#breton language
mapsontheweb · 9 months
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Europe map in Breton.
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greencheekconure27 · 7 months
The Breton language is in danger, and it's France's fault | Raising voices
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halebop-s-art · 17 days
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And an Alsacian Miku for @trashlord-watson !
Alsace is a region at the est of France, bordering Germany, and that's where Sauerkraut (choucroute) comes from ! Also the traditional costume includes a big bow in the hair which I... adapted ❤️
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mali-umkin · 5 months
Some good news that should be the minimum, but hey this is France:
The Brevet des collèges (national exam taken at the end of middle school) will be available in Basque and Breton, though supporting documents will still be in French from what I gather. This was the status quo until last November when the Éducation Nationale attempted to forbid it. That this is not enshrined in law in 2024 and still largely depends on students' parents mobilisation and that of some députés is mind-boggling, but that is the norm for many minority languages in Europe.
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yvanspijk · 10 months
The word tooth is a remnant of an ancient present participle meaning 'biting'. It is etymologically related to French dent, German Zahn, Irish déad, Ancient Greek odṓn, and Sanskrit dán. These words all stem from the same Proto-Indo-European ancestor.
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gandalfismyfather · 3 months
FR: Ok donc je viens d'apprendre que mon vœu a été exaucé. Il existe désormais une plateforme (gratuite d'après ce que j'ai vu) dans le style Duolinguo mais nettement mieux afin d'apprendre le breton !
EN: There is now a website (free from what I've seen) to learn breton/brezhoneg Duolinguo's style but way better.
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meichenxi · 2 years
Speakers of non-English languages of the UK and Ireland wanted!!
Since it’s World Mother Language Day today (February the 21st), I’m thinking of doing a series of posts on the native non-English languages of the United Kingdom and Ireland, with some information and short interviews. 
For this, I am looking for both native speakers/signers and learners (with or without parentage/heritage of the language in question) of the following languages:
- Scottish Gaelic
- Irish
- Welsh
- Any sign language of the United Kingdom or Ireland (e.g. BSL)
- Any other minority language indigenous to the United Kingdom or Ireland. By this I mean primarily spoken only within the UK or Ireland as a minority, or spoken very little elsewhere. For example: Cornish, Manx, Shelta, or Anglo-Romani, not languages like Polish or Bengali that are minority within the UK but have a significant speaker base elsewhere. (I am aware that I am fishing for some of these *cough* Cornish *cough*...but you never know!)
- Any language or variety that you speak that you feel is linguistically / culturally distinct from Standard English that you would like to inform more people about. For example: Shetlandic, Scots, Ulster Scots. 
I don’t have anything finalised yet, but if you would be wiling to speak to me about some text-based interviews for the sake of qualitative and informative tumblr posts, please send me a message!
(NB: if I have used any names of languages that are not preferred, tell me and I will change them. I don’t know a lot about the non-Celtic and non-Germanic languages here, which is part of my reason for wanting to make this series of posts in the first place.)
Please reblog so more people see this!
- meichenxi
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dougielombax · 10 months
No language is useless.
Berate and scorn any moron who says otherwise. Harshly!
*yes this is about the Irish language, which many loyalists, unionist politicians and useful IDIOTS in the Republic of Ireland (all because they’re bitter about having to learn it at school, in their 40s! I say move on! For fuck’s sake!) want to see DESTROYED!*
*among MANY other languages*
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weirdestarrow · 2 years
Does anyone have any song recommendations for songs in any of the six celtic languages?
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tobacconist · 10 months
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quatregats · 22 days
Desperate need to make Mariette Breton versus knowledge of French revolution's general stance towards minoritized languages* FIGHT
* - this is probably an insufficient term for the language dynamics of the period but I digress
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silverfoxboy · 2 months
ok so as my like, 7 followers would know im learning Esperanton, but i have recently learned of two languages i can use to royally piss off all of europe: * Paraguayan Guaraní (endonym Avaña'ẽ) * Breton (endonym Brezhoneg) both are cool, and Guaraní is literally the most spoken indigenous language in the americas so they get more points for that :3 if this gets 10 notes ill also learn Cherokee
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mascula-sappho · 1 year
here's a love letter in the form of a poem to all the obscure dead languages out there and the people who love them.
here's for dying languages!
the bloodstains between the letters,
the rips in their vocab lists,
never to be sutured up.
Here's for old languages!
never to be heard by a native speaker again.
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hushimstressed · 1 year
God I fuckign love music Someone go listen to “Ar Chas doñv ‘yelp da ouez” (The Domesticated Dogs Will Become Wild Again) right fucking NEOW this is literally one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever listened to I love languages and music so much
It’s a song sung in the Breton language (a minority language in North-West France, and a member of the Celtic languages). The song has themes of overcoming oppression, pride and freedom.
Also the sick vocals and instrumentals
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c-kiddo · 1 year
I genuinely forgot you were scottish for a minute, you know its bad when you cant tell which protestant killing off of celtic language and culture youre referring to :')
ok everyone must now read my posts in a scottish accent from now on. its the rules of this blog o7
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geoazie · 2 years
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Indo-European languages : The Celtic Languages
Here are the 6 Celtic languages, divided in 2 families. Cornish and Manx are both slowly getting a revival, and Breton, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish were all historically repressed. Nowadays educational programs are put in places to make the languages survive, it's estimated that 17% of the Welsh population can speak Welsh.
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