#bracelets last 2-3 years for me and I wear them non stop so they hold up really well
Hello everyone!
I’m running a quick interest check and was hoping to get some feedback! My partner and I both make friendship bracelets and I was thinking it would be fun to make bracelets or little key chains based around dragons! Prices would be around $5-10 based on complexity and amount of string used, and the bracelets colors would be customizable.
Here’s some examples of bracelets I’ve made, I might be able to add more examples later if I can find them, or examples of my partners work. They’d be mailed out to people via snail mail.
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Let me know if you’d be interested! Or if not, just a reblog is good for more people to see. Additionally, if anyone has done physical commissions like this before and has advice or tips we’d appreciate it too. :3
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
The Courting Ways of Wolves (Part 4)
Dumb Boys! I love them! 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (here) Part 5 Epilogue
Almost a month after the silver dawn they passed through a lively little river town. It wasn’t so big a city that Geralt’s senses were completely overwhelmed, but also large enough that Jaskier had good, hearty crowds every night. The nature of river towns like this meant that boats stopped through all the time, shipping goods up and down river, so sailors stopped in taverns and moved along. Every night was a fresh crowd.
Geralt decided that they’d stay in the town for a week. Rivers meant plenty of contracts too, drowners and such. There was also a decent shopping district what with all the merchants, and he wanted to tackle Number Five from his courting list.
Give Jaskier Gifts (non dead ones).
It was going to be easy.
Thirty minutes later, it was not easy. 
“Ooh I’ll come shopping too,” Jaskier said, rummaging through his bag in their room in the inn. “I need a new notebook.”
Geralt panicked a little bit. He wanted to get Jaskier a new notebook, and he didn’t have much idea for other gifts. Then an idea struck.
“Why don’t you and I look around, then after your performance tonight you’ll have more to spend.”
“Good idea Geralt, and who knows, if it goes well maybe I could get us a room with two beds instead of one.”
Jaskier linked his arm with Geralt’s and swanned off down the stairs, leaving Geralt to either follow or have his arm dislocated at the shoulder. 
“Pardon me,” Jaskier waved down the grumpy looking innkeeper. She walked over scowling, small toddler on her hip. 
“Perhaps later, after I’ve performed in your fine establishment,” Jaskier asked. “We might discuss changing us to a room with two beds?” 
She looked at Jaskier. She looked at Geralt, who had paid for their current room with a grunted ‘that’s fine’ when she’d said it had one bed. She looked at their linked arms.
“Too many sailors coming in off the river this time ‘o year,” she said brusquely. “We can talk but ye’d be better off counting on the one you’ve got.”
Jaskier shrugged good naturedly. “Then keep it we shall, my dear lady.” She wasn’t listening, calling out instead to a child, about eight of indeterminate gender. 
“Toos, whatever’s in your mouth had better not be for guests.” The child, laughing maniacally around a mouthful of something raced out the back door of the inn, only to be scooped up by his father, a broad, heavy man with a jolly face.
They left the family to their domesticity and ventured out into the merchant district. There was more going on than Geralt preferred, his senses blurring as he tried to be on a swivel to protect against any potential dangers. None appeared though, and he allowed his senses to narrow to the warmth of Jaskier’s arm in his. 
Jaskier pulled them over to a potter’s shop. Tiny vases and bottles adorned shelves. There were bigger pieces too, some done in gorgeous colors and outrageous designs, but the little bottles captured Jaskier’s eye.
“Look Geralt, I could keep perfumes in these.”
“You have perfume bottles.”
“Oh I know, but the colors are pretty,” Jaskier said, smiling at the potter and pulling Geralt along. 
Leather goods. Very fine work, too, Geralt thought. It was next to a paper goods and bookbinding shop, and the two had obviously done some kind of trade. On a display table between the two stalls sat leather bound books of all sizes and kinds. Jaskier poured over them, exclaiming and running feather light fingers over textured leather bindings. Jaskier sighed longingly and went into the bookbinding stall to see the less expensive journal options. 
All of Jaskier’s past journals had been a sort of card cover. They didn’t last well, although Jaskier tore through them so quickly it didn’t matter. Geralt looked at the leather books here, his eye catching on a large, sturdy one in brown leather. It looked good for the road, with a braided leather tie to keep it shut.
He glanced up, but Jaskier was still admiring the paper goods.
What had really been caught by the centerpiece book. It was a mammoth thing, thick and beautifully made in a deep, wine red leather. There were little brass clasps on the side, buffed up to look like gold. In a fairy tale, it would be the master enchanter’s spellbook. A tome. 
Jaskier deserved a tome. He’d written so many songs and poems, and he’d mentioned once or twice that he ought to write it all down in one book. This should be the book. Geralt could just picture Jaskier in the library of Kaer Morhen, with the snow coming down outside and ink on his fingertips, carefully transcribing his work.
It was like with the silver dawn, Geralt could see it so clearly, his little family would all be in the library. Ciri and Geralt and Jaskier all together again. 
Next to the big red book was a little journal, made of the same color of leather. It had a little shiny brass lock with a tiny key tied on a string. A diary fit for a princess. 
He had a plan. 
He went into the leather stall and asked about their repair prices, haggled a little, then said he’d be back with his order that evening. Jaskier walked back into the leather goods stall and smiled up at him. Parts of Geralt’s chest went all tingly and golden. 
They browsed the other stalls, spending the most time at a metalsmith’s stall. Geralt was impressed with the weapon quality. Jaskier admired the jewelry, trying on various pretty, delicate rings and holding them up in the light.
Geralt watched the way he interacted with people.
When Jaskier had first joined him, he’d thought it was all an act, that Jaskier couldn’t possibly like so many people. He did though, and they loved him for it. From the outside it was clearer to Geralt why. Jaskier was polite of course, and complimentary of the workmanship, but instead of dealing in vauge descriptions, he complimented details. He found and complimented something extraordinary about each piece, drawing conversation from the stall owner’s wife, who apparently did the jewelry part of things. He complimented the delicate artistry of a slim ring, then the clever design of a bracelet catch, asking with truly genuine curiosity about each. 
Shopkeepers love curiosity, and anyone would love to have their skill complimented so honestly. Geralt felt himself smiling as he watched. 
“Good lad you’ve got there,” the weaponsmith said. “Husband?” Geralt turned to him.
“Not yet,” he said. Then his shoulders slumped a little. “Not even officially a sweetheart yet.”
The burly smith chuckled. “I know that story, you think it was easy for me to woo that goddess there?”
Geralt looked over at the jewelry maker, still locked in conversation with Jaskier. She was middle aged, but beauty doesn’t fade with age as quickly as mortals seemed to think. She was indeed a great beauty. To judge by the way she gestured avidly while speaking, she was also a passionate and firey one too.
“I’m not much for romance,” the smith said, drawing Geralt’s attention back. “But your lad there is yours, heart and soul, you just need the proper instruments to tell him you’re his as well.”
“How did you woo your lady?” Geralt asked.
The smith chuckled again. “I was a much younger man then, but I stood about without a shirt in my smithy and busily hammered and flexed every time she came by.”
Geralt brightened, showing off his muscles was something he could do. “Did it work?”
“Not even a little. She was completely unimpressed.”
Oh. And Jaskier had seen Geralt’s muscles before too. 
“So I went to her house one evening,” the smith continued, a glimmer of memory in his eye. “I’d worked for weeks to make her something as lovely as she was. Of course, I wasn’t so good a smith then either, but I’d tired. It was a braided metal band, to push back her hair, she’s wearing it now. Worn it almost every day since, including our wedding day.”
Geralt looked over. Silver and gold did indeed push back her curly hair. With her aquiline nose she looked like a woodcut of some goddess he’d seen once.
“And then I did the hard part,” said the smith. Geralt looked to him. “I talked to her, really spoke with her and told her how I admired her, not just for her beauty. Then she invited me in out of the rain and made me tea.”
Damn. Geralt wasn’t good at talking but he really would need to, it seemed. 
“More than fourty years of marriage now,” the smith said. 
“I can’t make him something as beautiful as he is,” Geralt said. A potion just wouldn’t work. 
“I think any gift to show you care would work,” the smith said. 
Geralt looked around at the weapons on display, and the smith went back to shining some of his work. There was a dagger on display. 
Jaskier had daggers, and he worked with them well, but this one was beautiful. 
“May I?” he said, and the smith gestured obligingly. 
It was obviously a piece of combined work between the smith and his wife. It was well made and balanced, but very slim, perfect for slipping up a sleeve or into a boot. It was also a piece of artwork, both the hilt and sheath inlaid with mother of pearl and a mirror-shiny black stone, with silver threads surrounding. The pearl wound about the hilt in a pattern of perfect vines, shining in the black. The sheath was a night sky, a curving crescent moon, fantasy thin, hung in a black sky, lit all around with tiny pearl stars inlaid with painstaking care. The tip of the sheath was sliverwork with more of the pearl, more vines. 
“The blade is silver,” Geralt noted.
“Yes,” the smith clearly approved of Geralt’s eye. “Moon silver, never tarnishes, never goes dull.”
Geralt was going to buy it for Jaskier. It was a cerainty. It was probably Destiny. She may be a bitch but maybe she’d decided to help him on this one. The price was extravagant, of course, and Geralt wouldn’t haggle a penny, not for artistry such as that. Moon silver was wildly difficult to work, too. Magic like that made for difficult smithing. 
Geralt locked eyes with the smith, who’s mustache-which even Vesemir would have been jealous of-twitched in the direction of Jaskier. He and the jewelry maker were coming over.
“I’ll wrap this shall I?” asked the smith in a whisper. 
Geralt gave a hint of a nod. “I’ll be back for it later,” he said, matching the volume.
“Geralt,” Jaskier exclaimed, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “Let us trouble these good people no longer, at least until I return to clean out this fine lady’s entire stock, I can hear my audience call me.”
It was indeed almost supper time, and they bid their goodbyes to the couple. By the time they got back to the inn, the bar room on the first floor was full. The atmosphere was cheerful in the room, helped along by both the proprietors busily filling tankards of ale and bowls of hot stew. Jaskier ordered two of each for the pair of them.
Somehow he always got served first at a bar. Geralt wasn’t complaining, and the stew was hot and good, with chicken and potatoes and herbs. Geralt and Jaskier both slurped it down. Jaskier slammed his ale too, disappearing up the stairs to their room with a wink. 
Geralt knew Jaskier’s pre-performance routine well, and stayed down at their table to give him room. A teen with a face full of pimples picked up the bowls and spoons, as well as Jaskier’s tankard. He looked skittish to Geralt, so he didn’t nod for fear of scaring the lad. Thus far everyone had been fairly kind, Geralt didn’t want to ruin that. 
He sat back and sipped his ale appreciatively. Bartending was an art in itself and not a well known one. Geralt had been in too many pubs where bartenders didn’t take proper care, but this one had. He probably put cloth over the barrells over night in this damp weather. 
Jaskier clattered down the stairs, lute strung and tuned, and Geralt stood. He’d stay for at least the first few songs, but there were more patrons pouring in and he’d move from the table to a seat at the bar to leave room.
A song and a half into Jaskier’s set he realized his mistake. Jaskier could see him, and often locked eyes on him while singing to send a wink or just a friendly glance. He didn’t have a chance to slip away. Of course, he could leave anyway, but it just felt wrong to have Jaskier watch him leave.
“Now I know,” said a sharp voice from the bar, “that our barstools don’t have splinters, so what’s gotten in to you.” It was the bartender’s wife, the one who tended the rooms upstairs. She was still glowering, but without the child on her hip this time.
“I’ve got errands to run,” Geralt muttered, not fond of sharing his business. 
“Pf.” She said. “Just like a man to leave all the errands to the last minute. And you want to sneak out without him noticing for a bit.” It wasn’t a question. Geralt nodded. 
“Your lad there’s pretty good, makin’ us money, so I’ll do you a favor,” she looked at him sharply. “When I say go you go, and I’ll thank you to tell your sweetheart you care for him before he goes and tries to buy two beds next time.” She sniffed. “Save you both trouble in the long run.” 
She cleaned a spilled spot on the bar and let out a short whistle. 
Geralt felt like he’d been hit over the head with a mallet. 
In response to the whistle, the child from that morning appeared, Toos, Geralt remembered. The innkeeper gave the kid a penny, “Go ask for that song you like, then hurry back now.” Toos gave a gap toothed grin and dissappeared as quickly as they’d come. 
Geralt watched the disturbance at about knee level through the crowd as Toos fought their way through. Jaskier, basking in the applause noticed them immediately and listened carefully to the request, smiling widely at the audience and biting the proffered penny as if it were a gold coin to huge laughter.
The innkeeper snapped her fingers under Geralt’s nose and pointed to the door. He took the cue. 
The market was less bustling, but still open, and Geralt took in a breath of cool, evening air. Then he assessed his plan.
He wanted to buy Jaskier lots of gifts over the course of this year, and he surely would, but they would be small things mostly. Quills and ink and lutepicks, that sort of thing. Those could be found in smaller towns and villages, but craft work like he found here was hard to find along the Path. He could buy either the red book or the dagger right now, and with the contracts he’d do this week he’d pay for the other. He’d buy the practical, brown leather book regardless, because right now Jaskier needed a journal and not a tome. 
He decided on the dagger first. The smith had shared good advice, and, if someone were to buy the leather tome from the display, there was at least a chance Geralt could find one like it elsewhere. Where but here could he find a moonsilver dagger for Jaskier?
The smith was not surprised to see Geralt, and his wife sent him a friendly wink. Geralt bought the dagger and thanked the smith, complimenting both he and his wife on the work. Then he carried his package, wrapped in two layers, cloth and paper, out into the street.
He dropped a bit of tack off at the leather worker’s shop for repair, to pick it up in two days. Then he took the sensible brown leather journal from the display stand. 
The bookbinder and paper merchant was a bent old man, sitting on a stool at the back of the shop, chewing tobacco. There was a greasy twist of it, black as tar, in waxed paper on the counter. 
“Excuse me,” Geralt said. The shopkeeper looked up, jaw still working. “We don’t like your kind here,” he said in a voice that cracked like the paper he worked. Well. There it was, there was always someone. 
“Please,” he said. “It’s a gift for a-a friend. It’s very important.” 
The old shop keeper eyed him and the book in his hand. Then he obviously decided that making a sale was worth serving Geralt. He growled out a price, and Geralt didn’t haggle. 
Geralt stood there, the old man staring him down while counting the coins. He figured it was worth a shot. 
“Could I ask a favor?”
“Could you keep the journal on your display table, the large red one, back for me? And the little one in the same color beside it? Only for a few more days.”
“Please,” Geralt said, losing hope. “It’s for a good cause.”
The man spat tobacco juice into a can with disgusting accuracy. “What cause do monsters have, comin’ in here and asking favors of me?”
Geralt caught the man’s watery eyes. “Love, true love, please, keep them back just a few days?”
“Didn’t think monsters could feel,” scoffed the man, but he tilted his head. “You mean that nice young man, what came in with you earlier?”
“That’s the one, I want to give him the perfect gift.” 
The man scoffed again, but it was less cruel. “I can tell people they’re for display. You’ve got three days.”
Geralt let out a relieved breath. “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you very much.” 
“Don’t thank me,” growled the man, cutting off another piece of tobacco with a knife. “And don’t darken my door until you have the money.”
Geralt left, feeling very light. He reentered the inn to a round of applause for Jaskier, but thankfully no one looking his way. He slipped up the stairs. 
The dagger wasn’t a gift for tonight, he decided. That was a grand gift, for sometime special. He put it in his potion bag, where Jaskier was forbidden to look, for fear he’d get into something deadly. The journal was laid on the bed, just where Jaskier would see it.
Then Geralt went back downstairs to catch the last of Jaskier’s set. 
Jaskier practically danced up to Geralt afterwards. He was full of that strange energy he always had after a good performance, like bubbles in champagne. Geralt could feel the muscles around his eyes soften. 
“I liked your last song,” he said. Number Three on The List, compliment him.
“Paddy Lay Back?” Jaskier said. “You’ve heard it before.”
“Yes,” Geralt said as they went upstairs. “I like it.” 
Jaskier beamed. 
He chattered about the performance all the way into their room, and managed to pull off his boots before noticing the journal on the bed. He stopped mid sentence.
He looked at the journal, then at Geralt, mouth still half open.
Geralt remembered the smith, talking about how he’d won his wife over, but his mouth felt stuffed with wool.
“It’s for you,” he managed. “For your songs. It’ll last longer than the card bound ones.”
Jaskier picked it up, rubbing his thumb across the smooth leather, then he turned to Geralt. His eyes were shining.
With a speed that even Geralt’s mutated reflexes couldn’t manage, he was enveloped in a hug. Jaskier had his arms around his neck, the journal still in hand. 
Geralt hesitated. 
Then he wrapped his arms around Jaskier’s chest and held him.
Later that night, in the same bed as a snoring bard, he still felt the heat of that hug. Jaskier’s elbow dug into his ribs and he barely felt it, but the hug was still there. He thought of the dagger in his potions bag. 
He’d talk to Jaskier then, giving that to him. For now, he’d have time to plan what to say. Before he could try, however, sleep claimed him.
Gifts! Gifts for Jaskier! and a hint of things to come. I had fun with this. 
@llamasdumpsterfire @goblinwhoships
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Chapter 3
Characters: Angel Reyes x Black Reader
Summary: You return to Santo Padre after being gone for nearly 15 years. Your life and also others will change. Affecting everything you hold dear including your Mayan MC Family.
Warnings: Swearing, Unprotected Sex, and bodily fluids (Male and Female)  Sex/Oral Sex Female  and Male Receiving
Pic Credit @angels-reyes​
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Angel finally lets you come up for air after eating you out again. As you two hop in the car to head over to hospital to spend some time with Mama Sadie. You sit back and watch Angel and your grandmother laugh and carry on for what seems like forever. He even takes her out for a walk during her physical therapy time which melted your heart and defenses even more. You loved his laugh as he enjoyed the dirty jokes your little slip of a grandmother was telling a man who was twice her height and weight. As you watch them interact you receive a call from Bishop.
“Hola Obispo. Is everything okay? You need to speak with Angel? I’ll get him if you need me too”, you ask.
“No sweetheart actually if he hasn’t told you I gave him the next 2 days off to keep you company” smiled Bishop.
“Oh, as in baby sit me right?” you ask.
“No not to babysit. He’s not your daddy Y/N”, says Bishop as you laugh to yourself because as of last night and this morning you’ve been calling Angel daddy non-stop.
“Actually to keep you busy because we have a surprise for you and it won’t be here until two days from now”, says Bishop as your interest is now piqued with curiosity of what it could be.
“Oh, Bishop can I have a guess pleeeeease”, you ask jumping up and down as Angel watches you looking curious.
“No mi amor. We all want to see the look on your face when you see what you have coming”, chuckles Bishop.
“Okay Bishop. So, I can’t ask Naomi about it?”, as you hear Bishop sigh heavily on the phone.
“Did I say something wrong by mentioning Naomi just now?” you ask with concern.
“Uhh no sweetheart no at all. I just think that I’m too old for her” as anxiety rises in his voice.
You had a look of apprehension on your face as your mind went back to the night before. Because from what you witnessed between Bishop and Naomi it was cute, adorable and at times very sexy and most definitely absolutely mutual. Even the phone conversation that he interrupted between you and Naomi to get her off made you feel that they would hit it off.
“So, are you wanting to stop getting to know her because of certain “Differences” you two have?”, you say as Bishop can tell that you’re getting a bit upset.
“No pequeno, that’s not what I want to do with Naomi. I mean I’m feeling her a lot. I mean she’s beautiful, smart, sexy and she funny too”, as he sounds anxious.  
It shocked you that the Bishop you heard about while you were growing up was all about his business, ruthless and cut throat at times. But, as you take in this conversation he seemed vulnerable about your good friend Naomi. It almost broke your heart to hear Bishop worrying if he can keep your friend happy.
“Bishop I don’t think you have anything to worry about. My homegirl digs you and you’re all she talks about. To me things can go nowhere but up. And also I don’t want to hear you two having sex on the phone anymore”, you say causing Bishop to bellow with laughter as a clear sign that he feels better after speaking with you.
“Thank you, baby girl for talking me down from that ledge.”
“No problem Bishop. Can you give me a hint of my surprise now?”
“Nope. Nice try novia” says Bishop.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying”, as you two say your final goodbyes.
“Everything alright bonita” says Angel as he walks back with your grandmother.
“Yes, it is. Just got off the phone with Bishop. He needed some advice about something that’s all”.
“So grandbaby been curious to know if have you and this tall strapping young fellow had sex yet?” as Angel goes off with the biggest laugh you’ve ever heard. All you wish is for the ground below to swallow you up as you to run and hide front this conversation.
“I take that back grandbaby”.
“Good. Thank you Mama Sa-”
“He looks more like a big eater to me. Maybe he’d tell you what you taste like too”.
“That I did do Mama Sadie”, as Angel is laughing non-stop now as you stomp off mad.
“Awwww grandbaby come back” says Sadie as she sits back into the wheelchair as Angel pushes her back to the hospital laughing his head off still at you demise.  
“Come on Colibri. Baby, Mama Sadie was just messing around” as your granny joins in laughing with Angel all the way back to her private room.
You sit in a chair next to her bed with a pouting look on your face as Angel wheels in your grandmother. Angel helps sit her back into her bed comfortably. You couldn’t help but, pay attention to his attentiveness and caring nature for Mama Sadie. If you’re not mistaken seeing him this way kind of got you all hot and bothered turning you on. Especially since you two haven’t had vaginal sex yet. Hell, you might just ride his dick later on tonight due to the way he took care of your grandmother. You gotta admit that it did upset you a bit how he openly admitted to eating your pussy to your to Mama Sadie. But, in retrospect he is not ashamed to admit his sexual nature out in the open when it comes to you. I’m mean you are so confident of yourself thinking you’ll be able to hold your own against the great Angel Reyes but, you’d hate to be proven wrong again.
After spending pretty much of the day with Mama Sadie Angel waited outside in the car as you were at home packing a bag to spend at Angel’s for the next of days. Heading out to the front door to the car you notice Angel being nosy attempting to open a package.
“Hey, excuse you!! Gimme that Angel right now”, as Angel holds the package up in the air over his head as you try your damnest to get it from him. He laughs at you as he keeps it away from you. You pout as you stop jumping hoping he lets his guard down. Right on time as he does you playfully punch him in the stomach. He keels over as you grab it from him to inspect the contents as you sit the package on the trunk of the car as you attempt to open it as Angel presses his body against yours. Having curiosity of what’s in it. He kisses you on top of your head and wrapping his tatted arms around your shoulders as you take a closer look.  
“Here take my knife”, as Angel offers you his.
“Oh, I got my own”, as you pull it from your purse and shake it open as Angel’s eyes bulge wide.
“Fuck girl, where the did you get this fucking knife from?”, as he inspects it.
“My mama got it for me”, as you take it back putting it away.
“Should I be worried?” asks Angel.
 “Do you want to find out?”, as Angel raises his hands in protest taking a step back as you laugh at him.
You finally open the box and curious to try to figure out why were sent this package.
“SAVAGE FENTY by Rihanna?” you both say at the same time as you notice a notice inside.
“To my beautiful and gorgeous grandbaby. Also, baby-girl you’re not getting any younger either. Wouldn’t mind that you and that tall drink of water Angel give me some beautiful grandbabies”, you read as Angel laughs under his breath.
“Uggghhhhh Mama Sadie”, you say as you look to the sky wanting to scream as you take a deep breath.
“Fuck girl are those crotchless?”, as Angel attempts to look at what’s in the box but, you snatch it away.
“If you behave Angel Reyes I may do a fashion show for you”, you say as Angel’s face grows dark but, your phone rings as it’s a call from Scarlett.
“Hey honey what you doing right now?”, she asks.
“Trying to tame Angel right now because of a package Mama Sadie sent me”.
“Whoa wait I was sent one too” says Scarlett looking out of the corner of her eye as Riz is anxious for her to open it.
“So basically my grandmother is pimping us to Mayans with sexy lingerie” you say as Angel can’t help but laugh.
“Has Danielle and Naomi called at all?”, asks Scarlett.
“Girl please I’m sure Naomi is walking around at home crotchless for El Presidente right now and as for Danielle EZ is probably enjoying the view or she’s hip deep full of baby brother right now.”
“Say Colibri you know I can hear you right?” says Angel as Scarlett laughs on the phone.
“My bad Daddy” as you blow him a kiss and he laughs rolling his eyes.
“Well I was calling to see if we all could meet up for dinner with the fellas tonight”.
“Sure sounds good to me Scarlett”, we’ll see you in a few.
“And wear something nice please”, she shouts before hanging up with you.
Later that evening Angel dropped you off at a local restaurant as the guys had to handle some quick business at the clubhouse. You met your best friends at the bar having drinks and catching up. Your friends teased and razzed you because what you told them about Mama Sadie embarrassing you and Angel going right a long with it. Especially he openly admitted to her what you tasted like. Oh you were further embarrassed now that your girls are aware of it too.
“Excuse me ladies these are from the gentlemen over there” says the bartender as he pointed towards a table of 4 very attractive men as they all hoisted their glasses in you and your friends direction. You all gave them a kind nod as you all went back to talking.
“Good thing the fellas aren’t here to see this. Especially Bishop”, says Naomi gyrating her hips.
“That hickey on your neck says it all honey. Along with how you walked in here”, says Danielle as you all laughed and howled.
“Scarlett are those Riz’s leather bracelets he always wearing?” Naomi ask while grabbing her wrists for a closer look.
“Yes sugar, Poor baby lost them in a strip poker game we were playing last night”, as you all laugh at her flexing playfully.
“Danielle you been quiet and all googly eyes since we got here tonight” you asked as she jumped being snapped back to reality.
“Huh, What you say?”, she asks looking guilty as he mind been wondering on and on about EZ.
“I can’t help it y’all. EZ has had me scaling the walls away from him last night, this morning and this afternoon. I don’t know what it is that he can’t get enough of”.
“Girl that Punani of yours”, says Naomi as you all clink glasses taking another sip laughing out loud.
Not even a minute later you all were approached by the gentlemen from the table earlier.
“Now why is that we see 4 beautiful ladies all alone”, says the leader of the group as his eyes are fixated on you flashing a big smile as you roll your eyes.
“Actually we are not alone just waiting on our daddies”, says Naomi as you choke on your drink from the surprise comment she just made as if she just read your mind as Scarlett is rubbing your back.
“Well we’ll keep you company until your DADDIES ARRIVE”, as the men attempt to invade you and your girls personal space.
“That won’t be necessary vato”, as everyone turns around seeing Bishop and Riz as Scarlett and Naomi approach them giving them passionate hugs and kisses.
The two other guys step away from you and Danielle not realizing that Angel and EZ are on the 6 as Bishop and Riz watch what is about to unfold in front of them with smiles on their faces and their arms around their ladies.
“BOO!!!”, yells Angel as the two men are startled as EZ laughs at his older brother taunt.
The dudes suddenly notice the Leather Kuttes with the words “MAYANS MC” all four of them are wearing which gives them second thoughts to want to challenge them
“Oh hey guys sorry the interrupting the lovely ladies evening” says the head one as he hurry to pay the tab as they all leave in a hurry.
“Hey thanks man” says Ez as he gives the bartender a tip for the heads up.
“Sorry we’re late. Got a bit hung up at with club business” says Angel pulling you close kissing your lips as you nibble on his bottom one.
You all vacate the bar and sit down to dinner which was a nice change for once. Everyone chimed in on conversations once in a while but, you all were too busy eating in hushed tones and being close to your Mayan men. Angel had his hand on your thigh making lazy circles while whispering sweet nasty Spanish in your ear making you warm around your neck and pool between your legs as you try to feed each other a slice of Chocolate Cake.  You hate that you decided to wear a pair of those crotchless panties as you regret it now. Because you swear you can feel your juices running down your thighs as Angel dark brown eyes were watching you. You didn’t want to make it obvious that you were horny and wet as fuck. You wish you could live out that fantasy of you riding his dick while others watch you come apart all over him.
“Hey let me use the Ladies room baby” as you excused yourself in a hurry hoping he doesn’t see anything.
Too bad all seeing eye Angel noticed that the cloth napkin and the seat were both wet as he watched you heading in the direction of the women’s restroom.
“Ladies will you join me please”, as you call your girls to join you but, you couldn’t help notice that smack on the ass Naomi got from Bishop as she giggled. To that passionate hand kiss from Riz to Scarlett’s hand and the ear bite EZ gave Danielle as she laughed running away.
As you used the restroom freshening yourself up you heard your phone chime as Danielle was holding it for you as you flush the toilet fixing your dress.
“Hey Y/N want me to check your phone for you?” Danielle asks you and you say yes with any hesitation assuming it would be something random or regarding Photography inquiries.
“I don’t think it was a good idea Colibri to be wearing crotchless panties when my pussy is wetting up the seat and this napkin you were sitting on”, reads Danielle as you bust out of the stall.
“Damn say what”, says Naomi and Scarlett simultaneously as you try to grab you phone from Danielle as another chime comes in.
“Girl this muthafucka sent pics too”, laughs Danielle out loud as you finally snatch your phone back seeing the second message.
“Damn querida I hope when you get on my dick tonight it gets the same treatment as these two” as you see a picture of the wet seat and cloth napkin as your face warms up.
“HA!!!! I know Angel stretching you out tonight” purrs Scarlett as the others laugh leaving the restroom ahead of you.
Angel pays along with his fellow brothers as you all leave the restaurant. Outside you all make small conversation as you all say your goodbyes.
“Well Naomi and I have an engagement that needs to be sought out”, says Bishop wrapping a strong arm around her keeping her close.
“Sounds more like an Entanglement to me”, you say as she pops you on your ass as you laugh making her blush.
“Is everything good with you two” you ask Bishop as he hugs you.”
“It is sweetheart. I’m sorry for calling you frantic like that the other day. Maybe I got all nervous because I can see myself with her in the end pequeno”, as he watches her laughing at Angel and EZ tease one another.
“No problem Obispo. Glad that its going good for you both” as you kiss him on the cheek while Angel comes up behind you kissing your neck.
“You ready carino?” asks Angel as EZ with Danielle along with Riz and Scarlett leave as you two are alone.
You hesitate as you see Angel’s motorcycle which you haven’t taken a ride on it yet.
“What’s wrong mi amor?” as Angel sees your doubt written all over your face.
“Hey its safe baby. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you. Just hold on. I want to see my beautiful Mujer Fenomenal ride with me” begs Angel as he flashes you those puppy brown eyes as you cave in.
“Okay Angel” you say as he hands you a helmet as he kicks the stand upright.
You finally climb on situating yourself firmly resting your small body against Angel’s tall one as he gives his bike a good rev as the vibration courses through your body as a moan escapes your lips as smirks as he pulls off. You grab his waist tighter as he speeds up as he laughs at you. He comes to a stop light as he rests his gloved hand on your thigh giving it a gentle squeeze sending chills through your body sending your senses into overload. You two don’t notice but, there are two vehicles flanking Angel’s motorcycle. One is of a couple and the second car is full of females. Of course, wearing the panties coupled with the revving of his massive motorcycle between your legs and Angel’s touch is driving you insane. All you want to do literally is just get on your knees and suck Angel off until he shoots his seed to the back of your throat swallowing every drop of him.
“Hmm I gotta get you home baby. So I can wear you out all night long. But, first I must do this”, as Angel turns one of the handles to rev up his motorcycle.
“I need you nice and wet for me when I get you home mi amor”, as he revs it again as the people notice your body starting to shake.
“Bitch are you all seeing this shit”, says one chick with all her friends watching and gasp as is Angel getting you off in front of them as you grab onto his Leather Kutte as a smile is plastered all over Angel’s face.  
“Damn you see that? He got her coming all over his seat”, says the man in the other car as his female grips the door handle and crossing her legs.
Angel switches the rev pattern as it becomes short and fast as your breathing turns to short gasps. The light hasn’t changed yet as people are walking the cross walk smiling and blushing as your openly reaching your orgasm openly.
“That’s it baby. Come on daddy seat”, says Angel as you pull his body to yourself as he cheers you on.
With one hand he continue to rev the bike and with his other gloved hand he reached around dipping two fingers inside of you.
“Oh shit did he just dip in her pussy just like that?”, says one female in the car with her friends.
“Who want to bet that this muthafucka lick his glove after” says another female as there’s a wager raised.
“Your breathing harder now as the revs come faster as you rock back and forth on his seat behind him as his smirk turns into a full evil smile”.
Too bad you didn’t even notice your homegirls and their Mayan lovers pull right behind you both as they watch you unfold as their men are smiling shaking their heads and your girls are shocked by your unbashful moans as you rock your body against your man not giving one fuck whose watching you.
“I know your so close baby. Ven por papi, Ven por papi, Ven por papi”, as Angel gives his bike a long rev that sends you over the edge.
Finally tight corded rope pops inside you as you let out the loudest orgasmic scream. All the women gasp by covering their mouths as the men looking can’t do anything but smile as Angel removes his fingers tasting you as your body falls against his catching your breath.
“Good girl”, he whispers as he rubs your thigh again as the light turns green as he burns rubber blasting down the street.
But, of course the lady with her man had to light a cigarette while the car full of chicks had to pay the one female that made the wager of Angel sucking your juices off his leather covered fingers. Your girls were all now horny as hell as their Mayan men had to make haste to take them home to find the first available flat surface to put them on.
You both finally arrive at Angel’s as he had to carry you inside his house because of your wobbly legs.
You grab his keys as you unlock his door as he still holding you as he kicks the door closed.
He sits you down as you see his house is dark to only see candles are lit all over and there’s a trail colorful rose petals leading to his bathroom and beyond to his master bedroom.
“Angel when did you have time to do all this baby”, you ask as you can’t believe what is in front of you.
“You have to give thanks to Danielle and the prospect for all this”
“You like it querida”, asks Angel walks up behind you slowly unzipping your dress while removing your heels as he kneels in front of you. His dark brown eyes are fixated on you as he removes your bra and panties. Now you return the favor as you slowly undress Angel removing his leather kutte first. Followed by his shirt and dark jeans. You couldn’t help but, not notice Angel’s upper body as you circle him slowly tracing your finger-tips along his tatted and tanned skin. You wanted to run your tongue along his flex pecs, chiseled abs and those sexy veins popping out on his arms and chest. He kicks off his boots and socks as you remove his boxer briefs revealing his beautiful and heavy dick you haven’t had the opportunity to feel inside you yet as you nervously bit your bottom lip. You hop into his arms as he takes you to his bathroom to see a warm bath was also drawn for the both of you surrounding by tea lit candles. He pins up your hair as he helps you climb in first as he rests his body against yours. The only sounds that are heard are the splashes of water and the rising and fall of each other’s chest as  you both bath one another in a comfortable and romantic silence. After you’re both wrapped in towels as Angel walks you to his Master bedroom following the rose petal trail and more candlelight everywhere. You sit on the bed facing him as you pull off his towel grabbing his dick as he hisses through his teeth. The girth and length of his beautiful dick is astounding as you softly grab onto his balls as you give them each a soft kiss as Angel gets antsy. You flick your tongue at the mushroom shaped head of his dick as you lick the pre-cum that comes out as you circle your tongue taking it all. He grabs your hair as you take him deep into your mouth.
“FUCK GIRL!!”, shouts Angel as you start a rhythm taking him in and out of your mouth as saliva runs and your eyes water.
“Mierda. For a person who hasn’t really had sex or sucked some dick you sure is sucking me off like a fucking porn star Colibri” as his words spur you on.
You moan as you suck him faster as you flatten your tongue taking a bit more of him in as you feel Angel starting to tense up as he’s getting close.
“You fucking love sucking daddy’s fat dick like the sweet good slut that you are huh?” as his nasty words had you pooling between your legs again.
His stomach muscles tightened as he let out a deep-rooted guttural groan as hot shots filled your mouth.
“You better catch every fucking drop Cochina”, he says as he catches his breath.
Before you know he has you pinned onto your back as he kisses you deeply. Sending shockwaves through you causing your toes to curl. Flicking his tongue on your neck as he licks a trail around your breasts as he sucks on a nipple as you moan arching from his bed. He pulls you up into his as he lines his dick up to your center. He enters you slowly as the air was suck out of your lungs as you spasm trying to adjust to his size as you squeeze your eyes close.
“Open your eyes baby. Look at daddy as you ride this dick girl”.
You slowly move back and forth against him as you take him one inch at a time.
“Remember keep those beautiful eyes on me baby as you take my dick. Don’t fucking make me repeat again you hear me”, commands Angel as he smacks you on the ass spurring you on to ride him faster as begin to bounce on him as you shove his upper half onto the bed.
“That’s it carino. Ride the shit out this dick like it’s yours baby”, as Angel sits up making sure you keep your eyes on him as the first colliding wave of an orgasm washes over you.
“Yes. Oh fuck yes that was a good one. Keep coming on daddy’s dick” as you almost close your eyes due to that orgasm almost wiping out all your energy. Angel flips you on your back spreading your legs as he fills you up again as you grab his bed sheets.
“Fuck your tight Colibri”, as he starts to move inside of you again as his strokes were connecting with your g-spot as you moan and mewl as he stretches out to his liking as he whispers to you.
“You belong to me Y/N. These beautiful eyes. These soft lips (he kisses them). These long legs and soft arms. These cute toes and soft feet. They belong to me. Your heart. Your mind, soul and body all belong to me querida. You’re mine my love. No other man can make you feel like the way I do. Come like how I do”, whispers Angel as a second orgasm comes as you whisper to Angel.
“Then take it all my Angel. Take all of me daddy. I want you to have all of me”, as you cry out as Angel strokes faster as you dig your nails into his back.
“Fuck me harder my Angel”, you demand as he placed your legs on his shoulders as digs into you pounding you into the mattress as he grabs another orgasm from you as your eyes see pops and bursts of fluorescent lights of the heavens. The headboard bangs the wall harder as he pulls back to back orgasms. You are placed on all fours as Angel lines you up filling you in again burying his dick inside of you as you stiffen up. He fucks you into oblivion as he grabs your hair as skin on skin claps fill his bedroom as he strokes another one from you as tears fall as your crying his name over and over like a rehearsed line in your head over and over. He finally follows you as he grabs your neck pulling you towards him as he empties his essence inside of you as you both tumble onto the bed. His heavy body is on you as you feel satisfied, satiated and sore all at the same time. Angel finally rolls off of you as he grabs a washcloth to clean you up and covers your body in the black silk sheets that are on his bed. He puts on his boxer briefs back on as he returns with cold wine for you and beer for himself as he rolls a blunt to share with you.
He lights the blunt as he takes a hit first and passes it to you. He watches you as you take a pull from it with expertise as you finally expel the smoke. His back is to you as he sits on the floor at the bottom of the bed. You watch the flickering candles against his beautiful tatted skin as you run your fingers through his mane as you kiss his neck. He turns to face you ask he kisses you.
“Hey I want you to wear this mi amor”, says Angel as he removes his golden necklace.
“Whoa Angel I can't wear that. It belongs to you. Also, I notice Ezekiel has the same one”, you say in protest.
“Yeah the same one that Danielle is now wearing around her neck” says Angel as he gets up to sit down in the middle of his bed pulling into his lap as you face him. You notice that the candlelight dances in his beautiful brown eyes as you can’t help but, smile down at him. You have accepted that Angel Ignacio Reyes has to be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. You felt in your heart that he wouldn’t hurt or take advantage of you as those walls you built guarding your feelings, emotions and heart no longer existed as you gave in to him. He places the necklace around your neck.
“Eres mia Y/N. Te Quiero Mi Reina”, whispers Angel resting his forehead against yours.
“Te Amo Mi Rey”, you whisper to Angel as he slowly removes the bed sheet from you body.
He takes your body again and again through out the night. Sending your body and soul to heightened places its never been and what assumed never existed. Losing count of how many orgasms you both accomplished you both fell asleep holding each other close.   @lauraashley93 @claytoncardenasbabymama @sesamepancakes @pananegra
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avaria-revallier · 4 years
Love is Blind Chapter 3
The sun warmed her face when she recognised a familiar three-legged vibration in the ground. Large steps and a staff lightly thumping on the ground.
“Bilbo. Bilbo, look! Gandalf is coming.” Pointing in the general direction of the nearing sounds she makes her brother look up.
His breathing hitched for a moment when a tall shadow falls over both of them. She could feel the vibrations stopping right in front of them. A single thump from his stick made her lift her head.
“Good morning Gandalf!” she hummed moving towards the one casting the shadow.
A large hand ruffles through her curls, “I see you are still wearing my gift. Is it still intact? No rips or other damages?” from behind she could hear the faint ruffling of clothes when her brother stepped behind her.
“No, the blindfold holds up just fine, at least longer than the bracelet. I still think it is a no good, only draws more attention to her as without.” Bilbo intervened.
“We already had that discussion more than once! I don’t mind, can’t see them staring anyway.” And with that statement the discussion was finished. Turning back to where she thought Gandalf she spoke again, “Why don’t you join us for tea? Certainly you have some new stories of your travels and adventures?!”
The wizard chuckled amused while Bilbo only sighted deeply. He didn’t like the idea of his sister being so interested in adventures. They both were hobbits, respected and proper, no adventures, no traveling!
“We’ll see, my dear.” He answered, brushing away two wild curls and gently removing the blindfold.
“I will renew this and return it in a few days, then we will join you for some tea.” As suddenly as he had appeared the tall man left again.
Aurelia closes her eyes. It had become a habit over the years. The other hobbits in the Shire found her eyes strange. Some gossiped about her, whispered hateful comments, but hiding her eyes was not for them, she hid them for her brothers sake.
To Lia her brother was the only family remaining after the death of their parents. He had been strong for her, loving and kind. Bilbo fought fiercely so he would become her legal guardian and that both of them could continue to live in their parents home. There were objections, mostly from Lobelias side, but Bilbo never backed of one step.
The next morning Aurelia snuck out closing the round green door quietly. Down the familiar paths, towards the murmuring river and the whispering forest.
She passed by farmers, working on the fields and feeding sheep, pigs and cows. The songbirds were already chattering about news from far and wide and the sun warmed her skin.
She would spent the day deep in the forest. With the blindfold removed she could sense her surroundings even clearer. A deer appeared to her right side, she recognised him from his wary footstepps and the feint green light, shaped like an antler embedded in his chest.
Aurelia slightly bowed her head in his direction. She acknowledged him, showed him respect. It wasn’t her first time this deep in the forest and most of the animals grew accustomed to her.
The chill of the night slowly crept under her light clothes. A big owl was the last one to accompany her out of the forest. She had spent most of the day chatting with various animals, telling them stories and hearing news from the surrounding land. One of the squirrels was even kind enough to show her an apple tree, so she wouldn’t go hungry.
Making her way back in the dark of the night she nearly overheard the ruckus coming from her home. She could hear singing and laughter and the ground vibrated like a herd of wild bull stormed around.
It took her some time to distinguish the different vibrations. The light feeling her brother had to him was almost non-existent between the others. Heavy and loud steps all around her home, mixed with the noise forced her to withdraw her senses to the minimum. Feeling only her surroundings in a one meter sphere she hurried towards the entrance.
Shortly, before she climbed the last few steps up to the porch she collided with something rock-solid, resulting in her falling flat on her backside. Colliding with something, or someone, was a completely new experience for Lia. Up until now she had managed to avoid this scenario pretty well.
Prolog - Chap 2 - Chap 4
@pretty-and-pink-284 ​ @tschrist1​ @greeknerd007 ​ @mikadosenju ​ @marshmellowfromhell @ruthoakenshield @musicistherapyofthesoul @stuckupstucky @superhero2552 @maddybeck01
If you want me to tag you as well, please just send me a message.
If you like what you have read consider reblogging my story for others to enjoy too.
I am always open for asks and requests for shorts of our favorite dwarrows!
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imaginedeux · 5 years
Girl At The Rock Show (E.D. Imagine)
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A/N: So Warped Tour happened like almost a year ago now, and I've been wanting to write something. I’ve read a couple of imagines where the reader goes to Cochella with the twins, but I haven't read them going to Warped Tour, and that’s honestly a concept. The show is going to be in San Diego, but i’ll be putting set times from when I went.
“Hey whats up guys! We’re back! Well, I’m back, Grayson is sick and can't film/ can't leave the house, but don't worry, we have four other amazing people here to help me with today’s video! Please introduce yourselves to the camera!” Ethan yelled at the camera from the passenger seat, pointing it at you.
“Hey! It’s (Y/N)! And I’m currently driving E’s car the three hour journey to San Diego.” You fake groaned, before you smiled at the camera, making sure you stayed in your lane. Your three other friends in the back seat all yelled hello before Ethan said he would update them when they got to the location.
“Awesome, now for a 3 hour nap.” Ethan sighed, putting his feet onto the dashboard.
“Oh, heck nah! You have at least three hours to learn one song from one of the bands playing today.” You explained, giving him your phone that was tethered to the car’s bluetooth. “I have a playlist on Spotify with a bunch of songs from some bands playing today, so you better get learning.”
“I’ll give you 3 seconds to guess where we are today!” Ethan yelled at his camera as you grabbed your draw string backpack from the trunk, ready to get the long day stared. “Well you’re probably wrong, or you're right cause you read the title to the video. I’m at the LAST Vans Warped Tour in San Diego! As you know a couple of months ago, Gray and I surprised (Y/N) with a ticket to Cochella, and she had the time of her life. Now a month-ish ago she surprised Gray and I with tickets to Warped Tour, but unfortunately Gray got sick, so we gave his ticket to one of (Y/N)’s friends since they didn't have the chance to buy a ticket before it sold out. So now we’re here, I’m not sure how much i’ll be able to film because it is a sold out gig and there are going to be a ton of people, I might just get (Y/N) to film for me.”
“I’ll only film for you if you end up crowd surfing, everything else is on you.” You shook your head closing the trunk of his car, after making sure everyone had what they needed. “Alright lets head out!” A five minute walk from the rather sketchy $20 parking lot later, your group came across the end of the line. “No fucking way, the entrance is literally around the block, and the doors don't open for another hour.”
“See, I told you we should have brought the cans of food, we would have gotten early entrances.” Your friend Carla, lectured as people with bags of food cans walked by.
“I completely forgot about them! I could have sworn I had them at the apartment before we left, but I couldn't find them this morning.” You explained, groaning. If you had non-perishable cans of food, or even an old cellphone, and you donated them, you'd be able to enter the grounds, about half an hour before everyone else did.
“Wait, were they all cans of corn?” Ethan asked from behind you. Turning, you gave him a look.
“Yes...” You answered squinting your eyes at him. “Did you take them?! I swear E, if you did...” You started before Ethan covered your mouth with his free hand, the other holding onto the camera recording the scene in front of him.
“No, wait, they’re in the car. They were in the cardboard boxes next to the first aid kit.” Ethan explained, pointing the camera at himself, before the group of you started to yell.
“E, can you PLEASE, go and grab them? Please! I’ll buy you a whole pineapple pizza to yourself when we get to the hotel tonight.” You pleaded, taking the camera away from him. A laugh at the group later, he was sprinting back towards the car, ready to get this long day started.
“Thank you guys for the donations, you all have a good day!” The woman taking the cans said, scanning your tickets.
“Likewise!” The lot of you smiled back, making your way towards the grounds. “So how is this going to work? Cause I know Carla, Kevin and Jack wanna go and see Crown The Empire, and it looks like they’re one of the first to play at the White Lightning Stage, and that’s on the other side of the venue.” You said looking up between the inflatable line-up and the venue map you payed way too much for. 
“Well, it looks like All Time Low is gonna be the last to play today at the Right Foot Stage at 8:30, and thats a band we all wanna see so we can meet up at the end of the day of thats what you want?” Jack, said pointing at the line up. This was one of the things about warped, most of the time the bands you wanna see play at same time and on opposite sides of the venue. 
“Wait look, Chase Atlantic is playing at 7:55, isn't that the band you wanna see?” You asked looking up at Ethan, who was looking back at the line up.
“Yeah it is, but its at 7:55, which means that we’ll be late to the band y'all wanna see.” Ethan realized, looking at how long Chase would play. “I know you’ve been wanting to see All Time Low for years, and I don't want you to miss out on them.”
“Thats nonsense, so looks like we have a plan. Jack, you, Carla and Kevin wanna see the same bands, so you can stick together. I’ll stick with Ethan, so we’ll meet you at the Right Foot Stage at around 8:30, if anything I brought an extra battery pack so I can text y'all.” You smiled at the group before the five of you split. 
“You ready to see a real rock show?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, maybe its a good idea that Gray didn't come, he’d be freaking out about Chase, he’s the one who got me into them.” Ethan laughed as the two of you walked by multiple vendors trying to sell the two of you things you really didn't need. 
“Get your free bracelet for the opportunity to meet State Champs!” A vendor yelled as you walked by, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. You weren't sure if it was the State Champs t-shirt you decided to wear with a pair of high waisted black shorts and your trusty Sk-8 Hi black Vans, or if it was the multiple home-made SC patches that decorated our backpack, that made the lady yell the moment you passed by.
“E, give me a second.” You whispered, before you hauled ass towards the booth with the lady who was yelling. “Hi, is it true you’re giving fans a chance to meet State Champs?”
“Yup, I saw your patches and I couldn't let the opportunity pass. So, it is a free meet and greet, all you have to do is watch this video, its only 2 minutes long so it won't take too much time out of your day, then after its done, we’ll go ahead and give you a bracelet for the meet and greet at 1:30 at the tent right next door.” She explained pointing at the places that you needed to go to, to be able to meet your favorite band at the festival.
“Can I get to meet them too?” The hazel eyed boy asked from beside you.
“Sure, just go ahead and watch a quick video and I’ll give you a bracelet to meet them at 1:30 at the tent next door.” She gave him the same smile she gave you, pointing everything out. The video was short and to the point, don't smoke, it'll kill you. “Thank you so much for watching the video, and here are the bracelets you need to meet State Champs. The meet and greet will start at 1:30 so if you want to get here before hand thats alright.”
“Thank you!” The two of you yelled, walking away from the tent not sure what to do next. “So are there any bands you wanna see?” 
“DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Ethan yelled coming back up from behind you, you had to admit that you were surprised to see Ethan actually crowd surf his way to the front where Mayday Parade was playing.
“Of course I did, and you're gonna be happy I got that all on film.” You laughed at him, with the camera in your hand. You and your friends were concert goers but not brave enough to crowd surf yet. “This video is going to be killer to edit next week.”
“Dont worry I’ll get Gray to edit it since he was too sick to come along.” Ethan laughed looking over the crowd as they jumped and danced along to the band covering Blink-182′s Girl at The Rock Show. “Not even at Coachella are people this hyped to see their favorite band or artist. We need to come to more of these.”
“Some of the bands have been making music since a lot of these kids were young, they grew up hearing these bands. Warped is decently priced so this might be some of these peoples only chance of seeing their favorite band live.” You explained as the lead singer, Derek thanked the crowd for letting them play main stage, and said they would be playing their last song next, which was a fan favorite. “Come on E, Mayday’s almost done, so that means its almost 1:30, its time to meet State Champs.”
“Next please!” The already annoyed merch employee yelled as some kids stepped out of the tent.
“Holy shit E, it really is them!” You mumbled covering your mouth as you and Ethan stepped into the tent.
“Hey yall, how’s warped tour going?” Derek, the lead singer asked as the two of you came face to face with one of your favorite bands in the last couple of years.
“It’s good so far, it’ll be even better once I see yall play! By the way, can I get a hug please?” You asked almost shaking, this band was the reason you got out of the comfort zone of your hometown and are the reason you moved to L.A., they gave you the courage to do everything you were scared to do before.
“Come on in here!” Ryan, one of the guitarists laughed bringing you in for a bone crushing hug. “You to my man! Hugs for everyone.” E’s laugh rumbled through the tent as the group of you came in for a group hug. You never thought that you’d ever be able to meet them, much less hug them.
“Can we get a group picture?” Ethan asked this time, you’d honestly forgotten about asking for picture with them, being in the same city as them was good enough for you.
“Sure, anything you guys wanna do?” Tyler, the other guitarist asked.
“How about 90′s rap cover group picture?” You asked shaking out of your state of shock. “Honestly its the only thing I can think of and I’m just remembering the photo of pigeons that looked like they were about to drop the greatest rap album of the century.”
“I know which one you’re talking about! Dude I honestly didn’t think anyone remembers that photo.” Tony, the bass player grinned at the thought of the pigeon photo. Handing over his phone, Ethan quickly squatted down in front of you, Derek doing the same as the rest of the band stood next to you, allowing you to be in the center of the picture. 
“Thank you again for coming to Warped Tour, thank you for being a fan of us and allowing us to come out and play all away across the country from our hometown.” Evan said giving you another hug. 
“Thank you all as well, your music gave me the courage to move out of my little hometown to L.A., without ya’ll, I don’t know where I would be.” You grinned, before you hugged all of them one last time. “Can’t wait to see yall play later!”
“I still can’t believe that we met State Champs, they’re all as beautiful as they look like on Instagram.” You gushed biting into one of the ice pops the two of you bought for way too much.
“(Y/N), that was like two hours ago, you even got to see them live. How are you still going on about them?” Ethan asked chucking the stick into the nearest trashcan, it’d been a couple of hours since State Champs played and the two of you decided to wonder around the festival grounds.
“I don’t know, their music gave me so much courage to be myself, they’re the reason why i’m standing here in San Diego, because without them I wouldn’t have moved to L.A., met you, Gray, Carla, Jack, and Kevin, and without yall, I wouldnt have gotten the chance at meeting them.” You explained grinning at Ethan. “I really do owe it all to them. So, anyways, what do you wanna do now? We have a couple more hours till Chase, so we have time to do anything you want.”
“We haven’t filmed anything for the vlog in a while, why don’t we find a place to sit, and talk to the viewers.”
“Sorry it’s been a minute since we’ve updated you, but the group was disbanded so we could watch the bands we wanted to watch. What bands have we seen today?” Ethan asked, looking between you and the camera the two of you set up on an empty picnic table you were able to grab.
“We’ve seen Mayday Parade, we got to see a part of 3OH!3′s set, which was at more lit than I thought it was going to be, we saw my band State Champs, go follow them on all social media you wont regret it, when we finally got out of the pit, we got to see the last couple of songs for Simple Plan, and we just finished watching Bowling For Soup’s set. For those who dont know, Warped Tour is consisted of six different stages, the Journey’s Left Foot and Right Foot stage are the two main stages of the festival, while the other four are smaller stages, two are for the heavier bands and the other two are for smaller bands. Anyways, the reason we’ve seen 5 bands, is because they’ve been on the Left and Right stages so they’re right next to each other. Now we’re waiting for Chase Atlantic’s set and we’re going to meet back up with the group to watch All Time Low, another band you should go and follow on all social media, just follow all the bands, they’re all good.”
“Wow, talk about that plug. But I have to admit, their music has been really good, a lot of music you could work out too for sure. Oh, we also met (Y/N)’s favorite band State Champs, and they were actually really cool, they seemed really down to earth,” Ethan started before you gestured to put the photo in the video. “Insert picture here, I dont know how it looks and (Y/N), chose the pose, so if we look like idiots, blame (Y/N).”
“Hey, I’m giving them quality content, so you’re welcome.” You sassed looking down at your phone. “My friend from back home is mad at me that I’m Warped without her, and shes telling me to go check out a band if they haven’t played yet. Can I borrow your phone, to see if they’ve played yet?”
“So demanding,” Ethan joked as you grabbed his phone out of his hand. “If you have a chance at trying to come to one of these shows, do it. If you don’t mind walking around for hours, or being around large groups of people, and some of these band’s fans do go hard and start moshing, but if you don’t mind any of that, it something everyone should do at least once in their life.” 
“Hey, the band my friend is talking about is going to play in like 30 minutes, can we head over? It’s on the same page Chase Atlantic is playing at.”
“We’re With Confidence, we’re all the way from Sydney, Australia, thank you so much for letting us play few songs for you guys today!” The lead singer, and also bassist said smiling. “I’m Jayden, this beautiful man on guitar is Inigo, and this equally beautiful man on drums is Josh. If you guys dont mind we’ll be meeting any one that wants to meet us, right at our tent over there, it’s big and pink you cant miss it. We’ll be signing your things and if you want, you can pre-order our album coming out at the end of the summer, and you can get both a physical and digital copy when you buy today.” 
“Oh my god, do you hear those accents? Why are they so beautiful?” You gushed as they played a new song coming out on the album they were talking about. Like most of the other songs they had played, they were all high energy, the kids up at the barricades were jumping along to the beat, and some of the kids in the middle of the crowd were opening up the pit for a circle pit, the dust flying up into the air as they ran around in a circle. That was one of the perks of being far from the barricades, and on the outside perimeter of the pit, you were able to see everything, and how the kids were reacting to the band. “I’ve never heard of this band, but they are amazing, i’m definitely signing up for a CD.”
“First, State Champs, now these guys? Who don’t you love, (Y/N)?” Ethan sighed, rolling his eyes as you got footage of the band and of the kids in the moshpit.
“I fall easily, all it takes is a pretty face and an amazing accent.” You stuck your tongue out at Ethan as the band started to play their final song.
“This entire video is going to be just you meeting bands.”  Ethan laughed as you pulled him to the meet and greet line for With Confidence.
“Hey, i’m at least giving you content E, you would have probably just pranked Gray if it wasnt for me.” You grinned at the camera knowing it was true.
“I mean true.”
“And, i’m giving your Instagram followers content as well, y’all have no idea how many times E has taken his shirt off today because of how warm it got, and he’s definitely gotten some stares from some of the kids here.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault it’s gotten warm!” He explained grabbing the camera from you, pointing it at himself as he tried to defend his actions.
“Um, I told you to wear shorts and a tank top, but no! I know how to dress for a festival, and its not going to get hot.” You mocked Ethan, grabbing the camera out of his hands as you used his cool voice. “And here he is suffering in black plaid jeans and a white long sleeve.” Laughing you showed the viewers the outfit he decided to wear to a summer festival.
“Well you’ll be the one complaining later when we go and see All Time Low, and you’re freezing.” Ethan shot back as one of the security guards started allowing the first kid to meet With Confidence.
“That’s what you think! While you were meeting some of fans, I went and bought myself an All Time Low hoodie so HA!” You laughed, shoving the camera towards Ethan to grab the hoodie you got from your favorite band. “They didnt have my size so I had to get the next size up, but its so comfortable guys.” You could already feel the shift in temperature so it was the perfect time to put on your hoodie. The hoodie reached below the hem of your shorts, and the sleeves went passed the tips of your fingers with ease, it looked like you were ready for bed, not ready to rock out at a concert.
Meeting With Confidence was a whole other experience, they were so happy to see people lining up to meet them. They were constantly thanking you and Ethan for being there to see them, and giving their band a chance. They were happy to hear that you were going to buy a CD and a couple of shirt from their merch stand, and were like that with the kids before and after you. A couple of heavier bands later, and Chase Atlantic started to play is when you started recording the crowd’s reaction to the band. Both you and Ethan realized that the music they’ve released, is played differently live. Rather than the sensual RnB vibe, they sounded like all the other rock bands that played that day. Midway through their set they thanked everyone for stay to see them play since they were one of the last bands playing that day, as they continued to thank the crowd, Ethan grabbed the camera and started recording the crowd from his perspective. This is something that the two of you had been doing all day, so both of you could enjoy the band, and it would give Gray more angles to edit. Its once Ethan started recording the crowd and the band that he realized how well you knew the lyrics to the songs. You swayed when the music slowed, you jumped along to the kick drum, you spun around as the lead singer sang the lyrics all the kids in the crowd knew. Ethan stepped back and started recording you as the lead singer stopped singing, allowing the crowd to sing the lyrics to one of their more famous songs. Although the temperatures continued to lower, that wasnt causing the blush on Ethan’s cheeks to appear.
“Alright, this is going to be the last song we play tonight, thank you for allowing us to play here to night, and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the evening.” The lead singer, Mitchel, thanked as the band started playing the last song.
“E, come on! We need to head to the Right Foot Stage, Carla, Kevin and Jack are already there!” You yelled, literally pulling him out of his day dream and out of the crowd. As the two of you ran to one of the last stages still up, the two of you could hear the sea of kids singing along to some of the songs that were playing through the speakers, waiting for the final band to play. “Look, there they are!”
“Thank you guys so much!” Alex thanked the crowd before he started the last song of San Diego’s Warped Tour. 
“I’ve got your picture, i’m coming with you. Dear Maria count me in, theres a story at the bottom of this bottle and i’m the pen!” The entire crowd sang as, Alex, Jack and Zack jumped around the stage and around Rian, who was playing the drums. By the time the lot of you had gotten to the stage, you were a good twenty yards away from the stage, but it didnt bother you. If anything it allowed your group to step back, and be able to dance along to the songs you grew up with. It also gave Ethan the opportunity to record you guys without being shoved around in the pit. Then the song reached the long awaited climax, as Jack and Alex threw their guitars across the stage, the confetti cannons showered the crowd in multi colored paper. Although the sounds of the cannons startled Ethan, he never took his eyes off you as the pieces of paper fell around you. It was the gasp that made you stop spinning around to look at Ethan. 
He could have sworn that the sound of the crowd drowned out his gasp, but apparently it was loud enough for you to hear and stop spinning. It was the smile that put the nail in the coffin for Ethan. It was the biggest, and the realest smile he’s ever seen from you. Since the beginning of your friendship with Ethan, there was a difference in it. It wasn’t a normal friendship the two of you shared, it was something more. although the two of you refused to admit it. The two of you could lean on each other, the two of you were closer than even the fans knew about, and a majority knew how close the two of you lead on. The two of you talked about everything, from things that you saw that reminded you of each other, to desires of what you wanted to do in both the near and far future. When you started talking about how you wanted to go to the Last Cross Country Warped Tour, Ethan instantly jumped on the chance to buy the two of you tickets. So, no, Grayson wasn’t sick, he knew about the little plan his twin brother was creating. But since you weren’t aware, you invited your friends, who weren’t aware of the plan Ethan was planning either, along since they also had tickets.
The thing was, you had a plan up your sleeve as well. You knew from the very beginning that your friends were going to be watching groups you and Ethan hadnt heard of before, so you knew you would have some time with Ethan without feeling pressured by your friends to make a move. Through out the day the two of you laughed at random jokes, you shared your drinks and food with each other, you even encouraged each other to do things you’d never have the guts to do if you were by yourself. As the day continued, the two of you held on to each other as the bands you were watching played the slow song of the set. You hugged Ethan longer, and harder after meeting With Confidence, and State Champs, quietly thanking him for sharing the experience with you. With a smile still on your face, you brought Ethan in for a hug, one harder than any of the ones the two of you had shared before.
“Thank you so much. You have no idea what today means to me. It wouldnt have been the same without you.” You confessed looking up at him.
The look in your eyes were ones Ethan had never seen before. There was something about them that were different, but looked familiar.
Its the look my parents have when they look at each other. You realized as Ethan looked down at you, swaying the two of you back and forth. As the song started to fade, you started to stand on your tip toes as Ethan started to lead down. Little did the two of you know that your friends were sneakily taking a photo of the moment, something they had been doing all day. Besides seeing their favorite bands, your friends knew of the plan through Grayson, and were capturing the moments neither of you were getting on camera. What a better way to end Warped Tour in the arms of someone you cared for deeply, and that care for you the same way.
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primrooks · 5 years
Wands of a Feather: An Elena of Avalor/Sofia the First Crossover
[Chapter 1] // [Chapter 2]
*One of the most surprising and fun aspects of writing this story has been creating all sorts of different OC's, sometimes right on the spot! Quarry, Isadora, Hiba and Raadi are all my characters (as far as I know, we never do meet the royal wizard of Khaldoun in StF), and I was especially excited to tap into the idea of deaf mages and non-verbal magic within this universe. I'm not part of the deaf community myself, so if anything looks off, do let me know!
AO3 link here!
Chapter 3: The Tri-Kingdom Showcase
The lone figure suddenly formed into two, one a few inches taller than the other. The first presenters stepped into the spotlight, another stage effect courtesy of Isadora. The shorter of the two was a kindly middle-aged woman, wearing a midnight-blue robe and draped with a shimmering silver cloak, her head covered by a knotted white headscarf. Next to her was a teenage boy with freckles dotted across his brown skin, clad in an elegant teal robe and a patterned russet turban. A leather satchel hung from his left arm.
Both bowed deeply before the crowd, then the elder wizard stepped forward to gauge her audience.
Her hazel-eyed gaze held some kind of gravity that pulled at Mateo’s attention. Nothing in it was scrutinizing, just attentive. Quietly aware of the people before her, and silently asking them to share in that awareness.
The woman gave a tender grin, and then began to gesticulate with her hands, smoothly forming various signs while never tearing away her gaze.
“Welcome, friends. I am Hiba, Royal Wizard to His Majesty King Nasir of Khaldoun,” interpreted the young boy, who’d stepped up to Hiba’s side.
“This here is my apprentice, Raadi,” she signed, at which Raadi gave a small nod.
“I am humbled to be performing this morning for all of you, though I must say, the journey from our country to the isle was… more eventful than perhaps our company hoped,” Hiba continued. It amazed Mateo how Raadi matched his voice to the subtle inflections of his master’s gestures and facial expressions, with only cursory glances away from her hands.
Then as if on cue, Raadi took a couple steps to the side, while Hiba extended her left arm and summoned a tall staff out of thin air. The top of the bronze staff was adorned with gilded feathers curling around a bright sapphire orb, and the body was carved with rows upon rows of delicate engravings. Mateo vaguely recognized some of them as runes, but most of the writing seemed to be calligraphy native to Khaldoun. Another wave of Hiba’s hand caused the engravings to glow a purple light, and as they did, Mateo noticed the various jeweled bracelets and swirling golden bands that decorated Hiba’s forearms.
A swirling array of lavender lights emerged like ribbons from the staff, coalescing with one another and steadily taking solid shape before their eyes. The lights took the likeness of a giant thirty-foot serpent, its eyes blank as snow and its maw lined with jagged teeth, with enormous tusks curving out of the sides. The illusion looked big enough to ram its head through a fortress, and it eerily stared down upon the audience while gliding through the air. Its jaws opened and closed just slightly as it prowled in a circle, and Mateo couldn’t help but gulp as it passed above his head. No one made a sound, even as the serpent stopped above Hiba’s head.
“Our ship happened to be passing through a pod of these serpents, and some feared the worst,” Hiba signed.
She then turned toward Raadi. “My dear apprentice confessed that he thought his life was forfeit right then and there.”
Raadi dutifully interpreted his master’s last comments, before he shot back at her with a piqued expression.
“Leave it to Madame Hiba to never skimp out on the details,” he spoke, turning so that he directly faced his master with his signs. Hiba chuckled, as did the audience. But then the spectral serpent curled upwards, and the laughter stopped as it towered above them at its full height. The room grew tense once more as it stood with its eyes unblinking, mouth agape, and then…
It started to sing.
Waves of a soft and ominous melody filled the air, like a shell horn’s strain ringing through a cave. The effect was similar to how Mateo had heard Naomi describe whale songs back at school. Its voice carried echoes of some dark and fathomless part of the ocean, its melody as unhurried as the tide. Mateo then remembered one other thing Naomi warned about serpent calls: many an untrained sailor had met their watery fate by mistaking their song for a whale’s.
Serpents travelled in large pods beneath the water’s surface, using their song to guide their brood during summer migrations to the north. If boats lingered too long in the migration path, they were met by the viciously territorial serpents. The lucky ones knew to make a swift and quiet escape with their ships, and she meant lucky. Even Naomi’s mother, a master of the seas, had vessels nearly capsized by their tusks and tails.
The sound carried beyond the theater area to the further corners of the pavillion, and Mateo briefly turned his head to see if anyone outside this crowd had noticed. There were a few curious faces (mainly children and their parents) who looked up at the illusion in awe, though others carried on unperturbed.
He turned back to the serpent, and saw that more light illusions had flown out of Hiba’s staff. They formed a few smaller serpents, brighter in color, which flocked close to the first serpent as it led them higher above the stage. Isadora’s spotlight followed them as they swam through the air in synchronized twisting and swirling patterns, joining one another in song.
As they circled closer around the theater area a couple of times, showing off well-timed maneuvers that earned bursts of applause from the spectators, Mateo caught Hiba in the corner of his eye. From her billowing sleeves she drew a small square of paper inscribed with thin ink lettering. She flicked it into the air, and the paper burst into a flash of fire.
And just as quickly, the whole pavillion dissolved from Mateo’s sights. Stalls, trees and solid ground had vanished, and all background noise was covered by a pregnant hush. Darkness surrounded them, until an array of tiny lights blinked and swirled into being. Before long, the crowd found themselves sitting in the middle of a galactic cluster, where the brightest star of all shined above: the North Star.
“The crew on our vessel managed to pull us out to safety, but I grew curious as to how often such encounters occurred.” Raadi stood by Hiba once more, holding her staff as she continued her speech. “I asked the captain for records of the sea serpents’ migration patterns, and he gave me an even more invaluable asset.”
Raadi drew three pieces of paper from his sleeve, folded into neat boomerang-like knots. He tossed them one by one into the air, and the papers morphed into their own streaks of light. As with Hiba’s illusions, the streaks gathered like strings rolling up into a ball, and expanded to become different sea creatures: blue caballos marinos, green tortoises, even a gigantic scarlet kraken. They each joined with the serpents as they looped around one last time, before gliding upwards to the North Star.
The crowd’s applause broke out louder, before being quelled by a sharp knock upon the stage. Hiba gave three gentler taps with the staff, and the light illusions she and Raadi conjured formed into a luminous, emerald-colored orb. The orb ballooned into a large globe, and white lines formed around its surface, mapping the various continents of the Ever-Realm.
“The captain showed me all the records of different migration patterns that he and past generations of Khaldounian sailors had collected through their many voyages.” Moving her hand in a curling motion, Hiba conjured an illusory sun, casting light upon her globe.
“The creatures of the sea follow where the cold and warm waters flow. They track the seasons as we still sometimes do with the stars.” Hiba stretched both of her arms out, and summoned her sea beasts once more, in smaller versions that ducked in and out of the surface of her globe. The globe then started to rotate on an axel around the sun, tracking the seasonal paths of the creatures with the sun and the North Star as their constant guide.
As he stared up at the map, Mateo vaguely recalled Abuela and Mamá’s stories about the North Star, how the star’s different positions in relation to the Ever-Realm horizon acted as a compass to early Avaloran sailors. The most fascinating stories recounted how the ancient Maruvians created calendars and predicted turns of fortune from the night sky.
He once tried to map the sky himself, and although he found the process a bit too precision-based (resulting in many scribbled-out and ink-stained parchment notebooks), he loved to just look at the maps from school and compare them to the star and moon charts in his Abuelo’s archives. While the calculations behind the charts felt weighty and tedious back when he was nine years old, something about his Abuelo’s notes on the constellations and the stories they told would keep him up for hours past his bedtime.
“My hope with this Astral Atlas is that all who sail upon the seas will instantly know where and when the most dangerous creatures of the sea might cross their paths, and to see how all life, no matter how monstrous its appearance, follows the same patterns as we do,” Hiba explained, giving a knowing smile.
With another sharp “TACK!” from her staff, her illusions - the globe, beasts, star field - vanished in an instant. Mateo blinked, gathering his senses back to the canvas-filtered sunlight and the general murmur of the exhibition hall. His confusion was shared with some of the younger sorcerers, but the elders looked more quietly impressed with Hiba’s showcase.
“And before you ask: no, you won’t need that whole light show to use the atlas. In fact, one shouldn’t have any trouble carrying one of these around. And yes, everyone will get one to take home,” Hiba finished, eliciting a number of excited whispers.
After he was done interpreting, Raadi reached into his satchel and pulled out a black board segmented into two. He folded out from the part, and from its surface popped out an animated atlas just like the one he and Hiba conjured, though on a smaller scale. The detail was no less impressive on the model, and the board itself was as thin as a school slate.
At a small nod from his master, Raadi closed the board and placed it back in his bag. He joined Hiba in bowing to the audience, who responded in kind with elated applause. Mateo even saw some of them give a standing ovation.
He looked back at Hiba and Raadi, who were signing between themselves, grinning ear to ear as they exchanged words that he wished he could follow. But their expressions carried all the clarity he needed: while Raadi appeared bashful, in contrast to the collected front he presented on stage, his master couldn’t be more proud.
“Incredible...” Cedric muttered to himself.
He’d been watching the Khadounian wizards’ performance from a hidden seating area backstage, located off to the side from the main platform. The longer he thought back to Hiba’s star map, the more his stomach felt like a black hole, warping him from the inside. He wanted to pace around, but he stood stock-still, afraid of making a spectacle.
He’d have expected no less from a wizard of her caliber, but Hiba had created an invaluable aid to sailors and adventurers of all stripes. How could his trick match up? What was a gussied-up child’s toy compared to that?
He hoped that Quarry wouldn’t take notice of his nerves, as the eagle-owl busied himself with treats while resting on his own perch.
“Heh. And she had the mettle to tell me that she came up with all that last minute,” chuckled a sagacious voice from the bench next to his.
Wu-Chang was seated with his oak staff laid across his lap, stroking his long white beard as he looked over Cedric’s shoulder. Hiba and her apprentice were now making their exit towards the opposite end of the stage, while the young master of ceremonies stepped up to the center in a dazzling dash of pink.
As she began raving over Hiba’s act to hype up the audience for their next performer, Wu-Chang stood up and leisurely smoothed out his gold-and-veridian robes.
Cedric could recall a few times in his childhood when he’d seen the Royal Sorcerer of Wei-Ling perform, either for King Roland I or in shows with Cedric’s own father, Goodwin the Great. Goodwin was not a man known for his flattery, and one thing that used to (somewhat) quell Cedric’s anxiety over his father’s approval was that, however critical he was about his son’s magical education, Goodwin would apply the same eagle eye for error on his own rivals.
Wu-Chang was one of the rare few to escape any scathing appraisal, and Cedric could see why. The elder sorcerer was a master of the traditional arts, held a storied record of service, and performed for royals and subjects alike with the same gentle reverence that eased his crowds into some truly wondrous spectacles. For all his years of service however, Wu-Chang rarely spoke of retirement, which made Cedric wonder how he himself would fare the further he got along in his years.
“Hopefully I won’t lull our guests too well,” Wu-Chang joked, standing by the curtain leading up to the main stage.
Cedric tried to laugh, but the pathetic exhale that came out of his mouth sounded more like a wheeze.
“Is your throat alright?” asked Wu-Chang, clearly concerned.
“It is, it is,” Cedric assured him. Out of habit, he cleared his throat, immediately undercutting his claim.
“Do you need to sit down?”
“No, thank you, I’m fine.” Then Cedric plopped down on the bench, briefly spooking Quarry. In place of smacking himself on the forehead for making a fool out of himself, Cedric gave a blithe shrug.
“Oh, perhaps I didn’t get as much sleep as I thought.” His words weren’t doing much to save face, judging from Wu-Chang’s slightly raised brow. Cedric avoided his gaze, trying to seem distracted by giving Quarry another snack.
“They wouldn’t be out there if they didn’t want to see you,” said Wu-Chang.
“Pardon?” Cedric asked, looking back up.
Wu-Chang gave a small smile. “I’m just recalling what my old master told me. He said that all I could do was give them the show I prepared. Whatever I did, be it a success, failure, mediocrity, was still a learning experience, and after that I only had to focus on how to make my next act even better.”
Cedric bit back a groan. However well-intentioned, he was not in the mood for a pep talk.
“I should say so,” Cedric stated, effecting a proud tone and stance. “A Royal Sorcerer must strive for nothing less than excellence.”
“An admirable goal, in theory. It would depend on how one measures the concept of excellence,” Wu-Chang countered.
“I think that neither you nor I have little to worry about in that regard. Experience and expertise should speak for themselves,” Cedric touted. Quarry flew up to his shoulder and gave two happy hoots.
“I can see that. You’ve improved considerably since you were a child, Cedric.” Wu-Chang had replied with nothing but sincerity, but that didn’t stop Cedric’s shoulders from tensing nor his throat from tightening.
“Oh, you… you remember me from back then?” Cedric uttered.
“How could I forget? Your dear father and mother always had so much to share about you.”
“Ah, as I’d expect,” he sighed.
“And! Without further ado! We’ve got another spectacular guest lined up and ready to go! Let’s see who’s behind Curtain Number Twooooo!” boomed the emcee. Cedric had taken note during rehearsals, but that young woman’s voice could fill a canyon.
“I bid you luck,” said Wu-Chang.
“Yes, I-” Before Cedric could finish, the other sorcerer vanished with a snap of his fingers, leaving a puff of scarlet smoke. The red smoke quickly evaporated, though Cedric still had to fan some of it away from his eyes.
“-To you as well,” he finished drily. He didn’t have to see the ecstatic welcome Wu-Chang was getting from the crowd. Their cheers were proof aplenty.
“Greetings. My name is Wu-Chang, Royal Sorcerer to His Imperial Highness Emperor Quon of Wei-Ling.”
As the introductory speech went on, Cedric sat back in his bench, and Quarry settled onto his lap. He gently stroked a hand down Quarry’s crest, letting his familiar’s quiet hoots fill the space.
He couldn’t let his nerves get the better of him, not after all those days of planning and practice. He never felt more prepared for a performance, and he especially didn’t want his new familiar to look bad because of him. Unfortunately, one thing hadn’t changed: the waiting was always the worst part.
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mumuho · 6 years
I need you to kiss me - Kai (pt.1)
Supernatural AU! In which you accidentally establish a link between you and Kai, causing him to become dependent on your kisses for survival.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Two years. That’s how long you’ve been in the same school as Kim Jongin. During those years the interaction between you have been nothing more than that of a passing in the hallways. Being part of a rather small group, you rarely meet new friends, while Jongin, as a dedicated ballerino, is often seen in the dance studio by himself.
And yet here you are, two days after your first conversation, with your lips tightly pressed against said ballerino; your relationship with him still the same as before, virtually non-existent.
How you had ended up in a situation like this was all due to that god-forsaken bracelet.
The first time Jongin had made an appearance in your life was seven years ago, when his performance had taken your breath away. Everything, from his facial expressions, to the subtle actions of his fingertips, was beyond perfection. Even to your young, uneducated mind it was apparent how much work and effort Jongin had put behind his performance.
You felt as if your whole world had toppled over, realizing how many hours, days and months you had wasted just because you were certain you didn’t “have talent”, while Jongin had been working hard every single day to improve.
It wasn’t about talent; it was about hard work. For some reason you felt the need to convey your thoughts to your source of inspiration.
“I have to meet him.” That had been your only thought. Even though you didn’t remember his face and would soon forget his name, you were dead-set on meeting this boy. Unfortunately, you weren’t the only one. Although the amount of people who were familiar with the name “Kim Jongin” back then was limited, those who knew him were devoted fans.
Though you wanted to make it known to him just how much his performance had touched you, it seemed difficult to convince him of this when you had nothing to show for it other than the feelings in your heart, and seeing all the other fans holding bouquets so big they covered their faces, only made it more difficult.
However, you were determined to at least convey your thoughts. Even if your feelings would look small compared to them, you had to do it. You had unwillingly left the concert hall after writing a smudged text on a napkin and wrapped one of your belongings in it, a bracelet with one single charm. That was the only thing you were able to gift him.
In hindsight, it probably looked like a five-year old had written that letter. Sometimes you’d reach for the bracelet only to realize that, you had gifted it a long time ago.
So imagine the surprise when you found an exact replica of that bracelet lying on the ground. Finding that bracelet had been like a reunion with an old friend. It had fit just as well as seven years ago, your wrist size having remained practically the same during those years.
Unfortunately, it was the very moment you wore that bracelet that Kai became linked to you.
The first time you share a kiss is during a lunch break. While you happily chatter away with your friends as your food goes cold, Kai comes staggering down the stairs, scanning the area for you, his target. You only notice him when your friends suddenly go quiet and stare at the boy behind you. He’s wearing sunglasses indoors.
“W-what is it?” You stutter, whole body rigid with fear of the unknown behind you.
“There you are --ah,” he says and though you’re unaccustomed to his voice, it’s not completely foreign. 
“I need to... “ he hesitates for a second, “...talk to you.”
“Now?” You stare at your friends and then back at him. 
“Yeah, now.” 
“Alright, hold on a sec.” 
The two of you don’t walk very far away, just far enough to have some privacy.
Kai looks a bit sweaty and hesitant, thinking of the smoothest way to ask his question. You never pegged him as the shy type, considering how comfortable he seems to be with an audience. But he can’t stop fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
“What did you want to talk about?” 
Just get it over with. Rip the band-aid off in one go. He’s already visualized this scene several times in his head, that’s what Sehun told him to do to gain confidence but Kai’s request comes out so quietly you have to ask him to repeat himself.
“I said, ‘I need you to kiss me.’” 
As someone who’s used to being on stage and well-versed in managing his expressions, you’d expect Kai to be better at hiding his emotions. 
Kai’s ears are slowly turning beet red when he repeats the sentence a third time. “I need you to kiss me.”
Taken aback by his frank request you, too, are unable to mask your emotions.  
“Do you remember the conversation we had?” he asks in a low voice. “About how I need consistent contact with you due to .... that.” He nods at the bracelet on your arm. 
You had gone over the conversation between the two of you over and over last night, trying to figure out whether Kai had been truthful or not. On one hand, you had never thought of him as the lying and manipulative type, but people weren’t always what they appeared to be. On the other hand, what could he possibly gain from spinning such a complex lie? And why you? And why hadn’t you been able to remove the bracelet? There were so many things that you simply couldn’t explain.
“Don’t freak out, okay?” Kai says, his breath a bit short. He slowly removes his sunglasses and you instinctively tense up when you see his eyes. In any other situation you would’ve lost yourself in his beautiful brown eyes, but there’s a blackness that occupies the outer corners of his eyes that grabs all your attention.
“It doesn’t look very pleasant, but I figured, it’d be easier to convince you if you could see the effects in real time.”
You stand silently staring at him. Despite having mulled over this for hours, you still feel doubtful. 
If he’s tricking me, it’s better to find out now rather than later. “Okay,” you murmur under your breath. Let’s get this over with. Your palms are sweaty and then, without any warning you stand on your tip-toes and press your lips against his.
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precuredaily · 6 years
Precure Day 730 (v1)
Episode: HUGtto! Precure 22 - “A song of love for two! Twin Love Guitar!” Date watched: 8 July 2018 Original air date: 1 July 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kfRvK0g
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the crossover nobody expected
Hello no you’re not going crazy, I did skip almost 700 days. I mentioned on the status blog that I’d review HUG 22 early specially because it features the FW duo so here we are.
A note about names: after some research I’ve elected to use Ruru and Emiru instead of Lulu and Emile, so if you wonder why I’m writing Ruru when the captions say Lulu, suffice to say I have my reasons.
Here’s the setup, since I won’t actually review the episode this continues on from for another 2 years: in HUGtto! 21, Emiru and Ruru were out at the park, playing guitar when Papple attacked. At one point, Cure Amour (Ruru) is trying to save Emiru’s guitar from being trampled but the Oshimaida stomps down on her. Cure Macherie (Emiru) yells at her to get out of the way, and ultimately jumps in to push her out of danger. Unfortunately her guitar gets stomped and breaks in two. After the main trio swoops in and defeats the monster with Yell For You, Ruru apologizes to Emiru for her destroyed guitar. Emiru replies that it’s okay as long as Ruru is alright and tells her not to worry, and then turns to Yell and states that if they had Melody Swords then this wouldn’t have happened, so Yell should hand hers over. Yell, taken aback by this, tells her that these wands are theirs so Emiru turns to Harry and demands a Melody Sword. Harry brushes it off with a “don’t ask me” kind of response and then Hugtan starts glowing, opens up a portal in the sky, and out fall Cure Black and Cure White. Roll credits.
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Also we got this awesome end card.
HUG 22 picks up right where 21 left off. Emiru assumes Black and White are there to deliver her Melody Sword, but they’re just confused. After figuring out who everybody is, and concluding that there are other Precures out there (All Stars confirmed non-canon), they all head back to Harry’s store to regroup. Emiru and Ruru get in an argument over Emiru’s feelings about the loss of her guitar and Nagisa and Honoka give them advice, saying it’s okay for friends to fight sometimes and they certainly have *flashbacks to FW08*. Ruru can’t understand why Emiru is saying it’s alright that her guitar is broken considering how much she loves music, and Emiru doesn’t want to have to explain to her that she cares more about Ruru than a guitar. It’s not as deep as the fundamental difference in personality Nagisa and Honoka experienced but it’s something.
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After the pep talks from their predecessors, Emiru and Ruru set about making gifts for each other. Emiru makes matching charm bracelets, similar to the one Hana, Saaya, and Homare wear but with red and purple heart links instead of pink, blue, and yellow.
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BRIEF ASIDE: I feel like this charm bracelet maker comes up every few seasons. Is it an actual toy Bandai sells? Is it rebranded for each show or what? I need to look into this, and anybody with more info please chime in.
Meanwhile Ruru sets about making a pair of new guitars for Emiru and herself, with Saaya and Honoka helping. There’s a humorous moment where Honoka remarks that it’s easy to forget Ruru is an android..... while Ruru is cutting into sheet metal with her finger. As one does.
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The next day (I think?) Emiru and Ruru meet up at a dock with everybody else looking on. They talk out their feelings and give each other their gifts, with Emiru explaining that she can replace a guitar but she could never replace Ruru or the friendship they’ve developed. Hana says it best:
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Meanwhile at Criasu Corp, Papple is feeling like a failure because she can’t seem to eke a win against the Precures and Gelos is subtly putting pressure on her. She goes up to the room of her mysterious lover who is most definitely not the president of the company and the strange man Hana has bumped into a few times, but she sees Gelos in his room with him. Feeling betrayed and heartbroken, Papple flees the scene and runs to the roof of a building. Telling herself that if he loves her he’ll come stop her, she summons a bunch of negative energy and..... STABS HERSELF IN THE CHEST.
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She becomes an Oshimaida and starts terrorizing the nearby Precures. The Hug gang all transforms and tries to fight her but she lays them all out, so Black and White enter the fray and they single.... or I guess doublehandedly give Papple the smackdown. She cries out, and Ruru recognizes that her former employer is inside of there. Cure Amour and Cure Macherie together vow to try to help Papple from the inside. Cheered on by Black, White, Yell, Ange, and Etoile, the duo dive into the monster’s soul...... right through her cleavage.
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You can’t make this up.
Inside they find Papple crying her eyes out from heartbreak. Putting aside her personal feelings, Macherie gives her a pep talk with Amour’s help and they tell her that they will protect her love at all costs. This calms her down, and the duo emerges. Suddenly they receive two new Mirai Crystals and new weapons: the Twin Love Guitars, as a reward for their act of love. They perform their new finishing attack, Twin Love Rock Beat, which involves them strumming a tune on the guitars (despite the strings being like.... 6 inches long. I know it’s a toy and it’s magic but that is not how instruments work!) before holding them like guns and firing hearts at the Oshimaida to purify it.
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The dust settles and the original duo congratulates the newest duo for a job well done, saying they make a great team. Hugtan babbles and glows and a portal opens up in the sky again as Nagisa and Honoka begin to levitate. Waving their goodbyes, they disappear back to their own world. After they’re gone, Harry asks Hugtan how she did it, to which she responds with more baby babble. I don’t know what they expected. Homare freaks out over how cute she is, and Emiru and Ruru observe that with their new bracelets they now match. We close on this image.
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HUGtto! 22 was a good episode. An unexpected but welcome return by the original cures, and I do mean unexpected because to my knowledge Toei did not say ANYTHING about this prior to the broadcast of ep 21, so when Black and White fell out of the sky it was a big WTF moment. It was an important development episode for Ruru and Emiru, and while Nagisa and Honoka were prominent in mentoring them they never overshadowed them. There was a part in the fight where Black and White were kicking much more ass than the entire Hug team were able to, but ultimately it was Macherie and Amour’s ability to see beyond the surface and address Papple’s heartbreak that saved the day, and that’s admirable. Even though I’m currently still working my way back through Max Heart, it was nice to be able to get an entirely new adventure with some of my favorite characters, and see them interact with the newest team in a significant way (those end-of-series cameos we’ve gotten the last few years leave a lot to be desired). I like how they were able to relate the conflict of this episode to a similar one that Nagisa and Honoka faced back in 2004. The animation of the episode was great, this might be the smoothest the FW characters have ever been portrayed outside of the movies, and while there was some minor deviation from their original art style to suit the HUGtto art, it wasn’t drastic. I’m having trouble even pinpointing what it is, maybe their a little less squished, it’s hard to say. My only nitpick would be that Yukana and Honna Yoko sounded a bit.... off in this, but y’know it’s been 15 years and all that, their voices have probably changed. I may simply not have noticed it in All Stars films because it was gradual, but since I’m actively watching Max Heart right now I picked up on it more. It’s a very minor criticism and it doesn’t detract from a fantastic episode. Look forward to my v2 review in a couple years, if I manage to keep this project up for that long, haha.
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
77 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Get on Amazon Prime
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If going to the mall during the holidays drove you nuts before 2020, then Amazon Prime will save your soul now more than ever. Where else can you buy a wool Mackage coat, a sculpted bust of a greek god, a cardboard turntable for cats, and toilet paper? From the comfort of your couch. Naked.
Because there are millions of choices on Amazon and going through the results for even a single inquiry can be exhausting, we went through tens of thousands of items and put together a definitive list of the best gifts you can shop this year with Prime. Our non-negotiable criteria? Items had to be unique, high-quality, practical or chic, because nobody has time for anything else these days. Below, our top picks on Amazon Prime to add to your cart now.
Ocean Mist & Sea Salt Candle
NEST Fragrances amazon.com
With notes of sea salt, white tea and coconut, this ocean mist-scented candle is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. (Something that can’t be said for most candles out there.)
Gabbi Vegan Leather Handbag
If you follow any fashion accounts, you’ve probably seen JW Pei all over your Instagram feed. What’s less known about the affordable brand is that their bags are made from 50 percent recycled materials and 10 percent of all profits are donated to animal sanctuaries around the world.
Polaroid Pop Instant 3×4 Photo Printer & Digital Camera
Being able to hold photos of special moments hits different. Polaroid’s wireless Pop Instant camera is a game-changer for making it possible to take, preview, edit and print 3.5 x 4.25 photos. The easily transportable device also offers WiFi connectivity, so users can upload their pictures straight to the ‘gram if they please.
Acrylic Sheep-Shaped Containers
Agirlvct amazon.com
Whether you’re shopping for the aunt that does her own thing or your friend with the ironic instagram aesthetic, these sheep-shaped cotton swab containers will just hit different.
SLIP Silk Pillowcase
Anti-aging and crease minimizing benefits aside, a silk pillowcase simply just looks and feels luxurious. Because falling asleep these days isn’t easy, this queen size pillowcase makes for a thoughtful gift.
14k Gold Three Diamond Amigos Curve Post Earrings
Adina Reyter amazon.com
If these diamond curve post earrings look familiar, it’s because Meghan Markle wears them on repeat. To give you a sense of just how versatile these beauties are, the Duchess wore these to Commonwealth Day 2018, throughout her and Harry’s Royal Tour of Australia, and numerous royal engagements in London.
The Archisutra: The handbook’s Final Chapter
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform amazon.com
This creative Kama Sutra from London-based architect Miguel Bolivar is a good gift for cultured significant others. Each sex position is inspired by a famous building or furniture design with detailed data and annotated scale drawings.
Handmade Love Bracelets for Men & Women
Ubuntu Life amazon.com
Ubuntu Life, which was included in Oprah’s Favorite Things 2020, provides employment to artisans in Kenya, in addition to running programs that support social inclusion for Kenyan children with educational and physical needs. A handful of colors are still in stock at the time of publication.
Premium Bamboo Bathtub Tray Caddy
For a fancy-feeling gift that’s actually affordable, look to this bathtub tray caddy. It has a stand that can be propped to read a book or display a tablet, plus a wine glass holder.
Fair Trade-Certified Chocolate Gift Set
Chuao Chocolatier amazon.com
This dark and milk chocolate gift set from Whole Foods-carried brand Chuao Chocolatier contains innovative flavors the chocolate lover in your life won’t be expecting. Think: potato chip, honeycomb, salted chocolate crunch and more. 
Open Back Lace Teddy Bodysuit Lingerie
Spice things up with this surprisingly affordable lingerie find. Its delicate lace details and open back lend a glamorous touch.
Nonslip Hair Claw Clips (Pack of 4)
Claw clips were already having a moment in fashion before the pandemic. Now that we’re working from home and wearing our hair up every day, they’re all the more useful. These reviewer-obsessed clips boast 3k reviews and counting with an average rating of 4.8k stars.
Flex Wireless Earphones
I obtained a pair of the latest Beats (the brand’s most affordable headphones to date) for testing a few months back and haven’t stopped using them since. Delivering crystal clear sound, 12 hours of battery life, and a rapid fast charge, these bluetooth wireless headphones are overall better than headphones I’ve spent at least 4x more on over the years.
7/8 Jogger Travel Pants
Editor’s note: I own these joggers and am in love with them. What first sold me on these was that reviewers mentioned how similar these are to Lululemon’s On The Fly jogger, which cost about three times more. Fast forward to me owning 4 pairs and recently FaceTiming with my grandma who was rocking her own pair as well. A great gift for any woman who likes comfortable, flattering pants.
Reversible Zebra Bathmat in Grey
Jonathan Adler amazon.com
Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side… Not when you’re getting out of the tub though. That’s dangerous in an ER-kind of way. Anyway, here’s a cute, dryer-friendly bathmat. 
Le Specs. Air Heart Sunglasses
Le Specs. amazon.com
If these glamorous and slightly oversized sunnies look familiar it’s because Meghan Markle sported this exact pair during her 2019 baby shower. Shoppers, note that these fan-favorite shades have a track record for selling out fast. 
‘Tis The Season Huggie Set
Stella & Haas amazon.com
This trio of hypoallergenic freshwater pearl huggies is another covetable find from Oprah’s Favorite Things List this year. Considering how versatile these earrings are, I don’t blame you if you opt to keep a pair for yourself.
UGG Fluffita Slipper
Have a shoe lover on your shopping list? Change their life with UGG’s Fluffita slippers. These fuzzy-feeling platform slippers will elevate all of their favorite loungewear ‘fits.
Mayberry Sheepskin Slipper
EMU Australia amazon.com
Cozy gifts remain a failsafe move in 2021, so here’s another pair of chic sheepskin slippers certain to delight. 
Emmanuelle Initial Necklace
Jennifer Zeuner Jewelry amazon.com
A personalized touch goes a long way in making it look like you didn’t wait until the last minute to pick something out and panic while doing so. Here, a gothic initial pendant from Jennifer Zeuner that subtly channels Regina George’s ‘R’ necklace. More letters are available as well.
Dachsie Ring Holder
This dachshund ring holder takes cute jewelry organization to another level. Perfect for the dog lover who’s constantly rotating her stack.
Layla Bamboo Bed Sheets
Layla Sleep amazon.com
$125.00 (29% off)
A sheet upgrade is the gift that keeps on giving. Suitable for sensitive skin types and hot sleepers, Layla Sleep’s 300-thread count Bamboo sheets are soft to the touch and eco-friendly. (Bamboo uses 200x less water than cotton and doesn’t require harsh chemicals in the production process.) The set includes a fitted sheet, top sheet and 2 pillowcases.
PhoneSoap Pro UV Smartphone Sanitizer & Universal Charger
PhoneSoap amazon.com
File PhoneSoap’s Pro UV smartphone sanitizer under universally practical gift ideas. In just five minutes, this device is able to kill up to 99.99% of germs thanks to its powerful UV-C light.
Plush Slipper Socks Women
Toes Home amazon.com
Amazon reviewers are obsessed with this set of fuzzy socks, which happens to be a steal at this price. (Think 2.4k ratings and counting, with an average of 4.6/5 stars.) A handful of designs are available, but the heart motifs here are especially kitschy-chic.
Alix Mini Top Handle Satchel
3.1 Phillip Lim amazon.com
They say the best gifts are the ones you’d want for yourself. Phillip Lim’s versatile Alix Mini top handle bag is proof.
Supreme Glamour
Thames & Hudson amazon.com
Anyone who loves The Supremes or retro glamour will swoon over this new coffee table book, which chronicles the fashion history of the beloved 1960s Motown group. Founding member Mary Wilson tells her friend and co-author, Mark Begu, the whole story of the band.
Gisele Long PJ Set
Eberjey amazon.com
Eberjey is practically synonymous with great pajamas. Made from modal and spandex jersey (no polyester!), these PJs are breathable, ridiculously soft and hot sleeper-friendly. Unlike cheaper options out there, you can be sure these will last for years to come.
Power Workout Leggings in Black
Sweaty Betty amazon.com
To give you a sense of how beloved British brand Sweaty Betty’s power leggings are, one pair has sold every 90 seconds this year. (Editor’s note: I own these and don’t stop talking about how I think they’re the most comfortable and flattering leggings of all time.) New to Amazon Prime, these are still in stock in every size at the time of publication. 
Women’s Asili Stacking Rings
Women-founded and sustainably sourced, SOKO makes some of the coolest, vintage-feeling costume jewelry around. Their pieces are handcrafted by artisans Kenya who use recycled brass, upcycled horns and traditional techniques.
Leather Touchscreen Texting and Driving Gloves
If you’re bougie on a budget, check out these Italian cashmere-lined leather gloves which boast over 1.7k ratings. As one reviewer put it: “They are great, and actually fit very well. Beautifully packaged. Could be a gift but I am keeping them!” 
Women’s Duality Reversible Sherpa Jacket
Alo Yoga amazon.com
Not only is Alo Yoga’s best-selling Duality jacket fun and practical in equal measure, it’s reversible and one side is sherpa. Five other colorways are available too.
Drinking Animals Coloring and Cocktail Recipe Book
Each page in this delightful coloring book opens up to a different animal and new cocktail recipe. 
Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers
Editor’s note: I’m a lifelong doodler and Tomboy’s dual tip brush pens are unrivaled when it comes to ease of use and vibrancy. Several color palettes are available in case you’re after something louder too. PS: A bunch are on sale right now, which is rare for the brand.
Apple AirPods with Wireless Charging Case
Few tech gadgets, if any, look as suave as AirPods. Of all the headphones carried on Amazon, these remain the #1 best-selling pair (no exaggeration), and for a limited time only, they’re currently on sale.
No Bounds Wireless Outdoor Speaker
House of Marley amazon.com
These aux input speakers from House of Marley (which, fun fact, was founded by Bob Marley’s son, Rohan) boast an impressive ten hours of battery life. Even better? Because they’re dust-proof and waterproof, you and your partner will be able to enjoy these on outdoor adventures and road trips.
Retro Bluetooth Speaker
This ultra-compact speaker is sure to be a crowdpleaser. The indoor/outdoor speaker not only connects with bluetooth, but can be used as an FM radio with AUX connectivity as well, all while delivering impressive sound and 10 hours of battery life. A carrying strap and dust bag are also included, which makes for a sleek presentation.
Bose SoundLink Revolve Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
This sleek indoor/outdoor speaker delivers crystal clear sound quality and long battery life (16 hours!) certain to enhance any user’s listening experience. From true crime podcasts to Netflix to electronic music experiences, these will be a game-changer. 
Boy Smells Beeswax & Coconut Wax Kush Candle
Boy Smells amazon.com
This Boy Smells best seller doesn’t actually contain any psychoactive hemp-derived extracts, but it’s still lit. Paying homage to the cannabis flower, the scent is warm, fresh and floral.
Hand and Skincare Amenity Kit
Grown Alchemist amazon.com
Editor’s note: I’m never more than a few feet away from my Grown Alchemist hand creams in the winter. Containing a vanilla and orange peel hand cream, vanilla and geranium day cream and watermelon lip balm, I’d argue this is the most affordable fancy-feeling beauty gift on Amazon. Fun fact, clean Gwyneth Paltrow is a huge fan of this lipgloss. 
EltaMD Mineral-Based UV Clear Facial Sunscreen (1.7 oz)
Sunscreen as a gift? Only if it’s from EltaMD’s product line. If you or a loved one who spends a lot of time in the sun hasn’t tried this dermatologist-loved sunscreen line before, ELLE.com highly recommends. (Read Beauty Director Chloe Hall’s full review here.)
Sparkling Water Machine
sodastream amazon.com
Kiss wasteful plastic bottles of seltzer from the grocery store goodbye. Set in a sleek monochromatic design, this SodaStream kit includes everything you need to make seltzer at home, including a carbonator.
14k Yellow Gold Hoop Earrings
Tilo Jewelry amazon.com
Gold hoops go with everything and somehow always feel cool wearing. Here, a 14k gold pair made in the US that won’t slim down your holiday shopping budget. 
Sherpa Trucker Jacket
Levi’s sherpa jackets have been worn by every fashion girl from Gigi Hadid to Zendaya. The denim staple is not only a godsend for complicated transitional temps, but a cozy piece to throw on at home.
Visual Feast: Contemporary Food Photography and Styling
Earning its moniker, Visual Feast is a coffee table fixture that explores food presentation in a myriad of Art forms. From witty jello dishes to painted lobsters, the foodie in your life will find the book’s photography drool-worthy.
Classic Greek Michelangelo David Bust Statue
Beonueni amazon.com
Nothing subtly says ‘I’m an Intellectual’ louder than having a decorative bust of a Greek god on display in one’s home. Your loved one won’t see this gift coming, but they’ll love it all the same. (Editor’s note: This is the only item on our list where you have to pay for shipping, but it’s only $2.99.) 
Women’s Natural Lace Trim Vest
Iris & Lilly amazon.com
White tank tops have defined Tik Tok-era fashion more than any other article of clothing. Gift a set for the culture. 
Mentone Half-Zip Sweater
Varley amazon.com
This half zip from British athleisure brand Varley is practically dripping in cozy appeal.
Women’s Nori-K Coat
Mackage amazon.com
Kindly sidestep the puddle of drool that formed while I gazed at this wool coat. That leather waist belt! The removable bib (!!!). The feminine silhouette that doesn’t sacrifice warmth! She’ll love this because how could anybody not?
Squeaky Parody Plush Dog Toy
Haute Diggity Dog amazon.com
A fabulous squeaky toy for a fabulous pup. (Editor’s note: hi, Freddy!!) 
Juicy Couture DIY Bracelet Making Kit
Make It Real amazon.com
*Puts on Maneater by Nelly Furtado for a quick journey to 2006.* This kitschy DIY bracelet kit will pull at the heart strings of anyone who owned a velour tracksuit in the early oughts. Technically speaking, this set was probably intended for pre-teens, which makes it a good gift youngins who weren’t around for Juicy’s heyday all the same.
14k Gold Linked Diamond Stud Earring
Zoe Chicco amazon.com
This 0.13ct diamond stud earring (yes, it’s sold individually and I’m sorry) will be her new favorite earring if she has more than one piercing. 
Kitty Espresso Coffee Maker
Stainless steel espresso coffee makers don’t get any chicer than the Bialetti Kitty.  
Walkie Talkies
These retro-looking walkie talkies are technically for kids aged 4 through 14; however, these will make a useful gift for any family quarantining together in the suburbs in lieu of a fancy intercom system. These boast a 3 mile range for outside, camping and hiking, as well as a backlit LCD flashlight. 
Modern Glass Globe Table Desk Lamp
This sculptural table lamp injects instant modernity and warmth. It includes an LED bulb too, so the design lover you gift this too will be able to set it up and enjoy right away. 
Clear Acrylic Bookends (Set of 4)
CY craft amazon.com
If you’re after a gift for a book lover that isn’t books, this top-rated set of acrylic bookends works for any decor style. 
Enameled Cast Iron Signature Dutch Oven
Le Creuset amazon.com
Le Creuset is the gold standard of cookware and their dutch ovens are the lightest on the market. Here, the legendary brand’s signature enameled cast iron Dutch Oven in a gradient motif that brings to mind sunsets and Prada’s fall-winter 2018 collection.
BoostIQ RoboVac 15C MAX
eufy by Anker amazon.com
$175.99 (37% off)
It’s hard to come by a list of best robot vacuums online (written by experts who actually tested hundreds of models) where eufy’s RoboVac 15C MAX isn’t included as a budget-friendly mention. The RoboVac 15C MAX has wifi and Alexa voice connectivity, which makes it easy breezy to set up and use. Reviewers love how it delivers an impressive clean with strong suction and self-charges after a clean. 
Table Tiles
Areaware amazon.com
There’s no such thing as too many coasters, though there is such thing as really tacky coasters. Trust me, I went through over 200 before finding this cool geometric set. These have a cork-lined base which further helps to protect furniture.
Sherpa and Fleece Throw Blanket
Green Orange amazon.com
Sherpa on one side and plush on the other, this reviewer-loved throw blanket measures 50×60 inches, which means it’s large enough for two to comfortably snuggle during Netflix nights.
Men’s Sherpa-Lined Puffer Jacket
Amazon Essentials amazon.com
Editor’s note: I got my dad this jacket for his birthday a few weeks ago because I figured it looked warm and practical. Turns out, this $42 coat is the softest-feeling men’s jacket anyone in my family has ever come across. Besides looking way more expensive than its price tag, this coat is warm and has a sherpa-lined hood which feels cloud-like. (Amazon, if you’re reading this, please make this coat in women’s.)
Men’s Figaro Chain Necklace
Miansai amazon.com
In case you’re still thinking about how hot Connell’s chain was in Normal People. Same.
Men’s Memory Foam Slippers
These comfy slippers are machine washable, which means if he’s prone to having sweaty feet… you can gift these without any worry you might later regret it.
Polo Ralph Lauren Outdoor Bear Scarf
Polo Ralph Lauren amazon.com
For a guy in your life who’s a nightmare to shop for, look no further than this ribbed knit scarf featuring Ralph Lauren’s iconic, well-dressed bear.
Essential Crewneck Sweater
State Cashmere amazon.com
Editor-loved brand State Cashmere makes 100% pure hypoallergenic cashmere for a fraction of what I see a lot of other brands charging. Here, a failsafe crewneck he’ll have for years to come.
Starter Shaving Kit for Men
Intro him to his new favorite grooming brand with a set that includes everything from a shave brush to priming oil to a safety razor and more. This shaving kit boasts over 400 reviews, with several mentioning how Bevel’s products help prevent razor bumps. 
Hidden Comfort No-Show Socks
Runners swear by the support and durability of Balega socks. Take it from the 7k reviews this no-show unisex pair has, these will be a hit.
Grand Court Sneaker
If you’re shopping for a boyfriend who’s an amazing person but just not the best dresser, start with his shoes. Prince Harry has been photographed in a similar pair (Sdidas’s Gazelle trainer) in a similar grey, suede color on countless occasions. This color looks sharp with everything.
DiamondClean Classic Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush
Philips Sonicare amazon.com
$166.95 (17% off)
Rumored users of the prestigious DiamondClean toothbrush include Beyoncé and Kim K. Per Philips, this luxe toothbrush removes up to 7x more plaque than a manual toothbrush, whitens teeth after 1 week of use, and improves gum health in only 2 weeks.
Pet Cardboard Turntable & DJ Mixer
Suck UK amazon.com
For the cat person who loves a good RAC remix. To quote an epic review on Amazon: “By 9pm, DJ Kitty was in beast mode as the rave kicked off in the living room. As the sun came up, DJ Kitty refused to part with the deck… Yes, a bit expensive for [sic]carboard, but we are considering selling tickets to the next show to make up the difference.”
Footnanny Hemp Extract Spa Treatment Set
Footnanny amazon.com
Footnanny has been on Oprah’s Favorite Things list for seven years and counting, though the foot-care brand is loved by many, many more. Here, a trio that will help with exfoliating, soothing and relieving targeted areas of the body that often get neglected. 
Foam Roller
Trigger Point Performance amazon.com
To give you a sense of how beloved TriggerPoint’s GRID foam roller is, it has 11.4k global ratings and an average score of 4.7 stars. It comes with free online videos so users can learn the best ways to utilize it for stretching and relieving tension. 
Fully Adjustable Desk Folding Exercise Bike
Exerpeutic amazon.com
$255.86 (15% off)
If they’re a fitness lover who’s working from home right now, this foldable stationary bike desk will make staying active during the day an easier pursuit. Reviewers agree it’s easy to assemble and sturdy, with one reviewer even saying this has changed their life.
Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Diffuser
Victsing amazon.com
Shopping for a dedicated yogi or someone who could use a little serenity right now? Meet VicTsing’s popular essential oil diffuser that boasts 11.3k ratings and counting. The diffuser offers 2 modes, 4 different timers and 7 different color lights, which makes for a personalized zen experience. 
Jenga is fun whether you’re 6-years-old or 42.
Posh Peanut Pajamas Set (Newborn to Toddler Sizes)
Posh Peanut amazon.com
Made from soft viscose bamboo, these pajamas will be super soft for any baby, toddler or eager young mind on your shopping list. A variety of prints are available in sizes spanning 0-3 months to 6 years.
Grippy Non-Slip Socks for Kids
Resilience Gives amazon.com
The story behind this cheerful sock brand will move you (and the recipient). Resilience Gives was founded by Jake Teitebaum, a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor who was frustrated with poorly-made socks during his stem cell transplant, and is co-owned by Andee Wallace, whose father survived non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. For each pair of socks purchased, the brand donates a pair to a child with cancer who’s undergoing treatment in a hospital. (Women’s and men’s sizes are also available in case you also want to get yourself a pair.)
Justine Carreon Justine Carreon is the market editor at ELLE.com covering fashion, Dutch ovens, and fashion again.
Jaimie Potters Commerce Content Manager Jaimie Potters is the Commerce Content Manager at Hearst Magazines Digital Media, where she covers fashion, beauty, tech and more.
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77 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Get on Amazon Prime
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. First of all, what do you prefer to be called? d.
2. What is your favorite form of creative expression? art. i love art galleries/museums.
3. How do you like your coffee OR if you don’t like it, why?: i hardly drink coffee coz it gives me jitters and stomach aches. i do love an iced coffee though.
4. What is the least desirable thing, in your opinion, to put on a pizza that you have heard of people actually eating?: tbh i’ve never had anchovies on a pizza. i wouldn’t mind trying it though.
5. Would you rather witness the beginning or the end of the universe?: beginning.
6. Describe your favourite pair of socks:  those invisible socks, doesn’t matter what colour since they can’t be seen.
7. What is the current or last song you are listening/listened to, and does it have any special significance to you?:  nah i just love the song.
8. Do you prefer rainbows or stars?: stars.
9. Describe the best day of your life NOT in terms of events, but in terms of your feelings: hmmm just being in love i guess.
10. Would you rather go to a planetarium or an aquarium?: aquarium.
11. Do you know the reason that 11:11 is considered to be auspicious?: no idea.
12. What decorations are hanging on your walls?: none in this room, just a corkboard pinned with random photos, ticket stubs etc.
13. What is your favourite planet in our solar system?: earth.
14. How do you express love?: being affectionate, doing nice things for them etc.
15. Do you consider yourself to be more spiritual or scientific?: in between tbh.
16. If you had a lava lamp, what color would you want it to be?: purple or pink.
17. Would you rather be able to revisit your past to simply re-experience a positive moment or revisit your past in order to change things and risk the consequences?: re-experience. i don’t wna change anything in case that changes things in the future.
18. Have you ever had a past-life regression or memory?: no.
19. What is your favourite holiday and why?: christmas. gifts, family and food + end of year.
20. Are you better with remembering dates or names?: ummm neither. faces i guess. with dates i’ll remember months and not actual dates lol.
21. What was your favourite book that you had to read for a class?: to kill a mockingbird.
22. What is your favourite number and why is it significant to you?: 7. it’s my boyfriend and i’s anniversary date.
23. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?:  neither haha. i’m a bit scared of the unknown.
24. What prompted you to call the last person you called?: i forgot who i called last.
25. Star Trek or Star Wars?: neither.
26. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?: harry potter.
27. What is your favourite band and why?: i don’t have one.
28. What colour best resonates with your best friend(s)?: yellow? idk lol.
29. Where do you work and why do you work there?: at the casino. i only work there coz it pays well, i hate it.
30. Have you ever gone to a public karaoke facility, and what did you sing?:  yep. it wasn’t really public, it was a karaoke bar with private rooms. i sang whatever.
31. What animal do you feel most connected with?: none haha.
32. Have you ever had “special brownies” or any other kind of “special” treat?: nope.
33. What book are you reading at the moment?: sometimes i lie.
34. What is the funniest thing that you have done at a fast food restaurant? umm at pizza hut the soft serve ice cream machine didn’t stop when i got my own ice cream lol. i was still a kid.
35. Do you enjoy listening to music that is sung in another language?: sometimes.
36. Quote the last movie you watched: idk lol.
37. Do you know more than just your sun sign (like your ascending sign or moon sign etc.)?: i have noooo idea.
38. Do you have any jewelery on you that holds significance, and if so, what is it and why is it significant?: my bracelet i guess. my boyfriend bought it for me after our eurotrip.
39. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?: nutella.
40. Why did you last feel warm and fuzzy inside?: i was spending time with my boyfriend.
41. What band that no longer performs together do you wish would have a reunion tour?:  idk tbh.
42. What band that IS still together do you wish would perform in your area?: boyz ii men.
43. Have you ever been in a band, and what role did you play in it?: no.
44. What has been the single most frightening experience of your life?: idk tbh.
45. Who is/was your favourite Spice Girl?: posh.
46. Do you prefer free verse or poetry set in a form?: neither.
47. In a hotel, would you choose to go in the hot tub, the sauna, the workout room, or the pool?: pool.
48. Imagine that you are exploring space. Who would you want with you and what would you want to explore, assuming you are not limited in any way?: my boyfriend i guess. cool date lol.
49. Have you ever astral projected?: no.
50. What is your favourite song by the group t.A.T.u?: none.
51. Describe what you envision as “paradise”:  being in an all inclusive resort in a tropical place with my own private pool.
52. What element do you feel most connected to?: idk.
53. What is a cause that you feel very strongly about and why?: a lot. equality tbh.
54. What was your favourite class from the last year that you were in school?: omg no idea. i already forgot what subjects we did lmao.
55. What is a topic that you study independently for your own interest?: none.
56. Describe what you would want to wear if you were getting married, handfasted, or having some kind of “love celebration” or “commitment” ceremony between yourself and another? no idea. i’d need to plan this out properly.
57. What song do you want played at your funeral?: yesterday - leona lewis.
58. Would you rather alphabetize or put things in order according to numbers?: numbers.
59. What medication do you dislike the most?: anything with side effects.
60. Would you rather write a story or a poem?: story.
61. Do you believe in non-physical entities, and if so have you ever communicated with one?: no.
62. What invention or discovery do you think that the scientific community should focus on?: cure for cancer.
63. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?:  the bahamas.
64. What skill do people often compliment you on?: my photography or desserts.
65. What are three facets of your personality or thinking patterns that you want to improve?: my laziness, motivation and being too comfortable.
66. What is your favourite symbol?: heart.
67. Name an unusual shortcut or file that’s on your desktop: idk lol.
68. What do you smell like right now?: nail polis, just did my nails.
69. You get to have a theme party of your choice, just for fun. What theme do you choose?: hmm 90s? lol.
70. Have you ever been in the depths of a cave?: yes i have.
71. How do you deal with the dark side of yourself?: think before i speak.
72. Name something that you can’t help but save: restaurant business cards.
73. What is your addiction?: smoking.
74. If you could wish something for three people, but not for yourself, who would the wishes be for and what would they be?: happiness for my entire family, success for my boyfriend and friends.
75. Would you rather send a message in a bottle or on a balloon?: balloon.
76. What did you dream last night?: i forgot.
77. What is one of your most frequent daydreams?: vacationing.
78. What is your favourite stuffed animal?: i don’t have one.
79. If you could have a conversation with any well-known figure of the past or present, who would it be and what would you want to talk about?: no idea. i’d have to make a list lol.
80. If you could bring anyone back to life, who would it be?: any of my grandparents.
81. Are you affectionate?: yes. 82. Name one thing that each of your best friends is really good at: my boyfriend is hilarious.
83. What are you a perfectionist with?: washing my car lmao.
84. Could you see yourself being able to carry on a long distance relationship?: tbh probably not. it would depend if it were temporary.
85. If you could be anything but human, including anything mythical, what would you be?: a fairy. or genie.
86. Have you ever meditated? If so, what is your method, and if not, what do you do to relax?: i nap to relax lol.
87. What is something about yourself that you feel no one else understands?: idk. 
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Charecters: Dean, Reader
Pairing: Dean×Reader
WARNING: TRIGGERS. THIS IS A TRIGGER FIC. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF IT WILL AFFECT YOU BADLY NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. Self hate. Cutting. Language. Slight nudity but not in a sexual way. T-shirt and underwear.
Summary: You’ve kept your self harm a secret until it became too much and you had to call your boyfriend Dean.
A/N: SO LIKE I SAID A LOT OF TRIGGERS. This was an inspirational fic to me because I’ve dealt with this stuff before. To me, at least, Dean is real. He lives in my head. Whenever I pick up the blade I can hear him saying “Put that down. Can’t you see how beautiful you are?” I can see his broken heart as I cut into my legs. I can feel him comforting me after I’m done. To me dean is real and this fic happens in my mind pretty much every night.
I don’t know how to put the gif at the beginning. Sorry I’m an idiot lol. Anyway, there is a gift at the bottom that is how I imagined Dean on the phone at the beginning.
Alright. Please make sure if this starts triggering you you immediately stop and you message me. I can send you a non trigger version. Well, just the triggers cut out. —
Blood dripping.
Tears trickling.
Skin ripping.
Nights wer- are always hard for you. You stayed awake long after the rest of the world. Crying, not the cute, one-tear-running-down-the-cheek crying. Full on screaming, tears pouring down your cheeks. You clenched your teeth, held your stomach. Ever threw up sometimes just from the intensity.
Your days were pretty routine. Wake up grumpy from only getting a couple hours of sleep. Sometimes none. Then you would go to work, be happy for a while, joke around, smile, start to think, I can do this. Then at about 6pm you get sad, start thinking “why does nobody love me?” At about 11pm after you get in bed the tears start. At 12 you get your blades. At 2 you are screaming for help, in the middle of a nightmare even though you aren’t asleep. Something is chasing you, hurting you. Killing you slowly. At 5 you are wondering if anything is really worth this.
Nobody knew. Not family, not friends, not even your boyfriend, Dean. You were always smiling so everyone just assumed you were fine. Friends would come to you with problems and you would comfort them even though it was a fraction of what you were dealing with. You always got told “you know, you help me all the time. If you have any problems, you can call. Day or night.” Bullshit. If you spilled your guts you would have to clean them up yourself so why bother?
Work was terrible. You were told to go kill yourself twice, cursed out, had stuff thrown at you. You took a break even though you were supposed to be working and your manager screamed at you in front of everyone.
“Why does nobody care about me?! Am I not pretty enough?! Smart enough?! Nobody loves me. I should end it. No, gotta stay strong. For Dean.” You said as you wiped your tears and sat up on the bed. You opened your bedside table drawer. You only kept one thing in there. Blades. The bottom of the drawer was stained with drops of blood. You kept it locked up so no one would see. Much like you kept yourself locked up. Hoping nobody could see.
You often pondered how dean would react the first time you had sex. Seeing the deep red marks all up and down your legs and arms. Wrists were easy to cover up with Bracelets and such. You had been with Dean for over a year now. Your excuse was wanting to wait until marraige. BS. You had got real close a few times. You had tattoos on your arms so dean couldn’t see those but your legs were a different story. You had gone shirtless but as soon as dean tried to unbutton your jeans you had to pump the brakes. You could see the dissapointment in his eyes. Not in you, just in the fact that you didn’t trust him. At least that’s what he thought.
You grabbed a dull blade and drug it across your ragged skin. To you, your thighs were a canvas. You had to find an empty spot to start on. You looked all across the red marks, drug the very tip of the blade across the scars, feeling the familiar sting. Eventually found a good place to start. You dragged it across your skin, prepping it. Feeling the cool blade against your legs was comforting.
Then you pulled it across in a fast motion, blood starting to drip. You muffled a scream. Then again. Again. Again. Each time more painful than the last.
The screaming. Oh the screaming. Inside your head but it was all too real. You banged your head against the wall trying to make it stop. Trying to make your last few hours peaceful.
You felt a cold hand wrap around your forearm. Start squeezing. It left an ugly purple bruise. Another had wrapping its fingers slowly around your throat. You tried to get it out of your room but you kept seeing it. Why was it there? What did it want?
Silence. You drifted to sleep until you heard a piercing scream. You jolted up. Tonight was worse than it had been for a long time.
You were pacing your room. “I should call him. No, he will leave me. No he won’t Y/N Don’t be ridiculous. Just call” you pulled out your phone and began dialing. You hit cancel and put the phone back in your bra. “Y/N you are such a worthless, stupid, piece of garbage. His JOB is to make you happy. Just call!” You told yourself I’m a fit of anger. You dialed again. This time you hit call.
The ringing went on for what felt like ages. "Come on, Dean! Pick up damn it!”
“Y/N, I swear if you are drunk in a ditch somewhere and I have to come pick you up one more ti-”
“D-Dean?” You said, clearly crying. Voice shaking. Your tried to swallow the lump in your throat but couldn’t. You just kept crying.
"Baby, what wrong. Are you hurt? Where are you?!” He said as you heard background noise. Sounded like he was getting out of bed.
You couldn’t make a noise. You just kept crying. You dropped the phone next to you on the bed without hanging up. Too weak to even hold the phone.
"Baby you’re scaring me what’s happening?! Im on my way.” You could hear through the phone. “I’m about an hour out though. Please stay on the phone.”
You picked up the phone and just said his name. In a quiet voice. You weren’t even sure how he could hear it. “Y/N” his voice broke. He was crying too. “Seriously, talk to me”
"I just can’t anymore baby” you said, suprised you got that many words out. “You can’t what? Can’t date? Can’t work? Can’t what sweetheart?”
"Live.” It was quiet. For a long time. “Y/N, I swear to God if you kill yourself before I get there I’m going to kill you.”
You smiled. “Nice logic.” You managed to say. Then you screamed. “Y/N?! Y/N!!! What happened?!” He yelled.
“It’s coming!! Dean please save me it’s coming it’s coming dean please please get here faster kill it please dean save me dean please please save me!”
"Baby I’m on my way but you have to talk to me. What’s coming?”
“The monster. It’s in my head.”
Dean was relieved it wasn’t an actual monster. Although it was very real. “Baby, talk to me. Why are you so scared?” He said in a calming voice.
You were quiet for a while. You were thinking. Calming enough to tell him.
“I hate myself. I hate my body, my skin, my hair, my face. My personality, my humor, my house, my voice, everything. I’m a worthless piece of absolute garbage and I shouldn’t even be on this earth.”
He sighed. “First of all. That’s complete Bullshit. You are the most amazing person I know! You think you are worthless?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. your think you are ugly? You are perfect. I’ve seen the way you look at yourself in the mirror and I can tell what you are thinking and believe me. I love very freckle, Every mole, every imperfection because your imperfections are what make you so amazing because you wear them with pride. You think you are garbage? Welcome to the club!! You think you have a bad personality? Y/N, you are hilarious, smart, talented, the list goes on. I-I couldnt ecen twll you hoe many times ive cried from laughing so hard at the stuff youve said! I never knew you felt this way. How long?”
You were crying so it was hard for him to hear you. “Years. I never told anyone because they should be running scared. What kind of monster think the things I think, does the things I do, cuts their legs and arms because they aren’t pretty enough? Who does that? Me.”
“You’ve been cutting yourself for years? Y/N I’ve knows you for years. Why didn’t I ever know? Is that why you don’t want to have sex with me? You think I’ll run screaming??”
“Dean you know I want to I just can’t stand the though of you worrying.You didn’t ever know because I didn’t tell anyone. I’m weak, Dean. Weak and scared. Nobody would ever take me seriously if they knew how weak I actually was.”
“People don’t cry because they are weak Y/N. They cry because they have been strong too long.” He said is a soothing voice. “You are my girl and I would do anything to protect you. I’m almost there. I love you so damn much Y/N. You know what I love about you? You’re smile. I love how even after all the crap you’ve been through, you still smile. I love how strong you are. Holding on this long. I love you Y/N, I couldn’t live without you.”
“Why do you keep saying that? You love me? I’m trash. I’m worthless and stupid and ugly and I don’t deserve you. You should leave me. No sense in keeping me around. All I do is screw up. I’ll be gone soon anyways.” You said as you wiped a tear from your eye.
“Hold on baby.” He said as he hung up.
“What the fuck? Did he actually just hang up on me?” You were done crying. Even though it broke your heart. You just had a straight face. And laid down. Without blinking or looking at anything.
After about 2 minutes the door burst open. You didn’t move. Didn’t even blink, to be honest you didn’t even notice. Before long, Dean was lifting you up and wrapping his arms around you. He held you bridal style as you kept your dead eyes looking forward. Without saying anything. He sat down on the bed and your head laid in the crook of his neck as he rocked you and hummed a song.
About ten minutes later, he asked quietly “Can I see, baby?” You nodded. You were too exhausted to say anything. He just laid you on the bed and pulled down your pants. You just laid still, motionless, in a shirt and underwear as your boyfriend stood above you, crying. Seeing how bad it had gotten. Your legs were dark red pretty much all the way down to your knees.
“Baby” he said breathless. Not even really talking to you. He ran his fingers through his hair and cursed himself for not knowing sooner. He was pacing back and forth, breathing heavily. He looked so angry at himself. He shouldn’t be, it’s not his fault.
He leaned down and began kissing your legs. Not sucking, just leaving a soft kiss on every cut on your leg. You slowly lifted your head and asked “why?” Quietly.
“Because I love them. They show how strong you are. I love you. I’m going to kiss each and every cut. Each and every day until they heal. Because this is not okay but I don’t know how else to help you right now.”
You laid motionless, staring at the ceiling as he kissed each cut. You felt a warm drop of water run down your leg every couple seconds. No doubt a tear. He made his way up each leg and then jumped up to kiss your lips.
“Love.” You said as a tear ran down your face.
“Yes, I love you, Y/N.”
He wrapped you in his arms and leaned up against the headboard and watched you fall asleep.
“You are beautiful Y/N Y/L/N. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t ever leave me.”
Forever tags- @booklover180 @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @twentyonespnphantrash @usernametaken198 @tessndellaxx
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/26-non-candy-halloween-treats-kids-will-love/
26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love
Halloween and I have a complicated relationship, at least since I became a mom. Take trick-or-treating, for instance. It’s a fun tradition, but there certainly aren’t too many healthy Halloween treats (or even close to it). Easter and a few other holidays require some similar soul-searching.
So what’s a health-conscious mom to do? As I see it, I have a couple of options:
Option #1: Ignore Halloween Completely
Yep … I did this!
I’ll admit it: when my kids were all really young, I just pretended Halloween didn’t exist. We didn’t do the trick or treating thing or the costume thing. In fact, we usually just turned out the lights and went to bed early on trick-or-treating night.
I just didn’t like the idea of already grumpy toddlers staying up late to go to strangers’ houses and ask for candy packed with food dyes.
As my kids get older and want to dress up, trick-or-treating is harder to avoid. On the one hand, I completely understand the fun tradition of wearing a costume and spending time with friends. On the other, I don’t love the idea of them getting bags upon bags of candy (that will make them crazy and rot their teeth out).
Since I’ve learned a thing or two about balance and moderation over the years, we’ve moved on (a little reluctantly) from this option.
Option #2: The Candy Fairy
Opinions differ on whether or not receiving a mountain of candy in one night provides a natural opportunity to learn self-control. I’m all for kids having these life lessons, but I’m a big believer in giving kids choices within certain boundaries set by the parent. (Hence my love for Montessori.)
The Candy Fairy (or Switch Witch, take your choice) visits our house after trick-or-treating and the kids don’t seem to mind a bit. We switch out the majority of the candy for a fun grab bag of treats. Since they come from our home, this also gives me the chance to throw some tasty edibles from better sources.
Option #3: Offer Healthy Halloween Treats
I know, I know … handing out a treat other than name-brand candy is a surefire way to get your house rolled. I promise, I’m not suggesting handing the kids an apple or a carton of bone broth.
Still, since childhood obesity rates are around 17% in the U.S. (and thankfully holding steady for the last few years), wouldn’t less candy given to kids be a positive change?
In fact, there plenty of reasons to consider giving out non-candy treats:
Food Allergies – Food allergies are on the rise and many popular types of candy contain peanuts and other allergens. I know quite a few moms who can’t let their kids trick or treat because of potential peanut exposure. (Proof this is a real trend: The Teal Pumpkin Project.)
Too Much Sugar – With high rates of obesity and other health problems, especially among youth, I can’t in good conscience hand out tons of sugary candy. The 80/20 rule is great and there may be a time and a place for treats. The problem is that time seems to be all the time. And the place seems to be everywhere. Kids get candy at the bank, the doctor, school, and almost everywhere they go. Do they really need bags of it?!
Dye Sensitivities – Many kids are sensitive to food dyes and it is tough to avoid them in most types of candy.
Orthodontics – Candy and sugary snacks aren’t good for teeth and can stick to braces and other mouthpieces.
Easier on Parents – When you give out non-candy Halloween treats, you save parents the trouble of checking for anything harmful in the candy.
True, non-candy treats may not make your house the most popular stop in the neighborhood, but there are some really fun alternatives to candy that are definitely kid-approved. And all the other families who are trying to limit sugar or who are sensitive to food dyes will thank you!
Ideas for Non-Candy Halloween Treats (Kids Actually Like)
These are the top healthy Halloween treats I keep in my stash. Bonus: If you have some leftover, most of these will keep until next year!
1. Glider Airplanes
Surprisingly, mini airplanes are inexpensive and a great alternative to candy. My brother loved these when we were little and would have taken one of these over candy any day!
2. Organic Juice Boxes
A consumable Halloween treat that is practical. After walking around the neighborhood, kids may be thirsty. It still has sugar and isn’t an everyday thing for us, but it makes a great treat.
3. Natural Fruit Leather
In my opinion these taste way better than artificially flavored fruit candies! Buy them in bulk for the best price. I’ve seen them at Costco for a good price, or they’re available from Thrive Market or Amazon for a good price.
4. Bouncy Balls
My kids love bouncy balls and we don’t usually have them around the house because of all. the. bouncing. Grab a pack of 100 for cheaper than a big bag of candy and call it a day! They even make creepy eyeball bouncy balls!
5. Local Honey Sticks
My oldest son brought home a bunch of these from a beekeepers’ meeting one time and they were an instant hit with his siblings. Ideally find some from a local beekeeper, or order online. These are still a sweet treat, but the beneficial properties in honey make it a healthier alternative to candy.
6. Stamps
My littles spend hours stamping pictures on paper and they gave me the idea for this candy alternative. Stamps are also cheaper than candy when you get them in bulk.
7. Apple Cider Packets
I’m hoping it will cool down by Halloween, and if it does, kids will love something to warm them up after walking around. Even better, this brand uses pretty decent ingredients!
8. Carabiners
A novel and practical kid favorite! Carabiners top the list of practical gifts that can be reused, and as a bonus… they are plastic free!
9. Mini-Flashlights
A practical idea for kids walking around after dark! Keychain flashlights are fun for kids and a good candy alternative if you don’t live in a busy neighborhood. Order them in bulk for a good price.
10. Pumpkin Oranges
Feeling crafty? Get some organic oranges and use a natural marker to draw some pumpkin faces on the peel. This is probably best for a group of friends or close-knit neighborhood where people trust an unwrapped offering.
11. Organic Candy
If you just can’t fathom the idea of giving out something besides candy, opt for a better kind of candy. This brand of organic lollipops is dye-free and contains vitamin C.
12. Fake Mustaches
Kids love these hilarious fake mustaches. I brought a few packs of fake mustaches to a costume party for adults once and the next morning we woke up and found all of the kids in mustaches too! For a holiday that requires a costume, these are fun to give out!
13. Stickers
I have to say, kids have ruined stickers for me. They seem to think it’s a great idea to plaster stickers on any surface to make it more festive. (There is still sticker residue on their bunk beds to prove it.) Since Halloween is about fun for the kids though, I’ll be a sucker and order 1000 of them really inexpensively for treats to give out.
14. Bubbles
Bubbles are a fun activity that every kid loves. My children will play with these for hours a time!
15. Mini Notebooks
My daughters keep these mini notebooks in their mini purses so they can draw and take notes.
16. LED Light Up Rings
Forget Ring Pops! These rings light up in crazy colors and are a fun way keep kids safe in the dark.
17. Skeleton Bone Pens
Possibly the coolest item on this list! These bone-shaped pens are really cool and practical too!
18. Wikki Sticks
A great inexpensive Halloween treat to give out that stimulates creativity. Wikki Sticks are made from yarn and natural wax and are a mess-free creative way for kids to draw and build pictures.
19. Lego People
Want to be the coolest house on the block? Give out little Lego compatible figures!
20. Glow Bracelets
I don’t usually get glow sticks because of the plastic, but I’ll pull them out as a special treat or candy alternative. Glow bracelets are the most practical option because they also make kids easier to see in the dark while out trick or treating! I’ve never seen a kid leave disappointed when receiving a glow bracelet instead of candy.
21. Puzzle Balls
The downside? They are plastic. The upside? Puzzle balls are a reusable treat that encourages critical thinking.
22. Fancy Crayon Pens
Practical but still cool. These crayon pens have multiple tips and encourage creativity.
23. Slap Bracelets
Slap bracelets were all the rage when I was a kid. Maybe they are outdated, or maybe, like many poor fashion trends of decades past, it’s time for them to come back!
24. Mini Play Dough
We usually make our own play dough, but pre-made mini play dough containers are a good alternative to candy!
25. Spooky Spider Rings
Another plastic toy, but when store-bought candy is at stake I’ll compromise. This kid pleaser adds to the spooky fun. Warning: they’re as bad as Legos … inevitably I end up stepping on them in bare feet around the house for months after.
26. Punch Balloons
I remember punching these with great glee as a kid (probably in the direction of my brother’s face). This perennial party favor comes in Halloween-themed colors and encourages kids to be active and have fun!
If You’re Going to Hand Out Candy…
Opt for pre-packaged treats from reputable companies who use organic or natural ingredients with few to no additives. These are my favorite healthier candy “compromises” since their ingredient lists are a lot less… scary!
What’s your policy on candy on Halloween? Which healthy Halloween treats would you like to see your kids bring home?
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/128061/healthy-halloween-treats/
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