#boyfriend jonah marais
upindreamland · 2 years
Cool Together - Jonah Marais
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Jonah Marais x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) oneshot
Summary: A fluffy scenario I imagined about you and Jonah painting each other’s nails.
Warnings: None. Let me know though.
AN: First time actually writing somethings in a while. Sorry if it's bad. Inspired by the picture above. Hope you enjoy!
“Babe! Have you seen my nail polishes?” I asked my boyfriend after not being able to find any in the bathroom.
Not hearing a response I walk out of the bathroom with a sigh.
When I turn around, the sight I’m met with makes a smirk appear on my face.
“And now I know where they went.” I tease him.
Jonah was sitting on our bed with the bucket of nail polish next to him, and different bottles surrounding him. In his hand he had the black polish.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes sheepishly.
“It’s just that whenever you do it, it always looks so cool and I just wanted to try it out. I just can’t seem to do it.” He whispers the last sentence.
“There is nothing you need to apologize about Jonah,” I reassure him.
“Can you help me?” He mumbles out.
“Sorry babe, I couldn’t hear that. Can you repeat?” I ask, knowing we both know that I actually did hear him.
I just wanted to rub this moment in. This is the first time he’s asked me to paint his nails so I’m going to make it worth it. And who knows, maybe this can be a recurring thing we do every Friday night.
Rolling his eyes at my antics he repeats louder, “Can you help me?”
“Oh of course I can babe. Why didn’t you ask sooner?” I say with a chuckle.
Rolling his eyes playfully, Jonah says “Yeah, Yeah. Just get over here.”
Plopping myself on the bed, next to him, I say:
“So what are we thinking?”
“Well I wanted to do something cool, but I think starting off simple with just black would be cool,” he responds.
Agreeing, we get to work. I explain to him my process and show him the best way to not get the polish on his skin. He somehow gets the hang of it pretty quickly.
“I finished!” Jonah yells once he paints his last nail. He looks at me with such accomplishment in his eyes.
“You did! They look so good.” I smile back at him.
“Thank you,” he says before kissing me deeply.
Giggling while I pull away I ask,
“What was that for?”
“Well, I was thinking that now that I can paint nails, we can paint each other’s. We can do that right? And I got so excited I just kissed you,” he answers.
“Oh okay and of course we can babe.” I happily replied.
And the smile that lights up his face makes what I agree to next so much more worth it.
“Yeah we will be so cool together. We can call it the Cool Together Club,” he looks at me hopefully.
“Maybe… but we might need to work on the name a little bit more.”
“Okay fine… but now it’s my turn to paint your nails. Come here.”
I start laughing while he pulls me up to sit on his lap and gets started.
Once he’s done, and we are both cuddled up under the sheets, I say the one thing I know will get him to really smile,
“Fine I guess we can call this the Cool Together Club. I am feeling pretty cool.”
He smiles and then suddenly pumps his fist in the air while yelling,
AN: I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you thought and if you have any feedback. Also sorry for the ending. I didn’t know how to end this.
kara (upindreamland)
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solarsunsimagines · 3 years
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Pairing: Jonah Marais x gender neautral!Reader Warnings: None Request: Nope
Walking down the halls, I have the most recent wdw album , blaring in my ears. I get to my locker and open it, so I could fetch my lunch, before heading outside to meet up with Jack and Corbyn.
I feel a tap on my shoulder, which causes me to turn around. I see nick, who I am lab partners with, standing behind me with a smile, so I remove my earphones and return the smile.
"Hey, what's up?" I ask him while I put my earphones into my back pocket.
"Nothing really, I just wanted to ask if you wanna be dance partners. Jack seemed on edge the other day, so I can tell he’s not comfortable with me as a partner. I know that your partner got suspended yesterday so you're looking for a new one anyway."
"I would totally say yes, but Jack would be alone?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"Nope because luckily, your partner was friends with Flynn's partner, who is also suspended. So Flynn and Jack are gonna dance together." He explains which inevitably leaves me in a position where I can't say no to him.
"Yeah sure." I smile at him, and he grabs me and pulls me into a hug, which was rather unexpected. The thing that was even more unexpected was the fact that Jonah was standing behind nick, with his arms crossed, and a pout on his face. After nick and I broke away from the hug, and he said goodbye, I tried to go over to Jonah to explain, but he ran out before I could talk.
The rest of the school day was boring to say the least. I was also extremely worried about Jonah, he might've gotten the wrong idea when he saw nick and I, which I can't exactly be mad about because it's understandable, but at the same time he should've let me explain.
When school got out, I asked Jack if I could tag along to his, knowing that Jonah would most probably be there, and he agreed. When we got to the house, I said hello to jack’s parents and Siblings before walking to the studio that they have in their back yard.
"Jonah?" I call out as I enter. "Can you please just let me explain before you over dramatize what you saw."
"I don't over dramatize things." I hear from behind me.
"Yea you do." I turn to face him and he still has that angry pout on his face.
"Do you have a new boyfriend now?" He speaks.
"Yes and his name is Jonah, now will you stop being so childish and give me love and attention." I make grabby hands at him. He walks past me and sits down on the couch.
"Go ask your new boyfriend to give you that."
"You're being serious right now? You're jealous of nick?"
"AHA so that's his name."
"Just because I said his name doesn't mean I'm interested in him."
"Well it certainly doesn't mean you hate him, I saw that hug."
"I hug everyone, besides he was the one who hugged me." I cross my arms and sit on the coffee table in front of him.
"Then what did he want?"
"He asked if we could be partners." Jonah gives me a shocked face, "for our dance class, since my original partner got suspended and Jack didn't like dancing with him."
"Yeah oh. Maybe next time you should let me talk before you get all moody. Especially when it involves nick, the guy Thay one of my best friends had a crush on for months."
"Okay so I was a little dramatic, you can't blame me, the guy has good hair."
"But you have even better hair." I reach my arm out and shove Jonah's shoulder in a teasing way.
"Jojo you're squishing me." I say to him. "You're squishing me." I say with more shock after realizing what was happening.
We hear a gasp from the studio door and see Zach standing there.
"You guys are hugging without me?" He asks with confusion clear in his voice.
"Apparently so." I state.
"I want a hug." He says before running straight for me, I open my arms wide, but as soon as Reggie reaches me, Jonah pulls me out of the way, causing Zach to go flying to the floor.
I turn to face Zach and see he has a disappointed face. "I just wanted a hug." He whimpers.
Jonah walks up to him and hugs him tight.
"Someday, buddy." He whispers in his ear, loud enough for me to hear.
I smile at the two boys in front of me, and truest appreciate the people I have around me.
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andreamar1 · 5 years
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Aesthetic Wallpapers
Jonah Marais
Zach Herron
hope you guys like them... Ik Zach’s sucks, but I love Jonah’s
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dinnercomeslate · 6 years
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Whose guy is he?😎😉
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keepseaveyweird · 6 years
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The boyfriend! Daniel vibes in this pic are loud 💕
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Jonah from Why Dont We, singer.
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averyonelovesjack · 7 years
tickets ~ zach herron
requested: yes
Sorry to such a bother but I thought of an idea! It's the Zach anon again haha, but I was thinking of something like actions speak louder than words? Where he doesn't think he loves the reader but his actions show he does but doesn't realize it until later, kinda like the boys songs "words I didn't say"? Maybe the reader gets a bf and he tries to convince her he loves her more and she tried to move on from zach but cant. Sorry that's so jumbled but something like that would be cute! Thanks babe!
summary: with a boyfriend, y/n struggles to confront zach about her feelings.
warning(s): cursing (tbh can’t remember but probably)
word count: 2728
author’s note: i absolutely love this idea!! that’s one of my favorite songs so it was really fun to write for me. i hope you like it love:)
I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle as my best friend stared at me from across the kitchen table in the early morning. My voice was sore and my throat was dry, but a hoarse laugh left my throat at the silly faces that Zach had made to get me to smile in the slightest way.
My lips sipped at the coffee mug, my eyes closed so that I wouldn’t choke from laughing while i drank. As i put the cup down, I let out another laugh, Zach’s facial expression changing.
“stop,” i whined at him, “it’s too early to laugh”
he made a different face, “it’s never too early to laugh, y/n” 
i shook my head, letting out another chuckle at my obnoxiously hilarious best friend. his face turned to a smiley one that i couldn’t help but return. zach was too cute when he smiled and it was impossible not to return it, “are we still on for pitch perfect 3?” 
“i thought you’d forget about that,” he playfully rolled my eyes, “if we must see it, then fine. We’re still on” 
“of course we must see it!” i stared at him, “we’ve seen the other two together. It’d be shameful not to see the third one together” 
“to be fair, you did force me to see the other two as well,” Zach defended his former statements.
“yes, but you ended up loving them,” I explained and he shook his head.
“no, i loved the first one. the second one was ok” 
I shook my head, “it was funny!” 
“yeah, but what’s the point in a third one? what could they possibly do that they haven’t done already?” 
“i don’t know! that’s why we have to go see it!” He groaned and slid down in his seat as I giggled, taking another sip of my coffee.
Excitement traveled through my body as I arrived at the Why Don’t We household. I didn’t bother knocking, knowing that at least Zach was home, due to my calling prior to arriving.
I sprinted up the stairs and into his bedroom. Zach sat on his bed, a guitar in his arm as he played around with it. I looked at him and he laughed at my lack of breath from running up a flight of stairs. 
My body collapsed on his bed, my head staring up at his as he leaned over me with a smile on his face. Everything inside of me was bursting with happiness as I stared at him.
“so are you gonna tell me why you’re so excited?” he questioned with a slight laugh, strumming one final chord before setting the guitar down in the stand and staring at me. I sat up with a wide smile.
“you know jake?” 
zach nearly rolled his eyes, “yes, i know your boyfriend” 
“wellll, he’s taking me to the rangers-kings game tomorrow!” I squealed, “it’s an anniversary present” 
“when’d he tell you about this, y/n?” his eyebrows furrowed, rather than him being excited for me.
“just an hour ago, when i saw him. since you know, our three months is next week and he wanted to surprise me” 
zach nodded his head, looking down a little bit sadly.
i stared at him, confused by his response, “what’s wrong?”
he shook his head, “it’s nothing. i’m happy for you guys, i am” 
i didn’t believe a single piece of bullshit that left his mouth. my eyes stared into his, “no i’m serious. what’s wrong?” 
he sighed, staring at me with indecisiveness. zach took a moment before standing up to go towards his desk. i watched his every move, staring at his hands as they dug through his desk drawer. within a minute, he pulled out two pieces of paper, “i bought these about a month ago for you. I knew you were excited about the Rangers being in town and they were only playing here once this year, the other two games being in New York. I told Jake that I’d wanted to get you the tickets, but i guess i never told him that i got them” 
Zach looked sad as I stared. I don’t know what to say. There’s nothing to say in this situation, “zach, it’s really sweet of you to do this. thank you” 
he scoffed, looking away, “not if i can’t even take you” 
“it’s the thought that counts,” I explain, “maybe one of the other boys will want to go. Jonah, maybe? he’s from Minnesota, does he like hockey?” 
Zach shook his head, “it’s fine. i’ll just sell them,” He tried to fake a smile, but i could easily see that it wasn’t real, “was that all?” 
“i guess,” i replied sadly, “we could hang out for a little bit” 
“don’t you want to go see jake?” The name escaped his lips like venom from a snake, “he got you hockey tickets. You guys don’t have something planned?”
i shook my head, “no, we talked. and then i came here to see you. i thought we could hang out” 
“yeah, whatever” He shrugged, not looking at me. I watched as he took a seat on the bed, lying back.
“are you ok? you seem a little weird today,” I ask my best friend, “then again, you’re always a little weird” 
“fine. just tired,” He tries to excuse his odd behavior but i could see past it, “long day” 
“ok,” i reply skeptically, “i’m sorry again”
“don’t be sorry” he tells me, “you’re not the one who should be sorry” 
i frown, “jake didn’t know, zach. it wasn’t his fault” 
“you sure he didn’t know?” Zach told me, a little harsher than before, “because it seems like something he did know and he just wanted to get it so that i couldn’t” 
“can you stop attacking him please?” I begged, “he didn’t know” 
“yeah whatever,” he looked at me, “i’m a little tired, maybe you want to go talk to one of the other guys?” 
A small frown reached my face as i cautiously closed the door behind me, exiting. Jack met me when i did, and the sad look on my face allowed him to make sure i was ok. I fed him a simple answer and left, walking towards my car.
Zach has been my best friend for five years now, I moved out to LA to be with him. Everything he did for me, it was perfect. He’d make me laugh and he’d go with me places that I couldn’t drag anyone else to. He would make me smile when I’m in the darkest spot. There were arguments and fights through our relationship, sure, but we pushed through them always. They made us each sad to think about or do.
I got in the front seat of my car, thoughts of the day prior rushing to my mind. Zach had always been my little mini crush, since day one. And it wasn’t because he was extremely attractive (i mean that too), but because of his heart. He was kind and funny and sweet and perfect. I never acted upon those thoughts in fear that he’d get mad or that we’d end a good friendship for something as stupid as an itty bitty crush.
But then that itty bitty crush grew. And he became everything to me. My best friend, my partner in crime, my movie buddy, and the secret love of my life. I was so in love with him for the longest time, but he never seemed to notice. We’d do things and I’d look at him with a pair of puppy dog eyes and he would refer to me as nothing but a friend. 
So when Jake came along, he was sweet and athletic and almost as funny as Zach. He would treat me like a princess and take me places I couldn’t imagine. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and as much as I was still in love with Zach, i needed someone to be there in a way that Zach just couldn’t. Jake was perfect for that. He’s a great boyfriend and he means well, i know that.
My car pulled up in front of my boyfriend’s house and I walked up to the door, knocking carefully. A few footsteps came from inside the house, and a shirtless Jake let a smile leave his lips when he saw my body standing there. He leaned down, pecking my lips and letting me in.
“hey babe, what’s up?” he questioned, “i thought you went over to tell Zach or something” 
“yeah,” i shrugged, “he was tired, i guess” 
I shook the thoughts from my mind, but Jake looked at me, “did something happen?” 
“no,” i frown, before looking up at my boyfriend’s pleading eyes, “he was a little annoyed today, that’s all. I figured he wasn’t in the mood today, so i decided to come back here. i hope you’re not busy” 
“of course not,” he told me, “i’m never too busy to hang out with you” 
“that’s sweet,” i reply and i follow him towards his living room. we each took a seat on the couch, my head resting into his neck.
It was several moments and an episode of friends later when Jake and I spoke again.
“you know i love you, right?” Jake asks me. it was quick, sure, but he and i knew where we stood.
i nodded my head a little bit, “i love you too” 
“but i mean, you know i love you more than zach does, right?” 
i looked at him strangely, “what do you mean?” 
“i love you more than zach does,” Jake repeated.
“i don’t know how you really compare them,” I furrow my eyebrows, “but that’s very sweet of you” 
“he’s your friend, and i’m your boyfriend. i guess it just makes sense for me to love you more. and i love you so much, so i don’t know that he could love you more,” My boyfriend defended his reasons and i became skeptical. I love him very much, but it almost hurt when he said Zach was just my friend. Sure, friendship is all we have together, but he’s a best friend. Not just a friend.
“did you know that zach had already gotten me tickets to the game? he just mentioned that he had them for a while now,” I asked, changing the topic of discussion to get a real answer from my boyfriend.
“i didn’t know that he actually got them,” Jake shrugged.
“you didn’t trust that he would actually get them?” i scoff, unsure if i was kidding or not with him. It was a little foolish of him to think Zach wouldn’t go that far.
“i guess not, no,” his eyebrows squeezed together in confusion, “he’s just friend and tickets are a pretty big commitment to someone. They’re not cheap, especially in LA” 
i looked at him crazy, “Zach’s not just a friend. He’s my best friend. he’s the reason I’m even in LA. it’s a commitment that he would make, i know. And to add to that, he’s a freaking famous singer, you don’t think he would have to money to put into it?” i explain, but then finish off with something simple, “it’s just a little confusing, babe” 
“i guess i underestimated the power of your relationship,” He frowned, looking down instead of at me, “you really like him, don’t you?” 
“he’s my best friend, jake,” i try to explain again, but it was no use. Jake saw through my lies.
“no, you’re in love with him, y/n” Jake says, “how long has it been?” 
i stayed quiet, unsure of if i was even going to answer. It’d break his heart, and even if he was being a little idiotic about zach, jake’s given me the time of my life these past three months. It would hurt him too much.
“y/n, just freaking tell me, ok? i don’t care anymore, it’s done, it’s over. nothing can be changed, and you’re in love with your best friend. i can’t be mad at you, it’s not something you’ve just controlled. just please, one final question,” Jake looks sad, “how long have you been in love with him?” 
i played with my fingers, my voice cracking just slightly as i looked down, “a couple years,” i start, “but i met you, jake. and i do love you, i swear. It’s just that-” 
i pause, trying to figure out what to say next when Jake finished it for me, “you love him a little more. Or a lot more. You’ve always loved him and you can’t move on until you see what it could be, or what it will be” 
i nodded my head, my boyfriend summing up my feelings perfectly. A small sob left my mouth as i looked to him, “i’m so sorry” 
his arms wrapped around me, pulling my body closely to his and shushing me, “i’m sorry,” Jake whispered, “for putting you in this position. you don’t have to choose, y/n. go get your man” 
i removed my body from his, looking at him, “jake, i’m so sor-” 
“don’t worry, y/n. i hope we can still be friends,” he smiles sadly, “because as much as you love zach, i think that you and i would be really great friends. go get your guy” 
i sniffled, looking up at him, “you’re a really great guy, you know that? you’re gonna get a really great girl someday”
“yeah yeah, i’d hope,” he jokes, “i’m getting old” 
i playfully hit his chest, “you’re not even twenty” 
“my friends have kids” he explained.
“your friends are twenty five” i explain and the two of us laugh at his stupidity.
“ok ok, now go. don’t miss out on this opportunity,” Jake smiles and i look at him with the biggest smile now, wiping away my tears.
I arrived at the Why Don’t We household, knocking on the suddenly locked door. It was a few moments before Jack showed up and his face looked sorrowful at mine.
“i knew you weren’t ok. what happened?” he tried to pull me in for a hug, but i shook my head, sending him a smile.
“no, i’m really good actually. is zach still home?” I ask and he stares at me strangely.
“i don’t think he’s come out of his room since you left” 
“perfect,” i walk past him and down the hallway until I reach Zach’s bedroom that was shared with two other boys. When I knocked, there wasn’t much of an answer, so i walked in, recognizing that Zach was yet again playing around on his guitar, alone in the shared room.
Zach stared at me strangely, “hey, are you ok?” 
“i’m great,” i laugh, “everything is perfect” 
he put his guitar down cautiously, “is that sarcastic or-” 
“i love you,” i blurt out, unexpected even to myself. if this happened months ago, i would’ve covered my mouth and left, but this time, i laughed again in excitement. i restated my sentence, “i love you” 
“y/n-” i couldn’t tell what Zach was feeling, “jake” 
“it’s over,” i officially state, “we broke up, and i’m fine” 
“what happened?” he asks, “are you sure you’re ok?” 
“i hope you haven’t sold those tickets yet,” i sit down on his bed and he sits up further, looking at me.
“y/n, what happened?” 
“he knew that i loved you. It wasn’t bad, he’s a sweet guy and he means the best. I’d been sitting on this forever and i’m over it. I’m tired of just sitting here and analyzing whether or not you were flirting with me or just talking as friends. This isn’t a secret anymore and i hope it doesn’t ruin our relationship”
Zach say anything, really. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. It was very quick, but his hands reached my face, resting softly there as my lips parted and attached to his. Zach deepened the kiss he’d started, making butterflies go off inside my stomach.
After a few moments, we separated and I stared at Zach with a wide smile, “is that your response?” 
“i love you too,” he let out a little laugh, going in to peck my lips once again, “i really love you too” 
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whydontwerunner · 7 years
Boyfriend Characteristics
Jonah: Cuddles all the time! He would want to stay in bed with you or go out late at night for a drive or something.
Zach: They way that he'd look at you would be priceless. He would poke you when your sad so that you would look at him.
Corbyn: He loves to listen to you talk. He always stares into your eyes when you talk with a smile on his face.
Daniel: He'd buy you flowers all the time. He'd sing you lullaby's so you could sleep. Cheesy jokes.
Jack: He would always be kissing your face. He'd let you borrow his hoodies all the time. Pick up lines.
(Might make this into a little series)
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ilovefandoms102 · 2 years
Pairing: Jonah Marais x Plus Size Reader
Summary: You and Jonah have become distant, does this mean the end is near?
Note: In honor of this truly amazing song coming out I conjured this up so I hope you guys like it😁
Warnings🛑: angsty with happy ending, smut(oral(f), unprotected vaginal sex)
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You and Jonah had been dating for a while now, yet things between the two of you seemed to be dwindling down.
Things have been hectic with his lawsuit and it seemed like your schedules just never aligned. It was a rarity you ever saw your boyfriend and you couldn’t help the jealous feeling when you saw him post with his girl friends that saw him more. 
You were rushing to the release party for their new song coming out, still incredibly proud despite the distance between you and Jonah. When you first heard it, he watched your expressions carefully. He wanted you to like it, but also catch on to the meaning since he’d wrote it with Daniel about your relationship.
Jonah checked his phone about a million times, waiting for a text or call from you. He made you promise him you’d be here tonight, it was important. The band had fought hard for this song to get released in the first place, and Jonah needed you to be here.
“Hey baby!” you greeted, relief washing over Jonah when he saw you running to him.
“Hi sweetheart.” he smiled, catching you in his arms when you made it to him.
Something had changed then, the connection between the two of you had altered in a way you couldn’t explain. Jonah felt terrified, he was so afraid of losing you it made him physically ill. He couldn’t hold back as he grabbed your cheeks and kissed you passionately. You couldn’t recall the last time he’d kissed you like this or kiss at all. The last time you’d had sex with him was on New Years.
“Wow,” you whispered, a giddy feeling flowing through your system as you smiled up at him.
“Haven’t done that in a while.” he murmured, matching your smile.
“I think we need to talk about that later.” you said, watching an unreadable emotion flash in his eyes.
“Sure-um-yeah.” Jonah stuttered, his heart breaking at the thought you might end things.
“You alright?” you asked but when he went to answer, his friends stormed the two of you wanting pictures and videos with your boyfriend.
Sighing, you came to terms with not being able to spend time with Jonah until later and found your way to the bar. You turned and watched as he smiled but noticed it didn’t quite reach his eyes, it couldn’t possibly be because of you right?
It seemed you mingled and hung around everyone except Jonah the entire party, he was always being pulled away by some girl or one of the guys the second you two had a chance to be alone. You were pissed, angry even that for a lousy two minutes you got to see your boyfriend.
“Babe, I’ve been looking for you everywhere, I’m ready to go home.” Jonah said while locking you in his arms.
He was so upset he hadn’t seen you the entire night, even getting to a point he wanted to cry. Finally he was able to get free and he was taking that moment to get you to himself.
“Me too,” you sighed, laying your head on his firm chest.
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Jonah unlocked your shared apartment, his heart racing since he knew you’d want to talk now. He felt tears stinging his eyes already as he followed you into the bedroom. You couldn’t hold back anymore and pounced, pleasantly surprising him.
It had been so long since you’d felt desired and you wanted him so bad. Jonah felt almost touch starved as he felt up your gorgeous figure. Your lips moved quickly and desperately against his, moaning when he squeezed you tightly to him. Clothes went flying, suddenly you were being lifted and laid gently on the bed. Jonah kissed down your neck, across your collarbones, biting at your jaw but he was unable to stop himself from leaving so many marks on your beautiful skin.
You gasped when you felt him yank down your bra cup, his tongue swirled around your nipple while his other hand played with the other one. A whiny moan escaped as you threw your head back, the tingling sensation through your body made your lower regions throb. Twisting your fingers in his curls, he promptly switched his mouth to the other nipple before tearing off your bra completely. He kissed both of your breasts, then made eye contact with you as he kissed down your body. His eyes turned a dark shade of green, his pupils blown with lust.
“Baby I-wait-” you whispered, Jonah stopping and looking at you with worry.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing it’s just I-I haven’t shaved in a while and um-” you stammered, embarrassment ruining the mood you were sure.
Jonah chuckled with relief, kissing you sweetly. You were confused until he slid his hand in your panties. He traced your lips with his tongue as he dipped a finger in followed by another.
“Hair doesn’t bother me my love, let me show you.” he smirked, god he was so fucking sexy.
“Fuck o-ok.” you panted against his lips.
Jonah smiled as he went back between your legs, watching you close your eyes in pleasure. He pulled your undies off, spreading your legs so he could watch you drip on the sheets. He licked his lips before diving in, tonguing at your core like a man starved. Your thighs immediately closed in on his head, but his strong hands kept your legs spread wide for him.
“Feels so good baby,” you moaned, the feeling almost overwhelming since you hadn’t experienced it in so long.
It almost pained you that you’d forgotten how amazing Jonah is at eating you out, but now you were becoming very much reacquainted since it didn’t take long for you to cum all over his tongue and fingers. You screamed his name when he didn’t stop, sending you over the edge a second and third time. His tongue was absolute magic, you were trembling by the time he was done.
“My good girl, tastes so fucking delicious.” Jonah smirked as he leaned back up, licking his lips for any remnants of you.
“Yeah?” you giggled, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
“Fuck yeah baby,” he confirmed with a hard kiss.
Jonah shoved his boxers down, not once breaking your heated kiss. He slid inside of you, groaning at the feel of your walls welcoming him in. You mewled at the stretch, it felt so fucking good to be connected like this. Memories of the beginning of your relationship came to mind when you and Jonah fucked like bunnies and you were determined to get on that level again.
“God baby, ‘m not gonna last long.” Jonah whined in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Me either, just fuck me handsome.” you whimpered as he began moving.
“Oh don’t you worry sweet girl, I will.” he growled, harshly slamming in and out of you.
You held on tight as he pounded you, perfectly rubbing that special spot. He smiled when your eyes rolled back, exposing your neck that had his marks littered on your skin. Reaching down, he rubbed at your clit which sent your spiraling. By the time Jonah came inside of you, he’d drawn two more orgasms out of you. It was safe to say you’d definitely be sore in the morning.
Jonah held on to you as he calmed from his high, nuzzling his nose to yours slowly. You whimpered when he pulled out, hating the loss of connection. Staying latched on to him, Jonah laid on his side and held you close.
“That was amazing.” he whispered.
“It was, we need to do that more. I-I hate how I feel like we’ve become distant and…I know that song was about us. I’m so sorry Jonah.” you gulped as you waited for his response.
“So you’re not breaking up with me?” he asked quietly.
“No! No baby, I love you and I want to fix this. I wouldn’t give up on us, not ever.” you assured him, scooting close enough your chests were now touching.
“I was so scared you were going to leave me, I love you so much and I-I-” he croaked, taking a deep breath to not cry.
“Shhhh my love, it’s ok now I’m here.” you cooed, kissing him sweetly to help calm him.
Jonah held on tight with you doing to same, spending the night talking about nonsense while giving random kisses and sweet touches until the both of you fell soundly asleep in each other’s arms.
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jonah-aesthetic · 3 years
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Splitting my writing pieces and mood boards into their own Masterlists. The line in middle of titles indicates they're in my drafts and only Jonah knows when they'll be released. Happy reading
February 26, 2022
Jonah Marais
Fallin' - Scrapped
That One [One] [Two] [Three] [Four]- Hiatus
Since high school Jonah had a thing for y/n but never thought it was time for them. Now in college after a failed dare Jonah can’t help but throw himself into her life.
Famous [One] [Two] - Discontinued
Harlow and Jonah start fake dating because their managers suggested it . The more time they spent together the more they got to understand one another. Feeling start to develop and eventually they fall in love with each other.
Knotted Mess Black OC
Willow takes a depression bath and asks Jonah for some help to get mats out of her hair.
Patronus [One} [Two}
Having mutual friends doesn’t mean they’re friends. Although after helping his sister out of an unfortunate situation. Jonah offers her a deal she couldn’t give up.
Corbyn Besson
Ice Skating
Corbyn takes you ice skating after you lose Rock, Paper, Scissors. You’re not too excited about it.
Daniel Seavey
Two best friends happen to be in love with each other. All the boys know and keep telling them that the other is in love with them. None of them believe until the very last second and everything falls apart the next morning.
Jingle Bells
Your best friend since childhood takes you on a sleigh ride. one you’ve only mentioned once to him. With the entire Christmas vibe he brings to life it’s hard for you to keep your feelings at bay for him.
Jack Avery
Whispering Waves
Jack desperately askes y/n, his best friend, to attend a beach day with Lavender and Gabbie over the music festival she's been dying to go to for years.
Little Schemes
Jack’s daughter manages to set him up with the reader, a stranger at the park.
Zach Herron
Y/N’s successful boyfriend invites her to his to bake Christmas Cookies.
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upindreamland · 2 years
I Hope - Jonah Marais
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Boyfriend!Jonah Marais x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) oneshot
Summary: This fic will be a lyric text prank based off the song I Hope by Gabby Barrett & Charlie Puth. Here’s the link to the song if you want to hear it! (fluff)
Warnings: Cursing and fluff. As well as cute and confused Jonah. There also is a fsm at the bottom. (Let me know if I missed anything)
Y/N: Your name, Y/S/N: Your ship name, Y/N/N: Your nickname
Text messages are in italic
AN: AHHHHH this fic is a repost from my Wattpad… however it’s my first post here. I’m so nervous. Hope you enjoy reading this and you like it!!
I was sitting alone on the bed I share with my boyfriend Jonah. He has been away at the studio for a couple of hours now. I was bored and I knew he would have some time to text. I decided to prank him. We have been together for five years now, so I had complete trust in him. I just want to see how he reacts.
(Start of text messages to Jonah 🥺 🤤 🎤)
Y/N: I, I hope she makes you smile.
Jonah: Oh hi there baby. I miss you and love you. Who? You definitely make me smile if you're talking about yourself…
Y/N: The way it made me smile. On the other end of a phone in the middle of a highway driving alone.
Jonah: You're driving? Baby why are you texting and driving. You could seriously get hurt. I love your smile. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you 🥰
Y/N: Oh baby I, I hope you hear a song.
Jonah: Y/N, baby, are you alright? Of course I hear songs. You know because that's kind of my job…. Also you never add periods to the end of your sentences when we text. Are you sure everything is alright?
Y/N: That makes you sing along and gets you thinking about her, then the last several miles turn into a blur.
Jonah: Again, who? Are you talking about yourself in a third person point of view? Yeah I remember all of the times we used to go on a midnight drive blasting our songs that remind us of our love. We used to get so caught up in the moment we didn't realize we were almost home. We should do it again this weekend
Y/N: Yeah, I hope you both feel the sparks by the end of the drive.
Jonah: Sparks? What are you trying to imply… our first date? You know the one where we touched hands and we both felt sparks. Yeah I'm going to go with that lol. Btw you're the one driving, I'm at the studio with the boys
Y/N: I hope you know she's the one by the end of the night.
Jonah: Okay you're starting to freak me out. Who is this 'she' you're talking about? Are you referencing Harry Styles's song? That's one fucking bop if I do say so myself. I definitely knew you were the one for me that night. I couldn't help but think, wow she is one perfect angel. You were just so beautiful
Y/N: I hope you never ever felt more free. Tell your friends that you're so happy.
Jonah: Okay now it's starting to sound like we broke up. We didn't break up, right? This isn't your way of breaking up with me? I honestly wouldn't be happy if we broke up so don't worry. Free? If you're afraid you're holding me back, you're not. You actually help me move forward and make me a better person
Y/N: I hope she comes along and wrecks every one of your plans.
Jonah: Eh I wouldn't say you wrecked every one of my plans. You definitely changed them for the better. Now all of my plans involve you! No one will ever wreck my plans with you, it's me and you forever baby. Remember that
Y/N: I hope you spend your last dime to put a rock on her hand.
Jonah: Oh…. you're wondering about when I'm going to propose. Don't worry baby, it's coming soon. We have been together for five years so you don't have to worry. Of course I'm going to spend a lot on your ring. It's going to signify a new chapter in our lives. It's going to be a surprise so don't try to get it out of me to tell you. Here's a virtual one 💍 if you want one right now
Y/N: I hope she's wilder than your wildest dreams. That she's everything you're ever gonna need.
Jonah: Baby, can you talk about yourself in the first person? This is starting to hurt my head. So I guess you weren't asking about a proposal. Okay, okay everything is alright. You are my whole world. I would die a happy man if I only had you. There is no other girl or whatever so stop texting like this. You're going to make me drive all the way home to see what’s going on with you… geez girl. I am completing my wildest dreams with YOU
Y/N: And then I hope she cheats…. like you did on me.
Jonah: What!!! Y/N what are you talking about?? We have been together for five fucking years why would you think I would cheat? That's fucking insane. I know our fans wouldn't spread a rumor because they love you and our relationship. Y/N what the absolute fuck is going on?!! God fucking shit I'm at the studio right now…ugh
Y/N: Yeah babe, I hope I show up in a 2AM pic from a friend hanging on to a guy, just to rub it in.
Jonah: I didn't cheat, baby, you know that. Please! You know I would absolutely hate someone else touching you. What can I do to prove it to you? Yep I'm crying now. I DIDN'T CHEAT Y/N!!
Y/N: I hope you both felt the sparks by the end of the drive.
Jonah: Y/N I'm at the studio! And you're still texting and driving! Do you need proof?
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See here you go. I'm at the studio not driving and definitely not cheating! Please believe me.
Y/N: I hope you knew she was the one by the end of the night.
Jonah: You said that already. Please listen to me, I didn't cheat. If you're talking about that night when the boys and I went to the club, the girl needed help getting away from a creepy guy. I was just trying to help her out. I didn't feel like it was that important to tell you. I just checked on her from time to time to see if she was doing alright. I definitely didn't feel anything towards her. I love YOU baby, ONLY you
Y/N: I hope you never ever felt more free and that you tell your friends that you're so happy.
Jonah: You said this already too. Well I obviously don't need to tell the boys because they can see my face perfectly fine. They can definitely tell I'm not happy. I probably have tear stains on my cheeks. I don't feel free. It feels like my heart and whole body is trapped in a cage inside a rocket ship on a different planet getting ready to take off
Y/N: I hope you spend your last dime to put a rock on her hand.
Jonah: Okay what's going on? Is your phone glitching. Here it is again if this is what's making you upset 💍. If this is your way of breaking up with me I don't like it. I don't think I would ever be able to move on or propose to someone else. I will ALWAYS love you. How do you not understand my love towards you. I don't even know what happened but, give me a second chance to make everything up to you and I will show you just how much I love you…. gosh baby please
Y/N: And then I hope she cheats. Sadly, like you did on me.
Jonah: For fucks sake, again I didn't cheat. I have been nothing but faithful in our relationship and I plan to stay that way. I want to grow old with you and ONLY you. Geez I'm starting to sound like a broken record with repeating my self. My whole world is falling apart. I think I'm sobbing now. I had to leave the room and go to the bathroom
Y/N: I hope she makes you feel the same way about her that I feel about you right now.
Jonah: I-
Jonah: I don't even know what to say. I'm just going to close my eyes and pretend everything is alright. You still love me right? There's a chance for me to fix this?? I will never ever treat someone with the amount of love I treat you with. Why can't you see this
Y/N: I hope you both feel the sparks and I hope she's everything you're ever gonna need.
Jonah: No one will ever replace you. But if this is the end of us and it will make you happy then I will do it, I'll leave. Whatever makes you happy even if it breaks my heart. Gosh I just love you so much. Well I guess I'll have to get used to life without you. Oh, I already hate this already. Please tell me this is all a joke
Y/N: Goodbye Jonah. I really did love you. I hope you have fun with her.
Jonah: Y/N… baby. Please oh my gosh I'm going to go crazy. I can't imagine my life without you in my arms. Not even waking up and not seeing you cuddled into my side. Everything will remind me of you!
Jonah: Hello??!!! You can't leave me like this. We need to talk this out… please
Jonah: I had to go back in the room and the boys are looking at me. I don't know what to tell them. Yeah my girlfriend of five years just broke up with me everything is definitely alright….. AHHHHHHH
Y/N: Jonah….
Jonah: No baby listen to me. I don't want you to believe what ever bullshit you saw or heard
Y/N: JONAH! YOU JUST GOT PRANKED BABY. HAHAHA your reaction is so funny
Jonah: What??!!! What do you mean. I don't see a prank in any of the texts you sent me. Y/N I don't want to break up listen to me. You mean the absolute world to me and I wouldn't throw it away for someone else. Baby I don't believe you…. omg. I'm going to cry an ocean at the studio
Y/N: JONAH! I just pranked you using this song. Of course I know you wouldn't cheat on me. I have complete trust in you. I'm sorry baby. Wow, that was so nice of you to help her. Good for you! Do you have any way to contact here so I can ask her if she's alright? When are you coming home?
Jonah: Baby you scared me. Oh thank goodness. Well, I must admit you got me good. The boys were starting to get worried about me.
Jonah: Ok I just told them what happened.
Jonah: I'm going to ask if I can go home now again. Yeah I have her Instagram account. It's username. Were you at home this whole time?
Y/N: Yeah I was. I was just bored and wanted to see your reaction.
Jonah: Okay they're letting me go. So, I'm coming over right now and we are having a Harry Potter marathon so you can make it up to me.
Y/N: Not that I mind. Door is open. Love you, drive safe.
Jonah: Love you too. See you in a couple of minutes.
(End of text messages to Jonah 🥺 🤤 🎤)
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Liked by yourinstagram, jackaverymusic, imzachherron, corbynbesson, seaveydaniel, shawnmendes, and 11,650,080 others
jonahmarais: My favorite way to end the day. Love you bubs. (FYI Y/N pranked me today so this is her punishment to make it up to me, not like we both care though)
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram: love you too baby. Again I'm so sorry. I mean, if you're still mad I wouldn't mind taking another form of punishment...if you know what I mean 😏💦
↳ babe_y/n: yourinstagram OMG ewww. I mean you get it girl! Definitely not jealous of Jonah. Jonah, you are one lucky guy being able to have all of that.
↳ imzachherron: yourinstagram umm excuse me there are children on this app. Looks like the boys and I aren't going home anytime soon...
↳ jonahmarais: yourinstagram of course babygirl. I mean I do have a couple of things in mind that we can do 😏 the main one includes me and you in the kitchen..... baking COOKIES!
↳ jonahmarais: imzachherron you're the only child I know. Don't worry guys we are just baking cookies. Come home if you want some.
↳ username: yourinstagram I'm going to ignore the comment Y/N posted and focus on the second part of Jonah's comment. CAN I HAVE SOME COOKIES!
↳ yourbestfriendinstagram: yourinstagram omg that explains all of those marks and why your throat was so sore and your voice was hoarse when we met for lunch. TMI guys I didn't need to know this. For the love of all things normal please, please be baking cookies
username: you guys look so cute. I should do this with my boyfriend. How many times have you guys watched all of the movies in your relationship?
↳ jonahmarais: username too many times to count. I'd say probably over a million times but that's because they're one of the many things we have in common since the beginning. I knew she was the one for me when I met her at the bookstore buying a copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
jackaverymusic: You guys are like the hottest couple ever. OMG guys look at the news the world is one fire because of these two!
↳ babe_y/n: jackaverymusic this is the cutest thing ever. I love your friendship with her.
Y/N_Jonah_fan: My parents!! I love you guys so much. Thank you for feeding us some Y/S/N content. You were depriving us for a while.
imzachherron: Awww you guys are disgusting 🤢 too much cuteness. I might puke 🤮
thetablejonahbroke: omg everyone look how thicccc Y/N's ass is. I bet you she broke the table, not Jonah. You both are looking fine as hell 🥵🥴
↳ yourinstagram: thetablejonahbroke this is the funniest comment I have ever read. I wasn't with Jonah on tour when this happened sadly. Jonah did call me very drunk, crying because Daniel was making fun of him and telling me what happened. I would be lying if I said I wasn't dying from laughter. Thank you for the complement btw, I try my best...
↳username: thetablejonahbroke PERIOD! That was the first thing I saw. yourinstagram you are one fine specimen. Please tell me your secrets
corbynbesson: now I know it was just a prank but you made Jonah full on sob. I don't think I have ever seen him cry like that ever. (For anyone asking she did a lyric prank and made Jonah think she was breaking up with him)
↳ wdwstan: corbynbesson oh thanks for telling us. I was just about to comment and ask what happened. Y/N must have gotten him good for him to sob lol
y/nlover: Y/N please notice me. I'm your biggest fan. You are the sweetest and most beautiful girl ever
↳ yourinstagram: y/nlover aww thank you so much. That means a lot to me. I try to do my best to spread positivity and be there for all of you. You made my day 😊
seaveydaniel: at least Y/N is pranking her own boyfriend instead of one of us. I was starting to wonder when you were going to prank someone. I'm thankful that it wasn't me this time...phew
username: oh so this is the girl you were telling me about that night you saved me Jonah. She is fucking gorgeous. Thanks again for helping me. I don't know what I would've done or what would've happened to me if you didn't intervene.
↳ jonahmarais: username of course, I'm glad that I was able to help you. You are a really sweet girl xx
↳ yourinstagram: username hi there! I heard about what happened and just wanted to check in and make sure everything is alright. If you ever need to talk I'm always here and ready to listen. Thanks for the compliment. You are absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself. Love you
↳ username: yourinstagram omg thank you so much. That's so sweet. Yeah everything is alright I was just a little shaken up. Is it alright if I message you right now?
↳ yourinstagram: username Of course babes
shawnmendes: Ayyy that's my best friend. You go Y/N/N. Hey FaceTime me so you can tell me what happened and I can see you and your okay boyfriend. I will never forgive him for stealing you from me...jk
↳ yourinstagram: shawnmendes okay I will. Give me five? Can't wait to tell you all the details
↳ jonahmarais: shawnmendes Hey! At least I asked for your permission to date her. You weren't even her dad. And I thank you for saying yes. But....Shawn you know you love me more than her. Sorry Y/N I have been secretly dating Shawn behind your back. I guess your prank wasn't actually a lie
↳ shawnmendes: yourinstagram can't wait. Please start off with the whole proposal details first jonahmarais ohh yeah you're right. I love you Jonah. Btw you're welcome for letting you date her. There is no one better for her. She is a special one so take care of her when I'm not able to. Love you both 💙
↳ wdwupdates: shawnmendes yourinstagram jonahmarais Proposal what? Omg did Jonah propose or something??
↳ jonahmarais: wdwupdates No I just told her not to worry and that it's coming soon since we've been dating for five years. Shawn was just wondering about what I said and what her reaction was lol
hater: Ewww why does she look like that. Jonah you could do so much better. Maybe with a person like me.
↳ username: hater um bitch, you can't even see her face. Plus I think he would have done something by now, but it's been five years so.....
↳ seaveydaniel: hater hey leave my best friend alone. She is the best person ever and if you are just judging her from looking at the back of her, then you can simply and politely fuck off. Thank you!
↳ y/nlover: hater anyways, guys steam all of the songs by why don't we. They're a bop and will most likely make you feel single. Unless you are Y/N and Jonah
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AN: I hope you enjoyed it. Come talk to me and let me know what you think. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks for reading!
-Kara (upindreamland)
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
✰ masterlist ✰
a/n: hey lovelies! this post is made by yours truly for all of you so that it’s easier to navigate all my works on my page! happy reading <3
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jonah marais roth frantzich
night changes ★ hurt/comfort | oneshot
the death of his friend’s girlfriend made Jonah realize that nothing in life is permanent, including you.
mornings with you ★ fluff | oneshot
you would never, in a million years, trade the beautiful moments you shared with your beloved boyfriend for anything else in the world.
mistletoe ★ fluff | oneshot
all you wanted to do was kiss your boyfriend under the mistletoe, but things didn’t work out as planned.
better together ★ fluff | series | ongoing
the only thing jonah loves more than music is his little family.
one | two | three
“look at me” ★ smut | oneshot
you and your boyfriend sneak off to have some fun.
hearts don’t break around here ★ fluff | drabble
over and over again, jonah will always pick you.
grey ★ angst | oneshot | requested!!!
a happy ending isn’t always guaranteed, even when you love someone with every fibre of your being, because life isn’t a fairytale.
favourite t-shirt ★ fluff | oneshot
hidden feelings come to light when you and jonah spend one night in his car together.
multitasking ★ smut | oneshot
you wanted jonah’s attention and he’s going to give it to you, even though he’s on a phone call.
unbelievable ★ smut | oneshot
jonah’s outfit was unbelievable and so was his ability to pleasure you anywhere.
“sleep tight, darling” ★ smut | oneshot
jonah has a special way of putting his insomniac girlfriend to sleep.
on a bright summer’s day ★ smut | oneshot
why not do it on the pool deck when no one’s home?
his muse ★ fluff | oneshot
jonah’s love for you can be found within every love song that he writes.
needing you ★ angst+smut+fluff | oneshot
jonah realised that you were the one for him and vice versa.
sunflower fields ★ fluff | oneshot | royal au
you weren’t born into royalty, but you’re certainly the queen of jonah’s heart.
one last time ★ angst+fluff | oneshot | neighbour au
after countless painful heartbreaks, jonah swore to never love again but for you, he might give it one last try.
aftercare ★ fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!! | requested!!!
jonah just had to make sure you’re alright after losing your virginity to him (will definitely rewrite this shitty summary in future)
silver lining ★ smut | oneshot | coming soon!!!
your horrible blind date was a blessing in disguise.
when can you be mine? ★ angst+fluff+smut | oneshot | coming soon!!!
you couldn’t help but fall for jonah…even though you really shouldn’t.
what you’ve done, what i’ll do ★ roommate au | oneshot | serialkiller!jonah | coming soon!!!
in the demon’s arms, will the angel succumb into darkness or lead him back to light?
new year’s day ★ angst+fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!!
you are the only constant in jonah’s life.
this town ★ soulmate au | novel | coming soon!!!
the soulmate system doesn’t work well for everyone.
so it goes ★ unofficial qtvtp sequel | novella | coming soon!!!
jonah unexpectedly found love long after daniel and avalon’s death…but do murderers receive happily ever afters?
best with two ★ fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!! | requested!!!
you and jonah decide to go on a simple date at the park on your day off.
in glove with you ★ fluff | drabble | baseballplayer!jonah | coming soon!!! | requested!!!
what it’s like dating a baseball player :)
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daniel james seavey
bedtime ★ fluff | drabble | requested!!!
you and daniel get ready for bed on your first night of living under the same roof.
to be loved by you ★ angst+fluff | novella | coming soon!!!
there’s something about daniel that drew you in and now you’re in too deep to escape.
one | two
last summer ★ angst | oneshot | coming soon!!!
he was yours for the summer but he was hers once the seasons changed.
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jack robert avery
cuddles ★ fluff | drabble | requested!!!
jack cannot sleep soundly without you by his side.
best part of me ★ fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!!
love works in mysterious ways and sometimes it doesn’t make sense.
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corbyn matthew besson
late night drive ★ fluff | oneshot
your boyfriend drives over to your house in the middle of the night just to take you out for supper because you said you were hungry.
all too well ★ angst | oneshot | coming soon!!!
love sometimes fades away with time.
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zachary dean herron
(currently none so please do send in asks if you like!)
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special events
valentine’s day special ★ 2021
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✰ taglist ✰
@chilling-seavey @neralondon @mia-marais @randomlimelightxxx @hopinglimelight @kvd963 @cutiebandlover202 @savspersonalproperty @slowdownatthelotusinn @angelmarais @freakshows199 @my-fangirling-outlet @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @sadbitchfangirl @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @lokiandbuckylove @hometothecanyonmoon
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sturnioloshacker · 3 years
all loved up - a jonah marais short
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so there’s this girl… and i’m so in love with her. like truly, madly, deeply in love her with. she always lights up every room she’s in with that gorgeous smile. she makes everyone that she’s with so happy and her energy just lifts you up. more importantly, she makes me so happy. genuinely happy.
so there’s this boy… and let me tell you something. i’ve fallen hard for him. I’ve tripped, taken multiple tumbles and landed flat on my back right under this boy who has taken my heart and ran away with it. he knows how to make me feel safe and he knows how to treat me right. he makes me so happy, it’s indescribable.
we met at a coffee shop in downtown LA and we instantly clicked. i normally don’t make a connection until later on down the track but with her, it was just instant. she told me that she wanted to become a singer after college and that’s when i knew she was what i have been looking for. the way her eyes got big as i explained to her that i’m in a band made my heart soar.
we met at a coffee shop in LA and the connection we had… wow! when he told me that he’s in a band called why don’t we, i tried not to freak out because i’m absolutely in love with the group! i told him that i’m obsessed and i swear to god his laugh could cure every illness to ever exist.
fast forward to recent times and jonah and y/n are now in a happy and healthy relationship. sure, they have their ups and downs and sure, they have their moments where insecurities and the fans get their best of them, but it only brings them closer together and their relationship only grows stronger and tighter. Since their first meeting, their love for one another has been able to blossom and they’re now living life all loved up
so there’s this girl… and i’m so happy to call her my beautiful girlfriend. her name is y/n and i’m just in awe of her. she always makes me smile and laugh and she knows how to make me happy. the why don’t we guys love her as well which makes my heart flutter. when we’re not making music, we’re all just jamming to unreleased music and making random beats that we just laugh at and dance to. i’m so glad i got to know y/n and i’m so happy to call her my girlfriend. i love her so much, it’s insane!
so there’s this boy… and i’m so happy to call him my handsome boyfriend. his name is jonah marais. he’s a member of world-famous ‘man band’ why don’t we and he’s my talented and goofy boyfriend. he makes me so happy and i’m so glad he introduced to the other guys because i now consider them my brothers. we always joke around and make music for each other. i’m so glad i got to know jonah and i’m so happy to call him my boyfriend. i love him so much, it’s insane!
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andreamar1 · 5 years
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jonah marais (simple?) wallpapers
the first wallpapers I’ve made... ngl, I’m actually proud of myself
if you want me to make you one with any of the why don’t we boys you can just ask politely and I’ll consider it :)
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sxtnct · 7 years
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Why don't we❣️
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solarsunsimagines · 3 years
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Pairing: Jonah Marais x genderneautral!Reader
Warnings: None
Request: Nope
Recently I have been initiated into Zach, my brother,  bands' managing team, which consisted of me. Only me. I tried to get them gigs, spread the word about them, and deal with band related issues.
Recently Zach has been spending most nights at Corbyn's house, with Jack. Jack has had a hard time over the last few weeks and Zach is always there to help him - which is why he mostly spends his time with the noodle head.
I quickly get dressed and head over to Corbyn's. Walking in, I see all the boys are surrounding a desk - obviously putting a song together.
I say a quick hello - which everyone responds to - but they don't look at me. I laugh at them and walk to the piano and put my stuff down.
I start throwing some darts at the dart board when finally the boys fully notice me there.
"What vampire got ahold of you?" Corbyn says with a chuckle. I look at him in pure confusion, but he just laughs and carries on with whatever the boys are doing.
Suddenly I hear a stomping coming toward me, I look in the direction of the boys and see Zach looking rather angry, while walking over to me. I glance at the other guys and they all look very amused.
"Who did this to you?" Zach almost shouts in my face.
"Did what?" I am still pretty confused at this point.
"These - things. Who did it to you." He gestures to my neck and my eyes widen.
I run out of the studio and into the house, and run to the nearest mirror. I look into the mirror and see two dark circles on my neck.
"Jonah you are a dead man." I whisper to myself.
"Jonah?" I hear from next to me. "Out of all my friends that you could've gone for, you choose Jonah?" Zach shouts. I see Corbyn behind him laughing hard, while Daniel, Jack and Jonah walk through the door, to see what's happening.
I watch on, as Zach lunges toward Jonah and tackles him to the floor, wrestling with each other. Jack walks over to me.
"I know you told me to keep the secret because you wanted to tell him yourself, but this is definitely not how I expected you to tell him. Telling him is one thing, but showing him that you've done stuff with his best friend. I have to applaud you for the amount of balls you have."
"I feel bad for Jonah, getting the negative side of Zach first, but he seems to be enjoying himself." I look toward my brother and boyfriend, Zach is shouting at Jonah, while while just giggles.
"Yeah, he'll always find the good in a situation."
"Even when he's getting the crap kicked out of him." Daniel appears next to me with a bag of chips, I grab a few and watch on as the two guys fight it out.
After a few more minutes, Zach tapped out, surprisingly Jonah is actually quite strong and can easily pin my brother down.
"I'm not weak." Zach shouts to Jonah as he gets up. The rest of the boys leave to give Zach and I some time to talk things over.
"So, you and Jonah?" He says awkwardly.
"You shouldn't be so awkward about it, it was bound to happen at some point." I laugh.
"Well, I know that, I just didn't want the signs to be true. I see the way you two look at each other, it's hard to not see it. Still you're my sister so I'm allowed to be mad."
"I give you permission to be mad, but next time don't take it out on my boyfriend."
"I hate that word, please never call him that ever again."
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