braless.” Nana knew that was the case and even on the occasion, she would wear a thicker material to conceal her lack of undergarment. The bags were still to the side ready for the day as Yuiri rolled over to peck her on the cheek. “Has it been that long?” Nana pondered. “I know it’s been a while but the days and weeks have flown by.” “Enough to wear my sports bra today.” She grinned. “I think you were waiting for me but while I was sleeping I had a dream.” Nana exhaled. “You had that vibrator.” “Won’t work today.” She snickered. “I can work on this.” “I need to start on laundry day.” She declared when Yuiri nodded back and wrapped her arms around her. A sweater always did the job for her as Yuiri curled her hand towards the crotch. Nana froze before yanking it away. She didn’t mind it but she had her limits when it came with urgency. Grabbing the shorts from the drawer, Nana dragged the two bags out into the hallway and pulled it to the end where the room was empty. Yuiri retrieved the items for her partner as she placed it on the first washer. Nana began to pull out items to sort as Yuiri snuggled up from behind. It wasn’t normal to sense her however she was always curious when she was taking an initiative and gave a faint smile. “It has been a while...” Nana thought. “Of course. You also smell a bit.” Yuiri noted. “Like the sea.”
 “I should have showered before I went to bed but I ended up sleeping in my clothes after the trip back.” Nana murmured. “You like this?”
 “Naachan… it’s an addiction to whatever your scent is.” Yuiri exhaled, pecking her on the lips.
 It was odd to have a washer and dryer in the apartment but with her first big paycheck, she made it happen and even having Yuiri pay for some of it as a gift of their friendship had made it an offer to stay whenever she felt like it and in return, Yuiri cleaned the house during her free time. The stacks of clothes for each load had brought the duo together as Yuiri had teased her of the cuteness of her undergarments. Nana didn’t like the sexy types of garments like Miki when she had gone through her transformation. Even being an idol, she had held to keep her image regardless when Yuiri caught her from behind.
 “Eh? Yuiri. What are you doing?” Nana yelped when she saw the mounds at point blank.
 “You know~” Yuiri teased.
 Nana slipped her head under as she gave off a smile. It was rare to see her be up front about going forward with the deed. Yuiri was open to it but not insist on it. She always gave the Nana the keys to start however Yuiri was one to be honest of her feelings when Nana would be home to cuddle and even go further when she pleased. Although there was something that always caught Nana by surprise and pulling her arms onto the dirty clothes below when Yuiri tackled her onto the adjacent mound of clothes.
 Yuiri swiftly yanked the down the shorts to her partner’s panties and rubbed her tips upon the slit. Nana gripped the items under her body as she arched over with the sense of the cold hand under the shirt reaching up. Nana always had her complex. Her eyes were charming yet her chest was a bit underwhelming. Miki would be the first but naturally toned it down since her graduation but Yuiri knew her pressure point and the immediate cry echoed in the room.
 “It’s quite a flood.” Yuiri announced.
 “It’s Yuuchan’s fault.” Nana moaned.
 “Yuuchan? You’ve been pleasuring yourself, right?” She snapped.
 “No. I haven’t had time since the theater performances. It’s backed up.” Nana cried.
 Yuiri pulled the article off and dove between her legs. The warm breath drove Nana up the wall. It was difficult to consult the others of Yuiri’s plays. She had insisted in masturbation and think about Yuiri and the exchange of flashing their chests were sometimes enough however timing played a part and with her lack of release, Nana was prepared for the next time.
 Yuiri fought through the thick hair along the slit as she pushed her thighs up to reveal the sparkling area. Boring with the tip of the tongue, she heard the groans from her partner. Yuiri lined down as she ventured further and heard the pleas from Nana with the nail circling around the nether hole. The scent was a bit sweet yet the goal was along her sweet spot as she ventured up and slurped the spouting of lust from her sex.
 She pushed the finger inside with the muscles convulsing around it. Yuiri started her motion in and out of the canal as her partner cried out louder into the room. Yuiri observed her hands as she grabbed the clothing beneath her and then turned the free hand onto herself when she heard Nana, “You want to have fun as well.”
 Yuiri smiled, withdrawing her finger from the hole and pulling down on her shorts to reveal her lower half. Nana flattened the pile as she laid down with her partner backing into her sight. She was always prepared upon the time as she licked the lips with the sticky result of her presence. She went back to the familiar area as she picked up her thrusts. The muscles latched onto the intrusion before releasing it as she moved it back and forth into the canal.
 Nana plugged it slowly with the thrusts from her partner entrancing her memory. Remembering the digit was not hard in her thoughts but how it felt within her was never ending. She kept a pace that would make people squeal easily and even learning about her body. Yuiri was first to make quiver in the bed. She had an eternal connection immediately upon the session as she continued to be pleased by her as long as she was close and the peak of her dormant body fluids were now spreading on the clothes below.
 Yuiri watched the torrent come over and repeated the process swiftly after the first orgasm. She pushed herself not to go over swiftly and yet her limits were always pushed by Nana. Her lust seemed unlimited when it came to Nana and even liquid would flow even if the woman was not close and made her embarrassed about her lewd thoughts. She hid most of it in the deep corner but others would see it upon her uneasiness around the woman.
 The number didn’t bother neither yet the scent grew within the room when both crawled to their hands and knees. Their legs quaked under as the residue was now making a stream down their legs as each laughed when Nana grabbed her underwear and pulled it over the body. She inhaled the air before grabbing the first load and placing it into the washer. After putting the soap, she turned back to see Yuiri leaning upon the wall.
 “Enough?” Nana smirked.
 “Maybe? I’m just waiting for you. The loads won’t wash itself.” Yuiri replied.
 “We should walk around the house and hang out. We’ve never done that for a while.” Nana suggested.
 “It’ll end up with clothes all over the pace. I have to clean up that… it’ll be fun.” Yuiri snickered, walking up to her partner.
 Nana stepped out to the living room and pulled the shirt to place it on the hanger to put into the closet. The thin shirt underneath revealed her erect nipples as Yuiri walked over and push upon them like buttons. Nana squeezed her knees together quickly as her lips parted. The sudden shot left its mark on the floor as she pinched her partner. Yuiri let out a laugh when she felt the sensitive twisted as a cry escaped into the room.
 “If we continue this… it’ll need serious cleanup.” Nana laughed.
 “One more thing to wash.” Yuiri smirked. “We can just be in the bath and soak until the clothes are done.”
 “You are the devil.” Nana nudged her. “I guess it’s bad for me for not being here for a while.”
 “Beats masturbating.”
 Agreeing to her, she allowed Yuiri to continue the assault to her body. The weight of her underwear was enough to hold until the first load and continuing into the second, she could bathe with her partner until then, it was productive to be pleased until her next assignment.
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fandomoniumflurry · 6 years
Angel of my Dreams
Castiel x Reader
for @spnfluffbingo
Square filled: Free Space
Beta’d by: @keepcalmimthecupcake
Taggers: @becs-bunker @ambermei
Warnings: Fluff and I threw in some angst that my beta almost killed me over. But there is a happy ending. Mentions of violance and assault
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“I’ve never known a human to actually count sheep.” The gruff voice reverberated close to my ear. It wasn’t startling, as a matter of fact, it was quite the opposite. This wasn’t the first time he had entered my dreams. His presence was calming and it kept all the nightmares and fears away. Ever since the first time he popped into my head, I would wait expectantly for him. It wouldn’t seem like very long and didn’t seem like much, but to me, it was the best part of my day. Sometimes I would even turn in early just so I could see him.
I still don’t know his name but I know he’s an angel. And I know he is real. I’ve never seen him outside of my dreams and I’ve never physically touched him. But his frequency causes me to rather believe he is real and not that my mind created him to help me cope.
He always finds me in the oddest of places. One time, he had found me in a bed of stuffed teddy bears, like a child. This time, my toes dangled in the clear water of a rippling brook that flowed down the middle of a grassy field. Fireflies flitted about, standing out like the stars throughout the wide open plain. There was a small obstacle course of hay bales in the near distance and the bleating of sheep echoed off the infinite night sky. Sheep small and large hopped and bounded about happily as their shepherd sat at the water’s bank with his crook, counting with a smile.
“Technically, I’m not counting them, angel.” I stated with a giggle, lifting my finger to point at the robed man across the way. “That’s the shepherd’s job.”
“And what is your job?” Blue eyes turned towards me, twinkling brightly in the starlight and his face wrinkling with his breathtaking smile.
“To wait for you.” It was a simple statement but I spoke it with such timidness that I surprise even myself. I curled into myself as I kicked my feet and dropped my eyes to watch the ripples upon the surface of the still water. It was always hard to stare at him for too long. He was beautiful and the way he looks at me with such awe and adoration always makes my face burn hot. The crinkles around his eyes and lips sent my heart into a sprint and set off the butterflies in my stomach.
I know I’m crazy for feeling so strongly for someone that might just be a figment of my imagination but I can’t help it. The man in the trench coat was everything I could ever want. I wish I could stay right here like this forever, just sitting peacefully with my perfect angel. He never touched me but he was always close enough to do so if he wished. Personal space must have never been something taught in angel school. I giggled at the thought and not even knowing why, he chuckled along.
“What is amusing?” He asked me and I lifted my eyes to look at him again.
“I was just thinking if they have schools in heaven for angels.” My giggles continued but he responded in that stoic seriousness that he dons when he is oblivious to humor.
“Angels are created to know all that they are required to know. Schools are not necessary. If we wish to acquire knowledge, we simply absorb it.” An articulated answer that I couldn’t help but laugh at.
For a moment, he seemed confused but quickly relaxed and joined in on the light and joyous laughter. Until the both of us doubled back. I fell onto the dew covered grass, not even getting myself wet with the action. He laid back next to me, still not touching me but I could feel him near. Our eyes lifted to stare at the wide expanse above us, enjoying the tranquility in comfortable silence.
“Can I ask you something?” I questioned after a long moment.
“You know you may ask me anything.” I smiled warmly at his response.
Shifting to my side, I propped myself up on my elbow and rested my head in my hand. “What is your name?” His silence worried me, thinking that perhaps I had overstepped. My cheeks darkened and I cast my eyes down as my fingers fiddled with a blade of grass. The quiet lingered heavily, becoming uncomfortable now. It almost made me want to cry.
It seemed like a harmless question, one that someone could easily answer. But he wasn’t just anyone. Perhaps his name was precious, only spoken under certain circumstances. Or maybe it was in a language that I couldn’t understand. My thoughts raced as I tried to sort through many different reasons why he would refuse me an answer.
Then I felt a warm finger tuck under my chin. It led my sight to the overwhelming gaze of my angel who held a soft smile. His hand moved to cup the side of my face now and I could feel my heart swan diving out of my chest. “Castiel.” The name fell from his lips smooth as silk and I melted. My blush burned my flesh as I giggled shyly. The sound clearly pleased him for his smile grew.
His fingers left my face and I instantly frowned, missing the touch of his calloused digits. I didn’t have to mourn the loss for long because his hand moved to rest over mine. He tangled our fingers together and what was left of my innards flip-flopped. A silence fell again but this time we just drowned ourselves in the simple feel of each other’s touch. It was innocent but it was the safest and happiest I have ever felt. It was like he was the sunshine overcoming my never ending night.
As that thought crossed my mind, the darkness around us turned to day, leaving us sitting in the grass under the illuminating sun. Flowers bloomed around us, overtaking the wide open field. The sheep and their master were gone and a herd of deer grazed quietly instead. Butterflies did circles about our heads and we both watched their colorful wings flap as we smiled like we had not a care in the world.
“It still does not compare to your beauty.” My angel stated as he turned his attention back to me. He no longer wore his trench coat or his business suit. Instead he was soft and casual in a plain gray tee and jeans. His feet were bare and his hair blew about lightly in the faint breeze. The sight of him took my breath away.
My eyes glistened with tears that I didn’t realize had even formed. He took my other hand and held them both on my lap, bringing himself to sit closer in front of me. He leaned forward slowly almost like he was seeking permission. I could only blink and swallow back my emotions. He didn’t kiss my lips like I had hoped but the action he did perform seemed far more intimate. His lips came to my cheek, his mouth catching the tear that had slipped from my eye. He did the same to the other cheek, kissing my tears away.
I wasn’t sure what had changed to cause him to act like this. He had been coming to me for so long that it seemed like a dream within a dream to have him here like this. “Why me?” My question made my own face crinkle in curiosity.
He gave me the sweetest of smiles, one of his large hands coming to brush my hair behind my ear. He tilted his head at me with a faint shake as if I had asked one of the silliest questions. “How can you possibly ask me such a question?” I was ashamed, my eyes dropping but with a chuckle he lifted my eyes back to his. “You do not see what I see. The beauty of your mind, body, heart and soul. The brightest light and the strongest wit. You are perfection in my eyes. I can not think of any place I’d rather be than with you.”
“Then why do you only come to me in my dreams?” I frowned as new tears formed. I should have been elated to hear such words fall from his lips, but instead I could only think of how I wished I could have him to hold more than just in my dream world. His face fell and a frown took over his chiseled features. We stared into each other’s eyes for a long while. It was almost as if there was fear in his eyes, like the answer would break him.
“Castiel.” I hoped the sound of his name would urge him on and I watched as a tear trekked down his face. My hands moved to cup his face as I brought myself to my knees before him. My thumbs wiped his tears away, his faint stubble scratching pleasantly against my silky skin. “What is it, my angel?”
“I am only in your dreams because you are never awake.” My brow wrinkled and my hands dropped back to my lap as I sat back on my calves. That just couldn’t be. I knew the times I was awake because I remember the times I went to sleep. My head shook in disbelief as I processed what I was told. “I know what you must be thinking but it is true. I would not lie.”
My tears fell again as I slowly began to come to realization. I stood to my feet, hugging my arms around myself. I could feel my heart begin to race, this time from panic and distress. He rose to his feet, his hands gently closing over my elbows. The sun was gone and a fleet of dark clouds rolled over the sky. The flowers had withered and the brook ran dry. There was not a living creature to be seen. Castiel wore his trenchcoat and suit once again, the saddest of expression etched on his face. “What happened?” I whispered as rain began to fall down on us.
The angel swallowed hard and his tears mixed with the raindrops glistening in the lightning flashes. “You were beaten. Raped and left for dead.” There was a pause as his body stiffened. “Your husband…”
A sob wracked my body as the memory began to play. I nearly collapsed if it were not for Castiel’s arms saving me from the miry clay below our feet. I cried out in agony and he held me tight, bringing us down to our knees so he could envelope me in his embrace. I clung to him through the storm and he sobbed along with me, rubbing my back and placing tender kisses into my sopping wet hair.
When I began to settle after what seemed like hours, my voice was a hoarse whisper, barely audible against his chest. I trembled and sniffled as I asked my next question. “How long?”
He let out a shaky breath and ran his fingers through my hair. “Over a year.” My eyes clenched tight and I flinched at the answer causing his hold on me to tighten. “I have come as often as I could to check on you. I felt it was my duty when I found you to do more than take you to the hospital. I could not just leave you there alone. What if you were to wake up? What if you had nowhere to go? What if you never woke up? Who would care for you? So I took it upon myself. And I do not regret a moment of it.”
“Cas, if I’ve been asleep all this time, why haven’t you just let me die? I may never wake up and this is no way for me to live.” The moment the words left my lips I regretted them. I knelt before him once again and cupped his face. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me. I’m so glad you have taken care of me and been here with me all this time. But you know I’m right. I can’t stay in my own head forever.”
“The doctor’s say that physically you are fine and well. You healed quickly. But you still will not wake up. Your brain activity, heart rhythm, it is all healthy.” This made me tilt my head, my nose wrinkling. “They say it is your soul that is weary.” I watched as the hurt and guilt spread over his face and my heart broke. “Your husband broke not only your body but also your spirit. And that is what I have been trying to heal all this time.”
The rain had stopped and looking into his eyes, my heart soared. A smile spread across my face as the sunshine took over once again. He looked around confused for a moment before looking at me once again. The love and adoration in my eyes brought a smile to his face and I could feel his hands running gently down my sides. “The first thing I want to see when I wake up is you.” I stated rubbing my nose against his. And then we kissed. The energy between us sent a jolt through my entire body and I felt lighter than air.
The next thing I knew, the field was gone. It was cold and I felt sore and disoriented. My body began to shift and I began to fear. My eyes hadn’t even opened yet, leaving me in darkness until I felt a warm hand gently rest on my shoulder. When my eyes burst open, the first thing I saw was those dazzling ocean blues and that face splitting smile. “Hello, my angel.” My voice didn’t sound quite right but I couldn’t care less.
“Hello, my love.”
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ursafilms · 5 years
Chapter 4 - Is That a Knife?
Roger Davenport became an official resident of lower Manhattan, when he moved his belongings into an apartment at 90 John Street, the Thursday before Memorial Day. The building sat on a narrow street between Pearl and Gold, and had a spectacular view of another apartment building.
The sounds of construction work filled southern Manhattan, John Street being no exception. Roger spent most of the day getting settled; dodging cement trucks and getting redirected through a series of detours by a collection of unhappy police officers. The pathway to and from his apartment resembled a Tetris game, with the pieces represented by backhoes, mini-bulldozers, and barricades constantly on the move.
The last of Roger’s boxes got dropped off on the Friday before the start of the Memorial Day weekend. He’d missed most of the latter part of the workweek with the move. Gary Kaplan gave him the time off, and Roger needed it because like most Manhattanites he had become very insular in his previous neighborhood, the Upper West Side. His geographical illiteracy outside of UWS, as it was called, had him taking longer to find grocery stores and set up cable and internet and other services. He knew little about the world below Lincoln Center; East of Central Park; and North of Zabar’s.
He spoke with his boss about the area of southern Manhattan as he sat in a rented barca-lounger and looked at the large open floor plan detailing the 10thfloor of 90 John Street. The apartment he occupied.
“You’ll figure it out, Roger,” said Gary. “After all you figured out the Upper West Side. How long did that take? Only four or five . . . years?”
“That’s funny, chief.”
“Come on. It is on the same island as the Upper West Side. It has bars and restaurants and grocery stores,” said Gary. “At least I think it does. I understand they’re getting television reception there next year.”
Gary heard nothing for a moment, except Roger pushing things around his new apartment.
“Look, Roger,” he said. “Another employee used Google Earth to help them get used to a new place in an unfamiliar part of the country. I’m sure it can aid with southern Manhattan.”
“Google Earth?” He asked. “How did that help?”
Roger got out of the barca-lounger and walked the obstacle course from the living room into the small clubman kitchen. He managed to find the coffee maker during his first feeble attempt at unpacking. He poured another cup, which he would have to drink black until he found a grocery store.
“She said it gave her a more realistic idea of the locale. Where things actually were in relation to her new apartment. Was the grocery store really just down the block, or did she have to go around something to get to it? Was there something closer that might be easier to deal with, but might be more expensive.” Gary continued. “Google Earth gives you the terrain along with a lot of the businesses and subway and bus stops. It’s updated constantly. Not just the photography, but if something new opens, Google isn’t far behind in getting the information onto the application.”
“When did you become such an expert?” Asked Roger as he sucked down the coffee. “God, this is awful.”
“Black coffee. I really do have to find a grocery store. Go on.”
“It’s easy to use, Roger. For a creative guy who has an awfully good grasp of so many digital tools, you can be a Luddite.”
“Okay, Gary,” said Roger. “I’ll give it a go. I just have to some of these boxes unpacked and I’ll open up the laptop and take a look.”
“Good,” said Gary. “Call me back if you can’t find Wall Street. I’m pretty sure I know where it is.”
“Not helping.”
Gary ended the call. Roger walked over to the sink; moved an unopened box out of it; and tossed the remainder of the coffee into the drain.
“Google Earth? Ah, what the heck,” he said as he watched the liquid disappear.
Roger negotiated the obstacle course back towards the barca-lounger. Along the way he gathered up his work backpack and pulled the laptop out of it. He signed in and a bright Red, White and Blue graphic flashed onto the proclaiming the advent of the Memorial Day Holiday and just around the corner, The Fourth of July break as well. Digital reminders that every year for the past 15, he, Patricia and however many kids they had at whatever age they were, ventured down to Cape May, New Jersey to spend both Memorial and Independence Days with his parents and his sister. This year that would not happen, unless they settled things by the 4thof July.
“That is unlikely,” he said to the screen in front of him.
Memorial Day and Independence Day were also the anniversaries of his wedding and engagements to Patricia Davenport nee Hitchcock, respectively.
Another twinge and Roger hit the space bar to clear the screen. He opened a browser and typed in www.googleearth.com. Which did not work, but did redirect him to the company’s main page with a helpful instruction to type Google Earth into the search bar.
And received the requisite message informing him he’d have to download the application, and a Pro version would be available as well . . . for a small fee.
He clicked on the link and it took him to the page where he could download Google Earth. Roger did as instructed and had the icon on his desktop in minutes. He double-clicked on it.
Seconds later the big blue marble of planet Earth spun in front of him. He put the address of 90 John Street in the search window. It gave him the view from over the top of his building and displayed about 16 square blocks of the immediate neighborhood.
If anything could be called square in southern Manhattan. People told Roger, when they found out where he moved that the charm of the Wall Street area existed in the fact that nothing laid out in a grid. It was an old Dutch village and still retained some of the cobblestone streets; blind alleys; and narrow thoroughfares of the original settlement.
“Yes,” he said again to the screen. “Very charming. No straight lines. Dead-ends. Ankle-twisting cobblestones. Charming indeed.”
He opened another browser window and did a standard Google search for ‘Grocery Stores near me.’ A Jubilee had just opened down the block right on John Street and the same for a Gristede's a few blocks away on Cedar. As if he had any idea where Cedar Street sat in relation to John, but that’s what Google Earth was going help him wi—
Then he saw it, or saw him, rather. Over on a street called Theater Alley, northeast of his apartment. The search window on his laptop just large enough to show a section of the grid that boasted of a grocery store called Brother Food Vendor on Ann Street.
When Roger moved over to take a closer look by zooming in on Ann Street, the location of the store, he did a double take. On Theater Alley, which runs perpendicular to Ann, he saw the figure of a man leaning over someone.
Roger increased the size of the image on screen to get more detail. He refreshed the browser, which is a mistake, because it took him all the way back out to a 10,000 foot view. He quickly hit the ‘+’ on the application screen until he’s back down to the level where Theater Alley is dominating the upper left corner of the interface.
He pulled his screen in the northeast direction and hit the “+” button again. A person is bent over a prostrate figure, half of who is lying on the curb and half in the street on Theater Alley. A knife, identifiable even by its blurry profile . . . is raised above the assailant’s head.
The person is in mid-strike. The body language is more forward then backward. A thin grayish streak shows underneath the assailant. It must be the victim’s blood. The attacker has already stabbed his prey.
“I read something about this. Google Earth had captured a murder on the streets of Berlin. It turned out to be just an assault, but the image did help the police capture the criminal.”
While talking to himself, Roger does a search. He is looking for a number for Google Earth or Google. Nothing. At least nothing readily apparent. He does not want to call the police. They would never believe him.
He wipes his forehead with the back of his left wrist. Roger is sweating. He searches again for a call center. Nothing at Google. Not even a 1-800 number.
He wants to save the image as evidence, but Roger can’t remember the method of screen capture. It’s a simple series of keystrokes but it has flown out of his head. It is something he has done a hundred times for work, and yet it is now gone.
Roger exhales; tosses a few boxes and articles of clothing out of his way; and picks up the land line in his apartment. He dials 911.
“911. What is the nature of your emergency?” The dispatcher, a woman, asks.
“I’m witnessing a murder,” he blurts out before he can think.
“Where is this taking place, sir?” The dispatcher asks.
“Uh, Theater Alley. Just north of Ann Street,” he replies.
“What is your name, please?”
“Uh, I’d really prefer not to give it.” Roger replies. “I’m really not sure what I’m looking at.”
“Hold, please,” she says.
Roger paces around the apartment. He squeezes the handset repeatedly.
“Please don’t trace this call,” he says out loud. “I will hang up this phone and dash over to Theater Alley myself.”
He reaches towards the ‘End’ button, when a voice comes on the phone.
“Detective Cooper, homicide.”
The voice is New York, born and raised. Bronx.
“Detective Cooper, HOMICIDE!”
“I’m sorry, Detective,” says Roger. He pauses, until he hears heavier breathing coming from Detective Cooper. “This is Mike Williams. I believe I’m looking at a homicide on Google Earth.”
“A homicide on Google Earth?” Asks Detective Cooper. “What’s that mean, Mister Williams? Google Earth?”
“I was doing a search of my neighborhood. Looking for grocery stores. I, uh, just moved in.”
“Where do you live Mister Williams?” Asks Cooper.
Roger reaches for the ‘End’ button again. But stops.
“Please, detective, I’m not sure what this is,” says Davenport.
Cooper turns and motions to his partner, Dave Acheson, who is standing at the door of the detective’s office. He has an unlit cigarette in his mouth. Cooper puts the handset under his chin and scratches out “Google Earth and Theater Alley, NYC” on a notepad. He extends it to Acheson, who walks over to Cooper’s desk.
The detective, Cooper’s longtime partner, mimes a question mark in the air in front of him. Cooper says nothing and stares at him. Cooper makes the police sign for a trace. Acheson leaves the office. He sits at a desk in the interior of the floor and runs the program for a trace of his desktop computer. A policeman behind Acheson dons a headset. He lifts his right hand and makes a one handed clapping motion, the sign for Cooper to keep talking.
“We’re not finding anything here, Mister Williams,” says Cooper, just enough sarcasm when he says ‘Williams’ to set off Roger’s alarms, “You should tell me what this is really about?”
Roger has hung up.
“Did we get an address?” He yells across the room.
“Sorry, Dennis, not on the line long enough.” The policeman wearing a headset yells back.
“We have got to get better at this,” says Cooper, in the direction of the officer with the headset.
“Oh yeah?” Replies the officer. “Well, maybe you should think to ask for the trace earlier? Maybe that’s something you should get better at?”
There’s an escalation of shouting in the room, before someone says something along the lines of, “Yeah, maybe you should all kiss my –“ Cooper slams the door to his office and cuts off the noise coming from the precinct bullpen.
Roger returned the phone to its charger. The image of the murder, if that’s indeed what it is, has disappeared from his laptop. He sits in the Barcalounger and looks out at the apartment building across the way.  The home he shared with Patricia, Tyler and Max had a view of Riverside Park. A tear filled his right eye. He pressed the palm of his hand to it.
Roger fully extends the Barcalounger, and looks at the newly painted ceiling. It is the last thing he remembers before falling asleep.
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embee-the-nd-enby · 7 years
Atomic Blonde thoughts-that-also-kinda-turn-into-synopsis-with-critique from a bi woc
Overall: - Charlize Theron plays an excellent badass again - unnecessary Death, but arguments can be made that it wasn't for as nefarious a reason as some are portraying (still beyond fucked!) (and also still with HIGH trigger rate so pls be safe my lil noodles) - am holding out for a Twist sequel for Twist Sequel purposes but also for the directors and producers to redeem themselves - 8 0 s S Y N T H P O P What we saw in trailers: Charlize Theron, Lorraine Houghton, wayy bisexual, pulverizing a bunch of white dudes (rather creatively as well), whose line of work gets those close to her (her lady lover) hurt What i saw in the movie: Charlize Theron, Lorraine Houghton, wayy bisexual, pulverizing a bunch of white dudes rather creatively, whose line of work gets those close to her (her lady lover) hurt, 8 0 s S Y N T H P O P The action: incredible. Charlize Theron did all her stunt work and the scenes were done very excellently in my opinion just because it was very... real? I'm not sure if i'll explain this right. But like when Lorraine going against multiple guys, it isn't the whole "wait until she's done fighting that one before i attack" like she would get overwhelmed if she hadn't already pummeled one before moving on to the next. She was incredibly creative in her weapon types and uses. The weapons with silencers didn't sound like Star Wars weapons going "pew pew!" Everyone was t i r e d after beating the shit out of each other! Like there were attacks from both sides that wouldn't work because they were weak, coughing, wincing, weezing, bleeding, all that. Looks: well first it was rockin to see 80s punk rockers again, so nice. AND ALSO THE MUSIC. THE AURAL AESTHETIC WAS GREAT. My dudes it's bloody as heck. The creativity in weapons extends to her wardrobe and that was so dope because those are her tools: badassery in fighting and style going hand in hand. Lorraine looks DISGUSTING when she gets beat up; her hair is a mess, makeup no longer visible under the blood and bruises and swelling. She's not the unrealistic killer woman that men have made as pristine and pretty all the time and that was great to see hollywood show that in a woman. Diversity/Representation: Pretty damn white. There is a person of color, a woman, a lesbian woman! But still in singular which is wack and outdated and i'm tired of it. The main character, a woman, is bi which is GREAT (i am partial of course) but once again, we're left in single digits. I am tired enough to allow the benefit of doubt that a majority of the male character's sexual orientations were not addressed and therefore technically can't write them off as straight.................. but i mean... Lorraine's bisexuality and wlw relationship was not made into a big to-do with her associates and colleagues. It just Was, if you get me. Which was nice! They were gay together without commentary on it being wrong/immoral/hot/whatever. When fighting, the men never sexually harassed or taunted her (i.e comments about 'liking feisty ones' and any comments about coercion and sexual assault). There are more comments after SPOILERS on this down below! Plot: fairly standard for these intelligence-agency movies where it's more focused on the what's-happening rather than why. I mean they address that in the end, about 'not even remembering what it's about' and all that. But pretty bland. However! There were some great twists! Somewhat predictable, depending how into the story you are i guess, but good twists! Also the fact that they didn't make Lorraine the emotional raving widow after finding out her dude lover was killed. They didn't make her intensity stem from mourning a guy, or that her ferocity was because of some guy; somebody is killing operatives, there is a mole, people are after her, and she has work to do Acting: great. I really thought all the characters that were established were portrayed throughout the entire movie. Lorraine is hardened from all the shit she's seen and been through, SMART AF, dry and witty as hell, confident as hell, but also vulnerable because she still has/will go through shit (more on this later under SPOILERS !) Percival is played douchey throroughly. There are some wisecracks and moments of humor that give him some likability but he doesn't lose the doucheiness (more later!) Delphine is a young naive woman but earnest and ambitious and is played through and through. She's not written/portrayed as useless or helpless like the comments i've been seeing say. She's out of her depth but can still make attackers struggle. She also knows she wanted to do the right thing but also is aware that she went about it in a way that's out of her league (there's also a really fucking annoying thing about what was written in her Naive personality that i discuss more later) Atomic Blonde was quite flawed. Duh. The plot was so very thin, could be summed to 4 words and yet wasn't all that clear at times? It was so white. Shocker. The diversity and representation was reduced to tiny single digits: one (1) person on color; one (1) lesbian; one (1) bisexual; two (2) women (or i guess technically three are actually on screen in some sort of focus). I enjoyed the wlw for obvious reasons, but i still had to contend with the Male Gaze aspects. Like Charlize Theron was one of the producers of the movie but there were scenes that we all know were also for men to enjoy *sprains eyes from rolling* i do enjoy that Delphine's character was initially a man in the graphic novel but they made her a woman. SPOILERS Right. So. The trailer shows us Delphine getting sexually involved with Lorraine and then later to be personally/romantically involved: 'everyone that gets close to you gets hurt' and a person attacks from behind. So we are expecting another lesbian death to add to the Trope Toll. And we do. She is strangled in lacy undergarments by a male in her bedroom area (she also was listening to music through earphones while she is expecting an attack like ??? That level if stupidity and naivety was not deserved. She fucking works for French Intelligence, they wouldn't hire a moron). So all this obviously enraged me but as someone who is not a lesbian, i can't imagine how traumatic this can be for y'all and i'm sorry that hollywood did you dirty like this again. Delphine was a woman confident in her sexuality and also wearing underwear around was rather commonplace. HOWEVER the story could have still flowed and ended superbly if Delphine wasn't killed in the triggering way she was, or ended up alive (I seriously thought she would since there had been several twists in the story already and i'm still kinda holding out for her making a surprise-return). She was prepping the photo proof of Percival's backstabbery, was then attacked, fought back and injured Percival (EXCELLENT stab, fuck i was so happy for a moment) and fought to the end, I will say this though: Delphine's death wasn't for shock factor, it wasn't BY A LONG SHOT the most gruesome death, it wasn't because she was lesbian, it wasn't because Lorraine is bi, it wasn't because she was a woman, etc. A lesbian didn't die to make the story more gripping or whatever. She died because she was someone close to the main character (which, like, damn do i stay glad the character was a woman or do i wish it was another man killed off, like??) Once again though, the story could have progressed, ended, and seriously improved if Delphine didn't die. Percival that limdick roach fuck. James McAvoy played that through and through. Lorraine sees through his (easily believable) façade of mainstream douchey behavior and carelessness and whatnot. She knows she can't trust him further beyond the Don't Trust Anyone rule. While awful, his awfullness didn't really exceed beyond. Like he double crossed almost everyone the entire movie. Big whoop. There wasn't anything about his character that was extraordinarily evil ufeelme (save for how the murder scene played out). He just kept sending people after Lorraine and was fairly standard trash. Lorraine is sneaky and smart af. Charlize did a spectacular job playing the armored main character that's resourceful and strong as all-get-out. She didn't take shit from anyone, was portrayed both dignified and sexual rather than having to be one or the other. She was gritty and not interested in looking good for anyone but herself, but Charlize was able to add vulnerability very well. Small things like after a massive guns-n-fists fight, a dude pulls out a double-edged knife and you can see a flicker of panic coz she's fucking tired and hand-to-hand with knives is harder than guns. She also cuddles with Delphine after they have sex! Then big things like having a moment to grieve after finding Delphine. She had, to whatever depth or extent, developed feelings for Delphine and so yet again a person she cared for is gone. And we get to see this ultra-composed, efficient, brutal badass allow herself to feel. And then she goes after Percival with a renewed vigor and kills him brutally after all the shit he put her through and she avenges Delphine. Overall again: - hollywood refuses to surprise me - 7/10 - probs wouldn't see it again, like buy-my-own-ticket again, but would not be opposed to seeing blonde Charlize Theron kick ass in heels to Duran - still down for seeing non-shamed, not-overly-sexualized-for-men wlw
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paranoidsbible · 7 years
Escaping an Abusive Relationship
===Escaping an Abusive Relationship===   Non-profit and free for redistribution Written on May 23rd | 2017 Published on May 26th | 2017   For entertainment and research purposes only
  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   ===DISCLAIMER=== The Paranoid's Bible and its writers hold no responsibility for the acts of others.   The Paranoid’s Bible is for research and entertainment purposes only.   Please visit our blog for more guides and information: https://www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   ===Preface=== You’ve just gotten out of an abusive relationship; be it physical, emotional or mental. It sucked and you had to get out of there for not only your own health and safety, but potentially that of your friends and/or family. Your previous partner was an utter jerk and didn’t consider your needs or what you, and just really drained you—guess what, they are your EX-partner. They aren’t your partner anymore, don’t try to fix them or save them from themselves. You need to start thinking about yourself and/or those you have to take care of… don’t try to go back or rebuild them or salvage anything. If they’ve laid hand on you, played games with your emotions or wrecked your mental health… STAY AWAY! This isn’t a one button solution, and unlike what many other guides state you’re going have to start fresh on the internet. This means INFORMATION SECURITY and scrubbing as much data off the internet and learning to go ghost before they can do anything bad to you or anyone else again. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Bug Out Later, Talk First=== Family and friends are important, which is why the first step you must take is the most important: Think of those you know you can trust. Get ahold of a relative or friend, especially one you know doesn’t like your EX. This person is going to be, hopefully, your safe-zone. They and their abode will hopefully be able to house you when you plan to bug out and get away from your EX. You need to contact them first, though. Not call, not contact online—just show up (Or use your work phone, if you can). Before you show up, though, leave all of your gadgets home or in your car or somewhere just in case because they could be bugged or monitored. Once you have your chosen individual, you have to tell them the truth, no matter how hard it is. You need to explain to them, in a generalized manner, what you plan to do and why you need them to help you. Once you’ve achieved that, you need to have them help you take small steps before you can make great leaps, which will be discussed in the next chapter. However the below two links we urge you to read over first. https://greatist.com/happiness/stop-domestic-violence-organizations http://www.ncadv.org/ Now, before continuing, you need to read this entire guide fully before moving forward as this guide isn’t meant to hold your hand but give you the needed to tools to break free. To break free, however, you need to formulate your own plan of escape, safety and how to gain independence and security. We can’t give you exact instructions because each individual is in their own unique situation, ergo exact instructions can’t help anyone. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Small Steps Lead to Great Leaps== Once you’ve established who can help you and where you can crash for awhile, you need to start cleaning your internet past and shrink your digital footprint. Before we begin, however, you need to take quick and precise action to prevent your EX from targeting your online presence. • Switch your e-mail accounts’ passwords right away. • Change your (IMPORTANT) accounts’ passwords right away (E.G: Banking, health care, credit cards, work and school accounts…etc). • Reset all “Password Reset” options right away. • Do your social media and other accounts last. The above four steps are to quickly help you ensure your EX doesn’t gain control of your digital resources and accounts. This is just a precautionary step that must be done on a device that you know isn’t bugged, which is where your trusted individual comes in...They can help you with this step or you can borrow their device(s) in their home and do it from there. ====REMEMBER:=== Don’t trust your own devices, they may be bugged or tapped! Your second step is to purchase a burner cell, with cash money. This means having your trusted individual (not you) go to Wal-Mart, Walgreens or another store that offers pay-as-you-go plans and cellular phones for purchase by the consumer. Go for a simple, dummy phone. One that only offers calls and text, nothing else like internet or e-mail. You just want a simple phone that can send and receive both calls and text. This phone is now going to replace all of the numbers placed on your accounts so that your EX can’t sabotage your livelihood or ruin your social life by usurping you and taking control of your devices and/or accounts. The third step is to purchase, again with cash, several brand new USBs. You want these to help backup your needed files, photos and whatever else you might need from your devices. This is so, when you leave, you can trash your devices or hand them over to police in case of a lawsuit or investigation. You want to backup your data onto these USBs (make double backups, so you’ve two USBs for each set of files) and put them into a new, dry rubber water bottle. Before you do that, however, put each USB into a wax envelope and then place them into a plastic baggy. This is to ensure they stay dry and are somewhat protected. By placing them into a rubber water bottle, you guarantee some protection from static electricity. You can put these into a safety deposit box or keep them with your trusted individual. Fourth, go to https://pastebin.com/u/paranoidsbible on a trusted device with your trusted individual. You’ll want to start removing as much of your digital footprint as possible, which will help further lessen your EX’s ability to find or track you. ===Recommended order of guides:=== The Paranoid’s Bible 2.0 | OPSEC | Uncle-Daddy’s Big Book of Deception| Meta Data and You | Day-to-Day Invasions of Privacy | What to do if Doxed Fifth, as you start to clean out your accounts, make the excuse that someone hacked into your accounts. This is to be stated both in private and public. This will give you enough room to work on setting all your accounts to their most private settings. While doing this, you must also disable location tracking and GPS on all devices, apps and accounts to further lessen your EX’s chances of harassing you once you bug out. Sixth, prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for the drama and damage to come. This means give yourself a two week prep time in order to get yourself ready to bug out. Give your trusted individual a few dollars, cash. Have them purchase you pure chamomile tea to help you de-stress and relax once you bug out. You’ll also want a multi-vitamin to help you keep your health up, as you will be stressed and riding an adrenaline high. You’ll also want them to get you a pack of green tea, as this will be replacing coffee for awhile. You’ll want your trusted individual to pick you up vitamin-E to help fight free radicals with its antioxidant powers; Tart cherry extract to further help your body fight toxins; Vitamin C with rosehip to help boost immunity and some Aloe Vera juice or extract to help your digestion as stress can ruin your eating habits. For sleep, drink one to two cups of chamomile tea before bed, and look into taking 3mg of melatonin with lemon grass to sleep better. You may want to grab some lavender essential oils and Epsom salt in order to relax and take a bath with to further de-stress. Now, while preparing in these two weeks, you want to give up coffee and alcohol. These can wreck your body and health, especially when stressed. Starting the first week, avoid coffee and alcohol. Drink mainly water and tea. Try to get one to two cups a green tea a day, which has excellent anti-oxidants. You’ll also want to avoid alcohol and other things like soda, energy drinks and things like that. You’ll want to be able to de-stress and relax once you reach safety. ===Note:=== If there are children present, do not give them an idea of what’s going on and act normal. Have your trusted individual pickup any needed supplies for these children. Seventh, get on a sleeping schedule. You’ll want to go to sleep early in order to wake up early, especially ahead of your EX. So when they leave, you’ll be able to pack your essentials and bug out with your trusted individual. Eighth, get yourself a P.O. Box is a different city, paid with cash, and have all your mail relocated there. This is to help lessen any potential damage your EX can do to you or others. Ninth, DO NOT DISCUSS THIS ONLINE OR IN FRONT OF YOUR EX! This must be kept to your chest, ergo a secret between you and your trusted individual. You have to plan this secretly and work toward preventing any possible hiccups that may happen. Plan. For. Everything. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Preparing for the Big Leap=== Now you need to think about the situation you’re in and what sort of abuses you had inflicted upon you. You need to figure out what constitutes as evidence and hearsay. Before doing anything else, look into buying, with cash, a handheld voice recorder and a disposable camera as you’ll want to keep these on hand but hidden so as to have them not found by your EX. You’ll want to document damages to property that they’ve committed; bruises, cuts and harm done to you and/or children and/or pets;  any clothes you had on during the assaults (rape, beatings…etc) put into a plastic bag. The voice recorded is like a journal, in a way. You want to, in extreme detail, note everything that happened. When it happened (Date + time), what you were wearing, what they were wearing and what happened. You’ll want to note anything else you remembered, specific wording or phrases just to be extra cautious. The reason for this is once you escape and aren’t anywhere near your EX, you’ll want to get the cops involved and an attorney. You want to have not only evidence but something to back it up with, so when charges are pressed you have more on your side than your EX has on theirs. Another thing to take note of is if they have any substances or paraphernalia (drugs, pornography…etc) that’s illegal in your area, besides any crimes or criminal activity that they have or are going to commit. This is yet another thing to keep note of when you take legal actions against your EX. Telling police and your attorney where they (your EX) has hidden these things or who they associate with to get them or when they use them will be another thing they tack onto the potential charges against them. ***Remember:*** DO NOT LIE! TELL THE TRUTH, EXACTLY AS IT IS! If they have cocaine and keep it hidden in the fridge, then that’s all you have to say. Don’t make up a story or tack on extra claims that aren’t true. Hearsay and anecdotal evidence means squat, only physical evidence that the police can find and hold means anything. With the above said, you need to think of schedules, yours and your EX’s, besides of packing a bug out bag with only the essentials (underwear, socks, some clothes, medications…etc) and how you plan to get your important documents (birth certificate, banking, financial, medical…etc) out of there, too. You also want to keep an up-to-date sheet of what you bought, brought into the relationship with you, and what was given to you as a present. ***Again:*** only tell the truth, and if you have receipts KEEP THEM! Vehicles, banking, accounts, credit cards, pets, custody… it’s a lengthy, complicated mess of twists and turns you have to navigate and present proof of ownership. This means you need to really, really think hard on what you brought in with you, besides what you purchased and were given as a gift. Yes, this is repeating the above but it is something that is worth repeating: Provide receipts and proof of ownership. Courts won’t care if you claim something’s yours if you can’t back it up with proof. Now, before we continue with this chapter, we feel we must make note of something: If you own any sexual devices or aides, pack them up in a black garbage bag and then bag it, once more, in another black garbage bag. You’ll want to put this in a suitcase or traveling bag and keep it marked (VIA a sticker or colored dot) so that you can either dispose of it or store it for later use when you leave. Leaving something like a 50 dollar Bad Dragon sex aide with your EX is something that can be used against you. When the court cases fly and accusations are made, you can be seen as being wasteful for having things like sex toys, video game systems or even certain pieces of technology like computers and TVs… if it’s yours, take it with you ASAP when you flee. ***NOTE:*** DO NOT LEAVE NUDE PHOTOGRAPHS, VIDEOS OR SIMILAR ITEMS BEHIND! IF YOU CAN TAKE THEM, DO SO! IF YOU CAN’T, DESTROY OR DELETE THEM! Starting out simple, you need to try and discuss your plans in some detail (still keeping the generalized manner, for now) with your trusted individual. Times, dates, schedules, things you need to take with you and can’t leave behind, besides any possible help you might need (it’s best to include a male family member in your family) in order to move items, belongings or people out of the area when planning to escape. It also helps to have one or two individuals, besides your trusted individual, in case things go left field and your EX shows up during the process. Renting an Uhaul van or similar vehicle and using that to transport your items, and another car to transport people and/or animals, will help you move things along further. Another thing you really need to do is to take a non-centralized path when traveling to your end destination. This means one car goes one way, another car goes a different way and so on and so forth. You’ll want your people looping blocks, cutting through neighborhoods and doubling-back once or twice to prevent anyone tailing you or anyone else just in case. Before going for the big leap, you need to do your research on attorneys to find the one that’ll fit you and your current situation (this is to be left to your trusted individual to prevent potential tip-offs). Once you’ve decided on an attorney, you’ll need to brief them on what you plan to do in order to get them up-to-date and in the know. When you do take your big leap, you’ll need to contact your attorney ASAP before the cops due to the simple fact you might have enough reason and/or evidence to get the police involved, ergo consult your attorney. Now proceed onto the next chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Making the Big Leap=== We can’t tell you how to make your escape or when. This is all up to you and how your situation is unique to you, which means having to sort through all the information and data that’s currently present and offered to you. You need to make sure you’ve gotten your plan down with your trusted individual and 3rd parties that you’ve may have enlisted in helping you make your leap. You do have to remember, though, to double and triple check everything and ensure you’ve all your important documents, paperwork, medications and items you can’t leave behind with you. Once you’ve made your leap, you’ll be in equal parts panic mode and stressed out. As we made mentioned in a previous chapter, there do exist a few natural items, besides supplements, which can help you de-tox and de-stress during this trying time. You’ll also want to ensure that your trusted individual and your end destination can remain safe, which is why you need to follow the guides we’ve listed in the previous chapter. Having your trusted individual reading the above guides can help stem a few potential issues; however you and your trusted individual should both read the Home Security and You & Home Phone and Landline Security guides in order to prevent several more potential issues from happening. Finally, remember: DO NOT LEAVE A NOTE OR LET YOUR EX KNOW WHAT’S COMING OFF! Just leave with your things, your evidence and let your attorney and the police know what’s coming off. Do not, however, take any drugs, paraphernalia or similar objects with you that belong to your EX. Take note of their location and tell the police and your attorney. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Afterword=== The truth is that this is going to be a stressful and trying time that’ll push you to your limits and expose you to potentially everyone and the world when your EX finally notices what happens. There’ll be threats, embarrassment and harassment. You can’t let them beat you (physically or emotionally) into returning to them if they were truly that abusive, and you mustn’t let yourself fall into the line of thinking where you begin to blame yourself for everything that has happened. Just learn to live your life and move on.
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sebuckyverse · 8 years
Plot: just Seb fucking you in a bathroom | Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: swearing, smut, oral, fingering, this gif I added???
Word count: 2375
A/N: I haven’t posted in a while so take this as a peace offering! Also, I’m not at home and I have really bad Internet access here so I won’t tag anyone atm!
Masterlist | Request
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A New Year's Eve party with your co-workers, in a club. What a dream come true. This was the last place you'd wanted to spend the last night of the year, but here you were, standing next to the bar, a glass of red wine in your hand, waiting for your friend who promised to be back in 5 minutes, but it had already been about 20.
You watched people grind on each other on the dancefloor; two of your male colleagues making out in the corner across the room made you smile. They always did have a crush on each other, it was adorable, yet gross since they were practically dry humping each other in public. 
But then your friend popped up right behind you, startling you. ''Giiirrlll, you have no idea what just happened.'' 
You snorted. ''What?''
''I just met my possible future husband! Did you know Chris Evans is here?'' she practically squealed. You arched an eyebrow in question, since you weren't really familiar with the name. 
''Uhhh, Captain America? Ring a bell?'' she waved her hand in front of your face. 
You took a sip of the fruity alcohol, careful not to spill any on your creamy white bodycon dress, and hummed in acknowledgement. 
''Well,'' your girlfriend continued ''He asked me if I wanted to get out of here with him and I obviously said yes but then I was like my friend's here and I can't leave her alone and Chris was like well I have a friend here as well and basically this has turned out to be a double date, so let's go!''
Between her babbling, the loud music in the club and people shouting over the music you heard pretty much nothing of what she just said. But the next thing she was pulling your arm and leading you through the crowd to the back of the club, turning left and climbing the stairs to the second floor of the facility. You struggled with your tight dress, high heels and the glass of red liquid in your hand when your friend suddenly stopped and pulled you next to her. 
You were greeted by two sets of eyes belonging to excactly who your friend said - Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. You were quite surprised, because you thought your friend was shitting you. 
''So here we are! Y/N, this is Chris and Sebastian. Boys, this is Y/N, my best friend, very single,'' she winked and pointed between you and Sebastian. 
You gasped at her boldness while Sebastian just smirked. You greeted both of the guys, before your friend took a seat next to Chris, conveniently leaving you the seat next to Sebastian. Your knee bumped into his as you sat down and it sent electricity through your body. You bit your lip and smiled apologetically. 
The three of them started conversation easily and you tried to keep up, to not seem like a complete outsider, even though you barely had any clue who these guys were. You didn't have much free time, since you always took your work home with you. Time was spent talking, laughing and drinking, drinking, drinking. 
You switched your wine to something a little more stronger, opting for a rum and coke. Soon you were left alone with Sebastian as Chris asked your friend to dance and they dissapeared into a sea of bodies. You peeked over your shoulder to get a glimpse of the hunk of a man sitting next to you, as you had been doing for most of the night. He was tall and delicious, wearing a grayish suit that was illuminated by the colorful lazer lights of the club. A striped tie was loosely hung around his neck and his chocolate tresses were perfectly gelled up. He took a sip of the whiskey he had ordered some time ago and you watched his Adam’s apple bop as he swallowed the golden liquid before he looked at you, getting caught in the act. 
“See something you like?” he asked, a corner of his mouth turning upward.
Feeling the buzz of the many drinks you had had, a surge of confidence shot through you and you straightened your back, sending him a sultry smile. ''And what if I do?'' 
The question hung in the air for a minute as you both stared at each other - better yet, eyefucked each other -, the sexual tension building and building until you were about to explode and just tackle him right then and there. But before you could do that, he put his glass down on to the nearest surface and stood up, offering you his hand. ''May I have this dance?'' 
You gladly took his hand and he led you to the dancefloor, finding a more open space that wasn't so crowded. You searched for your friend but failed to notice her. Sebastian spun you around, so your back was flush against his rock hard chest. He gripped your hips and started moving his own, swaying his body side to side. You followed his lead and soon you got lost in the beat of the music, grinding your ass against his pelvis. 
You gasped when he lowered his head and placed a kiss just below your ear, then nibbled your earlobe. You lifted your hand to the back of his head to encourage him to continue his actions. 
He easily complied when he started kissing and biting your neck, his thumbs smoothing circles on your hips. When he kissed a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, your back arched and your hips jerked backwards involuntarily only to feel his hard bulge prominently against your ass, making you moan. You decided you'd had enough of this teasing so you spun around, his hands now resting in the curve above your ass, his eyes blown with lust and you could only hope you mirrored his emotions. 
You grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him into a bruising kiss, complete with the taste of whiskey and a hint of peppermint. You parted your lips and he gladly took your invitation by sliding his tongue into your mouth, starting a slow tango in your wet cavern. You felt your body grow hotter and hotter and it definitely wasn't due to the packed club with seemingly no air conditioning. No, it was due to the two large hands sliding down to grip your ass, the soft muscle gliding around in your mouth and the soft hums erupting from his throat. 
He pulled away too soon for your liking and rested his forehead against yours while licking his red, puffy lips. He stood up straight and grabbed your hand, pulling you through the crowd, heading in the direction of the restrooms and your heart pounded in your chest, knowing where this is going. 
Sebastian bursted open a bathroom door to luckily find it empty and pulled you inside, closing the door and locking it behind you before slamming you against it and attacking your neck again, kissing, biting and sucking. You whimpered and waved your fingers through his sticky but still incredibly soft hair, trying to pull him even closer. 
''Tell me if you don't want this,'' he mumbled against your jaw. 
''I want this,'' you breathed out and that was all the confirmation he needed as he pulled you from the door and guided you to the sink, your ass pressing against the edge of the counter. Sebastian’s hands wound up on your hips again, sliding down to your thighs, meeting the hem of your skin tight dress and hiking it up, revealing your soaked centre, some of it leaking down your legs. 
Sebastian groaned at the sight and lifted you on the counter, standing between your legs. He grabbed your hair and yanked your head back, to give him perfect access to your neck. He dove in again to add more pink and purple marks to the ones you already have. His other hand hiked up your thigh, closing in on your drenched pussy as he pressed two fingers against your clothed cunt, swiping his digits up and down as you let out a filthy moan. 
''So beautiful, so wet.'' Sebastian hissed in your ear. You begged him for more. 
''What do you want, princess? Tell me. '' He demanded as he continued his assault on your neck and his torture between your legs.
''I.. uh, please. I need more.'' You struggled to form a coherent sentence. 
You felt him smirk against your neck as he started kissing his way lower, to your collarbone and then lower to your breast. He removed his hand from your hair to pull one of your straps down your shoulder to reveal your naked breast, the nipple already hardened, waiting to be given attention. Sebastian pressed feather light kisses to the curve of your breast before wrapping his lips around your nipple, sucking on it, then letting it go with a pop and circling it with the tip of his tongue. 
Sebastian dropped to his knees and pulled your lacey panties down your legs, he threw your legs over his shoulders and grabbed your hips to pull you closer to the edge. He was now face to face with your bare pussy and he didn't waste time burying his face in it. He licked a thick stripe from your hole to your clit before focusing on the latter, giving fast licks to your bundle of nerves. You moaned and chanted Sebastian's name as you waved your hands through his locks, scratching his scalp, making him growl against your bud as he sucked on it, sending jolts of vibrations through you. 
You were nearing your end fast as Sebastian pushed two fingers inside of you, curling his digits to perfectly hit your sweet spot and you felt a warm tightness begin to fold in your lower belly. Sebastian felt your walls clamp around his fingers and he stopped his movements, removing his fingers and withdrawing his mouth. You whined at the loss and he sent you a devilish grin before he stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ''Delicious.''
''Shut up,'' you barked and pulled him against you, your fingers finding their way to his belt, which you pulled from the loops and unzipped his pants. You shoved your hand inside his boxers and wrapped it around his hard member, eliciting a muffled moan from Sebastian. He was long and thick, the head of his cock silky and wet from the pre cum you had spread around it; you loved how heavy he felt in your hand and you could only imagine what he would feel like filling you up. 
Sebastian growled and pulled a condom from the pocket of his slacks. You eyed him curiously and he winked at you wickedly. He pushed his pants down with his boxers, freeing his aching member from it's restraints, his beautiful cock standing proud against his stomach, a fat vein running on the downside of it. Your mouth watered at the sight and you wanted nothing more than for him to shove his cock down your throat. But, first things first.
Sebastian ripped the condom open with his teeth and rolled it on. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him to you. He took his cock in his hand and lined it up at your entrance before slamming home with one smooth thrust. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as Sebastian moaned against your neck. He stayed still for a moment, to let you get used to his size and only started moving when you whined. He pulled out all the way, leaving only his tip in and slid back in. He seamlessly picked up his speed and by no time he was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow.
''Oh, f-fuck. Oh, yesss,'' You moaned and gripped Sebastian's shoulder to steady yourself. Sebastian groaned and switched between whispering sweet nothings in your ear to growl about how wet you were for him, how tight you were, how good you felt around his cock, all the while his cock is sliding in and out of you, juices dripping on the floor.
You felt the familiar warmth coil in your stomach again, building up where you left off before. You'd never come so fast before in your life and you had to give credit to the man above you. In the back of your mind, you could hear the party going on in the club. You could hear the crowd count down the seconds to the New Year while you were counting down the seconds until your climax.
9, 8, 7, 6..
So close, my God, you were close. Sebastian felt it yet again as he slipped a hand between your burning bodies, finding your clit and circling it with his thumb. 
5, 4, 3, 2..
It took just one word for you to let it all go, to explode and Sebastian selfishly took that task upon himself, ''Cum.'' 
With multiple curse words and a scream of your lover's name, you came - hard. Surges of pleasure shot through you in waves, spinning you and throwing you back and forth. You didn't want this to end, you were addicted to the feeling. You'd had good sex before, but this was something else, a whole other level. If this man had asked you to marry him right now, you'd say yes in a heartbeat. 
You think you blacked out because after the waves had calmed down and your high was, sadly, over you opened your eyes to see Sebastian smirking at you, still breathing heavily. ''You alright there?''
''I've never come so hard before. Shit.'' You were a tad dissapointed that you were so caught up in your own orgasm that you didn't see Sebastian's gorgeous face in his own high.
''Feeling's mutual, doll,'' he smiled and pressed a sweet, full of emotion kiss to your lips.
''Can I marry you?'' You asked.
Sebastian just chuckled and you might've been wrong, but you thought you saw a blush appear on his cheeks. ''How about we start off with a date, first?''
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enetproperty-blog · 6 years
Onward Conservative Think Tank Ideas on Private Rented Sector Deeply Flawed
Onward Conservative Think Tank Ideas on Private Rented Sector Deeply Flawed Regular readers of my columns will recall one Conservative MP, Neil O’Brien, who was previously an adviser to landlord nemesis, George Osborne in the Treasury. In 2017, I wrote about how he was calling for curbs in the market for second homes that would extend to buy to let. The idea, reported in The Times on 4th November 2017 and other places, was getting traction in a government running scared of Jeremy Corbyn. Part of his plan involved getting the Bank of England to make buy to let home loans even harder to get by tightening eligibility criteria and hiking interest rates. Mr. O’Brien also called for more “tax breaks for young families” partly to be paid for, it seems, by hiking capital gains tax on landlords even further and  whacking them with even higher taxes on rental income and stamp duty land tax. The link to my original piece is here: http://www.lettingfocus.com/blogs/2017/11/neil-obrien-mp-has-plans-for-more-landlord-taxes-and-mortgage-hikes/ Well, it seems, you cannot shut up Mr O Brien, as he’s been at it again. A new report from the new Conservative think tank, Onward, recommends ending or severely curtailing tax breaks for buy-to-let and private landlords, a stronger role for local councils and major reform of the planning system to allow communities rather than developers to lead the process. The report, was written by guess who? Yep Mr. O’Brien again and it calls for government intervention in the housing market. In it he says, “We need to change the balance between the rented sector and home ownership. We should discourage more people from investing in rental property, because the buy-to-let boom has bid up prices and reduced homeownership among younger people” As we know, the Cameron governments have already acted to curb tax relief on mortgage repayments, but the think tank says it is still a privileged form of investment that reduces the number of homes available for owner-occupiers while reducing the amount of capital available for more productive investment. The report went down well with the likes of the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jun/25/home-ownership-out-of-reach-for-2-million-uk-families-says-thinktank Onward Ideas on Private Rented Sector Deeply Flawed But I am pleased to say the report has been savaged elsewhere for its errors and inaccuracies and misleading use of data. The Residential Landlords Association had this to say: “Onward, claims that at the end of 2017 buy-to-let lending was above the 2007 peak. In fact new buy-to-let lending for house purchases has fallen from over 183,000 loans in 2007 to just 74,900 in 2017, a fall of nearly 60 per cent, according to figures from UK Finance, what was the Council for Mortgage Lenders. The total number of buy-to-let mortgages, including re-mortgages, also fell from 339,000 in 2007 to 227,000 in 2017, a drop of a third. The private rented sector is actually shrinking, with the Government’s own statistics showing that the number of private rented dwellings in England fell by 46,000 in the year to March 2017. The report argues that landlords are taxed more advantageously than homeowners. This is not the case according to the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies which said following tax rises imposed on the private rented sector in 2015: “The tax system is not, and was not, even before the recent changes, more generous to people buying to let.” On the back of its false assertion, Onward calls for further tax increases to reduce investment in new homes for private rent. It argues that if the country had kept the ratio of privately-rented to privately-owned homes the same between 2000 and 2015, it would have ended up with 2.2 million more homes in owner-occupation. This ignores the question of whether all of these households would have been able to afford a home of their own, especially as house prices rose by 154% over that period.” With another report today saying that it now takes a single, first time buyer an average of ten and half years to save for a 15% deposit for their first home, the RLA argues this is leading to increasing demand on the private rented sector and to take action now that would further reduce supply would just make finding somewhere to live more difficult and more expensive. David Smith, Policy Director for the Residential Landlords Association, said: “Today’s report is riddled with errors and fails to address the fundamental point that we need more homes to rent, not less. “Rather than coming out with ideological assaults on the private rented sector, we need to reform tax so that it encourages the development of new homes to rent and longer tenancies so that the sector can adequately provide the pathway for tenants to go from renting to home ownership.” Kate Falkner of the respected PropertyChecklists.co.uk company also added some thoughts of her own. Onward Thinking Deeply Flawed “First, many of the new homes bought by investors were new build city centre flats – not family properties. Second, many of these city centre flats are now worth a lot less than they were 10 years ago; up to 50% in some cases. To blindly believe that home ownership is better than renting is plain wrong. Third, other properties that many investors are buying wouldn’t be suitable for families e.g. HMOs in student areas, which according to NUS data are cheaper to rent than institutional, bespoke student accommodation. I do think that in some cases, buy to let has impacted on ownership, but not in the way described by Onward. First it has stopped stock coming onto the market as people – many of them families – have traded up and been wealthy enough to hang onto their original home and buy a new one. If this has stopped people buying a home, then successive governments should have recognised the problem a lot earlier and increased the number of homes built or introduced a policy that prevented this from happening – but governments of all parties chose not to. Secondly many of the new build city centre flats were easier to sell to investors than FTBs, so that was a choice by the developer and lenders supported it. However, bearing in mind that many of the city centre flats were sold at a price way above what they were worth, selling them to investors has, in my view, saved a generation of 20 somethings from being in negative equity. Finally, when are MPs going to realise it’s their own policies – of all parties – that have caused the rise in the PRS? They created the demand through: Increasing the need for student accommodation by encouraging more to go to university; Failing to build the social housing required; instead paying housing benefits to private landlords to save the taxpayer money (accounts for 20-30% of the PRS); Relocation has shifted from a ‘sale’ model to a ‘lettings’ model instead; Introducing a pay cap on government workers of 1% a year when prices in London, the South and East increased at double digits a year, preventing their own staff from getting on the ladder. Worse still, I think Onward and many others have forgotten that we had a recession which led to 50% of people pulling out of buying a home for up to five years – and they couldn’t get the money to buy even if they tried. There was a huge growth in the PRS from 2007 onwards because the demand for rental increased – and because BTL investors could buy with cash. Buy to let investors respond to demand, they don’t create it. In addition, it’s not only government workers who have suffered from pay caps. Private companies have failed to increase wages at the same rate as property prices for some staff, whereas in actual fact, the cost of renting has risen (on average) at below the general cost of living. That comes from ONS stats – the government’s own department which MPs appear to completely ignore.” The main question that MPs and others don’t seem to be addressing is where do you put the people that want and need to rent for reasons other than affordability? To completely ignore the growth of this sector is going to lead to a huge growth in homelessness and overcrowding – as they have nowhere to go. The only way out of the mess experienced by some, but not all, areas is to build more homes. Robbing Peter to pay Paul – i.e. taking property from the rental market to get people on the ladder – isn’t going to work. Demand is growing for people who want to buy and who need to rent – both need to be satisfied. It’s time we produced properly informed reporting on the PRS, rather than misusing statistics for political gain and if this is the level of understanding of the property market by MPs, then I’m afraid we are going to have a property crisis for years to come!” Well said Kate. Property118 have also added their thoughts here: https://www.property118.com/onwards-paper-green-pleasant-affordable-incredible-unfortunately/comment-page-2/ I am not going to add to what has already been written by others. I guess it is entirely credible that a Conservative think tank is so in fear of Generation rent and Shelter and losing the next election that they will serve up a load of garbage analysis and poorly thought out policy ideas instead of addressing the real issues in housing. What idiots! ABOUT LETTINGFOCUS Services for Private Landlords We help landlords and property investors by showing them how to make money in the private rented sector using ways which are fair to tenants and which involve minimal risk. Our advice is completely independent. We take don’t commission payments or fees from anyone, ever. Services to Businesses and the Public Sector We advise a range of organisations too to help them develop and improve their services and products for private landlords. David Lawrenson, founder of LettingFocus, also writes for property portals, speaks at property events and is regularly quoted by the media. 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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/roy-moores-jesus-defender-low-can-republicans-tolerance-go/
Roy Moore's Jesus defender; how low can Republicans tolerance go?
We've seen how any association with Donald Trump seems to tarnish even the most respected four-star generals, but the Republican party seems to continue lowering their levels on what they'll tolerate in their candidates. Take the case of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore who has been accused of initiating sexual contact with a 14-year old girl when he was 32 back in 1979. Rather than publicly standing up to defend himself, Moore put out a statement claiming it was just 'fake news.' His full statement on this allegation below: Today, the Judge Roy Moore Campaign for U.S. Senate issued a statement responding to yet another baseless political attack by the Washington Post, a paper that has endorsed Judge Moore's opponent. Moore campaign chair Bill Armistead released the following statement on Thursday afternoon: "Judge Roy Moore has endured the most outlandish attacks on any candidate in the modern political arena, but this story in today's Washington Post alleging sexual impropriety takes the cake.  National liberal organizations know their chosen candidate Doug Jones is in a death spiral, and this is their last ditch Hail Mary. "The Washington Post has already endorsed the Judge's opponent, and for months, they have engaged in a systematic campaign to distort the truth about the Judge's record and career and derail his campaign.  In fact, just two days ago, the Foundation for Moral Law sent a retraction demand to the Post for the false stories they wrote about the Judge's work and compensation.  But apparently, there is no end to what the Post will allege. "The Judge has been married to Kayla for nearly 33 years, has 4 children, and 5 grandchildren.  He has been a candidate in four hotly-contested statewide political contests, twice as a gubernatorial candidate and twice as a candidate for chief justice.  He has been a three-time candidate for local office, and he has been a national figure in two ground-breaking, judicial fights over religious liberty and traditional marriage.  After over 40 years of public service, if any of these allegations were true, they would have been made public long before now. "Judge Roy Moore is winning with a double-digit lead.  So it is no surprise, with just over four weeks remaining, in a race for the U.S. Senate with national implications, that the Democratic Party and the country's most liberal newspaper would come up with a fabrication of this kind. "This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation." Now that the floodgates have opened for women, thanks to Harvey Weinstein, women can now feel safe to bring these offensive and illegal acts into the light. This alleged offense happened back in 1979, and anyone knows that it was difficult, if not impossible, to be taken seriously while also having to deal with the trauma of what has happened. Moore's defenders have asked why it took so long thinking this should de-legitimize her claims, but anyone who has gone through sexual assault knows it can take this long or even longer. I had a family member who was molested for many years (during the 1980's) by a powerful person in our state, and when things came to light, everyone knew that there was no way anyone would be able to fight. That family member is now confined to a psychiatric unit after never recovering from the torment and trauma they were put through, and we know that if we tried to step forward now, this person's supporters would say "how can you believe the words of someone in a straitjacket." Even in 2017, many Republicans are attempting this same tactic, so when people ask why women wait so long, this is just one of the many reasons. This has been going on for some time, but it seems with Donald Trump in the White House, people feel like they are getting a free pass to lower their standards even more. I've heard many Republicans actually state, "At least I'm not like Donald Trump, though," after supporting his latest offensive Tweet tirade. When someone makes the erroneous claim that this woman is lying, you have to ask them why they believe this as she has nothing to gain from this. The Washington Post reached out to her, she didn't report this to them, and her entire life has now been put into the national spotlight opening her up to all forms of attacks. Do you really think she wants that kind of attention? Anyone who has gone through something like this does not crave this kind of attention. Sadly, Alabama state Auditor Jim Zeigler chose to show just how low tolerance levels can go when he had this say in an interview with the Washington Examiner. “There is nothing to see here,” Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler told the Washington Examiner. “The allegations are that a man in his early 30s dated teenage girls. Even the Washington Post report says that he never had sexual intercourse with any of the girls and never attempted sexual intercourse.” And this: Moore never had “sexual intercourse” with the girl. Their relationship “happened almost 40 years ago.” And finally, “Roy Moore fell in love with one of the younger women.” Moore began dating his wife Kayla around this time, according to Ziegler. “He dated her. He married her, and they’ve been married about 35 years. They’re blessed with a wonderful marriage and his wife Kayla is 14 years younger than Moore.” Then to cap it all off: “Take the Bible — Zachariah and Elizabeth, for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” Ziegler says, choosing his words carefully before invoking Christ. “Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.” “There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here,” Ziegler concluded. “Maybe just a little bit unusual.”
Many other Republicans have commented with "if this is true," or "if there is a shred of truth" before following it up with Roy Moore should step down. If this had been a Democrat, you can be sure the "if this is true," would not have preceded a public lynching outcry.
At times like this in our country where women finally can have the courage to step up and bring these monsters to light, politics should have nothing to do with this. Both parties have plenty of baggage, but when it comes to basic decent human values, couldn't everyone just bring out the human side of themselves and come together just once?
When Republicans wonder what happened in 2018 as they lose their majority, this is just one of the many shining examples of how it happened.
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junker-town · 7 years
2017 Fantasy football rankings: Top 20 rookies
A new year brings new players for your fantasy consideration. We take a look at the top 20 rookies for redraft leagues. Check out our full 2017 fantasy football preview draft guide!
Editor's note: Swing by our fantasy war room to get all your draft and roster questions answered!
Fantasy drafts are being organized all over the country in August. Mock drafts are in full force as fantasy players envision their ideal roster. Redraft leagues make for a new start. Keeper leagues allow for plenty of opportunities to build on the present and future. You may have your strategy figured out. You may also find that your strategy gets completely disrupted within a matter of rounds early in your draft. Either way, some of the biggest unknown commodities for fantasy drafts are the new faces in 2017: Rookies.
Until an NFL rookie takes his first steps on the field, we're working off of collegiate accomplishments, situation, and opportunity. Let’s take a look at how those elements can help or hurt the top-20 rookies ranked below:
1. Leonard Fournette, RB, Jacksonville Jaguars
The top running back off the board in the 2017 NFL draft is also the first rookie being selected by many mock drafters over the summer — and for good reason. The Jaguars struggled offensively in 2016 despite their above-average defense. The team drafted Fournette to pick up the slack that a struggling Blake Bortles gave the passing game. The Jaguars experienced a coaching overhaul throughout the 2016 season and brought on Tom Coughlin as the organization’s executive vice president shortly after.
Fournette was selected fourth overall in the draft, and he’ll be expected to serve as an offensive centerpiece for the team heading into the season. Fournette has the size, strength, and speed to make it all happen. He’s also a great blocker, which will only further encourage a lot of snaps in his rookie season. He’s been compared to the likes of Bo Jackson and Adrian Peterson. While no one should be drafting Fournette with such lofty expectations, it’s reasonable to expect low-end RB1 numbers from him out of the gate, making him the most appealing rookie in 2017.
2. Joe Mixon, RB, Cincinnati Bengals
Mixon was drafted in the second round of the NFL draft by a team that has two serviceable running backs in Giovani Bernard and Jeremy Hill. Bernard has been the more exciting back as of late but is better-suited as a change-of-pace option who excels as a receiver out of the backfield. Hill started off strong in 2014 but has settled into a pedestrian 3.7 YPC over the past two seasons. Mixon was considered a first-round talent but fell in the draft due to video emerging from his 2014 assault case. He’s also an outstanding receiver when called upon, delivering the best of both worlds that Bernard and Hill can offer on a good day. Mixon has been compared to Le’Veon Bell. Despite the backfield competition, Mixon will see a healthy workload if his talent shines when he steps foot on the field in 2017.
3. Dalvin Cook, RB, Minnesota Vikings
Cook was selected in the second round after the Vikings delivered a league-worst rushing performance in 2016. The team scooped up former Oakland Raiders running back Latavius Murray in March, but Cook is expected to be an immediate contributor for the struggling backfield in Minnesota. Cook has excellent vision and excels in the red zone. He struggled with ball security while at Florida State, and he tends to leave yards on the table at the point of contact. However, he’s a strong runner who can perform at a high level especially when his blockers are in place. Cook should see plenty of opportunity at the start of the season especially with Murray spending much of the summer recovering from offseason ankle surgery. He’s certainly worth a gamble as a low-end RB2.
4. Christian McCaffrey, RB, Carolina Panthers
McCaffrey is understandably being drafted early in many fantasy mock drafts due to his first-round pedigree. McCaffrey, selected eighth overall, will be sharing backfield duties with Jonathan Stewart, who hasn’t eclipsed 1,000 rushing yards for the team since 2009 and is now on the wrong side of 30 in age. McCaffrey has excellent vision, good hands, and excels at all gears on the ground. He leaves some room to be desired in terms of size and durability at just over 200 pounds. His PPR value takes a hit as well, as no Carolina back has managed 30 receptions over the past five seasons. His red-zone usage is also a huge question mark in Carolina. Still, McCaffrey is being drafted within the top 40 picks of many mock drafts, according to ProFootballCalculator.com. His ADP is a bit rich at the moment. In fact, McCaffrey’s presence arguably makes Stewart the better value pick as he approaches the double-digit rounds in many mock drafts. Regardless, McCaffrey is an intriguing flex option to start the season with a limited ceiling to consider in PPR formats.
5. Kareem Hunt, RB, Kansas City Chiefs
Hunt capped off his college career with an impressive 2016 season. He managed 1,475 yards rushing and 403 receiving yards along with 11 total touchdowns in his senior year. The Chiefs traded up to acquire Hunt in the third round. He’s above average in power and has impressive elusiveness for his size. Hunt will be competing with Spencer Ware, who fizzled on the back end of his 2016 season, and Charcandrick West. There’s a very good chance Hunt will be given the keys to the backfield to start the season, and the Chiefs have proved to be a team capable of producing quality running backs when the next man is called up.
6. Samaje Perine, RB, Washington
Running back Robert Kelley was a fantasy darling midseason in 2016. Kelley eventually slowed down his production, finding the end zone just twice and failing to crack 100 all-purpose yards in his final six games. Perine may be able to handle the heavy workload right out of the gate. He’s a physical downhill runner with 233 pounds behind his 5’11 stature. He’s been understandably compared to running back Michael Turner. He’s not flashy, but he can get the job done between the tackles. In fact, in terms of physicality and speed, he’s not a far cry from Kelley himself. Washington is likely bringing Perine on board in hopes of reigniting the flame Kelley offered the team’s running game in 2016. Perine will have every opportunity to maintain a sizeable workload if he can prove reliable at the pro level.
7. Corey Davis, WR, Tennessee Titans
Davis was the first wide receiver drafted in 2017. He’s the ideal all-around receiver in terms of size, speed, and route-running ability. He’s particularly gifted as a red-zone threat. Davis delivered a barrage of touchdowns for Western Michigan in 2016, finishing with a stunning total of 19. The Titans haven’t seen a wide receiver eclipse 1,000 receiving yards since 2013 (Kendall Wright). Davis should find himself in a position to make his mark early.
His size and ability drew comparisons to Eric Decker, who was coincidentally picked up by the Titans in June. While Decker’s presence takes some edge off of Davis’ ceiling in 2017, he’s still a receiver who should be considered when building your depth at the position. He has added value in keeper/dynasty leagues, as Decker’s contract is only a one-year deal. For redraft purposes, expect WR3 production from Davis especially as the season progresses.
8. Jamaal Williams, RB, Green Bay Packers
The Packers have had their share of running back woes over the past several years. The Eddie Lacy era is over, and Ty Montgomery has been working hard in the offseason to complete his transition into a full-time running back. If Montgomery can hang onto the position, Williams could be sharing time with fellow rookie running back Aaron Jones. If Montgomery can’t deliver as a three-down back, Williams has the ability to take the position. Even if Montgomery occupies the RB1 position on the team’s depth chart for the entire season, Williams could have some touchdown value. Williams is worth a late-round stash as the Packers sort out a long-term backfield solution in 2017.
9. Marlon Mack, RB, Indianapolis Colts
In 2016, a 33-year-old Frank Gore somehow managed over 1,000 yards rushing behind one of the league’s worst offensive lines. He may be on borrowed time, but Gore certainly deserves his RB1 status in Indianapolis until he begins to diminish his output. Mack was drafted in the fourth round as the Colts look to prepare for a new era in their backfield. Mack became the all-time leading rusher for USF in his junior year. It remains to be seen if Mack can be an every-down weapon as a pro, but he’ll be expected to excel in a complementary role at the very least. Mack is an intriguing late-round handcuff that could produce even with Gore on the field.
10. John Ross, WR, Cincinnati Bengals
Ross is hands down the fastest player from the 2017 draft. In fact, Ross is the fastest player to participate in the NFL Combine. He made headlines after running the 40-yard dash in a blazing 4.22 seconds. Andy Dalton isn’t a gunslinger, but he doesn’t necessarily need to be. Ross is a home run threat whenever the ball is in his hands. If the Bengals can find ways to get Ross into open space, he’ll have a very successful rookie season. With Brandon LaFell, Tyler Boyd, A.J. Green, and tight end Tyler Eifert sharing the field, it’s difficult to envision Ross delivering week-to-week reliability for fantasy owners. Ross may be more of a DFS option in the world of fantasy football for 2017, but he’s worth a WR4 stash in redraft leagues if only for his tremendous upside.
11. Joe Williams, RB, San Francisco 49ers
Carlos Hyde’s inability to stay healthy has kept him from eclipsing 1,000 rushing yards in his three-year career. He’s coming off an impressive 2016 season, averaging 4.6 yards per carry, but the team’s new head coach, Kyle Shanahan, handpicked Williams for what could signify a new direction for the San Francisco backfield. Williams has some weaknesses, particularly as a receiver. Hyde may be the better option in passing downs as a result. Regardless, Williams is a surefire bet for a respectable dose of touches in 2017. If he can improve on his ball-security issues from his college days and prove to be a competent option in the passing game, Hyde may find himself taking a backseat sooner rather than later. As of now, however, Hyde is reportedly the camp favorite to start the season.
12. OJ Howard, TE, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Rookie tight ends rarely deliver in fantasy football; Howard would be a tight end to serve as the exception. He’s a prototypical tight end in today’s NFL. At 6’6 and 251 pounds, Howard managed a 4.51 40-yard dash. His size is coupled with feet quick and light enough to resemble a wide receiver at times, with no shortage of toughness when occupying the middle of the field. Howard may end up being the best tight end drafted in 2017. Unfortunately, he may not be able to truly prove it in his rookie season. Like most tight ends fresh out of college, Howard could be difficult to trust on a week-to-week basis. When the season is over, his stats could resemble a top TE2 or low-end TE1 despite being a risk as a plug-and-play option as the season progresses. He has exceptional value in dynasty/keeper formats.
13. Zay Jones, WR, Buffalo Bills
The Tyrod Taylor era in Buffalo has yet to produce a receiver with over 60 receptions. It makes sense that the team would target Jones, who managed a whopping 158 receptions his senior year at East Carolina. While arguably a product of circumstance at East Carolina, there’s no doubt that Jones is gifted when it comes to making tough catches. Taylor and the rest of the Bills offense would be wise to lean on Jones’ skill set.
However, the Bills are coming off a league-best rushing performance in 2016. Even if Taylor starts slinging significantly more passes downfield, running back LeSean McCoy remains the favorite for checkdown passes. Jones should eventually serve as a true threat alongside wide receiver Sammy Watkins, but his number of opportunities early on remain a giant question mark. Jones is worth a late-round gamble as you round out the bench on your fantasy roster. Of course, he has added value in PPR formats.
14. D’Onta Foreman, RB, Houston Texans
Foreman led the nation with 2,048 rushing yards in his final season with the Texas Longhorns. He declared for the draft after his junior year. He has all the attributes of a workhorse running back. Unfortunately, Foreman has experienced his fair share of offseason controversy between showing up overweight in the offseason and charges of carrying a weapon and marijuana in July. His criminal charges are currently being fought and he tested negative for the drug shortly after his arrest. Foreman still has plenty of opportunity in Houston despite a semi-breakout performance from running back Lamar Miller in 2016. However, his odds of making an immediate impact as a rookie aren’t trending in the right direction for the time being. He’s a strong handcuff for Miller owners, as Alfred Blue hasn’t been able to find consistent success when called upon.
15. Alvin Kamara, RB, New Orleans Saints
Kamara may be one of the better sleeper candidates for 2017, particularly in PPR formats. Kamara, a third-round pick out of Tennessee, was targeted by coach Sean Payton because of his ability to create mismatches as both a running back and receiver. Kamara could be Payton’s attempt to find the team’s next Reggie Bush. New Orleans has a talented backfield, provided it can remain healthy. Mark Ingram and Adrian Peterson should handle the bulk of early down work, but Kamara could see a lot of action as a receiver. If the touches are there, Kamara is an exciting PPR prospect. He should be drafted in all PPR leagues in the final few rounds.
16. Curtis Samuel, WR, Carolina Panthers
Samuel was drafted by the Panthers in the second round of the draft to address the lack of speed on the roster after losing Ted Ginn Jr. to the New Orleans Saints. In his 2016 season at Ohio State, Samuel operated much like Percy Harvin did for coach Urban Meyer during his Florida days, rushing for 771 yards to go along with 865 receiving yards and 15 total touchdowns. There are a lot of mouths to feed on Carolina’s offense, but none of them has quite the skill set that Samuel does. It’s difficult to envision consistent numbers during Samuel’s rookie season, but he’s one to keep on your radar throughout the season. He’s hovering around top-five status in dynasty leagues.
17. David Njoku, TE, Cleveland Browns
The Browns traded up to select Njoku in the first round and were swift in releasing Gary Barnidge as a result. Coach Hue Jackson wanted an upgrade at the tight end position, and Njoku appears to have the tools to deliver for the team. He’s 6’4 and 246 pounds with the athleticism of a wide receiver. Njoku can line up almost anywhere. Regardless of who ends up being the signal caller in Cleveland, Njoku provides a valuable security blanket. If he can adapt quickly, Njoku should have some big weeks. Of course, with the Browns still trying to sort out their answer at quarterback, it’s difficult to sell Njoku in redraft leagues. He has a high ceiling nonetheless and is worth a look if you’re looking to incubate an extra TE behind a consistent veteran on your fantasy roster.
18. Evan Engram, TE, New York Giants
Eli Manning has plenty of targets in 2017. Odell Beckham Jr. will look for continued success, Sterling Shepard will look to build upon his respectable rookie season, and Brandon Marshall is now in the mix. This doesn’t necessarily bode well for Engram from a fantasy perspective. However, Engram’s athleticism and ability to line up all over the place made him a first-round target, which is exactly where the Giants selected him. He’ll be exciting to watch on any given week, but it’s difficult to envision any consistency for fantasy purposes, at least in his rookie season. Engram could be drafted as a TE2 if you’re looking to gamble on his rookie ceiling behind a more stable option on your fantasy roster.
19. Cooper Kupp, WR, Los Angeles Rams
Kupp may be the dark horse among the rookies of 2017. It’s tempting to round out the top 20 with a quarterback like Deshaun Watson, who will likely start for the Houston Texans at some point in 2017. However, the quarterback position is deep in fantasy as of late. It’s also worth mentioning JuJu Smith-Schuster, who will be looking to carve out a role for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but Martavis Bryant and Sammie Coates are still looking for targets behind elite fantasy receiver Antonio Brown.
The risk with Kupp, of course, is his quarterback, Jared Goff, who struggled mightily in his rookie season. Kupp leaves a lot to be desired in terms of speed at his position, but what he lacks in speed he makes up for with some of the best hands in his draft class. If he had been drafted by a team with a better quarterback, Kupp would undoubtedly be a top-10 rookie prospect in fantasy. If he proves to be a security blanket for Goff, Kupp certainly has some value in PPR formats.
20. Mike Williams, WR, Los Angeles Chargers
The biggest concern with Williams heading into the season is the fact his health is a huge question mark. He opened training camp on the active/PUP list, and it seems pretty certain he will spend at least the first six weeks on the reserve/PUP list. Chargers head coach Anthony Lynn won't rule him out for the season, but he would not commit to anything. We've left him on this list because if he can get back onto the field for at least half the season, his value in Los Angeles is tremendous. Despite the weapons at quarterback Philip Rivers’ disposal, Williams is a much-needed asset. Williams is a big, physical receiver who’s as big of a threat on deep routes as he is over the middle. As Williams loses valuable offseason work, Rivers will be re-establishing chemistry with a completely healthy Keenan Allen. He’ll also have Dontrelle Inman, Tyrell Williams, Travis Benjamin, second-year tight end Hunter Henry and veteran Pro Bowler Antonio Gates. Williams has the talent to rise above Rivers’ slew of targets at his disposal, but his delayed preparation makes him a late-round fantasy prospect with an intriguing ceiling later in the season.
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junker-town · 7 years
2017 Fantasy football rankings: Top 20 rookies
A new year brings new players for your fantasy consideration. We take a look at the top 20 rookies for redraft leagues. Check out our full 2017 fantasy football preview draft guide!
Fantasy drafts are being organized all over the country in August. Mock drafts are in full force as fantasy players envision their ideal roster. Redraft leagues make for a new start. Keeper leagues allow for plenty of opportunities to build on the present and future. You may have your strategy figured out. You may also find that your strategy gets completely disrupted within a matter of rounds early in your draft. Either way, some of the biggest unknown commodities for fantasy drafts are the new faces in 2017: Rookies.
Until an NFL rookie takes his first steps on the field, we're working off of collegiate accomplishments, situation, and opportunity. Let’s take a look at how those elements can help or hurt the top-20 rookies ranked below:
1. Leonard Fournette, RB, Jacksonville Jaguars
The top running back off the board in the 2017 NFL draft is also the first rookie being selected by many mock drafters over the summer — and for good reason. The Jaguars struggled offensively in 2016 despite their above-average defense. The team drafted Fournette to pick up the slack that a struggling Blake Bortles gave the passing game. The Jaguars experienced a coaching overhaul throughout the 2016 season and brought on Tom Coughlin as the organization’s executive vice president shortly after.
Fournette was selected fifth overall in the draft, and he’ll be expected to serve as an offensive centerpiece for the team heading into the season. Fournette has the size, strength, and speed to make it all happen. He’s also a great blocker, which will only further encourage a lot of snaps in his rookie season. He’s been compared to the likes of Bo Jackson and Adrian Peterson. While no one should be drafting Fournette with such lofty expectations, it’s reasonable to expect low-end RB1 numbers from him out of the gate, making him the most appealing rookie in 2017.
2. Joe Mixon, RB, Cincinnati Bengals
Mixon was drafted in the second round of the NFL draft by a team that has two serviceable running backs in Giovani Bernard and Jeremy Hill. Bernard has been the more exciting back as of late but is better-suited as a change-of-pace option who excels as a receiver out of the backfield. Hill started off strong in 2014 but has settled into a pedestrian 3.7 YPC over the past two seasons. Mixon was considered a first-round talent but fell in the draft due to video emerging from his 2014 assault case. He’s also an outstanding receiver when called upon, delivering the best of both worlds that Bernard and Hill can offer on a good day. Mixon has been compared to Le’Veon Bell. Despite the backfield competition, Mixon will see a healthy workload if his talent shines when he steps foot on the field in 2017.
3. Dalvin Cook, RB, Minnesota Vikings
Cook was selected in the second round after the Vikings delivered a league-worst rushing performance in 2016. The team scooped up former Oakland Raiders running back Latavius Murray in March, but Cook is expected to be an immediate contributor for the struggling backfield in Minnesota. Cook has excellent vision and excels in the red zone. He struggled with ball security while at Florida State, and he tends to leave yards on the table at the point of contact. However, he’s a strong runner who can perform at a high level especially when his blockers are in place. Cook should see plenty of opportunity at the start of the season especially with Murray spending much of the summer recovering from offseason ankle surgery. He’s certainly worth a gamble as a low-end RB2.
4. Christian McCaffrey, RB, Carolina Panthers
McCaffrey is understandably being drafted early in many fantasy mock drafts due to his first-round pedigree. McCaffrey, selected eighth overall, will be sharing backfield duties with Jonathan Stewart, who hasn’t eclipsed 1,000 rushing yards for the team since 2009 and is now on the wrong side of 30 in age. McCaffrey has excellent vision, good hands, and excels at all gears on the ground. He leaves some room to be desired in terms of size and durability at just over 200 pounds. His PPR value takes a hit as well, as no Carolina back has managed 30 receptions over the past five seasons. His red-zone usage is also a huge question mark in Carolina. Still, McCaffrey is being drafted within the top 40 picks of many mock drafts, according to ProFootballCalculator.com. His ADP is a bit rich at the moment. In fact, McCaffrey’s presence arguably makes Stewart the better value pick as he approaches the double-digit rounds in many mock drafts. Regardless, McCaffrey is an intriguing flex option to start the season with a limited ceiling to consider in PPR formats.
5. Kareem Hunt, RB, Kansas City Chiefs
Hunt capped off his college career with an impressive 2016 season. He managed 1,475 yards rushing and 403 receiving yards along with 11 total touchdowns in his senior year. The Chiefs traded up to acquire Hunt in the third round. He’s above average in power and has impressive elusiveness for his size. Hunt will be competing with Spencer Ware, who fizzled on the back end of his 2016 season, and Charcandrick West. There’s a very good chance Hunt will be given the keys to the backfield to start the season, and the Chiefs have proved to be a team capable of producing quality running backs when the next man is called up.
6. Samaje Perine, RB, Washington
Running back Robert Kelley was a fantasy darling midseason in 2016. Kelley eventually slowed down his production, finding the end zone just twice and failing to crack 100 all-purpose yards in his final six games. Perine may be able to handle the heavy workload right out of the gate. He’s a physical downhill runner with 233 pounds behind his 5’11 stature. He’s been understandably compared to running back Michael Turner. He’s not flashy, but he can get the job done between the tackles. In fact, in terms of physicality and speed, he’s not a far cry from Kelley himself. Washington is likely bringing Perine on board in hopes of reigniting the flame Kelley offered the team’s running game in 2016. Perine will have every opportunity to maintain a sizeable workload if he can prove reliable at the pro level.
7. Corey Davis, WR, Tennessee Titans
Davis was the first wide receiver drafted in 2017. He’s the ideal all-around receiver in terms of size, speed, and route-running ability. He’s particularly gifted as a red-zone threat. Davis delivered a barrage of touchdowns for Western Michigan in 2016, finishing with a stunning total of 19. The Titans haven’t seen a wide receiver eclipse 1,000 receiving yards since 2013 (Kendall Wright). Davis should find himself in a position to make his mark early.
His size and ability drew comparisons to Eric Decker, who was coincidentally picked up by the Titans in June. While Decker’s presence takes some edge off of Davis’ ceiling in 2017, he’s still a receiver who should be considered when building your depth at the position. He has added value in keeper/dynasty leagues, as Decker’s contract is only a one-year deal. For redraft purposes, expect WR3 production from Davis especially as the season progresses.
8. Jamaal Williams, RB, Green Bay Packers
The Packers have had their share of running back woes over the past several years. The Eddie Lacy era is over, and Ty Montgomery has been working hard in the offseason to complete his transition into a full-time running back. If Montgomery can hang onto the position, Williams could be sharing time with fellow rookie running back Aaron Jones. If Montgomery can’t deliver as a three-down back, Williams has the ability to take the position. Even if Montgomery occupies the RB1 position on the team’s depth chart for the entire season, Williams could have some touchdown value. Williams is worth a late-round stash as the Packers sort out a long-term backfield solution in 2017.
9. Marlon Mack, RB, Indianapolis Colts
In 2016, a 33-year-old Frank Gore somehow managed over 1,000 yards rushing behind one of the league’s worst offensive lines. He may be on borrowed time, but Gore certainly deserves his RB1 status in Indianapolis until he begins to diminish his output. Mack was drafted in the fourth round as the Colts look to prepare for a new era in their backfield. Mack became the all-time leading rusher for USF in his junior year. It remains to be seen if Mack can be an every-down weapon as a pro, but he’ll be expected to excel in a complementary role at the very least. Mack is an intriguing late-round handcuff that could produce even with Gore on the field.
10. John Ross, WR, Cincinnati Bengals
Ross is hands down the fastest player from the 2017 draft. In fact, Ross is the fastest player to participate in the NFL Combine. He made headlines after running the 40-yard dash in a blazing 4.22 seconds. Andy Dalton isn’t a gunslinger, but he doesn’t necessarily need to be. Ross is a home run threat whenever the ball is in his hands. If the Bengals can find ways to get Ross into open space, he’ll have a very successful rookie season. With Brandon LaFell, Tyler Boyd, A.J. Green, and tight end Tyler Eifert sharing the field, it’s difficult to envision Ross delivering week-to-week reliability for fantasy owners. Ross may be more of a DFS option in the world of fantasy football for 2017, but he’s worth a WR4 stash in redraft leagues if only for his tremendous upside.
11. Joe Williams, RB, San Francisco 49ers
Carlos Hyde’s inability to stay healthy has kept him from eclipsing 1,000 rushing yards in his three-year career. He’s coming off an impressive 2016 season, averaging 4.6 yards per carry, but the team’s new head coach, Kyle Shanahan, handpicked Williams for what could signify a new direction for the San Francisco backfield. Williams has some weaknesses, particularly as a receiver. Hyde may be the better option in passing downs as a result. Regardless, Williams is a surefire bet for a respectable dose of touches in 2017. If he can improve on his ball-security issues from his college days and prove to be a competent option in the passing game, Hyde may find himself taking a backseat sooner rather than later. As of now, however, Hyde is reportedly the camp favorite to start the season.
12. OJ Howard, TE, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Rookie tight ends rarely deliver in fantasy football; Howard would be a tight end to serve as the exception. He’s a prototypical tight end in today’s NFL. At 6’6 and 251 pounds, Howard managed a 4.51 40-yard dash. His size is coupled with feet quick and light enough to resemble a wide receiver at times, with no shortage of toughness when occupying the middle of the field. Howard may end up being the best tight end drafted in 2017. Unfortunately, he may not be able to truly prove it in his rookie season. Like most tight ends fresh out of college, Howard could be difficult to trust on a week-to-week basis. When the season is over, his stats could resemble a top TE2 or low-end TE1 despite being a risk as a plug-and-play option as the season progresses. He has exceptional value in dynasty/keeper formats.
13. Zay Jones, WR, Buffalo Bills
The Tyrod Taylor era in Buffalo has yet to produce a receiver with over 60 receptions. It makes sense that the team would target Jones, who managed a whopping 158 receptions his senior year at East Carolina. While arguably a product of circumstance at East Carolina, there’s no doubt that Jones is gifted when it comes to making tough catches. Taylor and the rest of the Bills offense would be wise to lean on Jones’ skill set.
However, the Bills are coming off a league-best rushing performance in 2016. Even if Taylor starts slinging significantly more passes downfield, running back LeSean McCoy remains the favorite for checkdown passes. Jones should eventually serve as a true threat alongside wide receiver Sammy Watkins, but his number of opportunities early on remain a giant question mark. Jones is worth a late-round gamble as you round out the bench on your fantasy roster. Of course, he has added value in PPR formats.
14. D’Onta Foreman, RB, Houston Texans
Foreman led the nation with 2,048 rushing yards in his final season with the Texas Longhorns. He declared for the draft after his junior year. He has all the attributes of a workhorse running back. Unfortunately, Foreman has experienced his fair share of offseason controversy between showing up overweight in the offseason and charges of carrying a weapon and marijuana in July. His criminal charges are currently being fought and he tested negative for the drug shortly after his arrest. Foreman still has plenty of opportunity in Houston despite a semi-breakout performance from running back Lamar Miller in 2016. However, his odds of making an immediate impact as a rookie aren’t trending in the right direction for the time being. He’s a strong handcuff for Miller owners, as Alfred Blue hasn’t been able to find consistent success when called upon.
15. Alvin Kamara, RB, New Orleans Saints
Kamara may be one of the better sleeper candidates for 2017, particularly in PPR formats. Kamara, a third-round pick out of Tennessee, was targeted by coach Sean Payton because of his ability to create mismatches as both a running back and receiver. Kamara could be Payton’s attempt to find the team’s next Reggie Bush. New Orleans has a talented backfield, provided it can remain healthy. Mark Ingram and Adrian Peterson should handle the bulk of early down work, but Kamara could see a lot of action as a receiver. If the touches are there, Kamara is an exciting PPR prospect. He should be drafted in all PPR leagues in the final few rounds.
16. Curtis Samuel, WR, Carolina Panthers
Samuel was drafted by the Panthers in the second round of the draft to address the lack of speed on the roster after losing Ted Ginn Jr. to the New Orleans Saints. In his 2016 season at Ohio State, Samuel operated much like Percy Harvin did for coach Urban Meyer during his Florida days, rushing for 771 yards to go along with 865 receiving yards and 15 total touchdowns. There are a lot of mouths to feed on Carolina’s offense, but none of them has quite the skill set that Samuel does. It’s difficult to envision consistent numbers during Samuel’s rookie season, but he’s one to keep on your radar throughout the season. He’s hovering around top-five status in dynasty leagues.
17. David Njoku, TE, Cleveland Browns
The Browns traded up to select Njoku in the first round and were swift in releasing Gary Barnidge as a result. Coach Hue Jackson wanted an upgrade at the tight end position, and Njoku appears to have the tools to deliver for the team. He’s 6’4 and 246 pounds with the athleticism of a wide receiver. Njoku can line up almost anywhere. Regardless of who ends up being the signal caller in Cleveland, Njoku provides a valuable security blanket. If he can adapt quickly, Njoku should have some big weeks. Of course, with the Browns still trying to sort out their answer at quarterback, it’s difficult to sell Njoku in redraft leagues. He has a high ceiling nonetheless and is worth a look if you’re looking to incubate an extra TE behind a consistent veteran on your fantasy roster.
18. Evan Engram, TE, New York Giants
Eli Manning has plenty of targets in 2017. Odell Beckham Jr. will look for continued success, Sterling Shepard will look to build upon his respectable rookie season, and Brandon Marshall is now in the mix. This doesn’t necessarily bode well for Engram from a fantasy perspective. However, Engram’s athleticism and ability to line up all over the place made him a first-round target, which is exactly where the Giants selected him. He’ll be exciting to watch on any given week, but it’s difficult to envision any consistency for fantasy purposes, at least in his rookie season. Engram could be drafted as a TE2 if you’re looking to gamble on his rookie ceiling behind a more stable option on your fantasy roster.
19. Cooper Kupp, WR, Los Angeles Rams
Kupp may be the dark horse among the rookies of 2017. It’s tempting to round out the top 20 with a quarterback like Deshaun Watson, who will likely start for the Houston Texans at some point in 2017. However, the quarterback position is deep in fantasy as of late. It’s also worth mentioning JuJu Smith-Schuster, who will be looking to carve out a role for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but Martavis Bryant and Sammie Coates are still looking for targets behind elite fantasy receiver Antonio Brown.
The risk with Kupp, of course, is his quarterback, Jared Goff, who struggled mightily in his rookie season. Kupp leaves a lot to be desired in terms of speed at his position, but what he lacks in speed he makes up for with some of the best hands in his draft class. If he had been drafted by a team with a better quarterback, Kupp would undoubtedly be a top-10 rookie prospect in fantasy. If he proves to be a security blanket for Goff, Kupp certainly has some value in PPR formats.
20. Mike Williams, WR, Los Angeles Chargers
The biggest concern with Williams heading into the season is the fact his health is a huge question mark. He opened training camp on the active/PUP list, and it seems pretty certain he will spend at least the first six weeks on the reserve/PUP list. Chargers head coach Anthony Lynn won't rule him out for the season, but he would not commit to anything. We've left him on this list because if he can get back onto the field for at least half the season, his value in Los Angeles is tremendous. Despite the weapons at quarterback Philip Rivers’ disposal, Williams is a much-needed asset. Williams is a big, physical receiver who’s as big of a threat on deep routes as he is over the middle. As Williams loses valuable offseason work, Rivers will be re-establishing chemistry with a completely healthy Keenan Allen. He’ll also have Dontrelle Inman, Tyrell Williams, Travis Benjamin, second-year tight end Hunter Henry and veteran Pro Bowler Antonio Gates. Williams has the talent to rise above Rivers’ slew of targets at his disposal, but his delayed preparation makes him a late-round fantasy prospect with an intriguing ceiling later in the season.
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GKToday - Daily General Knowledge | Current Affairs | GK Quiz ®
GKToday is about the information you have about the current affairs. Today GK is one of the main elements of any performance test or interview. Be it a pre-schooler or a professional, general knowledge is an inevitable part of syllabus. It is primarily because one has to be aware of the surrounding and keep abreast with happenings around the world. general knowledge in hindi is important for it equips us with all the basic and necessary information. It comprises of simple information related to food, body, culture, climate and even complex information related to political holdings, country statistics, environmental concerns, global issues etc. As is important to know complete information about your field of expertise so is relevant to be aware of today’s GK. Benefits of learning from our GK Today section Latest current Affairs.
Benefits of learning from our GKToday section
One of the parameter that every organization tests its employee on. Helps you to speak and write. Helps is understanding the government policies and current affairs in hindi is also beneficial.. You are more aware of your surroundings Its a conversation starter.
Latest GKToday Current affairs
Date Current Affair More Information # # # GK for Today are described below : GST bill applied all over India from midnight today 12 am, Government praise about Bill and tells GST as economy changes in India. US defense asked India to play a larger role in providing increased and coordinated defence-related support to war-torn Afghanistan. One woman dies in the encounter between security forces and militants in Anantnag, Kasmir. Digital and satellite technology will be used by Uttar Pradesh Government to keep an eye on overloaded vehicles in Uttar Pradesh In open gunfire, by a former employee in New York busiest hospital the Bronx takes one doctor's life and six injured. Big announcements for US colleges, Now professors and students carry guns legally at the campus. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of central Ecuador on Friday. Senior IPS officer R K Pachnanda took charge as the chief of the Indo-China border guarding force ITBP on Friday. US President Donald Trump gives threat to North Korea, Now patience is over on its behavior. Mini autonomous police cars paired with companion drones and facial recognition technology joins Dubai police force in its new recruitment. GKtoday for Yesterday Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Telangana is named in honor among one of the eight winners this year for his role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases. In Washington, Lawyers and rights activists took up positions at major US airports as a weakened version of US President Donald Trump's travel ban took effect late Thursday.  Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in Berlin. Now traders Madhya Pradesh and Ghaziabad in UP, on Friday observed a shutdown and protest against some provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rollout from 1st of July. The Amarnath yatra has been suspended today from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal after heavy rainfall in this area. The Foreign Ministery of India said they are deeply concerned about recent China's behavior in Sikkim sector. GST also effect on two-wheelers market in India once Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented from 1 July 2017, but only marginally China reacts outraged and in anger on Over $1 Billion costs Arms selling to Taiwan under the administration of Donald Trump by the US. US-backed forces cut off the last escape route for the Islamic State group from Raqa, that is calling big success against ISIS.  India's busiest and Mumbai's famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) gets a new name today, It will be known as  Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji 'Maharaj' Terminus. In new rules and regulations, from 1st July after GST applies, Adhaar card must be linked to taxpayer Pan Card. India becomes the first country to contribute $ 1,00,000 to UN tax fund, which aims to supports support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation. Election Commission announced Vice-presidential election dates, Last date for filing nomination is July 18 and result on 5 August. US President Trump released announcement to meet South Korean President to talk on three critical issues, North Korea, China and the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea. PM Modi started the two-day visit of Gujrat state, this is PM's 5th visit in the state before Gujrat assembly election in the end of this year. The Australian police charged Pope Francis' chief financial adviser and a top Vatican cardinal George Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault. The government has given 'in principle' approval for privatization of Air India, which is reeling under Rs 52,000 crore debt. Today GSAT-17 is the 21st satellite going to launched from ISRO by Arianespace, and it's designed in-orbit operational life is about 15 years. From reports, 4 more arrested from Haryana, in the killing of Muslim teen inside the train in Faridabad. The campaign #NotInMyName successfully gathered thousands of youth and peoples across cities to protest against lynching. Previous Day GKtoday is as follows :  One of the men convicted of carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Mustafa Dossa died today. Dossa died, likely of a cardiac arrest, at 2.30 pm today at Mumbai's JJ Hospital. West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee slams on Central Government on push GST bill on 1st of July. On Nathu La pass closure, China says India to blame for border row. On Hizbul Mujahiddin chief Syed Salahuddin, China defends Pakistan after targeting by In dia and US announcements.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana tomorrow Situations going harder in Mumbai, after continuing rainfall in the city, water logging is a big headache for BMC. Over the last three months, an astonishing number of 22 farmers committed suicide in Telangana. In Jharkhand, Usman Ansari was attacked after some villagers found the dead cow outside his house in Beria Hatiatand village in Deori area of Giridih district. Meira Kumar filed her nomination today for The Presidency Election today, came along with Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns back India after his three-nation tour to Portugal, US and Netherlands today. PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump announced to finish radical Islamic terror all over the world together, after meeting at White House. US Defence administration declares Pakistan sheltered 'Hizbul Mujaheddin chief Syed Salahuddin' as an International /Global terrorist. China confirms it has closed Nathu La pass and stopped entry for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims after a standoff between Indian and Chinese soldiers.  PM Modi invited Donald Trump's daughter 'Ivanka Trump' to lead US Delegation to global internship summit in India. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath advised their MLA's to adopt schools which are in miserable conditions to reorganize education system in the state.  J.K. Rowling's character 'Harry Potter' completes his 20 years on 26 June 2017. White House feared 'Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack and warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pay a heavy price for it. PM Narendra Modi at his final stage of 3 nations tour, leaves for Netherlands after a successful trip to the US. MP police take back off on sedition charges in Champions Trophy case against 15 youths.  After meeting with PM Narendra Modi is praised by Google CEO Sunder Pichai for GST roll out on Ist of july all over India. Today, both PM Modi and President Mukherjee greeted Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr. Trump Organisation coming in India to double real estate empire with new deal includes two new projects in Gurgaon. A $2 billion deal to supply unarmed drones to India could be announced later this evening, in PM Modi and US President Donald Trump's meeting. 10 Civilians injured after Eid Prayer, Protest and clash occur in Kashmir between security forces and civilians & stone pelters. More than 140 peoples killed before Eid in petrol tanker blast in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Maharashtra CM Fadnavis announced to give relief to state farmers in debt of Rs. 3600 crores. 2 terrorists killed in the encounter, holed up in DPS Srinagar, which is involved in the attack on CRPF patrolling team. Indi beats West Indies by 105 runs in 2nd one day International on West Indies tour series Jagannath Yatra begins on Sunday, one of the major festival of Hindu community. Rescue operation successful of 55 students trapped at Devkund waterfalls near Bhira village some 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The government headed to clear a proposal to set up world class Airport in Greater Noida, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority notified 3,000 hectares land. The monsoon session of Parliament will commence on July 17 to 11 August, starting with the voting day of the Presidential election. Sajad Bhat, the SP of North Srinagar, was transferred after Thursday night's horrific lynching of Deputy SP Ayub Pandit. landslide in China, Moutain fell onto the village of Xinmo, more than 100 people may be buried. PM Narendra today flys off for three-nation tour and going to become the first leader to meet Donald Trump for White House Dinner. Separatist leader Yaseen Malik arrested in Srinagar, he has spearheaded the separatist resistance in the Kashmir Valley for over a year. More than 62 people killed and 100 injured in three bomb blasts in Pakistan before Eid. United Nations awarded WestBengal CM Mamta Banerjee for her project on girl child empowerment- Kanyashree. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced, he is likely to be succeeded by one of his top lieutenant Saddam Era Officer. Madhya Pradesh minister Narrottam Mishra is disqualified by poll panel for his corrupt practices and paid news during 2008. gk in hindi is very important Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several top leaders from NDA accompanied NDA's Presidency Candidate Ram Nath Kovid when he filed three sets of nomination paper today. Arab countries give Doha 10 days to comply 13 demands list handed over to Katar by Kuwait to end the crisis. From reports, India has successfully launched Cartosat-2 series and 30 co-passenger satellites. This operation is done by ISRO from with its rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). According to US Official, North Korea did another test of a rocket engine, after the US pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ayyub Pandit was beaten by the mob outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar to death. US government approved 22 Guardian drones to India, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit to the United States. Keep visiting gktoday current affairs section for all the latest information. Indian Arny started 'Operation - All Out' in Kashmir to finish every single militant in Jammu & Kashmir, master plan revealed. From reports, Kulbhushan Yadav filed the mercy petition before Pakistan army chief to spare his life on compassionate grounds. In Madhya Pradesh,  four more farmers committed suicide in last 24 hours, Government still silence. NIA tracking 80 Bangladeshi women, suspected in Fake currency racket in Agra and Firozabad with a team of West Bengal police. North Korea again hits the tension bar calling US President Donald Trump A" psychopath". According to the reports, India likely to surpass China's population by 2024 with 1.34 billion people. Three LeT militants were killed today in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir's Pulwama district. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced to support BJP Presidential Candidate "Ram Nath Kovind". The big unemployment crisis is seen in Haryana, for 92 Peon posts applications called for university 20 to 22 thousand applicants applied included "MBA's, BEd'd, JBT's line up. In preparations for 2020 Assembly election in Delhi, Manoj Tiwari going on Delhi CM ambitions. The government had allowed banks to exchange junk old currency note from RBI, till 20 July 2017.  To get cash benefits, Government announced TB patient must have enrolled with Adhaar card. To get gktoday pdf free download click here In the role of defense manufacturing under the "Make in India" imitative Defence Minister Jaitley addressed the forum on and the potential for India-Russia partnerships within this framework. Tata group Chairman  N Chandrasekaran indicated that TATA's may buy debt-ridden Air India in partnership with Singapore airlines. Due to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh, more than 170 people killed and 4500 displaced. Also, the possibility of further rains and landslides reporting. PM Narendra Modi shared the stage with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on International Yoga day celebrating in Lucknow. Over 50,000 peoples gathered in Lucknow to attend Yoga day with Prime Minister Modi, also thousands of people expected to gather in Connaught place Delhi. In a joint operation of Army and security forces, two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have been killed in an encounter in North Kashmir. The US military official confirmed that it killed Turki al-Binali, a top Islamic State cleric, on31 May in operation against ISIS. In Maharastra, Thane crime branch sealed 11 petrol pumps using electronic chips to siphon off petrol. Activists say Punjab state government, in order to allow highway hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces to serve liquor, has decided may amount to contempt of courts. In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal and cabinet approves 6350 CCTV's for buses, ensure a sense of security in the minds of women commuters. Retired Justice Karnan arrested by police from gktoday Coimbatore after evading arrest since 9th of may. In meeting with US President Donald Trump next week, Narendra Modi indicates to discuss H-1B visa issue for a review. Congress-led opposition heading meeting to field its own candidate against NDA's President pick Ram Nath Kovind. On Wednesday, World Yoga Day is going to celebrate all over the world.One thousand Chinese yoga practitioners will celebrate the International Yoga Day in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. Horrible incident in Gurgaon, the woman kidnapped and gang-raped in moving the car and thrown out in Greater Noida. Now Delhi University sports quota trails going to be changed.  40% of the weight age will be given to certificate and 60% to the performance of the candidate. Only four days left before the release of Delhi University first Cut-Off list for admission. More than students, parents feeling anxiety now. Delhi is facing worst in Chikungunya and Dengue cases, recently 59 cases of malaria, 105 cases of Chikungunya and 50 cases of dengue from January 1 to June 17. Nitish Kumar announced  "Bihar won't participate in International Yoga Day, as it is going to be a publicity stunt. In AIIMS case, Health Ministry's clean chit puts the probe into Rs 7000 crore scam in jeopardy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced GST launch on 30 June with special midnight session in Parliament. Tea re working on gktoday in hindi also Now F-16 fighter planes are going to develop in India. Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with Ind.ia's Tata Advanced Systems to start this project in India. Pakistan lifts the cup after beating I.ndia by 180 runs in Champions Trophy Finals. Tarik Fateh and Cricketer Gautam Gambhir slams upon Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his supporters which are celebrating the defeat of Indian Cricket team against Pakistan. Today BJP parliamentary board going to finalize Presidential Nominee after taking call on NDA's presidential candidate. A Syrian army jet is shot down by US warplane on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside, Syria. British police released new photos and presumed, at least 58 killed in Grenfell Tower fire in London. Aspirants were also asked questions related to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), 'Vidyanjali Yojana' and 'Smart India Hackathon' in UPSC preliminary exams 2017. Union cabinet likely to discuss on revised allowances this week in 7th pay commission. New ransomware attack threat, may be Wannacry ransomware hits Indi.a and Central govt. portals. US President Donald Trump confirmed that he was being investigated for firing former FBI director James Comey. Darjeeling fire reaches Delhi, Hundreds of Gorkhas gathered at Jantar Mantar with national flags and banners and protest against West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee'. Kochi Metro started from today, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated new metro line and takes a ride with 'Metro Man' Shreedharan. Famous Oscar winner director for Rocky Movie 'Jhon Avildson' dies at 81 years. Mayawati brother 'Anand Kumar' is also in Income tax department radar, may have acquired Benami assets of worth 3,000 crores. In Presidential Elections 'Metro Man - E Shreedharan' is also in top choice in news channels polls. 6 policeman killed in militants attacks in Anantnag, Kashmir. Laskar-e-taiba takes responsibility after these attacks. Collides off with US Navy Destroyer and Japanese merchant ship. Seven crew member are missing. Supreme Court decided to re- open four more courting, after ending of summer break on the campus. Army deployed outside Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha in Darjling after the clash with government security personnel. On Black money, Switzerland agrees to share information about the automatic exchange of accounts with the Indian government in 2019. PM Narendra Modi added single day visit to Portugal and Netherlands in his US Tour. Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli creates a record to get fastest 8000 Runs in one-day international Cricket. He crossed 8000 Runs mark in daytodaygk just his 175th innings. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, passed away at the age of 95 years. He was the first who introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). The Assembly of United Nations permitted to create the new United Nation's Office to help members to implement UN's strategy of Counter Global terrorism To study black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts China launched its first X-ray space telescope.  TADA Court finds Abu Salem and five others guilty in 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, Abdul Qayyum is acquitted by the court. Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav blamed media and journalist going biased against Lalu Prasad Yadav in Source of income case. Russian Defence Ministry said they are checking information about ISIS chief Baghdadi may have killed in their Air strikes near Rakka in Syria. CBI team visit Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's home to investigate a case about Arvind Kejriwal's Talk to AK media campaign, Statement recorded. Another Lashkar Top commander Junaid Mattoo killed in the joint operation of Army and security forces in Anantnag, Kashmir. Telangana ACb recovers assets of Rs 10 crore in land scam case from suspended Registrar of Telangana revenue department 'T.V. Ramesh Chander Reddy'. Post the Language dictate of West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee', the protests in Darjeeling have intensified. The Supreme Court has lifted a Madras HC order, allowing CBSE to declare results of NEET for gktoday current affairs quiz 2017. Pakistan violates ceasefire in along the LOC at Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu &* Kashmir once again. Prime Minister announced the visit to the US on June 25-26 to meet American President Donal Trump. French President Emmanuel Macron's party set for the huge Parliamentary majority and wins 445 out of 557 seats. The government has proposed to the Supreme Court an NEET-like examination to recruit judges to the lower judiciary. One of the Renowned Telugu poet and writer Sir 'Cingireddi Narayana Reddy' has passed away. He was bornJuly 29, 1931. In 1992, Reddy was awarded the country’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan. general knowledge questions and answers pdf can also be downloaded. The Ministry of Law and Justice has launched the ‘Tele-Law’ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has defeated Swiss third-seeded Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 to win his record 10th French Open title. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have featured in the top 200 global universities. Any job seeker must be up-to-date with the gktoday current affairs quiz and issues of national concern. This is because top recruiters are looking for people who are smart, well learned, educated, passionate, confident and most importantly aware. They want a complete package and if you have good general knowledge in today's world then you are certain to score better. You can increase your basic general knowledge by keep visiting this page. GKtoday quiz is fodder for your brain as constant thirst for knowledge keeps your brain active and one thing which changes every day is news or happenings in country or world. It also improves your communication skills as you have more vocabulary and information. You can only speak or write at length if you know about the subject. It also helps you connect with people anywhere you go, as you know something about everything. It also helps in improving your creative side, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities as you read about new inventions, discoveries, new measures and also policies to tackle a particular issue. The bottom line is that one standard knowledge that will help you ace all qualifying tests, interviews and exams is general knowledge. So start early, start now, as new information is added and updated worldwide every minute. We are preparing current affairs in hindi question answer also. We at naukribatao can help your with gk questions which you can solve and prepare for your interview or examination. General knowledge questions are also available in pdf format which can be downloaded daily. To keep yourself updated with current affairs keep visiting our website and gain knowledge as much as possible. Click to Post
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GKToday - Daily General Knowledge | Current Affairs | GK Quiz ®
GKToday is about the information you have about the current affairs. Today GK is one of the main elements of any performance test or interview. Be it a pre-schooler or a professional, general knowledge is an inevitable part of syllabus. It is primarily because one has to be aware of the surrounding and keep abreast with happenings around the world. general knowledge in hindi is important for it equips us with all the basic and necessary information. It comprises of simple information related to food, body, culture, climate and even complex information related to political holdings, country statistics, environmental concerns, global issues etc. As is important to know complete information about your field of expertise so is relevant to be aware of today’s GK. Benefits of learning from our GK Today section Latest current Affairs.
Benefits of learning from our GKToday section
One of the parameter that every organization tests its employee on. Helps you to speak and write. Helps is understanding the government policies and current affairs in hindi is also beneficial.. You are more aware of your surroundings Its a conversation starter.
Latest GKToday Current affairs
GK for Today are described below : GST bill applied all over India from midnight today 12 am, Government praise about Bill and tells GST as economy changes in India. US defense asked India to play a larger role in providing increased and coordinated defence-related support to war-torn Afghanistan. One woman dies in the encounter between security forces and militants in Anantnag, Kasmir. Digital and satellite technology will be used by Uttar Pradesh Government to keep an eye on overloaded vehicles in Uttar Pradesh In open gunfire, by a former employee in New York busiest hospital the Bronx takes one doctor's life and six injured. Big announcements for US colleges, Now professors and students carry guns legally at the campus. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of central Ecuador on Friday. Senior IPS officer R K Pachnanda took charge as the chief of the Indo-China border guarding force ITBP on Friday. US President Donald Trump gives threat to North Korea, Now patience is over on its behavior. Mini autonomous police cars paired with companion drones and facial recognition technology joins Dubai police force in its new recruitment. GKtoday for Yesterday Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Telangana is named in honor among one of the eight winners this year for his role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases. In Washington, Lawyers and rights activists took up positions at major US airports as a weakened version of US President Donald Trump's travel ban took effect late Thursday.  Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in Berlin. Now traders Madhya Pradesh and Ghaziabad in UP, on Friday observed a shutdown and protest against some provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rollout from 1st of July. The Amarnath yatra has been suspended today from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal after heavy rainfall in this area. The Foreign Ministery of India said they are deeply concerned about recent China's behavior in Sikkim sector. GST also effect on two-wheelers market in India once Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented from 1 July 2017, but only marginally China reacts outraged and in anger on Over $1 Billion costs Arms selling to Taiwan under the administration of Donald Trump by the US. US-backed forces cut off the last escape route for the Islamic State group from Raqa, that is calling big success against ISIS.  India's busiest and Mumbai's famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) gets a new name today, It will be known as  Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji 'Maharaj' Terminus. In new rules and regulations, from 1st July after GST applies, Adhaar card must be linked to taxpayer Pan Card. India becomes the first country to contribute $ 1,00,000 to UN tax fund, which aims to supports support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation. Election Commission announced Vice-presidential election dates, Last date for filing nomination is July 18 and result on 5 August. US President Trump released announcement to meet South Korean President to talk on three critical issues, North Korea, China and the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea. PM Modi started the two-day visit of Gujrat state, this is PM's 5th visit in the state before Gujrat assembly election in the end of this year. The Australian police charged Pope Francis' chief financial adviser and a top Vatican cardinal George Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault. The government has given 'in principle' approval for privatization of Air India, which is reeling under Rs 52,000 crore debt. Today GSAT-17 is the 21st satellite going to launched from ISRO by Arianespace, and it's designed in-orbit operational life is about 15 years. From reports, 4 more arrested from Haryana, in the killing of Muslim teen inside the train in Faridabad. The campaign #NotInMyName successfully gathered thousands of youth and peoples across cities to protest against lynching. Previous Day GKtoday is as follows :  One of the men convicted of carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Mustafa Dossa died today. Dossa died, likely of a cardiac arrest, at 2.30 pm today at Mumbai's JJ Hospital. West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee slams on Central Government on push GST bill on 1st of July. On Nathu La pass closure, China says India to blame for border row. On Hizbul Mujahiddin chief Syed Salahuddin, China defends Pakistan after targeting by In dia and US announcements.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana tomorrow Situations going harder in Mumbai, after continuing rainfall in the city, water logging is a big headache for BMC. Over the last three months, an astonishing number of 22 farmers committed suicide in Telangana. In Jharkhand, Usman Ansari was attacked after some villagers found the dead cow outside his house in Beria Hatiatand village in Deori area of Giridih district. Meira Kumar filed her nomination today for The Presidency Election today, came along with Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns back India after his three-nation tour to Portugal, US and Netherlands today. PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump announced to finish radical Islamic terror all over the world together, after meeting at White House. US Defence administration declares Pakistan sheltered 'Hizbul Mujaheddin chief Syed Salahuddin' as an International /Global terrorist. China confirms it has closed Nathu La pass and stopped entry for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims after a standoff between Indian and Chinese soldiers.  PM Modi invited Donald Trump's daughter 'Ivanka Trump' to lead US Delegation to global internship summit in India. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath advised their MLA's to adopt schools which are in miserable conditions to reorganize education system in the state.  J.K. Rowling's character 'Harry Potter' completes his 20 years on 26 June 2017. White House feared 'Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack and warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pay a heavy price for it. PM Narendra Modi at his final stage of 3 nations tour, leaves for Netherlands after a successful trip to the US. MP police take back off on sedition charges in Champions Trophy case against 15 youths.  After meeting with PM Narendra Modi is praised by Google CEO Sunder Pichai for GST roll out on Ist of july all over India. Today, both PM Modi and President Mukherjee greeted Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr. Trump Organisation coming in India to double real estate empire with new deal includes two new projects in Gurgaon. A $2 billion deal to supply unarmed drones to India could be announced later this evening, in PM Modi and US President Donald Trump's meeting. 10 Civilians injured after Eid Prayer, Protest and clash occur in Kashmir between security forces and civilians & stone pelters. More than 140 peoples killed before Eid in petrol tanker blast in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Maharashtra CM Fadnavis announced to give relief to state farmers in debt of Rs. 3600 crores. 2 terrorists killed in the encounter, holed up in DPS Srinagar, which is involved in the attack on CRPF patrolling team. Indi beats West Indies by 105 runs in 2nd one day International on West Indies tour series Jagannath Yatra begins on Sunday, one of the major festival of Hindu community. Rescue operation successful of 55 students trapped at Devkund waterfalls near Bhira village some 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The government headed to clear a proposal to set up world class Airport in Greater Noida, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority notified 3,000 hectares land. The monsoon session of Parliament will commence on July 17 to 11 August, starting with the voting day of the Presidential election. Sajad Bhat, the SP of North Srinagar, was transferred after Thursday night's horrific lynching of Deputy SP Ayub Pandit. landslide in China, Moutain fell onto the village of Xinmo, more than 100 people may be buried. PM Narendra today flys off for three-nation tour and going to become the first leader to meet Donald Trump for White House Dinner. Separatist leader Yaseen Malik arrested in Srinagar, he has spearheaded the separatist resistance in the Kashmir Valley for over a year. More than 62 people killed and 100 injured in three bomb blasts in Pakistan before Eid. United Nations awarded WestBengal CM Mamta Banerjee for her project on girl child empowerment- Kanyashree. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced, he is likely to be succeeded by one of his top lieutenant Saddam Era Officer. Madhya Pradesh minister Narrottam Mishra is disqualified by poll panel for his corrupt practices and paid news during 2008. gk in hindi is very important Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several top leaders from NDA accompanied NDA's Presidency Candidate Ram Nath Kovid when he filed three sets of nomination paper today. Arab countries give Doha 10 days to comply 13 demands list handed over to Katar by Kuwait to end the crisis. From reports, India has successfully launched Cartosat-2 series and 30 co-passenger satellites. This operation is done by ISRO from with its rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). According to US Official, North Korea did another test of a rocket engine, after the US pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ayyub Pandit was beaten by the mob outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar to death. US government approved 22 Guardian drones to India, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit to the United States. Keep visiting gktoday current affairs section for all the latest information. Indian Arny started 'Operation - All Out' in Kashmir to finish every single militant in Jammu & Kashmir, master plan revealed. From reports, Kulbhushan Yadav filed the mercy petition before Pakistan army chief to spare his life on compassionate grounds. In Madhya Pradesh,  four more farmers committed suicide in last 24 hours, Government still silence. NIA tracking 80 Bangladeshi women, suspected in Fake currency racket in Agra and Firozabad with a team of West Bengal police. North Korea again hits the tension bar calling US President Donald Trump A" psychopath". According to the reports, India likely to surpass China's population by 2024 with 1.34 billion people. Three LeT militants were killed today in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir's Pulwama district. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced to support BJP Presidential Candidate "Ram Nath Kovind". The big unemployment crisis is seen in Haryana, for 92 Peon posts applications called for university 20 to 22 thousand applicants applied included "MBA's, BEd'd, JBT's line up. In preparations for 2020 Assembly election in Delhi, Manoj Tiwari going on Delhi CM ambitions. The government had allowed banks to exchange junk old currency note from RBI, till 20 July 2017.  To get cash benefits, Government announced TB patient must have enrolled with Adhaar card. To get gktoday pdf free download click here In the role of defense manufacturing under the "Make in India" imitative Defence Minister Jaitley addressed the forum on and the potential for India-Russia partnerships within this framework. Tata group Chairman  N Chandrasekaran indicated that TATA's may buy debt-ridden Air India in partnership with Singapore airlines. Due to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh, more than 170 people killed and 4500 displaced. Also, the possibility of further rains and landslides reporting. PM Narendra Modi shared the stage with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on International Yoga day celebrating in Lucknow. Over 50,000 peoples gathered in Lucknow to attend Yoga day with Prime Minister Modi, also thousands of people expected to gather in Connaught place Delhi. In a joint operation of Army and security forces, two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have been killed in an encounter in North Kashmir. The US military official confirmed that it killed Turki al-Binali, a top Islamic State cleric, on31 May in operation against ISIS. In Maharastra, Thane crime branch sealed 11 petrol pumps using electronic chips to siphon off petrol. Activists say Punjab state government, in order to allow highway hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces to serve liquor, has decided may amount to contempt of courts. In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal and cabinet approves 6350 CCTV's for buses, ensure a sense of security in the minds of women commuters. Retired Justice Karnan arrested by police from gktoday Coimbatore after evading arrest since 9th of may. In meeting with US President Donald Trump next week, Narendra Modi indicates to discuss H-1B visa issue for a review. Congress-led opposition heading meeting to field its own candidate against NDA's President pick Ram Nath Kovind. On Wednesday, World Yoga Day is going to celebrate all over the world.One thousand Chinese yoga practitioners will celebrate the International Yoga Day in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. Horrible incident in Gurgaon, the woman kidnapped and gang-raped in moving the car and thrown out in Greater Noida. Now Delhi University sports quota trails going to be changed.  40% of the weight age will be given to certificate and 60% to the performance of the candidate. Only four days left before the release of Delhi University first Cut-Off list for admission. More than students, parents feeling anxiety now. Delhi is facing worst in Chikungunya and Dengue cases, recently 59 cases of malaria, 105 cases of Chikungunya and 50 cases of dengue from January 1 to June 17. Nitish Kumar announced  "Bihar won't participate in International Yoga Day, as it is going to be a publicity stunt. In AIIMS case, Health Ministry's clean chit puts the probe into Rs 7000 crore scam in jeopardy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced GST launch on 30 June with special midnight session in Parliament. Tea re working on gktoday in hindi also Now F-16 fighter planes are going to develop in India. Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with Ind.ia's Tata Advanced Systems to start this project in India. Pakistan lifts the cup after beating I.ndia by 180 runs in Champions Trophy Finals. Tarik Fateh and Cricketer Gautam Gambhir slams upon Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his supporters which are celebrating the defeat of Indian Cricket team against Pakistan. Today BJP parliamentary board going to finalize Presidential Nominee after taking call on NDA's presidential candidate. A Syrian army jet is shot down by US warplane on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside, Syria. British police released new photos and presumed, at least 58 killed in Grenfell Tower fire in London. Aspirants were also asked questions related to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), 'Vidyanjali Yojana' and 'Smart India Hackathon' in UPSC preliminary exams 2017. Union cabinet likely to discuss on revised allowances this week in 7th pay commission. New ransomware attack threat, may be Wannacry ransomware hits Indi.a and Central govt. portals. US President Donald Trump confirmed that he was being investigated for firing former FBI director James Comey. Darjeeling fire reaches Delhi, Hundreds of Gorkhas gathered at Jantar Mantar with national flags and banners and protest against West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee'. Kochi Metro started from today, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated new metro line and takes a ride with 'Metro Man' Shreedharan. Famous Oscar winner director for Rocky Movie 'Jhon Avildson' dies at 81 years. Mayawati brother 'Anand Kumar' is also in Income tax department radar, may have acquired Benami assets of worth 3,000 crores. In Presidential Elections 'Metro Man - E Shreedharan' is also in top choice in news channels polls. 6 policeman killed in militants attacks in Anantnag, Kashmir. Laskar-e-taiba takes responsibility after these attacks. Collides off with US Navy Destroyer and Japanese merchant ship. Seven crew member are missing. Supreme Court decided to re- open four more courting, after ending of summer break on the campus. Army deployed outside Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha in Darjling after the clash with government security personnel. On Black money, Switzerland agrees to share information about the automatic exchange of accounts with the Indian government in 2019. PM Narendra Modi added single day visit to Portugal and Netherlands in his US Tour. Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli creates a record to get fastest 8000 Runs in one-day international Cricket. He crossed 8000 Runs mark in daytodaygk just his 175th innings. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, passed away at the age of 95 years. He was the first who introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). The Assembly of United Nations permitted to create the new United Nation's Office to help members to implement UN's strategy of Counter Global terrorism To study black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts China launched its first X-ray space telescope.  TADA Court finds Abu Salem and five others guilty in 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, Abdul Qayyum is acquitted by the court. Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav blamed media and journalist going biased against Lalu Prasad Yadav in Source of income case. Russian Defence Ministry said they are checking information about ISIS chief Baghdadi may have killed in their Air strikes near Rakka in Syria. CBI team visit Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's home to investigate a case about Arvind Kejriwal's Talk to AK media campaign, Statement recorded. Another Lashkar Top commander Junaid Mattoo killed in the joint operation of Army and security forces in Anantnag, Kashmir. Telangana ACb recovers assets of Rs 10 crore in land scam case from suspended Registrar of Telangana revenue department 'T.V. Ramesh Chander Reddy'. Post the Language dictate of West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee', the protests in Darjeeling have intensified. The Supreme Court has lifted a Madras HC order, allowing CBSE to declare results of NEET for gktoday current affairs quiz 2017. Pakistan violates ceasefire in along the LOC at Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu &* Kashmir once again. Prime Minister announced the visit to the US on June 25-26 to meet American President Donal Trump. French President Emmanuel Macron's party set for the huge Parliamentary majority and wins 445 out of 557 seats. The government has proposed to the Supreme Court an NEET-like examination to recruit judges to the lower judiciary. One of the Renowned Telugu poet and writer Sir 'Cingireddi Narayana Reddy' has passed away. He was bornJuly 29, 1931. In 1992, Reddy was awarded the country’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan. general knowledge questions and answers pdf can also be downloaded. The Ministry of Law and Justice has launched the ‘Tele-Law’ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has defeated Swiss third-seeded Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 to win his record 10th French Open title. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have featured in the top 200 global universities. Any job seeker must be up-to-date with the gktoday current affairs quiz and issues of national concern. This is because top recruiters are looking for people who are smart, well learned, educated, passionate, confident and most importantly aware. They want a complete package and if you have good general knowledge in today's world then you are certain to score better. You can increase your basic general knowledge by keep visiting this page. GKtoday quiz is fodder for your brain as constant thirst for knowledge keeps your brain active and one thing which changes every day is news or happenings in country or world. It also improves your communication skills as you have more vocabulary and information. You can only speak or write at length if you know about the subject. It also helps you connect with people anywhere you go, as you know something about everything. It also helps in improving your creative side, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities as you read about new inventions, discoveries, new measures and also policies to tackle a particular issue. The bottom line is that one standard knowledge that will help you ace all qualifying tests, interviews and exams is general knowledge. So start early, start now, as new information is added and updated worldwide every minute. We are preparing current affairs in hindi question answer also. We at naukribatao can help your with gk questions which you can solve and prepare for your interview or examination. General knowledge questions are also available in pdf format which can be downloaded daily. To keep yourself updated with current affairs keep visiting our website and gain knowledge as much as possible. Click to Post
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