#briar rowe (oc)
snekkerdoodles · 7 months
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phoenix--flying · 4 months
Titans Win AU; Intro Profiles - Cabin Nine
*this au takes place around Sea of Monsters *the current summer is not counted in the amount of summers theyve spent at camp, as they never finished the summer session
Camp Half-Blood Cabins Big Three | Two | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
Charles ‘Charlie’ Beckendorf (He/Him) Charles is a fifteen year old son of Hephaestus, he has six beads and the head counselor of his cabin. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood.
Jacob ‘Jake’ Mason (He/Him) Jake is a thirteen year old son of Hephaestus, he has five beads for his summers. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
Olive Grant (She/Her) Olive is a fourteen year old daughter of Hephaestus. She has five beads and is currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Briar Rowe (She/They) Briar is twelve year old child of Hephaestus, they have two beads for their summers at camp. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Inko Torres (She/Her) Inko is an eleven year old daughter of Hephaestus, she doesn't have any beads. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Seraphina ‘Sera’ Katz (She/Her) Sera is a thirteen year old daughter of Hephaestus, she only has three beads for her summers. She's currently missing.
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Mimble Poetry Nonsense Examples.
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Just trying to pull together some random examples of my silly poetry posts for potentially interested parties (who may or may not be stuck with me for the FFXIV Swap Meet doodah).
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lucyfloyenworkshop · 1 year
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In the Springtime of the year...
“And so they linked their hands and danced,‘round in circles and in rows. And so the journey of the night descends, when all the shades are gone”
The night fall in the woods near the Briar Valley Castle. Firebonds are lits and all Fea folk of the Valley gathering under the trees for a night for celebrate spring and the comming of summer. 
Morgana dressed of green and gold, wait for her partner. Fire sparkles flying the air to the stars. Lanterns glows in the trees as Pixies, Elves and Night Fea and others members of the Folk, row on the strange and lively music of hurdy-gurdy, drums and fiddle.
Then well-know fireflies appears behind her as two gentle cold hands take hers. She turn her head, smiling. Two bright and warm green eyes of her Dragon meet her gaze. 
The Dragon Prince and the Human Maiden  linked their hands and join the row. Dancing until all the shades of the night are gone.  
Just a small sweet Morgana and Malleus moment... Loreena Mackenitt music as been always a big source of inspirations for my illustrations ans stories. Each times that I listen Mummer’s Dance, I see Morgana and Malleus dancing during a midspring evening, peacefully.    
The artwork is made by @lucyfloyenworkshop
. Please don’t use/repost/trace my artworks and OCs without my permission
. Reblog and likes are welcomed :-)
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laurelsofhighever · 9 months
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Fandom: Dragon Age (pre-Origins) Characters/pairings: Maric x OC Chapter: 8/8 Rating: T Chapter CW: none Fic summary:
Hoping to cool off his charged relationship with Queen Rowan, Maric Theirin has taken his son Cailan to Redcliffe under the guise of a royal progress to acquaint the prince with his future kingdom. When word comes from Denerim that the queen has fallen ill and that tensions are running high thanks to an impending Orlesian embassy, the pleasant trip loses its charm, and bad quickly turns to worse. The only comfort in this sea of madness comes in the form of Gwawr, a Chasind healer working in the castle kitchens. Well aware of his duties and determined not to take advantage, there is nevertheless something beguiling about her, and as their time together wears on, Maric finds himself facing a choice that could have dire consequences for himself, his family, and the kingdom he has struggled for so long to build. Or, how Maric met and fell in love with Alistair’s mother.
Read it on AO3!
5 years later
The soft glow of early summer bathed the road in dappled light, the forest in full leaf a coy veil over the length of the road ahead, fluttering in the breeze like so much Rivaini silk before the stark, granite walls of Redcliffe Castle. Maric’s charger tossed its head and snorted a protest at the tight grip he held on the reins. It had danced under him all morning, sensitive to the increasing stiffness in his seat, the tension that snaked across his shoulders like a briar around a ruin. Next to him, Cailan sat proud on the back of his own full-sized horse, and if it was only a steady, plodding gelding instead of a grown man’s battle steed, it was still a far cry from the grey pony that had brought him on that first, fateful visit half a decade before. Though he had tried not to think of it over the years, the glimmer of the man his son would one day become turned his thoughts to that other child, promised then snatched away almost as quickly: whether it would have been a boy or a girl, or if it would have shared her eyes. It was such an old hurt now, the details of her face had dimmed in his memory.
A cry went up from the gatehouse when the guard finally caught sight of them. Pennants bearing the red crest of the Tower snapped as the great maw of the portcullis groaned open, and Maric pushed away the tightness in his chest. Whether it was the place, or his own growing tendency towards the maudlin, such weakness had no place in a king riding to greet a vassal.
Eamon waited at the top of the keep steps, with his household arrayed around him and the apple tree by the well shedding a sweet-scented carpet of blossoms like the spray of a waterfall. A sergeant-at-arms barked an order, and the two long rows of house guard flanking the route from the barbican stood to attention, eyes forward and glassy in a perfect show of deference. Most of the time, Maric would have done his best to ignore the pomposity of it all, but now he barely noticed it to begin with. It was foolish to hope he might see her face, to scan the line of servants in their chantry best for a flash of dun skin and knowing eyes, and yet…
Grooms were waiting at the base of the steps to take the trailing reins of their horses. Protocol demanded they wait to greet Eamon until after the herald had finished reciting the long list of the king’s titles. He had heard them so many times his lips moved along with the words.
There – movement. The breath froze in his lungs. Half hidden behind the woman he presumed was the cook, a small, sullen boy was fidgeting against the tight grip with which she held his arm, scowling at the starched hem of his shirt. His hair was sandy brown rather than blonde, his skin tinted slightly darker, but in feature and form, he might have been a demon’s mirror of Cailan. He swayed. The force of emotion that ripped through his chest almost brough him to his knees, but through the ringing in his ears he noticed silence had fallen, that the eyes of everyone in the castle were fixed keen on him, that Cailan at his side was looking to him as expectantly as a hound waiting to be free of the slips. Ashen, Maric forced a smile to his lips, and tore his gaze away from his son.
“As always, I am overawed by the hospitality shown me here,” he called from the bottom of the steps.
“As always, you are most welcome, Your Majesty.”
But he caught Eamon’s glance towards the ranks of servants, the way his smile flattened into something more akin to a grimace. The news of Gwawr’s death had come in Bloomingtide, only five months after he had last seen her, but if the child had been born, healthy enough to see multiple winters…
By the time he reached the top of the steps, his smile had all but curdled into a snarl, his fists clenched so tightly at his sides the skin might have split. A shiver of fear reflected in Eamon’s eyes and confirmed his suspicion. To bring a confrontation in front of so many, however, would only invite a battle he was ill-prepared for. Perhaps he had grown from all of Rowan’s accusations of recklessness over the years.
He needed to find out where Gwawr was, if not with their son. If the worst had happened, if he had been granted hope once more only to have it stolen away… he wasn’t sure he could take the blow with grace.
“Can I see the armoury this time, Father?” Cailan asked, oblivious. “I’m old enough now, aren’t I? I want to see real swords.”
Forcing a chuckle, Maric nodded. “An excellent idea. You may go now, if the seneschal will take you. I have some business with your uncle that must be settled.”
“Are you sure you would not both care for some refreshments first?” Eamon asked, with another glance towards the line of servants. “It has been a long journey.”
“No. Thank you.”
The arl swallowed. “Ser Brendan, please escort His Highness. Your Majesty, if you would come this way.”
With a gesture, he retreated through the main doors and left the bright summer sun behind. Though the cool of the stone-damp air brushed against his skin, the rage boiling at the core of Maric’s being refused to be quenched, and by the time they made it to Eamon’s office, he was trembling with the effort of restraint.
The door creaked shut behind him.
“Your Majesty –”
“Do not try me,” he snarled, the silence broken. “I have a son, and you hid him from me.”
“The herbalist’s boy?” Eamon scoffed as he passed further into the room. “He could be anyone’s.”
Maric slammed his fist into the wall in front of the arl. “He is mine – a blind man could see it. If I cared to, I could have you up on charges of treason.”
“And what would that accomplish?” came the retort. “Would you really expose your own bad judgement before the whole Landsmeet, for the sake of a servant?”
“She was not just a servant.”
“You would have made a Chasind witch Queen of Ferelden in place of my sister,” Eamon sneered. “After everything she did to win your crown, you would have replaced her before she was even laid on her pyre. What I did, I did for Ferelden, to save you from a terrible decision that would have cost us all.”
“It was not your decision to make! Do you really think I would have cast Ferelden aside so frivolously? All I’ve ever done is for the sake of the crown.”
“I saw you heading down a bad road and sought to avert disaster.”
With a growl like a wounded bear, Maric loomed close. “Where is Gwawr?”
“Dead,” the arl admitted. “The winter before last, of a fever. I’m sorry.”
In the final year of the Rebellion, Maric had taken a mace to the chest; his armour had crumpled .around the strike, the impact had cracked his sternum and left him gasping, seized up, unable to move his limbs, and only a lucky kick from a loose horse had stopped his opponent splitting his skull in two. He reeled now in the same manner, his battle rage snuffed out by the crush of emotions that all fell on him at once. A heartwound. Grief, shock, the terrible sting of hope extinguished. As if Eamon were no longer in the room, he sank into the nearest chair and hid the world behind his hands. His hearing blared with a faint, high-pitched whine.
The letter still sat in his pocket, the one where she had told him she was with child. For all these years he had kept it to remember that shadow of joy, the few brief weeks where his mind had buzzed like a summer hive with plans to support them both.
“You.” The word hissed from his throat like the rasp of metal against rock. “You made her think I abandoned her. Our son.”
One by one, you will hurt the ones you love the most, and become what you hate. He had dismissed the sentiment in the dark of Flemeth’s hut, with his mother’s blood still spotting his clothes and the need for vengeance pressing keen into his gut. And yet, what had Gwawr thought of him in the end? Had she still hoped as she endured alone – or had she drawn her last breath thinking him a callous, indifferent lord who had trifled with her for his own amusement?
“I loved her,” he murmured now. “You had no right.”
Somewhere above him, Eamon drew a heavy breath. “I thought it best to put you out of the way of temptation, for Rowan’s sake. How could I have known the boy was yours?”
“You had no right,” Maric repeated.
Another breath. “She named him Alistair, I understand.”
“Alistair…” Feverish with the new knowledge, Maric clutched at it like a weed reaching for the sun. “Does he know of me? I wish to see him.”
“Would you put that burden on him?” Eamon asked.
“He is my son.”
“All he has ever known is here,” came the steady reply. “He is cared for, has others of a like age to play with, and no grand expectations – no politics.”
“Nevertheless –”
“Think of his sake,” Eamon insisted, turning to the window. “What would you do? Introduce yourself and then fly away back to your palace? Take him with you? We both know he would be scorned by the court. Here at least he will have purpose, perhaps a trade when he’s older.”
Maric dropped his head into his hands again. Gwawr had not wanted to be paraded in front of the Landsmeet; she had wanted to give their child the freedom he himself was never allowed. And then there were the witch’s words, prophecy or curse, that had eaten at him piece by piece for over a decade. The blood on his hands, the ghosts in his shadow. What use could he be to a child he had abandoned so easily already? When did it ever really matter what he wanted?
“People will ask questions about who he is,” Eamon said. “Orlais will ask. They’ll use him against you, and he’ll be caught in the middle.”
“And he does not know who I am?” Grief clawed at Maric’s gut, high enough to chase the words from his throat.
Eamon was still at the window. “How can he, so young? It would be for the best to let him live his life. Let him be free of you.”
The practicality of the argument could not be denied, but still Maric’s fists clenched in his lap; indecision drove him to his feet. He wanted to take the boy away, wanted to fold him into his household and treat him with the care he had wished to dote on Gwawr. But would Alistair thank him for such a selfish act? Maric had never known his own father either, but the leery, judgemental eyes of the nobility was something he remembered hating even before he was old enough to understand why his mother thought it necessary. There would be no way to keep him apart from the politics of the Landsmeet, no way to shield him from the games the banns liked to play to win themselves favour. Gwawr’s last, adamant plea had been to spare him.
“I cannot do nothing for him. I will not.” Cailan might have been doomed to endure his bloodline, but perhaps Alistair’s future could be different. “He should have an education, a stipend for his upbringing.”
“I can say I’ve taken an interest in him,” Eamon offered.
“I don’t even know the sound of his voice.”
 “His life is here,” the arl repeated. “He’s taken care of.”
For a long moment, Maric did not speak. He paced to the window and cast a gaze out over the courtyard where he had first met Gwawr, singing a ditty about a rose in a voice as sweet as mountain violets. If this were a fairy tale, he would have spotted a small figure running about beneath the boughs of the apple trees, smiling and sandy-haired, recognisable even from a distance. When no such figure appeared, however, he straightened, rolling his shoulders to better bear the weight of his royal mantle.
“Do not think your actions are forgiven,” he warned the arl. “I will remember what your lies have cost me as I think of a suitable punishment.”
Without another word he swept from the room, the agitation in his limbs such that he cursed out loud at the prospect of going to his own chambers to wallow and lick his wounds and wonder if there would ever be lesser evils in the choices he was forced to make. Instead, he took the winding steps up to the battlements of the curtain wall and emerged to a view over the sapphire summer waters of Lake Calenhad. A breeze billowed up the face of the cliff and carried with it the sulphurous odour from the hot springs that fed the castle’s pipes, up into the clear expanse of the sky. And yet even here, above the eyes of his subjects, he could not allow the grief to surface, and with nowhere else to grow it crushed inwards, hollowing out his ribs until every heartbeat echoed like the blow of a forgehammer.
“Gwawr… forgive me… Maker be my witness, I never meant for this.”
He ought to ask about Goldana. He couldn’t recall seeing her on the steps with the other servants, but he remembered her brightness and remembered wanting to nurture it. Beyond that, his treasurer would have to be consulted, his clerks given instructions. Tutors would have to be vetted for discretion –  
A harsh shout jolted him from his thoughts, followed by another, gruffer voice admonishing the first. Down in the bailey, the pomp of the royal arrival had been stripped back into the more usual activities of the castle’s daily life, and at one end a line of training dummies had been set up for the instruction of the squires. They sat in the shade of the wall now, young hopefuls taking a break from their education to joke with each other over their waterskins, and watch with varying degrees of interest as a small child – a tiny figure at such a distance – went among them on some errand inscrutable from so far away. There were laughs. One squire ruffled the boy’s hair like a fond uncle, but the moment withered when the arms master emerged from the stables and barked an order for his charges to don their helmets. Not quite brave enough to be noticed, the boy skulked around the edge of the practice circle to watch the sword patterns being drilled against the dummies.
Maric watched, and watched, hungry for the clumsy imitations the boy made of the squires’ movements where he thought they could not see, fierce in his pride for the way he remained undaunted. The stone of the crenellations bit into his palms; the summer sun blazed overhead. An hour passed, perhaps, and Maric watched, and eventually the cook emerged with a sharp, scolding tongue, and Alistair was herded like a stray sheep back towards the kitchens and out of sight.
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silent-dragon · 2 years
My TWST Fan Homelands
Post about my Fan Homelands I've created for some of my ocs.
Kingdom of Goblet Muse
OCs that live here: Sigurd,Theodore,Wriesa
A city located on a barren wasteland corner of Briar Valley.
Info Post Here
Kingdoms of Sinterra
OCs that live here: All of Armonye,Zeki
Info Post Here
OCs who live here: Ireneo,Bennett,Fia,Hel
A kingdom of not many decades old. It is a rather odd one as it's a home to all insect and insect like humans who feel off from the world with others. Many species of butterfly,moths,and flies beasthumans live here with many other insect types mixed in. Citizens from here call themselves "Iridescenian" instead of their insect type.
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Ruler of Iridescence
Queen Thana,The 3 Eyed Butterfly
She has been the Queen for 2 decades now and is mother to Ireneo Khan of Serendipia. Very much a ruler with her own way about things she has 21 daughters yet only 1 son who she has chosen to be heir. Known for her many flings with men as to why so many children and her 3rd eye that lets her see things she hasn't disclosed.
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Due to the nature that most insect higher beings are demons then gods/goddesses many of Iridescence's deities are demons that require offerings in exchange from protection,nature balancing,and crop harvesting.
Left - Erin ~ A fly demon minion of Beelzebub,Lord of Flies. She answered the call from Thana who wished to have Lord Beelzebub as a deity but Erin appeared in his place as she has no idea where her lord is. As a show of kindness for her lord Erin offered to help in his stead. Erin is the stand in deity for crop harvesting and controls the bugs around the kingdom's farms from eatting crops and directs them to other places to feed.
Right - Lady Fia ~ An infernal demon from the underworld. She is their Deity of nature balance and ensures the natural cycle is in check so all well around them. Has minions to keep this up for her as she spends time at a magical college watching over Prince Ireneo,Heir to the Iridescence Throne.
Thana is currently working on finding a deity for protection so is grateful Fia has decided on own to protect her son somewhat.
It is very noticeable when there but Iridescence population is mostly all female. Thana knows why and it is a problem that she is working on fixing by having the heir being a male as the last king was the one who established the kingdom many decades ago.
OCs from here:Michalis,Pankraz,Merrill,Diletta,Nasir
Full of industrial buildings both old and modern with the technology matching the aesthetics. The castle where the monarchy looks out place as while has some modern touches looks like a gothic castle with lights. It consists of three districts making up the city.
Caligo's Row
Where the royal family reside and all the military buildings
Haven 7
Home to all the businesses and working class homes
Violet Beat
The slums or lower class area
Magic doesn't exist here the same way as it does everywhere else. Malaisleans are usual all magicless and often are modified to be able to simulate they can wield magic technology or undergo dark experiments with magic beings/creatures to create..”special beings”. Long line Malaisleans are known for having an unusual white spot on their forehead that is called a “third eye”. All other citizens are not Long Line if dont have this.
The military is known for being ruthless and causing many wars in the name of the mad kings that have sat on the throne. They thrive on battle even if not directly related to them messing up others relations also satisfies.
Anyone born in Malaiscester to parent(s) who can't afford the tax to raise their child usually ends up in the military camp which houses children to teach them the basics til teens where they learn more skills in different areas of either warfare or stealth and master these by the time they are adults. 
The current king hasn't made a public appearance in years and the prince has vanished but is rumored to be seen on an island known for magical education. Only heavy inspected imports/guests are ever allowed in if not from here. Anyone from here usually has a unique card or tattoo that grants them access back in.
Miseria Islet
OCs from here: Duane
3 close islands located beyond the coral sea that are covered by a heavy dark fog and rapid currents.
The Dark Break
A event that happened on the islet where Duane tried to use a powerful necromancy spell to bring back Renata,the late queen but angered her instead resulting in her cursing him and the entire area by stabbing him in the chest with his own sword. A dark mist soon poured out of the hole. People call this the dark break as to those who witness the stab it sounded like something breaking amd then just darkness covered everything.
The mist has negative thought altering powers that when exposed to for a certain amount consume your mind if weak and turns you into a undead creature fitting to those thoughts. Duane has managed to get the mist under control mostly as only one island has it lingering on it and the less he holds onto pain the less seeps out of his chest.
Miseria is ruled by one King who does let his advisors run things as his mind is distracted alot but he ultimately has sole say so on approving everything.
Duane Lovato Bardales is the current king. Unlike most of the born/living citizens after the break by sheer physical will Duane was able to retain part of his humanity so he is half undead.
The people of Miseria mostly consist of undead beings namely zombies,wraiths,vampires,ghouls,etc. There is also ghost,banshees and reapers roaming about on Mistfall island only.
Every born citizen up until the dark break were alive and after all turned undead if didn't flee the Islet in time. Most were unable to as not enough boats were available. They retained their mortal minds however. Since most are stuck at their body age when break happened all those who were children at time have been aged to adult forms via magic by order of the king.
Behind the fog is the islands each with a unique appearance. Only Mistfall is covered in lighter but still heavy fog.
Wisteria Island
Known for the miles upon more miles of Wisteria flowers in white,blue,and violet tones across the land. The ordinary undead citizens that do not wish to dwell in the mist live here in many small villages with a bigger town being the center of the island. They are immune to the toxins of the flowers so don't mind them.
Mistfall Island
The island with the eternally blue flame burning roof castle on top a hill. A mist covers the air that if not strong willed will fill the living with negative thoughts til consumed and turned into a undead being.
There is quite a few who are of the living that been living here too so know they are very unique individuals. While most of the islet's affairs and such are handled here at the castle usually by the king or his advisors the chance of the king being here is rare or scheduled as he doesn't live in the castle anymore.
Renata's Isle
Island that looks practically normal compared to the other two. Theres no mist or single assortment of plants. Only one town here and is where all the citizens and visitors can live together. Various statues carved stone,gemstones,crystal,and gold are scattered around as landmarks.
They are in the graceful form of Renata,the late queen of Miseria in various outfits she once wore to ones Duane has dreamed her in. Following them eventually leads you to her very highly elegant and guarded tomb where theres a plain looking house nearby that is where Duane lives. The house is Renata's home she grew up in. He based everything on the island to her.
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its-sixxers · 4 years
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I found this super cute picrew and my self care for today was making my current OC obsessions Barbie style.
Top row: Lizzy and Briar Mary (mask of 1k faces style)
Bottom row: Vaka and Idunn
I think Lizzy turned out my favorite of the bunch which is probably fitting as she’s the perkiest out of the four. :V
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ryttu3k · 3 years
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Got tagged by @missn11 to use a Picrew (link in Notes) to make my OCs! Here is... almost all of them save for Wish, who, well, looks like this, and Ecdysis and Miri’s daughter Paige, who is a small child. Going L to R, by row.
First row: Sierra, Gangrel, Bloodlines fledgling. Wren, her cute Nossie girlfriend. Pyre, Banu Haqim, Night Road courier.
Second row: Raul, Brujah, not actually an OC (Night Road character). Ana, Tzimisce. Briar, Toreador.
Third row: Ezra, Really Old Banu Haqim whose design I literally can’t solidify. Ecdysis and Mirielle, Obertus Revenant-turned-Tzimisce and Zantosa Revenant-turned-Toreador.
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emjs-good-out-here · 3 years
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I got tagged by @risualto to make some OCs in this picrew. I'll just throw up an open tag for anyone who'd like to give it a go (tag me if you take me up on that, cos I always love seeing people's OCs!)
Top Row: Kitty Briars (VtM) | Dana Darwin (SWL)
Middle Row: Elianna Brightwood (D&D) | Eleanor Tealeaf (D&D)
Bottom Row: Revelry O'Dowd (D&D) | Kalliah (D&D)
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iglooface · 4 years
Recent things I've said/thought as some of my OCs
Gaius: I have done no crime
H: why yes, in fact you did turn me gay
Cha'jkaraveth: I now know why I grew up so aggressive
Gaius: *upon being asked if they were someone's father* I have impregnated exactly zero women
Silas: motherfucker relax. Relax
Briar: I dunno i just think all babies are ugly
Rya: do houses come with doors when you buy them?
H: *drops something on accident* I'm just gonna set that right there
Delphine: *upon inquiry of her emotional state* it'll grow back
Lucien: mama mia I am a motherfucker
Cayde: I'd be kinda hot if I weren't so ugly
Vil'drienne: I'm sorry, I left my thinking brain at home
Silas: I'm gonna eat your femur if you ever say that again
H: and that's when I remembered alcoholism runs in the family
Briar: why was he in jail again? Was it attempted murder or something else?
Aubrey: alas, I am nothing more than a rat
Alastair: silverware culture is propaganda
Arctaine: *about deeply buried memories* it do be like that sometimes
Fern: we can't afford therapy
Venus: children! What did we explode today!
Maverick: I've seen this frog four nights in a row now and he just gets exponentially pissed off that I keep picking him up
Rayla: it's literally not that hard. Just don't kill each other
Joaquin: *upon being called a liability bc of his health* I feel like I'm the one who should decide that
Diamo: you should be glad I'm on your side
H: you say that like you deserve a second chance
Gaius: I'm mentally ill karen
Diamo: I dunno man maybe I should drink boiling water
Maverick: *holding a moth* this is my new friend fredtthew
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world-of-horrors-au · 5 years
Horrors AU - A Bad Dream
Jeff has an awful dream, thanks to the Tall Man.
CW: implied sexual abuse, psychological torture, violence, drowning, blood
Characters: Jeff, Slenderman, Toby (mentioned), Eyeless Jack (mentioned), female oc Briar (mentioned)
Ao3 mirror
Jeff was dreaming and he knew that. There was always a small amount of control in them. He couldn't control the paths, the places, the dreams took him, but he could wake up whenever he wanted. Maybe he should've known better, then, when he found himself crawling through an open window, and able to examine the room that met him on the other side of the glass.
A hotel room. One bed, one desk, one tv. Two chairs and a table that he nearly broke getting in through the window. A lower or mid-range room, part of a chain, a crude mashup of places he'd probably seen before. Probably. They all started blending together after a few years.
His stomach clenched as he stepped towards the bed. Jeff touched the pillow, the green paisley pattern on the comforter and pillowcases. Beds like these were hard like rocks, the sheets thin as the toilet paper in the bathrooms. With sick fascination he ran his fingertips over the flat surface of the bedspread. It was cold, and for some reason, he thought back to the warmth of his childhood blankets, before he was reborn.
It'd been over ten years since he'd stayed in a hotel room. He wouldn't even squat in an abandoned one now. They were all probably bugged anyway, cameras and microphones planted in cooperation with the government's desperate attempts to fight the Horrors. In theory, that should keep other people from going through what he did. In practice, there were a lot of dirty cops, and a lot of money to be made in human bodies.
"You're dreaming," Jeff said aloud, as if that would help tear his eyes away from the bed. Should he wake up? He'd only just gone to sleep. His memories of the waking world were fuzzy. If he thought too long about it, he'd definitely wake up. And even knowing a nightmare was probably on the way didn't make the idea of going back to reality any less tiring. So he'd roll with this, whatever it led to.
Jeff pulled his eyes and hand away from the bed. The door was feet away, the golden handle glinting in the dim yellow lamplight. It was cold, pleasantly, under his skin.
It didn't move.
He gripped it tighter. His skin slid over the smooth metal.
It didn't move. It didn't rattle. He pulled, twisted. Like it was carved from the same piece of wood as the door, it didn't move.
"No," Jeff said, his cheeks cold, his hand numb. "No, let me out."
He didn't expect an answer, but something laughed. Laughter like static in his ears. It was behind him, close enough that a human should be breathing against his neck, but this wasn't, was never, a human.
Jeff didn't move, but he had to look. The hand settling on his shoulder was whiter than his hoodie, whiter than his skin. There was still life in Jeff's paper white. The Slenderman's hand was a corpse.
I want to wake up, Jeff thought, but he didn't.
He tried to wake up, tried to think about where he last laid down, but he didn't wake up.
Let me wake up, Jeff thought.
And the answer came.
In time, Jeffery.
A pale hand covered Jeff's mouth. Jeff screamed. A tendril wrapped around his waist. He was pulled back, feet leaving the floor as the Slenderman yanked him backwards. Jeff reached out, nails scraping the door as he was dragged back.
He was released, hands and dark tendrils throwing him to the ground. He hit concrete. It dug into his hands, through his jeans into his legs. The Slenderman had taken him someplace else.
Jeff moved back before he registered what he was doing, dragging himself along the ground to put distance between himself and the monster. The sun was overhead but he wasn't warm. His arm bumped a plastic leisure chair. He kept moving back until his fingers caught a ledge. Only then did Jeff freeze in place.
And the Slenderman didn't move, standing silent under the sun. It should've been absurd, even amusing, to see him so out of place. But there was nothing funny here. He was eight feet tall and in complete control in Jeff's own head. There was nothing Jeff could do about it. He couldn't even run away.
"What the hell do you want with me?" Jeff's voice spoke over the silence. "Why won't you leave me alone?"
The Slenderman tilted his head. Jeff glanced to the side, to the chain link fence that stood between him and a parking lot of cars. He looked back, and cringed away. The Slenderman was closer now. In the silence, there seemed to be anticipation.
Another glance around, Jeff's pale fingers curling around the smooth edge behind him. Rows of chairs, a shack full of vending machines. In the distance over the tree-lined horizon, storm clouds settled, gathering strength.
"I know this place," Jeff said, looking back at the Slenderman. "Are you trying to tell me something? Bringing me back here of all places?"
It felt like that empty face should be smiling now, pleased. Yes, Jeff knew this place. It was his hometown's public swimming pool. As a child, his parents brought him and Liu almost every weekday during the summer. They would jump in as soon as the pool opened, even if the water was so cold it turned their lips blue. Happier days. Better days.
"I hate you for showing me this," Jeff said, as if it were the first time he'd expressed his feelings towards this being. "What do you get out of this? Are you trying to break me?" His voice cracked. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"
And again, the Slenderman laughed. Jeff could feel it on his skin, static air crawling over his arms, his neck, almost as if the inhuman being was touching him. Maybe in a way, he was.
"Please." And Jeff couldn't remember the last time he'd said that word. "For God's sake, please-"
But he stopped. The Slenderman raised a hand, the long fingers pointing at something behind Jeff. Jeff's gut twisted.
"What are you doing now?" He said. Fear was stronger than defiance. Jeff looked behind him.
The fence stood between the pool and a playground and a grove of trees. As a child Jeff had jumped between the two areas, laughing with his brother as they played. Now behind the fence stood six figures, hooded, motionless. The proxies.
His mouth dried. Toby was there.
Toby wasn't the first person he'd failed. There was a string of them, a line of bloodstains that led to his useless hands. Toby wasn't the first. But he hurt the most.
Toby had been his friend, and now he stood in the line of the Slenderman's personal army, a slave to something humans should never have come into contact with. It wasn't really Toby, though. This was a nightmare. The Slenderman could get into his head, but he couldn't bring Toby with him. And even if he could, why would he? The image of his lost friend was just as strong as the friend himself.
Wetness burned his eyes. Jeff tore his vision away. Looking at himself, he found he was on his hands and knees, head over the edge of the pool. Maybe the Slenderman had moved him. Could he do that? Jeff shoved that thought away hard and looked down at his reflection.
But there was no reflection. The pool was dry, drained of water. Empty. Except the more he looked, the more he saw it wasn't.
There were toys on the floor of the pool. Dollhouses, log cabins, colored blocks stacked into the crude shape of a house. Small people scattered around, plastic dolls and green army men, standing up or lying down. In the center, by the trees, there was an ark, like the ones he'd seen in Sunday School. It was different from the others. The front of it was stained bright red.
Jeff narrowed his eyes.
"What is this?"
Water rushed, the once dim smell of chlorine and rust filling his nose. Jeff looked to the side, where liquid rushed to fill the pool. The water was stained with streaks of red.
He couldn't look away. Jeff heard the footsteps clicking on the concrete behind him, but couldn't bring himself to move. The bloody water flooded the pool, and for all the carnage Jeff had caused, something about this made him sick.
The water reached the toy city. The blocks were knocked over. The dolls, arms reaching to the darkening skies, toppled. They should've have floated, almost all the toys should have, but instead, they rested on the bottom, where the red settled on them like mud. The tallest dollhouse crumbled against the water, the plastic walls and tiny chairs breaking into pieces and chunks.
But the ark. It floated. The red streaks brushed against the wood, but didn't stick. As the water grew higher, the waves rougher in the quickening wind, the ark remained. Undamaged, it drifted across the surface of the water, and floated as it was pushed by the wind.
I don't expect you to understand, the Slenderman said. Not yet.
Jeff felt fingers brush against his head, curling into his hair. The air was going cold from the approaching storm, but inside, he felt colder.
It is not your job to understand, the Slenderman said. The fingers pet his head, then pulled away.
It is your job to obey.
The bottom of a dress shoe met the back of his head. Jeff couldn't cry out. The shoe pressed down, and the stained water rushed to meet him.
The water was cold, the stains were hot. The shoe pressed down on the back of his head. Jeff struggled. His eyes clenched shut but the water burned through. He screamed and the water filled his mouth. It filled his throat, it filled his stomach, it filled his lungs.
He couldn't breathe.
Obey, Jeffery.
He couldn't do this.
I will win in the end.
He had to escape.
You will understand.
He had to wake up.
And Jeff opened his eyes.
His lungs burned. Jeff choked, breathing in clean air. The world wavered, in and out of focus. As he breathed, it settled into dark shapes - a door, a bed, a person in a chair.
He was awake.
He was safe.
He was in Briar's apartment, the last place he remembered being. The day had been long, and he'd been so tired. Briar offered him her bed but he'd brushed her off, lying down on the couch instead. It should've only lasted an hour. Instead, the world beyond the closed window was dark, the tv was off, and Eyeless Jack was asleep in the secondhand recliner across the room. For a moment, Jeff stared at the demon, watching him breath in his sleep. Breathing like Jeff could, now that he was awake.
He was awake. He was safe.
But it didn't feel like it.
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milleart · 6 years
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here's a fun meme i did, featuring the OCs of friends from my FL discord!
from left to right:
row 1 -> Amets Estibariz, Richard Eleison, Briar Rose
row 2 -> the Unparalleled Grotesquerie, Ola Nordmann, Lydia Shaw
row 3 -> Cila Fournier, Evans Lothington, Kaatje Schippers
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steampoweredace · 6 years
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Few things from my sketchbook over the past month and a half
Top row (Del, Aisling and Kent, Briar) and bottom left are few of my OCs dressed up for Halloween, bottom middle and bottom right are just things? 
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lucienfairfax · 7 years
oc masterpost
{ last edited: 23 September 2019 }
Anansi Surana | Elven Chasind/Rivaini | Hero of Ferelden, First Enchanter of the Fereldan Circle, “Herald of Andraste” (1/2)
Annis ar Kattrin o Frosthold | Avvar | Retainer of the Inquisition
Ashala-aqun | Qunari (Elven Fereldan/Seheron) | Lady Inquisitor
Briar Heart | Vashoth | Grey Warden(?), Protector of the Amaranthine Enclave
Candide Caron | Orlesian | Grey Warden
Cassius | Tevinter Altus | Magister
Ciarán O’Shaughnessy | Fereldan | Templar, military advisor to the Inquisition
Daniel | Dalish Elf | scion of Shartan, retainer of the Hawk Estate, martyr
Dion Mahariel | Dalish Elf | viddathari
Elijah Hawk-child | Chasind/Marcher | Champion of Kirkwall, Lord Protector of Kirkwall
Hiberna Skaara | Frostback Elf | retainer of the Inquisition
Jethro | Elven Ander | former slave, Liberator of Tevinter
Kasaanda | Vashoth | “Herald of Andraste” (2/2)
Mahnon Lavellan | Elven Antivan | Lord Inquisitor
Sula Tabris | Elven Fereldan | wild woman of the forest
Talan | Vashoth | oracle; Arital of the Vashoth
Yngvar Cadash | Surface Dwarf | Merchants Guild member, Carta member
Zaarilek | Dragon? | ...Razikale
Zhané | Rivaini | mage lookin to raise hell
Zimir Trevelyan | Marcher | hot aristocrat that’s gonna cause the Inquisition some hassles. I’m workin on it
Adrian Shepard | Earthborn | Renegade Vanguard
Ana-Dimitri Shepard | Spacer | Spectre, Reaper Heir-Apparent
Jericho Ryder | Pathfinder
London Shepard | Colonist | Paragon Adept
Azha Sendu | Redguard | Second Era rogue who becomes something more
Celebor | Snow Elf | necromancer, lich lord
Draumir | Bosmer | stoned elf
Idrissa | Redguard | spy, Stormcloak, eventual High King of Skyrim
Llovyn Arendur | Dunmer | Archmage, Listener
Nadali Arendur | Dunmer | disgraced Telvanni, Nerevarine
Nadir | Redguard | Champion of Cyrodiil, Speaker of the DB, eventual Prince of Madness
Naianil | Maormer | sea boi
Red Drustan | Redguard | thief, assassin, Llovyn’s bestie
Thorin Bloodraven | Nord | hunter, widower, Daedric pawn, really unlucky bloke
Thrandir | Altmer | loremaster, Devoted Cleric of Hermaeus Mora
Valkyr Blood-Skald | Skaal | Shouter, barbarian, proud father of 7 werewolf pups
Verys Arendur | Dunmer | Azha’s companion, father of the Nerevarine and the Last Dragonborn, real strange dude
Dayir | Au Ra | mysterious companion to the WoL
Ishan | Elezen | a most un-heroic and hedonistic Warrior of Light
Adam Byrne | Alban | Hero of Bowerstone, first King of Albion
Alia | Samarkin | first Queen of Albion
Dusk | Alban | Hero of Oakvale
Ethan Byrne | Alban | Hero of Southcliff
Nuala Byrne | Alban/Samarkin | Hero of Brightwall
Severine Stark | Alban | self-made aristocrat, Patron to the Arts & Sciences in Albion, CFO of Stark & Faraday Industries
Shaun | Alban/Auroran | machinist, caretaker, inventor, eventual Lord Protector of New Albion 
Shuvan | Auroran | spirit warrior (and unwitting kingmaker)
Tristan Arrow-Singer | Alban...? | Gunslinger, lorekeeper, mysterious wanderer
Gandr | ??? | Invoker of Rymrgand, Watcher (not THE Watcher), Hound of Keahi
Keahi | Island Aumaua | THE Watcher, Hound of Eothas, Heir of Eothas
Alexander Mann | Saintsguard | bodyguard, brewmaster, don’t call him “Thor” (or, do)
Claudio V Invictus | Boss | Saint of Saints, head of Saintscorp, leader of the Sinners Cabal
Shango Snake-Eye | Saintsguard | Saint of Samedi, druglord, silent killer
Gabriel | Lone Wanderer
Gideon | Courier Six, Wild Card
Noah Kingfisher | Sole Survivor, General of the Minutemen, Gunslinger
Zora Kingfisher | war veteran, Noah’s wife
Ananduil | Blood Elf | demon hunter, soul-twin of Venanduil
Venanduil | Night Elf | druid, favoured of Cenarius, soul-twin of Ananduil
Ayin | Hunter (Bloodborne) | Great One in training
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djfatchip · 5 years
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Tumblr is being mean and won’t let my friend’s ask show completely LOL i’m gonna kick Tumblr’s butt for that. >:3 
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? No lie, I use a baby name website for most of my OC’s and I like finding names with meaning in them so each one has a name with a meaning. With the exception of Vivianna, Celestine, Bryant, Gissella, Melinda, Catheryne, Selena, Emilia, Xiomara, Lucynda, Briar, and an old Warden Elf named Virmania. 
Vivianna is pretty much an extension of my name just written differently. My name is Vilma, just change and add letters and I made Vivianna. 
Celestine came from the word Celestial. I thought it interesting to just change the words. Until I found out it was a fairly common name around mostly found in boys... Listen I didn’t know okay. xD Now it’s gender neutral, can be used for both boys and girls xD 
Bryant is also changing words as my husband’s name is Brian. Just changing the I to a Y and adding a T at the end. 
Gissella came from my cousin Gisselle. I just changed the last letter from an E to an A. 
Melinda is the carbon copy of Meliodas from The Seven Deadly Sins but in girl form, so I wanted their names to be similar and Melinda popped into my head.
Catheryne is the same name as her mother in Fallout 3, Catherine, but changed the I to a Y.
Selena came from my favorite singer, Selena Quintanilla-Perez.
Emilia came out random when I was creating my Saints Row Character. I don’t know why, thought it cute at the time and it stuck. xD
Xiomara is a name that was from a friend in high school and I just loved her name. It’s super unique and the way it’s written is super cool too.
Lucynda came from wanting a similar name to Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening. 
Briar is well, from Sleeping Beauty. xD
And Virmania is a name my mom loved very much and it was a name that was going to be given to her sister (who would be my aunt) who unfortunately was miscarried when my mom was super young. The name just stuck with her thinking that if she ever had a daughter she would love to give that name buuut that didn’t happen xD But I like the name so I used it. :)
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? Depends really on my mood or what I'm writing. For most “romantic” or “action” scenes I tend to listen to music. Not lyrical but orchestra kind of music. Music from games, epic trailers, etc. :)
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? Ehhh... I guess both? Depends on the type of story I wish to write that I will either keep it to myself or share it with others to see what they think! :D
Thank you so much for asking lovely @leysendris​! <3 and so sorry Tumblr is being awful!
Part of the Fanfiction Writer Asks 
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woolfcried · 7 years
these are all the ships that i’m already interested in, but i’m open to others. i’m not including ocs on here (besides player characters) because idk who’s down with canon x oc. an asterisk (*) marks that that is the only ship i’m interested in for that character and likely won’t do any others. usually for married characters in canon
anya (anastasia):
arthur curry (dc):
arthur x mera*
arrietty trevelyan (dragon age):
arrietty x cullen
arrietty x iron bull
ari x sera
ari x josephine
ari x cassandra
ari x krem
sera (dragon age):
sera x f!inquisitor
sera x cassandra
dorian pavus (dragon age):
dorian x m!inquistor
cassandra (tangled):
cassandra x rapunzel x eugene
celia bowen (the night circus): 
celia x marco
elphaba thropp (wicked):
glinda x elphaba x fiyero
zinda blake (dc):
zinda x helena
zinda x steve rogers
zinda x hal jordan
zinda x diana prince
zinda x steve trevor
plumette (beauty and the beast):
veronica sawyer (heathers):
jdonica (may be iffy about)
veronica x heather m.
katarina bishop (heist society):
kat x hale
christian (moulin rouge):
christian x satine
eliza doolittle (my fair lady):
eliza x freddy
barbara gordon (dc):
starbat (starfire x babs)
babs x peter parker
yo yoji (the secret series):
cass x yoji
diane nguyen (bojack horseman):
diane x mr. peanutbutter*
elizabeth comstock (bioshock):
nymphadora tonks (harry potter):
tonks x fleur
helga hufflepuff (harry potter):
helga x rowena
helga x godric
leia organa (star wars):
cassian x leia
rowena ravenclaw (harry potter):
rowena x godric
rowena x helga
nerissa (the wolf among us):
bigby x nerissa x snow
ella (ella enchanted):
ella x char
evaan verlaine (star wars):
chris traeger (parks and rec):
chris x ann
katia anderson (professor layton)
katia x clive
tatsu yamashiro (dc):
tatsu x harley
tatsu x jason todd
nino quincampoix (amelie):
velma kelly (chicago):
velma x roxie
dahlia lombard/sole survivor (fallout 4):
dahlia x nick
dahlia x piper
dahlia x danse
dahlia x maccready
cressida cromwell/lone wanderer (fallout 3):
cressida x butch
annie hughes (the iron giant):
dean x annie
the boss (saints row):
shaundi x the boss
kinzie kensington (saints row):
oleg x kinzie
viktor krum (harry potter):
katie bell (harry potter): 
katie x alicia 
katie x oliver
katie x fred
katie x george
theta knight (the diviners)
theta x memphis
cassian andor (star wars):
whatever luke x cassian is called
han x cassian
leia x cassian
garrett (quest for camelot):
kayley x garrett
briar beauty (ever after high):
marian paroo (the music man):
marian x harold
jim halpert/pam beesley halpert (the office):
jim x pam*
vera claythorne (and then there were none):
philip x vera
freddie lyon (the hour):
freddie x bel
evie o’neill (the diviners):
sam lloyd x evie
jericho x evie
marina of thrace (sinbad):
marina x sinbad
proteus x marina x sinbad
marina x proteus
milo thatch (atlantis: the lost empire)
milo x kida
lily wei (the secret series):
lily x owen
isobel martin (the night circus): 
isobel x tsukiko
isobel x marco
brigid tenenbaum (bioshock):
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