#brackenfur is squirrelflight au
Ok I'm gonna talk about another one of my aus but this au is like
Complete crack but treated seriously
I call it the Brackenfur is Squirrelflight au
BASICALLY, THIS AU CAME FROM ME AND SOME OF MY FRIENDS RANTING ABOUT LEAFPOOL'S WISH CAUSE THIS BOOK SUCKS AND WE WENT "well thank god firestar agreed for squirrelflight to go with leafpool, imagine if it had been someone else instead." And that's where I came in and said "yeah imagine if like Brackenfur had replaced Squirrelflight."
And there you go.
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(this art is old af)
I'll only be going over the events of Leafpool's Wish here cause the au actually goes all the way to the end of Po3.
First of all, BrambleSquirrel and BrackenSorrel are not a thing anymore. It's for the plot I'm not sorry.
So, Leafpool still makes up the "yo starclan told me i need to find a special plant can i go" sign and firestar is like "ok but take brackenfur with you plz" and Leafpool (an empath), sensing she doesn't have much of a choice, agrees.
The two of them leave ThunderClan but to make things more logical they leave way earlier than in canon so that way Leafpool pregnancy is at least less noticeable because I do think that ThunderClan cats do have at least half a brain, at least some of them.
During the trip, Brackenfur doesn't notice it at first and Leafpool spends the entire beginning of the trip being like "when he finds me out me and my kits are dead." She doesn't think he's going to hurt her or the kits cause that's still BRACKENFUR we're talking about but she does think that he will tell the clan when they come back and she really doesn't want that.
Skipping some things but basically Leafpool's pregnancy starts showing more and more but like, Brackenfur still seems completely oblivious to it, until they meet Yew (yes, the loner/kittypet from Crowfeather's Trial, he's there because you have no idea how much I love him)
Brackenfur gets defensive and tells him to get away and Yew is like "bestie I'm not gonna fight either of you also you might wanna be careful cause that mate of yours is kinda pregnant." and Brackenfur goes "this isn't my mate and the fact she's pregnant is literally the reason i wants you to leave" which makes Leafpool go "excuse me what" to which Brackenfur answers "yk it was kinda obvious" and Yew nods in the background
Leafpool goes "hold on i need to sit down a minute" and Yew just go do his own thing meanwhile Brackenfur stays with Leafpool.
While Yew is away, Brackenfur and Leafpool have a conversation after Leafpool pulls herself together and it basically goes "wait so you knew i was pregnant and didn't wish doom upon my entire family?" "yeah lmao" and Yew comes back not long after with something to eat.
After Yew convince them that the food is not poisoned and they're all done eating, when Leafpool and Brackenfur are about to leave, Yew goes "can i come with you, to help you with the labor i mean" which makes both Leafpool and Brackenfur ask him "why tf would you that" to which Yew answers "idk i fed you already and i don't have anything else to do" so they agree and Yew joins them in their traveling.
In this au i cut out entirely the fox sideplot because it was completely unnecessary no i will not take criticism.
At some point Yew leaves to get something to eat and so does Brackenfur as well as getting something for Leafpool, he catches a shrew and they talk. This talk is about what the fuck are they gonna do once they get back to the clans. That's where the crack comes in because they think that pretending that Brackenfur - who is cis in this au just to be clear - gave birth to the kits is the only possibility. Yew comes back and they explain their plan to him. He thinks it's the worst idea they could have possibly come up with but he decides to be supportive of his dumbass clan besties because "clan cats are insane anyways"
Comes the moment where Leafpool gives birth, the small party is caught in a snowstorm and hides in a log. I will not write the actual birth scene because it will suck if I do. And also there is no StarClan showing up after Leafpool gave birth because what the actual fuck was that about lmao.
So after the kits are born they name them. First is lionblaze, which i'm thinking of naming something with a link to fire.
Then there's hollyleaf, which brackenfur and leafpool both agree to call yewkit, after yew. Yew thinks this is cheesy af and is kind of embarrassed but they both insist on naming her that, saying that this is the least they can do to thank him for what they've done for them.
And jayfeather is still named jaykit cause i don't have any other name idea.
Afterwards they need to head back to the clan and so they part ways with yew, thanking him again for all he's done for them, to which he says that he's always glad to be of help. That's around where Leafpool's Wish ends but we're not stopping here.
While they are off traveling, squirrelflight is woken up by ashfur for dawn patrol, they have a civil conversation because ashfur isn't a creep in this au 😳 (this role goes to someone else and i think that ashfur's monologue is way funnier with this character)
The patrol takes off and, surprise surprise, they stumble upon Leafpool and Brackenfur with 3 kits. They're happy to see them but also extremely confused. and take the both of them back to camp. Squirrelflight tries to squeeze info out of them but they say that they'll explain everything when they get to the camp.
They get back, and everyone is happy to see them back but also extremely weirded out by the kits. Firestar goes "where are these kits from? weren't y'all supposed to bring back a plant or something?" To which Leafpool goes "yeah but you see the plant was a metaphor actually and those kits are the plant" which she knows is probably the worst thing she could have said but she panicked and said whatever came to mind.
Firestar goes "oh okay, doesn't answer my first question tho" and Brackenfur steps up saying "yeah so uh the kits are mine. i gave birth to them and am 100% their biological father"
Leafpool and Brackenfur both realize how shitty of an explanation that actually is and that this plan will never work when brackenfur says it aloud in front of the whole clan.
That is until someone in the crowd goes "WAIT YOU WERE PREGNANT AND DIDN'T TELL ME??" and that someone reveals themself to be Brambleclaw because bracken and bramble have been pining on each other for a while and became mates not long before this whole thing because why tf not. So basically Bramble thinks the kits are his and Brackenfur just goes "YEAH. TOTALLY. THEY'RE TOTALLY YOURS." and everyone just buys it.
Leafpool is relieved and thinks i can't believe that actually worked and you know that brackenfur is thinking the exact same thing.
And while the kits are taken away so a queen can nurse them Leafpool and Brackenfur just think this is just the beginning of trouble isn't it
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official-darkforest · 3 months
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some gunk requested ny my friend
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mosskits-frostbite · 6 months
the shining x warrior cats au where jack is bramblestar, wendy is squirrelstar, alderkit is danny, scourge is tony, dick halloran is redtail, grady is tigerstar, the wife/woman in the tub is sasha/goldenflower, the twins are nightkit and mistkit and larry is brackenfur
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heathfall · 7 months
Leafpool's Sacrifice (Crown of Thorns AU)
Three kits are born on a cold winter's day to ThunderClan's only healer. Choices, once made, are followed through. Replaces Leafpool's Wish in the Crown of Thorns AU.
Brackenfur/Sorreltail (Warriors)
Crowfeather/Leafpool (Warriors)
Leafpool (Warriors)
Squirrelflight (Warriors)
Brackenfur (Warriors)
Sorreltail (Warriors)
Rainwhisker (Warriors) (minor)
Jayfeather (Warriors)
Hollyleaf (Warriors)
Lionblaze (Warriors)
(you can click on the link below, or the text is also underneath the "read more")
The first snow of the season fell over the ThunderClan camp, beginning to stick on the ground. The wind blew gently, promising warmer weather on the horizon, but for now, the chill settled over the camp.
Sorreltail's kits came bounding out of the nursery, squealing in delight as the snowflakes hit their noses. Sorreltail herself came padding out of the nursery to watch them, but was pushed past by Berrykit, Mousekit, and Hazelkit. Despite being nearly apprentice age, they too couldn't hide their excitement about the snow.
Over by the apprentice's den, Birchpaw was looking up at the snow. He had seen snow before, though he was younger then, back in the old forest. Beside him, Whitewing bounced about in the snow, trying to get him to join her.
Leafpool sat at the entrance of the medicine cat's den hunched over her paws. The snow frightened her, knowing she'd have to go out in it and have her kits, but she knew she couldn't wait any longer, not if she wanted to hide it from the Clan.
Sorreltail looked over at her and flicked her ears. On receiving an ear flick back, she murmured something to her kits, who bounded over to Brackenfur, and padded over to the medicine cat's den. "Come with me on a walk, Leafpool," she said. "I've been cooped up in the nursery so long. I want to see how the snow looks on the new territory."
"That's a great idea," Leafpool said, putting on a jovial tone. "I need to harvest some herbs before the frost kills them, anyway." The two made their way out of the camp, Sorreltail's kits shouting a goodbye as they passed them.
When they had made it a safe distance out of camp, Sorreltail turned to Leafpool. "How will Squirrelflight know when and where to find us?" she murmured. Squirrelflight was out hunting solo somewhere on the territory.
"She will." She had always known how Leafpool was feeling and when to come find her. Leafpool just hoped she was paying attention.
The snow continued to fall over the camp. The ThunderClan cats had almost settled into a quiet peace when Squirrelflight came bounding through the thorn tunnel, breathing heavily. "Brackenfur! Brackenfur!" she shouted. All heads turned to look at her. "Come quick! Sorreltail is having kits!"
Brackenfur swung into action. He directed his kits toward the elder's den, waving his tail apologetically at Mousefur, and came trotting toward Squirrelflight. She took off towards the territory with him following close behind.
"Did you have to shout it quite so loud?" he grumbled after they were clear of the tunnel.
"I wanted to make sure that the kits' lineage was never in question," she said.
"Yes, but did everyone in the entire Clan have to hear it? Now everyone will think that-"
"What's done is done," she said. "Now, let's focus on finding Leaf and Sorreltail." She put her head up, scenting the air. "I believe they went towards WindClan." She weaved her way onto a deer path.
"WindClan? But why would they-?"
"Would you rather them have gone towards ShadowClan? Or toward the lake where everyone could see them?"
"I suppose." Brackenfur had nearly caught up to her. Squirrelflight slowed down, walking with him side by side.  She shut her eyes, trying to picture where they had gone. The thought of a nearly-rotten stump came to mind.
"I think I know where they are!" she said, running ahead once more.
"Squirrelflight, wait-" She was already bounding away. Brackenfur trotted after her as they crossed the border marking the end of the Clan territories.
In front of them was a large, nearly-rotted stump. Squirrelflight peeked her head into the hollow by its roots. Leafpool and Sorreltail laid on either side of it. Between them were three kits.
"You're right on time," Leafpool purred, though her eyes were sorrowful.
"Is Brackenfur with you?" Sorreltail asked.
"He's right here." Squirrelflight stepped to the side to let Brackenfur peek in as well.
"I'll make sure no one is approaching," he said, settling down just outside. Squirrelflight pushed further in.
"Look at them," she cooed, looking down at the kits. "They're adorable."
"You can lick one clean, if you want," Leafpool said. Squirrelflight delicately plucked up the one closest to her, a small black she-cat, and began to lick her fur dry.
"Bracken, my love?" Sorreltail called. Brackenfur poked his head back in. "Leafpool and I were discussing names, and we think we've decided on the first one."
"That's lovely," Brackenfur said. His face was stony, and he had only looked at Sorreltail, not the kits sitting beside her.
Sorreltail nudged one of the kits, a golden tabby tom who was already attempting to yowl defiantly. "This one is Thornkit."
Brackenfur at last looked down at the kits. His gaze softened. "What do you think?" Sorreltail asked.
"That's a wonderful name," he said softly, his voice cracking as he slipped into the hollow. He laid beside his mate, giving Thornkit a lick before looking at the other two. "They're wonderful kits."
"May I name one?" Leafpool asked softly. Her eyes were mournful as she looked down at the kits.
"Of course," Sorreltail purred. Leafpool nudged the grey tabby tom with her nose, who squeaked at the cold touch.
"Oh, like Feathertail!" Squirrelflight said. "He is grey like her."
Leafpool winced, almost unnoticeably, but Squirrelflight could feel the pain pang off her. "Yes, like Feathertail."
Squirrelflight looked down at the black she-kit squirming by her paws. "While we're honoring those we've lost, I think I have a name for her. Shrewkit." The memory of her friend, one of the many cats they had lost in the old forest, still caused her heart to ache.
"That sounds like a lovely name, Squirrelflight," Sorreltail purred. "Leafpool, what do you think?"
"It's good," Leafpool said, sounding a little numb.
"I know it's hard," Sorreltail said. "I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. Brackenfur and I will love them as fiercely as we love our first four. They will never know that they weren't born to us. And they will love you too."
"I know, but-" Leafpool's ears drooped.
"Let's get some rest," she said. "Brackenfur and Squirrelflight are here, they can catch us a mouse or two, and we can move them once you feel better in the morning."
The next morning arose crisp, clear, and cold. The snow was beginning to melt, but the grass still crunched under foot with the morning frost.
Brackenfur pranced back and forth as they prepared to leave. It was obvious he was eager to get back to ThunderClan.
"I'm sure they figured morning patrol out fine," he said to Squirrelflight as she exited the hollow. "But it's not becoming of me as the deputy to leave the Clan alone like that."
"Your mate just had kits," Squirrelflight said. "I'm sure they'll give you some leniency." She felt another pang of sorrow emanate off Leafpool.  She wanted to comfort her sister, but how? This was the only way the kits could stay in ThunderClan without her getting punished. "Do you reckon Cloudtail went on patrol this morning?" she asked, trying to lighten the air.
Brackenfur snorted. "That great lump? Only if Brightheart shoved him out of his nest. I doubt he could hear anyone calling him with the way he snores."
"I'm excited to get back and see Rainwhisker," Sorreltail said. "He's been telling me about all the patrols he's been on since I haven't been able to come with him." She stretched. "Leafpool, are you ready to go?"
"I-" Leafpool was standing, but she stared down sadly at the kits.
"Leafpool?" Sorreltail flanked her, allowing her to lean on her. Squirrelflight took her other side, pressing against Leafpool as well.
"I know this is the right thing to do, but- StarClan- why does it have to be so hard?"
Sorreltail nudged her. "I know. It will get easier with time, I'm sure. Besides, I'm sure they'll be all up in your fur, causing chaos in the medicine cat den soon enough."
Leafpool snorted. "I'm sure it looks like a storm has blown through it," she said. "I can only hope Brightheart has kept an eye on it." She sighed. "Okay, I'm ready to go." She took Featherkit by his scruff, causing him to squeal with anger. Brackenfur and Sorreltail took Thornkit and Shrewkit, and the group set off together with Squirrelflight leading the way.
It was approaching sun-high when they made it back to the thorn tunnel. They had stopped a few times to rest and to let the kits nurse, and at one point Leafpool had handed Shrewkit off to Squirrelflight to pluck a few stems of parsley, which she ate. The camp was busy sharing tongues when they strode in.
"Sorreltail and Brackenfur are back!" Longtail shouted from his spot eating a mouse, hearing them first. "Squirrelflight and Leafpool are with them."
"Mama and Papa are home!" Molekit squealed next, he and his siblings barrelling toward the tunnel. Sorreltail and Brackenfur barely intercepted them before they went darting into the forest.
"I guess you had fun celebrating the deputyhood after all, eh, Brackenfur?" Rainwhisker said, coming up to the two and taking Thornkit from him. Brackenfur glared.
"Don't say something so crass in front of the kits," he said.
"They won't remember it. They're what, a day and a half old now?"
"Not those kits, you mouse-brain. Poppy, Honey, Mole, and Cinder."
Rainwhisker glanced down at his nieces and nephews. "Oh. Whoops." He handed Thornkit back to Brackenfur and slunk embarrassedly over to Squirrelflight, not making eye contact with Sorreltail, who mrrowed softly with amusement.
Poppykit stood in front of Sorreltail, nearly causing her to trip over her. "Mama?" she said in a small voice.
"Yes, dear?" Sorreltail's voice was muffled by the kit in her mouth.
"Do you love us less now that you have new kits?"
"No, of course not," Sorreltail said, setting Shrewkit down on her paws and bending down to be nose to nose with Poppykit. "Why would you ask that?"
"Berrykit said that you would. He said you had replaced us."
"That's not true at all, dear one. I have plenty of room to love all seven of you, just like I did when there was only you four. Don't worry about what bossypaws Berrykit says. I'll talk to Daisy about it." She touched her nose to Poppykit's forehead. Placated, Poppykit trotted back over to her siblings.
Sorreltail picked Shrewkit up once more. "Let's get you settled in the nursery," Leafpool said. "I'm sure the- your kits are chilly."
"I'm sure," Sorreltail said. "But a mouse and my warm nest will make us all feel better." She flicked an ear. "Rainwhisker," she said, addressing her brother, who was still trying to hide his face from her, "could you bring me a mouse, please? I'm looking forward to hearing how the patrols went while we were gone."
"I think you have a story to tell me," he said, darting off to get a mouse. Sorreltail, Leafpool, and Brackenfur made their way to the nursery. Squirrelflight broke off from the group and went into the medicine cat's den.
"Oh, look at your kits!" Daisy cooed. "Your paws are going to be full once they get a little bigger, but for now you should be okay. I wish mine were still that small. They'd get in a lot less trouble that way."
"Speaking of trouble, have you heard what Berrykit has been saying?" Sorreltail set the kits down on the soft moss, telling Daisy the story as she kneaded a comfortable spot in the nest.
"Oh, that troublemaker," she said, sighing. "I'll go get him and make him apologize to her. Let me know if you're needing anything or you're feeling sore." She darted out into the camp, shouting Berrykit's name.
"I'll be over later," Brackenfur said, licking Sorreltail's face. "I'm going to go talk to Firestar and see if I missed anything while we were gone." He gave each kit a soft lick as well, then exited the nursery, leaving Sorreltail and Leafpool alone.
"Well, this is it, I suppose," Leafpool said. "You're settled in in the nursery with your new litter of kits. You don't need any herbs?"
"I don't think so," Sorreltail said. Leafpool turned to leave, unable to bear looking at the kits anymore. "Leafpool." She glanced over her shoulder. "Thank you. For trusting me. I've promised I'll keep your secret, but I also promise that it- they- will never be a burden on me. I meant what I said to Poppykit: I have room in my heart for all seven of my kits."
"Thank you, Sorreltail. I'll leave you to rest." She exited the nursery just as Rainwhisker came trotting in, a plump field mouse hanging from his jaws.
She entered the medicine cat den, heart heavy. Squirrelflight was already in there, pretending to be engrossed in the piles of herb that sat alongside the edge.
"Leafpool!" she meowed, a touch too cheerily. "I'm glad Sorreltail is settling in nicely."
"I didn't tell her something," Leafpool said.
"You can go back and tell her," Squirrelflight said. Leafpool shook her head. She knew her sister couldn't understand.
"I can't tell her this," she said. "It would change the way she looked at the kits forever. I can't do that to her or them."
"About their father?" Squirrelflight asked. "Surely she has some idea that-"
"Not about their father," Leafpool said firmly. "It's something else. When I first found out that I was expecting, I asked StarClan as to what I should do. I was going to leave them on the WindClan border, or-" she hesitated. "But StarClan told me that their destinies were written long ago, before our own births and even before the existence of the Clans. Apparently Firestar knows too. There's fated to be three kits, kin of his kin, that will hold the power of the stars in their paws."
"Power of the stars?" Squirrelflight echoed. "What does that even mean?"
"I don't know. Whatever it is- those kits hold power beyond what we- or even StarClan can comprehend."
"Does it have to be them?" Squirrelflight asked.
"Who else could it be? You have no kits, and Whitepaw seems to be unaffected."
"I suppose so. Why won't you tell her?"
"I want them to be raised like any other ThunderClan cat," she said. "I don't want them to grow up thinking they're any different. You and I know what it was like growing up as the leader's daughters. Imagine growing up as the leader's grandkits, and cats of prophecy, no less."
"I suppose you're right," Squirrelflight said.
"Keep this a secret among us two," Leafpool said. "I don't want anyone hearing about this."
"Hearing about what?" Squirrelflight said. "You have my word."
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ukiiwc · 1 year
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not sure if im ever going to draw the rest, but here are four lil kitties i drew for my 10% left au. I love making aus like this, and I love the dynamics of all the cats I generated
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moss-path · 1 year
I suppose I’ve completely gone total rewrite on my po3 au. I also have some family trees here, here, and here that go with my au.
Here’s some stuff I wrote on Firestar’s deputies:
In the course of his leadership, Firestar of ThunderClan has five deputies. Of which some may whisper is one too many for a single leader. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses as well as their own part to play in the history of the clan.
His first deputy is Whitestorm. Older and wiser but still energetic and strong. After the death of Bluestar, her nephew seems to be the perfect choice. His deputyship is too short, taken with his life in the battle against BloodClan.
Firestar’s second deputy is Mousefang. While she is quick to voice her opposition of his choices she finds foolish, she is fiercely loyal and beloved by her clan. When ThunderClan reaches their new home by the lake, Mousefang can feel the ache in her joints and the exhaustion that drags down her shoulders. She may not have achieved leadership, but she feels accomplished with her warriorhood and deputyship. When her apprentice is made a warrior, Mousefang makes the decision to retire to the elders den. (A lifelong dream of hers, though she won’t tell you that. She’s better at telling stories to kits than seems likely for her stern personality.)
The clans enter a new era with the great journey. The forest is no more and the lake is their new home. Who better to help lead the clan than one chosen by StarClan to help find this new territory? Firestar chooses Brambleflower as his next deputy. He’s young but not so untested and so very loyal to his clan. Mousefang protests at first, he hasn’t finished a mentorship yet … he wasn’t able to after what happened to Hollypaw … But Firestar is confident in his decision, this is what is best for ThunderClan. Brambleflower is surprised and doubtful at first but soon gains confidence with the support of the clan. But with Hawkfrost’s betrayal and death comes new doubts. To break away from the legacy of his father, Brambleflower steps down from the position. Firestar is saddened but proud.
Firestar’s fourth and longest held deputy is Brakenfur. Serving for seasons, he starts timid but, with confidence, creates a strong pillar within the clan. He is gentle with is clanmates, who come to him for advice, and is fierce in battle. The other clans soon learn to not underestimate him.
But even the long-held position of Brakenfur does not last forever. In the battle with the Dark Forest, he is slain, protecting Sorreltail and his newly born kits. In the midst of battle and on his last life, Firestar must choose a new deputy.
In preparation for the largest battle ever seen by the clans, Squirrelflight, Firestar’s own daughter, steps up to help organize and prepare her clan. Devising battle strategies, reinforcing the walls of camp, helping the apprentices be prepared for battle, her capability for leadership becomes apparent. When Firestar makes his choice, ThunderClan does not doubt it.
And when Firestar dies, Squirrelflight takes up the mantle of leadership, supported by her clan.
At the moonpool she receives her nine lives:
Firestar - a life for confidence, never let yourself falter over your choices
Shrewpaw - a life for realized potential, let every cat in your clan realize their strengths, even yourself
Ferncloud - a life for protection, care for your clan with your claws, heart, and words
Brackenfur - a life for kindness, every cat of your clan is worth a life
Longtail - a life for endurance, even in your darkest days you will find strength
Cinderpelt - a life for strength, your claws and heart will be strong when you need them most
Mousefang - a life for sharp wit, may your tongue never fail you
Stormfur - a life for understanding, every cat, even those outside your clan, deserve your consideration
Hollyshine - a life for justice, every wrong will be righted and every right, recognized
When she returns to ThunderClan, her name is Squirrelstar. She appoints Brightheart as her first deputy.
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wc-confessions · 2 months
I don't understand people who react to far fetched AUs or role reversal AUs or any kind of AUs that take characters and make them OOC with "at this point just make it an OC story".
Sometimes it's just interesting to take a character with a specific background you don't want to change, and wonder what could have happened to them if the writers took their character development in another direction (or gave them one at all in a lot of cases).
Nice Ashfur? Why not! After his trauma from Tigerclaw using his mom as a pawn in his plan, he could have a deep respect for a she-cat's independance and not get so controlling over Squirrelflight.
Evil Graystripe for some reason? Sure, his half brother's Darkstripe, he could have very well been taken under his wing young and been under Tigerclaw's influence.
Brackenfur leaving on a journey of self discovery with with Stormfur, Nightcloud and Russetfur, even though none of them have ever interacted with each other in canon or have anything in common? Why not, it's an AU after all! Have fun.
The rule of thumb of creating fan content is to have fun. And even if it's messy or far fetched or barely hangs on a thread of canon, if you enjoyed creating it with the media's characters in mind then you're all good and you shouldn't let anyone bring the mood down saying that it should be OCs because it doesn't make sense with canon. Fun doesn't always make sense!
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0h0possum · 10 months
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Some of my favorite Warrior Cat ships:
I was originally gonna do the ‘Draw Your Favorite Warriors ____’ challenge but there were so many ships that I liked that I decided to just draw all my favorite ships instead! I think all of these are not canon but honestly in Warriors the best ships are the ones that aren’t real. (Also side note, I have multiple ships with a same character, that’s because I don’t ever really have a ‘favorite’ ship and I often like multiple ships)
My favorite ships (top to bottom, left to right) -Crowfeather x Leafpool -Squirrelflight x Shrewpaw -Firestar x Graystripe -Firestar x Longtail -Thrushpelt x Crookedstar -Brackenfur x Littlecloud (this ones more from an au of mine) -Berrynose x Jayfeather -Mothwing x Leafpool -Alderheart x Puddleshine -Shadowsight x Rootspring -Briarlight x Dovewing
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bonefall · 1 year
The DF causes Russetfur's death in bones au :0? It's not lionblaze who accidentally kills her anymore?
Lionblaze will still be landing that final blow, in defense of Bramblestar! That guy who publically disowned him and started treating his mom like trash! Lionblaze hates that he was put in this situation, but has decided that ThunderClan must be prioritized above all...
And that unfortunately means defending its leader, too.
This battle was brought to you by Thornclaw, the deputy who replaced Squirrelflight. He is a Dark Forest Trainee, the strongest of the living DF cats, demon apprentice of Clawface. Bramblestar wanted a deputy who would be tough, and got a lot more than he signed up for.
Bramblestar is very easy to offend, and has a large ego. He doesn't want to be Firestar-- he wants to rule in his own way, and that means abandoning the humility and diplomacy that Firestar concerned himself with. It didn't do them much good when WindClan and RiverClan both teamed up to "teach ThunderClan a lesson," did it?
Brackenfur is dead, and Brambleclaw became temporary deputy in his place. The permanent appointment must be a sign, then.
Thornclaw exploits this MALICIOUSLY. Bramble is an excellent pawn, with the help of a dozen smarter cats behind him, he is the evil advisor that encourages Bramblestar to throw his weight around and not apologize for "making ThunderClan look strong."
And the more lives Bramble loses in these pointless battles, the closer he comes to becoming Thornstar.
That's the new plan. Say hello to Villain Thornclaw!
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50% AU, Version 1, OOTS
The Dark Forest played dirty, poisoning and weakening many different cats, as well as harnessing just enough power to influence the local weather.
(Near enough every cat has a 1 in 2 chance of dying.)
The Great Battle takes place during a massive flash flood. There are many casualties.
Draft 1, current draft: Only canon cats so far.
Draft 2, currently in progress draft: OCs and cats who managed to survive untul this point according to WCR will be added!
Draft 3, next next draft: All name changes complete, as some cats have new names.
Let's begin!
Firestar - Dead.
Brambleclaw - Dead.
Jayfeather - Alive
Graystripe - Dead.
Dustpelt - Alive
Sandstorm - Dead.
Brackenfur - Alive.
Cloudtail - Alive.
Brightheart - Alive.
Silverstream - Alive.
Cody - Dead.
Thornclaw - Dead.
Squirrelflight - Alive.
Leafpool - Alive (also Reinstated as Cleric)
Spiderleg - Alive.
Birchfall - Dead.
Whitewing - Dead.
Berrynose - Alive.
Hazeltail - Alive.
Mousewhisker - Alive (how the fuck?)
Cinderheart - Dead.
Lionblaze - Alive.
Lightflower - Dead.
Foxleap - Alive.
Icecloud - Alive.
Toadstep - Alive.
Rosepetal - Alive. (How are all of Daisy's kids Alive?)
Briarlight - Dead. :(
Blossomfall - Alive.
Bumblestripe - Dead.
Dovewing - Alive.
Ivypool - Alive.
Hollyleaf - Alive.
Sorreltail - Alive.
Lilykit - Dead.
Seedkit - Alive.
Ferncloud - Alive.
Daisy - Dead. (Ah...)
Poppyfrost - Dead.
Cherrypaw - Alive.
Molepaw - Dead. (Ouch)
Mousefur - Dead.
Purdy - Alive.
Stempelt - Dead.
Mistleberry - Dead.
Sunkit - Alive.
Frogkit - Dead.
Deershadow - Dead.
Flakewhisker - Dead.
Elmfeather - Dead.
Lynxpetal - Alive.
Tulipfur - Dead.
Elderleaf - Alive.
Snowtail - Alive.
Rainwhisker - Alive.
Blackstar - Dead.
Rowanclaw - Alive.
Littlecloud - Dead.
Oakfur - Dead.
Firwish (Smokefoot) - Alive.
Grasskit - Dead.
Waspkit - Alive.
Marshscar - Dead.
Toadfoot - Alive.
Applefur - Alive.
Crowfrost - Alive.
Ratscar - Dead.
Snowbird - Dead.
Tawnypelt - Alive.
Olivenose - Dead.
Owlclaw - Alive.
Shrewfoot - Alive.
Scorchfur - Dead.
Redwillow - Alive?!
Tigerheart - Alive.
Dawnpelt - Dead.
Pinenose - Dead.
Ferretclaw - Alive.
Starlingwing - Dead.
Kinkfur - Dead.
Ivytail - Alive.
Happykit - Alive.
Weaselkit - Alive.
Cedarheart - Dead.
Tallpoppy - Dead.
Snaketail - Dead.
Whitewater - Alive.
Lavenderpool - Dead.
Cranberrynose - Alive.
Smokeheart - Alive.
Nightwing - Dead.
Talonshine - Dead.
Cloverfoot - Dead.
Berryheart - Alive.
Bluebellkit - Alive.
Stoatrunner - Alive.
Muntjactail - Alive.
Pinenose - Dead.
Spikefur - Dead.
Wanderheart - Alive.
Shiverflame (Smokepaw SotC) - Dead.
Snaketail - Dead.
Coalfur (Coal TNP) - Dead.
Lizardsong - Dead.
Wildfur - Alive.
Onestar - Alive.
Ashfoot - Dead.
Kestrelflight - Alive.
Crowfeather - Dead.
Owlwhisker - Alive.
Whiskernose - Dead.
Whitetail - Dead.
Nightcloud - Alive.
Gorsetail - Alive.
Weaselfur - Dead.
Harespring - Alive.
Willowclaw - Dead.
Leaftail - Alive.
Antpelt - Dead.
Emberfoot - Dead.
Heathertail - Alive.
Furzepelt - Alive.
Breezepelt - Alive.
Boulderpaw - Alive.
Sedgewhisker - Dead.
Thistleheart - Alive.
Swallowtail - Alive.
Sunstrike - Alive.
Webfoot - Dead.
Tornear - Dead.
Gorseflame - Dead.
Runningbrook - Dead.
Appledawn - Alive.
Rustlewish - Dead.
Drizzlecloud - Alive.
Buzzardsong - Dead.
Fallensmoke - Alive.
Goosekit - Alive.
Willowkit - Dead.
Cicadawing - Alive.
Iciclefang - Alive.
Mumbleheart - Dead.
Almondfang - Dead.
Gingerstripe - Alive.
Loudbird - Dead.
Hayclaw - Dead.
Larkwing - Alive.
Featherpelt - Alive.
Mistystar - Dead.
Reedwhisker - Alive.
Hollowflight - Alive.
Mothwing - Alive.
Willowshine - Alive.
Graymist - Alive.
Troutstream - Alive.
Mintfur - Dead.
Icewing - Alive.
Minnowtail - Alive.
Mossyfoot - Dead.
Pebblefoot - Dead.
Rushwave - Alive.
Mallownose - Dead.
Sneezecloud - Alive.
Robinwing - Dead.
Beetlewhisker - Alive (HOW)
Petalfur - Dead.
Grasspelt - Dead.
Duskfur - Alive.
Curlkit - Alive.
Podkit - Dead.
Mosspelt - Dead.
Dapplenose - Alive.
Pouncetail - Dead.
Tanglingpelt - Dead.
Duckripple - Alive.
Spikeleaf (Pikepaw BOTC) - Dead.
Beechfur - Alive.
Rippletail - Dead.
Jaykit - Alive.
Owlkit - Alive.
Brackenpaw - Alive.
Flutterspots - Dead.
Pinefur - Alive.
Waterfern - Dead.
Tangleburr - Dead.
Blackwater - Alive.
Cloudsnap - Alive.
Primroseheart - Dead.
Hawkfrost - Dead.
Perchcloud - Dead.
Perchwing - Alive.
Lizardpaw - Alive.
Lakepaw - Alive.
Otterheart - Alive.
Shimmercloud (Shimmerpelt RC) - Alive.
Rabbitswoop - Dead.
Lichensong - Dead.
Rainstorm - Alive.
Snowdropfur - Dead.
Lakefern - Dead.
Sheeptail - Dead.
Marshpelt - Alive.
Shadepelt - Dead.
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maplemouse-warriors · 5 months
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For the anon who requested Leafpool x Stormfur for the hypokits, tumblr fumbled your ask so sorry about that!
When I rolled my d4 to determine how many kits to put into this litter, I rolled a 3. So this turned into more of a hypoparents AU than some hypokits. I did make some art though!
Leafpaw takes Squirrelpaw’s place on the journey to the sun-drown-place. She and Stormfur fall for each other as they travel. Feathertail doesn’t die in the mountains, but falls in love with Brook and elects to stay in the mountains when the Clans pass through during the Great Journey. Squirrelflight and Crowfeather spend time with each other on the Great Journey and have a fun fling, but after the WindClan coup, neither is willing to compromise for the relationship, and they messily break up. Leafpool learns she is pregnant, and tells Stormfur; he decides to leave RiverClan and move to ThunderClan. Squirrelflight is also revealed to be pregnant around the same time, and the three decide that Stormfur will move to ThunderClan ‘for Squirrelflight’ and he and Squirrelflight will raise both litters together.
Later, on a cold winter night, Squirrelflight gives birth to Featherkit and Shrewkit, and Leafpool gives birth to Streamkit, Stonekit, and Cinderkit.
Streamfur (Hollyleaf) is a black molly with green eyes. She is one of the Four prophesied cats, with her powers being very spiritual. She is able to see ghosts/spirits, and can visit StarClan at will. She is mentored by Brackenfur.
Stonespark (Lionblaze) is a thick-furred gray tabby with amber eyes. He is one of the Four prophesied cats, with his powers being centered on the physical. He is strong and durable, practically unable to be injured. He is mentored by Ashfur, and later mentors Bumblepaw. He still ends up with Cinderheart.
Cinderwing (Jayfeather) is a pale gray tom with blue eyes. He is one of the Four prophesied cats, with his powers connecting him to the minds of others. He has the ability to enter the emotions, thoughts, and dreams of other cats. He is mentored by Brightheart (with help from Longtail), although gets frustrated with how the Clan at large treats him due to his blindness. He later mentors Blossompaw in both the waking world and the Dark Forest. He and Poppyfrost become mates.
Featherfoot (Dovewing) is a pale ginger molly with green eyes and dark paws. She is one of the Four prophesied cats, with extended senses. She is able to see, hear, and smell things very far away. She is mentored by Sorreltail, and later mentors Briarpaw. She moves to ShadowClan post-OotS to be with Tigerheart.
Shrewfrost (Ivypool) is a gray tabby molly with blue eyes. She is not one of the Four prophesied cats, but she has a connection to the Dark Forest. For a long time she believed them to be StarClan spirits, and became a medicine cat to foster that connection.
A summary of major changed events in Po3 and OotS are below the read more!
Power of Three Four
Streampaw starts as Leafpool’s apprentice (she’s ambitious, and likes the idea of the power and responsibility being a medicine cat will give her, but doesn’t enjoy healing); Shrewpaw starts as Brackenfur’s apprentice (she enjoys warrior training, but is curious about healing, and is being singled out by ‘StarClan Warriors’.)
After Streampaw has a conversation with Brook, who has been staying in ThunderClan with her mate Feathertail, she decides she wants to be a warrior. Shrewpaw has a similar conversation with her mentor Brackenfur about his littermate Cinderpelt, and decides she wants to be a medicine cat. The two soon switch mentors.
Stonepaw and Breezepaw are competing in the Daylight Gathering; Featherpaw hears the collapse, and gets Shrewpaw before leading her - along with Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Crowfeather, and Nightcloud - to where the boys are. Shrewpaw is able to heal them, solidifying herself as a Medicine Cat, but realizes that Featherpaw should not have been able to know about the collapse, and is a bit suspicious of her littermate.
Shrewpaw is told about the prophecy (there will be four, kin of your kin) by a Dark Forest cat; they twist it to demonize the Four
Cinderpaw learns about the prophecy in Firestar’s dreams, and realizes that he is one of the Four.
Stonepaw begins meeting Heatherpaw in the tunnels connecting WindClan and ThunderClan.
Stonepaw and Cinderpaw begin training in the Dark Forest. Stonepaw is convinced to train by the Dark Forest warriors taking advantage of his anger and ambition. Cinderpaw is convinced to train in the Dark Forest due to feeling as though ThunderClan doesn’t take him seriously as a warrior.
After learning that three WindClan kits have gone missing, Stonepaw, Streampaw, and Featherpaw enter the tunnels. Between Featherpaw’s hearing and Stonepaw’s knowledge of the tunnels, they are able to find the kits. Unfortunately, they find the kits at the same time as Breezepaw and Heatherpaw do. The five apprentices must then figure out how to escape the tunnels as the water is rapidly rising. After they escape, Heatherpaw and Stonepaw agree to stop meeting.
Three Tribe cats arrive in ThunderClan to ask Feathertail and Brook to return to the Tribe. Stormfur and Brambleclaw want to journey to aid the Tribe. Leafpool asks that Squirrelflight be sent in her place, since as the only fully trained medicine cat she cannot leave the Clan. Brambleclaw says that Stormfur and Squirrelflgiht’s kits should be able to journey as well; Leafpool agrees. All five apprentices (along with Breezepaw) are sent on the journey. Brambleclaw does some math in his brain while seeing Crowfeather and Stormfur interact with the five apprentices, and figures out what’s happening here, although he does not mention it to anyone.
After the fight with Flick’s Group, Cinderpaw reveals the prophecy to his siblings. Shrewpaw seems shocked, but keeps her concerns about the Four to herself.
When Sol takes over ShadowClan, Shrewpaw encourages a mentality within ThunderClan that ShadowClan doesn’t need aid or rescuing, as they were not strong enough to remain as a Clan. She is neutral on Sol himself, while the other four think he may be the key to understanding the prophecy.
Streampaw, Stonepaw, Cinderpaw, and Featherpaw fake a sign from StarClan with the help of Tigerpaw, Flamepaw, and Dawnpaw. Featherpaw and Tigerpaw notably get along well. They do not include Shrewpaw in their plan due to her being outspoken against aiding ShadowClan.
Cinderwing does some time travel as Cinder’s Glow. Cinder’s Glow has a sibling, Stream’s Flow, that reminds him of Streamfur. Their mother, Feather Fall, looks just like Featherfoot does; their uncle Stone Spark couldn’t be more like Stonespark. He is delighted to learn that reincarnation is real.
Ashfur corners Streamfur, Stonespark, and Cinderwing as they attempt to escape a fire in the ThunderClan camp. Squirrelflight claims she is not their mother in order to allow the three to escape. Cinderwing determines that she’s telling the truth with his powers.
They tell their littermates this immediately.
Streamfur kills Ashfur; Leafpool knows it’s her after finding some of her fur in Ashfur’s claws.
Ashfur haunts Streamfur, taunting her about being a murderer and a mistake.
Stonespark stops training in the Dark Forest, realizing how they are using him and trying to make him worse. He asks Cinderwing to stop training there as well, but Cinderwing believes he can learn the valuable information the Dark Forest warriors have without being corrupted, similar to how smart people get sucked into marketing schemes. Stonespark is frustrated by this, but the two agree not to speak of it.
Shrewfrost, believing they are one litter, determines their mother is Leafpool after investigating some stories about mixed up herbs.
Streamfur confronts Leafpool, thinking she will know who their mother is, and Leafpool confronts Streamfur about killing Ashfur. Leafpool then confesses she is the mother of Streamfur, Stonespark, and Cinderwing, and then reveals that Shrewfrost and Featherfoot are a different litter, and Squirrelflight is their mother.
Featherfoot, horrified, overhears Streamfur and Leafpool’s conversation.
Stonespark and Cinderwing confront Stormfur, thinking they will be revealing information to him, but he confirms that he already knows, and that he is their father.
Before the siblings have a chance to pool their knowledge together, Streamfur reveals that Squirrelflight isn’t their mother at a Gathering, naming Leafpool as their mother. Leafpool steps down from her position, and claims all five kits as her own, attempting to save Squirrelflight from the fallout of having a half-Clan relationship.
Stormfur stands to declare his love for Leafpool and claim all five kits as his as well, standing with his mate.
This throws the Gathering into such chaos that Streamfur can’t reveal Squirrelflight’s part in the deceit, and Streamfur runs away, followed by her littermates and parents.
Ashfur’s ghost disappears now that the secret has been revealed.
Streamfur, chased by Cinderwing, Squirrelflight, Stormfur, and Stonespark, runs into the tunnels. As Stormfur enters the tunnel, the entrance collapses, partially burying Stormfur and leaving Stonespark behind. Streamfur stops running in order to help Squirrelflight and Cinderwing dig him out, and then the four begin to attempt escape. They discuss the truth while they are underground, with Cinderwing and Streamfur learning about Stormfur and Leafpool’s relationship, as well as Squirrelflight and Crowfeather’s relationship. They are led above ground by Fallen Leaves, whom only Streamfur can see. Stormfur learns of Ashfur’s threats to his family.
Above ground, Shrewfrost confronts Leafpool, and tries to force her to eat deathberries; Leafpool refuses, and tries to comfort her apprentice. They are interrupted by Featherfoot, who bursts in with Stonespark to tell them about the tunnel collapse. The four, led by Featherfoot, begin to try and find the other members of their family. As they search, Leafpool tells them about her relationship with Stormfur, as well as Squirrelflight and Crowfeather’s relationship.
Everyone is overjoyed when the tunnel group escapes. The kids reveal their powers and the prophecy to their parents. The siblings are not friendly with their parents, but are trying to be understanding of the difficult decisions their parents had to make.
Omen of the Stars
Featherfoot realizes that the beavers are causing the lake to run dry. In order to convince Firestar that they need to address the problem, she convinces her siblings to come clean to him about being the Prophesied Four.
Feather and Stream go with cats from the other Clans to destroy the dam. Streamfur displays a lot of self-destructive tendencies on the journey, eager to die in service to her Clan. However, Rippletail’s sacrifice hits her hard, and she realizes that she must live with her actions, and work towards being better.
Featherfoot and Tigerheart spend plenty of time reconnecting on the journey, and begin meeting in secret once they return to the Clans.
Poppyfrost, very pregnant with Cinderwing’s kits, decides to sneak out of camp and travel to the Moonpool, as she misses her siblings and wants to see them again.
Streamfur follows her, arriving in time to save her from an attack by Breezepelt. Streamfur then realizes she is also fighting a ghostly Brokenstar, but thankfully a ghostly Honeyfern helps even the odds. Cinderwing is so stressed when they return to camp.
Tigerheart is revealed to also be training in the Dark Forest. Cinderwing’s apprentice Blossompaw is brought into the night training as well, and Cinderwing does what he can to aid her.
StarClan calls for the medicine cats to be separated; the Dark Forest encourages this for Shrewfrost, saying that they will guide her. She realizes that she is not meeting with StarClan, but believes the spirits to be helpful and have the Clans’ best interests at heart.
Featherfoot hears a tree begin falling into the camp. She is able to warn the Clan in time for the camp to be evacuated, but her apprentice, Briarpaw, re-enters camp with Longtail. She is horrified when Longtail dies and Briarpaw is injured by the tree finally falling into camp, feeling as though she should have been able to prevent it. She is a strong supporter of her former apprentice.
Shrewfrost is told by the Dark Forest that ShadowClan is looking to gain ThunderClan’s land; she lies to Firestar about having a dream indicating they must attack. Firestar reluctantly agrees.
During the ensuing battle, Stonespark accidentally kills the elderly Russetfur while protecting Firestar. Stonespark is shocked and horrified, and Shrewfrost, looking upon the carnage on the battlefield, realizes that she is communicating with the Dark Forest, and they are angling for the destruction of the Clans.
While playing games on the frozen lake, Flametail falls through the ice. Streamfur does everything she can to save him, but is unsuccessful. Flametail then begins haunting her, with both of them being unsure as to why he cannot enter StarClan.
Cinderwing and Stonespark journey to the Tribe in order for Cinderwing to investigate strange dreams he’s been having of Cinder’s Glow. While in the past, Cinder’s Glow is introduced to his new cousin, Shrew Foot, who reminds him of Shrewfrost. Stonespark is able to find a bit of peace with Russetfur’s death during his time in the mountains. Leafpool and Stormfur join them, and must endure Feathertail teasing them the entire duration of their stay.
Cinderwing learns that there will be a Fifth cat. When he returns and tells his siblings, they all believe this cat to be Shrewfrost, despite her insistence that she isn’t.
Streamfur realizes that the reason Flametail cannot get into StarClan is that because it's so divided it is beginning to decay. She enters StarClan and manages to drag Flametail in behind her, and the two set about uniting StarClan.
Cinderwing realizes that the Dark Forest is amassing an army of living cats; he realizes that he was tricked into this, and begins spying on the Dark Forest.
Featherfoot realizes that the strange whispers she has been hearing are WindClan cats in the tunnels, working with Sol to attack ThunderClan. ThunderClan begins preparing to fight back, with Cinderwing helping to train the other warriors to fight in the darkness of the tunnels.
As a test of his loyalty to the Dark Forest, Cinderwing is told to kill the WindClan cat Antpelt. In order to be able to continue spying - and to avoid being killed himself - he complies.
Shrewfrost comes clean to her siblings about being misled by the Dark Forest. Stonespark comforts her, and tells her that as an apprentice he was also misled by the Dark Forest. He glares at Cinderwing until he also reveals that he also was being misled by the Dark Forest. The two are loved and supported by their siblings.
Streamfur isn’t killed during the Final Battle.
Featherfoot moves to ShadowClan to be with Tigerheart with her parents’ blessing.
Leafpool returns to her position, and begins a campaign to remove the rule that medicine cats can’t have mates, with Shrewfrost’s support.
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notwarriorswiki · 11 months
How's Crowfeather in this au? Is he still just neglectful to Nightcloud and Breezepelt? Or does he actually care about them? Also, how does Firestar treat the Ashfur/Brambleclaw/Squirrelflight situation?
Crowfeather is still neglectful. He’s tough on Breezepelt, always seeming to have something to say. He didn’t catch enough prey, and then when he did, he could’ve done it quieter. Or the rabbit could’ve been bigger. It never felt like enough.
Nightcloud would argue and defend her son, but it wasn’t the only thing she and Crowfeather argued about. They also openly argued in front of Breezepelt, never having any tact about how their son might feel. That was an issue both of them had. Breezepelt was still far more partial to his mother, but didn’t confide in her as much because he didn’t like causing more fights. He didn’t have an outlet besides, well, Heathertail, but the more she worked with the prophecy, the more she pulled away and Breezepelt felt alone. This would further push him towards the Dark Forest training.
As for Firestar - I’m debating that. Initially I really thought Firestar would never, and gave Lion to Brackenfur instead, but the more I rework, the more I think Lion’s anger issues could really fester more with Ashfur, and it gives Ash something more to do if used as a continuous character.
I think ultimately it’d be nice to give Lionpaw to someone, have that mentor actually get killed off, and then have Lionpaw reassigned to Ashfur for one reason or another. It’s an ideas I’m playing with, but I think an additional factor like that not only can justify a choice by Firestar, but be a traumatizing experience for Lionpaw to push his violent tendencies.
I think Snowspeckle could be a good one, especially chosen to help Lionpaw be more mindful and patient. There’s also Rainwhisker if so kept him alive longer. Still thinking on it.
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chelseareferenced · 1 year
I might have a vague power of three/omen of the stars au brewing in my brain because I am way to far behind in the series to actively try and catch up so here are my basic ideas.
Three is Four from the start because God that plot point was stupid and I hate it and it added needless drama when we all knew it was Firestar because it's always Firestar. The four are Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Breezepelt because drama but wait there's more.
Squirrel x Crow who have Holly and Breeze. Ashfur is just a dude not an asshole, he dated Squilf for a week but could see she was unhappy because she was in love with someone else and let's her go. Now Brambleclaw is the asshole because I don't like him.
Hawk x Leaf but it wasn't a serious thing looking back on it, more like a summertime fling that resulted in children being Jay and Lion. Hawkfrost is just a little ambitious, has a good relationship with Mothwing, fully supports his ex and sister being in love and tells awful puns.
Holly and Breeze are raised in Thunderclan, Crowfeather lives there with them and Brackenfur is deputy instead of Brambleclaw because as much as Firestar doesn't want to admit it, Bramble is an asshole and Sandstorm yells at him whenever he is remotely rude to Squirrelflight. Holly is mentored by Ashfur who becomes like a fun uncle and Breeze is mentored by Brightheart because fuck you Firestar you promised her an apprentice.
Holly becomes Hollyfur in honour of her mentor because Ashfur is just a cool dude and her power is being able to sense when cats are lying and occasionally, forcing the truth out of them. Her early arch is learning when to call out lying and when to let it slide.
Breeze becomes Breezeflight after his mother and gets Dovewing's power because it's there, might as well use it.
Lion and Jay are raised in Riverclan because they deserve POV chapters and it's the clans best kept secret that they're Leafpool's kits but after that whole Tigerclan incident they all collectively agree to keep quiet about it and Hawk becomes a den dad in the nursery and even after his kits are grown he stops by to help the queens when he can.
Lion is terrified of his power especially because he has nightmares about being like Tigerstar and begs Mothwing to let him be her apprentice, she agrees. Lion's power is still the same but he figures out he can use it more defensively than offensively, if there's a battle he's there acting as a shield while he heals. He's named Lionflower because pretty name.
Jay is a lot happier, he's not forced into being a medicine cat and it's only really the queens and younger cats who worry over him. He gets to be a warrior and is mentored by Reedwhisker (Pouncepaw is mentored by Blackclaw instead) his power is the same as in the books and he occasionally helps his brother out with starclan symbols and prophecies, he gets to have secret meeting with his brother as well and is named Jaystep.
Certain Starclan cats (the loudest being Goosefeather) tell the more involved spirits to back the fuck up and let them be kits. But no one trusts Bluestar, Yellowfang and Spottedleaf to behave so they all get a Starclan assigned bodyguard/spiritual mentor
Hollyclaw gets Whitestorm
Breezeflight gets Thrushpelt
Lionflower gets Oakheart
Jaystep gets Crookedstar
EDIT: I have unintentionally implied that both of Bluestar's "romantic partners" and her nephew are away that she will not stay away from the Four and I love it.
Also Crookedstar yells at any Starclan cat who says Jaystep belongs as a medicine cat (cough cough Spottedleaf and Yellowfang)
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
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Heyyyyyyy I finished! Only three more ships to go! Anyway, @cappuccino-bear asked for SandLeaf, an anon who has Not Read Longstar AU asked for the “crackship” LongPrincess, and another anon asked for Bombay!Squirrelflight/Snowkit!
In the first AU, Sandstorm and Firestar had an agreement - she wanted kits, and he wanted heirs. They did care about each other, but when Firestar was slain in the Great Battle, saving his clanmates and deputy, half her grief was faked. And when she had Sparkkit and Yellowkit, the clan began to pressure her kits to be the next Firestar! When a vision hit her, to find a lost clan, she waited until nightfall, and with Whitestar’s caring goodbye, headed out with her nearly six moons kits. She met the cat that would become Leafstar, and the two found Skyclan together. They later have Sunnypool, and when the clans reunite, Whitestar is the first to greet her warmly, and transfers that warmth and love to the cat that his apprentice-daughter-hero loves.
In the second AU, Firepaw is nearly a year old when he joins up, and Darkstripe is the one to challenge him. Longtail eventually tracks Fireheart back to his home, and sees what may be the most beautiful cat ever - and a kittypet, the Brat’s sibling to boot! When Fireheart returns, he and Longtail have a conversation about visiting strange kittypets, but Longtail I promised her I’d check in sometimes! Or she’ll storm into Thunderclan and fight Bluestar! When Fireheart catches an illness, Longtail agrees after a definitely unneeded convincing, to tell the kittypet not to invade Thunderclan. They hit it off, the motherly looking cat switching between sweet and fierce, and Longtail stumbling over his words. Their relationship remains secret until Princess gives birth, and she demands to raise her kits with their father. Besides, she wants to meet that apprentice of his who fought off those dogs, Swiftleap! Firestar is torn between appalled and delighted.
In the last AU, Snowkit is dropped into the yard of a twoleg who takes care of fancy breed cats that didn’t measure up to standards. This includes a deaf elderly savannah cat named Comet, who teaches him cat sign, and a Bombay with white spotting named Shadow. The three bond, and the younger pair fall hard for each other. When Comet passes of old age, a few moons after meeting Snowfall (who insisted on the name change) and Shadow’s first litter, the couple decide to find his mother, and begin an adventure. Brackenfur is the one to find them, catching Shadow on the edge of Thunderclan territory. He spits a warning, but the dark molly chirps brightly at him Oh is this Thunderclan? She thumps her feet, and another cat emerges with two kittens, a strangely familiar scent in his nose. It takes him a moment, but the white tom beats him to it, flapping his feet around his face, and it hits. Snowkit - little lost Snowkit!? The molly chirps again, oh! Oh, you’re Him! You’re the kind one! Snowfall told me about you! Brackenfur cries out as he approaches, and the two rub heads. After a short reunion, Brackenfur leads Snowkit - Snowfall - back to camp, calling out Everyone! Speckletail!!!!! Mistlefrost! Goldenflower! Lionstar!!! Fireheart! Look! Look! Speckletail lays eyes on her missing-dead-gone kit, and screams, her swift run drawing the deaf tom’s attention. His eyes widen, and a single slurred word comes out. MUMMA!! They collide in a mess of fur and tears and unbridled joy, with Mistlefrost practically knocking them both over, as an equally teary Lionstar and Goldenflower greet the molly his lost brother brought home. Snowfall peels himself out from under his mother and sister, and gestures, the molly brightening. Oh, hello! You must be his family! I am too! This drags the pile apart, and she continues. I’m Shadow! And these are our kits! Speckletail nearly collapses, caught be Fireheart who finally makes it through the crowd. Cometkit, Specklekit! Come meet your family. Tearily, Speckletail crouches down, the little white and golden kits immediately purring against her. Thunderclan is stunned and overjoyed to see their lost clanmate home, with family as well. Shadow is named Shadowflight, for her adventurous spirit, and when the clans leave, Speckletail leaves with them, after helping Shadowflight and Snowfall take the elders to the twoleg who loved them. He coos like a queen as he scoops the honorable elders up, and chirps childish greetings at the returned pair. In the new territory, Snowfall and Shadowflight have their second litter, and look to a bright future. Cometnose is mostly deaf, and Lionfur is deaf in one ear, but neither are called cripples, only fine warriors in the same vein as their father.
Whew! That last one had the Muse throttling me to write, but anyway enjoy!
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animalechochamber · 2 months
yo for the violence ask game
worst part of fanon?
worst blorboficiation?
there should be more of this type of fic/art?
Ooooo eeeeee hiiiii
Worst part of fanon?
Probably the rampant racism/sexism. But for a more easy answer then the immediate hate that people come out with. Like if you don’t like something don’t interact! It’s okay to not agree it’s alright but the stuff I’ve seen and personally been sent for literally nothing is wild.
Worst blorbofication?
Crowfeather. Besides him um Alderheart sorry for any fans of him but I’m on the hater train. There’s a few more I can think of so I’ll just list them: Brackenfur, Jayfeather, Appledusk oddly (lately seen more genuine fans of him and I’m sorry. Why. Whyyy)
There should be more of this type of fic/art?
I could do the obvious and just say things on characters I like lol but I’ve grown a real specific love for art or writing that’s set in either time that isn’t shown by the books or a simple au? Like one or two changes but they still impact things in an interesting way. In my dream I’d write so much more but not only am I very busy but also don’t have the motivation. But I think constantly on specific periods I would explore. Lionpaw being trained by Ashfur, Mothwing as an apprentice or literally any moment she’s not shown, Squirrelflight’s thoughts as a new mom (with the three), Bluestar whenever she got her iconic scar, any of Nightcloud’s life-
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