#brb going to puke now
akkivee · 2 years
i wish i could say takeuchi-san winning the entire hyprice quiz means he won after three months of being bullied but i really think he lost the war in the end kuroda-san and hayama-san made sure to have the last laugh with their goodbye raps lmao 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
Heyy, i saw that you make stories with grace
Could you please make grace x daughter reader, their relationship mother daughter going to the forest in the avatar bodies, anything else you want pleasee?!?!
A/n : this is so sweet, i love grace so much, I've been an avatar fan since 2009, and grace is still my absolute role model, i was so hurt when she died 😭 i will never forgive James Cameron for grace and neteyam. They were my favourite out of all others (except neytiri and tuk) 😭😭 anyways...
Ma'ite ♡
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Pairing : Grace Augustine x daughter!reader
Summary : a day in the life of being grace Augustine's daughter.
Fluff 🤍
❈ Warning : none, just fluff , mention of needle once
❈ Word count : 1.3k , proof read
❈ Note : this made me go back to my 2009 phase, I miss her so much, she would have been such an amazing mom omg, I'm gonna go and cry in the corner brb 😭
"word" - dialogue
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Your tablet was pulled out of your hands and you groaned "mommmm, please just one more hour, c'mon" you swirled in your chair looking at her, she just shook her head "nah uh, you've been saying that from past six hours missy, now get your lazy bum to the cafeteria, you need to eat something" you sighed you knew there was no arguing with your mother and she was right, you were studying that specimen way longer than you should have but in your defense it was so mesmerizing!
You sat down next to your mom and max, leaning onto her not really having the appetite to eat mash potatoes and beef that didn't even resembled the actual thing whatsoever,but she nudged you to eat even though the more you looked at it the more you wanted to vomit, so in the end you had a cup of tea/coffee and a bowl of fruits because it was better than puking your stomach out later, and also your mother demanded something fresh to be sent here once in a while. 
Later that day, you were going for the trip of specimen collection in the lush forests of Pandora, you always went on the collection trips because, first you get to drive your avatar and second, your love to explore pandora never died down,  getting into your avatar was the best part of the day, to be able to feel the nature around you and connect with it, while also to smack some scientists "accidentally" because you didn't see them, which was a lie, you saw them but it was more fun this way.
Trudy flew around the trees, the airs rushing past your hair, the braids flowing in the current, the forest Below you happy and thriving, trudy landed carefully in a soft patch of grass, you bounced down glancing around, your tail up straight waving from side to side in curiosity, your ears up to hear each and every beautiful clicks and sounds made by the forest, making it alive, listening to the hoots and squeaks brought so much joy to you, grabbing your tablet and the collection kit, you walked behind your mom, as she led your way, coming to an halt near a giant tree, she crouched down motioning for you to do the same, and so you did, looking down at the thick root, scaning the area with her device that hanged around her neck, the electromagnetic signals were slow, so the tree can conserve energy for the time of distress, she described the specific physical details of the tree and I note them down, moving to the interior structures, she reached for the compound syringe, specially made for the extraction of the specimen, and pierced the root of the tree, you quickly scanned the pierced area with your tablet, the electromagnetic signals of the tree, zooming in bright lines on the screen, your eyes widen, mouth forming into a shocked smile as you showed it to her, this was new, the speed of transport of the message was way faster than the other samples collected, quickly taking the sample of the root and putting it back into the case and noting everything down in your notebook, you both walked further looking some more.
By the time you stopped collecting the sun was setting, you ended up having a piggy back ride on her back, because your legs got tired from all the walking, this was a daily occurrence by now , everytime you visited the forest for anything, it'd end up with her giving you a piggyback ride, and she didn't mind it either, while you walked together to the helicopter, the amount of samples you both collected today will keep you occupied inside the lab for more than 2 weeks minimum and you couldn't wait to start with them, nearing the rotter craft you gave her a kiss on the cheek and she dropped you off so you could climb into your  seat, today drained your energy levels, but in a good way, you grew up  surrounded by scientists 24/7, so knowing almost as good as them but you mostly worked with your favorite scientist in the whole world, exactly, your mom, and she loved to teach you too, giving the bits of knowledge that even the most qualified scientist below her didn't know. On the way back to the lab, your sleepless endeavors of last night's research sessions were taking a toll on you now, and you knew you won't be able to stay up late with your mom to finish the leftovers, but you'd try to push through it as much as you can. 
Getting up from your link, you stretched your limbs, yawning as it was almost night and you were up all night yesterday due to the research, walking over to your mom's link you saw her with a cigarette in between her lips, blowing a puff of smoke into the air, you rolled my eyes, here she goes again, the same lecture you repeat to her on a daily basis "mom-" but she cut you short "i know, i know, this is the last one i promise" she signed, you stood beside her looking directly at her you spoke 
"That's what you said yesterday, mama"  you played the "mama" card on her, she always melts when you call her that, rubbing her eyes and the bridge of her nose with the other hand, groaning when she caught onto what you were thinking, finally she blunted the cigarette in the ashtray and threw away the remaining box, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, i won't do it again" you smiled, proud that she was taking such a huge step, you hugged her, after a little victory celebration with gummy bears, both of you walked to your lab where you worked together, you had to get everything set before the new scientists from earth come here tomorrow.
Rolling over to the other side where she worked, you propped your chin on her shoulder "c'mon, mama, I'm tired let's go to sleep" you said pressing your forehead on her shoulder now, she just chuckled "i told you to take rest before and warned this would happen, but ohh do you ever listen to me? No, then why should I listen to you now? Hm?" You huffed, sleep was overpowering you "I'm sorry, i was wrong, i should have slept but now can we please go to our room and sleep while watching a movie? Please please please" giving her the pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, she broke instantly not having it in her heart to say no to you.
You rolled over, hugging her side as you both settled down on the bed together, she put on your all time favorite movie and wrapped her arms around you, kissing your forehead she said "this is the last time, I'm letting this slide, I won't do it again for you" and you nodded but you both knew she won't do such thing and she would let it slide because well you're her daughter and only your deadlines get postponed. You snuggled your head in her neck as she ran her hand through your hair, by the time the movie got to the halfway point you were fast asleep, noticing this she turned off the screen, gently lifting the blanket to cover your shoulder, pulling you closer to her chest, she drifted of to sleep herself, with you all snug in her arms.
She wouldn't trade this, even if it meant giving up herself, she'd do it without hesitation, you were her world and the only thing important to her in this universe, she can go to any means to keep you safe and protected. this was the exact reason she brought you with her to this base, the only condition she kept against the RDA for her to start working on the pandora mission two years ago, that you'd come with her, wherever she goes you'll be right by her side and you couldn't be more grateful for it. 
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A/n : please request more of her, I love her so damn much 😭 I'll probably add more to this afterwards, if you wanna be tagged in my posts, comment on my taglist post for more info check my pinned post.
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @theycallmesia.
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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bi-bats · 1 year
11, 14, 39, 55, and 67 for the ask list?
(manifesting that zeus transcends his mortal state and becomes physically invincible btw, hope things get better <3)
Jpeg my BELOVED HELLO 💖💚💕 your wishes were well received by both me and the Zeus, who is currently batting my feet for food and hasn't puked in three days and has been finishing all of his foods! I appreciate the positivity from you and from everyone, and brb gonna go feed him
okay I'm back and here we go!!!
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
The Detente series by MsSolo - I binge read like more than half of this entire series in one day and then I had to take a break because Damian and Tim and the DamiTim in this is so deeply unwell that it was making ME unwell okay I had to pause because it was ruining me and I really really want to finish it because I can't stop thinking about it, it has so so so many lines that just fucking HIT and they hit ME IN A DEEPLY PERSONAL WAY BUT IT'S SO GOOD I HAVE TO FINISH IT AKSDJFLAKJDFKSL (also honorary mention to their fic People Ruin Beautiful Things, if you can handle Ra's/Tim you should read that but lemme tell you if you think Tim is unwell in Detente?? Woof. Like. Trigger warning on Tim in the Ra's/Tim one. He is beyond deeply unwell in this)
Revelations and Heartbreaks by Xavierurban (@atasteforsuicidal) - okay yeah it's jaytim smut BUT it's also incredibly beautiful in the way that it's written and the exploration of trust in their relationship and also the two of them and their devotion to each other is just *mwah* literally perfect, it makes me auruhahruahrgargagrgarhaurarhuahruahr I think about this fic so often. Read it 💖
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I start with a clear idea of the conversation at the beginning and where the conversation is going to progress the story, and where each character is at emotionally. Then I have a few moments of inspiration on dialogue that I know I need somewhere in the scene, and then I start moving through the scene in order. I start working through the emotional shifts, I let the feelings grow or shrink or snap into place, and I usually am guided by what each character wants. It's always important to me that I know what each character feels at the start of the scene, what they want, and what they're afraid of.
I wouldn't say I feel what they feel exactly. I put myself in their shoes and think about what they're feeling, and I feel for them, but I don't actually feel upset if they're upset, etc. I definitely draw from personal experience sometimes, but not always. I do it the most with Tim for sure!
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Smut? Smut snippet? Smut snippet for Jpeg?
“You liked when I said you were good, didn’t you?” A breathy moan is the only answer he can give. “You just want someone to take the reins for a little bit, huh? Just make everything else go away.”
(from the DamiTim fic ofc)
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Okay, for the last two years I definitely would have said Tim because he just comes so naturally to me and people really respond so kindly to the way I write him, but currently my favorite is definitely Damian. There is something about writing him specifically for me that lets me access a very poetic voice that I just wouldn't use when it comes to Tim or Jason, and I really love the way his voice comes out when I write it.
Also maybe I just need a little break from writing Tim since I've posted over 200k words from his perspective in the last yearish okay
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I actually don't really have a preference!! I preferred prompts when I didn't have any ideas and was worried I would never have anything to write ever again after Rooftops & Bookshops, and then. well. you saw the ask where I listed my wips the other day right? lol yeah now I don't prefer one over the other!
Thank you for the ask bestie 💖💖💖💖
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A Clash of Kings - 57 SANSA V (pages 733-739)
Sansa prays before joining the women in Maegor's Holdfast, while outside the city, the fighting has begun.
Joffrey drew his sword. The pommel was a ruby cut in the shape of a heart, set between a lion's jaws. Three fullers were deeply incised in the blade. "My new sword, Hearteater."
he doesn't deserve that sword, give it to meee- hang on... Isn't his new sword... well who owns Widow's Wail then? The Valyrian sword made from half of Ice?
brb, wiki... Ahhhh, too early for Widow's Wail. That comes later, I got my timeline twirled. ... he still doesn't deserve that sword and they should give it to meeeeeee. should have called it Lionheart, for the punception. It has a lion with a heart in it's mouth, Lionheart is the nickname of one of the King Richards, and Joffrey is a dick. It all lines up. (If that last part confused you, 'Dick' is the nickname for 'Richard.') It all lines up!
"They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is thickest," she said recklessly. "Though he's older than Your Grace, to be sure. A man grown." That made him frown. (...) He wheeled his horse about and spurred towards the gate.
!!!!!!! YASSSSs, oh, burn. Subtle, and (more importantly) she got away with it~ Recklessly is right. But I suppose with the weight of the impending army looming over them, now was the time for slights and needling, cause he's too busy imagining how awesome he is(n't) going to be. ... as long as he doesn't remember it later, after he major fails...
No, but it probably does help that Joffrey's being sent to 'man 'command' a particular part of the war effort where he won't be in as much danger without it being obvious he's being kept in the safety box, so his ego isn't as much on the line.
It's interesting how the line changed between show and book, iirc Sansa pulled the "and he's only a pretender" in the show, not just saying Joffrey's young and inexperienced (an absolute baby, whiny child n00b) but actively/backhandedly mocking his legitimacy. Provoking him to go fight in the thick of it (and perish). Which would have been far more dangerous to say, if they'd left show Joffrey as unhinged as book Joffrey.
Sansa knew most of the hymns, and followed along on those she did not as best she could. She sang along with grizzled old serving men and anxious young wives, with serving girls and soldiers, cooks and falconers, knights and knaves, squires and spit boys and nursing mothers. She sang with those inside the castle and those without, she sang with all the city. She sang for mercy, for the living and the dead alike, for Bran and Rickon and Robb, for her sister Arya and her bastard brother Jon Snow, away off on the Wall. She sung for her mother and her father, for her grandfather Lord Hoster and her uncle Edmure Tully, for her friend Jeyne Poole, for old drunk king Robert, for Septa Mordane and Ser Dontos and Jory Cassel and Maester Luwin, for all the brave knights and soldiers who would die today and for the children and wives who would mourn them, and finally, toward the end, she even sang for Tyrion the Imp and for the Hound.
Anyone still making arguments that Sansa remains classist, selfish, uncaring and unsympathetic for the duration of the story, and can't understand any of the horrors of war because she was being coddled and had a flush ride through the whole war/story, can take their arguments, and shove them so far up their own ass, they puke them back out.
Sorry, that was rude of me.
I just am having feels right now, (!!!! one of which is fear! holy shit that lighting! oohhhhh Storm is here. That thunder was so loud! even through my headphones!) about how Sansa is just 'one of the masses' right now, just one of thousands who's trapped and scared and praying for help from gods who might not answer.
Still snubbed Joffrey though, nice.
... Shae continues to have zero fucks to give about Lollys' trauma or mental state. But neither does her fam.
Beaten silver mirrors backed every wall sconce, so the torches burned twice as bright; -
I would be interested to know what kind of torches, exactly. For the mirrors to be effective for any length of time they'd need to be carefully positioned so they don't get coated in smoke and ash, and the kind of torches my mind goes to when people say torches in a psuedo medieval European setting is a stick with soaked rag, which, fun fact, doesn't actually last very long. like half an hour iirc.
Would love to see these sconces (I'm a sucker for a good wall sconce), I've seen some really nice candelabra in C-Dramas, candle and oil lamp based, and they have reflective panels shaped like leaves. I need, just so many of them.
... "Ilyn Payne holding Ice" *represses urge to hiss like an umbraged cat*
My feelings on Cersei in this scene are a little complex, on the one hand, I do appreciate that she's not hiding truths from Sansa, regardless of whether Sansa is taking them on or not, on the other hand I know she's 99.99% doing it to instill fear in Sansa, likely as a way to assuage her own fear by giving her the illusion of control over something in a situation where she has none.
Ohhh, good thing this chapter was short, the lights keep flickering. Stupid storm.
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bishopsbelova · 2 years
Brb ION has decided that aring ‘Accredo’ is the right thing to do right now and I’m just kind of going through it..... 
The way Carisi is so concerned about her when she’s standing outside, leaning against the cab and drinking water after almost puking at the crime scene and then takes said water bottle when her phone starts ringing. Acting all like a very concerned husband.... (we now know that he was in love with her at this moment) AND NOW HE’S ACTUALLY HER HUSBAND. 
Like they’re MARRIED now and he’s the one that’s always gonna be there. 
And then you have Alro going on about how we get out of our own way when it comes to finding love and how we allow ourselves to feel deserving of everything that we want. Then Amanda Rollins has the audacity to look at Carisi when Alro says that....
And Amanda’s “i don’t know a lot about love” comment at the end. GIRL YOU DO NOW.
Like Amanda Carisi has finally gotten out of her own way, has allowed herself to love and to be loved and to have everything she never believed she deserved. And honestly, that’s beautiful. 
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totallyexhausted · 1 year
Random Sick Hirano (with his parents) Notes for my FF for Back-up
Just small notes on one of the ff’s in case my computer deletes the files again (so I have like a triple backup)...
(Just random-ass notes for right now to have a back-up back-up for myself) - feel free to comment or motivate me lol jk brb crying.... 
Sick/ dinner, bath, arguing, AE, mom, dad/ eating, sick, day off, calls Kagi… Dad EMT, mother stay at home.
 Flashback, fight, feelings
Everything alright here, Kagiura?
Pft. This your boyfriend?
What? No, he’s-
It doesn’t matter who I am. Kagi? You good?
Y-yes. It’s fine, right, Tashaki?
He punches Kagi, Hirano tackles him.
Sore muscles?
 Shit, how was he supposed to go back to normal after that?
The phone rang several times before the younger boy picked up, and Hirano smiled as his voice filled his ear, thick from sleep, still fighting to stay awake.
“I’m not sure if you remember but its Saturday, and we’re on break, which means I don’t have practice…”
“Well, I want to make sure you aren’t forgetting the routine. Have to keep you on your toes, after all.”
The lines quiet for a few minutes, and Hirano wonders if Kagiura fell back asleep. He’s about to say something when rustling fills the other end of the line, and the younger boy whispers, “Hirano… what’s wrong? Your voice… are you not feeling well?”
He sounds more awake now.
Hirano winces as Kagiura’s words meet his ears. Of course the younger boy knew him well enough to know when something was off. He hadn’t known there was something wrong with his voice but given he hadn’t talked much over the past few days, he’d imagined it sounded rough, hoarse, weak.
“No, I’m fine,” Hirano says, “Sorry, I was sick, but I’m better.”
There’s a quiet pause again.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I mean, I’ve been sick since… Wednesday? My parents took me to A&E the other night. But I’m better now. I feel better now. I promise.”
Hirano isn’t exactly sure why he promised… it just felt right. Kaguira sighs, “You were at A&E? Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? You should have- I would’ve- well, I don’t know what I would have done, but it would have been something! You’re supposed to tell me when you’re sick, Hirano!”
“You’re really dense sometimes.”
“Well, you’re an idiot sometimes, so…”
“Great. The blockhead and the idiot.”
Hirano laughed, “Yeah, has a nice ring to it.”
 Part of him feels guilty. He’d be giving the younger the same lecture if it was the other way around.
 “I’ll probably fall asleep.”
“That’s okay. Could we… just talk until then?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Hirano can hear the smile in Kagiura’s voice.
 “Is that why you didn’t tell us you didn’t feel well, son?”
“We spend so little time together now…”
“We’d rather know you’re okay and healthy than fret over some cancelled plans… idiot.”
Hirano glances up, a small smirk crossing his face as his father’s eyes meet his, the playful smirk setting on old features.
“I’ve been told I’m dense sometimes.”
“Well, that’s an understatement. Whoever said that must know you pretty well, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess… he does.”
His father’s quiet for a few minutes, “You’re lucky to have him, then… so don’t mess it up, Taiga.”
If he was being honest, he felt okay on the train; but the day progressed he just started feeling worse… He blamed Kagiura. He’d taken a stupid sip from his water bottle when the younger had offered. A day later, the stupid kid had gotten the stomach flu and basically spent the day in the bathroom trying to isolate himself from Hirano until the older dragged him out, demanding he sleep on a bed versus the floor… they’d gotten into an argument which ended with Hirano getting puked on and Kagi breaking down. But Kagi was always getting sick, so Hirano hadn’t really thought too much about it. Besides he always felt like shit after exams or was getting sick after them, too much stress and pressure, eating away at an exhausted mind…
 Her fingers running through Hirano’s blonde locks, brushing his bangs away from his blue eyes before tucking a few strands behind his ear. Truthfully, she hated the blonde hair and the earrings, but neither her nor her husband were going to stand in the way of Hirano expressing himself. Especially since he’d had such a hard time fitting in in middle school. It was heartbreaking to know he wasn’t the same kid they’d raised. He wasn’t open with others the way he used to be. Middle school hadn’t been kind to him… hadn’t been kind to a sweet boy. Because of that, Hirano learned to lock himself away, learned to keep his feelings inside, his thoughts, himself… until he broke, until he yelled or screamed or cried or fought… until he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
 “These are new,” his mother said gently, ghosting her finger over the blue earrings. A gift from Kagi.
“He sounds sweet.”
 “He’s getting too old for you to carry.” His father just grunted in response.
 “Are you sure you feel okay, sweetheart?”
“Hm. Yeah, sorry… just tired,”
There’s firm hand pressed against his forehead, and Hirano feels the chopsticks fall from his fingers as his hand slips…
 Whatever happened next was a giant blur. Nauseating and hot..
“You need to take the meds, son.” It’s not a suggestion. It’s an order. A command.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I’ll give you more water in a few minutes. We just really need you to keep this down.” There’s a tone of desperation in her voice that Hirano doesn’t like…
 Bits of conversation flying around him that meant nothing to him.
“If his temperature doesn’t start to drop in an hour, we’ll need to take him to the hospital.”
“I know… hopefully he can keep these meds down. I mean, it’s been over 12 hours, what else could his stomach have left to purge?”
“You should get some rest. I’ll take his temperature in 30 minutes and let you know if it’s moved. Besides if he gets sick again or if we need to take him to the hospital, I can carry his weight. Kid’s not as tall as me yet.”
 Fevered delirium he thinks of Kagiura.
 “Where did you go?”
“Go? I haven’t gone anywhere, sweetheart, I’m right here,”
“No. I mean, you said, since we’ve been back.”
“Oh,” his mother laughed softly, and Hirano closed his eyes briefly. He’d forgotten how much he’d missed her laugh…
“You don’t remember?”
 Cool fingers run through his hair, pushing blonde bangs away from his face before caressing his cheek, a thumb running along his cheekbone gently, and Hirano groans softly before opening his eyes.
“Sorry, honey, I needed to wake you so you could take some more meds,”
 Door creaks open, a hand pressed against the side of his neck, then his cheek--- Hirano instinctively reaches his hand out, grasping a wrist before opening his eyes. Kagi?
“Sorry, son. I didn’t mean to wake you. I just came to check on you- you’ve been asleep for over 10 hours now.”
 “How about we get some food in you? Then maybe a nice shower so you can wash everything away? You can finish off the remaining meds, then go back to sleep. Sound okay?”
Hirano knew it wasn’t a command. He could refuse if he wanted, and his father wouldn’t argue with him, he wouldn’t chastise him, he wouldn’t push him… but walking, stretching his legs after laying around for so long sounded nice…  
 Hirano felt his face blush. His parents were always like this. They weren’t overbearing or suffocating… just kind and gentle and nice. They were always open with him, trusting him, not afraid to show their emotions or wear their heart on their sleeve… but they were a little older than most parents, and more passionate. They weren’t afraid to express themselves, express their emotions, something Hirano had tried and got bullied for in middle school.
He hadn’t found a balance and because of it was the constant target of fights and taunts in grade school. He remembers crying, yelling, screaming at his parents while they just sat there, letting him lash out, letting him take his anger out on them because it was their fault he was a pushover… at least that’s what he thought. What he told them. It was their fault he was getting bullied… they weren’t mad. Not then.
Eventually, Hirano learned to hide himself through a tough exterior. People tended to stay away from you if you looked like trouble… and the fact that he’d been in more fights than anyone in his class helped. He didn’t like fighting, and he’d tried to avoid it, but he learned to stand his ground, he learned how to take a punch… and how to give one.
By the time he reached high school, everything became easier. He’d dyed his hair, got piercings, managed to perfect a cold-hearted stare, and deflect a conversation, or at the very least, shut down a conversation he didn’t want to have. Middle school had taken him, a sweet boy who wore his heart on his sleeve and tormented him until he crafted a suit of armor others refused to mess with. He learned to close himself off; opening up to only those he trusted… but that circle was small. Really damn small.
 It wasn’t like Hirano could do no wrong in their eyes because God knows he’d fucked up more than he could count. Most of the time he was lectured; they talked about his actions, what he could have done differently, what he did and why he did it, and why he was being punished, then he’d accept his fate. But despite all the times he’d been grounded, or the time last year when he’d been brought home by the police for doing something stupid with Sasaki, Hirano had only been yelled at twice in his short existence. Once by his mother, the other, his father… both for fighting.
 Even when his father went through a depressive episode, Hirano tried returning the favor. He’d sit with him, sometimes talking, sometimes in quiet, his legs sprawled out in front of him as he leaned his back against the wooden headboard or sitting on the floor next to the couch, listening to the sound of his father breathing. He knew there wasn’t much he could do; that he could fix… when his father was having a low period… but he wanted him to know that if he needed Hirano, he was there. That although he might have felt alone, he wasn’t… or at the very least, he didn’t have to go through this alone.
           He’d become aware at a young age that his father dealt with depression. He was quieter sometimes, reserved, distant; his mother wasn’t. She was loud and brash, and she loved hugs… She’d explained to Hirano when he was 6 that sometimes, “Papa was just sad and there wasn’t much they could do to cheer him up.”
           It wasn’t until he reached middle school that Hirano understood what that sadness was. How it affected you. How it hurt you. He’d started sitting with his father just so he wasn’t alone. Most of the time, Hirano felt completely useless, and he fucking hated that. He hated feeling useless. Watching someone he cared about sick or hurt, and not being able to help…
 “You’re alright, son. It’s okay. Just get it up… your mother and I- we’ll clean you up. Don’t worry. You’re alright, son.”
 “I felt better.”
“You might have felt better,” his father chuckles softly, his grip still firm against Hirano’s shoulder, “Hell, you might feel better… but you’re still sick, son. Your body is still recovering. You haven’t eaten in a while, so your stomach isn’t used to the food…”
“I don’t want to,” Hirano shudders, swallowing again as he lurches, “I- I can keep- it down.”
 Hand on stomach.
 “Next time, we’ll try something different than rice porridge, okay?”
“Here, sweetheart, I made ginger tea. It’ll help settle your stomach.”
Hirano was mad at him and that was okay...
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Oops, I did it again
Purged for the first time in a long time. I can’t even remember the last time I purged. I just did it again a little while writing this. It’s been a couple years. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve lost all the COVID weight. I feel like I’m losing weight in a healthier manner than I ever have. Sure, it’s been a bit slow at times, but I’ve also been sane the entire time. It’s not like I even binge or anything. Yesterday I had a small turkey sandwich and some baked chips and in the evening I split a 12″ thin crust pizza and a salad with my husband over the course of the night. It wasn’t even over my calorie count for the day, really. If it was it was like ~100 cal over max. This is so dumb. It wasn’t like it was some teehee uwu mistake either, he went into the shower and I saw the brown bag our salad came in and just... threw up in it? And then I was like “okay, ew, I need to put this in the trash and throw out the trash” and then my brain was like “oh shit, I wasn’t actually done, I should throw up some more” but I didn’t want the sink to smell like puke so I threw up in my metal water bottle so I could dump it in the toilet. Then he got OUT of the shower, and I was like “brb need to use the bathroom” and dumped the water bottle in the toilet. Then I took the trash out, where I was going to throw up again, but a car came into the parking lot and was right by me so I was like “well shit, okay” and I almost went around the long way to a different door so I could fucking throw up in the bushes, but I was like “nah, let’s not start this shit again” so I went inside.
Done, right? No. I guess I forgot I decided I wasn’t going to do this shit anymore and this was just a fluke because when I walked in, he was vacuuming. And my brain was just like “aw, sweet. That’ll cover up the noise of me puking some more!” because somehow after all these years he’s still constantly on high alert to any kind of gagging sound no matter how quiet. So I puked some more!
But wait, there’s more. The fucking lettuce WOULD NOT GO DOWN. Panic! I flushed again, still no luck. Now the toilet is running so I have to wait. I pretend that I’m cleaning the bathroom and just flushing the paper towels I guess every 4 minutes or so? Lol. This goes on for like 5 flushes, still pieces of lettuce.  So, I have to get out the container from under the sink that I keep my flex discs in and DUMP allllll of those suckers OUT so I can scoop the lettuce bits up out of the toilet and pour it down my fucking shower drain. Fucking dumb.
Why did I just throw up some of my breakfast as soon as he left? Why don’t I care more or feel guilty or scared or... something? It’s like there’s not even an argument in my head or even really any kind of choice I’m making, it’s like autopilot “ding, fries are done” and I puke. Huzzah!
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killintrill · 2 years
I rlly fuck up anything good for me and I'm empty as fuck now and i wouldn't mind jumping off a cliff into a bed of nails rn bc honestly that'd be the option that hurt less and I rlly might go fight a grown ass man rn I have so much hatred for the universe I can't have shit or anything nice ever I have decided I rlly deserve the bullshit I go through bc I can't go Abt anything right I can't breathe bc what did i just do this is the worst fuckin day I've had in a long time and that's saying something brb gonna literally puke
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propertyline · 2 years
the problem with recently rediscovering my mum's leather coat that she hasn't worn since the mid 2000s is that suddenly they're in fashion and every motherfucker in this city has one
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donnatarttapologist · 5 years
just saw one (1) unreleased clip from the goldfinch i’m gonna go throw up now
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
FUN FACT OF DINH!!! She misses her culture, so she would murder live animals in front of the residents:
Nguyen Thi Dinh came in with two chickens and 1 lbs. of meat to make a special dish cause she misses it. The resident watches in horror as they are forced to try it. Zenobia is in the closet to hide as MC and Sebastian watches in blatant horror. Olga and Y Lan is comforting the residents as they watch. I will borrow some OC to make it more comedic. Brb-
Dinh: once you plucked the feather of the chickens, you will chop- [a loud clef knife slammed down the dead chicken neck, with blood gushing out onto the bowl]
Mozart: [watches in horror as he blinks, about to puke at the vivid scene. Hey that rhymes!]
Dinh: while you make sure both chicken blood are in the bowl, you will prepare the meat~! [quickly did it to the other chicken, the prepared the meat]
Y Lan: *holding Salai as he moved his head to puke*
Mc: …
Olga: *sighs* the horrid scene is finished Charles.
Charles: I feel sick..merde…
Wellington: *dead as his face loses all blood*
Dinh: now~! While the meat is cooking, we pour the fresh blood onto the meat~! [giddy]
Michelangelo: mom, I’m scared. Pick me up!!!! *gripping onto Raphael who is already fainted *
Leonardo: I-…*covers his mouth as he watches, needs a cig RIGHT NOW*
Ileana: it’s alright Alexei..it be over…I hope…
Anna Boleyn and Zenobia is in the closet as we speak to hide from it……
Wu Zetian: *blinks, but doesn’t really care…* can we add rouge to it?
Wu Zetian: Shima?! *what= shima*
Isaac: …I take a apple over this…
Dazai: *just smiling even though screaming inside*
Jean: *pale as he also blinked in blatant horror*
Faust: *nowhere to be seen, he left once nobody notice to go puke*
Theo: [has his eyes covered onto Vincent shoulder]
Vincent: [comforting Vincent as he watches the scene trying to reassure himself]
Dinh: then~ you stir it~! Add some cilantro and pepper…!
Napoleon: [in Wellington lap as he closes his eye in gay horror]
Alexander 1 is nowhere to be found…he also left the chat to be with Faust…
Dinh: now~! We EAT!!!
Gilles: merde..I’m gonna puke—! *rushes out quickly*
Arthur: *arthur.exe. Has stopped*
Sir Worth: [shudders at the meal before him]
Olga R.: it’s almost over Maria..almost…
Tatiana: *had to accompany Anastasia to the toiletry so lifted the chat*
After everyone regained their stomachs sickness, they all were forced to try by eating it. Dinh was never allowed to do it again. If your wondering what I mean by the dish? Here it is~!
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Tags: @weird-profiterole @yanderepuck @sange-de-romane @evil-quartett @spoopy-fish-writes @a-chaotic-dumbass @vio-simps-for-purple-characters @pieground @batteryrose
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Any predictions on how Sansa's TWOW arc might play out ? Also besides Sansa , who are your favourite characters ?
Hello!! This got long 😂 I have a vague idea how it will go, I'm not very good at predictions.
First I've seen people talking about Sansa and the mountain clans, and her playing a similar role to Jon and with wildings. The problem is that they crossed the Wall after most of their combatants were slaughtered in a doomed battle, so I expect the mountain clans to plan something similar for similar reasons, maybe to ensure their families have enough to eat in winter. The Tourney seems like the perfect time to strike, because most of the Vale Lords are all in the same place. But like the wildings and the Ironmen, their old way of plundering and raping is doomed, but Tyrion arming them gave them false hope and they think they can get what they want by force. They won't. The reason why there will be a battle in the Vale and her arc won't be all political plotting is because Sansa needs to earn the respect, if not the goodwill, of the Vale Lords on her own. She'll need it to bring Littlefinger down later.
I believe Sansa is the girl in grey feeing an unwanted marriage, and I'm pretty sure that marriage is to Littlefinger, because he's been trying to marry her since AGOT and I don't think a guy so obsessed with taking Catelyn's maidenhead will want "damaged goods." (brb I need to puke)
At least a chapter will be about her traveling the North, learning from the peasants about the horrors caused by the Boltons. She attended court when Ned was Hand and when Joffrey was King, so she knows that people suffer under a bad ruler. But seeing peasants explain their situation in a formal seeting isn't the same as seeing the situation by yourself, or listening to them talk when they believe you’re a random girl.
I think Winterfell will be retaken at the beginning of the book, middle of it at most, because I think it will be the fake hope spot before the Wall falls down and Daenerys arrives to Westeros. The series is called “A song of Ice and Fire” so I think the two apocalyptic threats will arrive simultaneously at the end of TWOW. The battles against them will take a lot of chapters, Tyrion will need at least three to wallow in his own self-pity, so the sooner things happen, the better.
This means Stannis will probably be the one to do it. Not happy about it because I wanted a Sansa and Jon to reclaim their own home. But it could be fixed by implying that without a Stark in Winterfell, the magical barriers that protect the castle are weakened, the same way Storm’s End stopped being magically inexpugnable after Renly tried to usurp Stannis.
Sansa was foreshadowed to be the one to rebuilding Winterfell, so maybe she’ll get a chapter about her starting to do that before the book ends. She was also prophetized to slay a savage giant in a castle of snow, so maybe her final chapter will be her and Jeyne Poole putting Littlefinger’s head on a pike. They argued about the best way to display heads when they were in King’s Landing, after all.
Now onto the favorite characters: I don't have a strict ranking, but I generally find the women and girls the most interesting: Daenerys, Brienne, Catelyn, Cersei, Lysa, Melisandre, Jeyne Poole, etc etc. That doesn't mean I think they're heroic, or that I find their chapters are entretaining. I think all the violence in Arya's chapters is boring, even if I understand why is there. Jon and Quentyn are probably my favorite male characters, with Sam a close second. All the grown-up men with their own POV chapters are at the bottom of the ranking because they irritate me 😂 Everytime Tyrion wonders where whores go or Davos thinks about his fingers I want to punch my screen 😂
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Continuing my dissertation on why Supernatural is about Destiel even when Cas is not in the episode, and here is my analysis of 11x18 - The Chitters.
I initially had this episode on a “never watching again” because the monster grossed me out so much, but then I realized that the writers were giving us a literal Dean/Cas as husbands mirror story by doing this
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and hiding it in an episode with the most grotesque MOTW imaginable (seriously, name a worse monster than underground creatures who impregnate humans with their eggs via orgy and leave them in a damn cave; oh and cause them to shake, chitter, and have glowy green eyes.  BRB, puking).
A little trickster moment in the beginning starting this episode with two brothers, and the eldest - Matt - dying in a *shocker* supernatural way, and the youngest - Jesse - then going on to dedicate his life to avenging his brother’s death.  A lot of reviewers consider this intro to mean we are supposed to be looking for Sam/Dean parallels in the following narrative bEcAusE tHAt is WhAT thE boYS wOuLD dO, but I POSIT TO YOU IT IS NOT ONLY A 10000000 percent DESTIEL STORY, BUT ALSO THAT this is established in the very first scene - the conversation between Jesse and Matt in the flashback:
It finally happened.
What? You didn’t get detention this week?
Me and Jackie, we kissed.
Okay, can I stop hearing about him every two minutes now? “You think he likes me?”, “Jackie looked at me. I-I think he looked at me.”
He definitely likes me.
***I mean Matt’s comment -  does this not immediately remind you of Sam “I am in constant Destiel super hell” Winchester?
For reference, here is Sam’s “I am in super hell please stop now” face:
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**Also he LOOKED AT HIM?! What is 80% of Destiel if not subtextual pining and LOOKING.  I don’t make the rules.  Jesse is Dean.  And Matt is dead.  Matt’s death ENDS the “brother portion” of this story insofar as the parallel is concerned. (**please note I am not advocating for Sam to die.  the parallel is just NOT about the brother storyline in this episode - there are plenty of other “mirrors” for the brother storyline, but this is NOT one of them).
We cut to the real Dean continuing in FULL RESEARCH MODE ACTIVATED because Amara has Cas at this point and he is panicking.  
Was the red and black flannel an intentional wardrobe choice to mirror Jesse’s jacket?  We will never know. (Yes.  Everything is intentional.  This is Supernatural. We hate it here. Also Cesar is in a KHAKI vest because KHAKI means THINGS in Supernatural for REASONS). 
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Also I love FULL RESEARCH MODE ACTIVATED desperately trying to get Cas back Dean.  It’s real “I just started studying for my final the night before at 10 p.m.” energy.  He’s refusing to stop to even look at Sam here:
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Anyway, a few gross scenes of green eyed people, orgies, and a hilarious conversation about weed (or was it oregano?- 
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Jensen Ackles you slay me) later -
Jesse and Cesar save Dean’s bacon and the four of them end up in a bar chatting over beers.  Here is where it is INCREDIBLY apparent that Jesse is a mirror for Dean (also I’d watch a bottle episode of these four hanging out doing regular every day stuff a la How I Met Your Mother or Friends).  
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One of them took my brother 27 years ago.
[Sam and Dean look surprised. Sam turns to Dean, and Dean is speechless.
[looks to Jesse] I’m sorry to hear that.
I’ve been waiting years to come back and have this shot at them. So, I hope you understand, I’m gonna ask you two to take a step back from this one.
[nods] Well, catch us up. Where have you guys been?
In the woods, where the action is, looking for their burrow and saving your ass.
[Sam is slightly taken aback, but he gives a look of approval. Cesar scoffs.]
Well, one of the reasons we’ve been holed up in the trees is because Jesse hates the town and everyone in it.
Because they’re ignorant and useless. [turns to Cesar] They didn’t believe me 27 years ago, they’re not gonna start now.
[sternly] It’s boneheaded not to be following leads in town.
Hey, nobody stopping you from talking to the whole box of crackers.
[Cesar sighs and looks away.]
***You could replace “Jesse” with “Dean” and the lines wouldn’t need to change an iota to stay in the character.  Cesar’s scoffing, the stern response, calling Jesse boneheaded, sighing, looking away exasperatedly - 100% Cas energy.  I really don’t make the rules. Cesar isn’t anything like Sam, and he isn’t meant to be.  This is not a brother story.  THIS IS A STORY ABOUT TRUE LOVE DAMMIT.
Dean makes that red herring comment about them bickering just like brothers , then:
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Which by the way is EXACTLY how Dean and Cas bicker.  Hence why Sam is always in super hell.  
I can’t find a better quality image of this montage, but I really wanted to bring attention to the EXPRESSION on Dean’s face:
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***Sure, Dean. You’re curious about what it’s like to live with a hunter.  Okay. 
Also, whoever made this, you get it.
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They start arguing on the next step - questioning a former sheriff, or going back to the woods to search for the creepy crawlies’ hidey hole.
[sternly] We need to find the burrow.
[patiently] Jess, we’ve been beating around the woods for two days.
[stubbornly] That’s where they are. You saw the tracks.
I can keep searching on my own. We’re losing.
****sternly-patiently-stubbornly <- it’s like a never-ending Destiel refrain.  Cesar’s willingness to continue on what is purely Jesse’s quest for revenge so Jesse can move on is also so very Cas-adjacent.  I LOVE A SUBTEXTUAL PARALLEL.
Anyway, then they split into twos, pairing Sam with Jesse and Cesar with Dean for the next few scenes.  Lots of reviewers tracked this as a brother-brother (i.e. Sam is paired with the version of himself and Dean is paired with the version of himself) parallel, but THIS scene with Sam, Jesse, and the old sheriff SCREAMS otherwise:
[angrily pushed Cochran down the chair] You son of a bitch.
[Sam moves forward to get Jesse back.]
You knew the whole time! You knew where they were when everybody was suffering.
[pushes Jesse off him] I was suffering too!
[pulls Jesse away from Cochran and tries to calm him down] Jesse. Hey, hey. Hold on. Hold on.
***EXCUSE ME, did he just say DEAN’S CATCHPHRASE.  And how many times has Sam done this exact thing to Dean when he is in a rage?!?   I DO NOT MAKE THE RULES.  
ALSO something about THE JUXTAPOSITION of Cesar and Jesse in the following scene.  This is very Dean with Cas quietly waiting for him to me.
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A lot of creepy monster montage scenes and dead bodies later, the day is saved.  Cue adorable husband exchange, and the news that Jesse and Cesar are going to retire.  
So, uh, what’s freedom look like?
Nice little spread in New Mexico. We’ve been paying on it for years. Set foot on it about … twice?
Gonna raise horses. And if that goes bust, Jesse used to be an EMT.
Oh, so now I’m supporting your ass?
[Cesar chuckles and looks at Jesse lovingly, before both men turns to the Winchesters. Sam follows the laugh.]
 It’s time to start living.
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Also this SHOULDER touch.  And it’s the left shoulder.  (there is a great Casifer post out there about how Dean was thrown off specifically because Casifer touched his RIGHT shoulder, and Cas always touches his LEFT).  
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All I really need now is a FACE CUP, tbh.  
You want more parallels?  Recall that CESAR (aka Cas-adjacent) is the one who saves Dean’s bacon in the beginning.  
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Then he helps him get up off the ground. You know, as in he RAISES him from -
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Dean, realizing that he is watching an AU version of himself and his boyfriend/future husband:
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Yes, hi, we are the same character.
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Anyway, I will always and forever love this episode for showing us the ending Dean and Cas deserved (WHAT WAS THE REASONNNN) - settling down on a small ranch together in New Mexico.  At least these two got their happily ever after.
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Maybe then Sam can finally leave super hell.
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Sam: Couldn’t do it, huh?
Dean: [shakes head] No, didn’t feel right.
Sam: Yeah. I know what you mean. Two hunters who make it to the finish line?
Dean: Yeah, you leave that alone.
Saving this to my box of INCONSISTENCY TRASH DUMP FOR 15x20.
P.S. I am starting to develop a theory that the episodes we all like LEAST, and therefore tend to skip [or that have off putting plotlines/ don’t go with the general myth arc/creepy monsters/bizarre or even boring scenarios] are the ones with potentially the most subtext, and therefore the best underlying story line (so likely no Cas in the episode, random stuff like Red Meat, the creepy chitters monster that makes you want to cringe). 
So at the end of the day, the subtext was always the real story anyway.
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(OMG I JUST REMEMBERED THAT THE GIRL WEREWOLF IN BLOODLINES WEARS A FUCKING KHAKI TRENCH COAT THE ENTIRE TIME.  AM I GOING TO HAVE TO REWATCH THE ALWAYS SKIPPABLE BLOODLINES NOW?  And that definitely means I am DOOMED to rewatch the worst episode that ever was when I get to season 15.  Dammit.  What have I done?!?!??!?!)
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maraudersftw · 3 years
hey claudia. just letting you know that i've just recovered from covid but i still have the side effects. just saw the notification and i think i just puke in my mouth and swallow it. YOU UPDATED RETRIBUTION??!! OH MY GODDD YOURE MY FAV PERSON EVER!!! THAT JILY KISS 😭😭😭😭 omg i love everything that's going on with peter and sirius. and when james suspected snape who sold lily and lily's power??!! when lily went to see james, i was so so scared that he might not remember her (like katniss and peta) but THANK GODDD!!! i'm so so happy that i'm gonna cry. brb im gonna reread retribution again
OMG anon, hope you're doing better now! Post-covid symptoms are super unpleasant :( But I want you to know that I've had this ask in my inbox for five days now, and every time I read, it makes me laugh so much hahaha
Thank you for sharing this lovely energy with me, it really motivates me to write more 💖💖
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luna-teeth · 4 years
Be Right Back | GeorgeNotFound
Summary: George is sicker than he thought
Rating: Emetophilia, vomiting, sickfic
Authors note: There is no smut in this fic. I am just tagging for the vomit.
“Hey guys. I haven’t been streaming much this past week. Or- I haven’t been streaming at all. I’ve been pretty sick, and I’m still not feeling a hundred percent, but I’m here and I’m gonna do my best to seem alive,” George said, as he began the night’s stream. He had, in fact, been ill for a while now, but it seemed to him he should try to stream at least a short while.
Even now, as he assured the viewers that he was feeling better, his whole body ached. There was the incessant, disgusting feeling of snot dripping down the back of this throat, and if he wasn’t careful, down his face. Used tissues had piled up like snow banks on the desk and floor, and he thought to himself that he needed to clean them up. He sniffled slightly.
“Alright. With that out of the way, let’s get started,” George said into the mic, trying to get comfortable.
“I’m going to jump onto the SMP today and see who’s on.”
George sniffled, and he was certain his mic had picked it up. “Sorry about that,” he apologized.
There was an odd feeling in his stomach, like it was too heavy and full. This struck him as somewhat odd. He hadn’t eaten much on account of just feeling pretty shitty all day. He had to hold back a disgruntled grumble at the thought, deciding to sniffle again instead.
“So, it doesn’t look like a lot of people are on. We might just be having a chill stream today. I might even try to build my own house again.”
George was surprised by a burp, covering his mouth with his hand. He apologized to the stream again, furrowing his eyebrows in thought. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead as he spoke, trying to feel his own temperature. If he had a fever, he couldn’t tell.
“What do you guys think? Should I try my mushroom cottage again or try something different?”
George went to move his character, letting out a laugh.
“Mushroom house it is.”
He sniffled again.
“Hopefully it doesn’t get burned down this time.” he said, rolling his eyes.
George slowly became aware of a twisting feeling in his stomach. He let out a shaky breath as sweat broke out over his skin. He swallowed hard, but there was a sudden rush of spit to his mouth. He knew the feeling well enough to move his mic out of the way, trying to slow his breathing and stay calm.
He clenched his fingers up, then relaxed them, the sickly feeling in his gut not leaving. George bit down on his lip, trying to fight back the building nausea.
Suddenly, it was too late.
He retched, leaning forward as his stomach clenched up. George brought up a sticky, yellow fluid into his lap. He spat and gagged at the sour taste, prompting a second gush of vomit to spill out of him. George could feel the nasty substance soaking into his sweatpants. As he slapped one hand over his mouth, he hurriedly pulled the mic closer.
“Uh, hey guys, I’ll be right back,” he muttered hastily, his voice a little scratchy from throwing up. He put up a BRB screen as fast as he could manage, becoming more and more aware by the second of the cooling puke in his lap. He figured he had been fortunate he hadn’t projectiled onto his computer.
George contemplated how to go about standing up without spilling vomit onto the floor. He decided the best course of action was to slide his gooey pants off and ball them up as best as possible. George sighed. He stood to go throw the pants into the washing machine, sniffling.
“At least,” he muttered to himself, “I’m not nauseous anymore.”
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zevsarainai · 3 years
Winx Club s3e4 a.k.a. Stella appreciation hours
How did Timmy not see the giant griffon flying straight at him😭😭
It was like right in front of him too😭😭 dude you wear glasses for a reason
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They're combining their magic! We love continuity
I love Brandon and Stella's relationship so much. He really would do anything for her and is just so worried about her, its so cute
This is so wholesome omg
Stella really deserves all these compliments. She deserves to know shes more than just her beauty
And the fact that she thought that is kinda heartbreaking tbh. She should know everyone loves her bc she's the definition of sunshine
Anyway im gonna cry now brb
I- what are the pixies planning shdjsnhdhdh
AISHA!! I've missed her
ngl seeing Avalon's face still just kinda makes me want to puke
Yes girls go safe Aisha's planet
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