#both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter!
haycartsflowercarts · 2 years
My official, very serious, very professional opinion on Obi-Wan Kenobi, Part VI:
This Is The Best, There Is Nothing I Don’t Love
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freckleslikestars · 1 month
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Princess Leia Organa, you are wise, discerning and kindhearted. These are qualities that came from your mother. But you are also passionate and fearless, forthright. And these are gifts from your father. Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter.
@swsource STAR WARS WEEK
Day Three: I'll Try Spin-Offs! ↳ Obi-Wan Kenobi
Episode descriptions from IMDb, [insp: ☆★☆★ ]
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starfighters · 2 years
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Both were exceptional people, who bore an exceptional daughter.
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obiwan · 2 years
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Both were exceptional people. Who bore an exceptional daughter.  — OBI WAN KENOBI - EPISODE VI
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stuckinthesun · 1 year
Part 2
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Black suit mod!Leon x fem!Reader
Leon masterlist
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You hated these banquets, it was just a bunch of rich people trying to prove just how rich they were. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were childhood friends with the president’s daughter, you wouldn’t even be here.
Normally you wouldn’t be here, choosing to make some excuse to get out of it that Ashley would envy you for, but this dinner was an exception. It was to celebrate Ashley’s safe return home from being held hostage in Spain.
You’re here to support your friend, although she keeps being whisked away to talk to random people about her “adventure” like it was some thrilling vacation.
So here you sat, in the back of the room alone, with your own tray of champagne and a pen. What’s the pen for, you ask? Well, as you sat there, drinking and bored out of your mind, you looked down at your legs and realized something. The fishnet stockings you wore made for the perfect tic-tac-toe canvas.
And that’s how you’ve been spending the last ten minutes, playing a game of tic-tac-toe against yourself, when you hear someone clear their throat. You look up, a little sluggishly due to the alcohol in your system, and when you see who’s standing at your table, you’re eyes widen.
Leon S. Kennedy, aka the man who went all the way to Spain and saved Ashley, by himself.
You’ve met him before, briefly, when he first brought Ashley home, but you haven’t really seen him since. You were too focused on your friend to really register anything else.
But now that everything’s calmed down, and Ashley has reassured you that she’s alright, you finally take in the agent who rescued her.
And he looked… he looked good.
The man is wearing a three piece suit, the dress shirt and tie a dark grey and the outer coat a nice black, and he looked at you with amusement as he asked, “Are you playing tic-tac-toe… on your leg?”
You look down at your own leg, as if you needed to confirm that was what you were in fact doing, before looking back up at him, “And what if I am?”
Leon laughs, and it sounds so pretty that you instantly decide you need to hear it again. The man pulls out the chair next to you and sits down, “I’m not judging you, actually seems more entertaining than anything else here.”
“Ah a man with taste,” You say, and move your chair until it’s closer to his before propping your leg up on his lap, “Well then, Leon, X’s or O’s?”
Now it’s you looking at him with amusement as his eyes widen and flicker between your leg in his lap and your face, “You’re serious?”
“Very, now grab a glass and make your move.” You instruct, pushing the pen into his hand and grabbing your own glass before taking a swig.
Leon just looks at you for a moment, and then at the pen in his hand, and then your leg in his lap. You watch him with a raised eyebrow as he seems to shrug to himself, grabs a glass of champagne, down it in one go and then grab your leg, carefully drawing an X through a gap in your stockings.
You whooped a little louder than you meant to, making some of the guests nearby look at the both of you. Leon shushed you with a laugh, putting a hand over your mouth and you giggled, pleased with yourself for hearing that sound again.
Still giggling you took the pen from his grasp and looked at your leg, deciding where to place your move. Leon leaned over a little to watch as he said, “So this is gonna be really awkward since you clearly know my name-“
You let out a dramatic gasp, and look up just in time to watch him roll his eyes while fighting off a smirk, “You don’t know my name?!”
“You never-“
“You never introduced yourself!” Leon defended himself, picking up another glass of champagne, “You just thanked me, hugged me and left!”
“I was a little preoccupied,” You glare playfully, drawing an O right next to his X, “My best friend just got back from being kidnapped, remember?”
“Yeah, I’m the one that saved her, remember?” Leon leaned closer and plucked the pen from your fingers.
You leaned in closer to, “Yeah, that’s why we’re both at this stupid thing, remember?”
His hand, that had stayed respectfully on your knee since he first touched you, slid a little higher. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his fingers getting caught in your tights and his hot breath fanning your face, “So are you gonna tell me your name, or are you gonna make me guess?”
You smirk and open your mouth-
“Ahem,” The sound of someone clearing their throat startled both of you.
You and Leon jumped away from each other with lightning speed, so fast you about fell out of your chair trying to get your legs off his lap. When you looked up you saw none other than Ashley Graham herself, wearing a shit eating grin as she tried not to laugh.
“Ashley,” You greeted nonchalantly, raising an empty champagne glass toward her.
“Y/N,” Ashley said, unable to hold in a chuckle. You see Leon look at you from your peripheral and sigh, bummed you didn’t get to tell him your name yourself.
“Leon,” Ashley says then, and the agent sits up instantly, looking at the blonde girl, “My dad’s been looking for you.”
“Oh, uh,” Leon looked at you, and you looked back at him with a sad smile. He returned the smile and with a small sigh he stood up, “Right, thanks Ashley.”
“Of course, bye Leon.” Ashley smiled knowingly, and you could’ve sworn you saw the agent blush.
“Bye. It was nice to officially meet you, Y/N.” Leon said, giving you one last smile before walking away, leaving you with your friend.
“Why do you have X’s and O’s on your leg?”
…and ink on your leg.
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I found the picture on the right and just knew I had to write something
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klausysworld · 6 months
Your stories are so good!
How about a story where Klaus gets in over his head and ends up being taken captive by Augustine but falls in love with one of the scientist over the time he’s there.
(Made it the scientists daughter, not sure why? I think I read the ask wrong and then just got too deep with it. I can make another one if this wasn’t what was wanted)
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(TW:This does include physical and psychological abuse form Y/n’s father! Please don’t read if this will be too upsetting for you and know that you are not alone.)
Klaus often went into dangerous situations without much of a plan, he was immortal and he used that to his every advantage. To be fair to him, this always worked in his favour except for that one time with the hunters curse but other than that it was fine.
Until now.
He woke with a groan, his eyes felt heavy and his body was stiff. Forcefully, he forced himself to look around but his face was against the ground. With a grunt, he managed to roll onto his back. His breathing was struggled and released in puffs. A hum reached his ears and he turned his head slowly to see a man, no a vampire sat in a cage or a prison cell opposite him.
The guys clothes were filthy, bloody and muddy. Hair greasy and growing a touch long. He gave an unserious wave "congratulations, you've been captured" he cheered sarcastically and Klaus frowned. The vampire rolled his eyes "¿no hablas inglés?" he questioned "français? Italiano? Polski?" he fired, clearly bored.
"Where-" Klaus frowned at the dryness of his throat and tried to clear his throat but it caused a painful sensation "Where am I?" he asked, raspily.
"English" the man stated, nodding to himself. "Right uh you are in an experiment where they do fun little tests on us vampires because they have an undying hatred towards us" the man explained, laughing tiredly to himself when he said 'undying'.
Klaus stared at the man like he were mad. "Tests? What sort of tests?" he questioned, frustrated and the vampire shut up. He glanced behind Klaus before back to him nervously
"They're trying to make a serum to make vampires have the uncontrollable urge to feed on other vampires...to rip their heads clean off. Be stronger, unstoppable and filled with hatred for our own" he explained quietly as though someone may be listening. Klaus frowned in response and slowly dragged himself up into a sitting position against the cold wall of his cell.
Vampires who rippered other vampires? It reminded him of his father and he didn't exactly want to think of him. Nor did he want to feel this week, how much vervain had they pumped him full of? He groaned loudly and the other man hummed in agreement.
The sound of a lock went and the vampire opposite Klaus quickly got to his feet, holding onto the bars like a desperate animal.
The soft clicking of heels sounded and the mans face immediately relaxed slightly, his eyes looking eagerly for whoever was coming. Klaus was hit with a strong scent of vanilla before a soft sigh was heard and he could see the back of a women. Her hair hiding her shoulders and the top half of her lab coat. She wore small black heels and a coat.
"You okay?" she asked the guy opposite him, handing him something, blood. He could smell it and he needed it. The vampire scoffed it down immediately with a sound of pleasure.
"mm thank you darling...I don't suppose you have another for me?" he purred but she shook he head
"It's for the new one" she whispered and Klaus's senses perked. She proceeded to turn towards him and her eyes looked him over. Klaus let out a breathy laugh, this was who was supposed to be testing and torturing him? He raised both his brows and licked his chapped lips before pulling them into a smirk. In response she only rolled her eyes "those eyes won't work on many people here" she told him, she placed the paper shot glass of blood onto the floor and carefully pushed it into his cage. "You'll be known by 52836, answer to it or they’ll burn it into you so you remember it" she informed, watching him reach forward and grabbing the drink.
"This is all I get?" he questioned, his nose scrunched and his browed pulled together.
"One a day. None if you misbehave. You'll feel better tomorrow when you have less vervain in your system, until then keep quiet. 12144 will be here with you...get comfortable" she murmured, a certain sadness and level of pity in her eyes as she gave a tight lipped smile to both vampires before leaving.
12144 looked back to Klaus, "You can call me Enzo, she's called Y/n. One of the mean ones daughters, been coming down here since she was small. She doesn't mean much harm but she's too scared to go against the rules" he explained with a shrug "Sometimes she sneaks me two portions if she can. She touched me once, just a hand on the shoulder. I was far too weak to respond but I knew she was there"
Klaus stared at Enzo for a moment before glancing to his now empty cup. What the fuck did he just get himself into?
It was the question he asked himself every morning and every night. To start off with he fought back against the scientists, yelled and screamed demanding to know who they thought they were, making empty threats and hoping his family would find him.
Klaus began to feel a little pathetic, he was hoping? That wasn’t like him. He was strategic and powerful. So he tried to pay better attention. After a few weeks, he was able to understand why Y/n was so obedient. Her father was dreadful. She once suggested that Klaus needed a break after watching blood poor out of his eyes, her father proceeded to grab her and threaten to stick one of the syringes in her neck. She sprinted out the room as soon as she was let go and Klaus couldn’t blame her. It made him think of Mikael and how he would hold a sword against his throat.
He had sympathy for her, empathy too but unfortunately he had to push that aside and instead of help her, he would manipulate her.
He would ask her about the little marks on her skin knowing it was a result of her trying to help him. Enzo would shake his head and occasionally speak up, telling Klaus to leave her be when her discomfort became clear.
“I don’t mean to upset you sweetheart” Klaus murmured, his hand reaching between the bars to brush against her arm making her flinch and pull away. “You don’t deserve to be hurt. I know that, Enz- 12144, knows it too. You’re good and sweet” he told her, his hand reaching to touch her but she wouldn’t let him. “I could help you” he whispered, his eyes flicking to Enzo’s but he just looked annoyed.
Y/n shook her head and left quickly and Enzo sighed. “You shouldn’t do that to her” he mumbled “you’re only making her hopeful”
“I haven’t lied. If she were to let me out then I’d happily slaughter that father of hers. Then she’d be safe” he smile sarcastically
“I wouldn’t let you kill her too. She hasn’t done anything cruel since the first day I met her” Enzo muttered solemnly
“I don’t plan on killing her” Klaus stated simply as he looked down at the extra cup of blood she had given him. He wasn’t sure what he’d do to her but he wouldn’t kill her, scare her maybe but he didn’t really want to kill her.
The two vampires sat back down in their cells. Preparing themselves for the torture to come. Occasionally it wouldn’t come, instead they would hear the sobs of a fear stricken Y/n as she begged the ‘scientists’ to give 12144 and 52836 a day off. It was those moments that made him soften for her.
When she would come down to where they stay with trembling hands and cups of blood.
As she handed the small offering to Klaus, he slid his hand out to grab her wrist gently. She immediately flinched and dropped the blood making her breathing escalate in panic.
“It’s alright” he soothed, pulling her closer to the bars so he could put his other hand on her cheek.
“I’m sorry” she whimpered “I’ll get more”
“It doesn’t matter sweetheart” he murmured, caressing her face gently and wiping the tears away. “I had two cups yesterday anyway” he reminded and she sniffed with a nod. “Come here love, let me hold you” he whispered, tugging her closer despite the shaking of her head a the cry that left her lips. Enzo watched with furrowed brows as Klaus managed to wrap his arms around her. Y/n’s body was pressed against the bars, still shaking as the vampire caressed her back slowly. Klaus looked over her shoulder to Enzo as Y/n melted against him. With hesitancy Enzo nodded and relaxed.
After nearly a full minute, he let her go and watched as her tearful eyes looked at his. Silently she turned around and left, whispering softly to Enzo on her way out.
Said vampire narrowed his eyes at Klaus “What game are you playing with her?” He asked lowly
“We need to get out. She needs to get out. This is how we do it” he mumbles
“Make her trust you and then use her? Like that will help her. You’ll only hurt her more” he sighed and Klaus rolled his eyes, sitting back down on the dirtied floors and shutting his eyes.
Y/n tried not to look him in the eye after that and she went back to pushing the cup of blood towards him instead of handing it to him. He could tell and Enzo could tell that something deeper was wrong. And it was only when it actually happened did they understand what.
It was Klaus’s turn to be shackled down and tested on. What he wasn’t ready for was when one of the scientists came in dragging Y/n by the wrist. He forced her infront of Klaus and shoved a syringe into her hands. She shook her head and begged no but as soon as her father stepped into the room she knew she had to do it. With one devastating look to Klaus, she injected him with the substance.
They made her test his blood and his reactions all afternoon, claiming that it was a good learning opportunity and she should finally get involved in the family business.
By the time she was finished, Klaus couldn’t see nor hear, he was certain for a moment that he was finally dead but eventually he woke a few hours later back in his cell.
After that, Y/n rarely brought them blood, she couldn’t face them. And when she had to face them, it was because she had to hurt them and that was even worse for everyone.
Neither vampire blamed her, they didn’t fight her when she would touch them. They would simply let it happen and internalise as much of their pain as possible so she wouldn’t cry as much.
Occasionally the other scientists would leave and she would immediately try stop their suffering. Asking what she could do. Enzo assure her that it was fine and she would hold his hand for a small while and feed him some water. Klaus would ask her to distract him which always confused her and ended up in a splurge of rambling so that he would be able to focus on something else. The amount of random stories that girl had told him wonder if she was just making them up on the spot but he didn’t mind if she was. Often she would caress his hand or shoulder as she spoke to try and give a sense of comfort.
One day, when Klaus was supposed to still be knocked out, she was in his cell with him. She had been told to clean the blood from the floor so that it wouldn’t smell and not to worry about 52836 because he wouldn’t wake for another hour. They underestimated his strength and the fact that Y/n would try sneak extra blood.
When he woke, his eyes slowly found her. She was down on her knees, scrubbing at the ground with a sponge quickly. It was clear she was on edge. She made it clear when she glanced over to him a few times. Only one of those times did she realise he was looking back at her and when it hit her she froze.
Klaus made sure not to move either, he wasn’t sure if the cage was open or not and he didn’t know if she would scream if he moved too quickly. He watched as she slowly began to stand up, he hesitantly moved his arm out and let his hand touch her ankle. A sound left her mouth as she went still again and watched him wrap his hand around her. “Can you help me sit up?” He asked quietly and reluctantly she nodded.
He let go of her and helped push himself up as much as he could while she supported the majority of his weight. She whispered her apologies as she managed to get him up and leaning against the wall.
“Thank you sweetheart” he whispered, his hand finding hers. She swallowed thickly but held his hand and sat beside him staring at the ground blankly.
Enzo was in the other room, being tested on as usual so Klaus had her to himself for a moment.
His eyes flicked to the lock of the cell, it was open and he knew that if he drained Y/n now that he would make it out. He felt her shuffle a little close to that she could transfer some of her body heat to his, and sighed to himself. Slowly he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “You’re not like them” he whispered, holding her closer.
“I don’t want to hurt you” she whispered sadly and he closed his eyes, cursing himself silently.
“I don’t want to hurt you either” he uttered “I’m sorry” he told her, just before lowering his head and sinking his teeth into her neck. He squeezed his eyes shut to try block out her cry of pain and confusion. Her blood burned down his throat with the vervain she’d ingested but regardless of the toxic herb, he could still feel his strength returning. Her hands desperately tried to push him off, sobs echoing through his cell as he drank. Klaus tried to be a gentle as he could but her squirming made it so difficult.
When her heart began to slow, and her her breathing quietened, he pulled his mouth off. She looked up at him with a look that could only be described as betrayal and fear. Still, he picked her up in his arms and kissed her head “it’ll be okay my love” he whispered, carrying her with him as he pushed the cell gate open. “I’ll be back” he promised, putting her on the ground, ignoring her cries as he went into the torture room.
After draining the three scientists in the room and tearing the shackles off of Enzo, he came back and picked up Y/n. Enzo was furious and took her straight off of Klaus, promising her that he had no idea this was what would happen.
The three of them managed to escape the building and Klaus broke into a random car, beckoning Enzo with Y/n into the back as he managed to get it started.
He glanced in the rear view mirror as Enzo stroked Y/n’s hair while she shook and cried and asked if her father was still alive.
Klaus’s eyes met Enzo’s in the mirror as he stepped on the gas. Neither had any idea what to do now.
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bladesrunner · 2 years
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Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter. I wish I could tell you more.
OBI WAN KENOBI | 1x06 "Part VI"
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daemonsdarksister · 2 years
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Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter 🤍
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
what used to be mine |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: gina finds out that you and eddie got married.
age gap relationship. everything is consensual. set a few years after the initial series so the reader is 29 and Eddie is 45.
gina is eddie’s ex. brielle is his daughter with gina.
contains: older!eddie, dilf!eddie, language, gina, jealousy
Gina sat on the couch, coffee steaming on the table beside her, phone held lazily in her hand as she scrolled mindlessly through her phone. She could hear her mother's voice nagging her in the back of her mind, telling her she was so obsessed with other people'd lives, and maybe that's why she was so bored in her own. But Gina didn't care. She had to look, to be in the know.
Everything was typical, scrolling bored past the birthday posts, memes, and other updates about people she didn’t give two shits about on Facebook.
Then Gina saw it.
She stopped, eyes widening in disbelief.
Brielle Jo Munson was tagged in a photo!
Some person Gina didn’t recognize- someone who didn’t have her blocked like most of Eddie’s friends did- shared a string of photos, the caption reading.
‘Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Munson! Wishing you both a lifetime of joy and happiness!’
There were the photos, Eddie and her walking down the aisle, some trendy, aesthetic venue. Her dress was stunning, and fit her like a glove. Gina gaped, scrolling, seeing Brielle in her bridesmaids dress, walking beside them, posing in photos with guest. Even having a dance with Eddie.
But none of that compared to the unexplainable rage that Gina felt when she saw the last picture. Eddie and her, he had her dipped down, a classic pose for a kiss, others waving sparklers for a photo op. Gina zoomed in, a stranger gasp leaving her lungs, heart rate rising, hammering in her chest.
The ring.
When Gina and Eddie had gotten married, he’d saved up and gone to a pawn shop, getting the best ring he could buy. A tiny diamond that she snarled at when he presented it to her- he’d worked countless hours overtime, even going back to giving guitar lessons and a night shift as a janitor at the plant to afford it. He’d promised her it was just until he could get a better one. They didn’t make it long enough for that to happen.
Though they weren’t together long, they were together long enough that Gina knew how close Eddie was to his mom before she passed. She’d seen the pictures at Wayne’s, and the one's Eddie kept in his wallet. She'd heard the stories, bittersweet and endearing. They'd even made Brielle's middle name Jo, in memory of departed and beloved Josephine. 
Most importantly, she’d seen the ring- the ring he didn’t give her. His mother’s wedding ring, diamond cut and small. It was her mother’s before her, and her grandmother before that. Passed down to Eddie, a little under a carat, and on a dainty gold band. It was special. Eddie guarded it and protected it like Gollum, refusing to even take it out of the safe at Wayne’s except to show her once.
And there it was. On her finger.
Gina didn’t even register what she was doing until Henry came running in, frightened and concerned.
Gina screamed, hurt and angry, her chest heaving and cries spilling out with rage. She’d thrown her phone, leaving a dent in the wall where it landed. Pulling at her hair, she saw red, her vision blurring and dark.
Henry’s voice sounded distant, he was terrified. “Gina, honey, what-“
Gina rocked herself, deep heavy breaths that only fueled her rage, gas to a fire.
How could her have given her the ring? The ring that was hers! She had his child, and- Oh, that child- their child. Brielle. How could her daughter, her own fuckin’ flesh and blood, do this to her? Let her be blindsided like this! She could’ve talked to him! Convinced Eddie not to do it, she could convince him of anything. He didn’t love her. No, he couldn’t.
He loved Gina, Gina was sure of it.
Well, until those pictures. The love in his eyes, on everyone’s face. The fact that Eddie even had a wedding that big.
He never wanted that with Gina.
They’d had a shambled, put together wedding at the Hideout- the fuckin’ Hideout. Gina's parents hadn’t even showed up, and Jeff and Gareth were telling Eddie not to go through with it moments before she walked down the aisle. Brielle was in a carrier next to Wayne, and Gina had to leave to pump after the ceremony.
No one looked at them like that. Congratulated them, celebrated them.
Gina felt surges of jealousy, hurt, anger tear through her. She pushed past Henry and his rambling, scrambling to find her phone.
She picked it up, ignoring the crack down the middle from where she’d thrown it, clicking Brielle’s name.
The line rang, and rang, and rang.
“Hi, this is Brielle. I can’t get to my phone right now, but-“
Gina growled, huffing angrily as she hung up. Of course Brielle didn't answer. She hadn't in nearly two weeks. Gina twisted her lips furiously, pacing back and forth in the living room. She clicked on Eddie’s name, gripping the phone in a white-knuckled vice.
He picked up on the third ring.
“Yes, Gina?” Eddie sounded tired, annoyed already.
Gina laughed humorlessly. “You stupid, stupid fucker!” She roared.
Eddie winced, pulling the phone back. The two of you were packing for your honeymoon. You looked up, brows furrowed in confusion.
“How dare you? How fuckin’ dare you?” Gina boomed.
“You get married, and you don’t tell me?” Gina screamed so loudly, static filled on the other end.
“It’s really not your business.” Eddie snapped. “You didn’t tell me when you and Henry-“
“Oh, don’t you dare.” Gina seethed. “Brielle told you, you sick fucker! Where is my baby, huh? What did you do to her?”
Eddie blinked, confused. “What?” He asked. “Gina, what are you talkin’ about?”
Gina scoffed. “My daughter! My daughter, not your child bride’s!” She screeched. An unfair low blow, sure, but she wanted to hurt him. Have him hurting like she was.
“My Brielle didn’t tell me shit! She didn’t tell me she was in town, or-or that you two were getting married! I found out on Facebook, Eddie!” Gina roared, but her heart ached. “Brielle hasn’t called me in two weeks! Two!”
Eddie’s face fell, running a hand over his scruff. He knew Brielle was distancing herself from Gina, he didn’t blame her. She had been too toxic for too long, but it still didn’t make his heart hurt any less at the ache in her voice. He didn’t want her to hurt like that, not with Brielle. Maybe if he was crueler, more like Gina, he would say it was her own fault, but he couldn’t.
“I don’t know what you’ve done to her, or-or what your little Lolita fuckin’ wife has done to brainwash her, but you’ve crossed a line, Edward!” Gina heaved. “That is my baby! My daughter, and you’ve taken her from me! What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, Gina, Jesus!” Eddie screamed back, throwing his hands out.
You looked at him pleadingly. Eddie’s jaw was tight. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe she didn’t tell you because she knew you’d react like this?” Eddie snapped.
Gina faltered. Eddie never spoke to her like that. “Brielle is a grownup now, Gina. She can make her own choices. Neither one of us told her not to tell you. She made that call.” Eddie continued.
Gina felt her breath catch, heart hammering. She wouldn’t let him catch her vulnerable, hurt. “She’s not talking to me, Eddie, and that’s happening for a reason.” Gina snapped. “Is your new wife trying to replace me as her mother? You can tell that bitch she’s got another thing coming-“
“Hey,” Eddie barked. “I’m not doing this with you. You’re not going to talk about her like that, you got it?”
Your heart swelled slightly at his fierceness, protectiveness. Primal and strong, it made your legs clamp.
“You wanna know why Brie didn’t tell you? Ask Brielle. I don’t control what she does.” Eddie snapped.
Gina tilted her head back, keeping the tears that were threatening to fall. She clenched her jaw, breathing in deeply through her nose. “I told you,” she hissed, jaw still clamped shut to contain her emotions. “She’s- She’s not talking to me.”
Eddie fist loosened, looking at you. Your face shifted sympathetically, moving closer to hear the conversation better.
“Can you just tell me if she’s there?” Gina snapped, but even for her it was desperate, pitiful.
Eddie hesitated. “She’ll be in town for a while.” He said reluctantly. “Her and Madeline are house sitting for us while we’re gone.”
Gina felt her heart squeeze, ache. The honeymoon, it was the unspoken word. She never got a honeymoon with Eddie. Steve and Nancy had agreed to watch Brielle for the night so Eddie and Gina could have a night to themselves. That night was by far the best part of the entire wedding.
Gina took a deep breath in, pinching her eyes shut. “Could you-“ she stopped herself, fist clenching. She was embarrassed, begging Eddie like this to have him talk to her daughter. Having him hold control like this made her sick.
“Could you tell her to call me, please?” Gina asked, covering her mouth with her hand. “I-I won’t… Just tell her I want to catch up. I miss her.”
Your heart dropped, looking down the hall where Brielle sat, happy and contently catching up with your little sister. You didn’t blame her for wanting space, in some ways it was the best thing she could’ve done, but your heart still ached for Gina.
Eddie sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll tell her, Gina.” He said softly. “But I can’t promise anything. She’s not little anymore.”
“I know that, Edward.” Gina’s biting tone had returned, making you roll your eyes. There was a pause. “Fuck, just-just tell her to call me. I won’t…” Gina didn’t finish her sentence, but you all knew what she was going to say.
“Fine.” Eddie said. “I’ll tell her. Anything else?”
Gina scoffed, hanging up the phone. The line beeped and went dead, Eddie looking at you with wide eyes, exasperated and drained. Gina had that effect on people.
“Well,” You chirped. “That went better than I thought it would.”
Eddie chuckled, collapsing on the bed. “Yeah,” he nodded. He looked out towards Brielle, then back at you hesitantly. “She’s real upset about it all, but…” he took a deep breath. “I know she’s most hurt about Brielle.”
You ran a hand down his shoulders, squeezing them softly, your wedding bands glimmering in the light of the room. You pressed a kiss by your thumb, nuzzling into his back.
“I know.” You hummed. “That’s her daughter. I’m not saying Brie is wrong, but… I get it. Maybe she needs to be a little hurt to get better. Repair their relationship.”
Eddie nodded. “You don’t think I-“
“Eddie, don’t you even start.” You snapped sternly, pointing a finger at him. “I’ve watched for years as Gina was so horrible to me, and you, and everyone else we cared about- everyone Brielle cares about too.” You gave him a knowing look. “There’s only so much you can deal with before you don’t want to anymore.”
Eddie sighed slowly. “Yeah,” he agreed.
“You don’t know what happened when we weren’t around either. What Gina said to Brielle. Remember when she was so horrible to me when we first started dating? Because she didn’t want to upset Gina.”
Eddie nodded. “You're right.” He said slowly. “I’m not going to force Brielle, but… I’ll tell her Gina misses her.” He looked at you as if for your approval. “She asked me to, and I think that’s fair.”
You smiled, leaning forward to kiss him sweetly. “I think you should.” You whispered, your nose on his. “Then no more Gina talk. Get it out of your system now, because if I hear her name when we’re in Aruba, I’ll throw you in with the sharks.” You grinned.
Eddie smirked, hands gripping your waist and pinning you on the bed. “Oh, will you, Mrs. Munson?” He teased, tickling your sides. “Think you’re gonna get my retirement that easily, huh? My life insurance? I think you’ll be a little disappointed, bunny.”
You giggled, squirming out of his touch. “Stop!” You laughed, head tipping back in laughter. “Mercy! Mercy!”
Eddie grinned, his lips on yours, deep and passionate. Hands finding each other, gripping and squeezing, clinging to each other.
“Oh, God, not this again.” Brielle groaned.
“Ew!” Madeline retched dramatically. “Shut the door you freaks!”
You laughed, Eddie’s nose resting on yours. “Yeah, did you not learn the first time?” Brielle snapped teasingly. “I’m still traumatized.”
Eddie scoffed, leaning up. “You learned to knock before coming in, didn’t you?” He asked with a grin. She rolled her eyes.
Eddie looked over at you, pleadingly and you took the hint. “Hey, Maddy, can you help me pack a few things?” You asked, getting your sister away from Brielle so she and Eddie could talk in private.
Eddie shot you a thankful smile, arms wrapping around Brielle’s shoulder as they went into the living room. You rolled your clothes, chatting excitedly with your little sister about your trip. You wondered if Gina and Brielle would talk.
Gina was at home, Henry anxiously handing her Xanax and trying to pry her phone away from her clutches, terrified of the wrecked woman in front of him. Gina started blankly ahead, her own wedding with Eddie playing in her mind.
Her mind kept flashing back to the ring. The smiles. Every photo she’d seen of the two of you.
Gina grit her teeth, fist balling. She was angry, hurt. Not just because Brielle hadn’t told her she was in town, but because it was official for the first time in her delusional mind.Eddie wasn’t hers anymore. He was yours.
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sugawarassoulmate · 1 year
someone else tries to get with them
feat loser!kuroo, enemies to lovers!kita, and toxic!oikawa
part 1
cw: fem!reader
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kuroo's body tensed the second one of them came close to him. he always hates these events — spending hours fake laughing at awful jokes to get on the good side of investors. his only joy is when you tag along, keeping prying eyes at bay.
but kuroo's found himself cornered by three women, all the much-too-young wives of some of his colleagues who were all taken with the handsome ceo.
"this suit looks amazing on you," one of them said. kuroo wanted to tell her that his wife picked out his outfit but before he could answer, another chimed in. "you just fill it up so well, have you been working out?"
his eyes flick over across the room, where you're standing with a quirked brow. you've calmed down a lot since marriage and don't explode with anger every time another woman so much as breaths near kuroo anymore. instead, you took a sip from your wine glass and gave him a look that said, "figure it out."
"can we get you a drink?" one of the other women asks as kuroo feels another pulling on his bicep. did they not see the wedding band on his finger? did none of them notice him walking into the room with you on his arm?
he starts sweating, eyes darting back to you and then the women. kuroo's so used to you taking charge and staking your claim on him but he can't allow you to be disrespected like this.
as one of the women tries to pull him in again, kuroo fights out of her grasp. "i'm married!!!" he blurted out, startling not only the women but a few people that were nearby. embarrassed that he raised his voice, kuroo cleared his throat. "sorry for yelling but i don't think it's appropriate for us to talk like this. i love my wife very much. have a good night."
kuroo makes his way toward you, a smug grin on your face. "so, you into ugly girls or something?"
"baby, please," he whines.
enemies to lovers!kita
you may have found kita absolutely insufferable but most people found him a joy to be around. he was kind and respectful to others. the kind of person that helps others without asking or walks old ladies across the street. it seemed as though kita didn't have an unkind word to say about anyone, except for you.
because of his benevolence, most people wanted to be around him. girls threw themselves at him, knowing that he'd be the type to spoil his significant other. that wasn't the annoying part — because you definitely didn't care about some dumb bimbo trying to get his attention. it was the older women who tried to set kita up with their daughters that irked you the most.
"you know, i have a daughter your age that you'd just be perfect for," or "do you have a girlfriend? my niece could really use a sweet boy like you, can i give her your number?"
even after explaining that he was too focused on his studies and helping his grandma with the farm to even think about dating, these women wouldn't take no for an answer.
"can you tell whoever's blowing up your phone to cut the shit?" you complained, growing tired of the constant buzzing.
kita rolls his eyes at your foul language. he doesn't bother looking at his phone as the two of you lock up the club room for the night. "one of my grandma's friends gave my number to her daughter and she keeps tryin' to set up a date," he says, bored expression never leaving his face.
"you're that down bad that you need your grandma's buddies to get a date?" you scoffed, trying to hide the fact that it may bother you just a little bit that there are so many people trying to get kita's attention.
perceptive as ever, kita catches onto your catty attitude. "she probably won't stop until i say yes to a date," he says nonchalantly, walking back onto campus.
he's only getting a rise out of you. what little free time kita has left from all of his other responsibilities goes to you—both of you know it's true, there's no reason to argue. still, you'd just die if you couldn't make a comment at his expense. "i mean if, sure, you're into ugly girls. this girl can't get a date on her own?" you rambled, stomping beside kita as you head back to your apartment. "but don't let me stop you. i know how much you love doing charity work."
"i won't go if you don't want me to," kita hums, holding the door open for you (1. because he's a gentleman, 2. because he knows it pisses you off.)
"i don't care what you do," you said back to him in a similar mocking tone.
that weekend, though, kita is at your place, where he usually spends most of his weekends. "your date was that bad, huh?" you said as soon as you open the door for him.
"i told her it wouldn't work out and deleted her number," kita answers, carefully removing his shoes and placing them neatly by your door. "i only have time fer important things." he makes direct eye contact when he says it before brushing past you to head to your bedroom.
kita's words stump you for a second, trying to figure out what he meant but soon, his irritating voice comes back, scolding you to hurry back and any thought you had before is forgotten as an insult leaves your lips.
you felt terrible for being late. punctuality was something you always prided yourself on but your boss seemed to think differently, keeping you in the office for hours.
normally, you'd suck it up and accept that you had a shit day at work but you and oikawa had a date planned — one that took ages for both of you to set up.
the image of oikawa sitting at the restaurant alone broke your heart, so you practically raced over there, barely having time to change out of your work clothes.
"i'm so sorry, babe. my boss is such a dick and then the trains were slow—" you rambled as soon as you sat down, immediately asking for your boyfriend's forgiveness
"hey, slow down! it's okay, honey," he said, pushing a glass of wine across the table for you. "i know you didn't mean to be late. you're here now, that's what matters. i already ordered for the two of us."
he had every right to lay into you tonight. this was the perfect opportunity for him to be at his most dramatic, to really make you feel guilty for being late but he acted with a maturity you weren't used to seeing.
"i still feel bad that you were sitting here all by yourself," you said, reaching over to hold his hand.
oikawa shrugged. "well, i wasn't totally alone. our waitress kept me company while i waited."
you hate to say that the second he said "waitress" the alarm bells started ringing in your head. a handsome, young man like oikawa sitting alone in a fancy restaurant is like food on a silver platter for some of these vultures.
and you could only imagine how charming he must have been when the waitress comforted him about being by himself—smiling at her jokes and staring up at her with those warm brown eyes of his, completely unaware of that she would take it as an invitation.
you tried to swallow the bitterness down, not wanting to put a sour note on the night. you opened your mouth to speak but a grating sound stopped you.
"ohhhh, how good of you to finally show," said the high-pitched voice, dripping with faux concern. "i was worried you might have stood this poor man up."
oikawa laughs at the unfunny joke, clearly finding all of this amusing and she practically sparkles at the slightest hint of his approval. "i don't know how you'd ever let him out of your sight. any girl would just love to snatch him right up,'
his eyes glance over at you, ready to see how you'll react. oikawa just loves it when you get territorial of him and even though you've gotten better over the years, there's still that part of you that's always ready to claw someone's eyes out for thinking they could stake their claim on him.
"you're right, any girl would. in fact, many have tried and they've all failed," you smiled up at her, gripping oikawa's hand harder so she would have to take notice of it. "now be a dear and have our food ready soon, okay? i want to spend some time with my boyfriend."
with her tail between her legs, the waitress scurries from the table, muttering something about the food. oikawa laughs again, pressing a quick kiss to your knuckles. "my mean baby, you know you don't have anything to worry about, yeah?"
of course, you knew. you wouldn't be with oikawa if you didn't trust him but any girl who had the slightest inkling that she could lead your man astray had to be humbled—and oikawa would be lying if he didn't enjoy the possessive look you get in your eye.
"let's enjoy our dinner, babe."
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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implusivesugarapple · 4 months
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🍎Toxic Lucifer Headcanons🍎
TW: verbal/mental and physical abuse,stockholm's syndrome,degradation
♡ Lucifer is constantly hovering over you to keep you close to him
♡ Even when you're both sleeping he's squeezing you tight
♡ Mornings aren't easy either he can conjure up anything with a snap of his fingers but still insists you make breakfast
♡ Even trying your hardest, it's not perfect for him
♡ ...let's just say you were never were the best cook
♡ He gives you a disgusted look and he knows it gets to you every time.
♡ It's not the same way Lilith used to make pancakes
♡ Nothing was ever the same for him and he didn't like change
♡ There are times where he shuts you out locking himself in his crafts room
♡ Either that or he would lock you in the guest room
♡ You even threatened to leave him once, huge mistake
♡ "Do you forget who I am" "I am the king of Hell, do you know what I can do to you"
♡ That was enough for you
♡ He would always "forget" arguments or things he would yell at you about
♡ Well not always but he would hope you would
♡ He would later come up running behind you giving you a hug completely forgetting what he said
♡ You were always scared of him and even if you brought up what happened he would get mad at you for remembering
♡ "How are you still mad about that" "Maybe next time do it right"
♡ And don't you dare go inside his crafts room
♡ That's his place, even if it's full of dust and portraits of Lilith
♡ There was one time when you caught a peak of the room and you questioned him about it
♡ “Why were you looking there in the first place" “Are you so insecure that you just have to creep on me"
♡ It's not his fault but he doesn't get when you obviously get upset about something he would do
♡ "why are you crying again"
♡ Shows you off to the other sins
♡ You're most likely lower in "class" or "hierarchy" than him so he uses this to his advantage
♡ Treats you basically like a pet in front of them
♡ Everyone except for Ozzie and Beelzebub
understand how you feel bc of their partners
♡ "I have a meeting" is a word you heard a lot but when you ask the other sins it's a mix of responses mostly them just covering for him
♡ "I give you everything can't you just..."
♡ leaves you on read all the time
♡ you ask him "where are you," "can i come in," "i love you"
♡ he on the other hand only texts you when he needs something or when he wanted to tell you something no one else could hear
♡ He's the king of Hell and in charge of the pride ring so it's expected that he cheats
sorry not sorry (≧ω≦)/
♡ If you do catch him it's most likely someone that looks like you or Lilith
♡ He didn't like being committed to you
♡ He loves that the people he hooks up with admire him so much
♡ You just got boring to him
♡ Satan forbid though you even glance at another guy though
♡ if he is physically abusive then he undermines how bad it is
♡ "I didn't even hit you that hard"
♡ "Stop being so dramatic"
♡ "You know i'm only doing this because I love you"
♡ He knows and has control over his own strength but he wants to put you in place
♡ This is only because he has no control over the things around him and has left his ring into chaos
♡ This only made it worse when his daughter was able to improve Hell in less than a year
♡ "You can't leave me" He hugs you tightly "If you do i know where to find you"
sorry ik this is different from my other content i just don't see much toxic hcs for Lucifer
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djarin · 2 years
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@pscentral​​ EVENT 08: DYNAMICS: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa + ELIO’S 2.5K PARTY ★ KENOBI (2022) for @lillard
Princess Leia Organa, you are wise, discerning, kindhearted. These are qualities that came from your mother. But you are also passionate and fearless, forthright. And these are gifts from your father. Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter. [layout]
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flightfoot · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Recs for 2022
As a lot of you know, I read metric butt-ton of Miraculous fanfics, so I wanted to share with you 19 multi-chap fics, and 16 Miraculous one-shots (I just went through all the ones I really wanted to rec people instead of trying to fit a particular number) that I think y’all should take a look at. I tagged people’s tumblr blogs when I knew them, but I may well have missed some, especially if their username was different between AO3 and tumblr. Feel free to tag authors who I missed. Note that I’m only counting fics that were completed in 2022, so no ongoing fics. Enjoy!
Multi-chap fics:
When The Morning Comes by @into-september:
Gabriel Agreste has been unmasked as Hawkmoth, and the girl who was fighting him all these years turns out to be Tom Dupain's daughter. And standing between them is Adrien Agreste with his life in shatters that Tom Dupain has no way of piecing together.
But baking is at least a place to start.
I love how this not only digs into Adrien’s character, but Tom’s as well, especially how both of them have been estranged from their fathers. I haven’t seen that come up much.
Walking That Mile by @nomolosk
Nino and Alya wake up in the wrong bodies. Several things result from this, including, but not limited to, identity reveals and a better understanding of what their respective best friends are going through.
Never knew I needed Nino!Plagg and Alya!Tikki in my life, but there you go XD. It’s not all fun and games though, this is a Hawkmoth Takedown fic as well, and dealing with the effects of that.
The Sidekick Conspiracy by @bring-the-storm:
It's common knowledge among the heroes of Paris that their sidekick, the civilian Marinette Dupain-Cheng, is actually secretly their leader, pretending to be a normal girl who just ‘happens’ to show up at battles. Common knowledge to everyone except Marinette. What do you do when you're in the center of a conspiracy that doesn’t actually exist? In which Marinette is confused, Chat has no idea what's going on, Master Fu just wants Marinette to be safe, and everyone is misinterpreting the situation.
This one is just fun! Marinette has no idea she keeps on being given jewelry all of a sudden, and Fu’s frustrated that she won’t actually USE the damn Miraculous already.
As the dust settles by @pengirl91:
After Ladybug lost everything and yet her partner stood by her, she realized what she had been trying to lie to herself about for months. She is undoubtedly in love with him. The only problem is that she's terrified of what that could lead to and there's a monumental task ahead of them before it might be safe to act on her feelings for him... more than she already has.
Post Strike Back with my hopes, wishes, and predictions for season 5 as I wait with great impatience. Now complete.
The meat of this story is mostly a SentiAdrien fic. Adrien discovers that Gabriel is Hawkmoth, so Gabriel orders him to stay silent about what he found out, as well as giving orders to help him with plans to obtain the Miraculous he needs. Luckily, he doesn’t know that Adrien is Chat Noir...
A Little Fall Of Rain by @funnydoesntlookdruish:
Unable to transform in time, Marinette sacrifices her life to save Adrien from an assassin. With the help of the Kwamis, Adrien is able to bring her back to life, but it comes at a price. One that Adrien alone must pay. Now, Adrien is forced to keep even more secrets. The fact that Marinette is alive and that she has been his Lady all long. More than ever, they must defeat Hawkmoth. Only then can Marinette return to her life.
This one’s pretty angsty, arguably even more on Adrien’s end than Marinette’s. As part of their cover, Adrien has to be injured pretty badly, in ways that couldn’t be reversed if not for magic.
Strangely Familiar by @sunfoxfic
Alya Césaire’s life is perfect. Indeed, between the success of the Ladyblog, how well she’s doing in school, and the fact that she’s a superhero who has never bore the weight of a crisis of epic proportions, her life almost couldn’t be better. Almost.
But Alya has always been a go-getter, and so she’ll chase after that perfect life if it kills her. Which is how she ends up rushing to move out of her father’s apartment and in with Marinette, Adrien, and a complete stranger: Nino Lahiffe. And in fact, her life does seem perfect — she and Nino are fast friends. They spend a lot of time together and get to know each other really well.
But in the end, fortunate situations will bear unfortunate truths, and she learns things about herself that aren’t quite comfortable. Like I said, though: Alya has always been a go-getter, and she won’t let new feelings deter her from chasing after her perfect life.
This is the single longest DJWifi-centric fic on AO3 (which is a travesty) and it is GLORIOUS. Alya and Nino are both well fleshed-out here, with their own problems and baggage they’re dealing with, but it’s easier together.
final girl by @picayunearts:
Marinette has ninety-nine problems, and the superhero trio of Paris counts for a hundred.
[AU where Marinette follows through on giving up her earrings after Stoneheart, but becomes the Guardian to protect her replacement.]
This is just great. Marinette thinks she failed, but the other heroes wouldn’t agree. And eventually, she gains some confidence in herself as well.
Over and Over by @stcrsquad:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng has had the worst day possible. She's failed to confess to Adrien (again), made an embarrassment of herself, and got into a fight with Chat Noir.
Adrien Agreste has had the worst day possible. He is tired of being pushed aside by everyone, including his crime-fighting partner Ladybug.
Luckily, fate (and Bunnyx) works in mysterious ways because they wake up again on the same day. A do-over. Except it keeps happening. Can the two figure out what they need to fix to break the loop, or will they be stuck forever?
Look these two will sit down and has things out even if it takes being stuck in a time loop together to make that happen.
When Bunnyx Brings A Baby by @funnydoesntlookdruish:
Marinette thought she was up to any challenge. She was Ladybug after all! But when Bunnyx arrives with a baby in her arms asking her to babysit, Marinette quickly learns that Akuma battles are easy compared to taking care of a baby. A baby that seems to know her and for some strange reason... Adrien?
Anentry in the “Lovesquare has to babysit their future children” genre! This is just adorable. Has an ongoing sequel too.
The Call of the Running Tide by @nemaliwrites: 
To escape an arranged marriage, Adrien runs away from home, leaving behind all that he has ever known. In search of easy transportation, he sneaks aboard a ship at the docks. Everything seems like it is going according to plan — until he finds out that the ship belongs to the fierce pirate captain Ladybug.
I’m amazed this isn’t more popular. I mean, Lovesquare pirates!AU, with the Miracuclass as Ladybug’s crew? Come on! 
It mostly has Adrien trying to fit in with the crew, find his way, that sort of thing. Though there is a confrontation with his father at the end.
metamorphosis by @peachcitt:
“I was thinking about that time you hated me.” “Why?” "I don’t know." “I didn’t.” “I know.”
three years after hawkmoth's defeat, marinette is still trying to figure out her version of normal. there's also sleepovers.
This has been a very popular fic so most people probably at least know of it, even if they haven’t read it themselves, but in case someone out there hasn’t: basically, Chat runs off with the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses after Hawkmoth’s defeat and never shows up again, worrying Ladybug sick and making her fear that he died. But then a mysterious new Butterfly Holder starts attacking Paris, only he seems a lot nicer than the last one, more of an Anti-villain than anything...
A Major Test of Strength by @nemaliwrites:
There is only one thing in Paris hated as much as the akumas: Ladybug herself. In an effort to help the Savior of Paris, Adrien winds up on the wrong end of an akuma attack — only to find himself stuck reliving the same day.
With enough time, anyone can be a hero, and as he continues dying over and over, he is forced to confront the idea that these loops may be just as much of a blessing as they are a curse.
This is loosely inspired by “All You Need Is Kill”, but no knowledge of that manga is needed to understand the story. There’s a bit of a mystery element going on as Adrien tries to figure out why he keeps dying even when he takes steps to prevent it, how he keeps coming back, and what the deal is with Ladybug, anyway. 
Cataclysm by Lucid:
When Chat Noir uses Cataclysm on an akumatized ring that ends up being his amok, Marinette is left alone to solve the mystery of Hawkmoth's motives and bring back her missing partner.
This Sentiadrien fic does something I haven’t seen really explored before: it delves into what might happen if Adrien had to be recreated after having been destroyed, and the problems that might arise from that attempt. I love when we get to see Adrien’s perspective especially.
in case you don’t know me tomorrow by @thelibraryloser:
“We live in a crazy world where pieces of our lives can be erased like they never even happened. I just wanted to memorize this moment so… so I could keep it, if that makes sense.”
Adrien's heart gave a little flutter. She wanted to keep this moment, meeting him. She wanted to keep… him.
“I understand exactly what you mean."
In a world that has created a way to selectively delete memories, no moment is truly safe. So how do you hold on to something when the memory of it is gone? And how do you keep fighting for someone when you're the only one who remembers?
This is a SEVERELY underrated fic. It’s got some shades of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” in the world, though the plot is very different - the memory erasure ain’t willing. 
Basically, the first few chapters are establishing Adrien’s and Marinette’s romance, and then the rest of the fic is dealing with Gabriel being an absolute DICK and using any means at his disposal to break them apart. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend reading it!
Shelltering Others by @rosie-b:
When Ladybug wakes Nino up in the middle of the night to scold him for revealing his identity, he thinks his career as a Miraculous holder is over. But instead, Ladybug gives him the opportunity to prove himself by becoming Chat Noir's confidant and learning his secret identity through a scavenger hunt of sorts. Will Nino pass Ladybug and Chat Noir's test, or will he fail to put the pieces together in time?
Quick disclaimer here: the first chapter looks kinda salty towards Nino, with Ladybug laying into him for revealing his and Alya’s secret identities to Adrien and Marinette. She’s mostly just trying to scare him into taking them seriously, though, since she herself has just proposed that Nino become Chat’s secret-keeper, and he can’t afford to be lackadaisical with that identity. I highly recommend getting through at least chapter 2 of the fic when giving it a shot, because this had some great character development and introspection for Nino, on Chat Noir, Adrien, Ladybug, and himself. 
run boy run by tinuviel_tinuviel
Nino was sprawled on the floor of his room with Alya when his phone chimed, in the quiet of a premature autumnal sunset. It was one of those lazy evenings that had become rare lately. Contrary to popular belief, he and Alya could get studying done when in the same room, and he was elbows-deep in late assignments, which meant his phone was on Do Not Disturb, which meant the notification could only have come from one person.
ADRIEN 🐈: cmoe ove rnow ADRIEN 🐈: like riggt now ADRIEN 🐈: plag NINO: that is literally incomprehensible NINO: wait is that you plagg ADRIEN 🐈: mov faster
So this is a “Adrien finds out that his father is Hawkmoth and consults with Nino about what to do” fic, with Nino throwing Hawkmoth off Adrien’s track, though inadvertently at his own expense. Love Nino’s perspective here, and I always enjoy a good Hawkmoth-takedown fic!
Restorative Justice by @kasienda:
Chloé has never been a fan of Ms. Bustier’s community building activities. In fact, she detests them. She doesn’t want to learn about the drab boring lives of her peers. And she absolutely can’t stand it when their confessions make her feel things. Feelings that she doesn’t even have names for. But when Adrien unknowingly shares his struggles with his double life, Chloé vows she will do anything to get Ladybug to set things right. Even if it means pissing off the heroine. Chloé was already mad at her anyway.
I ADORE people talking out about what hurt them, with everyone growing to understand each other, and focusing on making recompense rather than just punishment, so this was fantastic. This isn’t all about Chloe either, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino all get to hash things out with each other as well in a group session, and it’s just really, really nice to read.
48 Hours To Make You Love Me by @mysticraven20:
“When did you stop?”
“Stop what, M’Lady?”
“Stop loving me?”
When two heroes miss the minibus for their winter get away with the gang they have no other choice but to make their way to the resort by themselves.
After avoiding their feelings for years, a freak snow storm makes them reconsider more than just whether to carry on driving.
Luckily, they find a quaint little bed and breakfast where suddenly they’re thrown into a situation where their feelings can no longer be held back; but, is it too late?
The interference of an elderly couple after an eavesdropping accident helps both Adrien and Marinette come to terms with their feelings and their actions.
Through movies, hot chocolates and snuggling to keep warm, Marinette wonders if it’s possible to make Adrien love her again, and more so can she do it by the time they need to leave their little sanctuary?
This just has a lot of adorable Adrienette shenanigans, with a fun time travel twist that had me inwardly squealing XD. If you want some Lovesquare fluff, this is a good one.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle:
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to... well, Alya is sure it'll all work out eventually.
This is a season 4 fic, with a heavy emphasis on repairing the relationships that were damaged, or could have been damaged, during that season. I love how everyone gets to really feel and react, be hurt and then gain understanding, with a happy ending to cap it off!
hella enchanted by @xiueryn:
Years ago, Marinette's father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU.
(a different ella enchanted au.)
Even though it’s a one-shot this one is pretty long, clocking in at over 30k words. Absolutely worth a shot, though. The first third is basically Marinette dealing with being pushed around because of her “blessing”, and the other two-thirds is just some adorable fluff of her and Adrien touring the country together. 
Is it cool that you’re in my head? by @bring-the-storm: 
Alya stared at the picture plastered across the homepage of every single tabloid and news site, whispering every curse she could think of under her breath. SHOCKING SECRET ROMANCE BETWEEN LADYBLOGGER AND PARISIAN SUPERVILLAIN REVEALED!!! the headline announced, casually shouting the words she had been dreading for all of Paris to read.
--- Alya had always assumed that someday Paris would discover that she had secretly been kissing their most wanted vigilante, but she had never thought it would happen so soon. As the domino effects of her relationship with Ladybug go spiraling through her life, Alya turns her sights towards the one responsible: the elusive superhero Hawkmoth.
AKA Someone outs Alya and her girlfriend so she retaliates by deciding to take down Hawkmoth
I recommend this to anyone who either A. Loves Alya and wants to see more of her in a starring role, or B., wants to see an AU where Parisians could feasibly believe that Hawkmoth is the good guy, and that Ladybug and Chat Noir are, if not villains, at least reckless. 
We’re breaking free (there’s not a star in heaven we can’t reach) by @pauliestorylover:
Wing binding was a symbol of prestige in high society, but Adrien would much rather be born a pauper than be forced to bind his wings for another day. Becoming Chat Noir might be the chance he had been waiting for to break free and gain a taste of the heavens.
Meanwhile, Nino and Marinette were quickly learning the joys of the pastime called ‘hating rich old white men who moonlighted as supervillains’.
Excellent Wingfic here! It’s got some excellent worldbuilding in it. I especially like how it’s customary to exchange feathers with people you’re close to, and put them in particular places on your wings to symbolize what they mean to you, whether they’re friends, family, or lovers. That particular piece of lore is used to great effect in the story.
How Could I Not? by SorryJustAnotherPerson
In fairy tale books, Princesses were saved by nights from ferocious dragons. Those books were not their story, but Rose was happy to flip over a new page with her Juleka every single day.
Many years ago, she was put to this tower by her parents and her kingdom, along with a fire breathing dragon, so she could find her prince charming one day. How foolish for them to not calculate her falling in love with the dragon. I mean seriously.
How could she not?
I love fairy tale type stories, especially fractured fairy tales. And Juleka being a dragon is awesome. This is just a fun and adorable story.
Once Upon A Time by kao_rei:
"Humans fear wolves. I mean, we're horrible, sickening creatures, aren't we?" Adrien laughed.
"I don't think so," Marinette muttered. "Well, not anymore when I met you."
Marinette's days are all the same—she puts on her red cape, makes deliveries for her parents' bakery, and goes home to rest before another busy day. Adrien is a wolf-boy who watches her from afar, awaiting the day they finally meet to change their stories.
While falling in love may bring about some challenges, they're willing to fight through them together because they'd never settle for a "the end". They want a "happily ever after", too.
(In which Marinette is Little Red Riding Hood, Adrien is the Wolf, and they fall in love somewhere between deliveries, flower fields, and shiny red apples).
Did I mention I love fairy tale stories? Because I do.
(pockets full of) stones by felledstar:
Even though he wants to be “normal” and go to a “normal school” and have friends just like everyone else, Adrien’s discovered that he’s… not very good at it. It isn’t that he’s a superhero in his nonexistent spare time, or that he’s got a job modelling for his father, or that he’s got so many activities that it takes a whole other person to keep track of his schedule. It’s that… he’s always tripping over things that everyone else seems to know that he… just doesn’t know.
First day of school and we already have two lovebirds.
But there are some things that he does know, no matter what anyone else—Nino, Plagg, the entire population of Paris—thinks.
How he feels is one.
Whatever. She’s just a friend. A friend.
He loves Ladybug. Marinette is his friend.
Why doesn’t anyone believe him?
This is an aroace!Adrien story, that digs into the effects of amatonormativity on people. Especially with how the class all assumes that Adrien would be romantically interested in Marinette, and tries to matchmake him and Marinette in order to make both of them happy, much to his frustration. Based on what the class did in Guiltrip, I could see this happening. They love and care about their classmates and want to help them as much as they can, but that doesn’t mean they always know how best to do that.
Lady... bird? by @graaythekwami:
“Marinette!” Tikki called, flying towards the small room of water. “Marinette there’s an akuma– we need to transform!”
The parrot’s head popped up, recognizing these words. They were always said when the report came on TV– a routine he had come to know well. Akuma report, we need to transform, and finally–
“Tikki!” The bird cawed happily. “Spots on!”
This story is just hilarious. Tikki ain’t happy afterwards XD
I Won’t Let You by @generalluxun
After Gabriel's defeat, two individuals not party to the celebration run into each other, and find each other.
The summary doesn’t give much of an idea of what the fic’s about. Post-Hawkmoth Defeat, Chloe and Felix run into each other at the celebration of Gabriel’s downfall, and vent about their problems. Neither of them think the other one has it too bad - Chloe’s worried about disappearing, since her worth was entirely tied to her family’s prestige and wealth, and being seen as friends to a terrorist is gonna cripple both of those, while Felix is on edge about Ladybug having the Peacock Miraculous, since she has the ability to kill him at a moment’s notice (yes this is a Sentifelix fic). 
They both make each other understand the turmoil the other is going through in extremely visceral ways, showing the other what it’s like to be them, in the circumstances they’re in. I don’t want to spoil what, exactly, they do, but needless to say, it’s worth a read.
don’t you worry child by kopycat_101
Marc and Nathaniel have a good life, married and living together in a cottage in the woods. But they consider having children at some point.
Marc in particular really wants to start a family with his husband. He knows the fey are real, so he goes searching in the woods to find one to strike a deal.
He may get a bit more than he bargained for in the process.
This is based on a tumblr post that’s been going around, which I think a lot of people will recognize as they continue going through the story. That post is credited at the end of the fic, so as not to spoil the plot.
Chat Walker’s Trial by @pearl484-blog
Instead of Catwalker showing up to serve as her new Chat Noir, Ladybug is stunned to find that Chat Noir has returned to her, having "improved" himself by repressing his emotions, memories, and willfulness. Deciding that this will not stand, she organizes her teammates to convince Chat Noir that giving those traits up and becoming the perfect partner was not the right move, but how can she argue against perfection?
Adrien Augreste 2022 entry for the day 23-24 prompt: Swap
This is a really intriguing fic. Instead of becoming Cat Walker in Kuro Neko, Adrien instead runs across a mage who helpfully provides some spells to make him into the “perfect” partner for Ladybug, magically suppressing his emotions and urge to rebel, as well as his memories of being Chat Noir, in order to make sure he doesn’t love her anymore. Ladybug, naturally, is distraught about this, but since Chat did all of this of his own free will, she needs to actually persuade him it was a bad move, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s exquisitely painful at times with the amount of self-hatred Chat has for his previous self, and how the Miracuteam is divided on how bad these changes actually are, since he does seem more focused now - though the holdouts are a lot less on board when they think of someone who’s closer to them going through this process.
disconnected by @just-an-ordinary-fan
Lady Wifi believes she might be the only one who does not want to obey Hawkmoth's orders.
When she sees another akuma hesitate in the battle, she finds she might not be entirely alone.
I actually wrote my own fic, Nullius in Verba, based off of this one. It’s short but has an intriguing premise, with all the akumas being transported to this warehouse after the fight’s over, having been basically forced to do Hawkmoth’s bidding. The akumas also don’t seem to remember who they were before, or even that they WERE ordinary people before, which is an interesting twist.
Shadow of the Chat by @pearl484-blog
Chat Noir discovers that he has a living Shadow. Unfortunately for him, it is not fond of Ladybug.
Inspired by the prompt: 5 times Character A and B thought they didn’t have anything in common and 1 time they realized how similar they are.
I wrote a fic based on this one and @wackus-bonkus-maximus fic “One Does Not Love Breathing”, basically importing Shadow into odnlb in order to help take down Monarch. It’s called “One Does Not Love Shadows”, btw.
Anyway, I love how this one-shot uses some of Carl Jung’s ideas about everyone having “shadows”; parts of ourselves that we consciously reject or suppress, and using that to get Chat some help. If you’ve ever played a Persona game, this will be familiar to you, as those games are based off of Jung’s ideas as well.
Day 7: Book by @andromeda612
During one of his works, Marc comes across a rather interesting book.
MarcNath AU fic here! Basically Marc is a super powerful warlock, and is brought in to help with the case of a lying witch who apparently caused a lot of problems for people, using her magic to help fool everyone. She’s actually dead by the time the story starts, and everyone’s trying to go back through and figure out what she’s done and why memories surrounding her seem to be foggy. Meanwhile there’s a book she left behind which appears to be sentient, and which Marc’s taken a liking too...
Find the Sentimonster by @taketwoinink:
Nino has a lot of conspiracies. He watched one too many mystery movies and now fancies himself a detective. It's not often that he gets the entire class together for an interrogation, but it's never fun. Chloe makes everyone's life miserable and Marinette and Lila never get along.
And this time? Secret sentimonsters in their class? The fate of Paris hanging in the balance?
Mylene doesn't need this stress in her life.
This is based off of an episode of Glitch Techs, so if you’ve seen the show, it might be familiar. I just really enjoyed watching the class trying to puzzle out who the sentimonster spy might be, with all the wild accusations and theories being hurled around, especially knowing the actual truth.
Come Take My Hand by @carelisswriting:
Luka heard his soulmate for the first time when he was ten. All he knows about her is that she likes fencing. It's just a coincidence that Kagami likes fencing, right?
(Lukagami Soulmate AU, written for the Miraculous Ladybug Secret Santa Exchange!)
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics, and this had an interesting take on it, with your soulmate able to hear you thinking only about the thing you’re most passionate about. Loved Kagami’s way of showing Luka she’s his soulmate especially!
When Feelings Are Too Big For Words by ClockworkCaptain:
When Luka takes a gig playing for a drag show he's falls hard and fast for the drag queen Buttercup who uses her performances to work through her own emotions. Meanwhile Adrien's been using drag to work through his own emotions and thinks maybe Luka coming back into his life and showing interest might mean a second chance.
Made for @mlsecretsanta 2022
Published on New Year’s Eve, this just barely makes it to the deadline for this list. I’m glad I don’t need to wait a year to talk about it though! One of the issues I tend to have with Luka shipfics, and with Lukadrien especially (though I think Lukanette actually has this problem worse) is how Luka tends to disappear within the fic and the pairing, feeling more like “The Love Interest” than his own person. Not so here! While most of the intrigue surrounds Adrien, I still got the sense of Luka being his own person, not just existing in the fic for Adrien.
 I adored Adrien getting to display an aspect of himself through persona and performance - that does align well with how he approaches Chat Noir -  and overall I just had a lot of fun with this fic!
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sunandflame · 10 months
Flame and Water, Chapter 12
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Ship & Trope: Kyojuro x Fem!Reader (Water Pillars Tsuguko) / Slowburn
Warnings: canon-typical violence / fluff / mention of trauma and fire
Word Count: 1880 Words
pinterest board of Flame and Water
crossposted on AO3
Masterlist of Flame and Water
The old lady's statements opened many questions for Kyojuro. Even when he said goodbye to her, he brooded over her words, but came to no conclusion. He was confused and a little hurt. Didn't you two trust each other that day so you kept something that important from him? Why were you hiding it? He thought that you were both close friends. He couldn't answer the question and would ask you about it later when you were feeling better. First, he had to talk to his father. He needed to know what had happened back then.
He entered the room where his father spent the most of his time and didn’t see him lying on his futon for the first time in years. Usually, he was either drinking and laying sideways while reading in that book but now he sat on the engawa, and his eyes were staring into the distance. Respectful as Kyojuro was, he sat down on the tatami mat to keep a distance and just as he was about to open his mouth, Shinjuro interrupted him.
"Is your girlfriend okay?"
Kyojuro had not expected this question. She was not his girlfriend. In general, he hadn't expected his father to ask about anyone's wellbeing, but it looked like he was sober. "Yes, she's unconscious, but-"
"And her burns?"
Kyojuro's eyes widened at this statement, and it hit him like a slap. Even his father knew that crucial detail about you. His gaze dropped as he clenched his fists on his knees. "The old lady next door treated her. She said she will be fine and should wake up in the next hour or so. She also told me that Y/N has several old burns. Something you seem to know about, father."
Shinjuro turned his head sideways to give him a silent look, before he turned ahead again and sighed. "15 years ago, there was a fire demon who attacked a village. His eye bore the sign Lower Rank One. A powerful opponent who managed to spread a firestorm and turned countless people into demons. It was something I had never seen in my lifetime as a slayer."
Kyojuro swallowed and listened to his father's words. Lower Moon One? He remembered the fight he had against Lower Moon Two to become a Hashira and how he had terrorized a whole city with his bombs.
Shinjuro continued. "Your girlfriend looked at me the same way back then, full of fear and terror. Unfortunately, she witnessed how I beheaded her parents while protecting her. They had been turned into demons who wanted to eat their own daughter. I was able to decapitate the Lower Moon One… but at what cost? There was no one left to save. He had killed everyone without exception or turned them into demons which forced me to kill them all. Only she survived, but she ran away from me like I was the monster… I found her buried under a heap of rubble and wounded with the worst burns I have ever seen on a human being. Her chances of survival were slim and yet I wanted to save at least one person in this tragedy. The scale of the catastrophe was great, the village burned beyond recognition of its existence. Just as she bore her scars from it, I too have one from this fiery hell."
Shinjuro turned his foot around so Kyojuro could see the burned soles. "The demon slayer uniform protected me, the tabi socks didn't and yet I wished that I would be the one who's skin burned and not that of a little child. I can understand if she doesn't want to talk about it. It must have traumatized her badly. Even I-"
Suddenly a stifled sob sounded behind the shoji door. Father and son immediately turned their heads and knew that you had been listening to them the whole time behind the thin paper walls.
You had woken up alone and scared in a room with a headache. A penetrating herbal smell immediately hit your nose. An earlier memory from your childhood had come alive again and you knew immediately that you were covered with a burn ointment. A similar one that they used on you as a child. One quick look under your hakama and you saw the reddened skin. Your leg couldn't get any uglier than it already is, you thought dryly. You stepped out of the room and looked around for Kyojuro and couldn't see him until you heard his voice.
You stood there petrified and listened to the complete story of Shinjuro and your village. So that's why your memories were patchy without even knowing. There was simply no one left to tell you about it because they were all dead and your parents- Your breath caught and the memory of them coming at you with contorted faces came back with a bang. They- they tried to eat you! You hadn't even noticed how the tears flowed down your cheeks when a choked sob escaped you and you immediately covered your mouth with your hand. You looked in the direction of the shoji door in fear and hurried away with quick steps. You didn't want to be seen by them - not in this state - and entered the first room that you saw.
You dropped to the ground and cried uncontrollably. A heavy burden seemed to have been lifted from your shoulders and the unrestrained grief over the death of your family and friends overcame you. You finally knew the complete truth without knowing you were living a lie. You were not alone because you were avoided, but because you were brutally robbed of every person you ever knew.
With your head on your knees, you succumbed to your grief when you suddenly felt a presence next to you. You looked up with tear-stained eyes right into golden-red hues. Kyojuro's gaze contained no pity and yet they were filled with sadness and empathy for you. "Y/N..." He took your hand in his and pulled you up. "You are not alone in this. I won't allow that, so share your pain with me." If Kyojuro could, he would take all your pain to never see you cry again.
More tears gathered in your eyes until you couldn't see anything anymore. "K-Kyojuro-" With a sob, you threw yourself into his arms. He immediately wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding you in a fierce embrace.
You cried into the crook of his neck. It took a while for you to calm down, but that didn't matter, Kyojuro was here to hold you. His tight warm hug, it was like he gathered all the broken and burned pieces and made you whole again. Without realizing you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and took in his scent which sent you into a light buzz. His scent was warm like the ray of sunshine with an earthy undertone. It was so comforting for your senses that you wanted to nuzzle your nose more until you realized what you were about to do, but you didn't pull immediately away. Kyojuro’s grip on your yukata was so tight, his face buried also into your neck. It seemed like as he didn’t want let go of you, like he had to make sure you were still whole.
It took a while for the two of you to loosen your grip on each other. Very slowly you moved your heads apart but only to look deep into each other's eyes. Still in his embrace, you gazed into his beautiful golden red hues, which always radiated such a passionate optimism, but now seemed to have a gleam you had never seen in him before. A pleasant tingling spread through you, and you felt the looming tension between you. Without realizing your faces came closer until your lips met.
It was soft and chaste, fleeting - the touch of his lips hotter than you thought in the short moment you kissed. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered excitedly when you saw a hint of blush on his cheeks.
"I- apologize!"
"For what?"
"For touching you in such an inappropriate way!" His face was now completely red, and you could not help but start to giggle.
"I think it’s called a kiss, Kyojuro."
Mesmerized, he stared at your lips while you giggled. "Yeah, and I think I am going to do it again..."
He was about to bend down to give you another kiss when you quickly placed your finger on his lips. "W-Wait! What if someone just barges in here?" You looked around with a slight panic.
You heard his deep chuckle. "That is not going to happen, since this is my room."
“Oh,” was the only thing that left your lips. You looked around wide-eyed and indeed, it looked like it belonged to him. You just went into the next available room in such a hurry that you didn't even notice it, but on closer inspection it was obvious. It included the usual things a room needed. A futon to sleep, a chest of drawers and a picture of his family. But there was one thing- no two things that stood out. One was a small chest that seemed to hold writing stuff and the other was a hanging scroll where "protection" was written in a calligraphy. It was above his futon. The origin didn’t seem to be himself.
“Do you like it?”
You nodded and started to blush madly when you realized how intimate this situation actually was. You were here alone in Kyojuro’s room as the said man was still holding you.
He laughed his boisterous laugh, and you felt his laughter vibrate all over your body. Your blush was just so adorable that he couldn’t hold himself back and kissed your cheek. Another silent moment passed between you when you just looked into each other's eyes and then he suddenly shouted. “Y/N!” His face was red like a tomato. “I love you and I would be happy if you could become my girlfriend!”
His confession was bold and like a burning fire. He literally was the Flame Pillar as a slayer and in his private time. You smiled as you pulled him in for another kiss, holding his face in your hands. It was not a long and passionate kiss as this was the first one you ever shared in your life, that was followed by several others. Each of them was short and soft, feather light like the butterflies that were fluttering in your stomach. Each kiss had him sigh in delight, between each kiss you whispered how you loved him too, how much you wanted to be his, until you rested your head on his chest with closed eyes, and heard the strong and steady beat of his heart. You heard how excited he was that the feeling was mutual.
He noticed your exhaustion of the day and laid down on his futon, pulling you close in a comfortable and comforting embrace. You nuzzled your face into his chest, the symbol of protection over both of your heads, and you indeed felt protected for the first time in your life in the embrace of a Flame.
🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥
Big thanks to my lovely friend @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi for beta reading and editing❤️) As some might have realized that the story is close to the end. Chapter 13 will be the last and then there comes an epilog. I hope you will stay tuned till the epilog. And again I am open for discussions and critique. All likes, reblogs and replies are highly appreciated!
@krillfromsky @kingmultiverse404 @deepressed @nelissecrectplace @yomoya-girl @theycallmemrsbarnes @roninishere @beelzmunchkin @kyojurismo @stuckinthewrongworld @lynnw @love-me-satoru @felix99999l @noarawriteszr @strawberrymm @rye-flower @demonslayeranimex @kittenssss-blog-blog @hanatsuki-hime @kxthxrinx3180 @thatw3ird0 @lovely-nayiq @annie-napier @cole-silas @inonezu-808 @witchy-scribblings @drowsydoggy @anjox @xkanrojimitsurix @ahashiraswife @mamayan @flametrashira
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thewulf · 11 months
Strongly Dislike You || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Here is what I’m thinking and it was a dream so bare with me. but a little ways in the future two OC characters have a kid together.The reader is friends with one and jake/bradley are friends with the other. Unfortunately tragedy strikes and both ocs pass away... Read Rest Here
A/N: The three times your grew to love Jake Seresin and the one time you fell in love. LOVED writing this one! Hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 5.4k +
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Slamming down the legal document you turned toward the lawyer who was divvying up your best friends assets with bulging eyes, “What the fuck?”
Before he could continue you turned towards Jake sitting in the seat across from you with downturned eyes. He’d been different since the accident. Since your best friend Holly and her husband Jared were snatched right from the world. Taken far too soon. Stripped from the pleasure of raising their daughter.
You’d been in a state of nothingness for the last week as you really processed what the hell happened. It honestly didn’t feel real. If felt like they just moved away. Like you could still call or text her when you needed to cry. When you needed to feel any emotion. She had been with you through life. Fast friends when you moved next to her family in the sixth grade. Two girls tied at the hip.
Holly had fallen in love with the local pilot boy five years ago. The two of you lived perhaps the most opposite lives than Jared did. He flew jets on a daily basis. The two of you worked as accountants at the same firm. You went to the same middle school, high school, college and now accounting firm. She was more of a sister to you. A sister that was killed. Killed senselessly. Who would’ve thought your friends would’ve been murdered in a bank robbery. It almost made you laugh when you were out of tears. Didn’t that shit only happened in movies? They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
And sweet Rosie. Rosie girl. Their beautiful two-year-old girl that had you wrapped around her little finger had lost her world. She was ripped of the opportunity to be raised by the two best people you knew.
“Did you know about this?” You asked Jake. He was so quiet, too quiet. It didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like the asshole you hated.
You’d met Jake when Holly had taken you to the Hard Deck to meet Derek. It was a trick double-date. It didn’t go that great. Even Jared had to admit that as he was driving you home. It frustrated you beyond belief. You usually found it pretty easy to get along with new people. Jake was an exception. He was cocky. Arrogant beyond belief. He reminded you of your local frat boys.
He shook his head slowly letting out a low sigh, “No. Not a clue.”
Your head slowly turned back to the bored looking lawyer sitting between the two of you, “So, we live together and take care of Rosie?” Your eyes closed not really believing the words you just spoke. Your mind was exploding with a thousand thoughts in a million different directions. Why wouldn’t Holly have told you about this? Were they planning to? Did you have to do this?
“If you wish to inherit all of Jared and Holly’s assets, yes.” He confirmed with a faint nod of his head not giving you an ounce of emotion.
A deep sigh ripped from your mouth, “But living together? That’s…”
He, rather rudely, cut you off before you could continue, “A clause.”
Jake eyed you. A small smile toying at the end of his lips. He knew you weren’t his biggest fan. You had to assume the feeling was mutual. It’s not like you treated him kindly over the last few years of having the pleasure of knowing him.
You shook your head, “Why?” You couldn’t get passed the whole ‘you must live in the same home’ statement.
The lawyer let out an anguished sigh letting you very clearly know you were wasting his time. He shuffled through the papers finding the line he needed. An almost impish look of self-satisfaction washed over him when he did before looking up at you with a stoic face, “In the event that I, Jared Wittaker, and my wife Holly Wittaker both pass away we leave everything with the Godparents, Jake Seresin and Y/N Y/L/N, should they reside in the Wittaker residence for the betterment of our daughter Rosie and her stability. Should they disagree all assets are forfeited.”
An incredulously dazed look sprang on your face as you realized, “Wait, we have to live in their home?”
“Yes.” The lawyer set the papers down holding his hands in a fist atop the shiny wooded table that sat in his office.
Giving yourself whiplash you turned back to Jake who just sat there smiling now. Looking right at you, “You’re being awfully quiet Seresin.” Eyes narrowed in on his, he couldn’t really be thinking about doing this, right?
He shrugged finding your mini-breakdown amusing, “I’m in.”
Playing with the hem of your shirt in your hands your nerves were starting to get the better of you, “What?”
Looking ever so nonchalant he kept smiling right at you, “I’m in if you are.”
“This isn’t a joke Jake. This is a baby. Rosie’s life.” If looks could kill, Jake would be slain on the floor right now. But alas, they could not.
His smile only seemed to flourish as he watched you squirm. Bastard. He got off on this kind of stuff, you’d convinced yourself of that.
“Oh darlin’. You don’t think I know that?” He leaned forward egging you on with that damn smile, “Look. It’s what they wanted. The home was paid off by his family years ago. It’s been in Jared’s family for forever. That means you get a free place to stay. I get a free place to stay. Rosie gets two people who love her to death taking care of her. I know you don’t like me Y/N, but the house is big enough
Cheeks flushed red with embarrassment you sat back in your seat. You’d normally been the rational one. Why was he being it today? Why were you so emotionally drained from the man already?
You hated caving into this deal, but he was right. It’s clearly what they wanted. Chewing on your bottom lip thinking of all the options you finally gave in, “Alright then.
The lawyer tossed you and Jake both a set of house keys unamused by the dialogue going on between the two of you. He looked tired. Probably dealt with this shit all day.
“Just like that?”
He nodded, “Just like that.”
Your hand hesitantly grabbed the key in front of you. Grabbing the cool metal, you twisted it under the light wondering. Wondering what this life could have been for that family. Rosie was horrifically lucky really. She’d never have to know the despair of losing her parents. The same despair you were fighting at that present moment.
“Are you sure?” Jake asked crossing his arms over his chest with a countenance of devilish delight dancing across his features.
Nodding quickly, you added the key to your key ring, signifying it’s permanence in your life, “Yes Jake. I’m positive. I’ll be the
Leaning forward even further so that his hands were touching yours he gave you a quick shake of his head, “Can’t be darlin’. I’ll be there too.” He tossed a wink in your direction before thanking the lawyer. He waltzed out that door with so much confidence you were sure you’d just dreamed the whole thing up. Except you didn’t. Your new reality began when you stepped through that front door once more.
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It was quarter end at work which meant you were pulling doubles trying to get all your work done. Accounting was fun all up until quarter end. Then it was your hellish nightmare as you switched between coffees and caffeine drinks to keep you going. It was only a few weeks out of the year, but it felt like a million years when you were in the thick of it.
Not only was it quarter end but you were catching up on all the work you missed. It’d been a month since you and Jake moved in together with Rosie as your almost adopted daughter. Your boss had been kind enough to get you some time off but not enough so to help with the work you’d missed. The month had been interesting, to say the least. Jake was not as bad as you made him out to be in your mind, but he still pissed you off to nearly no end. He was never wrong. Jake would quite literally argue until his face was blue. It was something you were just going to have to deal with now. You’d agree to it. You’d learn how to live with him.
You’d pulled into the driveway a little after six with your phone buzzing in your hand. Looking down you frowned seeing Rosie’s Daycare calling. That was odd.
“Hello, is this Y/N?” A female voice rung from the other end of the line.
“Yes. This is her.” You turned off your car juggling your phone, keys and bag while trying to make sure you hear her.
“Hi. We close in 15 minutes, and I just wanted to make sure somebody is coming to pick up Rosie?” She sounded nervous, like you’d explode on her or something. Quite the opposite. You sat there in silence as your heart dropped down to your ass.
Your eyes scrunched together. Today was Jake’s day to grab Rosie. You’d gone over it with him nearly a hundred times this weekend making sure he was on the same page as you. Spinning around on your heals you stopped when you spotted his car parked on the street. He was home and Rosie was not. He fucking forgot her.
“Oh, yes. I’m so sorry. Time just got away from me.” You gave her a breathy laugh trying to play it cool, “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“No problem at all miss. Thank you.” She hung the phone up quickly. Daycare was only five minutes away. That gave you approximately three minutes to go yell at him and chew his forgetful ass out before you needed to get to Rosie.
Storming into the house you slammed the door open. Even you cringed a little when the door hit the wall. That wall would need a little love later.
“Jake Seresin!” You screeched like a banshee beside yourself. Your hands were shaking so bad your phone was at risk from flying right out of your hand.
“Would you cool it?” He gave you a sly smile while sauntering out of his bedroom. He leaned on the wall at the end of the hallway giving you a humorous look, “Broke the damn wall darlin’.” Normally you’d find his slow southern drawl at the end of the day semi-relaxing. Slowly growing used to this new lifestyle. But now? Now it sounded like nails on a chalk board.
Shaking your head, you were trying to reign the anger in, “Where the fuck is Rosie, Jake?” Biting your cheek from saying something overly nasty you simply flared your nostrils in rage. Rage that’d he forget the most important part of the plan. The toddler who was probably wondering where in the hell her sub parents are. She too was slowly getting used to it. She refused to call either you or Jake ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ but it didn’t bother you. You were new to her developing brain. She had to relearn everything. Her routines were shaken in an instant. How jarring that must be for such a little one you thought.
He looked at you, then the wall, then the floor, then back at you with wide eyes finally processing your words, “I’m on my way.” He knew he’d fucked up. You’d even reminded him that morning. That was strike number 89 against him. He only seemed to be fumbling this more and more. He was trying. He really was. It was just hard. Harder than he’d ever expected. Jared made it seem so easy. He has to take it up another level. Right now. For you and Rosie.
You’d never seen him move so fast almost flying out of the house. The bitter look on your face didn’t stop you from high tailing it right behind him throwing yourself in the passenger’s seat before he raced off.
“How could you forget?” The adrenaline had worn down now and you just felt depleted. Depleted and scared.
“I…” He looked over at you before quickly shifting his eyes on the road, “I don’t know. I don’t have an answer. It was a busy day at work and I… I let it get it me.”
You kept your stare straight forward willing the truck to get there a little bit faster.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. It won’t happen again. This is all so new. I’m trying here.”
Your eyes peaked over at him as your head turned slowly, “Try harder.” It was a little brutal. You knew it. But he also couldn’t forget your child at daycare. She was your child now. Your responsibly. And if anything happened to Holly’s daughter, to sweet little Rosie, you’d thought you just might end up with Holly up in heaven.
“Fuck.” He groaned gunning it through a nearly red light before sliding the truck into the parking spot in the front. You took a quick peak noticing the lack of cars in the parking lot before jumping out of the vehicle. You ran inside muttering a quick apology to the girl at the front. Scanning for Rosie you spotted her coloring in the corner.
Jake stayed back apologizing to the last employee there. You’d heard bits of the conversation before fully focusing your attention on the small girl, “Rosie, baby.” You squatted down opening your arms up for her, giving her a choice.
She looked up giving you a sweet smile, golden curls bouncing as she turned her head, “Hi Y/N.” She put the Crayon down before running over to hug you.
Squeezing her in your arms you picked her up giving her a soft kiss on the crown of her head, “How was your day cutie?” You placed her on your hip letting her get acclimated. She recently exploded in speech chatting you and Jake up constantly. It was adorable.
She nodded before yawning, “Good! Played Barbie.” She grinned pointing to the doll house in the corner with all sorts of different Barbie’s and dolls stacked inside.
“Did you? Was it fun?” You asked walking over to get her shoes on. Little did you know Jake was watching the entire interaction close to swooning at how gentle you were with her. How you were treating her like a human, a real person and not some little nuisance that didn’t have feelings. Your maternal instincts kicked in quick, and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Jake. That was partially why he’d felt so damn bad about failing left and right. Because you weren’t. It seemed to come so naturally to you it made him feel almost inadequate. You knew what to do in every situation.
You didn’t feel that way of course. And Jake wasn’t really as bad as he thought he was. This was his first big fuck up and you just wanted him to really feel it. When you turned around seeing the look of love written all over his face it sent a pang of guilt right to your heart. You offered him a small genuine smile before turning back to Rosie, tying up her little laces coated in rainbows and unicorns together. It was a gift from your mom after she’d learned of your new fate. She vehemently disagreed with your decision to do this. But you couldn’t let go of Rosie. She was too much like Holly to give her up. The colorful shoes were a peace offering you gladly accepted.
She giggled, “Fun!” Clapping her petite hands together her joy brought a bright smile upon your own face.
“That makes me so happy!” You gave her leg a light squeeze, “Are you ready to go home Rosie girl?”
She nodded, “Hungry.” Patting her belly, she kicked her legs into yours softly.
You let off a soft laugh. That never ceased to get rise out of you. It’ll be a sad day when she grows out of those gestures.
“Jake is going to make us dinner. Isn’t that right Jake?” You looked up seeing he moved closer not dropping that look. The look you’d literally only seen tonight from him. It felt foreign.
“That’s right. For my favorite girls.” He nodded softly.
“Alright. Let’s get going so we can eat.” You bent down to pick up the overtired toddler. A fun day of play for sure. She held onto you with all the strength she had left. Jake led the way opening the door and car door for you. You buckled her into the car seat with ease. Finally getting comfortable with the thing after a few weeks of triple checking your work.
You hopped in the passenger’s seat after Jake gave her a quick kiss giving her a quick hello. You thought about him for a second. His favorite girls? Was he just putting on a show or telling the truth? After a few moments of silent driving, he spoke up again.
“I’m sorry. I really am. I will try harder. I promise.” He sounded sincere. Your panic must’ve gotten through to him only twenty minutes prior.
You nodded accepting his words, “I believe you.”
A genuine smile crossed his face taking in your words. Satisfied.
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Partial Dislike
Her crying woke you with a startle. Being woken up in the middle of deep dreamless sleep was shocking. It took you longer than normal to hobble on over to the baby girls room.
“Sweet girl.” You cooed before seeing Jake sitting there in the rocker holding her with a bottle of something. He cradled her head in between his bicep and chest as she sprawled across his lap. Tired and ornery, a dangerous combo. The terrible twos were striking hard for the little one. His other handheld the bottle steady to her chest so she could sip it out. Her eyes were already drooping by the time you’d walked into the room.
A wave of relief rushed over your own chest as you witnessed the sweet moment before you. You took a mental snapshot of the precious moment. A beautiful moment between the two newly found humans.
Jake looked up at you with a faint smile gracing his lips, “Got her.” He whispered stoking a gentle thumb down her arm. She was fading fast not even acknowledging your presence. You’d usually been the first one there, but it took an act of God himself to wake you tonight. But Jake was on it. He had been on it for a little while now. Another month had passed, and you hadn’t been on his throat for almost all of it. What a strange feeling. You’d been merely tolerating him, but Rosie had been bringing you closer unknowingly. She demanded both of you pay attention to her when you were both home… or else. Whatever that threat meant from a toddler.
You sent him a soft nod as you kept observing the precious scene before you. He took your statement to heart. He was trying harder. Stepping up in a way you’d never expected.
“Thank you.” You whispered taking a step closer to the duo, “I was knocked out.”
He nodded continuing to rock her, “Go back to sleep darlin’. I’ve got her. It’s been nice spending some time with her.” He urged you out of the room with a sweep of his head towards the door.
“You sure?” You took a step closer brushing a stray curl out of her face.
“Positive. She’d knocked out anyway. But I want to hold her for a little more. It’s nice” He looked down sheepishly at the small child cuddled right in his arms.
The moment was beyond anything you’d experienced in this lifetime. Who would’ve thought it’d come at 3 AM on a random Wednesday morning. Oh, how fascinating life was.
“She’s so beautiful isn’t she?” The sleeping girl had let go of the bottle as her head turned into Jake’s shoulder, nuzzling right up on him. She felt so comfortable in his arms. She was adapting quickly. Soon her parents would be a distant memory in that ever-expanding brain. It broke your heart. Holly didn’t get a chance to raise her. As much as you cherished the precious girl it still hurt knowing the consequence of it.
“She’s the most beautiful little girl in the world.” He continued brushing her arms whispering quietly careful not to wake the sleeping baby.
Your heart did a weird flutter at those words. He was growing on you, quickly. Scarily quickly. He’d morphed into a new man in front of yours eyes over the last two months. One that took words to heart and picked it up.
“She is.” You gave him a full-on smile as you took your last mental snapshot, “Night Jake. Sleep well.”
“You too, Y/N.” He gave you a gentle nod careful not to disturb her.
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Kinda Liking Him
It wasn’t a bad day. It just sucked that you had to go in today, a Saturday. But your boss needed some extra work done and you were next up on the overtime docket. Jake was off taking Rosie for the day.
Things were going well. Almost too well. You were waiting on the shoe to drop but it was month four and the two of you were molding together quicker than ever. Finding an easy routine between the two of you. Rosie adapted better than you’d ever dreamed of. She blossomed after month three. Her short questions and answers were turning into full blown conversations.
You’d called out once you’d entered the house hearing it weirdly quiet. There was definitely no toddler in here. Your nerves began to bubble until you found yourself at your backdoor peeking out into the backyard.
The nerves died down when you saw Jake chasing Rosie around the small playground Jared had built for Rosie a year ago, even though she was still far too small to use it. He was just so excited he got a mega head start. Lucky for her it’d be here when she wanted it. Her daddy built it for her. Just for her.
You stood and watched her screaming laughter as Jake sped up and slow down. He’d tickle her for a second and she sprint off in laughter once more. Jake let her speed off before he slowly started chasing her once again.
All was good and well right up until she slipped on some wet grass and fell on the bricks that lined the garden bed skinning her knee. You winced as the sudden silence was met with a screaming crying toddler suddenly. Blood tricked down from the small cut.
Jake scooped her up in a hurry rocking her in his arms. When that was only left with more wails he hightailed it for the house knowing he needed to distract the weepy toddler before he’d be able to clean up the wound.
You opened the door for him as he got closer not wanting him to slow down trying to wrangle it open with a squirmy toddler in his hands.
He hopped through with a smile waving at you with his free hand, “Your home.” The harsh glares turned to softer looks as you got to know the real him more. You’d really never given him a chance to before and you were slowly starting to regret your actions. Brushed off the man for years based on a snap judgment made all those years ago. Oh well, at least you were learning the real him now.
“I am.” You smiled, “I’ll grab the first aid kit.”
He nodded, “I’ll distract her in the meantime.”
You’d handed him the kit after retrieving it from the bathroom. Taking a step back you watched him take over the situation. He’d gotten her a lollipop, her favorite. The tears almost instantly stopped once she spotted the sucker in his hand.
You watched as he cleaned it off with water in the sink before dabbing it dry and disinfecting it. He told her it would sting, and she needed to be a big girl.
You grinned in amazement as she clutched onto Jakes hand as he dabbed the wound clean with the alcohol making sure it wouldn’t get infected with her falling all the time still. She let out a soft sigh when he said, “All done, you’re so brave Rosie.”
She nodded along with him, “I am brave.”
“So strong too.” He smiled continuing to clean the wound with Neosporin before finishing off with a Barbie Band-Aid. Her favorite thing in the world.
Jake grabbed her arm squeezing it softly, “So strong! You fall down sometimes but you get back up. We’re so proud of you for that.”
“I am strong.” She smiled agreeing with him. Giving him a flex of her bicep mimicking his action of ‘strong’. Your smile grew and grew as you watched him reinforce this into the girl. She was growing so quickly. She had to remember how strong she really was. Growing and adapting in the world and with new people at the same time.
“All done.” Jake tapped her nose.
She looked down squealing almost instantly, “It’s Barbie!” The cut hadn’t even phased the girl any longer. She was so excited to have Barbie on her leg it didn’t seem to matter anymore. You watched as he set her down on the floor. She took off going to go play with her toys in the room adjacent.
Jake turned to you, “Thank you.”
“No need. You did great there Jake. Looked like a natural.”
He raised a brow, “A rare compliment? What a day!”
“Oh, shove it up your ass Jake.” You rolled your eyes playfully beginning to walk to the room over wanting to play with Rosie.
“Only if you do it for me darlin’!” He grinned knowing that’d get a rise out of you.
You stifled a giggle not wanting to give him satisfaction, “Pig.”
“You love it.” His was grinning ear to ear. Happier than ever. He’d seemingly figured it out. Gotten into the routine of it. Gotten you to finally warm up to him. He’d never felt like this before. So whole. So, himself. He could only thank the two of you for completing him.
“Maybe I do.” You whispered before vanishing off leaving him to his thoughts.
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Oh Shit, I Love Him
You walked downstairs finding Jake sitting at the kitchen table eating some eggs, “Rosie’s sick.” You sighed. You were surprised it hadn’t happened sooner honestly. Day care could be a brutal place.
He nodded, “Thought so, she seemed warm when I kissed her forehead this morning.”
“I’ll call in.” You sat down feeling the sleepiness take over secretly happy to take the day off.
He shook his head, “I don’t mind. I haven’t used a sick day yet this year.”
You shrugged, “Let’s both call off. There’s a bad flu going around anyway.”
He gave you a gorgeous shit eating grin. It’s been six months now and it was almost perfect. Your like for him was bubbling into love. He’d not only tried harder but kicked it into high gear. He’d taken on the role of father to the next level. He was her everything and she was his everything. Your love grew for him as you watched his bond with Rosie blossom into the most gorgeous relationship you’d ever seen. Seeing an almost three your old bring a grown man to his knees always brought a chuckle out of you.
“That’s a great idea darlin’.” He’d never dropped the term of endearment with you. However, it didn’t sound so condescending. It oozed honey as he filled it out with his southern drawl over time. He just knew how to suck you right on in.
The two of you sat there chatting casually while watching the discovery channel in the background. Things had gotten so easy with him. They’d gotten so natural between the two of you.
When the monitor started humming with her cries he was the first one up rushing to her crib before pulling her out gently, “It’s okay Rosie.” He held her in his arms.
You watched in awe as he cooled her down with a cold washcloth and some milk. She drunk it slowly unsure if it’d hurt her stomach or not. He didn’t ask for a lick of help as he poured the children’s Tylenol into syringe. He effortlessly gave her the medicine even getting a small smile from the sleepy sick girl.
It was at that moment you knew you loved him. You had love for him for a while now but seeing him so gentle with her sent you into orbit. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you watched him lay her down telling her a story until her heard her breathe even out.
Oh shit, you loved the damn man you swore you hated only six months ago. He’d weaseled his way in and carved and carved and he didn’t need to carve anymore. He had it. He had your heart wholly.
“What?” He asked as the two of you settled back on the couch ready to return back to conversation.
You shook your head suspiciously quick, “Nothing.”
“Bullshit darlin’. Can’t bullshit a bullshitter.” He winked at you while biting his damn lip on the side revealing a set of gorgeously white teeth. He has to know what he was doing to you.
You laughed, “It’s sweet. Watching the two of you.”
“There’s more.” He pressed scooting a touch closer to you.
“You’re so good with her.” You whispered eyes looking anywhere but at his.
“Darlin’, look at me.” He wanted to touch your cheek, but he didn’t want to fuck it up already. He had an inkling you grew to like him as much as he’d always liked you. He’d of course grown to love you over the same amount of time. As much as he’d grown he’d watched as you blossomed and matured into a new woman. You’d become a mom over the last six months. Vowing to protect her over anything. You were beyond fierce and crazy loyal. He’d always known you were something special. Something different.
You’d listened. You’d always listen to him now. God damn, he had you wrapped around his finger. He’d admit to the same though. He’d do anything you ask. Anything in the world.
“I like you.” There it was. He’d put it out into the universe for you to take or reject. It was all up to you.
You turned your head. The last thing you were expecting from him, “You do?”
“A lot. I like you a lot.” He confirmed aching to touch you anywhere. But not until you confirmed. Not until he knew for sure.
Your smile brightened tenfold as you processed his words, “I like you too. A lot. I like you a lot Jake Seresin.”
“Well, that’s a relief.” He cupped your face gently settling the urge down gently.
“Who would’ve thought.” You laughed softly putting a little pressure on his hand. Letting him know you really did like it, his touch.
He chucked scooting close to you now, “Certainly not me. I thought you hated me.”
You nodded considering your words, “I wouldn’t say hated. I’d say… strongly disliked.”
He threw his head back full of laughter bubbling out of his mouth. When he caught his breath he continued, “Strongly disliked it is. Look where we are now though.” He’s place a gentle hand on your thigh rubbing soft circles with his thumb. He’d enjoyed the goosebumps that erupted from your skin with his gentle touch.
You’d nodded your head looking into his eyes, “To liked. Strongly disliked to really strongly liked.” You’d confirmed once again.
He beamed, “I’m going to kiss you now.” He placed his other hand on your cheek holding your head in his hands.
You nodded eagerly feeling every emotion as he brought his hands to your face, holding you like you were made of glass, “Please do.” You whispered before his lips touched yours for the first of many times.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @dempy @mayhemmanaged
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (part 18)
Tw: nothing much, also boring chapter its just some filler and introduction of another character, cause if its only between yves and monty its gonna get old quick . So i threw in a sacrifice side character
Part 19
Mr Jones nodded. The ride will take an hour. You hope Yves won't be grieving over that $200.
While waiting in traffic, you stared out of the window. Watching the planes in the distance roam in the air.
"Mx (name), I heard that you will be starting your semester orientation tomorrow."
You confirmed it, he asked which University you go to. You told him the name of your university.
"Ah, that is a prestigious university. My daughter received a scholarship to study there!" He bragged as a proud father.
"Her name is Evangeline, Do you by chance know her?"
You doubt so. The only person you hung around with is Yves, and you only started doing that after your exams.
"My daughter has a green thumb, she loves her plants and flowers. So much so, she pursued a degree in botany!"
You scratched the back of your neck. Evangeline Jones from Botany. She sounds familiar.
It isn't like you were a complete recluse. You did attend orientation and made a hoard of temporary friends. The friendships never seem to go anywhere, so you slowly fall out of touch with them. To the point that neither of you say hi to each other upon passing by.
You used to have a whole phonebook of contacts that gave you the illusion that you're popular, but you deleted almost all of them except for a select few group members. You think you have seen an "Evangeline Jones" before.
"But..." His smile fell. "My poor daughter is having a hard time fitting in. She would complain to my wife about how she barely has any friends."
You hummed in acknowledgement. You understand the feeling.
"She used to, but they were jealous of her and started spreading horrible rumors about my child. My daughter takes a lot from my wife, so she's naturally beautiful! It's just... such a shame she met the wrong group of people."
Wait a minute...
You asked if Evangeline is blonde.
"Yes! That's right, she has the most beautiful blonde hair. She got her blue eyes from my wife, her nose from me and lips from the of us."
Poor girl. You never spoke much to her, but during the times you did, she was the sweetest, most soft spoken person you knew. There were rumors going on about her stealing someone's partner. You don't know how true it was, but you can say for certain she is beautiful.
You've seen her eating by herself at random outdoor places. But you've never cared to make contact.
She obviously cannot compare to Yves's levels, but she is definitely a lot higher than average.
"Say, how about this, Mx (name). The florist she works at is just a couple of steps away from this Ice cream parlor of yours. I know you're a kind soul and you two would be great friends! I bring you to meet her and I won't charge this trip. How does that sound?"
You shrugged. Why not? Less burden on Yves's bank account and you get to have a friend. So you agreed.
"Perfect! Trust me, Mx (name), you and Evangeline will be the bestest of friends! She will be the sweetest girl you've ever met!" Mr Jones was extremely happy. You guess it's because it hurts to see your own child being alienated by her peers. He is a good father, doing what he can to help her make friends.
Though, you don't know if this is the best way to do it. Perhaps to some other clients, it's considered unprofessional at best, perverse at worst. Maybe he could just tell that you're a normal student.
Or... it's probably because he heard you bawl your eyes out in front of Yves about how you didn't have friends.
Yeah, that's the most plausible reason. How embarrassing.
The glass door swung open and the bell struck against the frame. Alerting the person behind the counter that someone entered the store.
"Hi sweetie! There is someone I want you to meet."
"Oh! Hi Daddy! Who is it?" She was tending to a bucket of petunias. Evangeline stretched her neck to see who is trailing behind him.
You emerged behind his back and waved awkwardly.
Evangeline gave you the most dazzling smile as she greeted you.
"Hello, welcome to Nancy's florist. I think we've met before, haven't we?"
You told her yes, you met her from orientation.
"Ah! I remember now. It's nice to see you again, how are you?" She asked.
You replied that you're fine and returned the questions.
"Mm, Well. I'm nervous for tomorrow. You know, first day jitters." She giggled, but you could tell she is uncomfortable. Most likely wondering if you knew of the rumors.
"I see you two are well acquainted! That's good!" Her father gleefully remarked.
"How did you come across..." She tried to remember your name.
You refreshed her memory.
"(name)! Yes. How did you come across each other?"
"Well, Sir Yves hired me to become their chauffeur for the week."
Evangeline puts her work away and wipes her hands on a nearby hand cloth. She's only slightly taller than you are.
"That's great, daddy." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Did... they request to come here?"
"Oh! No. They wanted to visit the Ice Cream parlour down the street. Say, sweetie. What if you take a break and get a bit more acquainted with them with some good ol' ice cream." He grinned.
Suddenly, horror consumed her expression.
She turned to you.
"I'm so sorry. My dad is- my dad was just trying to help me find some friends. He's always like this. This isn't the Ice cream shop, (name)."
You said that it's fine. It's near her florist anyways.
"There isn't an Ice Cream shop anywhere near here. The next one is a 15 minute drive away."
You suck as maps then.
"Oh, it's fine. I'll drive both of you there."
"Daddy." She seethe through her clenched jaw.
"They're also looking for friends! I don't see the harm in introducing you to them."
You opened your mouth to say something but was cut off by Evangeline.
"You can't just do this to your clients! It's so unprofessional!"
"Mx (name) agreed to it!"
"That's because they're nice! What would Sir Yves think of this!?"
"I'm not charging him for this trip!"
"Then you are making a loss for my sake! You're wasting their time and yours, daddy! They wanted to go to an Ice Cream Shop, you brought them to a florist!"
"Come on! They're also looking to make friends, aren't you, Mx (name)?"
They both stared at you. You began freezing up under the pressure.
The bickering was interrupted when a customer entered the shop.
She greeted them albeit shakily and worked to serve them.
You left the building out of embarrassment.
In the end though, her father convinced to close up early for the day and go to that Ice Cream parlor with you.
He drove off after dropping you and his daughter.
"So... um." She fiddled with her ice cream spoon. Her strawberry flavored one is starting to melt and drip onto the plate under the cup.
You weren't paying attention because you're snarfing down the ice cream. It was the best you ever had. Since you have a fresh injection of five grand into your account, you can buy as much as your heart desires.
"What did you hear about me?" She asked. You stopped and looked at her. She's staring at you with a straight face.
You asked what she meant by that.
"You know..." She tried to vaguely gesture to something.
You told her you heard rumors of her sleeping with a taken man.
"There we go." She fell back into the comfortable chair and rolled her eyes. Her blonde hair, blue floral, off-the-shoulders sun dress fluttering along.
You asked if it was true.
"No. It wasn't. That was such a horrible thing, I would never do that! I... I didn't understand why she would tell such a lie." Evangeline had her sights downcast.
"Did you believe it, (name)?" She looked at you.
You had to wait a few minutes to recover from your brain freeze.
Once you're done, you told her you didn't pay attention. Or cared, you were struggling to pay your own rent and that occupied the entirety of your mind.
She looked relieved. "I'm sorry to hear that (name)."
You told her not to be, you managed to scrounge enough to pay for that month. You're in a much better position now, financially.
She gave you a polite smile. "Well, I'm glad to hear it."
There was an awkward silence between the two of you again.
"Umm. Are you ready for tomorrow?"
You said no.
"Yeah. Me neither."
Crickets again.
"What classes do you have?"
Your eyes widened. You forgot to choose your timetable!
"What!? You're supposed to do that two weeks ago!"
You logged into your student portal. Only to see that your timetable has been allocated.
Huh? You don't remember...
You checked your University email. It was almost like blowing metaphorical dust bunnies and cobwebs off. You have not opened it since the end of last semester.
You saw an email sent in by Yves two weeks ago.
I assume you will be reading this a day before the beginning of your second semester.
I enrolled you in your required courses and allocated your classes for you. I gave you a few reminders prior to the deadline.
Please be mindful of your passwords. You wrote your login credentials on a piece of sticky note I found in your bag while cleaning. You also had your banking information and the PIN number of your debit card on it. I strongly recommend using a digital password manager, I will cover the monthly fee for you.
Well done on your exams. You have achieved exemplary results. You were being too harsh on yourself as you received a high distinction on each paper. I am very proud of you, (name).
Best of luck returning to academia. Come see me if you need additional support, be it emotional or financial. I will provide it in any way I can.
That's right. You didn't even bother to check what you got for your exams. Fully believing that you're failing each subject, you just wanted to enjoy your holiday with Yves in peace. You didn't want to know.
You can't believe you got straight As though. It's crazy, all you did was cry in that exam.
"What's up?" She asked. You've been staring at your phone for a while.
You said nevermind, it's been settled. She also visibly relaxed.
"Thank goodness. Hey, I think we have the same class."
She pointed at your timetable.
That is interesting.
"We could meet up!" She clapped her hands in glee. "And we could go for lunch too, this is great!"
You matched her energy and cheered in the parlour. Attracting some eyes due to the rowdiness.
Both of you cower in shame and laughed it off.
The afternoon was spent awkwardly trying to make conversation with each other.
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