#boundless au
chknbzkt · 8 months
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It’s late and nobody’s gonna see these, post sky whale darlings 🏃🏽‍♀️ 💨
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
kel kel kel!
do you know how to flex? (hehe)
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Uhhh… Oops?
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dudeyuri · 6 months
watching cherry magic OBVIOUSLY has me envisioning a patpran au. maybe not as tied to virginity, lol, but involving suddenly coming into mind reading powers
after some consideration I feel like the most interesting rendition would be pat suddenly developing mind reading abilities. (like. imagine having access to pran’s thoughts in the elevator in episode 3?!) I think it would allow for an interesting exploration of the concept: what would a pre-realized feelings pat do with proof of pran’s romantic feelings for him?
he wouldn’t be cruel, because we know pat isn’t cruel. and he wouldn’t exploit his abilities to glean more from pran (at least on purpose) because we know pat isn’t like that. but it would still be a bombshell of course. i think at first he’d keep a distance (but that never works long term for either of them). he’d be amazed. and flattered, despite his shock; it's the architecture faculty hot guy/his worthy lifelong rival after all. i think even before he realizes his own feelings he’d be kind. i think he’d tease him about it a little, without letting on that he knows and without touching him. like maybe straight up asking pran “do you have a crush on anyone?” just to see how he’d respond (and secretly hoping to hear pran say his thoughts out loud, maybe?). or even better, "why do you like the person you like?", lowkey fishing lmao. it’s fun to think about.
plus the discrepancy in pran’s actions + thoughts would be cute. like if every time he pushes pat away, he inadvertently messages really fluttery excited (if not simultaneously frustrated, annoyed) yearning to pat. or maybe even the opposite: both of them caught up in their classic pre-realized feelings flirtation, pran letting himself relish the feeling, giving pat that dazed breathless smile; then when they touch, pat is hit with a wave of throttling devastation. ugh
it would also allow for interesting exploration of pat’s thoughts, too. before realizing he had feelings for pran he was closed off from a (queer) part of himself. so maybe the thoughts he needed access to the most was his own all along…something something touching himself to read his own mind. idk I’m just brainstorming here
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spacecowboyhotch · 10 months
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summary: a witch hunter is injured in the woods and is nursed back to health by none other than his target. she’s nothing like he imagined— full of compassion, infused with sweet magic and more beautiful than any woman he’s ever seen before.
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, witch hunter!au, enemies to lovers, violence/blood/wounds, weapons, witchy shit, angst, resistance, longing, pining, eventual smut, love confessions
I. My Dear Nemesis
The Rigid Hunter
The Eclectic Witch
II. Their Burning Flames
The Oathbound
Beyond Chaos*
Boundless Aesthetic
Boundless Playlist
a ways away but let me know if you’d like to be tagged <3
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newvegascowboy · 2 months
Aus that are so divorced from the source material as to be entirely unrecognizable if the names were changed. Fic of Theseus
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therekinperson · 4 months
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- MASTERPOST OF UNDERTALE BOUNDLESS - Undertale Boundless is basically just "What did the Bravery and Patience souls have to go through in the underground??" (I.e. Undertale Yellow)
Though I'm not sure what to do with this idea/concept (maybe some comics/songs/writing idkkk) I want to collect all my ideas together since things can get complex (sorta idk lets just move to the lore)
LORE - - - - - -
Siblings Roy (Bravery) and Hera (Patience) fall into a underground by accident while Roy was trying to find some rocks for his collection. They traverse the underground always a hair away from death, infact, Hera had to get a new ribbon because she lost her original one to a puzzle. Even though they seem like the undergound can gobble them up like a midnight snack, somehow together everything seems boundless to them. (GUYS I SAID IT!!!!!!! :O)
After leaving the ruins, their clumsiness becomes more apparent as they enter Snowdin.
To demonstrate , here is an artistic rendition of said clumsiness.
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And they fall.
(Things are subject to change)
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Luckily, some snow managed to break their fall and they had fell even deeper into the underground called, The Deeperground (A bit on the nose I know)
The deeperground is a more... neglected part of the underground. Since there's only a few entrances (that Hera and Roy were so lucky to find) it's easy for them to be looked over. Theres only a couple of royal guards there to even patrol the giant caverns. The monsters wait patiently for someone brave to help them reach the surface ... out of the deeperground, not the entire underground.
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(Since most of this is mostly unfinalized, everything is very much subject to change)
(please exscuse any spelling errors, I run with one braincell at a time) (Also I'll def add more characters)
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This section is as it states, misc things that I dont have much for and or things that cant be easily put into a category
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[The Golden Soul Locket]
A short scientist of sorts dropped this as he met his demise off a cliff (hopefully he's okay). It looks like a device that can carry another Human's soul. Im not sure if it works though.
MUSIC - - - - -
(Music by @desklamper)
ART/DOODLES - - - - - -
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(though I should have all of my ideas already set out before I do a masterpost, I just needed all of these pent up ideas out)
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happyk44 · 5 months
Carter meets Coral once and next thing Percy knows the Nome's living room is plastered in papers with Jaz and Carter brainstorming different predispositions demigods may have based on their parents' nature and/or perception in society (e.g. the ocean is moody/doesn't care about you leading to bpd/szpd, hypnos's kids being predisposed to narcolepsy (or even insomnia?), etc, etc)
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guraiuna · 1 day
One of my hc for Childe is that not only is he very indifferent to how much damage the Abyss did to his psyche, he sees his falling into the Abyss as a good thing for him.
He's content with what he have become thanks to it let's not say "glad"
However , as obvious/in denial he is to the gravity of the event, I think all that supressed trauma + other things he wants to bury would all come crushing down on him if any of his younger siblings were to experience the same thing.
Because while he had gaslighten himself into thinking the Abyss was a good thing for him, I hc if Teucer or any of his younger siblings were to get lost in the woods like he did, his mind would spiral into the worse scenario possible: Not getting mauled by a bear, no; falling into the Abyss.
Like he did
because history repeats itself and why wouldn't the Abyss take his siblings too if it took him already?
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runawaymun · 8 months
Trick or treat! Can you tell me anything about / post snippets from celrond arranged marriage or boundless sky? 💙💙💙
hi hi hi <3 happy halloween!
por qué no los dos?
Here is a bit more of the Fox scene that I've recently been working on in the Arranged Marriage AU, and then also a little snippet of Boundless Sky :)
From the arranged marriage AU:
Neither of them knew quite what to say after that. Thankfully, they were saved from further embarassment a moment later by rustling in the underbrush. Elrond’s hand shot to his sword hilt.  Out popped a set of orange, pointy ears, followed by a snout. A fox jumped into the clearing. Celebrían gasped in delight. Elrond relaxed, then dropped to a crouch, tugging her with him.  Then, to her surprise, Elrond stretched out his hand and called the fox hither, his voice sing-song and sweet and so enchanting that even Celebrían, in spite of herself, shuffled a little closer until they brushed shoulder to shoulder, kneeling there on the loamy soil. The fox’s ears swiveled toward him, and then slowly he began to creep over. In the distance, the sound of the barking, baying hounds began to grow louder. Celebrían realized with horror that the Hunt had swung back around to head straight for them, and that this little fox was, indeed, their quarry.  Elrond urged the fox closer, then cautiously closed the distance, murmured something under his breath that sounded like a spell, and scooped the creature up and bundled him beneath his cloak.   “The hounds will still smell him,” Celebrían said, getting to her feet and dusting off her knees.  Something sly the color of pure starlight flashed in Elrond’s eyes. He smiled and answered: “Don’t worry for the fox, Lady Celebrían. I have a way with dogs. Come stand by me, won’t you?”  She did, eyeing the little squirming creature nosing its way up through the collar of Elrond’s cloak. He gently pushed it back down into hiding and muttered something soothing to it, and then it stayed very still. 
- and from a future chapter of Boundless Sky:
“I am not asking you to trust him,” Elrond said quietly. “I am asking you to trust me, just as you have all these long years. He wants nothing save to be left in peace. He is sworn to me now; he is loyal to me.” His mouth tightened into something that was not quite a smile. “You know a Fëanorian will cleave to his oath.”  Istiel’s face was hard. Her fist stayed curled on the arm of her chair. She looked away from him, thinking. “If he stays in your house. If he does not venture into the city unattended. You keep your dog leashed.”  “You have my word,” Elrond said, though he bristled a little at the metaphor.  “Then…” Istiel ground her jaw. “Fine. I am able to live with that.”  Next to Elrond, Erestor leaned forward and pressed: “And the others?”  “They won’t be happy… but they won’t make trouble.”  “That’s all I ask,” Elrond replied. “Thank you.”
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void-and-virtue · 10 months
Writing fanfic is so dangerous bc whenever I see the name ‘Seth Gordon’ now, my brain just goes “SETH!! My man!!! My dude!!! Allison and Renee’s platonic husband!!!!” And then I have to take a moment of silence as I remember that oh. Oh, in canon, he is first an asshole and then dead
#truly it’s a struggle#my brain saw him and decided he’s free real estate#I just think this guy has so much potential to be explored in AU#my fascination with him is entirely based in the quote from tfc where he explains why he hates Kevin so much#‘his life is not more important than mine just because he’s more talented’#and the entire conversation surrounding that#Seth is a foil to the part of Neil that is all boundless jealousy over being the discarded one while Kevin Day shines#and just like Seth is often forgotten about I feel like that part of Neil is not often talked about either even tho it’s so essential to him#it’s literally quoted to be the thing Andrew found so interesting as to let him stay#and Seth is a character who potentially could carry that same theme with a perspective that is both unique and complimentary to Neil#which is why I fully am with the EC part where Nora says she thinks they would have been friends#and I would love to see that friendship explored#just like I would love to see Seth’s character growth and redemption leading to a better relationship with the upperclassmen#which is exactly what brings me to Renee/Allison&Seth#Seth and Allison breaking up for good and happily settling into a very committed platonic relationship is something that can be so personal#I have so many thoughts about their relationship rattling around in my brain I swear#and ofc Renison bc they are incredibly canon to me#and I think it could be really interesting to explore where Renee and Seth may find common causes when they are pulled together via Allison#aftg#aftg spoilers#all for the game#the foxhole court#aftg headcanon#aftg hc#seth gordon#renee walker#allison reynolds
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senditothemoonn · 2 years
MORE mamma mia au? I just scoured your blog and can’t find anything mama mia, please can we have the link 🤲
I don’t think I ever posted it here, so…
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It’s really old lol but I did do a tiny bit of tweaking.
This happened like last June after I watched the second Mamma Mia movie (but only the flashback parts, the rest of it can go in the toilet lol whenever I watch it, I just skip to the parts with young Donna ajjsjsjs)
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chknbzkt · 8 months
Just want to say. I love your FNAF AUs. They are epic!
I keep amassing them and hoarding them like a FNAF AU dragon (specifically DCA AUs OUGH) I need to be stopped
Seriously I’m tripping over them down the stairs and more of them fly out of my pockets like Sonic rings it’s a real problem 😭
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
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[First and second drafts of BASIL ROSE ARC, and BASIL BORAGE ARC]
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craneswings · 2 months
[ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 ]+reverse
"Will we have to kill each other someday?"
Emma is not stupid. Not so much so that her positivity is without limits.
"I saw Shade on the other side, Yuzu. She's with Nohr right now." The girl looks so small, smaller than ever, in Hoshidan threads that seem to swallow her. With a naginata longer than she is tall, with eyes big and wet and clouded with worry darker than she usually has to contend with. "I... I flew away, when I did, haha. But the other soldiers are starting to notice. I've been getting a lot of questions about, um... whether or not I'm committed. Or too cowardly to fight. All sorts of stuff like that."
She is not so stupid that the meaning of war is lost on her. Not so naïve as to expect that the bonds of friendship might be flashed before a superior like paperwork, excusing them from fighting an enemy soldier because they know each other. Not so ignorant as to hope that they might simply never cross paths again.
Her naginata wavers with the tremble of her hand.
"Are we... are we supposed to kill each other, out here? Is that..."
Messily, a hand wipes her nose. She does her best to stifle a hiccup.
"...do we have to?"
taking action | no longer accepting!
[AU - Cipher Hoshido]
"Emma? What makes you jump to such-"
Yuzu looks down at the young pegasus knight, her usual spry attitude replaced with slight shivering. This is not her. Even if the two only started to know each other after being swept into these chaotic wars, Yuzu has only seen the girl rush forward with excitement into any sense of danger. It must be their shared home that allowed the two to understand each other, despite varied personalities.
"...Shade? The one they name Blackshade?"
It is the first time the samurai hears of the name from Emma. Blackshade is the title soldiers in the army have given to a dark mage on the opposing side. And she is to believe this character is Emma's friend? 
...it wouldn't be the strangest happening in recent memory. And right now, Emma does not need to stress over the finer details. She needs a friend, no matter if they side with Nohr or Hoshido.
After glancing to ensure the two are alone, Yuzu bends one knee down to meet her comrade. Her left hand touches the unkempt light brown hairs on her head while her dominant hand joins Emma's grip on the naginata, keeping it steady.
"This Shade is your ally, yes?" Yuzu stares Emma in her panicked eyes as she speaks, implying she has her full attention. "Honorable allies do not kill each other in honest combat, no matter their sides. If Shade is truly your friend, she will understand this."
Trusting in the prodigy knight to hold herself high, Yuzu lets go and adjusts a katana that slipped from her belt while leaning down. It is a katana she has obtained thanks to her efforts on the battlefield. Right, even though she does not know the soldiers surrounding her, they have deemed her worthy enough to be their commander.
She should make an effort to spare anyone in this hellscape that she can recognize, or at least ones that her close friends can. Not to mention...the descriptions of Blackshade by her allies make her sound like a capable fighter. Someone that Yuzu can learn from...after everything is sorted out.
"You should follow my command in the next battle," Yuzu offers Emma a practical solution so that her words are not merely idealistic jargon. "If Shade is to show herself, you can be the one to face her. Show her your intent to remain allies beyond the separation of white and black. I may aid you as well, yet...I fear if I face her on my own, I will be unable to hold back."
"Can I trust you with this task, Emma?"
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alexjcrowley · 3 months
Btw not enough cryptid lover in the f1 fandom. What do you mean none of you has an au in which they're all different monsters.
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pachu09 · 1 year
Me thinking of an AU plot ( this could also be a Sentinel/Guide Au )
Where strong Shinobis ( called Boundless ) needs another Shinobi that would drain them of too much Chakra.
Shinobi that had the ability to drain Chakra ( called Voided )are few and far in between that's why they're highly prized.
Hashirama was lucky that he got Mito from his Marriage Alliance.
Madara not so much.
The Uchiha are scrambling to find a Voided in the newly constructed Konoha. But so far their attempts to find out if other Clans had one is unsuccessful.
Until one day, Hashirama fucked up and lament to all sundry how his Otouto as a Voided should really need someone to bond with.
Tobirama was absent from that Council Meeting. But it only took a day for everyone to know that the Senju Heir is a Voided.
Tobirama only agreed to be courted by Madara if the Uchiha ( as a whole ) won't get too possessive/batshit insane if he disappeared for hours on time. Also, Hashirama’s effective guilt tripping added to his decision to be married off.
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