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Da bread 🍞
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Hello! First of all, thank you so much for translating Dawn of the Future. You've been a huge help to us fans. Second, i would like to ask what you think of Jun Eishima's writing style
Hey! Thanks, and sorry it took me so long to answer this. I haven’t read enough fiction in Japanese to be a good judge of style, but I’m impressed with what Jun Eishima managed to do.
Going by how closely Ardyn’s chapter sticks to what we got in Episode Ardyn, my guess is that she was given what was meant to be the scripts to the DLCs and told to rework them into novel form, which is a tall order, especially since iirc there was not a lot of time in between when the DLCs were canceled and when the book came out. But she still managed to give everyone a lot of personality, and to put care into flourishes like reusing some of the same distinctive vocabulary from old-timey-saintly-Ardyn talking about his devotion to his mission in his later repudiation of it to make it a bitter echo. She’s also great at packing a lot of visceral grossness into a few words, especially about Ardyn’s regeneration. Aranea’s narration is hilariously exasperated, and Luna’s is very good at fleshing out her personality after she was pretty much a cipher ingame. 
One interesting thing I noticed is that the book had very little visual description of characters and monsters, and was light on details when it came to battle scenes. Like, at some point the flying daemons Aranea fights are just described as “flying daemons,” the reaper that chases Luna gets a not very clear bit about looking like torn cloth and having sharp claws, and I don’t think we ever get a description of Diamond Weapon besides “has a glowing weak point” and “big.” I wonder if that’s just a thing she does as a writer, or if she wasn’t given any details or concept art to work from and so had to stay general about things. 
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boysloveandtaxation mentioned relatablepicturesofbokuto in a photo “@relatablepicturesofbokuto i’d like to request a tender explanation...”
@ relatablepicturesofbokuto i’d like to request a tender explanation please 😂
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what is there to explain? himbo extraordinare and aspiring criminal what more do you need in a man so beefy and fun and an absolute hoot of a time
i’d get on the back of his bicycle and ride off with him into the sunset away from the IRS chasing him because he didn’t pay his taxes
need more? both of my dm’s are open meet me in the pit
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thechocobros · 4 years
Thank you for tagging your posts appropriately. I can't see your recent posts but i'm glad you're enjoying the game. You're a godsend for not spoiling the game to the pathetic likes of me who can't play the game yet
Oh you’re not pathetic! These are difficult times, we have a pandemic all over the world, videogames cost a lot and each one of us has their personal problems, too. Of course not everyone can get the game immediately, it’s normal. 
Of course i’ll keep tagging my posts! I don’t want to ruin your FFVII REMAKE experience, that’s the less i can do
I hope you will have the chance to play the game soon, because it’s really good! In the meantime, stay safe! 
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kn0pa · 4 years
@boysloveandtaxation replied to your post “reached another followers milestone on this blog!!! aaa thank you so...”
Personally i don't mind if you do it on twitter alone. It would be more exciting and selection would be more random since there are more people using the platform now. Also, most people here just like posts nowadays instead of reblogging anyway so i feel like we don't even deserve your attention and i'd very much prefer it if i lose against someone from twitter than against someone here who faithfully hits like on snapshots of Noctis. Your snapshots are prizes already imo
@boysloveandtaxation that’s a very sweet comment, thank you! personally I don’t mind if people don’t reblog my pics, I mean reblogs help spread the love but I’m happy with my pics just being seen! but I agree to an extent, the people on tumblr aren’t as active anymore (I know I’m not lol) so it’s not really a place to hang out so a giveaway is not something that’s gonna be much interest to anyone. I still want to do it though I think, when the situation around the world gets better I’ll organise something simple and smaller in scale, with only one winner (and not multiple like I plan to on twitt) anyway I hope you stick around for that too! :3
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hisroyalhighnarse69 · 5 years
Your highness, why don't you ever call or message Noctis?
I try to contact Noctis as often as possible, but my duties often keep me busy well into the night. I know it is no excuse and that I should simply make time, but it is not that easy and I feel absolutely awful about it.
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saxham-outpost · 5 years
So, if you wanna maybe watch me snark my way through FFXV again, I’ll be doing a livestream, starting on September 14th, 1:00 PM EST. 
And yes, I’ll be playing the Episode DLCs. Who knows, maybe this time, I won’t have freakin’ heart attacks and curse like a sailor at some parts. Pffft, I say maybe like there’s a remote chance of that, LOL
Just wanted to give a heads up if you’re like me and you plan shit out in advance. :D
In the meantime, I may finish off my current playthrough of Mass Effect: Andromeda if you’re interested in that.
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huii-2d · 6 years
Hello! I've been following your 10-part KuroDai series and i've been meaning to rant about it but the space is limited, the clock says 3:36 and i'm feeling groggy from the flu medicine i took a couple of hours ago so i guess i'll just make a post when i get better and tag you (if it's okay to you). For now, let me just say thank you so much for writing & illustrating this story, for unboxing suppressed feelings i thought i've put away long ago and for giving them the happy ending they deserve.
Oh no.. I am sorry you are sick. I hope you got better by now. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on my work (especially it seems you liked it a lot ;-D ).
and even you don’t write more, I still thank you for sending me this nice message! It always me make so happy to get such kind words!
Get well soon!!
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boysloveandtaxation replied to your post “Dawn of the Future Page 201-202, Kings of Lore”
Thank you so much for the translations!!!
You’re welcome! It’s been a good thing to do with my time, and Lunafreya is a lot less slangy and colloquial than Aranea, so the difficulty’s a fair bit lower. 
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haipain · 6 years
You, my friend, deserve a break. I'm still catching up to everything you've written so far. Go take a hiatus or hibernation, watchamacallit. I'd rather have you take a break than see you force yourself to write. Sending you good vibes and virtual hugs~~
my guy, i can’t thank you enough for your words. your good vibes and virtual hugs has been received and is hella well appreciated, seriously, here’s me sending you some virtual hugs too because you deserve it for being such a good bean. 
i’ll hibernate til i’m ready to come out a new woman, thank you for being so understanding!
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Hello!! Congrats on reaching 300. I just imagined all of us, followers, wearing leather underpants and capes and carrying round shields and spears. Anyway, onto the question-- least favourite ship and why? *draws abs on my tum tum with a sharpie*
Hahaha, oh my god that’s a great mental image. Thanks for sending me this, it’s beautiful.
I have two ships that I’m just not able to make work in my head, so I guess they’re my least favorites. I don’t hate them, I just don’t enjoy them.
Asahi/Noya: Honestly, I think they’d just kinda make each other unhappy. Noya would get bored with the relationship and feel like Asahi was holding him back from something. Asahi wouldn’t feel like he was doing enough for Noya without making himself uncomfortable frequently. They just don’t seem like a good match to me.
Aone/Moniwa: This ship tends to make me slightly uncomfortable. There’s a power imbalance that’s weighted pretty heavily in favor of Moniwa. I don’t believe it would ever actually be abused, but the ship still feels wrong. Shame because both of these two need so much more love.
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theotakulifechoseme · 6 years
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@boysloveandtaxation reblogged your post and added:
What’s up with that kid? I know he’s in his puberty but why does he need so much food including Mama’s Mama’s food?!? Somebody pinch that naughty boi’s bottom. Sniff… i need a job too, Mama! We can do this!!
Your guess is as good as mine... It is frustrating!
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Mainly when he accuses me of eating too much! Like damn, child. Look in the damn mirror.
-Mama Nidiot
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hisroyalhighnarse69 · 5 years
My King!! I keep dying at Costlemark Tower. Do you have any tips? I don't want to check out vids and other sites because they're all teeming with spoilers. Please, i just want to get the Royal Arm back from the daemons.
Hello there, 
I’m afraid I cannot be of much help in this regard as unfortunately, that is one place that I have never visited. Well, more like Clarus refused to let me go there.
Perhaps you could find a written guide on the Mooglenet which is spoiler free? Or ask Kwetter? They seem quite useful over there.
Good luck in your endeavours! 
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formlesscopycat · 3 years
Thanks much to @boysloveandtaxation for tagging me, this is so fun to do and I’m very happy you’ve given me a chance to talk about my fics. I’m delighted that someone got actually interested to know my thoughts on these stuff! I love writing but I haven’t written anything for almost a year now bc of mental health and irl stuff. Answering these questions feels so refreshing, I really hope to bounce back to writing real soon! <3 So here goes:
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Heh, it’s AoKise <33333 i’ve never been ruined by a ship as much as Aoki had; after 3 years in the almost inactive KnB fandom, I’m still crying over these dorks everyday. 
How many works do you have on AO3?
Ahh just a few. Only 17. 
What’s your total AO3 word count?
121,800 hehe. Woah. I’m amazed that I did write that much in 3 years.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Love at First Lie - AoKise college AU with side pairing IwaOi. Multi-chapter.
But Losers Never Weep - AoKise faling in love during the Teiko timeline up to their final year in high school. My longest One-shot.
Distance of the Falling Sun - AoKise angst with a happy ending in Teikou setting. It’s a gift fic for a dear friend of mine and is just as special to me as the friend I gifted it to.
I hear you through these walls - AoKise neighbors!AU. This is the first AU I’ve ever written as I am always inclined to write my ships in canon setting. As they say, there’s a first time for everything and so this happened! 
Where You Belong (I Know it’s With Me) - AoKiseKaga AU with meet-cute, love triangles and family shenanigans. It’s still ongoing and I still hold the plot dearly in my heart. I haven’t given up yet, someday, I’ll finish writing this.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I do, always. I love getting comments and I wanted the commenter to know how happy I’ve been to receive kind words so I always try to message them back albeit I’m very slow in doing that.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooh. I haven’t written anything with an angsty ending, I want my ships to sail into happiness every single time. There’s one in my wips tho where there’s major character death, based off the movie If Only. But it’s too sad, I haven’t found the strength yet to write it all down.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think that would be “But Losers Never Weep” where Kise gets all the happy ending he deserves and more.
Do you write crossovers?
Love at First Lie is my only crossover fic, between KnB and Haikyuu. I haven’t been very keen on writing crossovers because it takes a lot of work and in depth characterization I think. But I’m hoping to do one again in the near future. Characters from different fandoms meeting together is so fun in my head.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
There was one time, in FF.net, when I was 15, for my very first published fic. The commenter said that it was a shit ending because the OTP I had been writing about wasn’t end game. And I wouldn’t blame them tbh. I was a kid writing on a whim, the fic was so full plot holes and hideous grammar so yeah.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have 2 smut fics in my wips ok? I haven’t posted nsfw fic ever because I feel very incapable... I think I haven’t reached that level yet where I get all very sensory and descriptive. But I’m welcoming the idea and have tried writing a bit of smut. Gimme more time and I’ll finish what I started.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Guess there wasn’t any fic of mine that was stolen, my writing’s not in the rob list-tier anyway.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone had left a comment and asked if they could translate one of my fics and I was flattered, I said yes, but I didn’t know if they ever got around to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah. And I’m not sure if I ever want to... I’m very clingy with my ideas, tbvh, I’d rather work on a project alone. I guess it’s also because I’m a tunnel-visioned introvert by nature.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh. I think that would be “Starry Nights” series. I planned it as a three shot story but as time went by, the  ideas grew distant. Last year, someone messaged me on Instagram asking if I would ever write the next parts. I told them I’m not dismissing the possibility but it’ll take a while because I’ve been in a long-term block until now.
What are your writing strengths?
Characterizations and dialogues, I think. I find it easy to write dialogues. Based on the comments I receive, people say I’m good with characterization so I guess those are my assets.
What are your writing weaknesses?
English vocabulary and writing descriptions. Ah, you'll never know how much I drool over fics of writers with god-tier descriptions! This is why I don’t write smut because it requires very sensory writing and I’m not in that  level yet.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m okay with it, I think. It could make or break a fic but if the writer has the talent, I think they’ll do just fine. As for me though, I’d do it sparingly.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy VIII. It was my first love and will always be. I was smitten by Ashbear’s fics in FFN and that spurred me to write my own.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My top 3 would be:
But Losers Never Weep because it puts my dear son Kise on a pedestal.
Distance of the Falling Sun because it’s written based off a count down and I honestly thought I won’t be able to finish it.
Where You Belong because this is my baby! So many characters, so many subplots than the stuff I usually write. It’s very challenging but everytime I finish a chapter, my heart soars.
I’m tagging any of my writer friends who want to do this. If you ever see this tho, please indulge me!
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
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moo if you're cows? what else would they say?
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hardnoctlife · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Tag Game
Thanks @boysloveandtaxation for the tag!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
As a multi-shipper, this is an extremely hard question for me to answer as it varies by fandom and mood, but…
For Yakuza, definitely KazuMaji. No contest.
FFVII favs are Cloti, Zakkura, Reno/Rude
My fav for FFXV has to be OT4, followed closely by Promnis and Gladnoct… any combo of the bros, really
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
727, 857 words!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
These are all in the FFXV fandom:
· Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between; (321 kudos) my first OT4 fic and definitely my fav fic I’ve written for the fandom.
· Write Drunk, Email Sober; (276 kudos) Promnis, College AU, conveniently my second favorite fic I’ve written!
· Stand By You; (269 kudos) Promptis, High School AU, my first major long fic that I completely revamped.
· The Long and Short of It All; (236 kudos) a sequel to Rain or Shine! I was pleasantly surprised it did so well.
· Of Ink and Parchment; (236 kudos) a collection of 2019 Inktober shorts.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I always reply to comments. I appreciate that people take the time to leave them, so I feel they warrant a response.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Most of my angsty fics have a happy ending, but The Daemons that Live in the Dark is still pretty heavy.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Maybe The Long and Short of It All, though I’m not dropping any spoilers here!
Do you write crossovers?
I once wrote a three-fic series that involved Final Fantasy characters across multiple games. Does that count? (They’re no longer on my AO3 though.)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
…yes. And to the people who leave nasty comments or unwanted critique, you can go fuck yourselves.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ve written a few smut fics. I’m not sure what you mean by “what kind,” but they’re generally very self-indulgent, aka stuff that turns me on.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes… I’ve had several people who have written things "based on" my work or strongly "inspired by" my work that were never credited back to me.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I’ve had plans to write with a few people, but our schedules haven’t really lined up. (We’re all very busy.)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
All in the Family, now known as All This Heart Can Hold. It’s supposed to be the third installment in my OT4 series but I’ve lost almost all motivation to finish it. Sorry, y’all!
What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m very good at writing dialogue and also balancing my description with action/interaction between characters.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I write myself into a corner/don’t plan my story out well enough and create plot holes for myself.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s really awesome… if done correctly. I speak some Spanish and Japanese so I have included sprinklings of different languages in a few fics, but I usually make sure there is some sort of translation for the readers. I also highly recommend getting native speakers to proof read.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
First ever? FFVII back in elementary school, though there was no such thing as FF.net or AO3 back then.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My top two FFXV fics I’ve written are Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between and Write Drunk, Email Sober.
For FFVII it’s probably these two Rude/Reno fics: Can’t See the Stars for the Sky and Best Kind of Bad Something.
Tagging: @crazyloststar @ezra-blue @gingerel @every-lemon (only if you want to!)
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